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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1903)
in TITE OMAHA DAILY TlERi TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1003. CROPS ALONG B. & M. LINES fieport for Lut Wek Showi Baiui Except on 8erida Dmsion. THRESHING IN EASTtRN NEBRASKA NOW Vktii Yield Scat-era m-lsloa la fra Flfteea Twenty Bkl Per Acre ana Heavier oa Korthera Dlvlsloa. flia B. M. crop report for the last week shown rains generally throughout the territory with the exception of the Sheridan division, where there wae scarcely any. In some place the rain waa unusually hard. Between Crawford and Edgemont and near Mansfield over 2,000 feet of the main track of the road wu washed out. Hall and wind over email territories made considerable damage near Lawrence, Up land. Kearney, Seward. Ashland. Utlca. Waco and York. The ranges along the Sheridan division are suffering from a lack of moisture and the stock Is showing effects of the poor range. Wheat has been harvested In eastern Kansas and Nebraska and threshing has begun. Along the southern division ths yield Is from fifteen to twenty bushels to ths acre and from twenty to twenty-five bushels on the northern division. Thresh ing has not been begun In the western part f the state, where the yield Is by far the heaviest. The rye Is . practically all harvested and the yield is good, although there was but little planted. - Corn shows the most promising condition f the year, the hot weather of the last two weeks have brought It forward wonderfully. There Is a great deal of late corn which will give a very light yield If the season is not unusually late. Potatoes are good In all of the B. A M. territory. In western Nebraska and Colorado, where a large surplus Is shipped out, the outlook Is fine for a good crop. TUB BEN.IKTT COMPANY. The Famous Grocery Department of the West Best Goods, Largest Tartety-lowest prices THAT' TELLS THE STORY. TUESDAY SPECIALS. PET EVAPORATED CREAMS, to per can. l ib. can baked beans, tomato sauce-.. 10c 1-Ib. pkg. corn starch 4c -tt. can potted meats, assorted M So 1-lb. can preserved blackberries Bo 7-lb. can table syrup 8c -lb. glass Jar sliced beef lOo M bars Bennett's bargain soap 26c FREE. CUP AND SAUCER WITH EVERY POUND OF TEA. Country butter, lb., 16a. Bennett's Capitol creamery, lb., 34a FREE. Free tcs cold buttermilk at our butter department. Orand ChaHence Clearing Sales rff-TIIV IHV'I If H f " '" " ' ' ""J"1 IM1 "H TT 1 TIT 'III J '1 11 IS!l' iJVT,!iL p ,. JI5p AM SPSS- l o)imu&kg&is SPECIAL SILK SALE Model Time Table Folders. Model time table folders, which are s perlor to any time table folders ever printed, have been Issued by the New York Central's passenger department. They are Nos. 29 and SO of the famous "Four-Track Series, " and both are literary gems and eompendlums of railway travel. Oeneral Passenger Agent George H. Daniels has In corporated various suggestions made by blight people, and he has tried to Include In those folders all that could reasonably be put Into such books. '. They are worth a prominent position In very library, and on every business man's desk. From the Buffalo Commercial, A splendid showing of summer silks priced for rapid clearance in our great Challenge Clearing Sale. Two silk specials for Tuesday. $1.25 Silks at 35 Cents a yard. Shirt Waist Silks, fanry taffetas, glace taffetas, pretty foulards, waisting silks, etc. actually worth as high as $ 1.25 a yard, at, a yard '. Striking Bargains itt "Bonnet" Black Silk The celebrated Bonnet 27-inch tfiffeta. This is fhe elegant black silk that has created such a furore at special sale. Every piece is stamped and positively worth $1.25 a yard, at... Clearing Sale in Fine Laces Fancy wash laces, French Valenciennes, in inserting and galloon, in narrow and medium widths and positively worth as high as 40c a yard on big bargain square tomorrow, at' Ladies' Summer Weight Vests 15c, 10c, 3c Ladies' summer weight knit vests, trimmed with embroid eries and ribbons, in light summer weights and dainty , shades, worth as high as 25 cents each, tomorrow at . . , 35c 69c VI IUVU.1UU1 V? IVAtUU MhUVB, aF J IJ VI J 10o5c-2c 15-103c A Sale of Handkerchiefs Ladies' and men's pure linen 35c handkerchiefs, at. . . . 