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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEf ESP AY, JULY 1003. ft MURE SCRAPPING THAN BALL! 8t Dnul aide were the feature. Attend-sn-e, 4". Score: T. Lorm R H O A B NEW TOUK R H O A I Oaiibt 3rd r.j Mi ne Play a Gim U.mir n j Cull i figure. ROLiRKE IS ORDERED OFF THE GROUND Vh the Had Cleared Away It Vm Discovered lies Moines Had Won 3y Seor of 4 to 1. PES MOINES. June 30 -(Special Te'e gram The I'ndertakers won the gam thlt afternoon by a score of 4 to 1. Th scrap ping of Iwnh teima throughout the fame M a feature. The league umplra fnlled to put In an appearance, ao Barry for Pea Molne and Thnmn for Omaha officiated. A bad decision from one, whether Inten tional or otherwise. brough forth one Just aa bad from the other umpire, thus keeping things at fever heat. BUI Rourke, who on the benrh, had much to say, and Harry railed a policeman to put him oft the grounds. Captain Qulnn. however. Inter vened and Rourka waa allowed to etay. The trouhle started early In the same, when balla were called I'rlki and vice versa. according to who umpiring at the time and what team waa at bat. Morriaon and Milton were equally matched, and both pitched good ball. It waa a pitchers' and an umpires' battle . . rll ,11 UO 1 VliW BV U I III the fourth Inning on an error by Pohl and hits by Wright and Htckey maae two in tne second on a single, a double and a muffed throw by Bhugart. Another in the fifth and one In the eighth made up the total. DCS MOINES. AS. R. Eli. PO. A. B. Clarke, cf 4 0 1118 Durkee. lb 2 0 0 1 4 C O'Lmary, ss 4 1 2 ?ulnn. zb 4 0 1 own, lb t 1 1 Hoffer, rt 4 1 0 Kohl, e 4 0 1 Smith. If 4 0 0 Morriaon, 3 1 1 rTH !...! 1 14 Browne, rf... I IwntriB, rf. 1 i 0 f npi'h'fl, rf 1 I 2 . NM, rf ... 1 2 1 I KHI.B,, Ik. lilt frm. Mi .... I 1 M.lea, tf ... (I 1 I 4 p.irk Jh ... a ftfWTK. m .... 4 1111 M If l l lender. i... til Harket. lb . tit 1 t)iltM, Sh... I J 1 1 o-y.iv, r 1 t HitfpT. r ... I t MrarlaJi4, t a I Ki nn. .. I I I a lMitiraa ... Tou;i ... 4 I n t i; Total ...I IRU I x Ratted for Mathewsnn In ninth. P Iouls 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0-4 New York 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 02 F1ret baae on error: New York. 1: Ft. Doula. 1. Ijeft on beeeji: New York. 7: St. Doula, 4. First baae on balls: orr McFar lnnrt. i. Struck out: By Mathrmaon. . Three-heae hit: Mc(ann. Two-ha hlta: Rre.nahen. Mathewaon. Sacrifice hlta: Browne. McOann. Burke. Stolen baae: Burke. Double plays: IlncKett to Brain; Farrell to Brain to Hackett. Time: 1:S0. fmplre: Johnston. A a brer 'a Hit Connie Two. T.rTOV June SO After arolnar rrnt 1e order for four Inning the locals solved Ewtng delivery and netted out a victory over Cincinnati. Aubrey's first hit since he joined the Braton team brought In two run a Attendance, 7.237. Score: BOSTON. I CINCINNATI. , B. .H O A B R.H.O A B Peit.r. rf... 114 4 PonllB. II.. 1 I M I Tenner. Is... 1 I Seymour, d.. I M M Cooler. It ... 1 lit SDnlan. rf....4 104 Stanl.r, rf... 1 114 t'Bwkler. lb . I 1 11 1 a Moran. t 114 9 wsnemreiirt. id 1 . 1 a i Ak'tlrklo. lb 4 4 I 1 Dalr. tt 4 111 Oraffl'cer, lb 1 1 1 ernreoraa. a. 4 4 I 4 Aubrrr. aa. . . 1 111 l nnrn, ...... Mil Malark.y, . 1 I 1 win. .... I I v morri.Mj .. I o o o o I T XI 17 II Ij hv Bernhard. 1 Taaned ball- Fhrefk Time; l :o. empire: O I.oughlln. (Handing el the Trams. Played. Won. Doat. Boston Bhllarlelphla ... Cleveland Chlcaao St. LsiulS T'etrolt New York Waehlnirt'Tn ... Game todav rt,lln.ephii at .. fiT .. K, .. M .. M .. M .. fc7 ?1 M 15 r.c. St. loula. Hoaton at Chlcaao. 41 4T 4V.' Waahlneton at IVtrclt. Cleveland. New York all 2 4J AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES Minneapolis plucks t p Heart of oar age to fee ore On from t. Paol. MINNKAPOLIS. June -Minneapolis celebrated Its return home today by taklne; tne nrat rame from Pt. I'aul. Bt. raui waa unable to hit Stlmmel at critical times, while Minneapolis bunched Its hits to some extent. Attendance. 1,400. Score: MINNEAPOLIS. , BT. PAtL R H O A B R.H O AB. HrCreery, rf I I t li'Oeler. If-3b.. 1114 0 OHnannon, rf. . I i i 0 ajirkann. rf.. 4 0 tihfrr. n .. t 1 V Hum. lb. 4 4 e Kalley. lb. . . 