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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY IlEEt TUESDAY, JULY 7. 1903. 8 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Light Offerings Strengthen! All Grain on Board of Trade WHEAT, CORN AND OATS ARE HIGHER Provisions Are Doll and Price Rale Weak fader Kelltn by Oat alder, o that Close la Lower. CHICAGO. July 6 Light offprints caused strength in grains tooay and 8'ptembcr closed Uc higher, with corn lc riigiicr nnd oats up V'aWtu. l'roviri mf were easier Ht the September product clos ing from li'i&lnc lower. A reaction occurred In wheat ana al though trading was quiet, prices weie strong throughout the entire session. Trie opening was higher on a sharp advance In tne July option at Liverpool and on tne rather discouraging foreign advices, the re poits from Russia being quite bullish, beptember was up MfTc, at inVafi'&'fcic at tne start and with a good ommlwsion liouse demand, with little for sale, tne market bee.ime stronger, September advancing to '"rtc. Later the offerings became freer and much of the early gain was lost, feiptember declining to IHS'iiV, but during the hist hour tne buying was renewed and ti.c market again advanced. A decrease In the visible supply ot l,4S9,0O bushels was partly responsible for the better de nmnd late In the day. Alter selling up to "tic l:ptember closed IV higher at ia Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to ,M bushels. Primary receipts were !.M,6uO bushels, against 1,313,900 bushels a t:ir ago. Minneapolis ana Duluth reported receipts of i31 cars, which with local re ceipts of 51 cars (8 of contract grade) made toial receipts for the three points of 7t2 c u s, against 347 cars last week and 1,064 cji-s 11 year ago. A bulllsn sentiment pervaoen me corn pit and there was a good general demand lie greater part of the day. Although the weuner conditions were tuvorable for tne growing crop, many traders seem Inclined 10 the belief that the crop Is still very backward and commission houses bought freely under this influence. Offerings were scattered and prices reaolly responded to the urgent demand. Alter selling between blttc and h0c September closed c higner at olVtC Local receipts were 1,(6. lais, with aj of contract grade. Oats were also Influenced by the unfav orable crop reports from the country and active covering by local shorts together with buying for Investment account caused a strong market. The strength In other grains was an additional bull factor. Offerings were llBiit the entire day. Sep tember closed with a gain of lVsijle at toe after selling between 3c aim 35c. Local receipts were 47 cars. Trading In provisions was dull and prices ruled weaker under selling by outsiders. Tnero was little support to the market, although the strengtn In grains had seme effect. September pork closed 10c lower at Jli.SO; September lard was oft lCXZpllfto at pi.'M, while ribs were down 15c at Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheit, 30 cars; corn, 616 cars; oats, 3& cars; nogs, la.OtV head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. jThurs. Wheat a July 764H 774 76'4 77V4 7H bjuly 76i4(SH 77 16 77V 76V4 a Sept. lo 76V. 75Vi 7GVs 7o74j bSept. 75( 76 76to'.8 75Tfc,75Vi! 60(9" 60 60 601 49 Bept. SOVaVi 61 504 61VI 60 Dec. 49d4 bO 49 W7, 39 mi m 40 39',i Sept. S3- 35 33T ' 35 34 Dec. 31'VU' 35 3i 35 34 15 55 15 65 16 60 15 65 15 524 Sept. 16 85 15 95 16 774 15 80 15 V4 July" 8 10 8 15 8 10 8 12V4 8 20 Bept. i 874 8 374 8 30 8 30 8 30 Oct. 8 274 8 274 8 20 8 224 Rl os July 8 824 8 824 8 74 8 674 8 70 Sept. 8 86 8 87 4 8 75 8 75 8 70 Oct. 8 &!4 8 624 8 474 8 474 No. 2. a Old. b New! " Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady. WHEAT No. 2. spring, 77c; No. 3, 7i no. 2 red, 784fa774c. CORN No. 2, 6U451CJ No. 2 yellow, 504 61 Vic. OATS No. 2. 404c; No. 2 white, 41c; No. 8 white, 38g40c. RYE No. 2. 60c. BARLEY Good feeding, 4244c; fair to choice malting, 47fi51c. SEEDS-No. 1 flax, 9796c; No. 1 north western. $1.00(31.01. Clover, contract grade, lll.5O0jill.76. PROVLSIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $15.60 fi.j.'oi. Lard, per 100 lbs., $8.10ra'8.15. Short libs sides (loose), $8.56fg.70. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $.0iKjis.l24. Short clear slues (boxed), S3.8S4'fl9.00. Receipts. Shlpmenta 41.100 2?, 500 55,900 91.SO0 819.000 1.0'i9,9iXI F'our. bbls Wh?at. bu..... Corn, bu,.. Onts, bu Uye, bu.... 59.8110 349,2iiO i:m 17.000 Larley, but.... 1(10,200 900 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 16fi2Uc; dairies, 15ft?18c. Eggs, steady: at mark. ia-es included, 134j144c. Cheese, easy, 104 IfeiiC. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of the Day on Varlool Commodities. NEW YORK, July 6-FLOUR-RecelDs. 61,C'5 bbls.; exports, 8,603 bbls.; quiet but u.-Hgier ai 01a prices; winter patents $J.9u'ti4 80;. winter straights. S3.65'nM 85: Mln. S.:.90s;4.30; winter straights. $3o5n3.85; win ter extras, SJ.gotiS.OO; winter low grades. $'.'.70ffi3.00: Minnesota patents. $4.35(34.65; rve Hour, steady; fair to good. t3.C03.35; choice to fancy, $3. 40-83.60. CORNMEAL Quiet; yellow western, $1.14; city, $1.12; Brandywine, S3.12fj3.20, kiln dried. RYE Steady; No. 2 western, 640 f. o. b., afloat: state. 6Sfi'59'(iC. f. o. b.. afloat. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 25c, c. 1. f.. New ioik; mailing, oirn&ic. WHEAT Receipts, 62.950 buahels; exports, zn3.U27 bushels, spot market firm; No. red. 834c elevator and 8374c f. o. b.. afloat No. 1 northern Duluth, 90-c f. o. b., afloat; no. I Hard Manitoba, Si'te f o. b., afloat Options were quiet but gener-tlly firm to. diy on decided strength in corn, a bullish Ohio state report, local covering, higher outside markets and light offerings. The close showed AjTiTsc net advance. July 6.10834c. closed 834c; September, 79'SS0.c r'nsed S0Vc; Iecember, SWi,S0e, closed :o. t ORN Receipts, SS15.900 bushels; exports, 4I1.379 bushels: Spot firm: No. 2. 65V4c eleva tor and 6840 afloat; yellow, 684c; ungraded mixed, 6S4e. Option market In corn There wa a renewal of bull support, based on lateness of the rrop. low Ohio report and covering. The market rinsed T14c net higher. July. 67Vjiii57o. closed &7c; De cember. toVijowaC, closed boVjC. OATS Receipts. 414, 10 bushels; exports j".tjo rmsneis. upoi nrm; ino. i, 4-c standard white, 4lie: No. 3. 4i'4c; No. ! white. 45'ic; No. 3 white, 44c; track white 44'a49c. Options fairly active and firm on the corn strength. HAY Dull: shipping, StXgSac; good to choice, si wx:s. HOPS Dull: state, common to choice, 17fTi.34c; 1901. ITc'; olds. R'li'lOo; Paeiflo rosst. 1902. 184rtc; 19U1. 14'gl7c; olds, tifle. HIDES Steadv; Galveston. 20 to 25 Ins lHe; CshfornH. 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas, dry, 24 to 30 lbs . He. LEATH F.R Steady; hemlock sole, Buenos Avres, light to heivy weights, acid, 24'vj: 75He RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra. 44 Bi4e; Japan, nomlnnl. PKOVlBIONR-neef. weak; family. fiM ill 00; mess. $ 80i 9. On: beef hams. $19 6ft 21 00;' packet. t9 50fiin.nn; city extra India ness. $'5 ("vf717 .NV Cut mit. steady to Arm; pickled bellies, $9 T.,H 10.50; plekled shoulder. $7.61O0; pickled hams. 17 nn'.i 1 so. Lrd. dull; western stemmed, SS.60 refined, steady; continent. SS6A; South America. $9.30: co-nooutid, $7 61X18 ro. Park niv: family, ll'.WVfil M); short clear, $16. (TflROO; mess. $17 18 00. TALLOW Steady; city, 4''g6c; country, I Rue. 