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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1903)
THE OMAHA JJAIL.Y UKl'A TlMDAl, .It.Ni: 30, 1003. PIICHERS HAVE ALL HOSORS Ho j Packers and Bean Eaten Play Kine Inni-gi with Bo 8core. HOME TtAM NEVER HAS A CHANCE I'lttlnaer and Wlnr Cananlr to Prevent Dilumti from AeMev Inc Meaalt l atll Dark.. m Intervene. BOSTON. June .-Darknes terminated a pitchers' battle without acore between the home team and the Chicago after nine In ning today. Both Pittlnger and Weimar ere very effective. Boston at no time had a chance to ecore. Attendance, 1.400. Score; to Hickman (?). First base on halls: Off flank, 1 I,eff on base: riillsnVlphla, 11; Cleveland, 4. atrurk out: By Moore, 6; tv 1'lsnk. a. Wild pilch: Moore. Time: 1:45. Umpire: O Laughlln. Rtaaglag- of the Teaaii, Played Boatnn t9 Philadelphia 54 Cleveland M Chkaaro 64 Pt. Louis 62 Detroit M New Tork f2 Washington 66 Uamea today: Washington Philadelphia, at Cleveland, New loula, Boaton at Chicago. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES Won. Loat, P.C. 3 21 .M4 36 24 .61.1 30 2 .546 24 2 .519 ! 2 .yft 25 : 24 24 .K 15 41 .2M at Detroit York at Bt. RELIANCE PROVES RELIABLE With Stiff Breeie and Lump Seal De'eaU Both Birala. COLUMBIA FOUR MINUTES BEHIND rirtt of a, terlea of Racea to I. ant Through the Week for the Nee? tork Yacht Han's Cnn. D'nw, tf.. Tnny, lb. fooler. If.. Stanlay. rf. Monn, c. . . AlK'rhls. ib Gram' gar, lb. Q Aohnr. a.... 0 F'ttlng.r, p.. t BOSTON. It.H.OA.B 1 t OIRaub. tb. ... orhanc. lb.. 1 Jonta. ef..., 0 Tinker, aa.. vtSrrn, lb.. CHICAGO a. M O A C. H trier, rf.. Kllng, .... Wtlmr, p. 1 t II I 17 II t Tetali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 inn i DOOM 0 0 0 0-0 Total.., Bnfton . Chicago Two-baa hit: Weimar. Stolen base: Texter 4. First base on ball: Off Plttln gtr. 2; off Weimar, 2. Struck out: By Plt tinger, t; by Weimar. 4. Passed ball: Kiln. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Moran and Holllday. Fumble Lose a Game. FHIUADELPHIA. June 2S.-Hulwltt fumble In the sixth gave St. Louis a vic tory today. The ground waa soft from continued rain and good playing was dif ficult. Attendance, too. Score: T. LOUIS. I PHILADITjPHIA. R.H.O.A.B I R.H.O.a.B. Farmll. la... 114 .'Thomas, ef... 1 I I Donraa, rf.. 0 I I PTIttia. If i 0 si VKaiatar, n... sitae 111 HHarrr. lb.... I I I lit aiWolrarton, M 1 1 0 11 OlHul.wlu, at.. 0 14 11 0 11 lHallmau, lb.. Oil 110 loth, 11410 0 14 tSparka. p.... I 1 - xDousla .... 0 0 0 0 Total t mil I I Total I Ttlll I x Batted for Sparks In ninth. St. Loul 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 1-1 Philadelphia 0 000080111 Three-base hit: Brain. Sacrifice hits c aii ti... i t k..M a t aiiu a Philadelphia, 1. First base on balls: Off Murphy, 4. Struck out: By Sparks, I. Time: 1:2.1. I'mulre: Emslle. At New York New Tork-PUUburg game nostnoned on account of rain. At Brooklyn Brooklyn-Cincinnati game postponed on account of rain. Standing? of the Taaaaa. Played. Won. Lot. Snoot, ct. ... Hraln, a 1 Burka. lb.... 0 .M O'Nall, It 0 Harkatt, lb.. 0 Ryan, c 1 Murphr. a... 1 liuougiaa Pittsburg . New Torlt Chicago ... Brooklyn . . Inclnnatl 60 67 61 65 64 41 37 37 2 87 23 20 It 20 24 2 27 P.C. .633 .649 .607 .527 .600 .397 .828 .304 Col am ha a l.oaea to Indlanapolla and la Fined for Sot Playing at Loals-HUe. NEWPORT, ft. 1., Jun 3.-Th new cup yacht Reliance proved today Its worth a a heavy weather boat when It defeated Co lumbia and Constitution In a stiff easterly breexe and lumpy sea over a p. m. tomorrow fi r a long sail to Kkorn forde. llohenxollorn will leave iCIel at 0:30 In the morning, flying the emperor's fl.iK, which will be HluteT as thoiifch the eni eror was abo&rd. The Amerlran squad ron will leave at 7 o'clock tomorrow even ing. The Jackie of the Kearsarge tnnlglit gave a minstrel show and a boxing exhibi tion. Twenty men and four officers from each of the German ships were pres.nt. It was the first time that many of the German sallora had seen boxing. McNultv defeated Bnucher 1"1 J -0. -2. and" Panlrl-. (scratch! defeated fSplnt-er OSi, 6-2. s-4. The result of the first Icon test whs something of a surprise, asl Mc Nultv Is a new man this season. Thf fol lowing play today: Hamilton .W) anVilnst Phvrnerg (J"). Hull (scratch) against