Omaha Daily ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1ST1. OMAHA. WEDNESDAY MOKENG, JUNE 24, 1903 TEK" TAGES. SINGLE COPY THKEE CENTS. The Bee. FLEET REACHES KIEL jLacrioftn and German Eara! OXdti Epsd Afternoon ExcLaxf-iiir; Calla. PFINCE HENRY GREETS AD;P.AL COTTON AAiseVi Eitd Kayi MlsaiiMM u United Elate ELipi E;tni Up. OLD GLORY FLOATS FROM FOREIGN KASTS Tcvtipwpit Gather oa Pieri and Epsiaod ioally Chew Peaceful Invade:. SJCTEEN OFFICIAL VISITS EXCHANGED Visits- Bsaw Orrr ta Be Haste, Tfci Kettri ui Await BVeverm et UtfTMtUul CBB- pllsaaata. KIEL. June 3 The fnited Btatea European squadron. Bear Admiral Cotton lc con. man d. reached Jta anchoraa oppoalt the yacht cJub house at noon tooay. The fleet commanded by Admiral Prtnce j iiei.ry of pruaaia, conaietinx of aht battieahipa and all cruiaera. aaluted the American Teaaela and the band of the Oertnan Cacahip play ad "America-" Soma hundrnda of Urwnapeopi aratcrd on the piera and alopea of the narrow bay and gave detacbad. lrraauiar cbeera aa the aquadron arrivad. iTinca Henry aent hia nanatlnt' offlcera and th captaio of the port ocnrn the bay aarly la the morning to meet the Ameri cana. They mot the latter at Orlateau aa the aquadroa was Urbf Its first aaJute off the fort cf medrlchsort rtr tfe acara ul trlaa. The Oiugahlp Kaaraarac swung- Into its movtnt next to the berth reserved for Hohensonera, followed by Ban Francisco, Chicago and Machlaa. all the German ships being Aressed In the Ttaltors' honor and firing the Star and Btnpea. Cytng the Btara and Stripea. The commanders of th American ships then called on Prince Henry, who immedi ately returned their calls. Th tars and Stripes wera also raised ever the yacht dub ana over the hotels in th rlclnit. Rear Admiral Cotton and Captain Joerh N. Hemphill, commander of Kaarsarge, and all th other American commanders also called on the eight German admirals and ic admirals etationed In this, the greatest stronghold of German sea power, and afterwards received their return calla. Most of th afternoon was spent in calling and receiving calls. Prince Henry complimented th American effloers on the smart appearance of th Qoadroa. which had been freshly painted at Nyborg. Xemmark- Admlral Cotton and the captains of the American vaaaels will take lunch with Prtno and Prinoeas Henry tomorrow. WOMEN SUSPICIOUSLY HALIFAX. X. n June 3 rvmgan. who la on trial la London for the "Moat house" mm dei a. cam to Halifax several years ago aa a Quartermaster's sergeant. He was accompanied by a wife and two children and two other children wer bora in Hali fax. Mra rtoagan became suddenly 1H, died and waa buried th next day. Three weeks afterward Doug-all left for England, but I returned fir weeks later with another woman, whom he introduced as his wife. F.hs waa young and good looking, and it waa aald that ah had considerable money. Eh seemed to be in excellent health, but in fourteen days aha was a corpse. Boon afterward Doogall departed for good. LONDON, June 3 Samuel Herbert twtugol was today found guilty of the murder of Mis Camilla Holland, a wealthy woman with whom ha lived at Moat house. Saffron 'Waldoo, and waa aentenoed to eeath- CZAR STOPS FINNS SHOOTING rrsklkHt Bal f Casta aad Rla -Isgt ma Bc la DlMra. fT. FETERBBT-RG. Jun 3. A new edict, sanctioned by th oxar. prohibits th sal of guns, ammunition or explosive la Finland, xcept under th most sever restricTions. Vlolaaons are punishable by a heavy fin or imprisonment. Rifle meeting ar also interdicted, except by special sanction of the governor general f Finland. Th edict is regarded aa being a long atep toward tb complete disarmament of th Pinna GRAIN TAX MEN DEFEATED Deeialvw Majwrltr la tk Bmn CeaMai tm leseal f Sieasar. LONDON. Jun 3 When th Hons of Commons went Into committee yeeterday en th budget bill. Henry Chaplin (con servative, former prea.dect of th Board of rrieulturel moved th rejection of th clause providing for th repeal of the grain tax. After a protracted diaeuBaion th mo tion ws defeated. 41 to C POTATOES FAIL IN IRELAND CrB Is E a peeved Mark Herdtklp mm tm Eatall tk LONDON. Jun 3 Report, from th west ef Ireland. Lancashire and other points atat that thousands of acres of lotatoe. hsv heea ruined by th present frost and ram It ia feared that th faCur of th Irish potato erop will entail much hardship on th peasant. rwlwael Cwkkw Is Be fa, LONDON. Jun 3 An Aden dispatch to th Iaily Telegraph Bay. it ia reported there that General Manning, commanding the B.imaiiland expedition against th Mad .Mullah, and Colonel Cobb, wh It was ! tared had been cut off naar Lamot Lav succeeded In Joining their farces and kar reached Bohottl la safety. Btaraaa Delay faikl Wewlx. MANILA. Jun 3 Th Pacific cable from Giug to Midway was landed at tb Utter Piaee today l tii et earner Coioua. Tbe c-1 sfjp Anglia left Midway for Honolulu to complete th ronnectloa. Storm, delayed LL taaOing at tha oalu at Midway. ' DIE aaUha ktwrf f a Mmm Trial taw laraer I Lsaiaa, CLERICAL FIGHT