TITK OMATIA DAILY 31EE: SATURDAY, JULY 4. 1003. SPECIAL NOTICES j- , Kffrllarmrnti for these rolimni will be take aatll 13 an. for the Train edltloa and aatll H .In p. Ml. for nnrilm and gander edltloa. Rates, 1 a vrord Iral Inirrllnn, ir, a worn intrraiif r, notniig iikn for lea thaa line tor the Ural laaer tlon. These idtrrllff mrnti mill be ran eonaecatlvely. Advertiser, by rrqoritlig a aam fcered rhrrk, raa bare aninrn ad dressed to a anmbered letter la rare. f The Bf. Answers ao addressed will be delivered sreetattoa of heck oaly. WASTED- MAI.B HELP. SUMMER TERM JULY 6. Bookkeeping. Stenography, Touch Type writing, penmanship, etc. Experienced teachers. Delightful rooms; fire-proof building; all modern mcthoiia and fuctll t'es. Htudents adir.itted every day. "Phone, call or write for prospectus. BOYLES COLLEGE. Tel. 1384. New York Life Building. B lee 26 SCHOOL, teachers for summer work at good salaries. Bee Manager, SOU War Blk. B-16 WANTED, a young man as assistant book keeper In large retail store; must have several yeurs prucllcal experience on ledger work and be rapid and correct; flrst-cliiss references required. Address O 66, Bee. B M9.il 4x WANTED, several good portrait solicitor or men who h.vo been successful as gen eral solicitors; must bo neat appearing and furnish Al references. New propo sition, big money. Address (J 63, bee office. B Ml 4x WANTED, an experienced teacher and stenographer using the lienn Pitman sys tem of shorthand. Inquire of the North western Business College, Beatrice, Neb. B M130 4 WANTED, carpenters to stay away from Omaha, as the lockout la still pending. B M3so 4x WANTED for U. S. army, able-bodied un married men between ugea of 21 and 36; citirens of United Slatea, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can spes.k, read and write English. For Information, apply to recruiting officer, liith and Dodge Bis., Omaha, und Koehler hotel, Orand Island, "Neb. B WANTED, a competent young man to keep a set of books in a large retail store; mnar Viiiva eYtiertence and come well rec ommended; stendy position for the right party. Address H 4, Bee. u-naoii WANTED, several Rood, reliable poultry huckxters to buy poultry In country near by Omaha; salary and commission; must give references. Address n a, nee. B M297 5 Al ENGRAVER, steady Job and good wages. Address Meyer Jewelry Co., Kan sas City, Mo. B 303 3x iuiTirn iVavAinrf an nrzanlze "Social Purity" Clubs;" salary to start, MO and commission enough to average $100 a month; both sexes employed: write quick. J. L. Nichols & Co., Napervllhlll WANTED Young man for general office work by wholesale house; state age, ex perience and salary wanted. Address H 7, tiee omce. A good position is always open for a com .,).,. wi fiim.-iiltv is to find It. We have openings for high-grade men In all capacities execjtlve, technical and c'erlcal. Openings for college men. "Right places for right men and right men lor right places." Write for plan and booklet, Hspgoods (Incorporated), Uulte 530, Mo nadnock Building, Chicago. B If AN with references for commercial trav eler, to call on merchants and agents; ex perience not required; salary $24 per week, with expenses advanced. National, 332 Dearborn St., Chicago. , B 323 6x WANTED Several persons of good char acter in each state for house of good standing; salary vat casn weeaiy, wun pens money advanced. Colonial, Caxton bldg., Chicago. B M320 6x WANTED at oace. male cook alo three competent girls for kitchen work. Apply Cudahy Restaurant, South Omaha. B 838 5 YOUNG man experienced In amateur pho tography and can make himself generally useful. H 10, Bee. B M334 6x WANTED, man and wife without children to work on farm in Iowa, $30.00 per month, everything fumlBhed. Address H 12. Bee office. B-M332 7X WANTED, men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chlrwgo. I) M3289x SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED, salesman to travel and repre sent an old-established firm; must be wideawake and a hustler; prefer one who has had experience in selling goods to farmers; $30 a week and expenses. Ad dress, giving past experience and refer ences, Q 64. Bee office. M990 4x iVANTED, saleeman to Bell wrapping - paper, bags and woodenware; must be experienced and have an established trade: state territory, and salary ex pected; references required. Pill Becker Paper Co.. Sioux City. Ia. M-293 4 WANTED Reliable aalesman to handle first-class line of mixed paints and other specialties; references required! Ameri can Lino-Oil Co., Cleveland, O. M3U 8x WANTED, a sign writer; must have ex- rrlence and be a rapid workman. Apply L. Ursndels ft Sons. B M839 6x WANTED FEMALE HELP. - 100 Girls Call Canadian office, 16th ft Dodge. IDA LADIES can make from $75.00 to $100.00 per month selling our suite, walking skirts, Mrui, ir no rxitrience reuulred; can devote part or all of your time. Writ for partlculare and outfit. National Cor set at BKlrl CO., Lieiron. M"-"M40a 13 2 LAUNDRY women. Flat work. Millard hotel. v . WANTED, an experienced second girl; good wagea. 2241 Howard O au.ft 4 DINING room glrla. C 280 4 AN EXPERIENCED demonstrator wanted who can place a demonstration for a skirt supporter and waist former In one of the leading department stores: good salaiy; state articles previously demon strated. Address spencer & ttoeaereia Adams Bldg.. San Francisco. Cal. C M2S9 30X WANTED, girl for light housework in small family. 21U Ohio tit. C-i72 Sx 1 PANTRV girl. Arply Millard hotel, to N. r.