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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1903)
8 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Hetty Salei Further Weaken Wheat on Botrd of Trade. SEPTEMBER DROPS THREE-FOURTHS CENT Cora and Oats Also Fall, Whll.,Fro Tltloaa Renaala taehanaed to Flfteee Crate Higher oa Dr'i Business. CHICAOO, July l.-Contlnued liquidation caused weakness In wheat today, Septem ber cloning 1o lower. September corn wss off Sc. while oMa were down c. Pro Visions cloned unchanged to 15c higher. The sentiment In the wheat pit waa gen erslly bearish and with more ralna reported throughout the northweat and good har vesting weather In the aouthweat, there waa ccnalderable selling pressure throigh out the entire day. Opening prices were easier on lower cables and better weather conditions, September being a shade higher to Vtific lower at 16Wi7c. Fair buying by commission houses, together with the advance In corn, caused a firmer feeling early In the day and the price advanced gradually to 'S'ic, but later reacted again on a leaa urgent demand. The weakness at St. Louis, due partly to the arrival there of several cars of new wheat, was a bear factor late In the day. After selling at 75e September closed e lower at ToWt 7Mc. C'learancea of wheat and flour were equal to 415,100 bushels. Primer;- receipts were 307,100 bushels, against 4i!0,oi)0 bushels a year ago. Bradstreet's world s visible showed a decrease of 2. 400,000 bushels. Min neapolis and Duluth reported receipts of 173 cars, which, with local receipts of 17 cars none of contract grade made total receipts for the three points of 190 cars, against 146 cars last week and 261 cars a year ago. Com was strong a large part of the ses sion, due to the efforts of some local bulls to support the market, but the fine growing weather and the weakness In wheat were Influences that overbalanced all else and weakness prevailed late In the day. Deliv eries on July contracts were over 1,000,000 bushels, most or It being put out Dy eleva tor Interests. After selling between 60c and 6IM1C, September closed hvs lower at BOc. Local receipts were 3tl cars, with 40 of con tract grade. Oats were Influenced mainly by the situa tion In corn, but the general sentiment was more bearish. Trading was on a fair scale, with commission houses the best buyers. while local longs did the selling. The offer ings were too liberal to be readily absorbed and an easier tone prevailed the last part of the day. September closed ie lower at 33e, after ranging between 33,o and Zihk QMc. Local receipts were 14fl cars. Provisions opened easier on fair receipts of hogs, but buying by both local and out side houses caused a rally and the market was quite active at this. September pork closed 15e higher at 31S.77V4. September lard was unchanged at $8.30, while ribs were 2Vi bfo lower at 18.70. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 25 cars; corn, S10 cars; oats, 180 cars; hogs, 25.000 head. The leading future ranged as follows: Articles ! Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat a July b July a Sept. b Sept. Corn July Sept. Deo. Oats July Sept. Dec. Pork July Sept. Lard July Sept. nibs July Sept 77 77,' 7(Vt 76W 7B 7T 77H5H 764 767Tffl 75 '4 7 76V I I 49WK BOVVi 49HI 49H160 60 6011 4845Vtf'7l 61 40 8 891 34tt 83 4 34 84 33 'AUT 83T 16 60 16 66 16 56 16 60 16 66 15 62H 15 77VI 15 32H 15 87 15 62V 10 a ao I 56 8 20 8 40 8 07HI 8 27Vil 8 20 8 30 8 70 8 70 8 10 8 80 8 67H 8 67H 8 72) 8 66 8 62 77Vil 8 62 No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady. WHEAT No. 8 spring. 78c; No. I spring, 74877e: No. 1 red, 7t)H378c. CORN No. 2, WiafKc; No. t yellow, 60 Vc. OATS-No. I, 39Ho; No. I whits, 88Vi3394o. RYE No. if 6043 BARLEY Good feeding, 4345c; fair to Choice malting, 4!fr&2c. SEED No. 1 flax, 99c; No. 1 northwest ern, 81.01; prime timothy, 83.70; clover, con tract grade. 3U.50fflU.7S. PROVlSIONS--Mess pork, per bbl., $15.60 M5.62Vt. Lard, per 100 Ins.. 8.07fr.10. Short ribs sides (loose), $.W8.70. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $S.OOi.12V4. Short clear sides (boxed). $8.87Vtg9.06. Following are the receipts and shipments of flour and grain yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. flour, bbls 26.900 18,200 'heat, bu 66.700 10,600 orn, bu 616,300 194,700 Oats, bu 713,400 224,100 Rye. bu 14.400 Barley, bu 78.100 4,000 On the Produce exohange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 16320c; dairies, 1618c. Eggs, steady; at mark, cases Included, 12Viul4c Cheese, steady at ioyaaittc NEW YORK OERCHAIi MARKET. Quotations of the lay Varlas Commodities, NEW YORK. July l.-FLOUR Receipts, 27.738 bbls.; exports, 23,296 bbls.; easy and a shade lower; winter straights, tt.7TX5J.90; Minnesota patents, $4.40fM.76. Ry flour, firm; fair to good, $3.00)3.36. CORNMEAL Quiet; yellow western, $1.14: city, $1.12; Brandywlne, $3.12(83.20, kiln dried. RYE Firm; No. 2 western, 6lo, f. o. k.. afloat; state, 681T59UC, f. o. b., afloat BARLEY Dull: feeding, 62c, c 1. f.. New York; malting. 61Hg)67o. WHEAT Receipts, 84.125 bu.; exports, 16, 006 bu. Snot easy; No. 2 red. 83 He eleva tor and KiVtjC, t. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 91 o, c. I. f., afloat; No. I hard Mani toba, 90Uc f. o. b., afloat. It waa a dull day In wheat circles and rather weak up to 1 o'clock, after which room covering started a rally. Splendid weather, liquidation, poor export demand, easier cables and heaviness at St. Louis were the depressing Influences. Most of the buying wss based on strength In corn, but this finally yielded to renewed liquidation, and the close was Sc net lower. July. WLtfl84'c closed at 83Uc: Ren. tember, 804,it.81Hc closed at 80Hc; Decem ber. wiiui,e, ciosen st sovic. CORN Receipts. 26.2W bu.: exports, 118.962 bu. rvpoi, eaay; no. z. 6vc. elevator, snd 6Kie, f. o. b., afloat; No. I yellow. 68Vic; No. t white, 684c. Options opened barely steady wun wneai, out soon advanced on surnrls Inglv aood support from tha southwest, light offerings and the buying In Chicago bv provision interests. Later It declined with wheat and closed HlfSc net lower. Julv. 6AT iR7c, closed at 57ic; September. WSW D7nc, closed at 6tiHc; December, 65 7-16S56c, Closedat 66 7-16C. OAT8 Receipts. 60,000 bu.; exports, 1S.075 bu. Spot, easier; No. 2, 42c; stnndnrd white. 45'; No. 2. 42Ke: No. 2 white. 46c: No. $ white. 45c; track white, 44ij50c. Op tions steadier wun corn. HAY-Hteady: shipping, KHgSSc; good to cnolce. ii.inrai.n. HOPS Dull; state, common to choice. 1723S4c; 1901. 14'fi17c; olds. Vft9c: Pacific coast, iwz, isasc; 1901, I417c; olds, ( J 9c. HIDES Stead v; Galveston. 20 to 26 lbs., lc; California. 