EXTENDING a ferr Tar Tear. PART B. Jure 3 Tbe dehst In the Cham ber of Ieputte on the 'irrnmfrl bill preventing i alatlsed memlier of any congregant or i hlng fir three yean In a commune jT re he has taught a a nrm!r cf - iat cgntlor.. promise to be exciting, j rier prcpnau.1. simply for fo members of congregation to teach. " .fe-red todey to the educa tional corr e by 4C to 122. M Lerc .dioal republican) moved a counter r a'., merely requiring school master vhoolmistnesse to bold oer- ti flea tea rjietenry, not mentioning the cor.grea-e . question. Tne Cnamoer re- , cj c. P. Mattbea son. at preaer.t Indian fm-d bj 25 to refer this to the edu- gnt at the Omtha and Wlnnetitog-o res coTrrmittee. threl y lr.rj--tlrg a j ervation. to be made bonded supcrlr.T--nd-partlal cbe' k on the government. i ant of Indian school on and after July 1 Premier Cotrhen, though pr wrt in the j Cor.geea failed to provide an eppropria bouse. left the defense of the measure to ' tlon to pay an Indian agfr.t on the Cmaha M Valla, t!- miniate of Justice, who and Wir;rieba-o reeervatlon and unless Mr. Instated on the necrty of armlr.g the i Jiatthea son can secure an a;polntmrit aa j second crime. roremment aivh a ew weapon against the bonded superintendent ha will find himself About I this afternoon a bro'ber of Mis cor.gregiuora. be- .jie th law was being ! without a position after July 1 Hi frier.da Flora Bruno, a-d 17. returned home and evaded Two-ii rs f the unauthorised ar industriously at work to Induce the : foucd hi slsiw l-ing or. her bed m an school, be said, continued rn oieration. secrstsry to appoint him. but It ha re- I unconscious condition. Her skull vu frac but when the police apwared they were , oently develotd that there 1 also a strong I tured both ami wer broken and she was told that th members cf the cemgrega- tiors wer secularised anl a letter from I the bishop certlfyli.g to the fact was shown. I In reality the only difference waa that the I tearher wore ordinary clothes instead of ths religious gaxh. A noisy and disorderly debate follo-wed. lasting until 11 .20. tb majority finally suc ceeding in drowning all who attempted to speak against the measure, whereupon the enure body of the right left the halL but returned in time to take part In the rote, which resulted In th adoption of the bill by 23 to sE. The Chamber also passed, by f to 14. a resolution authorising the dissolution cf such congregations as evaded the law by reopening their closed establishments with a new set of teachers, substituted for the original members of the congregations. LOOKS BAD FOR KING'PETER British, rreara, Dwrk aa Tarklak Representative Uivt Belarrsbd. BELGRATiE. Jun 3. Th British m ro ister te Bervia left here this morning for London. It Is understood the first bill to he sub mitted to King Peter will be on pre pared by th minister of Justice, granting amnesty for all political offensea In accordance with instructions from their governments, th ministers of Franca, Hol land and Turkey left Belgrade this after noon. King Peter's train, which left Geneva yesterday evening, passed through Inns bruck. Austria, this afternoon. The king was enthusiastically welcomed there by the Berrian and Croatian students. Th king win arrive here at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. The foreign ministers who remain her Intend going to tb rail road station informally in track coata in stead of uniforms. AIRSHIP WORKS PERFECTLY BsuBtwa-Dwsaasit ftalla Over tk City at raurla, CewtrIUa Marhlaa wrltk Ew. PA KIR, June 3 Bantoe-Turt.-nt mad his first appearance today in airship No I ever the center of Pari. Hi started from Long Champa, going In the direction of the Place de 1 St oil a. H executed a number of skillful j manetrver over the Flae de TEtoIle, made a tour of the Arc de Trlomphe and turning down th Champs Ely see, brought his airship down at th door of his bouse. I Later he returned to Long Champs. There was little wind. The ship main tained an altitude of about 10b feet and answered its helm perfectly. "No. t" is the smallest airship Santos-Dumont has yet cunstructed. It measures about Lsho cubic feet, has a three-horse power engine and resemble an elongated egg. CHINA AND RUSSIA AGREE Murkirlaa Fvaklesa la ta Be Settled th Sata faerie f LONDON. Jun 3. According to th Peking correspondent of th Times. Prince Chlcg. president of th Foreign board, ad- mits having submitted to M. Lamar, lately Russian charg d'affaires at Peking, a memo randum of an agreement between Russia and China regarding Manchuria and New Cbwang which is now being discussed at St. Petersburg. He dec'ines to intimate what the eharac ter of the Rueso-Chlna agreement is to stand the department is pretty well satis the minister, of the other power, but ther I fied the complaints are not well founded. seem small doubt that the agreement is satisfactory to both China and Russia. RAIN TABLET SAVES CROPS Ckle Give Praia ta Tallssaaa Wkea Oaada Break aad Delag Esu-ra. FETCTNG, Jun 