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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1903)
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1003. 5 V ROURKES. RALLY AT THE BAT Pull a GT) Oat ia Kiiith Inning by UnA ml SUni HALLA OF KANSAS C.TY WEAKENS AT END Game Marked hy Slagging ea Both Sides Is Flaally Wan After Belag Twit L-eat by liana Traaa. How easy) ' . It waa all duat in the ayes of the Kawltee yesterday . afternoo when the Rourkeltes rot together andxan, doing things, and finished by a cor( of 10 to with two men till to be put out And Pa's boy, won just because they went and took acorea when they needed them. Everybody had his batting rags on and the ball went round the Held Ilka a cat with the flu. Shafstal tond ' one bad. Inning and Ilalla had two, which mad, it all the harder for the poor lad. After the day before It looked Ilka easy money to. KJ4 -lchoU. and ha put Ilalla In the box to practice with. But Just to ba sura of .not making any mistake, they took a large klxed fall out of Shafstal right at the jump and then settled back. Ketcham :kH to? In, bat and scratched. but waa promptly forced out at second by Waldroiu.. Etrejb singled and Jacobs cama to the doing. Two times he swung at tha balli and then he lit on It 'and It went over tha fence like aV dove.' Weeks was erased at first and Kahl singled and came In on Webster's . double, and that waa all for that Inning. In the third both teams drew a score. In the sixth "Dusty" Miller came to the bat. He singled and the crowd rose and cheered him. Bhugart followed suit and things looked lovely. .Welch singled too, and Ha)la was getting worried, but that was only the start Jack Thomas got Into tha spirit of s tha thlhg and swatted out another single. Then . Hlckey got busy and drove,a tiloe one down tha third base line and Just out of reaoh of tha squdgy Kahl. It waa good for three runs and tied the score.- With BhafstaTs single It was one to the good and so It remained for awhile. - Kid Nichols' band evened It up In the eighth by swatting out a few, and the ninth opened up excitedly. Jacobs went out with a thud and then Shafstal weak ened. They fell on him and three runs resulted. ' It looked aa If It waa all over for Omaha, ' But It wasn't ' Oenlns drew a base on four wide ones. The crowd cheered and Halla looked wor rled. Miller got punctured with one of Mr. Halla's twisters,, but Umpire McCar thy called him back and he drew a base, 100. mines were loosing up ana nana , began to think of home and tha children, but It was no use. He couldn't get them over the 'pan. Bhugart 'Walked and there were three on bases. Then Welch and Thomas singled. That 'brought in three rune. The score' was tied and Qondlng .. Hk.l.t.l .. J dubbed one tiver to Kahl. Kahl gathered it up like a man In his sleep and threw it wide to home, while Welch skimmed In with the Vinning run; , . Today , , the tems wIB try It all oyer again. The summary: OMAHA. , AB. R. IB. PO ( A. 0 0 0 11 I 0 0 , a. Carter, rf ..: 4 0 11 Oenlns, ss, ........- ft Miller, If , I ., Hhug-art, 2b 4 Welch, cf...i B Thomas, lb 5 Hlokey, tb 4 uonning, c. US BhafaittU, p iii4f" '''Totals .'..'.SC 10 11 XX II t x Weeks out for bunting third strike. KANSAS CITY. AB. R. IB. PO. A. E. Ketcham, cf 6 0 2 1.0 0 5 o il l 2 0 0 ! I it o 4 0 0 Waldron, rf S 1 I Strelb,, lb 4 1 1 Jacobs,, ss 4 2 1 Weeks, v If 0 1 1 Kahl, 3D a .1 Webster; 2b 4 1 1 Messitt,' o 4 Halla. D , S 0 i a i a y..V V - - - Totals 43 . 14 x T I x One out when winning run waa made. ( Runs by innings: . . , Omaha ....-tf 0' 0 10 0 4-10 Kansas City 4 0100001 ( Hits by Inningsi. . . . Omaha .. 4 1 ! ? 2 t ! Kansas City 5 0 110 118 14 Earned runs: Omaha, 6; Kansas City, 7. Left on bases: Omaha, 7; Kansas City, 11. Bases on balls: Oft Halla, 7; off Shaf stal, S. Struck out: By Shafstal, 4; by Halla. 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Halla. 1; by Shafatal, 1. Two-base hits: 'VVeb- r- 'uter, Measltt. Three-base hits: Hlckey. Ketcham. Messitt. .Homo run: Jacobs. Sacrifice hits: Carter, Gondlng. Time: 1:36. Umpire: McCarthy. I Millionaires D,wa reoria, Cdl mninn BPRTVCfl Julv 14 Colorado Borings butted Friend hard at times and had no difficulty In. amassing runs enough to win tne. game. Dcors. Colo. Springs i.l 0 0 1 t 0 1 - 14 p,orla ;..-0 0 0 0 0 0 1 13 10 1 Batteries: Colorado springs, ixewmsysr and Loran; Peoria. Friend and Wllaon. St. Joe Skat .at la first. TJE8 MOINES. July 14. Des Moines shut out St, Joseph In the first game of the series, lloffer kept the hits well scattered, while Falls did not- AiwRuinov v. r H E i-... 'nin-"' ' I n 1 0 1 S 0 0 4 9 1 St. JoseDh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4) 10 . Batteries: Pes Moines Hotter and troMi BL Joseph, Falls and Oarvin. Poor Base Running Beats Denver DENVER. July 14. Denver lost today's game through poor base running ana i-iwuy errors in ine sixiu uu Bittwimi Bcor?: . .. ... . R.H.E. Milwaukee", . