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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1903)
8 TITE OMAHA PAII.Y T5EE: WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1903. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL rTorb! Weather Causes Uulrenal Elnmp on Board of Trade. ALL PRODUCTS GO SOMEWHAT LOWER Wkt Active bat Weak, Cora Of ferlnse Readily sell anil so Lead ta Firmness, While Oat ara Also ia Demand. CHICAGO, June 30. Favorable weather caused wakni In the wheat pit today, (September cloning l',c lower, (September corn was He lower, oats oft" Vc and pro visions clOHud Irom 12Vi'al5c to lower. Wheat ruled active with a large amount of liquidation going on throughout the en tire session. Open prices were weak on decidedly beansn news, reports from the northwest being to the enect that rains bad fallen over a latge secllon of the spring wheat belt, thus dispelling all fears of a drouth. A special Kansas crop report es timated this year's yield at about l($).0OO, (UM bushels tne largest on record and under those Influences September was dowu Wnc to Vale at the start at 77VI7V(rC. '1 he strength In corn helped the market for a time and with firm cables Heptember advanced to !7c, but with outside mar kets showing material losses and on an absence of support prices again slumped off, September declining to it and clos ing at 784iil'76ic, a net loss of lc. Clear ances of wheat and Hour were equal to 179, 90 bu. Primary receipts were 3B,300 bu., ogalnst 609,111 bu. a year ago. Minneap olis and Duluth reported receipts of 256 cars, which with locla receipts of 41 cars U of contract grade), made total receipts for the three points of 2Vi cars, against USD cars last week and 382 cars a year ago. Corn was surprisingly strong In the face of the weakness In wheat, the higher cables and the good cash demand being largely responsible for the better feeling. There was considerable liquidation as a result of the favorable weather conditions, but the offerings were readily absorbed by com mission houses. The weakness In wheat was a late factor and much of the gain was lost. September closing "Ac lower at 60S, after selling between 60 and 61c. Local receipts were 582 cars, with 77 of contract grade. There was only a moderate trade In oats, but prices were firm the greater part of the day, due to a good commission house demand. The break In wheat toward the noon hour resulted In a reaction In prices and the close was about steady, with Sep tember He lower at 84c, after It had sold between 33and 34V4c. Local receipts were 818 cars. Liquidation by local longs caused weak ness in provisions and much of yesterday's advance was lost. Lute buying by brokers caused A steadier tone, but prices showed little recovery. September pork closed 3T',4c lower, at $15.6:'V4, September lard was off lnc at $8.00, and ribs down 12H15c, at 8.fi68.67H. EHtimuted receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 20 cars; corn, 306 cars; oats, 146 cars; hogs, 84,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: todny voted not to suspend business on that day. Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Tes y. V.'heat I a July b July a Sept. b Hept. Corn June July Sept. Dec. Oats July Sept. Dec. Fork July Sept. Lard July Sept Rlbx July Sept. TWt 79 77H 77 H14 781,79V, 79' VVW(t 79 77VcT-T 7676Va-y 78 77Vtf 77 76 i6Hi78(& 60 60 50ia 61 60 6035O 60 60 tl 60 50 60 'Ji 60 49 494. 49 39 40 3 89 89' ZVMii. 34 33 34 84 34 34 '4 84334 84 Vi 84 "4 15 42 IS SO 15 32 15 S2 15 80 16 90 16 90 16 66 16 &! IS 0) S 22 I 22 1 10 I 10 8 25 8 4o g 46 S 27 S 80 8 45 8 72 8 7? 8 55 8 67 8 75 8 77i t 77 8 66 8 87 8 80 No. 1 a Old. b Hew. Cash quotations were a follows: FLO UK Steady. WHEAT No. I spring, 776790; No. t, 75 78c; No. 2 red. 77(tWe, CORN No. 2, 60c; No. 2 yellow, 60')lo, OATS No. 2, 40c; No. 8 white, 88ijj-40o. RYE No. 1 51c. BARLEY Good feeding, 4345o; (air to Choice malting, 47062c. SEED No. 1 flax, 99c; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.02; prime timothy, $3.76(83.80; clover, contract grade. $11.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 815.25 $15.37. Lard, per 100 lbs., $8.07g8.10. Short ribs sides (loose), 8.60'3.2. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $8.008.12; short clear sides (boxed), $8.87ft9.0O. Following are the receipts and shipment of flour and grain yesterday: .Receipts, enipmems. 16,3(0 s,0 Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu.... Kye, bu Barley, bu.. . 87,6(10 .6i6,8o0 .324.800 . 8,600 . 69,400 66.400 217.300 179,400 'MO On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 164330c; dairies, lo&18c. Kggs, steady; at mark, rases Included, 12'ul4a. Cheese, steady at lo4hllc. ISEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of the Day ta Various Commodities. NEW YORK, June S0.-FLOUB Receipts, 89,363 bbls.; exports, 11,471 bbls.; quiet and easier. Rye nour, nrm; fair to good. $3.00 CORNMEAL Steady ; yellow western, $1 14; city, $1.12; Brandy wine, $3.12S3.20, kiln dried. RYE Firm; No. 2 western, 62c, f. o. a., afloat; state, f4i'oic, f. o. b., afloat. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 62c, o. I. t. New York; malting. 61&57c. WHEAT Receipts, 88,776 bu.; exports, 15, 816 bu. Spot, easier; No. 2 red, 83c, eleva tor, and Mc, f. o. b afloat; No. 1 north ern Duluth. 91e, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. lc, f. o. b., afloat. A severe break again occurred In the wheat market today, following further returns In the northwest and a bearish weekly govern ment report In winter wheat. Active liqui dation was a feature of the day and the market closed ao. net lower. July, 84(ff 8fV, closed at 44c; September, SOW 82 l-16c, closed at Sic; December, 81(Hlc. closed at 81 1-lSc. CORN-Recelpts. 121.650 bu.; exports, 261, 968 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2, 67c. elevator, and 68c. f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 69c; No. 2 white. 69c. After opening a shade easier with wheat, corn advanced vigor ously on the prospects for colder, showery weather west. Then It eased off on the bearish weekly crop report and closed dull at ''ic net decline. July, 57467c, closed at 57c; December, 6f!kftuAc, closed at 67c. OATS Receipts, 158.800 bu.; exports, 10.605 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2, 43o; standard white, 47V,c; No. S, 43V: No. 2 white, 47c; No. S white, 47c; track white. 43&49o. Op tions Irregular again with corn. HAY Siearty; shipping. HKi!i6c; good to choice. $1 aval. 15 HOPS Dull; state, common to choice, 17f23c; 1901. 14Td7c; olds. fcrr9c; Pacific coaat, .1902, 18 23c; 1901. 14U17c; olds, ( HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 15 lbs., 18c; California. 21 to lb lbs., 19c; Texas, dry. 24 to 80 h.. 14c. LEATHER Steady; hemlock sole. Buenos Avjres, light to heavy weights, acid, 24u' RICE Firm;' domestic, fair to extra, 4V4 457c; Japan, nominal. pruv isiu.-ss iieer. easy; fatally, $10 00 fill. 00; $8 50rr9nn: beef hams, $19.50 io.00; psckera', $9 60nl0 00: city extra India mess, $15.0('ii 17.00. Cut meats, quiet; pick led belllea. $9.2fvffl0 50; pickled shoulders, $7.50((8.00: pickled hams. $)2.00-fl2.oO. .Lard, easy; western steamed. $8.50; June rlrajed at f 8 50. nominal; refined, easy; continent. $8 55; South America. $9 SO; compot:". 