THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1003. 9 I SPECIAL NOTICES Alrrrlltriarili f naee rolamns will k-e tikr til la tor the errata edltlaal 4 watll 30 p. M. for noraU( Im4tr eltloa. Rates. 1 1 -2" ward f rat laser-flea. 1 a ward thereafter. Netklasj takea far leaa thaa 8tV for the first laeer. tloa. Theaa advertisements ant be raa eaa.eeatlrelr. Advertisers, by reqeestlasT m lia rrr e bee It, aaawera drrased ta a a a aa fee red letter la eara af Tba Bee. Aaawera sa addressed will be delivered areaeatailaa af tba cheek aly. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED, position as bookkeeper or gen rrl office clerk; beat references. Address F 66. Bee. A iv4 22 WANTED Position a bookkeeper by young man. good reference furnished. Ad dress O . He. A M750 2t WAXTKn-llALK HELP. SUMMER SCHOOL. Bookkeeping. Stenography, IoUcb Tri- vrlllnj k '.i m u r. l , 1 ! i tc. Kl L- Tl 6 fl C t? '1 teacher's. Delightful rooms; fireproof builaing; all medern methoda ana lacm t m kiiH.nii a.lmiited every day. Reg- ular term opens July 6. 'Phone, call or write for proeoectus. BOYLES. COLLEGE. Tel. 1A. New York Ufa Bunding. B"ib. TWESTT-FIVE school teachers for sum mer .work at good salaries, nee man ager. ixw Ware Blk. B M;l WANTED, for U. B .army, able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and So; rltlzens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read arid write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, l'i'h and Dodge S's.. Omaha, and Randall Hotel. Beatrice, incd. o HEI.P WANTED Machinists. pattern makers, toller makers. Highest wages steady employment. An Interesting prop osition to competent men. None others need apply. Employment Department, National Metal Trades Association, Union Trust Building, Cincinnati, u. B M293 27x WANTED, men everywhere, good pay, to distribute clroulara, advertising matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau. Chicago. B MjOS 5i WANTED, several experienced solicitors to travel and sell an article or ureal mem on the Installment plen.: To right persons a permanent position with an assured good Income will be given. Address, giv ing past experience anu reierwcB, i, Wee OIUA-e, WUinu., - - - 6PE'""lAL Inducements for men- to leant burlier trade during summer, months; po sition guranteed; tools presented; wanes Saturdays; aipiomaa graniru. uuuiiuy o.r.iiatiru receive nmm nt attention. Few weeks comDletes. Write today. Moler- Barber. College, liv9 .! Jglaa St.. Omaha, B M715 26X COMPLETE cmirse ln architecture for sale cheap. Aaares. v. x. SALESMEN WASTE!). SALESMEN for Lambert typewriters, $3). None better,- aionroe e ' wm- 6oJ WANTED Two salesmen, salary or' com mission.- C. F. Ada ma Co.. 1619 HowarJ. aFVBiptjfPvrrri iHtaiMpnf atA.1pfimA.Ti wanted te sell a Una of ladles' wrapper and skirts: -good reference required. 8. Ep stein.. 136 East Broadway, iiemJrJ-fA WATTED FEMALE HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office. 15th Dodge. WANTED! experienced crockery sales- LADIES can make from 175.00 to 1100.00 per month sefMg bur salt.- walking skirts, corset-. Ma-r no experience required: can devote part or all at your time. Write for particulars and outfit National Cor set 8klta Co.. Detroit. M40Wy-lJ NURSES' TRAINING SCHOOL, Pueblo, Colo.: six weeka' course; diplomas; opens July 15; write, C-Mil 29x W A NTED Ceok, for short time In -private family; wages. It per week. 2241 Howard st ' C 678 WOMAN for light offlca work. Address O IS, Bee. C 686 22 tJ5 PER hundred copying short letters; 83 to 110 weekly; send aiamped, addreased en velope. Woman e Union League, 182 La ' galle at. Chicago. C 633 25x LADIES wanted ' to learn halrdresslng. manlourtng or racial maaeage; BpouUl lii duoementa for summer months. Positions guaranteed. Moler College, 1302 DouKiaa it. Omaha, Neb. ' ' C-M714 2tix WANTED Olrl about. 15 years old to assist In light housekeeping; call Monday. Apply 3340 So. 19th. 073 2 WANTED Olrl for general housework; family of three; good wage. Chi cago street O 743 wiMTKl). alrl. tor general housework: tl:ree In family. Wages, 85.00. . Inquire 4133 Farnam. C 739 24X GIRL wanted to do plain housework; wares. 34.UO per week. 4ir.t Davenport; take Farnam car. C 718 wivthi Herman teacher for two boys. ages 9 and 11 years; prefer one who does not spewk the Engllah language. Address 1.4 8. S2d ave, C M30 24x corn.' wanted, wages 835 per month; woman rr'f,'rT1- ltrsu house, , . .v. trr Pnrt Dodare. la. L. It . " . C MTU 25 FOR REST BOl'SES. LirvllCCC 'n " P' t city. R. HUU3I-J c. Peters Co., Bee Bldg. von RENT.' 7-room house, all mtdrn ex cert furance. 704 N. SOth St. fJUOO. C. M. . " . - U..,ah. Ulk Y m ... iirlIcnC In allparts of the city. The O, nUUoDJ F. Davis Co., Ms Bee Bldg, D 6o wr-TtOKTWlCK at CO. Choice housea Cl-"i New York Life' Bldg. 'phone liHa. l 600 tt'P xmvn olanoe. Maggard Van A fitor. age Co. Tel. 14. Office. 1713 Webster St LI Vil ONE of the fine, all modern, 7-room brick hoi!sre. 2th and Uard bla.. SJ0U). G. E. Turklngton, H6 Bee. li M2i vor KENT. 135 a month. 7-room com pletely modern bouse, nickel plated open p,umbing. house newly paintod, papored and varnished throughout; good buae ment with aiate laundry tubs. Beautiful location; UWa So. Suth Ave., near two llansrom para car lines. The Bvron Reed Co.. 212 Bo. 14th St. D 2SOx TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co., ofOce UUVa Farnam, or Tela. lou-oS. HOUSES. Inauraoce. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. - - UbJt FOR RENTj eight room detached house and bam: larg lawn ana strictly modern. Apply XM Dodge t Can be seen today 4-ROOM house, 2U So. M; cistern and city water frood condition, 86. uO, Walter Breeo. 809 So. 13th St D 846 lo-ROOM brick dwelling, very desirable. within walking distance, on 2th st near Jackson, 840. Bcia Paxton blk. D-MI71 FOR RKNTf-Cottage; 6u9 8. 83d 8t TeL L-20H4. D-464 2646 ST. VARY 3 Ave. I t, modern. $40. J4 Harney. 4-r. modern cottatte, $JiX 2114 & 84th. l-r , city water, t s. GARVIN AiROlL, 1SU4 FARNAM BT D-J51 $4tT JIARNKT." 9-room modern. 835 per month. Wm. K, Poller. Reu. Brown blk. . - D-t7 TEN-ROOM all modern houae. firat-cUat rafiaur, new open plamtang. beautiful Warn, rontral location, desirat-le for ft rt ciaea rsmina aad htarflmg booee t h WANTED ttI.K HKI.r. summer school OF THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 17th and Ioulas Sts.. Opened Monday morning. June 22, at J a. m. All grade work from the rourtn to the Ninth may be had. New classes also In business, shorthand and typewriting and telegraphy. Tuition reduced. For particulars call at col'ege or get circular. ROHRBOUGH BROS. B 744 FOR RENT norsE. FOR RENT Two 9-room houses, all mod ern. N. 30th Ft., cood neighborhood. 11S.00. One 4-room house, S.ft N. th St.. $10.'"). One 4-room house, list snd Mason Bts., 17.00. C. M. Bachman, 4M-S1 I'axton Block. - D-J7 FOR RENT On car line, 8-room modern nouse ana Darn, largq lawn, rruu ana shade treea. July 1, J0. Call at 47iS N. 24th St. D-3 22x -ROOM modern flat, llli So. 11th t. D 571 FOR RENT Fine modern residence, newly I painted and ivanerfd larse barn and snaue. iso. im Xnuth Z9t n street. Four rooms, city water, 1!12 Pierce St., (6 inree-room house. 1.1th anrl willlarm. Sri. JOHN V. ROBBIN3. U02 FARNAM ST. D MwO 23 FOR RENT Seven-room house, fflth and r arnam,. modern except furnace; low rent to good tenants. Inquire Su7 N. Y. Life DIUg. v ami FOR RENT To small family, flve-room cottage, soo N. lsth sti, price fii per montn. Apply at mrj lain St. D M711 S-ROOM modern house, tT7 JO, to small fam ily. ZT!3 Jackson t. Real estate agents list. Wheeler A Wheeler TeL M6. D 7S7 24 TITREE-ROOM house, fall lot. nice yard. 4634 Marcy at. Call at once. D MsiH 25 x NEW FURNISHED room; brick dwelling; modern. Apply M o. lstn sl u M 746 CENTRAL, 1st class 7-room house, 210 N. 23. I D M477 FOR REJIT FVR!tISHED ROOM, DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnara. AETNA HOUSE. European, 13th A. Dodge, ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16th A Chicago. JUJ L M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone. 79X t $1.00 to 12.00 per week. 423 & 18th St, one block south or court house. t, mo NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; gentlemen preferred, la r. E 207 DINING, kitchen, bedroom; alsa other nice rooms; modern; best location. 411 N. 19th St. E M245 ELEGANT rooms. 190 Capitol ' Avenue. KJ Z70 jy-ir LOVELY large front, strictly modern. newly rumisnea ana paperea, oeet ioca- uon. -Mil Harney hl PLEASANT loom, $8 a month. 634 N. 20th. E M519 Jy-lx ROOMS. 1906 Capitol ave. E 667 22x LARGE south front room; nrst-class loca tion. Z224 Farnam. K MTvv Z4X CENTER hotel, European plan; south cool rooms. I J to 4 per week, zio M. run su Tel. a Xtfi. ti 731 jy zu NICE rooms, ' 2580 . Harney. Tel. L-tfiSS. E M754 28X ROOMS. 1906 Capitol ave. E M751 27x ' FURNISHED ROOMS AXD BOARD. THE FARNAM. 19th A Farnam. F-6T1 ROOM and board, reasonable; all modern. with "phone A-Zti. 2406 Caas bt , FM2 NEWLY, furnished rooms with or without board: borne cooking, U-W par week; nne locaUon. 622 N. ISth. F Mia 21 509 8. 25TII AVE. ; private family. - F MT26 NICE rooms, good board. 415 N. 25th. St. F 669 NICELY furnished rooms, with or without j boa.d: day- board or meal tickets rea sonable. Midland Hotel, 16th and Chicago Bts. JT 667 BUMMER resort. The Merrlam. . Mrs, Riley, Manager. F-M468 THE KENWOOD 2614 Farnam Street Phone 3043. T-M523 FOR RET UNFURNISHED ROOMS. nt7S7X i n fiimiahsul vrvnma salrt srlst and ensulte. Wlthnell Bldg , 16th and Harney. N. P. Dodge J Odge A Co.. 1614 Farnam, O M766 TWO nice large rooms. 2627 Harney. o M4S7 Z3X FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu- ?our orte. -Vi mentwhlcn1 was four stones ana aoaaement which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If mtereatea appiy a om 01 t. c. Kose- water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1261 FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at via Farnam, 22x90. four stories and niat-cinss cemented basement elevator, nre ana Durgiar proor vault. office counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater. sec retary the Bee Building Co., room luO. Bee building. - . I M5e OFFICES In the Bee building, 110.00 per month up; rental price includes neat light and janitor service. R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1266 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH t'tMUltr FARMER. Steady employment with assured good in- come. Agents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily IM to iiw per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee bunding, omana. . , j aj LADY canvassers for something good. Monroe A Co., 811 N. 16th. J M390 WE HAVE the only successful thread cut ting thimble. Why hunt for the scissors when you can cut tnreaa so easy with thimble. Send 2So for genuine silver thimble. Minor. k jsovelty Co.. Mlnonk, lit J aJtkW zix SOLICITORS wanted In every county, with horae and buggy preferred, to handle an Al lnatallment proposition on the rural routes. Address, giving past exp- fence ana rererencea. k. it. uccieiian, room lou. lice zsiug., umiu, neo. j Mas, ztx WANTED TO RENT. I ROOMS with bath and board. G 29. Be ofrice- K-744 23x WANTED TO BIT M. GOODMAN. 