Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
pally Bm
Daily He.
telly Bee (without Sunday), On Year.. $4 OO
Hee and bunday, una Year
9 w
2 00
raiea w. una rear .
Sunday Ilea, Una Year
rtaiuruay bee, una Year
Twentieth Century Farmer. One Tear
Dally Bea (without Sunday), per copy.... Jo
Dally Bee (without Bundayi. par weak. .120
lelly Bea (Including Bundayj, per week.. 17o
Hunriay Bea, per copy 5
Evening Bea (without Sunday), par week. c
Kvenlng Bea (including bunday), Pr.
week o
Complaint of irregularttea In delivery
should be addressed to City Circulation de
partment. offices.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building. Twen-ty-fifth
and M 8treet.
Council Bluffs 10 PenrI Street.
Chicago tti I'nlty Building.
New York 2S2H Park Row Bulldlnc
Washington 601 Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to news and edi
torial matter should be addreaaed: Omana
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit hy draft, eipres or postal order,
payable to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only 2-cent stamps accented In payment "i
mall account. personal check, except on
Omaha or enntern exchange, not acceptea.
State of Nebraska, Douglas Countess,
ubiiahing Company, being duly "! j
Furnishing company, perns ouij " -j
aaya that the actual number of full and
complete coplaa of The Dally Morning.
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the
montn ot June, waa aa ionow.
i so.aao it....
1 80.DT0 IT....
4 SOrHtM 19....
1 30,810 10....
30X30 21....
T a7,WM 23....
I ...80.T20 23....
f 30.MO ' 24....
It 81,000 25.
U 30,030
13 ttO,e40
,13 80.T80
14 S7,810
15 80.T70
a 81,310
.. .81,310
.. ,TeW
Ijpmm unsold and returned copies
Net total sales 9WtSt
Net average sales 80,075
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
beior. m. this 80th dayMofBJun..m.
(Seal) Notary Publio.
Parties leaving; the city fov
the aaaamer nay nave The Bea
scut to then regnlarly hy
notifying Tha Baa Bnalaaaa
Dice, In aeree or hy mall.
Tha address will ha ehaaced
as oftea as daalred.
It's a little early for the democratic
machine to get in its Work, but it Is
already being oiled up for action.
King Peter of Servla has managed to
celebrate one royal birthday in regal
style. In this he Is showing the wis
dom that takes no chances on post
poned pleasures.
sow mat . our councumen have re
turned from their pavement inspection
lour we may expect our council meet
i igs to be enlivened by, lively tilts on
the paving question.
i We. presume Denver is entertaining
the Christian Endcavorera and other
i ollgious societies uow to fortify Itself
,'for tho Invasion of populist reformers
' called to meet there later In the month.
St Louis proposes to propel exposl
t Ion visitors on a moving . sidewalk.
Omaha goes St Louis one better. It Is
now trying to proper traffic on North
J Ixteeenth street over a moving pave
ment .
The movement to nationalize the bus!
nags men's organizations Indicates that
l employers are learning what the
nployes learned some time ago that
t:5re are no state or municipal lines In
l.idustry. , .
Our amiable democratic contemporary
appears to be very enthusiastic over
ilia movement In favor of a nonpartisan
judiciary. Why not take up Judge
Dickinson as the nonpartisan candidate
for guprema Judge?
Ak-Sar-Ben IX promises to be a more
baneflcent ruler than his predecessors.
No one who Is interested in Omaha's
progress and prosperity should have to
ba Invited more than once to pay
l.omage to his court
An unexcelled exhibit of tobacco Is!
promised for the St. Louis exposition.
A D unexcelled exhibit of tobacco smok
ers and tobacco cbewers Is "promised
without any efforts on the part of the
x-posltlon management
, ,3
Philadelphia has taken advantage of
sihool vacation by turning a large
s hool bouse Into a laboratory for pa-
tr art zed milk, which will soon become
an adjunct of the kindergarten. This is
a suggestion Omaha may emulate in the
ii wr bye aud bye.
Pope Iieo'a Illness threatens to be the
c.-iuae of standing grievances arising
o it of tha claims of precedence for ad
mission to the bedside by attendants on
I la holiness. Tills is uot the first time,
however, such exhibitions have - been
made In the shadow of an extinguishing
I ght of greatness
One of . the papers read at Denver
tcJIs "What Christian Endeavor Has
I on for the Indians." Christian en
rleavor is doubtless doing good work for
to Indiana, but It will still have to be
implemented, with vigorous endeavor
to protect them from spoliation by
fraudulent land grabbers and collusive
Isdiaa agents. , .
