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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1903)
le THE OMATIA DAILY HEEi SUNDAY, JULY 10, 1903. SPECIAL NOTICES r ' "' eslll bo takea 111 IS for h events edltloa and til H:BO a. far muralaa aad Bandar edition. Riltt, 1 1-Je ward Srst lasrrtlea, la a ward thereafter. Notfclac takea far less thai SOa for tha flrat laser (las. These advertleesseate aaaat a raa eoaeecatlvely. Advertisers, ay reejestlST sa bered ehttk, cu kin aawara ad dressed to a asbered letter la rara at Tit Be. Aaawara aa addressed will a delivered araaaataUoa at taa kaaa only. SITUATIONS WAITED. BOOKKEEPER, well recommended, want position. Address II 64. Hee. A Mi tax ENERGETIC and capable man desires per manent position; age 28; college gradu ate; has experience and ability as a salesman; willing to start low If oppor tunity Is given to advance; highest ref erences given. Address ll aa, uee. A M478. . . , II. 1.1. MHn OR A M- AP 1 tuu 1DU I -1 in urn mni. .' - - . I slrea a position; prefrrs out of town bank I or omer clerical wum. i. . . ' Carroll. Ia. A-mms . WANTED HJXB HELP. THE BUUMCR TERM BOYLES COLLEGE la now open, yet It la not too lata to outer. cvsry uay is sure - . - Business, shorthand, typewriting. Bag Uah. Oat a catalogue. H u. Buy LEU, President. Tat 1984, NTT. Ufa Bid., Omaha. ... o Lbs WANTED Good all Address H 86, Baa. round blacksmiths. u ws PLUMBER wanted In a good, lire town; plenty of work, uartman b. r I WANTED, for United Btates army, able bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 36; cltUens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Vnr infnrmaiion sddIv to recruiting of ficer. 16th and Dodge Sta.,, Omaha, and Orand Island, Neb. it AH, a. " CARRIAOH PAINTER, FIRST CLAB8 MAN. Highest wages. D. W. Camp Bon, Lin' aalo. Neb. CARRIAGE! BLACKSMITH, PiRHIiHB WOODWOKKER. k . mrA atMArfv nnaitlnf. fne first class man; light work. D. W. Camp at Bon, unouiu, B M488 lit. WANTED Four railroad machinists. Ad drees William Smith. .Superintendent Mo tive Power and Cars. D. M. N. Ry. Co., Proctorknott, aunn. u. tlooONH HUNDRED DOLLARS-100 REWARD. rm hundred dollars reward will be paid for Information leading to tha arrest of ; George Trexler, who absconded, with his Wile, rrom weei rtnni,, DM.iuruujr it with a small bay livery team and new buggy belonging to me. Address Earl Reppert, West Point, Nab. U-MiU WANTED, a carpenter; steady work. Ad- dresa Joseph Bhlesiger. contretorVutan, BPBCIALTY salesmen, wa have a proposl Neo. oao.vj UoR tor thrM men capable of earning AnvteTtTISING soUoltors: position In Mtn nespoUa tor two up-to-date advertising soUoltors; state experience, oumpeniauon expected ; give reierenoee. jiaareaa xiusi' ness Manager. 401 Dayton blda -MS03 20x BOOKMEN Why not oome to tha cool northwest for aummert Work new en- mmi nnM . njiiYir .a.BTU.n nuvur iiiiw cyclopedia being advertised heavily now In dally newspapers; transportation fur nished, write tor particulars 10 w. B, Hallam, Wast Hotel, Minneapolis. B-M506 30x DUU U1.H . VJ W111VI W V. v , must be quick at figures; state age and salary expected. Address H 67, Hee of- noe, o exi irx WANTED 18 flrst-olasa union plasterers to work on the mint, wagea 16 per day and long job; also 10 man on solence building, Denver, Colo., B M613 Siix WANTED Cabinet makers; steady work, H. Ehrllch di Sons' factory. St. Joseph. Mo. B MK 24 WlrMg...i7HnitL maehlne. IL Ehrllch di Sons' factory. SL Joseph. Mo. B M527 23x WANTED Men everywhere, good pay. to distribute ciroulars, adv. matter, tack lima, etc: no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau. Chicago, B MDJ6 lx WANTED Person to call on retail trade and aa-ents for manufacturing house: local territory: salary 119.70. paid weekly: ex- SET unecessVrXbu1 enoe unnecessary, Dusiness surceexrui, I enclose slf-addreasea envelope. Stnndnrd House. Chicago. B M623 19x WANTED, stone cutters and granite cut- tors; wages nrst-class men, 60c per hour. Aberorombis atone co., Bt. josepn. mo. B M532 20 "WtT A UflPTl m vniii. n. Man a Kn. . A A leV tSSd. a'nd "take care of ho'rse and cow. addit ins Firntm. H Mivti is i WANTED Experienced teacher for short hand and typewriting. Address Tha Smith-premier Typewriter Company, cor. inn ana iinum bib., uraana, in en. B 636 20 WANTED Young man II or 20 as shipping . c.erx. AaarMj j o, tie ornce. ' B-6M 20x WANTED Ham boner and roller and eel. lar men. also hog gutter. Agar Pkg. Co., ues aioines, ia. ii no is DETF.CTIVE8 Every locality, rood ealsrv. experience unnecessary. International De tective Agency, Milwaukee, Wia . . B 741 19x WANTED, credit man to call on" manu facturers and iobbers: muit be camhle. enerjtetlo and convincing. Call or addreas im Mccague jiiog. b jo lax WANTED, salesmen In shoe department; must have had experience. Applv J. L, uranaeia at Bona b M849 n YOUNG man for woodenware department in oig wmana store; rive reference, ex perience ana age. - j K, nee, a tm l YOUNG man, $16 weekly; permanent, artis- . tlo employment at home; no experience needed; material furnished; enclose stamped, addressed envelope. Ticket Co., . iu Bai ju ox., new xora. t iiz I9x MANAGER wanted In every larae countv. "Game o' Skill" nickel slot machine for drinks, cigars or money; takes place of xoruiuuun ioi iiiarninea, strictly lawful everywnere; reniea or sold on easy pay menu; eu.vw now in use. i unnlnehnm , Furniture Co., Department 66. Chicago, in. 11140 rjx OOV HHH M ENT (tvil Service Exaini tatlom will soon be held In every state. Full hi , formation and sample question free on request. CulunWn C"rrepoi.Ueiioj vrol- lege. wasnington. u. J. B WANTED Good luducemente for cornet. clarinet and flute ilavern Ai1dr-a leader Fort Crook Bund, . Fot ( rojk. WANTED, men t learn barber trade. We guarantfo positions und give an outfit of tools. Our dlploniaa nexiM graduates to top wagee. 