47 6tf 8 00. Pork, ejisv; Jamlly, $18 fl(ifl!.i; ,Y-rt clear, $16.7518.00; mess. $17.6041 Vi.Od. TALLOW Dull; city, 4Vo6c; countrv, lil'TTER Receipts, 24.640 pkg ; stni'y; atnte dnlry, lfil'Oc; creamery, it'i':c. CHEKSE-Dull. EGGS Receipts, 18.473 pkgs. ; firm; west ern extras, 18c; extra seconds ta firsts, 16iT17c. . POl'LTRT Aliva and dressed, steady slid unchanged. VJ M FT A 1.8 Spot tin advanced lis 7d to 127 K's fid In lAndon snd futures there closed 15s higher at 124 lis, in New York tin was quiet, but higher also, spot closing at $: .OHfi' Copper was higher In Lon don, spot advancing 12s 6.1 to 58 and fu tures I" to 67 15s. I.ooa My, however, cop. rer ruled dull end mure or less nominal at 14 87'al4 6: for bike and electrolytic, while csstlng was quoted at $14. Lead re mained unchanged at 11 16s In London and locally at $4 12. Speller was also quiet and unchanged In London, where it la quoted at .'J0 2s M. In New York It waa nominally unchanged at $.12'n6 26. Iron cloved at 62a 6d In Glssgow and at 46s d In Middles borough, locally Iron remains dull snd nominally unchanged: No. 1 foundry north ern la quoted at $19 50.000. No. 2 foundry northern at tl Mal.u). No. 1 foundry aouthern and No. 1 foundry southern soft at $i unli 64. The Produce exchange will ba closed on Friday. July 8. Xlia (ovarii org af the Stack axohaogs OM AHA vY HOLES ALR MARKET. Condition af Trade aad .notations aa Staple- and Finer rrndnr. F.OOS Fresh stock, loss off, nf?13c. LIVE POI'LTRY Hens, ftsc; spring chickens, per lb., 1547 17c; roosters, accord ing to a", 4'i6c; turkeys, 13tilc; dturks, 5 7c; r''FP, fVJiTc. ItlTTKR-Packlng stock, llc; choice dairy. In tutis. l.yilic; separator. 2iiS2Jo. FRESH FIHtl f resn cstlgnt trnui, s-y; Clckerel, 8c; pike, 9c; perch, 6c; buffalo, 7c; luepsh. lie; whlteflsh, c; salmon, lfc; had dock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, loc; lob sters, boiled, per lb., 26c; lotisters. green, per lb., Z'c; bullheads, 11c; catfish. 14c; black bass, i-iqj-; halibut. lc; shad roe 40c per pair, roe shad, $1 each: crapple, 12c; her ring, 0c; perch, 6c; white bass, 10c; bluefins, 8c. BRAN-Pcr ton. $15. , HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association : t'holce No. 1 upland, tl"- Nr.. $9 60; medium, $9; coarse. $8.50. Rye straw', $7. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts llfrht. COitN '. OATS 4"c. RYE No. 2, 50c. VEGETABLE. OLD POTATOES Northern stock, per bu., $1. NEW POT A TO E 8 Sou t h era, per lb., 2c. PARSLEY Per doa. bunches, 30o. PARSNIPS Per bu., 40c. CUCUMBERS Per dor., 50c; home grown. 35c. ' BEANS Home grown, wax, per bu. box, $1.50, string, per bu. box. $1.50. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per dox.. 60c. CABBAGE New California, per lb., Ic. TOMATOES Mississippi, rer 4-baeket crate, Il iO. HHt' BARB Per lb., lc. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.50. ONIONS-New California dry, per lb., 2c; Texas, per lb., 2c. CELERY Michigan, per dos., 26c BTRAWBERRI EB Colorado, $300. BLACK RASPBERRIE8 Per 24-plnt cane. S3. RED RASPBERRIES Per 24-plnt case, $3 00. BLACKBERRIES Per 24-quart case, $2.60. APRICOTS California, per box, $1.40. PEACHES California, per box, $1.25. I'LL MS California, Clyman, per box. $1.40. CHERRIES California, white and black, ner 10-lh. box. $2. CANTALOUPE Florida, per crate, $3,609 4.00. APPLES New stock, bu., 75c. WATERMELONS Georgia, 40o each. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 75c; Turkish, ner 18-lb. box. 18c. ORANGES California navels, fancy, for 176 and smaller sixes, $4; for 156 and larger sizes. S3. 26: Mediterranean, all sixes. $3.00(3 3.26; Jaffa, $3.25(3.60; fancy blood, per half 1 1 - LEMONS California fancy, all sixes. H.MVfM "5: Messlnas. $4. DATES-Persian, in to-id. coxes, per id., 6c; per case or 30-10. pkgs., PINEAPPLES-Florlda, $2.75; Cuban, 82.60. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., lOo. POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4c niuca iiu. & Blccl1, u , f u. e aolft 6c; No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry salted hides, 8lZc; sheep pelts, 25i.75c; horsehldoa, $1.5002.50. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 Boft shell, per lb 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., lie; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell. per lb., 16c; pecans, large, per lb., 12o; small per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per dox., 61o; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu.. St. Lonls Grata and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, June 80. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 cash elevator, 81c; track, 82c; July, 81c; September, 77i77c; No. 2 hard, "Mtt 81c. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 49c; track. 51Hi51c: July. 49c: September, WJViC OATS Weak; No. 2 cash, 38c; track, 89 R4lc; July, tuc; (September, iwaiYftc; Z white, 4ftc. RYE Higher at 613S3c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $3.85 &4.00; extra fancy and straights, $3.563.80; clear, Kl.2(X3il.&. SEED Timothy, steady at $2.00(30.60. CORNMEAL Steady at $2.80. BRAN Dull: sacked, east track. 78380o. HAY Firm; timothy, 111.0CK&17.00; prai rie, B.WBU.0U. IRON COTTON TIES-$1.06. BAGGING 6fcc. HEMP TWINE 6c. PROVISIONS Pork. . lower; jobbing, standard mess, xia.72. Lard, $7.70. Bacon dull, lower; boxed and extra shorts, $9.26 clear ribs. $9.37: short clear. $9.62. METALS Lead, firm at $4.02; spelter, nrm at Sb.GO. ruuuim-viowiji vuii.viiB. 7S, springs, 13c; turkeys, 9c; ducks, 7c; geese. 84J4C BUTTER Lower; creamery, 165f21c dairy, 1517c. EGGS Steady at 14c loss off. receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 9.000 6.000 Wheat, bu I8.000 9.UH) Corn, bu 99,000. 61,000 Oats, bu. 60,000 27,000 slightly. Rio Untos hardened. Kaffirs were stronger. 'AR1S. June 80. Prices on the bourse to day opened ilrm; trading was rather weak; Frencn rentes weakened toward tne close. Ihree per cent rentes, test ttc; exchange on London, 2nt 14 for checks. BEKL1N. June !.( n tne bourse today International slocks were firm; Canauiaus were hlgner; Iron shares rose upon tho publication of the syndicates bait yearly icpoim snowing a 3u per cent Increase. KEW YORK STOCKS AM) IIOD. day were tl.3RO.211.43; Increase over corre sponding day of previous year, $189,164.40. Market Spurts Fnrloasly, Outdoes Itself and Falls to Lethargy Awnln. NEW YORK. June 30. Almost as many hares chana-ed hands tlurtnir the first hour I trading todav as In the nrst two hourst n ine new v swakened activity ot tne rire- vlons days market. This first hour of trading had every appearance of anima tion and well sustalnt-d strength, but the absorptive power of the market was pretty well exhausted by this spurt and the dull period of firmness which lollowed gave way 1 the last hour to a general reduction nder professional profit taking. The slight uctuallons during the first hour, In view f tne renewed activity, gave sufficient warning that profit taking was going on freely. This morning's purchasers, how- iver, had less success when they attempted o take their profits in the last hour. The ay s net changes snow very small net alns left for any of the speculative lead- rs and some of them went slightly below last night under the