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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1903)
SAINTS WIN A CLOSE CAME Omahani Milt Mots Hit Than 'Visitor!, bat Loie by a Bun. SHOW fOOR JUDGMENT IN IASE RUNNING Roarkeltes Miss Their Opportunity to Mtln the Uuk la the Flrat by Taking Lens; Chances la Stealing Baca. tj Joseph took the flrat of tha series yesterday afternoon by batting out tha u H'vcitiwi 7 kuii in nits mum inning nu y muiiii ii a itKif ini itourseites losi ineir 1 opportunity to win In the flrat Inning by poor Judgment In baae running, when they aeemlngly had Chlnn at their mercy. After that Chlnn settled down and wss 'more pr Icea of a puzzle to the locals except for a few scattered l.lta. Bchafstall waa In ele gant form, too, and kept tha hits well scat tered until the ninth. Tha game started out with everything favoring the locala. The flrat three up for the Balnta were sent to the bench In a hurfy and Carter whanged out a alngle at the beginning of Omaha's beta. Oenlna batted the ball to Maher and McBrlde let It got thr6ugh him at second, while Carter spread on to third.' Miller went out at flint and Oenlna reached second on the out Then Shugart drove the ball down to Maher and Carter tried to steal home, but waa pinched three feet from the plate.. Nipped at the Plate. Welch singled and Oenlna scored and Shugart made third. A moment latef Shu gart tried to steal In while Welch was going to second and Garvin got him at the plate with plenty to spare. That ended 4t all until ' the fourth, when the Balnts got busy. -.), Belden drew a base on four wide ones and was sacrificed on to second. Martman singled moment later and Belden came In and tied the score. Then McConnell drove to Hlckey and the two' of theili were doubled out. In the beginning of the ninth things wera exciting and Hartman began with a dinky poke Into leftfleld and Mc Connell sacrificed him on a sack. Then Maher slashed Into one of Schafstaira slants ami It went caroling down the first base line and to the fence for three bags and a score. That was all for the Balnts. but It waa enough to win the game, f Today the two teams will begin at I. JO for 1 the amusement of the bleachers and the i grandstand and play two games of ball. t 8T. JOSEPH. ' . AB. R. IB. PO. A. E. Donahue, rf Belden, If Rohe, Sb Hartman. cf.... McConnell, lb.. Maher, as , Garvin, c McBrlde, Sb Chlnn, p I r . s ' Total . Carter, -tf.-. Oenlna, ss Miller, W.. ...... Shugart, 2b...... Welch, cf Thomas, lb Hlckey, Sb. ...... Go n din sr. Bchafatall, p.... 3 8 A 2 '0 0 2 0 1 2 1 0 0 10 i OMAHA. AB. 27 16 1 PO. 'a. E. '0 ; 0 12 0 0 0 0 6 0 4 0,0 10 0 0. 2 10 2 0 0 0 5 0 28 16 "o ,2; 0 0 1 0 0 Total 'Donahue out for bunting third strike. Runs by Innings: fit. Joseph 0 Omaha 1 Hits by Innings: Omaha 2 0 12 0 0-1 1 1-8 0 26 Bt. Joseph Earned run: Bt. Josenh. I .eft on bases Bt. Joseph, 6;' Y3mafia, (.''Bases on balls: Off Chlnn, 1; off Schafatall, 3. Struck out: By Chlnn, 8: by Bchafatall, t. Sacrifice hits: (renins, Rohe, McConnell. . Two-base hits: Garvin,. Miller. Three-base hit: Maher. Double playn: McConnell to McBrlde; Hlckey to Shugart to Thomas. Time of game: 1:30. Umpire: McCarthy. Millionaires and Brewers Eri t'p. COLORADO BPRINGB. July 18.-Colorado Bprlngs and Milwaukee broke even today. In the first game Milwaukee was fortunate, making enough In the eighth on scratch hits and . bad throws to win 'he game. Colorado. Springs bunched hits in the fifth Inning or the second game ana won easily. Kenna was batted out of the box. Score, first game: ' " "rhe Milwaukee ... 0 10 0 11 0 S 0 ill 0 Cola. Bprlnga. 001200000 411 Batteries: Milwaukee, McPherson and Praun; Colorado Bprlngs, . VUleman and Doran. Second game: R.H.E.. Colo. Springs. 00806000 710 Milwaukee. .... 020001000-88 8 Batteries: Milwaukee. Kenna. Vallendorf yd Braun; Colorado Bprlngs, McNeely and . $Marnagl. . . . it3 MOINES. July 18. Dea Moines lost tiTday's game iq the ninth. Inning, when Barry allowed the visitors eight hits. At tendance 1,000. Score: R. H E Des Moines.... 0 0 i 0 0 0 1 3 2-7 IS 8 Kansas Clty...0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 78 11 1 Batteries: Dee Molnea. Barry and Fohl; Kansas City, Cable, Hess and Meaaltt. Denver aad Peoria Both Wis. DENVER. July 18 Denver won the first game by timely hitting. In the tenth in ning of the second game Llrich, the new catcher for the locala, who waa In right field, allowed Thleld s grounder to get j through and Peorta ecored tha winning run. ltln.-r was released today by Denver. A Attendance 4.SW. Score; . x First game ii' i Denver ..;....0 I iJt5'!J Peorta 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 04 It I Batteries i.Barber and Schlei, Kllllan and Wilson. H p. Second game- ....... ,iM z Paorla 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 13 8 Jnv.v ::::::o 1 o 1 o o o o o-i 4 Batteries: Whit ridge and Schlei, Olmsted and Wilson. ' . SlaadlnaT of the Ireaaas. Flayed. Won. Ioat, PC. Milwaukee 04 41 21 .872 Colorado Bprlnga ... 70 46 26 .643 Kansas City 9 M S3 AM St. Joseph 66 82 33 .4ii Denver 68 83 So .4H Peoria 69 81 3 .449 Dee Moines 6 , 2? 41 , .4u Omaha ' 7 24 43 .358 Games 'today: Bt. Joseph at Omaha, Peoria1 at Denver, Milwaukee at Colorado Bprlngs, Kansas City at Dea Molnea. Webatrr Khata Oat Haaaotoa. WPB3TKR .CITT, la., July 18. Special iCROFULA Scrofula manifests itself in many ways.