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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1903)
2 TIIF, OMATTA DAILY UEEt TUESDAY, JULY 7. 1003. Telephone IU-M- Our Special Clearing Sale of Wash Goods MM at. trrrnt)v rprlllrtv. r mi knOW that OUr COOds . gain counter stuff, but are this milftt b Closed OUt. nevertheless. genuine. 15c, 18c, 20c, 25c Batistes and Dimities, at 10c yard. loc, ,18c, 20c Madras Ginghams, at 10c yard. 23c and 30c Linen Ginghams, at 17Jc yard. ' 25c Madras and Zephyr Ginghams, at 15c yard. 40c, 50c, fiOc, fine Waistings,'at 25c yard. 50c and 60c Silk Ginghams, now 33c yard. OUR' ANNUAL SPECIAL 2oats takes pltce this year from July 16th to Aug. loth. During July and August We Close Saturdays at 1 p. ni. Temp: ;IfJ,S!LIKI Y, M. CA.' Building, Corner belter, but to tha spirit of tha pope, who la giving further proof that hia Indefatiga ble energy continues. Tha truth is the pontlff'a condition Is sta tionary, which means that It Is grave. I will go so far aa to say that although lie may live for several days, It would be cherishing an Illusion to think he may re covtr unless some unforseen crisis occurs. His pulse has become, to use a medical term, evanescent, which means almost Im perceptible. The pope, except during short periods of uneasiness, when his cough is troublesome, la generally bright and In god spirit and displays great force of character. . . . . This morning again, at his own wish, he-let';hla bed and seated himself In his arm chair, as he . finds a sitting posture more comfortable than being recumbent. WJhAt. surprises all who approach him is thai that-e has been no change In the lucid ity of" hia Intellect, which disease has not affeated. For Instance, not a single detail of the Ceremony of the last communion scaped hia observation. He apoke of it with great Interest, recalling each person age who participated. The worst symptom, apart from the fee bleness of hia pule, Is his low temperature, which la stationary at 31 centigrade. H continues to take- nourishment at short Intervals, but not tn such quantities as his weakness requires 6r Ms doctors wish. Nothing medical Hclence can suggest and his organism ,can' stand has been left un- trThe disease, 'aa-announced In the first bulltln. Is senile pneumonia In a torpid form, which is now at its maximum in tensity; but which may, have begun unobserved- before tha pope icomplalned of any Illness. !.-,; , ' ' " " The pope Insists on taymt up and walk ing at interval saying that weakness Is the Worst part of his Illness, against which the best, remedy Is activity. . Dr. Xaponhl'a chief task now la the main tenance of tha pope's etrerlgth. Some Im provement waa Indicated yesterday by, the fact that the patient waa more wiring, to take nourishment, which waa administered at .short lntervala' and consisted chiefly of bordeaux, champagne, raw eggs and broth, but the doctor would not permit the pope to partake of anything In season, for which he, expressed a desire, as there la special danger In the possibility of Increased weak ness. ii ?& -, The -only persona allowed In the pope's bedroom In the, morning beside the doctors adtf attendants VVere " Cardinal Rampolla, Mpnslgneur Bisletl, tha master of the pbn tihaal chambere. and Brigadier General Count Camillo Peccl ot.the noble guard, a nephew of the pope. . The pope conversed for a long time with Count Peccl. even rising' and walking- about tha, room 'or a few minutes, leaning on hi arm. The pontiff on thla occasion re marked: ' Now I am ready to depart, having settled all my affairs. I feel I have done all In my power for -the good of the church and for the' good of humanity. Msir Conflicting Statements. The newspapers hers oontaln many con flicting statements about the pope and his condition. The Tribune saya: He spend his time partly in bed and partly In an arm chair. Expectorating Is the first sign thus far of anv organic reac tion, and it la said to be a good symptom, but .tha pope's weakness is Increasing, All. those who have seen the pope axe struck, with his Indomtnltoble energy. He Is reported aa still addressing those about him' In imperious tones.. "No WutV the 'pontiff Is reported to have said, "I am near my end, but I want to die In, harness." nickering, of Vital Flask. ' The amelioration in' the pope's condition yesterday morning waa so unnatural, con sidering the gravity of his illness, .that It waa feared that possibly it waa only, the laat flickering of the vital flame. . During "hia, brighter' interval the pope re turned, hi habits of command and Insisted cn giving orders for the preparation of tha brief appointing Monsignor Volponl aa sec retary .or, the consistorial congregation, a post made, vacant owing to tha. promotion f Monatghor Noeella to-, the , cardlnai&te, Tne. Importance . of such an appointment. specially at the present moment, la mani fest when, it la considered that on . the pops's dearth the secretary of state, ceases to exercise hia functions, which are as sumed Immediately by the aecretary of