Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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president Willard's Denuooiatloi of the
Pennijltaaia Libel Law.
mhP Talk" from BdlnM Office and
Kalterlal Room Viewpoints Com
mtttees Appolnted-Proarnm for
. Tnree.SesslonS Tharsdny.
President Willard assumed charge of the
meeting, of the National Editorial associa
inn yesterday and ho
talk" held full. away after the delivering of
.... . ,,,i .,wr. After some highly
" . i. .1.
orapllmentary remarks on uma.m
dent WllUrd apoka on the ethic, of jour
Sialism and the duty of true newspaper men
to elevate the profession and alamp out
yellow" journalism. Hia denunciation of
attempt, to throttle the preaa aroused the
greatest enthusiasm. He .aid In part on
thl. .ubject: . ...
One of the paramount questions of tne
day to our profession la the libel law, made
ttor. pointed than ever by the Infamous
lament of a Penn.ylvanla legislature
signed by Oovornor Pennypacker, whose
name will ever be odious to all people who
belle. In the liberty of the pres. and who
rely upon It. great power to denounce
rtme and corruption In public office. There
Is no mistaking the sentiment of the press
and the people on this momentous subject.
,. unwise and unjust law la on the
etetute books of that .tate. showing to
Wrhat, length the unscrupulous politician
-m wh.n he has the power, but It will
tot long remain there. Public Indignation
m-iii mule Its repeal, never again to see the
light. It la the duty of thl. body to pass
atrong resolutions against this law, which
v. throttle the pres. and give both
moral and financial .upport to secure Its
repeal. Bo unjust and flagrant a violation
( the people's rights will not be tolerated
in nv elvlllied country.
rh Uhertv of the press has been threat
ened by the cold-blooded murder of a fel
low Journalist In South Carolina and we
protest with all earnestness- against the
atrocious deed. Public opinion cannot too
aeveroly criticise this foul murder and fle
.A h.t the aullty party receive the pun
Ishment that he deaervea. It waa a most
dastardly crime and strlkea at the freedom
of the press In such a manner as to cause
... tn wonder where It will end. The com
mittee on resolutions should deal with this
subject without gloves and I believe that
thla body will recommend that Justice be
dona In thl. case."
Appointment of Committees.
Phaaa nnmmltteea were appointed;
i.i.ti... t T Tt.umirartner. J. W,
D'Arcy, T. Bambola Jonee Fulton A. Keg
fey. Henry A. Loudon, Will A. Steele, A. W.
2STV tarn C. Fair
fcSSK iJZ. v H ' jenks. cr B. McCoy
M. B.'varner, Mrs. E. Jeannette Abbott.
Resolutlone-Frank R. Ollson, J. E
Lowry. W.- A. Ashnrook. r ranK
rinanee-A. W. Gleeener. C. W. Robblns.
W. R Painter. W. R. Hodges. W. H. H.
JBoc'all-Mrs. F.dlth Torler Weatherred.
Oeorge C. WoodnlfT, ' Miss Florence Dia
mond. Mrs. E. H. Pierce. Marc C. Pfins.
Talograma of regret at their inability to
be praaent and fill their engagements on
the program, the subject assigned them
being "Advantages and Disadvantages of
Business Headquarters and Fiscal Agent."
were received from Past Presidents E. W.
Stephens of Missouri and W. S. Cappellar
of Ohio. Owing to lack of time the papers
by George T. Campbell of Michigan and
A O. Bunnell of New York were omitted.
The address on "The Ethics of the Profes
sion." by Edward Roaewater. was trans
ferred to the program for tomorrow morn
ing'. ' " !
' Joe II. Chappla of th National Magailne,
Boston. Mass.. ' apoke encouragingly on
The Business Outlook" Insofar a the
nawaoaDer business Is concerned. The year
ending with September of this year It hae
been eatlmated by experts, the expenditure
W. E. Reed, J. 3. Laverty, S. I Dgan
and Colonel J. O. Martin.