Phalen (IS). Itasmiissen (16) against Pat terson (owe 1.1), Atkins (1& against Teb bins (scratch). ' EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Tkree Track Records Are Broken at Washington Park Kerala t'reatea genantlon. CHICAGO, June 29 Three track records suffered a break ut Washington park. Hargls In winning the mile and a sixteenth race cut the old figures half a second, mak ing the new record 1:4n. Golden Rule. lus thlrty-mlle ging 134 pounds in the high-weight haixil a a beat to cap, made the six and a half furlongs In to the local today. The game was a post- . . ,h, . ln , 1:1, one-fifth of a second better than poned one and because Prealdent Hlckey windward. Reliance eailed the course In 4 wa ever dom) ytnre at Washington park, did not notify Umpire Malone the latter re-I minute 9 seconds lesa time than did Co- I Semper Vivum In the last race reduced the mainea in ixiuisvllie. Indianapolis naa an iumbla and 4 minute 69 second lesa than iraca recora ror seven ana one-nan iur uphlll tniggle. but by bunching hit m- iT!" ,7 lonfl from 1:S3 1:33- My C. Lov aged to win Out. Attendance, 1.330. Score: ola constitution. ran ng lizy ln the first race at one All uie racing in wnicn tnese Doais nave i mile and made the distance in i:ss-, win partlclpated up to today ha been In light ning from Kplcure. Margie' effort was too airs and amooth water, but this afternoon fr Bnd the race was commented INDLAiWAPOLIg. r.h.o a a 1 Hngrlevar, rt 1 10 lea ton. . Foi. lb 1 rlr4nn, ..., (Mlttr. tt... I Jsnaa, if 0 Klhra. lb 1 Tamaatt, lb.. Marcan. a... 1 Kallura. COLUMBl'S. R.H O A B. 10 11 I I 1 11 1 0 I 0 1 1 ol I ORannon, ef... 1 0 OArnOt. rt 1 ITunwr, lb... 0 1 trM.llor. lb....O VThonar, If .. 0 I eRajraar, lb.. 0 I frRoacb. ... 0 1 1 OjWagner, ... ToUla 4 T 17 11 I Total 1 Indlanapolla 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 Columbu 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Baae on ball: Off Wagner, 4. Struck out: By Kellum, t; by Wagner, t. Two baa hits: Coulter. HogTiever. Jorlea. Ray raer, Bannon. Three-base hit: Bannon, of horse- ed on as there waa a good whole-all breexe blowing the prise upset of the meeting, last time and considerable Jump to the water, condl- out llargis. with less weight and the same ., . , ... A . r-.i,.Ki. wiih it. distance, finished last In a big field. Today tlon exactly ulted to Columbia. With It he came wltn a ruah at htl end anlj ,f owner, E. D. Morgan, at the helm, th old driven out might have equaled the world' cud defender sailed a grand race, reaching record. The Drake-Gates contingent gave the windward mark only 1 minute U sec ond astern of Reliance and 1 minute tl seconds ahead of Constitution. On th run home, however, Reliance pulled away steadily from both Its op- wnenta. while Cnnstltiif inn anlned consider. q. 'M ir'.Z.. f-f, '1 IT- J... ' '' VZi. I . . . . - I Time: 1:3S. uimavn, mi I aDiy on LgiUTnDi. iapiain HB.TT saiiea ine i - e,,rinn- rtsv bane: Indlanapolla, 6: Columbu. T. Tim: I ' . , , ?"A T t0"' h" '2rlnf- Si1?,! 46. L'mDlraa: Wllllama and (1. Fox. I " - ' minsuon won, dhiio rrcunu, muj i i-cr- LOUJSVILLBL June 2 The ram b-1 it rigging and spar a thorough testing, night third. Time: 04. tan tmiiaviiia nH r'ninm hua. noatnnned I twIa. .v,i- m.nain . I l hlrd race, one mile ana the ring a memorable drubbing through the victory of John McOurk In the fifth race. Drake and Gates each bet personally 110. CXI each at 8 to 5. the odds closing at S to 3. McGurk came with a ruMi at the end and beat Gold Bell a neck. Results: First race, one mile: Sidney O. I.ov won. Epicure second. Flying Ship third. I rapllllon Want a Game. rAPIt.LION. Neb.. June 23 .-(SpeeUl.l-The West Omaha played the Tapllilon nlns here vesterdnv. Score, 1.1 to 11 In favor of Papililon. Time: 2:V Ilstterles: Papil llon, Gehrlngher and lioenger; West Omahas, Smith and Walker. Umpire: Brown. Papililon has a crack .team and challenges any team of Omaha. Three-1 League. At Bloomlngton Decatur, 12; Bloomlng ton. 1. . At Cedar Rsplds Dubuque, 9; Cedar Rapids. 2. . . , At Springfield Springfield. 