4 4 Wheeler. Ik. 4 ftpooner, lb. HIT. If Smith, rf Ludvia. c... Mrlntrre. lb. Martin, lb.,. Orier. ei fttlmmcl, p... Totals i ii n it j Cberh. If... 1 Sullivan, e. Voli, p Totals . 0 S 2 0 0 0 0 0 . I U 54 II I 0 1 1 - 0 2 0 t e Totals .U Carter. If 4 Oenlns, cf I Shusrart, b ...4 V.-rlght, lb 4 Welch, rf 4 tolan, as 4 Hlckey, lb 4 OondinaTt oa,Ma,.S Milton, p,,,,M,-,,,. OMAHA. AB. B EH. PO. A. E. Totals Totals ... t IS XT If x Batted for Ewlng In the ninth. Boston 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 07 Cincinnati 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 t 04 Two-base hits: Abhattlchlo. Ponlln 2). Dea Moines I folan- ,r- Home run: Stelnfeldt. Stolen naaea: l. ooir J . oianjrr. ivunit ptays; Ma arker to renney. lenney to Aboat tlchlo to Morgan. base on balls: Off Malarkev. . Ptmclc out: iiy MaiarKey, 2 by Ewlng. 4. Time: 1M. Umpires: Moran and HolUday. CfclMsTO Oatplaya Pktlllea. PHILADELPHIA. June JO. Chicago out tlayed the borne team today at every point. .Istless Heldina by Philadelphia, aided by Chicago's timely hitting, gave the visitors an easy victory. Attendance, x,ow. score: CHICAOO. I rHILADBUHIA. K.H.O.A.B.I R.H.O.A B. eUllo. If.... 1114 0'Tbomas. St.. 114 1 Kauk, t fill VTUiia. u nil Cbanoe, lb. I 4 14 1 StKoiner. rt... 4 4 4 Jones, ef 1 14 4 B.rry. lb.... 4 110 Tinker, 1 I I 4 OWolr fn, lb. I 4 ( Brora, lb..., I 1 I 1 oHuliwltt, m. 4 11 Harlor. rf... 4 114 fHallman. lb. 0 I I Kilns. ..- 114 4 Rot. 4 11 Tailor, p.m. 1111 4WaatiburB, p. 1 1 4 Minneapolis St. Paul . Two-base hits: HiireMns. Home run: Sohaefer. Baae on balls: Off Stlmmel. 2; off Vols, B. Struck out: By Stlmmel. t; hy Vols. 1. Hit by plthfd ball: By Vols. wild pitch: Stlmmel. Hacrlflce hits: Lally, Stlmmel. Stolen bases: MeCreery. Smith, Martin, Shannon. Geler (2. Left on bases: Minneapolis, ; St. Paul, 9. Umpire: Fore man. Time: 2:15. Toledo Falls to Hit. TOLEDO. June iO. Toledo ws unable to hit Walker when hits were needed today and lost the game. Attendance, 400. Score: LOUISVILLS. I TOLEDO. R.H O A B H.H.O.A.S.. 11 1 4 10 27 1 .. 1 1 1 I "t 14 it ii m Kerwlo, rf... 0 Hart, lb 4 Braihaar, lb. 4 Odwrll, cf .. 1 Rulllraa. lb. 4 Clymer. If... I fVhrlror. e.. 1 Qulnlatn. aa.. 4 Walkar. ... 1 O'Smlt. rf 4 i owena, aa . . . 0 V Blank t'p. It. 4 OTurner. lb... 1 b Bernard, cf.. 4 f 4 I I I 4 1 I I 0 I I 1 0 uKlelnow. I I tE'biub, lb. Totals Louisville Toledo Earned runs: Two-base hits ... I II IT 14 J I 4 (M'hlldt. lb... 1 1 aCrrrman, p.. 1 4 I I RELIANCE LIKES THE WAVES Earing Coait tut oa and Columbia P.ocge Through Eoug h Wiur to Bif ger Ld. NEW BOAT TAKES THiRTY-KIILE CONTEST f 'onat Itat ton Crimea Ont Pecoad Rest. Urtrs Mlnates Ten eronda n hlnd, vtlth tolambla Ftft. Nino Seconds In Rear. NEWPORT, R. I. June Jo Reliance scored another decisive victory over Con stitution and Columbia trniay In a flfteen mile thrash to windward an1 return. Beat for heat Constitution won over Columbia. but time allowance will probably give the latter second place. The new craft sailed the course In 7.02 less time than Constitu tion and 8:01 less than the older boat. Constitution covered the thirty miles In 0:69 less time than Columbia. The race waa sailed In a breexe of from ten to twelve miles strength and after Point Judith had been left behind out to the weather mark a long rolling aea was met. Reliance dipped deeper Into the waves than either of the older boats, but without apparently retarding Ita speed. On the contrary, the new craft seemed to like the water, for It was at this point It walked away from Its opponents the fastest. Co lumbia alao gained over Constitution In the rough water going to windward, outpointing and outfootlng the latter. Summary: Start. Finish. Elapsed. Reliance ll:45:l 1:00:44 :15:8 Constitution 11:46:01 :06:41 1.22:40 Columbia ll:46:0t t:08:4 1:3 .3 Shamrock Slightly Damaged. NEW TORK, June JO. Three minutes after crossing the starting Una of what was to have been a thirty-mile race today Shamrock III carried away the traveler by which the malnsheet la fastened to the deck and was compelled to withdraw. It may be repaired In time to race tomorrow. Totals . ....0 10 0 0 ...0 10 0 0 Toledo Bernard J .! EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS i i rt 14 oi 0 111-6 0 0 0 0-1 1 : Louisville 4. ciymer u), ua- v, . . . mm m m mi i A IOUUI m 9 mm- mm Dae Molnao 0 10 0 10 10 OmaJia, 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Two-base hlta: O'Leary, Qulnn, Fohl. Double plava: Shucart to Oondtng to Wright, Dolan to Shugtrt to Wright. Baaes on balla: Off Morrison, 1; cT Milton, I. Struck out: By Morriaon, t; by Milton. 