selling of the last our. lesterday a heavy buying anu snarp pward movement In Reading was sum lentlv exnlalned bv the statement of net earnings for May, showing an Increase for 11 the companies over tne corresponding months of last year of $1.4a).0i9. This wipes out all of the loss incident to the great coal strike and establishes an Increase n the net earnings of all the companies or tho eleven months of the fiscal year of $1,092,241. This showing gave color to the urrent rumors that dividends would ne commenced on the second preferred stock. Combined with the continuing effect of the success of the Pennsylvania stock subscrip tion the coal carrying roads were made erv ntrnnr for a time. Meantime In an other department of the list the Wabash cDenture B bonds were Deing ireeiy boio t an extreme decline of 1 owing to the Isannolntment of holders that the direct ors at their meeting yesterday had decided not to disburse any of the surplus earn- npa available for on Interest payment upon hese bonds. The day s weatner map. which showed rains In the northwestern tates. where the drouth conditions have hreatened the snrlng wheat crop, was a strengthening Influence on stocks. With this Indicated relief In the dry section Ihe weather bureau's weekly crop report waa given a favorable Interpretation. Wheat reacted snarpiv, corn more mooeraieiy after a period of strength, nnd cotton vlo- entlv. Yesterdays oisposmon to ignore he rlslnar rate for call loans was ratner sharplv admonished by a rise In the late dealings to 10 per cent In the call money rate. This development seemed to offset the supposition that the serenity of the money market In the face of Pemnsylvanla stock subscription offered assurance that the July 1 requirements woum pass wun- out disturbance. It is borne In mind also that the New York money market is some times slow to respond to the effect of the periodical disbursements nfter the period of the disbursements, which will be of an unprecedented volume for this July. In the iBst hnlf hour, after the profit taking movement had spent Its force. United States Steel preferred was marKca up z' over lo.t niirht on romnaratl vely light dealings. The nominal ground for this movement was thnt the fnll In tne stock neiow ine subscription price offered to employes of the corporation was calculated to preju dice Its relations with Its employes. The market closed unsteady. The cessation of the pressure of liquida tion against the United States Steel second 6s seemed to be regarded as the favorable opportunity for marking up the preferred tfwk- . . ' . . The bond market generally wa" "u firm. Total sales, par value, ijmjo.uuii. United States bonds were an uncimnira on the last call. Following are tne quota lions on m -j York Block exenange: Atchison 8t. Psul pfa..... ado pia vTt'Bo. rtcmu ...... Bal. ft Ohio ' 00. HSiiwar ... e pfd do P'd Canadian PartBo mvt'Twas ft Paclflo Kansas City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, June SO. WHEAT July, 69c; September, 67c; cash, No.2 hard, 70 73c; No. 3, 68(&c; No. 4, 634f8o: rejected, 62c: No. 2 red, 7275c: No. 3, 7o71c. CORN July, 4.047c; September. 46 6o; casn, rxo. 1 mixed. Die; ixo. x wnita, 51c; No. 8, 60(&ole. OATS No. 2 white, 460. RYE No. 2. 60c. HAY-Cholce timothy, $12.00; choice prairie, i.ovtall.W. BUTTER Creamery, 171919c; dairy fancy, 17C EGGS Freeh, 11 o. Minneapolis Wheat, Flnnr and Bran MINNEAPOLIS, June 80. WHEAT Cosh. 83c; July, 82c; September. 74Xc No. 1 hard. 84c; No. 1 northern, 83c; No, Z northern, 82c; Mo. 1 northern, 80ft82o. FLOUR First patents, $4.3034.60; second patents, $4.204.30; first clears, S3.20&3.30 sreona Clears, ii.wi)i.ou. BRAN in bulk, $14.00(14.60. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 80. BUTTER Steady, moderate demand: extra western creamery. 21c: nearby prints. Z2c. EGGS Steady, fair demand; fresh near by, 17c, loss off; western, 17c; southwest ern. ltc: soutnern. Jfrfflbc. CHEESE Dull and easier; New Tork full creams, choice new, 11c; fair to good, new, ju(tfivi40. Liverpool Grain Market, LIVERPOOL, June SO. -WHEAT 8pot steady; No. 2 red, western, winter, 6a 8d No. 1 California, 6s 8d: futures, quiet July, ns oci; oepiemoer, os 3a. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed. 5s Id; futures, quiet; June, nominal; July, 8d; September, 4s 6',d. Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. June 30-WHEAT-c lower; no. 1, nortnern, atqnic; ISO. northern. 85(386e; September, 76c. RYE-C lower: No. 1. 6!e. BARLEY Quiet; No. 2. 6S1i00c; sample. 4b((J02c. CORN September, 60ic. Peoria Market. PEORIA, June 30 CORN Firm, higher No. 3, 49c; No. 4, 4SC OATS Firm; No. 2 white. 88c; No. white, c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. June 30. SEED Clover, un changed; October, $11.76. Prime timothy $1.80. London Stock Market. LONDON. Juno 30. Closing quotations Comoli for money..! 7-li Nw York Central. . .H04 an 2 10s do acvount 91 1-16 Norfolk ft Weslarn... Anaconda Atrnlaon do pld tlalliniur ft Ohio Canadian Pacific . Chiaaixaka ft Ohio Chicago O W C . M A St. P teBra lisnver ft R. O... do pfd trie 1. . . .. . . 11 ll pin. 4S' do Did... . . 1 Ontario ft Wealarn.. .. f,i Psnnaylvanls .. 8'Hand Mine ..lltS'HHdlni .. 4"S! do lit Rtd .. lv,' do Id pfd . .V-'i'A Southern Hallway... .. 2usi! do pfd .. Bouthsrn Pacific .. !a,ltulon Pacltc .. SW tt pld . Vita t'n tt'4 States Steal.. Central of N. J 1' (hea. ft Ohio. Chlcaxo ft Alton.. do pia Chicago ft O. W... do 1st pia Chicago ft N. W.. Chicago Tar. ft Tr do pfa C. C. C. ft it. L. Colorado 80 do 1st pfd do Id pfd Del. ft Hud Del. U ft W Denver ft P.. O... do pfd Erie do 1st Dfd pfd Great Nor. pfd .. 7 .. 1 .. 4 ..170 .. UK .. I44 .. is .. M H, t., at. . ft w do pfd Union PaclAo , do pfd Wabsah , do pfd Wheeling ft 1 D. Wis. Central do pfd , Adams Ex , American Ex t'nlted States El... xWells-t'argo Ex.. ..174 lAmal. Copper ....161H Amer. Car ft F.... .... 2' do pfd .... u Amer. Un. Oil.... .... 84 do pfd ;. .... 48HAmer. Locomotlvs .... 171 do pfd ,...170 (American S. ft R. xHocklng Valley 3Si do pfd xdo Pfd sz v amer. sugar n. Illinois Central 14 Anae. Mining Co lows Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd L. ft N Manhattan L Met. St. Ry Minn, ft St. L Mo. Pacific M.. K. ft T do pfd Nat. R. R. of Mex do pfd N. T. Central ..... Norfolk ft W do pfd Ontario ft W Pennsylranta P.. C. C. ft St. L. Reading do let pra do Id pfd Rock Inland Co... do pfd St. LAS. F do let pfd do id pfd t. L. 8. W , do pfd , Bt. Paul is IBrooklrn R. T. .. 47 K Colo. Fuel ft Iron. .. 16 IColumbus ft H. C. .. 44 H Cone. Gaa ..Ill Gen. Electric- ..lOTt4 Inter. Paper ..123 do pfd .. KM inter. Pump . do pfd .. 12 National Biscuit .. .. M National Lead .... .. 21 No. American .... .. 41 U Pacific Mall ...128 (People's Gas ... MVPreued S. Car.... ... 0 do pfd ... !4 Pullman P. Car... ...WVi Republic Steal ... ... 74 do pfd ... Rubber Goods x Ex-dlvldend. 83 4 71 11 Tl 3 11 I ...... 161 do pfd.... Tenn. Coal ft Iron U. 8. Leather do pfd V. S. Rubber do pfd U. ft. Steal do pfd Western Unloo ... ..17B .. 6H .. .. .. 0 .. K .. 44 .. 82 .. U .. 14 .. 44 .. IH .. 11 .. 42 ..221 ..Ms ..110 ..190 .. 66 .. 28 .. M .. 11 .. IS .. 23 .. 1 .. 4 .. 92 ..122t .. 8 .. (7 .. 44 .. 17 ..194 ..17 . .. 154 .. 47 .. 88 .. 70 .. IM ..176 .. 86 .. 28 .. .. (3 .. 