Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Tl l$-4. During July end Aug. w close on Saturday it I p. m. Boe, July 14, 1M.
if tl ' M
Special Sale of
White Embr'd
Mich., last November, W. H. Manning was
Treated her last night,.
'i Be police aay Manning wrecked the Man
ning Harness company by appropriating
Railwij Mail Serrice Official 8aid to Hare 2 600 f th nrm funds to his own use.
Demanded. Bribe, MAkTC A cm i rnwcccciinM
ninibg n I ull vwiii uuvivii
Driiasrl Employe aj a He Was Of
fered Reinstatement at Tea
. ., Dollar Dona ail rive -
Per Moath.
Wednesday morning we will place on special sale all our 75c,
85c f 1.00 and $ 1.50 White Embroidered French; riijuea .at 50c
per yard. (.
All 6ur 50c White Mercerized Waistinjprs. at 250'pet yard.
. All our 50c, 65c and 85c Linen Crash Suiting, at 25c a yard, mtsndent or the r.iiay m.n .ervtc. . .ni
nrtn avvYtat. bptat'. HAT.rf Xtfer and Per. tormwlr. cbM clef.k ofth' flr8t a""tant
alal al M. AiVAiaAJ J AMM v a, . v " " " I DOiwkQl&fllvT BOCrml sf OXUCt.
slari coats, takes place this year irom Juiy loin xo AuguBi aoiu,
WASHINGTON. July 14 Postofflce in
spectors ate Investigating .charges made
against John W. Masten, assistant super-
A man nnmed Torry, In the government
service,, has .made an affidavit, alleging
, Y. M, C. A. Building, Comer Sixteenth and DouglafStj '
Moat Hons Mordrrrr Tells His fttory
oa the Braftola Crime a Mys
-1. tery for Foar Tears.
LONDON, July 14. Samuel Herbert
Dougal, the perpetrator of the Moat he
murder, who was convicted at the Chelms
ford assises, June 13. of the killing of Mine
Camllle Cecils Holland, at Bnffron-Walden.
Kssex, and sentenced to death, was hanged
at the Chelmsford jail at o'clock this
morning, after making a full confession of
his crime.
The Moat house murder, as It was known,
was committed over four years ago and
I hope of solving the mystery had almost
been given up when' the body of the victim
that Masten proposed that Terry pay mm M .,, a. fnund Aori burled
110 down and 15 a month to secure rein- , ... , V '..,. '' ' T. :..
Accident on Chicago Great Western Ball
waj Near 8avBnnb, Mo
lotthbooad rassenaer Trala Dashes
Around a Carve at a Ulah Ppred
aad Collides with Freight
8T. JOSEPH. Mo.. July 14. (Special Tele
gram.) Two men were killed, two fatally
hurt and several people seriously Injured
In a collision between a freight engine and
a Chicago Great Western passenger train,
southbound, tills morning. Ths wreck, oc
curred three miles north of Savunnali.
The dead!
JOHN BROWNF1KLD, engineer of pas-
regard to ths length of ths hallucinations'
and th shortness of the lucid Intervals,
' ""' Talks af Maay Years Ago.
Ills mutterlngs during the delirium iwar
not always Intelligible, but they seemed
to relate to the history of events of many
year ago, which, being unknown to those
present, nelthor Dr. Laponnl nor Centra
succeeded In comprehending. At times the
pope seemed to sea apparitions. When his
attendants try to persuade him to th
contrary, the pops Insists on Indicating the
presence of some Imaginary shadow which
he not Only sees but hears. He said:
"Now, now, don't you see him 7 Besides, he
rattle the chairs and other things as ha
Makes Effort to Coatrol Will.
. It Is evident that th pops is making a
great ieffort and straining all his nerves to
maintain calmness and to have his will
triumph over his mental weakness. He suc
ceeds occasionally, but an attack of de
lirium follows this effort and each Is
stronger than th preceding. The resistance
which hi frail, almost transparent, body
offers to disease Is really marvelous.
Dr. Massonl was asked for an explana
tion and said:
''It la a phenomenon, which, as all such
phenomena, cannot be explained."
The doctors consider the catastrophe
near. H. Is Imminent if It Is to take place
through cardiac paralysis, or Is further off
If It I to com through cerebral anemia,
which Is th cause of th present delirium.
. Toward noon no marked change was re
ported, but Dr. Laponnl made a brief visit
to his sick daughter. This led to th be
lief that the doctors did not expect ' lm
mediate dissolution. .
property." the pontiff concluded, t'l divided
that among you long ago."
This declaration did. not surprise anyone.
it being well known how strong an anti-
nepotist Pop Leo has always been. When
the pontiff alluded to his personal fortune
he meant his patrimony, of whloh almost
two-thirds cam into his hand through the
death of his father's brothers. Besides
statement In a former position In Masten's
bureau. Terry alleges that he was origi
nally a 1600 employ In the . dead letter
office, but he was removed by Masten and
put Into the city postofflce.
