Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Las- of the 8erie With Dei Moinei Falls to
the Locals.
I'.nSnas f'ome la the evth, Wkti
Visitors Take the Lead for Few
Minnies, or I Bill Pa's
Men 60 to Bat.
and Corbett. Struck out: By Wllkerson, (S;
by Havlland, 4 Clarlnda won by timely
httttntr and Crestnn's coolly errors. On of
Creston's errora let In two scores.
V'haKraa, ef. t 1, lb.. 1 11
Martae, It.... 1 1 t (, as. 1 1 1
Lautar. lb... 14
Olltwrt. Ib.... 1 1 I
1 I 1
Matbewaoa, 4
What do you think of it? Anothar game
from the Cndertskers and as easy aa
burglary. The lucky seventh la certainly
revived for then we did It to them again
yesterday and it waa all over but the
cheering. It waa 7 to 6 when th Under-
takers started for the hotel and mostly du
to flhuKart, who fielded and batted Ilk
a whirlwind.
One feature of the gam waa th way th
players on both aldea told their trouble
to Umpire Mullane In most expressly
language and In gestures of manifold pos
sibility whenever there was the. slightest
occasion. Cusbman la the man who held
the locals down to two measly hits th
afternoon of the Fourth and th boys had
something coming to them, so they boosted
their batting averages a few whenever
they cam to bat. Errors war plentiful,
but th Bourkette wer fortunate with
theirs, while the Undertakers' errors proved
costly. Companion waa wild most Of th
time and got the locals Into several tight
That Locky Seventh.
In th first of the seventh th Under
takers took th lead for a minute or two
on a single, an error and a double, but
lost It right away. Shugart tripled In th
locals' half of th Inning and Wright
brought him In with a single. Then Wright
came in on a wild pitch, making It ( to 6.
Carter's triple in the eighth gave Omaha
one more, and he scored on a fielder's
O'Leary played a superb game for th
visitors and pulled a liner off Companion's Cincinnati
bat out of the sky with one hand in tne i Two-base
fourth. : Carter also made several pretty Seymour.
catches In the field. Th feature, of th
day, however, was Bhugart s double in tn. l Hockley (I)
first. There waa a man on first and on I Double play
on third and Qulnn swatted a hot one to
Bhugart,; Shugart tagged th runner as he
went by and doubled his' man out at first.
shutting out th score.
The Grlislles from Denver are du today.
Attendance, 1,200. . Score:
AB. R. IB. PO. A. E.
6 2 2 6 0
Foolish Baa Rnaalaa- Ulvee Glaats
CHICAGO, July l-Menefee pitched a
fine game today and with any kind of
support would have won. Mathewson gave
the locals a number of opportunities to
seore which were not Improved on account
of foolish base-running. Attendance 3,600.
. H.O.A C. I R.H O i l.
1 (S lale. if I
rook, Ib 0 1 1 4
.Chance, Ib... 1
0 Raub, lb 1 1 10 1
'Jane., cf 4
Tinker. aa.... I I
1 Inn, lb 1 1 1
H.rlcr, rt.... I
Kilns. 1 1
Mon.lM. a... 14 11
Touis i 4 rr II ll
I Totals 1 t 17 II 4
New York 0 10001002-5
Chicago 0 0001000 0-1
Two-bane hits: Mertes. Three-base hits:
Rauh. Sacrifice hits: McGann, Babb (2),
Mathewson (2), Slagle. Stolen bases: Jones,
Browne. Struck out: By Mariefee 2. by
Mathewson s. Passed ball: Bowerman.
Base on batls: Off Menefee 2. off Mathew
son 7. Time: 1:66. Umpire: O'Day.
KoHsjr aliases Everythlnaj.
CMrago In a clean, fsst, well-plaved game
today. Owen waa wild In the sixth, but
steadied after two runs and struck out
Wolfe with thre men on bases. Attendance
1,300. Score:
air, rf
Elbvrf.14, as. 1 1
rulll, cf I
William, Ib. 1 1
H M'P I'd, It I
Oaniel, lb-.., 1
row. ii, ib... i
K.'IU. ..... 1
Welte, .
R.H O A I!
Ill Holmes,
I'JnflM, ef....
Ors, rt....
l'Callahas, Ib.
allaball, lb.
lMson, lb...
MT.tin.blll, a.
4 t 17 11 l
Pa van, p.
1 1 1
Total I 1 14
New York 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 I
Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Two-base hits: Elberfeld, Callahan. Three
base hits: Williams, McFarland. Home
run: H. McFarland. Sacrifice hit: Fults.
First on balls: Oft Owen 2, off Wolfe I.
First on errors: Chicago 1. Struck out: By
Wolfe 1, by Owen S. Stolen base: Fults.
Double play: Williams to Klberfeld to
Gantel. IWt on bases: New York 6, Chi
cago 2. Time: 1:31. Umpire: Sheridan.
Bean Ealera Worst Saints.
B08TON, July . The home team won a
heavy-hitting game from 8L Louis today.
St. Louis bunched hlta In the first two
Innings, after which Young steadied, helped
by splendid support. Siever was knocked
out of the box in the fifth. Attendance
4,000. Score:
Straus, lb....
Sharkard. If..
Dobha, of.,...
lo7la, lb
pahien, a....
Oa.alar, rf..,
Flood. IB. ....
Jordan, tb....
Garrlp, P--...
