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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1903)
TJTE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1003. COMMERCIAL ASD FINANCIAL Good Demand Sends Up Prices oa tie Board of Trade. GRAINS AND PROVISIONS IMPROVE Decrease la the Visible Starts the Final Rally, Althoah' Other . Factors Also Coatrlbot to the Strena-tb. CHICAGO. Juno 29. After a weak open ing prices in both the grain ana provmlon pita showed a marked Improvement on a good demand and September wheat closed unchanged, September corn c higher and oata up ic, while provision were from IVtc to ftic higher. Weakness characterUed the early trad ing in whrnt. due to reports of general rnins In the northwest, lower cables, large world's shipments and a bearlan Canadian crop report. September opened Vtfc " Vgc lower at uc to 77",c. with july oft He to lfec at "(to to 8O0. Many of the longs had wheat for sale and the early selling pressure was very urgent and a good deal of long stuff waa sold out. Outside mar kets were considerably lower, which con tributed to the depression. Heptemuer de clined to 77c, with only a small demand. A decrease of over l,0vu,000 bushels In the visible supply brought out a better ue mand toward the noon hour and prices started In an upward, direction. Septem ber waa especially in good demand and sold up to 'iSiic, while July rallied to sue. liuylng by the northwest, with denials that the ralna in that aectlon were of little consequence, wss largely responsible for the late firmness. September closed un changed at 78VMJ78V-. but July was lc lower at 79Tc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 12,900 bushels. The amount on passage decreased 9r,0uu bush els. Primary receipts were 495,100 buohels, against 635,000 bushels a year ago. Minne apolis and Duluth reported receipts of 819 cars, which with local receipts of 24 cars, 1 of contract grade, made total receipts for the three points of 343 cars, against &J0 cars last week and 624 cara a year ago. Conditions favored the bears In the corn pit and opening prices were weak In sym- atny witn ine weaaness in wunnt mm on ha liberal receipts and extremely favorable weather. The aelllna waa oulte generally early In the day, but later, with the changa In sentiment In wheat, a good demand de veloped and the market became strong. Covering by shorts and buying by bulls on the small estimated receipts for tomorrow helped in the upturn. There was no spe cial feature in trading. The close was strong, with September e higher at 50ie, after selling between 49Sc and B0Tc. July was up c at 60ttc Local receipts were 9J1 cars, with 92 of contract grade. The feature of the trading In oats was the decline In the July delivery and the apparent abandonment of the deal which had been in progress for some time. The weakness In other grains, the apathetic state of the cash tnsrket and increased local stocks were against the bulls. July sold between 89c and 39c, closing at 39V4c, a loss of iv,c. Local receipts were 329 cars. Provisions were weak early, in sympathy with grains and on liberal receipts with lower prices at the yards. Brokers were active buyers at the decline and a rapid advance followed. The close was at the top, with September pork up 60c at 116. September lard was 17c higher at 38 63 and ribs were up 174e ,t $8.80. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 40 cars; corn, (70 cars; oats, 305 cars; hogs, JS.OOO head. The leading future ranged as follows: r Articles. Open. HIgh. Low. Close. Sat'y. Wheat I I a July soVW, 804 79H 80H 81H bJuly Wi',9 80V, 79 79" 80 a Sept. 77N,774 78 78H imlW bBept. 7777 78Vi 77 78HSKj783 Corn I June ! 60V,1 49 July 494cTH Vt 49 60 4!i Sept. 4V87 60 4W 60 60 Dec. ' 4Sfafe 49 48 49 48 Oats I I July 3939 S9 39 391 404 Sept. I!38 34 83 84 83 Dec. 33tt 34 83 84V.l33Va.34 Pork- I I July I 16 0:i IS 80 15 02 15 80 1 15 17 Sept. 16 25 16 00 I 15 25 1 00 15 40 July" t 07 27 S 07 8 25 1 8 12 Sept. S 15 846 825 8 46 J 8 27 Ribs I July 8 0 8 75 8 60 8 7618 62 Sept. 866 880 860 8 80 8 62 No. 1 a Old. b New. Cash ouotations were on follows: TTT.rrJBtv WHEAT No. 2 spring. 7780c; No. 8, 75 80c: No. 2 red. 79'riSOV4c. CORN-No. t 50c; No. 3 yellow, 483 48MrC. OATS-No. J, 939c; No. S white, 88'3 89, C. RYE No. 2. 62c. BARLEY Good feeding, 431f46c; fair to Choice malting. 49io2c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 11.01; No. 1 north western. 11.04: prime timothy, $3.85; clover, contract rrnd. $11. 5011.76. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per phi., $15.80 W15.90; lard per inn ins.. .x.aKyx.a.; snort rlhs sides, floose). 3V 078. 75: dry salted shoulders (boxedl. $8.0Vti8.12; short clear sides (boxed). .. VMJ.w. Following are the receipts and shipments of flour and grain naiurciay: Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bbla Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye, bu Barley, bu. 12,I0 13.200 . 25,100 114.300 .6SO.1O0 4O3.100 .n. i9s,ino . 10,000 21,000 . 65,300 On the Produce exchange today the butter market was easy; creameries, luft-Mc; dairies, lM?l8c. Eggs, firm at mark, cases Included, 12!gl4c. NEW YORK GRXBHAI, MARKET. (taotatloas of tbe liar on Various Coramodltlea. NEW YORK, June 29 FLOUR Receipts, 28.634 bbls. ; exports, 7.847 bbls.; market was quieter, but held at old figures. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, $3.003.35. CORNMEAL Steady ; yellow western, $1.14; city, $1.12; Brandywlne. 33.1233.20, kiln dried. RYE Firm; No. t western, 62c, f. o. b., afloat; stnte. 6859c, f. o. b . afloat. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 62c, c. 1. f.. New York; malting, 51&57c. WHEAT Receipts 112,175 bu.; exports, 112.036 bu.; sales. 2.240.000 bu. futures. Spot, steady: No. $ red, 86c, nominal, elevator, and 80c, nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 93c. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 93c, f. o. b.. afloat. More rain in the northwest prompted another bear attack on wheat today, forcing a sharp early decline, from which prices later rallied on claims that the rains had been Insufficient. Cables were lower on weekly stutlatks being generally bearish. The close nevertheless was rather firm at l'alo net advance. Bales Included: No. 2 July. 85i!,'Ac. closed at 86ic: September, M(82 il-lfic, closed at 82c; December, 81 (iS2c. closed at 82?nc CORN Receipts. 231,000 bu.; exports. 97.640 bu.; sales, xs.uou ou. rutures ana tni. spot; No. X 68c. elevator, and 68c. f. o. b., afloat: No. 2 yellow. 6kc: No. I white. 68c. Options weakened In the forenoon on favor able crop news, tut reeoverea arter mid dav on forecast of showers and active de msnds from shorts, closing partly frc net higher. July, 574&&Kc. closed at 67c; Sep tember, M'(?57c, closed at 67 $-16c; De cember. 664ifc, closed at tto. OATS Receipts, l4.6oO bu.; exports, 110 bu. Spot, Arm; No. I, 43c; standard white, 47Uc: No. $. 