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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1903)
4 TIIE OMAHA DAILY KEEi TIlUnSDAY. JULY 2. 1003. V 1 I. TALE OF ME STATE'S CASH Treasurer Mortensen Tells How Mnoh There is and When it ii IpU GAGE COUNTY LEADS IN CORN ACREAGE Phelps la the Bum Coaaty for Water Wheat, Canlag for Spring, Platte for Oats aad Lin eal a for Rye. (Trom a Stan Correspondent) LINCOLN.' July L (Special.) State Treasurer Mortenaen's monthly statement, filed today, shows that there haa been a big reduction In the state's deposits In banka. This la due to the fact that some of the temporary achool fund was distributed, tmoni the, achool districts of the late. balance of HD.062 remain In tho fund aa a starter for the next semi-annual apportionment. Tho permanent achool f,und haa lncreaaed $74,078, of which $57,064 haa been Inverted. The general fund, which waa depleted at the beginning of the month, now boasts of 344,600 of a balance, although $sl.07 waa paid out during the month. The following table ahowa the condition of aach fund In the atate treaaury on June 1 and June SO: JV JV .6H ill IS28 i ! I ! iSS - " .jRfiri :csa : :S83 : : : ! figaisa iiggaiiii S?3 :"$ : : i : : S3 JjSB3ESiSSSI55SSfgiS it : : i s : : : c : ; .....: : : : :a : : ! : : : o : : i :g 1 . JS tb Si 3 " w 5 SO V It" 5 a : : o . . o : : w '2 5 : :T-e c & f 3 - "0 e e o 6.079 35 t. 253 35 4.044.n 6.072.77 can The following table Blvea tho nnmea nf the depository banka and the amount of money on deposit in each Institution on June SO: West Point National bank. West Point , Tnoonn Packers' National bank, South ' Omaha .- 2,007.63 Saunders County National bank, Whoo g k First National bank, Hastings.... 6 378 83 OermanJJat'l bank. Hastings 4,930.07 cauf ireea vauey Dank, Battle Creek First National bank, Alllnnce'..'.'.. First National bank. "Vork... Norfolk National bank. Norfolk ... Brnken Bow State bank. Broken Bow Cltlaena bank. McCook T'nlon State bank. Harvard City National aok. Tork...,.",.. ftMaVlpftnli,,6f,Curtls. CurUm's,... Mast T4atloul bank. Ord Farmers - and Merehants bank. Btromeburg Bank of Basile Mills, Basils' Ml'lia! First National bank. Holdrege... . First State bank. St. Paul.... . First National bank, Wayne Pierce County bank. Pierce Bank of Orleans. Orleans.... Grand Island Banking company! Orand Island . First National bank, Ioomi!!'.l!" Valentine State bank, Valentine.... Bank of Svrscuse Cltlsens National bank. St. Paul'! Newport State bank, Newport Wolhach State bank. Wolbach Farmer m nA Kfan.hni. v. i . , ... . . ...... ... uaiiR, Uncoln 7 jo 4tt Custer National bank. Broken Bow oD13.90 Kebraskaj'a Acreage of Gralaa. Reports are now being received at the offlca of the deputy labor commissioner from tha county clerka of the state show. Ing the number of -acres In each county planted to the various kinds of grain. In cluding winter and spring wheat, rorn. rye. barley and buckwheat About half of the counties have reported. Bo far as heard from Gage Is the banner county on' corn.' with an acreage of 202.1M, 'Cass Is next with 15S.S8J; Tork third with 123,899. while Platte nd Fillmore each have in excess of 122.0 0, Phelps county takes the lead for winter wheat, its acreage running to M.1M. Tork, tl.393; Fillmore. 77,000; Adama, 78.128. Cuming county leads In anting wheat. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Hundreds of Union Made Suits We closed out for spot cash about-500 suits that are worth up to 18.00. We will make a quick turn of these suits for UNFINISHED WORSTEDS TWEEDS CHEVIOTS THIBETS WORSTEDS SERGES 1 NOBBY CHECKS MIXTURES BLACKS BLUES BROWNS 6RAYS ODD TROUSERS OUTING SUITS Worth up to $6. 00 at Si tea 30 to 46 coat and trousers. 3,00 BLUE SERGES One lot worth up to ?0.00 at 4,75 One lot worth up to $12.00 at 6.O0 Shirts Wilson Bros. Ideal One Dollar Values 50c Shirts and Drawers 26c ..45c Union Suits 1.00 1.50 40o values at 75c values at Straw 60c Hats for , 75c Hats for , 11.50 Hats for 12.00 Hats for , Fine soft Crushers 11.50 grades. jialawj mm We close all day Saturday. 4th of July please anticipate your needs ahead. Our entire plant and outfit, including delivery will be shut down tight on the Fourth. STORE OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 10. Hats ..25c 60c 75c .1.00 69c CHILDREN'S WASH SUITS - 75c Suits 38c $3.00 Suits 48 11.00 Suits 48c U.00 Suits "93 fl.50 Suits 78c $5.00 Suits 250 12.00 Suits . . . . . ...... 