- Swelling of the glands of the taeck and throat, Catarrh, weak eyes, white swelling, offensive sores and abscesses, skin eruptions, loss of strength and weakness in muscles and joints. It is a miserable disease and traceable in almost every instance to some family blood taint. Scrofula is bred in the bone, is transmitted from parent A 1 1 1 .1 J - o cuiiir mc semis are planted ' in infancy and unless the blood is purged and purified and every atom of the taint removed Scrofula is sure to develop at some period in your life. s No remedy equals S. S. S. s a cure for Scrof yila. It cleanses and builds tp the deteriorated blood. 160 Soutk makes it rich and pure and tinder the r al tjftns, and other symptoms of Scrofula disappear. f S. SI S. is guaranteed purely vegetable and harmless; an ideal blood arifier and tonic that removes all blood taint and builds up weak constitutions. ' Oar physicians will advise without charge, all who write bs about their . TU 8m FT Tele am.) Webster City won from Hamp ton this afternoon In a wr pretty game or ball by the mrnrm of 4 to n. The lami team play tomorrow at Lehigh. GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE Pirates Take Another Froaa Giants, Aided by Wagaer'a Lobs; Drive to Right. PITTSBURG. July 18-Pittsburg won in the ninth on Weaver's single, two oits snd Wagner's long hit to right. The game was close snd exciting. Attendance, 10,071. Score: prrTant'RO. I kkw tork. R.H.O.A E. R.H.O.A.K. Heaamont. rtl I 1 1 I Browns, rf . . 4 4 Srbrlnc. rf.. 9 1 Wearier, sa.. 0 1 t nranaf-ld. lb 0 14 SVanH'n. rf.. 4 Uriiinit, lb. I Mertee. If... 1 I 1 Punn. Ib.... 00 Iearh. lb I 1 Klt-Me. 2b Kru r, If. Hmlth. c... ifr. c. 0 10 0 0 1 0 0 111 0 Babb, ae... 0 nnhert, Ib. Warner, e. Miller, p.. A. , 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 Phllllppl, 0 0 0 -i ToU.ll , 1 IxM 11 . Tetals .. t . t7 1 1 xTwo out when winning run scored. ' Pittsburg 's. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1-4 New York 01000010 02 Earned runs: New Tork, 1; Pittsburg, 1. Two-base hits: Mertes, Miller. Three-base hit: Leach. Sacrifice hits: Sebrtng, Kruger, Warner. Stolen base: Wagner. First base on balls: Oft Phllllppl, 3; oft Miller, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Gilbert. Htruck out: By Phllllppl, 6. Wild pitch: Phllllppl. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Emslie. Bhoadea Batted Over Field. BT. J-iOUIS, July 18. Brooklyn won from Bt Tenuis today by batting Rhoades all over the field. Brooklyn's efforts with the willow netted fourteen hita. Garvin, who pitched for the Brooklyna. waa effective and almost Invincible in pinches. Attendance, 3. Sou. Score: BROOKLYN. I ST, LOt'19. R.H.O.A i l a I or R.H.O.A.B Strain, ib. Parrall, tb.. 0 BhkarA. If. 1 i 0 lionovaa. rf . 0 Smoot, cf.... 0 OFlraln. aa..., 0 1 Harrlar, If.. I Plturk. lb.... 1 l lU.kMt. lb.. 0 tU. O N.IL . 4 fleaeler, rf... 0 IHijIe, lb.... 1 llahlen, aa... 1 I it McCreerr. ex 1 Flnud, lb.... 1 Hitter, e 0 o Barrio, .:.. i i o o,m ' .'. I ll 7 It 4T OiKhoadea, p.. 0 - itrtmonl Totals Total! inu i xBatted for Rhoades In ninth. Brooklyn ...........0 0 1 1 0 4 0 1 18 St Louis .......0 1 0 O'O 0 1 0 24 Earned rune: HrooKiyn, 3; tit. ixnns. z. Two-bRse hits: McCreery, Demont. Three- base hits: Flood. Jjanien. uoutiie play: Doyle (unsssUted). Stolen bases: Flood, Harclav. BtiecKara tz. oirong. 1111 ny pitched ball: By Garvin, O'Neil. Wild Fltcn: ttaoaoes. nie on oaus: un thoades. 3. Struck out: By Rhoades, 8; by Garvtn.4. Left on bases: Brooklyn, 6; St. Louis, 6. Time: 2:00. Umpire: O Day. Microbes Win and Lose. CHICAGO. July 18. Chicago won the first game, a thlrteen-lnnlng -contest, by. superior play at critical times.- The-, second game went against the home team. Umpire Moran called it' in Chicago's half of the eighth inning, when the score stood S to 4 against the locals-, in order to let .the Boston players eaten their train. Williams, the new Chicato. shortstop, showed to ad vantage. Attendance. 7.000. Score first game: CHICAGO I BOSTON. .R.HO.A.B R.H.O.A I I Slaale. If...( 110 OiDeatar, ?.. lh... S S.f a tt(',olev. cf. ... 0 0 110 oil 0 10 111 C'hanoa, lb.. 1 1 II 1 VHtaniey, li. .. a 0 OtCarney, rf . . . 1 1 ("Wlllla. lb. . 0 0 VAb'tlchlo. ib 0 1 ojuretn'ser, Ib 0 6 :Uubray. '.,. 1 1 'dPlfUngar J..0 Jonta, ef.... 1 I I 1' I 0 I 1 I 1 0 Evera. Ib 1 Harlar, rf... 0 Kllm. o 0 1 14 I 1 I 1 I 0 "MHIIanM, .as. 0 1.4 4 0 I 0 (HiafM, p.. V ' V 1 l-rttila) '.. k lll V '.tdUls 1 x3T 20 Chicago .. 0 00200000000 18 Boston. ...0 10001090000 0-2 Left on bases: Chicago, 6; Boston 7. Two base hits:- Jones, Slagle, Carney. - Btolen oases; vnanue uoudio piuys. uitr ney to Oreminger. Struck out: By Menefee, 2: by Plttlnger. 2. Passed ball: Dexter. Bases on balls: Off Menefee, 2; oft Plt tlnger. 6. Wild pitch: Pittlngsr. Time: 2:20. Unnpre: Moran. Second game: BOSTON. . CHICAGO. R.H.O.A. E.I R.H.O.A.B. Paitar, c. Cooler, cf. 1 0 4 0 ll alalia, lf.. 19 110 1 1 4 0 0 Casey, lb.... 1110 0 2 16 10 Chance, lb... 0 1 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Jones, et.... 0 6 10 0 man ley, ir... I Carney, rf... 0 Wlllla, lb... 0 Ab'tlrhto, 2b 0 Grem' car, lb 0 Aubrey, so.. 0 Malarker, p. 0 1 T 0- 1 Erera. lb.... 0 10 10 1 0 4 0 Harlcr, rf... 0 0 1 0 0 1110 Kllna. 0 1 4 0 0 4 10 Williams, aa. 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Wicker. p..: 0 0 0 0 0 - Lunaaren, p. 1 0 1 1 0 6 10 1111 1: Weimar, ., 0 10 Total jxftaub 10 0 0 Totals .... 