THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JUNE 2H, 100.1. ron sale, estate. D. V. SHOLES CO. TM-ll N. T. LIFE. TEL. 41. J Bargains. H.MO N'Ml -room hnua. lot fioxltt, rieaf Franklin St. School, ort 35th; fcooti bargain. $3O0-Fnr 8 rooiri hotlae and hArn. on tH near Martha, lot 46x140; SNAP. $:,000-Fnr fehtlot) feet, T-ronm modern house, etcr-nt furnace, on Kmmet neat- ffith. Good buy. $1.800 For larfe 8-ronm house, full lot. toil Or it street. $1,800 Neat 7-room hnua, lfr and gas; lot 48x110; near 26th and Rees. $2.600 Oood 7-rnnm hnuf, modern but fur- nace, on Georgia ave., just south of Hickory. $2,260 For 7-room. mortem but furnace, east front on $lst, hear Leavenworth. $2,3007 room, newer, Water. Rft, lot COxlM; 2529 Reward st. Eastern owner wants to closa this out quick. 3,000 -room, mortem throughout, Ti. front on Wth, near Howard; fine, repair; nearly new; rents $27.50. $2.600 On fTth and Webster; iouth front, neat, up-to-date i-room house, mod ern except (uinnre. $3,00001 Georgia avenue, near Woolwortn, nest 8-room modern houae, fine por celain bath, nickel plumbing; (food repair. CHOICE. $3,760 lfJ Georgia ave., cnr. of Wrtnlworth. 8-toom modern houae, Rood repair; beautiful corner lot, (oxluu. liA It OA IN. Muet acll thla week or rent. 1 now vacant. $3,200 Large, l-room strictly modern house, full lot. on 22nd, hear Mason. $ 6S4 South S5lh ave., beautiful corner lot, 80x100 feet, with l-room attractive modern noune, commanding nne east Iront, river and city view. Owner anxloua to leave city. Price right Actually the beet bargain la West Farnam district. THE BEST BARGAINS Always 20 first. Be sure and be among the first to in vestigate this list and you will be able to get just what you are looking for and at the price you wish to pay. "First come first served" is our motto. If you do not see just what you want below call at our oftlce and we will be. pleased to show you what you are lookong for. MOS On 8. 17th St.. hear Dorca, A 6-room cottage for $Sfi0. 1970 A neat S-room cottaare on 83d St., near Orace; house In good repair; lot (0x140; ii.aoo. MS A new t-room cottage on Xth St., near Snrneue. Price. 11.2110. $436 A one-and-a-half-atory frame cottage In good repair, with good barn, nice fruit treea; cloae to school: not far from car line; near 42d and Miami; has to lota. Price. $l.Soo. On 26th, near St. Marya Ave., 6-room house, large lot. on paved atreet, pav ing paid for. Prloa, $3,6u0. Thla la a bargain. 6091 1 f you want a nne new modern l-room hotiae don't fall to aee thla place. It la on Lowe Ave., about two blocks from the car line. The owner wants to all. VACANT. Vacont lots In "West Farnam district. We have two very choice lots, which we can sell for 13. mo. Kaat fronta, close to car line. If you want to pur chaae any vacant lota or improved property, don't fall to come and aee us. We have a large Hat, which we will be glad to show you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 'Phone 1881. Main Floor N. T. Life Bid. NON-RESIDENT desires us to sell quick, lot 1E7 feet deep and 150 feet facing on paved atreet, 26th and Poppleton; will subdivide. Bemls, Paxton blok104 g, tfl, nr. Cuming, 62x1 fu $. A Decatur, nr. 26th St., tOxa feet., $900. 1210 N. 26th Bt., 6 rooma, $1,150. 7-room houae nenr 26th and Cuming, bath, cloaet and gaa, 40X127 feet, $2,000. 1944SO. 16th Bt., 1 houaea, $1,280. Brick cottage near 23d and Leavenworth, $1,850. $7J So. 27th Bt.. 60x151 feet, $2,700. N. W. corner 15th and Center, -room nouee lot 75x140 feet. $3,600. ,... Modern houaea near High achool, $3,500. Bargains Kountze Pluce Houses. Six apartment flat building, rental about $720 per yean price. $4,500. t brick houaa. rental $720 yearly. 5 00 Eleven 4-room brick houaea, ground 100x144 feet; rental. $1X'0 per year; $11,000. Acreage, close In. $nuand upwut-ds. acres on N. 24th Bt., 3 blocks from new oar line, $J,000. 120 acres 11 miles west. $7$ acre. West Farnam district. 110X247 feet, choice and sightly, large house, price $6,000. Owner will take acreage, farm land, or vlty property for equity of $3,600. JOHN rf. FRENZER, OPP. OLgJPO.. SOME REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. CM.. Butter Co., eqpd. farm 820 A. Conn.. Middlesex Co., eqpd- 'r.m Oa., near Fltxgerald. $ trncta A. i A. Oa., Coffee Co., 837 A. eqpd. fexm. Chicago, Rogera Park, modern -r. res. la.. Iowa Co.. 100 A. A lmpts. Mich.. Oenese Co., 160 A. and lmpts. Mo.. Billings, cottage and lot. N J., near Rahway, 15-r. res and 20 A. N. J., Bloomfleld. fine res. and lot. N. J.. E. Rlvertan, S-r. re. and lot. N. Y.. Belmont, fine bldg. lot. Ohio, Hiram, fine 10-r. res. and lot. ra., Towanda, 15-r. res. and lot. a., Rockledge, near Phils., res and lot. Tex., Ban Jacinto Co.. 640 A. and lmpts. Va., near Hampton, ,3rt0 A. and lmpts. W. Va., Charleston, res., blacksmith shop, Est'hardwsre and house furnishing biie., stock and nxi., Montgomery, ro., Est. bakery bus., store, dwel.. ,oc"MB"fl flxt . Norrlatown, Pa.; fine location. $8,000. Eat. whoieaale and retail hardware .bus. and bide.. Sidney. O.; large profits; Pit. Joints for roofing snd flooring. J'.W" Cemplete steam laundry plant, aldosta. Well' rst. grocery bus . Philadelphia $3,500. Complete grist mill Ice house S3 A. farm. neer PerHomenvllle, Pa.. $4ij 0 . W M. OSTRANDER. N. A. A fine, up-to-date modern home of four teen rooms, good barn and large itreun with nice shade? On paved street In finest residence dl.tnet Owner IwtrtM .1.