TJIE OMAHA DAILY 11 RE: TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1003. a COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL All Board of Trade ProduotiFatl Bomewlat on Daj'i Eatineis. WHEAT RALLY GIVES WAY TO WEAKNESS Ceod Welhe Caasea Corn Slump WMrh Dtprfiiri Oats, Whlla Many Hn'l IfTUl4 Also Tumbling. CHICAGO. July 13. Wheat, after a strong rVdweak for the greater part dine of 2V2c. , Corn though showing lome strength early, reflated th wli ness In wheat and dosed with a loss pr i Oats were down o and provisions howed a loss of iiWli'-- , . ,-, Firm cabl-D caused the. strength .. .h r.n.nim but it did not hold long. tUntemhe'r showed a (tain of W3e atm" rlosd at 62s M In Glasgow and at V tyl In Mldrtlesborough; locally It was nominally unchanged; No. 1 foundry, northern. Is quoted at IIR.Mi19.5n- No. 2 foundry, north ern. Is quoted at lUSn'ci 18.50; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No, 1 foundry, southern, soft, 118.lM)S.0. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKBT. Condition at Trad aad Qaolatloas oa Staple and Fancy IrodCJ. EGOS Fresh stork, loss off. WW. LIVE POULTRY Hens, WiKtc; spring chickens, per lb., HlffilSc; rnOMters, accord ing to age. 4?5c; turkeys, Nxjjl3c; ducks. I itlr', gers, fify'e. . , IM'TTER Packing stock. 1.1HC: choice dnlry, in tubs. lilSe: separator. 20c. FRESH FISH-Kresh caught trout, JHe; pickerel, fc; pike, So; perch. c; buffalo, .':; hlueflsh. 11c; whlteflsh, 8c; salmon, 14c; had dock. HK5; codfish, K'c; redsnnrper, 10c; lob sters, boiled, per lb.. 26c; lobsters green, per lb., fflc; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14e; black bass, :4c; halibut. 10c; crapple. 12c; her rlnr, 0c;' perch, 6c; whits bass. 10c; bluefins. 8C. SaT the high point for the 7 ny. and Imme diately slumped off on selling by some of the large commission house s, Influcn, ced by good Krowlngweather throughout th. cow try. i.ocai ions in.u.c. - i and before selling was over Bfp '" touched 7c. A slightly be ca.h ...i i , tha. close, but with small c" lHIUUnu lien, - , demand and Increasing receipts there was no "much recovery and" the close .was weak 4at 7(7tio to 77c, a net loss iof p.imirv receipts were 61t,300 oubiumb, i7nVtK9S bushels a year ago Iha viaihla .upply showed a decrease of 1.6M.OU0 k a nri nrti r 5u-1e...VT"r24 bushels Minneapolis Clearances . .!., nt 218 cars. and Dulutn reporitru it a) of which with local receipts of EE . cars m oi contract grade, made a jot'."' IV nd points of i71 trs, against 72 last ween ano. her was82onslderable weakness tncorn. duTehetoefr selling by local trader, on fflTbVi ble wp3y showed an Srease ot ZiO.000 bushefs. against an In crease of i i weeit- ,rfrlp Sr'eU with M 01 icontra t prevented was after the .nut ";,. '":c-,,,h demand was light. September .rWSL ranging wtween "7" " St. wer. 177 closing ugu. CYocal tr.d.r..J5bt P-lon. on. s 60c rB7V4 Wd-rlb. 'MKw", Btocka are increasing an v-- Ta't mcelpt. for t-oow: Wheat sn cara: corn. 10 cars; oats, 290 car, nogs, 16,000 head. "'The leading future, ranged as follow.! aiciI Open. I HUch.1 Low. Cloaa. Bafy. Wheat tJuly July tSept. 8ept. Corn July . Sept. Dec. Oats July Sept. Pea. pork July Sept. Lard July Sept. Oct. Blba July Bept. Oct. 'S 8 14 20 14 20 UH U '5 14 M 14 U MM M ?60 T 60 7 T 40 70 7 T7H 77H 7 67H 60 7 62H 7 46 7 47 1 45 48 I S2 I J2V4 10 .16 77H 00 Ing Beptember alay, 4.1j4.6o. at 1.90c; November, 4.uGc; 79H 7V 80 79 KT4 40 ,S4Wi 14 (0 14 76 7 66 7 (6 7 72V4 I StH t 56 PR.i N Per ton. 1S. . . HAY Prices ouoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice Wo. 1 upland. 19 00: No. I, W.50; medium, ss.iw; coarse. 17.B0. Rye straw, $7.00. These prices are for hny of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts llgnt. . v .no ic. s OATB 40c. , l ' RVB-No. J, 4Sc. ' VEGETABLE. NEW POTATOES Southern, per bu., 80c PAPSI.l!rP.ii An hnnrhr- Oo. CUCUMBERS Home Brown, per dos.. 40 (ff4fio. BEANS Home rrown, wax. per market banket, 2Rc; string, per market raskct, ioC. PEAS Home arown. per market basKet, 36c CAULIFLOWER Home crown, per do.. 60c. CABBAGE New California, per lb., Zc TOMATOES Texas. Der 4-basket crate, 10c. RHUBARB-Per lb.. 1c NAVY HEANB Per bu.. M.B0. CEIKRY Mlchlpan. per do.., SEo. ONIONS New California dry. per lb.. 2ci Texaa, per lb., 2c FRUITS. BLACK RASPBERRIES Per 24-at. case, S3. RED RASPBERRIES Per M-Plnt case. I2.f.0. RLUEBERRIES Per l-oL case. 12.609 176. - FLUMS California. Clvman. per box. $1.26; Goose plums, per 24-qt. box, J1.60. .iii-vUKita California, wmte ana oiaca, per 10-lb. box. 12. PEACHES-Callfornla, per box, 1L CURRANTS Per 18-qt. case, 12. GOOSEBERRIES Per 16-qt. ease. 12. PEARS California, BarUett's, per box, $3. CANTALOUPES California, per crate, 16; Texas, per crate, 13. APPLES New -nock. H bu.. 76c. WATERMELONS Georgia, 35o; each Florida, per lb.. le. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIG8 California, per 10-lb. cartons, 7to; Turklah. per 18-lb. box, 18o. ORANOE3 Mediterranean, all ie., $3.00 63.26; Jaffa, tl.263.50; fancy blood, per halt box, 12; St. Mlckes, or paper rine. all .Ixea, $3.5054.00. LEMONS California fancy, 800 to 890 sizes. 15.7&36.00 : 240 to 270 slses. $4.E0.00; Messlnas, I6.00i36.60. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Onto, par lb., lOo, POPCORN Per lb., zc; .helled, 4o. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. t green, 6V4c; No. 1 salted. Sc; No. saed, 7c; No. 1 veal calf. 1 to li lbs.. IHc; No. 1 veal calf, 12 to 16 lb.., 6Hc; dry salted hide., 812c; aheep pelts, 2&tf76c: horsehldes, ll.60tf.60. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 17c: hard shell, per lb.. 14c: No. 1 aoft shell. per lb., 13c; No. i hard shell, per lb., 12c; Braclls, per lb., lie; Albert., per lb., 12c; almonds, aoft .hell, per lb.. 16c; hard .hell. per id., uc; pecan., large, per lb., XiW, small per lb., lie; cocoaouta, per dos., Sle; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb,, bhic; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7o; black walnuta, per bu., 11; hickory nut., par bu., ai-ou. . NEW YORK STOCKS A?SD DOSDS. F.arly Mqnldntlon Glree Way to llroni Rally aad Cloia Is lllaher. NEW YORK. July 13. There was further drastic liquidation of stocks loony, but it became apparent towaru tne lauer pari ol the day s session mat tne bears had over extended their snort contracts and thev took Irlght over the scarcity ot tit terings brought out by their rather urgent hlds to cover. The result was a strong rauy, which wiped out practically all of the day's earlier losses and established net gains running to a point for snme of the lending active stocks. The anthracite car riers were conspicuous in the rally and New York Central shared In the covcry quite notably. New York Central showed some signs of being supported througnout, althougn the general weakness ot tne market wsji due to the recent wide decline Nn that stock as much as to any one thing. Its extreme decline was 2 points, but the low price at U8'4 was but mo mentary. Pennsylvania was rather more severely pressed than New York Centnil and It was forced down through the sub scription price of 120 to 11914. These two great trunk line stocks In consequence. I touched a lower price than for some years past. Many other low records for tnls year was made amongst the Grangers. Paclllcs, Southwestern, . Vanderbllts, New ' York public utilities, the express stocks, Amal gamated and other industrials and spe cialties. Illinois Central dropped 4, St. Paul 2, Manhattan 2 and some of the Inactive stocks much lurger amounts. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha slumped 20 points on a single sale, and Pittsburg, Chlcngo Central & 9t. Louis dropped 7. Part ot this weakness was the result ol selling order, accumulated over Sunday by mail and telegraph, as a result of the uneasiness created by last week's violent decline. The professional trader, were quick to detect atempt to execute these selling orders and were very bold In taking the market from under them and then buying to cover at a prollt when the long stock came upon the market. The day's numerous spasmodic mlllea were evidence of these proceedings by the bear element. A smnll engagement of gold for export on Thursday, the largo loss of the banks on account of last Sat urday's gold shipment Indicated by the subtreasury figures and a strong tone In the time money market, which carried rates for six months' loan to 6V4( per cent, were additional Inducement, to the seu- g. Cable reports were receivea or ct mnti bv American borrowers to secure funds In Berlin, without success. Paris was reported an urgent bidder for gold in Aindon. in preparation ior a usian loiin nd Tindon itself has to meet an Install ment on the Transvaal loan tomorrow. But for all this there was an active demand for tocks for London account miring tne weakest period of the market here, and this was a material factor In rallying tne market. The weekly statistics of railroad traffic were very favorable as to -the sna talned movement of general merchandise nil tha aelllna of long wheat and corn confirmed the favorable Impression pf the monthly crop report, me reactionary Norfolk Western was especially weak. United States Steel was generally neg lected and American, cloned quiet. Con si. la hardened. Other stocks were feature le. PARIS, July 11 Holiday on the bourse tod a v. BERLIN, July 13. Prices on the bourse today were rather firm. The strennth of Iron and coal shares exerted a favorable tendency In other departments. Exchange on london, 20 m. 3 pfgs. for checks; dis count rate for short bil:, 3' per cent; three month bills, t per cent. e-Tr Voi-u Mjnlnt iiionlon. NEW YORK, July 1.1 The following are the quotations on the New York Stock ax-change: Artamt Con I LII!I Chief Alice :o ixdnnrlo & ,rnir Prrc 15 x llrunnwlck Cnn.. Comstoc K Tunnel ton. Cl. A V., Hnrn FllYr Iron Silver Leatlvlllr Con.... x Offered. orh B xf-hoenlx . TH Pntcnl .1..0 IRaviRe .in Hurra Nrrida .IK. Small Hopea .. . I (Standard I . SO . 1 ,. M . It .SO inna nf the cotton market also ' nan its usual favorable effect on stock market aentlment. The late rally In the market was fully held until the last and the clos tn was ro t her Irresrular and very active. The bond market shared In the early weakness of stocks and made some recov eries when the stock market rallied. Total ales, nar value. 12,fi60,000. United States bonds were unchanged on can. Following are tne quotations on uiv new Tork stock exchange: AtehlsoB V,St. Paul ptd No. L tOld. I New. 41Vie. I&Vid feadln., 404o: fair to choice malting, 48 ic. ,v,w,.t. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 68o; No. 1 northwest ern. 11.02; prime timothy. 13.40; clover, con tract grade, 11.604lll-75. ... . PROVlSl6NS-Mess porkibl., 114.0CK9 14 LardT per 100 16s.. 84OST60. Bhort rib. sides noose), 18.208 30. Dry ted Should v. (boxed ).75.87S4, Bhort clear Hide, (boxed). t8.608.62. The following were the receipt, and ahlp ments of grains Saturday: norelnta. Shinrnents. ZZ.Stu Flour, bbl. Wheat, bu. Corn. bu.... Oat., bu.... Rve. bu Barley, bu .. 26,100 ..809,700 ..268.200 .. 7,600 17.600 89,600 131.900 148,900 'L800 s-v k. pnuiim HTrhanae today tne ouv market, waa easy; creameries, 1620c; .1 i-i uiflrt tt-pcts ateadv. at mark ca.e Included! 13&14WJ. Cheese, steady, 10 OUVsO. MEW TORK GENERAL. H1HKET. notations f the Day am Vartoms Commodities. NEW YORK. July 13 FLOUR Receipts, n t:.. v.hi. axnnrta. 11.602 bbls. : weaker and lower to sell; winter patents, 13.0i&4.a0; Win er straight,; Minnesota patents, 14 4(mH.70; winter extras, 12.90Hj3.20; Mlnne. nota bakers, 13.5,W 76; winter low grades, )2 7o&3.oo. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, i3.0ua3 -35; choice to fancy, t3.4o3.60. CORN MEAL Easy: yellow western, 11.11; ilty, 11.11. Brandywlne, 13 12&3.20. RYE Steady; No. 1 western, 60c o. I. t, afloat; state. 6RI&590 o. I. f., New York. u Bi.k-vJniill! feedlna-. 62c o. I. f.. Nw York: malting. 61Hlua70 c. 1. f., New wiir.IT-Recelnts. J7.100 bu.: exports. 90,- K7 bu.: aoot easy: No. 1 red. 85So elevator and K6c f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern, lmhith a-OLc f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard. Manitoba, 92c t. o. b. afloat Options onened firmer on cables, but at once eased err tnr tha rest of the day were very weak under extended liquidation impelled bv fine weather and new wheat arrlvil. closing lVai&lSo net lower; sales Included No. 1 red, July. S6'4tflWic, closed at louc Beptember, 81 lo-ltkuM'AC' closed at 81c CORN Receipts, 337,660 bu. ; expurts, 18,170 bu. : salea, 200,W)U ou. rutures ana fj uu. spot; spot, easy: No. i. 67ic elevator and bio afloat; No. 1 yellow, 69c; No. 2, 6.V0 ul rl.u.t: No. 2 vellow. 69c: No. 1 white. 