tr io TUT, OMATTA DAILY JWTa TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 100.1. I1ERE TO DISCUSS SCHOOLS Superintendents' and Prlncipa'i from Vari ous Sections Meet in Omaha. OVER FIFTY PRESENT AT FIRST SESSION State Superintendent fftetsen of Maine Par lllah Compliment to School Workers of the West and Their Orlalnallt jr. "It has attracted a great dnal of atten tion In the east, and more than one paper hn asked why some bright eastern man did not ever think of Fuch a school," said State Superintendent W. W. Stetson of Maine In speaking of the Transmississlppl Hummer School of Superintendence, the first session of which was held at 11 o'clock yesterday morning In the Board of Educa tion assembly room, city hall. Over fifty city and county superintend ents and principals, from Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Illinois and other states were present, and It Is expected that 150 more will arrive within the next two days. Superintendent Pearse called the school to order, stating that In doing so he was reminded of the acorn and oak story, and hoped the school would carry It out. It had been suggested several years ago that such a school be held and the holding of It was the result of much planning. The members were present primarily to receive Instruction, but not In silence they would be expected to "talk back," discuss or. If they so desired, dispute. Superintendent J. M. Greenwood of the Kansas City, Mo., schools told of the great work accomplished du'..ig '.e past few years by summer schools of various kinds. The great variety of subjects treated by them was well known, and their Influence on the schools of the country were becom ing plainly visible. But this was the first school in this or any other country espe cially for school superintendents and prin cipals, and dealing solely with matters per taining to their work. It was to be a prac tical and not a theoretical school, and would help, he was confident, in the great work In which all schools are engaged the making of good citizens out of the children of the country. Compares East and West, Superintendent Stetson spoke entertain ingly for a few minutes on conditions down In tfco "state of Maine," and said he had more than once found, It necessary and ad visable to call attention there to the fact that the state Nebraska having the small est percentage of illiteracy, was west of the Missouri river. Superintendent Greenwood started the real work of the school with a lecture on the relations of the school superintendent to the educational authorities of the state and nation and to his own board of educa tion. For the next four days the program pro vides for lectures by Superintendents Greenwood and Stetson every morning and round table discussions every afternoon, conducted by State Superintendents Olsen of Minnesota. Dayhoff of Kansas, Carring ton of Missouri and Barrett of Iowa. Among those present at the opening ses sion were: WstPolniJ ft Graham, wesi point; J. F. Ray, David Cltv c w Turner. Lincoln; M. H. Snodgrass, Wayne I, w- Pearson, Wahoo; W7 M. Stevens tZL?ltl' J5 : Wilson Belpune"; T3.i. Vi;; ""i?"'. -rawnee City; J. N . Overholt, Ashland; E. J. Uodwell Omaha; F. E. Willard, Chicago; IrVlna S Btta Smith, Elizabeth Rooney. Clara OmaTa-1?:" JSW' V,r1,S ymana, J. c. Waddell, Pawnee City; Anna Fitch, Frances Huttertte'd. Omaha; Elleh rherw' tPiend,et JiI?bV Dewltt Elwood. r n SLY-.11 li?ohn HjJonas. Clinton, la, Sf . raerca": T. U. Ford. Trenton; Mo.; h.. C. Grubbs, Lead, 8. D Emma I Herman. South Omaha; WT M Kern Col MmorV.