Omaha people will do well to second
t Be . efforts .of President . . Kerr - of
lfellevue college to have , the , growing
timber along the bluffs to the south of
this city preserved from destruction. If
. iha govirument authorities bave any
Viewer to protect these : little forests
they should bo urged to exercise it.
Should this stretch of woods be wan
tonly denuded, our people will regret
It many times, for It-would be difficult
trrtcTs or ortKCAPiTA liz a tio.v.
Tup most profound studrnt of the
trust problem are all agreeil that the
most dangerous feature of then rolo
al combination is the fictitious capital
ization. The victims of fraudulent onpl
tallzatlon are not imrr-ly the credulous
luvestor and stock Jobbers, lt Inno
cent depositors In savlnRS Institutions
and banks that curry trust securltteg on
margins on collaterals for loans. -
A atriking example of the injurious
effects of fictitious capitalization ) fur
nished by the defunct Asphalt trust,
which In the nineties managed to float
millions of 5 per cent bonds and many
mora millions in inflated stocks that
had no substantial value. The stocks
were largely held by men who held the
bonds and then gold (the latter at an
enormous profit.
The sulta now.Dendlnz-.ln the Penn
sylvania courts .disclose the factthnt
since the extraordlnq.r 4epreclatRri a
the 6 per cent bonds most of thenr have
changed hands, so that the real 16sers
are In no position -to regain their loss.
while those who bought at the' low
prices would be benefited. Commenting
disclosures the Philadelphia
Inquirer declares:
There la one lesson, fo be learned, fn any
event, whether the parties who are sup
posed to be responsible are made fe dis
gorge or not, and that la that Investors
hould be very careful how they go. Into
schemes of which they have no knowtedge.
It is a' curious fact that large blocks of
these bonds were bought- by the leading
financial Inatltutlona of the city, so that
the poor widow who was also an Investor
may . have some excuse for her mistake.
It Is g sad fact that women and children
are among the greatest losers and that
$30,000,000 are supposed to have been los.t.
first and last. In an enterprise which com
mon sense ought to have shown;, was
predestined to failure, though no one sup
posed It would come .so soon.
It goes- without saying- that the vic
tims Of the Asphalt trust have a; right
to blame the state of Pennsylvania and
the national , government for failure to
provide proper safeguards against the
confidence game by which they, have
been ruined. The' publicity and 'super
vision of - corporations and legislation
that would, subject the promoters and
officers of corporations that Issue fraud
ulently Inflated securities to criminal
prosecution, besides making . them in
dividually liable, would go very far to
ward removing the worst evil . from
which the American people are suffer
ing at the bands of the trusts.
It Is stated that Postmaster General
Payne will endeavor to make It clear
in his annual report tbattiere should
be a more careful consideration by con
gress next session of legislation needed
to safeguard the department from the
Irregularities that have been disclosed
by tlie present investigation. It would
seem that there should be no difficulty
In impressing upon congress the neces
sity for such legislation or in pointing
out what must be done. It Is remark'
able that there is not-already adequate
legislation ' to safeguard' ' the ' Postofflce
department from such irregularities as
have been disclosed.' Each branch of
congress has a committee whose duty
It Is to look after postal affairs. It
seems to be quite clear that they have
not given proper attention to this duty,
for otherwise it would have been hardly
possiblo for such a state of affairs as
shown by the Investigation to have ex
Isted in the department for years. '
It Is stated that the investigation by
officials of the department Is nearly
concluded, a careful and thorough In
qulry having been made . as to all
charges. It is quite possible that a con
gressional Investigation will be made,
though this may depend upon whether
tho present investigation is accepted by
the public as sufficient At all events
conrreBS must provide whatever legis
latlon Is shown to be necessary-to pre
vent Irregularities and Insure a thor
oughly honest administration of the
postal service.' Such -"wrong doing as
has been brought to light extending
over a period of several years, must be
made practically impossible in future.
surplus aud taxation.
