t Vet:: TITF. OMAITA DAILT FTUPAV, .TUTjT a. 1003. 12 I Open Till 10 O'clock Friday Evening 1 H Store Closed all Hay on July itn JO On ale Friday Morninjr, 3 On sale Friday Morninjr, Three Big 4tU of July Specials' on Fverv man wishes to appear In cool well fitting attire on tha Fourth of July. Wo have prlcM hundreds our finest outing milts t figures f.ir below thrlr proper prices. This Ik a special Fourth of luly offer for one day only, Swellest homespuns, serges, light cheviots and flannels. The neatest and smartest things that ran be found at any price. K Itreat celebration offer for to morrow. On sale this morning choice of $20.00 $22. 50 and $25 s dummer dpppnr In k nn thA it 20 TV', . :"''"',,. -J -------- . . . , U. I, ,' .j.-li": $11.75, Hera are nulla In the swellest patfprn. thor oughry hand tailored. made to sell as high an 125.00. Secured by nn through a special deal and we offer them at a great money saving bar gain for Friday only. Not a suit that Is not a model of workmanship and correct fash ion, worth $3X00. $22.60 and 125.00, at 11 75. ri -ri worth $20.0 0 $22. 50 $25.0 Oil mi 515 and $16.50 Suits at $7.50 Fashionable suit made of the popular cloths for outing gar inents, mHde to sell all over the country at $15.00. 16.&0 we price them ape- w e dally for Friday fll only I at $10 and $12 Suits at $5.00 A fashionable and very popu lar ault at a taking price. Every late fashion In men's swell clothing to be found In this lot Friday f f 5.00 Third Moor Great Specials in Boys Clothing Base Ball and Bat Given Away With Boys' Suits. Boys' Wash Suit at SOc Sailor blouses Boys' $S and S6 Summer Suits at SJ.3S of French gingham, Engllah Galatea, Hundreds of high grade summer suit? etc , worth 11.00, $1.25 and CH- Russian and sailor blouses, O OS 1.60, Friday at "UW double breasted suits, etc., -- REMNANT SALE IN BASEMENT Our regular Friday sale of remnants will be held tomorrow In the base ment Great remnant values, and all In the basement. nn 11 Grand July Ribbon Sale Friday we place on sale the large! line of staple, up-to-date ribbons ever offered and at prices away below the lowest. First Iot Satin and gros grain ribbons IVic per yard. Pecond Ixit All kinds and colors 2V per ysrd. Third txit No. B, 7 and I satin and taf feta ribbons 4Sc per yard. Fourth lxt of taffeta and satin ribbons "He per yard. Fifth Iot-No. 40 all silk taffeta rlbhon c per yard. A special lot of black velvet ribbons from 2c to lfc per yard. LADIES' GARMENT SALE White Shirt waists and street waist suits for the Fourth largest assortment of waists In the west will be placed on sale Friday. July a, at big reduced prlcea. lT.i doien women's white waists, In 2) different styles, made of pretty lawns, linens and other wash materials waists, worth up to 12.50, for 89c. ino dozen fine white and colored waists, made of fine dimities, madras and 20 other wash fabrics worth up to 13.50 4th of July sale 11.50. 