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-3 I Denvr 0 000200000 0 t I Batteries: Milwaukee, Kenna and waun; Denver, Lemks and Hchlel. t Standing of the Teams. vPlaved. Won. Lost. PC. Milwaukee AvCLT 43 IS .689 r.iinrMdo Sorlnas ....f 44 23 .667 Kansas City W. 84 St. Joseph .'. o Vwr Peoria g Dee Moines '9- Omaha .St 23 Si 83 " 1 M I .39 U 6:1 .404 .49 .446 .400 Games today: Ksnsas City at Omaha, St. Joseph at Des Moines, Milwaukee at .Denver, soria ai tuiuiauu oyi .iS. GAMES' Ift NATIONAL LEAGUE - Giants Tnho Lsvat-Contest, Marred y Mlahaos Whem' Players Are mvi-TNVATI. July 14. New Tork took the last game of the series from Cincinnati today by timely and heavy hitting. Mo Olnnlty and Steinfeldt ran into each other In the Sevenin -iman, mum win wni knocked -unconscious, but gamely resumed their work. Attenfftfcr 3.28. Score: K(W TOS.K. T - CINCINNATI. HHOABj M.H.O.A.B. Bro-o..- rt.. J I 0 0 oinonlla. If... 14 1,1 VanH'a. rf.. 11(4 i tirmour. of. 4 1 ( 4 , kteuana, lb. 4 ' ( 4 4 liolaa. rf ...0 0 I 0 0 Sana t- 14 ( Hacklar. lb. .01(41 hbk .,...! 4 4 4 OXiaioUlot, lb 0 0 I I 0 Waaa h a. IS 1 1 1 t Llr. ' lb 0 till Warn, ,...1 4 I a. , 4 14 14 Halluiiltr. P 1 J 0 J U' Ulpa. J J J TaU '. . w it it a ll; ; toui, ..."i 11 ir u "i New York . 1 f J-10 ClnclnnaU ,.4 . 0 0 S 1 0 1 3 Two-base , hlte:' Mertea, Babb. Three- "Kins si Bottlstl Beers." Hlgkesl Orator trasi I. bane hits: Warner (I). Babb. Left en bases: New York. 4; Cincinnati, 4. Btnlen base: Vnn Haltren. Double plays: War ner to Gilbert. Uresnahan to Hahb to Mo- Oann, Btln.eMt to Heckley. Halib to (.11 bert to Mc'Mnn. ' r"lrt base on balls: Off Mr-ttinnlty, ; off Phillips, 1 Hit by pitched mil: Kolley, Hresnahan. Btrurk out: By MrOlnnity, 4. Barrlflre hits: Vanlisltren, Mertea, Dolan. Time: 1:10. Umpire: O Day. Microbes Wla la Twelfth. CH1CAOO, July H-Wlcker won his own same today In tha twelfth Inning by smashing a liner straight at Doyle, too hot to handle The hit scored Har. y, who had led off with a clean single and reached sec ond on a neat sacrifice by Kllng. Attend ance, 1,(500. Score: R H O A R.H.O.A K. If.... S I Wstrans. lb... t t 4 C'aaar. tb.... J 1 I oHlwkart. If. 0 t 0 0 Chan... lb.. 1 4 tlnbla. rf.... 4 1 D Jonas, cf. I I 4 onnrl. lb.... 4 4 14 4 4 Wllllama, as. 1 I panisa, aa... l a i a Era. lb. , , 1 Rlttor, ..... , , lit Oiriood. lb.... lilto alio lMoCraarr. rtl 1 I I 0 4 114 to. loan, p. I 4 H.rl.r, rf. Kilns, Wicker, p., Totala ...Ill Mil l Total, ..1 -M IS . xOne out when winning run was made. Chicago 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 urooKiyn . . wuuuiuuvuuu v i Left on bases: Chicago, i: Brooklyn. 8. Two-ban" hit: Chance. Sacrifice hits: Kllnr. Hitter. Stolen bases: Harley, Kllng, Dahien, Flood, joutie piays: t iooa 10 Doyle, Dobbfl to Doyle. Struck out: By wicker, 1: by Jones, 6. Bases on nans Wicker (8), Jones (2). Time: J:10. t'm plre: Johnson. Phillies-Down the Ralats. ST. LOUIS. July 14 The Phillies defeated the locals today after a close (tame by 6 to ,. in me nrst inning tne amines dito McFarland out of the box. scoring four runs and practically winning tne game. Mike O'Neil who succeeded McFarland. allowed the visitors only four hits in the eignt innings ne pitched. Attendance, Score: PHILADELPHIA I ST. LOUIS. . . It. M.o. A t ' R.H.O.A.B. ThMu ' m . i i. a a ffaMn. IK. . 1,111 Glaaaon, lb., 1 4 4 0 Donobue, rl. I i WolT't'a, tb. I It I -8moot. cf... 114 4 4 Kalater, rt.. 11,1 0 Barclay. If.. 1 4 1 Tltua, If 1114 O Burk. lb.... 4 10 4 0 Barry, lk.... 4 0 11 0 llHackett. lb. 0 114 4 4 Huliwltt, aa. I 1 I I 1 Damont, aa.. 0 440 Elramar. a... 4 0 11 D J. O'Neil. e. 0 1 4 1 4 Dufflebr. p. 4 4 4 I OlMeFarlaod, p 0 4 4 1 0 . 4 4 4 1 OlMeFarlaDiI, p 0 0 4 1 0 .-AH. O'Nau, pO 0 1 0 0 ' " lM ' riuia ...-o-Tirlil ToUla, Phllsdelphla 4 06000010-6 St. Louis .1 o f i u i v v v I Earned runs: Philadelphia, 6. Sacrifice hits: Smoot Gleaeon, Duggleby. Hit by nltchel balls: O Neil. Zlmmer. Wild pitch: McFarland. Bases on balls: Off McFar land, 2; off Duggleby, 1. Struck out: By McFarland. 1: bv O'Neil. 1: by Duggleby 3. Left on bases: Philadelphia, 6; St. Louis, 4. Time: l:S6. umpire: Moran. Postpone Games, At Pittsburg Pittsburg-Boston game postponed; rain. Standing of the Teams. Played. WstL Lost P.C. PltUburg 72 60 22 em New York . Chicago .... Cincinnati .. Brooklyn ... Boston St. Louts ... Philadelphia .70 45 44 as 36 28 2 22 25 31 34 35 42 48 49 .643 .587 .514 .500 .400 .351 .309 75 70 70 70 74 ..71 Oames today: Boston at cmcago, isew Tork at Pittsburg GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland Fights Hard tor Twelve Innings, Finally Snatching Victory Over Boston. BOSTON. Julv 14. The home team lost a bitterly contested twelve-Inning game to Cleveland today. Honors were about even between Dlneen and Moore. Both teams fielded brilliantly. . Rain prevented the sec ond game which had been arranged. At tendance, 1,736. Score: CBVBLAND. 