7; Rock Island, 0. Lemar Takea a Game. SIOUX FA 1.1,8. S. D., June 29 -(Speclal Telegram.) The I-emars team of the lowa South Dakota league, on the local grounds this afternoon, defeated Sioux Falls by a score sf H to 3. - yesterday by rain and w menu was to nav been mayaa awarded to Itilavllla bv a score of 9 to 0. Columbu having left for Indianapolis this morning. President Tebeau claimed and waa awarded by president money jw damage because of Columbu' failure to play today aa per agreement. ItaaullaaT f tka Taaaaa, mbu. postponed Twice he wore ahlp when maneuvering for ThiTa li"' t?", J??"u , hlch. by agree- . " IHargi won. Hoodwink i ayd today, wa tne ",art and on aen occ'on a gust of monde third. Time: 1:4S. Milwaukee ...... Be Paul Indlanapolla .... Loulavllle Kanaa City .... Minneapou .... .66 ti 21 .68 35 23 .68 36 23 .67 29 28 .49 23 27 .67 . 25 32 .66 23 83 .66 IS' M .608 .449 .438 .411 .347 Game today: Kanaa City at Milwaukee. St. Paul at Minneapolis, Iu la villa at To ledo, inaianapou at tjoiumou. wind heeled the craft down until th water wa nearly up to the hatches. First la the Series. Today' race wa the first of a series given by th New York Yacht club and there will be racing every day thta week. Former Commodore E. Cass Led yard ha offered a cud for th boat making the best this morning- converted the track at Sheeps- 2 howlng in th series and Rear Commodore head Bay Into a quagmire and mud runners P.C. ,62S .603 a sixteenth: second, Beau Or- Fourth race, six furlongrs. Hldhwelght handicap: Golden Rule won, Jack Ratlin second, First Chip third. Fifth race, one mile and a quarter: John McGurk won, Gold Bell second, Sinner Simon third. Time: 2:06. Sixth race, seven furlongs: Semper V'lvum won. Trinity Bell second, Fleuron third. Time: 1:33. NEW YORK, June 29 The heavy rain Cornelius Vanderbllt will give craft that come off second I n- . in .AA, .4 ..... 1 'I K rain alar. cup to th I caUaej washouts on all roads leading: to the track and as a renult only a small The course waa a beat of fifteen miles and row,d waa In attendance. The Bay Ridge . I rianrllran that font if r of tna rmrn wffji won a run to Uie finish. When the starting by Blxl(.Bi wlth Herbert second and Moon gun was fired at 12:16 Constitution was I Daisy third. Blues got off ln front and, first over the line, and Reliance second, making all the pace, won ridden out. Re- uiia; First race, last five furlong of the Fu- '' h a ifflnlal atarftna tlmaa ..... ' . . . v ... n,paa-nii ipaiiair i r irs UAmCd lli VVtOltnN LtAuUt. Constitution 12:15:20 turity course: Plourette won. Raglan sec neimncn iit:io i cna, w ild Thistle intra. Time: i:uu. voiumDia w.ia.m Salata Scatter Tbalr Sis Hlta aad Peoria Got a Oan by Bight io Oaa. Rmtnn 68 ut ivtnla 61 20 41 PtiiladeiDhla 66 17 19 Uamea today: Pittsburg at Brooklyn; Chicago at Philadelphia; Cincinnati at Boa tun; St. Louis at New York. GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE At Chicago Boatoa Wine Easily from Wild Pitching; aad by Bnneh lag; Hit. CHICAGO, Jun 29 Boaton won easily today by bunching hits In three innings and through Dunklea wlldness. .Attendance, 2,252. Score: . BOSTON. i CHICAGO. R.H.O.A a.i ..... 01 Holm, u... i a 1 Jonaa, ef 0 0 1 aOraan, rt Ill lcallahan. lb. 1 iHUball. lb.... 1 1J i Mazooa. lb.. I I Second race, one mile: Payne won. Cor- Rellanco went right ahead and although uscale second, Stamping Ground third. Columbia had the right-of-way Captain Vacl'. six furlongs, on main track. Barr luffed his boat out across Ha bows and selling: Blue Jay won, Sentinel second, planted Reliance to the windward of the Prince Chlng third. Time: 1:16. nannaavaA aa Kaw 1 rourin race, ine itiy mugo'.utip, appeared as though Colum- n. u. anrt a n.iorterl Ulna. won. Her- thlrd. Time: 1 J v.. CCOIltl a T- a A W.a A at I uuni. Joseph tod"ay, Friend holding th visitors b'a had been obliged to bear away a little bert second, Moon Daisy to sn Score six scattering hlta. Attendance 600. In order to avoid a collision, but no protest 2:10Vi. re: ....... .H,E. w, , r.ii.H k. i,.m m ''lfth race, steeplechase, short course: Ephone won, Walter Cleary second, Tanard Poaztiartr, If 0 1 0 Collins, lb.. 1 1 I 0 Brian, ct.. I 1 Freaman. rf.. 0 110 Tarant, aa.... 1114 UChanca, lb 1 I 11 Parrla. lb.... 1 1 Crtgar, blnaan, .. e Tann-hlll, a l l ,1 0 4 0 WMrFarlaod, II I I ,011 UDuakl, p.... 1 1 Total. TUator iC'ilcago Left on t inn Totals i u it i 1 1 1 0 0 X 1 8 07 j.j.1 0 0.0 0 10 0-2 bases: Boston, 6; Chicago, 8. -... kaaa hii' f doon rrMmm. Farent, Olneen. Three-baae hit: Green, aacrince hit: Jone. Stolen baae: Collin. Crger. rvmblo play: Magoon to label! to Tanna hlll. Struck out: By Dunkle, 6 by Dineen. 