4. Time: 1:5. Umpires: Barry and Thomas. MUwa.ak.eo Tstkea a Fleece) Oat, PEORIA. June 80 Milwaukee defeated Peoria today In a fiercely contested game by I to L Attendance, aw. ucore: R.H.E. Milwaukee 0 10100010 peorU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Batteries: Milwaukee, McPherson and Lucia; Peoria. Alloway and Wilson. Ksstu City Baatkti Hits. KANSAS CITT. June t& Kanaaa City made a big score today by bunching kits and running baaea cleverly, ine visitors fielding waa atupld at Umea. Attendance, too. Score: . R-II.E. Kansaa City ..1 0 0 0 ( 1 4 0 lb 11 1 Bt. Joaeph ....0 OOOOOOlO-lll Batteries: Kansas City. Halla and Mea- sitt; BU Joseph, Dlehl and Garvin. prlnga Keep Deaver Dowa. COLORADO SPRINQ8, June SO. Superb f itching by VlUeman kept Denver down to wo hlta, while the locals took the first of .baaerjea Jn easyfasblon. Score: R.H.H2. Col. Springs ....I Milllimi Denver 0 200000OO-J1I Batteries: Barber and Schlel; VUleman ana ocarnagie. TaUla ..TUIIU ti Totals ... I 11 17 14 1 Chloaro 0 0111004 0-7 Philadelphia o o o x u v v vi Two-bias h ti: Tinker. Kllng. Barry Sacrifice hits: Raub, Wolverton. Btolen baaea: Raub, Tinker. Taylor, Titus. Left on baaes: Chicago, ; Philadelphia, . First base on balla: Off Taylor. 1; off Washburn, l. struck out: Bv Taylor, z: by wasn bum. 3. Passed ball: . Both. Time: i:t. Umplra: O'Day. Btaadlag of tko Teams. Flayed. Won. Lost P.C. Pittsburg 61 42 19 .( New York 68 SI .638 Chicago 2 38 24 .3 Brooklyn M 29 27 .BIS Cincinnati 56 27 28 .491 Boston 69 24 .4117 St. Louis 6-' 21 41 .339 Philadelphia 67 17 40 . 2S Games today: Plttsuura at Brooklyn Chicago at Philadelphia; Cincinnati at Bos ton; u Louia at Mew xora. well. Schrinver. Walker. Home run: Turner. Struck out: By German. 4: by Walker, 6. Base on balls: on uerman, 3; off Walker. 1. Stolen baae: 8mttri. I.eff on bases: Toledo. 4: Louisville, 3. Double plays: Owens to Turner, Brashear to wuinian to wari. xiros: iuiync Haskell. Colambas Comfortable Winners. INDIANAPOLIS. June SO. Columbus knocked Ford out of the box in the second Inning today and Newlin, who took his place, was wild. Crablll was hit hard, but waa most effective with men on baaes. At tendance, l,3u. Score: COLCMBl'S. I INDlANAPOUi n tM n A w 1 l'HniTlevar, Olaaaoa, as... 4 Bannoa, of.... 4 Arndt, rf....-0 Turner, lb....o Mel lor. lb I Thoner, If I TUymr. 16. ...I O. Fox. e 1 Crablll. p I Total 4 R.H.O A B rt..s till W. Fox. lb... I 1 1 1 Woodruff. C..1 I 7 Coulter, cf 0 14 4 Jonas, If 4 114 Klbm. lb 1 1 II I rmMtt, lb... 4 4 4 1 six Standi of tko Tea Played. Won. Lost. Milwaukee 47 Colorado Springs ... 63 Kansas City 61 6t. Joseph 60 tenver (1 Peoria .r; 60 Des Molnea 61 Omaha 43 Oamea today: Omaha 34 34 27 24 24 23 19 16 at 13 17 24 24 27 n a 33 P.C. .723 .?9 .6.-9 .484 .471 .m .371 Des Molnea. Denver at Colorado Springs, Milwaukee at Peona, Bt. Joseph at Kansaa City. GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE Watte lu Take Eight la First, Add Twe aaa Dowa , Boston. CHICAOO. June 30.-Pltcher Altrock opened up badly, passing the first three men up and being nit for six singles and a trlole. elaht runs resulting. The visit ors could do nothing In the way of bunch ing hlta except In the eighth, when they found White for two singles and a double. Attendance, 1,800. Score: CHICAOO. I . BOSTOM. B.H.O A.B l . R.H.O.A B Holmes. If... 1114 0 DoofhortT. Ill I I I I Sfcoiitna, lb... s 1 1 1 1 t 4 lO'Biioa, of.. 4 1 4 1 I lmmuo, rf. 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 Parent. ... 1114s I 4 1'Lacbaaca, lb 1 4 1 1 1 I a-Kwrtk, lb.... 4 4 111 I 4 eon ear. 4 4 114 4 1 8Uhi; e 0 1 4 4 - - Altrock. a... 4 114 nun i a Totals ... I I 14 14 I Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 10 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 03 Left on baaes: Chicago. B; Boston, S. Two-base hits: Ma goon, Stahl. Sacrifice hits: Tannehlll, O Brian. Etruck out: By White. 6: by Altrock. 3. Base on balls: Off White. 3: off Altrock, i. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Sheridan. Kltaoa Bhata Oat Washington DETROIT. June 30. Kltaon was Invincl- Marcaa, as.. -ord, p Xowlln, p. :Killum .. Hoydoa .. ..0404 .4144 .4 4 4 4 .4144 .1 II It II 1 0 1 0 0- 0 0 0 0-3 by Newlin, Jonas, cf I Oroen, rf.... 1 Callahan, lb. Hb.ll. lb.... 1 Macoon. lb.. 1 Tannehlll, m 1 Mefirlaaa. a 1 White, p I Tetala Touis . xBatted for Ford In second. xBatted for Newlin in ninth. Columbus 0 110 1 Indianapolis 1 110 0 Innlnas nitched: By Ford. 2: 7. Baae hits: Off Ford. 3: off Newlin. 7. Baaes on balla: Off Ford. S; on jsewun, b; off Crablll. 3. Struck out: By Ford. 2; by Newlin, 4; by craoiu, a. wna pitcnes: ny Vnrd. 1: bv Newlin. 2. Two-base hlta: Ray mar. Coulter. Three-base hit: Woodruff. Ha:riflca hits: Bannon. Thoney. Raymer. Double play: Thoney to Qleaaon. Stolen base: Turner. Left on baaea: Columbua, 9; Indianapolis, 12. Time: 1:60. Lmplre Mulla&e. reilpsaea unmes. At Milwaukee: ' Milwaukee-Kansas game, on account ot rain. Standing of tko Teams. Played. Won. Lost City Milwaukee .. St. Paul .... Indianapolis Louisville ... Kansaa City Minneapolis Columbus ..6 ..69 ..69 ..68 ..49 ..68 ..67 So 35 ' 22 24 24 19 21 24 24 2S 27 32 33 37 P.C. .626 .bttl .603 .517 .449 .444 .421 .439 RAMFK IN NATInNAI I PAfSIICIble today and shut out Washington with. vlw I out much difficulty. Detroit found Town- Bo th Brooklya and Plttskarsr Freely, knt Visitors Hit Hardest. Hit snd easy and aecured Us runs by consecu tive batting. Attendance, 1,6. Score: DBTROIT. I WASHINGTON. B.H.O.A I M.H.O.A TC BROOKLTN, June ta PltUburg defeated Brooklyn In a lively batting game today. The visitors knocked Schmidt out of the box In the third Inning. Wagner, in the nun. mace a noma run drive over the fence In right center, the longeat hit ever made on these grounds. The home team also batted freely, making twelve hits oft Lea vers aenvery. Attendance. I.auo. Score rtTTtBlKO. I BROOKLYN. R.H.O.A B. R.H.O.A B Beaameat, ef 1 4 1 tfstreas. Ik.... 4 4 14 1 ii.... VKhaikara, if. I I 111 4,Dobba. cf.... 4 4 111 I Jennlnga, rf 4 14 lltJorla, lb... 114 sinahloa, aa.. l (Killer, Loih. If 0 Bamtt. ef... 1 atord, rf. I Carr. lb I utns. a 1 Caartooy. lb. 1 Smith, lb.... C Buolow, a.... 1 KUao. p.... I 4 4 1 I 4 I I II 0 Moraa, sa. ... 8.1 bach. If... ii.Cirk. la Rraa. cf.. bLoo. rf.... Mania, lb. 0 4 11 4 4 14 I I 4 4 4 14 4 S I 4 4 4 11 1 Koblneon, lb. I I I I Drill, c 4 14 4 O Towownd, p. I 4 4 I Clarka- M oriii a. rf. Vinu, Is. Krugar, aa.. Laaeh. lb... Knehor, lb. Phelps, a... Laanr, p .. lilt 1 4 I Totals .. IT II 17 11 ti Klood. lb.. Srhmlot, p. Pounds, p.. Totalis Pittsburg 1 3 3 0 1 1 3 1 0-1T Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 1 I 1 1 1 I Two-base hits: Beaumont, Clarke, Leach, Rltchoy, Rheckard l, Dablen, Flood. Throe baa bits: Wagner, Leach, liome run: Waaner. Stolen baaes: Clarke. Sebrlnr. Kruger, Pheckard 111, Kltter. Firat baae on errors: Pittsburg, T: Brooklyn, 3. Left on bases: Pittsburg. 3; Brooklyn, C Double play: Dahlen to Flood to Doyle. Sac rl fire hit: Sebrlng. First base on balls: Oft tVhmtdt. 6; off Pounds. 3; off Lever, L Hit by pitched ball: My Lever. l struck out: By Schmidt, 1; by Pounda. 1; by Leaver, 1. liniv, .W. I UIIIV, mu.UK. Davis Makea Coatly Error, ' NEW TORK. June 30 Sharp fielding by both teams kept down scores In the New Tork-St. Louis game today. The visitors bunched their hlta neatly, but Davis made an expensive error in the sixth. St. Louis scoring three runs on three hits and the mlspiay. A spienaia atop ana tnrow ny Lauder and two fast double play on the Totals ... I U r 11 1' ToUla ... 4 114 I 4 Detroit 3 0 1 0 0 111 Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Two-base hit: Lonr. Three-bane hlta Carr, Crawford (2). Barrett. Sacrifice hit: nmitn. stolen Dares: Crawford (2). Long. neuiow, i una. napes on nana: un: Kit. son, l: off Townsend, I. Left on baaea Detroit, S; Washington, 1. Struck out: By Kltaon. z: py rownsena. 4. Double nlava: Courtney to Smith to Carr, Martin to Rob- inson to Clarice, wild pitch: Townsend. Time: 1:46. Umpires: Haasett and Car- rutners. 