Carter, If
Genius, cf.....v
ShUKart. 2b....
Wright, lb..,..
Welch, rf .
Dolan, ss
Hlokey, 3b
Gondlng, c
Companion, p..
.... e
. .
i 1
..... 4
...... .36
27 16
Clark, cf!...:
O'Leary, ss.....
Fohl, c...
Qulnn, Jb,....,..
Town, lb
Durkee, 8b......
Hotter, If. ,....
Taylor, rf
Cuahman, p
An. r. 1R. PO. A. E.
.......... 6 0 110 1
1 II u
0 0
1 0
1 -
0 0-
V Total .."....M
Buna by Innings:
Omaha ..1 t
Des Moines 0 1
.. Hits by Innings:
Omaha .............. J 2 0 0 0
Dee Moines .......... 0 1112
"Earned runs: Omaha, S;; Des Moines, 2.
f.rt on bases: Omaha. T: Des Molnea. 8.
First balls: Off Companion, 2: off
Cushman. 2. Struck out: By Companion,
by Cuahman. 6. Hit by pitcnea dsu: ay
ompamon, 1. wuu pucnes: joy voni
naninn. Ir bv Cnahman. 2. Two-base hit
burkee. Three-base hits: Shugart (2, Car
ter, Clark, Town. Sacrifice hits: Hlckey,
Qulnn, Taylor. Stolen bases: Oenlns (2,
Wright, Hickey. Time: 1:13. Umpire: Mul
1, . . Standing- of the Teams.
CINCINNATI. July .-Clnclnnatl broke
even In the double header with Brooklyn
today. Mortissey played short In the first
game and made a mess of everything that
came his way.
in tne second game Keney pis yea the
position. Brooklyn never had a chance In
the second game, Hahn holding them down
to nvo nits, xne game was caned in tne
seventh Inning to allow Brooklyn to catch
a train. Rltter got weak In th fifth In
ning and waa relieved by Hugg, a local
amateur. Attendance, 1,300.. Score:
First game
Ill Donlla. If.... 1 1 1
11 Berniour, ef.. 1 I t 1
It Dolan. rf 40
I 10 0 t.Reckl.r. lb., lilt
til 1 Btln!eMt, Ib 1 1 4 1
t I Pair, lb I
III Morrltaej, lit I I 1 I
111 F.IU, 6 1 I
lit Ewlns, t I t
M I ll
Totals t I H 10
Totals t U IT IS 11
Brooklyn .0 41000, 010
0 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 01
hit: Ewlnar. Three-base hit:
Horn run: Dobbs. Sacrifice
hits: Dobbs. Hitter. Left on bases. C n
clnnatl, b: Brooklyn, 10. Stolen bases:
111, nf.Mt U , ... nn I n . . A
Ewlnc to Stelnfeldt to Beck-
lev. First base on balls: Off Ewlna-. 4:
off Garvin, l. Hit by pitched ball: Uessler.
Btrocn out: tiy lowing, 6; ny uarvin, t
Time: 2:00. Umpires: Moran and HollV-
iiaeiaaati neisrii lie tea t.
Second gam:
R.H. O.A.I. R.H.O.A.B
Donlln, If.... IIS o'gtrans, lb.... Oil
Sermonr, f.. 0 8 ojsherkard, If.. 1 11
Dolan, rt s I e o uobh., cr 1 1
Beckl.y. lb . I t 0 iD07l. lb.... 110
Bt.tnt.Mt, Ibl I t rD.hl.n, aa.... 0 I t lb. 1 t t 1 OjGMalar, rf.... 1401
Kalley, as.... t '1 1 1 elRlttar, a 0 0 11
B.rg.n, t t IKuii, e t
Hahn, p I t 0. Flood, tb 1 1
vicsara, p.... 0 1 0
Total! 11 1111 4 0 -
I ToUla I I 11 11
Cincinnati 0 2 6 1 0 2 11
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 21
Two-baa hlta: Hahn, Doyle, Daly, Bheck-
ard. Three-base hit: Stelnfeldt. Stolen
bases: Beckley (2). Kelley. Dohbs, Doyle,
Oeasler. First base on balls: Oft Haha, 1;
off VlcKers, i. Hit by pitcnea ban: uolan.
Struck out: By Hann, 6; by vicKers, z.
Left on bases: Cincinnati, 6; Brooklyn, i.
Time: 1:36. Umpires: Moran snd Holliday
PITTSBURG. July . Plttsbur won bv
hitting Mitchell early In the game. Th
winning run was made In the ninth Inning
on Ritchey's two-bagger and a single by
Smith. Attendance 2,060. Score:
R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B.
Douahertr. it 1
Collins, th...
O'Brien, cf. .. 1
Fraamaa, rf.. L
Parenti aa.... 1
r.rrla, tb
Crl(.r, ..
Touna. p.
... 1
I 11 17 10 ll
o'Rurkatt. If... I
VH.Idrlrk, cf.. t
oi Hemphill, rf.