4 Bases on balls: Off Dunkle. B. Wild pitches: Dlneen,. Dunkle. Hit with ball. O'Brien. Time: 1:42. Umpire: Sheridan. Patten Entirely to Blame. DETROIT. Jun 29 Neither pitcher wa hit hard today and Detroit won n error. Patten base on ball nd hi wild pitch gave one run and hi error wa reeponsibl for the other two. Mullln pitched cleverly mid was given fine support. Aiienuanua, i mil Hc.cre DKTROIT. I WAniBiv" H Moran, aa. DKTROIT. I K.H.O.A.B. a at i 1 IV (rawfor. rf. 0 I I 4 J'JUrM' J ilt ! rarr. lb.,.... 0 0 4 0 0Ran. tf J R.H. OAK 011 0 MKlulra. ... 1 1 . . k a a t 1 a Martin. gmlth. lb...! I wRobtnaoa. lb J Lena, aa I Mullln. .... 001 p.... 1 1 i ti i ,i ri "i il, p. Total.. . lb... 0 Total a - -"V a a a Ufa. 2 LvVin ... . '...J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 Sacrifice hit.: Barrett J"",,51;?Henn k,u. ijona:. Basts on balls: Off Mullln, i; ore r-anen. i. mi -1Vk r, i. tv..k 1. First base on errors: Detroit, . waah Inaton 1. Left on baae: Detroit, t; Waah on i. Struck out : By MuUn. ; bv a ix'iM nltchea: By Patten, 4. Time' liM. Umplree: Hassett and Car ruther. Wla First Game la Flrat Inning. ST IOTTI8. June 29.-New York took th opening game of the erle from St. Ltmli toriav wl'h ease. The visitors scored four These proved enough to win. although New " K . . a ,'t...KrA aa M. York scoreo aiierwaiu. .'" " " t.v. after the first inning. Attendance. 1,200. Score: ' R.H.O.A.B Vaala. rt . . . 1 1 I riharfatit. a. 0 0 1 2 Conra. Hb... 1 t 1 1 Full, tt J 1 wtllkimi. 2b. I I 0 a MrSF.rlaad. if 1 0 I 0 C Oanial. lb... 0 I 14 1 O'Connor, 0 I Ckaabro, p... 0 1 I TotaJi.. MRU IT. LOIHI. R.H.O.A.B Rurkett. If... 1 I I I Haldrlrk. f . 1 I I 1 H.mnhlll. rf. 0 I 8 0 ASOar-OB. lb. 0 1 II 1 1 Wallac. aa . 1 1 I I 8udao. Ib.. 1 ' Kal.oa. t 9 1 1 ftiSima. lb . . 1 I M C m k. Ib. 0 0 1 4 Raldjr, p 0 0 1 I ataadlast at tho Team a. Inrl At 1AAAA 10 el "n WM own St. JoaeDh 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 1 "a courae ana at 13:20 all three boat were third. Time: 4:34. Batteries: Friend and Wilson; Seaj and standing for Brenton'a Reef lightship on Sixth race, one mile and one-sixteenth Garvin. the trboard tack. Leerall were well on Turf: llorham. yueen won, Mti . .... . : 1 secona, ociawana tnira. nme: 1:0, """' ana yacnis eem snower or I ct ittio r,. n.PAnMuim. a in Played. Won, Lost. P.C. I "Pray flying from under their bowa a they to 1,'won the' Inaugural handicap, the fea- .riMarove into the chop. Rollance plainly out- ture ot ueimar parn opening aay. rour 6"3 an iitnnin. r'imi.i. .i,ii. quolpa got off well in her . stride and set 620 " all the pace, winning from Jack Young by 489 latter waa getting away from Constitution, half a lena-th. with both driving to the .4M The nesr boat acted well in the choppy limit. Buccleuth was a good third. Light tv? 1 aeaa oueia biiu uauy obiauiuiuir, t 4 11 n , I lies, nnisneu in ine rucn. x no rin K"- a Ail Make Great Speed. I severe scorching by the winning of Pierce The three big sloops drove along at a i JJL t!lf.SL08.1"f ntl 'tS 1 'ff8 Jtc.k,1.d great speed until 1:25. Then Reliance. hav-ITrack fast. Results: Ing worked Ita way out across the bow of First race, six and a half furlongs, aell Columbla. larked o itnrhn. ,i,K Ing: Mrs. Wigg won. Loca second, One r.i.,.Ki. .v j V 7 , " More third. Time: 1:26H. Columbia out thead. but to leeward, second race, five and a half furlongs, steered up into the mouth of the Zaknnnnt purse: Doctor CartledR-a won. Wreath ol river to take advantage of the smooth lvJf1.,Bei:ond' OM st0" tnlra, .Tlm.eJ 1:n2V4: water and favorable tide. Constitution Edgardo won. The Way-eecond, Baronet iraueo ine oiner two nair a mile astern. By third. Time: i:wv. tlUa time the windward mark waa In lght L FoJurth rS,ce' onl-; Tht In'Wural ... I All thraa 1...