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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1903)
The Omaha. Sunday Bee g EDITORIAL SHEET, g PAGES 11 TO 20. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAIIA, SUM)AY MORNING, JULY 10, 1903. SINGLE COIY FIVE CENTS. nil tVIJRS WW TUK KKLIABI.K STORK. Grand clearing; sal now on everything In Women's Reedy-to-Weer Oarmnnt at lees Una manufacturer's cost. Bigger value than any time previous for less money than erer before. Be our Women's Man Tailored Suits Just received. In the new fall styles. Ther soma ia corset stria, new Pompadour blouse, and loose mannish effects ZOO samples, no two allka We will take orders for tboee we cannot fit. Tou can save S par cent by purchasing now. In our Waist department ws have Jut re reived another lot of sample Whits Waists, made of fins opera bauste, lawns, f.ns dimities and twenty other materials, sll In pretty designs snd trimmed in fins laces worth Op to H.ill clearing () H n sals price f if 171 dosen Colored and Whits Waists, made of good quality madras, ginghams, per cales and d.nuUes, worth up to Cfl Uuo clearing sal prio 3Ub All Oar WMto ssl Colored Waists at Kaullr Law Price. It don Wssh FkJH. mads of denims and eurjta. worth U. Cflr go on sale at .Tr. WW0 B Womea'a Rainy Ir Skirts, worth x0, for 88c WASH GOODS InGsr High Grade Wash END OF THi. SEASON PRICES ON Black and Black aad Whits Enghah Jfl i UrsnaOiaa U and tUA grades, fd... Ju Cxvpe Silk Mull, blank, white and colors, 7&u grades, yard Bilk Tissue, Embroidered Tissue, Spot Linen, sTecia, ail beauti ful, feo and Tfeo fabrics, yard 39c Silk 25c Satin Strip English Oausa, plain and black, worth o at, yam colors 29c Linen Etemlne, a inches wide. mercer Ised), finest luster, oslors linen, pink, light blus and groan; ths best gradi-s of Szla on Fine T 77. 4bri Mm ATORS FROM. IN OMArLA. Walnut Stained Screen Door E9o Oil Finished Screen Door.. 5e Hardwood Adjustable Screens 25o The best Screen Cloth made poultry Netting Ho Screen Frames, SGxIM 170 Ths bast National Double Oven SI. 71 Jmrtra heavy Coppor Bottom Boilers. . ?9o All Copper Baslex. - H-K China Department Jtsrt raeatved fuU Una of Imported earn confuting M cup and aauoers, plates, salads, cake pastes, cuspidor, tiles, snuffs, egg cups, trays, wufca- creams, grat plates, ata., etc; this is all fin deoor Atad -china, ther la not aa artlol ia ths lot worth less than Bo up to COO. Ws will close out the whole lot lfa at, oach IW" This lot of samples are from Hamburger A Co. of New Tsrk. on of ths largest im porting hoc sea la America. mmu mm the pope JgffiM Oreehnaa'i Story ef Hii Andienos witii ls zm. OBSTACLES BESET ADMISSION TO VATICAN fStatTW Cauwact1 ( tk Great Fostttf " MmIsw la OasBTwrsavtioat wttkt Psvasa TSsltev tresm tsv Owtsld World. N nan grip his description of an audi Tio with Prps Lee is to be found than ths account gtva by Jam Creel man, ths Stobsd nmpuwr oorreapondent, in his book Mxratlnf big xprinaas in Interviewlny famous nusu Ths chapter relating bis visit to ths Vatlaaa has a ttoely Interest that malts It ayaali ITy worth reading Just now. It lg aa foSows: l l was aa iu vru J9 hi si aa wwunu Cask la Farts and plan an Interview with tb pop. Bat Z had not been a week la Sees be(a I began to understand ths aasmlng hopelessness of carrying profane American swBaUsm Into the presence of ths whit vicar of Christ. Bitting at ths heart ef th mysterious Vatican. Thar was an enchanting sens of ad Wen tor la th thing. Yet 1,000 years of un broken tradiUrn stood between me and th august head of ths Christian world, whoss predecessors had turned sceptrss to dust aad blotted out kingdonma Th pavements and walls of the venerable City seemed t mock ma. Tb stately cardi nals listened and shook their heads. Ther was no precedent. Ths bare thought of a newspaper correspondent lntervles-lng th pop violated every sentiment of papal his tory. frm St. Peter to Leo XIII. Ths apostolic secretary of state. Cardinal Ratn polia. advised me to abandon the Idea. The rkWr ganaral of Rome, Cardti.H Paroochl. milad at my snthuKiasm and urged ni not to wast sny time on an Impassible Bsission. EUI1 I went from one prince of th church to another, from palace- to pal aes, from cathedral to Cathedral. The psrslstsnt spirit developed in an American newspsper ethos is not daunted. As the difficulties gathered, my ambition to Interview th pope grew mtr Intense. It became aa abssrbiag pas.