Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Wg'ita, Wash Bulu, Eta-Waton Oar
Mad of Feae. tie Hole Silk with
. nam of l.ace laser!-
las: Great Bar
f gain.
$7.60 Cloth Skirts, $3.98-trimmed with
rows of satin, perfect fitting-. All altera
tion free.
$8.75 Venetian Cloth Skirts, $5.00 trlmmod
with rows of silk, beautifully made.
13.00 Whit Lawn -Walets, ll.W-trlmnwd
with tucks, hemstitching embroidery "or
lace, no old stock,, the very latest styles
positively guaranteed.
$10.00 Whit P. K. and Unen Shirtwaist
Bklrta will be closed out at $5.98. Nobby,
up-to-datea vacation dress.
$5.00 Whit Lawn, also linen color and
blue Shirt Waist Suit at $2.OT. Made with
pleated skirts and waist, neatly piped.
$5.00 Lece-trlmmcd China Silk Waists,
special to close at $3.45 trimmed with rows
of Inserting medallions and tucks.
25 dozen Wrappers, made with deep
flounce and yoke, braid trimmed, at 69a
10 doeen hats, your choice of tha lot 19c.
$1.00 value.
All trimmed hat worth up to $7.50 for
All trimmed hate worth up to $11.50 for
$2 91.
AJ1 trimmed hat worth up to $17.50 for
18th anr? Farnam Sts.
Balduff brick of Ice crean:. 4c.
Bi Louis and return
Th Wabash Railroad.
July 18, 19 and 20.
- Wabash city office,
1801 Farnam St.
I per 11 Low Rat Chsitssqas Eiror.
loa July 24,
Via Lake Shore & Michigan Southern rail
way; $14 00 for tha round trip from Chicago.
Return limit SO day. A handsome Chautau
qua' book, with any. Information desired,
may be had by addressing M. B. Ollea, T.
P. A.. Chicago, or C. F. Daly, chief A. Q. P.
A., Chicago.
Children Enjoy Natare and Good
Things to Eat at Hanscoro
Poesibly Old Mother Earth In her dai'.y
turnover dance displayed a prettier and a
more Inspiring eight, to Old Sol than the
sections of Hanscom park pre-empted yes
terday for "our day out" by the Salvation
Army and th army's guest. But one
man-about-town who strolled out that way
declared It a forty-to-one-shot that she
did not.
Five of th big open car were filled at
Sixteenth and Farnam at f o'clock by close
to . 600 mother and children, the propor
tion being about twenty children to one
mother. This waa not because the officer
of th army In charge of the picnic bad se
lected particularly large families, but be
cause, unfortunately, all of th mother
could not go along and help enjoy "our
day out" Bo far the trip was strictly
purine, a fare were collected, no die
count from regular rate being allowed.
But one out In th park everything wa
a free a God's own sunshine and fresh air
and th children wer a Nature intened
children should always be, entitles of happi
ness and Joy. There were wblte children
and black children, big children and little
children, and Just plain children. They
wer all good to look upon the clothe of
come were not fine, and the feet of most
of them were bare, but though Omaha's
poorer das there were none of the puny,
sickly, and complaining children of the
slum of many great cities.
Lemonade, candy, oranges, and plums
filled up the lntertlce left In the little
tomachea after tha lunch boxes had been
emptied of their bread and meat. Some of
the children wanted, and were -Immediately
upplled, with second lunch boxes, for there
was ample supply of everything even
though It really seemed a If soma of the
children, especially the boy, were made
of rubber or els wer hollow clear down to
their feet.
The children were divided Into companies
of twenty, with a big boy or girl In com
mand, and all had neat ribbon badge. At
4 o'clock car were taken for the return
trip, and bore full loads of happy though
' diminutive humanity.
Save the Bands
2'oday we offer special feature in our great clearing file that have never
been equalled for timely money saving bargains. Jfe will make Thursday one
of the greatest Clearing tale days of an enormous week of selling. Most of the se
offers are for thisone day only. Today's features are'
5peclal sale of MilUnej-y Special sale of Ladies' Suits
Spetlal sale of Ladies' Skirts Special sale of Laces
Special sale of Handkerchiefs
$6 Accordeon
Pleated i ne
Skirt at 07J
and are worth $6.50
each Today
Special at.
