I THE OMAITA DAILY TiEE: ' FTtTPAY. JULY 3. 1P03. rv I i HALEY IS TO GET A PARDON main trark to be rebuilt, Tb line was ID food order at o'cKr tr.lt afternoon. They wtaet Jeae. Tbe labor commissioner's mall has been urpr, It? the pet f w rtars by com munications from nitrni rmiTif men. mis led ry dlepsvh sent oat from Omaha to the effort tht eludents of eastern col leges would be (riven Invltstleoe to mine out end help hsrveet Nebrasss a big grain crop, offering cheap rates to tbe West and b'r. when they arrive. On letter that came today v as from a Princeton grsduste who want to be placed next. He la attending- a law school In New fork City, and says be know a number of fellow coDesrians who will come west It they ran pet something worth while In (From a Btaff Correspondent I the waire ltne for harvesting-. AM of the LINCOLN. July 2. .peciel Martin correspondenta are imtnul aoout tne pay. Haley of Boone county, who celebrated ana eeversi eonnaemiany minrm me Nw Tear a day In I'M by becoming a star mirsioner mat uey as not onr.a or smose. boarder In the State penitentiary under Ta Pralert tfca Btrae. sentence for life, will celebrate the Fourth Commissioner Carter la a-olnr. Into Life-Termer is Penitentiary to Be Kade t Iree Yfa oa July 4 ONLY ONE WHO IS ELIGIBLE UNDER ACT ve-aty -Three Aspllraats treated Persalseloa by Mate Baar ( Health la Practice MeU eiae la Xebraeksu of July by taking- his departure from that hostelry under the "Fourth of July Par- dona" act. Hla pardon haa been recora- the bird teaching business that la to say. into the business of teaching tha young of the rtata to lore the btrda. He wanta to mended by Warden Beemer. who gtvea him I jute the bora out of the Idea of k'Jllng och a certificate of aa good character aa J oJj tne Insectivorous eonsrsters, and in hla may become a convict, bearing chiefly upon j ri,n na haa the co-cr-e-atltm of Profewor tha question of good conduct aa a prisoner. Ua t,M been known aa No. The rec-nnmendatlan of tha warden, which was made thla afternoon, la indoraed by Chief Justice Bulllvan and Attorney General Prout, and will be signed by Secretary ' Pruner and Superintendent Fowler. ' Hla plan la to print cards having tbereen pic tures of the birds and reasons why they should not be harmed. Another part of the card will point out that a K fine is levied by statute for kK'lng them. The Marsh upon bis return from Fails City policy of the department Is 'law for the tomorrow. "While it la not mandatory upon old and education for the young." and the the governor to accept the recommends- department anticipate the co-operation of tn t t.i enmmiasion. there la no ours- farmers and school teachere throughout the flm trt .Inw4 that V Will All BO in thl 1 State. TuTa f ew hour, between No. 1 and PLENTY OF MUSIC FOR FIREMEN liberty. At Least at, Baa4s Will Be la Atea4 aara at tbe State Teeraa aaeat. NORFOLK. Neb.. July 1 Special.) At least Cva banda and no doubt more will make music for the fire flghtera of Ne braska when they meet In annual tourna ment at Norfolk on July a. 22 and 23. Fremont will brine a bis- delegation in a liars not nerved ten years and that It would B0a, m th mum . day of . tbe ne oi no use to recommend mem ior par- .nd .-,. bn(j ,. jon don, for tbe other members of the board I to 1)r thel travel. it )( ujj that Frank would tiot Indorse the recommendation. Wniienberk rit treasurer, who haa been Haley waa convicted at the tecember I lt eTery tournament for yeara. will tame term of the court in Boone county In 117 again thla season. On the second day of TWO ARE FATALLY BURNED Boy Pcari lerceene m Start and Ca Exp'odei, Scattariiij Basing OiL NEIGHBORS RUSH TO FESCUE OF CHILDREN Of Paar Little Oaea la Hease at tbe Tlaie Twa Are Fatally, Oaa rl aaly aad the Other Oaa Mlghtlr laraet. PAPILLION. Neb.. July 2 iFpeclaJ Tele pram.) While Mrs. Charles Sharp waa id another part of town, leaving the house In charge of her four children, a terrible ac cident occurred here thla afternoon. Tbe eldest daughter, ared It years, w as cooking, when she waa called out. She told the younger children to keep the fire gcing until her return. Ehe was absent but a short time when one of the young boya, thinking to start the fire better, poured some kerosene into the stove and placed the can containing a gallon of oil on the hearth. The fire