Afternoon Session Late.
Owing to the delay in returning from
South Omaha the convention waa an hour
late In reassembling for the afternoon ses
sion, and only the number of papers as
signed to the morning were disposed of
at the two sessions of the day.
Secretary Page announced that the West
ern I'nlon and Postal Telegraph companies
had extended the usual courtesies and
would frunk all personal and social mes
sages of delegates and the answers to
them. He stated that the Black Hills trip
will require six or seven days and the
total expense of It, for sleepers and meals
will be $2h to 30. All desiring to go must
notify him today, so the required number
of Pullmans may be secured. The party
will leave Saturday and the trip will be
over the Northwestern line.
Two car. will leave Saturday afternoon
and two Saturday night for Tellowstone
park, .topping enroute at Salt Ifike, where
the parties will be entertained, ine inp
through the park, on which no discount Ir
allowed anyone, will cost $49.50 and for
leepers, meals, coming and going, and
souvenirs it is expected that another $10
to $50 will be required. A motion that the
delegates leave Omaha Friday night waa
withdrawn, and it was unanimously voted
that the full program which Includes the
entertainment of the delegates in Council
Bluff, and at Mnnawa tomorrow afternoon
and evening be carried out.
Conteat for Presidency.
A fight of somewhat fierce aspect Is de
veloping on the presidency. The election
will be held tomprrow afternoon, but no
extended deadlock is anticipated. The
friends of Frank R. Gll.on of Benton Har
bor, Mich., are hard at work pushing his
candidacy and expect to secure the plum.
Mr. Ollson has been a vice president of
the national association and president of
the Inland Press Association of Michigan.
Nebraska Commrt.oi for Bt, Louie Eip:ei"
ticn Reosivei Additional Fund).
Work of Collecting; Asrlenltnral Ex
hibits Is Well tailer Way and
Nebraska Will Make a Fine
bow In This Line.
The Nebraska commission to the Loulsl
ana Purchase exposition la laboring dill
gently for the best Interests of this state
at the exposition. A large amount of pre
llmlnary work bas already been accom
plished, and it is proposed to make the
Nebraska exhibit at St. Louis in 1901 second
to that of no other state.
James Walsh of Benson has been ap
pointed superintendent of agriculture, and
William James of Pleasant Hill, C. C.
Wright of Thedford and John H. Taylor
of Waterloo special collectors of Nebraska
forage grasses. Eighteen of the leading
agriculturists! or1 all sections of the state
have been aripointed as collectors of sheaf
grain, for the exposition.
Special premiums have been offered for
the best selections of these product, The
commission has added $750 to the Nebraska
Improved Corn Growers' association pre
miums, and the exhibits of corn will be
taken from that showing at the exhibition
of the association at Lincoln, in January
Five thousand square feet of apace has
been secured in the center of Agricultural
hall on the exposition grounds for special
Nebraska exhibits. .Prof. Frederic W.
Taylor, formerly of the Nebraska State
university, wbo Is chief of agriculture-at
the exposition, will assist In making Ne-
' 0. 1003.
fipioifs) w fiDEiBrl ffiYBllli3s MAYiEws
H ImiJS - WesWw,ssr g
Shirt Waist Day
Thursdav morning we will pile three great bargain "autre" full.. of
new Shirt Waists thnt have been Just unpacked, fresh from the fnctnfy. The
prices at which we offer these waiste are r.Hly one-third and In most cases o ne
h.ilf less than the spe.lal bargains that you can find offered anywhere else.
Every waist Is now. faultlessly made and perfectly laundered. Here are three
Thursday specials:
Stylish new Waists,
all the newest
novelties, worth
regularly $1.50
and $1, at. ....
Strikingly handsome Rhlrt Waists,
smartly trimmed "V gjf
with lnces, etc.. worth S aJZ
$2 and ?2.50, at
Stunning Shirt Waists, elaborately
embroidered. In every J ESf"
new ewell effect, . I.JVr
worth $3 and $4, at. .
mil !