- .v. nanuicap. i-uurquuiima woo, l null. fapa Bill Rourks and his badly disfigured I " . " . " second, Buccleuth third. Time: 1:404 l . M a. - . . . v-. I OAll aAAl g A 1 A-l.a I I . ...111 . Milwaukee 44 Colorado Sprlnga ....62 Kansas City 60 St. Joseph 49 Denver ..60 Peoria 49 Dea Molnea 60 Omaha ..47 Game today: Omaha at Dee Molnea. Denver at Colorado Borings. Milwaukee at Peoria, Bt. josepn at Kansas city NEW MEN FOR ROURKE'S BAND 33 36 26 24 24 23 18 IS 13 17 24 15 ti 32 82 30 319 Papa BUI Promises a larprlae for tho Foarib of Jnly Series. bunch of warrior went through Omaha laat evening on their way to Dea Moine to play a eerie of three game and maybe some of th postponed series that wa left over irom tne day 01 the nood. The old warrior didn't look at all pleased over his recent experience and said he felt Just rou.ided aa follows: Reliance ... Columbia .. Constitution Fifth race, seven furlongs, selling: Or m on 1 leans won, uur uioy secona, welcome .."."ilioin RK!lLthl!2-aa T,2!5: v.. . .21206 I olAin rncci ai. i a uau luiivnit, Tha fi,n hm . . . . nerce J won, i.uru .cviuo aecunu, j in The run home showed that though Con-In,., thirrt Time: l-.isiK. stitutlon Is a very, fast craft down th DETROIT. June i. Wire In. unre about as bad a ho looked. On thing he I wind Reliance 1 even better In conditions "trained by a burden of .108 pounds, won ui aajr, aim iiiai. is, wnaii umana lines ilka todav for the latfer aa lna4 ...jii I ine leaiure eveni ui nijiimim pma. iuuo.y. up at vinton street para next Saturday 1 ., ... .r Blx horses accepted tne issue ana tne race morning, there will be aom new faces on "-n r,vai. wnne tne Belmont boat was only between- Wire In. and Butter the diamond. He aspect three player ln picked up some second on Columbia. Offl. scotch. Track . good; weather fine. He- Reliance Columbia ... Constitution Omaha between now and Saturday. For I clal summary they are. but promises to give names and aetaus in aue aeaaon. Eddie Hlckey. according to Papa Bill. I playing even a better gam than the ecore shows, and he has mad hut one error in seven games. Walter Warwick Preston Is no longer an Omahog. He was given his release at Denver, and traveled this far In company with the team. H leaves tht morning to loin Psorla Papa Bill promises that the names he Is going to spring on the publlo will be wel comed by all th local supporter of th gam. Start. ...12:15:24 ...12:15:26 ...12:15:20 3:30:11 8:14:61 AMERICAN BOATS WIN AT KIEL Prise Ar Presented by the Kalaer and Pretty Parting; Worda Are Exchanged. KIEL. June 29. The American inan.r. war a men won iwo nrsts, a second and third ln today races asralnst the hoaa of the German fleet. The Americans had five boats entered ln four events, while the Germans had thirty-seven, and the Ameri can crews were not familiar with th. Ideal Win from Originals. Sunday th Ideal defeated th L. a. A. Originals. The Ideals took a lead In the first, acorlng twloe on an error and a wild throw, and at no time during the game wawa Hav K a. AmA Th. a-tah au.r. 0a.l- ful on both aides, but th errors of the PJ?" "n1d nad nt apecially trained for flriatnala ware ronllv The Kama waa da- I " "vtao.uii. aulta: trtra ra.a alv half fiirlnns's: Ravelment r jiMBn. ciapseo. won, Lee Kiuley secona, r uego tnira. J::" 3:09:63 Time: l.a. 3:29:28 8.14:02 Second race, four half furlongs: Vest ment won Exlcula second, Irene Cross third. Time: 0. &!. Third race, one mile ana an eigntn: Dubious won, Notwlsely second, Prism third. Time: 1:6614. Fourth race, one mile: wire in won. Butterscotch second. Bummer II third. Time: 1:42. Fifth race, six furlongs: The Boer won. rivnasfv second. Nuntiai third. Time: 1:1a. Hixtn race, nve lunonga: ciue xjaner won, Rowland M secona, tranK Homers third. Time: 1:02V void of other features, with th exception of Bellinger's pitching, striking out eight Original and aiao neiding ni position wen. Score: R. H. E. Ideal 20010100 1-6 9 4 Original ....0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-8 7 Earned run: Ideal. I: Orlalnal. 1. Dou ble Dlava: Hoffman to Lvnch to Lewis: Saffelder to Bradford to Foley; Kennedy to Bradford to Foley. Struck out: By Bellin ger. 8; by Saffelder. 6. Hit by pitched ball: Scully. Two-base hlta: Mlnikua. Hoffman, Lewis. Time: 1:46. umpire: enanancan. i , .;.v I'm a Ire Not satisfactory. Th Balling launch of tha ITniirf m.i.. cruiser San Francisco, entered by Ensign "" Dieeie, Jr., won ine prize In the race for warships' launches. The launches TROTS FASTEST MILE TO WAGON Lon Dillon Breaks All Records Beat ing Hla Own Boat by a Second and a Half. Cr BVRT.AXT June. 2 Till Dillon thla of the German turret ship Kaiser Wilhelm afternoon broke all records for a mile to x'er urunc was iirnnn eknn th.t .t .i.a i n.a tmn mr troit.ra aoina tna maianra in United States fl A BrU h ( n k'.iii ran raa .n,.