15c Fine embroidered handkerchiefs, worth 25c, at 10c Ladies' and children's Irish linen 25c handkerchiefs. . . 5c 15c plain and fancy hemstitched handkerchiefs, at....2C Two Bargains in Pictures Picture Department on Third Floor. ' Combination Gilt Frame with Kilt cross bar, neatoorners fitted with popular oolored pictures la excellent assortment, rtPp worth 60o, at Religious Pictures In photo col ors, fao simile pasteU, fruit, soon er, etc. In 2-lnch ornamented frames worth 12.00, special at .... 98c rifhtaar sua Haatlac Ths sngler will find la- Utah ampla op portunities to Indulgs la his favorite sport. Ths mountain streams are stocks; with samey trout and ths but lit tie less gamey black bass, abounds hi ths waters of Utah take. In season good duck hunting oaa be had on Utah lake, ths Jordan and around ths pools and lagoons of ths Salt Lake val ley. On the mountainsides grouse are pi en tlful. and larger game can be found on the mountain ranges of ths Uintah and Tin eompahgrs reservation. . City ticket office 34 Farnam street. "Phone Sll f Romeseekors' Esesnlea Both one way and round trip tickets will be sold by ths Missouri Pari no railroad at very low rates to oartaln points In Kansas, southwest Missouri, Oklahoma. Texas, Arkansas, etc, on Tuesday, July H Stop overs allowed on going Journey. For further Information address or oall on any agent, or Thos. F. Godfrey, passenger and ticket agent, southeast corner Fourteenth and Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb. Card ( Thanks. . Ws wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to our ..many friends who so kindly remem bered and assisted us during our dear mother's protracted Illness and death. Our hearts are left desolate, but our loss Is her gain. Ths many beautiful floral tributes were very much appreciated. MR. AND MRS. R. C HARQREAVE8, ALBERT D. REKD, HKNRT I RBED. FRED I. REED. - - lasiner Toiri. If you have not decided where to go, or bow to go, don t fall to get a copy. It Is certainly worth sending for, end reading carefully after you get It. It tells all about ths pleasant places on the Michigan Cen tral as well as ths New York and New Xngland "resorts. Address, O..W. Ruggloa, O. P. T. A., Chicago. OLD CHURCH BUILDING GOES Workaaea Beajfa to Tear Away Do a a las Street Carea of St. . Mary Magdaleae. The old building of the Church of Bt Mary Magdalene on Douglas street between Sixteenth and Seventeenth Is being torn down. This building waa vacated some weeks ago and was purchased by W. E. Chambers, who will use the material In his new dancing academy at Twenty-fifth and Farnam streets. The excavation for this new building will be finished this week and the brick workers, said Mr. Chambers will turn to Monday. The Ilaydens. who are the owners of ths ground on whU the old church stands, will do nothing In all probability thla year. Joseph Haydan was authority for this statement. He said the season waa so far advanced that he thought nothing would be done this year because they needed the addition to their pace for the fall and winter trads and this would not be a possible thing. s Or. Lyon' PERFECT Toofli Povdor Used by people of refinement tor over a quarter of a century PRC PARED aVT '..22.eC Initial Display of Model Suits and Skirts FOR FALL 1903 la now In progress. The swellest models from a New York Tailoring Company. We would be pleased to take your special order now for I a new fall suit or skirt. ' 21. y. PrxnL & p 115,000 County Warrants Over 5,000 county, warrants amounting to about $115,000 will be issued within the next few days. We will be pleased to cash any or all these warrants at par. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS BANKERS. AGAIN THE BEE IS FIRST Keeps t' Its Recor for. Heating Other Newspapers the Bis; ' News. The msae from Rome announcing ths death of the pope reached The Iee office st 11:40, and four minutes later, at 11:44 an extra of The Bee was on the streets. The World-Hersld extra appeared on the streets at J1:B8. following The Bee by 14 minutes. The News, having Issued an extra n- nmmxlnv ta nones death two weeks ago, had not appeared with the real rews up to the noon hour yesterday. You like the American girl best you know her. You'll like Cook's Imperial cnampagne best. Get sn Introduction. Maccabees Picnic. Special train for Arlington Park leaves Webster Street station at 8 a. m. Wednes day, July . via "The Northwestern Line," returning same evening. The Auburn Mac- cabee band will accompany the party ana an elaborate program la arranged. Fishing, boating, games, refreshments, ladles' com petitive drill, music, dancing. The public la cordially Invited. Tickets, $1. children 60 cents, at the depot. (Inlet Rammer Resorts AIobst the lake Shore Mlclilaaa Southern Ry. s the title of a pamphlet that may aid you n deciding the perplexing question of '.h.n in ma" tor your vacation. Copy may be had by addressing M. & Giles, T. P. A., Chicago, or C. . Uaiy. cniei . w. i. a., Chicago. ' i . GREAT WESTERN LINE OPENS One Mixed Train, Each War, Between Council Bluffs and Fort Dodge. S1HY lilt: HKI.IAHI.K STORK. July Lace and Embroidery Sale TUESDAY MOIJNIXG bt'Rins our GUANl) JULY CLEAR ING SALE ON LACES AND EM1UJOIDEUIES. These stocks must be cleared up at once. 3c e a sw r 2c J5c 100 pieceB of Torchon Laces worth 5c, 10c and 15c clearing sale price One lot of extra wide Wash Lace Hands regular price (fir 25c clearing sale pi-ice lUv A big line of fine Val Laces worth 5c to 15c clear ing sale price Extra wide Corset Cover Embroideries worth l'0c to 75c clearing sale price A fine line of new patterns in medium and wide Em- TT V f broideries and Insertings at lic and I 2u fl.00 All-Over Laces cream, black and white clear- QQfi ing sale price Www Our Offer Accepted Having secured several large lots of men's and boys' sum mer clot'hing and men's pants from one of the largest and best firms of clothing tailors in this whole country, we can and will sell better clothing for the money than ever before. If you want anything in men's or boy's clothing now is the time to buy. Even if you do not need them at present' it will pay you to buy ahead. It is not possible to name prices come and see the goods. if DUK GREAT REDUCTIONS ON STRAW MATS POK MEN AND BOYS, yyj)i DON'T BE FOOLED WITH about your Dentist. Go to one who practices Dentistry In his own name. Gold Crowns. 3.00 up. Lady Attendant. BAILEY, Tho Dentist, Telephone 1085. 3rd Floor Paxton Block. We expect to eell the greater part of our straw tints by the end of this week. Wo nro determined not carry over Into nost nenson, a single hat Every itraw hat In our entire stock has nnderRono n terrlMo slashing. Onr stock Is large The selection is unlimited your sizo Is hero. Straw Hats Cut Clean to the Core STRAW HATS FOR MEN. Straw Hats, that sold up to 75c, on sale 19c Straw Hats, that sold ui) to $1.00. on sale 35c Straw Hats, that sold ud to $1.25, on sale 59c Straw Hats, that sold up to $2.00, on sale 95c STRAW HATS FOR BOYS AND CHILDREN Values up to 45c, on sale. 19c Values up to 7jc, on sale-. .