Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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Alfred Henry Lewii Haa Made ft Hit with I
, I
uis wmt uviw I
A Snaaber at Interesting- Leva ttorlea I
lien -now i jvrrp
'A prominent English novelist to whom
Draxel Blddl. the Philadelphia publisher,
sent a copy of "Peggy O'Neal," by Alfred
Henry Lewis, has styled "Peggy" "The
pretty stumbling block of Jackson's admin
istration." Ha has written a letter to Rud-
yard Kipling, in which he says that
"Peggy O'Neal" Is more worthy to be
called the long-looked-for American novel
than any other that haa thus far appeared.
Peggy O'Neal waa known by Washlngton
lans In Andrew Jackson's day as tha wife
of Secretary, Eaton of the president's cabl.
net. It Is tha war against her, carried on
by tha women of Washington, who for
the reason that Peggy O'Neal waa younger,
handsomer and more vivacious than they,
decided that their own social supremacy
depended on combating the young woman.
They based their warfare on the fact that
her father had been a tavern keeper, and
that the gay Peggy waa altogether too
frivolous of character. The gret presi
dent, "Old Hickory." took her part. The
plot is masterly and the Incident exciting.
"New Conceptions in Bclenee," by Carl
Snyder, is one of the yaluable new. books
published by Harpers. The great beauty
and value of this work of Mr. Snyder's lies
in the fact that it Is written in language
end style so simple and comprehensive that
it Is not necessary for one to even make
pretensions of being a scientist to under
stand It, A desire to keep abreast with the
times Is the only requisite to reading and
comprehending this scholarly and Interest
ing work. Mr. Snyder Is an optimist and
there are no gloomy parts or passages. The
' subjects chosen are Just those one desires
to know about. The opening chapter is a
very Interesting one on "Science and
Progress." The rise and fall of the school
of science at Alexandria is used as tha first
object lesson. Speaking of Alexandria, the
author says: "Here flourished for more
than 600 years that long Una of astronomers
and mathematicians, geographers and ge
ometers, physicists and physicians, begin
ning with Euclid, and not ended with
Ptolemy, which made illustrious tha Alex
andrian school which, made Alexandria,
Indeed, a veritable city of science." The
attention of the reader la called to the
length of time the human race has stood
at its present level and. to the "brlefnesi
of the period, in which exact knowledge,
based upon measures and experiment, has
replaced guess work . and dreams." He
says: "The last two or three centuries
have acquired a wider knowledge of this
world and of the larger universe, than all
of tha sixty or a hundred centuries preced
ing." The reason for all this he sums up
In this brief way; "For tha upbuilding of
the vast body of verified and unified ex
perlence and experiment which we call
science, there waa required the invention
of tools of delicate instruments and me
chanical constructions of every sort. It li
the requirement and possession of these
that alone differentiates us from the old
days." Ho gives as another reason for the
slow progress that science lacked numbers
that ita adherenta and exponents were too
few. . The. other chapters are equally enter
taining and instructive. While one cannot
resist the spell of the author's optimistic
charm, yet, probably there are those hi
will differ from him in some thoughts. He
says; "The end and aim of all scientific
endeavor Is to describe natural phenomena.
including all visible and invisible things-
matter, life and mind by simple mechan
leal laws, expressible in mathematical
equations." Then again, "We may now
change tha tense of Tyndall's famous
" phrase and say: ' "Science has claimed, and
it has wrested from theology, the entire
domain of cosmologies! theory." Speak
ing of the "deformed, the defective and
diseased" members of humanity, he says
they "must be incessantly weeded out.'
Then he has something to siy of the prei
nt marriage relations, that while it may
be scientific, will hardly be accepted with
out "a grain of salt" by those who are not
ao "up" In science. The price Is 13.
"The Modern Obstacle," by Alice Duer
Miller, is a love story thjtt differs ma
terially from the' usual love stories in
that it immediately cornea to tha point
on tha "modern obstacle" question. 'The
modern obstacle" la money, and no tlrv
is wasted In "love in a flat" or "willing;
to sacrifice ' theories. This modern hero
ine must have money and don't care who
knows It In this clever story Mrs. Miller
ahowa that for some, money Is the symbol
of happiness, and she paints a true picture
of how' enslaving It becomes to those who
ao absolutely depend upon It Charles
Scrlbner's Sons, New York, are the pub-
The Sins of a Saint." by J. R. Altken,
author of "Lov in Its Tenderness," is
historical romance of the tenth century,
The principal characters are King Ead
wln. Queen Elglva and other historical
characters of that period. Mllner in his
"History of England," says: "The events
of this reign are among the most painful
In English history, and though not free
from obscurity, they are sufficiently clear
to win for the king our sympathies as the
victim of unmerited Injuries, and rouse
Indignant feeling at the lust of power and
pride of place, which Involved an eccle-
tastiest) party adverse to him in the guilt
of atrocious .crimes." Published by D.