The liberal surplus In the national
treasury at the close of the last fiscal
year, June SO. may be exceeded at the
end of the current year, if the esti
mates by the secretary of the treasury
of receipts and. expenditures, . made in
his last annual report should prove to
be approximately correct He estimated
that for the present fiscal year the rev
enues of the -government -from all
sources will be In round numbers $720,
000,000 and the expenditures about $52,
000,000 less than that amount It is
thought that the estimated expendi
tures will not be materially if at all
exceeded, while if the country continues
to be prosperous there is reason to. ex
pect that the total receipts of the gov
ernment will be somewhat larger than
the aecretary'a estimate. "
Figuring upon what appears to be
probable rsults from revenues and as
suming that the next congress will not
greatly plarge appropriations. It is eal
culated .that the surplus at the close of
tho current fiscal year will be. about
$73,000,000. ' Adding this amount to
the available cash balance in the treas
ury would give the government $303,
000,000 in excess of the current expen
dltures for the fiscal year. If In addi
tion to these expenditures there should
be paid out $0,000,000 In Panama
canal account there would, still be on
June 30 next $243,000,000 as an avail
able cash balance. It la .suggested that
If the outlook' for .continued prosperity
la as. favorable one, year- from now as t
Is today the country will hsv to look
forward to a further Increase in govern
ment revenues-during ( tbe Ascal year
iuuo oi approximately, so
that If the next'cengres-should rot be
wildly extra vagaut tha aurpjua for. the
fiscal year 19u5 may exceed $100,000,
000. It can -b .safely assumed, we
think,, that tKe WftyightB congress
will not-be very extra vacant. .
la view of tha present and prospective
condition of th national treasury It Is
being urged that a material reduction
of taxation Is practicable and there Is
very likely to be a. demand for this in
the 'next congress. It can be confi
dently predicted that the democrats
will urge that the circumstances war
rant reducing both customs duties and
internal taxation and will spsre no ef
fort to ninke political capital out of this
demand. There are already Indica
tions of a purpose to do this and it Is
altogether probable that very early in
the session of the Fifty-eighth congress
the democrats will propose tariff reduc
tion. Whether or not such a proposi
tion would receive any republican sup
port cannot be foretold with certainty,
though the probability Is that the re
publicans will be found unanimously
opposed to any changes In the tariff,
while It Is not impossible that they may
be- willing .to make reductions ,ln In
terna I taxation. Whnt maybe Tegarded
as Assured Is," that the question 'of reve
nue and taxation will couininnd a great
deal of attention in the next congress
and that the democrats will make the
most they can out of it for use in next
year s presidential campaign.
The Indianapolis Journal remarks
that the Evansvllle lesson is not for the
local authorities of .that town alone. It
has reaped its whirlwind, but many
other cities are ! sowing the same seed
of lawlessness and political debauchery
"It Is to be hoped," says that paper,
1'that few are as far advanced on the
road to municipal disgrace by coddling
the criminal classes as Evansvllle was,
but ., many . others are moving in the
same direction. . If the Evansvllle riot
shall serve to prove the folly and danger
of such playing with Are it may furnish
a new example of good out of evil." It
Is admitted on all hands that political
corruption and debauchery bave long
prevailed in Evansvllle and it is this
that was largely responsible for the
outbreak in that city that cost a dozen
lives. The county and municipal offi
cials are all more or less contaminated
with corruption. All of them are in
volved 'in the practice of vote buying
and of catering to the criminal classes.
In this way ' lawlessness has received
encouragement and when it grew for
midable the corrupt officials would not
deal with It as they might have done
had they been-themselves honest and
law-respecting. Their own violation of
the law made them cownrds, for only the
honest and upright official is capable of
properly upholding and enforcing law.
' The one official who showed himself
equal to the emergency Is Governor
Durbln of Indiana, who has received
general commendation for the prompt
and vigorous way in which he dealt
with the riot Knowing his duty, when
the local officials were unable to cope
with the mob, he did not hesitate to
perform it He set an example that
merits the heartiest approval. .
Out of 11,000,000 in taxes collected by
City Treasurer Hennlngs during the
last week of June the railroad corpora
tlons converging In Omaha paid $10,
632.08. This , Includes taxes on Union
Pacific headquarters, Union Pacific
shops, Burlington headquarters and the
personal property of the railroads, ex
clusive of rolling stock, which is pre
sumed to be dumped into the mileage
assessment by the state board. Had
the rallrpads paid their proportion of
the city taxes on the basis of their as
sessed valuation as returned by the
city tax commlsssioner and Board of
Review they would have paid $238,
844.14, in addition to the 10,532.08,
This would not bave been unreason
able, in view of the fact that the value
of the railroad property in Omaha at a
very ' conservative estimate exceeds
$27,000,000, or more than one-fifth of
the aggregate taxable property in the
Nebraska's state treasurer Is again
facing the prospective dilemma of hav
ing more money In the permanent school
funds on hand than he can find places
of Investment warranted by law. The
constitutional provision relating to the
Investment of school money should be
extended - to include approved bonds
legally Issued by cities and school dis
tricts In the state that bave uot de
rail i tea on interest with such a pro
vision the state treasurer would have no
repetition of his present embarrassment
and both the state and the municipal
subdivisions would be the gainers In
the Interest saving, which they would
divide, lustead of donating as now to
eastern bond brokers.