1 BOSTCN. R.H.O.A.B I K.H.O.A.g. fcar, cf 0 10 WDonalianr. If 0 0 1 14 nradta. lb.. 1111 HColllna. lb.. 0 1110 Lajole, lb... 1 1 4 4 olstalil, ef 1110 4 Hickman, lb. alio wrraamaa, n. i a i v McCarthy, It 1 I I 0 0 Parant. aa... 0 1 4 i 4 Pllck, rf 0 114 olLaCbaoce. lb 4 1 IT 0 0 Gochn'er. aa. 0 0 0 4 0 Kama, IB.... a i g Bamla. a 0 1 It I 1 Crlfar, o.... 0 10 0 0 Dlnran, p... 0 10 10 xO' Brian ... 0 4 0 0 0 llj. Btahl.. 0 4 0 4 0 Moors, p 0 0 1 1 0i Totals . 4 14 14 11 ll ToUla .. I 10 14 10 0 x Batted for Criger in the ninth. xx Batted for Dlneen In the ,-nlnth. Cleveland ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.-0. i.O 0 1-4 Boston 0 I ff' 1 0 1 0 (T 0 0 0-3 Three-base hits: Freeman, Hickman, McCarthy. Stolen bases: Collins, Parent. Double plays: Dlneen to Parent to La Chance, Ferris to LaChance, Bemis to La Jote. First base on balls: Oft -Dlneen, 3: off Moore, 3. Hit by pitched ball: By jvioore, . eirucK oui: ay moore, a, uy Dlneen. . Passed ball: Criger. Time; 2:30. Umpire: Connolly. Two In Tenth Decide. WASHINGTON. July 14. After Ryan had trtDled and Clark had singled; tlelng the score in the ninth, two errors and a single In the tenth gave today's game to BL Louis, Both pitchers did good work, the support accorded them by their respective teams ngurlng largely In the .result. At tendance, 933. Score: ST. LOUIS. . . WASHINOTON. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B. Bnrkett, If.. I I I 4 trl Moran, as... 0 14 11 Haldrlck, cf. 1 1 I 0 olKyan. cf 114 0 4 Krlel, lb 4 0 0 1 OUMarka, lb... 1.111 0 0 Andaraoa, lb 0 (11 1 0 Balbarh, If.. 0 1 ( 0 0 wauaoa, aa.. l 1 4 rr o , s , o 0ur4an, ... 0 4 4 1 OIl.'ouRhlln, lb 4 1 I I 0 Hill, lb 0 0 13 OiRobloaon. lb 0 0 1 I.I Hambblll, rf 0 1 I 0 Drill, c 0 0(10 Blarara, p... 0 4 ( t OlOrtb. p 0.0. 1 ( 0 Totala ..4 I (0 11 ! ToUla ..3 6i21 14 I - x Frlel out on attempted bunt. St. Louis 000110000 24 Washington 000000101 02 Earned runs: Washington, 2. Two-base hit: Clark. Three-base hit: Ryan. First base on balls: Off Orth, 4. Struck out: By Orth, 2; by Blevers, 6. Left on bases: Washington, 1; St. Louis, 7.. Paaeed bail: Drill. Time: 1:66. Umpire: Cloughlin. Waddell Strikes Fourteen Oat. PHILADELPHIA, July 14.-Waddell es tablished a new record today by striking out fourteen men. Every. man of the Chi cago team with the exception of Slattery waa retired on strikes one or more times, labell going out in that manner each of his four times at tha bat and Jones fanning three times. White pitched good ball, but three hits in the second Inning, two of them doubles, gave the locals two runs. Attendance, 4.230. Score: . PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.B , CHICAGO. R.H.O.A.B. HartieL If. . 4 I ( 0 W Ilkarln(, ' cf 0 1 0 0 u Holmes, If... , ( ( 0 , Jonaa. ef.,.. 0 0 4 0 0 Dana. 4b , , , 1 HI Unaan, rf.... 0 1 ( 0 0 L. t roaa. It. I 1 I 1 ( Uallahaa. lb. 0 0 11 1 Rarbolo. rf.. 0 a 1 0 i Murphr. lb.. 1 0 1 0 1 lahall, lb.... 0 0 10 1 Masooa. tb.. 0 0 0 1 0 rannehUl, aa 0 0 I 4 4 Slatterr, a... 0 14,1 A' hits. p. ... 0 4 0 I 0 lalcFarl-ad . 0 a 14. Croaa, as. 110 1 ahrack. 4 1 It I Waddall, p.. 0 0 I 4 Totals .. I I 17 19 I ToUla .. 0 ( 14 11 1 x Batted for White in ninth. Philadelphia 0300000a Chicago .' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hits: Green, M. Cross, Bhreck. Three-uaae nu: noimes. Bacrince hits Pickering, M. Cross. Stolen basea: Calla han, M. cross. lvrt on bases: Chicago, 11, Philadelphia. . First base on balls' on nils, i; on waaueii, t. struck out By White. 2; by waddell, 14. Hit by fltcher: . Magoon. Passed balls: Slattery, ; bhreck, 1. Tims: 1:45. Umpire: Uas- Stttl. Detroit Goes I'nder la Tenth. NEW YORK, July 14. New Tork defeated uetruii in ine lenm inning oi an interest ing same. Green's double and Long's wild throw bringing in tne winning run. Grif fith was hit hard In ths first, inning, but aiierwara neia ioe visitors well in hand. Ills home run drlv, -scoi Ims Bevllla ahed of him In the fourth saved 'the game for Mew i or. Attendance, a.v.H. Score: NBW TORK. , . DETROIT. R.H.O.A.B HO AH Kaalar. rf... ,910 Barrel, cf... 1 1 1 a a rulti. cf 4 1 I 1 0 McAlliat'r, If 1 1 4 0 0 Wllllama. lb 1 I I I 1 t'ravfura. rt. 111(0 Mr ran a. u. a a a a riarr, lb 0 I II 1 1 Conroy, aa... 110, 0 V eager , tb... , ,11, uanaai, id... w a ia i vobiid, IB.... 1,14 1 Uraan. lb.... I I 0 I IUiii, as 0 0 14 1 Ha.llle. a... 1111 u Bueloar. a... 4 It,, UnSlk, p... 110 4 viKllaoa, p.... 0 10 10 ToUU . . I 11 (0 14 ll ToUla ..4 TxM u t x One out when winning run scored. New Tork 0 1 0 3 1 0 S 0 0 1-6 Detroit 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 04 Left on bases: New Tork, 10; Detroit, S. Two-base hits: Wllllama. Green. Oirr Three-base hits: Gauzel, Crawford. Home run: Griffith. Stolen bases: Keeler Carr Secrtfloe hits: Williams, Teager, McFar- Hced bseasss sured ana) sst egalltv. May Canfaar, 7. land. Long.