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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1903)
10 TTTE OMATTA DATIjT BEE: "WE DN EST) AT, JULY 1, IOCS. I JO On Sale "A Fourth of IK IKlen's Outing Suits $5 Swell Suits made for hot weather wear offered ' fWillWikr) i ill 111 worth $10 and -$12.00 at Six Wednesday Specials 75c Corset Covers and tr.. 39c 15-cent Fans plain and r?r...5c Ladies and chil dren's lisle "lace 15c Laces at 3Jc-5c Hosiery worth 18c 35 ceute-- at... ffmmmt .iL.ii LiuiniiiiL.-iiLiiujiiujoLL 11 .i.njiinMMminii iiiiw..ii.wi..v!1 Just Fifteen Days Mors On July 16th we will close our Twenty Per Cent Dlioont sale on our grips and suit cases. If get one you'll get a bargain. Repairing Done. Telephone 1058. SEWING MACHINES W sell the NEW HOME, WHITE, DOMESTIC, STANDARD, HOUSEHOLD and other first-class machines. Supplies and attachments for all machines.' P. E. FLO DAI Phone 1574. SUSPENDS REGULAR MEETINGS Exeeatlve Committee of Commercial Club Knocks OS for Snmaaor Months. The executive committee of the Commer cial club will hold no more regular meet ings until September. This action, which is usual during the summer, was decided on at yesterday's meeting of the committee. The chairman will call special meetings when matters of sufficient , Importance come up. A considerable part of the meeting yester day was given to a discussion of the West ern Classification association's meeting, which will be held July It In Charlevoix, Mich., and which It is proposed will make 3m) or 400 changes In claxslflcation. These meetings, which occur twice a year, are of the greatest Importance to shippers, as the men gathered represent all the Important western roads. The secretary of the club has sent out complete rates aa changed, so that Omaha jobbers may make representa tions to the asoclatlon. Applications for transportation for the trade excursion in .southwestern Iowa are coming In too slowly and a circular was sent out yesterday warning all who wUhed to take the trip to make their notification of such fact Immediately. At least seventy men should take the excursion and so far only forty have registered. The committee accepted three new members to the club, F. J. Haskell, Otto Wagner and P. P. Peterson. '.The Best Car tor Colds Is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Sure, pleasant, safe and guaranteed to soon cure, or no pay, . 60c, 11.00. For sale by Kuhn Co. The Wabash Railroad "In the Good Old Bummer Time" offers ' many special rates to Boston, Indianapolis, Baltimore, St. Louis. Saratoga, Detroit, Atlanta and other points. Call at city office, liiol Farnam or address HARRY E. MOORES, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. Prices from the lowest to the best. Try the new R. sV O. Net Corset. The Jk Wmi y.-vHH if e)w&VPr.CS On Sale Today July Special' If at a sensational Bar gain for one days' tremendous selling just think of $10 and $12 outing suits at $5.00. Today we offer a wonderful bargain In suits made specially for cummer wear. As a great Fourth of July special we have taken the regular $10.00 and $1X00 autumn aulta from our stock and priced them for ft great Wednesday's sale at 15.00. Their never was such a well suit offered at such a low price as $6.00. Sale begins Today at 8 o'clock. These suits are made In home spuns, light cheviots, flannels, In neat patterns, etc. Thoroughly tailored and made to keep their shape. Just the suit for Fourth of July at a popular price. Ladies' 15c sheer linou handker- - chiefs, fj0 special at Ladies' 25c Vests special QC you I20t FAR NAM AN & CO., 1514 Capitol Ave TO AVOID INVALID TAXES City Attorney Says Legal Prellmi asuries for Sidewalk Building; Most Be Observed. City Attorney Wright has Issued tnstruc iions 10 ail inose connected with the layl of sidewalks by the city that hereafter the preliminaries required by law must observed to the letter or the work punt be done. Under ths new