the consistorial congregation. Objects to Trutmest, Aa tha pope objected to having the oxy gen Inhaling apparatus continuously under his nostrils Dr. Lapponl arranged to lm pteg nate the whole atmosphere of the -room with oxygen. " "That la much better," said the 'pope; "t-afor" X felt aa though I had lost my , liberty." ' - Although' Dr. Laponnl continuously rec ommends the patient not to apeak and to pay no attention whatever to what la pass ing outside, tha popo gently refuses to abandon participation In what la going on. He said, smiling, to Dr. Luponnl: , "I know you say thla because of 'your ri r rr GDDddSDDd 4JS oura.. The critical ordeal through , past, however, i ao fraught, with dread, pain suffering and danger, that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror. There i no necessity for the 'reproduction of life to be either painful or dangerous. The use of Mother' Friend so prepares the system for the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger This great ana wonaenui remedy is ' alway appliedexternally.and has carried thousands of women through the trying crisis without suffering. ani lot Irs book containing laformaUua ainrloalaMi value wall eipsotaut noihsrs. . Tsi SrMSlltf R!!ator Ca-, Atliit. Cs, Bee, July S, 1901. nrifes Is llOW sroine OH. X OU - , c i are not Classed With the bar- a . . a 1 a, I seasons cnoicest materials mai 1 OU KnOW mese reaUCUUIlB aits SALE of Seal, Otter and Tertian Sixteenth and Douglas Sti affection for me, but etther my last day la ror.ldly approaching, in which case I must employ all the time which la left to me ao far as t con, or else I shall recover, again postponing the end. If this Is the will ot the Almighty nothing can change It." The pope wished his arm chair to be car ried near his writing table and- then to the window overlooking the piasza of St. Peter. Noticing many people In carriages the pope said: "The piazza look aa It doea when I am able to perform some publlo Junction." Bays He Is Near Hia Bad. After receiving the sacrament on Sunday the pope said: "I am now near my end. I do not know that all I have done has been good, but I certainly obeyed my conscience and our faith." Tne pontiff yesterday gave Instructions to tell the relatives what the pope though ot them in hU last moments. The Ciernale d'ltaly aays The Improvement In the pope's condition UUQI I1UV in iivw v aiao iowtci, ins run jr live throughout tne day, Dut it is greatly feared that a mange tor tne worse will supervene this evening. The feeling at the Vatican,, however, is more hopeful this Afternoon. Cardinal dl Stefano, the dean of the Sacred college, who haa established him' self in the rooms In the Vatican above the pope's apartments, had a long conference with his secretaries today and gave orders that various documents connected with the election of a new pope be conveyed to the Vatican. ) Unkind Romor Carrent. In Vatican circles there seems to be dls satisfaction because of the rumors. In circu latioA to the effect that those in authority Instead of preventing the pope from over taxing his failing strength, have, for their own purposes, urged him, contrary to hia physicians' advice to further exertion, It tiaa been hinted that those who might be eligible candidates- 'for the ohair of St, Peter would not have many' regrets should the way be left open without more delay, ana tnai, regardless ol ine popes, reeoie- I nese, they worked upon his harmless, na- I tural pride In the vigor of hia constitu tion and his venerable age to encourage him to preside' at the' two recent con sistories, as well as to undertake numerous receptions to pilgrims and other visitors to the Eternal City, notwithstanding the precarious condition of his health since the operation of 1899, which had grown much worse dtirlng the last few months, Under the circumstances, such Inslnua tions are energetically repudiated by those concerned, Over BOO telegram expressing sympathy with the pope or asking for news of his condition, arrived at the. Vatican, in eluding messagea from President Roosevelt, King Edward and Emperor Francis Joseph Dowager Queen MargKerlta Is reported to have asked for news about the pontiff. Italians Are Apathetic, since the pope's illness assumed its pres- cnt serious character there haa been no marked change in the symptoms and the alternation from hope to fear Jn the mind of the population has given place to a certain feeling of apathy. For centuries the Romana had been accustomed to the rise and fall of system of government and the change of rulers. ' This doubtless haa affected the present situation, causing them to regard without even keen Interest matter of this nature. The pope's illness is a point in' musirauon. All nay oaiuraay eager crowd thronged the colonad .of the piasza of St. Peter's, crowded . the doors of the Vatican, watching the Ingres and egress of the ecclesiastical dignitaries and obtaining from them, when possible, information regarding the health of the illustrious patient. On Sunday the pope seemed to e sinking