Ha protested and finally Masten sug
gested his getUng , an outside party, a
coe frtand of Masten and a former em
ploye of the postal service, to help him.
The affidavit alleges that Masten gav
Terry assurance that If - he paid the
amount mentioned he could get back.
in the Moat house arounas. I WILLIAM STKWART, llreman ptiasen-
Mlss Holland was or mom nouin, r pM Ines.
about rour years ago, wnen uougai, wno Fatally hurt
was supposed to be her husband, but who, Tom Howard,' engineer
it was discovered, subsequently, naa never i jjoinea
been married to her, made his appearance, I , wiiiiam Benson, fireman freight, Dos
and Miss Dougal, supposed to be nis sister, i Moines.
freight, Des
party who started out In the boat from
liockaway who was unable to swim.
Woodmen of the World Business Mat.
ters to Be Considered aad
Acted Oa.
took up her residence on the place.
Miss Holland then disappeared suddenly
and Dougal sued , trie woman supposed to
be his sister, but who really was his wife,
Twenty others wsre more or less seriously
Injured. "
Freight train No. 60, a double . header.
left St. Joseph about 12:30 this morning.
Masten Complaint.
Subsequently Terry says he made an af
fldavlt ' containing
for divorce. This aroused suspicion and led I Tne tf aln n(la or(jerB to meet the passenger
to an Investigation. " .t Schuster Siding, several mfles north of
Dougal was arrested for cashing a check I savannah.
purporting to have been signed by Miss Before reaching that point, an accident
these charges and I Holland, and while he was in custody t" I to a car dolayud the train. The head engine
this, he had what was called nis prelatura, handed it to Masten to present to First body of Miss Holland, for whloh a thorough WM uncoupled and sent northward to flag
a sum of 40,000 scudL which for that period Assistant Postmaster General Johnson,
was a large amount; and which, in papal
times, was entitled by any member of a
family, embracing th priesthood.
This was given in order to put him In a
position to continue his career. In 1SS1
Pope Leo had all ills fortune estimated and
divided by Cardinal . Lamrens, a . moat
distinguished Jurist. His . nieces - and
but ' th affidavit did not reach Johimon
Subsequently he asked Masten for It, but
he refused to return It and Terry there
upon placed the Information before the
civil service commissioner, who took It
up with the president,
The federal grand Jury is considering sev
eral Important postofflce cases. Mr. Payne
nephews were obliged to ,aign. a paper I expects the grand Jury will furnish some
declaring that they had received all they I interesting developments. . There Is no
were entitled to. I definite Information available as to th
When , tha pope's brother, Cardinal I Identity of the cases, but the grand Jury
Qulseppe, died In Ml, Pop Lao Informed has .been working on them for some time,
hi. Tnl a 1 1 v AM that hit VM kji.ntnv .11 V I- I Am - ...nm nnt ha, hMn reached between
valuable library Intact, leaving them ihelr I tho postofflce and the civil service com- I TRUST
share In money. Obliging, them to" " sign I mlssloner regarding the transfer 01 em
another declaration -that they had received I Dlorea from other departments to the post
all they could claim. . I office department. The regulations-require
that It must bo shown that the person
A Cut . Blooda ' . ' I transferred will be-amployed on work Sim-
After Porter's Antlaeotla HaaHna- Oil la an. I liar 4o that , previously porformed byhlm
plied. Relieves pdn Instantly and heal at land haa qualifications which will enable
the same time. For man or beast. Price, ff
but unsuccessful search had peen made the raasenr train, which waa due in a
was accidentally found by a laborer in an jew minutes. Arter proceeding about half
old ditch, which had been planted over by m mu, tho headlight of the passenger sud
a shrub nearly four years previously. denlv armeared around a curve. Attempts
The laborer struck hie fork Into a hard I to flat it would have been futile, as the
substance . which proved to be a woman's I train waa going at a high rat of speed
shoe containing a woman a. root. Then Miss I .
Holland's bodv waa found lvlna face down-
Tom Howard and William Benson, en
An examination showed that the head glneer. and fireman of the freight engine,
had been Pierced bv a bullet, which waa Jumped. An Instant later tne crasn
found In the skull.
Dougal was susnected of havlna- mads
away with at least five wives.
Court Bets Aside Judgment Secured oa
Illearal Agreement Restrain
ing Trade.
LANSING, Mich.; July ' 14. A majority
gwttrbman and HI-' Wlfo Pro Tern
Compelled to Cama sa Right
, ' ' . or" Way. . . ,, t
Mossaaea Flashed from Vatican Show
Pantlff's Condition Througrh
out 'tho Day.