- Double play! Williams to OanaelL ) lmt baae on balls: Off Orlfflth, 2: off Klttaon, 2. First bane on errors: New York, a. Struck out: By Orlfflth. (; by Kltson, 5. Time: 2:ii6. Umpire: Sheri dan. Staaelng of the Tessas.. riayed. Won. Lost P.C. pojiton 71 4 25 . 648 1'hllanelphla 71 41 ) .677 Cleveland 68 37 $1 -644 New York 65 34 31 .6 Detroit 67 33 34 .4M3 Chicago 68 32 34 .V St. Louis ...65 29 R .446 Washington 68 20 4 .290 Oamea today: Chicago at Philadelphia. St louls at WaahlnKton, Detroit at Mew York, Cleveland at Boston. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES Milwaukee's Pride ts Hambled by Louisville, Which Takes Conple of Beaotlea. MILWAUKEE. July 14.-By losing two of the greatest ball games seen here this year Milwaukee went Into second place today. L-ouisvine snui oui me Brewers In the first and won the second by Mil waukee's errors In the fourteenth inning. For nine Innings Elliott did not allow a hit. McCord also pitched wonderful bait Attendance, 900. Score: First game: LOl'IBVILI.B MILWAVKES. R.H.O.A.B. I R.H.O.A.B. Karwln, rf... 4 1 4 0 o!-hany; lb. 0 1 I I 0 Hart, lb 0 110 0 Donahue, lb. 4 I II 4 4 Branhtar. lb 0 1 I 0 Wood. aa....4 1114 Odwall, cf .. 4 4 10 o'l'nal.ub. lb. 4 1 I 1 4 BulllT.n, lb. 1 1 1 1 4Haraphlll, . cf I 14 4 4 Clrmaa, if... 1 114 0DunlaaT7. U. 0 0 1 0 0 SrhriaTer, e. 1 1 10 1 0;OanlTr, rt..i 0 14 4 4 Qulnlan, aa.. I I I 1 1 Rpaar, a... 4 114 4 Walk.r. p... 1 1 1.1 cjKlllott. p.... 4 14 4 4 Total, ,. M 10 11 ToUla .. 0 11 IT 10 0 Louisville 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 14 Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hits: Qulnlan, Ganley, Walker. Three-base hits: Clymer, Hart. Stolen bsses: Qulnlan, Brashear, Hart, Hemp hill. Bane on balls: Off Elliott J. Sac rifice sits: Qulnlan, Elliott, Dunleavy. Wild pitch: Walker. Struck out: By El liott. 8; by Walker, 6. Double plays: Walker to Schriever to . Hart. Left on banes: Milwaukee, 8; Louisville, b. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Haskell. Second game: LOUI8VILI.FI. , MlLWAl'KSB. R.H.O.A.B R.H.O.A.B. Karvln, rf.. 0- 1 1 1 o!s-hatley. . lb. 0 I 4 T 1 ti.r. lh..... 1 1 11 1 0 Pont hue. lb. 0 111 I 0 Pranhaar. lb. 1111 I Wood, aa ... 111(0 Odwrll. cf... 1 110 0Vnalaub, lb. 0 0 1 4 4 am..n lh I 1110 HmrhUl. cf 4 1 4 0 4 ClTinfr, If... 0 1 4 0 0 Dunlaary, If. 0 1 1-0 4 Bchrlar. ,.0 111 I olOaalajr. rf... 0 0 1(1 Qulnlan. aa.. 0 0 ( 4 4;Spr. , 0 0 7 1 4 McCord. p... 1 0 1 4 oMrdlth, p. ( 10 0 ( BlUott, p.... ( till ToUls .. 4 4 41 11 I Totala .. 1 II 4t M I Louisville ....0 0100000000004-8 Milwaukee 0 OOOHIOOOOOOO o i Three-base hit: Hemphill. Stolen bases: Schafley, Hemphill, 'Hart (2). Base on balls: Off Elliott, 2; off McCord, 4; off Meredith, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Ker win. Sacrifice hits: Qulnlan, Kerwln, Gan ley, Hemphill. Struck out: By Elliott, 4 dv Mnnl 1?. Double clays: Unglaub to Donahue to Speer; Qulnlan to Brashear to nan. ieit on vmscs. i.i h c .., Louisville, 6. Time: 2:30. Umpire: Haskell. St. Paul Pounds Relating Hard. ot "cATTT. ' Ti,i iiHf Taul took a ter rific batting 'streak In the sixth Inning and scored six runs. " Stewart was something of a purile to the visitors. Alienaanco, 973. Score: . ST. PADU f TOLEDO. n.i ... i a a 1 - R.H.O.A.B. Shannon, cf. 1 110 0 Smith, rf.... 0 MM Jackaon, rf.l 1 0 0 Owena. aa... 0 0 110 Flournor, If. 1 I I 0 0 HoBman, ";?; Hunlna. lb. 1 1 t 7 0 Turnar. lb.. 10(00 Hunlna, lb. 11(7 0 Turnar. lb.. 1 ; Keller, lb...l 111 0 0 Bernard, cf.. 1 I 0 0 0 R'haeler, lb. 1 1 0 I O KIalnow, . SulllT.n, .. 0 0 I I 0 Brhaub, lb... 0 1110 K W 6 BUwart, p. 0 10 0 0 Chllda, tb... 0 0 1 I Ratallng, p.. a a ToUla I 10 rf 11 l ToUla .. I 4 14 0 I St. Paul 2 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 M Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 12 Left on bases: St. Paul, 3: Toledo, 6. Two-base hits: Jackaon, Bernard, Jvieinow. Base on balls: OfT Stewart, 2; off Relsltng, 3. Struck out: By Stewart, 6; by Reisllng, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Reisllng, 1. vnmaA koii. k'l.innw l. Sacrifice nits: Jackson. Flournoy. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Cunningham. Oles Lose Pitchers' Battle. MINNEAPOLIS, July 14.-Columbus won a pitchers' battle today. Wagner and Mc Donald were both In fine form,' the latter striking out seven men. .Attendance, 1,400. Scoe: -' . . i , .cowjMBf s. . I m:kkbapolis. ' R.H.O.A.B. M R.H.O.A.B. Bannon, cf.. 0 1 I 0 olSulllTan. et. 0 11 4 4 Arndt. rf.... 0 0 0 0 (Spooler, lb.. 0 0 11 0 0 Turner, lb... 114- OlLally. If 0 1 0 0 4 Rayniar. lb.. 0 I 0 1 o'Smlth. rf.i.; 4 144 wA.Pi.Mw mm a a i a tiiivler. aa.A. 10 10 0 Roacb, lb... 0 0 11 0 O'Vtclntjrre, lb 0 0 1 I 0 Fox, e....... 0 0(1 SMartln. lb... 0 4 1 ,( f McMakln, It 0 0 I 1 OjLudwls. o... 0 4(10 Wagner, p... 0 0 0 4 McDonald, p. 4 4 4 ( 4 ToUla .."I"VTS"l' ToUl, ..1 (Mil 0 Columbus O005i22r"f Minneapolis 00010000 0-1 hit: Turner. Three-base hit: Lallv. Base on balls: Off McDonald, 4: off Wagner,-4. Struck out: By McDonald. 