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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1903)
THE OMATTA PAIL.T TIKE: TJIUKSUAT. ,1ULY 2, 1003. 10 i t e i V ' if f If flrcst Picture Sale Third Fi oor. J ill 0 . A Tremendous Thursday Bargain Hand Embroidered Doilies I2'c Made of All Linen and All Silk ?,160 all linen and all silk Doilies, hand embroidered in nlain and faneu colors washable silks, a small part of which has been dixplaued in our windows A T7 I yjrirrti T7 A IfWrtJTT.A I? VA VI I M J J UP TO 35c EACH on bargain square, choice Shirt Waists for the most mouHi pnrtn. Swell new Shirt Waists, worth $1.00 and $1.23- tomorrow at 50c Strikingly handsome Shirt Waists worth $2.00 np and $2.50-tomorrow yjJC 35c ntid 20c Handkerchiefs at 15c and 6Jc A spprlal showing In fine nil linen Handkerchiefs f 1 -In all widths o? hemstltchlng-wnrth up to 20c I and if oC and 35c on bargain square tomorrow J. W V at 75c Corset Covers and Drawers at 39c Made of the finest muslin, prettily tuoked nnd trimmed tT nil sizes a great Thursday's sale worth 75c at Millinery for Holiday Wear $5 and $6 Horse Hair Chiffon Hats kt 2.95 Fifty doBon Assorted shapes In the very newest ef fects In horse hair and chiffon combinations the dressiest and most wanted hats of the season white and black only $3 and $0 values Children's fine Trimmed Leghorns 2d floor and basement 95c Children's fine Trimmed Hats basement at 59c Olrls' White Duck and Pique Caps with visors at 25c Fine quality large brim Sailor Mats at 39c Daisy Wreaths, pink, white and blue second floor at 15c Linen and Duck Skirts at 49c- Maue in the late fashion will laun der beautifully- -worth 1.25, at 49c Shirt Waist Suits at 98c made out of prttty new percales, finely and stylishly fashioned. Q2 worth double, at VOC Great Sale of Men's Outing Suits Our grand sal. Is now at Us height regular $10 and $12 Suits f. 3?. prttt & pong BUSLNESS MEN OPPOSE FADS Strong lien and Women, Not Technical Ex perts, Wanted from Fablio Bckools. DSIRE STAPLE STUDIES WELL TAUGHT aparlateadent. and Principal. Visit Shelter and Packing; Hons., Getting; Many New Idea. f Commercial World. Rev. H. C. Herring took the "business man's" place on the Transmlsslsslppl Summer School of Superintendence yes terday, Edward P. Smith not being able to till his engagement. Mr. Herring spoke of the large number of employers for whom the school superintendents work, among them being. It has frequently been reported, the local politicians and the American Book Concern. It was a wonder, with so many employers that they did not become con fused mentally, but In fact It was a good thing for the superintendents and teachers they could try to please th. best and dlscourjig. the worst, and It obliged them to make and walk In their own paths. Dr. Herring said the business men demanded that the schools b. up-to-date and there was a great temptation among superintendents and teachers to adopt fads In an attempt to appear, whether they were or not, up-to-date. The business men were opposed to fads they did not insist on hav ing simply the three R's, but they wanted til that was good and the staple things and wanted them developed as far and as thoroughly as possible. "It Is better to turn ont good and strong men and women than technical experts," continued Mr. Herring . "For the good of education there should be broad culture on th. part of teachers, and th. people should tie allowed to sea It, and there should be conferences, such as the present school, for (letting together was an Important factor In th. progress of the age. Super