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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1903)
THE OMAHA EaTLTT IlEE: SUNDAY, JULY 19, 1003. 1 7 r .! of I' FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. D. V. bHOLES CO. SPECIALS. $4fA 4 roomt, lot 70x132, Snh and Sprague. SNAP. tl,'KV 6 room, neat, food repair, 3Sth, near Frnnklln school, lot (0x60, or 60x120 (or ll.airi; corner. $2,inn SIS S. roth. 50x140, S rooms, close In. Want rash offer. $2. 300 J.",29 Seward, 7 rooms, gewer, water, Kan. bath, 110x128. Eastern owner wanta to Hon nut nil"k. $3.a-F1nn new 7-room house. Bmla park, very choice, full lot; bargain. $3 750 Corner Georgia and Woolworth Ave., 8 rooms, modern, 6oxlU teet, choice cor ner; bargnln. $4,7TiO K. front, lUnecam Tlace, 8 rooms, oak finish, modern, fine lot 50x150, west Park Ave., cloaa to car. CHEAP. WEST FARNAM. $4,760 Almost naw, atHctly modern, beat plumbing and furnace, artistic arrange ment, location the best, one block from car line, aouth front. C-H-O-I-C-E. DOWN TOWN. Corner 19th and Burt, 10-room, elegant, fine, modern, handsome Interior, oak finish, beat plumblna;, fine mantels, built by ownar for home, cost over $12,000 to bulla, lot Is worth at least $3.&oo todny, faces boulevard, about 80x148. not Includlnir aide- walk. Fine place for DOCTOR to reside, and have his office. Will sell at bargain. VACANT. 125060x124, corner 30th and Burdette. Want cash ofter thin k. Nonresident aaya close It out Uot to OO. $2,100 for lo4xir4, Hanscom Place corner. E. front, paved street, fine location for t houses. 1176 for lot and half In Park Forest, near Uth street car line. Biff snap. COUNTRY HOME. ACRE 181x2i;l feet. Ilea fine on 44th, ( blocks aouth of Q street, South Omaha, Just out side city limits. 0-room house, . barn, chicken house, well, aet to nearly every variety fruit, both large and small, all bearing; In good year paya handsome profit. Owner s health compels aale. Such places are, hard to find. Cont the price to set the fruit. fl,600, part cash. CHEAP RANCH. HOLT COUNTY, Nebraska, northeast of Htuart. 9ti0 acres, nbout $1,000 worth of hulldlnfrs: some cultivated; running water, some timber; clo to poaiofflce and school. Owner'! health compels quick sale. Price ONLY $5 per acre $4,S00 half cash, bnl ance time. RE 782 19 BUT A LOT AND have a home of your own by simply putting a little house on It. Only $1M or $200 each and only $5 down and only 16 per month. Bemla, Paxton block. RE 837 It an. i i must oe soia in a short time in order to close an estate. $79, Burt street, near I th; lot 47x159. 6 roo-n cottage, irrta and cltv wter. Price. il.taiO. 174. lot 40x120, 38 feet north of Plnkncv, on wie wi niae oi zatn; price, iou. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Tel. 1781 , RE 771 1 Beats All THE BARGAINS We Have in Acres. Three 30-acre pieces, north o! F.orrnce: Just the place for gardening, price, $3o.0j uu acre. HA STING 8 A HEYDEN, 610 New York Life Bullulng. RE 777 19 W. H. Gates, $17 N. T. Life. 'Phone l-roora modern home In Kountxa Place, 1M ieei on corner, pavea. vs.iaju. 1 rooms, city water, barn, shade, 190 feet ifum do umaiei at. west or Z4in. m,xo. I rooms, bain, barn, euat front lot auxl40. shade; a nice home. on Uth at., near 1 rooms, 1 siory, anst front on 8. 10th at.; Olia of tha html cna tiir,a tl Cfjl 7 rooms, modern except furnace, on Locust at..; renta for $18. 11.700. T rooms and full lot on Miami, near 30th. 6-room cotUge, lot 66x128. $500. 1 food cottages cloaa In; rental $30. $2,800. RE 811 19 GARDEN, fruit and Doultrv farms of acres upwards and at most any price and iwrai uuaireu, vmnu, rax ton b.oc-K. RE 84S 19 WHITE FOR FULL, PARTICULARS. Cel., near Corning, 25 A. and impta. Coi., near Lo Agoleft, 17 A. fruil land. t-ol.. Pueblo Co., 3 ranches embracing 019 A., stocx ana impta. ; 2,000 A. leased land. toi., jenerson Co., 4u A. eqpd. farm. Cut.. Kiuwu. Co.. stnr.k ranch, tsa A Col., near Olney Bpvlngs, 1. A. and Impta. Col., Cripple Creek, res. and lot. Col., Iluui-funo Co., It A., nohool lease on u a., siock, lurnitura and ImpLs. Conn., Orange, two res. und lot. 'ia., L4ike Co., nne 10-A. orange groye, Chicago, Evaneton, niodrn 10-r. res. lnaianapoils, irvlngton, modern cottage. iiu..fu to., juu a., ana impts, Ky.. Uonklns Co.. lfioo A. naal I.. Lm., Tsnaus Parish, cotton plantation 2160 A. a ItllOLJf HIIU HUL'I 1.4UO A. IlMn,P Md., Oxford, 7-r. furnished rea. ' Muss., Berkshire Co., V,b A. and Impta. Miss., Oreene Co., 2C0 A. timber land. Mo., Crawford Co., 7.1X0 A. and Impta. N. H., Concord, doublu tenement huuae. N. T., Ulater Co., flna forrn O A. N. Y. City, Perry Ave., Tre, and loti. N. T., Albany Co., 72 A. and Impts. K. T., Li .1., Flushing, res. and ' lota. N. Y., Tompkins Co.. SI A. and Impts, N. D., Mcrton Co., 10,884 A. prairie land. O., Oval City, 30 A. land and 3 lota. O., Clormont Co., 4 A. and Inipts. O., Pickaway Co., 157 A. and impts. Pa., Luserna Co., It A. and Impts. 0, D., Plerra, Utt lota New York add. 8. p., Beadle Co., 160 A. land Tsnn., Hmiilltcn Co., 4J A. and Impta l!th, Ogden, 39 A. and Impts. . Vt., Washington Co., 70 A and Impta. Va Newport News. rea. and lot. 2StU Bt. WlB., fluptu lor, 10 bldg. lota, Uake Add. Wyo Ctrhoa Cx, 1.300 A, lmpd, pat'd Und. W. )i. Odl'HANDliR, N. A. llldg . Phlia. RE ?a) ig K NEAR CUMING, C2xl2C ft, $600. Leuatur. near 25th St., 00x128 ft., $SOo. liio N. Win st.. moms. $t.lS0. Tiroom house near 25th and Cuming, bath, eloavt and gaa. 40x1 T ft.. $?.0o0. 1944 8. IMh St.. 3 houees, $1.10. -Brick cuttaga rear 22rd and Leavenworth, rl'iifmh at.. 69x13$ ft.. $3,700. Two houses sear 18th and Leavenworth, rental yearly; anap; $3,600. Modern houses near High School, $3,600. Xargulns Kountse Place houses. Blx -apartment flat building, rental about tIOJ per year; price, $4,600. E(vri 4-ruom brl k housea, ground 100144 ft; rental. $1,M per year; U,u. Acreage close In, and upwards. I aaraa on N. 34U st, 8 blocka tram ew car Una; $3,000. 