43V.C; No. $ white, 47c; No. I white, 47c; track white western and track white state, 43ifi48c. Options were fairly active and irreaular with other markets. HAY Steady; shipping, Suttfttc; good to enmce. ii.avi.u HOPS Dull: stats, common to choice, 174i c; 19ul. 14fl7c; olds, MfiSc; Pacific coast, 1902, UVaac; 19ul, Hyl7c; olds, i a sc. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs. IV; California. 21 to 26 lbs., tic; Texas, dry, 14 to M lb,.. 14c. LEATHER Steady; hemlock sols, Ruenos Ayres, light to heavy weights, acid. 24 26We. RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, 4 417c: Jsnan. nominal. PROVISIONS Beef, easy: family. $1000 till 00; mess. fx nows in; neer nama. i w 20 00; packers . its tUNrnu.uo; city extra man mess. $15 tky IT 00. Cut meats, steady: pick led bellies. $9 2fjri0.75; plcklel shoulders, 37 6o800: Pickled hams, ill 76.nl2.0O. Lard dull; western steamed. $8.60: June closed al M 60, nominal: renneo, steadv; continent SK titi : fiocih America. $9 80. Pork, easier family. IK oonift.iO; short clear, $16. 7&0 18.00 mesa, $l7.iwr?( oo. TALLOW-Dull; city. 4Q6c; country. 5V.e. Bl'TTER Receipts, 10.937 pkgs.; extra uneAttled; state dairy, 1692oo; creamery, BOOB Receipts. 10.875 pkgs.: steady: ex tras. ltVc; western seconds to firsts. 15W.'e, 81 OAK Raw, steady; fair rennlng. SHc centrifugal, 96 test. St-16c: molaiHea sugar, l'c; renned. steady; crushed, t.46c; pow dered. 4 9Gc: granulated, 4 86a. POULTRY Week: western spring. l?c fowls. l."o: turkeys, llih Uc; dressed. Arm west era broilers, 8t'022c; fowls, 13c; turkeys, 1JI le. w RTALB There waa a decline of 1 I the prhe of Spot tin In London, where It cioe4 at tU7, wall future there lost 10a, closing at 124. Locally tin was quiet, with spot quoted at Copper in Irfindon wss higher, spot advancing i.s to 57 std. while futures were 7s 6d higher at 67 6s. In New York copper remnlns dull and nominal; lake and electrolytic. $14 E0; casting, $14. Lend, unchanged In Irfindon at 11 los and In New York at $412. Spelter advanced 2a 6d In Iondon to 20 2s6i, but remained unchanged and nominal here st $5 1 ?'d 25. Iron closed at 62s tid In Olssgow and at 4fia 10H-d In .Mldrllesliorough. Lfcslly Iron wss quiet and more or less nominal; No. 1 joundry northern, $19. 20.00; No. 2 foundry northern, $l.fintj 19 .00; No. 1 foundry south ern soft, $l.ooi 19.60. Warrants nominal. OMAHA W HOLKSALH MARKET. Condition of Trade and (tnotatloaa oa Staple and Fancy Produce. Enr.S Fresh stork, loss off, 13'6'12c. LIVE I'Ol'LTR Y Hens, 7fiRc; spring chickens, per lb., l.V'ulTc; roosters, accord ing to ng", Vn'yc; turkeys, Utfltic; ducks, 6J 7c; peepe, 670. Bl'TTER-Pncklng stock, 145l5c; choice dairy. In tubs, 15filic; separator, 21j22c. irpt.-sif I.'isr Fresh cauaht trout. 94c: pickerel, 8c; pike. 9c; perch. He; buffalo, ic; blueflsh. 11c; whllell'h, 9c; salmon, 16c; had dock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, 10c; lob sters, boiled, per lb., 25c; lobsters, green, per lb., 23c; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14c; black basa, 17iU20e; halibut, loc; snan roe. c per pair, roe shad, $1 each; crapple, vc; ner rlng 0c; perch, 6c; white baaa, 10c; blueflna, 8c. BRAN--Per ton, $1S. HAYl'rirr nuoted bv Omaha Wholessle Dealers' nasoclntloh: t;holce No. 1 upland, $10; No. 2. $9.60; medium, $9; conrse. $8.50. Rve straw, $7 inese prices are iair nay oi good color nnd quality. Demand fair and receipts light. COlt.N 4oC. OATS 40c. RVE No. 2, 50c. VEGETABLES. OLD rOTATOES-Northern stock, per b.. $1. ... NEW potatoes southern, per id., zc. PARSLEY Per dox. bunches, 30e. PARSNIPS Per bu., 40c. CUCl.'MBERS-Fer dox., 50c; home grown. 35c. . BEANS Home grown, wax. per DU. dox. $1.50, string, per bu. box. $1.60. CAULlr L,UWliK Home grown, pev uu.. 50c. . CABBAGE New California, per ID., 2c. TOMATOES Mississippi, per 4-basket crate, $1.00. KHUHAHB- Fer ID., 1C. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.60. ONIONS New California dry, per lb., 2c; Texas, per lb., 2c. CELElli Micnigan, per aoa., too. FRl'ITS. STRAWBERRIES Colorado, $3.00. BLACK RASPBERRIES Per 24-plnt ense, $3. .... RED KABI'DEKKItB-ier iH-pmi um, HW. KBhiKKieJM i'er Zl-quan cane, APRICOTS California, per box, $1.40. PEACHES California, per box, $125. PLUMS California, Clyman, per box, 140. ... . M CHEKKIEB cailiornia, wntte ana piaci, nee 1 ifc-llt hnf 11. UAM ALUL rii r lonaa, per crate, a.owa1 4.00. APPLES New stock, bu., 750. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 76o; Turkish, per 18-lb. box, 18c, ORANGES California navels, fancy, for 176 and smaller sizes, $4; for 150 and larger sizes, $3.25; Mediterranean, all sixes, H.oo'jJ 8.25; Jaffa, $3.253.50; fancy blood, per half box. t'i. LEMONS California lancy, an sixes. $4.50t)4 75; Mcsslnas, $4. DATES Persian, in 7U-ID. Doxes, per id., (c; per case of 30-10. pKgs., J.a. PiNiiAj:"PL.i!j r loriua, -. u; tuDin, - ou, ' MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE 8LOAK Ohio, per lb., 10c. POPCORN Per lb.. 2c: shelled. 4c HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. green, 5t4o: No. 1 sa'.ted. 8c: No. I salted. 7c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 6c; No. i veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry salted nicies, (yi2c; sheep pelts, 25tti6c; horsehides, $1.50&i5o. NliTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb.,; rso. 1 nam sneu, per 10., uc; Brazils, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell. per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per dox., 61c; chestnut, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuU, per bu., $1.60. fit. Louts Grain and Provisions, ST. LOUIS. June 29. WHEAT Firm: No, naan olava t-j-t K3f nnmlnal ' fMli V 834i83c; July, 83c; September, 7979c; No. 2 hard, 79.'(jSlc. CORN I.ower; No. 2 caah, 50c; track, 60c; July, 60c; September, 6050c. OATS Lower; No 2 cash, nominal: track, Sfcff40c; July, 371c; September, 33c; No. 2 unite, 4tc. RYE Lower. 61c FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $3.85 4.00; extra fancy and straights, j.oo(0.o; clear, i.tyi&i:ia. SEED Timothv, steady at $2.002.50. CORNMEAL Steady at ft 80. BRAN Uulet: sacked, east track. 7882c HAY Steady; timothy, 811.UO017.OO; prai rie, . owe 1100. IRON COTTON TIES $1.05. B AGG 1 N U-b c. HEMP TWINE 6c. PROVISIONS Pork, stronger: Jobbing, standard mess, $16.2l. Lard, higher at $7.2o Bacon, strong; Doxed extra shorts, W.Si clear ribs. $9.o0: short clear. $9.75. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 9c; spring, 13c; turkevs, c; geese, 3j4c; ducks, 7c. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 17(&22o; dairy 15jliC EGGS Steady. 14c. METALS Lead, steady. $4.02. Spelter, quiet, $o.5. xiouuilJis.amoinrni Flour, bbls 8,000 7.000 Wheat, bu 78.000 7.000 Corn, bu 150,000 22,000 Oats, bu 150,000 22,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. June 29. WHEAT July, 70a70c; September, 6Bc; cosh. No. 2 hard, 76c; No. 3, 7zc; ino. t reo, inc; xxo, 3, 72(& 75c; receipts, 17 cars. CORN July, 48c; September, 4645?4c; cah, No. 2 mixed. 62.52c; .Vo. 2 white, 53H454c; No. 3, 5;(53c. UATK-NO. i wnue, 4C. RYE No. 2. 60c. HAY Choice timothy. $1!; choice prairie. $7.50-0 11.00. butter creamery, j.