The enlargement of Omaha's trade ter
ritory in Iowa aud even into northern
Mlsssouri by the abolition of the bridge
arbitrary is the Justification of the trade
excursions on the east side of the Mis
souri. The fact that Omaha Jobbers
are in better position to do business in
this section- than ever before ought to
make tha results of the recent excur
sion more pronounced than of those
previously undertaken lu other direc
tions. Every town geographically lo
cated so that It can be reached by rati
out of Omaha better than out of com
peting points, must be shown that it is
to its advantage to look to Omaha as
its base of supplies.
- If George J. Gould develops and ex
pands his Wabash railway system as
he has outlined iu public interviews, he
will build up a road that will need de
pend on no othera for business. The
Wabash already has an entrance into
Nebraska and Iowa, the two greatest
grain and cattle states of the middle
west and a direct outlet to a port of
export such as be promises will be sure
to attract aY full share of this traffic.
The people of these state will be glad
to seei Mr. Gould's plans fructify.
. Can that that, prairie dog ex
tlnctkon law is a mistake and that the
prairie dog, instead of bolng exterinln
att-d, Hliould be pmpngated and culti
vated as one of man's most useful ani
mal friends?" If so, Instead of a pen
alty ft permitting the pests to live
or a bounty on prairie dog tails, a
premium will have to be offered for
raising large prairie dog families as the
best wfly to stimulate- successful alfalfa
Ab Inquiry for Beajaanla.
Memphis Commercial.
Wonder how Prof. K. Benjamin Andrews
is getting along In his geological re
searches? Qaallflcatloas of Bryaa's Favorite.
Washington Post.
The country Is learning more about Judge
Walter Clark, Mr. Bryan's candidate for
the presidency. It Is officially announced
that lie does not borrow money or drink
Kin. .
The neat Thing-.
. Philadelphia .Press. .
Senator . Clark -hp given ' the promotion-
syndlcates.of thfl country' a. genuine shock
by , purchasing a railroad f that has real
steel rails, rcjllng stock, and equipment,
and by paying for It In xeal money.
No Oroand for a Klrk. .
Washington Star.
Mnooln, Neb., objects to the execution of
criminals at the state penitentiary because
of the Impression such proceedings oreate
on outside cities. A. town that can escape
lynchlngs has no reason to complain ot
legitimate executions.
What Grafiera Fear.
PhUadelphla Record. -
The asphalt grafters who managed
swindle a confiding public out of some
130.000,000 are not likely to lose much sleep
of nights by the threats of civil suits for
recovery. What disturbs their tranquillity
lone Is the danger, of feeling the spikes
of the criminal law. , -
Down with the Peaaat Whlatla.
Detroit Free Press.
It Is the trifling annoyances that make
life miserable and thousands will rise to
bless the commissioner of police for his
order compelling peanut venders to remove
the whistles from their carts. The whistle
attached to the peanut cart Is a device of
satan for the affliction of the human race.
Its shrill note Is maddening to the Invalid
and a heavy burden to the nerves of the
The Past Will Not Down.
New fork Sun.
Hon. Joseph Hodges Choate's suggestion
that the United States and England ex
change statues of Washington and Queen
Victoria respectively seems, as Mr. Choate
Is credited wKh saying of a- certain party,
too good to be true." . It Indicates too
strenuous a erase to wipe cut the past and
live in the present only, and is too close
In Its philosophy to the nihilistic question
and answer: "What's the good of any
thing? Nothing." , -- . , . , ,
Prospects Point --to a Farther aad
Farther lhsrereneBt.
Bt Louis Globe-Democrat
The good times, which prevail throughout
'die country .are reflected In a striking way
by the record of ti)e railroads. Only five
steam railway lines changed hands through
foreclosure proceedings In the. last six
months. ..Moreover,., these roads ' were
among the least Inportant In the country,
ranging In length from four to' twenty-
eight mile's. This' is 'bretty nearly the best
exhibit which lias ever been made In this
field for this length of time.' The roads
sold under foreclosure represented only 116
miles of track, and $1,146,000 of bonds and
This show a condition of things In the
business world which Is emphatically fa
vorable. In 1893 and the succeeding three
QT four years the number of railroads
which failed to meet their obligations was
large. This feature of the general finan
cial calamity was peculiarly marked
throughout the whole of the convulsion of
that period. Not until the republicans, on
their entrance In to power In 1897, checked
the general Industrial disaster did the rati
road situation begin to show any marked
advancement. Ever since then, as business
i grown more (and more active and
profitable,, the. condition of the railroads
has Improved.