130 acres II anlies west. $76 acre. Weal Farnam district, 110x347 feet, cholee and BiHhtlv. larae house; slice U.M. Ocner will take acreage, farm land r oity property for eiiuiiy or ai,ua. JOHN N. FRKNZER, Opp. old P. O. RU-629 1$ THINK OF IT1 Two Houses for $70. Two-story, six rooms each, renting for $13.80 a month. Will wring $ji0u atuui rtpajfod. One block from school and car Una. Bur to xe Monday. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 610 New oH Lit UiuUilng. RE--TT8 1$ LOTS OR parts of UU, Bouth and east of V. P. and B. i M. depota, eultable fo i,ii.iin. .mail homes uuon. at vry rea- sonaple prices and on rnoathly payntept Same as rent, utuuo, tr awu tir5 $3,100 WILL RUT eleggat msderjn I .,.! f,,n l,,"t on illnnev St.. in Ko house untie Place; south from; sireet P-vel; sptc al taxua Paid. Ttoiuas JJ,-ennkn, UM Bt. UB-M4W IX PO YOU wsnt to trade your oity property for landT Hume Investment Co., Ni York Ufa Bldg. RU-Uiit S4X l ( 6-rouni n.t i,,. einae In. modern except ff.ii uurt. lux per month. Adji 4 11, use. BOUSES a4 lots la all parta f city; aljQ EVERY MAN IN OMAHA SHOULD OWN A HOME. BY WATCHING THE REAL ESTATE ADS. YOU CAN FIND ONE Al A BARGAIN. FOR iAI.E REAL ESTATES. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. , We believe If you are looking for property of any description that you will find some thing Interesting In the following. If you don't, we hava a large list which we will be glad to show you If you will call on ua. 1T8 A small cottage, lot 251 feet, on Ar bor, near 20th St., only $500; easy terms. (14 On 17th, near Dorcas, 6-room house, city water, In good repair; price, $860. It's a bargain. 621V 27il 8. 12th, a 6-room house, anst front, In good shape, lot 26x14. for $50. 1W -on Arbor, near 20th, a neat 6-room cot tage, city water, $1,100. 6436-rOn 4 2d and Miami, 7-room house, good barn, two full lots, with fruit trees and shrubbery; price. $1,600. 8478 On 24th, new . modern 6-room house, nice shade trees, In Ana neighborhood, for $2,000: full lot. 631ft On Farnam, near 4?d, a new 6-room cottage, modern except furnace. $2,600. BOO Is a new 6-room house, nicely ar ranged, south front; has bath, furnaoe, gas and electric light; can be pur chased for $3,000. It la a bargain. Don't rail to see it. $396 On 36th Ave., near Bt. Mary's, a room house, gas, city water, lot 64xiH2, on paved street and all specials paid for: nrlce. I.ICoO. , 168 On 8. 12th, near Dorcas, full lot. On which there are two cottages which rent for $40; price, $5,000. This la a good Investment. - $099 Is a handsome ft-room house In the west Farnam district, modern In every particular; price, $7,609. VACANT. If you want to buy two of the nicest resl- oonce tots in me west f arnam District, come and see ua. We have them for f3,8(K. They are only 200 feet from Farnam street car line. We also have one of the choicest south and east front corners In Hanscom Park district and some big bar gains in Bemls Park. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Main Floor N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE-773 19 VERT desirable 5-room cottage, larga bath, hardwood floors, electric lights, gaa, good stable and carriage house, near ittth and Burdette sts.; price $1.60-1. Bemls, Paxton block. RE 4140 19 READ THESE BARGAINS A modern two-story frame dwelling of seven toome, bath, hot and cold water, gaa and furnace, paved street, close to street car line; good sized lot; all special taxes fiald In full; In a beautiful neighborhood n Hanscom Place; $3,600. , Lot 40x110, facing two atreeta. In southwest pitrt of city, one l-room ana one s-room house and barn, city water and sewer con nections; brings Income of $34 par month; $2,460. Lot 87x140, vicinity of Leavenworth and 18th Bta., 7 rooms, bath, closet and gaa, U.oo. Net one-and-nne-half-atory frame house. with basement, 7 rooma, bath, closet end gaa, paved street near to car line, paving paid li fit.. 12, aid in full, near Indian Ave., ana Zbtn 000. 6-ronm house, lot 80x140, east front, tiei California ana mx tit., ii.uuu. j Elg 6-room houso. good brick foundation. city water, lot 4x140, near vs ana Cali fornia, close to street Car. $1,000. 2-story T-room house, nice big corner lot, 1 block! to car, school and churchea. $1,600. A T-room houae, all .modern except furnaoe, full lot, near K4 and uanaerson, ti.VM. A t-room house, east front, all In first-class condition, newly painted and repaired, a few block wast of High school. $1,200. Lot 60x140, south front, near 81st and Mason! house hes 9 rooms, batn, good Darn ana oltv water: 82 300. Lot 66x132, 4 blocka south of depot, trfree 4- roora houses or will divide, 81,000. HERE IS A BARGAIN FOR SOMEONE. Lot 50x130, facing south, Uth Bt., about right for grade, no expense of paving, $800. Let 6exl28, about right for grade, street paved, curbed guttered, all apeclal taxea paid In full. This lot la located In the most fashionable location In the city and will be offered for one week only at the low price of $450. X also have abundance of cheap acre prop erty, Improved and unimproved. In dif ferent p.irts of the city, Bouth Omaha and Florence. t J. A. LOVGREN, REAL E8TATE AND LOANS. Phone A-2639. . 436-437 Paxton Block. RB 33 19 . $24.00 TO CANADA We refund half the railroad fare, to pur. chasers, This year's crop will b the biggest on raaord. Buy land now at from $6 to 310 that will sell w to 10 an aore nigner aner narvesi. NEXT EXCURSIONS JULY 21 AND AUGUST 4. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 510 NEW YORK UFB BLDG. RE-Tff-ll pjkSlKABLIS 6-room sottags, lty wta, nea. evH muivw sve- ivvf, $&u0 down and, balance on very small pay ments. tHeinis, Paxtoa blouk. Rhi 8U ' "the invebtok s optortunity"'' po hot buy without investigating the 'fol lowing bargains: W fc)tve a vwm huusa, modern except rurnuye, on u eireei, juev norm ui Hlondov In good repair, east front, with ale ulmda and lawn. Quick eale. 1.8iW. 1-foviai niPvlt'r" at ;ul Wolworth Av., cor ner lot. Owner asks U.UO0. Will allow enough to put the property in goop re- Itulp. ' ' T-iuom modern cottage, good barn, t Sl 8. 81th street, $2.7u0. $ large rooma modern except furnaoe, full lot, an pavea etreet. permanent wi, sio lreet( between, foppletun ana vyftoiworttb 10-room modern house, food basement, full lot. east front. 