0'M1 season to begm. full or write, Moler iiarber College, no Doug. las bt. o-Mi'n .-4x FINANCIAL oorporatlon offers excellent oni'oi tunliy to a men of characttr n.l ability who can well bonds snd hkli graje aeourlttes. Addrei-ii National Securities and Finance company. K44 Nattonil Life building, cnicago. u,vi mi An annortunltr muit be eoiight and rrasned at once. Are you making the most of yours or are you drifting Ws ne'J more eampetent. high-grade men to fir. open Inaa of all kinds executive, clerical aud technical. It you are not getting all you are worth, or ir you desire tv change, write today for plan and booklet, llap goods (Incorporated;, Suite 6J0, Mouadnnck I Buiming. inicago. . u HOW ABOUT your salary? Is It larire enough? It not, we can increase It. We hsve a system for obtaining employment for capable people that cannot called. Write for our plan and booklet; II I free for the asking Ararrtcnn fc) n rlnvment Rxrhange, 431-43 Water at., tittsuurg, ra. u .t ux WANTED Thre high-grade Insurance I TWO young women, common school educa Bien for district reai.atteis In Neb. for up- I ration, to take training In cursing, mae-to-date fraternal order; good salery to I age and hydretherapy in Omaha-Plor-light partuaa, A4dreaa M. Ii. Getter, I Jn- I ence Sanitarium. For term write to Ban- coiu. lseo. Ii WANTED MALE nt,r. Now Is tha partloulsr time to get BOYLES COLLEGE CATALOGUE. It contains CO pages and seta forth the work of this popular school In facts, figure and pictures. It Is free. Call, write or phono for It today. THfl CATALOG U 10, THE FALL TERM Omaha Commercial College, r n - t- . -r m.AI asms n rA Wf"3aB OV I "M LA LfTTI A. X J BCUUI lia aaaress you wui receive omeuun u. iu teret to you. write i once 10 ROHRBOUGH BROS., OMAHA, NEB. ENERGETIC man as district uperlntend- ent to manage our pueines in your own and nearby towns; salary, 140 monthly ana expenses; nonemy arm lourni; uiui essential than experience. National Sil verware Co.. 720 Chestnut fit-, Philadel phia. B-80S 19x EARN 111 weekly proofreading; employers supplled. Home Correspondence School, Philadelphia- o AX.BSME1Y WANTED, IF TOU ARB A SALESMAN and making less than i.uu a witi, wme u. iuur, ia ninir to farmers and other large buyers at wholesale prices. Good hustlers can make up carload lota at every town In the agricultural states. profits are larger liwa m m.ny w.itvK hub. trade permanent, work pleasant and healthful. For full particulars, address George Meldrum fc Co., 69 N. Green St,. Chicago, 111. M477 Ux. 13, OUO to 0.uuu per year, oeiier inTeiugace. Q. A. LAnuia, IUO xiauipaiiu-e Arms, min- neapolla M604 20x WANTED Traveling salesman for best territory. Remuneration sausiacxory to tight man. References and bond. Ad dress, I 1, Bee. 73J-1BX BAI,RHMEN WANTED Two traveling spe . . . . . . AM ,.7.. - clalty salesmen or amucy, worm w, per year and expenses; men experienced sell ing cash registers or computing scales pre ferred; write, giving age and experience: personal Interview arranged. Address M 44. Baa. -734 18x wanteii flnt-claaa salesman, exoerl anced man preterrea, to sen wnips on commission or aalary; must hava A-l ref rencea. Lay Whip Co., West field. Mass. 1 tvn CIGAR salesman wanted in your locality for city and country traoe; experience un neoessary; 660 per month and expenses aamnlea free: enclose stamp for nartlou lara Pioneer Cigar Co., Dept. 1, To ledo, O. 755 lx salesman on commission to carry one tray of shoes; ready sellers year rouna; state territory coveroa, ex perience, reference, eto. Address Specialty HtioemaKers, Baltimore, mo.. im idx CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line. High commissions with advance of $100 monthly. Permanent po sition to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit. Mich. 738 19x WANTED, traveling salesman to sell sta- ,,. m.h.,iu nH. pie line to the general merchandise trade In Nebraska: bond reuulred. Address Drawer S, Chicago. 732 19x WANTED, capable traveling salesman for jNeDrasita; staple tine to country mer chants. Bond required. Sales Mgr.. Box 60s. St. Louis, Mo. 731 19x WTED traveling .ale-man to work 11.000 per year and ex- ensea. Los Angeles Cider Co. St. Louis, lo. 796 lX TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska to sell retail trade. Attractive, salable line. Established high-rated house. Box 17, De troit. Mich. 760 19x $100 TO 1200 PER month easily made by selling the Kagie Tailoring uo.