As the mileage of the railroads Is steadily
on the Increase, the shrinkage In the num
ber of roads which are In business straits
Is a very favorable Indication. The tables
of railroad earnings continue to show, for
the country at large, gains over the same
period a year ago. This branch of the coun
try's activities. In fact has been making
particularly flattering showing for the
last three or four years. Bo far as any
body can foresee, the outlook now Is
brighter even than It was at the beginning
of 1903. Nobody looks for any check In the
general trade expansion which prevails all
over the country. The railroads merely re
flect the existing industrial and financial
conditions. The whole country Is enjoying
a prosperity at present such as has seldom
been equaled In the, past, and the pros
pects point to further and further Improve
A. F. Clault, president of the Dominion
Cotton company and the acknowledged cot
ton king ot Canada, Is dead.
This Is Ideal weather for the tat man.
At no other time does the buckle of his
belt datzls-beholders of the bay window.
The Chicago Telephone company gathered
In 11,200.000 last year and la now helloing
for more. The C T. C. Is a thoroughbred
An anti-moustache society has been
formed In Pennington, N. J. This seems
rather bare-faced, even In the "home of the
trusts." - 1
Ellhu L. Bowman of Olenwood, la., claims
to have been a clttaen of that state longer
than any other living man. He went to
Iowa In 1829.
Joseph V. Quarles, United States senator
for Wisconsin, Is frequently seen, clad in
overalls and jumper; at work on the hay
fieMs of his farm.
A Missouri paper, tried to find somethln
complimentary to say of one of the state'
congreasiBen the other day, and the best It
could do was to say that he never wrote an
Indorsoment for a patent medicine.
It Is now proposed to diet Bt. Louis po
licemen with -breakfast foods In order to
reduce their belt dimensions to 44 or on
der. If that Is not . cruel and unusual
punishment' the constitution should be re
President Lou bet's visit to London recalls
the Irish people's claim to regard him as
one of themselves. Loubst, they hold,
merely a Oalllclsed form of Lou belt.
name which Is quite common In the south
of Ireland, and that the president's an
cestors balled from Ireland they entertal
not the slightest doubt.
Among the little-heard-of relatives of the
famous is Orestes P. Chaffee, ' brother of
Major General Chaffee, who has just Visited
Washington. He Is a vigorous, small man
with seventy years and many adventures
behind him a confederate veteran, for
twenty years a resident of South America,
but for a long time with the (allltary d-
paiUnaut la Cube, .
Ideal Tyae et eed Manner. Ha
aallltr and Demnrraey.
Chicago Chronicle.
In any rank or path of life Ieo XIII
would have been a model of manners.
Manners mean more than deportment.
Deportment Is the shell of the Indlrldual's
philosophy of living. If the Individual
philosophy be logical It will be reflected
In a certain attitude of mind toward all
other human beings.
In proportion to the validity of the logic
that mental attitude will be a judicious
blend of dignity and urbanity, of perma
nency of conviction In what ought to be
deemed the unchangeable and of a gra-
lous flexibility In what Is Incidental, per
sonal and transitory.
No other man occupying a sovereign
rank In the world at any time during Leo
XlII's pontificate has been met within his
private precincts by so many human be
ings of so many different types of race,
culture or station as the pope. No matter
ho or what, all have withdrawn from
his presence bearing the same witness to
charm ot conduct Justly described as In
effable to a phenomenal aspect of spiritu
ality In flesh and to a benignity due la
equal measure to logic and culture.
The logical basis of living toward others
Is a realisation that no one In this world
Is responsible for being in It and that all
are equally entitled to commiseration and
congratulation for being In It. It Is an es
sential -of such logla to realise that as to
rank, possessions, power, talents, opinions,
each one In the world Is as a rule no more
to be praised or blamed than for the mold
of one's physiognomy or the color of the
eyes or hair.
An Ideal democrat in his posture to all
bis fellow men, . Leo XIII bad the same
manners to the. humblest peasant that
begged . alma of him on the street when
archbishop of Perugia as to Emperor Wil
liam and King Edward. In his heart he
probably congratulated the peasant more
and poured his commiseration upon the
The pontiff's personal patience has been
one of the most signal proofs of his phllo-
ophlc intellect. An Instant of Irascibility,
of petulance, of arrogance has never been
reported of him by anyone. The "personal
equation" be seems to have reduced to Its
lmplest and Inexorable terms.