4 1 14 1 0 xBatted for Lundgren. Boston 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 06 Chicago 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 I-eft on bases: Chicago, 4; Boston, 1. Two- uhhb nus: i. aaey. ivung. Btolen Dasest Chance. Slaale. Even (2). Coolnv. Htanlav. i Double pluys: Kvers to Williams to Chance, btanley to Dexter. Struck out: By Wicker, 1; by Lundgren, 4, by Malar key, 2; by Welmer, 1. Passed ball: Dexter. " on nans: un wicker, j. Time: 1:36. Umpire: Moran. . . Cincinnati 'Tides with Phillies. CINCINNATI. July 18--ClnclnnaU broke even In the double header today. They would have taken both games but for two errors in ine tenia inning when two hlta let In the winning run . for Philadelphia, Aiiniu.iivp o,wv. owra. First game ' ' PHILADELPHIA. CINCINNATI. R.H.O.A. . H.H.O.A.B. Tbomas, cf.. 0 0 6 OlNtii, lb.. 0 I 4 V isonun, u... 1 I 0 0 6 01 Seymour, of. 0 1 0 0 I I'Dolan. it.... 0 10 0 Wolr't's. Sb 0 14 Kelater. rf.. I 1 0 Uouslasa, lb I 1 Barry, It.... Ill Hulawltt, as. 0 1 I Ro(h. 0 V 0 11 Sharks, p.... a a. 1 0 Ojlleckley, lb. 1 1 11 1 1 i waieinrai, so, Olll 0 MDajy. Ib.t... 0 0 16 vriela, lb 114 10 a vnergen, o.... 0 a I 6 IjsiwlDi p....'l 111 Touts . (10 11 Totals .. 4 11 10 i Philadelphia .' 0 00100001 16 .iiiciunau ....... .3 I u o o 0 0 0 0 04 Two-base hits: Peltx. Roth. ' Kelster. Barry, Daly. Sacrifice hit: Kelster. Three base hit:. Swing. Stolen baae: Barry, Double plays: Daly, Stelnfeldt to BeckUey fr . , lo "cugiass. Jiwing, Stelnfeldt to Beck ley. First on balls: Off Ewlng 4 Hit by pitched ball: Gleason. Struck out: B Lwlng 6. by Sparks 1. Left on bases: v.iii.iiiiia.ii x-iuiaueipma a. Time: 3;uX Sacond game CINCINNATI. I PHILADELPHIA. .. .. J'i'0.'f.-" L. R.H.O.A. K. .uaiiu. u... a a a emomaa. er. . 0 I I 6 Seymour, et 0 1 1 0 l'Olraeon. lb.. 1 0 1 4 Dolan. rf.... 0 0 10 l,Wol't n, lb. 0 I 1 1 lieckley. lb. 1 0 I 1 Oikeiatar. rf.. 0 0 4 0 Bieiufdi. aa. 1 1 I 4 0 lousiaas. lb 1 IT 1 lelr, Ib 4 I I I 0 Uarry, It.... 1111 fleta, lb.,.. 1 110 0 Hulawltt, as. 0 111 Berieu, e..., 0 0 1 0 0 Doola. 0 111 Harper, p... 1 I I I O.slltcbelL p.. 0 I 0 1 Totals .. I 10 n U II TaUla .. I 10 It II I Cincinnati ...........0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Two-base hlta: Stelnfeldt, Daly, Donlin. Three-base hit: Harper. Sacrifice - hit' Hulawltt. ' Btolen baaea: Donlin 2. Double play: Barry to Douglas. Flrat baaa on nana: un riarper s, ore aiitcneu a. lilt by pitched ball: Kelster. Struck out: By aiucnen z. oy narper . wna pitcn: liar per 3.' Left on bases: Clnclnnail 6, Phil. A DISEASE WE INHERIT. Borofala appeared en the head of my little grandchild whoa only le months old,-and spread rapidly over bar body. The diaeaae neat attacked the eyas and we feared aha would loae her eight. Em inent phyaiciana were eoaaulted, but eould da nothing to relieve the little lo nocent. It was thea that we decided to try 8. 8. 8. That medicine at onoe made a speedy and oomplete sure. Baa la now a young lady, and has never Lad a alga vi aatw iuaeaaa u niura, URS, B.UTH BEBKIT, Baliaa, Xaa, eta Btreet, tonic effects of this great Blood Remedy, me general neaun improves, ue digestive organs are strengthened, and there is a gradual but sure return to health. The deposit of tubercular matter in the joints and glands is carried off as soon as the blood is restored to a normal condition, and the sores, eruo- SPLCinG COt ATLANTA, CA THE OMAHA DAIiy BEEt SUNDAY, adelphla 0. Time: 2:06. Umpire: John- tons. gtandlna; of the Teaasa. Played. Won. Lost PC. .n .Wi2 .bL-7 .614 .4U6 .61 .303 Pittsburg 76 63 23 New York 74 79 74 72 74 77 76 to 44 39 87 30 27 21 28 33 36 36 44 60 Chicago Brooklyn Most on PL IjouIs Philadelphia, 63 Games today: Brooklyn at Bt. Louis, Cincinnati, Pittsburg at Philadelphia at Chicago. GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGOE Smith. Throws to Craadstaad, Letting; Bestea la aad Aiding De frelt'a Defeat. BOSTON. July 18 A balk by Mullln and Smith's throw to the grand stand instead of to McOulre gave Boston three runs In trie nrth inning, which, with two more dded in the seventh by loose playing. scored a victory, 6 to 8. Mullln was wild but effective. Young waa touched up rather freely. Crawford's hitting was the feature. Attendance, 1.893. Score: V . , BOSTON. I CBTROrT. R.H.O.A K I R-H.O.A B. Dotigh'rtr. Kill 0 Barrett, et... 114 0 0 0 elLueh, If 10 10 0 0 alfrawforO.. rf. 6 t 0 0 0 1 JM'err. lb 0 110 1 1 0McArt'r, aa. 0 0 1 10 1 liMrOuIre, a.. 0 1 6 0 1 3mlih, lb.... 0 0 111 Colllna, Ib.. 0 0 1 O'Brien, cf.. 0 1 1 Freeman, ' rf. 0 0 0 Parent, SB. .. 0 0 4 LaChaacs, lb 1 0 I Frrrla. Ib... I I 1 Crtaer. 0 111 tHYeairer, lb. 0 1110 Young, p.... 1 1 1 1 Oil auuia, p.... a i s s Totals I 17 11 M Totals ..I I 14 I Boston 00001080- Detrolt 00101000 03 Earned runs: Detroit, 1. Three-base hits: Crawford, Barrett. Btolen bases:" Dough erty, O'Brien, Ferris. First base on balls: Of Mullln, 6. Struck out:. By Young. 8; by Muuin, 4. Time: x.uo. umpire: Con nolly. White Bos Twice Dowa. WASHINGTON. July 18.-Washington and Chicago played a double header today. the former winning totn. xne nrst game was a twelve-lnnlng affair and waa de cided on Clarke's single. Holmes was put out of the game for disputing the um pire. Lee had 'the visitors guessing through out the second game and only In the last Inning, when the Chlcagoes had the sacks filled, with no one out, did they appear dangerous. Attendance 3,433. Bcore; First game WASHINGTON. CHICAOO. ' U u A W R.H.O.A. . Moras, so.... 1 I 1 1 1 Holmes, lt.,1 0 1 Hallmao, If 0 0 1 Ryan, sr.... a Clarke, lb... 1 4 M Jones, of.... 0-11 Oreen, rf.... 0 0 1 Callahan. Ib. 1 I I Setback. If.. 0 Orth, rf 0 Couahlla, Ib 0 Mct'or-k. Ib. 0 Klttredge, 0. 