ROME. July 14. 7 a. m. The pop had
frequent fainting fits during the plght and
refused jiOurlahment. .
ROME July H,- a. m. Now and then
the pope becomea drowsy. He utters dis
connected, words while awake. . What he
seems to enjoy most are small glasses of
Tokay wine, sent by -Emperor Francis Jo
seph. Th appearance' of oedema, or swell-J
Ing of .the lovef texemltlea, , iff noUcad.
s Oxygon ta again' kept tja readiness, as the'
- breathing- of the pontiff has beobm more
him to Perform suou work better than a 0f the supreme court. Justice Grant dls-
person selected from the allglbloregister-J sentlng, today set aside a Judgment for
THF1R PASS IS TAKFrJ llPlof the commission. The present wvmu- i secured by the Detroit Bait com
.....I.- w. i - nllmh-- nr irrAflru- I K . . . - 1. .v i nu
atlOn Ml .QISBIUDVU uwa.wv r - I Jl.ll, lur B.I, jfurviitrecu uuuni i q- t
lar transfers. I The supreme court Bays the offiolala of
The resurnatlon' ;of Georgo C. unrisu- the Detroit company knew that-the Na-
ancy,'. who was given a leave pf -absenoe tional Company waa endeavoring to secure
as law clerk of the department shortly control 4tf the salt "market, and the con-
th. .KnaatinnaL rifling of the assist- tract -was. -therefore, illeaal. being In res-
CHEYENNE. kWyo July 14.-(SpeeiaI. aht attorney: generals safe, by Mrs. ly- tralnt at trade,
IT W Ttavman of Denver la ban in aaarch I nnr . h.i been under discussion . ai uw uw i in 'affirming the case of liennelt against
of his runaway Wife. Mm. Bayman came f partment, but there will ba no nnal ac- carr, the supreme court practically gives a road today between Bouden and Gurdon
to Cheyenne last Thursday - anfl was met tion until Mr. Payne's return. .. dearth blow to the. Michigan anu-oolored Ark., south of this city. Two brakemen. a
by I T. Batchelor. a Union Paclflo switch-I mp: Puna will leave here tomorrow, and oleomargarine law by declaring It not t Lira tramp and thirty-five carloads of
man, who Introduced her as his wife. Bay- will be aboard tha revenue cutter, wniie violation of the law to manufacture or sell horses and mu'.es were killed.
man arrived Saturday ' morning and met it makes Us regular cruise, aa far as Bos- oleomargarine colored with such a substl- box car Jumped the track Just as the
his wife and, as he supposed, effected a ton, and probably up the Maine Coast- H tute as cottonseed, oil, whloh is an Ingre- train ran on the Little Missouri river bridge
reconciliation. Mrs. Baymaftffrreedy re- iaid tonight- that he had not made his dlent, and. when not refined gives the d- wltn Bucn torce as to wreck the bridge and
turn to'Deriver'tOer tTtiihlldsen.and vacation plans yet, but would like to re- sired butter color. . allow tha thirty-five cars of stock and men
try and forget th attraeUvonswMohsohn. visit Poland Springs, Me. He expects 10
Th baggage car and tender of the passen
ger telescoped aud the two engines were
piled up in sn Inextricable mass. -
Engineer Brownflcld of the passenger
train Waa struck in the head by a piece of
flying timber from the wrecked baggage
car, while Fireman Btewan was caugm
between the tender and engine and crushed
to death. His body Is still In the wreck.
Twenty or thirty passengers on No.
were Injured, eight or ten seriously.
Physicians from Bavannah were hurried
to the scene. Word was sent to tnis cuy
and a special train was dispatched to aid
the Injured. Some of the Injured were
taken to Savannah and those who were
only slightly hurt continued on their way
in a special that was sent from Des Moines.
The track will not ba cleared or too
debris until late In the afternoon. ,
Wreck on Iron Mountain.
POPLAR BLUFF. Mo., July 16. A freight
wreck occurred on the Iron Mountain tall
The executive council of the Woodmen of
the World Is In session, at the sovereign
camp this week, the first session having
neon held yestt-rday morning. The principal
work of tho present session is. the desig
nation of depositories of the funds of the
orgs filiation for the coming year. These
depositories are confined generally to banks
In Omaha and the total amount of deposits
Is very largo.
Tho council will also take up the question
of aoctstnnce to be rendered the members
of the rrder ho suffered by the recent
floods at Kansas City, Topeka and St.