8c ?6.00 Suits 30 et Your 1 mm III n u, a a. a. IH --J - !flM70 IN 4.0M.n In 'SB '- 6.S60.00 n. Wf ..M imri.ll iia ' -i.ti.. spi 4.044.65 1.600.00 2.930.97 2.500.00 5.035.00 6.0f),00 4.000.00 5.4320 3 Ono.OO 6 025.00 I mo . 00 4.J92.37 2.000 00 1.500.00 rulain Floor The "Style of a Dorothy Dodd" Let us assume that your shoes fit' tou. Now what next? What is most Im portant? Unquestionably "style." Demand that a shoe shall possess "Style." If it has style and little else you want it; if it has Dot style, but everything else, you don't want it. The "Style of a Dorothy Dodd" is unique. It cannot be duplicated by any other maker, because the "Dorothy Dodd" is a totally different construction from any other ladies' shoe made. It holds the foot firmly at the waist (that's the instep), prevents the toes from slipping forward, and thus gives a correct poise in walking. Yet it makes the foot look nearly a whole size smaller. That's curious, and you won't believe it till you see it. OXFORDS $2.50 SHOES $3,00 Srocbory for the Fourth Macbeth 's pearl top lamp chimneys Qc Quart root beer bottles, per dozen.... 70c 12 inch glass vases, each Oc Haviland & Co. French china tea cups and saucers, pure white Ranson shape, each....:p..... .......20c 3-pint glas$;water pitchers, each..: ----0c ' fP rn rr 3 Lb ui k FLAGS! FLAGS! FLAGS! Small hand flags from 50c dozen to 3c A large stamped flag, 18x28, each 5c Just the thing for Decorating. Red, white and blue bunting, per yard ....5c The magic blank pistol, small flg The magic blank pistol, large ....l8c Iron Powder Cannons, each 25c 5 large Japanese Torpedoes, box q 25 large Japanese Torpedoes, per box 8c SPORTING GOODS SECTION. Hoi Weather Ditos in Drug Dept. Toison fly paper, 4 big sheets for ....... 5c Tanglefoot, the kind that gets after them, 3 double sheets for 5C 25 double sheets for 40C Perfumed Violet Ammonia, bottle... 1 2c Violet Sea Salt, bottle . . . .24c (Makes a delicious bath.) Violet Witch Hazel, perfumed, bottle .-24C Eastman's Benzoin and Al mond lotion for sun burn and tan, large bottle . . . 27c Lilac perfume talcum powder, extra large box Qc isia violet Toilet Water, bottle 25c All toilet creams, face pow ders, toilet lotions, dentifrices. at cut prices in Perfumery De partment, near drug section. STATIONERY SNAPS 25 extra heavy wove envelopes, for lc (10 packs to a customer). 100 paper napkins with bright colored design borders.... Special for 1Q0, only 5c Fancy tinted paper with envel opes to match, special at, per dox ....... 19c broconcs Two for one Malta Ceres the famous breakfast food, per package 2Jc Every purchaser tomorrow will get two packages for the price of one. A package of Malta Ceres for nothing. Prunes! Prunes!! A large quantity of regular 10c prunes, at, pound ...5c Picnic and luncheon specials: Potted meats, can ......... 3c Oil Sardines, can ...,4c Salmon, can ,10c Mustard, jar 9c Pickles, assorted bottle. . i . .9c Worcester Sauce, bottle ;..10c Veal and Beef Loaf, can... 10c Sliced beef, can ...10c Preserved blackberries, can 5e Imported Sardines, can ... .10c Olives, bottle .....9c Baked Beans, ,1 lb. can 5c Sliced Beef, glass. ....... .10c English lunch sausage, can 10c 4il!elle mole ALWAYS EYE8YWKEKE M SpTHBf W ARE u MILD Save the Bands showing I3.SU acres; Waahlngton, 18,845; Knox. 13,328 Lincoln and Buffalo run a close race for the leadership In acreage of rye. the former having 14.887 and the latter 14,349. In oats Platte county haa a aafe lead with 67.782 acrea, while Gage has 63,790 and Cuming 60,593. Cedar county leads In the cultivation of barley, having 10,626 acres, to 1,121 for Knox and 8,695 for Pierce. Time to Get a Move Ob. Today the limitation of Tim Sedgwick's contract for the printing of the session laws expired, and under the document to which he attached his potential name when he took the iob he Is henceforth to forfeit to the state a matter of 110 a day until he delivers the goods. There are some fifty pages of the publication for which the final proofs have not been adjusted and It looks as if it must require yet some days before