87 ..20 .. U .. 741 .. 22 .. 77 .. 62 H .. .. S3 ... 13 .. 4T4 ... 21 (4 ... 82 ,.. U New York Money Market. NEW TORK. June 30.-MONEY-On call Arm at 4&10 per cent; closing, 6 n 10 per cent: time money, steady; 60 days. 4 rer cent; so days, 4 per cent; six months, 5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 6'gft'), per cent h i f.Kiirxu JSALHANUK-Heavy at $4.872(Xa4.725 for domand and at 4.84Su 4.84J0 for sixty days; posted rates, 4.S5U' 4.84; commercial bills, $4.84. SILVER war, 6L'c; Mexican dollars. 410. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. firm. Tne closing quotations on bonds are as follows: ..10BKU ft N. snl. 4s 101 ..lwi Mex. Central 4s 77 ...luiia do Is lnc 23 ...lull iMInn. ft St. L. 4s..l'KJ ...1J6WXM., K. ft T. 4s 7 do 11 ...lid N. T. C. gen. Is...lul liN. J. c. gen. 6s. ...131, No. Pacific 4a 102 ...1021 do 3a 71 ,...1MI N. A W. con. 4a.... 98 , ... Heading gen. ts 98 ,...101 St. L. ft 1. U. o. 6s. .112 .... 4St. L. ft 8. K. 4s.... ....11X1 tSt. L. 8. W. Is 92 .10f do 2l 7 A. A A. P. 4s... 7 Paclfle 4a 17 11 Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS, June 30.-COTTON-Qulct. Pules, hales. Ordinary, 10lo; g"od ordinary, ll'c; low middling. 12c; middling. ; good middling, 14c; mid dling fair, 14 13-liic. Receipts, 4.01 bales; stuck, ta.121. Futures: Julv. 13 "5o bid; Au gust. 13.75c hid; September, Vl.nnt 1 2 01c; tctoben lO.ifilO 29c; November, !-2f9Mc; November, H !(-"t 4c; December. J.K.vy9.Wc; Januarv, 9w.'riawc NEW YORK. June SO.-COTTON-Opened easy at a decline of 7'o points amidst the greatest excitement and general realis ing as a result of the sensational drop In Liverpool, renewed reports of dissensions among the bull lenders and rumors that part of the clique holdings were being un loaded. For a time It looked as though the market was at Inst going to pieces. August sold down to 14.42c sfter opening at 12.50c. and September, starting at ll.kor, reached 11.38c before the first rush of sell ing ordets received anything like a check. Accompanying the rumors of clique dis agreements, notices were Issued to the amount of lO.fmo hales and weather reports were distinctly favorable. Very shortly, however, there were unmistakable evi dences of renewed pool support and the market rallied almost as rapidly ss It had declined. Notices promptly taken rare of, presumably by the bull party, and advices received from New Orleans Indi cated that various members of the bull pool were In harmony. A fartor In checking the decline was the crop report of some au thority showing a slight decrease In condi tion to have occurred during June, and this. In connection with the weekly report of the wenther bureau Issued at midday, aroused apprehension that the monthly re port of the government, due next Friday, will show the lowest July condition on record. During the entire afternoon the new crop ruled relatively active under these Influences and the list as a whole was Arm. Julv sold up to 12.70c and Bt the close was 12.80e bid, a recovery of 40 points from the opening figure. August sold tin to 152o or to within 2 points of yesterday's finals, while September reached 11.75c or 6 points over yesterday's close. Just at the close there were slight reac tions from th best points, but the market was finally steadv to 2ffrl4 nolnts higher on the new crop positions, while July was 18 and August lii points net lower. Sales wc-e estimated at 400 noo bales. ST. LoriS. June 30 COTTON Steady. Middling. 1314c. Sales, 30 bales. Receipts. 125 hales; shipments, 2.153 bales; stock, 3.490 balen. LIVERPOOL. June 30. COTTON Spot In limited demnnd; prices 21 points lower; middling fair, 7d; good middling d 8s: low snlddllno- B42d: a-ood ordinary. 6.12d: ordinarv, 6.92d. Th. sales of the day were 3 nr0 bales, of which ,V0 were for specula tion nnd exnort nnd Included 2,600 American. Receipts. 7.0iX) bales. Including 6.70O Ameri can. Futures opened easier and closed quiet snd steady; American middling good. 6.5'c; Julv and August. 6.51'56.62d; August and September. 6.44ii.45d ; September and October. 6.93S5 94d: October and November, K 4Vff;f;fw1: Kovemher and December. 5.35J: TcceTYiher nnd .Tnnuarv. 6.2Sd: January and Febmaty, 5.27d; February and March, 5.26d. Wool Market, BOSTON. June 30 WOOL Is a little firmer this week, although the trade Is still quiet nnd conflnled to small lots. There Is a general stiffening In prices In territory wools. New fine medium territories have been sold on a basis of 50c, clean. New fine nnl pre nuntalile at R2Wf3c. With fine me rttiim nt iarfiKOo snd medium at 41 6f?41.6c. Old territory wool is quoted firmer; fine staple wools are firm at 62fTi5c, scoured basis, with fine at 6266c; fine medium Is quoted at 47 4c. with medium at M'fftnc. r leece wooiu are generally quiet, except for mediums, which may be quoted fully lOo higher than a weelr aaro. The following are quotations for leading AttatrlnHnna Terrttnrv Tdahft. fine. 14 14c; fine medium, 1516c; medium, 1617c; Wyoming, 14'nloc; line medium, wwnc medium, 17(5'lKc; Utah and Nevada, fine, 14 0il6c; fine medium, l31Tc; medium, 1W 19c; Dakota, fine, 1415c; fine medium, lB-gi 17c: med um. 188T19c: Montana, nne cnoice. lSf18o; fine medium choice, 1818c; sta ple. 18ai9c; medium choice, 18418c: Ohio an Pitinivlvnnli xx and above, mnaic X, 28?J29c; No. 1, 31r32c: No. 2. 3W31c; fine washed delaines, 34&35c; Michigan X and above, 25(02c; No. 1 and No. 2, 27f28c. ST. LOUIS, June 80. WOOL Continues strong, with good demand ror choice stocK. Receipts Increasing. Medium grades and combing, 18Q21V4c: light fine. lftS18c; heavy fine, llfalnc; turn wasnea, iwoac. NEW YORK. June 80. WOOL Firm. Evaporated Apples nnd Dried Fralts NEW YORK, June 90. EVAPORATED APPLES steady, though demand shows no improvement. Common are quoted at 4 4V.c; prime at 6c; oholoe at Co and fancy at 6'y'7c ' CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITB-Spot prunes continue In fair demand and rule firm, with the larger -sixes reported In rather light supply. Quotations range from 3c to 7o for all grades. Apricots are firm under a moderate Jobbing demand. Choice are ouoted at 78Uc and fancy at Iw 12c. Peaches attract a fair demand snd are firm at 77c for choice and &10o for fancy. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, June 30. COFFEE Spot rlo nulet: No. 7 Invoice. 5c: mild, quiet: cordova, 7(ffllc. Futures opened steady nt n decline of nolnts under liquidation following lower European cables, but turned steadier ss the session progressed as a result of covering In the absence of offerings. The close was steady, net un changed to 6 points higher. Sales were reported of about 20.250 bags. Including .iniw t 11 ROWS 70: Sentember. I3.90(&3.96: October at $4.00; November at $4.054.1O; December at $4.35S4.40: January at $4.46; February at $4.46; March at $4;60; May at $4.66!& 4. 70, and July, im, at'si.ou. Oil and Rosin. OTL CITY. June SO. OIL Credit balances. $1.60; certificates, no bid; shipments, 65,409 barrels; average, 80,25 barrels; runs, 49,412 barrels; average. 79,077 barrels. Shipments (Lima), b3,09 Darreis: average, w,w Dar rels; runs, 7,212 barrels; average, 50,950 bar re Is. SAVANNAH. Oa., June 30. OIL Turpen tine firm, 47c; rosin, firm; A, B, C, $1.50; D. $1.56; E, $1.60; F, $l.fi5; O, $1.70; H, $2.26; I, $2.66; K. $2 80: M, $2.90; N, $3.00; W, O, 13 in: W. W. 13.30. NEW YORK. June 30. OIL Cotton seed nulet: nrlme vellow. 