- gnap Retaining Medium-Priced actually cut and mada-to-ordjr clothing. Agent's fall out fit, containing over 800 elegant samples, ready for shipment early In July, sent free on application. No capital required. Write Immediately for exclusive territory. Give reference and experience. The Eagle Tailoring Co., Dept. 46. 212-218 Franklin street, Chicago. 784 It SALESMEN, traveling or local; side line; lo communion; gooas new; sen to every business, city or village; sample case, free. Addreaa L. N. Co., 249 E. 12ilh St., New York. WANTED, salesmen; $80 monthly and ex penses; perms nsnt. Drown liroi. Co., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Salesmen by manufacturer of grocery specialties; good salary to ener getic high grade men; itale your experi ence. Box 617. Chicago, 111. WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, competent ' girl to do plain houiework; xo per wee. - Davenport. Take Fainam car. C i WANTED, at once, glrK for gineral tiouse- work; wag'i k lu W lor Co in patent coos. 216 South SSth ave. C MiU AN EXI"ER1ENCED deinonitrator wanted who can place a aeuionatraiion loi a ski. t ai.puorter and wkisi former In one of the leading department stores; good salary; state artUiK'e previously deinon juated. Address Buencer tc rloeucieia, Aduais lildg.. Ban Francisco, Cal. C M2i9 tOX 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, Uth dt Dodge. -161 WANTED, a child's nurse. Mrs. A. L. rued, sd no use soutn oi country ciuo. C 496 WANTED Second glrL Albert Cahn, C 49 r arnau. WANTED-OIrl In small family; good wages. Mlas Robt. R. Boyd, lilt Grant st. C-Uivkiiix LADY AGENTS WANTED to sell Maxwell syrlngos and Udiea supplies. Maxwell Co.. Mux well, la. C MX26 19x ,-5 PKR Hl'NDRED copying short letters: $3 to $10 weekly; send stamped, addresaed envelope. Woman's L'nlun League, Dept. Z. Chicago. C-74S 1X COPT letters at home; $12 60 paid weekly; send stamped envelope, sample letter, iuureka Co., 21 Duana St., New York. C 744 19x LADY WANTED 118 weekly; permanent artistic employment at home: no experi ence nded: material furnished: enclose niampea aaareaaed envelope. Ticket C o. 131 Weit 23d St., New York. C 741 19x WANTED, working houieke-per while fam ily is awej. Apply uuv K. v. life. C-MS16 16 I llarium, Ciorence, run. C 719 1 WANTED MALE HELP. Address, B. B, "bOTUCS. Prosident, New Tork Iifa Building, Omaha, Nebraska. WANTED F EM AXJS HELP. WANTED, ladles to learn hairdresslng, manicuring or laciai massage our diplo mas assist to top wages; hundreds of graduates to recommend our system, pecial Inducements to distant applicants. Catalogue moiled free. Moler College, 1302 Douglas BL C -M707 Mx 20.00 A HUNDRED writing letters home. Addressed envelope for particulars. Elec- trlo Remedy Co., Dept. 10, 236 So. Michi gan, Doutn iiena, in a. u ivt ix 130.00 PER 1,000 (or smaller quantities) paid weekly copying letters at home. No names to supply. Nothing to buy. Addressed envelope for copy. Practical Mfg:. Co., ma uroaaway, mw York. c it lax LADIES to do piecework at their homes; we furnish all materials and pay from 17 to 12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to tioyai co., at Monroe Bt., Chicago. C 704 19x WANTED, a good housekeeper, white or colored, Who wants a permanent place; two In family. Address Mrs. W. H. Clemmons, Fremont, Neb. C 701 1 COPYING letters at home, $28 per 1,000 paid weekly; notning to Duy or sen; no can vassing; steady employment. Handy Co., 142 Nassau Bt., New xorK. toy lax ACTIVE Catholio lady to travel and collect ror manutacturer; lis weemy to start; permanent If satisfactory. John Engwnll, Lakeside building, Chicago. J yuh ix WANTED, first and second white women cooks, chambermaid and dish washer: give reference and state ability and wages expected. U., BOX gob, urang isiana, iNeo. i Bii lyx EARN 118 weekly proofreading; employers suppuea. hum correeponoence Bonoot, rnuaaemnia. ' u UD club offer; nothing to sell, canvass or to writs; no capital required; tha newest. best and most honorable, genteel oppor tunlty to secure a handsome 86-piece set of fine table silverware, latest pattern. prepaid, ror only ILV), illustrated par ticulars free. Tha U. & Silverware Co., wiikesoarre, ra. u small family, good wagea Call at 1649 ueorgia Ave. c 770 lx A LARGE retail department store de sires first olas salesladies. Address J 14, Bee. C-36 19 TOUNG girl t assist at general housework. iz( Boutn atn street. t; Mai zi WANTED, salesladies in shoe- department; must have experience. Apply J. L,. Hran dels dt Sons. C M850 21 FOR RENT FI R WISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, Uth and Farnam. Ut IDS ROYAL HOTEL, European, Uth & Chicago. tnui 61.00 to 62.00 per week, 421 8. 18th St., one diock soutn oi court no use. miit NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; uenuemen prererrea. ifcs a. inn. E 207 CENTER hotel, European plan; south cool rooms, $3 to $4 per week. 2i0 N. 17th St. Tel. B-2&47. E 732 20 NICE oool rooms. Hi Bo. 20th, f6 up. B 626 26 O M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 780. IV sea FRONT and other desirable rooms, bath. cool and central, for gentleman. 1617 Cass st. E MS07 a4 AETNA HOUSE, European. Uth Dodge. K liV Hotel Hubbel, Uth dr. Howard; 'phone tm. K M416 AS I NICE ROOMS. Ught housekeeping. 