biased up and the ran exploded, burning three of the children horrit'ly. They ran outdoora a masa of flames and netghbore went to their assistance. The boy. 11 years old, and girl. I yeara old. probably will not recover. They were taken te Omaha Of the two others one la very badly burned, but may recover, while the other is injured but little. Telegram.) The county rerordTS" slate-I ment for June showa a decrease on farm I mortgagee in Otoe county of IT. Ml SI and an increase on city ptoperty of tn.MO. Tbe law authorising the pardoning of prisoners on July t imposes only the limi tation that they muet have been confined for at least ten yeara. and there may be two of them on each Fourth of July, but la thla instance there is but one prisoner In the Nebraska penitentiary who is eligible under ' the ten years' limitation. Warden Beamer says thst there are others whom it ild not be amiss to pardon, but they and waa brought to the penitentiary Janu ary L Ha waa then 44 yeara old. His prison record shows that be la Irish born j and that hla father. John Haley, lived In Erin, Wis It is not known that he has any relatives living now, although be had I two brothers at tha time of his incarcera tion. Wardea . Beeener aaya that he haa I long ahown evidences of mental weakness. the events Columbus will ride Into the city on their own train and they, too. will bring a brass band. Besides these, the plaj-ers from York, Grand Island and Mad ison will be on hand during the entire three days. At their meeting lsst nlgrht, Norfolk firemen attended to a number of detalla for the entertainment of vlsltora. Three merry- Haley waa oonvicted of tbe murder ol a j go-rounda are In sight Just' now to swing man naancd Bayer in a drunken row at I trie nreroen ana tneir sweetnearts inirxy Albion, He pleaded self-defense, but his times around the world for a nickel." There counsel Insisted at that time that he was ara also moving picture concessions and Insane and allowed him to take the stand I other similar features which always go In blsAiwn behtlf In the bone that hla tern- ith a crowd and give life to the t'ne. tlmony would ehow tbe Jury that he waa Today the grandstand haa been extended not right mentally. The record ahowa that 9" " a ao thst me dtra guesta may he had 1 renta in fcia eiothlna- when b. waa accommodated. The racing course too, wss so aiterea mat me nan ana ue iiliibu will be on a straight path. This will make It much easier for the runnera, and will OLD MAN KILLED BY CARS Atteaaata ta Crass Track Where Trata la Ssrltrhlas; eaa la Baa Da wau TABLE) ROCK. Neb., July 2. (Special.) Conrad Gelrfleld, S years old, who was on his way to Sterling. Neb., near which place, !t ia understood, he resided, met with an accident here which cost him hla life. He had Just arrived on the train from the "est, which was two hours late, and la endeavoring to cross the track in the rear of No. 16, which waa backing up to ooupl to another car, he waa struck anC the rear trucks passed over him. cutting off the right leg below the knee and breaking the other leg and otherwise severely bruising him. Physicians did all they could for him. but he soon died. His body was sent to Sterling. His daughter and ber children were accompanying him from western Kan aaa, where he had been on a visit. No blame la attached to the railroad authorl- tlea, as be stepped on the track while the train was la motion and doubtless thought be could get safely serosa Imprisoned. Allewe Practice Xedlelae, The board ef secretaries of tha State Board of Hearts were ta session today ex amining applications for admission to the assure better time. The firemen win own Norfolk and the local department haa the rlsht for all eon cessions during the meet. The Royal Tiger praetioe of medictoe.ln this state. There elub ,n order originated for the a tat ftre- were ninety-one appllcatlona. of whom two men thla year, haa been granted space in were osteopaths. Seventy-three applicaJons Norfolk aVenu where It will plant its den were granted. Including the two osteopath ia a All of them were granted diplo mas, which haa been the practice under the current law, without examination, but after the new law goes Into effect in An rust each) applicant mvst undergo an ex iwBnati7i fa wpitet of Mr puascssTbn ot an aocrediat diploma. The secretaries are: Tr. A