21 to 25 lbs.. 19c; Texas, dry, 24 to SO lh.. 14e. LEATHER Steady: hemlock sole. Buenos Ay res. light to heavy weights, acid, Zi-ai 5Hc. RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, 4 C7c; Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS Beef, dull; family, $1000 nil. oo; mess, (iinflin; beef hams. $l 50tit 20.09; packers'. $9 6o)10 00; city .extra India mess. 116 004U7.00. Cut meats, steadv to firm pickled bellies. $925810.50; pickled shoulders 7friS.00; pickled hams. 112 12.50. Ird nilrt: weatern steamed, $8.50; refined steady; continent, $8 55; South America, SO 3d: compound. $7.6O.0O. Pork, oulet family 18.018 60; short clear, 113.75$ 18.00 mess. $17 5i no. TALLOW Stesdy; city, 4rri(ff6c; country, Bl'TTER Receipts. T.460 pkgs 5 state dairy, lfimjatc; creamery. lVWJ-20c. CHEE8K Receipts. 3.121 pkas. : weak state, full cream, fancy, small, colored and white. 10A,r; large, colored and white. 10c, t.iu Keceipts. im psgs.; irregular western extras, lHc; western seconds to llrsts. lM17c. POULTRY All, steady: western chick rns, 15c: fowls. 12c; turkeys. l!c; dressed slow; western broilers. ZiXgzsc; fowls, 11c (lirlovs. METALS "not tin at I-ondon closed Is 6d higher at 127 for snnt, while futures gnlned 6s. chtslng at 126. Locally tin waa fW.fs. Conner wss lower In I-ondon. snot declining 10s to 57 10s snd futures 12s 6d to CRT Is Art. Locally copper remained quiet snn nominally uncnangea. l-e and elee trolvtic. $14 37H14 S2H. and casting st $14, Im4 advanced is M to ail MM at Ixtndon but remained quiet and unchanged here at 94 12V. Spelter waa ;s 6d higher In Lnn don. closing at 20 5s. lxvl'v It wss more or Iras nominal at $6.12WH 26. Iron closed at 5T'S.l In Glasgow and at a d In Mid dlssborough. Locally Iron was quiet and unchangedj; No, 1 foundry northern. 19.i0i 20 00; No. 2 foundry northern. $U fotfl8 00; No. 1 foundry southern and soft. $19 kq19 50. ON All A WHOLEMtK MARKET. Conditio ef Trade aad Qnotatloaa ea staple aad Faery Prodoe. EffOft Fresh stork, loss off. UlSHe. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 7V'u4c; spring chickens, per llV5fl7r; roosters, sccord Ing to me 4W5c; turkeys, 13'flc; ducks, 7c; geese, 5 7c. . BUTTER Packing stock, choice dslrv. In tuba, liul'c: separator, 2T822c. FllEBII FISH-Fresh caught trout, '4c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 9c; perch, tic; buffalo, c; bluePsh, 11c; Whitehall, 9c; s.ilmon, ISc; had dock, 10c; cod Huh, 12c; redsnspr'r, 10c; lob sters, boiled, per lb., 25c; loWers. green, per lb.. 23c; bullheads, 11c; catfish. 14c; black hnss, Wax-; halibut. Me; shad roe. 40c per pair, roo shad, $1 each; crapple. 12c; her ring, tic; perch, 6c; white bass, luc; bluellns, 8c RRAN-Per ton. $15. HAY Prices quoted by Omsha Wholessle Dealers' sssoclatlon: Choice No. 1 upland. $10, Nr.. ?, $9.60; medium, $9; coarse. $8 50. Rye strsw, $7. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. COitN c. OATS 40c. RYE No. 2. 60c. VEGETABLES. OLD POTATOES Home grown stock, per bu.. 4S60c. NEW POTATOES southern, per ou L. PARSLEY Per dot. bunches, 30c. PARSNIPS Per bu., 40c. CUCUMBERS Per dos., 60c; horns grown, 35c. BEANS Home grown, wax. per bu. box, $1.60; string, per bu. box. $1.60. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per doi.. 60c. CABBAQE-New California, per lb., 2Vio. TOMATOES Mississippi, per 4-basket crate. $1.00. RHURARB Per lb., le. NAVY BEANS Per bu $150. ONIONS New California dry, per lb., lo; Texns. per lb., 2c CELERY Michigan, per doi., 25c FRUITS. RTH A WRKRRIF.S Colorado. $3.00. BLACK RA8PBERRIE8 Per 24-plnt RED RASPBERRIES Per 24-plnt case, $3 00. BLACKBERRIES-Per 24-o.uart case, $2.60, APRICOTS California, per box, $1.40. PEACHES California, per box. $1.26, PLUMS California, Cfyman, per box, $1.25. CHERRIES California, white and black, per 10-lb. box. $2. CANTALOUPE California, per crate, $5. APPLES New stock, V bu., 76c. WATERMELONS Georgia, 400 each; Florida, per lb., llic. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 75c; Turkish, per 18-lb. box, 18c. 176 and smaller sizes. $4; for 150 and larger sizes, $3.26; Mediterranean, all sizes, 33.&X9 3.2o; Jarra. 3.z&B3.&o; lancy Diooa, per nan box, i; St. Micaes, or paper rine, an sizes, $3.504.00. LEMONS California fancy, 809 to 990 sizes, $5; 240 to 270 slsee, $4.00(94.50; Mes slnas, $5. DATES Persian. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; per case of 30-lb. pkgs., $3.26. PINEAPPLES Florida. $2.75; Cuban, $2.60. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., lOo. POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled. 4o. HIDES No. 1 green, 6Vc; No. 2 green, 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8Hc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6Hc; dry salted hides, 812c; sheep pelts, 25ig75c; horsehldes, $1.50(0)2.50. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 17c: hard shell, per lb.. 14c: No. Z soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb., 12c; Alberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb.. 15c: pecans, large, per lb.. 12Ho: small per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per dos., 61c; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6Hc; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50. x St. Louis Grain and Provisions. Of r nrrra T. . i vriT it T . 2 red. cash, elevator. 76Sc: track. 79c: July. 7tHc, September, 74c; No. 2 hard, 76" CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 62c; July, 48c; September, 4S4c. OATS Dull; No. 2 cash, track, 4142c; July, 40c; September, S3Hc; No. 2 white, 45c. i f.-Lower, oio. FLOUR-Falrly active on decline In wheat; red winter patents, $3.854.00; extra fancy and straight, $3.66g3.80; clear, $3.20 SKED-Tlmothy. steady at $2.00'2.50. CORNMEAL Steady at $2.80. BRAN Steady ; sacked, east track, 809 kc. - HAY Steady; timothy, U.OOlT.0O: oral rle, $6.0011.00. IRON COTTON TIES-$1.05. BAGGING-61(SHc. HEMP TWINE-ic PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobbing. standard mess, sin.szft. Lra, nrm at 7.8u, Bacon strong; boxed, extra shorts, $9.26; ciear nos, .aiwi; snort clear, s.Kii. M ETA LS Spelter, $6.60. METALS Lead, firm at $4.02Vi; spelter. nrm at a.ou. POULTRY 8teady; chickens, 9Hc; springs, 13c; turkeys, 9c; ducks, 7c; geese, 3S4c. BUTTER Lower; creamery, 1621c; aairy, ltxo lc. EGGS Steady at 14c loss off. neueipts Bmpments. Flour, bbls. 9,000 9.000 Wheat, bu. Corn. bu. . ..29,000 ..49.000 ..20.000 11.000 54,000 82.000 Oats, bu, .., Visible Supply Orala. NEW YORK, July L-8peclaI tele graphic and cable advices to Bradstreets show the following changes in available supplies as compared with last accounts: WHEAT United States snd Canada, east of Rockies, decreased l.ZlU.uuo rm.: afloat lor ana in Europe, aecreased 200,000 bu.; total supply, 2,419,000 bu. CORN United States and Canada, east or nocKies, increased i,wu,uuu du. OATS United States and Canada, east of Rockies, Increased, 200.000 bu. . Among the mora Important decreases re ported are those of 148,000 Jbu. at Depot Harbor, 133.000 bu. at Chicago private elevators, and 67,000 bu. at Manitoba ele vators. The loading Increases Include those of 76.000 bu. at Port Huron, C9.000 bu. at Portland, Me., and m.oud du. at Joltet Kansas City Orala aad ProTlsions. KANSAS CITY. July 1. WHEAT July, 68V4c; September. 