43c: petroleum steady; turpentine steady, 49549c. Rosin, steady; strained, common to good, ja.iKXffs-uift. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Bteen Bather Slow Sals and Etead to a Bhade Lower. HOGS OPENED A SHILLING HIGHER Very Llsjht Ron of Sheep nnd Lambs and Hot Eooigh to Test the) Mar. ket, bat the Few thnt Af rived Bold Abont Steady. Receipts were: Official Monday , Official Tuesday 17,497 2.1.87 22,288 15,717 16,930 14,613 27,092 241,437 2"4,06 241.283 Two dava this week.. 8.267 Same days last week.... $.422 Same week before 18.0i3 Same three weeks ago.. 6,929 Same four weeks ago.. (.418 Same days last year... 4,142 otal this, month inu.736 Total June, 1902 47,437 Total June, 19ol 47.312 TotsJ June. 19"U 64.235 Total June, 199 66,486 261,778 Total June, 198 6J.396 183,144 Total June, 1897 68,185 176.038 Total June, 1896 $6,170 153,232 Total June, 1895 21,356 87,026 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tne year to date and comparisons wun last year: 1903. 1902. Inc. Deo. Cattle 609,294 3M.793 144,601 Hogs 1,254.449 1,331,423 76,974 Sheep 665,643 418,66$ 136.984 Average price puid for hoes at South Omaha lor the laat several days with com- , parisons; V S. ret. ta. rag. do eoupoa do ta, res So ooupoa So new a. rag... So eoupoa so old a. rag... do coupon do fca, ref do eoupoa Atchison gen. 4s xdo adj. is.... B. A O. is do IVts ado coDT. 4s... xCaoada So. la. Central ot Oa. Ss. .. .loi is. ado la lnc is 80. Chea. A Ohio 4WS...103' Itto. Railway (a. IC. A A. la 7a ll'exaa & Pacific la.. US C, B. A . n. 4a.... 344T.. St. U & .W. 4a.. 77 iC, V a tt F . 4a. UK I'nlon Pacific 4a 102j it. or n. w. con- la.iwisa' oo conv. as... IC, R. I. A P. is.-.luK, Wabaah la (('('. et St. L. g. ia.. .V do 2s Chicago Ter. ia ku i xdo deb. B .. Colorado So. ia M Shore 4a.. ID. ct R. O. ia U Wheel. A L. B. Erie prior Hen is 9S Wis. Central is do general ia aavi Con. Tobacco .. r. W. at U. C. la... luoy Colorado Fuel . Hocking Val. 4Saa...lo j x Bid. s Offered. IKH ..U ..105 .. 7J ..10 ... .. l .. .. a Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON. June 29 Call loans, 3V,i344 per cent; time loans, 4V'UJ'a per cent, uttlclal closing prices on stocks and bonds: 4.1 s 1 IlllnotsV.'jetrel 1 ' wabaah 1 loulavllle a Nlh...l'kI Mlnaourl. K A T...."'' HAR SILVER fPteady at 24'id per ounce. MtiNKY-i:H Aer nt. The rate of dls cnuni in ik. market for short bills Is 2V 2H per ceirf and for three-months bills is zvrd -") per tern F.i relan Flaaaelal. IXINDON, I une $0 Money waa demand In t e market today am rtii .um. .! lAimed hands. Over In keen nd consl'l ir $10,000,000 In dividends (,4ind interest was d sbursed. Iilscounta w, easier. Prices on the Stock exchange was"'1 strong and trading waa moderately aft-lve. All departmenu bene fited by the -trength of consols, which were in gH demand. Home rails were well support and hardened. Anxtrlcans opened flrm.r it relapeed snd closed below tbe beet ot . day. Uraod Trvtuk rallied Atchlaon 4a. Mex. Central is.. Auhteon do ptd Boston A Albany Boaton A Me Boelon Etevated . Inlos PaclAc .... Ilex. Central .... American Sugar . OO JgW I; AmeriLa T. A Dominion I. A t Gen. Electrlo Maes. Electric ... do pld rolled Frutt .... V. S. Stool do pfd... Weetlngh Adventurs Alloues . tfiSt Amalgamated it ;I!ii)ghm lalumrt A Heels. V''tjCenteiinlal tie iCopper Range .... 17 Dominion Coal ... 141 IFranklin 2'a lil. Koyala 12 W Mohawk 12-.. old Dominion .... llKH Osceola T. .. .W4 Parrot ... 17 santa Fe Copper.. ...17a ITaiuarack ... 2 VTrli.inunlaln ... i .Trinity ...lo J U nited Stales ... Ilk ftah ... i Victoria fcmmoD., J jWlnona 4 jWolverlne S Daly Weat .. M ,. 27 ,.i70 .. 60S .. la .. 4.". Si .. 13', .. II ,. I1, . Hi .. ti .. !-'( 4 .. I .. 7 .. U Xerr Vnrk Vlninx Qnolntlone. NEW YORK, June $0 The following are the quotations on ttie .ev luia block ex change: 1 i Utile Chief . . SS xOntarlo II lOphir i iifnoenli .... . 1S Potosl 1M Savage lug I Sierra Nevada .12 'Small Hcawe , I iBiasdaxd Adams Cos A Ilea Brvees Brunswick Cos... fooutock Tunnel. Con. Cel. Vs.. Hots Silver Iron Silver Lesdvlllo Cos.... x Offered. .. 4 .."0 ..1-6 .. I .. .. It .. 1 .. !a ..tiO Bank Clenriaga. OSCAUA, June 10. Bank celaxloss (or to- SoaTar and Molasses. NEW ORLEANS, June SO. 8UOAR Dull open kettle, 2fT3 7-18c; open kettle centrlfu- fral, a'osi'c: centniugai wuhps, s i-ioc; yei ows, 33 16-16c; seconds. mic. MOIAPSES Open kettle, nominal. 13(!T26o lfVS18c: svrut). nominal. 19s44c. NEW YtJKK.. June 3D. siUAit-ttaw un settled; refining. 3'c; centrifugal, 96 test. 8 9-16c; molasses sugar, ziB7f)4c. Ke nned, steady. MOLASSES Firm. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. June 30 DRY GOODS Market shows no sign of weakness, but on the other hand, prices are being advanced in all directions. Agents, however, are nnl iirelns: the niacins: of liberal contracts nj the market for raw material has caused nnd artificial situation, which should not be conducive to healthy trading. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. June 30 CATTLE Re relpts, 6.000 head natives. 600 head Texans, 3.i0 head native calves; neeves, i"ttJoc rawer quarantine, weak; cows, steady to lower stockers and feeders, aulet to steady choice export and dressed beef steers. $4.60 5.15; fair to good. $3.5t"n4.6tJ; stockers and feeders. $3.ntX(i4.4"; western lea steers. j.ou Si 4 80: Texas and Indlun steers. $3.00i4 26 Texas cows. $2.16Cti3.00: native cows. $1 SSVfi 4.30; native hetfers. I3.0t'i4.(i6; cannera. $125 p 2.7.0: bulls. $2 401(3.80; calves. $100615. HOGS- Receipts, 11.0H0 head: market oncned l(Kijl5c higher, closed easy; top $.".70; bulk of sales. $fi WS6.70; heavy, $6 ftVrf 6.70; mixed packers. $5.f35.70; light, s.6f4 R vnrkera. t5.T0ffiR.75: nigs. $5.1iko 6.60. SHEEP AND LAMH3 Receipts, 2.600 head: market active and steady; natlv lambs. $4 OU'dl 75: western lamhs. $3.50MVIS5 fed -wes. I32Mi515: Texas clipped year lings, $.1. 505.33; Texas clipped sheep, $3.20(3' . . ..... ,i t i e i olV..ri o.l'J,, Bioiarif auu ornicio, e--uv vw. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. June 30 CATTLE Re celpts. S.ndO head; mostly 10c lower: na Uvea,'; cows ana nDiiers, e.iiu 4.00: stockers and feeders. $3.35'(i4 65. HOOS Receipts. 9MX head; 6)1 10c higher; light, $.i.iif.(&5 7': medium and heavy, $6.60 iia 75: bulk, 15 665.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, 2,277 head; steady to lower. Sioux City Live Stock Market. SIOI'X CITY. la.. June 30. (Special Tele gram. CATTLE Receipts, tJ head. Mar ket steady: beevea, SLU'ii; cows, null and mixed. $2.o((4 25; stockers snd feeders, I3.("h4.(): calves and yearlings. Si.Trv33.sti. Ht(OS Receipts, 4,0n0 bead. Market lOu higher at $o.ou&3. (0; bulk, to.kxua.iiu. Stork la Sight. Following were the receipts of live atoc at the si a principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Omaha .' 4.3(0 Chicago 6, HO Kansas City 6.0u0 St. Iiuls 5"0 St. Joseph $.600 Sioux City 0U0 Hogs. Sheep Totals ,.28,100 10.140 6(0 12.0IO 10.OK) U.OiO JtVO on i.bmi l.irt 2. 277 4.0U0 (6,640 KI77 ) I SOUTH OMAHA, June 30. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. J.9H7 T.3.17 i,iiti 10.140 6(0 4.J10 8.422 2,7'J 1.804 4,340 12.6J0 40,149 60,701 43. 