He Is editor of the Dally Palladium and the braska's exhibit one of the best that can
Weeklv Palladium, and his workers are I DB maoe.
urging that the association should elect a superintendent or horticulture win soon
n.nnn.r . mitend of a oe seieciea Dy tne commission. inree
"trade" newspaper man. This argument thousand square feet of space haa been re
la directed against First Vice President "rved In Horticultural ball for the Ne
rviiiina nf Minnesota, tulitor nf the North- braaka exhibits.
western Agriculturalist, a.rfl admittedly a Ther ts 'possibility that a Nebraska
strong candidate for the presidency. Tbe building will be erected on the exposition
precedent of promoting the first vice pres'- rounu co r WW. oui mis
dent to the presidency was broken at Hot ha" not definitely been decided upon. The
Springs last year, and frlenda of Mr. Ollson commission has asked for private dona-
declare their confidence that it ' will be u" w uu 10 lno appropriation 01
hmk.n .rain this .v.r. Tn other officer. 3&.oo, and haa already received subscrlp-
of the association probably will be re-elec- tlon to th,la und amounting to about $25,-
ted. as thev have been at a number of eon- lnl "um 18 nl ul 80 ar9
ventlons without any contests. 9 the "-mounts appropriated by other
Oeorge T. Campbell, editor of the Owosso Btte. J 8 hoped by the commission that
Mlrh l lrrU. was th. first on the nro- " BO ample tor me worit ai nana.
Shirt WaUt Suit at $2.98.
Here s an extraordinary 8hlrt
Waist Suit . special chambrays,
percales, dimities, linens,
all the novelty
tfTects worth
Up to $6.60-at
Shirt Waist Suits at $4.98.
The most attractive modes In pop
ular Shirt Wnlst Suits that are
shown anywhere in Omaha
the daintiest summer fabrics are
employed ana tne
workmanship Is
perfect worth up
to $12, at....
mer isonui
in the Great Domes
tic Room
Wash goods, white goods and waistings, must go, and In order
to do it quickly, we make the following prices which, if you will
examine closely, are the most ridiculous cuts ever made to clear
out summer goods. 11EHE THEY ARE:
Thursday Millinery Attractions
Thursday we offer at special sale all our New
York pattern hata, comprisinfr the season's most
charming designs. Until now
these hats have sold at $15 & $12.
$15 and $12
HATS at..3J.DU
gram, his paper being on "The Newspaper
and the Community." He criticised the
The Bennett Company.
.. W ,! I. A Knoll
We will also include our own patterns, ki"k ju .uc
values weaver offered at this season 01 me jrar ui
$2.00 Hand Made Chiffon Hats at $1.00
50 dozen of our regular f 2 Chiffon Hats 1 OO
large and medium shapes -Thursday at lvv
Wltkmit niiMtlnn th. TlfOT T A DrtlPBT I
u,l" -.. iuu vi "' ivn MOST mMPl.lTTr ORriTOlT Ix lh.
. . . . . I . J... . . .1 ... I
selves ana tneir nnanciai conoiuon in ir.eir ctT
own papers ana declared tney were respon
sible for the lack of respect shown them in
many communities. He gave samples of
the "twaddle" published In several papers,
declaring that no editor who gave voice to
such rot could have any standing or in
fluence in nis town or cuy. mey snouia BENNETT'S CAPITOL.
assume and maintain more dignity and a I special, 21c per lb.
more exauea position.
About a Prlntlaa; Office
O. A. Bunnell of the DansvtUe (N. T.) Ad
vertlser read a very Interesting paper on
"Fifty Tears In a Country Printing office."
He became an apprentice In the office of the
For outing wear,
at 1.98 downto 49c
Bennetts bargain soap, 10 bars for 25o.
Preserved blackberries, can 5c.
Baked beans, can 6c.
Presto, pkg. lo.
Malta Cerrs, I pkgs for 12c. '
8.500 lb., offered at thla low price.