Appleton Co., New York.
"For the Pleasure of His Company,' an
affair of the Misty City, thrice told, by
Charles Warren Stoddard. Is a story in
. which the. principal character, Paul Cllth
ro. who is really a very nice fellow,
educated and Intelligent has a much more
serious time "keeping his head above
water" than usually come to the prin
cipal characters In stories. It Is Interest
ing reading, but so dreadfully real one al
most suffers from the "blues" after read
ing it and wishes the ending might have
been a little leas real and a little more
Aids Digestion
Half a teaspoon In half a rIsm
ol wat alter meal remove tha
distmta, opprmaion and "all
roue" fe4iu. liirea good appe
tite, perfect dijretiou and rwttful
aWep. .
A Toalc aae Narva Food.
conventional. Published by A. M. Robert
son, San Francisco, Th prlc la $1.10.
Th Veil of Solan. by Emma Mer-
Newton, author of "Bcacone!." "A
Breath of Heaven." ate.. ! a tale In which
tha I. l.i l. r.llfornla.
whera tha herolna haa gon on a mysterious
que,V The .bu"" 5 hat, "J
Iwunvj are i&itnxuiiy anpicteu, im uo
character delineation and progress of tha
plot enlist the reader' Interest to tha end
Published by Frank F. Lovell Book com-
nenv. tin Tnrk
"His Daughter First." by Arthur Sher
burne Hardy, la one of the new books pub
lished by Houghton. Mifflin A Co. It is a
romance of present day American life; Its
plot turns upon complications In tha money
market in New York, and love entangle
menta in a New Hampshire house party.
The position which Mr. Hardy now occu
pies as minister of Spsln, and his life as a
diplomat have given him great opportuni
ties for studying society on both sides of
the water. The price Is II. M.
Doubleday, Page & Co. publish a book
by Dr. Floyd M. Crandall. a distinguished
New York physician, who writes in
practical and common sense wsy about
"How to Keep Well." His aim is to give
a plain statement of Just what any good
physician has said and what the patient
has forgotten, or what the physician would
say If one took the time to consult him
To read and regard such a book as this
would natnrally do away with -much un
necessary sickness.
'Notes from Nature's Lyre," by Howard
Beck Reed, la a very handsome book of
poems, singing of nature In its different
moods and phases. The muses have cer
tainly Inspired Mr. Reed, and this study
of nature In verse will be appreciated by
those who love to live near nature and
nature's God. Published by O. P. Putnam a
Sons, New York and London.
"Shakespeare and the Rival Poet," with
portraits of Shakespeare and George Chap
man, by Arthur Acheson Shakespearean
scholars have long investigated the per
sonallty whom the great bard In some of
his plays honored with no toy emulation.
Both In "Troilus and Cresslda" and In
'Love's I,abor Lost" there aro "passaees
of arms" with this rival poet. Mr. Acheson
seeks to prove, in his able and entertaining
monograph, that George Chapman, poet
and playwright was tha contemporary
with whom Shakespeare deigned to touch
lances. It Is a work that will be of great
Interest and Importance to the scholar of
literature. Published by John Lane. The
price Is $1.26 net.
"Remembrances of Emerson," by John
Albee, Is one of the new books published
by Robert Grler Coolce. Its contents are
divided Into three parts, "A Day with
Emerson," "Emerson's Influence on the
Young Men of His Time" and "Emerson as
Essayist." A perusal of this work, written
by one who had the most profound admira
tion for and an intimate acquaintance with
the great philosopher, gives one an Insight
Into his moods and thoughts that . could
not possibly be written by those who had
not had this personal and close acquaint
ance. It will be especially appreciated at
this centennial time. The frontispiece Is a
portrait of Emerson, of which he himself
said, "Looks most as I see myself."
The above books are for sale by the
Megeath Stationery Co., 1308 Farnam St
Boys Give a Well Patronised Enter
tainment to Swell Camp
. ' lug Fand.
The Trinity cathedral choir minstrels a-eva
an entertainment at the Crelghton-Orpheum
last nignt, under the direction of Prof. F.
H. Wright and W. H. Bmfth. for tha hana-
flt of the camp fund of the members of tha
choir, who have planned to spend some of
tne not aaye or tne aummer at Lake Oko
bojl. The audience waa not aa large as the
number of ticketa eold would hava war.
ranted, but the house was fairly well filled
for the aeaaon and the hearers made up in
applause what they lacked in numWa
rrne entertainment waa a typical nes-ro
minstrel ahow, with end men and tha Kn
choir filling the chalra. Several waii.ti.nt
local hlta were made during the evening by
me memDera or tne cast, who were Will H
8ml th, Emeat Conaway, Harry F. Dodda
George O. Hadfleld. Lewis K. Balllnger,
Walter Pierce, Roy Ochenbien, Billy Pavn-
ter and Miss Spencer. During the first
pan or me entertainment the musical pro
gram Included the following:
wmDrBojt" (Reetua) Welter Pierce
"Please Go Away and Let Me Sleep"...