fast and hope died I away on the announcement that the viati cum would be administered in the evening, but aa night wore on and the solemn rite was administered, and a alight Improve- ment soon roiiowea. tne crowds melted away. - ' " ... . Oreat activity reigns among the car dinals, now that it Is aura a cohdlav can not be far off. It Is even said, that there has been an exchange of telegrams in cipher between the members of the sacred college in Rome and those In the provinces or abroad. Innumerable rumor are circulating and scarcely any cardinal isj.deprivcd of the flattery of being considered a candidate. However," besides those mentioned "yester day, the only other candidate who are re garded a having a fair chance are Car dinal Svampa, archbishop of Bologna,' and Cardinal Rlchelmy, archbUhop- of Turin- Cardinal Rampolla la thought by many to have the best chances of being elected. According to the most accredited Vatican No woman' happi. nets can be complete; wnnout cftildrens it it her nature to lore 1 wanr them much ao at to lova tha waiitifii1 ..l which the exnertant mnth.r rr,c . gossip, however. Cardinal Rampolla ha entered Into an Sfrrrf merit with Cardinal Gottl, prefect of tha congregation of the propaganda, to support the election of tha Intter on condition that ha himself b appointed Gottl'a successor a prefect of the propaganda, the holder of which poat la called tha "red pope Declare Knd Near. LONDON, July 7. An agency dispatch from Rome dated 1:26 thla morning aays that for tha last threa hour tha pope has remained motionless. Ha haa refused all nourishment and Is sinking rapidly. Tha body la assuming tha stiffness of death. All present In tha chamber are praying nirm tm t..i.. ah .. o - i- patchee published here represent the pope s MIT.H I tlni. a hnnalftci Tha nawma rerm a thfs clty ,re clr'ulatln( tra8 an'noncIng the latest telegrams In regard to the popes health, Ram poll Seea Hope Still. MUNICH, Bavaria, July a. Cardinal Rampolla, the papal secretary of state, haa telegraphed to tha papal nuncio here that the Condition of the pope la grave, but not hopeiess. WASHINGTON, July 6. The following cablegram waa received today by the a pos tal re delegation from Cardinal Rampolla: Tha condition of the holv father Is still grave, but no worse Night calm. Takes food without reluctance. Mind perfectly clear. ILLNESS AND STATE OF POPE Cold Taken in March Haa Pursued the'Pontlff Until His ' End. (Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) HOME, July 6. (New Tork 'World Cable g nam Special Telegram.) The pope has Buffered from a light but persistent cold, which occasionally compelled him to sus pend his Intended receptions since March 8, when he descended to St. Peter's to cele brate his papal jubilee. But no great lm portance was attached to this until a few days ago, when intestinal troubles and in somnia manifested themselves. It waa In the hope of curing the latter that Dr. Laponnl advised him to take occasional drives with a little exercise In the Vatican garden. The pope went for a drive last Friday morning, and as the carriage was not at the door when he waa ready to start, he Insisted on walking to meet It. That short exposure Inconvenienced htm, and on his return his fatigue was So great that the au dience he has granted to some Hungarian pilgrims had to be cut short. As the day wore on his fatigue increased and a serloua fainting fit In the evening made It neces Bary for rr. Laponnl to spend the night at the Vatican. Another more prolonged fit followed on Saturday morning, but still no erlous danger" waa apprehended until this mornlng, when the pope was seen to. be perceptibly weaker. A further examination by Dr.. Laponnl and Prof. Mazzonl left no doubt that tho patient's condition was one of the most extreme gravity. The pope Is lying on a small bed drawn up to a window which overlooks tne Plasa dl San Pietro. The room, which is very large, Is draped with green hangings. The only picture Is an antique Madonna and the sole ornament la a great ivory crucifix. Ho speaks hardly at all, but he expressed a wish to receive the viaticum which was administered with the utmost solemnity at 9 o'clock tonight, the prelates and other papal dignitaries standing around the bed, each bearing a lighted candle. The pope pronounced the "mea culpa" in distinct though feeble tones, and when the cardinals afterward . passed In single file before the bed and kissed hia hand lie raised his eyes to heaven. ' Jl cardinal remarked, "Our prayers will save you, holy father." ' . ' - ' ' I am going to eternity," the pope responaea.,- , i One - of those . present subsequently declared: ''It was the most moving scene of grandeur I ever saw." NEW POPE GETS FORTUNE Leo Said to Have Willed All Savins to lTnaelectd Successor. His BERLIN, July C The Tageblatt's Rome correspondent telegraphed that Pope Leo ha' decided to leave his savings, amount ing to revcral. million lire, as a private fund for his successor. RIOTERS SHOT DOWN (Continued from First Page ) the city were ordered