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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1903)
Over the Border UV, s of Charles I, rr (Copyright. 1903. by Robert llarr.) CHA-PTEIt XIX. fH 1TIEKK the am la ItaxJ set or toy ; behind a cissrf. tor tin. Bftrht very dark, wtth as trace of ma; yet lUU to th mac hackled as ker aftaea tat Miwd Bt Th innkeeper hd forward his haras, ud weald inaMlnn havw preferad isa biMWun; hut whs att evoke he host Bed an was already to th aadcRe. TW m en th read to Brought, at "Th ri lor- tonight is "ri'oag.htow " h watapered, then ton th herar by th asml and led Man dwwa the afreet. Irk M became u that th Iowa was aOv with aimers aiu tow at e-vrr eerner lit feaJteeper breathed th wood "Brewghtnsv"" to sonieon h had chaHfeeged ki pro--ess, Sh realtord then that O-omiwett had ortOMadnd ArmotToog: wit hi a stag: of ffraa, living: fRtVv. as her own wrist hnd been atreted earlb-r ht the sight. At isist they cant siui.ieniy fmm. th ahtwliiyw of th house into th oiieo country, aind the. shjM mta4 Bgjiter. "Straight oa for about a h-egae," aaJd th Innkeeper. "Tow wtlt be ehnJleagsd by a. sentinel before yes tearfk tb cut!, ind he wtlt lead you therm Kememeer that th wi guts and tetnraiog is Btrog)ttaSL Im act forget. I bee m t tea th g-MraJ that aQ peepararhwa wr made ft your natna" and wfttt that the tmnl iwm ht K the rein, imott the hm an tb m. and bode her KandnixkA. ta aptt of heraeid. th gflrl gaaerleneed that exhiluratlon which comes of the morn ing air, the freshness of the country and the movement of a spirited horse. She breathed deeply and felt as one brought newly to life again. If It were not for her upbraiding conscience and her distress of mind, ibe could have song,- for taw Juy of MVin. Bat th bilMfcral phrase. thief Ira Ike night. Bauated Bar had brought a chuktog aanaathm to mr taroat One or twlca utu- vij and atracat tunre kaek. for tlWrc- waa atfll ttaa t tuifio; bat reflwetimn afttjwvd kr tk awfaaniaaa o rctEcal. aa tha town aba bad waa nurar-envteoned; and,, uarttt Crona w gave tbc word at releaav. AjrmaCros cautd ao arora rwxirtk its outer boundary Wkal aft craiMi Qv cacapvd wkca haa Cntccra ctoavd bvhv kr wrtat. tier aa rlftrw irat bo complete or ait aho loved wrot famrorvod lw nmima ruirv. Sot wltli ahraao ringing: ra kov aarav Thirf to aJrht" Tliirf to the algM." tbroova tk nfirftt akr giUope. nnttt hr barao oAtoajy plued hia fori tVt rfgfd. aad caao ti a atop ao aJjrnpt that the aburii aarfjr annwateiC ker, "Wh tronmy cam tho- abarp cftaneaara from andvr the- trpa that ovcrakadWod Ik Mgkwaiy. "Brounoa, IU anawvred aiitomarfeaBy. Ar yow the woman from BiabuT? "Tea.- "TJifc ia- Ifroughton eaatnt I wta load fmvr horaei Tky deacpndetl a alight deBresatoui aad earn to m. drawbrhigo, aaaed vodar mm aircb. to tk waft. tlUn arrow a Ief ktwm. w th further edge- of wJttefc atonal thm road eaara froat of I ha catlt wftb ICa umoron nnJlioned wtadowj. myatairbraai aaJV light to th korfesos pftaytac tb btaaal oanea wbfefc raeaBed th atarrac pan. aje of a bUnd bulk. t boom awaMd kick, aad aoortter,. wttk- nrr ntn of light within. The sentinel beat agnlnft the door, and it waa opened at onn. Miiified as had been the knocking on the oak. It awoke the alert general, for when Freneea hml demounted and fot1owd her guide into th ample ball. Cromwell, atood at the hal tk atafir. a randl to kka liaadL Laa niadrwl of kaa eoantart rkaa JLrsaatreanc. b had evidently afarpt to kto koata. aad as VVaaers sad at ktmv kto atroac far arward rtfcr tbaua when afto toat aarw Mam, attbMVBi tmi a frw daya had paaaed, Th ' avayhMg flam t tb caadlo hld oa a krrei wttkj hia bead, mad Ck atiadw rem aad g aa bis togged featorva and emphiaaiaed tb doee furrowa to Us face. IHa hwrr was tawoled aad b kad the uoJtenpt appear aaw f a am a who kad atept in. hia clothes. Itut h4it eyes kuraed dwa upuot bev a if tbietr flro bud aever baen extinguiahed evoa. for a momriL Turn hjk" k eooniHindird, aoix as ah aaeai6d th atalr tmpwkatly.. "Wn: "The ta the kingTa cowrmojaUn.