125 doien waists, made In newest and daintiest patterns In white, linen, color and all the newest shades worth up to 14.00. for 11.K. Friday Is Remnant Day in the GREAT DOMESTIC RCOM This Is our greatest remnant sale, the cleaning up of all the wash roods, linens- nannei siocks, etc. I Laving lust fin shed Invoicing, we hnve over crmrt f hi. THE It E LIABLE STORE. WAISTS. TN WHITE AND COLORS. WORTH 17.00 FOR 12.9. W dosen line white and colored wntsts. elaborately trimmed, worth up to 17. m, for t2 9. Fine white waists at 17.50. $.", 15 ) an S.1.B0. WOMEN'S SHIRT WAIST SUITS inn women's suits, made of good quality percale snd come In pretty patterns, worth 12 oo, for 75c. Women'a gingham waist suits, worth up to 17. K nt l.' w. Women's wash suits, In pretty white pique, suits worth 17.50, for 1X93. Women's silk street waist suits, worth 112.50. for 17 45. Women's white pique dress skirts, worth 12.50. for 5r. Women's crash duck madras and linen skirts, wortli 12.60. for ti.no each 10 dor.cn. klmonas, In plain olnrs, blue with white yokes and plain white, worth $1.5", for 69c. 2i dozen wrappers, In light and dark colors, worth 11.50, for 68c:. WOMEN'S TAILOR MADE SUITS 200 women's fine tailored suits. In alt pretty mixtures, worth up to 120.00, as dis played In our windows, at 16.90. BEE OUR HUNUI RST SKIRTS. Women'a pongee roatg at S3. 90, Ask to see the czarina underskirt. -- .-.. nnd colored wash goods, once. 85C COIORED WASH GOODS REM NANTS 12W. 4.000 yards remnants of Maenama laced striped organdies, Swiss muslins, dotted Swiss muslins, French batiste, corded batiste and printed penangs, small fig ures, stripes and floral designs. In pieces of from 3 to 10 yards, and several pieces of the same design Friday 12Hc 25C COLORED WASH GOODS REM NANTS 8HG. 1,000 yards remnants of corded and printed hairline batiste and madrases, printed French lawns and black India linens Friday 8V4c. 1EC COLORED WASH GOOD REM NANTS 6C. 8,000 yards remnants printed Scotch lawns, Irish dimities, seersucker ging hams and light and dark colored percales c nuH.jr (hj. linens and flannel remnants, which must be closed out at Great Hammock and Croquet Ret peelal Sale. The greatest assortment of the west selling at from 39c, 69c, 79c, 87o and up- 810 MUSLIN 4HC. Indian Head muslin, long mill ends, me quality, at yard 4'.c. 12HC IXDNRDALE CAMBRIC 6C. Lonsdale Cambric, yard wide, long mill ends, 12Vfcc quality, at yard &c. 25C WHITE GOODS IOC. 40-Inch lawn, 40-inch India llnon, 40-Inch batiste, organdies, dot Swiss, mercerized mulls, etc., worth 25c yard, long mill ends, at yard 10c. 11.60 TURKEY RED CLOTHS 69C. 1L.5U turkey red cloths. 0 inches wide, !4 yards long, guaranteed fast oolors, for one day at ttc. CUDAHY HOME NOT PILLAGED Polle Believe that Prompt Arrest ol Suspicions Character Pre vented Bnralarr. By tha arrest of John Russell Wednesday by Officer Foley tha police believe a bur glary at the residence of Edward A. Cudahy at Thlrty-eeventh and Dewey avenue waa prevented. Russell was seen with a com panion prowling around the Cudahy resi dence and Officer Foley started to arrest both of them. Russell's companion ran and made his escape. The officer, however, suc ceeded in capturing Russell and taking him to the station. In explanation ' of his presence at tha house Russell said he was a tinner from Chicago and desired to secure from Mr. Cudahy transportation back to that city. For that purpose he was at the house. The arrest was made between 8 and 9 o'clock. At the time there was no one at home at the Cudahy house and the police believe that Russell and his companion, knowing this, were contemplating burglary. What They Demand. Headaches, liver complaints, bowel dis orders demand Dr. King's New Life Pills, They are gentle, but cure or no pay. 25c. For sale by Kuhn & Co. The Fourth! The Fourth! ALL KINDS OF FIRE WORKS AND THINGS FOR