'TTER Steady : creamery. I84; extr factory. llWtiUc; June creamery, common to choice. yc; renovated. i:i''i lc. CHEESE S'e-dy; stste full creams, fxnev small colored. 10Ve; large colored, iiu'.e: smll white. 10'ic. large white. lO'.c EGGS Steady: state nnd Pennas. 15r 184c; western extras. 18-J1S4C; western aeo onds to firsts. 15f17e. METALS Spot tin wsa 7s 6d lower In London p compared with the ouotatlon of Its! Friday, the present price belni fi" in., while futures were 6s lower a 1?3 l's d. locally tin was nulet but low er. snot closing at $J7.75fr.,8 00. Cotiper de ellned 2s 6d on snot In Isondcn. where tin roslUon closed at 66 6". while futures there were unchanged at Vt. Locally mr- per wss nulet and nominally lower. I.ake and electrolytlo nre nuoted at SU00fi4;5 end casting at $13 6fi 14 DO Iad declined lis Sd In I-ondnn to Cl't 6d, while here It was unchanged at 14.1?'. Spelter nd vanced 6s In London to 20 16s. but wai luwer here at So.uuyVU. Iron closed 5 r,d In Glasgow and at 4fs d In Mlddles boro. Lociliy Iron was nominally un rhnngort. Foundry northern Is quoted at $lfl.S"''i:'n.fjO; No. 2 foundry northern at llR.SMjWfi; No. 1 foundry southern, soft, at tJAm 19.50. Warrants are nominal. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and floatations on Staple nnd Fancy Prodnee. EGOS Fresh to-k, loss off, U'SlSyjC. L1VK POl'I.TRY-Mens, 74c; spring chickens, per lh., 15ffl7e; roosters, accord ing to ago, 4n5e; turkeys, 13fcl6c; ducks. 9 7c: geese, SfiTo. BFTTKn-Packing stock, 14U14He; choice dnlrv, in tubs. IMilTe; separator, 2uS21c. FRESH FISH Fresh caught trout, 9'4;C; plckrr: I, Re; pike, 9c; perch. 6c; buffr.lo, c; blucPsh. 11c; whitefish, 9c; salmon, 15c; had dock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper. 10c: lob sters, boiled, per lb., 25c; lobsters, green, per lb., 2Xe; bullheads, llci cattish. 14c; black bnsH, 17'J)c; halibut. 10c; shad roe. 40c per pair, roe shad, II each; crappie, 12o; her ring. Cc; perch, 6c; white basB. 10c; blueflns, BRAN-Per ton. 815. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $!ftn; No 2, ls.60; medium. 18.00; coarse, $7.60. Rye straw, $7.00. These prices are for hny of good color nnd quality. Demand fair and receipts light, CO U N 45e. OATS-40C. RYE No. 2, 50c. - VEGETABLE. OLD POTATOES Home grown stock, per bll., 4i'350c. NEW POTATOES Southirr., per bu., 76c. PARSLEY Per dos. bunches, 30c. PARSNII'8-Per bu., 40c. CUCUMBERS Per dos., 60c; home grown, 36c. BEANS Home grown, wax, per market basket, 25c; string, per market basket. 16c. PEAS Home grown, per market basket, 36c. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per do.. 50c CABBAGE New California, per lb., c TOMATOES Mississippi, per 4-basket crite. 80c. RH i 'BARB Per lb., lc. NAVY P.EANS-Pcr bu., $2.60. ONIONS New California dry. per lb., 2c: Testis, per lb.. 2c CELERY Michigan, per oo., zoo. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Colorado, $3.00. BLACK RASPBERRIES Per 24-qt. case, $3. RED RASPBERRIES Per 24-plnt case, $3 00. BLACKBERRIES Per 24-quart case, $2.50. BLUEBERRIES Per 16-qt. case, $2.60. APRICOTS California, per box, $1.40. PEACHES California, per box, $1.15gl.25. FLUMS California, Clyman, per box, $l.i.r; Goose plums, per 24-qt. box, $2. CHERRIES California, white and black, per 10-lb. box, $2. CANTALOUPE California, per crate, $5; Texas, per crate, $3. WATERMELONS Georgia, 40o each; Florida, per lb., lc. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 75c; Turkish, tier 18-lb. box. ISO. ORANGES California navels, fancy, for 176 and smaller sixes, 4; for 150 and larger sizes, $3.25; Mediterranean, ill sizes, $3.uu9 .1.25: Jaffa. S3.25fti3.u0: fancy blood, per half box, $2; St. Mickes, or paper rlne, all sizes, $3.604.00. LEMONS California 'fancy, 300 to 360 sizes, $5; 240 to 270 sizes, $4.004.50; Mes slnas, $5. DATES Persian, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; per of 30-lb. pkgs., $3.25. PINEAPPLES Florida, $2.75; Cuban, $2.50. MISCELLANEOUS MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10ft POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled. 4a HIDES No. 1 green, 64c; No. 2 green, 64c; No. 1 sa'ted. tic; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs.. SVfcc; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 64c; dry salted hides, SCuyUc; sheep pelts, 25&75c; horsehldes, S.l,602.6u. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, Eer lb., 13c; No. 2 hard ahell, per lb., 12c; razlle, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft Bhell, per lb.. 16c; hard shell. per lb., 10c; pecans, large, per 10., i-c; small per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per doz., 61c; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 54c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50. ' St. Louis Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. July 6. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator, TtiVic; track, 78 80c: Julv. 76'ic: September. 74c; December, 75c; No. 2 hard, 479c. ('f)K Misnei : i o. 2 casn. iic: iraca. 48'4f64s4c: July, 48'4e; September, 4ifi 497c. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash. 3Uc; track. 4UW 414c; September, ic; jno. i wnue, 4J(ac. Tl VF. T.ower at 51Ac. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $3.85(9 00; extra fancy and etraignt, woo'ti jw, Clear, S3.2'"rid.Jo. SEED Timothy, steady. S2.oui8)Z.60. CORNMKAL Steady, $2.60. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 78(?J80c. HAY Weak; timothy, tll.0016.50; prairie, . IKON t'UTTUW 11M, BAGGING. 5(fT64c. HEMP TWINE. 6c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing-, standard mess. S15.90. Lard, lower at $7.70. Bnron. steady: boxed extra shorts, S9.50; clear ribs, $9,624: short clear, is.aity. M ETA 1,8 Lead, firm at $4,024. Spelter, rm at $5 50. poitt.try Steady. chickens. 94c: nrlnirs. i;4c: turkey's, 12c for old; ducks, c; geese, wc BI TTER Slow; creamery, imgitc; aairy, 15(Ti17c. . . pnr.R-T.nwfr at lac. 10's orr. The following are the official receipts and shipments for today: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 14.000 8.000 Wheat hu 157.000 20,000 Corn bu 2.0:)0 44,000 Oat., bu 232.000 25.000 Kansna City Grain and Provisions. . KANSAS CITY. July 6. WHEAT Close: July 67"t.c; September, 6tlV4c; cash No. 2 hard, 71((j72c; No. .1, 67V4c; No. 4, 6KB5Hc; rejected, Gl&Kc; No. 2 red, 73c: No. 3. 70c. C Art rs juiy w'ic; oepiemoer, n-nn; cash. No. 2 mixed, 46Q47c; No. Z while, 47Hl'8c; No. 3, 47c. UAIO INO. a v. 'Hilts, OOC; 4 II11ACU, oou. RYE No. 2, 60c. HA v 'bnico timothy, 111.00; choice prai rie, J9.00S10.50. Btiltil creamery, iii&'itrci uairy, iancy, 18c. KGGS Fresn, lzc. Receipts of wheat, 8 cars. Recelnta. Shlnments. Wheat 3 . 35 Corn ; Oats o 3 Visible Supply of Grain. KF.W YORK. July 6. The visible supply of grain Saturday, July 4, as compiled by tbe rsew lora rruuuuv citimiisc, is avs follows : WHEAT 15.970,000 bushels; decrease. 1.4S9.O00 bushels. CORN i.tioMHi Dusneis; increase, i.tai.