3: 46,it 87,8o7 27.612 28,401 15,887 14,302 tr ti .to . 711 ?1 :j : . 7:- . in , 7U 1 1KB 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 I It" it sni I M 1 110 i m l 7o I OS no t 7 t 1100 t at I i I 10 et Ml SS I Tl t 0 1 11K I M BULt,S. I s 1 11 ...1I0 ...1400 ...lee 4 w 4 M 4 10 4 It 4 1 4 1 4 t 4 40 4 M 1.... 1.. I.. $ Tl W I M 4 00 14.. I., I. Date. 190$. 1902. 1901. 11900. 11899. 1898.1897. June 1.. une 2.... une 1 June 4... une 6... une 6.... une 7.... une une 9... June 10... June U.. June 12.. June 13.. June 14.. June 16.. June 16.. June 17.. June 18.. June 19.. une 20... June zi.. June 22.. June 23.. une 24.. June 26.. June 26.. une 27.. June 28.. June 29.. June SO.. 6 S3, s (If SWfcl .Ms, 6 8o 00141 03V 6 two,, 5 07 o 6 98 6 01 6 Hhk 6 97 E 94 5 8841 6 83 6 771,, 6 671, ft of 6 70 o eovsi 6 56 0 bo 6 70 7 07 l 1$ 7 16 7 21i 7 loi 7 U I 761 4 881 $ 601 4 83l 3 68 4 8S 4 Bl I 68 6 il 4 bt, i 6 4 01 4 so S( t 0( 3 (Oj I 70 t 71 6 70 4 21 4 12 4 OS 4 10 I I 71 i 7 21 I 1 6 lu 61 7 271 t S3( 3 69 7 $01 i tl 7 ill 6 kit. 7 36 7 31 e 7 25 7 24 7 261 7 It 7 41 7 44 s 7 60 7 69 7 67 7 61 7 6.' 7 66 e 7 62 6 86 t 81 6 86 o t 83 6 89 6 92 91 6 89 a t 93 6 99 6 93 6 91 6 87 6 90, I 001 4 9J S 67 4 86 4 86 4 B 4 96 s 5 03 6 06! 6 89 4 941 4 93 5 00 t 13 e 6 17 6 10 6 03 6 11 4 99 6 01 S 64 S 6t S 79; 8 fi, X SO $ 84 $ 80 3 641 S e. $ 63 I I 64 171, 3 64 3 66 S bo $ 62 s t 63 3 64 3 66 3 68 I 68 t 40 S 32 S 84 1 82 t 81 8 88 1 $ 30 $ j 31 3 !- 4 it I 98 I 86 $ 71 $ SO) 81 S 72 S 72 S 68 a 69i s $ 62 S 63 8 60 3 27 $ 21 8 31 e S 2 S 32 8 22 8 18 8 21 8 16 $ 16 3 21 3 21 8 26 3 23 8 16 e s a 3 24 8 66) 8 24 Indicates Sunday. The official number of ears of stock brought In today by each road was: Roads. cattle, flogs, tsn p. jti es. u au at T , .... v. a. Wabash Missouri Pacific I'nlon Paclflo system. C. ft N. W F.. E. & M. V C, St. P.. M. O... SS. M C, B. & Q K. C. & St. J C R. I. & P., east.. C R. I. & P.. west... Illinois central Total receipts.. 8 4 12 37 6 39 11 67 3 3 17 21 4 21 4 S 27 80 8 S3 6 1 S t t I ui ice 1UIBI rccni IllB. ........ HI 1UO a t The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber or neaa lnaicaiea: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep 933 l.lSvS 2.380 I,9ii6 2.479 259 658 1,144 1,095 Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company 981 Armour & Co 829 Cudahy Packing Co 1,346 Ixibman A Co 24 Huston It Co 1 Livingston & Bhaler 1 L. F. Huss 9 Wolf A Murnan 99 Armour Co. from K. C. 152 Lee Rothschild 46 Sam Wurthelmar 86 Other buyers 172 Totals 4.678 9.723 2.0(71 CATTLE There was Quite a llboral run of cattle here today, but still receipts were not excessive. For the montn or June re ceipts have been more than double the number received during June of last year and in fact much heavier than any previ ous, year. The table of receipts for the year to date will also show tne Increase over last year for the first six months. The beef steer market today was ratner slow and could be quoted steady to a shade lower. Buyers did not take nolo witn tneir usual amount of energy and there was a disposition to bid a shade lower than yes terday, am a general uung ine guuu uauujr weight cattle sold in aoout yesterday's notchea. while the heavy cattle sometimes sold steady and sometimes a shade lower. The same was true of the commoner kinds of all weights. In spite of the tact that trading was ratner slow irorn start to na- Ish, the bulk of the offerings was disposed of In good season. The Close OI tne oeex gieer iiia.iK.ei was very slow and lower. After buyers had their more urgent orders rilled they became very bearish and on the late arrivals they bid lCKU'loc lower. than the same kinds sold for yesterday. The cow market was aiso aieaay to a shade lower. The best cows were In good request and buyers treeiy Dia ruuy sieaay for that class of stock. When It came to the commoner kinds, though, the market was rather uneven and tne tendency of prices was downward, the same as has been tne case lor some tune nine. Bulls, veal calves and stags did not show much change from yesterday. i'ha siionlv of stockers and feeders was in limited and the market could not be uuoted anything but steady. Speculators did not Seem IU niu wij wmttj Laiuo( uut they were all willing to uus a law, ao uie desirable grades were soon disposed of. Common stuff was hard to sell, the same as usual. Representatives sales: bHiCjH Bib ano, No. 10..'.'.'.'.' 31 I 1 1 1 M 14 4 II tt t At. et. 117 8 00 110 4 10 170 4 tS 10 4 15 lit 4 IS 114 4 to 8I 4 X 1060 4 40 47 4 40 ! 4 4U 74 4 44 4 4 46 t n 4 o 1011 4 40 1060 4 40 06 4 0 t Kit 4 40 74.. 17.. 10.. II.. 1.. 41.. II.. 1.. 1.. so.. 40.. 41.. 1.. 11.. 20.. 14.. 41.. 1.. II.. t.. to.. 10.. 10.. 18.. No. 11 86 1 17 4 to II 40 It 1 1 U 1 II 11 1 it M II 71 40 11 11 14 II Itf 1 16 U..... 1..... 1 14.... II..... 17 II.... II.... H IT i7.... .... .1216 4 40 .1021 4 40 lit 4 40 11.10 4 40 1061 4 76 110 4 S 1241 4 46 1161 4 46 1164 4 70 1104 4 70 10i 4 70 1211 4 70 120 4 70 1071 4 70 1140 4 70 u 4 TO 1111 4 70 17 Ukl 4 OS , 1176 4 7 1 1111 4 6 1171 4 71 II 1431 i 6 1160 4 76 Tl 1.17 i 00 , 1144 4 71 IT 1231 ( 00 1176 4 76 47 U0 i 0 106 4 T6 M 1144 t 14 i?:a 4 o STEERS AND HEIFERS. Av. rr. HIT 4 M 1171 4 40 1210 4 10 114 4 0 1140 4 10 4274 4 0 1040 4 0 1144 4 M 1160 4 0 um 4 is 11(14 4 M 127S 4 6 1430 4 SS 1214 4 16 1201 4 SS 1180 4 86 1200 4 IS 1164 4 IS 123S 4 IS U2 4 16 1M4 4 86 122 4 M 1K'4 4 6 lilt 4 66 IMS 4 0 12X1 4 0 1277 4 0 14(H 4 0 124 4 to 1220 1341 1121 1(11 4 M 4 0 4 6 4 S I..., I. ... 1.... ... II... I... J..., ... to.... 66... 1... 11... 1... I... 4... 1... I... 6 .. I... II. .. S... I... 1... I... 1... 1... I... tl... I... .. I... 1... I... 1... I .. 1... 1... tt... I... ... 641 t 26 ... S8 4 00 ... 7T 4 16 ...1014 4 26 ... Ti 4 26 ... 401 4 24 ... 7S 4 S6 ...1112 4 40 ... SOt 4 M ... 74 4 40 .. 20 i 00 .. SM I IS .. 76 I 40 .. 842 I 40 .. 17 t M ..1100 t 60 ..ant I 60 . . 64 I 60 .. m i M .. 2U t 60 .. 114 t 40 ..1070 1 40 .. 70 t 0 .. ll I W ..70 I 40 ..1000 t 10 .. 876 t 00 .. II I 06 ,.10M I 14 ..ion t IS ..1240 I IS ..740 I t ..1014 I 2 .. 17 I ti ..KNIS t M ..lo.) i 4e ..100 I 40 ..HI t 41 ..1O40 I 60 61 I 6 10. ti.'.'.'.'. cows. i7.';;;; 12!! 14.! II.'. I .1014 4 64 ...1027 4 60 ...1040 4 to ...1171 4 S ...lied 4 10 . .'. t6 i TO ... 4 70 ...1241 4 06 ...14M 4 S ...1161 4 00 ... 44 I II ... 4S I 40 ...11-0 I 44 ... M I 66 ...1410 t Tt ... 116 t M . ,.i:o 1 so ...1000 t s . . . 860 4 (H) ...11.1 4 00 ...11:0 4 00 ...1110 4 00 ...HcS 4 00 .. .121.6 4 00 ...1340 i 0 . . . IW7 4 OS ...1140 4 10 4 10 ... 6 4 10 4 10 ... M 4 14 ...If) 4 li nr 4 2o ...1244 4 M ... HIT i 26 ....lotw 4 26 ...13 4 M ....1170 4 10 ,...I2"0 4 M 106 4 M COW 8 AND HEIFERS. ... S2S S T HEIFERS. ...tet is W IM ...tit $ 44 I IU 4 SS T0 t TS .12M I It .700 t 10 .114 I 70 CALVES. .120 4 28 1 1M I SO . 170 4 76 1 110 S OS .100 s 00 STOCK CALVES. . Ill I is STAGS. .1240 J tn BTOCKER3 AND FEEDERS. 441 I 10 4 407 I N 440 I 60 tt SOt 4 K T76 III STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. IS IM 1 "l 1 414 I St Peter McMonlgle Idaho. No. Av. Pr, No. Av. Pr. 27 steers.... 