1314 8. Suth Ave.. $4,S60. $0 acres hltniy improvea, aajoining Her man. Neb.. sd.dOul 120 acres on W$ CtBter plfmt. $( Pf F.HtU section 11. 8. E. U and N. W. L S3- $1-1 N., Madison cuuntv, Nebraska; I nouses. I wens ana wioumiiis, grauarirs, corucrlbs, horse barn, cattle burn, hog houHea and cattle fsedlng ahda. ' Four miles 8. E. Ol Madison so U. P. R. R. tight miles N. E. if Humphrey on U, P. R. R. and Elkhorn. Eight miles N. W. of Creston on U. P. R R. and Elkhorn, $61.0$ per acre and purenaser iu nave sropa. Ws have a splendid prppoaltWn in large ranch in U-iiox county, wmcn m owner must close put on accoynt 9? pot P'tnf ante to give It the necessary atteatloa. Will accept good Omaha property. This Is a flrst-lass ranah sad will only con siler same In exchange. Do not fall to ask us regarding this ranch. R. C. PETERS' 4k CO . Ground Flour, Be Bidg. ita-804 19 BARdAlN In $?O.0O0 ch'lce modern residence tor only as.uv; ioi larss enotigq lur mux additional houses, making gilt edged In vestment: within walking distance. Ad dress J 10, Boe. RE $0$ 19x 6-ROOM cottage nesr Grant and 19 th St., only r5J. v. I u aell on iu ' oowq, pal aaca $1$ per mouth. Bomla, Paxtun block. RK-6U 19 DO YOU WANT PA acres near R user's Park for 8406T This uad to be worth $ej an acre. Ownar suing to Canada and must sail. Just the plaoe for frjll and ehU-ksna. and Wurk In tusn. HaaUngi A HeydaO. 6i9 N. Y. Ufa bldg. KS-M4C9. WILLIAMSON CHARLEaJ C 14 f araAia atreot. )tE-$ iKVEN-room houst near jnd and. Seward Kl,. city water, (ut, eislora: baraiaio, i,tmu, bessls, Paawa luk, MJEM if FOH IALi-HEAL KSTATE. . JOHN W. ROBBINS. BARGAINS IN HOMES AND IN VESTMENTS. $6,600 Block of dwellings on paved street, close In; renta for 338. $4,750 10-room modern house and bsrn, east front, corner, on paved streets, one block from Hanscom park; rents t0. $4,0003 stores and $ cottagea, 13th and Wil liam; renta $618. $3,000 Two 8-room houses, modern except heat, In good locality; rents $408. $1,000 6-room house, partly modern, paved Btreet, fine neighborhood; renta $144. Cheap Building Lots. $1,600 60x155. 38th Ave., near Farnam. $1.050 37Hxl40, 2Stth St., south of Fnrnam. 3iW t2xlu0, Webater and 88th streets. $iO0 50x118, Marey and 82d atreeta. $i0 60X124, 3nth and Burdette streeta. If none of these suit, I can show you other bargains In every part of the city. DON'T BI Y UNTIL YOr SEE ME. FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM 8T. RE 793 1 F. D. WEAD. 6-room cottage on new car line, 36th and Fort; be quick I (room cottage, 1516 N. 26th, city water I TOO lust nut In aood repair 860 6-room cottage. 2634 Charles St.. nice home cheap 1,000 $-roora house, 3618 N. 27th, nice homo or ranroaa man 6-room house, 2812 Miami, newly painted and put In No. 1 repair.... 1.100 T-room house and barn, 4169 Cuming, on paved street, fully paid Two 9-room modern housea near Crelghton college. Just being put In first class repair 6,600 Two houses and lot, Uth and Daven port; snap 6,600 F. D. WEAD. 1624 Douglas. RE-S51 II RANCH ana farm lands for sale br the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAliester, land concmlesloner Union Pa clflo Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-U9 FINE RANCH, bargain; 1,400 acres, 227 cattle, 13 horses, good Improvements and machinery; 10 miles fencing, large lake; 1,000 tons hay; price, $11,500. Box 219, Bur well, Neb. RE M483 25x. FINE HOME NEAR HIGH SCHOOL. T rooma, all modern, small lot, ahade trees. Bargain at $3,600. CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON, Sola Agent B. J. Cogan, Salesman. PosHcaalun at unca. Owner leaving city. RE-782 19 GOING WEST? Want Land? Write us first. Small farms, large ranches, tracts for Investment or colony. Oregon or Washington. MCArtnur A. Mationey, Portlund, Oregon. RE 7S9 19x FARM AND RANCH LANDS - Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. 50c to $2 per acre for ranches. $) to $12 for good farm lands. One-tenth cash. Write for particulars to B. A. McALLASTER, Land'Comissioner.Union Pacific R. R. OMAHA. NEBRASKA, . FOR SALE, small farms of 10, $0 and 40 acres, near bt. Louis; suitable for trull and poultry raising. Free list. 8. H, Morton, Lincoln Trust bldg., Bt. Louis. KJiS 10-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks from ostotnee for sale cheap. 10$ N. 15th. enewa Co. RE $20 W. C. CH1BSELL, 833 N. Y. Life Bldg. Rlfi M3fa A7 ORDERED SOLD BY DISTRICT COURT. TWO 7-room modern houses Juat south of Leavenworth, renting at $3$ per month; if sold before July 26, $3.96v. r. J. Wead. 1524 Douglas. RE-S63 19 BARGAIN. TWO I-room houses, now renting at $13 per month; If sold mis ween, Dotn lira. F, D. Wead, 16J4 Pouglaa. Rt-62 19 CHOICE vacant lot, corner fth and Boule vard; make us oner, eomis. ruxton block. 19 FOll BKMT UOlv'SBS. UnilCCC n all parts. of the city. R. ars A Co., Bee Bldg. 4-lii FOR RENT, 7-roora house, all modern ex cept furnace. h4 N. th su, $30. C. M. Baukmau, 4M-37 Pastes blk. P M 14 O I In all parts of the city. The 6, HUUiW V. ttavia Co.. sun Baa Bldg. PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO. -Choice bouses. 6uI-o3 New Yoik Life Bldg. 'Phone 1)16. D-CIl WE MOVE pianos, Maggard Van Stor age Co. Tel. liiM. Omce. ITU Veboter Su D-661. pNE of the fine, alt modern, T-room brick TrrklnWteU FOR RENT,' ten-room modem house aaar High school, No; 413 North 32d street, la-, quire neat door or at 419 N. Y. Life build- fug. CENTRAL. lst-cls-JB T-room houaaON23 TWO 9-room houses, all modern, I1A.0Q. O. M. Bachmann, 436-8? Paxton, block. ' ' UM7J9 HOUSES, Insurance. ', Barker k. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Btoiase Co.. Office loll if Fanan, or Ttl- JJt 6-ROQU cottage, 2605 anklin VL D-p HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT, y modorn 9-room house, in nos con ditlon. Special lnducemeptg to desirable tenant. P4VNK. BOSTWICK A OO., 6M-$ N. Y. L. D U533 1$ 109 a 38TH ST., rooms, city water, $8; 124 N. 24th St., rooms, modorn, $4U; Oilers. Rlngwalt Bros,, jjjaxkar blk. D M6H 1$ 101$ 8. 3STH ST. 7-room modern bouse. ...$81 Flat in Normandle, 7 rooms , $06 HENRY F, DAI LEY, 'Phono F-SJ4. 601 Has Building, D IJh-il GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT, $34 8. 