66Vfcc; cash. No. 2 hard, 70j72c; No. 3, 68ig9c; No. 4. 63j6e; No. red, 7:rroc; no. , fic; receipts, cars. CORN July. 47lVio; eeptemoer, 45H' Vic; cash. No. 2 mixed, 449Vsc; No. white, 5W5S0KC; No. 3, 49c OATS No. 2 whlU, 410. . . RYE No. 2. 61c HAY Choice timothy. $12; choice. prairie. $7.5tK&11.00. buttzsk creamery. i(aic; isncy aairy. 17c. EGGS Fresh, UVsO. Liverpool Grala aad ProTlslans LIVERPOOL. July 1. WHEAT Soot dull; No. 2 red western, winter, 6s 2Hd; No. 1 California. 6s 1V40. Futures steady: July, 6s 4,d- September, 6s 3d. CUKN tspot, uiet; American mixed, ts q Futures steudy; July, 6s Hd; September, bs Ml. octoDer, nominal. The following are the stocks of broad stuffs and provisions In Liverpool: Flour, 35.000 sacks; wheat, I,2b5,0n0 centals: corn 23.000 centals: bacon. 10,100 boxes: hams. $.600 boxes; shoulders, 2,700 boxes; butter, 4.100 cwt.; cheese, 33.800 boxes; lard, 6,900 tierces of prime western steam and 2,300 tierces oi oiner kiiiqs. Philadelphia Produce Market PHILADELPHIA, July l BUTTER Stesdy; western creamery, 21c; nearby prims, i.e. EGGS Easier; fresh nearby, 17c; western lie; entitnweatern, lfcc; southern. ltH&lhc. CHKE8K-yulet but steady; full creams, rhoice, new, 11c; fair to good, new, 10' Minneapolis Wheat, Floar and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS, July 1. WHEAT - Cash. Mc; July, ?4c; September, 744c No. 1 hard. 4c: No. 1 northern. 83V No. 2 northern, 82c; No. 8 northern, 81 -'C. FLOUR First patents, patents, $4.204.80: first second clears, $2.404r2 60. BRAN In bulk. $14.00. $4.304.iO; second clears, $3.3 30 Milwaukee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. July l.-WHEAT-Hc lower; No. 1 northern, 87He; No. 1 north ern, SbOjooHe; September, new, 7bWc RYi: Steady; No. 1. 344c. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, bejr0c; aampla, itvtioic. CORN September, 60 c. Peoria Market. PEORIA. July 1. CORN-Strong; No. I, 60c; No. , 4&c. OATS Steady ; No. 2 white, SSfcc; No. 4 while, J71c Told Seed Market. "TOLEDO, July J.-SEED Clover dull, essler; October, $5 46 bid; prime timothy, $1.75. Dalath Grata Market. DULt'TH. July l.-WHEAT-To arrive. No. 1 bard, tic; Ka. I northern. Uc; i northern 750. BOnp; July, 8:V4c; Septem- ber CJATS-36Vl'g27c. HEW YORK STOCKS A0 HOKDS. Tneaday's Animation Is Isl, Market Resnmlnar Recent Lethargy. NEW YORK, July 1 The revived hope r renewed speculation, which yesterday caused the dismissal of the resolution for a nllday on Friday, received a setbacK today. II tha animation was gone rrom tne mar ket and the apathetic conditions of lust eek seemed to be renewed In full force. esterdsy's stiffening In the call loan rate to 10 per cent served to Intimidate the trad- ng element. The rate did not go above s per rent today and In the late dealings eased off to nominal figures sfter the prin cipal demand had been satisfied. The course or me can money maraei, nnwrvn, felt to be due to the moderation displayed by stock market borrowers and the late easing or the rate had no oiner eneci man moderate recovery from tne earner de pression In the market, due to the covering of shorts by preferential traders. The re covery halted at shout last night's level snd he closing wss rsther heavy, esternay s idden sdvance of over 2 points In l nnen States Steel preferred, which was coinci dent with the return to the street after a long absence of a noted operator conspic uous In the flotation period of the United States Steel securities, and aroused some ope that a renewed bull campaign was to be undertaken In those securities under syndicate auspices, but the inertia or in preferred stock In the neighborhood of S2. which Is the subscription price offered to emploves. strengthened the surmise that that price level was the objective of yes terday's movement. Other news of the cor poration's affairs caused a hope that the re cent pressure of liquidation has not been completed and there were rumors curi .nt that the holdings recently In course of liquidation had been taken care of. Second mortgage bonos were neio hdoui a imui rinrlnar the mnrnlnsr. but did not hold well. London was a conspicuous seller during the morning and there was a considerable heaviness In the market. A recovery of the exchange market also resulted and an ad vance in the price of American gold coin In Txindnn was also noted. Today's clearing house balances footed up $24,697,490. which is lose to the high record level, ana is a re- ectlon of yesterdays heavy nnanciai transactions Incident to the turn of the financial vea. The renewed strength In the cotton market disappointed the hopes that the violent speculation there was not a culmination, ana tne nrmness or me corn market was also a detriment to stocks, al hoiwh the sham reaction in wheat was fai-nmhlv regarded Atchison nnd Southern Pacific were carried a point under lost night at one time. Hocking valley reu o, wun a rllv nf 2ii. and the preferred dropped 8 on account of fears by speculative holders that as yet unannounced reports oi control would not yield sny benefit to them. The weakness of Colorado Fuel was due to the existence of a large order In liquidation. Sugar suffered from the marking down of the price or tne prnouci ana tne weaniienn of the Ixmdon copper market affected amal gamated. The May net earnings reported by Lehigh Valley and New York Ontario & Western connrn ea tne oenei in uu vny favorable conditions In the coal cnrrylng trnrle and revived some buying of Reading, but the May reports of St. Paul, Louisville Nashville ana Houmern Kauway snoweu that the effect of the large increases in nn.r,hn einenses. St. Paul showing a net return slightly less than the corresponding month lsst year. The bond market was quire nrm, nui nui active outside of the United States Steel 2d 5s. Total sales, par value, $z,330,oiio. United States Zs aavancea ana mo oius 4s H on the last call. Following are the quotations qn mo iew York Stock exchange: Atrhiaon . Mi4 st. Paul ofa ITT do pfd . 2 8o. Pacific 60H Bal. Ohio . So. Railway . i do pfd .la4H Texas 4t Pacific .166 Toledo, Bt. L 4 W . IV do ptd . It .I'nloo Paclflo . i do pid . 1144 Wabash . 34'V do ptd .171, Wheeling A U K... . 14 iVi'li. Central .14 do pfd 24 do prd 88 SO Canadian Pacific... Central of N. J.... Chea. A Ohio cblcaso A Alton... 25 H . . 44 .. 82H .. tut .. 24 .. 441 .. 21 .. 21 .. 42H ..121 ..165 ..110 ..ISO .. 66 S .. 88 '4 .. M'l .. 10 .. 13 .. 4 .. 1 .. 46 v .. 93 ..122. .. 80 do pfd Chlcaio a O. W... do lat pfd Chlcato a N. W.. Chicago Ter. A Tr do pfd C. C. C. A 8t L. Colorado So , 88 lAdama Ex . nt American Ex . 68 i United Statea Ex . 