3 Thre days' rain has helped to dispel fears of a crop failure occasioned by th prolonged drouth, and has convinced th Chinese of th miracu lous power of th iron rain tablet, which was recently brought to this province. I risk Laad Bill Ssrea. LONDON. Jun 3 A compromise was readied today between the nationalist land lords and th rcvemment whereby serious opposition to th IriBh land bUU Is with drawn. Tn measure, which comes up again !n th Hous f Commons tomorrrw. is likely to 1 speedily passed. Th com promise consist ia th landlords accepting aa amendment enlarging th tenant.' pur chasing rights. Taasey la Bum f Cvsasaaaa. IjONDON. June 3-tr Joseph Pease. member of Parliament for th Barnard city division of Durham, died today of heart failure. He waa born In IK and cre ated a baronet la VIA. H was elected te Parliament In 1 aa a liueral by 1.91 majority. Eartkaaak la mrmmm GCATAQUTL, Ecuador, Jun 3 A Blight earthquake waa felt here Sunday night, Th volcano Baangay bar been Bending out aahe. for th. laa, few d.ya Six French der. who arrived bar a fortnight ago. hive been cxpelied. .Brtd K1U rtva. R"ME. Jun 3 Th araffoiding of a brldg ia course of rnnsnrurtloB at PaJest nna gav way today with tb result that te snen wer killed ax4 t aniy war Injurs, SATHEWS05 CASE UP TODAY Settlement Ext'scted toon u to 11 fceteu tioa is edits Berrioe. FRIENDS INDUSTRIOUSLY PUSHING HU ; Ckarges Have Ala Been Filed Aaralaat His Belatta t Hia Acta Wkls Acat a tk rtrrtulaa. (From a Ptaff Corrwponflfmt.) WASHINGTON. Jane 3 Special Tele- ""orea aroman. tea a-u ciut.oea atout , ;.k i rum -6-cretary Hitchcock a lii tomorrotr the bead, her atonll frarrured and left arm ; ui-cu take up a-l-.h the preaident the application opposftion to his retention m the service: In fact, charges have been fiiK3 both with the president and the ce-etary of the In- terior. The case, however, will be taken up tomorrow with the president and a de- cision of some sort probably reached thi i week Ta I a vesrlsrate I a 4 lea Affairs. The president has ordered a thorough lnvestigatlcn cf the affairs of the Kiowa and Corr.anrhe Indian reservation In Okla homa and has appointed FTtnrt E. Leunp of thi dry to mnke the investigation, which is based on charges made by certain KJrwa Indians, Including Ik K Lonewolf, a Kiowa, living at Hobart, that of the 1,751 allotments made to persons purjiorting to belong to the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache tribe, under the act approved June 6. l!"l. a cumber of the allotments were illegal and more allotments were made than there war Indians, Sew Aarrlewltaral Balldiag. At the cabinet meeting today Secretary Wilson submitted an elaborate stt of plans for the new building for the tepsjrtment of Agriculture. Considerable modification of th plans submitted will lie necessary in order to bring them within the cost pro posed by congress. Secretary Hay referred briefy to the pending treaty looking to the acquisition of naval stations In Cuba and the settle ment of a title to the Isle of Pine a. As to the naval stations It appears that the treaty will b so framed as to permit of the acquisition of the land in advance of payment therefor, the question of price to be settled hereafter. This is necessitated by th fact that the Cuban government proposes to acquire title from lndlviducj holders and transfer the land to the fnited Btates, and It is unable at thla time to oorrertry estimate th value f th property requlred. BWwtiae af Peemastata. These Iowa rural carrier wer appointed today: Irakerlll Regular. Lawrence C Heady; substitute. Ed Thompson. Grinneil Regular, William B, Malcolm, substitute. Earl O. Malcolm. Manning Reg-alar, Charles P.ocksien; substitute. Ida Rock aien. Eolon Regulars, Ed Bchanaenbcrg. Jerome Fackler; substitutes, C. W. "Wolf. Edgar C Fackler. Nancy Pringie was today appointed post master at Woolstock. Wright county, la-, vice Ida Lee. resigned. Tbe Cedar Rapid National bank of Cedar Rapids waa today approved as reserve a-ent for th First National Dank of Brook- lyn. i The postofflce at Weber. Wayne county. Neb., has been discontinued. Charles Grith of Davenport and William Orr of Clarlnca, la., were today admitted to practice netore tne lnteri.R- oepartmenu A rural free delivery route will be es- tabllshed July 15 at Clio, Wayne county, la. Tb route embraces an area of twen- ty-onc square miles, containing a popula tion of ala. The president has appointed Thomas B. Walker postmaster at Atkinson. Neb. kt a ky (aasl Mills. Th Btate department has received by telegram tbe American petition asking th removal of the consul at Cbir.uahu. Mex. The resolutions ar not at all specific in their allegations and did not afford the i iT1-. . . a una tor action. department any proper ground for action. ! 1 "-" lu ! la" ""'"-1- " ' " l""LI'er OI wn" that tb consul, who is a brother of Gen eral Anson Mills, after six years' residence in Chihuahua, had become obnoxioua to tli American colony, or at least to a com Biderable portion of it. Following tbe usual 1 custom the department sect a copy of ths I rrttiTlryi to t lie consul wi'Vi n T, tr .