B. Botnera of Omaha. Dr. Benjamin P. Bailey of Lincoln. Dr. W. T. Johnson ef and where It wHl have something doing for the fire boys who cars (or tha fantastic and mysterious Initiation. . , 8. R. McFarlaiid. Norfolk, ta secretary of tha tournament. Kallrwad Baay lssFrawtaa;, NORFOLK. Neb.. July t (Special.) Tha first of a series of eleven bridges which tbe Northwestern Railroad company ia plan. Pawnee City and Dr. George H. Brash of I nlng for their new switching yarda ta thla Beatrlca I eitv. haa Juat been completed across a flnih 4 . i-iita tbe territorv. Graders are aaas Delay Laws. I , ThM.i. 1 Dl'W Wlfl aVAtlfS WTaiw av M aw aaa vas Tim Sedwlck of Tort who t. tin street, the district for tbe new waetracaa. a dsy because be did not deliver the session machine shops, turntable, coaling atatlona laws printed yesterday aa per hla contract watering tanka. extending more than with th State, waa In town today. He e new seventy-low tumtao.e naa raid that it will ba ten dar. befnm h. I arrived ana its pit is narr muouea wun deliver the good a He Insists that he would tbe P"n which are to hold the Immense hJive had them done on time had It not been Platlorm. a nair nunaroo men ana iwemy for the fiooda one carload of n.ner b.-i. ve teams are doing the work. They live been delayed twelve dsya by high water. Ha also claims that even ten days hence. when he delivers them, he will be three months more prompt than tbe contractor ef two yeara ago. In a tented city of their own grounda on the Car Repairer Killed. George X3aenbach av German-Russian car Meaasseat Arrives at Teewsaeeku TECUMSEH. Netu July 1 (Special.) The soldiers' monument arrived here early yes terday morning, and Hon. W. R. Barton, manager of the NeJdhart marble worka repairer, waa cruahed to death between I and a force of men. are placing it in poei two freight ears n the Burlington yards thla afternoon. Eisenbach waa taking abort cut through the yards and did not notice that the atnlng of cars between which he Bought to walk waa hitched to a switch englna companion pulled him out. but he waa unconscious and died in a few minutes. Tbe right side of the pelvic tlon on tha baas In the court house yard. The monument waa shipped from Indiana alx weeks ago and got aa far aa St. Louis In time to be caught In tha high waters. For a time It waa feared It could not be released from St. Louis In time to reach thla city ia time for dedication on the Fourth ef July. It la la good condition. region was badly discolored and the pres- I Saturday will be one of the blargest days rare waa ao great aa to rupture tbe Intes tlnea An Inquest was held this eveuing and a verdict la accordance with tu facta rendered. for Tecumseh known In Its history. Charsxe Itinerant Herrhaata. TORK, Neb.. July I Special.) Peddlers jmfja ta9 Track. and representatives or business nouaea not 1 1 .HI iKh4 In York who take orders and The St- Txula and Portland express -.u Koum ta house are not eomlnr to on tbe Burlington waa wreraea near wood- Tk , - th. mture unleaa ther nav an ac. lawn this morning, xne tank left tbe ralla I ru nation tax. A representative of a Chi taking tbe mall, baggage and emoker with u(, grocery house haa a carload of gro- K. out no one waa lnjureo. J na roaaoea tr-k Kere which be bad tr- waa torn up for about 0 feet. Buperln- ,..,.., t.k(.n orders for and ha la now lendent Flgr,ell aent to Lincoln at once for .n klnda of trouble. He ... another engine, two coaches and a baegsge chrfr4 peddling without a license ana mat. car, ana in a irw nours naa iw ... who rurr-hd i substitute train on the way. The wreck Te,tir,tea and find that they can purchase happened at a point where It waa possible gooA ,uj)ty of goods and at leas TO BBeae one w ma ae Brlr. rtht here In Tnrk IfJT BIB. SHm Ulls HIslUV 11 g.n.raXB.1 Uifj fltTl I tb traffic attirte-d without vattlnc for the I PORTER KILLED IN ELEVATOR Eaglaeer rtlseaTera the Bady VTedged Bet were the Cage aad Flaar. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. July I Special Telerram.) At t o'clock this evening Leon Gardener, a night porter at the Lindrll hotel, was fat&Ily crushed In the freight elevator shaft of the hotel. The man died shortly ! after he seas taken from the shaft. The ! engineer saw the man wedeed In between I the elevator and the second floor and re- I leased him. Nothing is known of the man's I relatives. He was a comparative stranger. I about 3 years old. The Inquest will be held tomorrow. j Bis; relebrattea at Blair. j BLAIR. Neb.. July t (Special.) The Fourth will be celebrated in Blair In a i manner that will surpass anything that J the citlsen have ever undertaken In the I history of this place. A committee was I appointed by Mayor O'Hanlon. who took charge of tbe entire celebration and raised i tWO to make the eagle scream. A class of hiph-erade entertainments will be fur- finished free during the day. The music will be furnished by the Twenty-second United Statea infantry band of Fort Crook. 1 Neb., Johnson's Concert band of this city and the Jensen band from tbe west part of this county. A large open air aiage haa been erected on the principal street, where a continuous performance will be given during the day. ! U t on need not Xekraika Paster Called. TUTAN. Neb., July 2 (Special.) Rev. O. A. Neeff. pastor of tbe German Evangelical Lutheran St John's church of this town, has received a very urgent and flattering call to the German-English Christ congre gation of Ellenville, N. T. Dr. Neeff haa not yet decided whether he will accept the Invitation to go to Ellenville. but he will consider It. The doctor doea not expect to leave before September. Mm trass a Window. CREIGHTON. Neb- July 2. (Special.) O. A, H. Bruce. Justice of the peace and a prominent member In all lodge circles, met with a very painful and serious acci dent here today. While putting in a screen on an upper story window he fell to the ground, a distance of twelve feet, sustain ing a dislocated ankle and internal in juries. He la now resting easy and no aerious results are looked for. bwy because you look or keen be caue you bay. VOW scw SKet buy becau yow look or keep be cause you buy. T1 I s Correct I)r for Men and Dots. Organise Bachelors' CI ah. BRADSHAW. Neb, July 2. (Special.) Thirteen young men who are not at all afraid of the hoodoo number, have organ ised a social club, which Is called the Bach elors" club, and have meetings every little while. The first meetlrg was held at the home of J. H. Brumsey. Brlnars atria af Hereea. TORK. Neb- July 2. (Speeial.)-Mr. Con- roy. for yeara a resident of Tork county 1 back to hla old home In Illon. N. T.. for and recently a resident of Geneva, haa moved to Tork and purchased property. Mr. Conway haa brought with him HO.OOO worth of thoroughbred trotters and paeera and la training and tracking them on the speed track' south of of Tork. Mr, eonroy haa horses with race records if 2:10H. DEATH RECORD. Cyras Davea sort Chaasaan. Cyrus Davenport Chapman died at his home at S01S California street Monday night at 8:15 o'clock. The deceased waa born at Sullivan. Tioga county. Pa., on. March . IMS. He enlisted in Company C of the Twelfth regiment of the Pennsylvania re serve corps at the beginning of the civil war and served through all the years of the war, being wounded three times and taken a prisoner once. After his discharge he moved to Davis county. Iowa, and there married Mary Elisabeth Dool-y, who sur vives him. with five sons and five daughters- In 1872 he removed to Central City and took up a homestead and lived there for thirty years. He was closely Identified with church activities and was a member of tbe Methodist church f r more than fifty yeara A Bhort candle-light service was held at the late residence Tuesday evening and tbe body waa taken to Central City on Wednesday, where Interment took place. Rev. T. K. Tindall of Trinity MeJiodlst church of Omaha conducted the public funeral and was assisted by Rev. J. H Dressier of Wood River. Bev. Vather Them as J. Carney. PLATTSM OUTH. Neb- July 2. (Special.) Rev. Father Thomas J. Carney. a-ed St yeara, died in the parsonage In this city this morning. He waa born In Roscommon, Ireland, and was aduoated la Niagara uni versity ta New Tork. Deceased has been pastor of the St. John 4aa Baptist church here for nineteen yearsr "everal priests are expected to be here from Omaha and other cliles and attend the funeral services to morrow, after which the body win be taken Dadare Martcne BeesrC FREMONT, Neb.. July 2.-(SpeclaL)-Tha following la the mortgage record for Dodge county for the month of June: Chattel mortgages filed, 6a, amount 14.533 78; re leased. 