Loul. The scvcrelftn camp has been
rendering what assistance It could and
local camps have contributed to th suf
ferors, hut st this time the entire situation
will be Investigated by a commute, which
will report upon . the conditions and the
part the order should take In relieving
The appropriation of the exnensn account
for tho current year will also be considered
and acted upon, and through a committee
me condition of the headquarters building
will be considered and the work necessary
to mane improvements required determined
upon. It Is the hope of the sovereign offi
cers that these repairs and Improvements
win ne extensive and It Is believed f.i.t
when the executive ccunci! has finally acted
me improvements ordered will make the
building one of the best modern office
structures in the city.
Those present at the meetino- sr.! T r
Root, sovereign commander. John T. Tates.
,vClc,Bn cicru, r. a. Falkenburg of
l-cnver, sovereign advisor. Morris Bhepard
of Texarkana, Tex., sovereign banker. H. F.
Slmrall of Columbus. Miss.. sovereign
escort, E. Pe. Bradshnw of Little Rock,
Ark., sovereign watchman. B. W. Jewell
sovereign sentinel. N. n. Maxey of Musko-
-, i. j.. cnairman of the board of
k,. irwin of Tomah wi.
A. Fitzgerald of Kmu. sulfur IT a
- - ' -,. . A.
Supcrf luousllalr
Removed by th fcew Principle.
a&:mirac ,
A sure, quirk and liiexpenKfve method of
destroying objection hie growths of Imlr
has at last been tfiscnve red. The lie
principle, "le Miracle," was evolved
Ijnrough many experiments him a
f. Z 1J1,n"- Te..- C. C. Farmer of
mi. t-armei. in., M. D. Roaoh of Cleveland
O , E. B. Lewis of Winston, N. C, and S. L.
" nicago. The council will ad
Journ Saturday.
orouah knowledge of the productive con
ditions of th hair follicles.
It Is better than electricity, bemuse It
does not sesr or produce a new growth.
Better than X-rai, because Jt does not
burn, scar or pnriiylie the tissues of the
skin. Better than depilatories l-ersuse It
Is not poisonous and does not break the
hair off, thereby increasing the growth.
Kleetrolvsls, X-rny or depilatories are
offered you on the BARK word of the
operators and manufacturers. "De Mira
cle" is not. It Is the only method which
Is endorsed by physicians, surgeons, derma
tologists and medical Journals.
"De Mlrai-le" wlU -toe mailed to sny nd
dress. sealed In plalnwrapper, on receipt
of $1.00 by Pe Miracle Chemical Co... Park
Ave. and 13mh tt.'''1S'ew Tork. Your
money back If It falls to do all that Is
claimed for it. For sale by
10th aad Chicago Mrerta, Omaha.
Known to the present nge for Rheuma
tism, Constipation. Catarrh. JsJervousnoMS
and Stomach trouble.. 1'uroly Vegetable.
Thirty days' treatment 25c. .
Bayman atid Ms -wtfa teo6msf 't"the J t, away most of August
ROMBJ, July 14.-:15 a. mi Th following
medical bulletin has Just been Issued:
There has been no change In the grave
condition of the pope as stated last night.
Puis. i weak; inspiration, JO; tempera
ture. S&.5 centigrade. , , . ,-T. '
(Signed.) . LAPONNL
ROME, July 14.--10 a. m. During tha
night th . pope had several attacks of
vomiting and lost consciousness. At times
all hope was abandoned. '
ROME. July 14-12:! p. m. The news of
the grave condition of the pop spread
rapidly "and -many cardinals of th diplo
matic corps hurried to- th Vatican.
ROME, July 14. l:2f p. m. Dr. Laponnl
baa left the sick toom and gone to-see his
sick daughter. This la taken to Indicate
that th .pope's danger is -lass Imminent.
ROME. July 14.-:68 . m The organs of
the pope are gradually ceaalng to perform
their natural functions. All the processes
of elimination -hava ceased and no 'mora
nourishment Is taken.
ROME, July 14.-4:10 p. m.-No further
chang haa been reported In th pope's con
dition. -His three nephews ar remaining
near to aick chamber.
ROME. July 14. p. m. The pop
ahowed such a revival thla afternoon that
four cardinals, Cavlochlonl, the titular
archbishop of NaslaiuU Nocella, patriarch
of Antloch; Trlpepl, the prefect of th Con
gragatloa of Indulgences: and Cavagnla,
wr permitted t enter the aick room.
ROME, July 14. ( p. m. The following
bulletin has Just been Issued:
Th pop passed a fairly quiet day, but
had aliort periods of depression. Pulse,
8S, weak: respiration, 32; temperature, 3ft. 0
The strength of the august patient Is
dlmlnlahing slowly, but co'itln"?"'',
ROME, July la! 11:26 p. m. Th pop haa
dsllrlum. ' I
ROME. July 1512:15 ay m. Aftef mid
night ha pope's aleep . seemed tranquil
enough, although his breathing at times
was dlffloult- 1
Metropolitan hotel and had arranged to
return to Denver yesterday ' morning.