Unflinching In the face ot menace, be
appears to have been Innocent ot the vice
Of vanity. T That vice has often accompa
nied not only power, but lntrlnslo as well
conventional eminence. Napoleon waa
vain enough to wish to be painted cross
ing the Alps on a fiery charger, his mantle
flying In the wind, when In fact he made
the passage In undress uniform on a
mule. Pope Julius, whose love of the fine
arts Leo XIII fully shared, was so Im
perious to Michael Angelo that the latter,
with corresponding vanity, quitted his
service In a rage and It required strenuous
and. prolonged diplomacy to reinstate a
friendship upon which the progress of the
world In that hour sensitively depended.
A brutalizing age bas fallen Into the vul
garity of thinking meekness Is not manli
ness, that simplicity Is fatuity, that there
la . no : virility in courtesy, that sweetness
In dignity Is childish and that there is
nothing mighty In the world but pnysicai
force. v
The sublime years of Leo XIII testiry
that gentleness .conduces to longevity. The
awe and deference with which the entire
civilised world has contemplated the death
of the pontiff bear witness that his was a
philosophy of living which It were well
for the world that all reasoning human
beings should strive to. follow as best they
Slgataeaaee at the Demean for Rah-
herneck Currency.
Detroit Free Press (Dem.)
While little Is taking place In national
politics to warm the cockles of Mr. Bry
an's heart, he must be deserving more or
less quiet satisfaction from the criticisms
directed against the Hon. josepn u. can
non of Illinois, by the eastern newspapers
and the Wall street journals of finance.
Mr. Cannon, who will be the next speaker
of the house, recently said the Aldrlch
currency bill would not be considered by
the next congress, and that there was no
general demand for a "rubber currency'
This frank and unqualified attack on the
Aidrlck financial program has pained the
east excessively, and Mr. Cannon Is vari
ously represented as an arch and bucolic
enemy of progress.
Mr. Cannon said that tne aeroana tor
"rubber currency" was made to satisfy
the speculative desires of Wall street,
and that the rest of the county had all
the money It needed for its business.
What does Mr. Cannon mean by "rub
ber r " screams the wan street journal.
Does he deny the value of elasticity? Is
rlaidlty an essential quality for bank note
circulation? If that Is so, why does not
Mr. Cannon have a law enacted to abolish
the use of checks? They constitute a cur-
. . . , 1 1 L. v m.H
rency system wnicn ' i"1- "
check system. Is so elastic uiai meir vaiue
expands and contracts with the varying
nressure Of business.
All this must conjure up oeioro jar. Ary
an's delighted eyes new visions of the great
Nebraskan panacea for all tne ins ot uie
currency system, namely, the free ana un
limited coinage of silver at the ratio of
is to 1. There Is elasticity ror you, ana
nientv of It. Free silver would expand the
currency until even Wall street could not
nromota new bllllon-fioliar trusts lasi
enough to absorb all the money that was
pouring Into the markot, and this, we are
... tn tinnerstana. w ino wmj
financial system that a country can main
tain. There must be enough money to
meet all the needs or wail sireei; w u.m
enrnoratlons. capitalised for $1,000,000.
...n.lluil fnr 110 MM.-I
can be mergea - . .
000, and the securities aisposea oi uoiur.
the water , begins to leak out.
The condition that wan street now ur
moans is precisely the condition that Mr.
Bryan and the populists bewailed! In 1896.
There Is not enough money In the country
to do the country's Business. iu t
rency must be Inflated. Mr. Bryan would
Inflate It by the free, coinage of sliver at
he rate Of 1 to 1. Wall Streei wouia m-
Bate It by Issuing an asset currency se
cured even by ratlroaa Donas, ahu
this asset currency nu u
Its limit. Wall street will still have a few
little mergers to unload, and new desires
for a more elastic currency, secured, per
hv tha dally bank balances or the
checks that pass hrough the clearing house
every noon. The difference oeiwtwii ytu.i
street's dream of an elastic currency and
Mr. Bryan's dream lies cnieny in mo ..i.
that there is a limit to the amount of
silver that can be taken from the mines,
but practically none to the securities that
can be turned out by a printing press.
Don't Ue to Sleep.
Baltimore American.
If ever In the history of the republican
oartv there waa a time when overconfldence
threatened that time is now. With nothing
at all visible to prevent the triumphant
election of Theodore Roosevelt to succeed
himself In the presidency to which hs suc
ceeded through the death of William Mo-
Klniey, there Is a marked tendency of the
party to go to Bleep. That Is not advisable
at any time. There never was and there
never will be an automatic campaign
There will be need next year of aa active
and thorough campaign work as has ever
been done. And the victory will not be
woa uuUi the votes are cask
f ,
rrore f Transforming the City Will
Work Wonders.