, fi" JJ"r- onnsonj Marry F. Dodds
"Even-body Has a Whlatia tjv.
'Shade of the Palms"
f roTKunr) will u ai.i.
"Wy LadvLu". ......Robert McCormlek
stay in rour own Backyard"
.wi.-- .7.k. rV :r' " -napman
. . tu '(. V'Hirn IU 1 Uwn
. . . IVrt IP t-T TXr.l.-U a V T s-m .
"Day In th Cnfle , '
O-ll VUL a'.Mi'!m
"Hsllo, My Baby" Mnrin. nn.,iA
. ,y. V ' .'. O1 Ochenbeln
..t ui ouaimon wiiDer Nelson
na muifl .....,.
Charles Voshurs-h
Rov Gould
....Roy Ochenbeln
The Oambllng Man".'.'.'.'.".'.'
Teonnra" .
'The Nlfrger and the Bee"
yir. rsnerwnnd
.Billy Pavnter
uoonnignt, neioveo '
Messrs. W. H. Smith. H. "p." find da
L. K. Balllnger and E. Conaway.
The secnd act consisted of a chorus
Six Old Maids of Lee." in which a Jan...
faced transformation scene took place, the
participants being Misses Swltser, Nelson
Rosa, Carman, Musselman and Pina an .
drill of the same nature. In which sixteen
women or the choir took part The last act
was farce. In which Messrs. Smith, Had
Held, Conaway and Dodds took part
Richard S. Berlin Laid at Rest with
Friends and Relatives Paying;
The funeral of Richard 8. Berlin
curred privately yesterday afternoon at
o clock at the home of J. N. H. Patrick
Happy llolow. and interment waa In
Berlin lot in Prospect Hill cemetery, where
the rather and mother are burled. Mrs
Mitchell, a sister of the deceased llvtna
Chicago, arrived during the dav to ha
ent at the service, but another alatar Mr.
oeorge Knight Whlta of San Francisco
waa unable to reach the city in time
others of the near relatives of tha lata
Berlin helped to pay the last tribute
Happy Hollow and at the cemeterv.
The services at the Patrick residence were
private and only friends attended. These
aaa eent many beautiful floral tribut
which testified to the great popularity
the dead man. The elaborate offaHn
were placed about the coffin. v.r n.
A. L. Williams, bishop of the diocese, paid
me last tribute to the deceased. The pall
oearera were Charles J. Greene, Arth
Wakeley, Sherman Cknfleld, J. W. Hellwl
J. L. paxton. Edward George, Charles
Saunders and O. W. Dunn.
Wife Hartrtf Haaed.
SAN QVENTIN. CaL, July li.-Frederick
C. Ftsher waa hanged here today for the
murder of his wife, whom he chloroformed
to death April ti. !, in Riverside.'
While she was unconscious he poured oil
on her body and attempted to destroy it
by setting Are to tha building. He hid her
Insured for 11,000.
Evolution to Eepair Ncrth Sixteenth Street
Vetoed hj Mayor.
Wark Is Partly Don Befaate Con
tractor Did Nat Walt for Con
enrrenee by Mayor la
Council's Action.
By a unanimous voto, Dyball alone ab
sent the city council last night sustained
the veto of the resolution authorising and
ordering Contractor E. D. Van Court to
repair Sixteenth street from Douglas to
Cuming. It waa on the ground that the
resolution was In direct conflict with the
charter provisions defining the powers, du
ties and authority of the city engineer
and the Board of Public Worka. It also
called attention to the fact that Con-
ractor Van Court began work on the
street Immediately after the council passed
the resolution and completed the work
that he had no authority whatever to do
so, the resolution not having been con
curred In by the mnyor.
The Omaha Waterf company must sue
the city for Its water rent bill for the
first six months of 1903. The last legisla
ture wiped out the provision for a levy
for water rent and there Is no money In
the water fund. - The council, on the rec
ommendation of City Attorney Wright, re
jected the bill, thereby allowing the com
pany to sue and get Judgment. The bill
for the regular contract rate and was
not rejected on Us merits.
The protest of the Omaha Real Estate
exchange egnlnst the city employing an
assistant building Inspector, and other
minor officials, and he creation of other
offices, was placed on. file without discus
License Inspector Scott reported ll.4S3.60
and Weight and Measure Inspector Ma-
hammit reported $118.80 collected during
Two attempts were made, and fnlled by
tie votes, to settle the matter of employing
special counsel to represent the city In
the railroad tax litigation. Back intro
duced a resolution authorizing the mayor
to appoint, subject to the confirmation of
the council, two attorneys to represent tho
city and have full charge of the case.
their compensation to be fixed later. Lost.
Ayes Back. Evans, Hoye, Schroeder 4.