2716 or 133 Douglas street. nays cash for all kinds of merchandise. , , Jl.'l ;ji A FOR SALE-riRNITlRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 8lO). New ead second-hand, bougnt aold, exchanged. 0-472 FVRNITUR1 f T room. 21$ N. Bed. O 4-8 2Sx FOR SAI HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. TIME to paint that buggy or wagon. See Frot 14th ana ieavenwonn. t au,i FOR SALil-JBlISCKLLANEOlB. NEW and td-hand typewriter. 1119 Farnam, W19 WIRE fence for hogs, pwiltrv. lawn and farnia. Wire Works, CU at iatn. tei laeu. O-fcs JyU WHY LET YOUR ROOM STAY VACANT? Every Day is a Loss of FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE. Crane hydraulic elevator; can he used either passenger or freight; com plete. Iron guide posts cage ana wire en closures. J. L. Brandets A Hons. Q-5M BUSINESS college scholarship for sale at a nargaln In one of Omaha a leading com mercial colleges; life scholarship. Address a 4,, Bee omce. u M7lax FOR SALE, first mortgage note bearing 6 per cent Interest, payable every six months; has about Zw years to run: rood security and endorsed by responsible party; amount. 11.8W. inquire C. M. Bachman, Room 421 Paxton block. Q-fiM PHOTOGRAPH CAR for ale. Apply Q .) Rose s Art store. INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnara. y 678 ZD HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 111J Fsrnam. W 67 IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trel- nees. vestern Anchor Fence Co., as N. 17th St. . Q M243 "I LOVE HIVf BEST Of ail." This Is the most beautiful song yet written: ine worns ana music are a masterpiece of the poet s art. For sale In Omaha, Neb., by the Collins Piano Co.. price ,; by mall 26c. 0-M123 Jvlx CATALOGUE cut drug prices free.. Sher- nan jiconneii 1'rug co., Omaha. g-6S2 FOR SALE, second-hand Locomobile: In nrst-ciass shape, at one-half price. CaJl or address 16J. Farnam St. Q 6S3 TELEPHONE poles, long fir timbers: chicken fence; oak piling. 01 Douglas. Vi 641 ICE for sale In carload lot. Arply Ham- mond Packing Company, Omaha. Neb. Q MiSOl 23 FOR SALE, Automobile, high grade gaso line runatout. model, used few weeks; a bargain If taken at once. For particu lars address D, care of Bee office. Council Bluffs, la. Q Mi33 PIANO, Stelnway, exceptionally rich tone; Bargain, zeia xsortn utn. u i FOR SALE Two cows, fresh. 2S26 Web ster St. U 639 Z3X One large fireproof safe and one p'.ate glass omce, AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO.. tia ooutn iota et. Q Mas 27 MISCELLANEOUS. HAMBLETONIAN stallion. Bannockbum tne largest ana fastest trotting bred pacer a inn wesi, strea dt a grandson; dam a granddaughter of Hambletonlan 10; will stand for stock at 4021 N. lta St Adira l nomson. R M2S7 CLAIRTOYAKTS. MME. LUCRETIA, medium. 1709 California. 8 MS39 JyS MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN l.aux yuEEN of cUlrvoyants; every thing told; past, present and future. Sat Is faction or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 8 M966 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. GRACE C BRYAN, Baths. 720 So. 13th. T Mo9 MME. SMITH, baths, 11S N. 15. 2d floor, r. 2. T 909 MISS HOWARD, elegant massage and vapor Dams; aiconoi niDDing. sith N xatn, nai ju. 1 al503 J26 FANNIE TEMPLE, massage, alcohol bath assistant a noor, cos N. 16th St. T-M538J3 -1 MISS LA BAN, massage baths, Egyptian treatment. 1817 Leavenworth St.. flat 8. T M504 J26 BATHS, massage. 1718 Nicholas. F. 6. 2d fir .T-M578 Jyj MRS, DA VI8. 1631 Howard St. baths; first- class assistant T zn jyll EMOLINE SHE PAR D, massage, vapor and baths Assistant 2d floor, (u N. lth St T 836 Jy4 PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed oy electricity, rt 1 ana 8. 1506 Farnam St U 684 ELITE PARLORS, 411 & 16th St. 2d floor. U MJK VIA VL a wholeaoms nerve and tissue food and noma treatment ior aisoraers or women. Free booklet Vlavl Co 248 Bee Bldg. ohi ?unng connneineni. prai-ciaas. yr. I L. U. Jaiiier. an oionaa rugna r -lisi MAGNET PLLE KILLER. IT CURES. U 6S9 At druggists, 81. PRIVATE hoepltaA before and during con finement; babies poaraed ana acopted. Mia. Uardals, 2234 Lake. Tel. Rd-loM. U-688 PRIVATE home during oonflnement: babies .aia Th. ni Hiimiriun fUniiiriiim adocted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium. 728 1st Ave., Council Bluffs. Ia. U M4S9 PRIVATE Sanitarium tor ladles before and during confinement Dr. and Mrs. Gerlsch. 8626 California St Terms reasonable. U 461 21 C. EDERER, Bristol St. BorlstTeL 1795. Li 031 TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers. U CHIROPODY, manicuring, scalp, facial. hygiene and special massage Btina practiced, a. xuayer, in nee mag. ton aultatlon free. Use Re-No-May Powder, TJ-M238 BOSTON UMBRELLA FACTORY. 60". S. 16th. t'mt.eiias recover eo, repaired or made. Tel. 1617. U M517 Tl I WE RENT sewing machlnea, 75s per week; we reoarr and sell parts for all makes of machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., cor. 15th and Harney Sta. 