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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1903)
TITE OMAHA DAILY IlEEt WEDNESDAY, JULY 1. 1903. FORFEITING SCHOOL LEASES Inieieit Delinauent on About One EuadreJ Thousand Aoroi of Land. PfliStNT HOLDERS LIKELY TO PAY UP JScr Jlcukrr of Slate Board of eatloe. Likely to Him Drldln Vat ia Locating; Kcw r. Bill School. Attorneys for Saline county have Just flld their br1f In rehearing of the lonf drawn out milt of that county In an en- diavor to rrover from Quite county one- half the cost of the e ration of a bridge across Turkey creek on a county Una road. This stilt seems to have had Its Inception In the Informal, conversational and star chamber methods often adopted by official boards and the system adopted of doing public bualnesa without making any au thentic record of the authority under whlcn official acta are performed. Fourteen years ago a bridge waa built Jointly by Saline and Gage counties over Turkey creek at a point where It crosses the line from the former to the latter. Ten years ego a freahet carried that bridge away, and In Atigunt of that year, through the Joint artlon of the Bnllne county commissioners I and the Gage County Board of Supervisors, a contract was entered Into with H. T. LINCOLN, June 30. (Special.) Two -thousand notices of forfeiture of school land louses will be sent out tomorrow by "Oju-.d Commissioner Follmer. Nearly 100.0UO acres of land will be affected and the de faulted Interest will run up Into the thous- tne ,ree(i prce 0f I2.M5. Prior to that a anus. The exact amount Is not attainable I temporary bridge had been put In at a cost now. olid will not be known until the bal- I 0f $95. Ever since Saline county has been enclng of the books takes place. It Is esU- I vainly struggling to. recover from Oage mated that It will not fall below j,vh. county half the cost of the two structures. This represents six months default, and I Adjutant General Culver has Issued under the law the lessees have ninety formal order approving the election of days In which to pay up. If they do not I Dell F. Lough aa second lieutenant of the do so they can only get the lease renewed I Thurston RlHes and of Jack Beason as first by paying up and in addition a lease lee 01 i lieutenant 01 company v. n,Dr The usual practice heretofore has be" NORFOLK MAN KILLS HIMSELF to wait until actual delinquency occurs pe fore starting In on the preparation of the I Goes to Room im Hotel at Wayae notices. Deputy Eaton has changed this I mn4 pta Ballet Tbroagh and bad the notices prepared In advance so that the etate will lose no Interest. i rillm., h,i hmmn nimhlnff collections i t .h. m rf.v. deiinauents WATNE. Neb.. June IO.-(Speclal Tele- were given all the time they desired, and gram.)-A man registered at the Boyd hotel In the end a good many of them dumped CLOUDBURST AT JACKSON Streets, of Town. Floaded aud Bailrogd Tresis are Under Water. BRIDGES ON GREAT NORTHERN ARE OUT Following; Hot Weather of Saaday ail Monday Refreshing Showera Visit Several Sections f State. JACKSON. Neb., June SO. Special Tele gram.) A waterspout occurred here this morning and about a foot of water Is In the main streets of the city. Elk creek His Brain. about I o'clock this afternoon by the name the state. In one case, when Mr. Follmer ' Oeow E. Welseman. Norfolk. Neb. He took hold, the delinquency covered a period of thirteen years. His pracUca haa been to forfeit all leases Just as soon as the law will permit, where the holders do not com ply with the terms of their agreement. Last year's forfeitures represented about 75,000 acres, but most of It was redeemed before the publication of auction notices. asked for a room and waa at once shown to one. Shortly afterward a report was heard, but nothing was thought of It, as the reports of firecrackers are heard fre quently. At :lfi the clerk at the Boyd went to his room and called Welseman, but received no response. On pushing the door open he discovered tne man lying on the bed with a revolver In his hand. He at It la believed that the good crops and pree- onca reported t0 Laorf Nur,ton and C ent