Nays Huntington, Nicholson, O'Brien, Zim
merman 4. By another tie voto Nichol
son, O Urlen, senropaer ana iimmi-raun
voting aye, and Back, Evans, Hoye and
Huntington voting no Nicholson's resolu
tion leaving' to the city attorney the se
lection of special counsel was defeated.
The request of the water board for the
services of the city engineer In furnishing
data In the acquirement of tne wnur
works plant proceedings, was referred to
the fire and water committee.
After several delays the new city char
ter Is to be printed. Klopp & Bartlett com
pany will furnish 200 copies, thirty of them
to be bound In morocco and the others in
paper. They will cost $196.
The Knights of Aa-Sar-Ben were granted
the use of Douglas and other streets for
the regular fall street fair, otherwise and
officially known as Ak-Sar-Ben'a Oriental
Carnival and Industrial exposition.
An ordinance was Introduced licensing
and regulating peddlers and repealing the
present peddler ordinance.
The ordinance repealing the ordinance
creating the office of gas Inspector waa
placed on file. . .,. ,;'. .,..
Ordinances were passed regulating tne
sale of cocoalne: creating tha office of city
abstracter and title examiner; creating the
office of cjlty claim agent
Stov Tank and Galloa Caa Miss
Opportaalty of Llf
Th O'Netl family, consisting of David
W. O'Netl, Mrs. O'Netl and 6-year-old Ruby
O'Nell, Just missed being sent toward the
clouds through the roof of a North Six
teenth street tenement house yesterday.
As it was the wallpaper of their room was
burned and scorched and their dinner was
polled where It reposed on a gasoline stove
which had a full tank.
Anothei gallon of gasoline stood in th
corner where the flames were hottest but
for soma strange reason declined to en
thuse. Because of this disdain the O'Nell
family and a few other families, likewise
In one-room homes, lived to discuss th
matter with Chief Salter.
It all happened In the Phoenix rooming
house at 709 North Sixteenth street In
this habitation there are many rooms, most
of them small and moat of them serving
aa a sort of tabloid edition of a horn with
parlors, bed chambers, dining rooms and
kitchens conveniently merged. Mrs. O'Nell
had th dinner well under way on the small
stove, which Is Just opposite the dresser,
and left for a few minutes.
Meanwhile the 'little girl played on th
floor and amused herself by demonstrating
that small bits of paper would burn. She
found out that large bits also would burn,
and th loose wallpaper on the dry partition
was soon ablaae. Mrs. O'Nell rushed in
and began to hurl all liquids In jilght on
ths fir. Apparently she didn't mind th
two cans of gasoline that were conspicuous
by their silence In the blaxa
With the aid of other women and men
who cam In a hirry th fir was put out
with small damage to ths room and soma
.Usflgurement of the O'Nell wardrobe not
forgetting ths mixing of ths dinner with
fragments of charred paper and wood.
Hiram lappa, Stabbed gatarday Sight,
Dies at Sonth Omaha
Hiram Sappo, who waa stabbed In a
saloon brawl Saturday night died at th
South Omaha hospital at 10 25 o'clock Mon
day night. Th remains were taken in
charge by Undertaker O. H. Brewer. Re
latives at Argentine, Kan., have been noti
fied by telegraph.
Coroner Brally will hold an Inquest at
Brewer's at I o'clock Wednesday morning.
No autopsy will b mads. Th body has
been embalmed and will be at th disposal
of relatives Immediately after the Inquest.
Bine th death of Sappo th police are
showing soma activity in th hunt for Sam
Tucker. Acting under Instructions from th
police board the chief put out his dragnet
and landed about a dozen negroa In Jail
Th prisoners will b subjected to a aeaaon
In th aweat box for the purpose of aacer
talnlng II possible the whereabouts of
Tucker. All of those In Jail now assert that
they know nothing of Tucker.
From description sent out Tucker ia a
light negro, welgha about 17S pounds and
stands five feet four and one-half inches
In his stocklnga H has freckles an his
face and a flat nose. Hla tips ars large.
Chief Brlggs proposes to go to th county
commissioners with the request thai a
reward for Tucker's arrest be offered.
Tucker served a short term in th peni
tentiary for shooting and badly wounding
Charles sninn.
Robert Browalaa; is Wanted.
Robert Browning, suppnaed to be living in
Pnos'as county, Kebraaka, la wanted In
Illinois to lake charse of soot moner. so
Attorney Jones of that ptr writes Chief
Donahue. He says: "Tou are requented to
locate Robert BrowTilng. Hla aunt has lust
died and left him an estate of t&.ono and his
folks can't locate him. He was In Douglas
county near Omaha In May and hsan't been
heard from since." No such classic name
as Robert Browning is to be found In the
Omaha directory.
Kloax City, Homer 4t Soataera Coma
aay Is laenraomted with
Omaha Men.