SlAndoraon, lb. 1
OiW.iiaue. aa.. 1
OiK.hoa, e
Mccorm a, Ib
Hill, lb
Terry, p
I t
1 1
I t t
Totala 14 14 t 1
Boston 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 2 -
OL LiOUIS 4 ioooie I
Two-baaa hits: Freeman. Parent. Three
base hits: Young, Crlger, Ferris. Home
run: Anderson, (stolen base: Dougherty,
First base on balls: Off Young 1. Hit by
pitched ball: By Terry, Dougherty. Struck
out: By Young 7. by Siever 1. Passed ball:
Kahoe. Time: 1:46. Umpires: Connolly and
Stanalaa; mt the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
Boston 63 43 23 .4
Philadelphia .-.... 38 27 .686
Cleveland 62 34 K .649
New York 63 30 24 .617
Chicago 60 30 30 - ,b00
Detroit '.60 28 32 . 467
St. Louis 68 .26 33 .448
Washington 62 17 46 .274
Oames today: Chicago at New York, St
Louis at Boston, Detroit at Philadelphia,
Cleveland at Washington.
Dimt Work on Bases Nullifies Geed
Batting; and Beat
MINNEAPOLIS, July 6. Minneapolis out
batted St. Paul today, but dumb work on
the bases lost the game for the home team.
Attendance, 1,200. Score:
Oeler. tb....
Shannon, cf..
Flournoy, rf..
Srhaefer. aa..
Husglns, lb..
K.ller. lb....
WhMlar, If..,
Plerca. a
Volt, p
Chech, p
t 11 n 14 tl
MeCreery, ef. 1 t 4 1
Bpoonar. lb.. 1 1
Lallr. If 1 4
Rothfuaa, rf.. 1 1
Oyler, aa t 4
Mclntrre, Ib. t t 1 t 1
Martin, lb.... lilt
Ltldwlg, e.... Ill
Vaablndar, p. 1 1 1
The Mlnden pitcher seemed to have no
control of the bail, owing to the wind, and
he repeatedly gave bases on balls. With
this and the hits tne locals made eight
tellies were sored for Ked Cloud In the
third Inning. The score:
Red Cloud 0 0 1 0 4 1 0 0 -ll
Mlnden 0 00001200-2
Alaa-a-Dale Clips a Fraetloa etT
Record for Mile aad
Seventy Yards.
CHICAOO. July I. Alan-a-Dale. who
reduced the world's mile record to 1:37
Inst week at Wsshlngton park, today won
at a mile and seventy yards In l:43's. knock
ing two-fifths of a second oft the track
record. Tne performance was remarkable
In view of the track conditions. The course,
which was very sloppy Saturday, dried out
exceptionally fast, but whs not thought to
be up to the record-breaking qualifications,
First race, six and a half furlongs: Lute
won. Headwater aecond, - Balm of Gllead
third. Time: 1:144.
Second race, five furlongs: Peter Paul
won. Auditor second, Mlssenmast third.
Time: l:0tH.
Th rd race, one mne ana a sixteenth:
Qregor K. won, Bondage second, Lendln
third. Time: i:46V4.
Fourth race, one mile and seventy yards:
Alan-a-Dale won, Jack Demund second,
Hermsncla third. Time: 1:434.
Fifth race, one mile and a half: Modicum
won. Boaster second,. Hay ward third.
Time: 2:324.
Sixth race, six furlongs: John Peters
won, Crusados second, A. D. Gibson third.
Time: 1:124.
NEW YORK, July ".-Results:
First race, five furlongs of the Futurity
course: Grlgln won, At wood second. Divi
nation third. Time: 1:011k.
Second race, six furlongs: Hurstbourne
won, Astsrlta second; Northern Star third.
Time: 1:13. . t ,
Third race, five and a half furlonge of
the Futurity course: Raglan won, Pentaur
second, Hylass third. Time: 1:08.
Fourth race. The Stirrup cup steeple
chase, full course: Tankard won, Adjlaumo
second, Howard Grats third. Time: 6:22.
Fifth race, one mile, handicap: Dublin
won. Himself second. Colonel Bill third.
Time: 1:38. M . .. ,,
Sixth race, one and a half miles, on
turf: Lady Potentate won, Zoroaster seo
ond: Circus third. Time: 2:3M.
ST. LOUIS, July l-Results:
First race, five furlongs, purse: Moulin
Rouge won, Falcons Pearl second, Ingo
thrlft third. Time: 1:034.
Second race, aix ana a naii iurioii.
selling: MacBeth won, KenlucRT Muaaio
second. Burlap third. Time: l:u.
Third race, five ana a jiaii lunongs, on-
Ing: Athena won, Ora McKlnney aecona,
Busn umun iniro. iim. .?.
Fourth race, six turiongs, purse: m.i.iy
won, Frank Bell secona, ocorym uui.
T Fifth race, one mile, purse: Bngal won.
Mynheer second, Kansas Lily third. Time.
42i. -
oi..k . rri a rtair rurionas. seti-
DI.Ul , ao, n,.. " : Z. . . " .
Inv Our Lady won. Dr. Uiar secona,
Impetuous third. ' Tlrne: 1:32.
I 1 M HI 111. JI11V D.nCBUIlBl
trirat race, aix furlongs: . Similar won,
v.irkurv uMnil. Military tnira.
1 Mi. -w
Second race, five furlongs
Sky Blue second. Irene Gross third. Time: u con)1(.ert(, a very rood gtart
I It 17 It 4
,1 1
Baaumost, ef I I
Sebrlns. rf
Waanar. as.
Leach, tb 4
Ritcner, n.. i i s
Krua.r, lf.... t
Smith. 1
Weaver, lb. 1 14
Wllbalm. p
Thomaai ef..