- Bige- WASTF". a cook. Mrs. Joseph Birker 15u5 8. Sth Rt. C-M294 fex WANTED, competent girl for general housework: th'ee In family. Mrs George B. Lake. :7 Dodge St. C-M2&3 4x TWO laundry women; fiat work. Millard hotel. C-:79 4 FOUR dlnlngroom glrla. Millard hntl. C-2S0 4 ONE pantry girl. Apply Millard htel to N. K. Bag. -! a wiNTKl). Jlrl. white or colored, for gen eral hoiiKework. In family of three: II per week. Apply 3(2 rarnam. c G02 4x WANTUD. experienced lady bookkeeper for wholesale nouse: iwrminfni position for right Person. AdJrtss 11 a, uee. C-S01 s . wkNTirn-Good atrong girl for genera housework: wages $6 per we k .' 8 .th. C-M-T27 lx FOR RENT HOI SI'S. 1CPQ n -H Prta of the city. R. IlVJUoCD c. Pettra A Co.. Be Bldg. D 143 FOR RENT. 7-room house, all modern ex cept furnace. 14 N. 3oth at. $2). C. M. Bachman, 436-37 Paxton blk. D 34k LLOI ICCC in all pa rta of tlie city. The O. tlvJUDCD F. Davis Co.. 6j8 Bee Rldrf D 13 PAYNE-POST WICK CO. Choice housea -u Nsw York Life Bldg. 'Phone l"'4. P-0 FOR BESTHOI 9E. HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. D-167 LARGE, pleasant, furnished house for rent. Addresa O ;. Dee. I 1&4 12 Fort nKNT. fins mMern residence, newly painted and papered, large barn and I shade. No. l(Hj South iiith street. Four rooms, city water, mil Pierce Bt., 5. Thr(-room house. l:tth and William, IS. JOHN W. ROBB1N8, 18u3 FARNAM 8T. 8K' BT. MARY'S AVE , -r.. mod., $30.00. 1914 1ocust, 9-r., mod.; large lawn, lil.&U. 2110 8. 81th, 8 rooms, 11800. UA11V1N BROS., I'M FARNAM Kl. D Mass I FOR RENT. NICE flat In Normandie apartment house. Seven-room modern house. 1018 8. 2th St. HENRY F. UAlLtY. 'Phone F-3i! 6ol Bee Bldg. D Mi93 8 HANDSOME new two-story modern cot- lane, fine location, north. 123.00. ERNEST SWEET. 613 N. Y. L. TEL. 1472. u Mass TWO -room houses, all modern, 118.00. C. M. Bachmann, 430-37 Fnxton block. D M769 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage to., omce ibiit f arnam, or ieia. imj-. D lt8 SMALL cottage, In good condition; cistern and city water; ciose to distillery and brewery, 2008 S. id St. D M273 GROOM cottage. 2606 Franklin St. D 294 FOR RENT, nine-room modern house. 122 8. 26th St.; furnace, porcelain bath, sta tionary wash stands; $40. N. P. Dodge A. Co., 1614 Farnam St. D-315 6 FOR RENT, 8-room house, modern, good repair. 1148 8. 29th at. Inquire R. J. Dinning, 1110 Howard st D 314 6x WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor- age Co. Tel. usri. umce, iua v eDsier ot. u ooi i ONE of the fine, all modern, 7-room brick housea. 29th and Izard ata., $20. O. E. Turklngton, fr Bee. D M224 2437 HARNEY, 9-room modern. tSo per month. Wm. K. Potter, Rec, Brown blk. D 267 CENTRAL, lat-clasa 7-room house, 220 N. 23 Li Mu FOR KENT, ten-room moaern nouse near II Kh school, no. 4iz Norm U2i street, in- quire next door or at 419 N. Y. Life buHd- I ing. V a 2M2 Capitol ave., t rooms. 21 IS Rurdette, 11 rooms ... 2836 Charles, t rooms .J Jo. 00 zB.iu 15.00 D 329 5 2813 tVOOLWORTH AVE., S rooma, mod ern, $25; 2423 Ersklne, 6 rooms, modern, $20: 1619 Howard, 3-room modern flat. $12.80; others. Rlngwalt Bros.. Barker block. D 333 5 FOR REST Fl'RSISHED ItOOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 169 AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th Ac Dodge. E 170 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. E 171 L. M. E. haul trunks. Telephone 780. tr It $1.00 to $2.00 per week, 422 8. 18th St., one . i i. w -a l . "t, D1UCK lUUin U& CUU1 I UUUH. CJ no NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; Gentlemen preferred. 1425 N. 17th. E 207 ELEGANT rooms, 1909 Capitol Avenue. ' " 1 LOVELY large front, strictly modern, V,VZly, S, PaK-reu. Ji I '"" j " - l,isninnnin,iiiif.n ""' I rooms. $2 to $4 per week. Tel. B-2647. E 732 20 FRONT room, modern, $2 wk. 1717 Webster, Hi UU S)X NICE cool rooma, 115 80. 20th, $6 up. . . . JB-SJB f ELEGANTLY modern, furnished and un furnished rooms in nice new pricK duuq- lng. close to business center. 1616 Webster BtT E-M1S5 4 THREE lars-e. cool, elegantly furnished rooms, all moaern conveniences, inciuumg telephone; suitable for light housekeeping. 116 So. 26tn Bt. i-none, u-zww. tuaisoi DESIRABLE rooms at the Pratt, $12 So. 25th St. jy 1 ei O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 780. ittso NICELY furnished rooms. 8312 Douglas. E M334 10 FIRNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. THE FARNAM, 19th ft Farnam; F-174 609 8. 28TH AVE.; private family. F 176 NICELY furnished rooma, with or without hrtarri' flnT itoara ur meal tiekota. rea- sonabie. Midland Hotel, 16th and Chicago Bta. 177 , RUMMER resort. The Merrlam. Mrs. Riley. Manager. rnm . - , a THE KENWOOD 261$ Farnam Street. Phone 3043. F M523 THE ROSE. 2029 Harney, nice cool rooms. good board; rates reasonable; aiso meat tickets. wiv tv COOL south rooms, with board. 1818 Dodge St. Tel. AZ4UI. r aiooi u FOR RENT I'N FURNISHED ROOMS. FIVE larg4. desirable rooms, light house- keeping, shade ana law a. uo G 261 ( FOR RENT, unfurnished rooms, 708 8. 16th. N. P. Dodge t-o., rarnaiu. . G 818 a FIRNITIRE PACKING. PETERSON ft LUNDBERG. 116 So. 17th. lei. . FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by l tie nee at vie raruttui 01. &t uus four stories and a basement which waa formerly used as The Bee presa room, i .iu will ba rented very reasonably. If inlereBieu apply at omce vi v-. . xoe- water, secrsuiry, room 100, Be building, -VI v-iir rent, building suitable for whole sale purposes at 916 Farnam, 22x90, four S to lee tttlu nril-ULAlB Lcmcincy uakuiciii, elevator, lire n w ui tm, ,au,i, office counter and fixtures. For prlt and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec- i-etarv the Bs Building Co., room loO. Bee building. 