The local promoters of the Sioux City,
Homer ft Southern, an electric lnterurban
Una. for which articles of Incorporation
were filed Monday with the secretary of
state, refused today to enter Into the de
tails of th company's plana R. 8. Hall
said th time had not yet come when they
felt at liberty to talk. The Omaha Incor
porators are Senator Joseph H. Millard,
Postmaster Crow, J. B. Haynes and R. 8.
Hall. The articles of incorporation allow
for the construction of a road south from
Sioux City, . through Dakota county to
Homer, and further south If the company
desires to extend. It Is understood that
R. A. Talbot of South Sioux City la the
principal promoter of th Una. He has en
tered already Into a traffic arrangement for
the bridge between Sioux City and Bouth
Sioux City, over which at present run rail
way and electric oars, and has obtained the
franchises necessary to carry the line
south to ths northern boundary of the
Winnebago Indian- reservation, which is
the right to lay rails through the three
towns. South Sioux City, Dskota City and
four miles south of -Homer, this Including
Homer. The line haa been surveyed to the
latter place and staked out a far as Da
kota City.
The articles of incorporation call for a
beginning of building by September. There
probably will be no attempt to come sjuth
of Homer thla year and the extension will
somewhat depend on the people of Decatur.
The line may come to Omaha at some fu
ture day, but the probability Is remote.
Tho line south to Homer, It Is said, will
be unusually easy of construction, as It is
slmost level, with only one small bridge
to build. There 1 a thickly populated
plateau running for twenty-five miles
down the river, all the reads of which lead
to Sioux City, because of the heavy bluffs
to the west, making communication with
upland towns difficult. The Incorporators
are said to have received guarantees of
heavy travel and the 'people of the district
touched, which has now no railway con
nection, to be much elated. During heavy
rains the roada of the tection are very
muddy and the electric read will be a great
Mrs. Caroline Barbaak.
SPRINGFIELD, Neb., July 14. (Special.)
Mrs. Caroline Burbank died very sud
denly at her home in this village last night
at 10 o'clock from heart failure. She was
born in Kent county, England, May IS,
1S36, came to America In 1846, was united in
marriage with Benjamin F. Burbank Feb
ruary S, 1869. She was the youngest child
In a family, of fourteen, seven boys and
seven girls. Her husband, four sons and
two daughters survive her, Charles and
John of Fllley, Neb.; A. a. Burbank of
Gretna, Neb., and W. H. Burbank of thla
place; Mra. O. F. Harlan of Auburn and
Mrs. C. W. . Owen of Sprlngfleld. The
funeral will be from her late horn Thjra
day, July 16, at Z:S0 p. m.
nts William Gaerla.
SAN FRANCISCO,, July 11-Th death Is
announced In. this ielty of Fits William
Guerln, a veteran oMh. civil war and on
of the best known photographers In this
country. Ouerln won' fifteen' gold and four
stiver' medals" In nineteen exhibitions and
In 1900 ha 'was president 'of tha National
Photographers' association.' Deceased was
born In Ireland.' but came to the United
States when I years old. Hla remains will
be sent to St. Louis, where th funeral will
b held under th auspices of the Knights
Templar. A widow and three sons survive
V Willi. aa Daaa.
. William Dunn, aged (7 yearsdied at Us
home, 1613 Corby street, yesterday after
noon. Dunn has bean a resident of Omaha
for twenty years. II haa six children liv
ing In th city, John Dunn, an officer on
the police fore; Harry Dunn, Mrs. Ed
ward Le Page, Charles and Willis Dunn
and Clyde Dunn, who Is in th employ of
th Burlington railway. Mr. Dunn came to
Omaha from Malvern,. Ia. He had been
sick for some time with a complication of
diseases. The funeral will be held today.
William Maeholaaekl.
FLATTSMOUTH. Neb., July U.Speclal.)
William Maeholaaekl, 75 years of age, died
at the horn of his son-in-law. Matt Leuck,
In thla city yesterday, hla death lelng at
tributed to th excessive heat of th last
week. Deceased has resided in Plattamouth
for about fifteen years. He leaves four
children, on residing In this city, on in
California, on in Berlin, Germany, and one
In Crestcn, I a.
C. C. Cam.
RED CLOUD. Nsb.. July 14.-(Speclal.-
C. C. Cox died at his Bom near Lester this
morning after an illness of many months,
being a sufferer of consumption. Mr. Cox
has been a resident of this county for many
years and had a nne country horn. Five
sons and two daughters and a wife remain.
Funeral services will b held Wednesday.
He was a member or in Ancient Order of
United Workman and the Grand Army of
the Republic.
Faavral of Mrs. Newman.
COLUMBUS, Neb., July H. (Special. 1-
The funeral of Mrs. C. A. Newman was
held this afternoon. ' Th servloes wsra
held at th residence. Rev. Q. a. Munro
ef the Methodist church presiding. Mrs
Newman was born in this county, March
18, I860, and was married to Mr. Newman
in 1878. Bhe leaves, besides her husband
on son ana a aaugntar, also three
brothers and one sister, living In this olty.