(jic; rancy aairy. EGGS Firm: Mlsaourl and Kansas stock. coeeg returned, llc; No. 2 whltewood case Included, 12c. i Prices1 at the close were firm and trading quiet. PARIS, June 23. Prices on the bourse to day were nrm throughout, showing an im provement 111 rentes consequent upon r'ormer Premier Waldeck-Rousseau's speech In tne senate on Saturday. Indus- rials were nrm ana nun a tendency to im prove. (The private rate of dlxcount was il-t-lo per cent. Three per cent rentes, V6t 90c lor the account. BERLIN, June 9. Exchange on Lonaon, 20 murks 40 pfgs for checas. Dlxcount rates, short bills for settlement, 6 per ent; three months, 3 per cent. Btocas on he bourse today were lirm. An advance n Iron and coal shares was caused by buy ng orders from the Rhine and Westpha- llan manufacturing centers. London Stork Market. 11NDON, June 29 Closing quotations:- Conintn. moner fl't New torx Cnrl . . do irrount It 1-14 Nnrfnlk Waiin.. H NEW tORK STOCKS AMI DOSDS. Bin Pennsylvania ft uli,-rlt Ion vtlth No Disturbance In Market. NEW YORK. June 29 Today s stock market showed more animation on a strongly rising scale than hae been seen for many weens. Business lor tne nrst two hours was considerably In excess of the average for the dally trading of last week. The market closed very active and strong. with the top level of the day wen main tained. Net aalns of 1(0 2 were general among the leauers and active stocks. Bead ing was easily the leader of the day and Its anvame of 2 on the purchase of enormous blocks on a constantly rising 1 no Pennsylvania gri up of coalers was conspic uous throughout ana f ennsyivania iihuu lirimn thrmikh the odoos tion. wlilcn neia it for a time at 126 ana rose to the best In the late dealings, ine grain carriers were ialB to respond, but they came forward vigor ously in the final dealings, witn the Pacnios lcaaing. Liuon racinc ana oouinern i-a-cltic rose more than 2 over Saturday. The buying of Reading was conceniratea hiiu the nersnnailtv of the brokers employed gave rise to new surmises as to possible new adjustment or relations anu cunirui m th of the trunk lines and coalers, as an outgrowth of the final lodgement of the new Pennsylvania stoca. ine uniun ui that stock was an assuring factor upon sentiment. The apprehension that the price would give wav wnh the completion 01 the stock subscription, the motive for support bv the underwriting syndicate having passed, was seen to be witnoul ground. The brilliant success of the subscription was a stimulating Influence upon the whole mar ket. The otllclal announcement umi mo total Issue will be subscribed lor by stock holders and that 90 per cent of the sub scriptions were paid In full Indicates a money requirement of upward of $x5,oo0,000. That tnis requirement cuuiu ucr.. .i.c with practically no disturbance in tne money market has greatly strengthened contlaence, and tne more so now that it Is understood that the subscription payments have not yet been disbursed for payment of the Pennsylvania's $40,0uo.0o0 notes of last January, though it is -noted that this loan would he naia at its maturity in mc .r third weeks of Julv. The Pennsylvania subscriptions neem to have operated for Kfi. r the New York money market by the diversion of the payments to this center irom rniiaueipmfi uu ,y,,. ...I. ,niriera Tim nhllltv of the money market to carry through this operation has detracted from the fears of a money squeeze In meeting July 1 requirements, wi n however, are unprecented In amount, il is ....imoi ht the total interest and divi dend disbursements for July will amount to $13ti,800,0U0. Call money ruiea at inn., . . . -, - market was iirmer. Discounts rose in i-aris nnd uriin end the price of money in j-.on don was higher, but sterling nere was easier. The condition of the national banks throughout the country on june . percentage of legal reserve deposits of 22.8 per cent, compared with 21.68 on April . 9 and J.., n .lniv ni last vear. 1 he in crease In loans and discounts since June lb of last year has been $194,186,119. This does not constitute a favorable showing on Its face as to the ability of the banks to meet the coming demands to move the crops, but this showing was lost sight of today in face of tne more imnieumuj o.iuv.v.,.. n uoniiinir was connected with rumors of a coming Increase In the dividend disbursements on the siocks 01 tne -".- Tha rannPIl lit rH 1 1 1 B 111 HID lJl ill" and the reaction resulting in the ' 1 l kinsa iinrka. The weekly railroad trafllc statistics show the general merchandise movement wen .1- n no nt the arsument that agricultural communities would not keep up their demana tor mciwu. . , i were really in danger. Speculative senti ment among professional traders became very buinsn as a,.. steel 1m were dropped down near 82 by peralstent selling. The bond mar ket otherwise was nrm. iwmi value. $3 620,000. United States bonda were all unchanged on the last can. Following are tne quota."""- York Stock exenange; Atchlioo 4'Bt. Pul pM...... do plo !" 6'!8outhern PaclBo Bltlmor 4b Ohio.... 6v, Southern Railway do pM io fM C.n.dlio Pcl6o ....12614 T.XM & '"J" Ontrml of N. J U6 T.. St. L. 4t W.. CheutPMks Ohio.. SH! o pfo Chicago & Alton MV.iUnlon PaclBo .... do pfd . Z PM Chicago A Ot. W.... ;;v,wbh. A u ntA 33VI do pfa Chicago A N. W....171WW. U K. ll-X, " I". CI.V.W .... 2:(i do ptd H Adama Exprena ., IS lAmer. Eipreaa .. ,Hi II. 8. Cxpreaa.... VQIB' ;argo B.X., Anarn1a At'-Mann do pfd. S Baltlmur A Ohio H anadlan PaclBc 1J7 heaaneakft A Ohio.. .1ftl lllraao U. W C. M. St. P... I)fnr Denver A R. Q... do pfd Erie do lt pM do 2d Md Illlnnla Central Iioulnvllle & Nana I . K. S, T BAR SILVER tjuiet at 24 5-ld per ounce. MONEY 2ft3 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for short bills i. -'"ii'fU 11-ih per cent and Tor three months bills Is 2'&:,!i per cent. Boston "took Quotations. BOSTON. June 2.-Call loans. $4 per cent; time loans, 4f((5 per cent. Official closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atrhlaon 4a 1V Amalgamated . Mci. Central 4a 74 Ulnabam 1,K'I. Hecla. Chicago T. do pia C. C. C. & St. L. Colorado Boulhcro do lat M do Sd yld... Dela. & Hudson lis Amal. Copper .. ...17 ... fOrt ... 14 ... ... 28 "4 ... 2 ... 41 ... 2 ... ... 24 ... 46Va ... 11 ... ..121 ...IBS . . .IDS ...190 ... GO Dela.. L. A W.. IMnrar A Rio O do ptd Erie do lat ptd.... do Id ptd.... Hocking Valley do pld Illinois Central lowa central do pld K. C. Southern. do ptd Louis. A Naan.. Manhattan L ... Met. St. Rjr Minn. & St. L.. Missouri Paclnc M.. K. A T do ptd & F. 88 11 at 23 46 s 2 Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK. June 29. The statement of visible supply in store and afloat Saturday, June 27, as compiled by the New York Produce exenange: Wheat, 1Y, 4,000 Dush els, decrease, 90,0u0 bushels: corn, 5,907, i0 bushels, Increase, 557,000 bushels; oats, 4.556,000 bushels, increase, 878,000 bushols; rye, 70,otv Dusneis, aecrease, do.uuu Dusnein; barley, 616,000 bushels, decrease, 69,000 bushels. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. June 29 WHEAT-gpot. steady; No. 2 red. western winter, 6s 3d; No. 1 California, 6s 6d; futures dull; July, 6s 5.d: Seutember. 6a 6kd. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, oa d; futures dull; June, nominal; July, 4s i: Septemrjer, 48 6'V. l'EAS Canadian, dull, 6s 9d. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), firm. A J 10S(SA ius. Philadelphia Prod sice Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 29.-RUTTER Weak and lc lower; extra western cream erv. 21c: nearby nrlnts. 22C EGGS Steady, fair demand; fresh nearby. liVtc: western, lie: southwestern. 16c: southern, 15filSc. CHEESE Firmer, good demand; New York full creams, choice, new, 1111c; rair to gooa, iu''a io-vc. Minneapolis Wheat, Floar and Dran. MINNEAPOLIS. June 29 WHEAT Cash 85c; July, 83c; September, 76o; No. 1 hard, Wc; No. 1 northern. 85c; No. j northern. 644c: No. 2 northern. MSc. r LOCK nrst patents, 4 30B4.5O; second patents, $4.2ou4 30: first clears, $3 Xa3 3o; secona clears, yi v0i . BRAN In bulk, tl4-Ou14.60. . Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. June 29 WHEAT Mar ket steady. Close: No. 1 northern. 88vf rac; o. z nortnern, eowositc; eeptemDer, 78c. RYE Steady : No. 1. 54Wr)6c. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 6ed60c; sample, CORN September. 50c. Dnlntk Grata Market. DULt'TH, June 19. WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 hard. 86c; No. J northern.. 84c; No. t, 82c: Julv. 64c; Bepteraber, 77c. OATf-JTtl37e. Peoria Market. . PEORIA. June 29.-CORN Lower; Na i. 49c; No. S. 48c. OATS-Lower; No. 1 white, tJ39c; No. 4. white. KxajS'jc. ' Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. June t SEED Clover, firm; October. $557. Timothy, prime, $1.7$. 14& Amer. C . 294, do ptd . UVsiAnier. Lin. Oil.... . 8S do pfd . gs Amer. Locomotive . 67"tl P' , i)i, Amer. S. A R . 4W do ptd .nAmcr. Sugar Ret 122 .its N" nTin. io on . 47 lllrlc. Rap. Tr 67 . !6V'olo. A I S6H . 4f Columbus A H. coal. 17 .lllConsol. Oss 19H .137-fc IM'neral KLectrlo ....150 .lllilnt'n'l Paper . so do pfd .ltxVlnt'n't Pump .22 oo pfd , . iavNatinnal Biscuit .. National of Mexico.. 20 National Lead ..... do ptd American .... N. T. Central 1274 t-acinc van Nor. A West 45 People's Gas ..... do Did SS irrcMeg nieei Lir. Ontario A W tl I PW ......... Penneylvanla iZ6,.i-uiiraii -.,. .r. P., C, C. A St. L.. 7 Republic Steel ... Reading do lat pro.... do Id ptd.... Rock Island .... do pfd 8t. L. A 8. r... do lat pro.... do Id pfd.... St. L. B. W do pfd St. Paul n. do pfd ... S3 Rubber Goods .. ... tW do t,1 ... H Tenn. C. A I.... ... 72,11'. 8. Leather... ... 7lV do Pfu ... 73 it- 8- Rubber... ... Vi do pfd ... 17s V. 8. Steel ...39 do Did ...161' Western Union . 61 . 30 . 70 . 1 . 27 . 63V, .107 . 14 . 71 . 23 . 77 . 62'' . 134 . 60 . SI . so o 8c for choice and 10?12c for fancy. enches, steady, with moaerate innoing cfnand; choice, 7fi7c; fancy, $10c. 4HI do pfd 91 .... 4V Ontario A Western... W4 Pennlivlranla s IMnd Mines I" Reading 26V( do lat pfd 41 do M pfd 94 Southern Railway.... 2 do pfd f"i' Southern rerlflc 4 tnlon Pacltlc u dn pfd 9u I'nlted States Steal... It do pfd 91H Wabaah 26 do pfd 46 Vt 19' ..155 .. 20-4 .. 4S .. II .. 411 .. l4 ..137 ..114 14. Atchison do pfd Ronton A Albsny llonton A Maine.. HoHton Klevsted . nlon Farlnc .... Men. Central .... Amer. Sugar ..... do pfd , Amer. T. A T.... Pom. I. A 8 , General Kleitrlo Maas. E I nlted C. 8. Steel do pfd Vtcmlnith. Common Adventure Alloues x Asked. Klectrlo ....179 ilTamai ilec. pfd M jTrliuo fruit 104 HTrlnlt Steel 11 'fnltei . 96 Centennial .244 Copper Range ... .14 loin. Coal , .140 Franklin , . 2H lnie Korals . 22 Mohawk .122joid Dominion ... .119 ijosceols .142 kParrot . nWrianta Pe Copper. 179 iiTamarark mountain r States .... . 40 t'tah . 90 Victoria . 64) Winona . ttiWolrarlns , . S4 . : .444 . KH . th . 47 . iOVt . 7 . 44' . 13 . H s . 11H . IV. .110 .. 14 . H . 12V, . I9V9 . 4 . . NVs Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jnna 5 COTTONTho market opened steady at a decline of 4ff?10 points on disappointing Liverpool cables and the reports that eight Fall River works were closing for the week. The whole list turned easier on liquidation. July dropped to 12.85c; August to 12.81c and September, which was especially weak under liquida tion, reached 12.67c, with the other new crop months showing pet losses of 16 to 18 points. Receipts at New Orleans were heavier than expected and this contributed io tne selling movement, but as the market worked downward mom shorts turned for proiits and at the lowest points bull sup port again developed. Prices were sent nnck nearly to the best point of the morn ing, only to turn easier again during the afternoon and the better character of crop news. The list was Anally steady at 11 19 points lower, total sales futures were estimated at 300.nro bales. NEW ORLEANS. June 29.-COTTON Quiet; steady, sales 850 bales. Ordinary, 10 9-lfic; good ordinary. lle; low mid dling. 12r; middling. 13o; good middling, 14c; medium fair, 14 13-lfic; nominal. Re ceipts, 8,952 bales; stock, 65.954 bales. Fu tures barely steadv. June. 13.80c bid; Julv, 13.8hVit13.90c: AiiKiiat. 13.87ini.90r: October. 10.13T) 10.14c; November, 9.729. 74c; December, s.woit.h'.tc; January, 9.tWi9.67c. LIVERPOOL, June 19 COTTON Spot. more business done, chiefly for exnort: prices. 6 points lower: American mMrllln fair. 7.24d; good middling. 7.08d; middling. 6 92d; low middling, 6 fiSd; good ordinary, 6.3fid; ordinary. 6.1fid. The sales of the day were 6.000 bales, of which 2,000 bales were for speculation and exnort. and Included 6.700 bales American. Receipts. 1,000 bales, all American. Futures opened quiet and closed Irregular. American middling, g. o. c, June, 6n7'o68d; June-July. 6.6id; Julv August. 6.f)4'5'6.65d : Ausrust-September. 6.65 fiRUd; September-October. 6.07d; October- November. 6 5Kd: November-December. 6.40d; December-January, 6S2d; January- February. 6.31d; February-March, 6 30d. ST. LOUIS. June 29.-COTTON-Steadv: middling. 13Vic. Sales, 150 bales. Receipts. 12 bales; shipments, 12 bales; stock, 5,683 bales. . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Both Beef 8teera and Oowt Commanded About Steady Price. HOGS SOLD GENERALLY A DIME LOWER Quality of Sheep nasi Latnba on gale Rather Inferior and Tendency of Prices Decidedly Downward oa that Class of Offerings. SOUTH OMAHA. June 29. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Otllclal Monday 3,67 7,367 S.719 Same day last week 2,866 7,010 6.447 Same week before 10.7H9 7,60 1.95k Same three weeks ago... 2.6:0 4.5-T 1,444 Same four weeks sgo.... 3.316 7,6:13 10 Same days last year 1.127 4.557 ,1 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and compnrkons with last year: 1903. 