-it rl.-. to erplaln. which he did. and as matters WILL GET 0NLY PRISON FAKE Jert aad Will Kat B lUeweJ Aay More Meals fresa Besta aim ta. LEXINGTON, It, June 3 B. J. Ewen left her today for Lcuirviije, from which I point h will hide away until the tnais of Jett and Whit at Cynthiane or the meet ing t f a grand Jury in Breathitt county July 30. Cm the same train Governor Beckham and Btat Inspector Hlnes. who had a eon sultatlon here ltst night with Judge Red wine and ComroonweaJth s Attorney Lyrd. left for Frankfort. Governor Beckham said the men behind the assassination of Lrealhltl county would be punished. After a conference lietween Jailer Wal lace and Deputies Ahearn and Thornton, , " - , ..... - uu j nuruxdu. lt WM deeded not to allow any more meals sent to Jett and White from restaurants. LUTHERANS ELECT BOERG BlT-nea Maa aad Taaaer mt Caader e"1 rreuiisg Elder, rTL.rTH. Minn.. June 3 At today! session of the Vnlted Church conference, ' Lutheran, the following presiding elders : wer chuaen : Atlantic dMialon. Rev. Jacoh i Tanner. Gunder. Ia ; Canton division iiev B. I. N um medal. Jasper. Minn . Eau Ciair j clstrtct. Rev. J Oranskon. Kagiey. Wis .; ' Kansas district. Rev. H Boerg, Rlverton j : Mrehead district. Rev N Lund. E. Hammer. Roaalyn, N. D. Bala Btep ( a a &r.dla. HAVANA Jun 3 Th shtpilng traffic' at Clenfuego. is tied up by a stnae of lighter men ft rugber aag-s Heavy rains ; hav caused everOow la n, sections if i tn country The oesaauon of cut axuwJ- tnj at averj whar irrj ieua (assaults couple, may hang-cut Segr ParraH T Pam Likely t Figar ia Iiarklag Be If raattt. FT LOVIR June 35 Tiro om?t. one white and the other ciiirea. were assaulted i i arid left for dead about three and a half milrt east of Bi. Louis this aftcr noon. and a in In out locking for a negro, described by c-ie cf hia victims If be 1 captured it 1 tie'ieved tbere alii b lynching, for the double crime h caused greut indignation anions the farmer of the American bottom, a here It oorurreS, j Ctie of the vlctlma. M- Annie Qreen. a broken. Juat before into uneon- aoumeji ane tola or the aasauit ana ae acrlbed a llaht renew riarri, aired aiout 2S. aa her aaaailant. S;ie a-aa evidently the Cret rlrtlra of the 8-id. a ho later pro ceeded to tv.e home of John Bruno, a wli-to-do farmer, llrlr.r ttween Eat St. Louie and Bellerlli. and oommitted the suffering from other injuria. The yourg woman had been at home alone du'ii.g the afternoon, lendfr.g to the family washing j Bhe wa her father's housekeeper. I The posse late tonight surrounded a man supposed to be the fleeing negro on an , lsianc fo-med by the backwater from the ; Mississippi flood ! PDL CE OUTWITS PfcOR IA MOB alrlt earr avrar While Plre Brta-ade Diverts Atteatle. and Twa Is Dark. PEORIA Til- June 3 -Detertlve E. Var- phy was killed by "Billy" McP.ay. a negro J desperado, who he was attempting to arrest at Water and Eaton streets tonirht. Murphy, armed with a warrant for McRay on a charge srf burriarr. approached the negro and informed him that he was ! supplementary list of appointments was j piptx. the millionaire wail paper manu- of com In the central valleys 1 Indicated, under arrest. MrRay Instantly drew a received from the Board of Public Work facturer. died today from the effot of i es;ecially over tbe western portions. In th revolver and shot th offlcer in the breast. I Ior confirmctlon. Attorney Wright, by re- j the burns she received last night in the lake region. New England and middle At He then attempted to make his escape, but quest, stated hi objection to the procedure j fire which destroyed her parents' home j lantic stales little or no improvement ' ia was caught bv rtertiv Chadwick. Mur- ' In regard to the first Ast, Incidentally say- ( Her mother and the latter sister. Miss i this crop I noted In ail northern and cen phy was ttken to the hospital, where he ! ing It wa not fair to the mayor, who must i Hugh, w ho were burned in their attempt tral diFtrirta corn continue very late., but died In twenty minutea. ' ' also confirm the appointments, to confirm . to save the child, will recox-er j 1 In a good tate of cultivation, except in McKay wa taken to th city jail but in ' them in bulk. A concurrent resolution. Tbe firemen say thetr effort to subdue the middle Atlantic stste. In the southern less than tn hour a mob numbering Et : prepared by Attorney Wright, confirming ( the flames were greatly hampered by the states early com is largely laid by and is lert LOW' demanded the prisoner The j all names on the list sent In June 11. except , fact that the two towers of the residence , neartng maturity in Texas, chief of police refused to surrender him the four name rejected by the mayor, was contained about l.