-lon. It ws with me whsa I wandered tn ths erumbltEg palaces of the Cae'ars or wUked among th r'-lns ef ta Roman forum. It bausled bi among ths tomt of ths aepea la St. petar's. I dreamed of It at night. 0s;a-tes t k la ervlrv4rr. Aad when every cardinal and M-hop in Bms seemed to stand la ths way. I went t Turin and enorsated Cardinal Alllmonda tir.g Humbert's friend. Jo help me, Alas 1 ai ths cardinal asaured turn that my Quest was bound tn end in tailor. Thar were noms things that Amelcaa Journalism oauld not aoeempilah. Then to se Cardinal S LB Frllc. th ven erable "Saint ef NUj." Ths gentle old mas listened ts the story of my efforts to see the poj-e and shook bis snowy bead yClaeeuraglngly. t "i caanot help you my son." he said. I g&eer thai ft would be a great thing for a 'aewapAcer writer to b the first to icter w th Holy Father. Bat I am U old Ladies' Garment Sale. 13 dosen Women's Percale Wrappers, mads of tb best quality percale and ruffles over shoulder and 16-inch RQn fiounce, worth up to U-uO, for.. 76 dosen Fins Lawn Kiraonaa, in pink, blus and white, all nicely trimmed with embroidered yoke, worth up Kflr to iUt, for 8U1- S dosen Children's Dresse. mads of all wssh materials, worth up to ti-bft, tor 75 dosen Wash Shirt Waist Suits, worth up to U-U. tor 50c 75c Ask to see the "Csarina" Underskirt tor style, quality and width, from QR(S ta.uu down Vo "3 BARGAINS GaoJs Department I'onday FINEST FABlUCS this weave choice of all Monday, yard Suiting Check, ths popular black and white effects, yard ..... Snowflake Suitings, all colors. worth up to sjc, choice, yard IroiKirtod Swisses, the real French 35c 15c 25 c floral styles, 60c and 740 quality. ..25c choice, Monday, ysro Jaconet Lawn. Dresden Batista. Novelty Cords, ail beautiful light weight fabrics, worth luc to 2ao yard choio t( Monday, yard - Shirting tionSay Hardware, Slovas and House Furnishings Special uUsxrair Clearance Sale ANi ICE BOXES TO SKI .ECT UP FKOSl THE NATIONAL. DANGLER AND IN SURANCE GASOLINE STOVES, BEST J-BUR-NER. with step and pan. . THE BEST J-BURNER JUNIOR 13.75 2-69 flalnnliirf Tuba 10-auart Oranlte Dish Pan. Steel Frame Wringer ............... Ko 60-Ib. Decorated Flour Can. .... ..... G9o Family Meat Saw . o No. I all Copper Nickeled Tea Ketfla. t large boxes Tooth Picks for ... to Warranted Cotton Covered lio ..... Bo Hardwood Hosa Reels 9o Optical Department Special sale Monday and all week; Gold Filled Frames, all styles, 10- I CQ year guarantee, S3. 00 value I.vJJ Fin Alumlnold Spectacles or Eyeglasses, fitted with imported lenses f Q S2.60 kind -BO1, Nickle Plated Spectacles, good fk Qrt lenses, usual price SLi)6. ax. X Caavrar '' t3ailasla at Kyea. to go to Rome to assist you. and a letter would acoompUsh little. Tb thron of SC Peter is guarded tn a thousand ways s gainst th shock of change, and what you propose would upset the traditions of ages. 8 till. Leo XIH la a broad-minded, far-seeing statesman, and It he thought that a news paper interview would serve the cauae of Cbrlstlsolty he would not hesitate to tank a new precedent.' At thla time kind fortune brought mto my anxious life In Rome th friend ship of aa American sculptor. Chevalier EaekM. who lived and worked in a studio in th vine-grown ruins ef the Baths of Diocletian. And to this friend I confided the tale of my attempts to penetrate the Innermost door of the Vatican. As he sat there la has white sculptor's blouse and slanting velvet cap, beside a marble figure of the dead Christ, his face suddenly became radiant. "I nave It!" he said, throwing his cap en th table. "Cardinal Uoheslobe win help you." West Lag the Pane's Fleasar. So straight to th Basilica of Santa Maria Magglor we want, and found ths cardinal In his palace, a stout, rosy, witty, German prince, once ths bosom friend of Pius IX. I Within an hour the cardinal promised to i lay the matter before the pope. Three ' -.. Via mj,n r ,r m. nnA annflunflid UftI W v. m that His Holiness had consented to be In terviewed. Whenr I asked. Ah:" said the cardinal. no on can tall that. Perhaps after a week; par hap after ! six montha Th Vatican moves slowly. It