7; by Wagner, 4. Sacrifice hits:. Mclptyre (2), Koacn, Mornssey. moien mm. xuini, Raymer. Wild pitch: Wagner. Double play: McMakln to Roach. Left on bases: Minneapolis, 7; Columbus, I. Tlmo: 1:40. Umpire: Cunningham.. . Kaw Tribe Victorious. ViVSAS CITY. Julv 14. IndlanaDOlls all but tied the score in the ninth with doubles and singles. Durham was effective at all other stages of the game. Attendance, 1,000. Score: KANSAS CITY. , INDIANAPOLIS R.H.O.A.B R.H.O.A.B. Rothfuaa, ef. I 1 ( ( Hosriever, 111 1 M I Gear. rf... 0 1 1 4 01 111 I 0 Kox. Ib 0 0 111 Nanca. lb. Heydon, 0 0 4 1 0 1110 4 Grady, lb.. ,(011 ojCoulter, cf Knoll. . II.. .01402 .4 0 0 0 0 Jonea, It 1110 0 Leewe, aa. Nlcboll, lb.. 4 1 11 0 0 Butlar, 0. I I ( 1 v Tameett, Ib. 1 10 1 0 McAnd'a. tb. 1 1 1 1 ll Marcan, aa.. 0 1 I I 1 Durham, p... 0 I I 1 0 Ford, p 0 4 0 1 0 aWaodruS .. 0 S 0 ( ( ToUla ... ( 10 IT ( I T0U1 ... , ihu I xBatted for Ford In ninth. Kansas City 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 -C Indianapolis 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0- 24 Two-base hits: McAndrews, Butler. Jones, Marcan, Three-base hit: Knoll. SacrlAce hits: Gear, Grady. Stolen base: Oear. Bases on balls: Oft Durham, 8; off Ford, 6. struck out: uy uurnam, : by Vord. 4. lft on bases: kLansas City. I: Indianapolis, 6. Time: ,.1:46. Umpire: Mui- lane. . Standing of turn Teams. - Played. Won. Lost P.C. 8t. Paul .... Milwaukee . Indianapolis Louisville .. Kansas City 73 69 72 72 l ......70 71 68 44 28 .611 42 27 . .6" 42 30 . 63 87 85 ' .614 28 33 .46 30 40 .42$ 29 43 .408 26 42 .3S2 Columbus .. Minneapolis Toledo Games today: Louisville at Milwaukee. Indianapolis st Kansas City, Columbus at Minneapolis, loieuo at ou I'aui. Waterloo Easy for Eagles. FREMONT. Neb.. July It (Special Tel aarra.m.1 Tho t remont t.a.Kies umn t nave any trouble in getting away with the Wa terloo leant una iwmiwii. 4.11V ta.,iva did some hitting when It counted, and In the sixth K. Cook knocked out a home run. bringing- In two men wno were on bases. Waterloo plied up errors and was slow. DeVore succeeded Turner In the box after Cooks home run, but the Kuslea found him easily, especially In the eighth. - Bi-ore: - avn.aj. F-agle I 0 3 I 0 I 0 I 13 12 Waterloo 101300300 7 10 Hatterles Eagles, Heckley, S. Ronln; Waterloo, Turner, uevore ana &noia. . Red Clond Wine Close One. RED CLOUD, Neb., July 14. (Special Telegram.) Six to nv, was the result of today's game wlih Giltner, in favor ot the lrwala The aume was hard founht and outside of one bad inning apiece, the gam, was line. Guliler and Schaub did fine work in the field lor tne locals. Tha score: Red Cloud 00401100 g Giltner 00001031 0-4 ituaoa on balls: Giltner 2. Red Cloud 1 Batteries: Wanek and Jefferles; Adams and Wbitcomb. Webster City Shnt Ont WEBSTER CITY, la.. July 14 (Special Telegram.) The local ball team, crippled bv the lumping of Easton. ths star twtrler. lost the it a me today to Oelweln. 6 to 0. Th, locals securi-d but two hits oft Big Rogers. I chile Wilkinson allowed nine. Errors wert"t plentirui ana coaiijr on uoia siaes.. usson City tomes here tomorrow for a series of two games. Score: Oelweln 0 40000010-t Webster City S 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 - Batteries: Oelweln, Denser and Moore; Webster city, vt iiainson ana wnite. Ord Second Game. ORD. Neb., July 14. With s long string of victories to their credit, the colore of the Oreeley base ball team were lowered here yesterday by the Ord aggregation by the aci.:! .if ( to 2. At no time during th, -- " 1 sr. have aajr Un at wuv nlng. Its two unearned runs being brought In by the muff of a fly In center field. Wind and rain put a stop to the game In the eighth Inning. Bcfth teams have now cap tured a game each, and a hot finish is looked for. v , . Jaat Like the Big- Lengners. ATLANTIC, la., July 14 (Special Tele gram. Creaton won again today against Atlantic's rrlppled-up team, and tied the locals for first place In the average of the Houtnwoaiern league, up to .the end of the ninth Inning, the score stood a tie 4 to 4. Mills of Creel on went to bat and, on a strike being called on him. cursed the umpire, who Hned mm lh. Mills talked back and was put on the bench. Bonham took up the runs lor Mills and waa also fined o. Umpire Brantley, an Omaha piano salesman, not being In the mood to be trifled with. The umpire was Justified In his action, but the disturbance rattled the home team and when tha tenth Inning ended Creaton had made 6 to Atlantic's winning by I to l. Hatterles: Atlantic. Jarrott and Perry: Creston. Ward and Corbltt. Hits: ana m. Errors: 6 and I. Btruck out: By Jarrott, 10: by Ward. 6. At tendance, too. Llneolnltes 5ot In It. olal.) The Yankee Hill Brick company's nase oau team oi Lincoln piayea tne local team In an exciting game here yesterday. The grounds were Is) excellent shape and the locals did the work that fixed them. Score: Germantown ........ 