0 fallen, p.... 0 label), lb.... 0 I II Matron, lb.. 0 0 I Tanneblll, as 0 0 1 1 McFart'S, e. 0 0 T Patterson, p. 0 1 1 Totals , I 16 14 II ll Totals .i 1 7x14 17 I xOne out when winning run was scored. Washington -0 0001010000 13 Chicago 0 0010000000 01 Two-base hits: Ryan, Selbach. Orth, Callahan, Isbell. Btolen bases: Coughlln, Hallman, Tannehlll. Sacrifice hlta: Cough lln, McCorrrUck. Jones. Isbell. Double lays: Moran to I'larKe, l ana nan to isoeu. 'lrst base on bails: Off Patten 6, off Pat terson 1. -Struck out: By Patterr 8, by Pat terson 4. Left on bases: Washington 13. Chicago I. Time: 2:25. Umpire: O'Laugh Un. Second game WA8HINOTON. . CHICAOO. R.H.O.A T I R.H.O.A.B. Moran, aa... till OlHolmea, If.. 11400 Ryan, cf 0 0 1 Oljonea, cf..,. 0 0 10 1 0 Oreea, rf 0 1 I 0 Clarke, lb. ..0 1 11 Selbach. If.. 0 0 0 ' 0 0 Callahan, .lb. 0 1 0 0 Ortle. rf:.....' 1 III COushlln, Ib 1 1 1 I Mri or-k. lb. 0 0 1 Drill, s 0 10 0. lilenell, :1b.... 0 10 1) 1 .4 Mafoon, Jb.. 0 1 4' 0 'tTaiinetilll. as 0 0 4 1 0 leiattery, s..t 0-0.1 -0 1 0 r"lakertjr,p.. 0. Oil Lee, p 0 0 1 Totals ..I 127 IS Totals '.. I I M f- 1 Washington 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 Chicago 1 00 0 00000 1 OVAhaeA ilt" 1UTntan riM.n i TkM.. base hit: DrllL Home run: Moran. Stolen base: Holmes, jjoubie plays; Clarke to Moran, Flaherty to Tannehlll to Isbell, Maroon to Tannehlll. First baae on balls: Off Lee, 8; off Flaherty, 2. Struck out: By Le, 4;- oy uaneny, a. ijcii on oasea: Umpire: O'Laughlin. Postponed Cainea. At Philadelphia St. Louis Philadelphia game, postponed; rain. ... . At Mew ior-nw x oraxjiereiana game postponed; rain. tandlag of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. .6FA ' .687 .642 .6I0 ' .43 .472 .441 .311 Boston 78 60 26 81" 83 Philadelphia T6 44 ' Cleveland 72 89 New York 68 84 Detroit 71 86 Chicago 73 84 St. Louis 68 , 30 Washington 74 21 No games today. 34 36 1 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES Kaasne City aad LontsTllIe Each Take Oas la , the Doable-. Header. KANSAB CITT, July 18. Kansas City and Louisville each won a game today. Kansas City won the first In the first Inning by hard hitting, aided by McCord's wlldness, who was relieved by Eagan. Louisville bunched hits In the second game and secured a lead which the locals could not overcome. Attendance, 1,700. Bcore first game: KANSAS CITT, I LOUISVILLg. R.H.O. A l l R.H.O A . Ttethfuin, . of. 1 110 OJKerwtn. rf.. 1 11 1 ,1 Oear, M...... 1 a i v oh art. id Ill Naooa, lb...- 1 0 4 1O Bnuheax. Ib I I I 17 0 OOdwell, cf... 1 0 1 110 0 Sullivan, lb. 0 1 0 111 manner. II... 0 I 4 110 OlSbrleTor,.. e.. 4 0 I 111 I'UulQlan. as.. I 1 1 10 1 I MaCord. n... SOS Orady, lb.... 1 Knoll. If.... 1 Leewe, ' as... 1 Butler, s.... 1 McAn'4's. Ib 0 Coona, p 0 asan, p.... 0 1 0 Totals .ll u II i ,ll I Totala .. it it io I Kanaaa City 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 11 Loulaville 8 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 6 Two-base hlta: Roth fuss. Gear, Clymer, Eagan, Braahear. Home run: Gear. Sacri fice hlta: Knoll, Lee w e. Eagan, OdwelL Stolen bases: Leewe, Grady, Kerwln, Hart, Odwell. Sullivan. Innings pitched: By Mc Cord. 1H; by Eagan. TH. lilts: Off McCord, 3; oft Eugan, 8: off Coona, 4. Struck out: By Coons, 1; by Eagan, 6. Wild pitch: Eagan. Left en bases: Kansas City, 6; Louisville, 10. Time: 1:00. Umpire: Mul lane. Score second game: , LOVISVILLK. KANSAS CITT. R.H.O.A.B ( . R.H.O.A.B. Kerwln. rf.. 1 0 I 0 0 Rothfuaa. All I I I Hart, lb 1 1 11 a I (tear. rf..... 110 Braahear, 2b. 114 1 .Nanoe, tb. I 4 Odwell, cf... 1110 Grady, lb SullWaa, Ib. 0 0 0 1 0 Knoll, If I 11 Clymer, If... 1 110 0 Leewe, aa... White, a a loi o sutler, Qulalan. as .l 111 1 U looey, o. Bonannoa, pO 0 0 1 OMcAna'a, lb lOlbsea. p... i ouia ..yunsai ' 'BbUla -.1 I It 11 I LoulSTlIle 1 0 4 0 1 1.0 0 0-7 Kanaaa uuy ...u u y 1 V 0 0 0 4 0 Two-baae hits: McAndrews, Nance (2), Orady, Ulbaon, Braahear (2), Hart, Odwell (2), Clymer, Quiulan. Sacrifice hlta: Ma loney, Bohannan. Stolen bases: . Clymer, Kerwln, Ilrashcar. . Bases on balls: Off Gibson, 8; off Uohannan, 8. Struck out: By Qlbaon, t; by Bohannan, 4. Wild pitch: Gibson. Left on bases; Louisville, 7: Kan aaa City, 7. Time: 2. IS. Umpire: Mullane. Milwaukee Takes Ceasle. MILWAUKEE, July 18. Milwaukee won two well played and close games from In dianapolis today, tha first by 8 to 1 and the second by 8 to 2. Kellum pitched both garaea, but waa found for alts when they were needed. Attendance, 8,4oU. Score, flrat game: aULWAt'KEB. , INDIANAPOLIS. . R.H.O.A B ! R.H.O.A.B. Sehaloy, lb. 1 I I a Rosrleewr, H 0 1 1 LHmaane, Ik. 1 I 11 1 Woo. 0 14 1 Uuslaub. IS. 0 10 1 H.mpeill, cf 0 0 I 0 tmoleaey, U 0 1 I 0 Ganley, rf.., 0 0 10 Vioa, sa..... 0 111 KUlott, .... 0 0 0 1 0 Tamaelt. lb. 0 0 Heyeea, S... 0 OlCewller, et... 0 OlJeoee. tl ... 0 OlNlchola, la . 0 0 1 Woodruff, Ik I S'aUreaa. aa... 1 t K.llum. a... 1 0 Totala ..I I 17 11 o ToOala .! 1 1 U I I Milwaukee ..' . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Indlanapolla 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 01 Hit by pitched-ball: Donahue Marean. Struck out: By KUUott, 4; by Kallura, 2. Uuuble play: Tamaett to Marcan to Nich ols. Left on bases: Milwaukee, t; Indian spoils, a. Time: I SO. L'mpiror USbSmer. Second game: I HILWAt-KBa. IKDlAKArOUl. ' a. h o. a a. . a a.o.A K. Sraaney, Ik. 0 1 0 I 0 1 Rofrlmr, rf 0 0 0 1 0 uoaaaua, is. a I 11 & lTaoieetl. tb.. 0 4. a 0 0 I I 0 Heydoo. e... 0 ln(laitk. Ik 0 0 1 4 I K'ouUer, cf... 0 Hemphill, ef 0 0 10 OlJoaea. If ... 1 Ueuleay. If. I I 0 0 0 Nlrkola. tk.. 0 OaaU. rf... 0 110 0 Wouaruff. Ik 1 Viui. sa 0 111 wr.-a.. as... 0 Holler, .... 0 0 0 1 OikUllunt, 0 Totala ,. I 17 10 I ToUla I I M 11 0 Milwaukee lndlanapotls ... 