1 11 tf it 1 1 Saints Loae tko Sccoad. ST. LOUIS. June 30. New Tork took the second tma of the aariea from St. Louis today. The game wss a pitchers' battle between Griffith and Sudhoff, the winning run coming in in inn eignin on a Dase on balla, a aarrlAoe and a hit. The feature waa Williams' home run drive Into the left neia nieacnera. Attendance, 1,100. Score: KBW TORK. BT. LOtTIi 4 I e i t I R.H.O.A 44i as 1 1 Keelor. rl B I barf ale. ronroy. lb... 9 4 1 rum. of ill Wlliraaia. lb. I 1 I Mrrarlaad. If. 1 I CanaA. lb.TT 1 II O'Cornoa. a.. 4 4 4 Orimih, p... 4 I I R H OA B 1 I 1 I 4 1 4 a I l I 11 14 1 Cm, mmml lurtett. If. I 1 Hold lick. cf. I 4 ( Hemphill, rf. 1 (Kndvuoa, lb. 1 I ( Wallace, ss. . I (iKanoe, e.... 4 11 1 (-P1dn. lb... 4 i m I Ho-or'k. lb. 1 1 1 4 atSudbot. ... s l l a . -------- Totals ... I ill ii m Totals ... 1 4 If II a New York 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 02 Bt. lxmta o o o i o o o o 01 Earned runs: New Tork. 1: St. Louis i Two-base hits: Anderson (Si. Three-base nit: asct anana. rcome run: Williams Sacrifice hits; Burkett. Hemphill. Conrov Double play: Sudhoff to Anderson to Mc- i ormica. mi cy pncner: ny budhoff, J. naaa on nana: un nuanort, ; orr urtfttth. 1. Struck out: By Sudhoff. 3; y Griffith. 3. Ieft on naaee: aw lora, 4; Bt. Loula 4. lime: umpire: uounoiiy. raplra'a Declstoa Asfnhnds CLEVELAND. June to Bar's elnrle sent uoennaur across tne piate witn the win Bins run tor Cleveland m the ninth. The san liar I'hleb would have resulted In Toledo 66 Games today: Kansas City at Milwaukee, St. Paul at Minneapolis, xouiavuia at o iledo, Indlanapolla at Columbus. After DaaTy'a Mea. nliT.WAtTKEE. Wis.. June 30. (Special Telegram.) Now the outside managers are after Duffy's men. In his Inside coat pocket Duffy Is carrying three letters of which he la nrmi rt in theae letters were cash offers lor six piayera. uuhudrj .v have three, Loftus at Washington wants one, Connie Mack is after one and the St. Loula American league team wouia use one man. rne players mom waniru n Shortstop Gatins, ".Tim" Cockmsn, Catcher t ,,.iu "ri,i." Bfiller and Pitcher Kenna. Washington made an offer for Stone two weeks ago and this offer waa renewed to day, aa well as a new offer for five others Of tne V-reama. I III! I rnmm i a uu in first place," aaid Duffy, "whirh shows that the team is putting up a good game. Each player I" credited with doing good work and for that reaaon I will let none ot them get away from me. Janlors Skat Oat Aftoa, AFTON. Ia,. June 30. (Special Telegram.) -in a. nitrhera' battle today the Union Stock Yards Juniors shut out Afton by a score of 4 to 0. Dehavens of tne bouth weatern league was In the box for Afton, but found his equal In Adams for the Jun- inn. Rnth nitchers allowed five hlta and struck out ten men. The home team never had a man past second baae and none saw flt-at ncrnt in uia eeveniu ana rianm. Hachten played a atar game at first for the Juniors. Dehaven'a support was ragged at times. Score : ctv Tarda....! 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Ot b I Afton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 a Batteries: For Stock Yards, Adams and Miller; for Afton, Debavan and rtowson. Struck out: By Adams, 10; by Dehaven. 10. Two-base hlta: Miller Klcedorf. umpire Ellis. Wansa Defeata Hartlaartoa. Dick Welles Btarta Second Late, bat Beats the World'a Record. CHICAGO. June 30.-Dlck Welles made a pew world s record for six furlongs at Washington park today, running the dis tance In 1:114-6. He carried lu9 pounds. The former record was 1:12, held Jointly by Luxcasta and Bummer. Dick files set the new mark under re markable circumstances. He was almost left at the post. When the barrier wont up his head was turned and his rider mt ready. He was fully a second behli .l his neia at tne start, i ne pace was terrinc, but Jockey Knight set out after the field. He closed the gap of about ten lengths slowly but surely. He savel ground on the turns and took the rail after entering the stretch. He advanced on the lenders at every stride, and then hitched up with Runnels, who looked like a winner. Dick vellea slowly overhauled him and won hy three-quarters of a length. Taking the official time as a basia, Dick Wei Ins run the distance In 1:10 4-6. though horsemen agree that he waa fully a second behind his field at the start. The official lime waa freely disputed, as it has been In nurreroua inatancea recently. Results: First race, six rurlonga: Dick Welles won. Runnels second, John Peter third. Time: 1:11. Second race, five furlongs: Witchcraft won, Jaaon second. Buccaneer third. Time: 1:10. Third race. The Kenwood stakes, for z year-old colts-, gross value 33,850, five fur longs: Prince SilverwltiRs won. Reaultcr second, Lonsdale third. Time: 1:36. Fourth race, one mile and a sixteenth: Waswift won, Bragg second, Nitrate third. Time: 1:45. Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth: The Kentucklan won. Prince Webb aeooud, Omdurman third. Time: 1:46- Sixth race, one and one-sixteenth miles: Crislana won, Havilacd. aeoond. Serge third. Time: 1 :4oH- -.' NEW YORK. June-W Results: First race, five and. one-half furlongs of the Futurity course: .' Wotan won. Floral King second, Trouvllle 'third. Time: 1:0bV. second race, six ruriones on main tracK: Shotarun won. Royal Summons second. Duelist third. Time: J:15 Third race, one mile and an etgntn: Highlander won, Arden second. Bob Mil liard third. Time: l:56Vi. Fourth race. The Equality, one mile: Goldsmith won. Proper second, Luxcasta uiira. Time: i:w. Fifth race, five and a naif furlong's of the Futurity course: Jocund won, Montro- i son second, Prince Balm Balm third. Time: sixth race, one mile and a hair on turr. handicap: Douro won, Flying Jib second. Surmise third. Time: 2:3b. ST. LOUIS, June SO. Results: First race, four and a half furlongs, sell ing: Rhyme and Reason won, Tenom sec ond, Athena third. Time: :a. (second race, alx furlongs. Bailing: Char ley's Dream won, Coudy second. Mayor Graham third. Time: 1:13. Third race, five furlong, purse: Mag Nolin won, Jehane second. Enigma third. Time: 1:04V. Fourth race, one mile and seventy yards. purse: De Reszke won, Kda Riley second, Malster third. Time: l:4aV- Fifth race, seven furlonas. selling: Miss West won. Presbyterian second. Orphoum third. Time: 1:30H- Sixth race, one and three-alxteenths of a mile, aelllng: Never Such won, Memphlan second, Nanan third. Time: 2:06V. DETROIT, June 30. Results: Finat race, seven furlongs: Ethel Davis won, John Coulter second,. Jigger third. Time: l:28Vi. Second race, four furlongs: The Globe won. Orderly second, Jim Ferrin third. Time: :4W. Third race, one mile: Autollght won. Easy Street second, Glfnwood thlid. Time: 1:41. Fourth race, seven and ons-half furlongs: Flora Bright won. Snare second. Decoration tnira. Time: 1:H- Fifth race, seven furlongs: John J. Re- iran won, On The Quiet second. Barnacle third. Time: l:3Sls. Sixth race, steeplechase, short course: Hleaway won, Lord Farondale second. Ma ple Sugar third. Time: 3 S!S. W The Smoifthe M CoVers the Country The popularity of the Cremo Cigar has spread from V )) man to man ; from town to town ; from state to state until it is TiC known and favored ''y erery where. 1 "'Ij - Haa' .ifij The Leitrgest Selling Brand of Cigars , ,n World. j Xt"0"1 Tie Band it ffi Smttr Pnttttoa. 'A . ' ' - f tmtkm ONLY $14.75 TO CHICAGO AND RETURN I a Central. Ra'R floating arena of the Memphis Athletic club. Honors were even for the first two rounds. In the third and fourth Forbes was sent to the mat by the St. Loulsan, but showed no bad effects. In the fifth Forbes had the beat of It and floored Regan. In the early part of the sixth Forbes was fighting well, but as the round progressed Regan got In a hard right to tne stomacn ana tne ngnt was nis irom that on. Forbes was saved before the gong sounded and was groggy when he went to his corner. Forbes was floored lor tne count early In the seventh. He wa groggy when be rose and flourished wildly. Kenan rushed him repeatedly and Forbes" seconds threw a towel into tne ring ana cioaea ine fight. The mea weighed In at 120 pounds this afternoon. ST. CROIX TENNIS HANDICAP All Matches la Doable In to Senal-Flnala arc Kovr - Ployed 04T. WAl'SA. Neb., June 80. (Special.) Wenaa defeated Hartlngton on Hartlng ton e grounds by a score of 7 to 4. The All of the matches In the doubles In the D, 'r ( . n , . V- . 1 1 feature of the game was Jh ninnlng : -fch , w,r, played off Monday and Tuesday1 of Eiwell Into rlghtfleld from ' ." nights. The four teams left In are all rep- t a) k M9. nl 4 - n I n sr r f VI 1 1 sT n aa. Mfnri ' I .an. , ' nd tha nltchlng of Hughes. Score RHE Wanna 1 1000110 0 Tit Hartlngton 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 34 I 7 Batteries: Wausa, Hughes and L. Han- aon: Hart Inrton. rt. Bona ana uie nanson Earned runs: Wsuaa. 