- r,Tir,.i n aU. Win conalder ,t tPrie HENRY F. DAILY. Phone F-3216. nm ri in. la. RE-99K 10 FEET east front on Ith St.. near Hick ory. $l.t half cash, balance long time. Temla. Paxton block. RB-M6 28 FARMS ALFALFA FARMS In the famous Piatt and Wood River Val leys. These farms will pay $0 per cent on Investment. $20 acrea. $ mile from town; some al falfa. Price. $48 per acre. $0 acres, t mllea from town. $2,400. 160 acrea. 80 acrea alfalfa; adjoins elation. A fine hog ranch. Price. $7,600. 240 acrea. One of the finest ranches in the valley. 1(0 acrea alfalfa. Addrees W. II. ORASSMTER. Kearny, Neb. RE646-28. LAST chance to bur nice home n Dundee i $-r. mod. nouee. o-jji ....., - term" J. H. Parrotte. P"""1 Easv TermslMonthly Payments 7-r. houas, well, tree.. ''t-,V- w . i Al A mnnd repair. : : iz ... a,,, id. "0 T60 768 6-r. house, well, cistern. $4i4 lh.on4o.... 6-r. houss. cistern. IV14 Bo. ':" 4-r. houss. city water. 8814 Ho. Uoule- vare. ...i-'i; v--' 'V j Buvif parrot . "-V3ai. M ACRES Unpreve4, Barpy 'o. Address ron SAi.r-nr.Ai, estate. Vacant. $175-ror 76x124 feet, lying fthe, I Mocks from end of JSth St. car Una, Park forest add. "NAP. or choice lot. Dupoht Plhce, near Oeorgla av. car line, School, park, etc., on Dupont and Caetellhr streeta. Terma, $.v cash, balance monthly to ult, or will build you house and ell On easy terma. llfltVFof Sf.xlWt feet on IMh at., about A Mock south of Vinton, ast front. XKV-For af'!HI feet on Pierre, between 26th and 27th ate FINK "SAP. $200 For WmOO feet near 27tll and Ree ata. Walking distance. IISO For 6t'xl40 on Houlevard, near Man fleraon. SNAP. t,oKor b:jI.'6 oh 18th, near Lothrop: fnvlhg nil paid. SNAP. 'or choice lots facing South on TAT ,OR, near 26th and 271P. ata. $2,200For nxic en Hat av. FINE BAR GAIN. . $4,400 For cnr. 88th Ave. and Harney! CHOICR. 167x15 feet.) $3,00 For tUxlUa, Joining above. Acres. 1 acre on 44th at.. Mocks south of Q t., llx9 feat, eaat front, with 6-room house, barn well, chicken houeee, and covered all over with all klnda of fruit, lrtrge and email. Jolna right lib CoMgart Place add Just over city limits. Choice subur ban country home. Do not fall to let us drive you down to aee thla. It la a hum mer. 10 acrea near Benton and close to car line, I6u per act a. Investment 4 5-room houses, on corner lot 100x130 feet 8. W. cor. 2th and 8 at., in Boutn lirnnna, 1 hlrwkn south main entrahc to Armour'. Rent for $M per month. Price reduced to 12.100 for quick aale to rata money. No les. BK8T PAYING INVESTMENT IN CITY. RE 7U 28 F. D. WEAD $-room house and barn, full lot, east front, hear Hanocom para, B-room houae, and barn, 81 S. Mth St.. 2,:V). Two liroom houaea, 4215-lT California, $j.&i. Two 7-room houaea, northeaat corner Zia and Cans, $4,000. . . 10-room house, and barr), 21at and Grace, ground 70x140, room for another bulld- S-rooitl riew iiouse on Spauldlng. $2,700. -room houoe, 267S PpauldlnK. $1.10. 6-ronm cotteg. new. itilW Bpenoer, $1,600; $.150 cah, balance $18 per month. 5-ronm cottage, 6th near Fort at., on new car line, $. w t-rnom Pottage, Hat near Manderaon, east front, good repair, $1,250. Two 6-room houaea, 3U8 nnd IW .orbv. rents at $1$.(0 per month, $SU0. BE QUICK. F. D. WEAD 1B24 DOUOLAS ST. RK-114 28 LOT on paved atreet facing east near 20th and Vinton ata. Price, $). Owner Thuat sell. Make us Offer. Bemls, P"'lont.bjrk- HAVE YOU EVER been to Stth St. and Ames Ave., 15 minutes' ride from down town, $-mlnute service, elegant neighborhood, elegant school, etc. Buy one of those lote for 100 and enjoy the freah country air and car ride ana get away from the hot pavement, f RON REED & CO., Bee BY 212 8. 14th Bt. RE SGI n OOOD HOME INPEBIRABLE LOCA- HUM, Al yoivi xv'" ijmr-m niM it.ary TKHM8. $0,000-for -room modern houas with lot 7$ xlv3 reel. no. oiv x i a. .to. double frontage, east front on Park ave., Weat front on 80th St. Asphalt nivtd street, stone sidewalk, all p- olal taxes paid In full: large, tine treea In front of and on lot; Improve- mente alone coat over n.uuu. lerme, 11 ko cash, balance 848 uer month. $1.600 for 7-room old frame house with lot tsno cuh. balance 812 Der month. 11 MVW f.,r trim, bulldlnr and lot 83xl3i feet On weDHier, oeiween uiu uiiu sis; rental, 818U per year; all special taxes paid. Terms, $uOO cash, balance 113 tir month. $ 660 for 264 teet on 14th at. near Valley oy ild ieev in aepin, llliul miv auaa, between Omaha and South Omaha, nn ttloclc from car line. GEORGE COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST, IIJ JUSUl if 1XI1 t HMCnM CHARLEa R. 1203 VV 1 J-L-irviuwi i 'utnum sireei. KE-410 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the t'nlnn Paclflo Railroad comuauy. IS. A. McAllester, land commission., Lnion Pa- clllo Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 173 10-ROOM modern house, 11 block from poatofnee, for sale cheap. 1W N. 16th. Benewa & Co. RE-12 HOUSES AND LOT8 AT WAY DOWN PRICES Only small payment down and only small monthly payments, asms as rent. Bemls. Paxton block. RE 10 23 REAL E8TATE BARGAINS. Three modern residences on 25th avenue. House newly painted, street paved, all taxea paid. Price, $8,500.00. will net owner 6 per cent at above prloe. Two modern brick residences s . 1S15 and 1817 Jackson street. Rents for $60.00 a month. Price, $6,500.00. This I a splendid investment. Three-story and basement brick block Three stores and thirty-two rooms. All In first class condition. Rents for $1,760 a year. Price. $i5,0M).0o. Four cottages and lot 66x140. All In good repair and Rents for $40.00 a month. Prlue, $3,500.00. Prick block on Blxteenth street. Two stores and twsnty-slx rooms. Renta for $t.f00.00 a year. Price. $15 000.. This Is first class business property. THOMAS RRENNAN. 