0 1.0-1 0.1 0 0 2 0 K n il , i - Two-base hlui ctUafle Jonas,- Pun- leavy. Home run: Woodruff. Flret base on balls: tXT Mutler, 6; off Kellum, 1. Btolen bases: Ganley, Hngrlever. Struck out: By Muller, 1; by Kellum, 1. Left on basea: Milwaukee, 7: Indianapolis, 12. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Messmer. Oles Take Ragged One. MINNEAPOLIS. July 18 Minneapolis batted Coughlln hard today, while Williams was a pusile to the Toledo battera, Mln neapolta winning, 7 to 2. Both teams played ragged ball. Attendance, l.noo. Score: MINNCAPOI.I8. I TOLCDO. R.H.O A R.H.O.A B. fnllWan, et. 0 1 1 0 0 W. Smith, rf 1 1 0 0 0 Ppooner. lb.. 1 0 15 0 o'Owena. aa... 0 0 110 Lally, ir 1 1 I 0 0 Relallni, If.. 0 I I 0 0 Smith, rf.... 1110 O Turner, lb... 0 10 0 0 Oyler, as.... 1114 O'pernartl, cf.. 0 0 10 0 Mrlntyre, lb 0 1 1 1 OlKlelnow, .. 0 0 I 1 1 Martin, lb... 0 111 0!Brhaub. Ib... 0 0 I I 0 LuOwit. e... 0 110 Childa. f... 1 1 1 I 0 Williams, p. 0 1 0 6 1 Coughlln, p. 0 0 0 6 1 Totala .. t 11 27 14 ll ToUls ..1 114 11 1 Minneapolis 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -7 Toledo 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 02 Two-base Tilt: Martin. Three-base hit: W. Smith. Base on balls: Off Wliltnms, 7; off Coughlln, 1. Struck out: By Wil liams, 2; by Coughlln, 6. Double plays: Mc lntyre to Martin to Spooner. Oyler to Martin to Spooner, Coughlln to Klelnnw to Bchaub, Schaub to Chllds. Balk: Wil liams. Sacrifice hits: Oyler, Coughlln (2). Btolen base: W. Smith. Ift on bases: Minneapolis, 8; Toledo, 7. Time: 1:46. Um pire: Cunningham. Crafctll Easy lor St. Paal. 8T. PAUL, July 18.-CTablll was easy to day for the locals, who played a sharp, snappy game. Attendance, 2,375. Bcore: BT. PAUL. I COLIMBI'S. R.H.O. Oeler. as 1 1 4 Shannon, cf. 0 0 1 Jaraeoa, rf.. 1 1 1 Plournoy, If. I I 1 Huealaa. 2b. Ill Pierre, lb. . . 1 1 10 Wheeler, Ib. 0 1 I Sullivan, s.. Ill Stewart, p... 0 11 OAK. R.H.O.A.B. I 0i ktorrtaaey. 0 10 6 0 Amdt, rf..,, o Turner. Ib. .. 0 Rayraer, 2b. 1 Bannon, cf.. I Roarh, e 0 atellor, lb... 0 Toohey, If... 0 Crabtll, s.. 0 1 11 Totala I 14 27 10 1 Totala ..I I 14 11 1 St Paul Columbus Left on bases Two-baae hits: ... 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 ,.. 0100010001 St." Paul, 7; Columbus, 6. AVheeler, Stewart, Geler. Stewart. Bulllvan. Mellor. Three-base hits: Stolen bases Jarkson (2. Fiournoy. Ban- notv, Turner, Sacrifice hlta: Shannon, Hug rlns. Roach. ' Vint base on balls: Off Stewart, 1; off Crablll, 1. Struck out: By Stewart, 6: by Crablll, 4. Hit by pitched ball: By Crablll, L By crablll, l nme: i:&o. umpire: Foreman. StaadlaaT of the Teama. Won. Lost P.C. 46 27 . 630 47 29 . 818 42 34 .552 39 38 31 35 . 470 33 42 .440 30 44 .405 27 45 .375 Milwaukee ., St. Paul Indianapolis Louisville .., Kansas City Minneapolis . Columbus ,.. Toledo 76 78 77 66 75 , 74 72 Games today: Louisville it Kansas City, Indianapolis at Milwaukee. Columbus at St. faul, Toledo at Minneapolis. TRI-CITY LEAGUE" LEADERS Ideals aad Originals Will Meet at . Jotter's Paurk, Sooth Omaha, Today, The Ideals and the Lee-Glass-Andreesen Originals, the leaders of the Tri-City league, will meet Sunday afternoon. These teams are now tied for first place and a fast and interesting game Is looked for. The first game between them resulted In a victory for the Ideals, and Captain Bradford of the Originals swears he will take their scalps at this game. The teama are both on edge and well matched. The game will be played at Jetter's park. Twenty-eighth and W streets, South Omaha, and will be called at S:3U The lineup; Ideals.... originals. Lewla. first base......k Foley i. second base Bradford third base Crelghton shortstop Kennedy left Held .....Scully center held ' ..Taylor right Meld Howe Hofman' Mlnlkus.. Lynch .., Gibson..., I LjCUnrS Cafnpbell Coe or Bowler catcher O'Keefe Bellinger, Sullivan -HatTelder or or Geolner pitcher ..Mcllvalne Oae tueatto Settled. If there was any question on the su premacy of the C. N. Diets team over the Field club it waa settled In a decisive man ner yesterday afternoon, when the Diets team by outbattlng, outflelding and out generaling the Field club In every point in the game, won this, the rubber game of the series, by the score of 8 to 1. The pitching of Knight and the fast fielding of the Diets team were the featurea. Score: P1ETZ. FTBLD CLtB. R.H.O. A.K.I R.H.O.A.B. fores Brown .... Anderson Latterly ... Kelly Halhaway Neetlebuah Plainer .., lUilsM,.... 110 4 OIHoaglana 0 10 0 0 0!Chambers 0 1 1 :i 0 o 1 i 0 4 0 0 0 1 1 OAbbolt ... O.Clera .... ODaTlaon , 0 Martin ... 0 Oordy llKnox .... s aUlme ... 0 10 Totals .. 8 17 11 ll Totals ..I 4 27 11 I Batteries: Diets, Knight and Hathaway; Field club, Oordy and Martin. Struck out: By Knight, 6; by Oordy, 4. Umpire: Jack son. Heldreae Wins A gal a. HOLDRBGB, Neb., July 18 Speeial Telegram.) Holdrege defeated Red Cloud again today. Tha score: K.H.B. Holdrsge 00000104 I t I Red Cloud 000000010 1 10 2 Batteries: Holdrege, Teel and Doane; Red Cloud, Schaub and Whltcomb. Struck out: By Teel, 4; by Schaub, 2. First base on balls: Off Teel, 2; off Schaub, 1. Three base hit: Maryatt. Two-base hits: Bor reas, Bchaub. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Water man. Isstkwriiera Iowa League. CLARINDA. Ia., July 18.-(SpeclaI Tele gram.) Clarinda won a game at Osceola today. Score: Clarinda, 13; Osceola, 2. Will Harney haa signed with Clarinda and will Join the team next week. The standing of the teams In the Southwestern Iowa league Is as follows: Won. ... 12 ... 11 ... 11 ... ... 