2C amount S17.KS.0t. Farm mort gagee recorded, 7. amount (ILuO-Se; re leased. 14, amount (15.471. Town and city mortgagee recorded. 12. amount fHMO.74; released, a, amount K.40Q. La bar Caeaetl Elects Oatrera. NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. July 2. (Spe cial Telegram.) The local labor council elected tbe following officers here last night: President, Andy Christensen; vice president. Ben Bryan; aecretary, E. A, Beaaon. Tbe labor unions are making preparatlona to celebrate Labor day here oa an extensive scale. Tlldea ta Erect Sefcaol Balldla-. TILDEN, Neb.. July X. (Special.) In atructlona have been given by the voters to the Board of Education to take steps for the ' erection .of a achoolbouse costing HQ.O0O. Tbe district la a wealthy one and a large portion of tbe cost of a new build ing will be met by the balance now In the haada of the school treasurer. Railroad Maa lajared. NORFOLK. Neb.. July 2 (Special. M. Kennedy, an employe of tbe Northwestern Railroad company In thla city, waa struck by ths northbound Bonesteel passenger train at the city station yesterday after, nooa and laid out flat on the platform, alongside the moving cars. A dislocated shoulder waa the only serious result. vee wa lean. j Barrett!-a fttatiaa la Claeed. iukk. jsen.. July X Speclal.)-The BEATRICE. Neb.. Julv 2. Siecla1 V- The United Statea recruiting station which medjctr.e peddler who calls himself Dr Colemsr. snd who was arrested here and locked up on the charge of drunkenness. Is In more trouble. He Is charged with buy ing a team, buggy and harness cf Mr. Westgate at 6t. Paul. Neb., giving a note and mortgage on same for H3. then bring ing the outfit to Tork and mortgaging the same te Lancaster Striekler for t75 From here he went to Sutton, where he sold the team for $1S. Tbe sheriff from Clay county came here and took htm to that county for trial. . It'a as uaelaM to try to grt better fitting, cooler toga at terter-for-you price than are make, aa It U to quarrel with the BiHkmao bell make you take water every time. Try to equal this for ln s La nee: 2 bntlon douhle (reasted sack suit, rut from our Kjerially Im ported Itoargal llome npuna reWngly cool SJS.OO. Aitd you fft the tNI.Y -MacCarthy" style gratia. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, now at J84-JM a. talk St Next Door to We bath Ticket OAoa. reeac 1M1 Breihere Have a Fisht. FREMONT. Neb.. July 2. (Special )-The officers were called to a horse traders' can. p last evening by reports of a llve y scrap going on down there. Two brothers by the name of Eilby were having a fight with a club and a nerkyoke as weapons and each - was pretty well battered up. They were brought to the city JaTl and locked up on the charge af disturbing ths pesos by fighting. This morning the fight ass all out ef them and they were a sorry looking pair. They were fined f and tit and oosta repertivel aad not having any money went te Jan. leaalar He4( arsrts4. NORFOLK, Neb, July 2 (Special Sen ator Hedge of Hastings la la Norfolk to day to visit Senator Aldea of Pierce, a hi met him here, la speaking of the bos pit U for the Insane here. Senator Hedge said: "I am amaaed that nothing haa been dona I expected that It would be pretty w.ll started. I don't understand why tbe Board ef Publle Lands and Buildings has delayed ia this manner. There Is no excuse for it. The bill passed with the emergency da una I Hastings Is already overcrowded and Lin- cola ia aacdlxia us soma of its vnr2ew." has been Ir charge of Sergeant Hall and Corporal Blackett here for the past month, closed yesterdsy. The officers have gone to Grand Island to open a station. But one msn enlisted at thla point during the month of June. Trala Cm lata Dlteh. BEATRICE. Neb.. Ju.y 2 (Special )- Four cars attached to an extra freight on the I'nlon Pacific road en route to Man hattan. Kan., went into tbe ditch yester day morning near Uarysvllle. The track was torn up for a considerable distance and the cars were badly deraohrhed. No one was injured. laterestlas; lam Premised. BEATRICE. Neb, July 2 (Special ) Some Interesting horse races will be pulled off here the Fourth on the new race course owned by the Beauica Driving association, and a large attendance la looked for. The program also Includes hose rsces and a big balloon ascension. Interment, where two Btstera and three brothers reside. Crsrgc