Ladies' Vests
Plain and all-over lace -f f
effects, worth 25c, at. lWw
Soys' and Girls' Knit Waists
Nazareth style Knit
Waists in all sizes, at. . J UC
Wash Laces
Plain and fancy wash laces worth
up to, a. kc 34c. lie
yard, go at...."w
Gloves and Mitts
Black and colored lace gloves and
Jersey silk mitts, at, flc
per pair IVf w
Scotch madrases, white grounds, dark fig
ures and stripes ZftC
worth 60c now i mu
Spanish linen batiste, with white and col
ored stripes, mercerised ginghams, runt
and dark grounds IfSC
worth 40o-now aw
Mercerised striped organdies, the newest
designs and colors, coraeo. rrencn o:v
tlste, light grounds, colored stripes and
figures, Macname laced Swisses, stripes
nd ..oral designs
worth 10c now ,l,w
fnrri.A .nd nrlnted madrases and batiste.
light grounds, aara sinpes ana nura,
Black India Unons HaC
nrlh Wtf now u"
Rnntrh lawns and Irish dimities, a large
assortment, stricuy iai sir;
" " 1 I ' ' ' ....... .....
(1.60 TABLE COVERS, 75c.
Martha Washington turkey red table cov
ers, 00 inches wide, yaros long, guaran
teed oil boiled, cannot be duplicated for
Jess than 61.60 7 FiC
rpknM1di - ... "
i ,1 Ul UU.J - '
ffio TABLE LINEN. 60.
72-Inch full grass bleached Irish table linen
all pure linen Thursday ROr
special at, yard uw
65o quality bleached seamless sheets, J'i
yards wide. 2H yards long 42 4 C
special at -w
10 quality fine cambric. yard wide, for
men's shirts and ladies under garments
Thursday . . 74 C
special, at, yard
60o TABLE LINEN. 25o.
Ertra heavy Scotch table linen, 60 inches
wide special for 2Rc
Thursday, at, yard
12V40 TOWELS, 1-Jc.
12V4e bleached fringed honeycomb towels,
48 Inches long, IS Inches wide, fl fmr
heavy quality, fast edges,( at "w
26o WHITE GOODS. 10a
40-inch India linon. 4Mnch organdies,
lawns, mulls, mercerised stripes', dot
Swisses, dimities, nainsooks, etc, long
mill ends-worth 25c a yard lOc
Thursday, at, yard
W) o
Bank Deposits.
Deposits made now draw Interest for the
Dansvllle Herald August K), 1852, and had entire month. Accounts opened for 81 or
been oontented and happy, so far as his mor" -na Per cenl resi paia.
f. 'JC.' PrittiifU pone 31. !. P
n.iusiiina.iJiui II I 1
Yes, we know that's about HALF PRICE hut that's about
the schedule on which we have been selling "Drug Store things"
for several years.
' Yes, we 'ARE CUT-PRICE druggists and have been so long that we have liter
ally grown gray In the business. But cut prices and longevity of business life are
not ouVonly clilms for patronage. We have for many years made it a point to keep
?o7trTXr tS-ftSSFo&xSSXi
new. Toilet iMeceasuy ana . . ;
Brlee We publish a catal-Tue containing 100 paes, wnicn is repieie wiwi ,
(prices and pictureB), concerning the goods
choice of a profession Is concerned, ever
since that date, never having deserted his
first love. He graphically ' describe il the
work In a newspaper office, from devil i f. to
editor, fifty years ago. In December, 165,
he set the first type on the. Rockford Ci;.)
Register, but shortly returned to Dansvllle
and in August, 1860, established the Dans
vllle Advertiser, which he still owns and
edits. i
, A year ago, at the annual meeting of the
Minnesota Press association, Judge E. A.
Jaggard of St- Paul delivered an address
which attracted such widespread attention
and favorable comment that the officers
home safes loaned free.