'Phone 163. U-M563 Jyl9 830 WE CURE RUPTURE FOR 830-No detention irom Dusineaa; is,u rurrq patients; send for booklet, etc. Empire Rupture Co., New York Life bldg., Otnaaa, Neb. U Mo64 GOOD specialty attraction wanted at big Fourth or July ecu oration at uiair, ntu, Address E. F. Cook, Blair, Neb. U M564 Si WANTED. 600 ladle to rtolt our Garment Cutting College to see Its workings ana test Its merits by taking one lesson free. Room 427 Paxton block, comer 16th snd Farnam Sts. U-M647 Jy20 A NICE, healthy baby girl for adoption at Z319 So. Utn street, umana, ieo. U 740 8x MONET TO LOAM REAL ESTATE. I WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1330 Farnam street wanted Citv and farm loans: also bonds ana lArnuit. aw v.. am. - , v . . . r . . - d,. a. i"i4 Farnam at. Be Bldg. W 6S3 FARM and city loans; low rates). W. IL Thomas, First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. Tel. I644. W B V tU V ATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. v im 4 TO IP. C money. Bemla, Paxton Block. w oil FIVE PER CENT loans. Oarvln Bros.. 1404 Farnam. W 688 PRIVATE money. F. D. Weal. 1&30 Douglas. W waj MONET TO LOAsl CHATTELS. SALARY LOANS UPON PLAIN NOTES. American Loan Co.. Paxton block. 9d floor. I CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loana Foley 1 1 pan wau, muti-iM m. wm , av a. aw . 1 A-eui Aloney When a Little MONET TO LOAM CHATTEL. MONEY To salaried employes and wage earners: Uet our system of loans that gets you OL't of debt. Any lady or gentleman, clerk, bookkeeper, salesman, trainman, machinist, engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get. Just on his note: Monthly. Weeklv. flfw-Return to us...-'S.W or I1S.36 or i'nTi no Keturn to us... H J3 or 66 or J li 75 Return to us... .5 or 1.33 or $ IS Return to us... 4 MO or 2. 'At or l.iaj Easiest terms, lowest rates. confldentlaL No Inquiries. Quick service. Courteous treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLK. X-MU1 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK. SALARIES, ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. 633 Paxton Block. ltth and Farnam Sts. X-600 EASY TO PAY Beet explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. Or If you have a permanent position we can mane you a SALARY LOAN . without socurlty, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is quick and confidential and we always try to please. All that we ask Is thut you give us a call before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MUKTUAbE LOAN CO. 119 Board of Trade Bldg Tel. 25. (Established lit2.) 806 So. 16th St. X SCI DO YOU NEED MONEY? MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND SALARIES. $10 to 8300 loaned on FURNITURE. PIANOS. etc., and to halakicu rturLB at very low rates and for any length of time, without publicity or moving the prop erty. Payments can be made to suit your convenience. Call and bet our terms before going eisewnere. RELIANCE CREDIT CO. Rom 808. Paxton Block. Room 808. A. 604 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PtUri-K, mercnants. team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms, 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-603 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried reople; business eonnaenuai; iowmi raiea, 11 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 606 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture Jew elry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed. 311 ift. 18. BUSINESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange anv property or ousiness quica, e3 j. ri. JohnsonT 843 N. Y. Ufa. Y-609 FOR SALE, a good furniture, hardware and undertaking Business, aiore uuuuiug and residence also. Address Box 16S. Ply mouth, Neb. x" M198 rnn rai.e. an elerahtly furnished 11 room flat centrally located. Address O Bee. Y-M530 24 FIRST-CLASS dining room; good patron age, first-class prices. Address G 23, Bee. Y 730 27 x DRUG STORE for sale; a bargain. For particulars address t so, care jsee omce. Y 736 28 FOR SALE, 4 elegantly furnished flats, cheap. 1116 Howard. x .41 24x vm tjo MONEY But write us for in formation regarding an Investment that Is iAar nitv ntr dlviaenas oi 21 per cent a year, and will pay. Still larger dividends soon. Absolutely safe. Bank references ven. The weitner & uonn corporation. Broadway, New Tork City Y-M752 26 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE Two 820-acre farms near Omaha, every acre level, tillable and very best black loan soil, for Omaha prop erty. Investigate this. W. R. Iloman, Frenser blk. Zr-w jyi WILL exchange 8136 diamond ring for good driving horse or something young and well bred. Address G 27, care of Bee. Z-742 27x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 10-ROOM modern houae, 11 blocks from postofnee, for sale cheap. iisS N. 15th. Bene, & Co. RE 613 1111 1 lAUCHM CHARLES E., 1203 vtitLininuwii Farnam street. RE 410 FOR SALE, one 8 and one 9-room modern house; beautiful fruit and shade trees; lot 132xlM feet; no reasonable offer re fused; must sell on account of leaving city. Call on owner. Easy terms. 