8115 8 86 17 cows K $85 S steers..., 806 8 00 14 cows 973 $60 1 steer 1040 8 66 1 tall 1580 2 80 HOOS The hog market this morning opened active and about a shilling higher, sales going all the way from loo to 16c higher. The most popular prices at the start were $5,674 nd $i,70. Before many salesmen had an opportunity to dispose of their hogs, though, the market weakened and the last end was very slow and weak. Salesmen naturally all wanted the morning C rices and were slow about taking oft what uyers asked. Toward the close they were not willing to give over $j.62V4 and $o,65 for the same kind that sold In the morning at $o.67H and $5.70. The receipts for the month of June have broken all previous records for that month, although there Is a decrease in the receipts for the year to -data as compared wUh last year. The extreme close of the hog market w-as extremely slow and weak. At noon there were still a few Inarla In flral K-nft and buyers were Only willing to give auout $o.60 for them. Representative sales: Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. .226 160 S 60 16 232 ... 6 67M, 6 624 21 272 40 6 67 No. 72... "0... 40... 47... 13... 42... 61... 62... 68... 64... 63... 63... 77... 80... 76... 63... Ml ...2o0 ...278 ..v293 ...3"3 ...246 ...26 ...271 ...247 ...290 ...253 ...206 ...273 ...224 258 40 80 40 40 120 80 "si 66 27S 46 237 .207 ....228 ....2.I2 ....244 ....231 ....234 ....276 .262 .301 .281 202 40 68 74. 70. 68. 63.... 63.... 66.... 66.... 64.... 85.... 71 218 68 279 60 287 49 287 69 264 43 318 63 278 46 296 66 338 67 238 11 261 14 227 62 249 62 229 60. .276 .268 .325 .258 .239 .248 .266 .263 .219 .220 ...248 ...248 ...248 ...275 ...267 ...265 ...214 ...278 ....237 75 267 86 229 71.... 49.... 64.... 73.... 60.... 24.... 66.... 75.... 80.... 26.... 6G.... 66.... 63.... 60.... 61.... 74.. 83. 61. 6 624 6 624 6 62 6 624 624 6 624 6 624 6 64 8 624 6 624 5 62U 6 623 624 6 62 4 6 624 6 624 6 624 6 624 6 66 6 66 5 66 6 66 6 65 6 66 6 65 6 66 6 66 5 65 6 65 6 65 6 66 6 66 6 66 6 66 e es 6 66 6 65 6 65 6 65 5 65 6 66 6 66 6 65 5 67U 8 67 6 67 4 6 67$ 6 674 6 674 6 674 6 674 6 674 6 7V4j 6 674 E 674 ... 6 674 200 6 674 ... 6 674 80 6 674 200 6 674 ... 6 674 6 674 160 160 80 80 80 40 80 120 ISO 200 120 160 ' 120 80 80 80 40 im 40 80 80 80 120 80 80 240 '80 160 160 80 68.. 136. 64.. 64.. 63.. 62.. 63.. 68.. 23.. 61.. 66.. 16.. 66.. 69.. 66.. 70.. ..240 ..244 ..261 ..228 ..261 ..274 ..247 ..230 ..2X9 ..260 ..237 ..3(6 ..238 ..244 ..264 ..233 ..215 61 250 39 260 78 283 68 27S 67 254 249 40 120 $60 40 66. 67. 86. 76. 64. 33. 41. 72. 69.... 28.... 68.... 75.... 66.... 82.... 40 80 2d0 40 SO 80 80 1G0 '40 120 160 80 'so 160 67... 75.. 74.. 21.. 36.. 24.. 80.. 134. to.. 66.. 64.. 69.. 76.. 13.. 81.. 76.. 66.. 71.. 80.. 82.. 68.. 67.. 63.. 67.. 69.. ..249 ..200 ..240 ..228 ..221 ..22 ..242 ..210 ..245 ..240 ..272 .236 .218 ...252 ...249 ...244 ...226 ...282 ...2i ...190 ...229 ...2-23 ...213 ...28 ...231 ...244 ...26 ...273 ...263 ...220 ...268 ...2fi3 ...279 ...262 ...232 ...236 ...233 ...250 ...28$ very light 120 80 80 100 40 40 240 120 200 40 120 40 120 120 40 160 80 80 80 i6 120 200 80 5 674 6 674 6 674 6 674 6 674 6 67 4 6 674 (674 6 674 6 674 6 674 6 674 6 674 5 674 5 674 6 67 4 6 674 6 67 4 6 674 6 67! 6 674 6 674 6 67 4 6 674 6 67V, 6 674 6 674 6 674 6 6'4 6 674 6 67( 6 1 6 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 E 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 5 70 6 70 6 70 5 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 724 '2 6 7: run of In fsct BiiK.E.r' There was a Sheep and lambs here todav. and there were not enough with which to make a test of the market. The supply through out the month of June has been light, as there is quite a decrease as compared with the same month of last year. Taking the receipts for the six months, however, there Is a big Increase as compared with the corresponding period of last year. There was so little stuff on sale today that the market could not be quoted any thing but steady. There were some more of the Idaho yearlings on sale that brought $3.60, with a cut out at $4.00 yesterday, and today they sold for $3.60 straight, but, all things considered, it waa pronounded about a steady price. There were a few native fed lambs that brought $6.75, and some ewes sold for $4,124. Quotat'ons for grass stock: Good to choice lambs, !5.75&(i.26; fair to good lambs, $5.2&5.75; good to choice yearlings, $4.76 6.00; fair to good yearlings, $450ia.4.75; good to choice wethers, $3.75(fc4.25; fair to good wethers, $3.603.75; good to choice ewes, $3 50 (&3.75; fair to good ewes. $3.253.60; feeder lambs, $2.60(83.50; feeder yearlings. $2.6C3 8 60; feeder wethers, $2.50'3.50; feeder ewea, $2.0O2.75. Representative sales: No. Ay. Pr. 33 cull ewes 92 2 60 19 cull ewes 105 2 60 1 cull ewe 60 2 50 8 bucks m 8 00 269 western ewes 81 $ 25 601 Idaho yearlings and ewes.... 84 8 60 62 native ewes and wethers 125 4 00 10 cull lambs 48 4 00 67 native ewes 123 4 124 66 spring lambs 60 6 60 46 spring lambs 60 6 76 13 cull ewes .93 t f 1 buck 170 8 00 20 western ewes 104 8 75 18 spring lambs 49 4 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MABKF.T. Cattle and Sheep Drop, While Hogs Both Rlsn nnd FnIL CHICAGO, June 80 CATTLE Receipts, 5.000 head, Including 2.000 Texans. Slow to 10c lower. Good to prime steers, $5.0fK3.B0 poor to medium, $4.26(34 80; stockers and feeders. $2.75(34.70; cows. $1.604.40; heifers. $2.6004.75; canners $1.60(?r2.80; bulls, $2.60 4 26; on Ives, $2.60(36.25; Texas fed steers, $3 5"94.60. HOGS Receipts. 12,000 head: estimated to morrow, 36,000; left over, 1,000. Market opened lie higher; advance lost. Mixed and butch ers, $0.70(95 90; good to choice heavy, $5 80 5 90: rough heavy, $5.60(fW 75; light. $6.80(rrfi 85. SHEEP ANU LAMHS Receipts. 1U.WU head. Sheep lOiftlSc lower; lambs steady to 15c lower. 'Good to choice wethers. $3.75(9 4.25; fair to choice mixed. $$.00(J3.76; west ern sheep, $2.6034.15; native lambs, $4,000 50. Official yesterday. tteceipis. unipmenis. Cattle 23 374 4.431 Sheep 36 943 6.646 HOgS in.iou iso TCesv York Live Stock Market. NF.W YORK. June 80. CATTLE Re ceipts, 21 head. No sales reported. Dressed beef steady; city aressea natives sines, extreme range. 7f8o per pound. Cables quoted top price for American steers, 12c, dressed weight; for refrigerator beef, 9He per pound. Reported exports for today, 843 cattle, 1,624 sheep, 4,800 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 148 head. Market al most nominal. Sales Included a few reals at $6.OO(f,7.O0 per hundred pounds. City dressed veals, general sales, Splits per pound. . HOGS Receipts, 1,400, all consigned di rect SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 7,160; sheep steady, dull and weak; sales of lambs averaged somewhat lower than yesterday, top goods suffering least. Sheep sold at $: 75514.25 per hundred pounds, not including one small bunch at $4 60; lambs at $5.00 6.25; dressed mutton. 