- 000 bushels. OATS l,364,ouo Dusneis; Decrease, zui.wjv bushels. , m KYE oiS.OUO Dusneis; aecrease, n,w ousn- els. BARLEY 146,000 Dusneis; aecrease, oa.uw bushels. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, July 8 BUTTER steady, fair demand; western creamery, 11c; nearby prints, 22c. EGGS Steady, good demand; fresh neir by, lie. loss off; western. ltHigUc; south western, 16c; southern, loftlnc. CHJSESK Dull and easier; jew xorg, full creams, new, I0c; fair to food, new, liKaiOftc. Minneapolis Wheat, Floor aid Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. July . WHEAT Cash, xai.,.! Julv. S3c: SeDtember. 4kUi4Ac: No. nnpthem Mv.e: No. 3 northern. MKiSZe. FLUl It f irst patenin, secona patents, 34.201.30: nrst clears. i.uoUJ.Ai iiecond clears, 2.40fi 2.i0. BRAN in DU1K, it.ia. Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. July . WHEAT Dull: No. 1 red western. 6s 2d: No. 1 northern spring. 6s 5d: No. 1 California, us evia; luturts firm; Julv, 6s 6V1; September, 6s SWd. t'ORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, new, 4s lOVsd; futures dull; July, 4s bd; Septem ber, 4s 6d; October, nominal. Mllwankee Grain Market. itir TX' il'VFP Tnlv ( WHEAT Ftrm.r No. 1 northern, esfc; No. 2 northern, neptemoer, nrw, PARLEY Steady; No. i, 6o0c; sample, 44'ij53o. Dulath Grain Market. ni'LI'TH. July WHEAT To arrive No. 1 hard. 85.c: No. 1 northern. 83.c: No, 1 northern, H2V.C; July, Tic; September, 7D7i'(J c. OATS-35V(a36c. Peoria Market. PEORIA. July .-CORN-6teady; No. I, 19 U...- No 4. 4M.C. OATS Lower; No. I white, I7c; No. 4 white. Sue. Forelaa Financial. LONDON, July 1 Money was abundant in the market today and discounts were easy especially for short datel bills. Business on me biock es-Gaange waa annuel uieieee. Consols were steady and home rails were In fair demand on dividend propecis. Americans were Inactive at the opening In the absence of New York Saturday quo tations. 1 ney eased slightly later and closed quiet and steady. The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of England on balance today was 7,. PARIS, July . Prices were firm on the bourse today and trading was active. There were numerous repurciiases of rentes. At the close stocks were strong, with few exceptions. Three per cent rentes, 79f 7i o for the account. Exchange on London, tat 124c for checks. RERUN, July 6 On the bourse today buslnesM was stagnant and rather quiet. Discount rate, short bills,, 34 percent; three months, 2 per cent. HEW YORK STOCKS ASD BOSDS. Day's Dullness Eicased on Account of Long Drawn Vacations. NEW YORK, July 6. The explanation was offered of the extreme dullness of last Friday's market that many members who wanted a holdiday on Friday had Ignored the session of the exchange nnd had gone away on vacation trips. This explanation was supplemented today by the further suggestion that the members have not yet returned from their vaca tions. There Is little more to be said of the day's market which showed no larger aggregate of transactions than that of last Friday. The few members on the floor were almost Idle and the small trad ing among themselves was listless and Inconsequential. There was an aimless drift of prices downwards then upwards and finally yielding, making the closing tone easy, but the average level was at no time far away from last week's clos ing. Part of the dullness was attributable to a diversion of speculative Interest Into the cotton market. Wall street was reported to have made Important operations In that market dur ing the day, putting out short lines, and it was supposed contributing to the sharp break In that market. The settling of the call money rates marked the passing of the temporary demand for the July 1 set tlement. This failed to stimulate any de mand for funds for speculation In stocks. Supplies of day ' to (lay money are abund ant, and there Is no difficulty In securing time loans for short periods, but the de mand for anything loss than six months' loans Is merely nominal. For loans carry ing over the end of the year there is an active Inquiry, hut lenders nre Indisposed to put out funds freely for the longer period. In view of the present light de mand for money and the continuing reflux of funds to the market the day's rumors of further gold exports failed to disturb sentiment, although the announcement of $2,000,000 engaged was not made until after the market closed. Besides the normal re turn of funds by dividends and Interest disbursements, the sum of $420,000 was pnld out by the stibtreistiry today on telegraphic order from San Francisco In payment for Klondike gold, thus marking the beglnnln-r of the Inflow from that source, which will be a substantial means of recuperation for the domestic money supply from this time on. The weekly railroad traffic statistic which was compiled nt Chicago, showed the general merchandise movement well sustnlned in spite of the falling off In the grain movement. The very heavy Immi grant transportation Is given as an Im portant factor in tne susmtnen rauronn trnffic of the west. The regular reports of railroads' earnings also made some flitter ing showings, but the only stock to resnond appreciably was Norfolk & Western. That road's earnings for the fourth week In June showed an increase over the same period of Inst year of $258,204. or 00 per cent. A number of coalers, southwesterns and Great Northern nlso showed large In creases In gross earnings. On the other hand the Norfolk & Western's report of net earnings for May showed a small remainder of the Increases in gross earnings, owinar to the enhanced operating expense, and Denver & Rio Grande's net earnings for the same period showed n decrease of over 23 per cent. The (tyv's weakness In sugar was presumably due to the unstable market for Its product. Smelting was weakened by Its strike, and Amalgamated Copner was sold npnarentlv orr doubts over the tnde proret. Shrn advances In Colorado Fuel and Tennessee Coal were unexplained. The bond market was exceedingly dun and Irregular. Total sales ptir value $1,110,000. I nitea states zs snvancen ner ceni and the 3s and old 4a 4 per ocnt on the last call. Following are the quotations on the New Tork Stock exchange: Atrhlann I St. Paul ... do pfd 2V do pfd .. Baltimore A Ohio tf, So. Pacific .177 . 49H . 23- . 8s . 29' . 84' . 43 . 81H . 8s . 244 . 44 . 21 . 2n4 .121 .IKs .11(1 .190 . ft . SSVi do pfd ' KIWSO. Hallway Canadian Pacific ....124 rentrmi cf N. J 1 do pfd Texas & Pacific... T.. 8t. L. A W.. rhrs. A Ohio. IS' Chicago A Alton.... do pfd Chicago A Ot. W... do B pfd Chlrago A N. W... Chlrago T. A T.... do ptd C. C. (.'. & St. L. . Colo. Southern .... do 1st pfd 26 do fill Union Paclflo .... de pfd . 1 3;Wabaeh 170 do pfd 1W. & L. E 24 Wis. Central 87 Adams Express .. 17Vt Amer. Express ... 67,1'. 8. Expreaa ... do Wells-Fargo Ex... Copper . . . C. A F.... . 10 . S3 . 23Uj . 8H . 44., . 91 V4 A R ... ....120Vs .... 84 .... 67 .... 4V. .... 17 ....192 ....17 1 .... 7S .... 43V4 76 .... 39'i .... 14j .... .... S7 Illinois Central IJS' Ana. Mln. Co..., Iowa Central 27VBrk. Rap. Tr.... do pfd ... 4"iColo. F. A I.. K. C. Bouthern 24 A H. Coal... da pfd 4JVj Louie. A Nash 11H Manhattan L 1J, Met. 8t. Ry 122U Con. Oas General Electric Int'n'l Paper ... ao pfd 1 in., a bi t. an Int'n'l Pump ... I Missouri" Pacific. ....InS ao pra M.. K. A T 25 do pfd 4 National niscult National T-esd . No. American .. National of Mexico.. 