1111 a. inn. huo NICELY fumlahed rooms. Inquire Omaha steam laundry, 1761 Leavenworth. Phone AliW. E 237 218 N. 17TH Cool front rooms for two. E M444 A 13 LARGE front parlor, elegantly furnished with piano If desired; modern and tele phone. vt is. mtn st, e 667 I9x ELEGANTLY modern, furnished and un furnished rooms In nice new brick build lug, close to business center. l(U6 Web ster at, E 861 19 NICELY furnished, cool, modern rooms. good central location; lawn and shade trees. 6ZU fit IDllv. IS Sta 19 NICELY furnished front rooms for Ugt housekeeping, everything modern, walJ Ing distance. 611 N. 2uth st E 59 19 riRMIHtO ROOMS AMI HOARD. DE81RAULE rooms, the Farnam, 19th and rarnaui. tlii 6tl S. JtTH AVE.; private family. F 176 THE KENWOOD U16 Farnam BtreeL Phone vt3. P-Ma23 Uh.BiKAi!LK rooms at tha Pratt, ill 8 soia Ave. Jr Mlib 27 THE ROSE. 1020 Harney, nice cool rooms guou xoru; rates reasonable; alio meal ucaen. F M610-A1 NORTH and south Urge, eool rooms, first ciaae uuaru. nome cooaing. Telephone jl iwi, wi iwvauua. isis lavage. F-Kjs 19x ROOM and board, small cottage, good home for lady. $3.50 per week. 614 N. 2vth su ' Mo0 FURNITURE PACKING. rUTKIttOJl 4k LUNDUJiKG, lit So. 17th Til. i--A.-A ii 636 FOR RENT g TO BBS AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pled by The DCe at 916 i'arnam St. It baa four stoiios and a baaemeut which was foraieriy used aa i ne uee press room Tlili will be rented very reaauoably. If Interested apply at office of C. C. Roee- waier, secretary, room m, um Building. i TN JOBBING DISTRICT. GOOD Omaha building for lobbing or fie t..rv use. four ilurlea and Iwwm-nt 13x120 feet, light on three aides, alley and trackage for rent. Payne, Bom wick at Co., enl-l ti. g. A-MA YOU CAN TALK TO OVER 30,000 READERS WITH A LITTLE WANT-AD. FOR REST STORKS AND OFFICE. FOR RENT, building suitable for whole aala purposes at 916 Farnam, UxM, four stories and first-class cemented basement, ilavatnr fir a n.1 p nnnl rs..l . - .. "IIU U U 1 . . , V' V T BUI l offlp counter and fixtures. For prlca and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary tha Be Building Co.. room 100, Be building. l-iii67 Wa May Hava in int near tuiure vacant offices $ and up. Good aarl V. . . 1 1 Jl. !.,... aA .g .. Horn tor U. noi v . r- aim IJUIKIIIIK Hr.'t VJ i.ti utifa S. NATIONAL RANK BUILDING. CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON. 1303 Farnam St. Also r - . . ..vw. IWIU . . .. .V...V., electrlo light, etc. 1-781 1 PRIVATE office with use of reoeptlon room, teiepnnne and stenographer, cen trally located. Address, J 12, Boe. l-l-19x FOR RENT, offices In tha new Krug ciocj aiso nice storeroom. J. ii. far rotte, Paxton Block. I 634 19 AGENT! WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit suDscriptions to TH1 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In eom. Agents In tha country wlin horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily M to $1U0 per month. Ad druss Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau. Bee building, Omaha. J 311 AGENTS wanted to sell the "Life of Pope ijeu ajii, wiiLieu wixu xne encourage ment, approbation and blessing of His Hollneas, the Pope, by Monslgnor Ber nard O'Reilly. 631 Paxton Bldg. J-MS64 WE START you selling diamonds; don't ac cept employment until getting our lib eral ofler; $6 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co.. Syracuse, N. Y. J 746 19x REPRESENTATIVES In every olty and town tnot already taxen to sen tne greatest dlsoovery In chemical science. '"Shavene," a razorless shaving powder, Just being Introduced to the public; abso lutely harmless to the akin. One trial will convince. Sells at sight; quick re turns; permanent Income; cartons of flva shaves 25c, wooden blades lOo, sent pre paid. Write for booklet, Victoria Mfg. Co., sole manufacturers, 636 California St., Ban Francisco. Cal. J 748 19x A MILLION copies will be sold. Youcan sen nunareos ii you uti The Life and Life Work of Pope Leo XIII now ready; endorsed by the nre Catholio hierarchy og America; Illus trated with elegant colored plates; best terms to agents; credit given. Outfit free upon receipt of 20 cents to pay postage. Address American Publishing company, Omaha, Neb. J-M747 26 AGENTS Smith's Scrap Book of the Bible . w- 1 A a A,rakrxr 1rtslM- at l copy car. do sum w j gent man. One agent sold 87 In five days; another 96 in six days. W. P. Smith & Co., Box 163, Providence, R. I. AGENTS can make $2,000 to $4.0) next xnree moiixi.w uaiiuihih " j - - article; absolute necessity; demand enor mous; experience unnecensary; exclusive territory glven. Household Novelty Co. (Manufacturers), 1611 Broadway, New York. J-718-19X BTOP runaways. Hitch horses solid Instant ly. Carry in pocxet. oignx aonoi. a '"' wanted. Pocket Hitching Post Co.. Rich mond, Indlanax J 717 19x WANTED Portrait agents, get your por . ... .it . . a n .1 .... middle- man s profit. Best work at lowest prices. A. Hinger, 1106 S. Royna Ave.. Chicago. J Tie 19X AGENTS of both sex are coining money selling r ace urica; iw fi vy. j ;"'-. Samples and particulars. 