prosperity will result in very few ales of forfeited leases being necessary, H. Fisher, who was boarding at the hotel. On going to the room they found Welse man dead with a bullet wound In hla head. Coroner Williams waa summoned and It waa found that the man had been dead some time and that death must have been Instantaneous, aa there was no evidence of a struggle and his hand grasped the re- New Mas to Settle Koraal Upon the Identity of the new appointee to the Stat Board of education depends tha location of the new normal school. Three of the present members are counted aa certain for Ord or Broken Bow, with the TO,v(lp DJp Ide he ,ay 0 the bed. x lormer aa m. ir.. uu " "'" coroner' Jury, summoned at once, found jr-M corralled by these interests the fight will that h- cmt) to h death by nt. own hand be over. Tne union racino politicians are w)th BulcMal mtent cause unknown. A trying their hand at getting the sohool nunaPed -nd ten dollars In certificates of located on their Una of road, but the Bur- jepoBit on two banks at Norfolk and about llngton doea not seem to hava taken much jjg Jn cash waa found on his person and interest In the affair. Governor Mickey . l-tter indicating a firm of Welseman is understood to be pledged to locate the Bros. He held a railway ticket for Cum berland, Wis., and no reason la known for his leaving the train here and going to the hotel. The remalna were placed In charga member, absolutely declines a reappoint ment, and his retirement will leave Fowler school north of the Platte, and this prac tically means that It will go there. He Is not looked upon as likely to name any' body who does not think, with him on the I of Undertaker P. Geertner. His lathes . subject. The sohool men are trying to I John Welseman, resldea at Henderson, A land the vacant place for a member of the I Neb., and has been notified by wire. If teaching profession, Stephens, the retiring Pylhlana Ha-re a BIoT Tint HASTINGS. Neb.. June SO. (Special)- the only member of the school teaching I The festivities in connection with the In profession on the educational board, which I ltlatlon of new members was carried out at Is regarded aa being rather rldlouloua. Knights of Pythias' hall last night accord- I ing to the proposed program in the main. Burlington No. I was late twenty-five mm. The coroner's Jury. Which listened to tha utea. which delayed the arrival of the evidence In the oaae of Mrs. Conrad Weld- I Bonnie Doon drill team from Lincoln, so enkiller, who waa run down by a Burling- I that It was decided to abandon the parade. ton train near here last night, returned a I The team waa met by an escort, which con. verdict today purely formal In oharaoter I ducted it from the station to the hall, and and placing- the blame upon' no one. The I upon the arrival the ceremony of Initiating englnemen Insisted that the train was twelve new members waa at once entered thoroughly under control, not running to upon. Thla work ver. In which W. EX exoeea nneen to twenty jnllea aa hour, I Sharp or Lincoln preaiaeq. a social evening, nd that nothing oould have saved the I to Which 'outside friend had been Invited. woman teea.aao she' deliberately stepped on was enjoyed. . Refreshments were served the track in front of the engine. It la sup- about midnight The Bonnie Doon drill poeed that she became confused through team did some figures In excellent form and seeing an jEiknora train oomlng from the was thoroughly appreciated. Tne restivi other direction on a eloseby track, and in I ties continued antil the small hours this ner nervous hesitation tripped and fell. I morning. J. H. J. Bar tin. an nurthm .. I affair, declared to the jury that the train Briaaro la Almost near. was running at the rate of fifty or sixty PLATTBMOUTH. Jeo.i June . (Spe mlles an hour, and that he knew thla to I cial. -The work of tearing down and re be the fact because he had often timed I moving the false work under the new trains ana horses with m stop watch, thna I maaislve steel Burlington railroad bridge, rendering him Judge of speed. I which spans the Missouri river at this .. nr . I point, has been accomplished. The false ! .Im. I fa mmiA I Mill nl ail flft - - diw owrn 71 tteaitn thU mornlna-1 iniii f tiw Am i upheld the action of IU secreUrles In with- aeem, it Is nevertheless a fact that the S ld'n n '""ina- the certificate to Dr. WOrk of removing the old bridge and put WOr,tr dentist of Omaha. He tlr.w In It. nlaoa a new one etron.