(W rounds of cartridges j Winter w heat harvest has made favorabi and In the hor of diatractlns the srtertlon of th mob the fir department was called out and made a run past the Jail. The ruse partially succeeded, numbers of th crowd following the engines. In the meantime th chief had ordered all the electric lights In th city turned out and In the darkness turned McRay to the county JaiL In a short time the mob dlsoovered that it had been tricked and formed In front of the county JaiL The entire polio force of the city was called out and at midnight th Jail is surrounded and, there are rumors from The lower end of th erty. where the dead officer resided. intention f tt-. ' - m -r ; BOODLER REPENTS MISDEEDS Fwrasee Misaawri feeaatwr Tslssleen Erilese t at. Laais Grand Jarr. Oi. l.'l 13, June ii (.irruil Jinirnrj Folk today received a letter from a former state senator, whose term exptred in Janu- ary. saying he would be here tomorrow aad confess his misdeeds, while a member of the legislature. He says his conscience has been hurting him and he does not care to stand the strain any longer. i Mr. Folk refuses to give out the man's I name. To dc so, he said, would be to FutJnct him to every sort of pressure from j ; hl 1orcD confederate in boodling, if he ) , ca anv. j j According to th assertion, of one insur. ' ance man who 1 familiar with the opera tions in the legislature affecting his inter- est, ti various insurance companies have sj-ent KBlt.ta in twenty years to defeat and pass bills in jerferson c.ty. The oienniaj ; assessment xrew with each wcumnr ses- I Bion and became such a drain on the - companies that four years ago tney re- telied a hen a demand for 14(t.0iH waa made to defeat the valued policy law and no money was paid, tiince toes no money nas , t(ee0 bv tne ineUrance companies . Ao(j!j,h Rosenthal, a member of the lobhy j four years ago, was before the grand Ju-y today and has been summoned to appear again on Thursday. Loul C. Neison. brother-in-law of former Governor Lon V. j f tevens. was aiso a witness, but it is said nothing of importance was learned from him. NEW SONG FOR ROOSEVELT Oyster Bar Cklldrea W IU Greet Cklef wrltk Gd aT tk Pres ide t." OTBTER BAT, L. I., Jun 3 Mra. Rooawvelt arrived at S 0. accompanied by a maid. Superintendent Noah Seaman of Bagamore Hill met her at the station with a carriage. Final arrangement, for the reoeptlon to President Roosevelt on Saturday have been completed. Tbe m st important featur of j the aeleome will be the ucveill-ig of tbe i civil war trophy gun by the president and ! a parade of school children. Each child i will be provided with a email American I nag arid Just before the gun is unveiled i they will sing a new national tymn en- titled "God Save the President " NEBRASKAN AIDS LIBRARIANS Llaewla Secret ary Beparts Bapid Crwlk at Back (.aarliaat' Assaelatlaa. NIAGARA FALLS N twenty -fifth convention T . June 3 Th of the Aitrli n j xj;,riry sociaiiin i-pened today. The j secretarv. J J. Wyer. of Lincoln Net . i reported that the present membership of rer tbe association is lj larger than tfore while, .wording to the treasurer retx.rt. the s-ts of tb association tre more thar tits- ui 1 ! 1 M Herliert ttitnam. linranan or con ress prnhai'ly wi'! le elected president. . crD'C- FKV0YS fKT) Tikf ' "M,itn ' U U lor ' WklLmm ..ewliaral Data Dwrla. l. Weeks Tear West. af tk VI W TORK. Jun 3 Tb delea-arJoe of Germaa aglcuttunsts. whom th kaiser sect tn sruu'y g r.-uon,. r froai a six weeks tour of the aest tor.ignt. ei,ey 1 obtained reach information and will make an cxhausuv rsurt u COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Mayor'. L it of Appomtiiierta i at Lart Confrasi COUNCIL VOTES UNANIMOUSLY ON THEK lealek Drakea at C-nterere aad Bewail Made Kawa la Ore a Meetlas; ul ike atratrl la Eaiel. Ga 2n;e-tnr JOHN C. LTNt-H e Court U.E C. 'jWLn , W e:rr.i. and Mea.u-e . i 1 f. aAtlAjaKii j Custodian Cm Hali ALF i I GH Markt Inej-11'T....WILJJAM F. GEKKh." Log Pounama-ter and pouriamaster . J'hN iA I j ri lA i Uee-se tnrrt..r fliirLL W . eVOTT ' Assistart lA-.-ense insp-'i t . , . . J-'HN vl'fp n I T'f'niar f Hv Jaii.. L P. rAKr.A.n Janitor City Jail OLE JACKBoN ; Bv unanimous vote in every ease the ' atK ve appointment, sent in by Mayor Mr-o-e we-e c"t t rmed hr the dry pour.r-1 , made yesterday at r.Hvm cor.fe'ence. ' And so en3ei3 the fight which ha been on jrrr several week between a majority of the cltv council and th mayor It wa a coro- j,)ete ,-irtory for the latter, the nam being those originally s-nt In by him. Be--EUe the rtte of i-ed. twelve mile tr.T hr. allowed by the automobile or-1i .B j ot,;rion too great, ard for other reason, tht mayor ser.t In a ; veto of it. The m ei ii" tint for the 1 rreser.t he considered eirht mile an hour the maxirrumu speed whi'ih should t al lowed ar ywhere in tb" cit. Fustained ry a vote of 6 to i Bark rylaU. Evans. Hoy. Huntington. Nirho.son ; O Brten, Zim man. Bchroeder S. ""' ' ' Then, with tbe assistance of City At- torney Wright, the council proceeded ti tmtanple the snarl In which the employ ment of street and sewer foremen and laborer ha been for the last