"Within the next year," says a writer
In Collier's Weekly,- "a crowded city in
point of population and variety of business
will be swept off the map of Manhattan,
yet New York will scarcely turn aside to
notice the extraordinary transformation
process. The beginnings of the operations
Involved In the creation of the Pennsylvania
tunnel and terminal system In the heart
of the metropolis compel the exodus of
thousands of dwellers In district covering
nearly a square mile, the obliteration of
churches, tenements, apartment houses
block after block of residences, stores,
shops, factories, restaurants, nearly too
separate buildings In all swarming with
"President William H. Haldwin of the
Long Island railroad recently outlined the
great change In the living problem of New
York, In this forecast: The construction of
the 'Pennsylvania and Long island railroad
tunnels, in addition to the rapid transit
subway now building, is one: of the factors
leading' swiftly to the absolute unity of
New York. Tunnel construction will solve
the problem which has confronted the city
for more than thirty years: how to house
comfortably, and at a reasonable cost, the
enormous population whlcn must do busi
ness on Manhattan Island. These Im
provements will removo several hundred
thousands of people from twenty to forty
miles away from the city, and all the
lower end of Manhattan, from Forty-second
street down, will be cleared for traffic and
business. The tunnel system will more
than double the area . available for
residence within reach of the city's' busi
ness, and at the same time vastly Increase
the area available for business and manu
facturing purposes. Long Island and New
Jersey will be moved against the shores of
Manhattan, and make one land of It all.'
"There Is no reason for doubting thst
trains will be running under Manhattan
Island, and pouring passenger traffic
through the great station In the center
of the city, within the five years fixed
as the limit for completing the task of which
one year and a half have elasped. Two
tunnels will run under tne North river
from New Jersey, one entering Manhattan
Island under Thirty-first street, the other
under Thirty-second street, and both con
tinuing eastward to Tentn avenue, where
they will meet the mate of tracks ap
proaching the station. From the Seventh
avenue, or western end of the station, sub
ways under Thirty-first, Thirty-second
and Thirty-third streets, across the city
to the East river, where four single track
tunnels will divide the trafflo of the
Pennsylvania and Long Island railroads,
to the real terminal station on Long Island.
Three-fourths of the capital Invested In
these Improvements will be hidden under
ground, and the same proportion of the
work achieved will be Invisible to the New
Yorker. He will see four blocks of prop
erty cleaned of buildings, and Imposing
structures replace the hodgepodge of stores,
tenements and dwelling houses. And this
in Itself will be the most Impressive building
and real estate operation In the history of
New York.
"The general effect of the buildings out
side will be a massive, low pile of granite,
a story and a half In height, with a valuted
glass-and-lron roof. Passengers going Into
the station through the Seventh avenue en
trance will pass first through an arcade,
lined with shops, for the convenience of
travelers. Stairs and escalators will con
nect the arcade with the waiting room sev
enteen feet below. This will be the largest
room of Its-kind In the world, and It will
be finished and adorned In keeping with tts
dignity.' It will be 300 feet In length by 100
feet In width. On this floor there will be
also two large restaurants, separate wait
ing rooms for men and women, barber
shops, bath rooms and apartments for the
use of travelers who wish to dress for din
ner or something of the sort. In brief, all
necessities and comforts, except sleeping
quarters, wTll be at hand In this under
ground palaoe. The train platforms will be
another flight below, but stairs and escala
tors will make this descent convenient. A
carriage way will lead down an easy grade
beneath the surface structure, so that
vehicles can be reached within only a few
steps of the train platforms.
"The plans have been completed, and the
construction of the station will be under
way In another year. In order to carry a
greater share ot the passenger trafflo in
and out of New York the Pennsylvania
railroad is prepared to Increase Its fixed
charges to the extent of $2,000,000 a year In
round figures. This sum would pay 8V4 per
cent, or nearly $60,000,000. The city fran
chise cost Is $2,660,000, which Includes the
price of closing Thirty-second street and
the use of four tracks underground for the
first ten and of six tracks for fifteen years
of the life of the franchise, for the first
period of adjustment, the privileges con
tinuing forever, subject to readjustments at
the end of each twenty-five-year term."
Ono peculiar effect of hot weather la New
York Is that It has a tendency to help the
restaurants and saloons under the elevated
railroad structures. The people are quick
to find out the cool spots. The big Broad
way places are dolngWery little business.
while the various wein stubes and rathaksl
lers In the basements and those protected
from the fierce sun by the elevated struc
tures are crowded. ' Brandy and soda, an
almost obsolete drink in the city, has
sprung Into popular favor. Forty cents has
always been the regular price (with the Ira
ported soda), but In most places It Is now
served for a quarter. Shandy gaff Is also
making Inroads on the highball. Some-
Our front table contains some of the values
that gladden the heart and places before you
an opportunity to purchase the best ready
made clothing in the world at from 25 pr
cent to 50 per cent discount. Best in make
best in style best in quality best in fit. Our
broken lines of spring suits coat, vest and
trousers among the lot, are all sizes, and all - '
materials are represented. Sale now ou. .