2'H do pfd 41 Pacific Mall .... N. Y. Central Norfolk ft West... People's Oas ... 9RH RT I09i T4'i !2Vl Preaaed Steel Car do pfd do nfd Ontario A W . sr. Pullman Pal. Oar Republic Steel .. Pennsylvania .125U, .. C , C. A St. I.. eadlnc in 1st pfd....... do td pfd do pfd . M . 2 Rubber Goods ... do pfd 79 . 4 Tenn. C. I t2i Rock Islsnd Co.... . 4 . 7J . Tl . 71 V. 8. leather ' do pfd do pfd fH 1 49 an. St. L. A 8. F U. B. Rubber do 1st pfd do d pfd ; do pfd sivtu. B. steel St. L. s. W 17 ao pra , m 8H4 do pfd S9VJ Weatern Union Kew York Money Market. NEW TORK. July 6. MONEY On call ruled steadv. but closed easier at 1(H3 per cent; closing offered at Wt per cent; time money, steady; sixty days, 3 per cent; ninety days, 4 per cent; six months, 5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 6w5'ac: sterling exchange, steady with actual business in bankers' bills, at $4.873.r"S'4.8740 for demand and at It.K.MS'rj-i 8T25 for sixty days' bills; posted rates, and 4.NSVi; com mercial PUIS, I4.KO. Bar sliver. 527ac; Mexican dollars, 41c. Government bonds, strong; railroad bonds Irregular. The closing quotations on ponds are as follows: V. 8. ref. ts, ref ....10H:u. 8. Steel is M do coupon a im. unl. 4s.... Sf'4 do ts. ref loa Mi. Central 4a 7t do coUDon I"1.! do lnt lnc 24 do sew 4a, res 13."'4 Minn. A St. L. 4a.. .100 do coupon 1H M , K. A T. 4s II do old 4s, rei 1104 do 2s M ao coupon 1. u. s- s do 6a. reg 1U2VN. . C. (jen. 6s. do coupon No. Pacific 4s.... . 98 .iom . 9v. Atchleon fen. 4a 100 do 3s do adj. 4a ... s in. at w. c. 4a Bal. A Ohio 4a. .1'W, Reading gen. 4s 96 do IUi do conv. 4s... v.n. u. or i. m. c. DS..110U lfKH4 8t. L. A 8. r. 4a.... !WV, l6SSt. L. S. W. Is (IVi 104, do 2s 7J tS IS. A. A A. P. 4s.... 77 103 So. Plclrtc 4a 874 74 So. Railway 6a us, 4s J Texas A Pacific la.. .115 Canada So. 2s... C. ot O. 6a do la lnc C. A O. 4a C. A A. SWa C, B. A VI C, M 8t l g. 4s... 107 ST.. St. L. A W. 4s. 77 C. A N. W. c. 1s....lS0Unlon Paclflo 4s I1XH4 1 . , K. I. s r. as l"i-l copy. 4B.. ccc. A Bt. u. g. ti nvuwaMsn la ... ..114V, ..106 V, .. tl ..107VJ .. 9'VV, .. 69 .. 4i)44 .. rr .. ui irhlcago Ter. 4s 81 Colo. A So. 4s S do is. do deh. B I) A R. O. 4s f7Hl West Shore 4s.. Brie prior lien 4s ... 97 do gen. 4s 84 F. W. A D. C. 1S...W4 HocklBK Val. 4'4s....l06 w. A L. B. 4s.. Wis. Centrsl 4s. Con. Tob. 4s Colo. Fuel 6s.... Man. Con. gold 4s...loiV x Offered. Hock Island 4s.. Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON. July 6 Call loans, 3H4H per cent; time loans, ih'mjh per rani, umciai closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atchleon 4a Mes- Central 4s... Alclilson do ptd Boston A Albany. Rnaton A Me -5 Alloues 75 'l Amalgamated .. 474ibliigbara 644 62 440 ls 101 V, t 43 1, WV, ''Vs 21 li'ai Cal. A Hecla.. .241 ICopper Raima ..17 Centennial Boston Elevated .141 Dominion Coal N. Y. N. H. A H...1M rranslln rttchburg ptd As lale Royala fnlon Pacino .... Amer. Sugar do ptd Amer. T. A T IKu. I A Gen. Electric Maes. Electric ... do ptd Vnlted fruit Ialr Weal t. . Steel... do pfd Westing. Electrle Adventure .. tlSMohewk ..UlVOid tnunlnloa .., ..119s,, Osceola , ..HI Parrot , .. Ill Uulncf ..176 Isanta Pe Copper .. 26 (Tamarack .. IS Trlmoumaln .... ..101 iTrlnlljr .. 42, failed lutes .. .. lufe I'teh .. 114, Victoria, .. 12 Winona .. 4X Wolverine . 17 IV, 5'4 II v, 34V, , 4 , 47 Gold Goes to Earope. NEW YORK. July C Clold amounting to $2,uuo,0u4 waa engun4 lor shipmenl to Dels. A Hudson 17J4 Amal. Dela., L. A W S2 Amer. Denver A Rio 0 2S do do pfd 83 Amer. Erie UK do do let pfd 4s Amer. do 2d pfd (7 do Ot. Nor. pfd 170 Amer. Hocking Valley M do do pfd RX Amer. Europe tomorrow. Lasard Freres will ship $l,ftoo,u00 and Goldman, Sachs Co. S-iftMHU. London Stork Market. LONDON, July . Closing quotations: Conoli, mony !2HlN. Y. Ontrnl 1st So arcnunt J I II Norfolk A Wtern..C;H Aparonda 44 I rin r-M ) Atrhliinn , Ontario A Waatprn.. fa n PM P.r'4 Pennarlanl Bultlrnnr A Ohio.... ;, Bund Mlnfa Canadian Pacific IIT'I Badln Chraapoake A Ohio.. J9S do lat pfd hlrano (i. W 19", I do 2d pfd ini, lH 41 SSV, " tun, 1H Ml i m. a st. r . Fouthfrn Ky Pe beers .... do pfd ; jsouthrn rapldc. .... ITiH t'nlnn 1'at-iflc Denver A R. Q do fd Erlo M'al do pin do lt pfd WVtf. 8. 8lel... do !d pfd r.RV, do pfd... imnni lentral una Wanaah Lnulavlle A Nath 111 do Btd 4S M., K. A T J2V.I BAR SILVER Firm at 24-,id per ounce. MONEY lift 14 per cent. The rate of dis count in the open market for rhort bills Is 2l..fi3 1-l per cent and for three-months' bills Is 2 3-10i24 per cent. ' er York Mining Quotations. NEW YORK, July . The following are the quotations on the New Tork Stock ex change: Adams Con Alice Br we Hrunawlrk Ton .. Comntock Tunnel. ( on. Cal. A V... Horn Silver Iron Silver Leadvllle Con.... x Offered. ...10 il.lttla Chlaf ... If. Uontarlo ... 16 ,(phlr 11 ... nvvxPhoenlx ... 7V4 Potoal 7 ...lf.0 : Savage So ...100 Small Hopes 2S ...12S Sierra Nevada "J Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS, July 6. COTTON-Quiet and irregular. Sales 100 bales. Ordinary, 10 1-ltic; good ordinary, llc; low middling, 12Vic; middling, irf'x-; gouu inidullng, lotsc; mludllng lair, 14 -16e. Receipts, 4,oOi bales; etocK, dX,oa) bales. Futures quiet; July, 12.6DC bin; August, 12.(toc bid; (September, lo.a.vdlu.uac; October, Si. lc; December, 9.otiti.boc; January, 9.o"cai).5ec. NtkVV VOKK, July B. COTTON Opened firm at an advance of 4'1U points under firmer cables and reports ot Hoods and heavy rams In Texas, but after an Interval of comparative firmness, became active and excited under heavy liquidation cred ited to the bull pool wntch also attracted considerable bear pressure. The result was a very severe break, August showing the leading weakness, on the call mis position sold nt 12.56c, and was told off to ll.JOc be fore the enu ot the first hour, this being a loss of 80 points; July sold at 11.75c and September declined 79 points from the best of the morning before the lirst outburst of selling subsided. Then the market steadied tsllghtiy, regaining about 5 to li points of Its early loss but showed every indication of extreme nervousness and uncertainty. In some quarters It was believed that the heavy New Orleans selling noted during the decline was a forerunner of the end and that the clique had become alarmed over the Improvement in the crop outlook. On the other hand there were tnose who were disposed to believe that the break had been brought about for the purpose of attracting a new short Interest with the expectation that a show of renewed firmness on the part of the clique would again send values kiting and force shorts to cover, in the last hour, however, the market again became very weak under further New Or leans selling, and this time Wall street houses were heavy sellers of August and September, apparently reflecting their con fidence in the retreat of the bull nool. Under this combined pressure prices were soon down and went to a new level for the session. August selling at 11.61c, September at 10.fi9c, and December at 9.70c. Just be fore the close September and December were rallied a point or two, but the list generally was at the lowest of the dav. closing easy, net 12raS4 points lower. Sales of futures were estimated at SOJ.000 bales. Spot cotton was marked down 65 points, closlns on the basis of 12.10c. ST. LOUIS, July 6. COTTON Quiet, but Vtc lower; middling. 