119 8 v 18 h St. RE-M747 C9 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city: also acre propsrtv ana rarm lands. The o. F, Davis Co., Room 608. Hec Bldg. RE-11 W. H. GATES, 617 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 1294. rooms, up to d'.ite, bard wood finish corner lot. paved street. $3,750. " I rooms, bath, largs lot, 60x1(0, fruit, shade, sat front. 13.100. s-room modern and nice enat front lot on Srid St.. north of Dodge, $4. 7 rooma. I1 atory, barn, nice eaat front lot. 83x140, beat, loomed on Bo. 10th at.. 81.70.T (room cottage, $331 Emmet Bt., lot 66x128. 6-room cottage, 2817 Ohio, $500. Rents for $8. Small cottsge snd u"H feet on Davenport by lib feet aeep, Just etat or snn, w.aui. Small house and lot, 6Axi5n, on 17th Bt., near Leavenworth, only $1,600. RE 87$ 28 Payne, Bostwick & Co. Q m s. istn. i-r., city wster. ciose in. w. $3tt California, l-r.. good well, only $6. 8u4l 8. 18th Ave., l-r., in splendid shape, cemented cellar, etc.. $7. 4012 Nicholas, good 7-room house In nice repali, modern, $22. 1309 Bo. Sth, $-r., all modern, splendid yard. large barn, imveu street, only .'j.oo. V& Farnam. l-r., modern, $J6. We hav choice all modern house In Hans com Park district, which has just been put In Al shape. $27 60 per month. vv also have a splendid $0 houae In West Farnam. and a cholo furnished houae for rent during summer. Bee our lift before you move. PAYNE. BOBTWIOK A CO.. 601-2-1 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 1016. RE 97$ 28 IJDT9 FOR THE PF.OPLE. On new Florence motor line. nir Fort Omaha and Miller park, only $9 down and only $6 per monm. uomn, ninn piock. tot VAS 8 4LR-.RCAL ESTATE. 1$ PER CiNT Investment. $1.60 will buy a 5-roo-n hous ard a 8-room house and lot that rent foe $rei pr ennum. P-vd street, b'ock srd a half from ear llm ikn.r Anultt ihtudv fflsy houas and rent the other. Part of nurchaae nrlce could b sid monthly. Wymaa, S.ive "p. hew York Ufa viae wnia Western Farms Have Steadily Increased. Wise Investors Are Putting Their Money Into Land. FOR SALK-RICAI, tST.4TB. Bargain fcOxllO BIX ROOM MoUF.RN COTTAGE, FtRNACE, PATH. OAS. HARD WOOD. ki North 4isr ave. $2,5oo UASON STREET. 3RD LOT WEST 6P Bl'KIjINQ'l ON I'KPOT BITE FOR AN APARTMENT HOUSE. $5,000 P4X1B6 VACANt KABT FRONT IIT SUIOHTLT ABOVE ORAl'K. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. $2,75o inOxlaO LARGE MODERN HOUSE. BARN. LAWN. SHADE TREE8. 1313 PARK AVENUE. $7,ooo 150x120 HOUSE, BARN. CHICKEN HOUSE, 9 COWS. MILK ROUTE. 1723 VAN CAMP AVE. $2,7oo Howard Kennedy & Son, First National FARMS. 1) orp 10 mile west of Lincoln, 1 mile rrom station; good, well Improven, smootn land; fair Improvements; present owner occupied It ro yeiirs. now dpi cased; widow wants to sell. BARGAIN, $16 per acre. 1,120 acres neer county seat town on F., E. ft m. v., jin'ng city limits; all fenced, )l miles fencing; M0 acres fine hay land, cut 800 to 9Xt tons every vear; good H-room hnuxe, large cattle aliens ahd corrals; can get flowing wells; 60 acres cultivated, bal ance used for pasturing city stock, bring ing now about $75 per month rent. This will pay anyone 10 per cent gross on price cun be sold fo-, nnd wlil sell for advance $3 to $5 per acre within 90 days. Quick sale, $16 per acre buys It. LINCOLN COUNTY RANCH 1,310 actes deeded, 800 acres U. P. cont., 4,110 acrek tensed, nnd all under fence, with fair Improvements; 6-room house, barn for IS head horses, cattle sheds; Said to cut l.ono tons hay; all clear. WILL TRADE FOR GOOD OMAHA PROP ERTY. PRICE, $10,0110 in trade. D. V. SHOLES CO. 722 N, Y. LIFE. RE-177 ii HAVE YOU GOT $100 to spend T If you want to get the oholce lots near 24th Bt. and Ames Ave. you will have t hurry. Cheaper than paying rent. Call, write or wire BYRON REED & CO., 212 8. 14th Bt. RE 962 28 A NEW 7-room house, fine shade, sod and barn $1,600, worth $3,000; owner leaving city. Apply 2926 Indiana ave. RE 128 $8X FRUIT AND POULTRY FARM. 6-ACRE fruit and poultry farm, adjoining town of Red Oak, la.; 6-room cottage, barn SOx32. poultry house, hog house and other outbuildings; acre peaches, acre of apples, besides a large amount of plums and other fruits. If sold at once we can take $3,000. This Is a great oppor tunity for someone to buy a nice little home and at the same time It Is a money maker, as there la good demand for prod ucts. , R. C. PETERS CO., Grand Floor. Bee Building. RE 923 2S Are You Paying Rent Have a home of your own near 24th St. and Ames Ave., the part of the town that Is flourishing. Take a car ride and Investi gate the nelaUurhood. 100 is what we are aeklnir for lots out there. BYRON REED CO., 212 S. 14th Bt. RE-963 28 IF IT IS A BARGAIN that you are looking for allow us to show you any or tne roi lowing properties: full lot. 6Txl50 feet, south front, on grade, 38th and Parker streets, $200. (-room cottage, city water, cistern, ce- mrnted cellar, coal house, Bt. and Patrick Ave.. .'910. l-room houre. go d furnace, porcelain bath tuo. mnruie wasn nasini". city water, gooa well and c'stern. gas. elegant gns fixtures, cemented cellar under whole hone, full lot. $l,6TO. Cun vou mntch this with tiny thing In the city for anything near this nrlri.? 7-room all-modern house, flrst-clnas repair, full lot. at S5th ami Dodge. o boo. 10-room. thorough modern, built 6 veara. eaat front on South sotn avenue, one diock north of park. $4 650. 