For Bale Due w.! on one. of the best New
York City hotels at a good discount Ad
dress E 64, care Omaha Bee.
Cklef ( Pollee Puts Stop to Business
I Qaatav Epknla ul E.
O. Smith.
should take home with them one of our wvnlr
spoons, 'ine ngurts uu jht ' V-.V.Vl hlirh school, nostofflce.
Omaha Indian chief. Nebraska steer.
Prices range from $1.00 to 12.50. Spend
. iok xor iiiu iit&iiiw.
V. P. bridge
Nebraska corn
i, few mintes in
our store,
3. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler,
-, 1516 Douglas Street. '
Q us tar Ephralm and Edward C. Smith,
advartlslnff themselvea as "the most won-
nf th fistrlonal Ji nanr1 tlnn nnri him fric 4afnt haalan vA
. flAA AAA AW nee1 I " ...... I uui iui HcaiDJ o w. Liia ee,Vt lVCIl tAJ-
tor adverUslng will reach WOO.WtWO.ana thg mMtlnri Bn ctlon whch all who vised by the police that they must either
the amount will be Increased by Jvw1" heard hm yegterday afternoon heartily ap- nspend their practice at 1816 Douglaa street
for the year ending ocpiemoer i. ir.. proVed. Judge Jaggard spoke on "His- lor leave the dtv. The two men have hA
, of all businew ana pro.e.s.on.. -uC- Anomaiies-Libel and Slander." and a number of Investors since they came to
today, he said. Is advertising, of which wt n. t.llr tllI1 nt hnfh nl. n . , . ,
. a. i " - I viimiia ixiiu buuib ui iudiii iikvb uuiiciuueu
newspaper 'XS mor- U wa" Mhlr ,nt'-ctlv to every thev are impostors, and so Informed Chief
iani. inuu.i. --..- " newspaperman present. Newspapers, he
profession proniDiieo wmumui deciared. are a little in advance of history,
sucoess or ur. oquiiuum D"-'- while the law. always, conservative, is
turn was due largely to the rree notices ,omewhat Mna It. Times had changed
given them by the papers. The newspapers )nc( lg3g when th- rovernor of Virginia
Donahue. Circulars of the concern call the
promoters "the combined Gentile and Jew,
who positively know that there is not an
Incurable disease." They say they have
cured skeptics, scorners and scoffers in
we sell.
Corner 16th and Dodge. Omaha. Opposite ttwutn, mew r. u.
ST . TZXZTcIn coTth.; liih' k'"' "SLZZl -v.r. Kin aty and other cities, with
- ' ... I worn iiciuicr uuuuu 11 j" m i n uewinL"1!!
in the colony, but except for such things
ta their advantage. A lesson had been
drawn py omer irun. " M drawing and quartering, there has been
certain lanure o u e utUe n,, , tha Uw an(1 a judg8 todayi
abanaonea a w. ....... Jn a BUtea wh)ch hav not a picla,
paign unaar m a..? Btatut, on the matter, can suppress any
could thereby save a large amount . of f he dMm, ,t ha mad a unfa,r
money, in- t"" report of a trtaL
vatlons In all lines, and Innovations mean I
advertlslngr the consumer and the producer I Webraskei Prese Association.
are coming cioaer "-j. v.... Th NebraBka press .asociation held a
uul medlcliie or knife, but they are not
destined to do likewise in Omaha If Chief I
Donahue has his way. Fees are from 110
to $500, and the Omaha "skeptics, scorners
and scoffers" who have paid in are in no
gentle frame of mind.
Rural Delivery lasyeetore.
The route inspectors and special agents
of the western division of the rural free 1
are coming c.u,. .v,B-... . Th NebraBka Fres .ssoclatlon held a delivery system, comprising the states of
advertisement being manifesto from tne h , -.-.tlna- and decided that, instead of Minnesota. North and South Dakota. Iowa I
latter to the former, and if they took ad- h , t t association excursion this f nd Jl6 l1,!'.