13c. Sales, none. Re ceipts. 1 bale. Shipments, 1 bale. Stock, 3 593 ha les LIVERPOOL, July 6.-COTTON-Spot. small business done, price 14 to If? points higher; American middling fair, 6.90d; good middling. 6.74d; middling. 6.56d; low mid dling, 6.30d; good ordinary, 6d; ordinary, 5.80d. The sales of the day were 4,000 bales, of which 400 were for speculations and ex port and included 3.000 American. Receipts, none. Futures opened quiet and steady, and closed weak and irregular. American middling, g. o. c, July, 6.25d; July and August. 6.25d; August and September, S.24fi 6.25d; September and October, 5.7Sff5.S0d; October and November. o.46d; November and December', 5.34d; December and Jan uary. 5.27d: January and February. 5.26d: February and March,: 5.25d; March and April, o.XKi. J Oil nnd, Rosin. OIL CITY, uly 6. OIL Credit banances. $1.30; certificates, no bid. Shipments, July 3, 4 and 6. 6,167,723 barrels; average, 67,410 barrels; runs, July 3, 4 and 6, 183.447, aver age, 69.638. Shipments, Lima, 179,959; aver age, 61,328; runs, 151,406, average. 62,470. SAVANNAH, July . OIL Turpentine, steady. 47Hc Rosin, firm. A, B, C, $1.60; D, $1.6; E, $1.70; F. $1.75; O. $1.80; H, $2.26; I. $2.65: K. $2.80; M, $2.90; N, $3.00; W O, $3.10; W W, $3.30. NEW YORK. July 6 OIL Cotton seed, steady: prime crude, nominal; prime yel low, 42V4C. Petroleum, steady; refined New York, $4-.85; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $8.50; In bulk. $5.60. Turpentine, steady at 60V4CT51C. Rosin, steady; strained, common to good, I2.uugiz.vits. Sngrar nnd Molasses. NEW ORLEAN9. July 6.-SUOAR Dull; open kettle, 2(g3 7-16e; open kettle, cen trifugal, 3i'S31c; centrifugal white. 4 l-18c; yellows, 3VC)3 15-16c; seconds, 2'n:t5Bc. Mo laspes, open kettle nominal. 13ft 6: cen trifugal, 6fjl8c. Syrup, nominal. 1921c. NEW YORK, Julv 0. SUGAR Raw quiet; fair refining, 3c; centrifugal, 91 t-st, 844(3 9-ltic; moiasses sugnr, 274ia'27,BC. Re fined quiet. No. 6. 4.40c; No. 7, 4.3oc: No. 8, 4.30c; No. 9, 4.25c; No. 10, 4.20c; No 11, 4.15c; No. 12, 4.10c; No. 13, 4.05c; No. 14. 4c; confectioners' A, 4.65c; mould A, 6.C5?; cut loaf. 6.4oc ; crushed, 6.40c; powdered, 4.90c; granulated, 4.8)c; cufce.-i, 6.0c. Mo lasses, firm: New Orleans, open kettle good to choice, 3110c. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralts. NEW YORK. Julv .-EVAPORATED APPLES Continued quiet and price show no material change; common are quoted At tioc; prime at 6t4g5c; choice at 6c; fancy at 64j7MiO. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Spot prunes are steady to firm, with the larger sizes showing a hardening tendency at quotations ranging from 3c to 7o for all grades. Apricots nre firm under a mod erate lobbing demand at quotations rang ing from 7c to 8V4c tot choice and from 10c to 12V4c for fancy. Peaches are qu'et. Choice are quoted at 77Hc; fancy, 8i&10Vic. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, July 6. COFFEE Spot Rio ouiet: No. 7 Invoice. 6 3-16c; mild quiet; Cordova, 7"4Stllc. Futures opened steady at unchanged prices to cn advance oi r points under slightly higher European cables, but turned easier as a result of the continued full movement in the primary points and the increase of 43.330 bags in the world's visible supply, closing quiet at net un changed nrlces. Sales were 11,500 bags, in cluding July nt 3.65o; September, 38ofq3.R5e; Nnvemiier. A.vijvi 4.uuc : jecemier. .juc; Jan uary, 4.35c; March, 4.45c; April, 4.50c; May, i 4.55(0 4.60C Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Julv 6. DRY GOODS Have shown increased strength, with an upward tendency, especially in prominent lines of bleached goods, many of which have been at value for some time. The volume of purchases is not large ana tne market has hardly recovered from the ef fects of the holiday. Sellers are sanguine of increased business in the near future. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, July . WOOL In good de mand; receipts fair and prices steady; medium grades and comoing, itvgviw, light fine, ltMflftc; heavy fine, ll15c; tub washed, 12&2o. NEW YORK, July . WOOL Firm; domestic fleece, 286320. ElsTln Mutter Market. ELGIN. 111., July . BUTTER Ruled steady on the Board of Trade this after noon, selling at 2oc per pound, the same as last week. The sales for the Elgin dis trict were 334,000 pounds. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, July 6 SEED Clover dull and firm; October, $6.6714- Timothy, prime, $1.70. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Julv I. BEEVES Re ceipts, S,86 head; steers generally steady; trade more active; bulls and cows steady; steers, $4.40fj!ft.0ii; stags, $4.00; bulls, $2.ii'(f 7 m; cows, $1 5ft3 65. Exports, 2,0) head, 150 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 3.861 head; good veals SOiii T5e hlaher: other calves steadv: veils. $4 tnti6.75; tops. $7.uo7.25; buttermilks, $2.6) (f3.o; city dressed veals higher, ?4il';c per pound. HtxIS Receipts. 1.900 head: lower for all weights; slate and Pennslyvanla hogs, $6 36 Hi 4(1. , SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 13,64 head: more active; prime sheep higher; others steady: trood lambs. lfKfi'l c hinher; medium and common steady; sheep, $2.7io .jd; extra nanny sneep, ii.w; cutis, lumDS. lb ' ((in 1st; two cars axuraa, i I Exports, itM bead sheep. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Receipt! of Cattle, but Trading Very Blow and Prices Lower. HOGS ADVANCED ABOUT A NICKEL Light Ron of Sheep and the De mand Was In Good Shape the Mar ket Rnled Active and Steady on All Desirable Grades. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Olliclal Monday 3,i9 2,"6 1,N4 feame day lusi wee.... 3.W 7.3.i7 a.Ttu banie week before..... 2,od 7, tilt Mi Same three weeks ago.. J.r0 l.Van Same four weeks ago.. ,oiW 4. Jit 1,441 Same day last year.... l,t27 2, tins ,s7 hcLiJIi-jS roll IHK YcaR i- DA'lK Tile lollowu.g table Bhows Hie receipt ul cailie, hogs and sheep at bourn Oman lor the year 10 date and compariauns with last year: iu3. litoi. Inc. Uec. Cattle 611,457 871,J 13,i20 ...... Hogs l,2ftl),oo Mbl.MXI n.lli Sheep o3,tfUD Ju,4Ai 133,o6 . . Average price paid for nogs at South Omaha tor the last several days with com parisons: Date. I 1903. liH)2.1901.190U.lSS9.18!'8.ilo'-'7. June 15... June 16... June 17... June 18... June 19... June 20... June 21... June 22... June 23... June 24... June 25... June 26... June 27... June 28... June 29... June 30... July 1.... July 2.... July .... July 4.... July 6.... July 6.... 6 Ve-ftl I 6 861 4 891 I Ml 77 1 I 3J U1& 7 26 4 95 S 62 901 J 22 6 7 24 t 83 681 N S 97 7 26 b b 5 03 I Wl j 1 u. t uv t hk x (ill 1 3 la C M t 4 ( 891 i Ml 7X 8 80 I 1 44 6 91j W, 04 i Jl J S 83 6 891 6 001 3 661 1 72 3 21 i 21 3 26 3 23 15 3 61 3 24 8 24 3 18 3 13 8 21 7 501 I ft 13 6 5 .Vi 6 67 8 704,1 6 6bli a 6 66H 6 66 6 60 7 6a I a Vi 7 571 6 99 6 17 62 3 6: 7 61 6 93 6 101 I 631 7 62! 6 911 6 03 3 64 3 62i 65 6 8 6 11 3 65 3 60 3 68 3 63 7 C2 7 64 7 64 7 62 6 901 4 89i 3 60 e 6 89 5 01 S 65 73! 