2oth t-room, modern, good (awn, shade, corner, St. Mary's ave., $J6. ft 10 Poppleton, le-r., modern. $30. tt'j6 St. Mary's ave., roofua, modern, walk ing distance, $30. 1914 Locust, t rooma, modern, large lot, lawn, guod location, $2T. 58. 291$ KhlrTey, 8-., luudora, $10. 2110 8, 34th, $ rooms, good, lit, 837 6. !d. $ rooms, barn, $1$. J6 N. 3bth. rooms. $13 69. tMO Seward. T rooms, bath, barn, $16. b jn. lotn street, nat, xta 0" is, win si reel, Ml B. Uth, 6 roc $317 !eey ave., $$ Cuming, 4-ro rooms. $1U. b . t rooma. $10. txn B. th. I rouma. $. liU 9. loth. 4 roma, VI MARVIN B H U B . , Com'l Nat'L Bank Bldg. csidg. iou4 rtnim m. t ian 19 18-ROOM brick dwellings, rooms good also and well finished, atrietly modera. on $ath, near Junes! $36 and $40 per month. Bouila. Paxtqa block, LW4H6 $9 JTOR RENT 8-room modern house. No. 1T19 Park A vs.; loo 7-roum houas, sooand for lsw S. Uth Bt, W, l Thtunaa. tint liafl Bank Bid. -ti-r FOIl REST HOISES. FURNISHED, nice, cool, modern house In Dundee for the month of August; no chil dren. R. C. Peters Co. D 806 19 CHAB. E. WILLIAMSON has several houses at special SUMMER PRICKS. Office, ground floor, U. 8. National Bank Bldg. D 7tf 19 9-ROOM modern furnished house, one block from car line; Kountse Place; until flept. 1. References required Mra. Redmnn 2201 Bpencer. D-831-19 4430 FARNAM 8 rooms, newly paperel and painted, gas. city water, stable, one block from cars. $30. "0 per month. W. Frirnim Bmlth A Co.. 1320 Farnam St. D .19-19 FOR RENT, T-room house, all modern. 2010 Poppleton Ave. D M7W 21x FOR RENT. 28 Dewey Are., 9-r. modern house, $30. 2623 Wirt St., 9-r. house, steam heat, fin repair, fine large yard, ahade treee, fruit, etc., good barn, $25. 24th and Locust, 7-r. modern cottage, new, $25. A -r. modem flat, 1104 N. 24th Bt., $16. 710 N. 40th St., an elegsnt 12-r. house, $50. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. D 771 19 FOR RENT, large warehouse. 68x75 feet; 4 stores with trackage; good for cold stor age. Large barn 80x96 feet on paved street, J. H. Parrotte. Paxton Block. D 833 19 FOR RENT, aeven-room house near In ; new plumbing; rrocelaln bath tub; rent low. Inquire at 607 N. T. Life Bldg. D M830 n $306 CALIFORNIA, $ rooms, good shape, $6. 1412 N. 17th, 3 rooms, city water, $10. $088 B, 18th ave., $ rooms, city water, ce mented cellar, In gooa snape, 17. 813 8. 36th. 6-roonr cottage, city water. $15. 2U36 Charles, 5-room cottage, city water, will put In good repair, $10 50. 4012 Nlcholaa, T rooms, modem, only $13. 140 N. 40th, splendid, new, 7 rooma, strictly all modern house, no. 2823 locust, choice. 7 rooms, strictly all modern cottage, a. W have two or three large, Btrlctly all modern houses at sow ana PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO., 01-$ N. Y. Life Bldg. D 824 19 BUSINESS CHAKCES. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. BU-314-315 Brown Block. Phone A-3337. WEEKLY BULLETIN OF BUSINESS CHXSCE4 AND INVESTMENTS. $809 buys half Interest In abstract and In surance business in Iowa county seat established 1 years. This Is particularly desirable. Stock of general merchandise for sale at 10 per cent less man invoice, uwn iuwu and sales average $io per day. Will on- slder, good, unencumbered land in trade $400 buys an established business clearing a larae Income. A good Investment for some one who does not wish to take time from otner Dusineas. $1,000 to $1,600 for patent on desirable artlole and complete plant ior munuiaciunng aams, with stoat and fixtures. New, up-to-date mill and elevator In good Nebraska town for $10,500. This Is lesj than the property cost, ownera noi prao' Uval millers. One-half interest In best known Omahl bottling worka. Money needed to Increase the business. Now clearing $.uu per month. MOO for furniture In modern 22-room hotel steam heat, rent $2a. Located In gooi Iowa town. $1,000 buys grocery located In bast residence district. Everything new and clean, atock fresh and doing a good business. This la a splendid proposition. Fine saloon for $1,400. Sales from $40 to $50 per day. It you wish something aesirauie tola will bear oloaesl investigation. IF TOU HAVE ANYTHING TO BELL OR TRADE, NO HAi'lUK W MAX 11' 18, WHERE LOCATED OA WHAT IT IS WORTH, LIST WITH US FOrt QUICK BALIS. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. Y 821 19 FOR SALE, br administrator, good clean stock or general merchandise In good brick bullalng in good location, ready to begin business at any time; Invoice about $0,000; must be sold soon. Call on or address B w. Chambers, administrator, Blulr, Nso. X-aJ 171 WHEN you want to buy, aell or exchange any property or business quick, see J. 11 . C-- aim .t " 11.- v ml e j. t Y-317 FOR 8ALB A small stock of drugs In Franklin county. This Is an al opening tor pnyaicinn. ' Aoareas it w, uoe. r Y-M405 19x CONCESSIONS granted for Old Settlers picnic, to pa neia August ix; merry-go-round and other attractions wanted, Apply to Conoeaslona commutes, Tien nington, e. i ix FOR SALE House and furniture; only $3 lay hpuaa In town of l,BuD: beat location In norlheaat Nebraska, For further poJT ucuiara, write to n vmaim, nrn, Y-MJS 29. MILK DBPOT rood milk route and team of horses, everything complete; will sell pom or separate; reason leaving town, 20U3 Grace St. Y-M&00 19? IS PER CENT WEEKLY You can handle your own money and realize an average Inooane at the above rate. Bend for our free booklet, which explains our Leyj92 In. f. teprse f, Reynolds , Co.. Hawthorne, 111. V i9l 19x How f2Q.OO Euncd 1,027.00 in One Week. Get the story from one who accomplished this through otfr avti:e, hand) ng his ! monev. Vilte us. Star A Crescent Co. (Incorporated), li6-22s LaSallt St., C. il ea go. Y 758 14 -t FURNISHED flat, 10 rooms, also flat ad joining, now rented unfurnished; choice purl of town; pays o0 above 'cxpeusu monthly. BARQA.IN. J 8, Be. FOR 8ALK or trade, manufacturing busi ness; a fortune for a hustler; value $l,ia) to $l,6i0. J 7, Bee. V-SuO 19 "TONQPAH," richest mining camp ever discovered. For particulars. tree of charge, address Hlrschler & Montague,, Han Franciaco, Cal. Y 7S0 Ibx INCORPORATE under the oroad, liberal laws of congress. We secure