. lister af Mercy Dead.
Mary Laurent! a. a 8Utr of Marcv at St.
Catherine's academy. Eighteenth and Cass
streets. dld Monday after a two years'
illness with tuberoulosla. She had been an
Inmate of th academy for fifteen years
Her family nam was MoXlehol and her
relatives rasld at. O'Neill. Neb. Th
funeral will be held Wednesday morning at
I o'clock from th convent chapaL
Aatoa (aebaata.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., July H.-Spaclal.)
Anton Shebasta. S years of age. died at
th home of his friend, Jo Svehla, In Oils
city today, after an Illness of less than ons
week. Deoeased has no relatives in this
country, but his father resides in th old
Mrs, Fraak Hem,
COLUMBUS. Neb., July U (Special.)
Mra. Rorer, wife of Frank Rorer, died thla
morning after an extended illness from
typhoid fever. Arrangements .for th
funeral hav not yet been mad.
Ed breeder Arrested Agala.
Ed Schroeder, of Washington county,
was released from the penitentiary Mon.
day, only to walk Into the arms of Sheriff
T. W. Lusk. of Burt county, who wanted
him on a charge of selling mortgaged
property. Schroeder had been sent up for
the theft of a team and will now be pros
ecuted on th accusation that he sold a
horse upon which he had plaee a lien.
Sheriff Lusk and his prinoner ware In th
city last evening en rout to Tekamah.
Twe Die ef Laekjaw.
DETROIT. July 1. Lockjaw, ss a result
of wounds from toy pistols on the Fourth,
claimed two more victims in thla dtv
I tcxi.
JULY 15. 1003.
S500,000 lift PRIZES
School Children's
This sketch was mnrie by Dorothy B.
Phlllips.oged 12, Central School, Omaha, Neb
We give a each prlxe of $5.00 for any
drawing of thl.i character which we accept
nnd u All Ktho'il children can compete.
Full Instruction" will be found on Inside of
each package of, telling what
to do to get the prise nnd how to make
the drawings!.
EcjfT-o-Set? ig a flaie f00j nmi is
wheat which can be procured.
It is pure and healthful because
Notb The price of Efirsr-O-Sae
cents. Th larjroHt food mill In iha world,
flaked wheat food at thli lower price.
aaaaaaaaaa ' 1 aaiTrMr l i ir-it""""'-"-
If roar grocer does not keep It, send as his name and lO eeats and we will
Address all communications to Battle Crek Breakfast Food
Fire and Police Board Bai Conference with
0 ty Oou-ci!.
Disagreement Over the Aaoiati to
Be AlIoTted May Reanlt la a Salt
Against Coancll by the
Tuesday th Fire and Police Board en
deavored to hold a conference with tha city
council, the main object being to receive
some recognition from the mayor and city
council. In the first place, the member
of the council declined to meet with th
board and individually gave it out that in
no manner, shape or form would the Fir
and Police board be ' recognised by the
council. The board wanted to know where
the salary of Its member was coming
from, also, th salary of th secretary.
Incidental expenses wr also mentioned.
The finance committee of th council as
serted that in compliance with th law
a levy had been made for th mainte
nance of the Are and polio departments
and that was all that could b expected.
Chairman Vansant stated that it was de
sired to put firemen and policemen under
bonds, and have ths city pay th premium
on th bonds. This raquest waa met by th
statement that aa none of th members of
the board were under bonds, th council
could not see Its way clear to levy a tax
on th people for such purposes.
It Is too late now to make any cnang
In the levy ordinance, as th law specifies
that the levy must be made btwn July
and 15. Both th levy and ap-
nronriatlon ordinances have been passed
and are now being printed. Evn should
the council hav any inclination to mak
alteration it could not do o aa th time
limit has now expired. It Is expected that
th board will instltut proceedings against
the council, and this la Just wnat is
wanted as it has been asserted oy at
torneys that the law permitting th gov
ernor to appoint a board of commissions
Is invalid.
Laat nlaht th Fir and Police Doara
held a meeting In th council chamber to
hi- remonstrances against Peter Uvlck,
Twenty-seventh and Y streets, and Jo
seph Pfelffer. Thirty-second aad B streets.
A lsrg number of witnesses were exam
ined and th board remained in session
until nearly midnight. A. S. Ritchie rep
resented Pfelffer and H. C. Murphy looked
after Uvlck's Interest. A dosen or mors
witnesses wer examined in each caa a.
Th board will gWa a decision In a few
nrn Johnson, a ponce omcer, waa
tried for falling to report a light out In a
Twenty-fourth street hardware stor. H
Is also charged wltn frequenting aiula.
No action was taken in the caa. Only
three members of the board, Vansant, No
lan and Bergqulst wer present, and for
hia reason action was dererrea. An ea-
Journment subject to th call of th chair-
man was taken.
o Bids Received.