4 t IT It
14 1
OIWolTartoB, tb 1 1 4 4
1 Tltua, If 1 1 11
1 Relator, rf...
OWaahburn, rf t
1 Barry. Ik.... 1 1 I 1
OjHulawItt, aa.. 0 t . 1
1 Oleaaon, lb. . . t 4
Dooln, e 1 1
Mltch.U, p... e 4
r Played.
Milwaukee v 64
Colorado Springs-.... 68
Kansas City.
St. Josepn...
Des Moines
Games today:
, 67
at Omaha.
Totals....:.' I tit 1 1
xTwo out whan winning run was scored.
Pittsburg ...2 1000000 14
Philadelphia ...1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-4
Two-base hits: Wagner, Ritchey, Titus.
Hulawltt 2. Stolen bases: Leach, Thomas,
Oleaaon. First on balls: Oft Wilhelm 1, off
Mitcneii z. BtrucK our: tiy vvnneim z, or
1. Time: 2:00. Umpire; John-
taatalias; ( the Teas
New York
rado Springs at Des Moines, Milwaukee at
HI Josepn, f eona ac rs-anaas city.
Glltner Wlsa from McCoek.
OILTNER. Neb.. July . (Special Tele
gram.) Glltner defeated McCook by a scor
of 13 to l toaay. naileries: wanex and
Jefferles; Bhoup, lownsend ana Bender.
Struck out: By waneK, 4: by Bhoup, l; by
Townsend, 1 F.arned runs: McConk. 0;
Olltner, 10. Hits: Off Wanek, 7; off Bhoup
and Townsend. 19. Two-base hits: Gallen.
Obanlon, O'Neill, Dowers. Three-base
Played. Won. Lost. .P.C.
.... 67 47 20 - .701
..... 62 40 22 .646
.... 67 S 28 .682
....61 31 80 .&18
.... 63 82 81 .608
63 26 17 .413
66 12 44 .343
.... 63 19 44 .Wi
Boston at Cincinnati,
Brooklyn '
St. Loul
Philadelphia ....
Games today:
Brooklyn at Pittsburg, New York ut St.
Louis, Philadelphia at Chicago.
Cleveland Take a toaple from Wasb
lasTtoa Boys by Good
Ores to a Loses on Errora.
St. Paul 8 1 0 0 3 0 1 1 0-0
Minneapolis 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-6
Two-base hits: Melntyre, t; Vasblnder,
MeCreery, Lally, Phannon, Wheeler. Three
base hit: Shannon. Double play: Chech
to Pierce to Huggnls. Base on balls: Off
Vasblnder, 6; off Volz, 3; off Chech, 2.
Struck out: By Vasblnder, 6; by Vols, 1;
by Chech, 2. Sacrifice hit: Chech. Stolen
bases: Oelr, Schaefer, Hugglns (2). Passed
ban: pierce, vvna pitches: vasblnder (2),
Volz, 1. Left on bases: Minneapolis, 6;
St Paul, 17. Time: 2:06. .
Standing of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost.. P.C.
Milwaukee 62 29 23 . 620
St. Paul 66 . 40 iS .61
Indianapolis 66 33 26 .6 0
Louisville 64 31 33 v. 44
Columbus 63 28 35 ,483
Kansas City 65 24 31 ,4?
Minneapolis . J 84 . 7 . 87 .i22
Toledo 62 23 40 365
Games today: Milwaukee at St. PauL
Kansas City at Minneapolis. Louisville at
Columbus, inaianapous at Toledo. ,
Victors Win Three Games.'
The Vlotors defeated the Wizards July 4
by a score of 17 to . The features were
home runs by Kaufman and Grleo. The
. R. H. 73.
Victors 0 0 4 6 0 2 4 3 17 13 4
Wizards .... 0200100808 6 8
Batteries victors: Hlnton and Grieb.
Wizards: Jellyn, Fanferllk and Kavarick.
The Victors defeated the Rlvervlew Parks
Sunday morning in a slUKa-ina: match bv
a score of 22 to 16. Haley pitched for the
parks ana was hit hard. The score:
R. H. E.
Victors 008212(1 22 13 . I
Rlvervlew Parks.. 0 0 2 1 6 6 2 1 016 7
Batteries victors: Hlnton, Moucka and
Grieb. Rlvervlew Parks: Haley, Wirth
and Truman.
The Victors . played the South Omaha
J. G. V.'a in a hard fought game and de
feated them by 10 to 7. The features of
the game wer the pitching of Hlnton and
tne nome run 01 Bwouoda. mt score
k- H. Is.
Victors 01004006 10 11 I
J. G. V.'s... 1 2101010 0-7 8 2
tjaiienes victors: mnion ana urleb.
j. u. v. s: ttinicie ana .tiocamiK.
mile and a sixteenth:
Harding won. Dubious second. Soothsayer
h2:-.?lm"' w.11. end an eighth
r U U I 111 rdVLC, au
Leftare won, Colonel Anderson second. Lou
third. Time: 1:66 fur,on,,:
pa IT i ri I nL;Ty, HIE .
Bailor Lad won. Tennesseean second, Iol
th'ri.lLm!: .filue:ri. Kuclalre. won.