12.50 Silk Shirt
WaU.Sui, g98
worth $12.50 at.
Shirt Waist Suits at $298
The Shirt Waist Suits that have
been selling all reason tC
at3.0S, $5 and all UX
in one lot at.. VW
A Golf Skirt ZC
Special at -v.OU
Golf Skirts made of
pretty suitings and
Millinery Clearance Specials.
R 5ft Rlarlr Hate at O 5ft A brand new lot of medium and large macK nais at ji.ju 8hapoS( ln the mnch faTored black cnif-
lon and silk hats, tastily trimmed with good quality chlf- " TV
Tons, black satin roses and violets, jets and soft ribbons, j s,jJ
and actually $0.50 values at.
50c Black Roses and Violetsat 10c '
2,000 bunches 3 dosen violets In a bunch
and six black satin roses with Jet
centers, have been selling- 4 g
at 50 cent a bunch, 1 I C
for A V W
BASEMENT-S3.50 Trimmed Hats at Sl.OO.
BASEMENT 75c Bunches of Flowers at 10c.
worth upi. in.
to 25c, at
colored borders they are the kind you
higli as 25o for a Thursday special at
A great clearing1 sale special
galloons, etc., worth up
to 25c a yard, at
Tri mr n.--!.. . it
aiga WLsj' wa
Flan to Have Delegates to Democratic Con
vention Named by Committee.
Some Democrats Insist TJpon More
Than On Place for the Party on
the Judicial Ticket
This Fall.
Democrats and populists who are Inclined
to follow the lead of the democratlo party
are expressing Indignation over a discov
ery which they claim to have made In re
gard to the plana of certain democratlo at
torneys to force upon the party the nomi
nees these lawyers named two weeks ago
for judges of the district court. Accord
Ins; to the story which has been told on
more than one occasion the present scheme
of those who favor the so-called ' "non
partisan" nomination, the rank and file
of the democratlo party la to be relieved
of the trouble of selecting delegates to the
Judicial convention, and the members of
the Judicial committee will take to them
selves the power of appointing delegates
from the various ' counties of the district
to nominate a ticket.
Ed P. Smith, chairman of the judicial
committee, Is now out of town, and will
not return until the first week In August,
so the people who claim to be "In the
know" expect no call for a convention
until after his return. Then, so they say,
the call will be made so late that the
selection of delegates by the committee
will be adopted as a matter of expediency
because of lack of time, and this excuse
will be given to satisfy democrats who
think that the Individual members of the
party should have something to say about
the selection of candidates.
This plan will be opposed by a number
of prominent democrats, particularly those
allied with the County Democracy, who.
while they do not object to a "nonparti
san" ticket, desire to have more than one
democrat on It, and Insist that If they have
"fusion" It must be on the basis of the
total vote of the fusing parties. As they
cannot tell how many republicans can be
brought over to the Idea of voting for
democrats when there is a full republican
ticket In the field, they are disposed to
claim at least three ptacea out of the
seven and some think they shoald have
tour. According to the Vast report they
expect to change the lawyers' slate by
dropping from It Judge Estelle and Judge
Baxter and filling their places with demo
crats. Question ef Form.
This plan will not have the unqualified
support of the people . whom the demo
crats hope to honor with a "nonpartisan"
nomination, for the reason that while sores
of the republicans on the lawyers' slate
who were not nomjnated by the party con
vention are aald to bs willing to run aa In
dependent candidates with a democratic en
dorsement, they are not willing to accept a
straight democratic endorsement, and at
least one of these candldatea has aald that
any change In the lawyers' ticket by the
democratic party would be tantamount to
destruction of the "nonpartisan" feature of
the nominations and practically a demo
cratlo nomination, wblcn the republicans on
the lawyers' slate could not accept.