2t Wella-Fargo Ex.. .174t Amal. Copper ... do lat pfd do td pfd Del. A Hudaon... Dei. U A W Denver A K. O... ,161V, Amur. Car I do prd 8a Amer. Lin. Oil.... do pfd Erie 14 do pfd ag'Aroer. Locomotive. 6 do pfd 170 American 8. A R. ao do pfd 1 Amer. Sugar Ref. 114VlAnac. Mining Co. do lat pfd , do id ptd Great Nor. pfd.... Hocking Valley ... illlnola Central Iowa Central .. za IHrooxiyn R. T. . do pfd 47 IColo. Fuel A Iron... 92 K. C. Southern ...29 Columbua A H. ...44 Cone. Oaa ...112jOen. Electrto ... ...13714 Inter. Paper .... ...122 do pfd ... 92 Inter. Pump ... ...10f do pfd ... 22Natlonal Biscuit 17 do pfd Its 177 16 7 40 . 79 SH 17 96 17 M 63 87 109 14 74 12 74 61 9 4 19 49 91 91 , 94 L. A N Manhattan L Met. St. Rr Minn. A St. L Mo. Paclflo M.. K. A T do ptd to National Lead . I0i No. American ., Nat. R. R. ot Max do pfd 411, Pad do Mall N. Y. Central 127 People's Oas Norfolk A W. 4Preaaed S. Car do pfd , 99 do pfd , MH'Pullman P. Car ,129 Republic Steel , 72 do pfd , 12 Rubber Oooda , 921 do ptd , 99;Tenn. Coal A Iron., , 14 V. 8. Leather , tw I do pfd , T1'U. 8. Rubber ,71 do pfd , U. 8. Steel . 17 do pfd Ontario A W Pennaylvanta P.. C. C. A St. L.. Reading do lat pfd do Id pfd Rock Inland Co do pfd St. L. A 8. F do lat ptd do Id pfd St. L. 8. W V do pfd 991 Western Union St. Paul Ul New York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 1. MONEY On call. Steady at 25g6 per cent; closing at 23 per cent; sixty days, 4 per cent; ninety days, 4 per cent; six months, efifiH per cent. Prime mercantile paper, oiijo'jh per cent. STERLING EXCJiAJNUfc-Steady at $4.8826 for demand and at $4.86 for sixty days; posted rates, $4.8SV and $4.88Vi; com mercial bills. $4.84i. SILVER Bar, 6Jc; Mexican aonars, ic. BONDS Government, firm; railroad, firm. The closing quotations on bonds are aa follows: V. 8. ret. la, rei .10 .109 a L. A N. nnl. 4 do coupon Ida la. res do coupon do new 4a, rag. do coupon Mex. Central 4a. ido la Inc 7 23 .107 .109 b Minn. A St. L. 4s. .100 .126 al., K. A T. 4a , 94 .1961 do 2a 81 do old 4a. reg do coupon ... 110 e N, Y. C. g. ia. J. C. gen. 6a.. 100 110 xN 1Z do 6a, rag 102 iNo. Paclflo 4a 101 do coupon 102 do la Atchlaon g en. 4s 100 N. A W. con. 4a.... ado adj. 4a 99 ;xReadlng gen. 4a... 71 98 . 94 Bal. A Otito 4 101 b8t L A I M e. 6a. , 9. , 79 , 77 xdo la '. 3 IHt. L. B. r. 4a.. do eonv. 4a 100 x8t. L. 8. W. Is.... Canada So. 2a loa i do la aCentral of Oa. Is...l04's 8. A. A A. P. 4a. . 87 119 ado la Inc 23 laSo. Pacific 4a 119 Chre. A Ohio 4o...l04 So. Rallwar 6a 77 xi'hlcago A A. Ia.. 74 xTexaa A Pacific la. .ion xC, B. at Q. B. 4a... 92 T., St. L. ft w. 4a... 9 aC, II a It r . 4a.. 1117 union raciso 4a 116 aC. A N. W. e. 7a. . .1301 ado eonv. 4a 106 lC R. I. A P. 4a...l09Wahaah la C C C A St L g. 4s.. 97 xdo 3a V. a Chlcato Ter. 4s.... 79 do deb. B Colorado So. 4a 9 IxWeat Shore 4a. 72 .107 . 9" ...107 s Denver A R. O. 4s. 99 Wheel, at L. E. 4a 90 Erie prior lien 4s.... 99 xwia. Central 4a... xdo general 4a 94 Con. Tobacco F. W. at D. C. la. ..10 Colorado Fuel k Hocking Val. 4a..los Rock I. land IT) o 97 " x g Bid. a Ex-Interest and bid. b Offered, c Ex-interest and offered. Boston Stock Qnotatloas. BOSTON, July l. call loans, w per cent; time loans, 4W per cent, umclal closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atchlaon 4a 9 Allouea . 6 Mex. Central 4a... Atchlaon do pfd Boaton A Albany. Boeton A Me . . 79 'Amalgamated .. 99 Bingham .. 92('alutnet A Heels. ..249 Centennial ..167 Copper Range .... . 66 7 .40 . 20 64 . 9 . 9 Boaton Elevated N. T , N. H. A Pltrhburg pfd.. I'nlon Paclflo ... Mex. Central ... American Sugar 140 Itomlntoa Coal ... H...199 Franklin 196 llale Koyele 82 Mohawk 12 Old Dominion .... 122 jOaceola . 7 . 44 . 13 . 66 do pfd. u. ........... ..,.'7 rirnn . 21 .100 America a T. A T....U3 Vlulncr Dominion I. A t. 17 IPanta Fe Conner. 1 Geo. Electric Maea. Eleotrlo do ptd I'nlted Fruit V. 8. Steel do pfd Weatlngh. Common. Adventure .179 i Tamarack . 24 Trlutountaln . 93 Trinity .103 t'ntted States .... . 31 I'tah . II victoria . 91 Winona 9 Wolverine 114 . 64 . 22 . IS IH . 97 New York Mtaiaar Qsoletlons. NEW YORK, July 1. The following aro the quotations on me new iorg croon ex change: A da ma Cos Alice xBrunawtck Con. Comaterk Tunnel Con. I'ai. A Vs.. Horn silvwr Iron Sliver Leadvllle Cos... x Offered. . 19 (Utile Chief 9 . M lOntarto 400 . 16 Ophlr U6 . 6 lifnoenlx 9 . 7 Potoal T! .16 8a rage 17 .luO .Sierra Nevada ., 96 .126 Small Hopea 36 . I 'Standard 96V Foreign Flaaaclal. LONDON. July J There waa less de mand for money today and rstes were taster. Discounts were weak. Stocks were firm, but eased a trifle. Later the tone became cheerful, but business closed nule and Irregular. Consols hardened and home rails were fairly active. Americans opene undecided, but the undertone was (airly firm. The Heading statement gave a sttmu lus to the dealings, which wers moderate Prtcea eased later on realisations and No. fears of th possibility of dearer money In New York snd closed weak. PARIS. July I puslness opened Arm on the bourse todav, hut weakened slightly owing to profit taking. Trading closed In sctlve. The private rate of discount was 2 per cent. Three per cent rentes, Wd f for the sccount; exchange on London, 25f 14c fnr checks. BERLIN, July 1. Trading on the bourse today opened dull, but prices were main tained. Later there was sctlve buying of C-al and Imn shares. Exchange on Lon don, 20m 4"Hpfgs for checks. Discount rates: Short hliis (for settlement), 6Vi per cent; three months. S4i per cent. London Stork Market. T,ONDON, July 1. Sloslng quotations: Cnnola, money ?S N. Y. Central .191 . M'4 . 91 . IS . 4 . 1" . w . 41 . 9.S . ft . 90 . ft . 94 . 90 . 92 . 94 . s do account Anaconda 92 Norfolk A Westers., 4' do pM ta Ontario A Westers. 9 prnniTlvanla Rand Mln.i Atcnienn do pfd Baltimore A Ohio... Canadian Pacific 127H Reading Cheaapeake eV Ohio. 40 do lrt pfd do Id pfd Southern Rr do pfd Southern Paclflo.. ( hlciao O. W C. M. A St. P... PeBeera Denier A R. O... do pfd Krle do let pfd do 2d pfd Illlnola Central... 1-nuli.Tllle ft Naeh M.. K. a T 1' .. o .. 90 .. 98 .. 4 .. to .. 99 ..1.19 ..119 I'nlon Pacific do pfd TJ. S. Steel do pfd Wahaah do pfd BAR SILVER Steady at 24Vd per ounce. MONEY 24j-"4 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for both short and three-months' bills Is 2HQ'2 Pr cent. Rank Clearings. OMAHA, July 1. Rank clearings for to day were $1,2X5.341.96; decrease from corre sponding day of previous year, $11,047.16. Cottoa Market. NEW ORLEANS. July l.-COTTON-Qulet; sales 250 bales; ordinary, 10 9-lSc; good ordlnnry, 117,c; low middling, 124c; middling, I3c; good middling, 14H,c; mid dling fair. 14 13-16C Receipts, 7,936 bales; stock, 9,848 bales. Futures steady; July, 13. 75(((1 3. 7Sc; August, 18.7713.7Hc; Septem ber, 11. 9311. 