Black Dick 'aecond. Ooonee third. Time:
WASHINGTON. July . Cleveland won
CT.ARINDA. Ia.. July 6 (SDeclal Tele-1 both aamea of today's double header with
aram.) Clarlnda won today's game from I Washington. Two hits and an error gave
C'reaton. Score:' Clarlnda. 6; Creston, 6. I the visitors the only run of the first game,
ttits: Clarlnda. 7: Creston. 4. Krrora: I The locals could not hit Joss In the seo-
Clarlnda, 4: Creston, 4. Batteries: Clarlnda. I ond game while Cleveland managed to bat
Wllkerson and McMlllen; creston, Haviland I Wilson witn men on bases. Attendance
Save the' Bands
11.600. Score:
irst game
Bar. ef 1 t
Bradley, lb.. 1 I t I
Lajole. tb... 1 4
Hickman, lb. a 1 u if. 1
nick, rf
Oocbnauar, ss t t 1 4
Bemla, a 8
Bernhara, p..
1 Moras, as..,, 1 t t
Solback. It.... 1 t
Clarke, lb.... It t
Kyaa, el t 1
Ln, rf 1 t
MarHn, tb.... t 1
Boblnaon, tb. t t
Klttrldge, 0.. 0 1 I t
.rattan, p t t
Totala 1 4 17 1 ll ToUla t t 17 14 1
Cleveland 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Stolen bases: Ryan, Lee. Bradley. Sac
rifice hits: Selbach, Clarke. Firat on balls:
Oft Patten 1. Struck out: By Patten 2, by
Bernhard 4. Left on bases: Waehlnston
(4. Cleveland 4. Tim: 1:30. Umpires; Drill
land Moore.
Another On for Cleveland.
Second game
Bay. at 1 I
Br.dl.T. tb.. I
Lajoie. tb.... 1 (
Hlckma. lb. 14
McCarthy. It. 1 1 I
Flick, rf Ill
Moran, aa...,
olgalbach. If..,
lClarke. lb...,
VRraa, ef
Oj Laa, rf
VHtniD, .D...
OIRoblnaon, fb
giKittriasa, a.
WWIlaon. s...
.. 8 8 17 11 1
i Total.
I Cleveland ...0 0t01
Two-base hits
Oocbnauar, at I I I'
Abbou. a...- i t
Joea. p i f
H U.O A E.
1 1
Denver Asratnat Omaha.
On Tuesday afternoon Omaha will have
a second opportunity to see Denver on the
Vinton atreet diamond for a series of three
games, ine games win De called at 8:46,
and the teams are:
..First base..
.Second base.,
,. Shortstop .,
.Third base.,
.. Leftfleld ..,
. Centerlield ,
. Rlghtneld ..
... Catcher ...
... Catcher .,.
,,. Pitcher ...
... Pitcher ,,.
1 Jones
, McHale
v nit ridge
. 1 4 37
10 11
Lee, Moran, Abbott.
Three-base hits: Lajole, Flick 2. Sacrifice
hits: Lee, Bradley, Flick, Abbott. Double
plays: Uochnauer to Hickman. Hit by
pitched ball: Hickman. Struck out: By
Wilson L by Joss 1. Left on bases: Wash.
Ilngton 2, Cleveland 4. Time: 1:18. Umpires:
4Ji lit anu aiwra,
Maintain Interest to End.
PHILADELPHIA, July (.-Today's same
between Detroit and Philadeluhla was un.
I certain until the last man was out. Neither
Mull n or Waddell waa In the best of form.
I but Waddell had a shad the better of the
argument. McGheehait, th Holy Cross
I college pucner, nas been signed by Man
ager Mack. Attendance 6,844. Score:
R.H.O.A B. I . R H.C A B.
HartKll, 11..
Puk.rlns. ct. t
DaTta. lb I
L. Croaa, tb..
rboid, rt...
Muruhr, lb., t
M. Croas, aa.. 1
heaek. a..... 1
Wadd.ll. p...
I l'Barrett, ef.... t t
111 Litab, rf 1 1 1 t
a l wi r.wlora, u.. I
I 1 sicarr, lb 1 t 1 1
4 t elMcOutrs. a... 1 111
1 tlnitr, tb.... I
a 1 aiiMcAMieter ..
I drank, lb.... lilt
1 t tlUmt. as. 1 1 1
- MuUla. t all
Tenia 11 it 1 11
I Totala...... I 8 14 17 i
a Batted for Yeager In ninth.
Philadelphia 2 1002100 I
Detroit 0 21001000-4
Two-baa blta: Carr, Smith, Hart sell. M
Cross. Three-base hit: Davis. Home run,
fihreck. Bacrin.ce hit: L. Cross. Stolen
oases: Martaen. waddell. Left on bases
uetroit iu, rnuaaeipma a hirat base on
balls: Off Mullln 4. off WaddeU 8. Struck
out: By Mullln 8, by Waddell 7. Wild pitch:
Waddell. Time: 165. Umpire: 0'Leuhlin.
White Bos Bite the Dost,
NSW YORK, July .-Nw York, defeat!
Companion. Pitcher Barber
Pitcher Tempke
Janlora Take Another.
DES MOINES, la., July 8, (Special Tele
pram.) Norwalk and the Union Stock
Yarda Juniora played a fast game today
the Juniors winning out by better base
sunning. Good for Norwalk pitched pro
fessional ball, striking out fifteen men. Mr-
Lean lor tne juniors pitched a steady
game, keeping the hits well scattered. Mil
ler's two singles and home-run hit with
5ood base running, won the game for the
unlors. Reiner's fielding at short was the
feature, ecore:
Juniors 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 S
Norwalk 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 03
Batteries: McLean and Miller: Good and
rnmer. Base hits: Juniors 8: Norwalk 7,
Krrors: Juniors 3; Norwalk 2. Base hit:
McLean. Home run: Miller. Struck out:
Good 15; McLean ft. Bases on balls: Off
uooa s. lime: 1:20. umpire Truster.