- M PU. Humphrey; U M. Garrett. Lamar Mo.; Frances Eaton riTa.haxV Anna "unlns. fcmma Whltmore Clara Mfn Orn; J. I Strlne, Gretna! J. C. Orr, North Platte; Mary Scherzer Dorchester; Jennie McKoon, AnnS Foss' Omaha; W IL Myers. Oakland; J w Storms.. Webb City. Mo.; G, A. Axllne V,n'S.'' Mr' Nora IT. Vimon. Omah: Nell Sinclair. Nebraska City; H I), sterns' fort Omaha; John A. Woodward. Auroral' Lidderdale and Lanesboro are bright new town on the Chicago Great Western' rail way. For particulars write Edwin B. Ma glll. manager. Townslte department. Fort Podge, la. 1 1 win iii in if WBmjLAMiLwsa, vy ya1 w rw. j. iihuli i jimmia a mm C5 Sa e H Today u Bdifii "A Bargain Never Equalled in Omaha" 25,000 ALL LINEN HANDKERCHIEF SECONDS I STRAIGHT FROM A BELFAST. IRELAND, FACTORY W e recently purchased the entire factory accumulation of handkerchiefs secoruls from one of the bent known Belfast manufacturers. These goods hace just reached us, and we wish to assert that tliis is posi tively tlie finest shotting of high gride, hankcrchiefs ever offered at a bargain prtee. We secured the entire lot at less than hhlf their oriainal vohteTOMOTt. ROW WE WILL HELL THEM AT A BO UT 1-S IiEULAIi PliWE. I his is a buying opportunity that happens but rarely. No one but an expert could tell these elejtant handkerchiefs are sec onds. The flaws are too small to be noticed. w . T"18 factory maintains such a high standard for their handkerchief ndk-e:? " """ THB BECKETT OOMPAHT. ALL KINDS OF MONET SAVED IN BUYING YOUR GROCERIES AT BEN-NETT'S-BIO STOCK OF THE MOST RELIABLE TABLE PRODUCTS AT LOW PRICES. EVERYTHING GUARANTEED 1 BIG GROCERY SALE NOW ON. THE BENNETT COMPANY. Very Low Special Excursion Rates " To Boston, Mass.. Saratoga, N. Y. and Chautauqua Lake in June and July. ' Lib eral terms and stop-over privileges. On and after June 14 the new fast train from Chicago to Buffalo and Intermediate points, 6:15 p. m. daily. For time cards, regular an special rates, etc., send postal card to H. L. Purdy Trav. Pass. Agent. Erie Railroad. Chicago! III., or D. M. Bowman, Genral Western Passenger Agent. Chicago, III. BRICK CONTRACTORS GET BUSY Work Resumed on Several of the Smaller Balldlngs Started Deforo Strike. Now that brick work has been resumed on the larger buildings throughout the city, contractors re turning their (attention to th smaller structures. Work was begun yesterday on the Slosberg flats at Twentieth and Dodge streets by the con tractor. Newmand & Johnson. The excavation was made early last spring, but no brick were laid. The building, which Is to be a double flat, stands two stories and basement forty-two by thirty eight feet, and will be of gray pressed brick. The cost will be between $7,000 and $8,000. Work on the excavation for the new brick rectory of All Saints Episcopal church at Twenty-sixth street and Dewey avenue had been begun and the brick workers will start In a few days. The The excavation for a frame residence being built for E. H. Howland at Twenty-ninth and Woolworth avenues has juBt been completed, having been begun before the teamster's strike. The brlckmasons will begin laying the 40.000 brick for the foun dation In a day or two. Good headway Is being made on the Auditorium building and the contractor will begin laying stone at the west end today. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Ifvalth: Births Emll Hnrnsteln, 2615 ' Cuming, girl; Claude A. Wilbur, South Twenty seventh, boy; Otorge Thompson, 1;VU Vin ton, girl: Henry Colltne, lnol Vinton, boy; Clauds W. Rose, 2U4 Parker, boy; R. P. Lumpklns, la Paclilc. girl. Deaths Mis. Delia Roseborough, 53. St. Joseph hospital; Emll J. Krauth, 15. luS Bancroft. "Town Talk" tells all about the new towns on the Chicago Great Western rail way. For free copy send to Kdwln 11 Mag---, manager, Townslte department. Fort Dodge, la. nd i--' L 1 ! This lot includes ladles' and men's handkerchief--many them sheer linen, all convent hemstitched. They are worth as high as 50c each today on big bargain square at Splendid Embroideries at 10c, 7k, 3c ll? ar,e BamPIe" ,nd male f "tra fine Suisse, nainsook and cambric, in gnloons and beading, in n , , , 5M!?...r. 10c-72C-3y2C High Grade Laces at I5c, 10c, 5c NnLTintnlB,,!nt fPrtt, Fancy Serpentine. Oaloons. medal in? w5rT1iiWK,dth' f band8-many of fancy cotton and black silk fifty cents at 15c-10c-5c Pearl Buttons Thousands of dozens of Pearl But tonsall sixes worth ten cents on bargain square I So7ePer. 2iC Ladies' Uuclervsts iAdles' summer Undervesta, In plain and fancy cotton and lisle thread lace trimmed. m worth 85c on bar- 1110 gain table at each W Ladles Corset Covers and Drawers made of fine muslin and cambric neatly trimmed with lace, embroidery and cluster of tucks at "C Watch Our Ji Windows Q 5r&Q Windows