Batohalor got word -to the Woman during
th night and she, quietly stole away from
her husband, whom sh left sleeping peace
fully at, the Metropolitan, :iia tender had
eacured a paaa jfor JUoae4f.fand:iilfe and
tha couple loft at 7 p clock for Omaha.
Bayman . did. ,not; discover - Its'1 wlfe'i Jib-
United States Own 'Boat Callao Gives
Chase to LawUii (
1 BAN FRANCISCO,-July 14. Informayon
has been received from, the Orient fhat the
Callao is in hot
United States 'eVriVa
t.1 trtanectora Investigating a casa of
uvanviin: Pa... Have not yet submitted
their report
Say Oliver WU1 Snoeod Root.
) laesrntvrfo ,,bo A, general, .understanding
among officials of the War department
th..t : i?hnr ShaWu Oliver, --who' has Just
tenc until -e -tifwoxji,' but A hnmedfately ben ifppVilnted assistant secretary of war, purgutt, of hMi ot prrites which capture!
wired, officials 5f the 'railroad company. 1 wtll be -favorably considered for secretary Chinese mmberf Callao's ctew.
with th. result that,. Batchelor'i pass was of 'war -when. Becretary nooi " The plrittw threatened' -to kill their
taken . up and -the .runaway, fcatr has been known tor some time ui on prisoner unless a ransom of 9,X waa paid.
set off at. Hillsdale, whera-tasy- are. now! oomplatlon . of certain jmyu...v CaHao baA several skirmishes with th
encampad In a handpar house Tatrday which Secretary Root nas m Dand8 an1 succeeded in locating six
Batchelor ana Mrs. . Bay meat set out to tends to return to new iora .... partleBi
walk, back to cneyenne,1tt evidently law pracUce, out mere The Chinese government haa sent a gun-
thougnt Detter ot u ana reurtiea to Hills-I orations whien may proiiMi -
dale, .. . ' : , .. , ,i.,r member of the cabinet until anar inp nexi
Bayman Is still here and h vowe van-I session of congress.
Secretary Root returned from oyster jray
tonight, but declined to moke any state
ment as to his retirement from the cabinet.
m.. .i,rv evnects the work of the
, 11V . ..-- .... r
Ai.skan boundary commission will do com
pleted In tlma to enable him to return to
Washington and euDmit nis annual im
killed to fall Into the stream below, a dis
tance of forty feet.
Sam'l Burns Is selling
Bon Bon, 12.60. - :
a real "Llbbey"
geanc on big wife and tha. handsome pur-
lolner of the affections of his better half.
It is said that Mrs. Bayman , Is ths
mother of. .Wo grown children In Denver.
Batchelor was formerly emjfloyed on th
Ro ,. Grand in Denver and , became well
acquainted with Mr. Bayman,
boat to the vicinity of Canton with soldiers
and an attempt will "be made to exterminate
the outlaws. - i
- Th husr
bsnd finally heard th stories, about Ills I-to congress In December,
wue ana xjuicao.or anu.conipeea tne lat- ,. T..W Evaded,
ler xo. eav iwxvnr, ; . - ,.-.-; l . . -
A circular or imirutumi.
Kataer' Condition neported Worse,
So that Ills Friends Become
Alarmed. '
Eet?n,tjr(lci Army Officer to Be Sent to
'0' 9tjeWsnetHmosprtitl'n' "t-"'
, , Washington. . ,
WASHINGTON, July 14. General Corbin
has approved the recommendation of Gen
eral Bates I i the case of Lieutenant Wil
liam K. McCue. First Infantry, and the
officer la now on his way to St Elizabeth's
hospital for the Insane in this city.
The papers in the case have been re
ceived at the War department and show
that surgeons - who examined McCue pro
nounce him Insane.. Among the papers Is
one tendering his resignation aa an officer
while In the Philippines and another writ
ten about tha same time saying that he
waa In ana. '
This letter describes his life In the In
terior of Bamar and says that existence
there makes men Insane. McCue Is the
officer who waa married In San Francisco,
Supreme Court Jodgre Sign Final
Decree in Favor of
NEW TORK, July 14.-Justice Olcr.rti,
In the supreme court, today signed a de
cree of absolute divorce In favor of Edith
tiigciow and against Poultney Blgelow.
Tower and Meyer Arrive Together
on Steamer Kaiser Wil.
helm II.
-.).. . ,
NEW TORK, July 14. - Charlmagn
Tower, United Slate. ambassador to Ger
many, and Geo. V. L. Meyer, United States
ambassador to Italy, ; arrived today on
Kaiser Wtlhelm II.
i fi
because of thei r j
peculiar crisp, deli- f
cious taste mornlrfg,
.noon and night, "
Tempt v
Your Palate "
Ask your greear for
Malt-Too rtakaa '
' DR.