has the affairs of the whole wjrld. clvllltei and uncivilised, to consider. You must wait. Rome will teach you how to be patient. I left the palace drunken with Joy. How my old comrades In New York would stars when they learned that I had reached the unreachable: How my newspaper would hemld ths feat to the ends ef the earth! I 1 could hardly keep my feet from d.ncing on j the hot pavement. Rome, Home, how I 'loved yon that day! 1 The next da- a message from Paris sent me to Brindlsi to meet Henry M. Stanley, the explorer, who was on bli way back from Africa, after rescuing Eraln Pasha from the perils the equatorial province. I ws in the sen ice of the newspaper thxt 1 first sent Stanley Into th "dark continent" and he gave me the materials for an ex clusive dispa-.cb, that in other days, would havs mads me dlsxy with pride. But as I 'walked along the stone Quay of Brindiel 'with the weather-beaten man whose deeds !hd once inspired me with vl-luns of the possibilities of my profession, ana near him talk of th riches ef Africa, my mind turned always to Rom. There was a terrible fear up-m ma What if the pops hould send for me while I was away? Th thought filled me with agony. talesaalty ef the Occasion. Stanley had picked me eut ef a score of i newspaper correspondents, who stood en viously watching us as w strolled alone the shore of the sparkling Adriatic sea. And yet I waned myself In another plaea. Two days later I was In Rom agala, and early th cext taming a papal chamber lain came te the hotel with a summon ta the' preeenoe ef the pope. The Invita tion Included Monslgnor Frederick . Hooker, the scholarly vtos rector of the American collage, whe Was ta not as In tel pre Lex. Ilayden's Big, Wonderful Bargains. 100 TIECES CnOICE SILKS In a full assortment of styles and colors, this great lot was bought from a maker that needed ready carfi, and we own these fine silks at a great concession in price. You surely can find anything you may desire among these fine silks and we will plate them all on sale Monday divided A Cn QOn c OC into three special lots, at HVL, JVl UllU-sWJV AN IMPORTER'S STOCK OF FINE i WHITE WASH SILKS ON BALE. 7S pieces fins grade pure silk JAPANESE HABUTIA wash summer silk. These are perfect silks and will wear and lsunder beautifully, and can be had In either pure whita Ivory or cream. ) JAPANESE HABITIA WASH SILK-30 Inches wide, worth boo Or on sale for mtr JAPANESE HABVT1A WASH SILK 28 ! inches wide, worth 0o o i.r, ! on sale for J ; JAPANESE HABITIA WASH SILKS Z! inches wide, worth Tbo . on sals at Ot BLACK GRENADINE SALE to clear up an entire stock of black and fancy ullk grenadines, we offer you the remarks We bargain, black iron frame grenadine, worth H Bft and SI. 75, black stripe grena dine worth up to Mack embroidered grenadln worth up to SX0U, fancy grena PIAEO SALE SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS IF DESIRED. This week the great slaughtering of prices begins in our Piano room. Our enormous stock of high grade pianos must be reduced at once. Parties expecting to purchase a piano soon 6hould not fail to take adTantage of the extraordinary low prices we will make for the next few days. If you do not care to pay cash we will arrange terms to suit your convenience. Every home should kave a piano by taking advantage of the easy payment' plan on which our instruments are sold. Our guarantee in addition to the manufacturer s, accompanys every instrument sold by us, mak ing the purchaser safe at all times. If you are looking for a genuine bargain in a piano, call and select one of the pianos mentioned here. 1 upright oak case, ........ .$ 85.00 1 upright walnut case 95.00 1 upright mahogany case 100.00 1 upright' ebony case.... . .. 110.00 1 upright oak case ..... 115.00 1 upright walnut ease .'. 125.00 1 upright mahogany case 135.00 1 upright walnut case 150.00 1 upright mahogany case ......... - 1G5.00 1 upright walnut case ;. 