47i8 North 24th St. v RE-664 Ex HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also ocre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co.. Room 60S. Bee Bldg. RE 611 RANCH and farm' lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. MeAlIester, land commissioner. Union Pa clflo Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 172 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. Three modern residences on 25th avenue. House newly painted, street paved, all taxes paid Price. h:o.oo. Will net owner I per cent at above price. . , . ,', '.' 1S15 and lhl7 Jackson street : Rents for $).u0 a month. 'Price. $6,500.00. This Is a splendid investment Three-story and basement brick block Three stores and thlrtv-two rooms. All In first class condition. Rents for $1,750 a year. Price. $15,00.00. Four cottages snd lot 66x140. All In good repair and Rents for $40 00 a month. Price. $3,500.00. Brick block on Sixteenth street. Two stores and twenty-six rooms. Rents for 81.HW.00 a year. Pi-lee 813 000 AG. Tills ta first class business property. THOMAS BRENNAN. 304 o. IVh St RE-M747 BABBITT METAL. FRICTIONLESS. worth CSc: closing It out at lsc. R. 17. com. Nan Bank. 735 Jyll BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North Uth CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. 1. jcninree. -ym and Lake bib. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. A. J. PIERSON, 30th and Burt Tel. L-?Ki4. "lie CARPET CLEANERS. SEND your carpet snd ruga to Chrlsten n . fari-t Cleaning Works, 22a N. 2rth st TeL 147. DEITISTt. C. H. PAUL, removed ta residence, i2 Burt TeL r-z.a. F C. CLARK, dentist, formerly of Council Bluffs, now located ax r,ua Cum:r.g at Mia2 J25 PR E H ERC&X1KO, 4J Paxton blk. Want - Ad Will Rent It. DRESIM.tKIU. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 624 N. 20th tt. M-248 Jilx DRESSMAKING parlors at 2233 Seward st -S3 Jyl DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK, 517 Karbach Blk. Tel. A-2S32. -23 EXPERT ACCOl JITAST. O. R. Rathbun, room 15, Com ! Nat. Pf.nk. FLORISTS. HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 25 L. HENDERSON, florist, 1519 Farnam st M6 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. 421 LAWXMOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, 13th Howard. 431 LAWNMOWERS sharpened, saws filed, umbrellas repaired, keys, eta, 309 N. 16th. Tel. 2974. 633 BICYCLES and sundries, lawnmowera sharpened. E. R. Morgan, 2616 Rherraau ave. TeL L-2287. -M533 JylJ LAW AXD COLLECTIONS. 8 TILLMAN A PRICE, 23 U. S. N l B'k. bid. 2S NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys ana collectors every where. MACFARLAND A MAY. New Torg Life Bldg , room 304. 'Phone lasz. uu LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel Supply. 17&0 leavenwonn. ibl a-i,m. 190 MEDICAL. LADIES, Chichester English Pennyroyal Pills are tne Dest; saie; reuaoie. lane no ith. r Send 4c. stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. f. MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge Block. m FOR RENT Piano players, or piano and player together. Piano Player to., leu 1450. --63, MISS ELEANOR HARDY Voice and Piano Studio 219 RAMGE BLOCK. Special Terms to Summer Students. 815-JiB OMAHA COLLEGE OF MU8IC, S16 Kmge blk.: summer term. Apply F. H. Wright, L. L. C. M., Director. Fnone nui. M567 J29 OSTEOPATHY. nm V. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths, Suite 615, New York Life Bldg. Tel. 1664. The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. 2382. Atzen 4 Farwell, Paxtton Blk.. 604-7. T. 1365 Ba oUO DRS. FINCH A MILLER, 124 8. 25th St PAINTING AND PAPERING. PAINTERS and paperhangers. 707 S. 27th St See us for fl.-st-class work, or tele phone 2141. Ward A Harpster. 179 Jy8 PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. 318 8. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 179b. 643 PATENTS Sues & Co., Omaha. Neb. 11- lustra ted patent book free. Tel. 1623. M593 Jly2x PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. PRINTING, BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS Printing Co. Linotype composi tion. Tel. Z190. 643 CALL up Gardner Printing Co.. Tel. A-3263. for all kinds or job printing. &17 B. 13th st 23t JyS RUG MANl FACTI RING. OMAHA Rug Factory. 1521 Leaven. Tel. 2068. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vnughn. 430 Ramge Bldg -M9 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 647 NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's 1 neater. Ms STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 15114 Farn. Tels. 15G9-S62 650 SUMMER SCHOOLS. SUMMER SCHOOL. Latin. Greek and Mathematics. Students prepared for collega, civil service, etc. Terms reaona tie. Call on or address, J. F. Woolery, 2H-4 Cas St. . 2i 2Jx TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. it pniiuin, lja Farnam. 'Phone 74. G3 THINKS AND BAGGAC.E. THE DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel. 7S0. 434 UPHOLSTERING. PETERSON A LUNDBERG. 115 So. 17th. TeL L-23&4. 636 GATE CITY Upholstering Co.. woven wire springs tightened. Tei. B-2076. 