3 61 6 00 6 83; 6 74 " I 6 73 4 9.', i Di 6 60 6 Oil 3 78 .. I .. 1 6 OH 1 3 78 7 64 3 66 6 66 5 79 6 16 8 83 3 66 i 3 28 Indicates Sunday. Holiday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: cattle, flogs, oneep. nui oa. C, M. & St. P.... 2 3 Union Pacitic C. & N. W.. 4 2 14 6 4 1 6 2 1 4 66 !! "2 3 "i 7 74 F., E. & M. V 15 B. & M I'.. B. & O 38 K. C. & St. J 3 C, R. 1. & P. east 3 C. R. I. & P. west 39 Illinois Central Trtlal rncolnta ...1.15 The disposition ot the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: uattie. rauRM. oiiaci. Omaha Packing Co 426 307 .... 426 307 790 6X4 180 746 374 879 311 , 8 8 21 "si Armour & Co Cudahy Packing Co Swift and Company from country Lobman & Co Huston & Co L. F. Husk Sheridan Meat Co Other buyers '602 Total 2,689 1,853 CAil'tuV-ine was a Uoeral run of cat tle leooiied tnis morning, out about 10 cars out oi tne receipts were tuner consigned direct to local packers or billed through aim not oneied tor sale. 'Inai leu oniy aDout 60 cars oi cattle on wue, so the sup Ply was in reality ngnt. ihe market tnouBn was siow witn the tendency ot prices flown- WAbout 40 cars of beef steers were on sale and tne morning was well advanced be tore much ousiness was transacted. Buj -: . ,,.,.1 i.i.iriino- in the malority era neiu ... ... - , , , oi casea ltxulw: lower tnan Friday, while salesmen were asking steady prices. -Occa sional y a buncn oi came woum B , r,r,t mu a treat deal lower. but these instances were very rare and the big bum of the cattle sola sately a dime lower than the close of last week. Con sidering the light run It was late before i a ceipts were liberal at other points undoubt edly had a great deal to do with the bear rl' nn this market. vnsa mane im lai.t. liiuw su isn aiuiuuo vl ' " j . " " . The cow market was also very siow and lower. Some of the best grades sold early at about steady prices, but aside om those tne maraei was-r ; i..nri- The common kinds were at most unsalable, as buyers did not seem to care whether they got any of that kind of cattle or not and their bids in most cases were so much lower that salesmen could not make up their minds to cut loose. ;r ' - i. hctnra iha hulk was d snosed of. Bulls were also very slow sale and un evenly lower and the same was true ot here'were only a few od bunches of stoclters nnd feeders on sale and scarcoly "nough to make a teest of the market. ..,.. nM aa not look enouch dif ferent from those in force last week to quote any cnange. rjgga.,- Me. li.'. to.. :.. 18.'.' .. 14 . .. At. Pr. 1140 I 00 660 I 00 ..... 860 t 25 800 I 26 800 I 76 1J60 I 75 1190 S 75 1100 I 75 1041 I 95 896 4 00 76 4 25 inno 4 25 988 4 35 1106 4 36 1064 4 15 1165 4 50 NO. rr. 2 1210 4 ou 19. 43. ...1134 4 (0 ...1173 4 65 ...11.14 4 65 ...1300 4 0 ...1270 4 66 ...1368 4 65 ...1225 4 65 ...1273 4 75 ...U'87 4 80 ...1530 4 80 ...1470 4 SO ...1349 4 80 ...1364 4 80 ...1372 4 85 ...1390 4 8D 7 I SI 64 99 22 12 14 1 41 42 66 19...: ...1143 1 SU iff fc- STKERS AND HEIFERS. 1133 4 60 1453 6 00 ...724 4 16 22 W0 4 80 ...1115 4 40 tU W O. 1 680 00 ... 155 I 15 ...1010 I 26 ...lino I 35 ...1135) I 60 ...1064 t 75 ... 730 1 75 ...850 J 80 ...1136 4 06 ... 991 4 20 . . . U0 125 ...1140 I 25 ...1010 I 60 ... 945 1 65 ...1140 I 66 ...1005 1 85 ...1320 I 85 ...1010 I 90 ...1137 4 00 ...1010 4 06 ...1100 4 16 ...1074 4 (0 910 2 00 ... 780 3 10 ...1060 II 25 ...996 I 25 ...890 t 60 ... 930 1 60 ... 820 t 60 ... 825 t 60 ... 830 1 60 ...1050 I 60 . . . 766 I 65 ...1022 1 60 ...1CW0 140 ...1240 I 60 ...1160 1 76 ...Hit) 1 76 ... 8S0 I 76 ... 950 t 86 ... 9r.7 1 IS ...1160 1 00 ... 131 1 10 HEIFERS, ... 436 : 00 21...., ... 630 I 60 44 1.... I 12 , 73 t 36 748 4 16 ... 141 I 10 BULL8. 1 1100 I 16 1 1240 I 46 .1240 1 60 A . . 1... 1.... 730 I 00 1110 I 61 ... 930 I 10 ... 840 I H ...162V 1 ii J 1190 1 65 1.. I.. 1.. 1 1 fJi t fill 1 . . . . L'ALV H.B. t.1 4 75 1 110 t 00 130 4 75 1 160 I 60 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 660 I 60 6 722 I 45 10K0 1 40 1 720 I 75 610 2 40 1 1040 I 78 485 1 46 11 896 1 16 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 640 I 60 II 110 I to 1 5 1.. 1.. 11.. 1.. 1 . 21 HOfls There was a moderate run of hogs here today even for a Monday, and the market advanced about a nickel. Trading was not active at any time, but still owing n the llsrht receipts the bulk was soon disposed of. The close of the market was hardly as nrm ai me auvame aim iraoing u if anvthlna slower on the close than on the ope'nlng. The bulk of the hogs sold at $5.65, witn quite a lew oi tne Detter erodes at $5.57Vs and a top at $5.60. The ma as has been the case for some llttl time tast tne duik oi tne nogs sen in tne same notch, as packers are making very little difference Deiween gooa ann cummun and light ana neavy. rceprcaeiiiuuve sates No. at. en. rr. ro. ai, pb. rr. u 104 0 4 61V 2 164 80 6 56 71. 261 ... (66 so 217 60 ( 65 68 140 160 65 281 120 t 65 254 120 i 65 154 10 56 141 80 I 66 250 120 6 66 244 40 I 65 175 SO 6 64 241 40 66 170 160 66 171 -160 ( 15 62 41.... 40.... 76.... (3.... 64... 44 64... 70... 71.... .242 160 4 55 .152 ... (66 .221 10 ( 55 .161 160 ( 66 .2.',4 160 ( 65 .274 10 ( 65 .28 120 ( 65 .154 140 ( 66 .lot 1W ( 67Vs 61... 66... 64... 62... 41... 40... 70... 48... 66... 66... 47.. 40... 66... 76... 16... IKS 40 I lit. 47 235 .. ( 67U , . . 17 40 6 66 ..144 40 i 65 ..138 ... 4 55 ..237 80 6 65 ..210 120 6 56 (9 . 12.. 41.. 49. . 46.. 72.. 228 ... UTS I'M .... 1,7', 244 120 I 674 215 16u 6 67S, .?4" (Kl I 6T 224 ... ( 60 62 44 291 60 i 65 234 ... 56 72. 220 (0 ( 40 Rii'EEP There was not a very heavy ru of sheep here this morning and the marke r,ui,4 heat be described by calling It actlvi and just about steady with the clone of last week. Practically everything offered was fras stock from Ida no ana wyomini riuho ewes, wethers and yearlings mlxe brought 43.95 and Wyoming weniets brought $3 65 and $3.75, and Wyoming ewes sold for $2 to and $3.25. Everything manned nancu freely ao that an early clearance waa made, Qiotat'ons for grass stock: Good to eh,, Ire Iambi. f5. 76'U6 &: fair to good lambs, $6 26415.75; good to choice yearlings, $4,750 6 00; fair to good yearlings. $4 50C(i4.76; good in choice wethers. 13 75(ii4 25; fair to good wethers. $3.5063.76; good to choice ewes, $3.54 iff T75; fair to good ewes. $3?$3SO; feeder lambs, BCn3oo; feeder yearlings, 12 fco'cf 3 feeder wethers, U bOJ;a fo; ferder ewes, K.ta'ajZ.ib. ;ilt W yoming ewes 86 M Wyoming ewes 9" 1M Wyoming wethers 87 6 Wyoming wethers 8$ 161 Wyoming wethers Ho CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK. 12 90 3 2d 3 to 3 bo i 7i Cattle and llona Are l.o wer, While Sheep and Lambs Are Stronsr. CHICAGO, July 6-CATTLK-Rcelpts 23.!l head; dull and 10 to IFh- lower, Includ ing l.fioo Tcxnns. Prime' steers, Jl. "!.). to; poor to medium, $3; storkers nnd feeders, $2.4(u 1.S0; canners, jl.6i"& -.75; bulls $; calves, 2.6i!(i6. 50; Texas fed steers, $3.25iTi42S. HOGS Receipts today, 2.000 head: to morrow, 20,000; left over. 4.000; fteady to 5c lower; close weak. Mixed and butchers, 5. jiKn.90: Kood to choice heavy. $.:i.70Vi VSO; rougn neavy, js.vo'fio.iio; light, o..iu!.w; bulk of sales, ln.tu'(j!.S5. 