175.00 Our stock consists of such well known makes as Checkering, Fischer, Decker, Conover, Weg man, Franklin, Cable, Haines, Price & Tepte, Jacob Doll, Stoddard, Estey, Wellington, Kings bury -and twenty other makes.; " : -. ' Out-of-town buyers are invited to write for catalogues giving prices and full particulars. fin r w fiTi r3 ni To) fo) nri The government of Europe bad prao OoaOy oonfeased tn conference at Berlin Chat they cculd do nothing to check ths onward sweep of the tide of social discon tent that threatened the peace of nations. The German emperor's international coun cil on the desperate question of capital and labor was an admitted failure. What would Leo XIII say? Would be, too, admit that accumulated and concentrated wealth had brought Into the world problems un solvable except by brute force? No man can make that Journey from the famous bronze portal of ths Vatican into the presence of the imprisoned monarch. Whom 300,000,000 human beings hall as ths rice twgent of heaven and earth, without being thrilled from bead to foot. I care net whether he be Protestant, Catholic Jew or pagan; whether he adore ths pope as th Infallible vicar of Christ, or regards asm simply as the supreme teacher In a nntvarsal school he will be profoundly ass-red by the solemnity and suggestlvsnera f that place. Gear Afcoat th Vatican. To reach this sovereign of a ghostly em pire w psaaed through ths palace door that looks out upon ths aide spacs In front of St. Peter's one lighted by the burning bodies of Christian martyrs. Here stood a squad of ths stalwart Swiss Guard. In brilliant costumes of red. yellow and black, designed by Michael Angelo more than KM years ago. Ascending the royal stair' way of marble that leads to ths Immortal Slstlne chapel, and turning to the right, op a flight of ancient steps, ws were saluted by tb gena.rce of St. Peter at the en trance of ths opal courtyard of St. Damas u. which Is half surrounded by" corridors and hal-s glorified by the senilis of Kapliael, tho tender colors glowing here and there through open windows. This spot once echoed ths steel-shod feet of Charlemagne Here Naioleon stood among anlng cowards. In one corner of ths sunny courtyard was a cardinal carriage and long-tailed horses; a tail, thin monslgnor in purple silk rustled by, and a whit pigeon wheeled in alarm through the air as the great chimes began to sulks ths hour. A picturesque sentry, , leaning on aa antique halberd, guarded the door of a great marble stairway loading from ths opposlt side of the court. Pass ing through th door and mounting the stairs, ws came to the vast hall ef St. Clement. Here figures of Justice, Moxcy and Faith looked down upon a Jolly com pany of the pope's soldiers sprawled com- ' fortably on a wooden bench in a corner, 1 thir glftterlng hil'wrda leaning against th brilliant wait 1 Mre was a ringing . command uttered by some Invisible officer, ' and the next Instant ths row of red. black i and yellow guards was saluting a stately, ; scarlet cardinal who passed without rale- : leg his eyea j rer.eavallty ef the Peat IS. j Imagine the feelings of a young Amert- caa writer moving through that palaos as 1 11.000 rooms to Interview a king' without . Urrtlory trying to preserve his heaths ! news Instincts la such surrouadaags. I A burly, white haired servitor In crimson j silk aad knes breeches met us at the outer j doer of the pope's atartmenta, and to him ' I oeiivra tne aocument which called me to the Vatican. Through en splendid chamber after another he led us, among aletorle taptrica and princely bau4uas ' Silk Department dines worth up to 4V. all Mack rrens dinee are 44 Inrhen wlrt, all fancy grena dine are 14 inches wide, CJif all go In one lot Monday at iCW CLOSING OtT AIL BIACK STMMER SILKS BIQ CUT IN PRICES Tie Mack Japanese wash silk. S6 Inches wide on sale Ailr Monday at ; tLX black Japanese wash silk, 3S Inches aide on sale fQn Monday, at VIW S1TB Ma(k Japanese wash silk, X inchef wide, extra heavy no. on sale S1.50 Mack spot proof taffeta Habutla. 