you a high grade charter at smallest cost. NO annual taxes. Information free. Federal lncor pvfMtlng Cm,, Washington, P. C. A PMYS1CIAN located In a amall city or town wlla $1,000 to Invest can learn of an opening which will bring a 6o per cent profit immediately. No change of locality or Interference with present praotloa. In vestlgtiu. H, M. Pope, 39 Bute St., Chi cago. T-r4i-lU WANTKD-Partney to. open special mercan tile and collection business. Young man acquainted with newspaper publisher! and who can furnish bauk, Uradturoet or Dun relorenco preferred. Villi require about Ova hvu4rd dillars. AUdroaa. J 2. Baa. Y-73W19X. HTMUVl lirn UAMTU aiitM.UJ . t - no experience necessary. Chloago Oil rowaer company, uranq L-rossing, ill. Y-79 19x $20 EARNS 3S00 WEEKLY One nhannm onally aucoeasful operations still continue; stralghtfurward Investment methods hon orably conducted on legitimate business rrtnciplee by Americas must successful urf brokers; extraordinary, exclusive In formation fadlltlee; thousands endorse Our dally threa-horse. guaranteed winning special; talegraphvd anywhere $6 weekly; aoeoiuieiy sale; nanuia money yourseir: booklet, telegraph code. free. Prudential Bureau, Assessors' Bldg., Chicago. THI8 BEATS NEW JERSEY." Charters tirouured under South Dakota laws for a few dollar. Write for corporation laws, blanks, by-lawa and forma to Philip Law fen, Lata aaalaotnt eeerstary of state, liuroo, Boadle oouuty, irVstUl Dakota. Y 7U l PROPERTIES MAS AGED. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Manage Estates and Other Properties Act as RECEIVER, EXECUTOR, GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE for cokp9rati0ns, firms, Individuals. and fiscal agents of CORPORATIONS. 320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064. Bl'SIKESS CHAJtCES. EXTRA DIVIDEND NOTICE A TRIED AND PROVEN GREAT MONEY MAKING ENTKHFKIPB. For thirty years C. E. Rand haa promptly luiiilied ail contracts to nis oo-operaiors and Investors. The C. E. Rand Compiny, oo-operatlve owners of race horses and general turf enterprises, receive Invest ments of twenty dollars and upward, for which they have never paid leas than three per cent per week on every dollar Invested. Dividends are remitted to all Investors on Wednesday of each weak. All Investments subject to withdrawal with Interest to data upon demand. Those having a little Idle money would do well to become thoroughly acquainted with all details of the business. Financial and professional references covering a period of thirty years. Write for particulars. THE C E. RAND COMPANY. $3 BROADWAY. N EW YORK CITY. On July 1, 1903, we paid to all our In vestors an extra quarterly dividend of 84 per cent and this was In excess of the I per cent regular weekly dividend. Next quarter dividend duo October 1, 1903. T 72 19s: FOR SALE, a blacksmith shop with tools. f ixtures an up to aate. A nrsi-ciass lo cation; also a email residence and barn. For a bargain address G. R. Hughes, Dotham. Mo. Y M767 20x FOR SALE, $500 buys photo gallery and Duiiaing. good city ana good trade, write M. E. kL, 1224 Evans Ave., Pueblo, Colo. Y-766 19x IT'S ALL IN KNOWING WHERE. Your money may lie Idle or multiply Itself rapidly, we know where to place small Bums so as to return big profits. We've been aoing it ror if years ror others wiy not now for youT' Write- for Information. Fttsgerald & Well, Bankers and Brokers, 182 and 184 La Salle St., Chicago. Y 766 19 $26 EARNS $10 In eighteen days. Write for particulars ana agencies, u. p. iticnaras A Co., Maclntyre Bldg., 874 Broadway, New York. Y 75$ 18x $100 EARNED $208 during month of Juno. Accounts or $100 and upward handled. Statements dally. Settlements 1st of each month. If you are Interested In success ful turf speculation address James Rob erta, Lock Box 61, Jersey City, N. J. Y 768 19x FOR SALE, good law library, good busi ness, good town. A snap, t. V, Allen, 1106 O St., Lincoln. Neb. Y 780 19 26 PER CENT weekly Is what our system yields; amounts irora o up accepted, based on guaranteed system which never falls; It costs nothing to get particulars. In active operation three years. No "get. rch-qulck" Ideas. Safe conservative prin ciples; financial references; satisfied clients. No stock or grain speculation, but an avenue of continual profit which will surprise you. Address Raymond 4k Co., 160 Washington, Chicago. Y 817 19x BUY WHEAT AND CORN "NOW." $100 Invested In Oraln or stocks by our "Modern Method Plan - snouia resuu in large profits within 30 days. Write for particulars and send for our free booklet. 'Modern Methods for Safe Investment." Flower A Co., Bankers and Brokers, Tradars' Bldg., opp. Board of Trade, Chi cago. Y-726 19x WHOLESALE and retail ttquor store, es tablished In 1877, In central Nebraska, will Invoice stock, doing a good business Owner wishes to retire. A splendid op portunity. W'm. Madgett, Real Estatu, Hastings. Neb. Y PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS 8KCURED OR FES RETURN ED. Sena model or sketch for FREE opinion as to patentability. Bend for il lustrated GUIDE BOOK and list of In veutlons wanted, finest publications iaauod for free distribution. Contains valuable information regarding patents, trade marks and copyilghtsi how to obtain and sell Ilium; 100 mechanical movements, slo. Patents secured by us advertised free In the PATiNT RECORD, SAMPLE COPIES FREE. Address, EVANS. WILKIN'S ft COy. Registered Attorneys, Xt F St., Washing ton, D. C. T CASH for your r1 estate or business, no matter where located. If you desire a quick sals send us desorlptlon and price. Northwestern Business Agopcy, Bank Of Commerce Diag., Minneapolis, aninn. FREE, 109 lots to advertise Edgewata Park, suburbs Naw York. Send stamp for dued 2i feet. Bank referancsa, Sea side Homes Co., 187 B way. N. T. Y CONFECTIONERY and stationery store, with soda fountain In Black Hills gold mining town of 8.600 population; doing 31.PU0 per monin casn; maae nig pronts. Will sell II at Invoice $4(00. C. W. Barker, Lead. 8 9. u. x AN established cereal food company de sires ths services of reliable man to f 11 reaonBiUla position; eo'iiuenadUnn $3,000 per annum; highest references required and given. Address Auditors' department. ties 443, tsaius vreex, Alien. x-. INT. In hardware bua. In large eastern Washington city; $S,80ft. Gen'l mdse. stock, Tlskilwa, III,: $6.50- Complete photo, gallery, Ouray, Colo., $1,600. Cigar bus. and buffet. N. y. City.; Creamery plant and tnsch'y, Greenwich, O. Sanitarium ana 3 A-, poise, imuio; iia.ui.iu. Stork queensware and glassware, Jefferson Vu... , . 