In order to hold the "nonpartisan" fea
ture of the lawyers' slats the democratlo
party may be required to make no nomina
tions for district Judge, and this Is what
aome of the leaders are anxloua to have
done. Under the present form of ballot a
name can be on the ticket only one time,
and some lawyers' favorites will refuse to
go on a democratlo ticket, while they will
go on a "nonpartisan" ticket But the non
partisan ticket must be placed on the bal
lot by petition, and a petition ticket aan
not get In the democratic co'lumn.
rot BaleDue M' on one of the beat New
York City hotels at a good discount. Ad
dress B K car Omaha. Be.
Prices cut
Below the)
Skirts with the pretty accordeon
pleating, with satin stitched yoke,.
They come in navy, castor and black
Silk Shirt Waist Suits made of ex
cellent quality polka dot foulard
shirred waists the smart navy
blue suits that are so t Q
popular everywhere
Wash Suits at 69c
Skirts made of ducks, piques,
crashes, etc.. plain
and trimmed, worth
il and 11.25, at
Kilt pleated and button trimmed
worth $5, at
$1.00 Ladies' Sailors at 25c
Fifty dosen rough braid sailors, new
crowns and brims, much In fET
demand for outing and ri l
outing and
worth 1, at.
street wear.
A splendid bargain square attrac
tion for Thursday 8,000 dozen very fine
handkerchiefs Swiss embroidered, open
work, hemstitched, and plain white and fancy
usually pay as O' r. fist
' A J w
in laces. Inserting,
! A C 1 1
1UC, OC 02C, I2C
w . ..
We issue certificate . of
deposit for S, 6 or 18
months, bearing '4. per
cent interest. Pass booh
accounts opened for one
dollar or more.
J. L. Brandels St Sons,
Groceries (or Bverybedyw4aallttea
the Very Best, Prices the Lowest.
FREE Cup and Saucer FREE
with every pound of tea.
Freeh, new, spicy, crisp ginger snaps,
lb., to.
Freeh mustard, per Jar, with spoon, 10c.
Cornstarch, 1-lb. package, 4c
Spaghetti, 1-Ib. package. To.
Presto, for pastry, package so.
Baked beans with aauce, per can, to.
Salmon, per 1-lb. can, 10c.
OH sardines, can 4c
The Great Parks of Colorado
Bear an Important relation tn tha af.t-
In all her diversified Interests. They con
stitute one of her chief glories. They are
not, as many euppose, small areas of level
ground closely hemmed In by neighboring
hills, and beautiful with evergreens and
nowers, nut they are vast terrirori. nt
country almost as lam aa inn ...
They contain fields, forests and plains!
where the herds of the cattlemen have suc
ceeded the herds of buffalo; they are wa
tered by creeks and rivers, and contain vll-
lagee and farmhouses; they have springs
and lakes, . where hotels and othor ni.
of entertainment have been built for set-
wers, lor lounsis, nunters, campers and
others seeking remote places of resort ln
the heart of the Rocky mountains.
Put In effect via the Union Pactfio enable
you to reach these great narks wlthm,
unnecessary expenditure of time or money.
i-uy ncaet umce, xsn Farnam St. 'Phone
Qnlet Sammer Resorts Aloaa; the I .a Ice j
Shore A Mlchlgaa leathers Ry. j
Is the title of a pamphlet that may aid you
In deciding the perplexing question - of
"where to go" for your vacation. Copy may
be had by addressing M. 8. Giles, T. P. A..
Chicago, or C. F. Daly, chief A. Q. P. A.,
Chics go.
f 18.50
St. louls and return
The Wabash Railroad, gold
July 1$. 19 and 20.
Wabash city office,
1801 Farnam St.
Wanted To rent steam pump for ex
cavating, also boiler and an S-horse power
electrlo motor. Ollsonlte Construction Co.,
foot Jackson at.
t. Loals M ttmtmrm flS.BO.
MUsOurl Pacific R. R. On sale July 18,
19.' 20. City offices 8. E. Cor. 14th and
Reek UUsI Ckaes the Tlase.