Come in and pick out a fine summer suit
cheap. . , , . ..''
R. S. Wilcox. Manag-tr.
Purifies the blood, gives
strength to the nerves, and
brings color to the cheeks.
Ayer's Pills regulate the
bowels, cure constipation
and biliousness, and aid
the digestion. Two grand
family medicines. Sold
for 60 years. 'uiffl'
times It is concocted of ordinary beer and
the first-class places It Is understood Eng
lish ale and ginger pop make the best mix
ture, and this raises the tariff to 40 cents.
Drinking men generally have ben driven
to bad straits during the last week. The
demands of appetite may call Tor ten or
twelve drinks a day, but the dangers of
prostration have forced this allowance
down. In their extremity many men are
ginger ale. and a dime pays for tt, but In
going to the fountain drinks, such as call
saya. coca-cola and other heart stimulants.
Dvty mt the Press la Dealing with
Candidates aad Principles.
8L Louis Republic. "
Commenting upon the politicians and the
press, the Kansas City Journal properly
observes the distinction between the Journal
which fights for the policies and principles
Of Its party and the small-souled, servile
sheet which exists for the use and' glorifica
tion of politicians.
Naturally an Intimate connection exists
between the press and politics. What
should be an advocacy of honest belief on
the part of Journalism becomes too often a
degraded defense of unworthy' men. All
sense of duty to the public Is Ignored In a
base effort to "boost" some party manager
or poUtlclan.
There is a vast difference between sup
porting the party and Its principles and in
being a hewer of wood or drawer of water
for the politician. Frequently tho highest
duty of partisanship consists In fighting the
professional politician, who, for the sake of
his personal success, would jeopardize the
party's future.
Guarding the party and Its principles
from the selfish and Incompetent poll
clans, the press has a definite responsi
bility. It should stand between the public
and the politician. If need be, and often
times teach the bumpyous person his place
that he Is not a hero, as he would have
the world believe, but a' mere representa
tive for the time being, likely to be down,
out and disowned on tne morrow. '
"Is this a good place for trout?" inquired
the angler, who had just arrived.
"It seems to be," replied the other, who
had been fishing there patiently for hours;
"they don't appear to be disposed to leave
It." Detroit Free Press.
She (reading) Ah! here's an article about
a man who got drunk and fell In the river
and was drowned. That should be a lesson
to you men who drink whisky.
He Not at all. That's merely a case of
taking too much water with, your whisky.
Philadelphia Ledger.
"Not one cent for foreign missions," as
serted the man of affairs. "Why don't you
look after the heathen at homer
"We have a mission class," waa the quiet
reply, "but we never could get you to go
to It.1' Chicago Post.
"I would like to know," asked the par
ent, who had a son in need of some further
education, "what Is the course at your col
leger' "The usual half-mile course of cinders
and all that sort of thing, you know," absent-mindedly
replied the president of the
great Institution. Philadelphia Press.
"Bo he has fallen Into financial straits."
"I'm afraid so."
"What was the trouble?"
"Paid too much attention to other peo
ple's race horses and not enough to his own
delivery wagon." Washington Star.
exclaimed the grand old sailor's
wife, "what are you slapping at?"
fr.ii n A that tntlJuiti 1 1 n ,r tlA fi 1
he answered.
"I'll smash it vet. you see If I don't."
"Henry W. Noah, what do you mean?
Have you forgotten that we have only two
mosquitoes In the ark?" Nw York Herald.
Denver News.
Which I wish to declare.
Quite emphatlo and free.
That for tricks the most bare
Faced that ever I see
The heathen Chinee Is the limit
If you doubt It. please listen to me I
He had cards up his sleeve.
He bad cards in nis nairi
T aw'a r T bellave
He had cards every wnere;
And he took all my property, pardner,
And left me clean oust
ted an' bare!
I sat Into a . game.
Just a short time sgo.
With that Chinee (his name .
I believe is Ah Dough).
And talk about cheating! Bay. pardner
The cuss never gave me a showl
So be circumspect, rard, '
An" take warning by me,
An' don't play nary card
With that heathen Chinee,
Or he'll put you plumb bang out of busl-
An' fiendishly chuckle with. glee!
II hot Impossible to restore it
."fx- '