- ahe aaid onJwtly. Pe.ntiB tkw Airuinvnt f baa. IU M wtthnut a wer Inrnnl and es tard the rounr; ah fulluwt him. He pkwed tan caatlle mm a taM. dh ta&a- miwt like alarm at the uncanny apparition. 11 busaty tuid. dewtztiid, has aud. bac Lkua. aeanwil atneked and amuBL wfttltr aa tk ptuiritaiewt oa In taSfct; aad rwn.rVrwl m earthly ha Hs kit br th ncta at em bkmck hatar thst aurrouaiUml ML "KITliwl Mm? 0( Bat r ba-v kilted Ms faMkr to woamn tm aewed htm, Hm( trr htoav robtted heat, to bur from yos.. wltlb th Bsaaa of yonr Maker em yoair Up. ! lit that yoo kjunr warn, not 6r felted, but whbxtt. yoo had th power tu. (te.ntroy." "Ak, yes, yea. y. a nrmmatar jmar tons-o eI6, but tt air wjj kmmtaH bow for alt of am. ills lift waa forfeited; ayv sod tki SoMf a a welt; Bofi nr siafteir BOW." lirt threw actor her th jurilm tWr her tk tan to onthr tb ailkra rani boMaal Ml royal cenimtu)iea.tiiMu but ripped It iKnT and apread opv& th eriakllnc parcntnent. BahUmc w ap ta th tight. read it throAgh: t the end. "thaw cast cofirraptuimaly en laa table. DMutWrtna;: "TTurla Kexf A wreek yic kave mda off life and opportunity aa! ruuatry. Then to the girt: "Weaav you hkvw duo wlU WmM jmi wer s niw.' -Tk pardim foe- but bewtaer. vtr, pleaew yew." . It is reader, sail tk i mil iaaales as tata aha. Tow aa I trmted yew. "A dUS aiuatber. aad t hft aae Bee an dim to Banbwrv "Tou have not killed him?" cried Crom well aharply, looking with aoini-thlng al- that II It tf ft kindly, "do not ditres yourself. Tou ace av brave- wenebv aad th win will do yew aned; thoega yma take W as tt were a eheiaisfs drausAL 1 steant n barh nesa toward you; tndeedL yoe related me of my own amglUer. wh thbibs her father criminal, and will sheot for that fixillnh kioar m- ay eery esrm Aye, and b as ready wtth th tears as any on of ysa, to the bHwUdermena of etraight-gotng: folk. I have- a younger daughter who fc your eiime aakav and I toe her wetL Tou will rest her In- Bromtatoav" "Wo njOv" aefcnwd the girt. "I xl at one t Bttnoary. GW si, I beg- o4 you, a paws far my servant 1 th Cbanity of Durham. I woald vend him om t my bnrcher wit be ut t'htT. a that ywir release crd that had wrapped the parchment of Um ktac Oivima; her th parkag. h ar compenleft her to tb head f th stair, and atodi there white rh t. weeded. II dfrt not offer her his band, nor aay any wont e farewelt They Deeded now aa eanoM, r th erfy daylight was roaring through) the broadt eistern window. Half way (town the atalr she tarsetl. gnd looked up at Mm. Tha inalreeper at Bnbory did erery thlrre that was poauibJ for a man to dw rn aiding me Ooinwen mude no coejwent en this piece of infurmatluR. standing tbere as H be wen . earvea wii aCitu. part of th decoration, of Us hall. She completed her descent, passed outsMe wttbest looaimr arr TO lack. Bruce tivith a faar neigh came breast on . maddened faith the deigfit of battle. wrt km fitta of a aesabtd brother and hfe voiniuiMiMaiia, u r-butUui. them atrode. om of the room t the, head of the stair agalia, aad uhe kawni bar atraoia sa vote: "Hobsoar "Here, taetllnwy." "Rid at oar to th aamuDlut at Baabury. TWB bim the Sest gne free. Tell htm to aemt word north auid so that h is nut mefeated, but a&saiif k tnra rib ki