1ms. Write today and secure territory. Parisian Face Brick Co., Box 746, Bay City, Mlch. AGENTS Now la the best time J" money selling v -",.- graph or rope r"ir sii sd Rt" rices. M.eea o"i "x"- ? 7i iqV ew York. AGENTS, to sell Uf. of Pop? Leo XIII " 2ec?.Uryao .latWarmiy commend; , l, of Intense interest to every reading churchman: a history of Pope Leo and a ch?oSlcTe " Catholicity during his pontlfl caTe. Regardless of creed people will be "twested In reading the encyclical letters issued to the church and the world on re ligion marriage, divorce, education, -free MMonryTlabor.' etc. Richly Illustrated; handsomely bound, to agents. Enormoug sale assured. Write it "cS for territory and term; r.d be first in the field, or save time and send 60c if or I.7.mnlete outfit, express .prepaid. Rand. Mcisfally Co.. Chicago. 111. J-ao ix AGENTS-qur men are making $8 to $10 a Optical College,' Dept. CL, 19, .Jack :jon. Mloh. AGENTS 2,000 different novelties for um- mer resorxe, nrwi VV . f iaimI bratlons. bataars, "tores, eto ; all 1 attest fads; catalogue free. Miller, 134 Park Row, NeW York. J-718 19x WANTED, three A-l a.Ie,m,i"vWin1Xrn months In the year for an Income ranging from $2,000 to 16,000 net per year. Others are earning It, why not you? For full particulars" write f he Harrlngton-Mon-nett Co., Decatur, 111. J 712 19X $30 A WEEK and expenses to men with . . . . .i pn l,v Vtemerllea. rlas to lliirociuuw uui wu . ofwon Remedy Co.. Dept. to, Kan. J-71119X WANTED, manager In every city, county, to handle best-paying business known; legitimate; new; exclusive control Phoe nix Co., U W. 28th st,, N. Y. J 51 lx AGENTS Automatlo Washers sell them selves; one agent writes: "Exhibited sample to ten women; took ten orders. . Time required 46 minutes, profit over $60, guaranteed to do a washing In 80 minutes; furnishes its own power; requires neither labor nor attention; costs less than any other machine; free sample and exclusive territory furnished; $50 week guaranteed, thousands of testimonials. Automatlo Washer Co., Button U. Chicago. MEN or women, steady work, a good In come at home In the mail order business; straight, legitimate; no experience neces sary; no capital required. Write for pa r Uc'JIari. Mutual Mall Order Co.. Albany Bldg.. Boston, Mais. J 7 i"X WB INSURE UP TO 14.' Good side line for Insurance agents. American Life Ins. Co., Box 24, Elkhart, Ind. ' J- BEGIN BUBINE88 for yourself: stop work ing lor oinera. we axart yww iivhll,i Mail-Order business at your hom. PI as ant work; Immense profits; unl mlted, pos. albllltles. Full Information for stamp. Franklin-Howard Co., Dunver. Colo. J WANTED, agents for the authorised "Life and Life Work of Pope Leo Xill." by Father James J. McGovern, D. D.. ap proved by and Issued under the official sanction of Archbishop Qulgley of Chi cago. Cardinal Gibbons also endorses Father McGovern's work. Only life of bis holiness Illustrated with over 100 mag nificent colored and half-tone natures. Over 600 large quarto pages. Price, only t; 00 Positively r.ewest, largest and low est priced life of Leo published. First . . .nid g books in two hours Tiest terms, commission or ralary; $10.00 to $26 00 per day profit. Order free outfit quick today. Oftletal Catholic Publishing House, sae wauasn Ave.. jj, WANTED, sgents to sell the only machine that will keep the flies out of the house when the ecreen doors are opened; wsges 16 Der day. Address Western Fly Guard Co.. $36 8. 7th St.. Lincoln. NeD. j-Ib 11 MEN snd women sell "Official Life ot Pope Leo XIII;" only blogrsphy by Csthollc publishers: indorsed ny riergr; .... dinar rnst fur tiroanetus snd !i26 por trait of Pone Leo. liyland Co.. t2t Dearborn. Chicago. J M814 Ux AGENTS wanted for fine oleograph por trait of Pope Leo: retails 16e each; sample postpaid I'-; special price xo sgenis. A chert 4k HsncksL. publishers, Cincltmstl, AGENTS WANTED. WE hive all 6 of the different Pope L-o Xtll books. Best term. Freight paid; outfit free. Call or write W. A. Hixen baugh A Co.. 600 Ware blk., Omaha. j him WANTED TO RENT. I OR 6-room cottage In good neighborhood. Address T. M. Crosby, 110 S. 26th sve. K-M4o9 19x YOUNG couple want room and board. Ad dress H 66. Bee ofllce. K 790 19x TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep ing, south of Leavenworth, west of Twenty-eighth; not to exceed $16; roust be neat. J 1 Ba K 632 19x WANTED to rent a blacksmith shop. Cnarley Llnclum, Farragut, la. K-8.T1 19x FOn SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 1020. New and second-hand bought, sold, exchanged. O 180 FOR SAX.B, one large six-passenger cloned family carriage, one large open family carriage, one large platform-spring spider phaeton; all rubber-tired; two double seta of harness, one silver mounted, and one single set of harness. Call Frank E. Moores, City Hall. 0-MS16 FOR SALE, phaeton in good order; can be seen at Jackson's stable. Bo. 26th Bt, ' near Farnam. O 767 19x FOR VALE HOUSES. WAUONS, ETO. HAVE your rubber tires set while you wait H. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P-181 MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at SU N. 16th aL . P-M801 NICE young horse, road wagon and Colum bus phaeton. lu&8 Poppleton Ave. P-776-19X FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE 1,800 feet ol second-hand S wire rope, in good condition. Apply to or address "Superintendent of Bee Build Ing, Omaha." Q Midi NEW and Id-hand typewriters, 1119 Farnam. Q-186 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. Q-186 FOR 8 ALE Second-hand Locomobile, In first-class shape, at one-half price. Call or address 1621 Farnam St. Q 661 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels, 26 cents each, large, well made barrels, make first class garbage receptacles. Fred Youngs foreman Bee press room, rear entrance Bee Bldg. Q M431 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. Q-181 FOR SALE A new 800 ampere double pole switch never been used. Apply to or ad dress "Superintendent Bee Building. Omaha." Q M767 PHOTOGRAPH CAR for sale. Apply Ross's Art store. Q lil FOR SALE Crane hydraulic elevatot; can be used either Dsssenaer nr freight- nm. plete, Iron guide posts, cage and wire en- closures. j. ju uranaiis dc Sons. Q-691 IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trel lises. Western Anchor Fence Co., 106 N. 7th st Q 184 TELEPHONE poles, long flr umbers; chicken fence; oak piling. 901 Douglas. Q-1S1 CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher 1 man tt McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. . Q-186 WAREHOUSE scales cheap. Sam'l Burns. . - Q M934 All FOR SALE rttiggies and harnesses. In quire at 1002 Grace at. Q M501 19x NEW Remington typewriter, cheap. J 9. Bee. Q 80S is 800 LARGB painted palls, lOo each. Tel. Q-S01 19 RELINQUISHMENT to geod homestead In South Dakota, only $26. J 6, Bee. Q 799 19 NEARLY new Pensmore typewriter, ball bearing, for sale at a very liberal dis count. Address Box 482, Omaha. Q-786 19x FOR SALE, fox terrier pupplea 1909 Web ater. Q-820 19x SODA WATER tanks repaired or ex changed; new and second-hand tanks for sale. Send for circular and prices. Robt. M. Green at Sons, manufacturers of soda water apparatus, Philadelphia. Pa. Q CLA1RVOYNTS. MiR?TCRRIE. SMITH. SOVEREIGN thing told; past, present and future. Sat lifactlon or no pay. 807 N. 16th, B 190 MME. LUCRETIA. medium, 1709 California. a a., ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. GRACE O'BRYAN, BaUia. 710 & Uth. M M69t MME. SMITH, baths. 111 N. 16, 2d floor, r. 1 i ut EMOL1NB 8HEPARD, massage and va- P.or,,,bhath.; aaalstant Becond floor, 606 N 18th it, 1 M348 A6 laioo nuwAiiu, elegant massage and IIICiQ linm a -r"' ""V"' "icoooi ruoDing. 3U N. Uth. flat E. T M266 al M.R,h K.AyI3,i Howard St.. front rooms; tub bath; nrst-class attendant. ' T MU1 AS EMELINE SHEPHERD, 606 N. 16th, Id floor, furnished rooms. T M4 PERSONAL. "DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu- ? 7, , "" execiriouy. it. J and 1. lime Farnam sL jj 191 VIAVL a wholesome nerve and tissue food and home treatment for disorders of woineu. iree booklet Vlavl Co., 848 Pee B'og. (j 141 MAGNET PILE KILLER. Al druggists, 6L IT CUKES. U-196 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies !" a fa uwa oamariiaa Daaltaiium. i Ut Avs., Council Bluff, la. U-i CHIROPODY, manicuring. scalD. faui hygiene and special masage taught and practiced. A. Mayer, 613 Bee Bldg. Con sultation free. Use Re-No-May Powder U 198 WE RENT sewing machines. 76o per week; " - . c-ii kuu ami parxs lur ail makes of nmchuies. Nebraska Cycle Co., 00r Uth and Harney sis. 'Phone 1661. U Muol JyU WANTED. 600 ladles to vielt our Garment Cutting College to see Us workings and test Its merits by taking one lesson free. Joom C27 Paxton block, corner lath and Farnam Sta U M647 29 PRIVATE hoepltal before and during con finement; babies boarded and adopted. Mra Uardels. 1234 Lake. Tel. Red -KM U-M264 TELEPHONE 780 for O. M. E. messengera U-HjO ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. r-axton. B J. Bcannell, agent, 6u9 Ware block .IT-MS87 2t $30 WE CURE RUPTURE FOR $30-No detention from business; 16,0u0 cured isiients; aend for booklet, eto. Empire Rupture Co.. New York Life bids., Omaha, Neb. U 14 PRIVATE SantlUrtum for ladles before and djrliitf confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Getittch. $626 California BL Terms reason able. U-Ui Jyat PRIVATE hoepltal before and during con finement: best med'.ral care and nursing. Mra L. Flahaf. laul Vinton. Tel. 18x CORRESPONDENCE Gentlemen or ladies desiring marriage eni-lnae stamp fi.r re liable Information. Strictly confidential. Box lil, Indianapolis, lnd. U-7-i-l.x PERSONAL, LOUISE HAMMER, pleas write J. M., Taooma, Wash. U M749 Mx A WONDERFUL French clairvoyant : what he tolls comes true. Send 10c snd birth day. Prof. E. Oaniot, box 2179, Boston, Mass. U 788 19x SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. L. U-787 19x CORRESPOND or Marry Sample Illus trated paper, 4 cents; paper and private list, 10 cents; describe yourself. National Alliance. Grand Rapids. Mich. U WOULD you marry It suited? If so, send for best Matrimonial Paper published. Mailed FREE. K. C. Ounnels, Toledo. O. U- THE following persons having Judgments against Ievl o. Hetsel csn leirn some thing to their advantage by communicat ing with Lysle I. Abbott, Ware Block, Omaha; Patrick McCebe, New York