Treat a all forma of
T raata azpariMiM, 1
years In 1 Omihi. M.OOt
un vara). iUilkla iu L Cara gusraatMl.
CaarsM law. Tnitnml
tr nan, -ar writ,
hoa 1M. Oflo. evar 111 S.
Miaera Csed to Flghtln Ftrea Im
ported to Raseu WVotnfng;
-T ' ' Dad."-;V. " ; .
HANNA, Wyo.,hJily I4.-Frftjr. expert
miner have . arrived., front- Rook. Springs
and other are coming from Dlamondvllle,
uumoeriana ana tspring valley.
These men hava had years of experience
In fighting mine fire -and' wirf 'mak a
last - effort - to extinguish th -' flames and
reach th bodies of th victims of the dis
aster of Juna 80: ' "
FOND DU LAC, Wla, July 14. A de
to ' Internal elded change for the worse is reported In although having a wife tn Cincinnati.
Issued by th 1 the condition of Archbishop Katzer today,
of St
tentlon to tha gross irregularitlea and vlo- I Agnes, where he Is staying.
latlons of law existing In th handling and Archbishop Kataer Is suffering with a
sal, of - manufactured tobacco, snuff, cigars I complication of Internal diseases,
and cigarettes. A practice generally pre-
Report Is I'nfounded.
ST. PETERSBURG. July 14.-The report
that M. Leaaar, the Jtusslan minister ir.
China, had advised 'th Russian civilians i
to leave New Chang. Port Arthur and I
Korea by a certain data ia seral-offlclally
declared, fo. -be. entirely unfounded, f '
Shoot. Ilia Wife Jnad, Himself. ' ",
CHICAGO, 4 July il-Joseph . Howarth. 60
jenrs old, shot and killed his wife. Bertha
Howarth, today at their home. A few hours
later Howarth was to have appeared in a
Collce court to answer a charge preferred
y. the dead woman of threats to kill her
resulting from domestic difficulties. After
sssurlng himself that his wife waa fatally
wounded. Howarth shot himself and was
removed to a hospital In a dying Condition.
i Bnd Impression tor the Yonns;.
NEW TORK, July 14.-It has been de
cided by tha Board of Education that it
would be poor policy to impress upon the
youthful mind the violent deaths of Presi
dents Lincoln, Garfield and McKlnley. Ac
cordingly a nroDosmon ror tne erection anil
presentation of tablets In the memory of
the martyred presidents, to the publla
scnoois oi ine cuy, nas neen voted a own.
netsll Clerks Meet.
ZANESVILLE. O.. July 14 The first ses
sion of the convention of the International
Kslall Clerks association was held here
tofly. Five hundred delegates are In at
rVbCOTC 6rrt Uaaltll nnnit-n I iwrchut officers has been
.ir jirMiixn DUUIC.O lmi..inM. f internal revenue calling at- Abu-m la felt In the aanltartum
vails of xposlng thataxabU, article for JRIES TO UNSEAT ALDERMEN
sale aeparaisa irora i
President Appoints Postmasters.
WASHINGTON, July 14. The president
haa appointed the fallowing postmasters:
Iowa, Clarion, Robert P. Osier; Kansas,
Lamed, Frank W. Johnson.
tho stamps .denoting th payment or . the
internal revenue tax. Thla. It la said, la a
serious violation of the law and regula
tions., which It Is the purpose of the com
missioner to remedy. Johbera and dealers
are given until November L.19C3. to get
their stock on hand in oraer, aner wnicn
all manufactured . tobacco, snuff, cigars
and cigarettes found on tha market ex-
Butt Mayor
BUTTE, Mont, July 14. Mayor MulUns j
began proceedings today to oust fly alder
men, James DoulU A. O. Blebaiar, J. G.
Gallagher, M. Ryan and P. J. Lally, from
Cash" for Huron CoMece,
HURON. 8. D..' July 14. (Special. )-Hu
ron 'college has received, another liberal
eash donation. ' It come from Horac B.
SUllman of Cohoes, n! T- and .la. suffi
cient to pay,, oft all remaining accounts
for current expenses of the Institution for
the year Just closed and. allows the col
leg to beg-in the. new year free from debt
Much extra expense' was made the last
year because of the necessity of fitting up
the fourth story of the college building
for dormitory and school purposes. The
Presbyterian board of aid for collegea, at
Its late meeting, appropriated aa a special
gift from the treasury. In addition to Its
regular appropriation of $2,000, th sum of
$1,600 for ths current 'expenses of the col
lege for tha present year, whloh sum, with
that Just received from Dr. SUllman, Is
a very acceptable gift and greatly appre
ciated by th faculty and friends of the
Institution, j ! . -" ;.
t , . . ...