17 inches wide, very serviceable, Oftr on sale i VOW SPECIAL LOT OF EXTRA FINE TARD WIDE BLACK TAFFETA. WILL GO ON SALE MONDAY Fine reliable black taffeta that we can of bygone pontiffs, until we reached the throns room. Hers we sat until Leo XIH was ready to receive as In th next room. The great golden throne under ths royal canopy was the gift of the worklngmen of Rom to the pope. Above it shone a triple crown, surmounting the axure shield, silver bar, and cypress tree of the Peed family. Th pop is proud to alt upon a throns given to him by the toilesa of his ewn country. After a while, a smiling chamberlain In purple silk, with a resplendent gold chain hung about bis neck, came from the inner chamber. He chatted with Monslgnor Rooker and myself for a few moments and then, opening the door, preceded us Into the presence of the august bead of ths Christian world. There, behind all the pomp and ear mony, sat a gentle old man, with a sweet face and th saddest eyes that ever lacked out of a human head th quiet shepherd of Christendom. Hs sat in a chair of crimson and gold, set close to a tahle. Be hind him was a carved figure of the Vir gin, and near it a smaller ihnsne. Hs wore a skull cap of whit watered silk, and a snowy cassock flowed gracefully ahout his frail figure, a plain cross of gold hanging upon th sunken breast. It was a presence at one appealing and majestic. Cordiality ef His Xteceptlea. That moment I forgot my newspaper and ths news-thirsty multitudes of New York. As ws advanoed to salute th pope, he held out bis thin, white hand, on which gleamed a great emerald. It was the Fish erman's ring, the sign cf apostolic au thority throughout the world. We knelt and kissed tb outstretched band, aad Moa algnor Rooker being a Catholic t everently pressed hla lips to the gold-embreldared cross on th pope's crimson velvet shppsr. His holiness bads us be seated beslds htm. There was surprising vigor In his gestures, and bis veic was clear, deep and un wavering. . "You ar very young, " b remarked. I expected to se an older man. But your nation is also young." It is bard to describe tb delicate onurtssy and bsnlgnlty of 10 XIH's manner. "I nave a claim upon Americans for their respect," be said with kindling eyea, "be cause I love them and their country. I havs a great tenderness for those who Bve in that land Protestants and all. Under the constitution of the United States re ligion has Defect liberty and Is a grow ing power for good. Ths church thrives In th air of freedom. 1 love and bless Americans for their frank, unaffected char acter and for the respect which they havs for Christian morals and th Christian re ligion. "Th press ah, what a pewer ft Is 'get ting to be! the press and th church should be together in the work of elevating mankind. And the American press should especially be amiable and benevolent to ward me, because my only desire is to ua my power for the good of ths whole peo ple, Protestants and Catholics alike" CatkeUeltr ef ron Lea. The pope looked at me Intently for a nloment. "You are not one ef the Faithful?' hs said. "I am what Journalism has mads of me." "You are all lay children, said the pop, patting my hand like father. "Protes tants, ""athollcs ell, all Ood has placed a her ta watch over aitd car for you. My Offering I thoroughly recommend to you, and at about one-half price. , S1W grade pure pT.k black taffeta, runtle finixn, 36 inches wiae. nur only... v f r SITS grade pure silk black taffeta, rustle Pnlsh. S6 Inches wide, t 1 only S1.S5 frrsde pure Kilk black taffeta, rustle finish. 36 Inches wide, f only S2"0 gride pure silk black taffeta, ru-1e finish. SS inches wide, only I.OV WE FILL MAIL ORDERS promptly snd carefully. Order your silks from us by mall. Tou are assured of the newest and bet selected Srom the largest silk department In the west, and you can save nearly one half the purchase price. I have no other aim on earth than to labor for the good of ths human mo. "I want th Protestants cf America as wen as the Catholics to understand ma The rlcar of Christ to respected In the UnKed States, but it U not always so In Europe." Ther was aa Indescribable ring of pathos In the pope's voice. His lips trembled. "Hare we have tn temporal control men who feel nothing but hatred for th repre sentative of Jesus Christ and offer constant insults to the Holy See. Enemies of God armed with governmental power seek not only te grieve and bumble the Holy See la my person, but to utterly break down the influence of religion, to disorganise and ob hterat tb church aad to overthrow th whole system of morality upon which civ ilisation rest. The power of paganism la si work In Europe again. These are times of social unrest and Impending disorder. I reoognis th good Impulse that persuaded the German em peror to assemble tb Great Powers at Berlin and seek a cure for tb difa that afflicts capital