- nnMrn CUA Valoa Dental to carry twice the burden of the former college. One member of the board said one was accomplished without the stonnln. of LviH ! in . " to to mkln lot a single regular train cm the road, and .5 .-!! vf teoth w ord8r tt the mammoth structure Is now In readiness they might be filled up was enough to war 'Irfat the action of the secreUrles If there to withstand the strain of the powerful locomotives which the company has re cently put In use on Its main lines to pull the long, heavy freight' trains. BlaT lui Sale Near Sidney. SIDNEY, Neb., June SO. (Special Tele- Ward of Tecumseh to rebuild the bridge at M overflowing Its banks and caunlng havoc between Jackson and Allen. The Great Northern tracks are reported under water. The crop damage In that vicinity Is ertl maled at 110.000. About S.100 feet of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha tracks are under water between Coburn and Newcastle. The Great Northern has lost a number of bridges and some of Its track are washed out ORD, Neb., June 80. (Special.) Follow Ing the hottest day thus far thla vicinity of the middle Loup valley was visited by a heavy rain and electrical storm last night. At one or two places In the vicinity hall fell, but not In sufficient quantities to do and great amount of damage. Barring wind and hall, small grain In the Loup valley will make this year the largest crop for years. Corn Is quite backward and many fields are weed-choked, but It haa made wonderful growth for the past several days. In the eastern part of the county, where many acres of sugar beets are being raised thla year, the crop re ports are very favorable. Hundreds of acres ' of new alfalfa have been seeded down this year, and the weather haa been so favorable for Its growth that It Is es timated that the amount of alfalfa har vested this year will double the amount of any former year. NORFOLK. Neb., June 30. (Special.) Yesterday was the hottest day of the sea son, the thermometer running .to the V7 mark. The barometer waa very low, and consequently there was much suffering from the heat. A cooling shower, accom panied by striking lectrlcal effects, fell St 10 last night BATTLE CREEK, Neb., June SO. (Spe cial.) A hot wave struck this place Sun day, the thermometer standing at 82. The heat continued durnlg Monday, when the thermometer reached SS, with a very op pressive atmosphere It culminated In the evening in a very severe electrical storm, accompanied by high wind, rain, and hall. On and one-half Inches of rain fell. A great deal of damage was done. Buildings were blown down and many horses and cattle were killed by lightning. P. A. Cal len's large new barn was torn to pieces, killing four head of horses. The heat and oppressive atmosphere continues today. THIEF EVEN TAKES PANTS J. B. Adams of Blair Held fp and Rooked la His Owa Hoaae. BLAIR, Neb.. June S0.-8pec!al Tele gram.) The moat daring holdup that Blair has had for some time occurred at the home of J. B. Adams, general manager of the Crowell Lumber and Grain company, this morning at 1:S0. when Mr. Adama was relieved of a valuable watch, another gold watch belonging to his father-in-law, $10 In cash, all of his offloe and. safe keys and a pair of pants. He had retired for the night and arose to give some medicine to his father-in-law, and, turning around, saw the robber, who had entered by the front door, taking the watches from a dresser In the same room. A revolver was shoved in his face and a demand made for his trousers, which lay on a chair. They were handed over to the thief, who backed out of the house and disappeared in the darkness, taking the pants, which contained the money and keys, with him. The robber was well masked and is thought by the officers to be home talent had not been other evidence, H antes a Mow Member. H. Ratnour of Weeping Water waa today ramed aa a member of the Board of Sec retaries Of thn Rn,M nf TI 1 . v .t.i-v . wium i . r .w. i .. m l has charge of the lasuanoe of certificates IT . . 