THE GLORIOUS FOURTH AT NEXT-TO-NOTHING FRICE8 ON SALE ON SIDEWALK STAND. CORNER 16TH AND HARNEY. FRIDAY . AND SATURDAY. THE BENNETT COMPANY. THE BENNETT COMPANY. The Most Attractive and the Blgs;est Money Savina Grocery la the City. Bennett's bargain soap, 10 bars, 2&0. Baking soda, pkg, 4c. Salmon lib. can, 10a. Potted meats asa't can, 8a. Pickles asa't bottle, 9c. Olives bottle, 9c. Veal loaf can, 10c Imported sardines can,' lOo. Jelly ass't glass, 6o. FREE. A handsome decorated plate with pound of tea. Everything at cut prices, every Item money saver. THE BENNETT COMPANY. 12C ENGLISH LONG CLOTH 6V4C. Yard wide, soft finish long cloths, 1 mill ends, 12Vc value, at yard 64c. A PHENOMENAL SHOE SALE Of men's, women's, misses' and children's shoes at prices that appeals to the man or woman looking for "snaps. Men's 13.50 patent colt and vtel shoes at 11.96. Women's 13 50 and 14.00 tan or black shoes at 11.96. Misses' 11.60 and 11.25 patent strap sIId- pers at 79c. Child's 11 patent strap slippers at 69c. Women's tl.00 turn oxfords or slippers t 79c. Women's 11-60 turn strap or slippers at 98o. Misses' 11.75 hand turn red strap slipper at 98c. Brooks Bros.' 15.00 patent leather button at 12.98. 1.500 pairs women's 12.35 oxfords at 11.48. 1.200 pairs women's hand turn 13.00 ox fords at 11.98. 400 pair women's hand turn 14.00 ox fords at 12.98. G rover's hand sewed shoes will cure corns. We have them. Straw Hats for Men, Boys and Children We have just closed out the entire stock of a larsre lobbing house. in every imaginame snape ana color. All tnis season s gooas. This lot, if sold regularly, would sell at an average of 75c each, but at the we got them, we are able to offer them at prices divided into two lots, at 10c ai WHY NOT HAVE TWO OR THREE HATS IN PLACE OF ONE ONLY? Straw hats ir CLOSED ALL DAY ON THE FOURTH OPEN TTLI 10 O'CLOCK FRIDAY EVE KING. Smoke Omaha's Fines v "YVl N" f Iff I II ' Park A Telford- X I II! I IV Mi Favorite 16 sizes. 1 I 1 1 I f S. Rodriguez Charles I J I IV V the Great 12 sizes. J I L "" Enuello Lopez Lord Temple 10 sizes. I l il -j Tel. 150 for a box. We deliver. ps, J W. F. Stoecker Cigar Company America's Rammer Resorts. When It begins to get hot and dry one's thoughts naturally turn toward the lakes and rivers and the seashore of New York and New England, and we begin to wonder how much It would require of time and money to make the trip. A lot "of these questions are answered and a lot of in formation given free In "IFour-Track Series" No. 8, "America's Summer Re sorts." Bent on receipt of a 3-cent stamp, by George H. Daniels, General Passenger Agent, New York Central &. Hudson River Railroad, Grand Central Station, New York. Stetson's Grape Juice Is the ideal bever age for your Fourth of July picnic. Deposits Made now draw interest for the entire month. Money may be withdrawn at any time. No notice required. J. L. URANDEIS & SONS, Bankera Four percent interest paid. The Low Rates to Boston Via the Lake Shore ft Michigan Southern railway afford a delightful opportunity for an eastern vacation trip. Tickets on sain June 2t. 26 and 27, July 1, 2, 1, 4 and 6 Full particulars on application to M. 8 Giles. T. P. A., Chicago, or by addressing C. F. Daly, Chief A. G. P. A.. Chicago, Notice. . Our hank will be open Friday until 9 o'clock p. m., but will not be open on Saturday. July 4th. J. L. BRANDEIS Ar SONS. Bankers. The Four Track News for July, best yet Bold by news dealers. Five cents a copy. Foe Bale Due b!!! on one of the beat New York City hotels at a good discount Ad dress E M, care Omaha Bee. Buy your shoes Friday. We keep open Until 9:80 Friday evening. Closed Saturday. Regent Shoe IX 206 8. 