11 h. r.r Receipts. is.000 nend; sneep trong; hnnbs strong; good to choice i-.thar. 11 TlAi K tr I At,AA. ml..l I3.(fi3.7B; western' sheep, $2.50'84.1S; native ambs, 3.hOfi5.40. Ofhclal Friday: Recelnts. Shlnments. Cattle 3.179 1.392 Hogs 18.353 S.345 Sheep 1,815 1.S19 Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Julv 6. CATTLE Re ceipts, J.KX) head natives; 1,700 Texans; native calves, 400; Texwns, 1,000. Reeves opened steady to 10c higher, closing weak; uarnnnne siow, cnives ana neiters ac otlve and firm: stockcrs and feeders ac tive. Choice export and dressed beef steers, 4.56t5.0S; fnlr to good. 34(Vj7.55; stoekers and feeders, 32.75((?4.30; western fed steers, $3.6og4.50; Texas and Indian steers, $2.2584.26; Texas cows, Il.75tr8.0n; native cows, $1.75ff4.00; native heifers. 32. X) 64.25; canners. ll.6Xkij2.30; bulls, $J.OOij3.25; calves, 32.50(96.00, HOUS Receipts. fl.500 head. Market steady to 10c lower; slow. Top, $5.77; bulk 01 SHies, .i.tio(go. 10; neavv, s.i.fzlyfra.nifc; mixed packers, 5.i2M,fi5.72Mi: licht. $5.fio'J) it'y, yorKers, f. 7(KB5.7i1; plfrs. 15.6M18.70. SHEEP Receipts. 1.6(i0 head. Market tendy. Native lambs. 3.30fm.45: western lambs. 3.(KHi6.25; fed ewes. $3.0O7t5.00; Texas clipped yearlings, 33.25,a5.15; Texas clipped sheep, $3.00(86.00; stoekers and feed ers, 33.20(151.00. St. Lonla I. Ire Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Julv 6 CATTLE Receipts. 500 head. Including 4 000 Texans. Market slow, about steady. Shipping and export steers, 34.25W5.35; dressed beef nnd butchers teers, il.lniM.i.oo: steers under 1.000 lbs.. $3.50 45 4.50: stoekers and feeders, $2.75(a4 26; cows nd heifers. $2.2iyn4.50: canners. 52.0Wi2.25: bulls. I $2.50(Ti.OO; calves, $3.4iVfi3.60; Texas nd Indian steers. J2.90a4.20: cows and heif ers, $215tfi3.25. HOGS Receipts. 4.600 head. Market fairly active, firm. Pigs and lights, S5.7n6.00; packers. $5.80i35.90; butchers and best heavy, ,5.fHVfffi,00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 1.600 ead. Market dull. slow. Native muttons. 3.7r((T4.70; lambs. M.4O4j'6.60; culls and bucks, 2.25&4.&0; stickers, $2.s'aa.25; Texans, 3.50a .40. . St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. July 8. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,584 head. Market dull; natives, $3.Wi74.0; cows and heifers, $1,754)4.25; stoekers and feeders, $2.S5(f4.25. nulls-Receipts. 4.904 head. Market 6c ower: light. $5.6W5.76: medium and heavy. $3.6036.70: bulk. $5.60W6.66. SHEliP Receipts, 347 head. Market dull. Slonx City Live Stock Market. SIOTJX CITY. Ia..Julv . fSDeclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 200; market rteady: beeves. $4.00(3.00: cows, bulls and mixed, $2.50034.25; stoekers and feeders, $2.73 4.00; calves and yearlings, $2.60j3.80. HOGS Receipts, 2,500; market easier, sell ing at $5.456 60; bulk, $5.605.65. Stock In Slant. Fo'lowlng were the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hons. Sheen. Omaha . 3,699 2.695 1.854 Chicago 23.000 29,000 9,500 4.500 4.904 2,500 Jfl.OOO 1,000 1,600 307 Kansas City 3.800 St. Louis 4,500 St. Joseph 1,684 Sioux City 200 Totals 86,783 63,099 21,301 GOSSIP OF COMMISSION ROW Texas Tomatoes and Kew Potatoes Are No Loncrer In the Ex clusive Bet. Texas tomatoes have smashed on the market and new potatoes are crawling Into hole. The southern representative of the Lycoperslcum Esculentum family came here weeks ago, and, liking the city, have overdone the matter, consequently the price has come down. Three days before the Fourth they sold at 90 cents, then at 75 cents 1 lots and now ore 76 cents by box. The potatoes are In the same boat. The outsiders were here at a fine price nd the locals came in In such numbers that Just before the holiday the price went down to 75 cents, where it will remain. The nice little blueberries from Wisconsin have found friends here at $2.25 the sixteen quart box and the Florida melons are down to 26 cents an individual. A crowd of Georgia melons has been on the market for several days and were drinking mint Juleps with the market men Saturday, They are more like colonels than the Florida melons, who are smaller in girth. Texas cantaloupes are bringing Joy and a crate on the market about every other day now. Those In the know look with little trope on the cucumber crop in this state. Truck gardeners have caught a few haggard and stoop-shouldered specimens for the market, but they cannot supply the demand. The hot .houses of Illinois continue to send in the original packages of stomachache, but these also fall to fill In the gap until the green apple is plentiful, and the price is still $1 for two dozen of the long green. So as a last resort the contract system has been taken up and Tuesday morning whole carload of cheap Texas cucumbers are due to arrive, having been ordered either by the commission men or the un dertakers. This Is said to be about the first car of cucumbers ever brought here from the south. SUPREME C0URT SYLLABI 12937. Linton against Heye. Error from Otoe. Affirmed. A'bert. C. Division No. 2. 1. Ordinarily If a defendant intends to rely on a want of Jurisdiction of the court over his person, ne muai appear, li at an, for the Bole pur none of objecting to the Jurisdiction; if he appears for any other purpose nis appeurance is general. 2. Rut when tho lack of Jurisdiction does not appear on the lace of the record, but must oe established by evidence aliunde, he may plead to the Jurisdiction or unite a filea to the Jurisdiction with other defense n the action, without waiving his right to Insist on a lack of Jurisdiction. Huriourt against Palmer, 38 Neb., 173. 3. The preceding rule In limited to cases where the plea to the Jurisdiction stands alone, or, is united with such defenses in go to defeat a recovery by the plaintiff, nnd does not extend to casea where such plea ia Joined with a cross-petition, or counter claim, which necessitates a trial on the merits of the Issues tendered by the plain tiff's petition. 4. The statute of limitations, respecting action for the recovery of real property, as construed by this court. Is not open to the objection that It operates' to deprive the owner of his property without due process of law. , , 6. Such statute runs against married women during coverture, whether residents or nonresidents of this state. 12SM7. Van Every agalnat Sanders. Error, Kearney. Affirmed, Pound, C. Division No. 3. 1. Equity will not Interfere with a Judg ment on a mere showing of a nominal or technical violation of the plaintiff's rights; substantial Inquiry must be shown. 2. Hence a petition for relief against a Judgment, which goes no further than to allege the rendition thereof, without stating its nature or setting forth facts showing that it operates or might operate to the prejudice of tbe plaintiff In some substan tial particular, does not state a cause of action. 3 Subdivision i of Section 02, Code of Civil I'rocedure. ia declaratory of the power of courts of equity under the old practice, and dies not authorize the vacation of a Judgment, after the term In the absence of some substantial Injury. 13116. Llebscher against State. Error, Douglas. Affirmed. Holcomh, J. 1. In the prosecution for an assault upon the person of a girl under the statutory age of consent, with Intent to commit a rape. It is not necessary to allege or prove that the acts were done agaisst her will. Whether she consented or resisted la Im material. Davis aenint Stale. 