69c. Option market also opened steady, but was forced Into weakness by the wheat de cline, unfavorable weuther conditions and closing Vinie net lower; JUiy ciosea at o.c Kcntembcr. iTa4r.ile. cioaeu at ft, Loala Grain and Frovlslaaia, or T yTT a t..i tittttt- t -. XT n nn.h ln....n "(5 . Amy A 82c; July 78c; Beptember, 7777Vso; Deceui ber, 77eT8c; No. 1 hard. 75c. CORN Lower; cash. 48 Vic: track, 499 wo; Juiy, -c; ceptemoer, ir'tu.c. Illl-M MA 'J nak VT-. a I. 'I . . 1-1 . . ber. 12Vic: December. iC'io: No. 2 whlta. U.A sou. RYE Steady at 60Uc. FLOUR Quiet: red winter n stunt a Km i.w; extra iancy ana straight, 13.661.10; SEEDS Timothy, nominally t2.00fflj.60. CORN MEAL Steady. 12.1W. BRAN Slow and lower: aackarL aaat iraca, Jwa'soc. HAY Steady: timothy. oral tie, W.OCK&ia.OO. IRON COTTON TIES-A1.06, BAOOING-6iffeUc HEMP TWINE 6c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: tohhlna- standard mesa. 114. 16. Lard, lower at 17. Bacon, lower: boxed, extra shorts, S1.87H; eieiu- riuB, ao.ou; snort clear, .ttj. miiAiio-bMa, nrra at 44.K!M. spelter, firm at 16.60. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 8Hc; springs, 12Ho; turkeys, old, 13c; ducks. 7c: tfUTTHJK Blow; creamery, 16 21c; dairy, OG 8 Steady at 12Hc. loss off. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 7.000 l oon Wheat, bu 123,000 25,000 Corn, DU 95,000 60.0TK) Oats, bu 96,000 88,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSA8 CITT. Julv lt-WHRAT-Iul 68c; Beptember, 67Hc: cash, No. 1 hard, vi'iii.'c; wo. s. twiBVOc; no. 4. 66Sc: No. red, 72W2Ho; No. 1, 694C710. CORN July, 47V4c; Beptember, 46S44fi4c cash. No. 2 mixed, 4949Vic; No. 1 white. 61c; No. 8, 60c. oatb no. I white, 3Sc; No. I mixed, 35c RYE No. 2. 50c. HAY Choice timothy. tl3.00ffll4.O0: choice prairie, ii.waiz.uu. BUTTER Creamery. 1719c: dairy, fancy lie, EGGS Fresh, 12a Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Receipts. Shipments 112.OU0 10,4i0 49,600 13.6iiO 20,000 14,000 W7o. OATS Receipts, 118,600 bu.; exports, 1,201 v,,. ; annt easv : No. 2. 42c: standard white 4.e: No. 1. 4U4e; No. 2 white, 46c; No. 3 v.1,.. iiXLr- track, white western. 4.Va19c track." white state. 43(&4ao. Options dull and with other markets. HAY Dull: snipping, fcxu&o; good to ohnlce tl.llHill.15. hops Dull: state, common to choice, 19UI, lTiSj-lc; ltl. liH8c; old. V⁣ pacific coast v.'rt, l.tiic; iii, iixiioc; inus, cku'jc. HIDE-Easy; Gslveslon, 10 to 2a lba, ISc; California, 21 to 'ii lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs.. 14c. LEATHER Easy; acid. 2&&26a RIClfi Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 4Q 64c: Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS Beef, weaker; family, tlO.MilO.60; mesa. Is; beef hams, lM.tu'-i oo; packet, ls.wxii9.60; city extra meas. tl5.00Hj 16.00. Cut meata, irregular; pickled bellies, 19. 70uj 10.60; pickled Mhoul der.; pickled hams. U2.0(Knl3.iu, Iard, weaker; western steamed, 17.9u; July closed 17.90, nominal; rerined, weak; conti nent, 1 00; Bouth America. 175; conipund. 17.6u4l.u0. Pork, weak; family, tl7.75MilS.uu; short clear. 116.25jl7.76; mesa, 116 50o TALLOW Dull; city, 4c; country. 4iiwt 6c. BUTTER Receipts, 12.410 pkgs.: steady; State dairy, t420c; creamery. 15Vx')20Hc. CHEESE Receipts, 760 pkga; steady; state, full cream, fancy, small and large. colored And white, loc. KGUS Receipts, 12,351 pkgs.; steady to firm; western, seconds to extras. 14(fllWc. POULTRY Alive firm; western spring rhlckena. 16c; fowls, lic: turkeys, 11c; dressed, firmer; western broilers, 16$J17c; fowl" lie; turkeys. lS(tl6c. METALS Fpot tin a aa 2 2a 2d higher In London at 4:125 1!" 6d and future closed 2 1" hltcher at 123; locilly tin, Inlluen ed by the advance abroad. n also lir-n. clo' Ing at 127. 60uj 27.76. Copper waa about ti lower in Imion, where spot clotted at 54 '. 6d and futures at 55 17s Id; locally c p per waa quiet, with lake and electrolytic quoted at 1U.754jU.0O and c;tting at 113 2o a 1160. Lead advanced Its 3d In London 10 11 6a M and waa unchanged here at l-l-' Bpalter waa uackaused iu London at .0 lim 14 ao4 fuia luvf&i, at H.-aV Iroa Vlatbl "apply of Grain. NEW YORK, July 13. The visible sudoIv of grain yesterday, July 11, as compiled by tne New xork produce exchange, was aa follows: WHEAT 14,800.000 bu.; decrease, 1,659.000 DU. CORN 7,447.000 bu.; increase, 229.000 bu. OATS 4,346,000 bu. j decrease, 8,000 bu. RYE 695,000 bu. : decrease. 84.000 bu. BARLEY 476.000 bu.; Increase, 10,008 bu. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 13. BUTTER Steady,-fair demat.d; extra western cream erv. 21c: nearby urlnts. 23a. EGGS Steady, fair demand; fresh nearby 17c, loss off; western, 17c; southwestern, lbc; soutnern, UKuloo. CHEESE vlulel but steady; New York full creams, cholne, new, lovjW?loc; fair to good, new, u-xa ioc. Minneapolis Wheat, Flonr and Bran MINNEAPOLIS. July 13. WHEAT - Cash. ti.VaC; July. 86c; September, 757,M76c on track. No. 1 hard, 8SV4c; No. 1 northern. 87'ic; No. 3 northern, 86Vic; No. 1 northern, tiTHiSe. FliOl'R-First patents are now quoted at tl.i4.70; second patents, 14. 6014, 60: first Clears, 403.60; second clears, 12.6Ota2.60. BRAN in DUIK, lJ.25((JU.tJ0. Liverpool Uraln and Provisions. LIVERPOOL, July - lS.-WHEAT-8po du',1; No. 2 red, western winter, 6s 2d: N 1 California, ts 6d; futures quiet; July, 6 i; September, 6s 3d; December, 6s 8Hd. CORN-Spot, quiet; American mixed. 4s 7d; futures quiet; July, 4. 7Vkd; Septem ber. 4s 6d. - Mllvraakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, July 13. WHEAT Mar ket He lower; No. 2 northern, 7llittc; new beptember, 77c. RYK-Rteady: No. 1, 55c. BARLEY Dull; No. 1. 56fi6oc; sample, 46 tfiJc. CORN September, tOHc , nnlnth Grain Market. DULUTH. July 13.-WHEAT-To arrive. No. 1 hard. 87c; No. 1 northirn. 1.6c; No. 2 northern. MVfcc; July, Stic; September, T7'mC OATo-rOoVvtjJoc. 8o. Pad no Railway do old Texas A Pacific. do pfd so I Hal. A Ohio nt do pld n r..fll.n Pael&a 121" Central ol N. i i67iToledo. St, Chea. 4b Ohio . o pia Chlcaio aj Alton union racios . do pto Chlna.o aV O. W 17iWaoaan do 1st Did Mil! Chlcaio A N. W 1W Chicago Tor. A Tr... 12 do pfd C. C. C. A SU V.... SI Colorado So 16Vk dn lit pfd u do Id pld to Dsl. Hudaoa 170H U.I. L. W 144 DmTsr R. 0 16 do std my. Erie do 1st pfd M do Id pfd M4 raat Nor. Dfd ITS Hocking Valley HO do pld Illinois Central 11 lows Csntrsl 24 do pfd ... 