0 t 0 0 1 4 0 t 14 Yankee Hills 0 000180004 Batterlea: Germantowna. Westerhnfr. Baker and Mitchell: Yankee Hills, Bets, liintener ana bmniey. Errors Costly for Bertram. BERTRAND. Neb.. Julv 14.-(9neclal TelcBTam.) Aranahoe won from Ren rand by a score or to . errors lost the game for Bertrand, . Arapahoe not getting any earned runs.' Batteries: Arapahoe, E. Beltcher and Pat ton; Bertrand, Masters and Atkinson. MeCreery Goes to Brooklyn. MINNEAPOLIS, July 14,-Tbomaa Me Creery. late centerflelder of the Minne apolis ball team, has been secured by Ned Hanlon. manager of the Brooklyn National league team. He will Join his new team In cmcago. EVENTS , ON' RUNNING TRACKS Chicago Jndges Set Down ' Three Jockeys Convicted ot Fool Riding.. CHICAGO. July 14 The Judges todav re nawed their war on foul riding. Three locKcys were Indefinitely susDended. Trea. nor wns punished for his work on Orfo on Monday, Henry was set down for cutting across with Batts at the start of the Edge water stakes today and Wonderly was set down for fouling Major Tenney with Bard of Avon In today's second race. Bard of Avon finished first. - but was d souallfled the race being given to Major Tenney. Re sultr: First race, five furlongs: Bluementha! won, Dungannon second, Martlus -third, Time: 1:02. Second race, on, mile and an eis-hth Major Tenney won, Kllmorl, second, Carat third. Time: 1:644,. Third race, Edgewater stakes, gross value ta.DiU. nve naif (unongs: ionb.iaie won English Lad second, Batts third. Time: l:0S. Fourth race, one - mile and an eis-hth handicap: Bondage won. Bragg second, Schwalbe third. Time: 1:52. Fifth race, six furlongs: Henry Bert won, uienaaie aecona, ine uiver third. Time: 1:14. . Sixth race, one mile: Lingo won. Blue mini second, raaing xigni tnira. rime: 1:40. NEW TORK. July 14.-Results: First race, five half furlones: Bowena won. Sweet Gretchen second, white Plume third. Time: 1:09. Second race, one tnlle and a sixteenth, selling: Dark Planet won, Ctnclnnatlus second. Nevermore third. Time: 1:49. Third race, one mile and a furlontr: W. R Condon wonHunter-- Raine second, Thor- neycroft third. Time:, 145. Fourth race, the Glencover handicap, six turiongs: Astanta, wqb. air vonrnees see ond. Uravlna thlra. 'lime: l:l3k. Fifth race, rlx furlotigs. selling: Lumi nosity won. rnintie i-ieatner second, snort cake third. Time: 1:1S3. Sixth race, six furlongs: lux Casta won. Counterpoise second Kingfisher third. Time: :13fc ' ? - ST. LOUIS. July. 14. -.Results: .... , i First race, five furlflhis selling: Tona S won. Alif-grette second, I'luKey a third. Time: 1:04V,.' ' ' ' Second rnce, six ruriongs,' selling: ivernla won. La Rouse, second,. Doctor Clark third. Time: las,. . , l mm race, nve nnti a. nan rurioiiKS. purse: 'Kilo-won, Lord Hermence second, Brilliants third. Time:, 1:11. Fourth race, six furlongs, purse: Helen Print won, Stand Pat second, Frank Bell third. Time: 1:14. '-' ' - Fifth race, one and one-elcnths mile, sell- lng: Carrie Hohe won, Hook Zoka second Bnronet third. Time: 1:B7V4. Sixth race, one mile .and seventy yards, purae: Bengal won, Jim Clark second, Mynheer tnira. Mime: 1:11. WESTERN GOLF TOURNAMENT Directors Meet In Omaha and Fix Tlmo and Plnce for Fall ' Event. The annual tournament of the Western Golf association will be held on the links of Waverly park in Des Moines, la., Sep. tember 2 to 12. The first day will be for women to qualify, the second and third for men and women and the fourth day will be given to a handicap match of thirty-six holes against boglo. The links are said to have a very fine elghteen-hole course. The selection was made at an Informal meeting of the directors here , yesterdaay. They happened to be In the, city on other busl ness and chose the opportunity to make the arrangements for the tournament. H, Q. Leavltt, one of the board, will be aole to announce the program in full In a few days, CRACK SHOOTERS EXPECTED Missouri State Tournament to Be Held at Lake . Contrary ia ., September. iriQITDU Mr ' TmT 1i Or.l.h Arrangements nave been completed for a state shooting tournament to be held at lake contrary tne tirsi week in Septem ber, under the auspices of the ' Missouri State Amateur Shooting association. Invitations have been sent to tall the crack shooters In the country and men from St. oula. Kaunas city, Omaha. Den ver and other leading western cities hare announced their Intention of attending. ine snoot wur oe a mixea ojrair, one or two days being devoted exclusively to Uv birds. Two or three days will be duvoied to targets. Tha association has a member shin of about 4u0, and they reside in more than a dozen oinerent stales. 