9-room all modern house, good barn, full east front lot. 41et and Burt streets. H.fot. 11-ronm "lOdern house, east front, lot 60x150. rO" all 'y In rer, nice shade. Just soutn Of $h and Pacific 87.760. R. C. PETEP.8 CO.. Ground Floor, Bee Bulldl". RE-829 28 EXCELLENT brick buxineFs and residence Mocks in central portion or timniw trom $10,0(0 to $00,000. Bomla, Paxton Mok. RE-P 28 A SACR1F1CK BALK. A party lenvlng Omaha for Pentonvllle. Ark., would like to close out the following proprrllra and hove ordered us nut to let any r-sonsble offer ret away: L"t 1. block 4, Mount Douglas addition to South Omaha. Lot '7 snd block 3. Melrose Hill, lo t I! Srd 27 t5 acres), Bnllnlr Place. Let lis hear from you regerdln this, as someone is going to get a bargain. R. C. PETERS & CO. Ground Floor, Uea Building. RE-929 28 WAREHOUSE AND TRACKAGE IXTS In best localities In business part of the City. Bemis, Puxton block. RE 108 28 HOUSE BARGAINS We will consider low offers and make easy terms on tne lonowing properties: 2214 K. 21st St.. 4 rooms, $tf0.00. 8!5 Tharles (essy payments), 234 Francis, 4 rooms, full lot, $W. 2iil6 N. 19th St.. 8-r.. modern. $1,700. 8-?oS Maple. 4-room house, $700. 30u9 N. 17th Ave., rooms,, shade, $1,650. 4Nil Bcward. rooms, hum, Choice modern houso of 1 rooms, full lot, In beat part W, Farnam district, $4,760. GARVINBROS., Com'l Nat. Bank Bldg.. 1604 Farn;im Bt RE-P22 $8 $2 SCO FOR A CHOICE HOME East front on Boulevard, heir Kountia Park. 8 rooms, nice porcelain bath, marble wash stand, best closet, seaer, hot and cold water, gaa. good cellar, barn and shad. HENRY F. DA1LEY, 'Phone r-8246. $01 Bee Bldg. RE- 8 28 BEAUTIFUL 6-room cottage, modern, near two car lines, only ti 6uo. Small payment auwn, balane auonlhly peymen'a. lii ij, Paxton Wwek, Ri-ij $ rOR SAI.K REAL ESTATE. Bulletin PF.BT VACANt LOT ON LOWE AVE., JUST A HOVE ORADE, GOOD HOUSE AND GOOD NEIOHHORS ON EITHER $2,25o tx0 Vacant corner lot where flats would rent to advantage 0th and capitol avenue. $6,ooo loxlS KAST FRONT, GtxjD IXTATI0N. KND STREET SOUTH OF MASON. KElGHBoH HOOD WHERE EVERY THING RENTS. $2,8oo oxi a? LAROE MODERN HOUSE, EAST FRONT. PAVED STREET. 216 NORTH 22ND STREET. $7,ooo 33x132 PAVED STREET. PAVED ALLEY. GOOD LOCATION FOR BUSINESS HOUSE. 117 CUMINQ STREET. $3,ooo Bank Building. RE 921 2S JOHN W. ROBBINS, SPECIAL BARGAINS IN HOUSES ! $,000 4-room modern and barn, east front. on Georgia nvc, near roppieion. a SPLENDID HOME. $4,750 10-room modern a,nd barn, full eaat front corner, both streets paved, one block from Hatiscom park. VERY CHEAP. tg.ioo U-riiom modern and barn, close In. $3,oo(U-8 rooms, modern except hnat, close to high school, street raved and raid. $2,800-6-mom cottage and fine corner lot. $2,3dO 7-room modern, except heat, east front, on paved street. NICE HOME CHEAP. $2,250 .s-room and east front lot near Hans com Park. $1.950 -room, north, on paved Street $1,800 6-room cottage s"d full lot on 16th St., south of vlad?!. $4,0003 stores and 3 cottages, 18th and Wil liam; must be sold to close an estate. Annual rental, $:i. CHEAP BUILDING LOTS $1,0V-104l!in, cor. 2sth and Pacific, paved. $1,6001011x138, Lafayette Ave., near 8th St, VERY CHOICE AND CHEAP. $1.5o0 oOxl55, 3Mh Ave., near Farnam. jl.OBO 37V4X140, 29th St., south of Farnam. $4,tu0 oUkliii, east front, on 26th St., paved. $ 9u0 fixliiO, Webster and 3itli -streets. OTHER BARGAINS In both vacant and Improved In every part of the city. DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU BEE ME. FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCES RE 919 28 SMALL fruit, garden and poultry farms near Omaha, South Omaha and Florence, all prices and most any terms desired. Bemls, Paxton block. HE luS 2i FARMS Kansas Earms. JOHNSON, JEr FERSON, LEAVENWORTH MIAMI, LINN, BOURBON, AND CRAWFORD COUNTIES. Missouri Farms. JACKSON, CASS, BATE8, EKNON, BARTON, LAFAYETTE, JOHNSON, HENRY, ST. CLAIR, PETTIH, SALINE AND COOPER COUNTIES. We have Improved farms In the above counties, located within a couple of hours' ride of Kansas City and St. Joe market', In the best farming country In the world. Every farm H a represented at price i from $20.00 to iKL50 per acre. CHAS. E. MILLER. 222 8. 13th Bt. Call or write. RE 9 W 2 Tukey & Sun Save Your Car Fare We offer four houses, within walking dis tance, In a good neighborhood, perma nent sidewalks and paved streets; ull special taxes paid. 255u Jones Bt., 7 rooms, nil modern. 2552 J ohea St., 7 rooms, all modern. . 2666 Jones St., 6 rooms nnd bath. ' 2660 Jones St., 4 rooms and bath. A. P. TUKEY & BUN. 444-445 Hoird Trade. RE-4.'4 28 FORTY ACRES timber, adjoining Hazel Hodge.. Juat west Horence pump atutloii; tine for summer home; price, eaay terms, $3,000. Four acres, Just outside city limits, with 4-room house, with full licailig straw berries, plums, grapes, blackberries, rasp berries, etc.; a gem of a pi ice; line view. Five acre cultivated ground, near Central Park school, fl.OW. Three and one-hulf acres, southwest Han Scorn park, houso and orchard. $4,000. Five lightly lots, southeaxt corner 4bth and Douglas, $1,600, easy terms. F. D. WEAD. 1524 -Douglas St. RE 93: 28 "TUKEY'S TERMS" ON VACANT LOTS We offer lots that are ready to build on at 28th and Grande Ave., ons block from 24th Bt. car line; all level, good xhade trees and nne blue grass. Our terms on these lots ure very eaxy, smull monthly payments, and when the lots are paid for you cun make a loan to build a house. Prices from $125 to $.M0 per lot j A. P. TUKLY & BON. 444-445 Bositd Trade. RE-926 28 FOR SALE A modern twu-atury frame residence of eight