7' ., Z' " ' to embalmera of th Tk. i. I . . uc.. m.nt waa made, w I today. Zadook H. Clark and Henry F. w h. .t.t. ..i... ... " Hamilton of South Omaha sold to Henry WW .III. UUlBr I . , riUAA T. AIM . - -S were William Hill of Hebron and Goorae I . V ' ., " " . " " , Brewer of South Omaha. Mr. Ratnour suo- , 7. v., , " K?r V"' ceed. K. B. Sond.rman of Grand IaI ,a"d Im My. !mpvd. and " ocked . , I wun tne nnesi graaee or came ana norses ij the Sentence. I obtainable m Iowa. Several other large The supreme court at 1U recent sitting I now on tap ana many rarmers affirmed the conviction of Fred Rnn. tTom Iowa and Illinois are buying smaU found guilty in Sheridan county on a """ to ,octe here. Land Is dally ad charge of having sent threatening letters vanoln ta prlc on P"" of the large through the mails. Reno had left the I "nu m el w-. wwiw vw luvaiBU, in, fcT . man was found la Montana and th fln.,i. I w. topeoiai menu were therefore given to the publlo I wnue nmn" m" wnw " evening vio- todav. Reno and a man named Claflln I VT -raun, mm oi mt. jk. arauw, mei witn trouble. CUflln's house was burned down I QU,U "r1ou" accident In some way he by an Incendiary, and a few days later he I collld1 wUn a team and carriage and was received a letter which readi I tnrown to tne grouna unaer tne team, and Mr. Claflint You have had a hint that I whn rcued " WM 'und that his arm you are not wanted here. The next one I was broken and his head badly bruised. wiu wuib. aim noi iwi coming. Now Th, nhvalnlan mnorti hie Inlnri-. Aeeasod of Serlons Offense. PAPILLION. Neb., June -(Specials-Warrants were Issued last night for the arrest of Edward Snodgrass and Ira Ketch um of Springfield. It Is alleged they took Miss Emma Glassmann for a buggy ride last Saturday night, and stopping at a vacant house, chloroformed her and com mitted a criminal assault Miss Glassmann la the daughter of Henry Glassmann, re sld'ng seven miles south of Papllllon, and la a girl of high morals and respected by alL Her condition is reported as being serloua Sheriff McEvoy arrested Snsdgrass In Om aha last night and brought Ketchum from Springfield this morning. They were brought before County Judge Wilson here today for hearing and pleaded not guilty. Their trial was set for Wednes day, July L, Ball was fixed at $1,500 each, in debault of which they were taken to the Omaha Jail for safe-keeping. Ketcham has made a written statement before County Attorney Patrick which In Itself la very damaging to the young man's case. Feel ing is very high against the two men here and especially at Springfield. 1$ u JV iV d mm ga 77) rpiAnrvirpcr?:?) u u THE GLORIOUS FOURTH IN THREE DAYS Mothers, Sisters, Wives, Sweethearts If joa want to enjoy the celebration get a ales cool outing suit. See our Shirt Waist Salts, $2.00 wash skirts at 1 .25 $4.00 wash skirts nt 2.25 fl.50 shirt waist suits 98c $2.50 shirt waist suits 1.19 $3.50 shirt waist suits . 1.90 15.00 shirt waist suits 3.25 $7.50 shirt wiist suits .4.95 ?1.50 wash skirts at 85c $1.75 wash skirts at 1.10 $2.25, $2.50 and $3.00 wash waists at 1.45 $1.00 and $1.25 wash waists at 69 C $1.50 and $2.00 wash waists at 98c Outing parasols, sun umbrellas the nobbi est things out, very cheap. BIG BARGAINS IN DOMESTIC AND WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT. rig eomln git. you THH COMITTT, Tha evidence was circumstantial and Reno, while admitting that he was at the place sworn to when the letter was mailed. denied having mailed It. lie is but Ml The partl. a live near the Pine PJdge agency. painful, but no serious results are antici pated. It waa a close call for the boy, nevertheless. Superfluous Hair ea faee, seek mw arms la A FOE TO BEAUTY you can instantly remove unnecessary growms or unaignuy Diotcnea of hair by a aingie application 01 Cadet Visits Old Heme. PLATTBMOUTH, Neb., June tO. (Spe cial.) Mrs. D. 8. Guild and her son, George, have returned to their home In thla city from West