11 13 expected that a greater majority of them will be in attendance at this tail touruameut. AMERICANS MINOR WINNERS Only Two from Across the Bea Shoot 'at Blsley and Both Score. BISLEY, England, July 14 -Ctrptaln H, M. Bell or the Becona regiment. New Jer rey, and Private Cook tif the First regl ment. District of Columbia, were the onlj Americans who competed today. Both Be cured minor primes in the comDetltion a 1.0O0 and 1.100 yards for a prlxe of l&O, or fered by Major Edge. Lieutenant Ranklr won, with an aggregate of 127 out of a pos slbls I'M. captain lien scored- Ltf and Prl vate Cook 121. Shamrocks Stretch Their Sail, NEW YORK. July 14-Not a race, but a sail-stretching trial waa the purpose of today's spin of the two Shamrocks down along the Jersey coast. Shamrock III had juat bent on a new suit of sails with in creased area, afforded by its tallest mast and Designer Fife wanted to stretch the new duck be-fore a set race. All the time the boats were out it looked squally snd for haJf an hour before the trial was abandoned the boats had a windy stretch, before they put their sails down. Sir Thomas expects to s've the boats a race over a set course tomorrow. Homo Una Only Seore. M'COOK. Neb., July 14. (Special Tel gram.) Toaays game netween Hold re a and McCook was one of the most hot! and closely contested games of ball eve played in southwestern Nebraska. Hold rege won by a fortunate home run. The core was 1 to 0. McCook failed to n.ka a safe hit off Teel and Schopp pitched superb game for the locals. One of th largest crowds ef the season witnessed the LAND LEASES ARE ILLEGAL ndian Parent Cannot Mate Controots for Minor Children. JUDGE RENDERS SWEEPING DECISION Most of the land Held Under Leases in tho Indian Territory Most Bo Vacated by tho Occnpants. MUSKOGEE. I. T., July 14. A decision was handed down today by Judge C. W. Raymond, United States Judge for the west ern district of the Indian Territory, which will invalidate leases on 1000.000 acres of Creek Irtdian land and will bring dismay to speculators and land leasing companies. It is difficult to appreciate the sweeping effect of the court's holding. Judge Ray mond has held that an Indian parent has no right to lease the land of his minor chil dren, unless he has by due course of legal prooedure been made the legal guardian. Cases where the parent has been made tjh .legartfUfrtlUn ot Ms children are rare in the extreme, hence the thousands ' of acres allotted to minors that have been leased by their parents have been let Ir regularly and the leases will not stand. In the Creek nation there are 3, acres of .land. Of this 2.WQ.000 acres have been leased to outsiders. Many Acres Illegally Occupied. It is roughly estimated that only about 600,000 acres have been leased legally and that the remainder is now being held by persons who can be removed by minors go ing before the Indian agent and demanding possession of their allotments. The speclflo case that came up Dcrore Judge Raymond was an Injunction suit en titled W. W. WJtten and Morris Black against Shoenfeit, the Indian agent. The agent had instructed an Indian policeman to order a man oft land' allotted to three minors and leased by their father, who was the natural but not the legal guardian. An Injunction was asked from the United States court by Witten and Black to re strain the policeman. The injunction was denied snd the land will xbe restored to the three minors. EVENTS ON TROTTING TRACKS Walnscott Easily Bests Two Competi tors la Heat Week's Big . Race. DETROIT. July lt.-The feature at the Windsor Driving Park association's meet ing today was the Impressive fashion in Whlcn wainscon, an ciui i" w w" chants and Manufacturers' J10.000 stake at n.trnlt next week, won the 2:25 trot snd defeated Hie Boy and Bonnie Russell, also named In the hlstorlo staue. ttesuits: Pacing. 2:15 clas. purse WOO, unfinished frnm vesterday: Darky won first, second and slith heats and the race. Time: 2:1114, 2:10A, 2:104. Wayne King won the third ana rourin neaio. unit.; i.wji, Maggie Fisher won the fifth beat. Time: 2-14U. Trotting, :a Class, purse o-u: nainargii won In three straight heats. Time: 2.10)4, 2:1SV2:" JrS4.