intendents and teachers, and therefore moulds th. prim, element In the great educational system of the United States." ' Th. Inspection of the smelter Tuesday afternoon was greatly enjoyed by all. After I talk yesterday afternoon by Superintend' ent Stetson on "Men I Have Known," In eluding th. prominent ment of Main, for th. paat fifteen years,, special cars were taken for South Omaha, where the packing house wer. visited. Thursday afternoon tha Burlington headquarters and th. Union Paclflo shops will b. Inspected. It only costs 6 cents to go to Courtland Beaoh. Why swelter In the cltyT Personally Conducted Ksruraiou, A personally conducted special train to Ban Francisco, Jeavlng Omaha 1 p. m. august 12, which stops at Denver, Colorado Springs. Glenwood Springs, Salt Lake City iid other points of Interest. Round trip -rJiets. $45. The opportunity of a lifetime tor the greatest trip on the continent at the lowest rate ever offered. This special train will carry the Grand Army of the Republic of Nebraska, and Mrs. Julius I Frlce. President of the Ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic, will accompany the train All arrangements for accommodations en route to San Francisco will be personally trrunged for by me. Let me give you the details. W. H. Green, 4o3 N. Y. Life build jig. Omaha, Neb. South llakvta Editors ( onUf. Glen M. Fnrley of Madison. 8. D., secre. tury of the Kimth Dakota Tress asso-la. mil. in in ins i-iiy to iniorm m committee of the Commercial a'i I I'rvhs clubs KimI Iho memhera of the Dakota orKXulaatlon 'will asKemble In Oinuha, Aimuit 17, for Hie purpose of making an exiursloi) to Salt ljihe City. Aa tim.iha U the moat con venient iKiini tne editors will come li,.r ibnul sixty III number, and spend the loiti tere. koiiim- weal in in eveninir. Mr. Vur lev hopes to arritiifru wild the Ux-al (Inl.a fur some pleasant manner of spending the lime. The coolest plar. iu this section is Lak Ua&awa. 4m New Enisled Picture the ''Fourth" I Elaborately embroidered Shirt Waists that sell regit- 4 fa larlyat $3 and $4, to- ) The most stunning waists to be found in omana-mey t fn are all worth $5 and Vrt $6, tomorrow at 2.95 Shirt Waist Suits at $2.98 mads of the popular summer wash fabric. the moat styilsti wear tor ""a gi r warm weather, worth . 1-1 to.oo, at Wash Dresses at $4.98 These stunning tub frocks are worth as high as $10. They are male of a j-S mulls, Swisses and other a-l-rt dainty fabrics, at m 9 w of men's summer suits ;;$5 31. 3 Prxtsfeti & port JOY SUTPHEN CASE IS HEARD Jodga Estello Will. Now Decide Whether Lad 1. to Bav a, Diploma. Th. ease of Joy Sutphen against the Board of Education of Omaha to secure a diploma aa graduate of tha high school, was argued on demurrer before Judge Estelle yesterday and at tha conclusion of the hearing th. Judge took th. matter under advisement. The attorney for tha school board, for the purpose of the demurrer admitting the truth of the allegations of the plaintiff. In sisted In his argument that the board was tha sole Judge of Its action with reference to the Issuing of diplomas and that It could not be compelled by a court to act In the matter because It waa on. Involving a de olslon which Is placed by law solely within the control of th. board. O. W. Shields, who appears for tha plain tiff, said that the secretary of the board had placed at his disposal all of the papers he desired except one, that one being the list of pupils for whom the secretary had ueen instructed to prepare diplomas. The attorney said this paper had been destroyed oy m. secretary after