1 Mi67 AGENTS, WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents count v to aollclt auoscriptlona In every to TH E TWtNTlETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with asaured good in -omu. Agciu In the country with horsi -omu. Agciua In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Cunvassers make easily $00 to lw per month. Ad- dres:. Century Farmer bJllcltora' Bureau. Bee building. Omuh. J 213 OFFICE rpom at 1615 Doug la. I-M305 ix AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Asents to sell oil stock in new oil company to develop Ohio proven oil land: oil 1160 at the won; straight, gut- edge proposition; enormous profits, quick and sure; uoerai terms 10 goou agtnia. Address P O. Box UMS, Pittsburg, fa. ' J-124 Ix AGENTS wanted to handle the Cyclone unary hand fan. the greatest (riling nov. eltv of the seaeon: immense profits: sam ple, postpaid. 26c. Enterprise Mfg Co., 164 -k at., Chicago, iiu . j-za 4x WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent, a tent about 20x40 or goxi" feet, with aix-foot aide wall, in good condition. lor season or eight waeKB Degin ning Augnat 16 Addreaa. with full p.r tlculars. H 15. Be. -kll-8 lux OUR AD MEN WILL WRITE YOUR WANT AD SO AS TO BRING BEST RETURNS. TELEPHONE 238 AND ONE WILL CALL WATEn TO BUY. WAKTElVTo buy, a grxyi second-hand tent about 20x40 or 20x30 feet, with six-foot sldewall, ropes, poles, etc. Address, quot ing lowest price and full particulars. H IS, Pee. N-M.i: lox Foil SALE FURSITIRE. CHICAOO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel 20:0. New and second-hand bought, sold, exchanged. O 180 I FOR BALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. HAVE, your rubber tires set while you wait. H. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P 181 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WIRE fence for hogs, poultry, JaWn and farms. Wire Works. 611 8. 16th. Tel. l&W. Q-678 12 FOR SALE, first mortgage note bearing 6 per cent interest, payable every six months; has about 2H years to run; good security and endorsed by responsible party; amount, $1,800. Inquire C. M. Bachman, Room 4a, Paxton block. Q-6& NEW and Jd-hand typewriters. 1119 Farnam. Q-1S5 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1118 Farnsm. W 188 PHOTOGRAPH CAR for sale. Apply Rose's Art store. Q 183 FOR SALE Second-hand Locomobile, in nrst-ciaas snape, ai one-nan price, nil or aaurees idi r arnam w, u dm INDIAN goods and relics. 111S Farnam. Q 182 BUSINESS college scholarship for sale at a bargain in one or umana a leading com mercial collegea; life scholarship. Address 8 4. tioe omce. VI M,l6x FOR SALE A new 800 ampere double pole ewncn; never oeen usea Ajipiy lo or art- dress Superintendent Bee Bulldlnor. umana. vt Mitl FOR SALE 4 celling eotrio fans. 150.00, w. B. Baldun, YoM i'arnam st. Q 300 fc IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trel- lines, western Ancnor f ence v;o.. zu& jn 17Ui Bt Q 184 CATALOGUE cut drug price free. Sher man at Mcconneii Drug Co., Omaha. 4 1 FOR SALE 1,600 feet of second-hand wire rope, in gooa condition. Apply to ur auaregs superintendent of Bee Bund. Ing, Omaha." Q M766 TELEPHONE poles, long fir timbers; uuieiven ience; oaa piling. .JMl uougias. (4-1SS FOR SALE Crane hvdraulln elevator: pan uo uara euner passenger or freight; com plete, iron guide posts, cage and wire en closures, j. u. Brandels 4 Sons. Q 698 MISCELLANEOUS. HAMBLETONIAN stallion, Bannockburn; me largest ana rasiest norse In tlmana, sired by a grandson, dam a granddaugh ter of Hambletonlan 10; will stand for stock at 4021 N. 16th St. Adam Thomson. R M287 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. LIICRRTIA. meritnm 1700 r,lirnrr,1a '9 MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN IjAUI UUi-iDM ox clalrvovantu : every thing told; past, present and futuro. Sat- lsfactlon or no pav. 807 N. 18th. S190 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. GRACE O' BRYAN, Baths. 720 S. 13th. v . . T M69S MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, r. 8 - 1 T-rS0f MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard St., baths; flrat- ciass assistant. T 273 Jyll EMOLINE 8HEPARD, massage, vapor and oaius. Assistant, za noor, M. 16th sL T 836 Jy4 MISS HOWARD, elegant massage and vapor baths; alcohol rubbing. 817H N. 15th, flat E. ,T-M265 al I LENA DE GROSSI, massage baths. Egyp tian treatment, mil .ueavenwortn tit., flat 8. T M2 al PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous nair removed iy electricity, n. j ana 8, 1505 Farnam st. U 191 ELITE PARLORS, 615 S.lth tt 2d floor. ... U 14 VIAVLa aoleaome nerve and tissue food 1 ana nuir o treatrnent I'Jr uisuraera or women. Free booklet. Vlavl Cp., 348 Bee tsiag. . u 193 I MAGNET PILE .KILLER, IT CURES. U-19S . a J . . a. 1 .t uBs"i, PRIVATE home during confinement; babies aaoptea. ine uooa uamaritan Hanltarlum, 728 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, Ia. U 196 IC. EDERER, Bristol St. florist. Tel. 1795. . U-197 CHIROPODY, manicuring, scalp, facial. hygiene and special massage taught and practiced. A. Mayer, 612 Hoe Bldg. Con sultation free. Use Re-No-May Powder. I U 198 WE RENT sewing machines, 75o per week; .we repair ana sen pans for an makes Of machines. Neuraska '.ycie to., cor. 15th and Harney sts. 'Phone 11G3. U i3 Jyl9 $30 WE CURE RUPTURE FOR $30 No detention from Dunnes; lb. two cured patients; Bend for booklet, eta. Empire jtupture t o.. r.ew York Life bd?.. Omaha, Neb. U-19S PRIVATE Santltarlum for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Oerisch, 8625 California 8t. Tem renii able. - V-831 Jy25 PRIVATE hospital before and during con- nnement; reHt medical care ana nursing. Mrs. L. Flnlier. 