43 C. Southsra U h. IT-. do pfd . A N. Manhattan Mat. Bt. Mlaa. A Ho. Farjts ...... M.. X. A T de pfd Nat. Rr. ef Vox. do pfd N. Y. Central .., Norfolk W.... do pfd , Ontario A W PennaylTsnls P.. C. C. A Bt. I Reading , do 1st pfd , do Id pld Rock Island Co. do pfd 8t. L. A S. r... do 1st pfd do Id pld Bt. U 8. W do pfd 8t Faul do pfd Wheslln. A L. E Wis. Central do pld Adsms El Amarlcsn Ex. United States Ex. Wells-Fargo Ex. Amal. Coppsr Amsr. Car A F. do pfd... Amsr. Lin. Oil do pfd Amor. Locomotive do pfd. Amarlcsn 8. A R do pfd Amir. 8uxar Rat 11714 Anao. Mining wo as Brooklyn R. T (4 xoio. jmei tt iron... ti Kolumbus A H. C 41 Hons. Oaa los Osn. Elsctrlo U3Inter. Paper 1201a o pia.. 71 isusr. rump ....1O0H oo pro.. ....171 .... 47 .... 11 .... .... W. 12 .... 41 .... 1H .... .... 12 ii .... 4Ut .... 1' .... lk .... 18 ....111 .! .100 .1M . toH . MVi . . 10Si . 13 i. 11 H . 8Vi , 44 1 Gold to (io to Germany. NEW YOJK. Julv 13 Kidder. Peabody & Co. of Boston have endued ;0,(XK) gold for shipment to Germany on Thursday. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. July 13.-COTTON- Qjlet; sales, 200 bales; ordinary, Bll-16c; goon ordinary, lie; low midanng, ii'e; inlddllnK. l--'c; good middling, l.l'ic; mid dling fair, lil5-16c, nominal; receipts, 1,50 bales; stock, 73,9i3 bales. Futures, steady; July, 12.95c bid; August, 12.8. bid; Bep tember, 10 66Vti 10.67c; October, 9.7359.74e; No vember, 9.64cfi9.56c; December, S.oS.⪼ January, 9.ollt9.52c. NEW YORK, July 13.-COTTON-Market opened wealt at a decline of 9Ji20 points and for a time showed consideraole activ ity and weakness, as a result of the sensa tional break In Liverpool. The excellent crop weather reported over; Sunday and re newed reportB of mills closing In various sections. Beptember wns the most active position, and at one time showed a net loss from the close of Saturday of 29 points. Later, however, Liverpool showed a stead- Mer tone and recovered part of the early loss, closing net 3fal2 points lower. This rallied the local market, and while trading became less active during the balance of the session, prices displayed ft generally upward tendency, recovering 9&:i2 points of the early loss. But while at the close the tone was steady, prices still showed a net lose for the day of l'r12 points, eales were estimated at 200,000 bales. The decline In the English market was variously attrib uted, some claiming that It was the result of tenders on contract, while other private cahloa stated that It was due to selling from this side. ST. LOUIS, July 13.-COTTON Quiet; middling, lc; sales, 17 bales; no receipts; no shipments; stock, 1,271 bales. LIVERPOOL. July 13. COTTON Spot, In limited demand: prices 4 points lower; American middling fair, 6.68d; good mid dling, 6. t:ld; middling, 6.32d; low middling, 6.0Hd; good ordinary, 5.76d; ordinary, 6.56d: ,The sales of the day were 6,000 bales, of which 500 were for speculation and export and Included 4,7oo American; no receipts. Futures onened and closed ouiet: American middling, g. o. c, July, 6.05d; July and Au gust, 6.05d; August and September, 6.03(9 li.lUrl: SeDtember and October. : October and November, 6.2Hd; November and December. 6.19d: December and Jan uary, 6.13'u5.Ud; January and February, 612d; February and March, 6.116.Ud; March and April, 6.115.12d. Wool Market. 8T. LOUIS, July 13. WOOL Strong; OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steon About Ten Cents Lower and Good Cowi Held Stead. HOGS GENERALLY A DIME LOWER Heaviest Rnn ot Sheep for Some Tim Past, bnt the Demand Was of Liberal Proportions aad Mntket Rated Active and Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, July 11. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Hheep. Official Monday 1.751 7.554 Same d.iy last week 2.MI 1.K54 Same week before 3,!7 7.357 1,710 Same three weeks ago... 2,.V5 7,010 6.417 Same four weeks ago. ...10.778 7,60 l.O name day last enr 2.841 2,393 8,:0 RtC Eil-TS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last year: i03. 1902. Inc. Deo. Cattle 628,272 3X6,177 141,796 Hogs 1,347.731 1,413,H28 66,197 Sheep 673,844 4&6,S4 86,860 Average price paia (or hogs at South Omaha for the last Several days with com parisons: jlwiNatlosal Biscuit ., ,. 4 Ntln' Lead . SOfe No. Amrlcsa Paclflo Mall . .11614 People's Oaa , ..MPreeaed 8. Car.... .. M do pfd .. 14 4 Pullman P. Car... ..121 Republic Btssl ... si oo pro.. .. 4H : .. WW .. mi .. 31 H! .. 70 .. (8 .. 70 .. 144 .. 14 ..144Vt Rubbsr Goods do pfd fTenn. Coal A Iron. U. 8. Leather do pfd O. 8. Rubbsr do pfd U. I. Steal do pfd Western Union .... . "H .17 .172?, . 13 . (7 . 41 . T7 . . . M . 17 ,. to ,. 15 ,.loo .. u .. 73 .. JO .. 7tt .. it .. .. 81 .. 12U .. 4S .. la .. II medium grades, clothing and combing, 18 tiWec; light, tine, loVglKc; heavy, fine, 11 falSc; heavy, fine, Ua;i6c; tub-washed, 11 &29c. NEW YORK.. JUiy 13,-WUULr-I irra, LONDON, July 13. WOOL The offerings at the auction sales today numbered 13, 700 bales; merinos were heavy; cross-breeds were in brisk demand ana were taken mainly by the home trade. Scoureds sold well for Germany account. France bought Bllpes. Following are the sales In detail: New soutn waies. l.auu bales; scourea. Mfjls lMrd. Queensland, 1,800 bales; scoured. Is 7V4d4ils ll'4d; greasy, 73ilOV1d. Victoria, 1,300 bales; scoured, 714ii(g is a: greasy, lOMlfils IVid. South Australia, 1,300 bales: scoured, 8Hdls6d; greasy, 6HaiHid. West Australia, 1,200 bales; scoured, ls24d; ureas v. MfV4d. Tasmania. 1.400 bales; greasy, C"V,ls IHd. New Zealand, 6,700 bales: scoured. lOM-dfflls 9d ; greasy, EHdii la W.A. Cane of Oood HODe and Natal. 100 bales; scoured, ls3Vrd; greasy, 9g-9id. Oil and ' noaln. OIL CITY. July 1J.-JJIL Credit balance.; certincates, no Dia; enipments, izo, 632 bbls.. averace 77.886: runs. 142.463. aver age, 82,043 bbls; shipments, Lima, 116,991, average eo.ooi . do is.; runs, juima,, averase 61.207 bbls. ha van in ah, j uiy la. km i urpemune. nrm. 47ic. ROSIN Firm: A. B, C, 11.56; D, 1X60- b. $1.65; F, 11.70; O L, 11.75; H, 12.26: I, 12.6i; K. 12.80; M, $2.90; N, 13.00; W O, 13.10; W W, new lunit, juiy Li. uiL. tjotton seea steady; prime crude, nominal; prime ye. low, 42i&43c; - petroleum, steady; turpen tine, steady. ROSIN Steady. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 13. MONEY-Prlme mercantile ca Der. 6fu5 ner cent: on call. "S:n4ii. ner cent, cloalna at IWltl ber cent: time money, steaay; sixty aays, awo4 per cent: ninety days. 4-vi per cent; six months. bWtm per cent b TKKLilrJtjr t.ji.tjn Arsvic. neavy, witn actual business In bankers bills at 14.875 for demand and at 148460 for sixty-day bins; posted rates, i-t.Knvt ana n s; com mercial bl'.ls. 14.84V44.84. silver Bar. wttc Mexican aonars. 420. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, lr- resuiar. Tne closing quotationa on oonus are as follows: .IMHtHorklns Val. 4HS....104H .HH L. dc N. unl. 4s .107H;Mex. Central 4s 74 .lOtlVil do Is Ino 11 .i3r4'Mlnn. A Bt. L. 4s... w .lMViM., it. a t. is ., rag. O. B. rst. Is, do coupon do la, re( do coupon .... do pew 4s, re J do coupon do old 4a. ret Ill do coupon in do la, res i3 an eon Aon 103 Atchison sen. 4s 9 "4 do adj. 4s Bal. A Ohio is 1" iui si do coot. 4s I'WVj Canada 80. Is ma i Central of Os. SS....1M do Is Inc '1 Ches. A Ohio 4V4a. . .103140. rhiresA at A. JWa... 74'., So. do 2s 01 N. V. c. gen. IHa... M N. J. C. sen. ts 129 No. Pacific 4s 10044 do la 7iu r. at w. con. 4s.... Is Reading: en. 4s ni. 1 oc 1. si. e. as. 111 8. V. W. Is.. n. a a. a. 4s. C. M A Bt P . 4s. C. N. W. e. Ts.. C. B. I. A P. 4s.. C C C A 8t L t. 4s Chlraco Ter. 4S.... Colorado 80. 4a.... Denver A It. O. 4a Erie prior Has is.. dn general ffc. . St. L. iBt L. do 29 8. A. A A. P. is Paclflo 4s Railway 6a.. r. W. A D. C. U...10 . tin Texaa A Pari Or 1. .103N.T., Bt. L 4 W. fi. .lso tlnlon Pacinc 4s .11)1 do cout. 4s . 7tjWabah Is , . 71 do 2s . aa I do deb. D , . nSilWest Shore 4a . 96 IWheel. A L. E. 4a. . S3 Wla. Central 4s.... . 82 . 77 . 7S . H7 .Vi'i .lit . 75 IH-i .111 . SI Date. I 1903. 1902.1901.19OO.1899.1898.1897. June 15... June 16... June 17... June 18... June If.. June 20... June 21... June 22... June 23... June 24... June 26... juna 26... June 27... June 28... June 29... June 10... July 1.... July 2..r. July I. ... July 4.... July 6.... July 6.... juiy 7.... Juiy 8.. July .. Julv 10. July 11. July 12. July 13. 6s,.l 01 SI 7 : t 4Vtj 7 24 t 94 7 14 fefc! 7 41 - I V 4i 6 utt 7 601 67 6 67 70H; 7. 6 M 6 66 6 60 6 65vj, 60., 6 6.-.' 6 39 f 44' 5 82'A 6 3(4 281, 6 (Mil 4 l 4 W 6 tJ 1 03 1 641 1 771 8 62 VU 1 631 I 84 oi I .1 a 1- a ay, I Ikl 1 Kl t nt) 4 4 I 7li t 0 1 6 7 67 7 61 7 . 7 all 7 62 7 64 7 ti l 7 6: e 7 64 7 76 7 82 7 80 7 7 79 7 77 6 S9 6 96 6 99 6 n 6 91 6 ST 6 90 6 89 6 M 6 74 ea S 73 5 79 e 5 82 6 83 6 85 6 92 6 95 6 95 4 lu 6 Ou 6 13 e 1 17 6 10! 6 11 4 99: 6 01 s 4 ; 6 01 ee I 6 08 6 16 6 11 s (131 6 in 6 04 6 02 6 13; 1 w 1 66 1 bJ 163 I 631 1 6 1 68, I 66 I 731 t 75 1 78 I ll 1 86 1 90 I 96 4 04 4 09 2 SI 1 72j 4 165! 1 b9 1 U t u 1 11 1 11 1 21 4 .1 1 26 1 :a 1 16 1 &', 1 63 1 61 3 24 24 8 18 1 18 1 21 1601 1 65 t 61 1 61 1 66 1 66 1 76: 4 81 1 78 a 1 70 1 73 3 82 128 3 26 3 82 1 16 1 28 s 1 18 1 14 Indicates Hnnrinv Holiday. The official number ot cars of stock rtrnuarht In todav hv eneh road wns: cattle, iioits. en p. 11 sea. C. M. A St. P. Ry... 4 Wabash Ry I Missouri Pacific Ry.. 6 Union Pacific system. 14 C. & N. W. Ry F.. E. & M. V. R. R. 42 C, St. P., M. & O.... 8 a. et m. Ry nt C, B. & Q. Ry 11 K. C A St. J. Ry.... 4 C, R. I. & P., east... 12 C, R. I. A P., west... 6 Illinois Central Ry.... 6 33 9 6 23 4 19 4 1 6 1 4 in so 21 Commercial Transmission of Marconigrams Is being rapidly deTeloped, and plana already perfected comprehend the establishment of wire less stations on the Atlantic coast', in Cuba, Porto Itico, Alaska and at various strategic points on the Great Lakes. The recent sale of part of its treasury stock has provided addi tional working capital to a sufllicent extent to to develop the Dividend-Earning Capacity of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America The vast possibilities presented for the opera tion of wireless telegraphy in the field occupied by the American Company, should destine its stock to be one of the GREATEST DIVIDEND PRODUCING Sources in this country. The present' oppor tunity is the only one offered the public to share . in the development of the Company. For full particulars address, MUNROE S MONROE, Broad Exchange Bldff.. N. V. Congress St.. Building-, Boston. Gaff Buildings Chicago. Canada Life Uldg., Montreal. Or Greenshlelds & Everest. Local Representatives. Council Bluffs, Iowa. 32 Total receipts ....170 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. .... m ....1,699 .... 639 .... 695 .... 63 .... 1 .... a .... 10 .... 34 .... 86 .... 2 .... 145 Hoys. Sheep, 535 1.355 1.642 1,732 2,087 372 2.850 1.8S5 1,027 879 ..3,576 7,561 6,963 Evaporated Apples and Dried Frolts. NEW TORK, July 13. EVAPORATED APPLES Market waa slow, but holders show considerable confidence and prices are steadily maintained. Common are quoted at 4'a 51,4c; prime, 6ft6c; choice, 6c; fancy, 6Mr&74c. CAUtUKIMlA MtUlTB BDOt prunes generally firm, and the larger sizes are reported In light supply. Quotations range from 3c to 7c for all grades. Apricots attract a moderate jobbing demand and are steady at 7fcHo for choice and 1010c for fancy. Peaches remain steady and un changed at 77Vic for choice and 810Ho for fancy. Sscsr and Molasses; NEW ORLEANS. July 13. SUOAR-Dull; open kettle, 2i&3 7-16c; open kettle centrif ugal, 34ti3c; centrifugal whites, iSsiHc; yellows. 3ii3 15-16c: econds, 3&3c. MOLASSES Open kettle, nominal. If 20c. XT Cllf ITi-iTSTT T..1. 19 OTTrt k T Tw 1 E4 T 1 virk si Ui j ao. u iy jr.x-x. xv iva TT . firm; fair relinlng, 31-lfic; centrifugal W test, 3 9-16c; molasses sugar, 2 13-lBc; re fined, firm. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, July 13.-DRY OOODS- Market shows signs of Increased Interest In merchandise, especially for immediate delivery. A number of buyers are In town and aa their stocks are being depleted they are anxious about replenishing. With In creased curtailment of produotlon this may be a ainicuit tning to ao. Omaha Packing Co... Swift and company.. Armour & Co Cudahy Packing Co. Armour, Sioux City.. Vansant & Co Carey A Benton Lobman 4V Co Huston 4k Co Hamilton I.. K. Hues Werthelmer Other buyers Totals CATTLE There was a liberal run of cat tie here today and as other joints were also well supplied prices had 10 suffor to some extent. It took some time ior buyers and sellers to get together on ierms and as a result It was late befors the bulk was disposed of. The beef steer market could safely ba ouoted alow and fully a dime lower than Friday morning. In some cases sales were made that were 16c lower, but In the ma jority of cases a dime would cover the. de cline. Salesmen were slow about cutting loose at the decline, as they all ranted steady prices, but us buyers showed no In clination to take the cattle unless they could get .them for less money