1902. Inc. Dec. Cattle 49;, 714 ZUM6 134,368 Hogs 1,264,306 l,3ti.S14 72,609 Sheep 646,043 413,774 131.269 SATURDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to the country baturday and their destination: Cattle Cars. A. A. Plummer, Craig, Neb. M. A O J N. II. Nye, Pender, Neb A. Armstrong, Ulidden, la, N. W 1 Averago puce pid for hogs at South Omaha for the laat several Cays with comparisons: l !7 t il 1 li 4 o a RM jn POUT!! DAKOTA. cows 1"4 4 1 HEIFERS. I t t'i 1 444 4 It ,7i "BULLS, i hm i ii i inn i in t' urn t in 1 le I 40 ' ' 1040 I an 4 7c I 44 i" 7l) I 11 1l 74 l' 1910 1 111 1 14-" I II t' DM I 14 1 IKS 1 T4 1 14!4 1 4 1 17?0 4 00 1 lino 1 94 t 1740 4 00 930 I 90 1 1740 4 00 1470 I 1 CALVES. I 141 I Il ' 1 144 I M 1 140 I 00 1 144 I M 10 1H I no 190 ;s 1 ton I on t 14 I 00 1 196 I 00 STAGS. 1 1040 4 00 44 1409 4 10 1 1M0 4 JS STOCK COWS AND HEIFF.R8. 1 410 I 00 4 427 I 40 1 1090 00 14 4K7 1 SO 1 1ll 1 40 17 951 I SI I l 1 40 1 11 1 70 1 740 40 11 441 I U 1 977 I 40 STOCK ER8 AND FEEDERS. I. 494 I 00 10 490 I 71 110 I 25 It 49S I 91 1 144 1 10 1 4M SO 10 loo to - II 140 4 00 1 410 I 40 14 144 4 00 Date. 103. 1902. 1901. 11900 1R99.169S.1897. June 1.... June 2..., June 3.... June 4.... June 6,... june 6.... June 7.... June 8.... June 9... June 10.., June U... June 12.. June 13.. June 14.. June 16.. June 13.. June 17.. June 18.. June 19.. June 20.. June 21.. June 22.. June 23.. June 24.. June 26.. June 26.. June 27.. June 29.. June 29.. Oil and Rosin. OIL CITT. June 29.-OTL Credit bal ances, $1.60; certificates, no bid; shipments, ire.871 bbls.; average, 79,639 bb!s.; runs, 134, 603 bbls.; average, 80,188 bbls.; shipments. Lima, 136.092 bbls.; average, 69.532 bbls.: runs, Lima, 185,870 bbls.; average, 58,791 bbls. SAVANNAH. June 29.- OIL Turpentine. firm, 4i"c. Rosin, firm; A, B C, 31.50; D, 11.55; E. n.fiO; F. $1.65; O, $1.70; N, $2,26; I. $2 66; K, $2.80; M, $2.90; N, $3; WO, $3.10; NEW YORK. June Zi,-OIL Cottonseed. firm. Petroleum, steady. Rosin, steaiy: strained, common to good, $2.052.07H. Turpentine, quiet, 49H50c. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. June 29. COFFEE Snot Rio, quiet; No. 7, invoice, bc; mild, quiet; Cordova. VAiftn'A.c. Futures opened oulet at unchanged prices to a decMne of 5 points. and while not specially active ruled still easier as a result of lower European cables Bna heavy primary receipts, closing quiet, net 5fftl0 points lower. Sales were 11,260 bags. Including July at 3.70c; September at 3.95c; November at 4.10fr4.14c: December at 4.40c; February at 4.55c; March at 4.55ig4.60c; May at 4. foe. Suarar and Molasses. NEW YORK. June 29.- SUGAR Raw. steady: fair teflnlng, 3c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3 9-16c; molasses si-gar, zTtjc; refined, bteady. MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 21n40c. NEW ORLEANS, June 29.-SUGAR Dull; open kettle, 2rj3 7-16c: open kettle, cen trifugal, 3i(ff3c; centrifugal white, 4 l-16c; yellows, o-Nic; seconas, znri.t4C. MOLASSES Open kettle, nominal; cen trifugal, 17((j 18c. Syrup, nominal, 19324c. Dry Goods rMnrkft. NEW YORK. June 29. -DRY GOODS The week opens very quietly, with a tendency to higher prices ana reports or curtail, ments in all departments. Jobbers natur ally have had a ery quiet day on account et tne inclement weather and first hands have been visited by few buyers. Con servative purchasing Is the watchword of buyers, whether having liberal stocks or not. t 93 6 70 07 7 07 ( 99 I 13 5 70 6 85toj 7 16 5 71 6 76 7 21 6 7 & 77Va 7 15 o il 7 18, 6 76 t IO I t 78 . 6 06 I 7 211 i Oottl 7 271 6 83, , nw) 7 6 1 . 6 9i 7 33i 6 89 . 07 7 36 5 65 7 311 6 81 . 6 9K 6 86 , 6 01 7 26 . 6 4'4 7 24 6 83 6 97 7 26 6 88 . 5 94 7 84 6 92 . 6 88H 7 41 5 89 7 44 91 . 6 834 6 89 . 6 77V 7 60 . 6 67Vk 7 69 6 93 . 6 67 7 67 5 99 , 8 70S 7 Bl 6 93 . 6 65Vk 7 62 6 91 7 65 6 87 . 6 66 6 90 4 88 3 501 4 21 3 40 4 831 3 68 4 12 3 32 8 69 4 U 4 101 8 32 ,68l J. 3 tiai 4 Oil 3 67 3 88 1 3 30 3 M 3 811 3 81 6 1U 3 bl, Ml 3 29 1 l j ail i 4 83 4 91 4 bl 4 96 ft IK, I 001 4 92 4 661 4 86 4 89 4 96 3 I 3 64 3 62 3 63 6 031 5 On! 3 64 4 94 8 71 4 J 6 00 6 13 8 85 3 6 3 64 3 71 6 17 6 10 6 03! 6 11 4 99 3 "4 3 65 3 63 3 62 3 21 3 31 3 21 3 s; 3 22 8 18 3 79 3 77 8 90 3 84 3 801 3 21 3 16 3W 3 oil 3 15 3 72 3 21 3 7 'l 3 21 3 681 3 26 3 69 3 23 8 631 3 15 3 64 3 65 3 68 3 621 3 63 I 3 61 3 60 3 24 Indicates Sunday. The official number of stock brought In today by each road was: Koads. cattle, nogs, en p. n ts. C, M. A St. P 6 84 Mo. Pacific 21 Union Pacific System ..25 9 5 C. & N. W 1 6 F.. E. & M. V 39 18 8 4 C, St. P., M. A 0 10 8 B. & M 60 22 4 C, B. & Q 6 8 K. C & St. J 1 C, R. I. & P., east.... 10 X C, K. I. & P., west.... 4 8 Illinois Central 1 4 109 16 804 843 217 2S0 148 20 81 41 26 10 8 55 24 2 149 Total receipts 181 The disoositlon of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 663 79 254 Swift and Company 822 1.176 727 Armour A Co Cudahy Packing Co.... Omaha Co.. K C Cudahy Co., country.. Swift, country Armour. Sioux city.... Carey & Benton Ijonman & co Hill & Huntzlnger .... Huston & Co Livinstnne & Shailer.. L. F. Husi 1.312 1,543 3,541 H. P. Hamilton Wrtrthelmer Other buyers 149 .... z7 Totals 4028 7.361 3.635 PiTTI.r ReeMms nt rattle were not ex tesslve this morning and salesmen started out with the idea that they ought to get a little more mnnev than they aid last ween. Packers, on the other hand, did not want to pay more than steady prices, and as a result trading wns not very brisk, although a fairly early clearance was made. The beer steer market was rather slow and the bulk of the cattle sold in Just about the same notches they did last Friday. In some cases salesmen were calling the mar ket a little stronger, but such instances were rather rare. Packers were willing to pay steady prices, but no more. The qual ity of the cattle was about up to the usual standard and, as will be seen from the a lea helow. the bulk of the fair to good cattle sold from $4.40 to $4.80, with the knln rniln coins' from that un The cow market was also about the same as It was last week. Packers seemed to be anxious for the good stufT and readily hid fnllv steady prices, but when it came to the medium kinds trading was not very brisk and while the market could not be quoted any lower, it was certainly no higher. The bulk of the receipts consisted of steers, so there was no great supply of cows on sale, ana the most oi mem were soonpdlsposed of. Bulls, veal calves and stags did not show any quotable change. ' There were Just a few loads of stotkers and feeders in the yards, and while the demand was not at all brisk, ralesmen found little difficulty in disposing of what they had at steady prices with the close of last week. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. At. Pr. U. S. nt. Ja. re. do coupon ...... do la, ri do coupon do saw 4a, rI do coupon .... do old 4a. P- do coupon .... do 6s. m no coupon Atrhlaon fan. 4a do ad). 4a B O. 4a do I do conT. 4s.... xCanada 8o. 2e C. of Oa. sa sdo la Inc.. .10114 . 77 . 234 .100 97 81 Kew York Mouey Market wrw YORK. June 29? MONEY On call. of M.ih5 ner cent, closing at 3Vi4 nor cent' time money, firm; 00 days, 4 per cent; 90 days, i per cent; 6 months. 6' per nt; prime niercaiuuo po.,, u-kvt " cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easier at $4 8735j4 8745 for demand and $4,849 Kjj4.R5 for 60' days; posted rates. $4.S5Vi and $4.cV4; commercial bills, $4.84. SILVER Har, oic; uunnrn, u. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. . ., , The Closing quotations Ull uwiiub ,i. am follows: ..lua I.. St N. unl. 4a ... ..KM Mci. Cantral 4a .... 10.4s do lat Inc., 101 IsMlnn. v St. L. 4s ....1.15V M.. K. at T. 4s ....13oVi do Is ....114 UN. Y. C. (. 1VSS....1U1 UN. 1. C. ten. BS....131H ....lulH No. Paclnc 4s Iu24s . ...loiVsl do Is 711 .... 49t, tN. A W. con. 4s... I"1 .... 94V Raadinc gen. 4s 9s'4 ....101' ft. L. 4V I. M. e. 6s.. mm ..... 94' St. L. 8. F. 4s ... 96 insist. I 8. w. is lOSSt sdo za ... .10419. A. A A. P. 4a 71 So. Pacific 4s ... a Ohio it. .. W So. Railway la... iC as A. ivss f isiexaa or rarinc is. .ua C. B. Q s. 4s.... 43VT.. L. W. 4s.... 77 iC at & St P f 4a. 109 tnlon Pacific 4a 10? aC. A N. W. 0. 79...1M do conT. 4a 94" C, K. I. A P. 4s....l14 xWaba.h la 114 COC. A St. I I 4a. . 97-: ao za , X'hlcaao Tar. 4s.... so do dab. R Colo. A Io. 4s !74iWsst Shore 4s. ,D. A R. O. 4s 99 IW. A L. E. 4s Erla prior lies 4a... 99VWIa. Onlral 4a do foneral 4a 49 iCon. T.,b. 4s... y. w A D. C. la...los Colo. Fual a. Is Hocklns Vallay 4a. 1074 x Bid. I Offered. Wool Market. NEW YORK, June 59.-WOOLF!rrn; fair domestic. 28if32c. ST. LOUIS. June 29. -WOOL Strong: medium grades and combing, 16Q21,ic; light fine, I5(gl8c; heavy fine, 124315c; tub-washed, 18j29c. Elajlu Mutter Market. ELGIN. III.. June 29 BUTTER Sold at 24c per pound on the Board of Trade today, a fall of lVc from last week. The sales for the district were c31,bo0 pounds. 9 . 7H . 87V, 1144s .106 . 73t .109 . 99 . 41 . 40 . M Urnr York Mlnlnar Quotations, NEW YORK, June 29. The following are the quotauons on the few iora diock ex change: Foreign FlnaarlaL LONDON. June . Money quiet Busl nesa oa the clock axctuVuge waa lively. Adams Cos. A lie Bhrunawlck Coa. Comstock Tunnsl Con. lal. A Vs.. Horn Silvar Iron Stlvar Leadillls Cos... x Offered. .... l .... N .... 10 .... T ....150 ....KM 121 1 LlW Ctalsf ., aOnterlo Ophip. lPnneuli Holoal; (Savasj) ltilrrV NcTada ISmall Hum ISiauaaaJ I .. ..4"0 . .lt.0 .. I .. 11 .. 14 ... 70 .. n ..240 Evaporated Apple and arled Frnlls NEW YORK. June 29. EVAPORATED APPLES Market is quiet, but desirable fruit is steadily held; common. 4u5sc; prime, 64e; choice, tr; fancy, iti'vHc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Spot prune, firm, the larger sixes jL-Vwtng a hardening tendency, thouxh isolations still ranKe from Sc. to 7c for all grades Apricots, In fair demand and very firmly held, at quotations which range from 71o Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, June 29. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.OU0 natives, 1,000 Texans; calves, 7uo natives, loO Texans. Light and middle weight beeves steady to strong; heavy slow, quarantine weak; cows stronger; Blockers .and feeders steady. Choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $4.o0(ir6.15; talr to good, $3.06(54.60; Blockers and feed ers, $3.G5'u4.50; western fed steers, $4.00'u4.6O; Texas and Indian steers, $3.25(4.36; Texas cows, 3-15(90.00: native cows, $l.i5u4.25; na tive heircrs. !2.25j4.40; canners, 31.262.60; bulls, 32.75U4.10; calves, $3.u0at.26. HOGS Receipts. 6.500 head. Market 10 15c lower. Tod. $5.60: bulk of sales. 15.wk(i 6.60; heavy, $5.o0i6.60; mixed packers, $6.17vi (flow; ngnt, aa.viiuo.ou; lorxers, so.ooiuo.bu; pigs, $5.1u45.45. SHEEP Receipts, 1,000 head. Market strong to 10c higher; native lambs, $4.'XKi6.76; western lambs, ,J.tx.Ko w; tea ewes, li.aitl 6.15: Texas clipped yearlings, $3.5(K(iu.K6; Texas cllpied sheep, 33.20(q&.10; Blockers and feeders. 33.2cKjj4.10. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. June 29. CATTLE Beeves. receiDts. 4.4o7 head. Market opened firm for steers, closed steady: bulla and sows, steady to strong; steers,; stags, Jl. i.vj 5.00; bulls, 32.75&4.60; cows, $1.7U4.00. Ca bles nrm. CALVES Receipts, 7.462 head. Veals 25 ffifiOo lower: buttermilks. 25c lower: veaN. $4 5o7.26; extra calves. $7.$Oia7.50; tops, $7.75; buttermilks, io.otxH4.oo; city ureasea veais, lower, at Kfllc per lb.; few extra, HVc. HOGS Receipts, 10.460 head. Slow trado; state and Pennsylvania hogs, $6.$iH(;6.50. SHEEP AND LA M Hti Receipts, 17,871 head. Sheep lower 25ti6uc lower than at last Friday's market; choice lambs about steady, others slow; seeep. $3.004 0"; choice, $4.26; lambs. $5.50(46.76; one car, $6.90; year lings, $4.5036 00. 1 . Ml. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. June 9 CATTLE Re ceipts, o.3o0 head. Active and steady to 10c higher. Natives. $4 35(i6.36; cows and heifers. $2.0tX)4.i6; Blockers and feeders, $3 biii 75. HOGS Receipts, 6,012 head; 10fjl5c lower; lights, $6.67VtfiD5: medium and heavy, 33 rn.4i5.62ii; bulk. 35.671'o;6.Hi. SHEEP-Receipts, 3.8ui head. Steady to 6c lower. Slanx tlty Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, la., June 29. I Special Tele gram. ) CATTLE Receipts, . !"j; Blockers steady, killers loc lower; beeves. 34.0iUo.l0; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.5"S-t.2a; Blockers and feeders. JU.0ny4.u0; calves and year lines. 82.5o'(S.b. ll;pl Receipts, 3,500; t-iJlOc lower at 34 M 64.uu; bulk, t.M. No. I... I. .. 1... 1.. 1.. 1.. 1 . 1.. .. II. . 11.. 15.. 1.. 6.. 1.. 1.. 19.. 1.. 12.. I 44 i4 , 10 41 II I 10 IS 41 10 1 15 22 1 II I II II I 4 I 17 II II.. 14.. .. 11.. 10.. II.. II.. 14.. 14 II 1.... I 1 I...., 1.... 4 1 I.... I..... I. ... 11.... I.... J.... I.... 1.... 4... 1... 1.... t ... 1.... I.... IT ... . .... II. ... 17.... 1.... I.... 1.... 1.... .::: i ... i.... i.... i ... i.... 10 ... it.... At. Pr. 440 1 00 450 4 00 870 4 II 1S40 4 S5 , 1770 4 26 1100 4 15 1030 4 16 1094 4 45 12M 4 45 1044 4 44 1042 4 60 471 4 M , 1100 4 60 440 4 66 160 4 16 1170 4 40 1202 4 40 M 4 40 1144 4 46 1064 4 46 1050 4 44 1091 4 45 1101 4 70 1196 4 70 1195 4 10 141 4 10 11X2 4 10 1161 4 70 1115 4 70 1103 4 70 930 4 70 1067 4 70 1250 4 75 10JO 4 16 1216 4 76 ....1044 4 71 ....1000 4 75 ....1171 4 71 ....1104 4 76 ....1220 4 76 ....1197 4 16 ....1110 4 76 ....1231 4 76 1171 4 71 No. I. .., 19.... 11... 17... 19... 10... 20... 24... 14... II. .. 14 1 I I II 40 10 14. 44 71 14 11.... 13... 11... II... 24... 61... zc... 10... 21... 1... 74... 44... II... 11... 11... S... ti... :i... 71... 11... I... 67. .. 12... STEERS AND HEIFERS. II 909 4 46 1 90 4 40 1 171 4 13 16 1111 4 46 II 1016 4 40 40 1141 4 90 U 1260 4 94 ....1340 4 71 ....1140 4 76 ....1242 4 76 ....1244 4 60 ....1231 4 M ....mi 4 90 ....1191 4 10 1206 4 10 ....1394 4 90 ....HIT 4 40 ....1191 4 10 ....11O0 4 10 ....IMS 4 M ....HIT 4 40 ....125T 4 90 .1300 4 16 .1211 4 15 .13UT 4 15 .1901 4 16 .1115 4 45 .1311 4 90 1311 4 90 1200 4 94 1426 4 90 1354 4 90 1230 4 90 1404 4 90 K44 4 90 136 4 90 1043 4 90 1190 4 90 117! 4 96 1214 4 95 1941 4 96 19U4 4 96 1276 4 94 1171 4 94 1161 I 0 1381 I 00 1376 I 00 1431 I 00 1494 11 1540 I 20 1296 i 14 ... 130 1 TO ... T34 4 04 ...961 4 16 ... 611 4 16 ...1000 4 10 ... Til 4 W ... 951 4 6 ...919 4 96 STEERS AND COWS. ...1141 4 95 STEERS AND STAGS. iia 4 60 COWS AND HEIFERS. ... Hi 4 10 ... 