The Rocky Mountain IJmlted leaves
Omaha at 7:30 a. m. fur Colorado, instead
of 60 a. m. And eastbound at I 55 a. ra.,
luetaavd $ I.W a. nu, eouunaaclag July lib.
ON Women's shirt waist suits, skirts, waists and all other summer goods at
unequalled prlcrs.
SPECIAL NO. 1100 women's accordion plaited skirts, with separate yoke,
trimmed ln satin bands, extra wide, come In blue, black and tnn, worth 7.S0,
your choice for $3.05.
SPECIAL NO. 240 wnsli dress skirts, made of pique, duck, denim
and other wash fabrics, worth f 2.50, for 89c.
8PECIa"L NO. .1 250 etamlne and vol le skirts, trimmed In taffeta bands,
made to soil for $7.50 to $10.00. for $3.08.
75 dozen wash waists, made of all wash fabrics, worth. $1.00, for 25c.
150 dozen wnsh waists, made of linens, lawns and percales, worth $1.25, at 45c.
350 dozen women's white and colored waists, made of line lawns, dimities
and all new wash fabrics, wortli up to $3, as displayed ln our window for 05a
150 prcnie shirt wnlst suits, worth $2.00, for S5c.
250 shirt waist suits, made of linens, tnadrases, ginghams and a dozen other
wash materials, worth up to $1.00, for $1.05.
200 dozen wrappers, made of percales, lawns and fine prints, worth $1, for 49c.
200 women's rainy-day skirts, lu gray only, worth $2.60, for 95c
00 pongee coats, worth $7.50. for $3.00.
We hare Just received by express, 200 samples of new fall suits for 1903 and
1904, which we will put oil our racks Thursday for Inspection. They are all
size 30 and 38, but will take special orders for a few days only.
Ask to see the "Czarina ' underskirt for extra width. It will surprise you.
Neutrita, Malta Vita, Vim, etc., per package 7$c
Fresh, crisp Ginger Snaps, per pound 4Jc
1-pound cans choice Alaska Salmon 9c
1-pound cans fancy blood red Salmon 12c
Oil or mustard Sardines, per can ,1... Zc
Large bottle fine Tomato Catsup 9c
Large glasses fine Fruit Jelly 5c
All kinds Potted Meats, per can 3c
3-pound can Golden Pumpkin 5c
3 pounds Sauer Kraut ...,5c
Fancy Sweet Oranges each lc
Fancy Messina Lemons per dozen 17c
Fancy Virginia Peanuts per measure -. 2c
Get a free cold drink of phosphate or root beer in our grocery
Before You Go
Get one of our Fountain Pens to use while on your va
cation. We have a good pen, $1.25, $1.60; Waterman,
$2.50. $3.50 and $4.00. These pens are all right and war
ranted. Spend a few minutes ln our store. Look for the
name. v
S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler.
1516 Douglas 5treet.
Gtrham, Whiting, Towle, Reed & Barton, Dtirgin.
The above Wines rive you an idea of the reliable class of sterling silver
roods sold by us. 6 Gorham sterling tea spoons,'$3.60; dessert spoons, $7.75.
YOU ONLY HAVE ONE good set of Natural Teeth, see that they have
the best skill obtainable.
f BAILEY, The Dentist,
Lady Attendant. v Telephone 1085. 3rd Floor Piitoo Block.
Salo Opens Today at
8:45 a. m.
Opens' the biggest slaughter sale of cloth
ing ever held In Omaha, that's the time
when we place on sale, on the second floor,
the Levi re stock. This stock Is on sale
entirely separate from our regular stock.
Here are a few prices that will certainly
asove these goods quick. Men's unbleached
muslin drawers, sixes $2-40. 80 per pair.
Men's all wool coats and pants, $2.98. Good
slxed umbrellas, 26c Boy's fancy veats,
ages -B, o each. Strong working pants,
warranted f not to rip. 48c a pair. Men's
handkerchfefs. to. Men's undershirts, one
dime each.' Overalls, pretty fair weight,
some with bibs others with out. 25c a pair.
All men's suits that Lovlre eol4 up to $9.00. your pick for $3.98 per suit. All suits
that Levlre sold up to $18. your choloe.