closed at 6 this even' lng. Mayor Issues Proclamation, Mayor Covert Issued the following procla mation late this afternoon The condition of anarchy and lawlessness that prevailed in this community last night wa a disgrace to civilised people and a repetition of its scandaloua proceedings will not be tolerated. To obviate a similar enactment it lB hereby ordered m That all saloon keepers In the city of Evansvllle close their respective placea of business at 6 p. m. ana keep ciosea until 8 m m on Tuesday. it) mat ail cuiiBreKS'iiuiia people on street corners or other public places are hereby prohibited. S) rnat persons carrying arms or any kind of weapons for attack or defense, or anything with which an attack or defenae could be conducted snail oe arrestee.. (41 That any loud, boisterous, or in cendlary talk will constitute sufllclent iround for arrest. . (o) i ne iniei or ponce is nereDy iniruoiea der.and If It requlrea a special force of BOO men to restore peace and quiet, ha ia au thorlzed to furnish the same. Baptlsttown is being depopulated tonight. negro families are leaving by tne dozens. Newburg road,, leading to the west. Is lined with negroes In wagons or camped by the roadside. Nearly all are armed. The fir arma and ammunition taken from the stores broken into last night are still in the hands of those who composed the mob. There were no arraignments in po lice court today as under the advice of the mayor the court- wa adjourned Patrolman Massey waa buried today by the Knight Templara. There was a very large attendance, the cortege being headed by a platoon of police omcers. Ecsenin Ra Core, !to Pay, Tour druggist will refund your money ii PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure Ringworm, Tatter. Old Ulcer and Bores, Pimple and Blackhead en the (ace, and all akin dis ease. 60 cents. MERCY SISTERS FIGHT FIRE Enter BernlnflT Bnlldiaa;, Save Purnl tara and Brtn Garden Hose Into Piny, KANSAS CITT, July 1-Before firemen could arrive, Sisters of Charity .from, the bouse: of the' Good Shepherd aasisted In fighting a fire today that destroyed the sexton house In Mount St. Mary ceme tery. t Although the sexton and his wife were forced to flee for their lives, some of the sisters entered the burning building and ...itd In aavtng the furniture, while .ik.r. nUved a stream of water on tha flames with ths garden hose. A Born Never Barns. Pnrt.r-u AntlseptlO Healing Oil 1 as- piled. Itellsve pain instantly and heal at las asm Urn. Fir man or bW rrw OMAHA INTERESTS AFFECTED Death of Pop Leo May Have Bearing on Creation of Arobbisboprio at Thil Oitj KEANE IS TO URGE SUCH ACTION AT ROME Has Been Favorably Considered by College of Cardinals and May Be One of First Acts of the New Pope. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. July .-(Speclal - Tele gram.) The announcement of the death of Leo XIII, which la expected In high ec clesiastical circles in this city, means much for Catholics of the United State. It will affect the Interest of the church west of the Mississippi river In a manner wholly undreamed of. When Archbishop Keane of thi archeplscopal see of Dubuque, la., left New York last week for Neuheim, Oer many, where h goes to take the baths, he stated before he left the states that he hoped to see his province divided into two parts with a metropolitan located at Omaha. For a great many year Omaha has had hopes of having erected within It dominions an archepiacopal see that would relieve the archbishop to the east of that city. When It . I oonidered that Arch bishop Keane control and has aptrltual jurisdiction over 146,000 square miles of territory, including the states of Nebraska, Iowa. Montana. Wyoming and tha Da kota, with the hundreds of priest neces sary thereto, the vastnes of the archepls copal see of Dubuque Is aatoundlng when one recalls how closely the Cathollo church looks after its people. Archbishop Keane, who sailed last week for Neuheim, stands pledged to urge the division of his province, in view of his inability to completely cover the same, and he hopes in the near future to present to Bishop Scannell the pallium of an archbishop, with Omaha a hi see. Before leaving New Tork the archbishop, who Is recognised as one ot the very ablest men In the Cathollo church, his years of service at the Cathollo university in this city and his masterly conduct of affairs of that university giving him a broad In sight Into the affair of men, said In speak ing of his desire to divide the province of Dubuque: "Far from being jealous of a division of my province. I believe that this Is what should be done and . I shalj use my In fluence to this end. I hope to' see the prov ince of Dubuqup divided In a short time. Dubuque la the center of the province west of the Mississippi and I hope the day is noi rar distant when Omaha will be a olmllar province west of the Missouri.' ine archbishop is On the ocean. As con ditions now appear he will learn of the death of the pontiff whose work and whose Influence extended through two centuries, when he lands