they finally had to take he prices offered. The bulk of the fair to good cattle sold from 14.60 to 14.80, with choice from that up to 15.00. The close was more active and fully good at the opening. ' The cow market was t-omewhat uneven, the same aa It has been for some time past, but as a general thing the good stuff was lust about steady with the close of last weea. mere wero wui tbij msiijr -w and heifers on sale that cou'.d be called vnnd. ma that everything answering to that description was soon disposed of. The me dium and common kinds, though, were slow sale and steady in some oases ana a nine lower tn otners. Bulls, veal calves and stags did not show nuxh ihanu from last Friday. There were only a few odd bunches of atockers and feeders In the yards and the market held lust about steady. The better grades were easy to dispose of, but in terior kinds were neglected and hard to sell at any price. Representative sales BEEF STEERS. Itsstss Stock Quotations. BOSTON, July 13. Call loans. 3A4 per cent; time loans, 4M.& rer cent. offlc:al closing prices on stocks and bonds: Jo. I white, 15c; No. 4 Peoria Market. PEORIA. July lS.-CORN-6teady; No. OATS Hull; No wnite, i,ic . Toledo Irtd Market. TOLEDO, July 11 BEEP8- Clover, sc. ttve and unchanged. 15.66 Prime timothy, 11. 6U; September, 11.60. August alslke, 16.50. reflet Market. ' ' NEW YORK. July U-COFFEE S Rio. oult: No. T. invoice. I-l6r: ml ouli't. Futures opened steady at unchanged prli'ts to a decline of 6 points uiuler lower cables and conllnued heavy receipt, but ruled quiet and dlxplayetl little feature, c'oaing On 1 1, net unchanged to 6 points lower. Baled wer about u,im bag, luciutv Rpot nild. AtrhtsAn it Mi. Cntral 4a... Alchlann do pfd Bnaton ft Alhani. Uoiton 4k Me Host on Elevated . N. Y. N. H. H. Kltrhburg pfd tTnlos Pacific .... ties, rsntral Anicrtraa Sugar .. do pfd Dominion I. A B... Gn. Kl'rtrle Masa. Elertrle t'nltrd fruit I), i. ttssl do pfd Wtttlngh. Common. Advent urs Allouax la. SUV Amalgamated .. 7i Hlngnum .. 5 Iralumrt AY H . . 19 Ontannlal ... ..248 jCopper Ranga ... . .ltiy il'omlnlon Coal ,, ..14U IKranklln , ,.la.llie Royals ,.la5 jMohawx .. 1014 Dominion ... .. i'i oarMjla ..11 Pirrot ..lli tiulnor ..114 if'tnta Ps Copptr ,.1,'i Tamarack ..142 fTrlmnuntaia .... ..lnj 'Trlnliy .. I nlttd 8utss .. .. to ftoh 8 Victoria i Winona WotTsrlns , .. 5.!1 .. ii'V, ..iJS .. 16 .. iJi, .. an .. 1 .. 4 .. 39'4 .. 11 .. 61 ... 1 .. nr. " ... tw .. 4 .. 4X ... 13', ... 26 .. , ... '. .. ii I.oadaa Ktork Market. LONDON, July 11 Closing quotations Consols, montr tts-iNw York Ct olral. . .lmj do aerount... Anaconda Al'-hlsoa Is pfd...., lUltlmnrS A Ohio.. Canadian Fai-IOr rhraapasa r unio. . Chlrags O. W C.. si. A St. P DtBecrs . . '. Oanver A R. O do pfil rta . do 1st pfd . td pfd Illinois C antral lsuiaTllla A Naah.. M . K. & T .42 T-lf Norfolk A Waatcrn.. 4it . .. v no pia i ... Oni.rlo Wsslsrs.. 2t ... S Pvnnaylvajtls Vi . "l(lTlfl Mines 10 .123 Reading (, . . 1 do 1st pfd 41 . lUVa do !d pfd t .14? Southern Rallwar... 21 . It! do pfd t . V Southern Pa'ISe 444 . aa ILnlon Paclflc 14 . 1"4 do pfd mi . its.l'nltod Statsa Btssl... . ta I do pfd 11 IJt I n.QUfl Zl . 1 1 0 I ' da pfd ii Elgin Ratter Market. ELGIN. 111.. July 13. BUTTER No of ferlngs nnd no sales today. Market steady at uc. Sales for the week, 197,463 pounds. !nr York Live giock Market.. NEW YORK. July 13. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,45o head; closed strong for medium weight steers, dull for good heavy; bulls and cows steady; fat bulls firm; steers, ll.tXkJii.42H; bulls, 12.6fKiTi.2o; cows, 11. litff o.Tj; cables lower; live cattle, llHc; top 12c per lb., dressed weight; sheep lower at K'Vift' l-o, dressed weight. L'AbVKS-JtectipiH. t.VJH neaa; veals slow to lower; bin if rml'ks dill ; veals, U-OOfj) 0.23; buttermilks, K.25&'3.6u; city dressed veals, nraiuc per ID. HUGS KhccIbIs. 9.333 head: steady for hogs, pigs firm; state hogs, 16.2Cktj6.25; pigs. 6.X((li.4'l. SliKKf AINU LA.MUS KecelOts, 14,122 head; aheep steady; top grades firm; lambs :;rffluc higher; some early sales oe higher: Hheep. 13.jt'3.76; export sheep, 14; lambs, 15.u0u6.85; few extra early at City Live "tackMarkel. KANSAS CITY, July 13-CATTLE-Re- ceipia, 6,'.50 natives, 1,550 Texups and 310 naiive cuives; steers nitrite lower than Friday: quarantine stuff 10tfil&e lower: stot kers mid feeders steady to lower; bulls and calves dull; choice export and dressed beef steers, 14.604i6.20; fair to good, !.t.75j 4.(15; Blockers and feeders. $2.6ti'(r 1.20; west ern fed Hirers. 13.5WM.75; Texas and Indian steers. 12.6541 3.75- Texas cows. !2.3V(i3 .00; native cows. 12.27174.10; native heifers, 12.76 4i4 20; canners, 41.22.35; bulls, tl.8og3.26; calves, 12.0d((i5.0O. HOGS Receipts, 3.800 head; market Iot 15c lower; top, $0.4214; bulk of sales, 15.25' 5.35; heavy, lo.KiS.'.O; mixed packers, 15.26 Ci5.32H: i'Kht. 16.27V5.42H; yorkers. 16.S74j 5.42't: pigs, 15 36fi5 A:',. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts, 600 head; market active nnd sleady; native lambs. l'1.2Wi6.3fl; western lamba. 13.00'.41.16; fed ewe-t. a.C(rv; .'); Texas clipped yearlings. $3.2,Ci5.(C; Texas dipped sheep, 13.0Oir5.l0: stackers and feeders, 13.004.00. BAR SILVER Firm at Ui per ounce. MONEY 13 per cent. '1 ne rate ot dis count In the open market fur short bills Is 24k2!4 per cent and for three months' bills Is 2VtlM4 per cent. Foreign Flaaaelal. LONDON. July 11. Money waa In fair demand today and supplies were fairly plentiful:" Discounts were steady. Trad ing on the Block exchange was adversely affected by the deoressiun l.i Americans, which ateadletl gllghU aTar the opening. slonx City Live Stork Market. StOl'X CITY. Ia.. Julv 13. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE - Receipt 80O head, Miockers steady and killers slow and lower; beeves, Jl.tiO'ti OO; cows, bulls ana mixed. 12.6i ti 1.25; snickers and feeders, 12.50tj3.S6; calves and yearlings. VJ 50i3.75. H ("Ml 3 Receipts. hesd; 10c lower, selling at so.Hkji5.30: bulk. 15.20. Sailer Is Probably Mardereil. NEW YORK. July 11 Henry Valller. t sailor on the French fltgshlp Tags, whirr la lying at anchor In the North river, d s appeared a week ago Saturday. His bod ' has Just been found floating in the river There was a stab wound 01 er the left ey and another deeper one In his neck. I' I' now thought be went ashore and engaged la a Quarrel was murdered. No. 