1 .... .0 KSMt. .Htnllu In- pr ted. Fully oopd. poultry farm, 36 A., near Free port, 111.; bua. well est.; $16,009. Grocery and queensware stock, Bedford. la. W. M. UBTKAWPftH,, p. A. (iis., i-mia, FOR SALE, at a bargain, bakery and con fectionery, good looaiion; eieunni ooua fountain, fixtures and furniture nearly new; will aell on one year's 'lime, with approved aecurlty. Address Mrs. F.J B. Baker. Wast Point. Neb. Y-MSM FOR SALE or trade, laundry plant and m m V vl - mtr li t aJ AO Se business. Address nsu, ms. i WILL sell energetic business man U.W) stock In corporation with $30 0u9 paid up capital; purchaser to take position a as sistant buelneas manager at $l.fO per year. Aasets of corporation over $36.0uo. Address J 1$, Boa. , Y-61 19 FOR aEXCHAHOB. TO EXCHANGE Mdse., farms, lands, hotels, mills, business and resldenee prop erties. Over $.tt)0 properties for sxehanga. Send full description of what you have for exchanga. Cedar Rap Kuuort pannier, mi. jcij, :plds?la. S-17-18 TO EXCHANGE We havs a largs number of good farms to exchange for stocks of merchandise. Send partloulara of your stock and we will get you a gooJ deal H, Mather. Est. 1676. Cedar Kspljlowa. TICKET BBOKBItl. CITT RATE railroad tleheta everywhere. P, II, PhUoln. V Farpauj. 'PhunejMj TRANCE MEDirM. SEND t6o and stamp, with date of birth, and get tranus reading of your past, pres ent and future. I toll full names, dates, age and date of marrtage, speculation, di vorce, changes, ete., and tefl whet her the one you love n true or (also; ffurr-ta4 satisfaction Address Mm. Do Vera, Loca Box ilt. Kansas City, Mo. 7U 19a TnlilKI AXD ItAOUAGR. THE DEPOT on time. O. M. E. Tel. 780. ft LEGAL NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR 8ITE AND DONA TIONS FOR A NEW STATki NORMAL SCHOOL. in accordarcs with House Roll No. 1, a bill for an aet to locate and establish one (1) additional state normal school, and to provide for the erection of buildings, pay ment, maintenance and receiving donations for the same, the Board of Kdurntlon of the stats normal school hereby solicit pro posals for donstlons to the state of a suit able Bite for an additional state normal school, but said proposed Bite must Include a suitable tract of land not less than twenty (20) acres In extent, said land to be worth at least seventy-rive ($75) dollars per acre, and Bald location of site for said BChool must be west of a point not ex ceeding five miles east of the ninety-eighth meridian, Bald donations or proposed do nations for a site may Include a building or buildings, and each proposals may also Include donations of money or duly regis tered municipal bonds to the state for the use and Denent or sucn normal scnooi. am such proposals shall be In writing and transmitted to the secretary of said board In sealed envelopes, which shall be opened In the presence of ssid board on Tuesday. July 28, 1903. at t o'clock p. m., In the office of the superintendent of public In struction In the csnltol building at Lincoln, Nebraska, "and the properties mentioned In said proposals shall be examined and Investigated by said board and the ad vantages and disadvantages of said pro posed site shall be considered, snd said board In accepting or reSectlng any pro Dosal shall take Into consideration the lo cation of such proposed site, the chnracter and value of the same, tne cnaracter and value of the building or bulldlnas thereon. If any, whether such bulldlnss thereon are proposed to be donsted or sold to the state, or to ha nartlv donated anV nartlv sold the amount of money, If any, proposed to be donated or the value of any bonds ac companying Burh pronossl, and may accept Buch proposed donation and locate Buch normal school upon such site which, In the Judgment of such board under all the facts and circumstances, may appear to be for the best Interests of the state In the premises By order of the Board of Directors of the late normal scnoois, WILLIAM K. FOWLER. Secretary Board of Education, Superln tendent of Public Instruction. GEORGE ROGERS, President Board of Education. Lincoln, Neb.. July 10, 1903. Jy lid Htm NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR STATE PRINTING. Bids will be received by the State Print ing Board at the office of the secretary of state at Lincoln, Nebraska, on or before 3:80 o'clock p. m., July 27, 1903, for printing 1,000 copies state geological report, pari i, volume z; wv copies mn annual report, department of banking; 2.000 copies ''con solidation of school districts;" 7(10 copies supreme court calendar, September term; 1,000 copies state banking low; 1.000 copies senate file No. 222; 1,600 copies compilation of Insurance laws; also blank bonks, print ing and stationery supplies for the follow Inar named state Institutions and depart ments: Supreme court. Oams and Fish commission, Mllford Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, Beatrice Feeble Minded Institute, Llnooln Insane hospital, Hasting Insane hospital. Grand Island Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, State Historical society, state archi tect, labor bureau, banking department, Irrigation department. Insurance depart ment, stats treasurer, auditor of public accounts, adjutant general, secretary of state and governor. Specifications for same can be found on file In the office of the secretary of state. All blda must be accompanied by a bond equal in amount to the probable cost of the work bid upon. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. STATE PRINTING BOARD. By LOU W. FRAZIER, Secretary to the nc'oln, Nebraska, July 16, 1903. July 17d5t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be reoelved until 13 o'clock noon of Saturday, August 1, 1903, at the office of the undersigned In Lincoln, room 101, Central building, State university, for the construction of a dairy barn and a shop building on the unlveralty farm near Lin- coin, accoramg to plana ana ueuuiua' tlons for said buildings on flla in the office nt ti. simerlntendent of construction, room 112 of laid Central building. Blddera must accompany their propositions by a certified check on some Lincoln bank, payable t.) the University or Nebraska, in tne sum oi one hundred dollars for each building bid upon. Said checks will be held as guar anty for the execution of contracts, fur nishing schedules of materials, quantities and prices and for furnishing bonds as required In caae of acceptance of a bid or bids and as a forfeiture In case a success ful bidder falls within a reasonable time to enter Into contract according to his bid and furnish the schedulea of materials and prices and bond thereon. Bids must be signed, sealed, addressed to the under signed and be plainly marked with the bld dera' name end the name of the building or buildings bid upon. In all caacs where bonds are requtred security company bonds only will be accepted. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Address the undersigned at Lincoln, Nebraska, Sta tic n A. 3. S. DALES, Secretary. Jy 19-23 M Sealed bids will be received at the of fice of secretary of state up until 12 o'clock noon of July 29. 19DS, for" lumber for use at 8. & S. noma at Grand Island as per arahltect's esiimate on Ale in the office of secretary of state. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. QEOROE W. MARSH, Secretary of Board. J19 d 10 tm RAILWAY TIMB CAItD. (JNIQ STATION 30$'H AND MAHtV. Union Pacific. Leave. ..a 9.40 am Arrive, a T:60 pm a $;iai pm Overland Limited. . The Fast Wall California Express Pacific Express.... Eastern Express. .. ....a 4;M pm ....all:S0 pm a 6:30 pm a 7:80 am $ 40 am ;40 am 'i ho Atlantic Expresa... The Colorado Special,, .a T;10 grn Chlrago Special....,..,., Lttcoln. Beatrice ana StrnirtRburg Express.. b 4:00 pm bU K) pra North Platte Txcal..,...a 8:n0 am a 6:19 pm Grand Island Local..,.,! i 6:30 Dm 'b i.ii am Chloasjp. jHUwsakrt St. Paul. Chicago Daylight a 7:46 am a;16 ptn Chicago Fust Expresa., a- 6:45 pin a 3:40 pm utiles ro Limited a 8:06 pni a T:M km pes Moines Express, ...a 7:46 am a :40 pm Vntcaso A artbvt astern. "The .ortliastain Line." Fast Chicago a 3.40 am a 7;00 am Mall ,...a 8:00 pm a 8:30 am Luoal Sioua City., a 6:10 am a 3:80 pm Daylight tit. Puul a 7 .44 am alo.J, pm Davllght Chicago "0 m all: 10 pin Local Chicago all:3oam a 6;lu pm Local Cedar Rapida .1U pm Limited Chicago ........a 816 pro 1 acuJ Carroll a 4.'.J pin a 9:16 am .eu am Fast Chicago a i:Mi pin a 8:46 pm Fast Si. Paul a pm a 8:1s am Fast Mail Local Sioux City b 4 00 p.n Norfolk A Bonesteel....a 7:S.'. am Uneoln A Long Pina....t 7:36 am a 3:4it pni o tu am al0:36 am blO.36 am Cklcngs. llook Islanal A Paciae EAST. Chicago Daylight L t d.. a $ 65 am a 3 50 an. Chicago L'ayiigtn vociu.a am a s: pm Chicago Express 011.1a am a 6:4e pm Dea Molnea express.... a a pm uu.uo am Chicago Fast Axpr;tis..a pm a I. J pm WEdT. Rocky Mountain L t d. .a T:3o am a Tt36 am Lincoln. Colo, npringa. flanvar. Puebll. Slid West ... a:ipm a enx; pm Colo.. Texas, Cal. Oklahoma Flyer.. anc ....a f :40 pm aU.40 pes Wabash. St. Louie "Cannon Ball" Express a 6 66 pm a 1:19 am Bt. Louts Local, coun cil Bluffs a 9:18 am al0:30 pm Mlaasnrl PaclBs. Bt. Louis Express a!0:00 am a 8:26 nm si- C. 4 81. L Ex alO.W pm a 6:16 am IlUanla tontsnt. Chicago Express a T:38 am a 6:19 pm Chicago, Minneapolis A El. Paul Limited a T-69 pm a 8:06 am Minneapolis A St. Paul Expr ess b 7:86 am blO:3S pm Chloago Local 10 -ie am Chicago Express al0:36 am WKIITRR DBPOT tSTH a WEB9TBR, Ckiraco, ti. Feuslj Minneapolis i Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ..a 9:80 am a 9:10 pm ftj rirv T1 mil a 1 .00 pm al1.:!) am Oakland Local b 6.46 pm b $.46 am hUarl raaisc. K.hraaka Local Via W'erpiug Wator b $00 pm al0 3i am CKIeann A Kortbweetora, gskrsaks and Wyoming Ulvtslsn. Black Hills. DeadwooA tad. Hi fcprings a 1:09 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming. Casper and Douglas 4 f 69 pn 1:00 pm HastiiiMa. lyra. uavia Clty,liuprlor, Oancva. ataetw and Seward.... taw pas k 6:99 pi 411. WAY TIMB rARDCoatlaaod. BCHLlftCTOH STATION 10 TH 4ft MABOV tasas City, St. Joseph A t'oaacll lllaBs, Kanaas City Day Ex. ..a $15 am a $ 08 pni St. Louis Flyer a " pm aU:05 am Kanssa City Night Ex .alO 30 piu a .U aw Uorllacte-" A Mlssosjrl Hlver, UtT Arrive. Wymore. Beatrice and , Lincoln a $ 60 am bl2:06 pro Nebrasl.a Expresa a $:M am a 7 4a pa) Denver Limit. a 4:10 pm a :46 am Black Hills and Puget Sound Express all:10 pm a 1:16 pm Colorado Vestibule; Flyci a $ 10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b J:61 pm a 9 0$ am Fort Crook and Platt- mcuth b 8:20 pm W0 8S am Rellevue A Pacific Jet. .a 7:80 pm a $.37 am Believue tc Ps clflo Jct..a $:60 am Chlcnao, IlnrllDsTton A Qalacy. Chlcngo Special a 7 00 am a 8:56 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:46 am Chicago Local a 9:18 am all:00 pm Chicago Limited a l.u pra a 7 to am Fast Mali a 3:40 po i pm a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally excjpt Saturday, e Dally except Monday. grtSAMSHlfft. ANCHOR UNI IT. 8. MAIL STEAMSHIPS. NgW YORK, LO.NDONl'KHRT AND 0LA8OOW,. KBW YORK, OIPRALTAR AND NAPLES. Superior se-ommodatlons. Excellent futitn. The Comfort of Pwwiiicmi Crfullr t:otuli!ril ilsils or Bound Trip TlrkrU Imued b(wen New York sua Bcotrh. Bnslntl. lrlih snd til principal continental pointa it urctlTt rstta. Bend tor Book of Tours. For tlckrta or canaral lnlormatloe applr to any local aatnt of tba Anchor Llna or to HRNLiERSON DHG3., Oan'l Asenta, Cnleafo, III. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE Naw Twin-Bcraw Sdwmara ol 11.100 Toos NEW YOKK ROTTERDAM, via BOULOONfc Salilaf WadnaaOay at la A. M. Rotterdam Julr Ml Rrodan Aug. 18 rotadam Au. ft Noortam Aug- N taiaailan An. llRoitardam . ..saptamoar 3 UOLLANO-AMHKICA LINK, 111) Drarliora St., Chleaso, 311. Harry Mooraa, 1(01 raroam St., C. Rutharford, 1133 Fini.a at., i. B. Remolds. IK farnam at. CHINESE CARPENTER'S FEAT His Method of Mending; a Hole la tas Floor Astonished a Can. ensstan. "Did you aver get a Chinese carpenter to stop up a holo In the floor?" asked on flat dweller of another. The other had to admit that he had not. Then the first pro-' ceeded to tell his wonderful tale, which the listener would not believe until he tried an Oriental for the same purpose the next month. 