Shattaek Msrrlws. NEW TORK. July 2. George Shattuck Morrison, aged 6L a member of tbe Isth mian Canal commission and one of the foremost civil engineers in America, died In this city last evening. He was con fined to his bed for about six weeks' Mr. Morrison gained his reputation as a bridge engineer from the five bridges across the Mississippi, ten across the Missouri and many others, whose construction he super vised. Theatdere Wellatrla. A cablegram received yesterday by M, Wollsteln announced the death In Berlin. Germany, of his father, Theodore Wollsteln cf St Louis, head cf the litruor fins of M. Wollstein Co of this city. Mr. Wollsteln expired at hla Berlin home, aged 6R yeara He waa known in Omaha from a number of visits. M. Wollstein and George Sellg sohn contemplated visiting him In Germany this summer. Mrs, Mary P. Brewae. ABERDEEN. B. D. July 2. (Special Telegram.) Mrs. Mary P. Browne, wife of Senator J 1 Browne, died last night after a brief Illness from asthma complicated with other ailments. Saaaael D. tSrahaaa. NEBRASKA CITT, Neb, July 2 (Special Telegram.) Samuel D. Graham, a cIvM war veteran, died at hla home here today, aged 72 years. Mrs. Carlaa Jerdaa. NEW TORK. July !. Mrs. Carina Jor dan, a playa-iight of some note snd for merly an actreaa, is dead at her home in Mount Vernon from heart disease. Open Friday Evening Until 10 Closed All Day July Fourth Donegal Homespun Outing Suits for the Fourth Ton are no doubt planning for a pleanant day's outing on the glorious Fourth. If you need a DONEGAL HOMESPUN Outing Suit, dow so ioju lar In the east, here you will find the only oouiplvte. trp-to-dnte lines In tl:e city. We show aa Immense variety of all tlie swell, tip-to-date r,"N'ru8 ,a Donegal,' Including tbe new two and three-butt6n douWe-liy-astcd styles all sites made with self-retaining haircloth fronts half and cuartor brll Ilantine and silk lined estra special at 7,50, 10.00, 12.00, 15.00 and 18 00 ?J MlSuiS a..Mrr.pua..0w.Unr 5.00 and 6.50 Ten's $13 to $2X50 Floe Business Suits made of finet worsted and tweei Lb all regular slses, also stout, slims and extra sites a large rurchae lecontly secured from ons of New York's r rf J 4C fr best makers extraordinary rallies at lJ,JJ allU lJ,JJ IVn's Suits pure worsted and all wool casslmeres f fT J Cr all new styles made vo retail for 3 to 112, at vJ.VVJ dUU .JVJ JVn's Stylish S4 and $5 Trousers purchased br u at much less than cos from a prominent manulacturer newest patterns, latest cut 3 fT 5.00 all sizes, 29 to 60 waists special. Zi0 Pairs of Paragon Tailor flade Trousers regular f? values nil sises, 30 to waist special at Men's and Boys' Reliable Furnishings at Popular Prices. $1.00 Nerl're Shirts at 50c $1.25 Necllree Shirts at 75c 50c Neckwear special at 25c 15c IVn's Half Hose at 10c 3 pairs ..25c $3.00 Tailor Made 5uramer Shirts at- 1. 50 White and Fancy Summer Vests 1.00 to 5 00 Men's Hot Weather Underwear a garment ...25c to 2.50 AlCER MYSTERIOUSLY SICK Brotler of tie Kicnigtn Senator Kay Ets Been Drurgei VICTIM OF ENEMIES HE HAS MADE la a Senal-raeaaaclaae Oaaeltlea B I-arMrlaas Are at Preseat Taaale ' ta Detersslae Caasa af . fits Traable. ' DETROIT. Mich. July t. -Charles Alger, postmaster at Hannibal, Mo., lies at the residence of hia brother. Senator Alg-er. In this city, in a eemi-oonsclous condition, and physicians are unable to determine whether he ia suffering- from the effects of tbe ea cesslve heat or drups administered by re vengreful enemiea It is said that Mr. Alper has been In strumental In suppressing- the work of so called green g-oods men who have operated in Missouri of late, and it is feared his condition is the result of drugs tl'T m,T have been secretly ndminiMered to him. Mr. Alg-er came Into contact with a repre aentatlve of green g-oods men at Cleveland. At a hotel In that city, it is said, he was robbed of his pocketbook. Later, while paying his bill at the cashier s desk, he wbs taken 111. and when he reached Detroit was partially unconsdoua Ceaveatloa af Aaetloaeers. emt-Y p-iTTJ? H D.. July t (Special T.irmm v-xt the result of a meeting held In thia city by a larg-e number of auction eers from varioue portiona of the state, an nrruntMttnn to be known aa me souin um- Lr.t. aiirtlnneers' association was formed. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President. C r. Hanson, Bri.i.r' ce resident. E. T. r-urousn. Red field, secretary. O. M. Merrltt, Parker; treasurer. F. U Richardson. Bloux raus; corresponding secretary. T. G. Hall. Wag ner. An Interesting; program was ren dered. The convention adjourned aubject to the call of the president snd treasurer. Bi,. F.ll. was selected by an unanimous vote aa the place for holding the next an nual meeting There are SO auctioneers In South Dakota and It Is expected that every one ot them will Join the association. of the new bond It Is proposed to issue. He said, however, thst all details had prac tically been arreed upon by the commit tee and that the plan would doubtlena be In shape for submission to the board on July IS. HYMENEAL Dc Yae-Pllklae. BEATRICE. Neb.. July 1 Ppeclal ) An nouncement of the marriage of Mies Mtna Malllla Fllkma, until recently a resident of thia city, to Mr. George Francis De Toe, which occurred at Owgo, N. T.. has been received by friends of the brlJe In Beatrice. Tbe young couple will make their home In Waterlo. N. T., where the groom ia en gaged In burinesa Jekaeea-sherweaw. BLAIR, Neb., July I (Special At the home of the bride s sister In Central City. Neh., yesterday, at noon, occurred the marriage of Miss Florence A, Shere-o'jd of that city to Prof. Wallace L. Johnson of Blair, Rev. D. C. Wlnf.htp of the Meth odist Episcopal church officiating. Wsfser-Bst.r, TORK. Neb.. July 1 (Special ) Msiried st York Miss Grace Bovey and Frank Wag ner of Beatrice. Neb. The bride is a daugh ter of John Bovey. a business man cf Blue Vsle. They will make their home at Beatrice. Hart Bala Sear Aaerera. ABERDEEN. S. DM July t (Special Tel egram.) A hard rain prevailed in this section of the state last night and today. The crop alruatlon Is Improving rapidly. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Skewers a a 4 Caeler Teaav Proaaleew Both te Kearaaka aaa levra. WASHINGTON. July t-Forecast: 7 ebraska and Kansas: Showers snd cooler Friday; Saturday fair and warmer. Iowa: Showers and cooler Friday; Sat urday fair in west, ahowere In east por tion. Illinois: Showers and not so warm Friday; Saturday showers, fresh south winds be coming northmest. South Dakota: Showers Friday, with cooler In east and central portions; Satur day fair and warmer. Wyoming: Fair Friday and Saturday. Colorado: Fair Friday and Saturday; cooler Friday In south portiona. Montana: Showera Friday and Saturday with rising temperaturea. Missouri: Showers end not so wsrm Fri day: Saturday fair In west, showers in east portion, Loel Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, Jjly S- Official rword of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding- day of the last three jears: WB, Jtm. 1S0I. IK Maximum temperature .. 6 t 8S l Minimum temperature ... 7S 7 c Mean temperature m 78 7fc do Precipitation 00 . 57 05 .22 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for thia day and since March 1, 1H0R: Normsl temperature Kxcess for the day Total excess since March 1.... Normal precipitation Iefirienry for the day Precipitation since March 1... t.flrlency since March 1 Iwftrtrnrv for cor. period. lWit. Deficiency for co. period. Anyhody can catch bciss ....IN THE.... MINNESOTA LAKES BEST REACHED BT ILLINOIS CENTRAL R, R. SI2.60 VRtTBk !1 N ""ft Iaily durinr Julv August and September. Talk with us at 192 Farnam Street. OMAHA a at Bran . - wnibk . . n(tui V 7S i M ,...lt inch II Inch 11 Tf Inches 2 A inches t 71 Inches I K Inches Hessrt. fraaa Slatlaas at T P. la. Eipreuata Fatally Hart. NEBRASKA CITT. Nab'. Julv I (Special Telegram Thomas Heafey of this city. the express msena-er Injured In the B. A M. wreck at 6trang. Neb . suffered serious internal lr Juries and Is not expected te recover. stay Is Rally Braiaea. BEATRICE. Neb.. July 1 (Special Horace, tke S-year-old son of Charles Uo t, fell from a wagon yesterday and received a brokea tea; and numerous brulara about tbe body. Derreaas la raraa Martaea. KEBRAJKA CITT. Nab, July L-iSpaclal FIRE RECORD. Maaltss Haase Baraea. ' MANITOU. Colo.. July i -The Manltoa house, with one exception the finest hotel is this summer resort, was destroyed by fire this morning. Tbe kws Is estimated at flOftaS. partly covered by Insurance. The Man'tou was owned by a company, of which W. A. Bell Is president, and was under lease to D. K. Torrey, but had not been