17j6 St Mary'a Ave. M168 WANTED TO BORROW. A WIDOW wishes a loan of ITu) or $400; good security aud Interest Addreaa t)9. Bee. -Milk POSTOFFICE NOTICR. (should b read DAILY by all In tares tad. as cWiAgea ma occur al any uuij. Foreign mails for the week ending June 27, 10, wul cio.e (PROMPTLY lu U caes) at the general poetoftVe as follows: Parceis poal t-1 1 1 clofee uiie uour earlier tnan lag time shown below. PArcela-poat mails fur Germany do at 6 p. m. Monday. Regular and supplementary mails does at FuTfeAgB filAvuon I, ' i hour laxj- tWa i--"g FOSTOFFICB ROTIC'K. rime shown below (except that supplement ary malls foe Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Traaaallaatle Vnlla. Tl ESDAY At 8 30 a. m for ITALY dl- r.UN E8DA T At 6 TO a. m f.r EUROPE, per s. s. Phllsdelphis. via Southampton imsll for Ireland mit be directed "per ".sA..I','",,,,',r,'''": a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, fr s s. Tots dam (mall must be directed "per s. a. Potsdam"); at S .to a. m. (surplementsry 10 a. m. for EUROPE. nr Xdto.-i.' via Uueenstoan; at 11 a. m. for 1KN- I MARK direct, per . s. United States imaii mu.t ie directed "per r s. United n-aies THt Rf!AY-At 7 m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITAI. spatv ihib TUGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT.' GREECE BRITISH INDIA and LORF.N.O MAR- yt per s. s. La tSascgne. vi.i Havre :tXT-lTtC.SUSUt l FRIDAY At 3 30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s a Celtic. vU Queenstown (mail must be directed "ner s s riti-"i I RiTruitiv 4, a m . c-.-nr. - - - - n . a. in. . 1 1 r . 1 111 11 r,. 1 ttT 9. s Campania, via Oueenstown: at I a. m. ior n ai.v ! ni-i lAhn Crtiall must tw itlreolo.l' "nr I.ahn"): at 730 n. m. for SCOTLAND' di rect, per s. s. Columbia (mall must be oirectea -per a. p. Columbia"); at 8 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Vader land (mull must be directed "per s. s. Vaderland") PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers and samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other narts of fcurope will not t c- ;;us ship unl speclallv I'irroted bv It After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic mans nnmea above addi tional supplementary mails are opened on the piers of the American. Enellsh. French snd German sienmer. and remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for Sowth and Central Amer ica. Weet ladles, Etc. TUESDAY At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Cosfa Rica) and SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Saratoga, via colon (mail for Guatemala must tie di rected "per s. s. Saratoga"); at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 d. m.) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS. BRITISH DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Parlm dad must be directed "nr b a. Fartma"). iiinn , -,i uirnflim twiv. - WEDNESDAY At 3:30 a. m. for BRAZIL. per s. s. Bellagglo, via Rio Janeiro and Santos (mall for Northern Brazil. Ar gentine, Uruguay and Paraguay must be Tui-nnniv a, a ... r-T-wa I m iinnttiit rrn.ii fnr Me.Tcn via VtZ rreso. ( amneche and v era Crux must r directed "per a. a. Monterev"): at 13 m r - - - for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a. a. Karyptlan Prince at 13 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for KAHAMAS and BANilAUU, per s. s. Cienfuegoa. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, oer . s. Niagara, via Tamplco (mall must be dl- rectea per s. e. rtiagaru ;; at a p. m. iui PORTO PLATA, per .. .. Fox :ha 1. from r-osion (man ror otner parts 01 tne uo- mlnlcan Republic must "be directed 'per a a. Forhall 'l: at 4:30 n. m. for BER- MUDA. per steamer from Halifax. SATURDAY-At 8:30 a. m. for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Caracas (maH for Savanilla and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Caracas "); at 9 a. m. MEXICO, per s. s. Ravensdale, via. Frogreso (man must M directed ."per a. s. Ravensdale"); at 9 30 a. m (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, 6AVA NILLA and CARTAGENA, per a. 8 Altai (mall for Costa Rica must be dl reeled "oer . a. Altai"): at :3U a. m. (supplernrntrry 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI and SAKTA MARTA. per s. s. Athos (malt for Savanllla must be directed "per ai iiv . -a a - rtrm a a. s. Athos".): at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Morro Castle, 1a Havana; at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. unnas, via Havana. u,, w. 1 r j v-, few- I " . arpcu. CUBA By rail' to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence nv steamer, closes at iras omce daily, except Thursday, at o.30 a. m. (tha connecting mans close nere uu vvuuaii VVMliiMiinril anil Saturdays). MEXICO CITX overiana. unieas specially at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 , .1 in, manairn 1 v steamer, cioaea p. m. and 11:30 p. m. tsunaays at :w p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd- una 11 jo d. ill. 1 Key, and thence py steamer, ciosea at tnia efnee auuy at . . m. nren..ccting mans KAturdin'! JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at mis omce at au p. m. every Tuesday ana 1 nursaay. MIQUELON By rail to Boston and thence by steamer, closes at una omce tiauy at a mi u. m. BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to rxew urieana. and thence "by at earner, closes at this office auuy. except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and 111:30 p. m., Bunaaya at i:uu p, m. and iu:ju 0 p. m. (connecting mail closes here days at U:S0 p. m. Mon COSTA RICA By mall to New Orleans, ana tnence or ncanirr, cicwea - ai tnis ofilce dally, except Sunoay, at 1 Ju p. m. and IU:3o o. m.. Sundays at 11:00 D. m. and ill. 30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Tuesdays at U JO p. m.j I REGISTERED MAIL closes at 4:00 D. m. previous aay. Traaipael4 Malta. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close hare dally at 4:30 p. m. up to June Izlar, In clusive, for despatch per s. s. Zyo Maru. HA.w"-..i"? tn C."IN. Zi,"?S: I WIIf ."III rOW I.IOll AMI Ul, A 1U1.I I PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close nere dally al b:ao p, m. up to June 2d. inclusive, ior aesnatcn per s. s. uaenc PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fraa- clsco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to June 26th Inclusive, for despatch per HAWAII via Kin Vranclarn. rinse her. u, aj. aisiiiouwiH rii lv at :2u n. m. ud to June 129th. In. elusive, for despatch car a. s. Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, af. c., close nere naiiy at 6:30 p. m. up to June IWh. inclusive, for de- spatch per s. s. Empress of China. (Mer- '"r "U.r HAWAII. CHINA, JAPAN and PHTLIP- PINE ISLANDS, via ISan Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to July 12, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Hong v- Mam TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:90 p. m. up to July (6th. Inclusive, for de spatch per s. s. Mariposa. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except WeBt. NEW CALEDONIA, FIJI. SAMOA and HAWAII, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. ra. after Jiaiio 120th and up to July Uth. Inclusive, for de spatch per a. s Sonoma. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall for Sew Zealand does not arrive in time to 6:3J p. m. win w iimuv up aiiu sorwaraea unill the arrival of tne cunard steamer.) AUSTRALIA lexcei i ,e-i, rui iniuinuu and NEW, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C. cl. here dally at ? V . "aft-r July ll,h and up to iui; I lain, IIIClUliic, M'-",m.i yvi Vir,w,r CllINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma close here dally at 6 30 p. m. up to July 2$ h. i-.-iii.lve for d-snatch per s. s. Olrmula. 7;ote Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via Europe: and w.v y.euland and Philippines via San Fran- clsco-the quickest routes. Fhiiipptnes spe- ro rates. Hawaii Is forwarded v- San Fran- cljco exclusively JRegi.teeed mail close, at 4 p. m. prevl- Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing cany ana tne s-nruuie oi closing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overiana iranau. . CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Poatofflce, New Tork. N. T., June 19, 190(1 GOVEHNSLCBT XOTlCEa, U, 8. LAND OFFICE. O'NEILL NE briAaka, My 6. ljj. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Instructions and in ac cordance with the direction of the secre tary of the interior, under the third section of the act oi r-ougreas, approved May li, L, 36 Stat, 1U), that the following tracts of Utid within the former Omaha Indian P.eaervation, in the slate of Nebraska, will be offered st public sale at the U. o. land ofO'-e at O Neil. Nebraska, on Tuesday. July 7th. 19U8. at nine o clock, a. m vut: IajI 9 (3iM acres. Sec IL T. 24 N P- $ E ; 8E1 NW ' 140 acreai. and KE' SWV 14 acres). Sec 9. and Ixit 11 (0 16 of an acrei. Sec 2J, T. 26 N.. R- 4 E.; lot 6 ($4, 1 auiaej, bee li; LJt i ai an acrej sac reel, per s s. L.moardl:i (mall must be ineaaie oiy.e aie.une-wura in iwo years, directed ' per s s. Ix.mhiirdin ) st 10 30 8,1,1 one-third In three years from ssl,1 a. m. tsiipplementsrr 12 m ) f .r E' "ROPE lla"' "h ""'' t the rate of five per p-r s. s. Kaiser Wllheim II via l'lv- cnt Prr "nnum: hut ,n of default lit mouth fherhniirv ori.i 4m. ' either of said payments, tlie ierson thus rapt?.n.1 JKVMP ari:. ft.?: Chicago Daylight L't'd.a 80 am . 6:46 . DAD BOLIVAR, per , Grenada; it h cago M Local J:00 am 9:35 U SO n. m ( nLmmtarr 1 o m l for 2nloa.:0. Express Ml 15 am a a 3ft TURfcS ISLAND and DOMINICAN RE- I piX-aln Fust Fx"nrM a 6-3S nm a PUBLIC, per s. s. Cherokee. Chicago Fast Express a 6.36 pm a 1.26 connect with this despatch extra malla a.m irp ntinj " . n, " M "losing at 6:30 a. m . 9:30 a. m at.d SO tTi. '1?&Z't'J2? n,m.; 8und.v. .!:.. m.. 9a. m snl I V'"""""''.''' GOVRR,MF.T SOIKfc-. 17; lxit 3 (M jo acres), 1. NN IW acres). Mild v e u ciei. rr, . 21, and lAJt )17 13 ai-iosi, Pec. iJ. T. .N . K. L.. KHM lands will l-e sold si t!. lushest bidder st not lr- than liie Si prauied value. '1 he purchaser may. at bis option, pay cash at the time of the sale, or puy one-third off the price one yenr from defaulting for the period of sixty days shall forfeit absolutely his right to the tract liii h he has purchased and any payment or pavmenta he may have made; provided, that no bid by any person whose entry for any of said lands has hereto fore heen tteciarea lorieitea by tne de partment will be recognised; provided, that each successful bidder wl'T be re quired to make affidavit that his bid la not In the Interest, either directly or In directly, of sny other person. W. A. RICHARDS. Commlanioner. Approved: Thos. Ryan. Acting Secretary, jf-2-14-23 ' ... - . if LEGAL NOTICES. FEALtTd BIDS wl.l be received at Office of Secretary of State up unt J V.'0 "-I0"-0' ,J?,d?r 21 at the Ul 12 11. for one ,o K. . commnation engine and lvnmo for use at Hastings asylum, ec- - . , a ... : , . ciiraing in plans ana speciiK-aiinn. on nie In the office of secretary of state. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. UEUKIIB w. MAHHI. Secretary of Board. J20dl0t Sealed bids for coal for the yesr begin ning September 1 will be received by the Board of Education of he State Normal school at Pern, until 12 o'clock noon. Tues day, July . at the office of the state superintendent, uneoin. 1 ne senooi win need about 7j0 tons of good steam coal and bids should be for coal, f. o. b. Peru, or delivered In coal house at the school. Blank proposals and supply bonds may be obtained at my office. WILLIAM K. rtlWIiKK. Secretary of Board of Education. AILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION 10TH AND MARCY. I'aloa Parlac. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 7:50 pm The Fast Mall a l.Zi pic California Express a 4:20 pm Paclflo Express aiiuai pm Eastern Express tl: pm 1 he Atlantic Ex Drees a 7 . J0 am Tha Cnlorado Sneclal.-.a 7:10 am A 8 40 am Chicago Special a 1:40 am uneoin. ieairice anu Stromsbura Express.. b 4:00 pm bll:50 pm North Platte Local a 8:00 am a 6:16 pm Grand Island Ixcal. . . . .b 6:30 did b 9:85 am 1 hlcaito. Ruck Islaad A Pacific. EAST. m pm pm am pm Rocky Mountain L t d .a 8:60 pm a4 S5ain iiiuh., ---l"- ,-i- Denver, West .. Pueblo and a 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm Colo.. Texas. CM. and Oklahoma Flyer a 8:40 pm 1! 0 pm Chlragn A Nertk weatera. "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago a 8:40 am a 7n am Mall a 8:00 pm a 8:30 am r , (.. r'Uw havh.htSt Pai .a 6:10 am a 3:30 pm Daylight St. Paul -..a 7:36 am alO CS pm ."' ?!? M X Sm I rfa! i-hlcago all .80 am a 6.10 pm i'. A'S8?!??"' 6:10 nm I H. i. S-nJr7r" ..a 8:15 pm a 9:18 am ..a 4:00 pin, s, 9 50 am ..a 6:60 pm a 3:46 pm ..a :i pro a 8:16 am a 2:40 nm tT:?A.ii Fast Chicago Fast st Paul f",11" "',"" Norfolk Bonesteel., b 4:00 pm b 9:60 am a 7:19 am nlO 36 am b 7:16 am bl0:3i am Lincoln A Lor.a; Flue Wabaih. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6 06 pm a 9:70 am St. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs a 9:1s am al0:30 pm Chicago. Mllwaakee A St. Past. I Chicago Daylight a 7:45 am all:15pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:46 pm a 3 40 Dm Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm a 7:60 am I Des Moines Express.. . .a 7:46 am a 3:40 nm .1,1 I Chicago Express a 7.JL am 1:10 pm icnicago, Minneapolis I St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a IK am 1 Minneapolis at at r-aui I Express b 7:35 am blO:SB pra 1 vnicago ixcai iv:jo am I fhlcAvm KinrM a1A-K am 1 ,. t -- I Ft Louis Express al0:00 am a 8:28 pm t xv. v. z ou ju. j.a........aAvs via m 9:1a am I WEBSTER DEPOT 18TH A WEBSTER. chlca North weet era. Nebraska I Wyasaln Dlvlaloa. I Leave, Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood. 1 iad. Hot Springs a 8:00 pen a 1:00 pm I Wyoming, Casper and 1 ljouglaa a 9:tw pm e 6:00 pm Haatlnirs. York. David City, Superior, Genera, Exeter end Seward. ...b 1:00 pm b 1:00 pm Ckl4Mtet St. ' faal, Mlaaeapells A Omaha. I Twin City Passenger. ..a 4:80 am a 9:10 pm I biqux city FaAweuaer...a 1:00 pm til: 39 am I Oakland Local D pm o 5:40 am Mlaaoart Paclc. Nebraska Local Via Weeping Water b 410 pm sI0:26 am BURLINGTON STATION 10TU MASON aTwidilaisrtou AV Mlaaeart River. wvnuww. Baatrlea and Lincoln a 8:68 am bl2:0t pm Nebraska Express...,... 8.50 am a 7 46 pm Denver limited. a 4:10 pm a 4:46 am Black Hills aTd'pni Sound ExDress all JO M A 1:10 nm Colorado Vestlbuled Fly a a 1:10 pm Uncoln Fast Mall b 21 pm a 1:08 am Fort Crook and Platts- BXvu. 3"i Ym pm Im mouth d fin pm nio xs am 1 TjAtllAumsi & UnMIIA JT I'M aa aw, I - tairaia, BariiaiariaiBi axauaiey, I Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 8:55 cm Chlcaao Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 Dm a7:4am Chicago Local a :is am au:uo pm Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm a 7:46 am Fast Mall a 2:40 pm -ta City. St. J.a.m A C.a.cll Blaffs Kanaaa City Day Ex... a 9 16 am tlMpn t-xtuim rijir a a m pm aui.mam Kansas C4ty Night E..al0:30 pm a 816 am . , . a Dally, b Daily except Sundav. d Dallv except naruroay. e uany except Monday. STEAMSHIPS. AKC3I0 IaIKB) V. STBAallHlPS Mar Toax. LOKDottDaakT and uasoow, TBTir TOkK. OIBkAtTAal AND MAPUBB. SasMlar aAceamakodatiae, gxaallaat Tea Ceaalort a( ruMan CajMallr CMaMaraA. lasie 1 ui .Aat uaAi.aiaan iiai. a -i amhm. call CHANCE TO BE CUTTER CADETS Civil Svrrle Eiaailasiiaa will Held la Jaly for AsIH Yeangt M. The civil CaTtio oomi&laslon announces by a drcui, that xamlnaUona will be Mi JtUj 29. 80 and for an appointment as cadet la the United SUtes revenue cutter service. The successful ones) will yf my be commissioned by the president after two years' servlc as lleutenanU of U cutter service. By the treasury regulations ap plicants must be not younger than 18 years or older than 26 years, and must be at least 6 feet 1 Inches lit height Those wish, lug to take the examinations, which will require three days, should notify the otvii servlc commission at Washington, D. C, and for partloulara appiy to tha secretaries of the local ;.amluiOg boards. These boards for Nebraska will meat In Baa trie a, Grand Island and Omaha, the local secre tary being? Mia Viola Coffin, with office In the federal building. Works Weaders fer Weaaeau Elactrto Blturs lnvigorat tb female system aad cures aervouaaeas, headache, backaca aad aoastlpaUoa or pay. Mo. Far aal kjr atuka 4 Oa I r. A s r. cl tba Aachar Uae er to m.