looms, with bath, gas, furnace, within two hliK'ka of Our line, a little west of High school; lot btxll6. $3,000 00. A modern two-etory frame dwelling ot seven rooms, with bath, hot and cold water, gaa and furnace, on paved street, near car line, in Hansoom Place. K.b'H. f). A two-story frame houae of seven rooms, with new porcelain bath, closet, hot and cold water and two mantels and gratua. Fine locution In Hinncoin Place. Vi.w.b). Lot ooxibu. This la a choice lot on Oeorgla avenue. In the fine reldence distil. t. Has a good, 'lit If slx-ruo.n cottage und good barn. $2.0uu.u0. Lot lviOxli, a neat one-story cottage of six rooms, good barn. A bsrulu. il.5oo.ou. A lot, 83x140, a neat one-story fnme c t tage of six rooms, In good repair, front ing east on the Boulevard, near Clark. This is a bargain. ll.bjO.uii. Two-story 7-room noune. full lot, t blocks to street car, two blocks to si-hool. In the west part of the city. $1.6uu.'j0. Lot $0x140, on $7th street, a little north of Cuming, east front, good four-room house, city water In the yard. $1,000.00. Two-story nine-room bouse, two blocks west ot High school, on Capitol avenue. $2,6u0.0u. J. A. LOVGREN, 4$-T Paxton Block. RE-s.6 28 W. C. CHI B SELL, 833 New York Life Bldg. RE MU U HAVE you vacant property you want to trade for wvil Improved residence prop erty paying 1 per cent net? Kennard at Lower, -10 Brown Block. RE-971 28 ( FARMS AND RANCHES In every direction from Omana, II sixes prices anil terms. Boinl" pnxiun KA-1U8 28 end all FOR SII.K IIKAL KJT4TK. NEW SNAPS NEW AND HANDSOME six-mom cottage, nic kel plumbing, lot 12x13.!; nice location $J,wO a bargain. Be sure to see It. NEW 7-room house, walking distance, convenient to High school; modern except furnace. This la a good buy ti,i. NEW 5-rnnm cottage, modern etcept fur nace, lergo eaat front lot $1,660. GOOD 7-room house, full lot $1,501; $150 cash, balance eaxy payments. 6-ROOM cottage, eaxt front, full lot, near car and achool $1,000. VACANT BARGAINS B acres In Florence $750. 50xl2W Near 24th and Ames $275. 41x132 Bristol St., paving paid $f50. 6"xloO I'srk ave., east front $1,600. tVixloo Hiinscom Place-$fi60. 62x140 Bemls Park ii60. 0x140-1 latniltnn, tiewr$27T. 6DX12S Ncur 24th und Luke $360. NEW MODERN HOMES AT BEDROCK PRICES. ALWAYS BEE US BEFORE PURCHASING. ERNEST BWKET, 611 N. Y. L. TEL 1471 RE-920 IS FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. 50c to $2 per acre for ranches. $J to 12 for good farm lands. One-tenth cash. Write for particulars to B. A. McALLASTER, Land'Comissioner.Union Pacific R. R. OMAHA, NbBRASKA. BAROAIN Improved Nebraska tarm In Hirrlcultuml belt like Iowa. 3 miles from R. K. town of 2, U00, tor sale. Address Owner," V 48. Bee. RE 160-ACRB fruit farm, finest In Nebraska pays $8,000 net annual Income'; $100 per acre; easy terms, 10 years' time, 6. ISO-acre fruit farm, finest In Iowa; 16,000 healthy bearing apple treea; pays $12,000 gross annual Income; $126 per acre; easy terms, 10 years' time, 6. Three very choice' farms, 160 acres each Eaunders county, Neb., great snaps, $iS acre; easy terms. RlCHAHD C. PATTERSON. Sols agent, 1224 Farnam St. KE 818 $8 EXCURSION TO CANADA. Join us on one of our next excursions to Canada, leaving Omaha July ( and ii; $-1 for round trip. You can l afford to miss going. We have over 500.000 acres of best selected farm lands In Manitoba. Asslnl bola, Albert and Basaatcnewan, that we can sell from o to 810 an acre on easy terms. Write us for further particulars and our book, free, telling an aoout (jan HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, Western Immigration Agents, 610 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. RE 898 28 FOll RENT IIOISES. UMllQPQ I" alt of tne city. R. nUUOCO c. Peters & Co.. Bee Bid.: u bod irnR RENT. 7-room house, all modem ccpt furance, 704 N. 8uth Bt., $20.00. c. M Uachmun, VJu-ai x-axiun uik. DiUt nUUOCJ y, Duvla Co., 60s Bee Bldg, U IMS PAYNE-HOST WICK St CO. Choice houaaa Ul-uo3 New York Life Bldg. 'Pbone luiti. D-600 WK MOVE pianos. Msggard Van Rtnr, age Co, Tel. ll'J6. Olllco, 1713 abater St D Vil ONE of the line, all modern, 7-room brick hous.-a. 20th and Izard Sis., tio.uu. a. K TutUlngton, 606 Boe. D M224 3620 BURT rooms, moaern, barn, large lawn, 2218 N. lath 9 rooms, modern, $20. 2ni8 Davenport, lit rooms, modern, tilt. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. IMo Farnam fit. L) so 7 is x FOR RENT, $36 a month. 7-room com- I pieiei.v iiiuut-1 ii iiuunr. munei piacea open plumbing, house newly painted, papered und varnished thruuyuout; good base ment with slate laundry tubs. Beuutlful location: 10K6 Bo. 30th Ave., near two ReeU Co., EVfilb wT " VST FOR RENT To small family, five-room cottage, 806 N Ikth St., price $11 per month. Apply at 607 N. 19th st. D-M71J (l-ROOM modern flat, llli Bo. llth st. D S79 CENTRAL, 1st clnss 7-room house, SM N. 23 I-M477 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D 5ii9 10-ROOM brick dwelling, very desirable, within walking distance, on iith st. near Jackson, $40. Betls. Puxton blk. D-M471 FOR RENT 8-room modern houso, 2248 N. 19lh St $20.00 S-rmini modern house, 2025 N. 2uih tit 20.00 8-room modern house, S15i Farnam St 25.00 THOMAS BRENNAN, 3U0 So. 13th St. L ilbl2 Jy2 2487 HARNEY, 9-room modern. $35 per month. Wm. K. Potter, Hec. Brown blk. D 207 TWO 9-room houses, all modern. $18.00. C. M. Bachmann. 436-37 Paxton block. D M709 261? Cupltol Ave.. 8 rooms. $25.00. D-M810 28 4-ROOM house. 2009 Bo. 2d: cistern and city water; good 'Condition, $r..oo. Waller Bietn. 