7 ... t Lost. 8 7 11 It P.C Clarinda .... Creston ..... Atlantic Shenandoah Ked Oak .... Osceola .687 .667 .611 .00 .3X8 .167 Caioa Paclflo Chumploas. Bartlett's Beauties, otherwise known as the team of the office of the auditor of equipment service at tne union Pacific hradouartera. defeated the club of tha office of the general auditor In a fast game of baae ball by a score of 4 to 8, thus win ning the championship of the headquarters for tne lourtn successive year, uiie Dat tery for t:ie Beauties was Curtlss and llnvM and for the Auditors Whitehead and iirlckson. The most notable feature was the rooting of Unllne and his followers for the Auditors, ' Valnakle Gas for Cbnnaplon. WOOD RIVER, Neb.. July 1L (Special.) The Lefever Arms company of Syracuse, N. Y., haa Just preaented Martin Diefender- fer of this city one oi me oeat guna manu fartured by them and valued at 24(10. Mr. Dlnfenderfer uaed a Lefever gun when he won the Grand American handicap at Kan aaa City laat May, ana tnia gun Is pre sented In recognition of the advertisement that their warea have received aa a result of Mr. piefenderfer winning tne handicap. Games la Three-I Uagao, - At Springfield Springfield, 8; Dubuque, t At Decatur Davenport, 6; Decatur. 8. At Bloomlngton Bloomington, 4; Rock- ford. Tu At Rock IslandCedar Rapida, t; Rock island, a Johaaoa Iipes4a Waddell. NEW TORK. July U. President Johnson of the American Base Ball league has mi pended Pitcher Waddell of Philadelphia for nve aays on account oi aim attack on a spectator yesterday. EXM00R KEEPS GOLF TROPHY Chicago Cleb Beeares Marahall Field Cap for Second Tear la . neceeatoe. MILWAUKEE, July 18-The Gimoor Oolf club of Chicago today, for the second year In aucceaaion, took the Marahall Field trophy, which If the club can keep It next year will remain In ita possession. Twelve cluba were entered today, but only nine atarted and one of these, the Riverside of Chicago, was forced to drop out because of mr iiiuispoaiuuo uc xiiina, us atar leltnana player. The contest waa of Individuals airalnat bogey, which la at) for the course. The Ex moor club finished 45 down on bogey, with Ms nearoat competitor, Midlothian, 68 down. ina ttnioor piayera were: V. E. Kgan. E. C, R. II. McElwee, W. J. Oaborne ana n. r . i unimma. The scores of the other-elubs: Ontwantala U duu. MJIwaukae, N down: Ol.nvlew, W down; Ksnoalja 8! doa; Auburn Park. 12 as ami incise, w aaw a. . JITLY 10, 1003. Jabbing you in the back , Impossible to move or bend without pain t Only those who have Buffered it know what backache really 1 And yet there ia no need to BUffer-- Sick kidneys are the trouble and aick kidneys can be cured Are being cured right here in Omaha every day Doan's Kidney Pills give the kidneys just' the help they need Make them well and strong-- Cure the backache by taking away its cause. OMAHA PROOF Mr. C. O. Wlklund. 180 South d St., engineer at tbe Sheely building, aaya: "I flrat felt aharp palna acroaa the small of my back. I thought nothing of It at the time,' but it gradually grew worae, and the bast in tha engine room during tha day and tha sudden change - when I went eut . slghto probably aggravated, it not caused, the trouble. I aaw Doan'a Kidney Pills adver tised and got a box at Kuhn tt Co.'s drug atore, corner 15th and Douglaa Sts. I did not take all of tha boa before tha trouble disappeared." n Doan's Kidney Pills, are for sale at all drug stores S50c a Box-Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. RELIANCE AN EASY WINNER " a. Tama Table on Constitution,' Wiping Out Strain of Friday's Defeat NEW DEFENDER BEST IN LIGHT WINDS Telve-Knot Breeae Seenae t Heln Older Boat Move, so that It Cains for a Time. new LONDON. Conn.. July 18. There was no room for doubt as to Reliance's fi-j tory today on' the thirty-nine 'miles orulse from New Haven' to this par L, ..It jfe4 f. the start and finished over a mile' ahead; ; of Constitution and. two miles ahead of Co lumbia, beating the former 8:02, elapsed time. Constitution beat Columbia 8:66. Starting In a light favorable breese Re liance within fifteen minutes was three- quarters of a mile ahead of the Other boata, but when tha wind lncreaaed, aa it did about half an hour after the start, the new beat did not gain so rapidly. In fact for twenty miles of the run, made in a. good twelve-knot breeze and the wind forward of the beam. Constitution held, to Reliance In fine shape. Five miles from the finish, however, the new boat pulled away rapidly. while Columbia ateadlly dropped behind after half of the course had been covered. Reliance covered tha distance of thirty- nine nautical miles In 3:18:28, a speed of eleven and three-quarters knots 'an hour. which Is the quickest time ever made on this run of tha cruise. . . . Reliance First Away. The small boats were Bent off first, tha classes gradually Increasing In slie until at 10:15 the three cup defenders were started. Reliance, aa usual, won the fight for place, crossing the line twenty seconds after tha gun, Columbia a close second. Constitution waa a poor third, crossing at the leeward end of the line some seconds after the handicap gun. The wind at the atart was light and within fifteen minutes after cross ing the line Reliance had pulled out until It was three-quarters of a mile ahead of the other two. Constitution having at thsaro a time come up even with Columbia. . Soon the wind began to pick up and Re liance passed Branford beacon, five miles from the start, a full mile ahead of its rivals. By 11 the new boat waa nearly a mile and a half ahead. All the yachta cov ered the first twelve miles of the course in a few seconds over an