a demand had been mad. upon him for the production of It. IS YOfR COAT Dl'STTf Yon Probably Have the Whit Scab of Dandruff on It. If your coat or shoulders have a wblt dust upon It, the chances ar. that It fi from dandruff. The only way to Derma uci.ujr cure aanarurt is to remove the cause, which Is a germ. Newbro's Herpl ciu kuib tne germ. Every toilet tnhi should have such a hair-dressing that con tains also the destroyer of th. dandruff ana nair falling germ. It stops all lrrlta tlon. keeps the scalp sweet, pure and whole some. Remember that something claimed to do -just as good." Will nnl An h of genuine Herplclde. Sold by leading drug- aims, oeno. iuo in stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., special agents. Company L of the First battalion braika National Guard, will give a sham battle and exhibition drill at Courtland Beach July 1 OMAHA CHRISTIAN EDK A VORERS' Daylight Special, SIS for Round Trip 10 uenver, Pueblo and: Col. orado Springs. The Union Paclflo has, by reason of Its many advantages, been selected as th. official route for the Omaha Christian En deavor delegation to Denver. A special train will be run for this del.. gatlon and all Endeavorers throughout the state are urged to Join this train. A great acquaintance social" will be held on the way out. Arrangements have been made for de lightful side trips into the mountains and also special excursion rates to Salt Lake City and other points at greatly reduced rates. The special train will leav. Omaha Union station at 7 a. m. July 8 and arrive at Denver same evening. Tickets on sale July 1 to 10. limited to August 81. .ur your iicaets read via the official route. City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam street. 'Phone $16. Th. Low Nates t boston Via the Lnke Shore ft Michigan Southern railway afford a delightful opportunity for an eastern vacation trip. Tickets on salt June 3b. W and 27. July 1. J. J. and I Full particulars on application to M. S Giles. T P. A..,p.hlcaro, or by addressing C. F. Daly, Chief A. G. P. A.. Chicago. Rev. J. A. Ilultnian will have a concert Thursday, July 2. at t o'clock p. m.. Swed ish Mlaslon church. Z3d and Davenport. AdmlMtlon. 16 cents, All welcoma, Ike Manawa's bathing season Is open Th. water is delightful. Try U. Mint Sale Closed All Day the Fourth i HirtSchiffixr T4 J (J Marx tf4 rbnd Tailored Jy . ...... .n ai; ( ..." .'. ft J llMlHbklHlka HEN'S OUTING GOATS AND PANTS In cheviots, flannels, homespuns and worsteds, in light, medium and dark colors, stripes, checks and mixtures, at $3.95, $5.00, $6.50, $7.50, $10.00. No lad j should buy a suit, a skirt or waist, or anything in that line without getting our prices. U la J. L. Brandeis & Sons, BANKERS. 4 0 ON maybeSpfncdlth Certificates of deposit Issued for 3, 6 or 12 months, bearing 4 per cent Interest. ALL DEPOSITS PAYABLE ON DEMAND! N. W. Cor. 16th and Doug-las Street. ALBERT EDHOLM, JEWELER 107 N. I6TH ST., OPP. POSTOFFICE. WEDDING RING HEADQUARTERS Largest stock of wedding rings In city. All sizes, shapes and weights. Tiffany shape Is most In vogue. WE CLOSE SATURDAYS IN JULY AND AUGUST AT 6:30 P. M. , Established in Omaha since 1888. Patronlie a reliable, time-tried Dentist. One-half ordinary prices charged. Gold crowns for $2i00; gold . fillings, $1.00 up; silver fillings, 60c. All work warranted. BAILEY, The Dentist, Lad, Attendant. Telephone 1085. 3rd Floor P&iton Block. fjgBjgjgSBSBUBUIBSSBOCBmTSBSSSSSBBBSBBSSSBOBBBB I A AWNING 3 CATALOGUE. Wa. en - TWO BURNED BY GASOLINE Man and Wife Suffer front Explosion of Stove In Their Hons. By tha explosion of a gasoline stov. at the residence of L. Farrar. 