at Liverpool, unless Leo' condition should very vitally change within the next few hours. Should Archbishop Keane learn of the death of the pontiff. It Is expected he will hasten to Rome at once, ana at least be a witness at the making or tne new pope. Fnleonlo Not Posted. Monsignor Falconlo, papal ablegate, who Is remaining In Washington pending ad vices from Rome a to tha death of the pontiff, said that he knew nothing about Archbishop Keane's Intention relative to the diversion of his archeplscopal see.' He stated further that he was new to the In terests of the ohurch in the United States, and that while thoroughly in sympathy with every movement that looked to the advancement of ts'5hurch, he knew noth ing of the rnteTesttr which 'might or wonld obtain In bringing about divisions of prov inces 'Of the"crea.ti!ri'of hew' metropolitans. With the creation of new bishopric, such as the bishopric ot Sioux City anil others included In the archeplscopal see . of Du buque, there has gone out to high ecclesias tic Circles of the church petitions for a new metropolitan for a part of the terri tory which is now represented by Arch bishop Keane of Dubuque. Rome last year teamed of the suggestion that a new metropolitan province be erected west of the Missouri river with Omaha as hi headquarters, but for some reason the suggestion was not adopted, although It was favorably considered by the college of cardinals. However, in view of Leo's death, it may be some time before anv definite .action is. taken looking to the di vision of the Dubuque province. It may be set down as a fact that just as soon as the new pontiff is clothed with hi high office the recommendation to create a new archeplscopal Sea .west of the Missouri river, with headquarter at Omaha, will be an accomplished fact. . The secretary4 of the Interior today ap proved six permits, permitting 543 cattle to be grased In the Big Horn forest reserve in Wyoming, from July 1 to October IS. Admiral Dewey has resigned as president of the Thomas Jefferson. Memorial aasocla' tlon and Lieutenant General Nelson A Mile has been elected to succeed him. The Illinois Central today filed an answer 4 . . 1- - " .1 . , r-t 'I io mo riiniem uomprcss company before the Interstate Commerce oommisslon. The road admitted that its export rate be iween competitive points on It line and New Orleans are sometimes raised or low ered day by day because of the fluctuatlrtg ocean rates, but aver that sufficient notice I alway given the cotton shipping public. it aenies otner allegations that certain shipper get large rebates and advantages over other shippers. It also denies that Its export rates discriminate against domestic consumption of cotton. TOY PISTOL CAPS SLAY THREE Chlenaro Factory Blows Up, Scattering; Victims In Little Places. CHICAGO, July 1 Three persons were Instantly killed and several Injured, ' one fatally, in an explosion tonight which wrecked a factory In South Chicago avs nue, where caps for toy pistols were man' ufactured. The three persons killed were mangled so that only part of their bodiea were found. SHOOTING ENDS BOAT TRIP Biff Fight Terminates Excursion la Which Six, Indndlna- Two ' Women, Aro Shot. MOUNT VERNoVf, Ind., July S. An ex curslon on the steamer D. A. Nlsbet broke up In a big fight early this morning, when six persons were shot. Two of the Injured were women. The fight occurred between Unlontown Ky., and thla place. The boat returned to Unlontown, where six men and two women were arrested. ' Danny Threatens Bnloldo. , If .Danny Rogers means what he says he-will be . food for Missouri river fish Tuesday at noon. Dannie, and who he is no one seems to know, mailed a letter to Desk Sergeant Havey at the police station yesterday. After flrat addressing the police aa "you curs," Dannie goes. on to say: "I am drowned by the time gou got this letter snd please don't look fur me becauM I know you police Is after me for a serious charge. So don't drag the river for me. I will do this rash act by the works at S o'clock in the morning shsro. All I want you to do la to notify my folks In Denver and tclll ttiem noi o leei uaa and please excuse my writing. Nine o'clock l uesoay morning. TEACHERS MEET IN BOSTON More Than 1B.OOO Trainers of Ra tion's Children Attend ton. ventlon. BOSTON. July S.