'There was a worn place In the floor that; needed patching, and I thought I'd show my wife what a carpenter I was, ao X sawed a square section of the planks out. But I cut my hand the first minute and had to send for the Chinaman, who had a shop right around the corner. When ho' got to the door he grunted something that sounded like it might mean 'Where?' and I pointed to the square holo In a dark corner. " 'Wow,' he Bald, as ho squinted at it a minute. Then ha turned around and walked out. I thought well, I didn't know what to think, I was bo amased. I couldn't understand his giving up such a simple Job. I was still puzcllng over It a half an hour later when I heard a knock. He said 'wow,' or some other word Ilka it and and held up square board. Then ha walked over to the dark corner of the room and what do: you think? He put the square in it and it fitted just as If It had grown there. And he had Juat taken a peep at the hole from where he was standing In the door," The flat dweller's tale la no fairy story,. That's the way a Chinese carpenter stops a hole in the floor. New York Tlmot. LABOR AND INDUSTRY. The mines and quarries of the world em ploy 4,500,000. Florida's orange and pineapple crop le estimated at $2,600,000. The highest point for wages reached be fore the panic In 1893 has now been - f rained or passed practically am) in all lnes of work. The Order of Railway Conductors of America will meet at Portland, Ore., In 1905. The call has been Issued for the general convention of the Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, which will meet In Salt Lege City, beginning September 14. It is stated that there are 2,114 children under 16 years of age employed In the f4C torles of California. There are 227 lead oencll factories In dnr. many, which employ 2,81$ persona and ex- ori year i.oia tons oi pencils, worth 2,000,000. There are ursward of ES 00(1 memhera In United Brotherhood of Hallway Employes, which woa organized In January, 1901. The quarterly bulletin Issued by the New York state department of labor allows un paralleled prokponty for the first quarter of this year and an increase in trade union mmtiueiBiup in mui siaie or aov.zat in g.uca unions. Greater New York has 818,000 of the unionlsta. Of Alaska's shlDmants to tha TTniiai States but SO per cent in valua Is gold, The valus of canned salmon alone Is $8,409,. 004, or a million more dollars than Mr. Bowsrd. as secretary of slain, paid for the pountry, One publication in New York usee 140 tons of paper a day. This reni-eaenta th rulp from thirty acres of timber taken runk and branch or seventeen square nilles or virgin forest per annum. At present there are about aeventv-Ava' persons engaged in gun-cutting In tho United Bta lee, with not far from $6,000,000 hliiiui invesiea. i nera are probably about 00 skilled lapidaries at work, earning an average of $1,000 a piece per year. The PhlladelDhla A Read In a- rwa. h.a placed In operation a type of locomotive having a Single Dalr Of drlvlna- aahaala such us Is commonly used la England for high-speed passenger service. Two of them York. between Philadelphia and New TWO BtuduntS Of fornall linlvaralt V. . .... discovered that by usiiur higher tmr,r. ature and electrical currents In the refining pi cupper tne cost, which Is now $5 a ton. - m icuumu Dy Uttll. A Bout (ae,0U0,Ou0 worth of copper is refined in this country annually, and $12,000.0u0 worth of silver and $4 OOO.OuO worth of gold are recovered therefrom. The average dally wage of English rail way employee set against that In tpe United Statea la as follows: Engine driv ers, $1 90, against $3.78 In the United States! tircmen. 31. UJ. aialnii t. li: o,.,.,i,w....r. $1.30. against $3.17; other trainmen, 9a cents! against $3; machinists, $1 , against 2. 62 J ""'"","' aiaimi as.iai; aecuon fora men. $1.SS. against $1.71; trackmen, 74 cents, agunst $l.i3; switchmen, flagmen and watchmen, 84 cents, against $1.74: telerranh operators, $1.13 In Englajid, against $1.98 in Amerloa, The Porto Rico Federation of Labor, a branch of the American Federation of "a'i roquesiea novtmor Hunt to In. vestlgate the condition of labor on certain sugar plantations there. Poverty-stricken laborers, robbed in every way, paid 40 cents a day, compelled to accept ''chips" insists or money ror tser wages and to trade only at tha plantation stores, whore Inferior goods are sold at exorbitant prices, etc., are a few of the sudfloaUons. Ths matter Is of such Imoort that President Oompers Is going to Porte Blso to investi gate, The following Incident fom lakes one of the reesuhB why the man In the employ of Clarence H. Mackay, presldont of the Postal Telegraph company, gwear by hlmi Mr. Maekay was somiiig down In an ele vator of the Postal building In New York the other day and noticed tho operator per spiring In his heavy gray uniform. "Why don't you wear a lighter eoatT ' he Bald. r ettsw ' no said. ,h answer, ''end ear it It I had.'7 key laud an or- 1 haven t any, ' wag th tney wouian l let me i That afternoon Mr. Mack der. 'lhe elevator man aj gmenee were to wear black ali'ac. ooatg and the goaWI wsre to be provided by the oompeny. There aye fully 600,0uft ocemotlvee In this aouatry. The Pennsylvania road builds I'M locomotives a year, There ae probably evO.Otd masaenger, baggAge, cipiess, parlor, sleeping and mall cars. Th cost of a standard freight car la 97M With wooden underwork, and $1."9 for stoel vnderfranio, Th stanaard ear la thirty-aig luot long, eight by lght and a naif Inside measute. The rapaelty is from (O.ObO to lut.OOe pounds. The life le from ten to twelve, years. Th cost of a Standard. tocomoUv U $10,000 to 112.00 Unk 000; flal'l oq wbela, pounds; eapacllT. vaiion. 6.6M vallena, and eoal bin. ton to twantg to as as. pa ally. R