Point, N. T., where the latter graduated last .week from the United States military academy. George will remain at home here with hla parents until the latter part of September, when he will go to San Francisco, ,Cal., and report for duty In the Phlllpplnea. T)ja3Ilinictjit Child Waadere from Heme. EMERSON, Neb., June ). (Special) A 4-yeir-old child of Mr. and Mrs. M. Assenraacher, who live about sis miles east of here, wandered away from home vester- the only method endoaed by physicians ond day afternoon and was not found uatll &.:"VeUU.p. noon today. The who,, neighborhood and In.iantly dissolves the hair. dimvin. i,. all Emerson lolned In the hunt The ehiM grow ui. ii uuiuiei iiunpoisonoua and I was round slues; Knee-deep In the mud In entirely harinlew, and doea not Injure the I -v .k.. . . " kin or complemon. Money refunded If It I - - irora its us o uo an inni is ciaimea for It. Healed I nDI""' MKiei. wun eiHturnvfiMinia or hbvp.n drusststs, etc., free ou request "U Miracle" mailed In nlaln. aaalel wrapper on reoeipt of 11.00 by De Miracle I 1 Chemical, Ooinpuny, l ark aveuue and Uuin I W CHAEFKH'S DHl'O STORE, Falls frem Horlseatal Bar. BEATRICE. Neb.. June 30. (Special.) . hlle practicing athletics in the armory last night Warren Funck. a member of Company C, Nebraska National Guard, fell from a horlsontal bar and broke his left collar bone. Beaalagrtea Will Celebrate. BENNINGTON, Neb., June 80. (Special.) The cltlsens of Bennington are making great preparations for the celebration of the Fourth. Enough money has already been subscribed to defray the expenses. The day will be saluted at sunrise, followed by musto by the band. Judge Slabaugh of Omaha will be the orator of the day. A ball game between the Fats and Leans will be one of the main attractions, and will be held In the forenoon. In the afternoon there will be all kinds of foot racing, sack racing. Jumping and other sports. Including a ball game between the Bennington and Irvlngton nines. There will be dancing all afternoon and evening. Maay Aspire te Be Assessor. YORK, Neb., June 0.-(Speclal.)-Candl dates for the position of county assessor under the new revenue law are already in the field. Neither party haa yet called a county convention. It Is generally under stood that the county officers will ask to be renominated and up to thla time there are no other announceraenta. The candidates for county assessor are J. H. Tllden of Bradshaw, E. A. Warner of York and A. J Martin, a farmer, living southeast of York. Trala Service Resamed. BEATRICE. Neb.. June . (SpedaLV- For the first time since the flood,- which occurred more than a month ago. train service was resumed on the Union Pacific roed betvreen thla city and Manhattan. I if n., yesterday. York Wants a New Depot. YORK. Neb., June JO. (Special.) York bualnesa men are agitating the building of the Burlington depot. From time to time they thought they received aome en couragement from the Burlington officials If there Is any city in Nebraska needing a depot It Is York. The present frame struc ture is one of the oldest depots In the state and is not large enough to accommo date the business and the publlo. Ceaelders Oil Prospect Ceod. LOUISVILLE. Neb., June SO. (Special Telegram.) John Joseph of Wahoo, Neb waa In town today, and after looking over the proapecta statea that Indications for oil are excellent Mr. Joseph Is the gentle man who prospected for coal at Swedeberg last year and has Just returned from the oil fields of the east, where hla father has several ell wela, 5,000 yds Buck's Ilead sheeting, 1 yard wide, worth 8 l-3c Harney street Al p Bargain Circle, only, yd " 2w 400 yards white cambrics, Berkleys and Lons dales in this lot, 1 yard wide, 10c and Ca 12 Jc quality, Harney St. Bargain Circle. WW 50 pieces Russian Crash, very new for dresses, a good 10c one, Harney street Ca Bargain Circle, only, yd J w 100 pieces blue and red check glass toweling a good Cc grade, Harney Qf street Bargain Circle 50 pieces pretty wash goods, in lawns, dimities and challis, goods in this lot worth to l 15c yard, wash goods aisle, yard ...... ,U 100 pieces white waistings, all the