309 So. 13th St. D 81 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van tstorugo Co., office Lilts Frti iiam, or Tela. U9-8J. D-t6j $ ROOMS, strictly modern apartments, on one Hour. 4124 Farnam. L M803 Jyix FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT FOR THE SUMMER. One of the very desirable k-rooni. finely fur nished homes In the wtet rart city. For partlcj'ars see GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM BT. D-MSUl in 2813 Wool worth Ave., 8 rooms, modern, $2fi; 242$ Ersklne, t rooms, modern, $.U; itM Nicholas. 6 rooms, large yard, 414; lulO Pacific, $ rooms. $10.26; 1M$ Howard. 8 room flat. $12.50; othere. P.ingwalt Bros., Barker Block. D-M83S 28 FURNISHED modern residence; conveni ently located. Rlngwalt Broa., Barker Block. D-8v2i FOR RENT Ten-room modern house near hlsh achool. No. 412 North 22d atreet. In quire next door or at 419 N. Y. Life build ing. t 825 FOR RENT. t 1916 Dodge street, fur nlahed hours for tha aummer. D 843 JSx i ' I FOR RENT . a lurnianea, ft ft eouabie. lit r rn nai. nice'1 . Park v- ' for nrT-tiorE. J-ROOM house, all modern. I'M Parker at. K4J Six FOR HKNT, five-room houee, cbcnp to small family. Apply M13 Ks St., off Paiinc St. h-mmj :? noon houses for rent. 1M5 St. Mary's Ave.. -r., modern $i.00 HI4 Locust, lo-r., modorn (choice) :7 ,yi 81M S. 3lth, 9 rooma l.t 9 N. iTlh Avi , 6 rooma lu.oi -in N. a7th. 6 rooms 8 ml P'! 8. 3nth, 6 ritnms 0 nil 1( S. lsth, 4 rooms... ., 8.00 GARVIN B R O S.. Com'l Nat. Bank Bldg"., 1604 Farnam St. D-i:3 2S FOR RENT. 710 N. 40th St., ll-rooni house, fine bnrn, etc.. Sfr.S Dewey Ave.. 9 rooma, modern, reduced to 132 60 to July 1. 645 8. 21at St.. " room house, with barn, fine lawn. etc.. IM. IS23 Dewey Ave., good modern flat of $ rooms. $10. tf you have a house you want to rent Hat It with us PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. D-927 W 8620 WER8TER rooms, $8 00. 2l Francis St. rooms, U'37 S. 2sith 8t., 3 rooms, $7.00. CI IAS. E, WILLIMSON, 120$ Farnam St. D 960 18 TWO nicely furnished houaea to let for the summer; 10 rooms each; good loca tion. V. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. i wis -a FOR RENT, flha modern residence, newly painted snd papered, large burn and shade. No. 146 South th street. Four moms, city water, 1918 Pierce Bt., $5. Three-room house, Wh snd William, h. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. o ftiuu jyi FOR LEASE 8-room hnus and barn, tem porarily; willing to mass a nnerai ad vancement. AdreSa G 69, Bee nfflce. D M10J 29 x FOR RENT Nice 6-room flat, modern, de. tached. 2238 B. 18th St. I'none .a-"". D 141 2SX ... BIBINESS tilASCKJ, THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. 519.51. 31B llrn.n rtlnrk ' PbonA AXR7. WEEKLY BULLETIN OF BUSINESS CHANCES AND INVESTMENTS. Mn.t hull end clsnr store ln Omahrt, ii win t ?n nn nnrr it nn m. .iiwi $2!&0ii! last year. No bonus asked at this TtBt anlnon In South Omaha. $1,400. Fine location and business, juverymins; mm- Phnto studio In Western Iowa county sent. v.rv nn eouipment ann ooins i.vm 12.000 per vear. I'rlce $750. will Invoice nw fi non $4Xl lor H int. In saloon and restaurant combined. Fixtures ano siocs, wut ti Fum arnnallv Leading barber ehop'ln bfsl town In North Platte country. iniPRi egiiiiin-in, h.if onlif ehnira oorcelaln baths, etc. Doing largest business of any shop in town. Pflce 11.000. Down town bakery good trade, and will easily invoice itwu. rrice .iw, nm wim rr,a Kt Ih. nMeat VPI,t known Snd PCSt located conrectionery ana ice cream v, llehments ln Omaha. Will Invoice from 2onn to 82.400. Price $1,100. lu, f olr mtnra and shining p.irlor This price mciuopa uuimins uhb.,,., cOatlns 81.400. Location good. One of Omaha's best paying restaurants for SSO0. Keening :tao to nv per uaj-v oriirr. Fixtures cost over l,oon. t p TJm , DrH rntfliirnnt. confectionery ..1, mA Htftro in Htfick 111118 Bales average $1,000 per month-42 per cent pront. Price, Invoice about $!,boo. Advertising buslheas similar to street car advertlalng. New Idea-very profitable business established. Price $300. Must all hv Jlllv 1st. Our company is exclusive agent for every IF JHAVE ANYTHING TO SELL OR TRADE, NO MAlliB i WHERE LOCATED OR WHAT IT IS WORTH. LIST WITH US FOR QUICK BALE. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. Y-951-28 WHEN you want to buy. aell or exchange any property or puaineea nun, w Johnson, i w. x. t.iie. w FOR BALE, a good fu-nlture, hardware and undertaking bueln..,, store building and residence also. Address box iih, riy mouth. Neb. Y-M1D8 DRUG STORE for sale: a bargain. For partloulars address G 28, care Beeomce, too -o FOR BALE Four years' lesse and furni ture forty-room hotel, strictly transient house: good ra'lroad town northwes:ern Nebraska; paying proposition: owner has other business. Auareaa u i, pee. Y-M776 $0 FOR 8ALU. a nice clean stock. of goneral h.,Aura and complete set UK unnrrs toola; will Invoice about $3,500; located ln Omaha; goon location ior cny mm cuuu try trade; very reasonanie rem; nne es t ,hiinh.d trade: thla Is a splendid oppor tunitv tn s-t a navine buslneas It taken a once; only cesn win ne cannnnni, mny reason for selling aicaneas in ismny. u dress a 12, Bee. Y-M5,$ Jyl DYE WORKS for sale, with large whole al nnd retail trade. Party wlfhea to gt east on Bccotint of health. For further particulars addrcaa, O 40, Bee. K T 807 CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located, it you n-nnr a quick sale send description and rrloe, Northwestern Business Agency, D 318, Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. x-wisx I of rf-s. Good tnwn. rinnd surrounding country. dre.s. F. J. Woolfenden 4 Co.. Stratton Neb. Y M888 30x FOR SALE, the Montrose Milling Ass n will sell at puDliC sale at monirone, ni-nry miniv Mo., on Wednesday. July 8. 