month. A passed. A similar course wiU be pursued regarding the last list. Thi mean that the men at work under the Board of Public Work since the city election will receive their pay without further question. EsTeet f a Sew Law. There are about I6.00fi.00 of delinquent municipal taxes In Omaha end South Omaha, and county and state taxes In Iwiugias county. According to City Treas urer Hennings, there is danger that these msy Ve settled and wiped completely off the books for a very small fraction of what might otherwise be collected unless steps are taken to evade or render void, at least j Charles M. Schwab as president of th i states, however, the crop, as a rule. Is do so far as Douglas county Is concerned, a j T'nited Btates Bteel corporation would prob- ing well, and tn Minnesota. Wl5or.:n and law passed by the last legislature, and 'ably be announced tomorrow or bef or, the 1 Mas conf-Uuie an prctniaiac ewnditioa. In which may become operative Beptember 1. j end of the week. J Washington th crop has Improved, where His communication, which was referred to i The story was credited in some ouarters, moisture has heen sufficient, but will be ma th e city attoTBey, read: where excenent Information Is sometime j tr!aJy ahortened In centra oountie and To tbe Honorable, the City Council: I ! .btained. but th rumor could not 1 con- also in eastern Oregon unless rain comes deem it my duty to direct your attention fmed I soon. reVo'the A statement wa. given out tonight a. The outlook for oat. 1. lea. promising in of in city . dnlinquent and unpaid taxes. , coming from Mr. Schwab denying any in- ! the Dakotaa. Nebraska, northern Mlnne- j ne list R-gisiature passeu. m iiouee "' " irn.r in -. j - , hVSf j visums in the .ld law. To facilitate fur- i ; ther the collection of taxes upon property ! delinquent for more than five rws t my insupation. and honse roll 4M1. The Intent of the former 1 to give to the city the most of the needed revenue after court adjudication, clear the record of all old taxes and make such property attain tax-rroducine TMs measure we rpiw'Ciailv desired for Ctmaba Throurrh I failure to ac t on the part of the county commissioners it is not operative, however. this vear. Tne other bill, which wiU 1 in effect Sept-mber 1. wa drawn. I 1- heved. with similar intent, but on cioser examination I find that in tbe execution i,1 it nroi-isiona. which se?m to be man- j natory. i-mazia s .'iVv of h. disa.strousl v bv depriving the 'ity of the I greater amount of its delinquent taxes. (Iffer Prasterty ler sale. ! Section 1 provides: 'In all cases where , i the taxes Slid assessment upon ajiy reai ; JV "H;.pearit.g upon the tax list f any i county suaii have continued delinquent for j a period of live iS years or more for . - ,-,' ,.., ,. ,L, mrni.tit t,... nd assea.-roeni utxin ar.y real estate snail ex- ceed the value of said property as reiurnea bv tbe assessor assessing such property i . for county and stale nurixjse. it sliaj be I ! outy of trie county treasurer of the I i county in which such p'rojrty m.ay tie lo- ! cat d " commeticma on the first Monday of ! i November of the ear in whicn tne louu delinyunt taxe and assesHnieiit upon iu.Ln tT'DtieriV fchfcli eXCeed the assessed valuation for tnat year, and cotninun.g ri- Anv in r.ffer sniri nroiiertv fur sale to the highest bidder for cash and to ! iwue to said purchaser a certificate set- j Vol oXrrolZXX'J. sola, and a saatement showli mat sarn J purchaaer ehaii be entitled to a deed for , the property purchased at the expiration of ; two o years from the dale vt saie pro- ! vioed said property ha not sooner been I redeemed bv the owner thereof or a lien i holder. Ary such purchaser of real estaiel Lnaer the pro-lsu.r. of this act Shall ( the property purchased, upon the payment . of his tud. discharged of all liens against tbe same for ti.xe and assessment aelin- I ouent up to the date of such sai and the : treasurer snau. uinm inw w.w i such prmierty. cancel all taxes and assess- J deiuiquet-i tiierejn at the date of such saie." Section I prortdes: A period for redemp tion kin' interest at 31 ier cent. Section 1 provide- 1 list tne purcnaser fisurer" ""v tn'm COUCI3r Section i That amount received by treas- urer distr-huted j ro rata among all taxing subdivision. faaeels All Taxea. Aa seen from section 1. whenever the de- liuquent taxe fur five years or more ot taie. county and city, exceed toe aftejd vajuatnm. lili h is to be taken it.r la Iamis ana which 1 generally Cfiisidered 'one-sixth of the actual valuation, n i. me dutv of the coun.y treasurer to t sen su h protierry at tax sale to in r.ign : est tudaer fjr cast. The payment p.t i sria'u tie a full dwrtarge i f ail lien against Hi property for oeunnuer.t taxe and a ' and they .hali Hereupon le can celed ieed 1 lo lasje after a oertiin t-e-t d r.ft.r ti,e lrteroretiiti'-iri l-v ttie i.ichrsl rt of the state ot p'ovis t: afTe-t:ng i Ul saie of protierties with i-eu,i taxes a ! a1!. .1 otr . a tax deed n.av not ror.vev titi ' Taan g irns c :.SiderktiiFTi we -an ! ra.oi.) see wly --ti.:et.ti,ii. in l,ii.r'g at tax sa.e ui. i.T iioue i 41- 'iui! t-e i el.mtnated Tne oauer of tnew"- I wouic I the uniy person tt. hii ttereon ! L :h u C,M. itti htianeial salety. ai a M .'