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 6 1 I 1 , 1 I II 1 1 1 17 II 1..... 12 1 18 M 111.... :i 1 14 11 it ti 40 17 It 40 29 41 12 44 22 la 11 W ii 17 4 I..... 21 24 1 1 1 to 1 1 I 4 1 14 I II 1 II I t I 12 II I I I 2I....M 1 1 1 2 1 10 I 1 1 1 10 10 11... A. Pr. 60 2 10 sso ... vt ... M ... Mi ... 420 ... 10 ... l4 ...ISM ... M ... 110 ...11M ... IH4 1 10 1 so I IS 71 1 M 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 04 4 00 4 00 4 00 ..1100 ,4 20 .120 i za ......102 1217 10S4 M7 1220 10U4 100 102 1001 1064 lot 1000 11:12 1)34 1621 1084 7t 1232 HI 11 KB 1261 1212 1077 114! 12i,2 UIS lukk ..1134 4 ii 4 iO 4 40 i 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 45 4 46 4 46 4 NO 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 66 4 65 4 65 4 0 4 0 4 40 4 60 4 t 4 60 4 M 4 tO 4 fO 4 0 No. 40 16 , 'ii 1 4 1 4 .7 4 41 12 SI it to II il 4 1 44 t II..... 101.... 21 ti M tl u 14 It .... 20 7 72 20 64 Tl 1 7 1 a 16 41 11M 1274 1164 lilt 1240 1141 1144 1211 120 1214 1164 1222 1300 131 lilt 1376 13:12 120 ',3m 1370 12 Uot mi 171 1114 1611 . 1344 120 Hii 14M 1464 14:16 ........ 1.IO 1241 100 121-4 ilbl 14r.l .......1441 1203 Rut At. Pr. .1100 4 44 "fit KERB AND HEIFERS. 114 110 664 1 736 115 ir.l t 5 1 66 I 66 4 06 4 16 4 15 4 25 I. 6... ... 14... It... It... 26... AND 170 1004 1070 1204 1245 12112 1384 COWS. STEERS "STEERS AND STAGS. 4 40 4 46 4 66 4 tS 4 64 4 66 4 46 4 tt 4 tt 4 66 4 66 4 Id 4 70 4 70 4 10 4 16 4 II 4 76 4 75 4 71 4 71 4 76 4 60 4 80 4 60 4 60 i 60 4 6 4 66 4 35 4 15 4 i 4 15 4 SO 4 to 4 0 4 M 4 SO 4 6 4 M 4 6 ( 00 4 tt 4 34 4 40 4 60 4 76 4 it 4 St 170 1 78 1 1110 1 (0 1424 I 76 1 1460 1 66 170 1 40 1 1440 I tO 1440 I 60 1 1140 I 70 1410 t 66 4 Utt 1 70 1330 I 65 1 460 1 74 11K6 2 to 1 142t I 71 1164 alv'esI 1760 lw it t so 1 no 4 75 191 4 60 1 124 4 76 145 4 60 4 k lit 1 tt 1M47Wa 12S 1 00 I.- 1404 1 TS 1266 t 60 4 1664 4 26 , 1060 J SO STOCK CALVES. 160 t 00 1 444 4 10 'BTOCkVowS AND HEIFERS. , 10 t 00 4 676 1 TO 602 t 46 10 4t t TO IK t 66 t 1130 I 64 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS, 170 60 , 660 , tit , ii , 476 . 627 14.... 3.... t.... ..... HOGS There wit I 00 t tt 1 40 1 40 t 00 t 40 t 40 1 460 t 40 12 2T tS t 1124 I 14 12 4(13 t T4 406 I W 12 2I 40 1 610 I 44 a liberal run of boss here today for a Monday and the same waa true at other poinia, so uu prices ui f.rA Th market here opened generally . inwor and It was not long before the hog began moving toward the eoales. Salesmen saw no opportunity w,ii"n the break, and as a result iraaing was active at tne oecnne ana evrrjrwtuHi . H.'nra the middle of the forenoon. There waa no particular change In the mar ket from start to nnisn. in nenvjr ub Sold largely at 15.26. mixed at IS.i; light larrely at 15.80 and aa high aa 16.35 waa paid. Representative sales: AS. SB. rr. no. PRIVATE WIRES GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. 'JRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS tH Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha l'hbiieai umu and liui. Members all prin cipal exchanged. Writ for our dally mar ket Utter. REAL KSTATB TRANSFERS. Ms. 61... 66... 42... 64... 4... II... 69... 44... 61... it., ti.., 16... tl... 7.., Tl... to.., tt... 76... tl.., 21... St... 6r.. 40.. tt.. 43.. 47. ....181 ....224 Y.'.'.M ... J9T ....260 ,...21 ....281 ....24 ....260 ....110 ....267 ....261 ....140 ...,23 ....2t2 ....26i ...241 ....144 ....3M ....240 ....180 .....2(4 ,....277 t6I ....264 14 2:i 63 22 ft.... ti.... 47.... to.... tt.... 66.... 63.... 63.... 66.... 64.... 64.... .... 77.... .274 ...t67 ...261 ...1M ...ttt ...281 ...7t ...21 ...28T ...tf2 ...282 ...24 ...lf,T ..245 ltd 40 1M 240 40 120 120 40 80 'ti rr. I 16 6 25 4 16 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 36 4 26 I 26 6 26 4 16 4 25 4 21 H 1 27 W 4 27 H 4 27 S, 4 i7 4 27 Vi 4 17 4 17 I 17 I IT 4 IT 6 27 I i7 I 21 6 27 4 17 4 17 , 4 17 4 27 I 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 4 17 4 17 6 27 1 17 4 17 t 17 tl.... :l... 41.... M... 64..., tS.. As. ...141 ...174 ...24 ...141 ....236 ,...276 .lit IT 261 .243 .242 ....244 ....262 ....236 ....23t ...,24t ....321 ....121 ....196 ....261 ....216 ' 261 ti 265 11 222 74 134 68 2t tt 266 tt Ill 8h. 40 40 180 60 1M 120 124 160 tt. 40... ti... 72... TT... 6t... 44... 6T... 64... TO... TT... 14... tt., ..246 ..263 ..224 ..231 ..136 ..391 ,.t6t ..141 ..ttt ..144 ..210 ..121 .111 tt 244 rr. 6 11 6 11 6 17 I 17 6 17 I 17 1 11 6 17. 4 27 I 17 4 M 4 M 4 10 4 10 I 10 4 60 6 10 I 10 4 30 4 10 i 10 4 0 I to 4 10 4 80 6 30 4 30 4 30 1 30 4 tO 4 30 6 to I to I tt 6 tO 4 M 4 M 4 12 4 12 6 32 I tS .1304 .. 604 ..1020 ... ' .. iKl ,.. 790 ... K0 ... 626 ,.. 676 ... 141 ... '16 ,.. 610 ,.. 640 ... t:t ... 66 ... lot ... K ... 618 ... M ... 610 ... Ill ...104 ... IU ...IUI ... 970 ... 6 ...110 ... iso ...1310 ...1201 ...1126 ...110 ...1140 ...17 ...10:t0 ... tl a it 6. UUYVB. .11H 4 14 t. 4(6 . 674 . 4.t , 157 . 120 424 , Tut t 00 1 00 I It 1 to 1 26 I 26 t 26 1 30 I 60 1 to 1 36 t 16 I 66 t ii 1 66 t 60 1 40 I to t to I 40 I to 1 16 t 66 1 '6 1 76 I 76 I 66 1 16 t 46 1 40 t 04 t ut 1 00 t to 1 it I it 1 t lUSKtns. 1. I. it'.'.'.'.'.'. ll'.'.'.!'.; 776 Ill 791 167 1042 1030 J0 1016 10(10 110 1220 1111 1114 1144 10.10 1444 1011 1221 IMt 820 1126 1130 1190 12U 1st too Um IH.10 lilt 127t 101 1240 1079 171 , 1430 1444 I It I IS 1 11 1 16 t to I 26 1 16 I 46 I 26 t 40 I 60 1 60 t 64 I 60 I 60 t to 1 to t to t tl I 76 1 74 1! 76 t It 1 60 I 80 1 60 1 60 t 66 1 90 t 90 4 0 4 It 4 10 4 11 4 26 t 60 1 7t I 76 I 76 I 76 1 40 4... It!!.' 4 BULLS. 1204 1160 12 It 13!t 1040 I1M .1M4 1 tt I tt I tt 1 Tt I 10 I T 1 14 I.. 1... .. 610 .. soO .. 690 .. 164 .. 829 .. too ..10U4 .. 498 ..1160 ..1011 .. 110 ...159 ,..l7Ut 1 St 1 00 I ti I at I 60 66 4 14 1 M I 26 1 It 4 4 I M 11 HHEEP There waa the heaviest run of sheep and lambs here today that has ar rived in a long time, dui tne aemana on the part of packers was In good shape and an active market resulted. It Is safe to quote the better grades steady with tne c ose or last week, dui tne less aesirauie Kinds In some rases had to sell a shade lower owing to the better supply of good stun. Trading was active ana tne Dig ena of tha cood tAutt was soon disposed of. Idaho yearlings sold for H, Idaho wethers 13.70, Idaho lamba 15.75 and ewes from the Mmo state prougnt tj ou. There were a tew leeoers sortea out 01 the killers, but there were not near enough to meet the demand. 