Murder Trial Poetaouad. ,
PIERRE. B. D.. July 14..(Special Tel
gram.) Th trial of WllUam" Kuhheck for
tha murder of Andrew Damler ha been
postponed to the January term of court In
Stanley county. Horner and Stewart, at
torneys for Kunnecke.. moved tor a change
of venue to some other cunty on account
I I ao not possess anyming. as i , of Ioca prejudice, but th motion waa, de
alms of the faithful. It would j ni,a. They Immediately moved for a con
tl nuance to th January term, which was
granted, and Kunnecke la back tn th Jail
at mis city.
posed for al and not proteciea Dy in offlo- H. that when eleoted thy
tax-paid atampa win d seisea ana in ware not tax paying freeholder and hav
holders proceeaea against in wu.nw not lnca hootas SO.
with law.
McCarthy'. Sente-e. Apnroy.d. BALL PITCHER A PREACHER
Th. nratdant has . approved tha action
of the court-martial In the cas of Second Crablll of Calamha Toaaa Sandwiches
Property for His Relative la Divided
Auaoas; Then Long
ROME, July 14. Although much haa been
aid about th pope's will, nothing positive
1 yet known except that on receiving his
nephews bis holiness said:
A pop 1 do not possess anything, aa I
live by th
b a .great detriment to th church if I
ahould deatln to my family, even th
malleat part of what the people send m
by denying themselves. ' A to my personal
j Does not harm the Hands
(SiLVEit Polish
- Not soap, but K clean
Contain no scid or harmful
substance - - . . .
AQ raspeaalble
jewaiat k.p it
' casts a pacxag
Parry Declare Maaafaetarer Shy at
Towns . with Maay Later
. . Organisations
, INDIANAPOLIS. July' UD.' M. Parry,
president .or tne National Manufacturers
association, has written th director of th
Commercial club suggesting that It la not
expedient for th club to encourage th lo
cation In Indianapolis headquarters
or laoor unions. - . , . (;.. -
ir. Parry aaya manufacturers ar .ln
. clined to be timid about locating In a city
where many labor organisations havo their
executive office.
. -. ' V . I ...
Lieutenant J. F, MoCarthy. ixineteenm in
fan try, recently stationed, at Fort Leaven
worth. Kan., who was convicted or dupli
cating his pay accounts and sentenced to
be dismissed from the army. , .
Coafah Aids Treaty Settlement
Far-reaching In Its effects on th Man-
churlan situation wa th conference to
day at th Stat department between Bee
retary Hay and ' Theodore. Hansen, in
Russian charg d'affaires, who called, it
is understood, to bring Important advices
from St Petersburg regarding th ports
In Manthuria which Russia Is willing China
shall open to the United Statea. Thla haa
bean-tha question tnat nas aeaaiocaea me
negotiations for some time.
What transpired at toaay s conference
can only b aurmlsed, ss both or th con
ferees declined to discuss tn matter, im
mediately after Mr. Hansen's departure
Sermoaa Between Games at
MINNEAPOLIS, July I4.-E. J. Crablll,
on of th pitchsr of th Columbus Amer.
(can association team, praaohed tonight to
the Volunteer of America-
He will deliver two more aermona to
th sams organisation before leaving the
Croapanr with Large Capital Incor
porated, to Optrito in
NEW TORK, July 14. (Special Tele
gramsThe Trl-State Land company was
incorporated today at Jersey City, N. J.,
with a capital stock of $170,600,000, of which
on half Is preferred. Its registered office
is IB' Exchange Place. The Incorporators
are George C. Kolbe, Short Hills, N. J.;
John A. Speer, West Hoboken, and John A.
O'Reilly, Brooklyn. The company will develop-
in the United States and especially
in Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska lands
adapted to th cultivation of sugar boots.
Brotherhood ef Locomotive Firemen
Will Ask President to Visit
PEORIA, I1L, July 14. Grand Master
Hanahan and Grand Secretary-Treasurer
Arnold of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
YANKEE TENNIS TEAM P CKED Firemen, will, on behalf of the order. In
vite fresiaeni Kooseveu to visit tne oraers
Lamed aad Wrenn ar to Meet
Dobertys aad Mahoaey la la.
teraatlonal Match.
BOSTON. July 14. It was officially an
nounced tonight that ths committee repre-
ited Ststes Lawn Tennis as-
Mr. Hay aent for Mr. Jtqckhl.l. chief of the ftl"tftZr$2,h&
m a a. a a m, a v nan Haminii ainMr - - .
D. Wrenn and U. 1 wrenn, jr., as ths
sentlng the
headquarters in this city on tha occasion
of his Chicago visit to open th fat atock
Ths president was made an honorary
member of tha organisation at the last bl
ennial convention held at Chattanooga
In September.
nruii of tne American nipuuiiw, anu
formerly American commissioner to China,
and th two had a long conference. . Mr.