pretty, light v weights, open work, fancy goods that sold to 50c a yard, some slightly soiled, It?! on big table wash goods aisle, yard . . .10 M DANISH CLOTH IN WASH COODS DEPT. 10c dozen misses', boys', and children's fast' black cotton hose, medium rib, high spliced heel and toe, double knee, worth f Df 15c pair, on sale at, pair IUI Ladies' neckwear, stocks, bows, ascot's, automo biles and scarfs, in late embroidery silk, silk mulls, picques and ducks, worth up tu QCa 50c, we put them on special sale at . .4nslJl 500 dozen fans, Japanese and Moorish makes, all sizes and colors, worth up to 25c, Ca on special sale, each Mw UNDERWEAR FOR HOT DAYS 100 dozen white sleeveless underwear, tt vests, low neck, worth up to 10c, each.. WW FOURTH SPECIALS Young America dou ble action, I QC 22cal ,0 J Young America double action, I Q0 32-cal ,30 22 blanks, Tn per 100 Job 32 blanks, 28c PP. box, per 100 . . . J J ( Show your colors on the Fourth Small hand gsPn 3c dozen to . . . J (J U Standard bunting flags beautifully fj t Q made, 5x8 ZiTO SPORTING GOOD DEPARTMENT Crockery Snaps Large size bowls and pitch ers, each 59C Common Tumblers, each q Nice Cut Glass Bowl f6.00 value 3,25 Haviland white china tea plates, each 20C Large size German China cups and saucers, eacli0c 6-piece decorated toilet sets, for ,45 Pint" Fruit Jars dozen 35c Art for the Fourth New line of picture mould ings, newest and choicest Btyles and marvelously cheap. Come and see them! Artotypes, regular $1.50 styles, for QQq Kegular $1.00 etchings .9g New and elegant line of photo frames, newest styles at broken prices. LAWN SWINGS. LAWN SWINGS. Strong, durable, smooth and entrancing line. Prices within easy reach of everybody. Hsrdwsrs and Kousefur nishings for the Fourth 2- burner blue flame coal oil stove 5i50 3- burner blue flame coal oil stove 7i00 Best double . salvage wire cloth,, per 8q. ft ic 1 qt. Arctic ice cream freezer f a 3 2 qt. Arctic ice cream freezer f, 28 3- qt. White Mountain freezer t$4 Ice pick, Ice cream dishes, Ice siiarers, etc. Fibre water cooler $1.15 Wood plates, per dozen 5c Pnper plates, per dozen 4c Luuch, baskets . , Cc Fly uo. Solo THIS THIS WEEK YJuMil A WEEK ONLY. ' COTTON CORD A HEAVY CLACK SIXTY LASH FINE BAR TEAM NET roR FLY NBTS-.AU Kinds. SlMMKIt LAI ROBES. HOn SB H ATS Krrrhln to.- Horse and Horsemen. All prices specially low for the Fourth. 83.33 1 n BULLS ARE BADLY PUNISHED Seasatloaal ureas. . of Cotten In ne Hew Yolc . ", Market. '" KEW YORK, June 30. A sensational break occurred In cotton this morning. July contracts broke 68 points and August . . ' . .. ... .... For a long time sucn a aeciine mi pmh predicted and various stories were in cir culation In explanation of the remarkable losses. These were to the effect that there were internal dissensions In the pool ranks, and another that a certain element of the New Orleans conumtm ton." . '.. After the first rusn OI liquiaauun, uuw - ...ii .nllv nn rantwud ever, there wiw !.. evidences of clique support, oui lu. ket remained very nervous. ' FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Showers Cooler Today In lovrn nd In Eastern Ne braska. , WASHINGTON, June . Forecast: Vnr Nebraska-Fair In west, showers and eooler in east portion Wednesday; Thurs day fair. For Iowa Showers and cooler Wednes day; Thursday fair In west portion; prob ably showers In east portion. For Illinois-Fair In soutn, snowers in north portion Wednesday; Thursday show ers, cooler tn central snd south portion, fresh to brisk south winds. For Mlssourt-Partly cloudy Wednesday, probably showers and cooler In northwest portion and at night or Thursday In east and south portions. For Colorado-Fair, conunuea warm Wednesday and Thursday. For Montana-Fair weanesaay ug Thursday. , For Wyoming-Fair weanesaay. In west portion; Thursday lair. For South Dakota-Fair In west, showers and cooler In central and east portlion: Thursday fair and warmer. ror Kansas Fair. conunuea Wednesday and Thursday, preceded by showers Wednesday in nortneasi poruoo. Loral Record. ..n. TOU WEATHER BUREAU. nwAHA June 10. Official record of tem rirature and precipitation compared with thl corresponding day of the last three year"5 lot. 1XVI. 1901. 