they will be completed, so that if the board insists upon the forfeit, which It Is understood it will do, the delay Is going to take some of the profit. off the 12,000 Job. It Is understood that tha contract will run to about 32.000. The Btate Board of Purchase and Sup plies was today entertaining a large num ber of merchanta from various parts of the atate who are eager to enter into quarterly contracts to furnish suppllea to the state institutions wttliln their respec tive localities. These sessions are always held behind closed doors and aa informa tion concerning the contracts -and bids Is alwaya withheld until tha deala are com pleted, and aa the perfecting of some of the contracts went over until tomorrow, many of the bidders are as yet in the dark as to results. . . . TrmlBsaea Get aa lacrrat. The announcement was made this after noon by the Burlington trainmen that tt-ty had won out In their arbltratjon with the company at Chicago, and that effective to day they would receive a substantial In crease in wages. The advance 1 It per cent for freight men and 12 Rrr cent for those on passenger runs. The conference closed a few days ago and was one of a series held during the last three months. All were of an amicable character. The advance will affect a large number of men In Nebraska' and Iowa. Joaea la Oat. Deputy Warden Jonea of the state peni tentiary Is out. Ills term expired today and Governor Mickey said he would appoint no successor. Mr. Jones owes his cutting off largely to the State Prison Reform associa tion, which does not like the methods of the deputy as applied to prisoners under his charge. They objected strenuously, and the governor let Jonea die an official death. Another reason lay In the fact that when Warden Beemer took hold he made It one of tha condlilona that he be not burdened with an assistant who holds commission from the governor and not from him. There has been a little frlctioa between the two and the warden shed no tears when Jones dropped out Steward Delahunty will per form Jones' duties. Aiotktr Rhea Hearts. Governor Mickey gave audience today to Sheriff Kreader and Prosecuting Attorney Stlnson of Dodss county, along with Fore mun Howell of the Jury which tried Rhea. The evidence was gone ver and at the conclusion the governor sala that he had not discovered anything to cauM him to change hla mind. Rhea has apparently mtlgned himself to his fate. He is burled In religious reading most of the time snJ Is a devout Christian Scientist. Wing's RaaU.Hia'e. Word haa been received In Lincoln that Dan O. Wing, formerly cashier of the American Exchange National bank of thla city, now a part of tha rust National, baa been appointed president of the consoli dated Boston banka of the First National and Massachusetts National. The bank has a capital of, a surplus of the same amount and deposits of $10,000,000. It ranks fifth in the city. Wing was ap pointed a bank examiner when Charles Dawea, formerly of Lincoln, was made comptroller. At first ha checked up re ports of receivers, but later went Into the Intricacies of several broken banks. One of these was in Boston, and Wing showed auch skill in handling Its assets that he was taken up by big capitalists and now haa a salary running up into five figures. The organisation of the Country club was perfected at a luncheon held at 6 o'clock this afternoon at the old Governor Butler mansion. It started with a membership of ninety-nve. The directors are: Frank M. Hall, John W. MacDunald, Robert M. Joyce, Herbert M. Buahnell. S. H. Burn ham, W. C. Wilson, George Woods, F. W. Brown and I. F. Searles. FATHER HASS0N ARRESTED Charged with Pilfering Goods frans tha Stora la Which He Was Clerking. HASTINGS. Neb., July l.-(8pecial.)