15th. Holiday Hates. Very low ratea account July 4th via Missouri Pacific July Sd and 4th, to points within, 200 miles. For Information call Union Station or City Offices, S. E. corner Fourteenth and Douglas streets. Ram'l Burns Is selling a real Delft dinner set. Stetson's Orape Juice Is unexcelled lununer beverage. Try It. Card, of Tkaaki. The undersigned desire to tender their heartfelt thanks to neighbors and friends who came to our aid during the late illness of our beloved husband and father, Cyrus D. Chapman, and for their many tokens of sympathy . In the hour of our bereave ment, especially to Hon. and Mrs. Charles F. Manderson, Mr, . and Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick, the officers and members of the Union Veteran union and to the Immediate neighbors In Dundee. i MRS. MARY E. CHAPMAN AND CHILDREN. DIED. O ROURKE Mrs Mary, aged 68 years, at her residence, 1819 California street. Funeral Hxlurduy morning at 8:80 from reslrten-e. Services at Holy Family church at 1 o'clock a. in. )lnterment. Holy Sepul chre. WOLLSTEIN Theodore aged 69 years, at his residence, lw Kurf urxterndamm, Ber lin. Germany, July 2, 1903. SUMMER MRS. J. BENSON OURHOSIERYSTOCK Is very large and Includes all the best things made. 25c In Lace or Open Work Hose pretty patterns at Lisle Lace Hose 35c 3 pair (or $1.00. A .,,.111.. T I.U T -.... IT ...... V.. ...4 .11 . ljtLi ii ua 14 unu.j t.i.in i,w:o . , . . .-j , u v ii qi i'u t o i isoo pattern, ouc, --u ana i.i- prettiest patterns roaae. Plain I-U1 or Cotton. pamlsa lOo tip. riitklren'e I.aoe Ho, 2.V pair any slio. Fine qiwlity Ual I-aee Hose WV Muck or white. Flaln H'HruleeS liose JOo up. Infants' Mercerized Ijice Hose In all colors 25c pair. Plain seamless hone 15o up. Infanta' Lace Lisle Socks In black, white, pink, tan or blue price 25c YU are cordially invited to open a bank account with us. We pay 4 per cent interest on pass books and certificates, and money may be withdrawn at any time Without notice. Cheek on all banki eotthed. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS BAXKERS. SCDLLER MUELLER. 1313 FARNAM STREET. HAVE A FEW CHOICE BARGAINS IN USED PIANOS That will be ! Closed Out This Week. 1200 Gilbert, walnut for I O OTTLE -NX -BEER j 1 1 PA rfE? A fsmtly beer made from selected hops the beet of ES-jSi mm A rsmny beer made from selected Hops tue oeex or barley mildly stimulating saves doctor Dins ror wife mother sister daughter. Minna Is say nrt tt Onahs, Cesacll Sloffi er Seats Omaha. Order a case from the JETTER BREWINQ OMAHA TeMpMOM MXJ aOUTB OMAHA Tel. shows or LEE MICHELU wholesale dealer, cchjnch aiurra CO. , 20 Per Cent Discount Until July 15 on our grips and suit cases. In vestigate this. We can furnish the best for less than you pay for inferior grades elsewhere. Repairing done. Telephone 10i. s a o s FARKAM3T. OMAHA TMJW-FAttOKY- SEWIflG MACHINES We sell the NEW HOME. WHITE. DOMESTIC. 