and laser. But ther la no power that caa deal with anarchy aad social discontent, but organised religion. It alone caa restore the moral balance to th human race. Tb result of th efforts which have been made by nations to live without Christian guidance can be seen In th present stats of civilised society dis content, hatred, and profound unhappl- nesa Rellarioa to Solve Laker rrohlesa, "I havs watched the growing helplessness sf the suffering working classes throughout the world with anxiety and grief. I ha studied bow to relieve society of this tar rfhl confusion. While I live I will labor to bring about a change. Th trouhlM of th poor and heavy laden are hvrgsiy due to enemies of Christian morality who want to se Christian history ended aad maortestd return to pagan ways. 'Human law cannot reach th real neat of ths conflict between capital and labor. Governments and legislatures are helpless to restore harmony. The various nations must do their work, and I must do mine. Thetr work is local and particular, such as th maintenance of order, and the enforce ment of ameliorative lawa But lay work aa th bead of Christendom must h uni versal and en a different plana "The world must be re -Christianised. The mom condition of ths wexldngmaa aad his employer must be Improved. Each must look at the other through Chradan yes. That is th only way. How vain ar th efforts of nations which seek to bring contentment to man and tTetiT hgr legislation, forgetting that the Trtsates religion alene can draw men together tn love and peac. Aa the wealth of th world lncreasea, the gulf between th laborer and his employer will widen and deepen unless It be bridged over by Chris tian charity and the mutual forbearaao which is Inspired by Christian morals. But If ths foes of Jesus Christ and His church oantinu ts attack and revile ths holy ro Ugioa which Inspires and teaches sound morals and has civilised ths world, the social disorders, which ar but signs on the horlson today, will overwhelm and destroy than. aaaaa Slavery aa Aheaslaatloa. "The continued existence of human la wry tn pcay-a lands is another source of sorrow te ma As a means of abolish-ins- slavery I bars established missionary IN THE omestic Room We ar fast winding up the last of our Goods, and MONDAT will be the greatest deeper and deeper. HERE IS A SAMPLE OF THE THOUSANDS OF OTHER BARGAINS (Mke t olered Wash Goods 25. Imported French Madrases, estra fine, llpht grounds, small dark figures snd stripes, which are In (Treat demand for ladies' snd gents' shirt waists "C. were 60c Monday 4lr Colored M ash Uoods Hie. French Batiste, satin stripes and figures, assorted colors; M acne me Inced striped or gandies, plain and assorted colors, mer cerised ginghams, merorrleed oxford waist ings, assorted colors, linen batiste and uuon jHcara Swisses, plain grounds with rw sua stripes wer 40c, Monday I5c : Colored Wash Goods 12 -2e. Mercerised striped organdies, light grounds with dark Macname laced stripes; Macnaine laced stilped huuMe and Swixses In assorted colors. merccniTd oxford wain-.- j lngs, light grounds, with small dark fig ureswere Due. ini. Monday M It0 ivOc C olored Wash Goods Sl2r. Corded bstlsts and madrases, white grounds with assorted colored hair line stripes, plain black India II Don. asserted colored French batiste and laoe ftl striped Swisses wer 20c, Monday 4-inch t'nlon Bleached Table Damask- regular 400 value at yard 2-tnch Half Bleached All Linen Damask Bold regular at 76o Monday, yard S-4 size Bleached Napkins All linen, lar prlc SLTfr on sale Mon day for, dosen 25c Tsble 55c reri- 1.19 t fast 25c Turkey Red Table Damask Positive color, regular 40o value at, yard July Laces and Embroidery Sale Monday morning we place on sal the greatest lot of Embroideries ever seen In Omaha. The entire clearing stock of odd lengths of ths largest embroidery house In the world. All In S and -yard piece. Thes goods ar worth from lc to SI. 00 per yard and will be sold In FIVE LOTS. Lot 1 1C EMBROIDERIES THC PER YARD Thla 7Vo let contains Embroider lea from 4 Inches to ? Inches wids also a nice assortment of Inserting aad bead lcga Lot S-25C EMBROIDERIES IOC PER TD. This lot at lOo Is a most popular width for underwear and contains an elec-ant assortment of very chvio insert lngs, the prios, par yard......... IUU onday Specials in FANCY LARGE ITALIAN P., PRUNES Per lb...... ....3b WOOL SOAP Per bar K-LB. CANS POTTED MEATS Any kind -LB. CAN GOLDEN PUMPKIN . . . I-LB. CAN FANCY . SAUERKRAUT .. ... 