At last night's meeting of th Board of
o.tinn several bond Buyers were pres
ent, but not a slngl bid was road for th
$100,000 high school lasu. Thes bond buy-
e. made statements mat as u iun.
market was off they were not in a position
to make bids of any kind, un in siae
buyers said that the history of th bonds
would not meet with favor In th cast.
h. malorlty waa only 7 ana a
, . had been permitted to vot in
.-o nreclncts in th BlXtn warn. ue
" , . a v
K.,rt tried to get a bid from th buyers,
but no bids could be obtainea, ana so wm
matter had to be dropped. When th bond
buyeis left th board rooms they said that
m h. a long tlm before thsy would
bother with school dlstrlot securities under
the present management.
n.n f John Klewlt, Jr., for a
room addition to th Highland school wer
nr...nted and accepted.
Th principal of th high school wlU b
required hereafter to keep a record of aU
tuwka used by puplla in th building, and
he will b held reaponalbl to the super-
ident for th loss or any noose,
Next Monday night th board will meat
iat tha contract for th lour room aa
dltlon to Highland school to McDonald A
That Boa Sal.
While tha city council has
powered to sell at private sal th 170.00
refunding bonds authorised at th special
election held on June a. It may be that
th sal will not be consummated aa soon
as sxpected.
Bond buyers aay that they do not Uk
th low rat of Interest offered, neither do
they Uk th optional clause. Letter front
eastern buyers to representatives her eon'
tain Instructions to keep hands oft of South
Omaha bonds, both school and city, until
there is a change in the money market.
City officials ars, anxious to dlspos of the
Competitive Advertising
i ci j
L7iawL.. .. ...
manufactured from the choicest
It Is made In the most perfectly appointed food mill in the world.
no other food is made under such strict sanitary regulations.
Is lO eent for a full slz packag-e, such as li .usually sold for 11
with tha mMt approved labor saying'
securities In order that the overlap may be
paid. This overlap Includes back salaries
for firemen, policemen and city officials
as well as employes of th street depart
ment Joseph Hares lnjared.
Joseph, the 11-year-old son of Frank
Hayes, Thirteenth and Monro streets. Is
at th South Omaha hospital, suffering
from tetanus. On July 4 young Hayes was
playing with a toy pistol and tho wad from
a blank cartridge struck the palm of his
left hand when the cartridge exploded. At
first the injury was considered trivial, but
yesterday It becam necessary to remov
the lad to th hospital, where he is being
treated by Dr. E. U Delanney. It may be
necesaary to amputate th arm In order to
save the lad'a life.
, , leanest Today.
At o'clock today an Inquest will be held
by Coroner Bralley over th remains of
Hiram Sappo. So far the polio hav not
been able to secure any definite testimony
In th matter, but hop to have enough
witnesses on hand to satisfy the Jury that
Sam Tucker did th cutting which brought
about Sappo's death. Tucker .till remains
among the missing. Additional descrip
tions hav been sent out by Chief Brlggs
and If Tucker ia in these parts an effort
will be mad to apprehend him. Drs. Sapp
and Delanney held an autopsy on th re
mains last night and will testify aa to th
causa of death at th Inquest today.
Strike Kasaer fafeandea.
There waa a report on th streets yester
day that th team flttera at Cudahy'a and
th steam Otters' helpers had struck be
cause . they bad been asked to worx on
Sunday. T. W. Taliaferro, general man
ager of th Cudahy company, said last
night that th steam fitters objected to
th dlsoharg of on of th man employed
and that In order to prevent trouble of any
kind ha had laid off th entire force, which
consisted of fourteen men. Th cellar
work, said Mr. Taliaferro, was practically
completed and the men laid off would not
be missed.
. Closlaa; Xara Joints.
Four of th members of th Fir and
Police board held a conference with Chief
Brlggs yesterday and it was decided that
all low resorts frequented by negroes must
hereafter be under strict nolle aurvsll From now on all negroes, mala or
female, will be arrested for frequenting low
resorts. Thla la to 'be don for th purpoa
of putting a atop to euttfng scrapes and
other crime which occur almost nightly In
tha district frequented by colored people.
' Grading Casasneaeea Teaay.
Dan Hanncn will today commence th
griding ef Twenty-first street from 8 to W
street. Thla work will necessitate th re-
moval of about 11,000 cubic yarda of dirt.
uity engineer seal act tn stakes ror this I
grading yesterday. Hannon haa completed
th grading on Sixteenth and Seventeenth
atreeta and final aatlmatea will be sent to
the city council next Monday night
Magi City Gossip.
Mrs. William Berry has gone east to
spend ths summer at seaside reaorta.
There will b a aneclal meeting of th
Modern Brotherhood of America on Friday
Heavy receipts of hoars continue and th
decrease as compared with a year ago is
now below the 40,000 mark.