-45c Values up to $1.25, on sale 65c iDf) J!' ALBERT EDHOLM, JEWELER iu r. loin ai,, urr. pus i -ut r iic. Our Watch Repairing Department If you have a tine, complicated chronograph, repeater or split second watch that needs expert attention, toave It with us and It will be carefully repaired. OPENING SERVICE IS ONLY TEMPORARY New Line Mill Not Attempt Competi tion for Thro ash, Easiness with Other Chicago A St. Paul Iloads lalll December. The Chicago Great Western sent Its first train eastward over Its 'new line out of Council Bluffs yesterday afternoon. It was a mixed train and destined for Fort Dodge. The regular train service for the time being will be one mixed train dally between Coun cil Bluffs and Fort Dodge each way, to be continued until such time as the track Is properly ballasted and the roadbed shaken down, which will be about six weeks or two months. The present service la for the points along the line and no attempt will be made to handle through freight or passengers In competition with other Chicago and St. Paul lines. The Great Western will not op erate regular trains out of Omaha before about December 1, when the question as to the use of the Union Pacldo bridge Is ex pected to De settled. Thla mixed train service will serve to aid In getting the road Into first-class shape for regular business when the regular train service, both freight and passenger, Is put on out of Omaha. M9 S3.50 Isn l Much But It's a good deal when you pay It for a pair of men's shoes that are worth no more than $3.60 and for aught you know till you've worn them a week worth less. You never take any chances when you pay $3.50 for Dvexel's men's spe cials every pair lias a value to them and has our guarantee back of them. Patent colt, vlcl kid, box calf und velour calf. All the new styles In both high and low cut are now In stock. DREXEL SHOE CO., Ufie Best of Everything Omaha's Lp-to-Dato Shoe House 1419 Farnam Street. The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago THE Omaha train par excellence la No. (a solid train made up In Omaha dally ON TIME at 5:00 p. m., arriving at Chi cago 7:15 next morning. Library-buffet car, barber, new standard sleepers, chair tars KVKRY THING. Cltr Offices: 11 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA . TEL. 624-B01 -0K t I I'hAfctaiV.. I A Bir. Special liow Rata Chaataa Ion July 94, VU Ike Shore A Michigan Southern rail' way; f 14.00 for the round trip from Chicago. Return limit SO daya. A handsome Chautau qua book, with any Information desired, may be had by addressing M. 8. Giles. T. P. A., Chicago, or C. F. Paly, chief A. G. P. A., Chicago. Mortality Statistics. These births and deaths have been re. portmi to the health omce: Mirths A. V. fctoquet. 1K2 Bt. Mary's avenue, boy; Thomas Kinney, 2il0 Bouth Thirteenth, boy; Charles Kly, 15M Madison, girl; John ShafTner. Thirty-sixth and Franklin, girl; William Zimmerman, 1M1 jvortn t-Hiiteentn, girl; MInel Klaiie. 1-'I3 Pter. girl: Jamea Swift. MT North 'i wenty-ni tn. toy; Tom nessev. j ctur. sirl: Georse Pai. 1J&! South Tlilr teoiuh, girl; Thomas I. Caughey, -HJ liur- aette, boy. Ieths Sarah Harbin, tl. a North ' Works Wonders for Women. Electrlo Bitter lnvlgorats the female system snd cures nervousness, headache backache and constipation or no pay. too! For sale ty Kubn A Co. Caaataanaa Lake, l. tr aad R ar te, rn, 914.00, From Chicago via Erie Railroad. July :4th. Return limit thirty days. Trains leave Chicago 10:30 a. m., 1:15 p. m. and 10:00 p. m.. for Akron, Youngstown, Chau tauqua Lake, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Al bany, Boston snd New York. Write If. U Purdy, Traveling Passenger Agent, Chicago, III., or D. M. Bowman, General Wer.rn Puseenger Agent, Erie Railroad, r".l ago, for Information and illustruted Chautauqua Foldera Wit AWNING CO iL.Tr M ' M f. send row - I 1 3 11th. " Harney -tON rmmFMT fursiOlAMS throughout the world recotiwicnd srsssrs op 4 1 innunvnanaa iia. AS A SPECIFIC IN CASES OK AHAEMIA, COLDS, LA ORPPC, SLOW COMVALESOCHCi?, STOMACH TROUBLES, TYPHOID sntf MALARIAL tCVERS. C reaara 4 f .. 