charter such mat ters must pass through his deDartment fore the work can ba dona and taxes levied, and Attorney Wright states that where there is the slightest doubt rornrrifna- ih. proper serving of notices, or In any other particular, he will withhold his approval. He does not propose, he" says, to have a lot of Invalid taxes levied so long as care can prevent It. He will receive the eo-operation of the Hoard of Public Works In the new way of doing the work. "' 1 f You Risk Your Life If you neglect piles." They will cause fatal diseases, but Buckleo'i Arnica Salve posi tively cures or no pay. 25o. For sale by Kuhn ft Co. " Very low Special Exoursloa Rates, To Boston, Mass.,' Saratoga, Jt. Y.. and Chautauqua Lake In June and July. Lib eral terms and stopover privileges. On and after June 14 the new fast train from Chicago to Buffalo and Intermediate points, 6:15 p. m. dally. For time cards, regular and special rates, etc., send postal card to H. L. Purdyi Trav. Pass. Agent. Erie Railroad, Chicago,' 111., or D. M. Bowman, General Western Passenger Agent, Chicago. 111. The Low Rates I o Iioatoa Via ths Lake Shore ft Michigan Southern railway afford a delightful opportunity for an eastern vacation trip. Tickets on sain June 2b. 20 and V. July I, 2. 3, .4 and S Full particulars on application to M. 8 Giles, T. P. A., Chicago, or by addressing C. F. Daly, Chief A. Q. P. A.. Chicago. 260,000 brick. $4 6O45 60 per thousand, at yards. 22d and Hickory streets. Wlthnell Bros. & Smith Co. SUMMER SHIRT WAISTS Pretty Styles-- In All the Latest Novelties White, with black embroidery and stltchlngs. All white, handsomely trimmed with lace, embroidery or drawn work, from the sheerest Mull to ss heavy as you lsh. White Wash India Silk, handiioraely trim med with embrolcV'ry, lace insertions and new briar' stitch. All waists with the new Dip Sleeve. Same In Black India Bilk. only Dip Hip Net Corset made. HELIABI.K STORK, OMAHA'S GREATEST DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT Wednesday in the Domestic Koom will be the greatest day of bargains eyer given in Omaha. ing Persian Lawn, etc. Everything will be almost cut in two. HEAD EVERY ITEM IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT AND THEN COMPARE PRICES. EVERYTHING EXACTLY AS ADVERTISED. 60C LINEN BATISTE AND WASH GOODS, 18C. Linen Batiste, silk embroidered stripes and figures, Linen Colored Swisses, Mercer ized Ginghams, Swiss Organdies, Scotch Wove Madrases and 100 other fabrics too numerous to mention, up to 60o per yard; closing prices win te oniy, a yard I5c 25C COLORED WASH OOODS, 7HC. Plain colored Shot Bilks, Printed Lawns and Batistes, Irish and French DlmltleM Persian Stripes, Brandenburg Stripes and Dots and all up to 3no yard Tlj on this sale will go at I 3 C 25C WASH OOODS FOR 6C PER YARD. All the above Wash Ooods, only In shorter lengths, worth up to 26o per yard several pieces to match and a large assortment of full piece goods, worth up to 16c per yam, Including 36-Inch Percales, 27-lnch Sateens, etc, all on this sale will go at, a yard 06 18 TARDS FOR $1.00. 8V4e soft finish Bleached Muslin, yard wide. ior one aay, i yarus f fJQ IOC CAMBRIC. 7HC. 10c quality soft finish Cambric, for one day, at, yard I 'to HAYDEK'S GROCERY DEPARTMENT All brands of Laundry Boap, 25c ...5c ...5c ...5c ...5c 24c per bar. or IV Dars tor.. Soda Crackers Per pound .........