-a I ) , u V Tin. roe. waa at a mitlnnA of tha uj ueuitniani nenry .. Musun, was third. I Gentlemen a Driving ciuo ai uienvuie tracit. There were fourteen Gen-nun entrla. l.l.n. I Tha hnrae was driven bv ita owner. ('.. K. tenant Mustin' boat would have won If an G. Billings. The race wa made with th uuii!iu.-r, noam, naa not louled when II WuB ln the lead and rlnsa to tha nni.h The course waa twice around a seven and talned that position until the three-quarters a. iian inn irmngie. I pole. The mare naa Deen going UKe i More than 100 ajlltlna- lannk.a v.l.nn all th. rilatanc. At tha thi-aa. the lower bay this morning, for besides the I quarters pole the runner was pulled to 2 "a1""1 wnion ine American crews 1 allow Lou Diion io come up alongside. fa.-, riKinjr uerman Doais took part ln I Th stretcn waa at great speed, seven other events. The closest contest The 1.600 anectators who hud been tlm Total I IH I New York 0 J 2 1 S J t! St. Louis 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 Earned runs: New York. 4; St. Loula. 1 Two-base hit: Williams. Three-base hits: Rurkett, Kahoe. Sacrifice hlta: McFar land (2). Double plays: Wallace. Padden. Anderaon. Stolen base: Fults. Hlta by pitcher: By Reldy. 1. Bases on balls: Off Reldy, t Strike outs: By Reldy, 10: by Chesbro. 6. Left on baits: New York. 6; St Loui. 4. Time: 131. Umpire: Con- n0llV'. . CUvelaad is Ontbatted. CLEVELAND, June 29. -Philadelphia out batted Cleveland today and won easily. Sharp fielding kept Philadelphia a ecor down. Attendance. I.t41. Score: PHILADgLPHlA. CLBVBLAND. H.w.uan n ' 14 r. ef 8 10 Bradlaj, lb.. 0 111 I OLaiola. lb.... 1 10 0 1 Hickman, lb. 1 t 110 Mc arthr. If. 111 rilck. rt I I III (lorknaar. as. I OBaaila, Hartaal. If. .. Plekalia. ct. I Datla. lb.... U Croaa. lb.. Satboltl. rt. .. 1 Murvhr. lb.. 1 M Croaa. as. Powara. e Plank, p.. . t I 0 I OjMoot. p. , CAB. 10 I 1 "i 40 1 II 40 II Total 4 14 n I l' Total I 4 It II Phlladelnhla 1 00001100- Cleveland 0 I 0 0 ft 0 0 0 02 Two-baa hit: Fllek, Oochnsuor, Bey hold. Murphy. M. Cro. Sacrlfic hlta: McCarthy. Pickering. Double playa: LaJoU ATLANTIC. Ia.. June 29. (Special Tel tinm.l-The most unsatisfactory grame p ayea on in. ar""" r' "a and the one which attrart. i- h.' .S . th n.mrt.r. r 1..H h.-.. litlUiS'ZrTE urn' ff? ! "". -a. - between ' the ikrg. exllVd as the" w.W. T lnd cieT thaV aU in.Lu.unc.. uieuunani Mustin led after the records would be broken and as the trotter mm quarter oi a miie ana gradually In-I passed the stand arose enmasse. The mil creased his lead until near the finish ha was madtt ln 2:04-1.. the horse flnlshini was one-eighth of a mile ahead of 8an strong and seemingly ready to cover tha ki i ,! muncn. isen, wnat was proba i;ivnian n yacni, wnicn waa running obliquely, yelled something unintelligible to Lieutenant Mustin, and a few moments later the stranger'e bowsprit ran through the Ball of Kearaarge'a launch, tearing away part of It. Before the two boats could be dlsentanged 8an Francisco's launch passed, and 100 yards behind it th launch of Kaiser Wilhelm Der Gross oSi.dnt IS GOLF CHAMPION ...a. a mm,,, aaiiiui arverai seconds on each turn. The German crews cheered the American winners heartily. Chicago's small cuiter competed in an other race and came in second, belim beaten by eight lengtha by a boat manned by men from the emperor 'a yacht Hohen-Bollern. The emperor presented th prises to th new Southwestern Uacue season. Th urn plre, Billy Barclay, a local saloon keeper, Is fenerany cnargeu wnn giving me locate he worst of It at every opportunity. The crowd waa disgusted and th players dis heartened. Even th visiting team recog nised the Injustice. Clarlnda scored 9 to the local 1. Batteries: Atlantic, Btrcher and Bolea; Clarlnda, Wilkinson and Glaaer. Base hlta: Off Btrcher, 10; off Wilkinson, 8. Struck out: By btrcher, 4; by Wilkin son. 4. First base on balls: Off Blrcher, 1; off Wilkinson. 