31. Ne bmskn, 247. re-cgamimvl and followed. 2. Assignments of error relative to the admission cf certain evidence over objec tions, examined and found untenable. 13 1 IS. Rawson against Tavlor. Error. Douglas. Reversed, tilnnville, C. Division No. 2. 1. Where, pemllra an application for the appointment of a re-elver for a htnk. under the provisions of chapter R, Compiled stat utes, a bond Is given lo procure the return of the assets of such hank under the pro visions of section 35 of said chapter, nnd such proceedings are dismissed and tlv as sets returned, nnv creditor who Is r v :ie. ficiary nf such bond may milnt iln an ar'to-.i nt law thereon, after the condition is broken to his damage. 2. Re-ont .mil evidence examined, nnl held, that In this case the plaintiff cm maintain such an action, and that the charge. "It appearing that there ire othrr unpaid creditors of the Globe Savings b-ink not parties hereto and not represented herein, nnd the law being that this plain tiff con not mnlntnln this tai't If thit h true. You are therefore instructed to find for the defendants." given by the court t i the Jury, Is erroneous, nnd the pi tint Iff l i entitled to a new trial. V 1312V Keller against Davis. Error from Ijtncaster county. Affirmed. Klrkpntrlck. C. Division No. 1. 1. On habeas corpus the Inquiry i con fined to matters whlcb ore Jurisdictional, mere irregularities or errors. hower gross, which do not render the proceedings a nullity, not being considered. i. Whether the provisions of section 4W of the criminal code, requiring the Jury to ascertain and declnre in their verdict the value of the property stolen, npplv to pros ecutions had under eectlon 117 of the criminal code, querrae. 3. In a prosecution tinner tne provisions of section 117 of the criminal code the Jurv returned a verdict or guilty, nut did not Include therein a declaration of the value of the property stolen. The si ntepce pro nounced was two years' Imprisonment In the penitentiary. Held, that as the vain nf the property did not afreet tne ennr- acter of the crime, the defect In the ver dict was at most error, and did not de prive the court of Jurisdiction to pro nounce sentence. 4. Where In an application for a writ of habeas corpus there Is a trial to the court, evidence is adduced and Judgment rendered on the merits, before the appellate court will Inquire whether the Judgment Is sup ported by eufflclont evidence. It must ap pear of record that a motion for a new trial waa made and overruled. 13132. Murnhv n en net Fidelity Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Error from Douglan county. Affirmed. Duflle. C. Di vision No. S. 1. On application for the appointment of a receiver the five days' notice required by statute may be waived by the parties en titled thereto. 2. Where the application Is made In a suit then pending, notice may be served on the attorney of record representing the party against whom trie application ia made, and such attorney may waive the time required by statute nnd authorize the court to proceed to an Immediate hearing or tnn application. s. The order of a district court appointing a receiver Is not subject to collateral at tack because such order was made in a law action, or because the petition falls to disclose all the facts usually required In petition for that purpose. Girl Strangled to Death. DENVER. Colo.. July . Mabel Rrown. aged 20, was found dead In her house In Market street early today. Her hands were nt und and mere was evidence that she hart been strangled. There is no clew to the murderer. The case strongly suggests the series of murders by strangulation that took place in this neighborhood some years azo. Real Estate Transfers. Deeds filed for record yesterday as fur nished by the Midland Ouarantee and Trust Company, bonded abstracters, 1614 Farnam street; Deeds. Wlllard F. Day to Eliza H. Day, 62x 135 feet in SwH nwi 15-15-13 $ 1,000 John Pray to George O. Pray, e75 ft. lot 7, block 10. S. E. Rogers1 ad 1,000 Thad J. Bermingham, trustee, and wife to John Fitzgerald; lot 11, block 33. South Omaha 600 Board of Church Extension of United Presbyterian Church of North Amer ica to Sara Ellen Parker, e60 ft. of lot 16, block 6, J. I. Redick's sub. of Redlck's ad 2.600 Clarence A. Starr and wife to Edward Dowling, nS8 ft. of eSO ft, lot 8, block 861, and 20 ft. strip adjoining,. In the . city of Omaha - 1 Horace Williams to Edward Dowling, n44 ft. or eao it. or lot 8, moon i, and 20 ft. strip cdjolnlng, in the city of Omaha 6.600 Catherine E. Miller to D. C. Miller. sVi wVi lot 7, block 6. park fiace ad 0 Edgar M. Morsman, Jr., trustee, and Emllle v. Preston to 'i ne jNenrasna. Investment and Improvement Co., part tax lot 29, 84-15-13 200 First National Bank of Mauch Chunk, Pa., to The Nebraska Invest ment and Improvement Co., part tax lot 29, 84-15-13 1 Charles B. Smith and wife to Samuel Hoppock and. Sarah Hoppock, lots 8 and 9, block 1, Halcyon Heights ad.. 600 Ed D. Jones and wife to Charles B. Smith, lot 10, block 1. Halcyon Heights ad 200 Omaha Realty Co. to Caroline Snlcka, sv, wl40 ft. lot 13. Kountze 2d ad 1.800 F. M. Herbert and wife to Abram W. Adams, lot 5, block 150, South Omaha 100 John S. Adams to Abram W. Adams, . lot 6, block -60, South Omaha 100 Joaie A. Health to Abram W. Adams, lot 6. block 150, South Omaha 100 John W. Baxter and wife to Abram W. Adams, lot 6, block 150. South Omaha 100 Abram W. Adams to George F. Gil more, lot 6, block 150, South Omaha. 1.150 Sheriff to G. F. Reavers, lots 1 to 6 inclusive, block 3. Union Place ad.; lots 6. 11 and 22, block 2, South Ex change Place ad 770 Newton Land Co. and J. H. Dumont to Iraac W. Carpenter, strip adjoin ing lot 36, sub. block A, Reservoir ad I Mortgages. Clara A. Purcupile and husband to the . United States Mortgage ana trust Co., lot 17. block 6, Hanscom Place. John T. Johnston nnd wife to Woods Cones, 64x211 ft. at nw cor. 3Sd and Hickory sts, in Griffin & Smith's ad,. Carolina 8plcka and husband to Omaha Loan and Building associa tion; sV4 of wl40 ft of lot 13. Kountze s 2nd Marie Coudurier to Conservative Sav ings and Loan association, lots 11 and 12, block 64. South Omaha .Clara U. J. Helln and huBband to James C. Rankin, lot 11. Marshall & Lobeck's sub i.500 700 1,600 1,500 500 PAUL'S CHOICE INKS AND MUCILAGE Write for prices on Paul's Oold 5eal. Record lnk used by Banks and Bankers. Ufa and Fira Insurance Companies and Mercantile Houses In Every City and Town In America New style Quart, pint and half pint bottles. Paul's Ink Co. are manufactur ing a full line of inks, mucilage and paste, and Ink In bulk. Prices quoted on application. PAUL'S INK CO.. 1 19 Ninth Street, Jersey City. N. J. DR. McGREVt SPECIALIST. Treats all forms of DISEASES Of MEN tT Mart spar.!)), 1.' yvars In Omaha. 10. Got) eurvd. KtBlltbU, uc Mful. Cra guarantied. ibtrgt low. Traatmcni I. Call or writ. ' T Bos 744. 1 s m la.srM M i 41 Offlc fttr tl . Ka PRIVATE WIRES GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS E4 Board of Trade Hldg.. Omaha 'Phone lu and lu!7. alttmbers all prin cipal exchange. Write lor our dally mar ket letter. -1 iw