35c 3c ......5c .....5c 1-LB. CAN OIL OR MUSTARD Cl. SARDINES.... - 0 LARGE GLASS PURE FRUIT JELLY 5c 9c LARGE BOTTLE SALAD DRESSSING War y r 1m wa keplg ICB COLD ROOT BSEB CT IPQOSFIIATE! I colleges and am Bending devoted mlsslen j axles into Africa and wherever men are held in bondage. The true way w inw la to educate and Christianise them. An enlightened man cannot be enslaved. For that reason I shall devote ths energies of ths church to spreading knowledge among the poor savages.- Humanity must aid ms to tescb these unfortunates and save tbens from slavery. We must work without ceas ing until there is not a Slav anywhere on earth." His Holiness spoke with visible emotion about bis desire for th disarmament of Europe. "The existence of these vast armies is a source of displeasure and sorrow to the Holy See." be said. The military life, which has been Invested with a certain glamor, is injuring hundreds of thousands of young men. That fact must be apparent to every statesman who aertonsly consider tb question. It surrounds young man with violent and Immoral lnfluenoea. It - turns their thoughts fron spiritual things, and (tends to harden and them. Thes armies are not only fall ct peril to the souls of men, but they drain th world of lis wealth. So long as Europe Is filled with soldiery, so long will all tb labor repre sented by mini oris ef men In arms be with drawn from th soli, and th poor will be overburdened with taxes to support ths system. The armies of Europe are Im poverishing Europe. x Croat Military Esta "These great military establishments have another deplorable effect. They set on people against another and Intensify national Jesswosies. The Inevitable result is th growth of a spirit of anger and vengefulness. I long to se a return of peac and charity among tb nations. Mighty nnnlea confronting each other en every frontier are not consistent with ths teachings of Jesus Christ." I reminded his holiness that ths principle of arbitration lather than war bad becomo a part of the national policy of the United State. Tee." said the pop, "that Is a tru and wlss principle, but most of th men who control th affairs cf Europe ar not gov erned by a desire for truth. See how they exalt godleaaness! Look at ths man whoso names ar selected here In Italy for honor after death 1 men who died opposing 'and reviling Christianity men like MasalnL" That was ths end of the first newspaper Interview wish th pope. I knelt beside Monslgnor Bsahcr and received ths apos tolic bensdlctloa. Then His Holiness arose. "I hop that yea will omit th petty pr- I sons! details which ar so offensive in newspsper artieies." be said. "They axe trivialities and beneath the dignity of ths press." As ws moved out of the room tho pop called m back to him. and placing bis frail bands upon my bead, bis syss brimming with amotion, b said In a trolc sf great tenderness; "Sen, you ar young and yu may be useful to Us world. May th Father, Boa and Holy Spirit go with you. Farewell:" And as w retired we looked back at ths slender whit figure standing alons la ths shadowy room and I knsw that I had been face to face with the most exalted per sonality of modern history. Of all the famous men I have met In my world-wan-derings sine that day ts teamen, mon archa, phllooophers. pUianihroUta I bay ir it THE ItELIAtlLK (TOUK. Summer Wash Goods. Linens and Whit prlc cutting day of all the knlfs goes PRICES WE WILL MAKE TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Linen Finiah Glass Toweling In blue and red check 60 value C 1 . at yard 8lu 1.