94c: October, 10.264fl0.2c; No vember, 9.Wc hid; December, 9.86a9.86c; January, 9.W9.85c. NEW YORK, July 1. COTTON Opened steady at a gain of I'd' 11 points and sold to a level about lOiSilO points over the close of the preceding day, under covering based on expectations of a very bullish government report next Friday, further support by the New Orleans bull contingent and firm cables. Receipts were small and at the opening very little cotton was of fered. On the early advance the late posi tions came In for considerable support, notwithstanding the favorable weather, hut when August hd reached 11.96c; July, 12.90c; September, 11.81c, and December, 10.08c the list turned essler under room realizing. At the first sign of weakness a big selling order came In apparently from Wall street which carried values off rapidly. In some quarters It was said that this selling was In reality for the bull pool and on the downward turn sell ing became more or less general with the market probnbly the most active of the session. This forced prices off from 12 to 22 points from the best of the morn ing on the active months, while July sold down to 12.86c, a loss of 6 points. Later the market was steadied again by a re newal of bull support, but during the balance of the session ruled more or less Irregular and less active. The close was barely steady net 8 points higher to 4 points lower. Sales estimated at 300,000 bales. Private crop advices received today were more favorable and climatic condi tions were nearly perfect, but sentiment continues very nervous and unsettled, with popular opinion indicating the probability of further broad and violent fluctuations. ST. LOUIS. July l.-COTTON Steady; middling, 1340; sales none; receipts, 20 bales; shipments, S3 bales; stock, 8,602 bales. LIVERPOOL, July 1. COTTON Spot, moderate business done; prices 8 points higher; American middling fair. 7.otci; mid dling, 6.90d; low middling, .48d; good or dinary, 6.18d; ordinary, 6.98d. The sales of the day were 7.000 bales, of which 2,000 were Tor speculation nnu expuiv mm m- luded 6,400 American. Keceipts, B.uuu Dales, ncludlna 200 American. . Futures opened firm and closed steady; American middling. o. c. July. 6.67d; juiy-augusi, o.oia; August-September, 6.63d; September-Oc tober, 6.07d(fr.08d: October-November, 6.62W 63d; November-December, B.43a; iecemoer anuary. e.40!rS.41d; January-February, aaa5.40d: February-March. 6.38ffl.S9d; March-April, 6.38ff6.S9d. . Wool Market, ST TJ-iTTlH. JulT 1. WOOL Firm. Me dium grades and combing, lSigtfUic: light fine, lfiaisc; neavy nne. nvjioc, iuu wamuou. m: - '.A'kr BOBTUn, JU1V 1. w vkjxj i ii aui.uw- Ing are the quotations ror leading . Terrltnrv. Idaho, fine. wi 14Hc: fine medium, 15Hlc; medium. l&17c; Wyoming, 14?jioc; nne meuium, ww. medium, 17i&M8c: Utah and Nevada fine, J4H tffloc; fine medium, 16V&17V4c; medium, IMS 19c; Dakota, fine, 14alSc; fine medium, ltVf? 17c; medium, 1819c; Montana, fine cnolce, lSifflSV: fine medium choice, lfKffl8Vc; sta- Pie. lwa'isc; meuiuni ..-.i-Ta and Pennsylvania XX and above. nQStc ; X 2S29c: No. 1. 31fi32c; No. 2, SOiSSlc; fine washed delaines. 3435c; Michigan X and above. 2f(f'26c: No. 1 and No. 2. 2tma. NEW XUKH., JUiy 1. w gnitar aad Molasses. NEW ORLEANS, July 1. SUGAR Dull. r i.tu 7-iiic: onen settle cen trifugal. 3iT3c; centrifugal whites. 4 1-16C ; ye ows, smi lo-ioc; je., - - . r , . . . , i' 1. .... I a mnmlnl 1 .1'rf MUlAsnriS-"F ' e..., 2fio; centrifugal, 6rg8c Byrup. nominal. ..i.. t STTO A 37 Taw nn. IN r, W IVJrvxv. JUiy . --- settled: fair refining, sc; ceniruuBa. ro test 33 9-lc; mofasses sugar. 2Hc. Reflnea, unsettled; No. 6. f 40c ; : No 7. i 35c; t,T a a ow, . xTa Q 1 9Fv7: NO. 10. 4.20C. INO. 11 416c- No 12,'4.i0c; No. 13, 4.06c; No. 14. 4 OOci confectioners' A. 4.66c; mould A. i 05c; cut loaf. 6.4(ic; crusnea, a.. , 4.90c; granulated. 4.80c; cubes, 5.05c July 1-8UGAR-Ea.y. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. July l.-COFFEE Spot rlo oulet; No. 7 Invoice. 6 3-lc: mild quiet; cordova, 7V,"c- Futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 6 points under moderate orrermsn yy-" account and liquidation follow ng full pri mary receipts and easier BraSlllan markets. I; .. .i nulet The close was quiet, net unchanged to 10 points lower Sales were reported of 16.500 bags Including July at ilk.. Ar,t siVtav fientember. 3.90c; Oe- December, lrler. 4c: wovemoer, v.iwhi.iuv. 43Rc: January, 4.40c; March, 4.65c; May, 4.65c. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts. NEW YORK. July 1. EVAPORATED a put P-HOutet and show little cnange ' .x- n.r.l nnnrlltinns recently noted. attractive fruit being steadily held Com runted st 4i5c: prime, 6c; choice a, i i u'l i u i a in i riu m: a v j a. a u prunes continue to attract a fair Jobbing demand at prices ranging from 8c t o 7c for sll grades. Apricots sre firm s 7kfli SHo for Sholo. .and I2c for J-'' are nrm, witn cnuiuw v . at 8(fcl0V4c OH and Rosin. OTT- CITY July 1. OIL Credit balances, .i..ifl.r.yn hid: shlnments. 9S.136; average, 8.838: runs,. 13X 742; average. 81.135; hVmerfs Lima. 73.373: average, 69,112; runs 86.122: average M.307. SAVANNAH. July i--ITr-U7r.lni? firm 47i,ic. Rosin fl-m: A. B. C. $165: D, iVm: ii'ei. v urn: a 11.75: H. $2.2R: I i.!k; K. 2.80; M, $2.90; N. $3.00; WO. $3.10; , , r n w Julv 1. OIL Cottonseed r.,.,ri..,.rr, atendv. Turnentlne. arm ' Rosin. flrm:'common to good, $2.0V $2.07. Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK. July l.-DRY OOODS Show little change so far as buying is concerned. Sellers are advancing prices Aav mnt tha effect of the curtail ...i nniw la llkelv to be felt In the n n. - future tn a more appreclsble de grce than It bss to date. Everything tends toward even higher prices, but buyers are operating as conservatively ss possible In order to avoid bidding the market up against themselves. gt. Lonls l.lve Stork Market st Tni'19. Julv 1. CATTLE Receipts, 6 0O head. Including S.OfiO Texans. Market steady for natives, with southern cows '0c to 15c lower. Native shipping and export steers, $4.fi5 26; dressed beef snd butchir ters. I4.0ia6.oo; steers unaer i.twu pounos. tp.ti 7&: stockers snd feeders. I2.76''4 cows snd heifers. $? ?&i4 38; canners, $2 (Mt " 26: bulls. $2.6IH3.60; calves. $3 OKab.M Texas snd Indian steers, $3.00S3.26; cows mnA Velfnrs. 234j3 25. HOtIS Receipts, a fX head. Market shade higher for best lights, with other grades weak. &c lower, figs inn ngnis. ao ncrn.w narkers t6 .fl'5.75: butchers, lo 70B6 n. FHEEP Receipts. 6.001 head. Market dull, slow snd a shade easier, .s stive mut tons. $4 00S4 75: lambs. $4 50rri6 0ft: culls snd bucks 12 Of4.50; stockers. $2.0033.10; Tex ans. $3.601 4 Kevr Hasslaa Folic Koree. ST. PETERSBURG, July 1. The ciar has sanctioned the formation of a rew police force to maintain order .in the rural die trlcts of finrty-slg provinces of European Husla. Tho sum of 15.260.dO baa been ap propriated to cover the cost. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef 8teert Slow and Tea to Fifteen Lower Than Tuesday Morning. HOGS DECLINED FIVE TO UN CENTS Very Light Raa ef Sheep aad Lambs aad Trading Was Aetlre, with Prices a Little Stronger a Aaythlaa- Deceat. SOUTH OMAHA. July 1. Receipts were: Offlclsl Monday Official Tuesday Official Wednesday.. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, IM1 1.4U0 7.So7 3,710 l.. l,b0v U.ouO Three days this week.. 11.998 28.952 7,039 Same days last week 14.007 39.i0 V.boi Same week before. ....... iO.tvU 3i,42 3.HU Same three weeks sgo... 9.96 2il 3.101 Same four weeks ago. ...15.6.4 SB.S'iO t.9H'i Sams days laat year 6,087 28,348 17.169 RECEIPTS FOtt THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts u. cattle, hogs and sheep at South Oniaua for the year to date and comparisons with lusi year: lji. IWi. inc. Dec. Cattle 6u3,U-3 Sbi.808 13o,H5 Hogs l,2uu.!l 1,341, 3i9 75.47o Sheep boi.ii ei.093 131.174 Average price puld lor iiua at Bout.. Omana tor tuo last seveial us with cw.n parlsons. Iate. 1903. 1S03.U01.UOO.1899.1S98.1S97 June 1.... June 3.... June 3.... June 4.... June 6.... June a.... June 7.... June .... June 9.... June 10... June U... June 13... June 13... June 14... June 16... June 16... June 17... June It... June 19... June 20... June 21... June 22... June 23... I 934,1 t 70 4 88 t 60 4 H t 41 0 I 7 07 I 4 53 b 4 Ui 3 3. i WrH I 1 6 70 I 61 4 U t to iHl 1 lb 6 71 4 83 4 10 Hi 7Mkl 7 21 3 4 91 I 68 31 t 77tSI 1 lD k Hi i 3 , 4 01 7 1 I 7i 4 96 I 8 88 I $i I l $ 4 31 a ao i 7 Sli " i A lu i, -l - 0HI T 271 6 131 8 69 M) 2 2 WWI I w I yl a 001 " I M e 4 mi Oij - I s si n in 7 36 6 nil 4 861 2 64 1 8 71 1 7 811 6 81, 6 8, 7 26 7 24 t 83 4 86 i 6i 3 79 3 29 4 tfi 3 64 H 771 2 3 4 96 I 621 90 1 $ 2i t 8H 6 014 e m I 94 7 26 6 k t 0$ 3 W 8 21 7 34 6 921 6 061 3 641 I $4 3 1 t fel 7 41 I 8 4 941 t 71 I 7 44 6 91 4 9J 8 , 6 00 3 65, SI $ 15 S 834 771ai 70S 689 4 U i 21 7 60 7 69 6 12 3 Mi 3 June 24... 6 93 a 6 17 3 63 e 3 68 3 26 June 25. June 26. June 27. 7 67 7 61 ( 99 6 93 3 69 a 3 62 3 28 I 10 I 63! S 16 t twai 7 6 91 6 CM 6 11 2 64 a I 61 June 28... 3 63; 3 601 i oo 6 87 6 90 $ 65 June 29. June 10. July 1.. 5 66H 6 66 6 60 4 99 3 3 24 7 62 7 64 6 01 3 68: 3 66 3 24 3 18 6 89 I 73 3 61 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cara ot stock brought In today by each road was: cattle. Hogs.sneep, C. M. & St. P Wabash Missouri Pacific Union Pacific system C. A N. W F.. E. A M. V C, St. P., M. & O... B. A M C. B. & J k. c. a st j C, R. I. 4 P., east.. C, R. I. A P., west,., Illlnola Central 34 3 1 40 7 43 9 26 8 'i 6 1 184 6 33 4 28 16 19 6 3 4 Total receipts .129 The disposition of tha day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 888 Swift and Company 824 Armour & Co 634 Cudahy Packing Co 715 Armour, from Sioux City 69 Lobman & Co 18 Huston & Co 4 U F. Huss 20 Wolf A Murnan 3 Werthelmer 88 So) Degen 20 Other buyers 188 1.745 1.912 3.472 8,055 1.817 225 831 Totals 3,907 12.001 1,349 CATTLE There waa a moderate run of cattle at thla point this morning, but taking the combined receipts at all markets there waa a good supply In sight. Reports from other points were rather unfavorable to the selling Interests, and aa a result a slow market was experienced here in spite of the moderate offerings. Beef steers sold In about the same notches they did late yesterday, or about 10(3 15c lewer than yesterday morning. Trading was very slow, as buyers did not seem to be particularly anxious for cattle, and be sides that salesmen wanted to get steady prices with yesterday morning. The bulk of the cattle was disposed of In good sea son, but still the day was well advanced before a clearanco waa made. The cow market was a little weaker than It was yesterday morning, but still the de cline waa not sc great as on beef steers. The best grades of corn-feds were very little if any lower, but the medium kinds and grassera were slow sale and unevenly lower. That class of stock has been selling at such uneven prices for some time past that It Is difficult to tell much about tne fluctuations from day to day. It is certain, however, that prices have been going stead ily downward. Canners are also slow sale. ana in xact are nara iu uibjjubo i auiy price. Bulls, veal calves and stags did not sell any too readily, but still the prices paid were not a great deal different from yesterday- . ... w , The lew oaa uunuura ui viucacra euiu teeners that arrived this morning sold at what iooked to be about steady The demand Is very light, as Is usually the case at this time of the year, but the supply is so small that there la no great change In the prices being paid. Common stuff though Is very aimcun to move ai any uguro. Representative saies: 13EE.F STESKS. ' No. At. Pr. No. At. Pr. I llll 4 6 II 1116 4 46 1 110 4 M 17 1240 4 45 11 1120 4 M 1 1140 4 66 11 1114 4 10 I I486 4 70 I...... 1314 4 70 1 1341 4 10 4 11M 4 70 40 1364 4 70 41 10! 4 70 I 1326 4 70 W 1421 4 14 10 1111 4 70 It..., 12f2 4 71 14 1217 4 II II 11(1 4 71 0 1241 4 76 IS 1S30 4 10 II 1141 4 16 10 1206 4 SS II 1114 4 66 II KM 4 SS 16 12M 4 M 11 124 4 10 11 1306 4 M M 1(40 4 M 7 lleo I 00 17 1277 I 00 1 1430 I 00 II 127 I 00 NU HEIFERS. 11 100 4 M II 1264 4 It 21 1' 4 46 IV..- 10J 4 7J AND COWS. MO 1 60 IM T76 MO 470 1110 1017 HM 10M lltl 121 1004 1171 1101 Ml 1104 1100 16 10M 140 1071 1174 1104 1014 UU , lnso IMS 100 li4 , 1H0 11 , 1101 10!1 STEE 441 !4 1 16 8 II I 0 4 10 4 16 4 16 4 M 4 81 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 46 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 66 4 hi 4 66 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 0 4 M 4 40 4 M 4 16 RS A 4 00 4 10 10 101.... 10 14 11 1 4 14 1 1 1 1 IT n l 10 4 i n it 17 0 T 11 11 7l 4 4 16 4 46 STEERS 1221 III cows. 1 4 IH I M t 26 J ISO I IS I 16 1 171 t 16 I M 4 1041 I H 1 W 4 ic 1 m I W II 1066 '1 10 I 60 I MS I 10 1 10 Ml I 46 1 60 1 10M I 10 I M 1 1104) I 60 t 60 1 1110 I 60 I 60 I Ml I 60 1 M Hl I ao 1 lull I 46 I 71 1 120 I 71 I 71 II 110 I 71 I II 1 1010 71 I 71 14 7S5 SO I M 10M SO 1 M 1 1100 4 OS 1 SS 4 MS 4 00 I M 10M 4 00 1 1001 4 OS I M f 1311 4 10 I SI I M0 4 10 t M II 121 4 IS 1 00 1 IIM 4 M 1 00 1 1130 4 10 I 00 I llll 4 10 I II 4 M4 4 I II 1 1144 4 as S AND HEIFERS. 4 M HEIFERS. I SS 4 Ill IN 1 60 40 121 00 I M 1 MO 4 1 tM I Ml 4 if II 0 114 4 44 BULLS. I M 1 110 S II 1 40 1 1140 I II I o 1 is 1 as t a 1 1644 10 I M 1..... 1730 I U I M 1 1M0 I SI 1 II 1 14M I 1 1 Tl 1 lt0 1 II I 16 1 10 I SS 1 IS 1 1610 1 It I 1 1 14O0 4 OS STAGS. 4 II CALVES. 4 M 1 161 I M I M t ITT I M 1 7 1 16 1 .1 1 1 1 I 14 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t t 1 II 1 I I H 8 11 1 I T 4 I 1 1 I I 1 4 1 1 I 1 1 1 8 I .. 146 .. i0 .. H0 .. M .. .. 1M .. f0 .. 700 .. 70 .. 116 .. W7 ..1010 .. 717 ..1000 .. M ..1000 .. Ml .. Ml .. .. MO .. M0 ..10M .. Ml .. Ill ..1141 ..1044 .. tM .. Ill .. 