formally opened for the season. It Is not known bow tbe fire started. Braeetlea Plaat Destrayat. SILVER CITT. N. M, July 2. -The refin ing plant ef the 8llver City Reduction Works company, located Just south of the city, has baea totally destroyed tf fixe Tha plant was valued at Si00,0uo. raaertakera ia Sesslea. " SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. July t -(Special Telf gram The annual convention of the South Dakota Funeral Directors' sssocla tlon which has been in sessifn here dur ing the past three days finished Its busi ness and adjourned late this afternoon. The following officers were elected for the com ing year: President, Edmund Wilson. Psrker; vice presidents. F. G. Orr. Brook lr.gs; C. V. r.ooth. Sioux Falls; M. J. CogMin, Howard; aecr'tary. W..E. Jones. Hudson; treasurer. J. W. Cahill. Sisseton. The delegates to the national convention from South Dakota are F. G. Orr. Brook ings; L J Corcoran, Madison, and 8 Boyce. Mitch elL Iwlea Vetersa I.I. Meetlas. SIOUX FALLS. S D.. July I (Special Tel gram. 1 The state executive committee of the Union Veterans' union was in ses sion here today and the officers present Included General Stowell. Aberdeen; Colonel Kins. Huron, Colonel W. F. English.) Ysnkton and Colonel Russell. Salem. To n'rht they attended a camp-fire which was given by the local members of the organization. Flits' Pay at Caralval. SIOUX FALLS. B D July t-(fpeclsl TelegTsm Today wss Elks' day lit the midsummer carnivsL which la bein,i held here this week snd it was a grest oc casion. A feature of the day waa the parade and flower festival. Hundreds cf Elks were In line. Tbe carnival queeii. Miss Ruby Dunning, occupied sn artlstical'y decorated float Slie was accompanied by four maids of honor and four g-utrda. Fol lowing the float waa the escort of twenty Elks on floats. coNrmoN of ths WEATHER. wi I a -1 1 !: ' Omaha, cloudy M Hbi t Valentine, clear 74 7 T North Platte, cloudy HO Mi; .(K Chevenne, cloudy fc:'1 73 ( Salt Lake City clear f,y, .( Rupid City, partly cloudy ( "ii .n Huron, cloudy ' 7 ii wr.liston. cloudy f fi s rhicaso. pnnly cloudy ar. fn itl St. luls, cloudy .m. S'.. Paul, cloudy 74 sr, oti ravei:por1. cloudy K .11' ICansas f'itv. partly cloudy K' 4 ii Havre, ramir j f (4 i : llelena. tloudy 6l fi .)" I Bismarck, clear t 72 .74 ( Galveston, cloudy tut, 12; T liationai Convention B. Y. P. U. of America Atlanta, July 9-12, 1S03 For the above ounvenlioii -the L-eaisville 4t Kakhville K.H. all) sell round trip ticket at ONE FAKJ tOU THii I-.OLND 'IKJP. Ticket wUl te cn sale July 7. a. and 10, and e:e good returning until July except that by depositing ticket in Atlanta an extension of return limit can re secured until AuruM loth. Three irai:i daily via tho Lattllle A. Maaavill It. H. between ht. Lou 10 ml Atlanta, with double dally Sleeping Car service throus-h to Atlanta. The route l vl Nahvil)e. tlje c.it'ltal of Tennessee, and throunh a country made lamouR ! the Civil War. and giving pimn eers a view of Chattvnnoci. Lookout Mountain iind many famous battlefleMn Tor ra' snd further Information nd dres C. H. FITZGKRALD. Tray. Pass. Aft.. L. & N. R, IL Kansas City. Mo. J. E. DAVnNr?RT. Div. Pass. Ac .i. a .s. R. It, at. Louis, llo T lndlc'e trce of preWitstlon L. A. WELSH. Local Forecast OfllciaL lektaa Baa Plaa Ready. PHILADELPHIA, July J The commit tee of Lehig-h Valley directors appointed to prepare a plan for financing tbe company suet today. President Thomas declined to give any Information aa is tha character Aiers Cherry Pectoral Talk this over with your doctor. If he says Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is all right for your hard cough, then take it. We are willing to leave it with him. He has the formula. Doctors known it for 60 years. have . 0. aTEl CO., ImO, Dr.Searies&Searles SPECIALISTS Cure All Special DISEASES Or MEM BLOOD PD'SCM WEM. 1ERV0US WEI 11DXEY m BLADDER DISEASES S576TPEfi UOIITH Kxaminations and advice free at office nr by snail. V linen cenu-ects given ia all curable diseases T refund snoney paid for treatment. Treatment by mail. 14 yeara ta Omaha. Car, 4ta aad Daarlaa, OaiHa, HEM. v . -V--- "a. i-.lW' DR. McGREW il'RUUsI. Traata ail forms ( DISEASES CF liEi ST KlMTMaMk, J MaaJ ! OOeaVls. aeta, mUWt aWeaVB. - f aU Carm ufHU-A C-win tow ImiMM aF SawU. C ATI T rrta VO 14. OAca ywr t k ft.