hour, having passed In the meantime every boat in the fleet. with tha exception of the old cup defender Vigilant, now a yawl, which waa still well ihead down the sound. Censtltntloa Galas a Bit. When off the slx-mlls reef buoy, which marked the lialf-way point of the run. Con h.n to araln on Reliance and at - . v,,. . tha same lime oropj a m '- rapidly. Vigilant, arouna xne cornneia, twenty-five miles from ths start, waa mile ahead of Reliance, but tne new noat went by It a few minutes after as though It waa anchored. For the next five miles Con stitution held Reliance In excellent shape. but aa the boata neared U irtlett Reef Light ship, thirty-six and a half miles in tha courae and about two -and a half miles from the finish they met n strong flood tide set ting In through the race. This seemed to sffect Constitution mora than Reliance and Columbia worst of all. At Bartlett's Reef Lightship Reliance was 8:11 ahead of Constitution and 12:40 ahead of Columbia, ao that the race waa practic ally settled at that point. Reltanca gained. nevertheless, on both tne otner Doais, al though each of Its rivals set their balloon Jibs in the hope of cutting down its lead. Reliance swept . proudly across tne nnisn line shortly after 1:30 and headed at one Into ths harbor, where it had its sails al- mm A IFt most furled before a heavy rain began to fall. The official times of the ninety-footers In today's run were: ' Stnrt. Finish. Elapsed. ' 1:33:48 8:18:28 1:41:5? 8:24:57 1:50:37 1:34:52 Reliance 10:1B:W Constitution 10:17:00 Columbia 10:15:43 British Yachts Idle la Storm. KW TORK. July 18.The two Sham rocks held fast to their moorings off Sandy Hook nearly all day, while half a gale of wind whistled thraurh the rlrrlne ' re spite the rising gale, however, Shamrock III icu io leave tne iiooK at 10 a. m. to run off shore for a race. lmr hrn i ne the point of the Hook rain be (fan to fall and it returned to its moorings. Y. M. C. A. SPORTING EVENTS tlrs'tvVlfea i ; Wins'.. Ball, damo .i pratvlsiaa f Made for and Tho First team of the Toung Men's Chris tian association defeated the Omaha Print ing company team at the assoclRtlon grounds at Seventeenth and Plnkney by a score of 12 to 7. It waa a clean-cut game and was exciting until near the close, when It waa. assured that the association would win. Runs by innings: Y. M. O. A......;..0 8-4 0 1 8 t 0 4-12 Omaha Ptg Co 2 00802100-7 . Battcrlea: Wlllard and Kaar. Cape and Miller. The drawings for the tennis'' tourna m.81!'i VS"1 .orLn association courts at NlneteentH and Farnam Monday night were made last evening. All of the matches in the first and second round are required to be finished on or by Thursday night and the semr-ftnals ami finals will be played Friday nlghte- The : players with their handicaps. and order of vlsy are: . i Cosselin (scratch), sbye, Bartley (scratch), abve. Tepplns (owe 15), sbye, Gray (15). sbye. Atkins (scratch), abye, Spencer (scratch). Cherrlngton (half (scratch), abye. - Hasmnsse" , (scratch) (half 16). a ve. 16),- abye. Tost abye. Frankfurt Jonea (scratch), abya, Taylor (half abye. 15), uotthelroer (IB), abya,, Hunt abye. Scharff (owe half 15), abye, (scratch), abye. (scratch), McNulty ARG0 WINS THE YACHT RACE Andover Gives the Winner a Cloae Itab oa the Retara Conrae. Argo again defeated the other boata at Manawa yesterday afternoon In a very ex citing race. When the boata crossed the starting line the wind waa blowing fresh and strong and conditions . were Ideal for Argo. Steadily over the first round Argo drew ahead and seemed to have the race by a large lead. But after rounding the last buoy on the first round, the wlud fell and Andover crept up and pushed Argo all of the way In home and loBt by only twelve seconds., Manawa was not In the race yesterday. As soon as Us bottom haa been scraped and cleaned Manawa will get back Into the races, although It Is douhtod If It. can head Argo then. The club has voted to give $100 toward meeting the ex pense of sending a boat to Oshkosh nnd Argo Is the expected choice. Time of yes- irnuy im wH; Argo, of u: Andover. 87:17; Grebe. 1:01:10. , Accepts Wrestler Terry's Challenge. .pwHA. July ".-To the .Sporting Bdltor oi ine nee: i noncea in last night's Bee ,v,Ht . Mr. Terrv of Auburn K,.v, .i.k.. j to wrestle sny man in Nebraska above 126 ,imu T-ieiiiv. i i uiii nun i ao noi understand whether he Is a light, middle or heavyweight. But if the said Mr. Terry does jiot weigh over 135 pounds and Mr. Kast does not care to accept the challenKe I am willing to wrestle him ratch-as-cat"h. can, two best out of three falls, for either 850 or 8100 a side and 75 and 25 per cent of the gate receipts, the match to take place before August 1. Will meet him at the sporting editor's office any time agreeable to him to select referee and stakeholder and mrke further arrangements. E. R. MORGAN. Creaton Plays Ragged Game. CRESTON. Ia.. July 18 (Special Tele gram.) Creaton played a very ragged game today, full of errora, and lost to Red Oak ,k1.." -It. -toi? LtiVrVHeUnwlll be held at Courtland Beach Saturday, Corbett were Creston s battery. Haveland . , tw,. ihnuanmi tirkats h.,. pitched a good game, but had no .uj.port: , nMh.Tn .u" .'na,. now tiearson ana rransnn were mi nea im k battery. I'mnlr' flolrten Attenrlanoe arm MeChesaey Given Exercise. i KE-ur nT? V T,,lw 11 Onarteraul In atall'at the Graveaend race track today la DON'T GET IN A SWEAT Perspiration "sweat" is what the Bible and we common peo ple call it is a way nature has of driving out of the body refuse that has no business there. We sweat more in summer, because, in