-. Milk Crackers Per pound .. Oyster Crackers Per pound Ginger Snaps .... Ml,, Per pound Cornmeal lie Per pound Visit our Grocery Department and get a free sample of ice cold Phosphate. Hayden's Store will be open Friday evening until 10 o'clock. Will be closed the Fourth of July all day. IKSAYDEIU BROS. I i Cmnl nmotia Finest t 3 So Clgar-lhe j ti rllllVvl X Park A Telford- . I II I IV "SJ Ml Favorita 15 sizes. II U N m0r 8. Rodrlgues Charles III V V the Great 12 sixes. I J I Enuello Lopes Lord Temple 10 size. ' i ' If Vjf T1' IB10 a bom We deliver. Pv W. F. Stoecker Cigar Company jy " - "'" 1 111 -tf&tel-J Drugs and lath irushe CUT PRICES. You cannot duplicate our prices on drugs, patent medicines or toilet accessories. Write for our catalogue, which tells you all about ii. . E6c Allen's Foot Ease 20c 26o Hire's Root Beer 15c 100 2-grain Quinine Pills (pure) 25c $1.00 Crystal Tonic (of course) 80c Always ask us for the new things. Baker's Barley Malt Whiskey, the purest aad best malt whiskey made, we sell TBe $1.00 Jackson's Bed Bug Powder, kills them all the first thing, we sell 40c and J 25o Allcock's Plasters, we sell.... Ho $1 Ayer's Hair Vigor, we sell 800 25c Bromo Seltzer, we sell 20c 6e Colgate's Pansy Blossom Ei tract, we sell, ounce 2Bc 50c sucletle Hlenlo Soap, we sell 2.1c Brandrelh's Pills, oar price, 25c Pccchfttn's Pills, we sell 25n Cascarets for 20e We 20o 20C 15c 25c Carter's Pills, we sell 1 nn nil (I Mixed Bird Seed for . , . . . ,4c 35c Castoria, we sell 28o 60c Cuticura Salve, we sell ..4c $1.50 Fellow's Syrup, we sell $1.15 Small Garfield Tea, our price 10c J Hp Rose Soap Jc $100 Peptlo Mangran Gude, we sell ....Rsc at Hostetter'H Bitters, our price.. 7Hr 60c Horllck s Malted Milk, small 40c ai.oo Kirk's warranted Dandruff Cnre TBo Sherman & IMonnell Wholesale and Right on Corner 16th and Excursions to Iloitou. June 26 to 27. Inclusive; also July 1 to B. In clusive, via Nickel Plate road. Especially low rates. Liberal return limits. Particu lars at city ticket office. 111 Adams street, and Vnlon ticket office. Auditorium Annex, Chicago. Lldderdale and Lanesboro are bright, new towns on the Chicago Great Western rail way. For particulars write Edwin B. Ma glll, manager, Townsits department. Fort Dodge, la. Foi Sale Due b!! en one of the best New York City hotels at a good discount. Ad dress E 64. care Omaha Bee. P1KU. SHORRACK Mrs. Mary M.. Monday morn ing, Jane 29. at ths residence of her sister, Mrs. John Wearne, 27"o South Nineteenth. Funeral Wednesday at 2 p. m. Interment Prospect Hill. Friends Invited. CHAPMAN Cyrus D.. June 2, aged 60 yeurs. Funeral from residence, 6015 California street, at 7:10 p. m. Tuesday evening. In terment, Central City, Neb., at noon Wednesday. BCHORJC. GEORGE N-. at 7 o'clock p. m. Monday, June IS, aged 78 years, with paralysis of the heart. Resided in Omaha seventeen years; leaves a wife, five sons and three daughters. Funeral from residence, 2418 South Fifth St.. 1 o'clock D. m. toiav. Interment Laurel Hill cemetery. St. Paul, Minneapolis and wlnoua, Winn., papers please copy. 0 iaiVS hi HEI.IABLK STORK. Wash White Oxfords, Waist- 10C ENGLISH LONG CLOTH, 6iC. 10c quality English Long Cloth, yard wide, yarrdone..da.r:.. 62c KJ READY TO USE SHEETS. S9C. 90c Bleached Sheets, linen finish; else, 2H long, 2V wide; for one day 39C 25C WHITE GOODS. IOC. One big square 40-Inch India Linen, Batiste, Lawns. Meroprlsed Stripes, Out Swisses and Stripe Mulls; not a yard worth las than Znc, in long mill enas, at, yard 80C TABLE LINEN, 69C. 80c quality full Bleached Irish Damask, guaranteed all pure linen, 72 inches wide, at, yard.... 60C TABLE LINEN, 25C. 60c quality extra heavy Cream Damask, ft) inches wide, at, yard 10c Table 59c Sootoh 25c SILK SAMPLE WAISTS worth up to $7.00, only WASH WAISTS worth up to $2.00, only S2.50 89c OLD GLORY American Flags, all sixes, from 2e, Be, luc up to $10.00. SPECIAL SALE HAMMOCKS AND CKOyUET SliTS The lurgest assortment In the west, from S7o upward. Large Juicy Lemons Each Fancy Sweet Oranges Per doren Virginia Peanuts Per measure Pure Fruit Jelly Per glass Fancy Assorted Pickles Per botUe Ic 15c 3c .5c 8 c Fresh Roamed Coffee Special Sale. M4 ft Kilmer's Swamp-Root, oar price TOo BOo Kilmer's Sn-amp-Root, oar price 3o ft Llsteriae , T4o 2Re I.Utertne (small) for lOo $1.00 Masrnet Pile Cure (warranted) S0c 2So Mistletoe Cream for 10c $1 Mother's Friend, we sell Hue 25e Mennen's Talcam Powder, oar price Ho l McElree's Mine of Tardal for. .74e 76a Merchant's Garg. Oil, our price.... 