-Whrn the first of the session to be held In this city this week by the Nstlonal Educational association opened today more than 15,Ono teacher had registered for the forty-sevond convention of the association. The opening session toe-ay wss that of tha National Council, which I described a being the "Senate" of the tescherc' sssn clatlon, of which William R. Harper of Chicago Is president. A cession of 'the department of Indian education was also hold. The general convention opened In the evening according to program. SEVEN TOWNS4 FLOOD SWEPT (Continued from First Page.) Ing wide destruction along the valley of Bull creek, which empties Into the larger Stream of Brush creek in the lower part of Jeannette. The Fort Pitt dam serve to upply the Fort Pitt Glass works at that point. It wa rebuilt about eight year ago, when it waa torn down In the same manner Oakland par, the Fort Pitt dam, about half as yesterday. To ad to the alarm caused reported this morning that the big reser voir of the Westmoreland Water company at Radabaugh, about a mile from thla town, was likely to give way and that the people In the vicinity had taken fright and fled to the uplands. The reservoir at Radabaugh cover about thirteen acre and supplies Greensburg, Jeannette, Ossen, Manor and other points further down the valley. Quite a crowd of people linger at the Penn station culvert, which is blocked with debris, under which it la understood the bodies of six unfortunate victims of the flood will be found. All ia in readiness for the search for the bodies, but It Is believed nothing can be accomplished - without the aid of dynamite, aa the houses, stablea, outhouse and other debris are wedged In so tight by the culvert that human effort toward dlslooging it will prove of no avail. Bnnd Playing; When Storm Comes, The suddenness of the disaster together with the attendant features was indeed pathetic. Yesterday afternoon most of the people were attracted to the park by the children's orchestra, . a Juvenile musical organization, which gave its initial open air concert. The band was playing when the storm came up. Many ot the young musicians, who were girls, hurriedly grabbed their Instruments and ran Into the building used a a roller coaster, to the laughing gallery and the tent covering thj merry-go-round. All these buildings with the exception of the roller coaster building and a portion of the merry-go-round were swept a ay. The exact number of persons In the buildings Is not known. Witnesses of the disaster claim at least 2u0 people were housed In the different places of shelter while the officials of the Pittsburg, Mc Keesport & Greensburg Street Railway company claim that most of the person in the building escaped. M. A. Cofey, general superintendent of the traction company, estimates that not more than ten persons were swept away. He denies that there were any passen ger drowned when the two car were Over turned and declares that all the people were rescued after the car had upset. He said, howevr , that he did not reach the park until S last night. - Throngs of anxious relatives and the mor bidly curious came Jn town today from all directloh and the streets and banks of Brush creek were ' crowded all day. Everything possible Is being done to re lieve the distress caused by the flood. A meeting of councils was held today and committees were appointed to look after the Buffering, prosecute vigorously the search for the missing and to take such other action as might be necessary to pre serve the health of the community. It la likely outside aid will shortly be asked for.' The sentiment of the citizens at today' meeting seemed to be that aid would be required, as the disaster will be far reaching. While the death list may not run high there are many families whose homes have been ruined and who will need assistance. As far ps can be learned, with the ex ception o." the bodies recovered at Penn Station, tie casualties were confined to those who were in the crowds at the park, aa it Is expected the bodies of tha missing will be found In the wreckage at tha rail road culvert. Bodies Float In Creek. IRWIN. Pa., July 6. The greatest prop erty damage done by the flood of Brush creek wa In this vicinity, tne loss railing most heavily on the Pennsylvania railroad. The estimated lose of property at ihla place will, it la ald, reach Keport coming in ahow every bridge along Brush creek wa wahed away. All during the night bodies wera noticed In the mad awlrl of the creek. The first discovery today was trie body of an 8-montha-old baby that waa lodged in the wreckage west ,of town. LATROBB, Pa.. July 6.-Testerday cloudburst washed away tne wnitney, Lloydsvllle aud aeveral oilier bridges. The village of Dorothy waa flooded to the Second story of the houses and many of the people were, rescuea rrora ine upper win dows. Four hundred people wera caught bv the flood at Woodlawn park, but all escaped unhurt. TWO BOYS AND SOME POWDER Explosion Comes and tho Aro How Palnfnlly Thinking It Ovor. Willie Frahm, aged IS years, and hi brother, Charlie Frahm, who Is younger, lie' at the home of their parenta on Fifty third street, near Leavenworth, danger ously burned. The boys had to do with a three-pound can of powder and got the worst of it. To obtain the powder they traded two golf balls to some one in tho vicinity of their home. Sunday morning, while the preachers were In their pulpits, Willie and Charlie Frahm were exploding flrecrackera. The can of powder, with the cover removed, waa .in close proximity for about ten seconds, or until a spark fell that way. The worst happened and tha two little boy writhed In agony. Willi la burned more than his brother, but it is thought both will recover. Or. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Poudor Used by people of refinement for oyer a quarter of a century PREPARED BY BRITONS FETE YANKEE TARS Long Round of Roysl Festivities Planned for Visiting American Crow. STORM HASTENS SQUADRON'S ARRIVAL Admiral Cotton Takes Wlllla Hoeta by Surprise, bnt la Received With Nontberlcsa Twlsk. ling Welcomes. PORTSMOUTH, July S.-In the midst of entertaining President Loubet, England has not neglected to make full prepara tions for ths reception or Rear Admiral Cotton's squadron tomorrow. It had not been expected that the American warships would arrive until tomorrow, and Sir Archi bald Berkeley Milne, the commodore of the royal yachts, specially detailed by King Edward, had a long conference with Sir Charles Hotham, the admiral command ing at Portsmouth and Lord Charles Ber ford commanding the Channel squadron, regarding the details. The heavy weather In the channel, however, unexpectedly drove Keraarge, San Francisco and Chi cago Into Spltfaead tonight. Aa soon a the new waa communicated to Admiral Hotham, the vessels of the channel began (o twinkle a welcome with their electric lights, but beyond this there was no demonstration thla evening. Tha gunboat Machias ha not yet arrived, but ia expected before morning. The city 1 decorated with the British and American colors. The American war ships - assembled at . Sptthead will enter Portsmouth harbor at 8:80 a. m., passing between the linea of British warships, which will fire salutes. This compliment will be returned by Kersearge and its con sorts, which will be escorted to their berths in the Inner harbor. Official calls will then be exchanged by Lord Charles Beresford. Admlrsl Milne and Admiral Cotton. The entertainment will be somewhat on the order of the spectacu lar reception at Kiel, but since King Edward will be unable to be present Ad miral Hotham will be the host tomorrow night, giving a dinner at the Admiralty ' house. - ' On Wednesday, besides the entertain ment at Portamouth. Admiral Cotton and his captains will be the guest of honor nt the London house of the earl of Selbourna, first lord of the admiralty. Later, accom panied by twenty-three other officers of the squadron, they will attend the state ball given In honor of President Loubet at Buckingham Palace. On Thursday the American officers will be entertained at breakfast by the Pilgrim erub, and afterwards Admiral Cotton, the "captains of the American vessels and United States Naval Attache Stockton will dine with the king at Buckingham Palace. On Friday the lord mayor will give the American officers a luncheon at the Man sion House, and in the evening they will attend a dinner at the American embassy, to which King Edward has been invited. Th entertainment ends on July 13 with a ball at Portsmouth. Rear Admiral Cotton will return some of the courtesies extended by giving a reception and dinner on Kersearge on July 14. ; HANNA STAYS IN BUSINESS Denlea Intention to Devote All HI Fntnro Days to Politics. NEW . TORK, .July Senator Hanna. who arrived here today on hi way to visit the president st Oyster Bay, saidr You can say for me that Senator Hanna Is not -going to retire from bualness, jalt reports to the contrary notwithstanding. I have always been in active business and Intend to keep at It Certain people appear to take an ex clusive Interest In my affairs and move ments; Politics is my hobby. I shall con tinue to give It some of my attention until I am too feeble to do anything more, and that will be some time yet. The eenator and Mrs. Hanna fcft for Oyster. Bay on C. A. Griscom's yacht. Briefs from the Conrts. Parmelta M. Reed sues the Banker Union of the World to recover 1636.70 al leged to be due upon Insurance upon the life of her lute husband, Elijah L. Reed. The regular July call of the county court will be made Tuesday and at that lime will be fixed the date for the trial of the Case of Ernest Stuht against P. M. Back, the former seeking to secure a seat in the city council by ousting the latter. A temporary restraining order has been Issued by Judge Read restraining William W. Eastman and wife from removing sewer connections from the property of Frank Barrowclough In Shlnn'S' addition. The order is returnable before Judge Dickin son July 13. The Board of Education of Omaha has filed answer In the case brought by Joy Sutphen to Recure his diploma. The ans wer Is in the form of a general denial of the chaiges made In the complaint of the oupil, but specifically denying that the name of Sutphen was ever certified to the board as one entitled to receive a diploma. Tommy Has Hia Tronbles. Tommy Maloney is meeting with diffi culties In his attempt to get away on a criminal career. Unless fortune deals with nlm better than It did Sunday he may never rank with even the lesser thieves snd safecrackers. Tommy had a good Job fixed un for Sunday and when Mrs. Prones. at 421 Cedar street, proceeded to leave home for part of tne day. Tommy noted bar going. Shortly afterward he found him self in the house clutching (12.50. Then he left the house, but knowing that If he was seen spending money freely he would be suspected, he hoarded the sum. Therefore he had It when Mrs. Propes did some prl- ALLEN'S FOOT.