196 4 10 C ... Il 1 Tl ... 191 1 00 ...10M) I 00 ...low I 00 ,..190 1 10 ... 941 1 16 ... T40 I 25 ... 9S5 1 M ... 690 1 25 ...1040 1 16 ... 440 1 40 ...1074 I 60 ...1050 I 60 ... 116 I 60 ... 90 1 60 ... 90 I 60 ... 9S0 I 60 ...1100 1 60 ... 956 I 40 ... 4l I 46 ...741 I 44 ... 99 I TO ... TM 1 71 ... 911 I Tl .... 69 I 71 ,...1110 I 40 .... 430 I 90 , ... 930 I 90 931 1 90 9?7 94 .... 4.4 I 00 ....1IM I 00 ' 10"0 I 00 ....140 I S9 ...1010 IM ,...1'0 I OS ,... 994 I 00 H4 111 7 106T 4 tf WB. 1 1260 I IS 1 90 1 25 IT Ill I 15 14 90 I 40 10 496 1 40 1 9 HO 1 60 I .T 1010 I 60 I 944 I 65 10 IK11 I 55 4 l'6 t 45 11 990 I 66 10 791 I 68 1 950 I 66 4 1025 I 15 t 190 I TO 1 1250 I 71 1 1000 1 71 1 1150 I T5 1 1094 4 00 1 1220 4 40 1 450 4 00 II 1146 4 00 1 12O0 4 00 1 1190 4 00 1 1444 4 00 14 11.70 4 Oi H loi 4 04 I. 10 4 10 4 1191 4 11 1 1K(0 4 14 4 1121 4 14 1 U III 1 U'(0 4 14 t 12o0 4 21 1 1040 4 25 I lioo 4 M 1 1XU 4 94 )..- HI ill HOGS There was a cood run of hors here today for the first of the week snd as all markets were quoted lower prices de clined about a dime at this point. At one time the market strengthened a little ar.d salea were made only 1'ulOr lower, but the strength was of short duration. The long string sold at $6.66. with quite a few at $5.67, with choice loads going as high as $52V4j. Trading was not verv brisk ot any time, but still the bulk of the srrlvals was disposed of Before the middle of the fore noon. Today' decline, with that on Saturday, the market back to about where It waa the middle of lapt week, the sharp ad vance of last Thursday having been luliy lost. Representative sales weet snd good Two dollar and a half Is the price of a slxteen-quart bog. ASSAULTS HIS OWN DAUGHTr Colored Man In Jail with InetsrO'ear-OM ftlrl Com plaining; Witness. Robert Fisher, colored. 2125 North Thir teenth street. Is under arrest on a charge of attempted criminal assault, and Ms daughter, Helen. 12 years of nge, is the complaining witne. The ense. Is set for hearing in police court Tuepn.iy morning. According to the story told by the little girl nd her mother. Fisher sent the latter away from home Sunday afternoon and then attempted to asHiult Ms daughter. She resisted him nnd In his wrath, she sultl. he truck her in the face and beat Iter. The two were in the house alone for nearly three hours, the girl said, and during thr.t time the father threatened to kill her and whipped her until he became tired. The mother who had been sent from the house, notified the police and the officers arrested Fisher bforc he had accomplished his pur pose. The girl had a badly discolored eye nnd several bruises as evidence of her bad treatment. No. 49... 47... 44... 40... 67... 40... 71... II... 48... 44... 14... 74... 42... Tl... IT... 44... 61... 6T... II... 49... 66... 11... 16... 61... 19... 44... 69... 41... 78... 48... 64... 131.. 81... 4. 70. A v. .Ill .201 .251 .27 8b. Pr. I 64 I 65 I 66 I 66 100 140 10 241 100 I 66 150 140 I 66 .137 40 4 H .171. 140 I 65 0 120 0 40 100 I 61 t 64 I 66 I 65 I 65 I 65 ...174 ...161 ...III ...131 ...15 ...141 ...!l ...231 ...146 40 ...949 ltd ...175 ...230 ...131 .236 ... I 66 .197 40 S 66 .251 100 6 55 90 I 66 0 I 65 120 I 66 I 66 t 61 40 I 65 40 I 56 144 I 68 110 I 65 60 I 66 ...221 ...254 ...151 ...28 ...241 ...241 ...147 140 I 66 ...125 40 ...114 10 ...140 120 .251 90 120 120 120 I 61 t 66 I I I 66 65 15 6 55 No. 65.... 44 11 70 II 41 41...., II 40 4,..., 41 44 44...., 4 TO 10 71...., 44 64 69... 61.... 88.... TO.... 63.... 44.... 68.... II.... 61.... 13.... 44.... 71.... 130... 48.... 44.... h. 141 ..20 120 I 66 .174 H) I 67t AT. ..Ml Pr. 46 .175 .141 .151 .11 0 lo .170 100 I 11(4 ..177 90 I 67 V I 6714 I 67 I 67 1714 .171 .194 I 67 U 140 I 67 ..IIT 109 t 67 ..141 ..191 .151 ..131 ..241 ..161 ..146 ..167 ..164 ..lit ..151 ..132 ..141 ..267 . lH ..131 ..141 .295 ..13! ..178 ..298 ..108 40 10 I 17 80 I 67 90 I 67 .. (17 I 67 1 17 90 I 67 120 I 67 80 S 67 110 4 17 140 t tn 10 6 67 ... 167 80 I 67 120 8 67 0 I 67 120 8 67 ... 6 67 80 I 67 140 I 40 ... 6 40 ... 8 42 SHEEP There mtm rale it hen here today, mostly grosser, but they were rather lacking In quality. As a result the market was rather slow in opening and It took some time for salesmen to dispose of their holdings. Packers were not at all anxious for the kinds that were offered and the tendency was for them to buy their siipplbs lower. They claimed they were willing to pay steady prices for good stuff, but that common kinds have been selling too high in proportion. Most of the ar rivals came from Idaho, vearllngs selling from 34.00 to $4.50 and ewes around $3.50. A shipment of Nebraska fed wethers, such as old last week for $4.00. arrived and they hrctignt $3.75. or a quarter lower. The feeder situation Is about the same as It has been for some time past. Quotat'ons for grass stock: Oood to choice lambs, $5.756.25: fair to good lnmhs. r ?5(f75.75; good to choice yearlings. H.WH 00; fair to good yearllnirs. $4.50(34.75; good to choice wethers, $3.75ia,4.25: fair to good wethers, $8.50(ff3.75; good to choice ewes. 83 50 3.75; fair to good ewes, 33.2W3.50; feeder lambs. $2.603.6O; feeder yearlings, 510 8 50; feeder wethers. $2.50(53.50; feeder ewtrs, $2.0032.75. Representative sales: No. Av. 15 cull ewes 88 50 Idaho yearlings 79 i7 inano ewes 125 Idaho ewes 1T9 Idaho yearlings 255 Idaho yearlings 147 Idaho cull ewes 600 Idaho yearlings 292 Idaho t-Wes Mortality statistics. The following births and deaths h.v, k reported to the health office: iiirins-H. J. Lynch, XfSl South Seven teenth, bov: Alenrlt ITmul. inn a w T.''fnUroVr,hl,boy: Ffnn 'oi, 4142 Grant, V.Vi .Vfl polkr","V. 2M1 Walnut, girl; """" (biii, rvortn iNtneteenth Klrl Deaths-John F. Hill. 33, St Joseph s ho--P.tnl; Sylvester Orr. 42. 419 South Twen tieth; Anna Anderson. 76. 809 North Vnrt.-. Jfventh; Julius Kraft, 62. Elphth ati.l TentnU": Ma"ne Hot- 80V11I1 Xoteo front Army Headquarters. Cantain W M tVrth ii 1-- . ror Chicago, to resume his duties as alde-ae-camn on t Vi e nmnn.i ... John C. Bates. Major Smith 8. Leach, chief of engineers f the Department of the Missouri, arrived 1 the cltv veteri4av Fctm . worth. Major Leach is also a memlior of the Oenei-g.1 Staff college at Fort Leaven worth. Colonel J. B. Girard, chief surgeon of the Department of the Missouri, will return Tuesday from an extended tour of In spection of the hospitals and medical de partments of the terrltorv unrfer hi. t,,-i. diction. Captain P. W. Davison, quartermaster at Fort CrOOk hflfl llP,n ,.r.lnp. i ..Jin.. to his other duties, to proceed to head quarters In this city and assume charge. irrini,ui hi ,,y, un cuici qua r terms sier ot the department, relieving Colonel J. W. Pull- mon. who Vi u KeAn n.H,,.. n U' ton for duty In the office of Quartermaster n ti.. , jnnT7i ai mjiiiimrej" b. 99 100 78 82 ..86 78 86 Pr. 2 25 8 25 3 3 4 V) 4 ro 3 10 3 50 3 60 CHICAGO LIVES STOCK MARKET. All Animals Aro Lower, with Good Receipts of Every Kind. CHICAGO, June 29. CATTLE Receipts, 18,000 head; opened 10c to 16c higher. Good to prime bteers, $5.10'f?,5.60; poor to medium, $4.25fTfi.O0; stockers and feeders, $3.76((4.26; cows, 31.60tj54.50; heifers. $2.504.80; canners, $1.6Of02.9O; bulls, $2.6(vft4.30; calves, $2.50 6.26;-Texas steers, $3.50ig4.60. HOGS Receipts today, 37.000 head; esti mated tomorrow, 18.000 head; left over, 4.000 head. Average 6e to 10c lower. Mixed and butchers, $6.66tr6.85; good to choice heavy, $5.7ova6.80; rough heavy, $5.55?i5.70; light. $5.70(86.90. Bulk of sales. 