19c 5c Omega Oil, we sell 40o $1 Newbro's Herplcliie, our price 71tc 25c Orangelne, our price 19c 25c Putzlne, cleans wall paper, package l-c $1 Plnkham's Compound, we sell 69c 25c Packer's Tar Soap, we sell lnc $1 Peruna, we sell 6Sc 25c Pierce's Pills, we sell '.lie 60c Pond's Extract, we sell 40c Pyramid Itle Cure, we sell c $1 Scott's Emulsion, we sell 80c 60c Syrap of Plus, oar price 39c 1 Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets for 30o fl.TS S. S. S., oar price 1.14 $1.60 Vin Marlanl, our price $1 00 r.Oc William's IMnk Pills Mile $1 Warner's Safe Cure, our price 80c Itftc bos CI cakes) Ileusoln and Buttermilk Soap for 12c Bath Brushes. We are showing a large assortment (about 25 stylca) of bath brushes, prices from 36c to $1.25. We buy these brushes direct from manu facturers and have both quality and price. Retail Druggists, Dodge, Omaha, Nebraska. 'he fit, elegance and dura bility of the shoes are a source of satisfac tion when to say nothing: about economy. ALWAYS S2!0 and $3' Regent R 205 So. 15th St. - Drug Go SCULLER MUELLER. 1313 FARNAM STREET. TT.VERYONE in quest of piano chould make Schmoller & Muel ler's waroroonu a visit of In spoc tlon this woek without fall. UNPRECEDENTED VALUES ARE to be bad In a wide variety of instruments. 15 new up rights In fancy woods of a make Justly celebrated for its fine tone qualities and great durability will be closed out this week to first comers at 1143, $165 and tl92. They are sold all through the west by other dealers at $300 and up. In used and shopworn pianos there's not so many today as yes terday, still the choice is good. There are many remarkable bar gains. $200 Gilbert, walnut $Q0 1225 Arton, oak for ..$128 $275 Standard, walnut for $162 $.175 Hallet & Davis, rosewood $350 Ivers A Pond, walnut $550 Hsrdman, rosewood for $295 Fully Warranted. On Very Eay Payments Call or Write at Once. TELEPHONES: Council Bluffi JtS miha IMS IOWA BRANCH: $02 Broadway, Council Bluffs. GUN METAL FOR GENTLEMEN 4.00 TO eio.oo. GUN METAL FOR LADIES ao.oo TO flOXH). GUN METAL FOR GIRLS A BOTS S.OO TO 10.00. Every watch warranted to give sat isfaction and good timekeepers. Brown 6c Borsheim, JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKERS, 222 & 16th St. Which? "Weeping" or sunshine. We are ready to help you out in cither case. " MacCarthy " Rain Coats, cut with . the, cnre and "dash" that charac terizes everything having the "MacCarthy" label, cut from genuine Priestley Crnvenettes $3S to $60. "MacCarthy" eoothlng Summer Suits ot hand spun Homespuns, (see 'em in the window), wafty Worsteds, soothing Serges or Alpacas $23 to $45, - MacCarthy Tailoring Company, now at J04-J0 S. 16th St Next Door to Wabash Ticket Office. Phone 1808. WHIT WOULDYOU THINK If we should CLAIM In our ads that PE RUNA MU6T UK SOLD FOR tl.OO. and If ANY ONE should offer It for less than $1.00 the r-KRUNA WOULD HE SPURIOUS? Why the Hist think you'd think would be that we had JOINED THE COMBINES AT LAST, and were trying to get full prices for patents, etc., and at the same time PRE TKNIHNG TO BE CUT PRICK DRUGGISTS. Now Just thin kind of a game Is being Rlayed In Omaha at present, using Dr. lies' goods as the club hand and the DEAR PEOPLE are told that unless they pay $1.00 for Miles' goods, they can't get the genuine. WE PERSONALLY 1NV1TK DR. MILES', his a sent, the Nebraska Pharmaceutical aHSOclatlon, the N. A. R. D. The Omaha Drug Combine, Charley or the whole bunch together, to call at our store and examine our stock of DR. MILES' goods and receive flUO.OO In gold for every package of SPURIOUS goods found among our entire stock Miles' goods and all. OUR STORK NEVER CLOSES. SGIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE Two 'rhaaes T4T aa TOT. 10th mmd Chicago Streets. Osaaktaw ; full Sd oi m $3,00 Gold Crowns from $2.85 FREE In order every man, Work dene I Thi Offtr free, ftmall Good Until SSKT