1501 Vinton. Tel. 189. U-588 WANTED, 5f0 ladles to visit our Garment Cutting College to see Its workings and teat Its merits bv taking one leeson free. Room KT. Paxton block, corner Jth and Farnam Sts. U-M647 20 r"ricri 'n ana arter inis nare, juiy 1 lyw. 1 will nor ne responsioie ror any debts contracted bv Mrs. A. P. Widman, my wife, who has left on her own accord. A. P. Widman. 1401 S. 10th St.. Omaha. U-278 Sx PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; baule poaraea ann saornea. Mrs. Gardeis. 1211 Lake. Tel. Red-ls4 U M284 TELEPHONE TSO for O. M. E. messengers. 11 zou MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. wanted, cltv loans, and warrants. W, Farnam Smith ft Co., 13JL) Farnam street. WANTED, city and farm loins; also bonds .nd warrants. R. C. Pelere ft Co., 17u2 . "nst., Uee Bldg. W-202 ' -r'""" - W 2U1 varm and cltv loans: low rates. W. II Thomaa, t int rat 1 nana ria. tei. ii W 2UJ PRIVATE money. Bherwood. 937 N. Y. Life W iO 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemla, Paxton block. W-2ui FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. 1604 Farnam. w a PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Dougla. MONEY TO LOANCHATTELS. CHATTEL, alary and Jewelry loana. Foley lx,un Co, uc. to u. ureen, it. s. parser na. x a I MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried - I people; Duaineas connaennai; loweat ruiee. - I 614 Pa too block. Tte J. A. Hutton Co. I A. SI MOSEY TO I.O AM CHATTELS. MONEY To salaried employes and wage earners: Get our system o loans that gets you out of debt. Any lady br gentleman, machinist, engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get, Juat on hia note: Monthly. Weekly. $100 Return to ua...$: 66 or $13 36 or $6 $ 60 Return to us... 13.33 or 6 t or $36 26 Return to us. .. w or 1.33 or l.eti IS Return to UB... 4 00 or 2.00 or 1.00 Easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential. No inquiries. yulcK, service, courteous treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLK. A. -IB EASY TO GET TO PAY Pest explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. Or if you have a permanent position we can make you a SALARY LOAN without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service la quick and confidential and we nlwaya try to please. All that we ask is that you give us a cau before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Kldg. Tel. 2296. (Established lrt.) 308 So. 16th St. , X 209 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SALARIES, ETC. Low rateB and easy term. Business Confidential. Try us if vou want to save money. FHOENIX CREDIT CO.. $33 Paxton Block. 16th and Farnarngts. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team stere, boarding houses, etc . without ee curlty; easiest term. 40 offlcea In prln cfpnl cltlee. Tolman, 440 BoanJ of Trade Bldg. i X-412 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 319 8. 13. , ' . X 216 DO YOU NEED MONEY? MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND SALARIES. $10 to $300 loaned on FURNITURE, PIANOS, etc., and to SALARIED PEOPLE at very low rates and for any length of time, without nuhilcitv or moving the prop erty. Pavmenta can be made to suit your convenience. Call and get our terms before going elsewhere. RELIANCE CREDIT CO.. Room 808. PaxtonBlock. Room SOS. X 210 SALARY LOANS UPON PLAIN NOTES. American Loan Co., Paxton block, Sdjloor. BUSINESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any propertv or business quick, Bee J.H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y-2I7 BLACKSMITH shop, complete equipment of tools, and town lot, good location, worth $1,000; will sacrifice for $600; good reasons for selling. Address or call G. C. Potter, Kirkman, la. Y M287 3x FOR SALE PhyMclan'ls practice worth Twenty-five hundred per year; will sell at a sacrifice; located in co. seat town, good farming country; retiring from business. Address H 6, Omaha Bee. Y M308 9x PARTNERS WANTED An old-established Chicago mall order house with a suc cessful record of 18 years and doing busi ness all over the world, desires to distrib ute some of Its shares of stock to one or two reliable parties in every town of the country and thereby gain Influential local representation; highly profitable enter prise; high class an strictly legitimate. For full particulars address Lord ft Thomas, 813 Trudepjf., Chlenro FOR SALE, drfig sfore, In Harlan Bounty, Nebraska. R.x. from3 two doctoral no ' saloon in town; large -territory, good rea sons for selling. Address H n.JSee. , . Y 330 Kx .' POR EXCHANGE!. " FOR EXCHANGE. Five 28x125 ft. clear lots, block 8. Clover dale addition, Omaha, for lots or property in Denver, or will sell at a bargain. Ad dress E. A. Cooper, 1000 17th Bt., Denver, Colo. . , . Z MS37 4x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A SNAP, A neat three-room house and summer kitchen' near 32d and California St.; lot 63x90, on alley. A snap at $300 if sold at once. N. P. Dodge ft Co., 1614 Farnam st. RE 316 6 WILLIAMSON CHARLES E., 1208 Fa rnam street. Rii-218 HOUSES and lots in all parts of city; also acre properly and faxm lands. The O. F. . , 1 . . v, r , ..1 , T. I.- uavis to., rtooin sua, iwt oiua. v GOOD HOME. We have a seven-room house and full lot in Orchard Hill for $97o on easy terms or cash. Let us show it to you. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1614 Farnam St. . RE 317 8 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUester, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 219 10-ROOM modern house. 11 blocks from Bostomce for Bale cheap. 108 in. ittn. enewa 4 Co. RE 220 HOME AND INVESTMENT. Two five-room cottages on lot 60x128 ft. ; south rront on Charles Bt., near 33d si.; price $2,000. N. P. Dodge ft Co., 1614 Far nam St. . . RE 318 6 INVESTMENT. , INCOME PROPERTY. $180 per month. . Rental, $2,160 00 per annum. EXPENSE. Last county tax f 98.