1 nere are a goou many orders In the hands of commission men. and It will take quite a number to met tha demand already In sight. Quotations for grass stock: Good to choice lambs, 15.506.00; fair to good lambs, 15.00if5.B0; good to cnoice yearungs, tj.w. 4.26; fair to good yearlings, U.5'; good to cnoice wetners, j.ouio. 10, iuir iu guuu wethers, t3.wU3.bQ; good to choice ewes, r ?V.1 4n- fair to Brood ewes. 12.504f2.76; feeder lambs, 13.6063.76; feeder yearlings, !3.00rt3.5O; feeder wethers, 12.7603.25; feeder ewes, 12.01x92.30. representative ships 31 Wyoming ewes M Idaho ewes M Idaho wethers 47.8 Idaho ewes S53 Idaho wethert 539 Idaho tl Idaho wethers 370 Idaho wooled lambs 229 Idaho feeder ewes 2TJI Oregon feeder wethers 875 Idaho wethers 371 Oregon wethers litftg Idaho wetners 123 Idaho feeder lambs 3 7 99 106 8 100 63 3 0 61 95 106 64 IK 1 15 I 60 1 60 170 4 00 4 00 Tf 1 40 1 to 1 40 1 40 1 10 1 ti Deeds filed for record yesterday, as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1614 Farnam street; Deeds. Dwlght a Cochran to Walter L. Belby, Iota 23 and 24. block 1, lot IS. block. 2, lots 17, io, 4, and 16. block 3. lots S, 18 and 24, block 4, lots 6. , 7. 8, . 10. 15. 24. 26. 26. 27. 38, 84, 89, 40 and 41, block 6. all W. L. Selbv s 1st add; lots 13, 14 and 16. block 1, Rush & Selby's add.: lot . block 1, Hammond Place add.; lots 14 and 16, brook- 113,- and - iota U, 13 and 14, block 120, Dundee Place. 1 1 nenrjr o. u. uenmann ana wile to Amoroso Hood, e44 ft lots 20, 11 and 22. block 4. Huuinm pim William K. Potter, reoeiver, to Eon ma niay epnieti, tot 7, Mcuntee s add. George A. Warner and wife to Con- raa p. Forsell and Mary Forsell, e30 ft lots 13 and 14, block 1, Lake add Peter M. Folstrup to Edwin O. Hamp ton, iui o, uioca , in iiaxei Terrace add William P. Chambers, executor, to William J Adamson, e&0 ft nl38 ft lot 7. block 2. Orchard Hill AA. . William J. Adamson and wife to Oscar E. and Hilda Ellison, e50 ft. north 138 ft. lot 7. block 1. Orch ard Hill add W. J. llraman and wife to Erich Headland and Mlnne Headland. Ut 14. block 2. Ambler Plaee add.. Benson Land syndicate to Harvey J. jrove. lots in, zu and Zl, block 27. Benson Harriet O. Prltchett and husband lo Wlllard E. Chambers, wfc lots 10 and 11, block 1, Henry tt Bhelton's add Wlllard E. Chambers and wife to lots 1 and 11, block 1, Henry tt Bhelton s add James W. Belden and wife to Minnie a. Williams, lot 10, block 1. Omaha View add August Kerner and wife to Catherine uouins. lot 7, block 20, credit Fon der add Norway Plains Savings bank to Mar tin w. mrxenaau, jot 10, block 115, Dundee Place add Leland university td Joseph Mirek, Bus it. lot is and nan it. lot 16, block 1. Kountze's 4th add Annie 8. Anderson to Caroline Ham mer, sH w99 ft. elll ft lot a, block 4. Campbell's add William K. Potter, receiver, to Le- land university. wlO ft. elSO ft. lots 11 and 12, block 7. Hanacnm Place, and n30 ft. lot 16, and s22 ft. lot It, block 6, Kounfxes 4th add Mortgages. Frank Welna and wife to Baltas Kramer, lot 23, block 6, Deer Park add Gertrude B. Sherwood and husband to United States Mortgage and Trust company, lot S, Llock 7, Hans com Place add Paul Almsteler and wife to Conserva tive Savings and i'an association, w lot 9, block 4, Van Cami'a add. Harvey J. Grove and wife to Conserv ative Savings and Loan association, lota 18, 19, 20 and 21, block 27, Benson Eric W. Headland and wife to Con servative Savings and Loan associ ation, lot 14, block 2, Ambler- Place add W. B. Young to H. L. Moorehouae. lot i, block 308. city ... Martin W. Klrkendall and wife to Ourdon W. Wattles, lot 10. block 116. Dundee Place add Joseph Marek and wife to McCr.gue Investment company, s22 ft. lot 14 and n30 ft. lot 16, block 6, Kountse's 4th add CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle aad Sheep Art Stroag, While Hogs Drop Tbroagkeat Day. fTrrcAfsO. Julv IS. CATTLE Receipts J noo head. Including 400 Texans; market strnnar and active; good to prime steers ti f4sil.E4: noor to medium. U.tmUMK stock ers and feeders. 12.60i4.60; cows. ll.5Wii.26; hifr P Mb lll: canners. si otin ;. m; ouiis, 1'2 25414.36: calves. 12.6(K3.00; Texas fed MOOS Receipts, o-'.wsi neaa; rsumsira tnmnrrnw. ?0.0): left over. 11.000; market opened 10&15o lower and closed 2MiX)c lower: mixed and butchers. !M6ifi.40; good ,n .hMm h.nvv. 15 .VfiS 36: rough heavy, t4AA6.!6; light, 14.404i5.75; bulk of sales. SHEEP AND I, AMPS Receipts. 15.0M) head; sheep strong; lamhs higher; good to hir wethfrs. !3.7tvi4.00; fair to choice mixed, 13 ('! 60; western sheen and year lings, !2.6X'4 60; native lambs, !3.0Oi.50. St. Loals Live Stock Market. RT LOUIS. July 11 CATTLE Receipt I (do head, Including 7.600 Texans; market .taailv and fairly active In native division, I with trade dull in Texans: native shipping I ana aipoa ior m, , . , . god feutohar gbeera, 144v4.2t; slstra under 4,500 600 1,060 600 1,400 1,100 too 6)0 1,000 I2.P00 1,500 2,600 1,000 1,250 850 133 too 1,700 1,000 too 1.100 (60 too 1.000 lba., t3.9O.00; Blockers and feeders, 12.60S4 10; cows and heifers. 12 254)4 66; -nn-ners, 12 006(2,50; bulls. $2.603.60; calves. 13.00 6660; Texaa and Indian steers, 12.964.60; cows and heifers, J2. ("'( 3. 15. HOGS Receipts. &.5O0 head: market dull: rigs and lights, 16.656.70; packers. t6.2V'i 35; butchers and best heavy. 16.406.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. 2.(100 head; market active and 6gl0c higher than the close or last ween : native muttons. 13 20S 4 00; Jambs, 14 00fi 00, culls and bucks. 12 fnv.ii.OO; Mtockers. 12.004jf3.15: Texans. 13 50 34.60. St. Joseph Lire Stack Market. ST. JOSEPH. July 13. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.170 head; market 10il5n higher: natives, x4.004ro.zb; cows ana neirers, 11. Writ 4.00; stockers and feeders. 13.OOOJ4.10. HOGS Receipts, s.stai head; market 60lc lower: lights, 15.306.40; medium and heavy. 15.2506 '15. cHKcr aimij L, a mud Receipts, z.017 head; market steady. Slack la Sight. Following were the receipts of live stock at the rlx day: Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. IxJls ... St. Joseph .. Sloug City principal western cities yesler- Hogs. Sheen Cattle. ... 1.769 ...23.00 ... (.450 ... t,(S8 ... 1.170 ... mo 7.654 62.0HO 2si0 6. 5O0 t.m 1.6U0 1.391 16.0 i0 600 1.0O0 1047 Totals .. 44.121 75.021 27,14 Bask Clearlags. OMAHA, July 11 Bank clearings for to day were !1.4!n).189.20; Increase over eorrv svoadlnf dajr ef (revluua year, Hot, tilt.