1900. Maximum temperature... 87 Minimum temperature.... 77 M T! M Mean temperature T 04 M 00 Precipitation M , ' -00 Record of JV. "-L,"l" at Omaha tor ni u 19a: Normal temperature i Excess for the dy-- -;:-; " Total eiceiis since March , .........8 Normal precipitation.. 19 nch Toflrlncv for the day 19 Inch Preolp&n since March 1 1! 1.22 Inches Kncleney tor cor' peViodVl9 iV. 1 inche, tendency tor cor. period. Ism.. 4.27 Inches Reports from Slatioae at T P. M. CONriTION OF THE WEATHER. Omaha, partly cloudy Valentine, cloudy ............. North Platte, part y cloudy. Cheyenne, partly cloudy Bait Lake, clrar... Rapid City, cloudy.. Huron, partly cloudy Wllllston, clar C hicago, partly cloudy Bt. Louis, clear St. Paul, cloudy Iiavenport. clear Kansas t'lty. clear Havre, cloudy Helena, clear Bismarck, clear Galveston, cloudy a & 5 : I S ?E : i : c : 6 s . a o : I b ? ii : 2I 95 .00 7S 84 .00 Srt, M ,H) 7X h) t T 80 801 7ii 74 T 7X a? .00 K Ml t PRIZES FOR THE FIREMEN Program of Btato Tournament at Norfolk is OirenOnt. FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR CONTEST Indications for Three Days of Flue Sport for, the Volunteer Fire Fighters of the State Special Featnres tn Bvenlna;. NORFOLK, Neb., June 30. (8peclnl.) The official program of racing events for the eleventh annual tournament of the ! Nebraska State Volunteer Firemen's nsso- ! elation, to be held In Norfolk July 21. 2: ' and 23, has been given out and Is as fol- I lows: TUESDAY, JULY 21. 9:80 a. m., grand firemen's parade, prise for largest representation, nozrle worth 830; second prUe, three pairs slgnul spanners; best appearing company and ap paratus: Three moneys, $15, 810. 85. 1:30 p. m., straight away hose race, class A. 250 yards: Three moneys, 850,830. 820. Straight away hose race, class B: Three moneys, 825, 815, 810. 8tralght away hook and ladder race, class A, 260 yards: Three moneys. 850, 830, 820. Straight away hook and ladder race, class B, 250 yards: Three moneys. 826, 815, 110. Firemen's handicap foot race, 160 yards, trial heat, one heat each day: Three moneys, 830, 820, 810. Chiefs' race, 100 yards: Lantern valued at 825. Regulation hose race. 250 yards, class A: Three moneys, 860, 830, $20. The actual cash prizes for the day amount to 8510. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22. moneys, 815, 810, 85. Water fight: Two moneys. 816, $10. . 1:30 p. m., regulation hose race, clnss A, 260 yards: Three moneys, 850, 830, $20. Regulation hose race, class B, 260 yards: Three moneys, 825, 815, $10. Regulation hook and ladder race, class A, 250 yards: Three moneys. $50, $30, $20. Regulation hook and ladder race, class B, 250 yards: Three moneys, $25. $15. $10. Firemen's handicap foot race, second heat. State championship coupling contest, 30 feet: Two moneys, $15, $10. Straight away hoso rar-3. class A, 260 yards: Three moneys, $50. $30. $20. Straight away hose race, class B: Three moneys, $25. $16. $10. Actual cash prizes for the day amount to $530. THURSDAY, JULY 28. 9:30 a. m., wet hose race, state cham- fionship, 100 yards: Three moneys, $25, 15, $10. 1:30 p. m.. state championship hose race, class A, 250 yards: Three moneys, $50, $30. $20. State championship hose race, class B, 250 yards: Three moneys. $25, $15. $10. Championship hook and ladder race, class A, 260 yards: Three moneys, 800, 830, 820. PhamninnshlD hook end ladder race, class B. 250 yards: Three moneys, 826. $16, $10. Firemen's handicap foot race, finish. State championship ladder climbing con test. 30 feet: $10. ' State championship coupling contest, three feet: $26. Actual cash prises for the day amount to 8385. Grand total of cash prises for the tourna ment, $1,466. On Thursday evening will be given the grand spectacular parade of the Royal Tiger club, with Its fantastic floats. Each evening there will be a good the ater and other features, auch aa ball games, have been arranged. $1475 Ghicagd and Return $13.50 St. Louis and Return Tickets on sale June 30. and ( July 1; return limit, September .15... i ' " Flyers for Chicago leave Bur lington station at 7 a. m., 4 p. m. and 8.05 p. m.; for St. Louis rr 5. 