Dr. and Mra Frank W. Slabauah will
leave today for Ohio, where they will spend
a couple of weeks visiting relatives.
D. V. Morlartv of Milwaukee Is In the city
the e-ueet of his oousln. Frank J. Morlarty.
cashier of th Packer National bank.
Tha Armours and Vocaskes played a
gam of ball at J.tter's park last evening.
The Armour team won by a score of i to L
a maetirur of buslnes men waa held last
night and ft was agreed to close all stores
Tbs best naterUU-Uia beat that money can buy.
A brewery as clean aa your kitchen; tha utensila aa dean.
The cooling- done in filtered air, in a plate glaas room.
The beer aged for monthi, tintfl thoroughly fermented, ao
it will not cause bUiooaneaa.
The beer filtered, then sterilised In the bottle.
You're eJwava welcome to the brewery for tho owners ars
proud of it.
Aad the aiae of It pnme that ftSXtfi&tj iTall.
people know the worth of
Tho Deer That Hide IWwaukee Famous
of $5.00 each will be Riven to
the School Children of Amcric
Contest No. 1051.
Made by the
machinery enables us to make me dom
aen.l yon a
Co., Qulncy,
package prepaid.
Everybody Is reading this summer.
We have everything In books, ret'tod
Scals and newspapers, at luminer
on every Momlny evening at 0:30 o'clock
during July and August.
Mrs. Inifplbora- Peterson, ncreil 44 vwin
died yesterduy morning at her home, 1:113
Elm street, Omaha. The funeral will be
held Sunday afternoon from the 11. T.
Brans undertaking establinhment nt 1:30
o'clock to the First Melhoillat Kplncopal
church, Twenty-third and N streets. Serv
ices will be In char; "f the Danish Sister
hood. The Danish Urotherhood nnil No. 261.
Odd Fellows lodge, will attend In a body.
Rev. Mlchelsen of Omaha will officiate. In
terment at Laurel Hill cemetery.
Threatens to Kill Himself.
A report was received from m Califor
nia street yesterduy evening to the effect
that Fred I.ash, who lives at that number,
had been contemplating suicide all day.
Officer Baldwin was dispatched lo look
Into the case. When he arrived it was
learned from the occupants of the house,
where Nash has leen bearding for about
a week, that he nad threatened several
times during the day to take his own life,
and It waa also se.ld that he had threat
ened the life of Orln Woods, who Is a
fallow boarder, but for what reason could
not be found out. When the officer ar
rived Naah had left and could not be lo
cated. Nash Is ' a boiler- maker In th
Union Pacific shops. ' v .
Overcome by Heat.
David Bradshaw, who drives an express
wsgon and usually stands near the corner
of Sixteenth and Dodge streets, was over
come by the heat yesterday afternoon. Ho
had not been working and was sitting on
his wagon when he became sick, but man
aged to drive to 102 North Eleventh street,
his home. When he reached there Police
Surgeon Schleler was called and found him
In a critical condition. After restoratives
were administered he was removed to
Clarkson hospital nnd was reported as get
ting along nicely late in the evening. Mr.
Bradshaw Is 64 years of age. He had a
sunstroke about four years ago.
Strangers Get Into Troable.
Charles Daley, of Chicago, and Frank
King, of Erie, Pa., were strangers in the
city and they had tndulged too much in
strong drink. Some boys showed them to
a cave at Fifteenth and Pierce streets,
where they might forget It In sleep. The
cave is a curious rave and Daley fell into
part of it and couldn't get out. King got
stuck In the passageway and they were In
this predicament wltt-n Detectives McCar
thy and Madsen found them. The officers
had to get a ladder to hoist Daley out of
the pit. The men were locked up, charged
with being drunk and suspicious charac
ter. '
Dearer Wedding Aaaeaaeed.
DENVER, July 14-Carrta will be issued
today announcing the wedding of John
Vance Cheney and Miss Sara Barker Cham
berlain of Chicago, which took place quietly
. r.....a 1 . C ..... r n w u n. .. .. 1
I known here until today.
Mollis Stevens, who lives at Fourteenth
and Lake streets, was' arrested by Ser
geant Mike Whelan yesteriay afternoon.
She Is charged with assault and battery.
Th policemen's shooting contest, which
was rcheduled to take place today, has
been postponed on account of the death of
officer Dunn's father, until tomorrow at
the same hour.
A small lire, caused by the explosion of
a gasoline stove. In the residence of J. H,
Williams at H73 South Thirty-eighth street,
called the department out at 4:46 yester
day afternoon. There was no damage.
N. K. Hoerer, who resides at Twenty
first and L streets, South Omaha, fell from
a southbound South Omaha car nar Nine
teenth and Vinton streets, about 4:30 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. He Is r.ot thought
to bs In a serious condition, although h
received a general shaking up ana was
still lying down when the poilce surgeon
arrived at the scene of th accident. He
was removed to hi home.