Crete Defeats Friend.
FRIEND. Neb.. Julv (. fSrjeclaM TVete
defested Friend here Saturday in tn a in
very hotly-contested same of ball. Mn
brilliant plays were notable. The attend
once was the largest ever seen on th
Friend grounds. Batteries: Crete. Hulli.
van and Moore; Friend. Page, Whltcomb
ana Meyers.
Fights Biz Hard Roane's With Sammy
Smith Wlthoot
PHILADELPHIA. July 8.-Totinsr Corfcett
foua-ht aix rounds with Sammy Smith at the
National Atnietic club tonight and had
little the better of the bout.
Smith was in excellent condition and rave
Corbet t a hard battle.
In the first round Corbett sent Smith tn
the floor twice. The first time he took the
count and tne aecond time the bell saved
him. In the fourth and fifth Corbett again
aer.t th Philadelphia down with hard
punches and each time he took the fount.
When Corbett came up for the net round
he eeemed a little tired and did not fight
with tils accustomed viclousness.
Smith irot In on him several times with
nard atraignt letta and upperrires. The local
man rainy rainea mows on tae champion,
oui ino miter was ante 10 tan nis punish
meni ana rime unci strongly.
Ked dead an Easy Winner.
RED CI.OITD. Neb.. July fSneotsl Tel
egram.W-The Mlnden and Red Cloud nines
played ball here today In a strong wind,
, and th horn ain woa by a seore ef 11 to
All Good won,
Recruiting Offioer Ryan 8tti This Is Ono
of Hit Priio Stations,
Llentenant States Tkat Lake Manawa,
Cat-OtT Lake or Even the Old
Mlaaonrl Wonld Do for
Boat Drill.
"When a cruiser Is built and named
Omaha ther should be enough men en
listed from this city ln the navy to man
the ship," says Lieutenant J. P. 8. Ryan.
U. 8. N., who has opened a reorultlng of
fice In room 426, Paxton building. "During
th past year about 200 men hav entered
the navy by th Omaha getaway, W re
gard Omaha as on of our prise recruiting
stations of the middle-west, ranking about
fourth with Minneapolis. St. Louis and
Kansas city ahead of It In the order named.
"Thor is roor interest In the navy
among Omahans and Nebraakant than Is
generally supposed. I do not think much
difficulty would be met with here ln or
ganising one or two divisions of the naval
militia, just ss they are doing In lake and
river cities all over the country. Either
Lake Manawa or Cut-Off lake, or even the
river would do for the boat drill with
the regulation ship's cutters.
"In case there Is sny Interest In the mat
ter It should be taken up through th of
ficers of the National guard, th senators
and congressmen and the naval bureau of
information. In th neighborhood of forty-
five men constitute a division. Wher they
hav been formed it has been customary for
the state to provide the armories, th busi
ness men or militiamen the uniforms, while
the department will furnish the equipment,
Including boats and guns and detail a
petty officer for permanent Instructor. The
great Interest being shown all over th
country tn this branch of the teserve serv
ice leads me to believe that Omaha will
soon have a branch of several divisions.
which are under th direct jurisdiction
of the Navy department."
Six Men the First Day.
Recruiting Officer Ryan opened the sta
tion in Omaha this morning with a staff of
seven assistants. He came from Lincoln,
where sz men psssed the enlistment tests.
and on Saturday will go to Sioux City for
the beginning of a month to be spent in
Iowa. Testerday ten men applied for en
listment here and six were accepted, being
classified as one coal-passer, one landsman
for yeoman and four landsmen tor training.
When you wnt a quick cure without any low of time,
and one that it followed by do bad results, use
CbamberUin's Colic Cholera tad Diarrhoea Remedy
It nerer fails and is pleasant and safe to take. It is
niial1w waluakl trtr fhilr)rn If ! fa m nil frr ifs ftirre.
The men who enter the service will leave
Saturday over the Rock Island for Norfolk,
Va., where they will be placed on, the re
ceiving ship Franklin. Recruiting will
close at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon. The
enlistment of boys between the ages of 16
and IT for apprentices has been tempor
arily suspended, as these classes are
crowded. Vouths, however, may be ex-
malned, and Will be called upon when
Rrali Bhamrocat 1 a "
Banning; Ita Two Strong;
twt An r t.,1v ft Shamrock III COV-
ered a thirty-mile course on oanay
todayLslx minutes, eighteen seconds faster
than Shamrock I. It was a broad reach 1 of
fifteen miles to the outer mark and a long
leg" close hauled, back to the finish line.
Koachlng and running are Shamrock I s
beM point, of sailing. Sir Thomas Lip on
and designer r ue were diio..
new boat's showing-, in-reaching; . but were
jnv,. mrith iha snleudld fashion in
which 11 Deal mo wjh ... - -
thJeaA.tS,,f,d,W!,rd-tvJVh-.w ahead Of the
old challenger until when they approached
While men are wanted for all classes of
service, machinists, carpenters, bakers,
musicians, hospital apprentices, stenog
raphers e-nd typewritei s, landsmen for
ttalnlng as seamen and coal-passers are
especially desired. Men so equipped are
extremly short tn the navy at the present
Little Journeys
in Colorado
There is Colorado's greatest attraction
the number and variety of the one-day excur
sion trips it offers.