the overheated bowels, undigested food ferments more quickly than in winter and produces irritating acids and gases. .The bowels, overworked, try to relieve themselves by violent convulsions, causing terrible gripes and colics, and diarrhoeal discharges so acid as to make you sore, and leaving the intestines weak and worn out. Nature assists body-cleaning bv sending the filth out through the pores of the skin. It is not safe to stop perspiring altogether but most of the impure matter should be sent out by natural m oyt ments of the, bowels, and the offensive, ill-smelling, linen-staining sweat done away with. Keep your bowels strong all summer with the pleasant, candy cathartic CASCARETS, that clean the system and don't allow the excrement to be sweated out through the pores. Take a tablet every night, before going to bed. They work while you sleep and make you feel fine and cool all day. raat for tka Bowels. balk. Tbs genuine OnlBi Iff gen as Mttf money mutt 3 WL,, i . . . McChesney, the pride of the racing popula tion of the west. Early today, under the watchful eye of F, M. Taylor, the man who will handle hlra snd prepare him for his championship struggle of Wednesday ngalnst Waterboy, McChesney was sent out for a galloping exercise. The spin Was Just to stretch his muscles, to wear off the weariness which si ways follows a long rail road Journey. It wan said today that Daly's colt, Claude, will also bs a starter Ita the special race. EVENTS ON RUNNING . TRACKS Jack Ratlin (apt area Wheeler Baad. leap at Iiat at Wauahlng. ' toa Park.- .. CHICAGO, July 18 In a marked reversal of form Jack Ratlin, at 25 to-1, won tha Wheoler hand lean-at -Washington .. nark todav htet a 'heav.. track. The- race was. the fenture of-the closing tk Want-.;, ina. Kesiuis: .-.-:: . First race, Ave furlongs, purse: Raltv., land .won. Commodore Swgondr. Mast third. Time: 1:044. ' . HMoond race, alx furlongs, purse: u r dolph won, Oronta second,, Ahola third. Time: 1:17. Third rere, the LakevleW handicap, cross ' value 88.570, for 2-year-olds, six furlongs: Proceeds won, Flo Bob second. Pater Paul third. Time: 1:18. Fourth race. Wheeler handicap. 8-year- . olds and upward, pne and one-quarter mile: Jack Ratlin won, Gold Bell second, 'Flying; Ship third. Time; l:6Lft. . Fifth race, one mile: Bob FranklJa won, ' Kchodale second, EvUyn Byrd third. Time: l:- . . . . Sixth race, one mna, purse: w a anient won, Ksherln second, Mary Glenn third. Tlrrwi ' i:4e i nanr-r. vi. - it. ?ifim ,i, 3 of NEW VCR,K, July 18. Results; : f First race, six furlongs, handicap": Young; Henry won. Balvatella second, Ingold third. '"r. Timet- l:tW4t?''. -' -..-i -.. , Second v trace, - steeplechase, about,, two. .i. miles, Tlus Curragh: "Walter Cleary won, ' Gum Honey ' second. May Harrison third. Time: 4:47. Third race, Ave furlongs. Venus stakes: Turquoise Blue won, Inquisitive Girl sec ond. Audience third. Time: 1:144- Fourth race, one mile and a furlong, tna '. Iroquola stakes: Fire Eater won, Cardinal Wolsey second, Monta Carlo third. Time: 1 :58. Fifth race, one mile and a furlong, handi cap: Lord Badge won. Courtenay second, Sambo third. Time: 1:564. Sixth race, one mile and a sixteenth; sell ing: Rostand won, Satire second. Star and Garter third. Time: .1:60. ST. IXUIS, July 18. Results: First race, six furlongs, selling: Lynch won, Jerry Hunt second. Prince Light third. Time: 'I:!. ' . ' ' Second race, one mile and seventy yards, selling: Emma Meyer won, Ooogoo second, Venus Vlctrlx third. Time: 1:56. . Third race, five and a halt furlongs, purser Atlas won. Wigwam second. Check Morgan third. Time: l:loA. . Fourth race, six furlongs and a half, selW . Ing, sweepstakes: Miss Gollghtly won, ' Fltzkanet second, Jordan third. Tims; 1:27. Fifth race, seven furlongs, purse: Stand., Pat won, Baa D'Or second, Deutschland third. Time: 1:88. . ' Sixth race, one mile and seventy yards, , selling: Hook Seola won, Heglra second. Henry of Franstamar third. Time: l:k6S4. Seventh race, one mile and three-six- ' teenth, selling: ' W. B. dates won. Light . Onera second, Menace third. Time: 1:12. , .. Bl'FFALO, N. Y.. July ".-Results: First race, one mile, selling: Klwas i won. Briers second, Fairbury tfilrd. Tims; ' second ".ace, ' substituted, six furlongs, r selling: Reeves won, Aratoma seoond, Vr Nellie Foreat third. Time: 1:19. Third race, one mile, selling; Barr lads' won. John J. Reagan second, Neeburban '' third. Time: - Fourth race, the Buffalo stakes, varus Sl.BtlO. selling: Bank Street won, Talala second. Soothsayer third. Time: 1:484. Fifth race, four and a half furlongs, for -maiden, 2-year-olds: Hermlone won, Toe -Many second, Lora J third. Time: 1:00. Sixth race, steeplechase, about one mils snd three-quarters, handicap for 4-year-olds snd upward: Presgrave won. Provost sec ond, Trenct Da Mere third. Tims: 4:00. Fnstest Mile Ever Trotted. ' SOUTH OMAHA, July 17. To the Editor of The Bee: Please answer in' Sunday's Bee what la the faatest time for-a mile . trot and what horse It was that trotted . the mile. Yours truly. , Sl'RSCRIBER. Ana. i:02Vi: Cresceua. in l&Ot Jackaonlan Clnb Plctale. i . . . n 1 K.w. ,1,. TnAl.aMMlAA '.Ink , . . -.llM,rih. K .n ex.n4. "V" .; - The program at the beach will consist of adilrexses hv nronlnent sneakers both in j the afternoon and -evening, athletics, base a ball gamea. automobile ana picycie raaes. I The speakers have not been selected. All arugfieta, ec, ass, 3". - as sew in tablet etampea C. C. C. Qua .o need te care iei-i - , ' , bnvk. fcasaple na noekle f'. Address fce tVte., CUlff ej ,w Ye-ew , Set '.