$6.96. Choice out of a big lot of men's and
boy's straw hata, 10o each. Boys' long
Jeans pants, J60 a pair, "can't wear them
out" Boys' blue overalls, ages MJ, aale
price Mc. Men's suspenders, So a pair.
Men'a sweaters, your choice of blue, ma
roon, or green, 25c. Men's strong durable
pants. 8c. Choloe out of men s felt hats,
worth up to $2.00. your choice, 89c. Men's
fancy hose, worth up to 25c. your choice
10c Men's all wool, light summer pants.
$1.25. Choice of all of Levlre's finest pants.
$1.90. Choice of all shirts, soft, collars at
tached aa well aa work shirts, that Levire
old aa high aa 75c, your choice, 25c. This
is undoubtedly the best shit bargain ever
offered around here. Fire and police sus
penders, 12c per pair. Men's "Onelta" union
suits, pink in color, 69c this is the regula
tion $1-00 article the world over. Men's
all silk neckwear that Lvtre sold up to
25c, your choice, 9c. There are hundreds of
other articles too numerous to mention,
they all go at ridiculous low prices. Re
member the sale opens Thursday morning,
July 18th, at 8:45 a. m., on second floor.
No customers allowed upstairs before that
time. The Guarantee Clothing Co, 1519
1521 Douglas street.
Write for prices on Paul's
Oold Seal, Record lnk
used by
Bank and Bankers.
Ufa and Fire Insuraaes
Mercantile Houses In Every
City and Town In America
- New style quart, pint and half
pint bottlas.
Paul's Ink Co. are manufacturing-
a full line of Inks, mucilage
and paste, and mk ln bulk.
Prtose quoud en application.
1 1 Math Street, Jersey City, N. J.
lily Safes
ay Be er,,
Thursday's Attractions
for Women.
1 9c for Women's nitts and Gloves that are Worth 43c:
We want to dispose of a lot of mitts and Rloves you can buy them
at a big saving. They are strictly high grade ln every respect made of
lace, basket weave; and fancy mesh, silk finished and lisle thread.
They come ln all desirable colors, and the materials are correct for
mid-summer wear. They come lu all sizes
16 2-3c for Women's Fine Hose that are Worth 35c.
We have an accumulation of women's fine hose that wo have marked
at a price that will make them move rapidly. There Is n good assort
ment of them In all sizes they como In1 fancy printed and plain fast
black also a good assortment of lace llKle thread, in all new effects
they are regular' 35c hose, but will be sold Thursday for
16 2-Jc or 3 Pairs for 50e
Women's Combination Suits Worth $1.00 Special at 39c
Thursday we will sell a lot of women's combination suits that are
positively worth $1.00, for 39c. They are made of a fine qnaltty lisle
thread, cut with low neck, they are sleeveless and full silk taped, with
heavy lace trimmed, umbrella shaped drawers THEY 1 f s-
Women's Vests Worth 15c on sale at 5c,
Made of fine quality Jersey ribbed Egyptian cotton. These are gar
ments that were made to sell for 15c, but we took all the maker bad
on hand and that's the principal reason we are able to sell C
you these 15c vests THURSDAY FOR OO
Women's Low Shoes at a Low Price-worth $2.50, to be sold at $1.90.
53 women s oxfords Is now on the program for Thursday. In
eft?twear department. Trices are greatlv be'ow the regular
Move where
it is cool
It la protected on the west from the scorohlng
afternoon sun; the breeze has every opportun
ity to find It, no matter what direction It blows.
It's white walled court, with Its marble foun
tain, not only pleases the eye, but Was de
signed by the architect to give perfeot ventila
tlon to every office.
Deborah Ginger Ale
Tea, this Is a NEW ONE but a good one,
too almost aa good a great many say
QUITS as GOOD aa the famous Belfast
Ginger Ale-Deborah Ginger Ale, quarts,
sold by us for 26o bottle, $2.00 per dosen
and $7.50 case of 60 quarts rebate for bot
tles, $1.60 per case. We sell six kinds ginger
ale and 110 kinds Mineral Waters. Prompt
and FREE DELIVERY. We buy our
mineral water direct from spring and thus
can guarantee FRESHNESS and GENU
1NESU. 1 .