-The anomalous circumstances of a young man arrested at the instigation of his father occurred at Juniata yesterday, when Theo dore Burr was taken In custody on the ct:argo of stealing goods and cash from his father's store. Young Burr was em ployed as clerk and the pilfering of valu ables had been noticeable for some time. and finally the evidence pointed to Theo dore aa the culprit. The elder Burr gave his son thirty-six hours In which to perma nently leave the country, and upon Ills failure to comply the arrest was made. Toung Barr now lies In the county Jail In this city, falling to prcduce a bond of 3500 to await his trUl at the September session of the district court. here and Holdrege, and freight train No. 107, on the Chester, branch, Engineer Par ish and Fireman Hart of this city were in jured. Parish sustained a broken shoulder and was otherwise bruised about the body. Hart and the engineman rn the freight train were only slightly Injured. The pas senger engine was demolished and several freight cars were ditched. The passenger train reached this city five hours behind time on account of the accident. Mailt Speed of Aatoa. FREMONT. Neb., July 1. (Special.) At the regular meeting of the city council last evening an ordinance was Introduced to regulate the speed of automobiles. It fixes a maximum speed of eight miles an hour, requires them to keep to tha proper side of the street and to carry a suitable light after dark. It was referred to the ordinance committee and will undoubtedly pass. It has the support of all the automobile own ers In the city. The telephone proposition, which wss turned down by the council at Its last meeting, was again Introduced last evening, supported by a petition signed by more than five-sixths uf those having phones of ths Fremont company, and after some discussion was laid over until the next meeting by a vote of 5 to I. The petition prays for a sliding scale when 700 Instruments are In use and 100 miles of country lines are built, the Increase to be S5. cents per 'phone up to 1.000 "phones and M cents per 'phone above 1.000. There has been considerable change of opinion since the action of the council at Its special June meeting and the petition of the company stands a good chance of being granted. Small Boy aad a Firecracker. PLATTSMOVTH. Neb., July 1.--(Special.) A small boy and a firecracker came near causing the death of two persons last evening. A popular young man was Just returning home, after enjoying a buggy ride with his best girl, when a boy threw a firecracker under the horse. The animal became unmanagable, and, dashing down past the court house, rsn up sgalnst the Waterman building. Ths collision knocked the horse down and threw the young man over ths animal, and his heud struck against the building with such force as to render him unconscious. A. W. At wood was sitting In front of his office, read ing the evening paper when the horse reached the sidewalk, but vacated the chair In time to see It mashed Into kindling wood, and rescued the young man from the wreck. Mayor Morgan has Issued a proclamation forbidding the use of the fire cracker on the public streets. A few :ir rests will probably be necessary to con vince the small boys that the mayor means business. Caaaot Explala Suicide. NORFOLK. Neb., July 1. (Special.) George E. Welsmann, the man who com mitted suicide at Wayne yeaterdsy after noon, haa been in Norfolk since May 14, conducting a cigar atore. He left thla city Tuesdsy noon, apparently In a cheerful mood. Hla friends are unable to account for hla suicide. lajcred la a Colllsloa. BEATRICE. Neb.. July 1 -(Special Aa a result of a collision which occurred at Strang yesterday between Burlington pas senger train No. at. which runs between RlTer Leaves a Brtdae. NORFOLK. Neb.. July l.-(Speclal.)-The new steel bridge over the Elkhorn river at this place which was only this spring erected by the I'nlon Pacific railroad, now stands high and dry over a ssndbar where the river ran when the plies were sunk. Tha fickle stream has done It all by switch ing several rods to the westward and mak ing by Its pranks the construction of either an extension to this or the building of an entirely new bridge necessary. A score of hrldgemen spent nearly 105 hours with rlprapplng and pile driving in their efforta to hold the changing current within Its former banks, but the stubborn water won. Great heaps of rock were dropnel Into the river and the rlprapplng disap peared as fsst as It wss set. More Fees for Lawyers. TORK. Neb.. July" 1 Speolal.)