2. Passed balls: Ola Hanson (2. L. Hanson. Hit by pitched ball: Mallett. Struck out: By Hughes. 14 bv R. BonC. 7. Time: 1:3S. fmplre: Ren Cook. Wausa will play Coleridge her on the Fourth of July protesting the game Had Philadelphia won v. If Scrarair Tims Tablf. I I The Road to Health. f Hire Rootbeer I al (ho I Uaket" to keen von aoinar ff 4 art ng bot waalaer. 1 1 eoola f the blood, auenehea the thtrat. I I aa4 keeps yea wall aod sou re. Mires Itootbccr shoold be oa every table during oaamaaar tune, awl a every wear, a saaaae ame wa characterised by a moat necu- aeciaion ny u lxiughiin in the eighth, i leveland T. h I m mm n ltk on out. Cajole on third and Hickman on second, alct artny hit to Orat baae Davis touched flrt. but his' throw home struck McCarthy on the head, knocking him unconscious. The ball bounded in the grand stand and both Lajoie and Hickman came uome. uMiufnnn sent Hickman back to third. Attendance, 1.72S. Score: r-UVIUUVTl I rHILADEt.PHU. R.H.O.A E. HUOA1 Bar. ef a 1 a Hartari. if . . a a I Brawler. IB., a l l a rirkaeta. cf I a a tejol Ik .. I I I 4 a Darla. Ik . . . 4 111 1 Hickmaa, Ik. I II 1 I I t roaa. Ik. I 4 I HM'aftkr, 11. 4 4 4 4 Mrkat4. rt. 4 4 1 rilrk, rf 4 14 4a Murptir. th.. 1114 Oora'ar. as. t I a n Cj-m. aa. 1 1 I i Ahkau. .... I s Shraca. a.... 1 II avareAarSI. .111 WilMI, .... brauulBjtJsoeaia. rarkaara gaikma tlenar U lull Ckarts L Mr C lUiaora, Pa. gg.1 '"i'-nJaajjaa!; Tstals ... 4 I If II I ToUla ... I TxM U I Cleveland 0 1410114 i Philadelphia 4040000103 xTwo out when winning run wa made. Earned runs: Cleveland. 1: Phttndelnhta II Two-baae hits: Hickman 3. at. Croaa. Murphy, aaenne hlta: McCarthy. Wad dell i3i. Stolen baaea: Plcaerlng, Murphy. Double play: Waddell to M. Croaa to Davis Ftrwt naao bails: orr waddell. I: off peraaevrd. 1. Jart oa tas: Cleveland. 7 VaUa4a4aUaa F suU fcy Wtddall. 4, MeCook Wins r"rn Real Clonal. RED CLOUD, Neb.. June 30 fSpeelal Telegram.) The prettiest game of the sea son waa played here today with McCook. The game reauitea in tavor or act ook. but both teams played well, fecore: McCook 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? 14 Red Cloud 1 II t M I 01 Hits: McCook. S: Red Cloud. 3.. Home run: Bender. First baae on nal.e: Off Bchorp, 1; off Scott, 1. Batteries: Sohopp na tienaer; aeon ana n diicoiud. t iny Cooter Beats Haallngts. HASTINGS. Neh . June 30. (Special Telegram.) Hastings met defeat today on its uiamuna ny a score of lo to 3, Clay t enter rieing tne victor, score: Clay Center 0 110 3 0 7 1 1-10 Hasunga 0 100020001 Batteries: Haatlngs. Sohauble, Schaufel- berger and Mace; Clay Center, Sanderson and Jonea. Home runs: Sanderson, Ab bott. (aaaes In Three-I Lcasaa. At Decatur Decatur. ; Bloomlngton. 3. At hw mora Kocarora. , iavenport. I. At Rock Island 4prlngfleld, 4; Rock Ishtnd 1. At Dubuaue Dubuque-Cedar Rapid gam poaiponeo. wet grounaa fcloax Fa lie Win Froaa Unari, a 6I01fC FALLS. S. D . June 30 (Special Telegram 1Tlie Sioux Falls team of the Iowa B iuttl Lakota league this arternoon defrattd Lemais oa tb local ground by a auore ui a vu a, resented by St. Croix men. six of them being St. Croix players, and a Feld club player and the eighth a Shrlner man With two exceptions all of the matchea played Monday and Tuesday nights were tnree set matches ana snowed very close handicapping. John Haskell failed to ap pear Monday night and Caldwell played with Brown in hla place, while MrKensle replaced L. Hnhn, wno strained his ankle severely practicing the day crevloua. The most sensational match or the week has been the one between Pollard and Scribner and McKenxle and Beaton. The latter team bad n handicap of IS and started out Monday night to beat their older opponetita. Trey played a lobbing game and took a set apiece and then worked the third set to within one txilnt of winning and lost out The third set was worked up to 10 all when It became too dark 'to play and It was rlnyed over Tuea flay night and leu to Bcrioner and Pol lard. The finish of the finals In the singles will be played off Thursday night if Pollard falls out In the sml-flnals tonight. Other wise Young and Pollard will play Friday night. Battln and Toung (owe half 15i hfit O Martin and West ihalf 18). -i, 4-. -!. Hughes and Schneider (scratch! heat Brown and Caldwell (aerate hi. -. 