tracks and attempt tt roadfc OatAirt agato koM kina asd send ward to Bant" "Yea exasiileaey." "Send ap a atowp of won.'" H waited at th stairliaud atrtll th win was breaeTh-t. then took 11 tnt-t the TMtm. aad placet ft exs tko tabl kefora kar. "DrLnk," k aaid. "I cannot,"' aa cried. "Drink, drtnk."" he sluaulaif In a vutu a hiamkj that lit mado hr tre aoh. Stair IMted th (ra-gma to her Bps aud basely aipped th Bqutil. "DvtnsT b roared, brlagjrrg lit e'enifhad fist doeca at th oaken tabi wltit a furee that autde the very room euiver. Ths eront bad aB the brutal coanomea ff aa sttlr aad It beat doww her wwia reaoluaiuw as th aturm levem the aapitngi Sh drank 'avept tkew at tk flagon dampt. rakied basils to fae and burst into la. betpbM wail: of weeprac. Oemweira far aoftened. auw tkwt k was obeyed, and b kjelkeil at thit swayed hsinan flemer wta hi Ilk anr a. Thew bee ketm- Band pattad kar ksnvmg ehousAtrs wtfls asms attempt at gentleness. "There, there," he said In tonea not an- may remtht him aw amrn as may be-.' "But yen? Tu a net porpoa travel -BBS further wtthi tbis Scat? "X har dan th ertm; I must Bat atrirk tk punishment,' "Tot. tut. that at womast'a talk. There to n punishment. II ear not pbjt a hand on yeuv Teu may hav am eaeort of twenty nm. whs will aa yes asm tor all tk Seats that ever eVpredated their Betgh- Th girl aotefnOy ahnok ker bead. "Bfy poniaheneat wilt take th ahnpe of no bttTsknes from kins Pt will came to m wbes I ae bis faMf. kswiag m a thief in tk sight. This punishment i- wtxhi me now and wilt be witk me always." "'Woman,. I dk not Ilk yncr bearing toauhing- what you have don. Tou did yitue duy by your country. Out ahSag you;. Mentber aw I Ilk yuur attltud to ward this meddler to aflTars of atata. VThat to your rem ftwn ship to bias? "ttmljr that of a highwayman toward bis vkftlm." "Sharp vmrd again; hallow sounding kraaa, and tk tkitflnf of cymbals. I aak yeui ta ther has keen any fuolfeb: talk be- "Iff twer mm. tis sot an. alTalr of state, asal 1 abaJC faJIuwr tb eaxmpt of General Cr.-flsweU aad alSow net am idlers to tt." A wry amtt ram to th Dps of ker ejieaiear. asd k remarked drtly. "I kdd ywa tk wtor weadd d ymi geod."' if- sf awn hy the fa Me and wrote the pass for John, the servant, tying three papers together with the discarded silk hweit. and muunUng th hrc whie& a anfcuer was kttfding fur ker. Tke birds wer twiitterins to th treva,. and the atta water of th moat lay lift aeRm slhrer to tb new Ognt. She red up tb arcHvtty. tkes RalToped for Banbury, reaching the town heAur anyoa was astir. The streets were entirety deserted. CrnmwetTs command having' cleared tbenv and th tovtslbt ajiutrdd ef a few hours before, whom th magiw password stilled, saremed as aoaea istent as if they bad been phantoms of s vista. Th sleepy innkeeper received th hnrse, and ahe crept up the stair of oM Jenna meat aiuf knocked optui it until herepesded. Sh him his pss and the two dot-a-meats for hr brothers, aad told him ta set A for Durham as soon as be got his breaJifa-st. making what haste he murk) t Warbiirton Park. lie was to tett her brother that she was well and would follow sfwlly. The she went to her own room, threw herself on the bed. dressed as ah was and. certain an would never enjoy Innocent steep again, alept Instantly. CHAPTER XX. Badtefcteaaeewt. Ttnes William Armstrong awoke, he thought he had averahrpt ktmeetf for tha trampftnc of horaee aottaded to the paved ewivtyard bekrw. Tk one window of Ms ratma seer wkhrh h had dtawa asd fjat eiied henry vioisfi n afiiitt."rs th nfghf h fore let In a thread of light which showed him a new day had come and the activity