(0 Mercerised Lunch Cloths and Ftsnd Cover, DbxM and .Ifix. sold regu- QQ lax at SI. on sals Monday at MJ" J-i Turkey Red Tftble Cloths-OU 7C boiled, rerular Si values, tor I lw Whit Shirt Waistlngs and Dree Ooods Such as satin stripe snd pinJn madnissa, tnercerired oxfords, regular Ore, IOs Sc aad kne values, all go at yd IU Whit Dross Duck Suitable for skirts snd suits, sold regular st o fllr on sale at 0 We still have about 1.0M) yarda at mus'.in left, recently purchased from the Louis Transportation Co., slightly dam aged by water on en end, which will t sold as long as it lasts at SVc yard, regu lar value Ho. 1-4 Bleached Sheeting S2c Talus on sal Monday at 18t,c yard. Ex Ira Heavy S,hakr Flannel, per yd. V SO-lnch wide Extra Heavy Canton Flannel Worth Vc, per yard ua. Fancy Bed Ticking, worth ISo, per yard, lVs. Whit Wool Flannel, worth I6o. pr yard. GREAT CXOSIKO OVT BAIB OF HAMMOCKS AND CROQUET SETS All Hammocks and Croquet Sets must b closed out st one. Croquet Sets are sell ing from !a upwards and ll&imnocks ax selling regardless of cost. Lot s-SBO EMBROIDERIES lTVtC PER YARD These at elegant values and xtra wide Lot 4 T5C EMBROIDERIES 15C PER TD. This lot is a wonder for the price art extra wide oorset cover goods and fully wortr. 6&o to 75o per yard. Lot 6-Sl OO EMBROIDERIES 19C PER YD. This lot is the greatet lot of fine em broideries ever offered by us or any other houso In America. S1.O0 fO,i mbrol dories for, yard Our Grocery Dept. LARGE BOTTLE PURE! TOMATO CATSUP ..9c 81c lie Large bottle Chow Chow, Gherkins, Sweet or Mixed PlcJLlea, par bottle. 1-LB. PACKAGE" "ITALIAN MACARONI. FANCY GINGER SNAPS Psr lb , BODA CRACKERS No. I 5c jc Par lb.. FANCT "tVEET CHANGES Fach MESSINA LEMONS 17 If. Per dosen -I I s" CHOICE FARD DATES Par lb 5c doa't forget t t m. fr wrtak f 1st )r Grocery eartiet. seen no other man who soemed to have such a universal point ef view. Lee in Official lUlin. Once more I saw tho pope, borne aloft on the, shoulders of the Swiss Guard into ths Slstlne chapel In a scene of tuprem splen- I dor th triple crown upon his head. Jewels I Sashing on his bosom, the Sistlns choir chantinr Paleatrlna'a m. rhlAL, mtiiln mrA clouds of Incense floating over the heads of a procession beaded by the Knights of Malta, and followed by a long train of cardinals, archbishops, bishops and mon signori. The sunlight fell upon lines of shining steel, nodding' plumes, golden chains, shim mering robes of silk, and all the glittering ymbolry of pontifical power and glory. And gathered within ths walls Immortal Ised by Raphael and Michael Angela, be fore th eyes of ths assembled aristocracy of Rams, was a horde of American savages tn paint, feathers, and blankets, carrying tomahawks and knives. At th atxanc of the chapel stood Buffalo Bill, Buck Tay lor and Broncho Bill, while a troop of cow boys, splashsd with mud, aad picturesque beyond description, lined th human ai.1 beyond. When the pop appeared, swaying la his resplendent seat, high abov ths assembled host, tbs cowboys bowed their heads, th Indians knelt down, and Rook' Bear, th surly old chief, made xh sign of ths cross. Ths pontiff leaned yearningly toward ths rude groups and- blessed them again and again. A few days afterward I was permitted to walk in the ancient garden of the Vatican. It was a day of surpassing- lovailna Every wandering treat of air cams laden with tbs perfumes of distant fields cf flow era Here Plus IX ussd to rid on his whits mul among tbs venerable grove. Interspersed with fountains and statue; and her th posts of an elder time de claimed In the open air to th assembled gallants of the papal courts. I saw the herd of shaggy goats from Africa whim vera drlvsn ovary day to the door of the pope's apartments and freshly milked. I ate grapes tn ths vineyard that furnished wins for the pope's tabla. I saw tho pope's summer retreat and ths little tea pavilion on tb roadside, with tbs scarlet velvet chair, and ths eaged par rots screaming tbs pope's name. I aaw the snow-white deer, and th snow, white peacock emblem of Immortality. Than my guide suddenly knelt in the road and crossed himself; and In the shadow of a mighty tree I saw a bent whits figure and a band faintly waving tho sign of ths cross. Waal aad Wienies. There's a man at the door, sir," announced ths nsw servant from Boston. "What does he want?" asked ths master f th bouse. Impatiently. "Begging your pardon, sir," replied th servant, a shad of disapproval manifest in his voloe; "b wants a bath, but what bs la asking for la something to eat." Syra cuse Herald, X Fhasseasu B Jackson I tell you there's no way to make a garden successful Ilk getting- up to work st It reguiaiiy at I o'clock every morning. BJohnsen H'jw do you ever manage to wske up at that time? r-oUoa-I tWa't-vacrvllJ JoaXbsi.