-Attor-neya of Tork county met last evening at the court house. There were a large num. ber present and msny things were dis cussed relative to their business. One of tha Important questions which came up for discussion wss the new law which does not allow the county Judge to draw up a petition and other papers pertaining to an estate. For years It has been the cus tom for county Judges in this county to draw up all papers pertaining to estates, for which the county Judge received no fee. Work oa V. M. C. A. Bulldlns. TORK. Neb., July l.-(8peclal.)-The two frame buildings on the lots owned by the Toung Men's Christian association were sold yesterdsy to T. P. Owen and F. E. Whltcomb for 3141. They will be removed at once and the excavating for tha new large four-story brick and stone Young Men's Christian association building will be commenced. The bulldlnga sold were among the first business houses In York and the former owner for s number of yeara had received large rent Tha Floyd Briggs Dramatic company opena at Lake Manawa on tha Fourth of July. POWER AND LIGHT SCHEME Niobrara Company Asks Permission to Divert Course of Biver. TO USE BELT WATER CURRENT MOTORS Large Amoant of Land la Westera Nebraska Wlthdrawa from Settle neat Vader Terms at Re- elamatloa Act. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 1.-(Special Telegram.) Applicutlon waa filed today with tha irri gation department by Jesae R. Crandall of Niobrara, In behalf of Frank E. Plummer of Minneapolis, for permission to put a wing dam in the Niobrara river near its mouth for the purpose of carrying It's en tire flow, if necessary, through an old chan nel around Niobrara Island. The purpose Is to operate a system of belt water current motors to generate electricity for lighting and power. The works are to cost 3150,000 and are to be completed In two yeara. The secretary of the Irrigation depart ment has been notified by the Interior de partment of the withdrawal from home stead of 1.224 square miles, or 783.300 acres, of land, under the congressional reclama tion act The withdrawal Includes nearly all of the unclaimed land in Scotts Bluff county, the north half of Banner county and about 252 square miles In Cheyenne county. Under the act money derived from the sales of government land ia to be ap portioned to the different statea for Irriga tion purposea. The total sales since the law wont into effect aggregate 315,000.000, of which $250,000 cornea to Nebraska. Roy Drowns While Bathing. AUBURN, Neb.. July l.-8peeial.)-Lemuel T. Ooldsberry, Jr., waa drowned about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon In the Nemaha river. Just north of town. He, in company with a son of George Hay, started for the river to go In bathing. When they reached the river they separated to search for a suitable place to go In. In the absence of Hays, young Ooldsberry went Into the water and when Hays re turned he found the cloths on the bank, but could find nothing of his companion. He Immediately gave the alarm and soon turned he found the clothes on the hank, of the river snd the work of dragging the stream wss commenced. The search was continued until T o'clock, when the body wss found. Young Goldsberry was 16 years old and wss the only son st home of L. T. and Mrs. Elisabeth Goldsberry of this place. Appointed Coanty Attoraey. TEKAMAH. Neb., July 1. (Special.! County Attorney A. N. Corbln. Jr., yester day handed his resignation to the board of county supervisors and the same was ac cepted, owing to Mr. Corbln's desire to spend this year at law school. Mr. Corbln expects to enter the law department of Leland Stanford university In September. At the same meeting of the board of super visors P. E. Taylor of Lyons, who haa purchased Mr. Corbln'a library and general practice, waa appointed county attorney for the year and a half remaining of Mr. Cor bln's term. Mr. Taylor was educated In Pennsylvania. In which stste ha served as county sttomey of Franklin . county for three years. He has been In practice lr. Nebraska for three yeara. ' Norfolk Will et Celebrate. NORFOLK, Neb , July l.-(SpeoIl ) Norfolk will not celebrate the Fourth at home this year. Its people, however, will not neglect the nation's natal day, and many . are planning to swell the crowds which shoot off firecrackers In Stanton, Hosklna, Wlnslde, Wayne, Brunswick, Crelghton and Meadow Grove. Company L, Nebraska National Guard, has accepted an Invitation to participate In the doings at Stanton and will go down In the morn ing, forty strong, under command of Cap tain Chester . A.