-ing, 2:ai ciheib, purM avuu. i-vu...iv won fourth, fifth and sixth heats and the race. Time: x:m. - :n-. j-'iaoino won first and third heats In and :11.. Hal Phaffen won the second heat In 2:ll'-.. lToiunK. ciass, yurwo a-""; n-.uw Burke won In thijfce straight heats Time: Z:134, Z:l-. rrii.iTMRUS. O.. July 14. Results: Class 2:24. pacing., purse Jl.fluO: Dr. Ma. dara won in two straight heats. Time nu 2-(i8i.. Class 2:23. trotting, purse $1,000: Guy Fortune won the second and third heats and race, rime: :nni, s:io-. ainuu . ili. w,.n the first heat In 2:l6'i. riajaa 2:10. pacing, purse Su0: Baron Rodgers won in two straight heats. Time: -iil: -ftk&. Class 2:17, trotting, purse SO0: Ro4osola won in two straight heats. Time: K:l4l, 2:16. . - Raring Opens at Marshalltowa. ... r . . T mAwM Ta Till- 1i MAi:onAi.-.iu . (Soecial) The racing on the Cedar valley circuit here today resulted as follows: n W won the 1:15 trot in straight heats, . . . .1 Hilll. A Ki-.l R-..I. time- t:18l4. Dollie A swerved In n break and A. Arthur stepped Into her wheel piling the horses and drivers on the ... ' Mn MMrloiia lnlurv resulted. in the 1 :2ft trot Miss Adrian won In airaleht heats, Ned second and Reuben i . . . . .1 a-011. Harrv Bennet won the half mile dash In ' ' , . . V. U .... rn.A mtrA T 1 1 H .. nrty seconua. wm. M . place and show. Th. attendance was only fslr, with weather and track excellent. Serlhaer Defeats Eagles. SCRIBNER, Neb., July 14. (Special. ) nn. doft-ated the Fremont Eaglee Sun day on the home grounds by a score of I to 7. liy SO uuina mm DWIiuli-r inui nun ri.lmi the chamDlonshlD of Dodge county, as the Eaglee were considered Fremont's best. Chads of tha home team pitched a good, steady game and kept the hits well scattered, while the Scrlbner boys hutted both the oppoelte pitchers hard and the same was never In doubt after the first Inning. . Score: R.H. Scrlbner SlSlStlSO 1 Fremont I 1 1 M 1 1 H-l!) Twn-haae hits: Berliner. I: Fremont. fliu-rlflre hit: Scrlbner. Batteries: Fre mont, Daum. Ackley and MIIHken; Scrlb ner. Cbada and Kobertson. umpire; luni lea. . 5c (Slwof A stranger in a strange place should remember to ask for the Cremo. You can tell it by tht band. The Largest Selling Brand of : Cigars in the World. The Hand is the Smoker's Protection. The Treatment of Hemorrhoids, (Plies), Fistula, I'lcers, Chronic Constips tion, Itching Piles, Rectal Fissures and Other Hiei sees of tho Rec tmn and Intestines Is the Province of a Physician Who Has Devoted Ills Life to Ther Stndy First Among Experts In Rectal Diseases No-. other diseases so absolutely uemand diagnosis and treatment by a skilled spe cialist as' do those of the Rectum and In testines. The general praotloner can give only casual study to Rectal and intestinal ills. He cannot thoroughly understand their na ture, lie treats the symptoms, not the disease. At best only temporary relief is the result. The general surgeon tees the State Electro-Medical Institute Anthorlxed lftOS Farnara St., Between Just as pure and Send for iir n .T ..-il v lift .7 JOHN GUND BREWING CO.. La Crosse.WI. Tmt Ctty, CtohhU BttK, Cuhfvrnim. r"" -v .'-J'-".. 'vv-.. . rrz?rrTTm Go West to the Ocean California's summer climate is finest in the world. Cod Trip on th S'anta Ft. Surf-bathing ocean breezes snow-capped Sierras. You csa bus s combination round-trip ticket to Sao Diego this summer inc. ud Inf railroad snd Pullmsn far, meals ca route, one day st Grand Canyon, sad twe wekt' board snd lodging st Coronsdo lent City st s very low pries. Tot City is s popular Southern California summer seaside icaott. WrU ft mil pmHcmtmri mtwml lu tdhftHftti mcnim trif. itchlsea. Tsssk h4-x TT-a B. L-PALMER. t&6 ftoiMbS. IA. oare tor all diseases in the knife snd cau tery. Thousands of wrecked lives attest the danger of the knife In rectal dltiaaaee. The sufferer 1 from Piles, Fistula, Chronic Constipation, Fissures, Itching riles, or cny other Rectal or Intestinal disease, should Immediately seek expert treatment. If neglected, these diseases lead to com plications which undermine the health and end in physical breakdown. The result of my twenty years of study and experience is a knowledge of the cause and effect of Rectal and Intestinal diseases. I cure Hemorrhoid (Piles). Fistulas, Chron ic Constipation Fissures, Itching riles and the myriad other disonses of the Rectum nnd Intestines, not temporarily, but for all time, by curing the primary cause rf these diseases. You rhould honestly and fully In vestigate my methods of cure, which are harmless, painless, bloodless and without the use of the knife. I am especially desirous of oaaes which other physicians have failed to cure, and physicians having cbstinate cases under treatment are Invited to consult me free of charge. My office is equipped with every modern method for the treatment of Rectal snd Intestinal diseases. Many of them are my own Invention and used only by me. If you cannot call, write and describe your troubles. by tho Slate. 13th and 14 th Sts., Oaaaha, Web. bottled BEER The Beer of Good Cheer Contains just the refreshment needed after ath letics or any exercise. wholesome as beer can be. Free Souvenir Booklet. i Omaha Branch, JOT South 'Jth Street, Telephones 2S44 aad