.ii.. iii-ecurt wijte oui a l-ree lax ,j - T-n rnrie a fw d ..ari Tbiusaaus of collars will be lom to the 1 Cl'l . e nv t.-uwi. i-.ii a i -r ' below wr.lft. tne property ua.i not l s.nd i at fjrt. tax sale Id n.y judn.ent. a remedv ought tn t i ff,ri fr,r tma pdnnitum aria a :;-rter.?H I j- wl estate u at 'rxer tr. n'..,-!ai their ern-e tax ii.oei.teir ee wltr a sn.f 11 TV matter It is p. -.' 'he-' a en... 1 nr.ay I'rnid is ne-.inr y. rf tw nner.. I L " l,er c'lt,rT r"i li u ' (Cot-t't mm Se ot Hi fl Pag a) CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Foreraet for Nc hrki-S( Wednes day, Thursdaj I air and V armer. Traaeratare at Ossaka leeterdayt Roar. Ivrs:. Hear. P-. 6 a. as r. 1 p. as a. aa B7 a a. a, "3 Ta. am . 14 3 p. sa a. aa l 4 a. aa a. aa I . a rs i lo a. aa 71 p. sb ' 11 a. IB TS 7 a. a IS aa 74 a . ia 72 p. aa 7 PLAYS WILD WEST IN INDIANA L(aierl Tewak Terrrlss CoasTlea with satlag skvwtlaa Ireat. LOG ANPOF.T Ind Handle dete-tlvr. the Jin shenTF S Pan cf two rouctiea. poltcern"t) from three due and farmee th.s sftemoon started lr, pursuit of WHlard Herrell. an em-corvtrt. who ha terro-is Caw and Mtstnt coun- " for twetity-four hour. Herrell. fullr armed, ha rworn that he will not be taken fcl've. The poeee i cloelr.r In on a cluirp 5 cr woon mnii utiwn turn u tnr fn 'tn.n On Monday Ferrel) amused himself br shotting at traveling men In the Luke Erie depot at Burner HIX Then he visited a saloon and hot out th mlTora. Cm th way home be t-hot at everyhoy In slrht. broke the windows of a paeeengcr train and narrowly missed eeveraj passengers. Then he met John Eh'veiy and told him to prepare io "ir- rnnrij i inT ..,u ! wfl. xierren senaing a sncwer oi ouuri . arter hhively wa a witn"s iicamei Kerrell when he wa Jaiied for the murder of William Cond-m. BULLETS HAMPER FIREMEN Cartridsre la Privet He Eislele aad Delay Work at Qaearh lag Flasaea. GREENWICH. Conn . Juie TX Grevii e yiptx. the i-year-oH daughter of Alfred i nere was a continuous series oi r- ; plosions and the firemen say they fre- j portions of th winter wheat belt, with dla cuently heard bullet whirling about their appointing yieids. esjciaUy in the southern bead. portions of Missouri. Illinois and Indiana. "" " In the middle Atlantic states a general lm SAYS SCHWAB MAY RESIGN iwm is indicated. Harvest j, general r York Bvealags Past Declares ateel Magraate Likely tm Be. tire Thla Week. NEW TflP.K. June 3 The Evening Post says: It was reported In Wall street this afternoon that th resignation of tentlon of resigning the presidc-icy of the .- . a.. Ct.l rnrnnrilnri ! 1 corporation BOGUS HOME BUILDER HELD Prwaalsed Cash aad A HXB City Mam. PT-RLINGTON. Ia.. June 3. William H. ; , of tbe "Twin Clrv ... . . : Co operative company, with alleged offices i in Kansas City, was arrested today on i , rh&rre cf embexxlement. He refused to i make a statement. Complaining witnesses allege that a con- fact was signed by them after payment of IC.Sf each, the company agreeing to furr.ih them enough cash to build a house. When the money wa not forthcoming they had Norton arrested VAN BENTHUYSEN IS BURIED Fasaans lwa lesipam Man Bregkl Basse t Best Tader Kattve Bad. ELOOMFTET.D. Ia.. June 3 A sreeial ' i car carrying tne ismiiy ana remains or I t-TT1 T CiVmuir c fr.rimri. V v I I , . . . ,.n ! John iorwin or tne Lieutenant O'Connor of the Chicago police, jn-jva today over the Burlington. tumni took Place from tf home of Judge William Van B-ntbuysen. father cf th lmufl jt conducted bv Rev. w-n- .v, v-.v1t-n J- C. Wilson, pastor of tbe Presbyterian church. .. KNIGHTS OF ST. JOHN GROW , . Mske BlB"st arrlae Dinn Past Tear ta Blstorr Arder. tke COLTTfBrB. O.. June 3 TYi Knights of Bt. John spent th day listening to of- e ' Tufwirri and arioolntit. rommlfTee j According to tbe secretary, report the j gain In membership during last year wa tllf irpest of anv year sine th order wa ) . president Henry Fries of Erie. Pa.. recommended the establishment of a d- jitrtment of paid organisers t rfifaVICTS AMASS EXPLOSIVES lWltlvlO rtaasiOO LArtUOIItJ r Pealieatiary Eaaaagered reaiieatiary E.aaaaaerea ay raster aad Dyaasslte atwred ky Prlaaaers. 1 CANC'N. Colo. Jun 3 Enough giant p"W0er ana utrrg:; renn wa iouna m ; . tv.e penttertiary' today to blow up the fnaon. Tl.e exp.oeive were conned in tl.e wall of one of the shops. It Is believed that the n)tro-glycer:ne was manufactured bv KuvkendaM tlie poml'1 who wa killed yesierday . Mavesseats af Oeeaa t esse Is Jane XB. ., ...-ie.rei vie wc'rr, rt, r,rtr. friwa New Tork. via Plymouth an! . ( j.r t rg . At Ljvcrwexi Aertvstf Peruvian f- Hali'x at d ft. Jot. tie .,,r i Ti.ra via Oi Siuied, nstown. i .. . ..a . a i.