II JulylO. to Increase our clinic, ws want woman and child to have their teeth examined by the Pro fessors. Work guaranteed 10 .tars. Incorporatea under tats Law. Filling trass 25c Tseta Extracted FREE Alusalnusi Pistes (real 19. Bridge work Irooa 3.11 UNION DENTAL COLLEGE OP PAJ1NLESS DENTISTRY. liil Desflas. Saai MM t. ioasat t Is 4. vggr WATCHES Closed July 4th. In order to give our employes an op portunity to spend the fourth properly, this store will be closed all day July 4th. We will remain open Friday evening, July 3rd until 10 p. m. same as regular Saturdays, and kindly request our custom ers to make their purchases up to that time. Hot Weather Fvirnishirvgs for Merv B M M tVT 9 r - W W - - ar-w av m- w m w m m m mm-- U STRAW HATS. You are no doubt planning for a pleasant day's outing on tte glorious Fourth. You'll need a belt, a straw hat, a negligee shirt, to enjoy absolute comfort in. These hot weather necessities will be sold here all this week at very special Drices: MEN'S HIGH GRADE BELTS MEN'S BELTS WORTH 23c and 33c ON SALE....150 MEN'S BELTS WOKTII 35c and 50c ON SALE....250 MEN'S BELTS WOKTII 73c and $1 ON SALE....450 MEN'S BELTS WORTH fl and $1.25 ON SALE....75C MEN'S FINE NEGLIGEE SHIRTS These two lots go on sale: Fine Madras, worth 75c '. ,.45o High grade, generous cut, worth f 1.25 .75c MEN'S STRAW HATS MEN'S FINE STRAW HATS, Wrorth $1.25... ..75c - MEN'S FINE STRAW HATS, Worth $2.00 $1.25 . MEN'S FINE STRAW HATS, Worth $3.00 2.00 If you want a Fanama hat' we have the finest quality at these prices $4.50, $5.50, $6.50. lllJr dottle -Tdeer ilri Li-rCt1 ' Pnra and snarkllDv rich and InrtKoraMnsr axtrsmelr pals- iSS atij&yZi table oleatlfically brewed carefully battled--always toe asms ytJJtfj iS ' Dllver4 to say part st Onaks, Cesnetl BlnBs sr Bouts Osaka. Mlfr4 to aay part at Onaka, Cesnetl BlnBs sr South Onuka. Ordsr a ease from JETTER BREWING CO. OMAHA Teteskest 141 MUTI tsUIA Tdeakes I Or- LEE MICHEL!., wasteus) staler. C0UICO. tUIFPS Tekskese t Ordsr a ease from JETTER BREWING CO. fC3 From the Kansas City Flood Harness and Saddles at Dig Reduction. $30 single bugrr harness, full Karl saddle, best rubber trimmed, U7.00. M Harness, aia. fis Harness, Good slngle"sxpress harness. $1160 $2.26 riding bridles, U tt. T5o whips, lio Large oan harness soap, 36c; small can harness soap, 10c; harness dressing, 20o: axle olL 20o; carriage axle greese, 10c; Metal polish, 10c and aoc Fly nets, lap robes, suit cases and valises at low prices. Tel. KU. 1210 Farnam -stjgfi Ms IS3 FACTS ARE THE We do not claim that we sell Omaha " It would leave very nine ror me many otner Dreweries doing business here. But we merely give you the daily average output of our "Rlua Ribbon" bottled beer for the month of June: a4,tMMI Bottles, snd sales steadily Increasing. This shows plainly what people think of Blue Rltinon jieer. lurj biih rellent family beverage Bottled at brewery only STORZ BREWING COUNCIL BLl'FFS OFFICK 032 West Broad vrayv W. A. WELLS, Atjent. Didn't Get Your Clothes when they were promised, ehT That Is the wsy It goes some places, but not at The Pantorlum we make It u rule to get things out promptly and when promised. We give yuu first class work at pepular prices and guarantee it in every respect. Try us. THE PANTORIUH OMAHA. 407 So IStb St Tel. 0C3 RCHA iional Bank of Omaha, Pi4 aa nslKl eM).ua SaivlM ! l"U.'h VNITRD HTATB8 VBiITUHY. Pml I, prtM H It mrt. Tin, M4m All Day IB - i r- t BEST PROOFl "one-half of all the beer sold In cima ui. iwu quaiuies oi mil Prompt delivery. CO., Telephons) 1260. This Atomizer 25c ( BY MAIL 35c ) It works per fectly Fine water oil at omiser for 6to. By malL 76J. Write for catalogue of drugs, . pat ient medi cines and rubber goods of all kinds. Sherman &McConnell Drag Co. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, uiuana, reo. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Popular aad Timely Articles. i'. Ill llllaU f I