4. Errorai Atlantic, t; Clarlnda, 6. Attendance, 200. Creatoa Gete Baay- la geveath. CREBTON. Ia.. June 29. (Special Tele- rrram.) Creston defeated Red Oak today n the flrat game of the new schedule of the Southern Iowa lengue by a score of 10 to ft, In a very Interesting game. The score stood 8 to 3 In favor or Red Oak tip to the seventh Inning, when' Creston run In six scores. The attendance waa about Sir). Batteries: Creston, Welch and Corbett; Red Oak. Snyder and Millard. - Umpire: Golden. - - . Rod Cload Haa Ost Pay, RED CLOUD, Nb., Jun"' aS.-Si-eclal Telegram.) Today waa an off day for th local, thev being beaten hy McCook bv a cor of ( to 1. In th second Inning four eorea were mad by the Visitors. Tne re maining Innings war fairly well played, ficore: McConk 0 4 0 9 1 0 0 0 1-4) Red Cloud 1 i) 0 0 0 0 0 t 0-1 Batteries: McCook, Beltser and Reader: Red Cloud, Adama aad Rhea. distance a second time. I he new recor beats that made by the same horse two weeks ago, iJn'n. ine tractlonal time waa 114. i:U3'4. I'M, a:u-i-v in a later race Mr. Minings arove in Monk lhe fastest mile credited to an elding this year. z:uw f ractional time :31. 1:04. 1:35V 2:A-V A runner was used to pace The Monk. Defeats David Brown la the Baltasrol Make by Eighty-Two Eighty-Four. NEW YORK. June 29-Tlie tie of Satur winners at the yacht club tnni-hi in .hi I day at 807 for the open golf champlnnahln shape of personal gifts to officers command- I ' ,na United States between Willie An- Ing die launches. Ensign Steele received silver cup. "I hop you will drink many a bumper put of It," said Emperor William, handing it to him. Lieutenant Mustin and Midship man Ryan, who aalled Chicago's small cutter, received sliver cigarette boxes. The protest entered yesterday by Herr aulleaume, owner of Clara, agalnat he British schooner Cicely being awarded the race for Ita class, because it carried only one anchor, whereas under German " aio necesaary, naa nen ov.r. W. K. Vanderbllt Wlna. PARIS. June 29. W. K. Vanderbllt' Bright, with Nnsli Turner up, torisy won the ITIx du Consell Municipal. 82.400. Rip Them la tb Bad. If you have loss ef appetite, headache, constipation or biliousness take Electrlo Bitter. It cure or no pay. Only 60c. For sale by Kubn Co. LAWYER GOES TO PRISON Attorney for Get-Rlch-Qolrk Concern Given an Indeterminate Sentence. NEW YORK, Jun 29. Robert A. Amnion, ttorney for William F. Miner ot me Franklin syndicate, was today sentenced to an Indeterminate term ln state prison of not less than four nor more than four and half years. Ammon was convicted of having received stolen money from Miller. Th maximum penalty for this offens Is flv years. The specific charge on which Ammon waa convicted waa that he received $30,500 of the money obtained hy the Franklin 620 per cent syndicate. Miller la now serving ten-vear sentence and was tne cniet witness at the trial. District Attorney Jerome, it . is understood, will take steps to secure pardon for Miller, aa he la dying of consumption. Amnion's attorney moved for a new trial giving aeven reasons for such a motion. Ho also moved for an arrest of Judgement Both motions were denied by Judge New- berger. The sheriff's commitment on motion of the defendant's counsel waa withheld until tomorrow to allow an application to a supreme court Justice for a certificate of reasonable doubt. May Yet Bo Bared. All who have severe lung troublea need Dr. King New Discovery for Consump tlon. It curea or no pay. 60c, $1.00. For sale by Kubn A Co. NEW YORK GETS A DRENCHING Water I Fonr or Flv Feet Deep ln Some of the Streets aad Mncb Dama are la Done. NEW YORK, Jun 29. New York and vicinity waa flooded today. In a few hour about half as much water fell aa In the prolonged period of wet weather thla month. The atorm . waa accompanied by thunder and lightning, and several con spicuous spots wer Struck by bolts. Streets in various sections of New York were inundated, and it ia expected th dam age by water will be very great. The flood was most serious along the shore front, on South and West streets, lit tha borough of Manhattan and In the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, where much damage waa don by flood twelve years ago. For good portion of the day her the water ln some of the streets was four and live feet deep, and many families were held prison ers in their homes. Merchanta and market men Improvised dams to keep the flood out of cellars. In many streets the car tracka were submerged. Police reserves were called to protect the few school children who ventured out. Lightning struck Tam many hall, but the damage to the build ing was trifling. Haif fare to Boston June 24, 25, 30, July 1, f, 3, 4. Long limit. Stopover privileges. Choice of routes. Through car to Boston: no. change enroute via. The Northwestern Line, the only double trseV route. 