.their onoortunltles the news- ' V ... v ters n Omaha Thursday to discuss matters
papers would reap far richer harvests In natonai association trip to the Black Hills, routes in the division. The discussion will
Ahnut twentv exnreaaed their Intention of I nave consiueraoio ocarina upon ine receni
About twenty expresaea tneir intention oi order 8Bued Dy Assistant Postmaster Oen-
dolng so. I eral Bristow relative to the condensation
The resignation of F. N. Merwln as sec- of routes, the possible abandonment of un-
. i a . . j .if i rjrontaDie routes ana tne extension ot otner
routes, xne agents to De nere are: n j-t.
HloodKOod. John T. Hoylan. It. A. Clarke.
Oeoree H. Chase, O. Gutterson, -Dennis
Hamblin, H. Harland. C. E. Llewellyn,
H. M. Lawrence. R. J. Martin. Charles F.
Mason. W. J. Munro, F. B. Newell, P. I
C. H. Bweenev. M. M.
Reminiscences" at the M'NAMARA Robert M., son of P. J- and
Ella McNamara, aged T years 5 months.
Funeral private, Thursday, 10 p. m.
the future than they have In the past.
Talks Aooat the Editor. . .
Vloe President W. W. Screws of the Ad-
' Montgomery. Ala.. In talking of
N.w.naner Editor." declared that edl- 1 0- Purcell was elected to fill the vacancy,
tortals have pot lost their Influence, though Mr. Merwln will be In Washington for the
many papers might as well be edited, so next coupie oi yr. a. .ecreiary ui .un
far aa the editorial page is concerned, by gressman Norris, and therefore resigned.
ho.. ..Ait k I Mrs. Marv Holland Klncald of the Mil
trLg more than a writer. In fact, he might waukee Sentinel, well known In Omaha for gte,ie, L. A. Thompson, A. IT Tlede.
be the all-dominating lorce or tne paper i uw " yyim,
.a . himself never, or very rarely. I on the program for this afternoon, and
write an article. As the eye and brain of Toung of the Des Moines Capital
the eatabllsnment ne contronea it.
Visit to tke Paekias Plaats.
Seven special motor trains carried several
hundred editors and their wives to South
Omaha yesterday. The party arrived at
Swift's lust at noon. About 150 of the
excursionists went through the Swift plant,
while others, , In. charge of committees,
vtaiUd Armour's. Cudahy's, the Omaha
plant and the stock yards.
At all the packing Rouses a fine display
of meats were . on exhibition, and these
' attracted considerable attention. The ab
batolrs Interested a great many and con
siderable time was spent by the various
parties on the killing floors. The packing
plants were shown from top to bottom and
every detail of slaughtering, chilling and
curtug meats was open to Inspection. In
aome Instances the women in the party did
not linger a great while on the killing
floors and few cared to make an extended
trip through the chill rooms.
There was no special program, as each
narty did as It pleased. Some returned to
pST7 yfr MPS! f
Zoo Menncn's Talcum Powder for.. lie
Baker's Barter Malt Wktskey .
pnre.t aad best, we sell ' T5e
fl HeElree'i Viae Cardnl for ...,T4e
80 Kilmer's Swamp-Root for....80o
SOo Usg Green Violet Water lor..85o
fl l.lsterlne (Lmsert's torn
1 Kilmer's Swamp-Root for. ... ,70o
BOe Real's Dyspepsia Tablets fo..40e
lOo Kins? Fly Killer (wire) ior....e
9 Sheets Stleky Fly Paper for Be
fl Stoart's Dyapepala Tablets for..To
fl "Jewbro'e Herplclda, for To
BOo Syrwp of Flare, a em nine, for. , .89o
aii clld Tea for ......... .lOo
1 doi. good Coeoaasit Oil fosvp for 15e
fl Hostetter's Bitters, we seIl...'.Te
Small SyrP Pepela (Caldwell's) ..JOo
f,5o Brnndretb's Pills for lo
BOe Asll-Gcrm Disinfectant for.. 40o
SOe William's Pink Pills for .... 8e
Me Oranalne, we sell
a Wltoh Hasel Soap (small) Bo
1 x. s.. null Pain Killer ISo
IV . f, : SOe
L i i....a for "
BOe at. bottle Rhine Wine for. ... 2Be
B!s bottle Wlteh Hasel for 2c
. for ...... ...... ... .So
ft White Ribbon Llqnor Core for SOe
SI Chichester's English Pennyroyal
Pllle for
Vlnol, the areat reconstructive for f 1
f 1 Dr. Miles' Medicines for . . i . i .f I.OU
CAUTION Be sure that your Miles"
medicines bear the numbers on wrappers.