6-2 D. Pollard and Scribner (scratch) beat McKenxle and Beaton (15), 0-1, 3-4. 6-1. In the second round: Welty snd Kuhn (half 15) beat Battln and Young (owe half 15), 6-3. 2-6. 3-4. f'haae snd H. Kohn (scratch) het Co! lett and Dr. Van Camp (scratch). 6-0: 6-4 Hughes and Dr. Schneider (Scratch) beat Readlnarer and Powell (half 15i. 6-3. 3 4. 6-1. Pollard and Scribner (scratch) beat Inches and Martin (half 151 t.y default. . Tonlaht'a matches In the doubles are: Welty and Kuhn (halt 15) against Chase ard H. Kohn (scratch). Hughes snd Dr Schneider (scratch) agalnat 1 ollard and Scribner (scratch). Ryan Defeata Forbes. MEMPHIS. Tenn . June 3 Jchnnle Re gan of St. Louis defeated Clarence Forbes of Cblrago In the seventh round of twentv-round aht tonlcht. The contest waa held an tan Mlaatmalnoi rtvnv la iae unois June 18, 30 and July I. Good for Return Until Sept. 15 CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1402 Famam Street W. H. BRILL, Dlst. Pass. Agent. TENNIS LEADERS DECIDED Miss Donglass and H. 1. TJoaortT Each Chnnaploa ( All EsTla4l. LONDON. June 80. In th ladles' single final of the All-England lawn tenni cham pionship games at Wimbledon today MJs D. K. Douglas beat Miss Thompson by two games to one. As Miss Robb. the holder of the championship, decided not to defend the title. Miss Douglass becomes champion. In the gentlemen alngkes championship H. L: Doherty retain the title, having de feated F. L. Glaley by three game to none. 7 5. 6 3, 6-0. Atlantic Shnts Oat flarlaaa. ATLANTIC. Ia.. June 30. (Special Tele gram. 1 Atlantic shut Clarinda out today In a hotly contested game. Up to the last half of the sixth neither team scored, but the visitors' pitcher weakened at that time and a few expensive error by th field gave the home team four runs. Two more were made in the eighth, while the visitors were unable to get past second base. Score: . rt. M. Vi. AtlantV 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 ! I 3 Clarinda 0 0 0 0 O'O 0 0 00 2 4 Batteries: Atlantic. Jerrott end Boles; Clarinda. Bridges and Glaxier. Struck out: By Jarrott. S: by linages, b. nees balls: Off Bridges, 3. Attendance, 150. on With th Bowlers. F J. Marble and M. R. Huntington de- feated H. Beaelin and W. H. Emery In a tenpin contest last night on Clark's al leys. Score: 1st. Huntington 1M Marblo 1"9 r 00 COLORADO AND -RETURN IMipit July 1 to 10, incl sive, $15.00 to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return via the Burlington Route; return limit August 31. The Burlington is the short line to Denver. Th Flyer leave th Burlington station, Omaha, at 4:10 p. m. and carries every thing that goes to mak traveling comfortable. J. B. REYNOLDS City Past, gt., 1502 FARHM1 STREET, OMAHA. M. 3d. 4th. 5th. T I 2-2S ITS 167 145 Mi 216 170 1&4 ID1 1 SwS Total Beaelin . Emery . 1 773 let. Id. 3d. 4th. 5th. T'l 16 1W IV. 170 14S ss; 163 IS! 167 143 T7B Total 1.6T V. M. C. A. Tennis Tonrney. Three matches In the Toung Men's Chris. tlan association handicap tennis tourna ment were played off last night on the courts at Eighteenth snd Famam streets. Tebb'.ns lows half 15) beat Atkins f IB). 1-6. 6-4. 6-t. Patterson (ow 151 beat Rasmus- sen f15. 6-3, 1-6. -7. I'halen defeated null by default. Boaaerset Doaana Americans. I5VDON. June 30 The Philadelphia crlrketera were dereated In tneir game witn the Somersetshire eleven today at Tsunton. Ms Millions instead of Twenty. NEW TORK. June 2 The executors snd trufctoes ot the estate of Former Judge Henry Hilton report that It amounts, all told, to 3.:8 V9. Its value wa computed originally at ii.uw.ouu. Th new town of Lldderdale, Carroll county, on the Omaha extension of th Chicago Great Western railway, will be opened to the public by an auction aale of lot about th mlddl of July. For par ticular address Edwin D. Malll. man g or, -Townalt department. Fort Dodge, la. The Beer of Good Cheer. It's made to suit yp. There is a difference jp Brs, just as H-ycfifferencein all fooid PJoducts or anythin&lse. Guhd f Peerless $eer is raade on purpose ti m-f Ilrf hest-"0 SUIt YOU. nd for Frea Souvenir BookUa JOHN GUND B.R,JJJ CO.. . La CrM, Wis. rvab. ytmaeb' " Tl.pho 3344 UdW be - u- t I JJ Bf