(0 Last city tax 203.44 Water rent, per annum 100.60 Insurance, $12,600, per annum 68.60 Total of fixed charges $ 466.14 Interest on purchase price, I per cent on $18,000 i,uw.uu $1,646.14 For repairs and contingencies 613.86 $2,160.00 What better proposition can you gatT This Is Farnam street property, rnce, ib,wu. Terms reasonable. Apply THE BYRON REED CO., 212 8. 14th. RE 831 t ACCOHDEON PLEATING. MRS. GOLDMAN, 800 Dougla block M-T7J BABBITT METAL. FRICTIONLESS. worth 26c; closing it out at JoC. XI. D. jnaiiu, n. lit uiu, nai I x.bmiv. 736 21 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tl Co., 811 North 16th. m R. RUMBEL ft BON, only tl factory In the atate. Try u. 141U and Nlcholaa, Tel. F3369. M 768 23 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL klnda of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, !"th aiiu uuil Bireeia. siv CARPET CLEANING. A. K. JETT calls for carpets. Tel. A-SJ0. M294 Al CONTRACTORS AND BCILDERS. A. 3. P1ERSON, 80th and Burt. Tel. L-2VK. 518 DENTISTS. C. H. PAUL, removed to realdenc. 2022 Hurt Tel. t -Z.Ji. ZSa PR E H. BRUENINQ, 438 Paxton block. rnou ,, mst 9 DRRSSM.4KIa. DRESSMAKING parlors at 2333 Seward St. m 4 DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK, $17 Ksrbach block. Tel. A-2832. Kg EXPERT ACCOIKTAJIT. O. R. Rathbun, room 16, Com ! Nat Bank. 227 FLORISTS. HESS 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. 228 U HENDERSON, florist, 1415 Farnam St. 229 FIRXITIRE PACKIX1. GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire epnngs ngmenea. xoi. B-arrs. i,oe st. Mary'B Ave. y$ GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. i3 GOLD ASD SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535 231 LAWXMOWERS. 8HARPENED. P. Melcholr, 13th & Howard 232 LAWNMOWEKS sharpened, saws filed umbrellas repaired, keys, etc, 301) N. lth. Tel. 2974. 2T.t LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN & PRICE, 23 U. 8. N'l B k. bid. -334 1 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. , 235 MACFARLAND ft MAY, Nei Bldg., room 304. "Phone 1562. York Life 23 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel ouppiy. . nou ieavenwortn. Tel. A-1783. 237 LOST. LOST, Jersey cow, has short horns. Finder please notify O. Cunningham, 1408 Harney or tun so. sutn Ave. iost 404 3x LOST Harney St., between 10th. and 19th, package containing child s dress. Re ward for return to 1G08 Capitol ave. Lost 335 4x MUSICAL, THOS. J. KELLY. Voice. Davidge Block. 369 OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC. 318 Riimn blk.; summer term. Apply F. H.'TVrlglit. M. J. VS. 11 V-IVI . 4 I1UI1D 1 1 I . -M282 15 MEDICAL. DENVER-FREE CLINIC OMAHA. Smith ft Ephralm, the healers, will give free treatments Thursday and Saturday after $ p. m. So-called incurable disease absolutely cured. 1816 Dodge St. 278 3x OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. ft ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths, ouite aio, new lor re aag. Tel. i'4 839 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. i362. 240 Atzen ft Farwell, Pftxton Blk., 604-7. T. 1365. M241 DRS. FINCH ft MILLER, 124 S. 25th 8t. 481 Dr. Grace Deegan, 509 McCague. Tel. 2352. 24 PATENTS. H. 3. COWGILL No fee unless successful. . sis b. jotn at., umana. Tel. 1798 43 PRINTING, BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS Printing Co. Linotype compos! tlon. Tel. 2190. . 245 CALL up Gardner Printing Co0 Tel. A-8263 for all kinds of job printing. 617 8. 13th St 228 8 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 641. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. PAINTERS and piperhangers, 707. S. 27th St. Bee us for first-class work, or tele prone 8141. Ward ft Harpeter. 179 $ RUG MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven.. Tel. 20C8. . - 242. fcTAMMERfNG AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 247 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING! A, C, VAN SANT'S achool. 717 N. Y.. Life. .-248 NEB. Business ft Shorthand College. Boyd's xiitssior. 249 STORAGE. OM. Van Btor. Co., 1611V, Farn. Tel 1659-82. 250 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. f. n. i-nuoin, uu arnam. - 'Phone 784. 663 THINKS AND BAGGAGE. THE' DEPOT on time. O. M. E. Tel. 7S0. 251 WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED To borrow $450 on each of two nuuin umana wen-rentexl dwellings, with grounds; security ample, at 7 per cent wiuiuui commission. Aaares tl s, Bee. M3 7 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all interested, as changes may occur at any time). Foreign malls for the week endlnr Julv 4. 1903, will close (PROMPTLY in ull cases) at th general poalolllce as follows: pur-ecl-post mails close 0110 hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-post mails for Germany close at 6 p. m. Wednes day. Regular and supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half an hour later than closing lime shown below (except that sup plementary mails tor Europe and Cn.iul America, via Colon, close one hour later at oreign station). Transatlantic Mails. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BELGIUM di rect, per b. s. Kroonlaiid (mail muht be directed "per a. a. Kroonlaiid "); at. 8 30 a. m. (supplementary hi a. m ) for -EUROPE, per a s. Umliria, via Queenstown; at 9.30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. B. Furnessia (mall must be directed "per s. s. Furnessia. '); at 10:30 a. m for ITALY direct, per s. s. Princess Irene imail must be directed "per s. s. princess rene 'l. at 11 a. m. for DENMARK, di rect, per a a. Norgn (mall must be direct ed "per a s. Nor go"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer ' takes Printed Matter. Commercial Pa pers, and oauiplea for Germany only. The . uu class tf in all matter for other part rOSTOFFICE KOTK'li. of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless speclnlly directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary 1 ranilaiuic Mnils nntned nlnive nd'i! tlnnal Supplementary Mulls are opened on tn piers or tne American. Kngiin, French and Uernmn stemers, and remain open until within Ton Minutes of the hour of sailing of Humor, Malls for nnh and Central America, . West Indies, Etc. SATURDAY At 6:30 a. m for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SAVAMLLA, CAR TAGENA and GREYTOWN. per a. s. Alene imall for Costa Rica must be di rected "per s. s. Alene-'); t 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad; at 8 Jo a. m. (supplerT-ent-ry t .; a. m ) for CURA CAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Zulln (mnll for Hnvnnllla nnd Cartagena must be directed "per a. s. Zulla"): at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per a. s. Coamo, via San Juan. Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex cept Transpacific. CUBA By rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and tnence oy steamer, closes at tnis omce dally, except Thursday, at 5:30 a. m. (the connecting mails close here on Mondays, VHn,RilAVI Hint Ratnrdavll MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially aaaressen ior nespntcn nv sienmer, closes at Uil office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 D. m. and 11:30 D. m. Sundava at 1 n. m. nnd 11 :30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Svd- ney. and thence by atenmer. closes at thla office dally at 6:30 p m. (connecting malls close here every Monday, Wednesday and Pnturdny. JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this onlce at 6:80 p. m. every Tuesday nnd Thursday. MIQUELON By roll to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally at 6:30 p. in. BELIZE. TUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA t-ty ran to isew urieans, and thence, by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. nnd 11:30 p. m , Sundays at 1 p. m. nnd Jll:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Men da vs at (11:30 P. in ) COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and thence oy steamer, closes at tins otlice dallv, except Sunday, at Jl:30 p. in. and 11:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. nnd 111:30 p. m. (connecting mail closes her Tues days nt 511:30 p. m.) Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. pre vious day. Transpaelflo Malls. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to June jun. in clusive, for despatch per s. s. Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here dully at 6:30 p. m. up to June S3ith. Inclusive,' for des patch pur a. s. Empress of China. (Mer chandise for U. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) HAWAII, CHINA, JAPAN and PHILIP- PINK ltiLiAiNiis, via san rrartPigco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to July t'-'d. In clusive, for despatch per s. s. Hong Kong Mnru CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here dolly at 6:30 p. m. up to July loth, Inclusive, for despatch ner s. s. Akl Maru. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via Kan f rancisco, close here daily at 6:30 d. m. up to July (5th, Inclusive, for dos- patch per a. s. Mariposa. HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to July 101h, inclu sive, for despatch Per a. s. City of Peklnir. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (exo.pt . 1 . N X' ,.-!, ,'t T?, T . nlll . .... . and HAWAII, via Han Francisco, Hose , here dally at 6:30 p. m. after June (I'oth and up to July glllh, inclusive, for dee ' patch per s. s. Sonoma. (If the Cunard atenmer carrying the British mall for t New Zealand does not arrive In time to , connect with this despatch, extra malls closing at 6:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. wiil be made up and forwarded until the arrival of tho Cunard steamer.) AUSTRALIA (except West), FIJI ISLANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C.', close here daily at 0:30 p. m. after July (11th and up ' to July 818th. inclusive, for despatch per s. B. Mlowera. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, vie San Fran , cisco, close here dally at 6:30 p: m. up to July 27th, Inclusive, for despatch per U. 8. Transport. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to July 23th, ' inclusive, for despatch per a. a. Olympia. . NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, West Australia ' Is forwarded via Europe, and New Zealand and Philippines via San Fran cescothe quickest -route. .Philippine Specially, addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe must be fully prepaid at the for eign rates. Hawaii la forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. ' Transpacific malls ate forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of closing is arranged on the presumption of .their uninterrupted overland transit. (Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postofflce. New York. N. Y..' um 26, 1903. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master, Cheyenne, Wyo., JUne 9,- 19o3. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be re ceived at thla olfice until 2 o'clock p. m.. mountain time, July 9, l:i3, and then cpened for constructing about 11,000 feet of 12-Inch irrigating conduit from Cheyenne City's Gate tibuse on Crow creek, to the head of the irrigating system at Fort D. A. Rus sell, Wyo. Bidders must state In their bid the time In which they will complete the work. Proposals must be accompanied by two guarantee Justifying, Jointly, in double the amount of 10 per cent of the bid. Full Information, blank forms, plans, and specifications furnished on application to this office; also to tl.e office of the chief quartermaster, Chicago, Denver, Omaha and St. Paul. United States reserve the right lo accept or reject any or all bid or- any part thereof. Envelope containing bids to be Indorsed "Proposal for Irrigating Conduit for Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., ana sguressea to uapiain w. a. ncoir, con structing quartermaster, Cheyenne, Wyo. J -10 jy 1-4-6-7 M PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY HORSES Office Chief Ouartarmastar, Denver; Colo.. June 15, 193. Staled proposals, In triplicate, win De receivea here until li a. m., juiy s, 1903, ior lurni.sning sixteen cavalry norms lequlred at Fort Mackenzie. Wyo. Horses to be In accordance with specliicatlonB In circular of Instructions to hinders, which will be furnished together with blank pro posals! on application to this office. U. 8. reserves the right to accept or reject ny or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should he marked "Proposals for Cavalry Horses" and addreBned Lt Col. J. W. Popo. Chief Q. M. SEALED PROPOSALS ADDRESSED TO Moses Harris, general treasurer Na tional Home for D. V. 8., In care of Thomas R. Kimball, architect, 603 McCague build ing, Omaha, Nebraska, will be received at the above address until 13 o clock M.. tups duy, July 2 19u3. and then opened, for fur nishing materials, labor, etc., for the con struction of the main group of bulldlnga at the Battle Mountain Sanitarium, at Hot Springs, South Dakota. Plans may lie seen and copies of !nlruct!ons aud speci fications, together with blank proposals had. upon application to the architect. Thomas R. Kimball, 5o3 McCague building. Omaha, Nebraska; to the Builders' and Traders Exchange, 13S Washington street, Chicago. Illinois; to John r. uaggett. sec retary. Denver Building Contractors' Coun cil, 203 Times building. Denver, Colorado; to the Build'-rs Exchange, bt. Paul. Minne sota; to K. 8. Kelley, Banker, Hot Springs. South Dakota, and to tlie office of tlie National Home for D. V. 8., 516 Broadway, New York. N. Y. Addicts all inquiries re garding drawings and specifications to tho architect as above. J27 Jy4-U-18-25m LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that the School Board of District No. 56, in Bon Homme County, South Dakota, will receive sealed bids for the construction of a School House In the Town of Avon in said dlatrict. Said school houne to l of solid brick work thirty-five feet wide, seventy feet Ion. and twj stories high, containing f(ur school rooms, a basement, etc. All labor and ma terials to be furr.lshed by contractor. . Plans and specifications are open for in snertlon at the oftice- of the Clarion In Avon, also at the residence of Herman Walkes. one mile southeast or Avon. ' A i.'"o certified check muat accompany each lid. BUI will be cbened at th Elevator office of John Burbeck In Avon on the third day of August, 1'j03, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said The Board reserves the right to reject anv or all bins (Signed) JOHN P-l'RPECK, Chairman. HERMAN WALKES, Clerk. Jyld'Jtm SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED fit the office of tho secretary of lme lip until 12 o'clock noon on Juiy 8th. 1H03, fc.r one water lower iT Bland pipe to Ix used at the 8. AV S. home at Milforu. as per plana anil apecinrationa on nie in ine of fice vt secretary of atate. The board re serve th right 10 rej-ei any ana all rids " GEO W. MARSH. becrslary of Board. JJ1jL LEG 41. NOTICE. NOTICE OF SALE OF REFUNDING BONDS. Proposals will be received by S. C. Phrlg loy. cltv clerk of the city of South Omaha, Nebraska, until 8 o'clock P. nv. July 13. 19U, for the purchase of an Issue of bonds In the sum of seventy thousand TP.coo Oi dollnra. Bonds to be Issued In the denoml ratton of one thousand $UW00 dollars each, bear date of July 1, is '3. maturing In periods of from one (1 to twenty (2ii years after dute In the sum of three thousand lU.Mnii dollars the first year and four thousand i$4.ihiooi dollars the second year, and so on, alternately, during the whole number of jenrs. and bearing interest nt the rate of four and one-half (4V per cent per annum, nnvnble animlly. These are refunding bonds to tftke up and pay err tain outstanding floating Indebtedness of the city. Principal and Interest of all bonds payable at tlie atnte nacal agency or in" state of Nebraska. In the city of New York. New York. All bids must be In writing and must be unconditional and ac companied bv n certified check for $3.000 00 payable to the city of South Omaha, Nebraska, as evidence of good faith, nnd that the purchaser will complete the con tract. Purchaser to accept and pay for said bonds within twenty (2) day from date of sale by the city. The right is reserved to reject ny and all blda. Dated t South Omaha, Nebraska, July 8. urn. J3t B. C. SHKIULET. iity cierx. SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED at the office of the secretary of state up until 12 o'clock noon on July Rth. 1903. for 1371 K. W. ilvnnmo and generator for the penitentiary, as per plana nnd specifications on tile In tho office of the secretary of state The board reserves the right to reject any and all Wds GEO. W. MARSH. Secretary of Board J28dl0t. SEALED BIDS WILL PR RECEIVED at the office of the secretary of state up until 12 o'clock noon of July Sth. 19t3, for the placing of two cement floors in adlu tant general's office and one room In the storage department of clerk of supreme court. The board reserves the right to re ject any and all blda. GEO. W. MARSH, Secretary of Board. J28U10t. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received up to July 16, J903, for the erection of a two story brick building, 40 by 100 feet, for I. O. O. F. lodge, Coxad, Neb. The right re served to reject any and nil bids. liana and specifications on file In the office of the undersigned. F. P. CORRICK, Coxad. Neb. J2d3tM R AILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION 10TH AND MAHC'i. Union Pacific. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 7:60 pm The Fast Mall a 8:26 pne California Express a 4:20 pm Pacific Express all:30 pm Eastern Express a 6:80 pm 'J he Atlantlo Express... a 7:80 am The Colorado Special. ..a 7:10 am a 8:40 am Chicago Special '.. a 8:40 am Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromsburg Express. .b 4:00 pm b12:50 pm North Platte Local...... 8:00 am a 6:15 pm Grand Island Local b 6:30 Dm b 9:35 am Chleaco, Milwaukee ft St. Panl. Chicago Daylight .......a 7:45 am all:15 pm Chicago Fast Express. .a 6:46 pm a 3:40 pm Chicago Limited a 8:05 pm a 7:60 am Des Moines Express. ...a 7:45 am a 3:40 pm CkU-BKo ft Northwestern. "Th Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago a 8:40 am a 7:00 am Mall a 8:00 pm a 8:30 am Local Bioux City a 5:10 am a 8:30 pin Daylight Bt. Paul a 7:35 am a 10:26 pm Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am all:l0 pin Local Chicago all:30 am a 6:10 pm Local Cedar Rapids 6:10 pm Limited Chicago a 8:16 pm a 9:15 am Local Carroll a 4:00 pin i 9:W am Fust Chicago a 6:60 pm a 3:46 pm Fast St. Puul a Sue pra a 8:16 am Fast Mall a 2:40 pm Local Sioux City b 4:00 pm b 8:60 am Norfolk & Bonesteel....a 7:26 am -10:36 urn Lincoln & Long Plne....b 7:26 am bl0:36 am Chicago. Rock Island ft Pacific. EAST. Chicago Daylight L't'd.a 8:00 am a 6:45 am Chicago Daylight Local.a 7:09 am a 9:3a pra Chicago Expreas bll:15 am a 6:35 pm , Des Moines Express. ...a 4:30 pm bll:60 am Chicago Fast Express. . 6:36 pra a 1:26 pm T, WEST. " ' Rocky Mountain L t d. .a 8:50 pm a 4 56 ain Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver, Pueblo and West ..i a 1:80 pm a 6:00 pm . Colo., Texas, Cal. anf Oklahoma Flyer....... a 6:40 pm al2:40 pm Wabash. St. Loula "Cannon Ball" Express ....' a 6:55 pm a 8:20 am St. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs a t:15 am al0:30 pm Illinois Central. . Chicago Express a 7:35 am a 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis ft St. Paul Limited a 7:60 pm a 8:05 am Minneapolis ft St. Paul Expreas - d t.m am diu:jk pm Chicago Local 10:35 am Chicago Express .... . Mlssoorl Pacifle. St. Louis Express..., K. C. ft SU L. x... 110:36 am ..al0:0ft am a 6:25 pm .,al0:50 pm a 6:15 am WEBITKR DEPOT 10TH ft WEBSTER. Chicago, St. ' Panl, Minneapolis ft Omaha. ; Leave. Arrive;. Twin City Passenger... '30 am a 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. .a 2:00 pm al':20aro Oakland Local b 6:45 pin b 8.46 a in . Missouri Pacific. Nebraska Local VU Weeping Water o t:iv pm aiu.a am Chicago ft Northwestern, Nebraska anil Wyoming Division. Black Hills, Deadwood, ' , Lead, Hot Springs a 8:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Dougla d 8:00 pna 6:00 pm Hastings, York, David t. Ity, DUpeiloi, uriis.a, Exeter nd Seward. ...b 8:00 pm b 8:00 pm BURLINGTON STATION-IOTH ft MASO Chicago, Burlington ft (talncy. Leave. Arrlvt. Chicago Special... a 7:t am a 8.65 pm Chicago Yestibulcd Ex.. a 4:u0 pm a 7:45 an Chicago Local a 9:18 am all:00 pm Chicago Lliultea a yut m. i.-n uu Fast atl..... a 8:40 pm Iturlluaton ft Missouri River. Wymore. Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:60 am bl2:0S pm Nabraaka Express a 8:50 am a 7 46 pm Denver Llmltet. a 4:10 pm a 6:45 am . Black Hills ana ruget Sound Express all:10 pm a 8:10 pra Colorado Vestibule! Kiyei 11:111 pm . Lincoln Fa at Mai': b 2:52 pm a 9:u8 am Fort Crook and P!att- inouth b 8:20 pm 10:$6 are Bellevue & Pacific Jet. .a 7:50 pm a 8:27 am Bolievue & Paciflo Jet. .a 3:50 am Kansas City, St. Joseph ft Council Bluffs. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 9:15 em a 6:06 pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all :05 ara ; Kansas city Night t x..aio:3 pin a b io am a Daily, b Dally except Bunday. d Dally except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. STEAMSHIPS. ANCHOk UK P. S. MA U. STBAkSHirt K'gW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND OLASOOW. MEW YORK. 0IDRAX.T.R AND NAPLES. tvpariar accommosatioa, Eteallant CuUla, Tk Comfort of ruMiiim Corofull? Ciiusldorod 8inio or kouu4 Tr'p 11ck.li luuwl botvosn Mw York tut couh. EosUoh. Irloa ana all prluclp.l oouuuaaial koiuu at ouru-tlta rstos. Boo lor Book el Tour. For tlrkou or snrl lulwrfuaUur. otiuljr U aaf loral aasnt of lh Aackor Una a lo hNbk.KMN UK.la . Cau l A. til. Cttlt. lu. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE Naw Twin-Screw S'ramrrs of lt too Tona HEW YuKK. IlilTTfcHDAM. via BOt'bOONE. Ballin( Wtdnikda at lu A. at. RyoOam July irotia1am ....... Aug. I Noordira July 1;. ataUMbn Aui. 11 Uoiiardam July StlUyadant Au II HOLLAND-AMERICA LI!E, 4MI Dearborn St., (hleaito, III.' Harry Voorea, 14CI rimani at.. C. Rutharlord, 1J!J (arnam at., J. B Houuldi, lfifiz Farixm at. Her Krankaeaa W -a Fierce. "I can't see what you find in m to admire," aid tho lovelorn youth who had lecintly blown hlmaclf foi' a 137.60 engage ment ring. "Why," gurgled tl.e fluffy haired angel of hlB domestic dreuma, "that's Juat what everybody tine says." And Immediately the alienee became op pressiveChicago Km