2743 South Thir teenth street, about 1 o'clock, both Mr. and Mrs. Farrar were burned, the former only slightly about the hands, and Mrs. Farrar about the hands and body. When the stove exploded both husband and wife attempted to smother the flames. The dress worn by Mrs. Farrar cauKht fire and before the husband could smother the blaze she had been badly burned. While painful, ber wounds are not dangerous. The explosion set tire to the house and about $'J6 damage was done before th. department extin guished It. A Champion Healer. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, th. best In the world, cures cuts, corn, burns, bolls, ulcers, sores and piles or no pay. 25c. For sal. by Kuan Co. HARDY'S. Th. M-Ont Store, IBIS Dodge St. Reliable and harmless fireworks. liuy your fireworks her. and get goods that your children may fire with safety. THERE'S NO DYNAMITE in any of our goods. Everything Is thor oughly made 'and guaranteed. OPEN EVENINGS to accommodate those alio cannot come during the day. For Sale Due HI! on on. of th. beat New York City hotels at a good discount. Ad dress M, car. Omaha lice. yds THE KKUABLK SIOKK. MEN'S SUITS In gray stripes, brown and gray mixtures, all well made and In all sites, at $3.75 Any suit In the lot worth from 15.00 to $7 50. MEN'S SUITS AT S5-00 In grays, brown, blues and blacks, made up of casslmeres, cheviots, worsteds and fancy cheviots, In all wool goods and none worth less than $$.00 ;a$5.oo up to $10.00..... REN'S SUITS AT $7.50 Wa have all the latest shades and fabrics In strictly all woo! goods, made up with hand-padded shoulders, hair cloth fronts and In all the latest styles; suits that are worth and have sold at $10.00 and $13.00 $7.50 For $10.00 w. ha v.. th. greatest line of men's suits ever shown In America for th. price. Made up In cheviots, cansl meres, worsteds and fancy cheviots, In stripes, checks, fancy and plain colors, hand tailored throughout with hand padded shoulders, hand-felled collars and hair cloth fronts. Regular $15.00 and $18.00 suits, for..... SI0.00 INTEREST savings; OllC DollaT n There's No Expense to us In selling our "Men's Special" $3.50 shoes They're only ona line of a hundred we would have to have the same help pay the same rent and be at as much general expense If we didn't bav. a "$3.50 Special" in the El house. That makes It so we can put more value In them than where the ex penses of the business depend on the profits of a $3.50 shoe. Both high and oxford styles patent leather, vlcl kid and calf stock. DREXEL SHOE CO., Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House 1419 Farnam Street. USBSEBSSSBBSM Deputy Stats Veterinarian, Food Inspector. H.L.RM.MCCIOTTI, 0. V. S. CITT VETERINARIAN. CfTYce and Infirmary, ttta snd Mason Bts. Usoaaa, Neb. Telephone Ksa. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Makaa Most Vseful Preseat. THE BENNETT CO 10 Pianos to Sell The Pianos In stock at time of fire-about 100 are all gone but (0; these must go this week. We have 3 cars in transit and they will require all the room we can make. HERE ARE SOME PRICES FOR THE FOURTH All Sold on Easy Payments A $250 PIANO tAR Yours os terms to suit. ...$I4u A $300 PIANO- Yours on terms to suit. . . .M0u A $360 PIANO tflR Yours on terms to suit. ...)ID A $400 PIANO C0QQ Yours on terms to suit... $ZuO A $450 PIANO 1 0 R Q Yours on terms to suit...