64(69c per pound; dressed lambs, 443124c- tresstirsr snd the committees on the Jewish-American historical exhibit. FISH MARKET VERY ACTIVE lie Weather Increases the Demand for rrodneta of the Orent Lakes. Tt Is not Lent, hut flsh Is the proper caper these days to Judge by the sales. When It Is so hot that the sirloin stake continues to broil after It comes to the tsble, people turn to the coldblooded fish. Another thing which the fish hss to advance tn Its favor Is the argument of price, for while the saddle of mutton snd the flank steak have been growing stesdlly more exclusive, the simple-minded snd plain-spoken fish hss continued unchanged and visits the humble homes It formerly knew. The Great Lakes are to the fresh water fish nation what Ohio Is to the politician. An entire car of fresh water sailers will get In Wednesday morning early enough for breakfast. Mr. White Fish Is the one of all whom fish mothers point out to the little fish as the standard of excellence and flavor. "Copy him," they say, "and you can always sell for st least 9 cents." The trout Is another old liner and Is now quoted at 94 cents. Then there are the gay skylarking fish, the pickerel end the pike, who sirs the gamest evsr. The first of these give odds of 7 cents to the pound and the second cents. The catfish, which Is too busy to get caught often these days, hss become so stuck on himself that his fee Is 14 cents. St. Throws from Street Cnr. By falling from a Sherman avenue motor car at Seventeenth and California streets J. J. Allen of South Omaha was severely Injured and "Shorty" Thompson was slightly bruised at noon yesterday. Allen was rendered unconscious by the fall and received several bruises on the back of his head and shoulders. He was taken Into a nearby house and attended bv Police Surgeon MacDalrmld. He was later re moved to his home at the Atlantlo hotel. South Omaha. The car ran oft the track and the Jolt threw the men from their seats. Thompson was only slightly bruised. THE REALTY MARK FT. INSTRUMENTS plaoed on record Tuesday, June 30: Warranty Deeds. Anna Kelnsr and husband to August Blerbach, s30 feet lot 4. block 3. Crawford's add to Elk horn $ 2,000 Anna Arnold to J. W. Housley, n44 feet lot 6, and s26 feet lot 6, block 1 same 800 August Blerbach and wife to C. VT. Baldwin, lot 1 block 6. same BOO Same to Anna Kelner, lots 6 and 6, block 7. Baling add to Elkhorn... 900 Cora M. Broadwell and husband to William Atkinson, lot 8, block 1, Thirteenth Street add lot) Ray Fuller to same, lots 8, 4 snd 5, block 2, same 50 J. R. Arnold and wife, to Ira L. Van Horn, lot 21, block 2, Patter son's sub JOB G. F. Collins and wife, to Eliza Ferg uson, lot 4. block 1, First add to Central Park 60 Tukey Land Co. to Mary Carson, lot 29. block 13, Clifton kill 2.600 C. E. Perkins and wife to Electa A. Wright, lot 4. and s4 lots 1. 2 and 8, block 16, Lincoln Heights 1.200 Atlantlo Realty association to E. T. Heyden, lot 2, block 7, Bemls Park. 600 Quit Claim Deeds. Emily Harding to Anna Arnold, n44 feet lot 6 and s26 feet lot 5, block 2, Crawford's add to Elkhorn .... 1 William Schllngman and wife to Wil liam Atkinson, lots 1 and 2, block 1, lots 8 to 18 and 21 to 26, block 2, Thirteenth Street add 200 Eunice Baldwin to Ira L. Van Horn, lot 21. block 2. Patterson's sub... 10 3. R. Rlngwalt and wife to Mary S. Carr, w40 feet lot 13, Hillside Re serve 1 Ieeds. Sheriff to Alice A. Havemeyer, lot 7, block 3, Denman Place 460 Same to same, lot 26, block 3, Sher man Avenue Park 400 Same to same, lot 12, Benson 4V J.'s sub -500 W. K. Potter, receiver, to First Church of Christ, Scientist, lots 19 and 20, Convent Place 2,400 Same to Helen 8. Mason, lot 8, block 9, Orchard Hill 2.000 Total amount of transfers ...... $14,662 BT 9.6(0 tnnl. live Stock Market. T r-ii'ia June SO CATTLE Receipts. . 1 I . II. I . W A Tr. .m. .&( neaa, inciuuins o.ow n marsei nwir "i .... - sns: native shipping and export steers, $4.26 (ftS a; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4 00 635 00; steers under I.O11O lbs., $3 75434.75; stockers snd feeders. $2.75554 25; cows snd heifers. $2.2:)-34.b0; canners. $2.0092.25; bulls, $2 5ftj3 W: calves. $3 no'6.50; Texas and In dian steers, $3.00(g4.&0; cows and hetfers, $2J(V5j3 15. t , Hor,S Rerelpts. 9.000 head: market steadv; pigs and lights. $5 665-80; packers. 5 7(Vt6 85; butchers. $5.7615.96. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, $.600 head; market steady; native muttons. $4 00 04 75; lambs. $t. 5or(" tt- culls and bucks, $2.13.10; Texsns. $3.00(54.36. Conference of Anterlenn Rabbis. DETROIT. June 30 -A paper on "Assvrl ologv snd the Bible." an answer to Del ! teach In "Bsbel and Bible." by Rabbi H. Kohler, Ph. D.. of Cincinnati, waa the fea ture of the forenoon session of the confer ence of American rsoots at me iiin Bethel. Before Rabbi Kohler read his paper r.norta sae BOsA BIT tha BteOXetAXir SOd PAUL'S CHOICE INKS AND MUCILAGE Write for prices on Paul's Oold Seal, Record Inks used by Banks and Banker. Ufa and Flra Insurance Companies - and Mrnfl! lluuaon In Every City and Town In America New style quart, pint and half pint bottles. Paul's Ink Co. are manufactur ing a full Una of Inks, mucilage and paste, and Ink In bulk. Prices quoted on application. PAUL'S INK CO.. 1 1 Nlath Street, Jersey CMty, N. J. PRIVATE WIRES GEO. A. ADAMS CRAIN CO. ORA1N. PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. 224 Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha 'Phones lutn and 1017. Members all prin cipal exchanges. Write for our dally mar ket letter. LEGAL NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR COAL. . Healed bids for coal for the year begin ning September 1 will be received by the Hoard of Education 01 tne estate rs or ma 1 school at Peru, until 12 o'clock noon, Tues day, Julv zh, at tne omce 01 tne state su perintendent, Lincoln. The school will need shout 750 tons of good steam coal and bids should be for coal, f. o. b. Peru, or delivered in coalhouse at the school. HlanK proposals and supply bonds may be obtained at my office. WILLIAM K. FOWLER, Secretary 01 iioera 01 Education. J 23d lot SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED at the office of the secretary of state up until 12 o'clock noon on July 8th. 1903, for one water tower or stand pipe to be used at the S. & 8. home at MUford. as per plans and specifications on file In the of fice of secretary of state. The board re serves the right to reject any and alt bids. GEO. W. MARSH. Secretary ot Hoard. J2sdl0t. SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED st the office of the secretary of state up until 12 o'clock noon on July 8th, 1903, for 137H K. W. dynamo and generator for the penitentiary, as per plans and specifications on file In the office of the secretary of state. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. GEO. W. MARSH. Secretary ot Hoard J25dl0t. SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED at the office of the secretary of atate up until 12 o'clock noon of July Sth, 19US, for the placing of two cement floors In adju tant general's office and one room In the storage department of clerk of supreme court. The board reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. GEO. W. MARSH. Secretary of Hoard. J'i8dl0t. NOTICE. The school properties of school district No. 63, Douglas county, consisting of two rooms, one snd one-half-etory building, at Forty-ninth and California streets, Dun dee, and one story building and two lot at Fifty-eighth and Dodge streets, will be offered for sale at public auction on the premises Thursday, July 14J, I9u$, at 6 p. m. snd i l p. m. respectively. Sale to be subject to approval of school board. For Information see John H. Harte or F. R. Hume. D. L. JOHNSON. Director. T27Jyl-$-U-U-14-tfH