1401-14OJ Farnam street. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Slgnaium of AW Paoasll Wrapper Batew. deraon, Apawamls, and David Brown, Wa laston, waa played off today on tha Ba tuarol links at Hhon Hills. Andersor. wo by a score of Kl to St. Today's play was at ciKhteen holes. An derson played a fine game, aa did Brown, considering the wretched conditions. It rained very hard during the grt-ater por tion of the match. The score: Willie Anderaon Out 444 644 64440 In 444 666 6444385 David Brown Established 1023. 17ILSQ.. WHISKEY. Thai's fill! turn was iirrTLina aajL! CO ruled and the prlxe awarded to Cicely I Out 646 645 64342 which beat Clara by three mlnutea. The In 444 457 6444284 P.rliish yarhtamen were angry over the DOHERTYS STILL UNBEATEN protest, which they regarded aa uuaportc- The officer of the United State squadron thla afternoon received about 1.000 guesta on board the flagship Kea marge, principally Gorman naval officer and visiting Ameri can. In bidding Emperor William farewell on board Hohensollern Rear Admiral Cotton, on hehalf of the captains and offlcsra of his so,iiadrtin, aald they would carry awny wilh them never-to-be-forgotten memories of the hospitality and courtesy that had been shown them during their atay here The emperor replied that Cje visit had been charming to him peraonalTy, and he hoped It would be enduring In lis Impress on the friendship between the two nations Admiral Cotton and the captalna of the American warahipa tonight attended a dinner given by the yacht club in honor of the emperor, and aat with his majesty and United State Ambassador Tower In the garden for an hour witnessing a display of rocketa by the combined fieeta and the Playing or me vessels' a-archlia-ht English Tennla Team Wlna Tbre gtralaht from Irlab Pair In Final of Dnnblea Championship. LONDON. June 29-The All-England lawr. tennis chHmpinnship competition ws continued at Wimbledon today. In th ftnul of the single F. L. Rlseley beat J. G. Ritchie. 1-6. 6-3. -. 13-11. r . 1,. Rlselev will play H. I. Doherty, the holder of the championship. in ine unai or in aouniea in uoneriy brother beat H. 8. Mahoney and J. G. Ritchie. 8-6. 6-8. 4 1. In the final of the women' double Mis D. K Douglas and Mis Pickering beat Miss Wilson and Mia 11. Lane. 6-2. 4 1 Y. M. C. A. Tennis Tonraey. TM amporor will leav oa Mai (or at TlctgrlaUajt aaaoclaUoa Uunla tournament Yawp asaall anal CARTERS a. aunuj Bsnriwai roi ieaoacxl FOI DiniKCSS. roi iiuoumts. F8I TORPID LIVER. FOR C0KSTIPAT10I. FOR CAUOW SUI. rORTKECOMPUXICR anjoa aat. aaane. tMy.a-yat QUSK tlOK i'.XAOACWaV Creole 10 Everywhere A Rare end of ild Tobacco El M V Save the Bands -Lest VJ: ' i any Sue. Nx la Mc Estk. A. lAlfTAEUA a CO., Makart. Tanpa. Fl. RICHARDSON DRUG CO., P-.. COLORADO AND i a . RETURN B'aS F Far W -Vn a, rrfi fliffilit July 1 to 10, sive, $15.00 to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return via the Burlington Route; return limit August 31. The Burlington is the short line to Denver. Th Flyer leave tha Burlington atatl-in, Omaha, at 4:10 p. m. and carries every thing that goes to make traveling comfortable. J. B. REYNOLDS City Pass, g.., 1502 FARHAM; STREET, OMAHA. Gu MatP IF fi ll H PLUS S2.00 TO CHICAGO AND RETURN V JUNE 14, 15, 30 AND JULY I Qood to return aa late aa September 15. Cliicagojilwao co&St.PaulRy. NEW CITY TICKET OFFICE, N. E. CORNER I6TH AND FARNAM. .sr. Tourists! and Fishermen Low rate all Summer via the CHICAGO & liORTH-WESTERII RY. To StPaiil.Minneapolis.Duluth and the Fishing and Hunt- t lll.a..,. a A4 J iftnm n Tmia train, it . ! lu 1UK iCSCiria lunuicwi'. .uu iiibwubih, w .....- v. ... , a i . fS I , ' I' J ' . . between umana ana bi. raui-i.unneapJiis give uircct accesa to VVortbington, blayton, Wlndom, liingham Lake,5t. lamea, Lake Washington, wascca, Diinne- tonka. v rate Bear ana otner reaoni oi tne norxn. Tht "Beat of CVtrythlng. For rate, tickets sod full information, address H. C. CHEYt4EY, Geaeral Ant, OMAHA, XtS. WW 4 J 'I hi i il.