-..a . . v,.,i.. t . .,. : At" oroaa-i.e) lasts f-trra Hamburg u,Mf(1a NAW T"r, " " rr .m t a iwerr A"-nv-d tesland. frosn New . . . . . . . . - . . Ti. J T, . , . I iA ' I 'T . i IS' . u AUfUU. I trosa Ptuaoeiptaa. ler Axtwara, j SOME CROPS IMPROVE Com in Cectr.! Villfj-t 0ScI!t I everted ai is Ksre Tit oral le Condition. BY LAKES AND IN EAST IS STILL IAD la Tar Forth Crop Backa-ard and is Sotta Largely La d Pj. DAKOTAS AND DISTRICT NOW NEED RAIN Trvm Lain to 5w En'and Vet Veather Eai Bees Too Etarj. RUST AFFECTS NEBRASKA WINTER WHEAT Held Will Irsamili Be eefrae.ry la lews, Misaemfa as i Wless sia, Areardlag ta Weather B area a It e porta. "WASHINGTON, Jun The Weather bureau weekjy summary cf crop condi tions t as follow: While UU too cooi in the districts east of the F.ocky mour.'.aina. tbe temperature rcndltioti of the week enJlr.g June S wer s. mewhat more farorabie in the central valley and southern state, but ever por- tion cf the Uk rrgion and middle At- ,.ik r..K uu in x.rg;iiB n coiaer tnan in tne prcceair.g fH. Heavy rain in the two last named dis trict lnterruptad farm work, but in the Ohio and upper MislSFippI vatley and gulf states the conditions were very favorabi for cultivation. Rain is now needed in th Ikkota, northern Minnesota and in por tion cf the central and east gulf states. The condition on the Pacific coast were I generally favorable, but in th roust sec tions of Oregon work was de'ayt d by rain. while rain are needed in the eastern por tions of both Oregon and Washington. A general improvement in the condition progress and is now general in the central In California, with nearly average yield in most sections. In Oregon and Washing ton some improvement la noted, tut tike crop is in need of rain in the eastern por tions of thee state. Spring wheat is Buffering for rain In North rakota and portions of South Da- kota ard is affected by rust quite generally m Nebraska. In these two last named sota, Missouri and southern Illinois. In Wisconsin. Kansas, on uplands In Iowa and in northern Illinois a good erop is promised. An Improvement is reported from Michigan, the Ohio valley and middle Atlantic state. Cotton continues small, but Its general condition 1 somewhat improved. Cultiva tion has made good progress and fields ar clean, except in portions of eastern dis tricts In Texas plants are healthy and have made rapid growth, but the crop con tinues twc. or three week late Boll weevil are spreading in Texaa. but J so far have done little injury. Lie ar causing damage in the C-olmas. Arkansas and Missouri In Missouri. Arkansas. Illinois. Indiana and Pennsylvania eppie. are unpromising. bm tBe oxjUook continues favorable in Iowa Wisconsin. Michigan and Kentucky. In th Virginias and Ohio an improvement la re ported. NEBRASKA CROP CONDITIONS Week Mere FsvsrsUe aad Rapid Prwsrress Made ky Wkeat as 4 Cora. Weekly croyi bulletin cf the Nebraska section of tbe climate and crop service of the Weather bureau for the week ending June 3. 1B: I M past weex nas ren cooi. wtxn moa- erate showers. Tbe daily mean tempera ture has averaged 4 degrees le)ow normal In eastern counties and I degrees belcrw In western. Fhower. occurred quite generally during the last half of the week: the amount cf rsii-full in roost of tbe eastern portion of tbe state ranged from or.e-half an inch ti an inch, but m some cafes it exceeded two inches Some of the showers were accom panied by hill, seriout'y lrjuriig crop, lo limited area. Winter wheat continue, to do well, al though most wt.set field are affected more or less by rust- Oats are iginnlng to bead, and in some instance with rather short straw The condition of com ha Improved and cultivation has made rapid progress, wh-le some cirrn has been planted during tbe week: all corn large enough ha been cultivated the first time and the second cul tivation ha. commenced. Alfalfa cutting h progressed rapidly and much of the first crop 1 now in the stack: the crop la rather a light one. Grass in meadow, and ! pasture continues lo grow well and th bay crop promises to be large. Potatoes are doing well. B'rawberrie. ar a larf crop Its Crap raaditlaas. Following 1. th report of the Iowa sec tion of the climst nd crop servic of the Weather bureau for week ending June n. lle: Tb dafy mean temjierature for the past week ranged from 4 to ( degrees tie low the normal. The first half was generally clear and d-y; the last half was partly cioudy. wt'h showers which brought timely mois ture to all section., and excessive down pours lt pome localities Tl.e rams wer generally belief. -lal. B'' the clods and r i encrus'sd s urfac of field that 1 previously saturated or ficKrfied Cm tb whole the geer.ral crop conditions hav been Improved rieia worg neen vngor- ous'y rushed in al aection. with relative! v littl hlndranc from wet weather The I area of the com crop ha lrj crsiderably lrgA by continued planting wall, in ,r,f iMtra field, g -od pr.-greas ha. been made m sutKiulng tn aeeas and putting ! tl. aoC In better oondlUou far growth ef th xaaci. which as anpwa a haajthy