-EASE For Hot, Tired, Aching, Swollen Feet. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cure painful, smaiting, nervous feet and in growing nails, and instantly takes the Kting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Makes tight or new shoes easy. A cer tain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. 30,000 testimonials. Try It to-day. Sold by all Druggets and Shoe stores, tsc. Don't accept a substi tute. Trial package FREE. Address. VUen S. Olmsted. Le Roy, K. Y. HOTELS. c HICAOO'BEACH HOTRl Sirt kMlxst a Uh hit. , A Summer Rssurt on tne city 's edge. Nearl 1000 feel of veranda ovr-looklo( !,.. V ' ,.w rooms, ju mra.w- HARDIN COLLEGE I e I , . I ? A vvievgw mr ' - - f.Ti Amertcaa Conservatory, manned by specialists. Resident fro- 41. 'J arn 1 &an Vk ni Vt ntskaksrtfoa 1" InsBkanaiskai. WESTERN niLITAM . - . ... ... m w..jil Usw4jhi InZuc" TSZZk .m,d "', GO be aU Me ilACaOM, A. Mm vste detective work and discovered her burglar. He Is a very small boy, and hy giving up the coin saved himself from arrest. Hnrt by Windlass. Morris Ackermsn, who lives at 19?0 South Tenth street, was quite severely Injured while working on the Avery building, at Tenth and Leavenworth streets, shout I , o'clock yesterday afternoon. ArKermnn w- handling a wlndlasa on ton of the building, which Is used to draw up building material. The machine has no safety clutch, and when the handle slipped out of Ackermsn s hands It flew up and struck him In tha face. He attempted to grab It and It struck him the second tlmo. When taken to the police station he had two very painful cuts on his forehead. His wounds were dressed by Police Surgeon Schleler and he wss re moved to his home. Overcome hy Hrat. While working on the street yesterday efternoon near Twenty-first and Cass, t". H. Hoffman, who lives at tKX South Twenty-fourth street, wss overcome by tlie i heat. Dr. Eskeldson was called, and when V he arrived found Hoffman In a very serloua ' condition. Hoffman wss removed to hia home, snd after having received medical attention rallied, snd It Is thought he will be all right In a few days. He is employed by the city and works with the street cleaning force. . AOSOLUTI SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. . K2u1 Slgnatur f ate rweteUs Wrapper BoWns. FCX IIABACBL FBI BIZZINESI. FOB IIUCKUUS. ret TORPID LIVER. rcR eeisTiPATioi. rDRftlillWIKIR. rca meoHFLfuci arm tnmsisiiwt. . . CUSE SICK UXADAQNE. National Convention . Y. P. U. of America Atlanta, July 9-I2, IS03 For the above convention ths Lnoisvlllo A Naahvllla It. It. will sell round trip tickets at ONE FARE FOR THS HOUND TRIP. Tickets will be on sale July 7, 8. t and 10, and are good returning until July . 16. except that by depositing ' ticket in Atlanta an extension ' of ro'urn limit can oe secured . until August 15th. Three trains daiiy via the Louisville A NciV-illa R. R. between Bt. Lt'Uia and Atlanta, with double dMJy Sleeping Car service through to Atlanta. The route ' . It via Nashville, , the capital of Tennessee, and , through a , ,v , country riade famous by the Civil War, and giving passen- rers a view of Chattanooga. . Lockout Mountain and many famous tattle fields. For rates and further information ad dress c. h. f:tz3erald, ; Trav. Pass. Agt., L. A N. R. R. Kanaa City, Mo: or J. E. DAVENPORT. Civ. Pass. Agt., L. N. R. R iiL Leuia, Mo. HAND SAPOLIO , It ensures an enjoyable, Invifor-. r.'.'.ng bath ; makes every pore -I ;ipuul, icuiuvci dead skiu, ENBR0IZE5 THE WHOLB BODY starts the circulation, and leaves a t'.ow equal to a Turkish bath. ALL OROCEKS AND DKUGOIftXt. AMISE.MEMTS. BOYD'S FERRIS STOCK CO, Tonight, Tomorrow Mat. and Night. NORTHERN LIGHTS. . Thursday snd Balance of r Week TWO ORPHANS. Matinee, -ny seat, 10u; night. 10-15-25c. !0TH BIG WEEK B ASE BALL OMAHA DENVER, Vinton tret Park, Jnly T-S-ft. Game CVUed at :. ' SCHOOLS. Racine College Grammar School "THE SCHOOL THAT MAKES UAHLY BOYS" b..m1i. utAw TTnitAi- an Inatruntar. Its Graduate enter any Collese. or university. sWolal and Ath letic advantagea. Military Drill. sl... -1 a tm IT Vaua Ola. U MtratoS eataloa-oe ml en applloaftoa e HENRY DO OLAS ROBINSON. War, 1! I KStta:. Wisconsin. p Winlworlh Military Icadimy Jl OMMt and Ukm mUltary schoel Is Mid- dl Wort. Government urvlks and equipment Army omcer aetnlleu. Wfc,niiwm w. a. s,ayi.,unsiM. POTTER COLLEBE rornXay!m- Pupil Iron U 1UU1 M uulitn. Hoarding Silt llmlUa to 10. Verr nUct. EveryCblM If hut trimr. Recommended kr l4ln( Ban of V. S. Son lor kMatiful uulofu. Rov. B. P. CABRUU Proot. AND CONSERVATORY FOR LADIES fYary ssan an as a . NMklMNfm h CARTERS , .. .- n.. a ... Mn PAlUaa I fl VMN IT irBIDWl IsnCUItT . Uirn IU fs3aoM tmramt m . Hrsari Clrlu f or et.or u. ftddrM JO Hit W. HILXJOI, Pm, 43 Coliff PUot, MKXICO. MO. ACADEUY "TLr"- rwillo-htfiil Imitlne Namhu UmltoA. Minlnflt Delightful tocatloa. Number Umltoi. J cats. Local roloioacvs. - -1