SSe Men em's Talcs sa Powder far., lie
gl Baiter's Barley Malt Whisky
pvrest aad beat we sell TSo
1 MrBlree's Wine Cardnl for....74e
IM)e Kilmer's Swamp-Root for SOo
SOe I.ons Greco Violet Water for..2Ao
St Uaterlne Lambert's for 76a
1 Kilmer's Swamp-Root for T&a
EOe Noal's Dyspepsia Tablets. .... , 40o
lOo Kin Fly Killer wlro for. .M Be
a ehocts Sticky Fly Paper for. ... Be
PI Staart'a Dyapepsla Tablets. . . ,To
1 Hewbro'a Borplelde for T9o
BOa'Syrwp of K1b senaiao for. .
Small Garfield Tea for ,10
SI Hoatettrs Hitlers wo seII....Te
Small Byrap Pepsin Caldwell's. . lOo
2Be Brand ret h's Pills for Itte
BOe Anti-Germ Dlslnfeetaat for..Oe
6O0 Williams' Plak Pills for 88e
SBe Oranarelne we sell 19e
SI Pleree'a Medlelae (ttfcn
ae t-erry iiavia' rain ttlllpr l
S)l tlqnoaone for .....HOa
BO I.lqnosone far .....40a
BOa bottle Rhine Wlae for 2ffa
Bis bottle Witch Hasel for 2fte
ft Pernaa for .1H
Sherman & McConnell Drug Go
Wholesale aad Retail Urasslats.
Corner lStk and Dodft ts., Omaha.
Opposite (South oti Postofllce.
' 1 "t'r ' -
j' C ATA LP C U E Ns.
if 1 111 J - st i " ' " v ; 1
HlA..l tf ewk&iW
Or on n
m. MHM teidM t.m Sim 111
Vhitud irrei eniiTOHV.
at Mrpy. pj.nnl. - m w - w
Tha Boa build
ing haa nat
ural advan
tages, which make U
' than any other
Omaha office building.
A very attraetlve office suite on the
ground floor has a very large burglar
proot vault, a cashier
counter, together with a
private office, at $60 per
menth. Borne splendid
rooms from $10.00 to $18.00
pr month on the fourth
aad fifth floors. -
$3.50 Isn't Much
Tet it's a great deal when you pay
it out for a pair of men' ehoes that
are worth no more and for all you
know until you've worn them a week
a great deal less.
Our customers never take such
chanoes with out $3.50 specials every
pair has more than $3.B0 value to them
and our guarantee is your money back
If you are not satisfied.
Patent colt viol kid boa' calf and
velour calf in all the new lto$ lasts
and toes.
Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House
1419 Farnam Street.
Keeping Paco
Our mull order department is steadily in-
rrt-aslng keeuing jmre with our regular
bUHlneaa until It has surpud Hint vi any
other retail drug store In Nebraska. The
people throughout the territory have fouml
It ulineoeMnary t pay OL.1) TIME full prices
for drug store artloli-H of unknown faali.
ties when NEW OOOD8 cun be layed down 1
ai inrir uoor lor less money. ir you live
out of town make up a list with your
nl!hhors and send In to ua for UP-TO-DATE)
Guaranteed J-quart Water Rag.
Guara ntred S-quart Water Rag.
Guaranteed 4-quart Water bag.
Guaranteed 2-qimrt Fountain Ayr
Guaranteed $-(u;irt Fountain Bvr
GuHranteed 4-quart Fountain Syringe. . U
$1 00 I'eruna lowest price 670
$1.00 Mile' Nervine fiiweaf price '.
$1.00 Pierre's Remedies luweaf price.
ami uui v ii
niiine Cheater's Pennyroyal Pills. .$104
Hire's Hftot Heer t'.xtrai-t . . . ,
Two 'Pboaea 747 ans 77.
lth aad Cbleaso Streeta, Oataka.