141 ..1140 ,..10JI .ft cow .. Ml ... r ... 4M ... Ill ... I ..10S0 .. M0 ..11(0 ..1231 .. 47 ..110 ..11M .1410 ..1440 ..110 tM 1M 1 ii 4 1 lffl n 1 no i oo 1 , it 4 w STOCK CALVES. $ 141 4 on STOCK COWS AND MEIFF.RS. 1 11 10 640 t 11 BTOCKER8 AND FEEDERS I I'l I on I. Ml I 60 I 60 1 60 1 iy I oo I (m I" 1 o M 1 770 00 1 10 10 1 141 1 10 1 714 1 16 II Tim I M 4 710 I 60 ...i.llTS 630 410 T0 170 M7 Ill 6M I 60 I 60 I 40 I S I 13 1 10 it.! it.. HOOS There was otilte a liberal run of hogs In sight this morning nnd the tendency of prices wss downward at all points. Ths decline here amounted to 6'fi10c, or about 7tc Trading was fslrly active from stsrt to finish, so that practically everything wss disposed of t.i good season. The bulk of sll the hogs sold at $5.60. The good snd the common, the hesvy snd the light all sold In Just about the same notches. A few very common loads sold below that and a few very choice went above It. It has been a long time since buyers hsve made as Mttle difference In weight and quality ss st the present time. The close of the market wss aulte active and there wss no change In the prices paid. Representative sales No, si.. 64.. 62.. Av. . .256 ..248 ..235 ..240 ..247 ..275 ..237 ..264 ..232 Sh. Tr. 80 6 55 No. Av. Sh. Pr. 6 60 6 60 6 6) i 0 6 60 6 60 5 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 i 60 t 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 ft 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 5 80 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 t 60 5 60 6 60 5 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 5 60 5 60 6 60 5 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 80 6 80 v& 6 62Vi 6 62 6 62 6 62 6 62 6 62 6 62 6 62 8 65 6 65 M i2 2m 57 341 71 237 S(i 2"6 71 230 69 267 30 3"1 62. .....253 74 2"4 67 242 68 254 63 219 78 231 64 26 60 802 70 247 240 120 160 160 40 200 40 40 1641 80 80 160 80 40 40 80 80 '46 ioo 80 i6 40 80 120 80 240 80 iib 40 80 40 40 80 80 80 80 820 80 160 'so iio 80 200 80 80 80 120 120 160 200 80 80 80 'so 80 'io 40 80 6 Oi 5 67', 6 67 6 t7V 6 67H 6 67V4J 6 67Vs 6 67Vi 6 67 6 67 t 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 5 60 6 60 5 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 5 60 t 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 t 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 t 60 6 60 5 60 6 60 6 60 6 80 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 tO 6 60 6 60 S 60 t6.... 72.... 25.... ti6.... 66.... 62.. 56.. 68.. 74.. 67.. 64.. . ... 196 ....2o6 ....239 ....266 ....253 ....320 67 261 60 250 61 246 63 251 70 261 59 254 67 261 68 274 60 230 68 239 77 234 60 252 74 2.3 70 226 62 236 77 228 6X 237 67 264 68 247 70 252 66 68 .220 .273 .266 .278 ,237 .219 .260 65... 37... 64... 60... 63 61 ...2fi0 76 240 70 261 71 250 60 276 69 260 66 268 70 251 280 80 66. 62. 66. 66. 70. 64. 78. 73. 249 270 64., 71., SO. , 62. 78. 65.. 62. 81. ..240 ..24 ..255 ..224 ..242 ..248 ..228 ..211 ....26$ ....263 ....243 ....231 ....226 ...231 ...271 ...261 ...22 ...228 ...277 ...247 ...260 ...248 62... 66... 70... 76... 61... 67... 78... 87... 66... 86 204 24.., ...213 60 1...J..259 70 219 69 271 40 264 35 26$ 67 252 69 227 66 266 66 220 65 26S 45 272 65 276 69 231 60 23 63 266 82 217 60 277 63 226 61 269 62 258 120 'so 80 120 40 .256 .228 71 21 28 60 223 84 814 SO 40 78 235 7 264 66 241 Tl 238 67 263 67 275 81 330 67 254 69 248 76 241 68 271 71 238 63 277 67 226 67 258 67 248 70 272 64 322 69 263 6 60 6 60 6 60 E 60 6 60 6 60 I 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 t 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 40 'wi 40 80 80 120 80 80 80 120 '80 40 40 80 '80 120 120 200 160 240 69. .28 63.. 62.. 70.. 73.. 69.. 67.. ...272 ...215 ...221 ...223 ...264 ...22$ 40 80 120 66. ...279 6 60 6 65 SHEEP There were only about six cars of sheep and lamba here thla morning, and the most of those were of such common quality that It Is difficult to tell much about the true situation. It was very evident from the way packers acted that they wanted some fresh supplies, and as a re sult the stuff that waa on sale changed hands quite freely at atronger prices. The Erlckson ewes and yearlings that sold for $3.60 yesterdsy brought $3.05 today. There were not aa many ewea in the bunch today, but even taking that Into consideration tho price was safely a dime higher. There is still practically no demand for feeders and very few are being received. Quota t'ons for grass stock : Good to choice lambs, $5.76?jt.25; fair to good lambs, $5.26&6.76; good to choloe yearlings, $4.764j) 6.00; fair to good yearlings, $4.60tji4.76; good to choice wethers, $3.75U4.25; fair to good wethers, $3.603.76; good to choice ewea, $3.60 (63.76; fair to good ewea, $3.26(33.60; feeder lambs, $2.6003.60; feeder yearlings, $2.60 3.60; feeder wethers, $2.6O3.60; feeder ewes, $2.002.75. Representative salea: 9 cull ewea 26 cull ewes 18 cull lambs 101 western ewes 59 western ewes and wethers.. 73 81 44 87 76 1 25 2 25 3 25 3 26 3 36 3 36 3 60 3 65 3 80 4 00 6 15 6 60 as 2 bucks 10 cull lamba 160 36 86 94 61 63 69 72 497 Idaho yearlings and owes, 46 western ewes 9 -western yearlings 23 western lambs .., 11 western lamba 231 feeder ewea CHICAGO LI VIS STOCK MARKET. Cattle and Sheep Lower, While Hons and Lambs Hesitate Aboat Falling;. CHICAGO, July 1. CATTLB Receipts, 20,000 head; 10c to 16c lower. Including 2,000 Texans; good to prime steers, $4.90(36.50; poor to medium, $4.2tV(74.80; Blockers and feeders, $2.76434.70; cows, $1.60a-4.40; heifers. $2.26(5-4.75; csnners, $1.62.80; bulls, $2.26 4.25; calves. $2.60(86.00; Texas fed steers, $3.80ig-4.60. HOGS Receipts today, 22,000 head; tomor row, 26.000 head; left over, 4,600; steady to 5c lower. Mixed and butchers, $6.20ifrb.80; good to choice heavy, $6.8086.90; rough heavy, $fi.56'(i6.75; light, $6.75&6.06; bulk of sales. $6.76A6.85. SHEEP Receipts, 15.000 head; sheep 10c 1 to 16c lower. Lambs steady to 16c lower; good to choice wethers, $3.754.60; fair to choice mixed, $3.00tf3.75; western shetp, $2.6or?i4.16; native lambs, 34.0036.60. 1 Official yesterday: , , Receipts. Shipments. 1 Cattle 8,262 3.826 Hogs - 12.539 1,353 Sheep 16,631 2,896 Kansas City Live Stock Market. ' KANSAS CITT. July 1. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,100 head natives, 900 head Tex ans. Calves, 4iX) natives, 80) Texans. Beeve tVylOc lower; cows and heifers slow and lower; quarantine selling lower- choice ex Dort snd dressed beef steers. 