Rockhlll'S intlmat knowledge of th east,
rained through his residence there, is duly
appreciated at the State department, and
before Count Casslnl's departur h waa
fraauently at th Russian embassy In con
nection with the negotiations.
It 4 was Indicated today by a Stat de
partment official that th next few days
might bring to light important develop
ment regarding th ' Chines a-American
team to represent th United Ststes in the
nat lonul oomnetltton ror ine uwirnt v.
navia challenco troohy on th grounds of I
the Longwood Cricket cluD, Boston.
The team which will represent ureat
Britain Is R. F. Doherty, H. L. Doner ty
anil 11. 8. Mahonev.
The competition win taae piace on tne
afternoons of August 1 6 and . under th
management or me i nueu diiih iniaonai
Lawn iennia association.
Magnates Try to Bring raciae Clubs
' Into Eastera Asseela-tlea.
Maa'Aeeaseal af Passing- Worthless
' Cheeks' la Arrstd la
Lawyer Accused of OaTerlae; f2SO,0O0
to Montana Judge Stands
' Trial. .
. '
BUTTE, Mont., July 14 -Th disbarment
case against A. J. Shores, chief attorney
for the Amalgamated Copper company,
charged with offering Judge Harney
bribe of $260,000, waa called for trial today
An affidavit by Charles W. Clark, son cf
th Montana senator, was rad admitting
ha offered Judge Harney th money with
th approval of Mr. Shores and other Aznal
gamatd attorneys. -Th
trial will probably last two weeks.
CHICAGO. July 14. An Important bas
h. u mMtinf la to be held In Chicago to
morrow, to attempt to bring together thai
paiino Coast league ana ma jsationai As
sociation of Professional Uaa Pall Leagues.
CHICAGO. July 14.-Sald to be wanted In lnt ,h- B.n v-raneleco team. Manager Morley
mint cities on tha charae of passing worth- I ths Lo Anseie club, W. H. Lucas of I
I check, and accused of having fled to ?JDuVda?.f fTha'S?!. 'club!
Mexico City. Mexico, after th faUur of lfUulJit. Tr.tTii t th. National Aa-
the Mannlpg Harnea oompany of AJdlna, UoclAUon ef ProlMonal Bas bail Leavguas. j dMlo. Black wa the only ou of th
m Drowaed by HI Coannaaloa.
NEW TORK. July 14 -Wllllam Black of
Stockton atreet, Brooklyn, waa drowned
yesterday afternoon from a small row boat
alleged to have been Intentionally capsized
by th flv other occupants. They were
arreated and held without ball by th
police of Rocks way beach on the charge of
upsetting tna Doat ana causing chick
Business StimulaUrs
. Slat BMlcmtl sa4 Uk Shon, Ckkara,
A Summer Retort on the city's edge. Nearly
irwi iut aI v.r.ti'1. over-looiLlna Iake M ich.
450 outsid room. 10 mln. do wn town. Basalt Inn.
AMISRM UNT9. ' . '
This Afternoon Tonight
With Dick Ferris In th
leading role.
Tomorrow and Balance' of
Mat, any seat lOo; night
lOo, ltnv 26c ' '
Omaha vs. Kansas City,
Vlaton Street Park,' July 18, i, IB, 1.
Game Called at 1:46.
I' c0,03,paa,yln,.nt,nury Talking Wachinfl
of our manufacture largo or small balance easy weekly payments
Is acknowledged to ba the best ' Talking Machine
made, and It sella for less than other makes. Prices
$10.00, $2u.O0, $30.00 and $50 00.
(Awarded Grand Prize. Paris Exposition.) '
Columbia Dlso and Cylinder Records fit any mako
of.Talklna; Machine. Loudest, clearest and
most ouraoie.
New Recorda. Just arrived. Old
records taken in part payment for
new. Write for latest list.
We will exchange free of atl
charge - one of our new Sound
Boxes for any sound box of ANY
MAKE, where the user purchases
one dozen 10 Inch records. The
combination of our New Records
and Bound Box affords the most
natural ton effects ever enjoyed
Columbia Phonograph Company,
621 Farflam, umana.
T' ' , rimaav5aiB iia-1, ' i i . i
aa. .. - , ,i ' iLfciianiir" "
hy Talking Machine nern.
Tickets will be on sale July
17 and 18 to Baltimore and re
turn at f32.25.
I can sell you tickets via Chi
cago, Peoria or St. Louis
whichever way you want to go.,
Flyers via Chicago and
Peoria leave 7 a. rn.K4'T). m. and
8:05 p. m., via St. Lout's,' at 5:10
p. m. '