If these have been erased ine gooos are
suspicious and probably old or Spurious.
REFUSE them. .
BOe Soclete Hygienic Soap for....VOo
2Se Kirk's Juvenile Soap for. . . . . .lOo
2Se 4T11 White Rose Soap lor.... no
We sell several kinds of eye shades,
among them, one side black silk, the other
side green silk, with rubber tape for hold
ing It on the head. Price 28c; same kind
for ne eye, lBo. ...
Another kind fas above) made of brown
pasteboard, brass bound, with aprlnj wire
for holding It on, price, lfio. Any ylei
described above sent postpaid on receipt 1
of price, j
will Indulge In
evening session.
Thursday's Proarram.
Program for today's meeting:
Morning session:
The Advantages of Arbitration." W.
Miller, Tlmea-Recorder, Zaneavllle, O.
The Convict Parole ttystem, is.
Bnlvelv. Burlnerfleld. 111.
Fraternity of the World's Fair," Mrs.
Ueoralana Kaby. m. Louis, mo.
The Ethics of the Profession," Edward
Rosemater. Omaha Bee.
"Machine against Hand Composition," A.
W. Tracv. Times. Hartford City. lnd.
"Progressive Journalism," Frank P. Hol
land. Farm and Ranch. Dallas. Tex.
At 2 o'clock Thursdav the women of the
association will be given a trolley ride
about the city. '
Afternoon session:
"Kstlmatliia." Uush Stevens. Tribune.
Jefferson fit v. Mo.
"The Benefits of Beml-Weekly and Trl-
Weekly," K C. Roescheuateln. Intelligencer,
Edwarusvllle, 111.
"Woman's Work In Journalism," Mrs.
Mary Holland Klncald, Sentinel. Milwau
kee. Wis.
"The Editor and the Banker," John A.
Slelcher. Leslies Weekly, New York City.
'Bens and sentiment. w. M. Aiaupin.
Omaha on regular trains after visiting the Tn Commoner. Lincoln. Neb
Stock yards, and one of the packing plants,
while others remained and were served
with luncheon at the Exchange hotel.
Union etock yarda Mr. Kenyon. Mr. Pax
ton, Colonel Sharp and othere looked after
the wants of the visitors at the yarda
The special cars were eldetracked at the
east end of the Q street viaduct and It
was 1:30 o'clock before all of the visitors
returned to Omaha.
Those who made the trip expressed them
selves aa exceedingly well pleased, with
South Omaha and the packing Industry at
thla point. '
The party visiting Cudahjr's was guided
by Colonel James L. Paxton. A. C. Bu
chanan. K. ' Flschtl. J. B. Blanchard and
O. J. Inversen. At Swift's the visitors were
looked after by Editor Bruce McCulloch.
Historical Anomalies Libel and Slan
der." Judge Edwin Jaggar, St. Paul, Minn.
F.veniiiK session:
"Business or Politics, ' Which?" Owen
Broil. Herald. Decatur. 111.
"The World's Press and the World'
Fair." Past President Walter Williams,
Hern Id Columbia. Mo.
"The Care of the jOfflce." Past President
B. J. Price. Btar-Tlm"s. Hudson. Wis . and
Past President Ionls Holtman, Jeffer
nnlan. Rhelhvvllle. la.