85.70r6.S0. SHEEP Receipts. 20,000 head. Sheen. 10c to 15c lower. Good to choice wethers, tt.OOIJi 4.50; fair to choice mixed. $3.0004.00; west ern sheep, $2.60g6.40; native lambs, 34.00(3 4.60; western lambs, 33. 606. 00. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Receipts 11.113 7T907 3.163 Shipments 4l 843 156 St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. June 29 CATTLE Receipts, 8.000 head. Including 6,000 Texana. Market steady to lower. Native shipping and ex nort steers, i4.25rfi6.60: dressed rveef and butcher steers, $4 60416. 25; steers under 1,000 pounds, 33.15; stockers ana feeders, 13.10(0 4.00; cows ana neirers,,' canners, $2.O0oT2.26: bulls. $2.50(fi3.50: calves, 33.00ffl.00: Texas and Indian steers, $3.00(3)4.30; cows and heirers, iz.Tib'a' HOliS Receipts. 6.000 head. Market ac tive. 10c lower. Pigs nnd lights, $5.6536.80; packers. $5.70(36.80: butchers'. $6,763x6.85. SH EEP Receipts. 8.600 head. Market steady to easy. Native muttons, $4.0tY(?4.76: lambs, $4.76(76 00; culls and bucks, $2.00(f 4.3t; rexaos, a. wko 4.00. Stock In Slant. Following were the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities yester- Cattle, Omaha 8.687 Chicago 18,000 Kansas City 6,000 St. Louis 8,000 St. Joseph 6,3o0 Sioux City 900 Hosts. Sheen 7,367 8,718 87.000 6.600 6,000 6.013 2.600 2)0,000 1.000 8,500 8 Totals .40.887 65,869 32,085 GOSSIP OF COMMISSION ROW First Carload1 of Watermelons Comes to tfce Local Market from Florida. Watermelons! And they'll wish they were in Dixie, these first venturesome glebes of delight, before the melon hungry populace removes them- from the face of the earth. A whole regiment of the mottled wonders 1.260 In a car got In yesterday morning and stretched themselves on mar ket row. They are In no hurry, for It w;d be two or three weeks before the citron Impersonators suffer any competition from points nearer this city than their own unnv Florida. The new comers have trained up to twenty-two pounds weight and are In fine ripe condition. Thirty-five cents sent up to the commission men with your card will entitle you to one of the pets. Another delegation to the national convention of strawberries arrived yester day afternoon In a special car from Colorado, the first representative from that state to attend. The Hood River berry ha been on the bum thl year and look like a last year's bird nest. The Coloradoana, however, are reported to have been brought up on Fat Ten fertiliser and other health food and to be In great form. The new westerner are expected to be favorltle at $3. a against $2 or $2.25 for the Nebraskan. The wax and string bean fgom Missouri passed through a very painful and morti fying experience yesterday when they were asked not to come any more, as they were now not considered to be worth the express charges, since the real Nebraska article with the patent self-detaching string hss become plentiful. A new fare on the market last Saturday, timid and little noticed among the self confident cucumber nd Indolent straw berries, was the little blueberry. Just In with her baggage from the Wisconsin marshes. And thl wsa a pity, too. for the refined young thing were most excellently THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS filed for record Monday, Warranty Deeds. O. F. McNeil and wife to O. A. Tal bot, trustee, lots 12 and 13, block 17, Hltchocock's 1st arid t 1 W. Farnam Smith, trustee, to C. A. t-7. A. Nelson et al., part of lot 10, Millard & C.'s add C. J. Camp and wife to C. R. Dohtna, tut o, numuomi f luce 3Idith Sanderson and husband to EfTle F. Weeth, n20 feet lot 7 and s22 feet lot 8. block 6. Klrkwood add Omaha Realty coranay to Jennie Mc- uougiass, e&u reel ot Blbi leet lot 145, Nelson's add Laurttz Jorgensen and wife to R. E. English, lots 1, 2 and 3, block 10, Benson Charles Wltte and wife to Met Pros. Brewing company, e4 lot 7, block 4, Crawford's add. to Elkhorn Atlantic Realty association to A. O. retterman, lot 11, block , Bemls Park C. B. Jacobs to Bedford Pic. Pres. Ch., lot 7, block 18, Second add to Bedford Place Mary Fuller to W. B. Fuller, lot 12, block 7, Parker b add; lot 6, block 12, Clifton Hill 1 Mary C. Leiithstrom to L. I. Frank, nfiO feet lota 11 and 12. Marlon Place 1.000 J. W. Stone to Carrie Machacek, lot 8, block 4. Oberne ft H.'s add eoo Margaret La nge to Anton Vasak, w50 leet lot x, block 7, Kountse a oa aaa Deed. Omaha Loan and Trust companey to W. K. Potter, receiver, balance or property of said company 1 H. W. Goodman et al., executor, to Marv E. Leuthstrom. n60 feet lots 11 and )2, Marlon Place Total amount of transfers..., 1,000 750 1,800 1,400 450 300 600. 700 0 a it (MAV& Quaker maid Rye 4) Here's to Quaker ( Maid" Bye I , , Gives SDsrkle and , nht to the eve. We quaff ol the glass , as long a it lasts. And then ly it down with a sign. 4 I AT LtADINQ BASIS, CAS AND OBUO. BTOSIS. 8. HIR80H at OOMPANY, Kama Otrv Mo. i MAKE PERFECT MEM IM) UT"lS I unnoinui- InrLongerl Tua Joja ajid ambitions of Ufa can b rsatorad to you. Ilia vary worst oaa of Nervosa Debility are abaolutaly rural by fLHKM'TO T4BLET4. OI prompt rllf to In,,. faniniT momorv and tb waste snd drain ot TIt&l powera, Incurred by agtrjra-- jnd: artlnWI THAI puwia.nn.uii4i4 iw tfrretfotit orxc4snveof rtj yrt. ; mptrt t 1 ror vnd ptXuncy ro wry iun tf'. Bra p tb. ijitom. Oiv - oom f foci.), told ebMlltnd lunir o inj wjvw ui One boo r rnwi timu nnerrr fVjoinpl6t oarLnt45xl curt TfnwWe.or mtlm tn pllo wrmppmr on of . - ........ .... .. . H ,,l 1 . w-lnohj l"7Ke-tr,:s,s uussjBi wmn a, ' MM U Osaaae by stuns 4k Co. aaravLB a mocoj 4'oanoH BluBa kr 14th if. Uouzua 4k MoCoauU lira Co.. U and bed, C U. kaosra. Ill aUia a. Evorv Voman it II 1 111114 14 sboolo bmw . stMHJl lu srosnanui MARVEL Whlrliofl Spray Tb nmw Vskal Irels. Jmt (toa ass Jus 48m raw SraasM tmf s. VV t I -tre3-" the l.FKTZ f CL7 m iHfrfx. Bsst-lal-- It oal Conesfilsni. Il tl.aa,,, IwaMf, Ifcrk. a 1 1, H7 .,,.,,.1. L. MAatitl.. ateentno ' ctiir. tui nd atamn tor 11 luatnus.1 boofc- (,4.11 (has full nartlnilnrvniMl dtrarurna In- valoaul to lallaa. MP4 1vI.4', Jtoom 326 Time Bldg., N. T. For Sal by KCHAEFER B CUT BATK DRUG 6TORI. OR. McGREW 6PaX.'IALI8T. Treats all form ! DISEASES OF WEN If raul saparlsuc. 1. stars In 0(nahs. Kl.Wli aaaaa serao. ksllakl. u -aaaarul. Cr guarantaad. Cbargo loe. Troalmei.l br stall. Call or writ. Bos it. Offlc a,r 114 14U9 4.. OMAJ4A, KBM. I PRIVATE WIRES GEO. A. ADAMS CHAIN CO. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND CI, C V K. 7 I uvn 224 Board of Trade lililg.. Omaha 'Phones luu aod lull. Moiutier all prin cipal eachaiia-ea. Wrlt4 for uur daily nusr t letter.