8TANDARD. HOUSEHOLD an1 other first-class machines. Supplies andattachments for all machines. P. E. FLODMAN & CO., $90 o.?:.." $128 $275 Standard, walnut $162 t.rft Mallet tk Davis, rosewood 1Q4 J3 I vers 4 Pond, walnut $210 tf-J0 Hardman. rosewood p2Q5 Fully Warranted. On Very Easy Payments Call or Write at Once. TELEPHONES: statta 1625. Coundl Bltrfft MS IOWA BRANCH: 502 Broadway, Council Blsff. What do you care? We have a bug annlhllator which Is sure death to every bug, bed bug, cockroach or any other kind, and IF IT DON'T DO THE BUSINESS COMB, GET TOUR MONEY 15c pint, 2Ro quart, 50c H gallon, or 8oo gallon. Pint oil can with long spout free with V gallon or gallon slse. We de liver any place In the city no extra charge. 6oc Bar Ben, our price 4o wo tervita, our price 40c .15c genuine Castorla 24o 11.00 Peruna, our price 67o tl.00 Pierce's Remedies, our price 8So $1.00 Mllea' Nervine, our price 78o Just compare these prices with others. 50o Cutlcura Salve, our price... S9o 60c Doan's Pills, our price 89c 11.00 Her s Malt Whlaky Mo $1.00 Pure Canadian Malt Whisky 75c tl.00 Parlalan Hair Tonic, guaranteed.. 7oo 12.00 Chester s Pennyroyal Pills. ...i $1.00 OPEN ALWAYS. CUT PRICB DRUQ STORE Two 'Phones T4T an 77. 16th aad Chioaaro Streets. Omaha. SGIIAEFER'S fiilil $3,00 Gold Crowns from $2.85 pnPP Work done f This Offer Fnrr Goodumii I IILsU material. JulylO. In order to Increase our clinic, we want every man, woman and child to have their teeth examined by the Pro fessors. Work guaranteed 10 years. Incorporated under state law SPECIAL WAIST SALE FRIDAY Women's Shirt Waists-In white lawn and orpandles, handsomely trimmed with laoe and, embroidery 0? 11.50 and Ii00 values, 7 JC Women's Shirt Walsts-In white lawns, madras stud col ored silk etamlnes, in beauti ful shades Cf iC Ii60 values 4I.4D Women's Shirt Waists In the very handsomest mate rials; high class makes waists In this lot; worth t',4 Ct no and $5 your oholce( pltVU Women's Stylish Shirt Waists In the finest pure linen band embroidered; also white organdies, laco trimmed; waists that sold at M.00 and 7.60 CT f)A your choice PiVU Two Great Specials in Women's Walking Skirts. 480 Women's Walking Skirts Made of fine mate rials, such as voiles, etamlnes and fancy mixtures, all in this season's newest shapes, the proper kind for shirt waist wear; skirts In this lot worth B7.60, B8.60 and $10.00 Your Choice Friday, $4.90 275 Womfen's 5tyllsh Walking Skirts Made of this season's handsomest mate rials In beautiful summer shades, new plaited and tunic effects, mostly samples, one of a kind; they are positively worth 110 to 115 Your Choice Friday, $6.90 Fillings from 28c Teeth Extracted FREE Aluminum Plates from $9. Brldga work from 2.S5 UNION DENTAL COLLEGE OP PAINLESS DENTISTRY. II Dwf lai. Opca tally tUI . Ssrtsyi to 4. Union Suits of Under wear 50c. It's the regulation $1.00 kind of men's union underwear. Sizes from 34 to 42. Not more than two suits to any cne customer. Ours is the place for you to buy your hot weather goods for men's wear. Alpaca coats from 75c up. All wool blue serge coats, the Alfred Benjamin make, from $2.60 up. Fancy vests, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. Light underwear, 15c, 25c and 45c, Negligee shirts. 