1903, their 100-bbl. roller n-.IU. A bargain for some one. For particulars address H Halfen, Bec y. Montrose, io. TWJ PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RETURN ED. Eenu model or sketch for FKEK opinion as to puientahlllty. send for ti lusiruted GUIDE BOOK and list of In veutluns Wanted, finest publications Ishuk for free dlsli ioutlon. Contain valuilile Information regarding patents, trade marks and copyrights; how to obtuln and sell them; 100 mechanical movements, etc. Patents secured by ua advertised free In the PATENT RECORD. SAMPLE COPIES FREE. Address, EVANS, WILKINS & CO, Registered Attorneys, S0$ V Bt., Washlnff ton. D. C. Y THE BEST opportunity In existence for the Invi atment of small and targe aums of idlrt money where It will produce a I ire and ateady monthly revenue without risk of loaa and principal back on demand. For full particulars address W. H. Lati mer. 413 Walnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. MAIL ORDER ADVERTISERS aeeking large returns should use this spe cial metropolitan list. For $10 I will insert one time (any day) a 26-word classified adv. ln the following list Boston Iter lei. Indtsnspolls fteotlusl. Phils. No. Amarlcan, Phils. Hscora. BvrscUM Hersld, Plttsburi plspstrh. Us HI mors Hsrsld. l. Louis Oloba-LMm., Wssbiugton Post, Miluk- Krss Press, rtn.'tniisll lnqulrr, Mlnssspohs rlbuns, umsbs 11 s. buflslo Courlsr, Rorhostsr It. ft t'hron., Provldsncs Tslsgrsm, L'lovelsnd PIsIS Dcslor, Ds Moloss K. st Lesdsr, lnvvr I'.spublltsn, 8sn Prso. Cbronlrls, Atlssls Constitution, ( blcsio Intor Ocwn, Ksnsss City Journal. Uttroll rrao rrsss, (JIVE THIS LIST A TRIAL. RUDOLPH QUKNTHKR, Newspaper and Magazine Advertlelng, 108 Fulton Bt., 'Phone Kt John, New York, Write for other Combination Offers, Ma gailne Lists. Y MEN of ability, capable of earning at lesst $3,000 per annum, wlil find It to their ad vantage to Investigate the proposition of fered by a Michigan corporation owning and nnefatlnar tha most romulata cereal food plant In tna world. We nave piacea for aeveral good men; salary and commla ton paid; blgheat references' given and required. Address Superintendent, Box 4487. Battle Creek. Mloh. Y THIS BEATS NEW JER8Y-4'harters procured under South Dakota laa for a Xaw dollars. Write for corporation laws. bylaws ana forms to Philip secretary of state, -. Bouth Iiakntnj - ,Y-W8j hmmufm riirr,. LIFETIME OlToltTIMTY-Huv 8ep lemlier Corn. The pivseul unpnrallf led Situation offers the rt.;ttnl itiu,rt i. nit v for quickly realising cnormout iollt ever known. The pant hold no recuiil nf aueti ctindltlnna ard those who tike advantage of present prices have ccrv chance tor fnrtiiiie. I ,, ni,t fail to iiivesllaxte this opportunity. Knornious demand. The d niand for Corn Is increasing at n rate far in excess or the supply. Both the de mand st home nlld nhrua.l Is In,'! c islti tit h wonderful extent. ' n n Is now the basis of over one hundred different by products which were until recently un known. Sixty-nine dirr-reiit breakfast foods are made from Corn The result of these by-products is an cn.n-noiis Increase Iri the demand for ('urn. The Corn crop of 1H"1 and 1HH2 exceedingly small and far short of the demand. The crop of 1!X1 was very large, but because of the Inclement Weather much of It was left In the fields all winter and ruined. Relief wag expected from the coming crop, hut the Disastrous Floods of late widen laid WBste hundreds of thousands of acres of t orn reduced the possible crop millions of bushels and destroyed all hoe of relief. The shortage In face of the greatlv In creased demand will bo the greatest on record. The situation Is rapidly growing acute, for Corn la Cornered. The big elevator Interests of Chicago, quick to grasp the opportunity, have secured con trol of both July and Bcpti-mhcr Corn. The most modest Investor can ahafe the profits of these cs If he will take advantage of the opportunity. When these big operators are ready and begin to squeeze the market Corn will go up like a balloon. We have no hesltancv In predicting that within the very near future the market will sec Record Prices For Corn. We are Informed through re liable sources that September Corn will sell fr AS cents. Natural conditions Justify higher prices than present quota tions, and this, coupled with the fact that Corn is cornered, makes It practically cer tain that Corn will exiictieiies In the near future one of the luosi sensational ad vances ever known, eiend For our New Booklet. It Is the most complete and com prehensive booklet of the kind ever Issuel and is tilled with new and valuabl." In formation which will prove profitable snd Interesting to you. An Investigation of present conditions relating to the World s lack of Corn and a comparison with the actual known demand for l!W3 will prove staggering to the majority of people and will awn ken them to a realisation of an opportunity for making a tottunn which has never been duplicated We are Corn Specialists anil devote our entire energies Rnd attention to that commodity exclu sively, consequently wo are better lltted for handling Corn transactions than any other commission house In the country. Our facilities are unexcelloj and they are at your command. We will give you the services