10. p. m. J. B. REYNOLDS, ' City Passenger Agent, 1502 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA. Willi DEATH RECORD. Isaac Brsbtker. BEATRICE, Neb., June 80. (Special.) Isaac H. Brubaker, for many years a resi dent of Beatrice, died yesterday morning at o'clock, the cause of his death being heart failure. Deceased had been In falling health for some time and his prolonged Illness waa due to physical troubles con tracted In the army. He was a member of CaDtaln Bamuel Nlxdorfs Company I, 8ev Oiil 'ni ......iniii Pennsylvania Infantry. He en- 551 !! ? . listed February 22, 1865. and waa discharged 92 "no ! May 1 of tha same year. Mr. Erubaker waa 921 !0lborn In Franklin county, Pennsylvania, No- He is survived by a widow and two daugh ters. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. Collard. Cook. DETROIT. 'Mich.. June 40. (Special Tele gramsMary Collard Cook, wife of Cliff R. Cook, secretary of the Elyslan Manu facturing' company of this city, died at the pest house here today from malignant smallpox. Last Wednesday Mrs. Cook was taken from her home to the smallpox hos pital, and although every effort known to medical science was made In her behalf the disease had obtained such a hold that It could not be cured. Dr. Welch, the celebrated smallpox specialist of Phila delphia, was brought to Detroit, and even his skill was of no avail. Mrs. Cook came to Detroit from her home In Lincoln, Neb., just six years ago. - Besides her husband she leaves one child, a girl of f years of age. Mtss Orere'jear. NORFOLK. Neb., June 0. (Special.) After a lingering Illness of seventeen weeks Grace Emily Bpeer. elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Spear of this city, died at their home, 207 South Tenth street, yesterday afternoon. Typhoid fever, with complications, waa tha cause. Mr.. Samey Bailor. HASTINGS, Neb., June SO. (Special Tel egram.) Mrs. Nancy Bailor died at tha home of her daughter, Mrs. John Adams, in tnis cjiy toaay, agea w. funeral gf icri will iti nei. at iiIlvnrB o'clock tomorrow. ffi f' Da National Convention B. Y. P. U. of America Atlsnta, July 9-12, 1903 For the above convention the ' Loei. villa JL Ka.kville H.K. will sell round trip tickets at ONE FA KB FOR THE ROUND TK1K Tickets will be on sale July 7. 8, and 10, and are good returning until July 16. except that by depositing . ticket In Atlanta an extension ot return limit can be secured until August 15th. Three trains dally via the A . Ka.hTille H. R. between St. Louis anil Atlanta, with double dally . Sleeping Car service throusli to Atlanta. The route M via Nashville, the capital of, and throuKh a country mads famous by the Civil war, and giving passen- aers a view of Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain and many famous battlefields. For rates and further information ad dress C. H. FITZGERALD. Trav. Pass..Agt.. L. at N. R. R. Kansas City, Mo. or J. E. DAVENPORT, Div. Pass. Agt.. L. A N. R. R. Ht. Xoula, Uo. at t re reside Go tw t ' LONDON. June 30. X. mous bandmastei of th died today of paralysis , Godfrey, the fa- ureniidier Ouiriti Modera Brolherkoo. SIOUX FALLB. B. D.. 4 4VJ 71 .00 72! .01 7.' .0) m .20 T lndlc'e trere of precipitation. vember (, l&Vi. and was ths youngest of nine children, five of whom survive him. His mother was a member of the well known Letter family, and he waa a full cousin to the wife of Lord Curson, viceroy of India, aveatloa. ne .-(8peclal " Vnrentlon . Telegram. )-The annual cc,too1 of Xmtr camp meeting of the Brotherh tCent terri lea of South Dakota and ad. ,, bef tory In Minnesota and Iowa coiiw.aa this afternoon. The conyentloq (iii-. to order In Qermanla hall by W. El., of ,h ' xhlbl- features of the convention was tt.'rm tlon drill given by the Vermilion d thla evening. V njirSoal?siiSoarlos SOCIALISTS ire All Bpeotel DISASES OF m LOOS POISOI WEM RERVO'JS m J rinvw mn pi innca mum Treataseat mm legtetae S5.00 PER LIOtlTIl xam nations and advice ftee at oOoe or 5' 'L, Written eontraou give In all curable dtaeaaee r refund Dooey paid tot la OmlhL Tr,t,n' ' lrmn c . Uik ss4 nmmmltsi fSUJSJb 1