DenTer has at least, a don that are worth
while: "Around the Loop"; to the summit' of
Pike's Peak; to Cripple Creek; to Colorado
Springs and Manitou; to Platte Canon; to Ft.'
Collins, Greeley and Boulder.
The famous "Around the Circle" trip takes
considerably longer four or five days. It costs
28, and is nearly a thousand miles long. Xo
trip in America furpasses it" in beauty or in
terest. Denver, Pueblo and Colorado Springs are
best reached from all points t?ast by the fast
and splendidly equipped trains of Rock Is
land System.
Train service from Omaha is as follows:
Rocky Mountain Limited, leaving at 7:30 n. n., 1t
;ight train, for Colorado, and "Big Five," lenvlnR at 1:0
p.m., and arriving at Colorado 7:36 a. m. second morning.
Tbe Limited Is lighted by electricity, and Is one of
the handsomest trains in America.
Summer tourist rates to Colorado are in effect all
summer long.
Tickets, berths and full information at this
City Ticket Office
I323 Farnam Street, Omaha
A. Rutherford, D. F. A,
Publishers Who Bid for Official Prtat.
las; Are Asked to Snow
Lists of Omaha subscribers to The Even
ing" Bee and the Evening- World-Herald
the turn, the new boat was settrng a ten- lUBt b, ,ubmftud tohe city council be
mn? ntvinAnSd HmX four minute. oS for. that body select, the city official
the old boat. " paper for the year ending- July 1, 19".
Wearing tne nnisn in- "" vt , Such was the deois on at the general com
nd they finished at, a rate that called
in ilea mealing jrviieruay miBriiuuu.
for Erin's best speed to reach the line
first.. Shamrock I was a good mile astern,
but coming at a good gait when the new
boat crossed the line. Jriesuus.
ci u n i::1R:13 3:13:60 2:bS:57
Sr..m'iEk I ...... 1:168 :aO:2I t'MM
rr.k. h rarra were sent away nvo
miles to windward. With its lee tail Just
The action was taken as a tesult of the
showing made by Edward Rosewater and
by W. J. Connell, attorney for The Bee
Publishing company, that the bid on behalf
of The Evening Bee Is the lowest and
best, and that the contract for city print
ing should be awarded it. Mr. Rosewater
d DDlnK Pharnrock III Walked through the o awaraea nr. noiewr
olS boat's lee, outpointed it and in forty showed that the World-Herald bid did not
minutes was an eighth of a mile to wind- comply, ln several details, with the new
Shamrock III Si down th. old b3at'. on th. subject, and stated a. a most
lead though Bhamrook I, having the lee- Important objection to awarding the con-
ward position at the start, was tirst to tract to It, that the Evening World-Herald
finish. . has not a bona fide circulation of 5,000
Tp-simo T TUC CICI n PI IIR eP'e h city of Omaha, He offered to
TENNIS Al I lit NtLU OUUO immediately submit to the council a list
Larce Nanber of Spectators Preseat
aad Evldeatce Lively laterest
la the Matches.
TV,, araaiar cart of the matches In the
first round In the Field club tennis tourna
ment was played off last nlpht. A larg.
number of spectators watched the matches
from the veranda with great Interest.
The handicapping was somewhat different
from that of the previous tournament, a
.,i.rKr nf the nlavers owlna. This Droved
much more successful than the heavier
handicaps, as It gave the better players
ampler opportunity to use their better
strokes without fear of losing the match
of 7,000 city subscribers to "The Evening
Bee. He also made a showing that the
bid of The Bee, owing to its columns being
wider than those of the World-Herald,
Is less In dollars and cents than th. World-
Herald bid. The World-Herald did not
have a representative at the meeting. The
matter will be taken ftp at a special corn,
mlttee meeting next Monday morning.
The Invitation of tbe Nebraska Bltullthlc
company, through Manager John Orant, to
Inspect the bltullthlc paving in 8t. Louis
was accepted. Back, Hoye, Dyball, O'Brien,
Cvana, Schroeder and Huntington said they
would go, Zlmman and Nicholson will go
thih.,hrJn?alnd.f the matches in the U they can arrange their private affair, so
first round will be played off tonight, after I as to leave the city for four days. Ths
which nay in tne secona rouna win warn. party will return Sunday morning.
"7Vc;hv: nl.ved hi. match. Contractor E. D. Van Court wanted th.
n Martin (scraicni ueai n. in. nuien i jod 01 npainna in Dixieenm street.
s,rat h) i'- J$ ... I n was willing to let the city council pay
g. I !, .iiamivi ,b mTW ilk, CACCVUlUg ins
Hoel (16 plus tt- beat A. ttogers
$300 appropriated for the Job. City Engineer
Rosewater objected to doing- work In such
an Irregular manner. No action was tsken
and the resolution that it be repaired under
the Board of Pubic Works will be carried
if. I A.A S.3
Bcribner (owe tt-15) beat Bltih (scratch).
1 t Mere raat wooa 1101. o-a. s-i.
McConnel (H-la rratt iscraicn;,
a a A
Tit. Van Camp (scratch) 1eat Lee (IS
VV.nther .scratch) beat F. Pollard CIS). ,JMQ QF M'KINLEY CLUB
Caldwell (own 15 plus tt-W beat Hevins
Challenge from Jaeksoalan. for
Debate Is Accepted aad
Committee Named.