$Z0O A $500 PIANO C9PR Yours on terms to suit... SEE THESE PIANOS WRITE ABOUT THEM Full Information and Description Cheerfully Qlven Your Own Terms Tin OMAHA'S FAVORITE O Tl Tl i am IVist; , i n in .wi J1 k : I j. i ,( HOT WEATHER FURNISHINGS FOR MEN Falen's BeltsP Negligpe Shirts, Straw Hats Today ts an easier time to buy a Straw Hat than tomorrow will be. You'll want to wear a nice, clean straw hat for the Fourth. This is the best place to come. lJest variety, best hats, least" prices. You can't fail to find the bat you want and pay less for it than you would elsewhere. MEN'S EINE STRAW HATS MEN'S FINE STRAW HATS, Worth $1.25 75c MEN'S FINE STRAW FIATS, Worth $2.00 SI. 25 MEN'S FINE STRAW HATS, Worth $3.00 2.00 , If you want a Panama hat' we have the finest Quality at these prices $4.50, S5.50, $6.50. MEN'S FINE NEGLIGEE SHIRTS ' These two lots go on sale: Fine Mohair, m I High grade, full K worth . LLrP, and generous all 75o.,. I cut, worth $1.25 1 MEN'S HIGH GRADE BELTS MEN'S BELTS WORTH 23c and 35c ON SALE....15C MEN'S BELTS WORTH 35c and 50c ON SALE....25C MEN'S BELTS WORTH 75c and $1 ON SALE....45C MEN'S BELTS WORTH $1 and $1.25 ON SALE. . . .75c Closed All Day July Fourth In order to give our employes an opportunity to spend the Fourth properly, this store will be closed all day July 4th. We will remain open Friday evening, July 3rd, until 10 p. m. same as on regular Saturdays and kind ly request our customers to make their purchases up to that time. UNION RETURN July I to CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM STREET. Thons til From the Kansas City Flood Harness and Saddles at bis Reduction. ISO slnsls bussy harness, full Karl saddle, best rubber trimmed, 117.00. Mi harness. tlX flfi harness, 110. Jood slncle express harness, H2.M $2.8 rldlns bridle, U J6. 7ta whips, fco Large can harness soap, SSo; small csn harness soap, 20o; harness dressing. 20o; axle oil, 30oj carriage axle creese, 10c; Metnl polish, lOo and Wo. Fly nets, lap robes, suit caaas and valises at low prices. Tel. 2314. Alfred Cornish 1210 Farnam -si. in Fourth of July our stors will be closed all day. Do your trading mid call for your repair work before S f. m. Friday evening. Let us repair your watch so that you will have a goud time while on your vacation. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler. 1516 Douelas Street. H If you want ftorn but ton! for your nw bin watttf, thAt Copley ur- tntMS EXrLl'BIVE. lha tmyortsxl Jaivn'; buttons. bui-klei, mtc, Coplry bu Just opiie4. 2i5S.i6is VNITHO BTATEH OBHitHTOHY. rmk Marskj. Mral S S Woo rto pmllial lflw IMI, rl.. t 1 HaMilinf awlf JEWELER J Hells Walekti, j 3 II K g Unv 'mrrntm d lUt Struts. I f r14 npllal MK SrplM I.Ml ElnSBBBSSSl .'I ..!.', ill LL PACIFIC 10, Inc. t. '-tf'-K JSIK el 1 -1 it -J- Jr.. FROZEN BANANA PUDDING was oiiglnated by our soda dispenser, Mr. Huunders. Many are now trying to Imi tate It, (whirl) Is Indeed a rnmplime nt), but no one has tvtr equaled It: try this un.l you will be OI.'H KK(ii;i,AR H )LA i'1'BTO.MICK; tret our prln-s on DKL'O STOHK '1'MINfiS and you will sJu be Oiril A 1,1. AIUjUNU CISTOMICR. IUii I'eruna all you want at 67o II. uu Lr. Miles' Nervine-ves Mllea 1'Jr, liuu Uenulne L'astorla 24 24.. icES inOmsjfa.' i uu ur. nerce s to rii. ti- 'i'liese are the UlW KhT I'KIC comnare theni that's uroi.f 2Tc Hire s Hoot Ilwr genuine &c Ioan's Kidney I'llls doc C'ullcura Halve Allow k i I'lusters all you want at aitc Wlsard oil II. OU IWs Malt WhlHkey II 1'ure Canadian Ma t Whlakav 10 Site too 7:J U.W Oenulne t.'hester's Pennyroyal Pills 11 Sue "Catarrh Kem" guaranteed 3uo OLB STOItB NliVER CLOSES. SCIIAEFER'S mi CUT PRICE V Dkua srokQ lira Tsssca-U7 mm TST. Ckiencn Streets, Onsasua, j J if V w I n I'