of our complete organization and help you to pront by the present situa tion. A small Investment may make vou Indcpendont, Large tapitnl not necessary. Our plan gives small investments the pro tection ot largo added capital and we furnish our clients with detailed state ments of all transact. oris, so ihat they ora at ail times famlllur With the progress of their investment. When dealing on a 2-cetit margin, the customary one, $JS.OO buys 1,20 bushels; f,ti.uii buys 2.800 bilsnela; $1MMM) buys i.iNKi bushels; $ buvs 25,00.1 bushels. Exery advance of 2 cents per bushel doubles your money. Don t delay a day, hut telegraph its your order at once find tillnw your remittance to follow by mall. Iiltrlirst Hanking and commer cial Kpfcretioes. Merchants Brokerage. & lommtfSinn Co., Suite 3u A, Gay Mis., Bt. Louis, Mo. V HG9 28x HARDWARE stock, eastern Nebraskn. within 40 miles of Omaha, invoice about $4,in.oo, for sale direct by owner. Address if 54. Bee. Y-MIW2 29x A LARGE FACTORY, Just rebuilt, occupy lug an entire hlork in tho heart of ml- vago, equipped witn the latest uuiomatic una labor saving machinery, miltuhlu for all kinds of metal work, such ns tha manufacture nf automobile tiarts. special ties etc.. NOW hEADV FOit Ml Sl.NESS. Bciai us a sAmpie, model or drawing of wnat you want and we will give you an estlmnte. ACORN BRASH A1ANUFAU- Ib.'i'y Iy -JJltEt:N FULTON AND PEORIA STREETS, CHICAGO. Y-882 28X BUSINERH OPPnnTitviTtp I want representatlvea In every place to vi, my imimc nana ror tne complexion; eells on a gut and application. Bend for pnrtlculnia to John 11. Woodbury, 105 W. .2d St.. New York. Y-8IH ifix TO EXCHANGE-Modern Indiana stock farm, palatial residence, all furnished, and other buildings, slock, tools and all; valued at $45,uoo; want good town prop erty, or established business. Address Room 4. 130 LuSallo Bt., Chicago. Y-8SS 28x A TRIED AND PROVEN GREAT MOISE i -MAKING ENTERPRISE. For thirty years C. E. Rand has promptly fulfilled all contracts to his co-operators ana investors. The C. E. Rand company, co-operstive owners nf racehorses and gen ernl turf enterprises, receive Investments of $20 and upward, for which they bnve nover paid loss than 8 per cent per week o:i every dollar Invested. Dividends are remitted to all Investors on Wednesday of each week. All Investments subject to withdrawal, with Interest to date, upon demand. Those having a ilttle idle money would do well to become thoroughly ac tiuuluted with all details of tho business. Financial mil professional references covering n period of thirty years. Write for particulars. THE ('. E. RAND COMPANY, 33 BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY. Y-869 2?x 20 EARNS $576 IN ONE WEEK. This wns accomplished recently. In the past seven months on average profit of $1,0110.00 a month has been earned on a $20.00 investment. An honorable, business proposition which has proven phenome nally profitable, coming from 4 corpora tion with $10..i,(m.0i capital. National bank retefenccs. Write for particulars. Stur ft Crescent Co.. 226-228 La Snllo St., Chi caeo. Y-57-28x PARROTS-Sevcral nice, hand raised Mexi can und Cuban parrots, guaranteed to . learn to talk, only V1.H0 r-ach. Mend for descriptive list. Iowa Seed Co., Doe Moines, la. Y 855 2fx $100 EARNS 8?.Vf0 weekly. Our phenomenal oporatlons still continue; straightforward Investment methods honorably conducted on legitimate business principles by Amer ica's most successful turf brokers; ex traordinary, exclusive Information facili ties: thousands indorse our dally three hnrsn guaranteed winning special, tele graphed anywhere, prepaid. $10 weekly; absolutely safe, handle money yourself; booklet, telegraph code, free. Prudentlul Bureau, Assessors' Bldg., Uhlcngo.. Y-9 28x BUY wheat and corn "now." $100 Invested In grain or stocks by our "Modern Method Plan" should result In large profits within 30 days. Write for particulars and send for our free booklet, "Modern Methods for Safe Investments." Flower & Co., Bankers and Brokers, Traders' Bldg., opp. Board of Trade, Chicago. Y 854 26 x WHOLESALE and retail irquor store, es tablished in 1877, In central Nebraska, will Invoice stock, doing a good business Owner wishes to rst Ira. A splendid op portunity, wm. Maagett, neai estate. H9 iastlnge. Ntb. Y WANTED, 10.M0 homeaeckars, farmers and stockmen to Join colony to Argentine. Rich corn and alfalfa land, 50 cents to $2 per acre. Write to South American Col onists Co.. No. 1. Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis. Minn. Y WE BUY AND SELL UNLISTED STOCKS MINING, OIL AND INDUSTRIAL. Let ua quote you. Aug. J. Hes A Co.. 200 Broadway, N. Y. Y 907 28 A LITTLE BTORY OF A BIO SUCCESS How $luO mad $1,.00 In thirty dus; mulled free; no hi rue raring, ull wells nor gold mines. F. O. HOOAN c CO., Commerce bldg., Chicago. 111. Y-8J4 2ax INCORPORATE your business under the Broad Law of Congress; greatest priv ileges at smallest cost; no annual taxes; Information free. Federal Inorpoia ting Co.. Washington, D. C. Y 933 2ex FOR BALE OR TRADE, manufacturing business, $1 Qm to $1,600. O 60, Res. Y-118 28 MEAT MARKET for aale In good town of son. on main line U. P.: fine country; do ing good bueineaa. Address O ft", Be. Y-M144$0 rOR BALE Good newsatar and Job of fice; property In splendid rounty-eat town In southwestern Nebraska: estab lished in 1876 and doing good business; legal and official county advertising. In quire of or write Jams M. Butler. sOo p street, Lincoln, Nto. Y -M14 80s O U. ae4w The mvkel fur the ek rr '! C )--.-