- Fuller. They expect to enter a skirmish drill and sham battle with companies from West Point Madison and Stanton. . Norfolk People Go East. NORFOLK. Neb.. July 1. (Special.) The eastbound Northwestern passenger train which left Norfolk at noon today car ried over a score of people from this city who are en route to Boaton and other astern points. They are all on pieaaure bound, are traveling Individually and chanced to leave on the same train because of cheap excursion rates. Among the trav elers were: C. 8. Hayes and family, John Giles and family, E. W. Zuts. Misses May, Laura and Edna Durland. Miss Edith Parker, Miss Lucy Stone, Miss Hsgerty, Miss Wood. Mrs. J. C. Stltt and children, Superintendent 8. C. O'Connos and wife. They will' be gone during the greater part of the summer. Scares Norfolk People. NORFOLK, Neb., July 1. (Special.) A terrific wind struck Norfolk at X o'clock this morning and gave the people a general .. ' t-v. .. I. fn m tnrnndo. but It KIIV. i MJ .v w - - was nothing more than a fierce breexe, , which kept going for a quarter of an hour. A few windows were blown Into bits and tri in some osrts of the city were snapped off. Wires were not badly dsm- aged. Scotia Goea to St. Poal. SCOTIA, Neb.. July 1. (Special.) The Scotia base ball team will play the Loup City ball team at St. Paul on July 4. Scotia Is not celebrstlng this year, consequently most of the people from here expecting to celebrate will follow the ball team to St Paul. Gage rosalr Mortgages. BEATRICE. NM.. July 1. (Special.) Following Is the mortgage report for Gage county for the month of June: Number of farm mortgages filed. 15; amount, 324.S60; number of farm mortgages released, 27; amount, 333,&; number of city mortgages filed, 2d; amount, $9,900; number of city mortgsges released. It; amount, $0,856. AGED WOMAN IS MURDERED Revolting Crime Near Town of Xinniaon, Indian Territor. BODY IS LEFT FOR THE HOGS Whea Dtaeorered by a Daaghter It Haa Beea Batea by tha Swlae Vatll It la Beyond Recogaltloa. VINITA. L T.. July l.-Detalls of a re volting crime were related In Commissioner Fields' court here last night. The story aa retold shows that Cynthia Johnson, an aged widow who lived near Kinnlson, had been found alone by her slayer, who at tacked her with a club and beat her al most to death. He then ehot her twice and she fell dead. He left the house and hid In the brush and Is still at large. Mrs. Johnson waa a widow of some means and her money waa found In her home un molested. She had a son and daughter who resided with her, but they were away at the time of the killing and when the daughter, who came home first, arrived at the gate she found their mother dead In the yard. Hogs had attacked and eaten the corpse until It waa beyond recognition. Excitement runs high at Kinnlson, and If her slsyer Is arrested It would be difficult for the officers to prevent mob violence. Don't miss the bathing at l.ake Manawa. It Is cooling and refreshing. Friend Oat of Clrealt. BEATRICE, Neb., July 1. (Special.) Word waa received hare yesterday that Friend, Neb., had dropped out of the rac ing circuit and arrangements were prompt ly made whereby the races to have been held at that place will be pulled off at the new race course In this city August M, 17 and 28. Boy . Falls trom Tree. BEATRICE, Neb., July 1. (Special. -Johnnie, the 1-year-oil son of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Andrews, fell from a tree and broke his left forearm and was otherwise bruised about the body. Company L of the First battalion, Ne braska National Guard, will give a sham battle and exhibition drill at Courtis nd Beach July 1 Wonai' T i 1 tJ1J .s is to iuvc ennuren, ana no home can be completely happy without them, yet the Wire ordeal throueh which the ex pectant mother must pass usually is so full of suffering, danger and fear that she looks forward to the critical hour with aDnrehension anr! ArraA Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and so prepares me system ior me ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers have testined and said, it is worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. THE BRAOriELO REGULATOR CO., Ati.aU, U, nailer's rami