84.50'd)S. 15 ; fair I tn wnnA li T, Sri i nA mt Ir.r. and fuaH ., r $2.6fK84.40; western fed steers, $3.7ji I.t6; 1 Texas ana Indian steers, 32.1trijH.2j; Texas cows, $2.673.0O: native cows, $2.0txft4 25- na tive neirers, u.txxni.iu; canners, si.oxgz.fco; bulls, $2.00f3.60; cilves, $2.60(96.00. HOGS Receipts, 10.000 head. Market ac tive and steady; top, $5.75: bulk of sales. $5.85(35.67; heavy, 66.4 "-(75.75; mixed pack ers, I5.60&6.70; light. $0.6 a 5. ?0; yorkers, $5.6i 430.70; pigs, ta.axao.oo. SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts, 8.000 head. Native, stesdy; Texans, 15fj 25c lower; $3.50(36.65; fed ewes. $3.2..15; Texas clipped yearlings, 33.oott6.3e; Texas nipped sheep, $3.2CKit.10; stockers and feeders, $3.1034.00. Kevr York Lira Stock Market. NEW YORK. July 1. CATTLE Beeves. RecelDts. 2.419 head. Steers. MiiOa off: sales 25c lower; bulls and cows steady to a fraction lower; steers, $4.252j5.35; bulls, $2.75 474.50; cows, Jl.7a4i4.UO; tops, $4.10. Cables, steady. Exports, 150 cattle, $0 sheep and 7,700 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 8.307 head. Opened 75c 4$l.oO lower; closed fully $1.01 lower ;bui termllks, 60c lower; veals, $4.00(g6.26; some esrly sales. $6.50; culls, $3.6"&4.00; butter milks, 32.oooj3.oo; city dressed veals, lower at 74jlOc ped lb. HOGS Receipts, 4.970 hesd. Market was steady; state hogs, $6.50i2i6.60; choice pigs, $6 66. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.824 head. Sheep about steady; lambs fell off 15.a3.Sc: sheep, 3.0OJf4 26; culls, $2.50; lambs. $o.6Vg( 62' choice and extra aold early up to -lwtTj. to. cuiis, ta.ou. St. Joseph Lira Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. July 1. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,uuu, mostly 10c lower; natives, $4 lV(j6 15; cows and heifers, $2. 00$ 4 40, stockers and feeders, $3.35-04 50. HOGS Keceipts, 5.000 head; steidy; Ilrht, $6 7036 76: medium and heavy. $5.62V4V3 e.77Mp: bulk, $6.66h.76. SHEEP Receipts, 1.421 head; ateady to 10c lower. Stork la Slafct. Following were the receipts of live stock at LIID , a" ... n 1 .in 1, 1. 1 J r m vm day Csttle. Omsha X.4i0 Chicago JOO-O Kansas City 6.1o 81. Louis $.000 Bt. Joxeph 4.00 Sioux City 7'J0 Totals .. (A200 63.700 $6,32 Sloas City Lire Stork Market. BIOUX CITT. la.. July 1. (Special Tele gram ) CATTLE Receipts, 700; stockers unchanged, killer weak,; beeves, t4.0bj.M; Hogs. Sheep. llo i.m 22.I.O0 16.IHO 10,000 $,flno 4,f0 6.0TO 4.HO 1.423 3.WO cows, bulls and mixed, $2.60tM.26; stocken and feeders, $2.7544.00; calvee and yearllngn, $2 50.1 3 SO, Id in-Receipts, 8. 600; market 6c lower al $5.4V4i6.8ti; bulk. $5.66. There will be big doings at Lake Man awa July 4. REPAIRING TO BE ENJOINED flnrber Asphalt Company Will Fight Nebraska Dltallthle Company In the Coarts. All the papers, Including the bond, have been prepared and signed, and a temporary Injunction will be asked for within a very few days against the making by the city of a contract with the Nebraska Rltullthlc company for the repairing of asphalt paved streets. The Injunction will be asked for In the name of a resident property owner employed by the Barber Asphalt company, which protested before the council that th; contract should not be awarded the Ne braska Bltullthlc company on the grounds that Its bid was not regular or competitive and that the company had not yet filed Its articles of incorporation In this state. The resolution adopted by the council for the repairing, with stone and gravel, of North Sixteenth street has not yet reached the Board of Public Works and will not until next week, aa the mayor must first act on It. Meanwhile the members of the board are not worrying about It, simply saying that If approved tha only thing to do will be to obey It. Wotnaa Caase of Tragedy. HOPKINSVILLE, Ky.. July l.-Bud Garth, member of a prominent Todd county family, shot and killed Younger Welkins, aged 20, at the latter' s home near Trenton last night. They fought several days sgo about a woman and Watklns swore out a warrant for Garth's arrest. Garth went to Watklns' farm and waa met by Toungrr and Henry Watklns, armed with a shotgun. Shots were exchanged and Younger was killed. Garth la being searched for. The balloon race at Courtland erery day. Beach REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deede filed for record yesterday, aa fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstractors, 1614 Farnam street: Deeds. Walter H. Scott and wife to Paulina Posplsll, w lot 1, block 266. city of Omaha $ 1,900 John W. Robinson to Emma Shipley, lota 2 and 19, block 142, Florence 1 Florence company to Emily Shipley, lots 2 and 8, block 117, and lots 4 and 11, block 142, Florence 1 George B. Morrell to L. F. Crofoot, lots 8 and 7, Wlnther'a subdivision, except east 60 feet 600 D. Schuyler Austin and wife to Sam uel L. Rowsee, lots 1 and 2, Benson and Johnson's subdivision 1,900 Nike Jacobson and wife to Howard -Kennedy, lot 14, block 2, Bogga and Hill's addition 100 A. J. Kats and wife to Samuel Kats, n subdivision lot 14 of lot 2, Capi tol addition, lot 14. block 2, Jerome park; undivided lots 20, 21 and 22, Haas's subdivision 100 David Neff and wife to Susan Art man, s lot 19, block 2, Armstrong's first addition 1,250 Mortgages. Samuel I.. Rowsee and wife to Omaha Ioan and Building association, east 66 feet lot 10, Millard and Caldwell's addition, and lots 1 and 2 Benson and Johnson's addition $ 2.40C Frank J. Wlchert and wife to Anton Gross, 32x126 feet, part lots 7 and 8, block 6, Improvement association addition 1,20 Clara J. Haselton and husband to Payne Investment company, lot 8, block 3, Marysvllle addition 60C Susan Artman and husband to Con servative Savings and Loan assocla- ' tlon, s lot 19, block 2, Armstrong's first addition 75C James M. Taliaferro and wife to Laura M. Sherer, lot 19, block 3, Brlgga place 600 Total v.ii ..'.$1!.1(K KEEP YOUR HAIR. GO ICE DANDRUFF CURE otid Hair Tonic SMes tha Hair Grow, Keeps the Scalp Healthy. 5old Everywhere la $1.00 and 00 Cent Bottle. A. It. Bremer Co. Chicago. PAUL'S CHOICE INKS AND MUCILAGE Write for prices on Paul's Oold Seal. Record Ink used by Banks and Banker. Ufa and Fir Insurant Companies and Mercantile Houses In Every City and Town In America New style quart, pint and half pint bottles. Paul's Ink Co. ar manufactur ing a full line of Inks, mucllaga and paste, and Ink In bulk. Prices quoted on application. PAUL'S I INK CO.. 1 1 Nlath Street, Jersey City, M. J. DR McGREW SPECIALIST. Tresis all forms DISEASES OF MEN rr years aaDerleace. 1' teen la Omaha. eaees mn. Reliable. Seaeful. Fure (uaraatM-1 faeries law. Trealmni br mall, (all ar Boa 14a. Offloe ever III 14th St. OalAUA, xsu fViEfUNDWOMErl. 1 1 l aeBlf Ofornnnalural 4ichareea,lDllaaineli. VI trriMliuBS or ulceralloae -, a ...mhrinH. IIIIMIHIH. V. of mucosa membranee. VI "tee. p tiC. f r 1 1 lElawCsfMiCuDt. or eoix.aoaa. I r 1 aula ? - , i or aent Is plais wraapaf. ' 1 or ?A ir rr eipreee. erv'u- Circular aasi ea feu.eeet. PRIVATE WIRES GEO. A. ADAMS CRAIN CO. GRAIN. PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. S24 Board Of Trade Hid.. Omaha 'Phuiiea iuu and lul7. Member all Prln' etpal exchanges. Write for our dally b" ket letter. la I at S aan senaw V-"0ICIMTI V c a a