30 N. Wlllleai St.. N. V. saw I YOU TAKE NO RISK when you trade at SCHAEFRR'S, 'caue everything sold Is with the STRUT 1N DKR8TA NDI NO BETWEEN CUSTOMER AM) PROPRIETOR that the article Is genuine ancl returnable at purchase price if found otherwise so when anyone tells you that other people sell SPL'RIOI'H GOO 1)8 Just make up your mind that they have either been eating SOI R GRAPES or elHo don't know any better. 35c gpnuitie Castorla Il.(i0 i'eruna 11. K) Pierce's Remedies fine I'kian's Kidney Pills , Boo Bar Heti , 25e Hire's Root Beer These priees are the IjOWEST If you doubt this, Jut compare 19c 12o S)c S'lc f'.: (O genuine Chester's Pennyroyal Pllls.Jl "0 fiic "t'Htarrh Rem" guaranteed 3'k 5oc Cramer's Kidney Cure guaranteed. 4'k; OPEN A1,U NIGHT. CUT PRICE DRUG STORE Two 'Phones T4T aad TOT. 10th and Cbleaaro Streets. Omaha. For Bale Due bill on one of the best New Tork City hotels at a good dlooauBt Ad dress K H ears Omaha Baa Deputy Btate Veterinarian. Food Inspector. H.L.RAUACCI3TTI, D. V. S. CITi TST-RINAKIAJf. fl kos sad IAflsMurft H and ICaaoa Bts. OMAHA. them. Jfic Pierre's Pills . Allcofk's Plasters & Wlrnrd Oil .. 6ne t!utleura Halve SCIIAEFER'S 1 1 !SC 0 LLAR PerfielcTs Cut Price Piano Co. Bee Bid?., Room 7. TsUsphona 701. Wsbar, otory Clark Ladwlg Seal-. ILL REGAIN HER LOST strength and vital ity quickly by using vv MSorz Blue Ribbon Beer' This bevernge has a wonderful effect tn toning up the human system when run down. It cures and prevents Indigestion, Insomnia and nervousness. Doctors approve Bton Blue Ribbon for horns and family use. Bottled at brewery only. STORZ BREWING CO. H r Council Telephone 1260. Bluffs Gftlis - - 932 West Broadway W!LSl J 1 . !! ijiVl Before You Go Get one of our Fountain Pens to use while on your va cation. We have a good pen, 11.25, 11.60; Waterman, 12.60, $3.50 and $4.00. These pens are all right and war ranted. Bpend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler. 1516 Douglas Strost. () VIA FROM CHICAGO, ILL $I4. On sale June 90th and July 1st. Atlanta. Ga $3110 On sale July (, 6 and 7. Boston, Mass $S7S On aala June 80, July 1-1-1-4. Detroit, Mich $-00 On sale July 14 and la. Baltimore, Md $3ia On sale July 17 and 18. Baratoga Springs, N. T $-20 On sale July S and 4. Buffalo, N. Y $41.60 PltLahursr. Pa. ..$-- 46 Waterloo, la $H.k6 Bt. Paul. Minn Minneapolis. Minn Dululh, Minn Watervllle, Minn Waseca, Minn Falrbault, Minn ....... Northlleld. Minn Clear Lake, la tplrlt Lake, (Okoboji) .$L3.W ...112.50 ...$1460 ...$10.60 ...$10.60 ...$10.W ...$10.60 ...$1".T0 ....$3 Tlckata on sals dally during June, July, August and Beptember, good for return until Oct. 3L 190$. Above rates are for round trip tickets, Homeseeker'a round trip tickets on sale - to points In the North, Northwest, bouth and Koutheast, on the 1st and Vrd Tuesdays lit each month. AIho one way colonist rates to points in the Bouih aiul Bouiheast on same dales. Bummer tours via. Duluth or Chicago and Bleamer via the Groat lakes. . . . Write ma about your trip and let ma give you an Itinerary, show ing time, connections, cost, etc Bleeping Car and Mteamer reserva tions made in advance. Correspondence solicited and In formation cheerfully glvea at 14u3 amain St., Omaha, or write. W. II. BRILL. Dlst. P-- Agt. III. Central R. R. OMAHA, NED. anyone call write phone wire v. fUNITHlt ttTATliS ItlltfiHITOHY. I t- Uamlii. IMMI B H wa WI p j tth r..t. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OaJ( Uao Dallas a lear. J y j ry Bee ft