48o, 95c and $1.50 Fine cream-colored mo- J hair shirts. $2.00; all silk shirts, pure white, I $3.00. Straw hats In the latest shapes, 25c, 45c. 75c and $1.00. White duck pants, good ones, at 95c. Outing coats and pants from ' $3.76 up. Elegant values In lightweight sum- mer suits, $7.50, $10.00. $12.50 and $15.00, at : the Guarantee Clothing Co., 1519-1521 Doug- las street. Don't forget that we sell Regent shoes for men at $1.60. We have the fnl. ! lowing shapes: Coin, London and Globe' toe, also Congress. Store open Friday even- : Ing until 10 o'clock. Fiom the Kansas City Flood Harness and Saddles at Big Reduction. ' $30 single buggy harness, full Kay saddle, beat rubber trimmed, $17. K'O harness, $12, $15 harness, $10. Oood single express harness, $12.60. $2.26 riding bridles, $1.26. Bo whips, BSC. A large stock of COACH snd RUN ABOUT harness at big reduction. Large can harness soap, 25c; small can harness soap, 20c; harness dressing, 20c; axle oil, 20c; carriage axle greese, 10c; Metal polish, 10c and 20c. Fly nets, lap robes, suit cases and valises at low prices. Tel. 2314. Alfred Cornish 1210Farnam- tier-. -wiCsr., IHwwi, -;jrr-?: ,l- . ovJ.. naC."..r.J-.r,m n n Phone 1974. 1514 Capitol Av. This Atomizer rf-.. BY MAIL 25C ( 35c ) S lllllMli,! It works per fectly Fine water oil at omiser for 66o. Br mall. 760. Write for catalogue of drugs, pat ent - medl clnes and rubber goods of all kinds. Sherman &McConnelI Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Omaha, Neb. Daily Tourist Gars ft OMAHA TO DENVER VIA UNION PACIFIC Leave Omaha Dally at 4:20 p. m. Arrive Denver 7:05 a. m. DovhU Berth OmaAa to Denser $1.50 OmTIOin OFFICE, 1S24 FAHIkM IT. 'Phone B6. ioreGlieapJ Excursions ! VIA Didn't Get Your Clothes when they were promised, eh? That Is the way It goes some places, but not at The Pamorluni we make It a rule to get things out promptly and when promised. We give you flrst rlaKs work at popular prices and guarantee it In every respect. Try ua THE PANTORIUM OMAHA. 407 So 15th St Tel. 8C3 Deputy State Veteiinaiiaa. Food 'Inspector. H.L.RIUACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITT VETERINARIAN. Office and Infirmary. 2lh snd Mason Ste. Omaha, Nob,. I$!phone. a. :'l---rl LjS- H WEE Special Sale Friday on Suit Gases a r & m H'w rmnam ma IJtA gilntu rM tmftfi SMSIM Srv turn IIHIM UMITHD HTATH.9 DHHUH1TOHY. IHIMV la ttMT V V II.H.II..M. .M FROM 0U1AHA CHICAGO. ILt, $14.11 On sale June 30th snd July 1st. Atlanta. Ga $3110 On aale July 6. 6 and T. Boston, Mass $33.75 On sale June 30, July l-l-J-4. Detroit, Mich $21.00 On sale July 14 and IS. Baltimore, Md $33.25 On sale July 17 and 18. Saratoga Springs. N. Y $33.20 On vale July 3 and 4. Buffalo, N. T $41.50 Pittsburg, Ta itf .45 Waterloo, la. $11.86 St. Paul, Minn $12.60 Minneapolis. Minn $13.60 ' Duluih. Minn $i60 ' Watervllle, Minn $10.60 Waseca, Minn .....$10.60 Falrbault, Minn $10.50 Korthneld, Minn ,..$lu.60 Clear Lake, la .....$10.70 Spirit Lake, (OkoboJI) $9 96 Tickets on sale dally during Jane, July, August and September, good for return until Oct. 11, ljuj. Above rates are for round trip tickets, Homeseeker's round trip tickets on sale to points In the North, Northwest, faouih and Southeast, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in each month. AIbo one way colonist . rates to points In the South and! Kmitheast on sajne dates. I Summer tours via. Duluth or Chicago and Steamer via the Great Lakes. Write mo about your trip and lot me give you an Itinerary, show ing time, connections, cost, etc. bleeping Car and bteamer reserva tions made In advance. Correspondence solicited and in formation cheerfully given at 14'i2 Kari.am St., Omaha, or write. W. II. BRILL. ( Mat. Peas. Agt. IIL Contra! R. R. X OMAHA, NBB.