Th. l.Ui.rtv of th. Presa." Past Prest
dnt R. H. Henry. Clarion Ledgr, Jackson.
Mlaa., and Paat President J. u. Maccaoe,
Argus. Boston, Maae.
Annual poem. "A Tribute to Woman,
w. n. Pabor association's poet-laureate,
Pehor Take. Fla
hemlnlecen.-ea." Lafe Toung, Capital.
Dee Moines, la.
Littia Liver Pills.
tfust Boar Slgnatur f
t PacKaul Wrapper Blow.
catch bass
....IN THIS....
GI2.60 Vks
Dally during July,
August and September.
Talk, with us at
1402 Farnam Street,
Diat- Pass. Agent.
Wholesale and Retail Druggists,
Corner Hth and Dodge. Omaha. Opposite (South) of Poatofflce.
Goee from Baa to Wt.
Always true of constipation. It begins
V. B. Oln.y. J. C. Dahluian. b.v e. Acaer many - - -
aad Frank Chittenden. Armour s party l puis cure or v-j. . - v. h..
u pUote b Ctaia D, sV Parkaurt, Ibj JUbA ca,
Tear essell sva4 ae eeas
a lake as
roi iiaiacrk.
roR oinmcst.
Mational Convention
B. Y. P. U. of America
Atlanta, July 9-12, 1903
For the above convention the
Lonlsvllle A Na.kville U.K.
will sell round trip tickets at
ROUND TRIP. Tickets will be
on sale July 7. 8. and lo. and
are good returning until July
1, except that -v depositing
ticket In Atlanta an extension
of return limit can De secured
until August 16th. Three trains
dally via the l.onlllle
Nashville It. H. between St.
Louia and Atlanta, with double
dally Bleeping Car service
through 10 Atlanta. The route
Is via Nashville, the capital of, and throuuh a
country made famous by the
Civil War. and giving passen
gers a view of Chattanooga. -Lookout
Mountain and many
famous battlefields For rotes
and further Information ad
Trav. Pass. Agt.. L. & N. It. R.
Kansas City. Mo.
Uv. faae. Agt.. U M. U. SV
. . (. Ixuls. Me.
... . TJPCJT .A went! tarsal 1 IrTtnTaV 11 A. t
We guarantee our Dentistry to mu j
the BEST Is tne Cheapest lit the long- run.
BAILEY, The Dentist,
i tii Attendant. Telephone 1085. 3rd Floor Piiton Block.
Clany Physicians
. . a s.biMtf arlvtinillti Of
thJ?rcvlnience,o7 oora; being open
bad aV In the day Ume. and knowing that
we hvea' registered man l charge ALL
NIGHT, their rtP"0",1 we call
everything else we sell.
too Texas Catarrh Cure one cures Jc
buo CuUcura Salve
75c 1-Qt. hot water bottle J
75c -qt. Fountain syringe i-'
$1.00 Peruna-get a plenty jo
fl.OS Milea' Heart Cure
1100 Miles' Nervine ....
ftoo Chester's Oenulne Pennyroyal
100 La ' Bon' Ami French' Capsule V
26o Genuine Castoria
$1.00 Dr. Pierce s Remedies
Pk.s-T4T and 7 VI.
. j (.k,.iIO streets, Omahn.
1 ttU
'-i- raTAijncuENt.w
j. ... .
7JA aU HirnQjL
r4 f mni ana mtyt lW I'.
A Word v
to the women
Do not let your feet worry you. but
get a pair of Grover's soft sole shoes
for tender feet.
We are the Orovsr s gents and hare
a complete line of these Ideal warm
weather shoes.
No hot. sors or swollen foot la a
Drover shoe.
Hand turned soles low or high cut
lare or elastic sides and. low. flat
kui mnA Virn.1. Mmmnn sense last I
Absolute comfort for tl.1 $1.00 and
Omaha's Up-to-Data Shoe House
1419 Farnam Street. '