The members of the McKlnl.y club be
came considerably Involved In the difficul
ties of the code of parliamentary etiquette
at their meeting last night In the Millard
hotel, th. difficulty being th. appointment
of a committee to confer with a like rep
resentatlon from the Jackeonlan club ln
regard to a debate, to which the latter had
challenged the former. The members of
the McKlnley club were unanimous In
wishing to accept the challenge of the dem
ocrats and this was done, but a division
became noticeable over th. question of al
lowing honorary members to take part In
the debate. A committee consisting of
Frank Crawford, H. Whipple, C. E. Fos
ter, John Kuhn and Oliver 8. Erwtn was
(IK nlus U-l&k s-t. i-3.
Duncan (scraicn) ocai west tin), 0-1, o-t.
Westchester Iavltatloa Tennis Tour
ney Opens With Chaaa.
leas' Victory.
1 afwsm mm m m mb 'LisT.jiFir w '
k- r fff nrr- i,,n -j
Whoresale Dealers and State Agents,
Ofl A HA, NEB.
appointed with full authority to make the
decision for the club and to arrange de
tails. Because of the lateness of the hour
a debate between Frank Bhotvell and W.
M. McKay was deferred until next meet,
in;. The committee consisting of President
Foster, Dick Berlin, N. P. Dodge and
Nathan Bernstein, which had'' been ap
pointed at the meeting last preceding tor
the purpose of attempting to harmonise
the party, reported progress - and was
given more time.
NEW TORK. July The ODenln
matches In the Invitation tennis tournament
of the Westchester country club were
played on the club's court at Westchester
Robert r and Oeoreje I wrenn defeated
Krelah Collins and Louis H. Waidner of
Chicago a-f. -t. e-a.
Malcolm i). wniiman ana wiinam a
I-arned defeated Stephen C. Mlllett, Orange
Lawn club, and J. V. Forbes. Ardsley
club 4-t 6-4.
The matches tomorrow will be Holcolm
Ward and Leonard IS. War. asalnat Whit
man and Larned, and Collins and Waidner
against Forbes and Mlllett.
Teeasnsea Defeats Hemnoldt.
TECI-'MSEH. Neb.. July (.(Special.)
The Teeumseh team defeated the Hum
boldt argretatlon in a nice game of ball
here. Tbe score:
Teeumseh 0 I ( 1 M 1.1 M
Humboldt 0 0 0 1 0 J X 0
Hits: Humboldt. I; Teeumseh. T. Home
runs: Buffum. Fets. Blrurk out: By Hill.
7 by Linn, 7; by Paris. 18. Batteries: Hum
boldt, mil. l.inn ana wuson: Tecumsen.
Paris and Buffum. Umpire: H. B. Rowell
of Sterling.
Andltorlem Esecatlve Committee.
The executive committee of the Audi
torium company met last night at the Om
aha club and was In session for severs!
hours, discussing the financial condition of
the company and plans for increasing the
fund and collection of subscriptions. No
action was decided upon, and the commit
tee adjourned to mwt at 1:30 at the office
Of the Electric Light company, when the
matters discussed last bight will be soled
Man Writes Ha Is Going; to Drows
Himself, bat Search for Body
ts Heedless.
The following letter was received at po
lice headquarters yesterday. The police
think it ts from some one who desires a
little cheap notoriety, and have paid vary
little attention to It.
Omaha, July 8. 1903. Desk Sergeant
Havey: I am drowned by the time you get
this letter and please don't look for me,
because I know your police is after me
on a serious charge, so don't drag the
river for me.
I will do this rash act right by the water
works at o'clock In the morning sharp.
All I want you to do ts to notify my folks
tn Denver, and tell them not to feel bad.
and please excuse my writing. Nine
o'clock Tuesday morning.
dannib Koaana.
Frr S'ret. Kk to Mc tact
A. SANTAEUA CO.. Makatt. Tsmm. fla.
Erroneous Report of Aeeldeat.
. A reported accident to Willie Williams,
a colored lad, Is erroneous. The published
statement was to the effect that the boy
was accidently injured by powder from a
blank cartridge tired by Jess Able, a bar
tender at Oarrlty's saloon, at the oorner
of Tenth street and Capitol avenue. Mr.
Able says he knows nothing of such an ac
cident, did not fire a blank cartridge near
anybody on the Fourth or at any other
time, and If tbe eolored lad was Injured at
all It must have been at some other place.
Established 1023.
That's AI1X
aslUisre. ai4a
1 1 I
'Twit make a mas
forget bis wo:
'Twil hichtea all Us 1
try. Burns.
Jho. Barltf Cm
Kansas Oitv- ate.
0 ooooo999eeeS9c
"-,- IvitN AMD WGnull,
T luai I CaaBif wfnrsasataral
1 k 1 a aan. i aiK'barfa,laDaaaauoa.
J OaraaM4 1 lrriiallaa ar slcarattcus
waanauit." of aasaesa saaatiraaaa.
r 11 1, ,ti
Paialaaa, aad sot atrl
saat ar sotaosous.
KSWaMTl,! f ol ay StrassrUis,
V S. a A. - ; ar al la slals wraiaae.
..1 rf-,iArr,"'. "
HBSi smy, er as WKtmm BJM (B,