Biscuit Company, Otto Bennlnghoven, J. C. Hoffmayer dt Co., Janseen & Frey schlag, Rush A Sprague, Starr Bros., Davis Manufacturing Company, J. B, Foster, Amazon Vinegar Pickle Company. U 776 19X WANTED, the acquaintance of an honeat working girl by a young man of good habits and a good trade, J 4, Bee office. U 7 19x YOU ARE in trouble and need a friend In whom and on whose Judgment you can rely for help. Your buslnees Is not pros nerlna as It should. Your love affairs. which never yet did run quite smooth, need turning Into the placid stream of peace and Joy. You have an Investment to make or would speculate and know the result before banking on losses sna aisas ter Then consult Mrs. Carrie Smith sovereign lady, queen of clairvoyants, who is a real guide and friend, competent and confidential. She tells the past, explains the present and truly reveals the future. She is wonderfully magnetic, charmingly sympathetic and posRessed of marvelous psychic force. 8he divines, expounds and reveals and ia indeed a steadfast, helpful friend In pressing need. Satisfaction or no pay. Communications from persons out ot town xuny inu piumii.ij l.uui . 710 N. 18th St.. Omaha. U 656 19 WAN DREA SISTERS, world'g famous palmists, have opened their palmistry palace at 1615 Farnam street, across from the New York Life bldg. They will give complete life readings, past and future. Readings 10 cents. Hours, :30 a. m. to 9 JO p. ra. U 664 IS YOUR FORTUNE FREE Bend me your birth date, with 4c for pontage, and I will send your life reading free; matters of love, health and speculation made clear; ell questions answered. Address Professor O. B. Aeolls, 1815 N. 16th. Philadelphia. U 720 19X ABSTRACT OF TITLE. IDA 8HELBERO. Call Tel. 348. V 4IW 19 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. MONEY to loan on Improved property, Omaha and South Omaha. W. H. Thomas, First National Bank Bldg. W 76J 19 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith at Co.. 1320 Farnamstreet W 201 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters Co.. 1701 Farnam St. Be Bldg. W 201 FARM and city loans; low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 164k W 201 MONEY to loan on residence property. W. UUI1) E 1 1.U iwau via s c.iuu.iw H. Thomas, First National uanK mag. W 763 18 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, H7 N. T. Ufa. W 204 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bern Is, Paxton block W HA FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. 1604 Fainam. W lot PRIVATE money. T. D. Wead, 1B DougUs. I HAVE private money on hand to loan. L, D. Holmes, 712 IN. x. la, tsiaw. W MB20 24 MONEY to loan on city property for build ing purposes. W. H. Tnomas, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. w-761-19 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. EASY TO PAY Best explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, eta Or If you have a permanent position we exn make you a IIALARY LOAN 1 without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is quick and confidential and we always try to please. All that we ask Is that you give us a call before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board ot Trado Bldg. Tel. 2296. (Established 1891) 106 Bo. 16th Bt. .X-209 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried Eeopie; business oonndentiai: lowest ratea 14 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. T MONEY To salaried employes and ware earners: Get our system ot loans that gets you out ot debt. Any lady or gentleman, machinist, engineer, ate. having reliable employment can get, just on ma noiet Half- Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. ! 100 Return to us... $26.66 or $11.86 or $6.66 60 Return to us... or 666 or AM 26 Return to us... 6.66 or 1.31 or 1.66 1 16 Return to us... 4.00 or 1.00 or 1.00 Easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential No Inquiries. Quick service. Courteous treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO, 644 PAXTON BLK. X 208 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, BALARIE8. ETC. Low rates and easy tsrma Business ConfldentiaL Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 11 Paxton Block. 16th and Farnam Sta X-211 LARGEST BUSINES8 IN LOANS TO BALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms, M offices In prin cipal cltlta Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-ZU CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., sue. to D. Green. R. 8. Barker bk. x-a MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- elry, bore cows, eto. c r. it sea, ji i. X-216 CHEAP MONET LONG TIME. EASY PAYMENTS IT PAYS TO BORROW OF RELIABLE CREDIT CO. PRIVATE LOANS. IF YOU WANT MONEY AND A FRIEND, TOO, CALL ON US. WE LOAN MONEY ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. HORSES. WAGONS. ETC., without remove) from your possession, located anywhere In Douglas county or Council Bluffs. AT THE LOWEST RATES AND EASIEST TERMS. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTE. NO INDOR8ER. NO RED TAPE. QUICK SERVICE. NO PUBLICITY. Call on the Old Reliable AMERICAN LOAN COMPANY. Rooms 807-306 Psxton Block. Open Wed. and Bat. eve. till 6 o'clock. X-847 19 ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN, 200 Douglas block. M 771 BABBITT METAL. FRICTIONLERS. worth tie; closing It out at 18c. H- 8- Mann, R. 17. Com. Nat'l Rank -m n BRASS FOUNDRY. BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat ing and flnlSAilng. Specialty Mig. Co., 41 N. Mala ft-. Council bluffs. BALM TIBS. OMAHA Hay Bale Tla Co., 811 North lMh. 222 R. RDMBEL SON. only tla factory In the I'at. Try ua 14th and Nlohnlna. Tel. F8M. M-78 CARPET CLEANING. A. K, JETT calls ror carpets. Tel. A-S.m M.'isi Al CARPENTERS AND JOINERS, ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, Ivth and Lake streets. V0 DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK, 617 Karbach block. Tel A-KIS. -r.'6 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. O. R. Ratttbun, room 16, Cora'l Nat Bank. FLORISTS. HESS SWOBODA. 1411 Farnam. -228 La HENDERSON, florist, 1415 Farnam St. 129 " ' 11 i i i 1 FOUND. FOUND-A valuable diamond, at the Met calf place. North 17th street, Council Bluffs, la.; owner can have same by call ing for IL Emma Metcalf. Found 827 lint FURNITURE PACKING. OATH CITY Upholstering Co., woven wlro springs tignieneo. Tel. u-nvia itu et. Mary s Ave. GARBAGE. 283 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. oleaa cesspools and vaults, temoves garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. ISO GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. IMS. ?. LAWNMOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, 13th A Howard -33 LAWNMOWERS sharpened, saws filed, umbrellas repaired, keys, eto., 309 N. lAth. Tel. 2974. 231 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel Supply. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. A-17M. 037 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN PRICE. 21 U. 8. N'l B'k. hid. -3 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys s.nd collectors every, where. 236 MACFARLAND ft MAY. New York Life tticig., room u. rnone loot. eu r- . 1 LOST. LOST Friday, small gold locket contain ing photo: return xiee newsroom, re ward. Lost 626 19 MEDICAL. DR. NEIBERGBR'S SKIN LOTION cures mcxiy ileal, namere xxcn, v,i..s.-. Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Ulcers Pimples, Scrofula Sores and all 8km Eruptions. Price, .00 ner bottle. J. C. Northcraft, Prop, and Dlstr., Orpheum Pharmacy, SOI W. Ninth St., Kansas City, Mo. Piles Cured Without pain no cutting, tying or burning. All Diooa, aianvy nsi uwuuor ' cured; a guarantee given In every caie treated by W. C. Maxwell, M. D., 624 Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb., graduate Of Bellevue Hospital Medloal College, New York City. LADIESl Chlohester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Bend 4c, stamps, for partlculara "Relief for Indies," In letter by return mall. Ask your drugglsL Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. MEDICAL. DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children; 30 years' practloo. Office, 2206 Cuming. Residence telephone, r-l.HJ; office. B-2t36. DR. PRIES, German graduate, renowned for his skill and experience In confine ments; euros sterility, long standing dis eases of uterus and ovaries, cures painful, profuse, retarded or suppressed menstru ation, from any causs, recent or ot long standing. Ladles who have suffered tor years, hopeless and dejected, can be cured without operation or the hospital. If a personal Interview Is Impossible state your case fully, Inclose stamp and answer and advice will promptly be given. Address R. F. Pries, M. D., lil! Dodge BL, Omaha. Neb. LADIE8, our harmless remedy relieves without fall delayed or suppressed men struation. For free trial address Paris Chemical Co.. Milwaukee. Wis. BISTERS IN DESPAIR: If In need wrtto me for remedy which relieved me of ob stinate suppression In five, hours. Mra. Aj Green. 130 Dearborn st.. Chicago. THE world hai been trying for 1901 years to find the cause of diseases and cure. I have found It at last; either hogs or human. Prof. Johnson, 10th Jjgfffc MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldoe Block, OMAHA COLLEGE OF Ml'BJC. 316 Ramge Blk.; summer term. Apply H. . Wright, L. Xl C. M., Director. 'Hone 1101 OSTEOPATHY. OID. E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopatha Suite Ha, New lork Life Bldg. -J- The Hunt Infirmary, McCigue Bldg. T- Atxen Farwell. Paxton Blk., 604-7. JTj"- DRS. FINCH 4k MILLER. 124 8. 26th BL Dr. Grace Deegan, 609 McCague. Tel.ja51 PATENTS. H J COWOILL NO fee unless successful, ill 16tb 8U Omaha. Tel. 1798 -Uf PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Ofnoe, rsllable. accommodit tng, all business confldentlal. Uul Douslas. PLUMBINQ. DALY & SON PRACTICAL PLUMBERS steam and gas Otters; Jobbing neatly done; all orders promptly attended. Tel. 134L lju6 Leavenworth. RUG MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Rug Factory, ua Leaven. Tel. KM. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 4M Ramge Bldg. J47 SHORTHAND AND TVFERITINO. A. C. VAN RANT'S school. TIT . Y. Life. 2a HPS. Business 4k Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. i49 STORAGE. CM. Van Slor. C UU Far a. Tela. m-m