wjBV'Wesvs w4r HAVE YOU TRIED fWVoc,,ta?nRmAe1n?sBeStrP " Ceent us. a. a punch ICR tgERETSasHaAsweet Jelly "J&J ' WATER LADE is the only PURK ORANQK drlnW r, .V "auco to. NAVE Sold through ythe glocery andrJ",", ,1 the mark8t- TRT IT. Manulsctared by the Los Angeles Fruit Juice Co., Los Angeles, Cel. W. II CLEflENTS, Distributer, 319 South Eleventh Street, Omaha. TOO MANY REPUBLICAN PEGS One Eeaaoa Why Boheme for Honprtisan Judicial Election May Fail DEMOCRATS ARE IN RECEPTIVE MOOD Minority Party Is Willing to Take , One or Two or Three Places oa Jadlclary Ticket and Be Satisfied. I am In favor of a nonpartisan Judiciary provided all the Judges are republicans Chairman H 11. Baldrlge of the repulican ju jlclal committee. In making this statement Mr. Baldrlge expressed the sentiment of perhaps the majority of the republican members of the Omaha Bar association, but with the democratic members the proposition for a nonpartisan Judiciary Is very differently received. Realizing the Improbability of electing even one of the seven Judges In a partisan contest, the democrats are of course ready to take on any scheme that will give them a place or two. Of number of republican lawyers Inter viewed as to the call that has been Issued for a special meeting of the bar associ ation on June DO for the purpose of making recommendations for Judicial nominations to the two political parties, only a few expressed sentiments favorable to the bar association scheme. As one of the lawyers said, "there setms to be too many repub lican pegs for tho number of holes on the Judicial board and when convention time comes there will be surh a scramble for the holes that the nonpartisan movement will be, lost sight of." However, there are a few republican at torneys who are disposed to lend an at tentive eer to the bar association when It comes to making suggestions for the bench and If the meeting of the 30th decides to recommend seven candidates, five repub licans and two democrats, or six repub licans and one democrat, the candidates so recommended will have Just that much additional prestige before their party con ventions, although doubt Is expressed as to the republican convention stopping after making five or six nominations. Democratic Barkis Is Wlllla. The democrats are apparently quite willing to take one or two or three places on the bench and then quit with a satisfied smile. Kd. P. Smith, chairman of the democratic Judicial committee says: "There Is no hurry about calling the demo cratic Judicial convention, and the commit tee may not meet for some weeks yet. I have not -heard of a single democratic lawyer who la disposed to get "out und make a light for a Judicial nomination, and cer tainly we do not want a long campaign. I am heartily In favor of the nonpartisan Idoa aiid I believe the democrats would be satisfied with twn . i i . ticket rvm pieces on the t mJL: ??IUn! OUBht to be ""ch that noTltlc. t . 8Ve ,0 B't down t0 war politics to get or to save their Jobs. The uL . JUfr ,the better " will be for the . u ,,, citizens generally." fnr'lh.0UEh ther6 ar no avowed candidates for places on a democratic Judicial ticket IZl ,aWerS f that ralth have been suggested: E. C Paae Arthur Wakeley. Lysle I. Abbott. R 8 Horton George W. Cooper. B. N. Robert son and George V. Doane. In tho meanwhile all the aspirants for nominations In the r.nK.. Jtvl IOr going right along In their canvass for republican support as If the republican nomination were the only on. than col" The new town of l.MiWri-1 r. county, on the Omaha extension of the Chicago Great Western railway, will be opened to the public by an auction sale of lots about the middle of Julv. For par ticulars address Edwin D. Maglll man ager, Townslte department. Fort Dodge. Ia. The Ion nates to Boston Via the Lake Shore & MlchUrsn Southern railway, afford a delightful opportunity for an eastern vacation trip. Tickets on sale June 25. X nnd 17. July 1, 2, j, 4 and 6 Full particulars on application to M S ? ,P- A- Chicago, or by addressing C P'y. Chief A. a. P. A., Chicago. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the kindness nnd svmpathy shown us during our sad bereavement P. F. EU.IOTT. MRS. HANNAH PETERSON F. J. FETEHSON. MRS. H. A. LARSEN. MRS E. B. HOLMES ED PETERSON. FRED TETERSON. JOHN PETERSON. JU 111 IMm '.Ilk; HKI.IAHI.Di 8 I Oltt: prp Great Clearing Sale LiiS of Wash Goods, and White Waisting in Domestic Room EVERT TARD Mt'PT GO T1EFORE THE 4TH AND EVERT PAT THB PRICES WILL HE LK88. WATCH THIS PAPER FOR DAILY REDUCTIONS. HERE ARK A FEW TRICES: BOc COLORED WASH GOODS. 15c Mercerized ehamhrnv nlnln nnd strined. linen batiste, linen Jackqu.ird Swisses, miic nane laced organdies, French batistes, with satin stripes, Scotch mndrasses, mer cerized printed oxford waistlngs and soft finished Imported percales, today 15c. 40c COIX)RED WASH GOODS, 12V4C In floral designs, lnced anil embroidered St. Gall Swisses. Swiss muslins. French muslins, in blHrk and white, plain and lancy colors, today J-ViC. 36c COLORED WASH GOODS, 10c TJnen batistes, linen colored a-rounrt-i. with blnck and fancy colored dots, stripes and figures, Scotch and Irish dimities, the finest makes, In printed stripes and figures, plain zephyr ginghams, black corded ba tistes and mercerized fflass Unintrs. in and fancy colors today, 10c. 30c COLORED WASH GOODS, THc Colored French hntlqts In nlnln nnlnr fancy stripes nnd figures, shot silks, plain colors, and the wide corded striped and ilgured French batistes today 7Hc. Su-inch wide extra heavy cotton flannel. per yard, 6o. Fancy bed ticking, worth 18o per yard, at 12 He. Extra heavy Shaker flannel, worth 10c per yard, at 6Hc. 16c COLORED WASH GOODS, 6c. Printed dimities, minted lawns, seersurlr. ers, ginghamk, yard wide peroales today DO. 6o LIGHT AND MEDIUM PRINTS. ic. SPECIAL SALE ON HAMMOCKS AND CROQUET SETS. Complete assortment of hammocks nn1 croquet sets selling at 39c, 69c, 7c, 87V4C and upwards. 260 WHITE GOODS AT 10c. One big table of 40-lnch India linon, 40 Inch lawns. 40-Inch organdies, mercerized stripes, dots. Swisses, check and striped nainsooks, etc., In full pieces and long mill ends, not a yard worth less than 2ic, nil will go at one price at 10c a yard. 36c WHITE GOODS AT 12Hc One big table of fine sheer lace striped batistes, dimltlew, leno stripes, oxfords, madras and basket weave waistlngs, not a yard worth less than 35c, all go at ono price at 12c a yard. 50o WHITE IMPORTED MERCERIZED WAISTING3, AT 19c. One big tnblo Imported mercerized white waistlngs, In oxfnrus, cheviots, madras and basket weaves, nil the up-to-date patterns, not a yard worth less than 60c, all go at one price at 19c a yard. 16 TARDS FINE BLEACHED MUSLIN. $1 RVc quality fine, soft finished blenched muslin, yard wide, soft for the needle for one day 1 yards for 11.00. 12Hc ENGLISH I.ONO CLOTH. AT 9c. 12Hc quality English long cloth, improved finish, sews easily, wears well, yard wide iur una aay ai c a yard. 10c FINE CAMBRIC AT (WSn 10o quality tine cambric, yard wide, for rhirts and fine underwear for one day cli a yuru. 90c READY-TO-tTSE SHEETS 9o. 60c quality linen finish, bleached sheets, Brno wiue, itx long ror one aay at 3c 8c GLASS TOWELING, 44c. Re mmlltV Hnn flnlah crlac, , . 18 Inches wide, cornea In red and blue checks tor one aay at 40 a yard. Great sale of rrven's liayden Bros. Grocery Bargains AH brands of laundry soap per Dar ..... Good Rio coffee at Santos coffee at Llberlan coffee at Interior Java coffee at Mandellng Java at 24c ...9c 10c I2ic 15c 13c Mandellng Java and Mocha at Soda crackers at Milk crackers at Ginger snaps at 22c ...5c ...5c ...5c HATDEN'S crackers are not only su perlor In quality but always fresh made. mm The M'sliash llullrnad "In the Good Old Summer Time" offer miiny special rates to Boston. Indianapolis. Baltimore, St. I.ouls. Saratoga, Detroit Atlanta and other points. Call at city office. lvn Fsrnam. or address HARRY E. MOORES. G. A. P. D Omaha, Neh. gH.TR! ! 1.7.1! ail.TBI Chicago and return June 14-16-30, July i Good till September 15, via "The Northwest ern IJne," the only double track road. 1401, 1403 Fa mam St. For Hale Due bill on one of the best New York City hotels ut a good discount Ad dress E 04, care Omaha Ree. niF.ii. WILCOX Ruth Harriet sged 9 veir yoiinven dMiij:her of Mnt'ir nn M'- R 8. Wilcox, at a. m.. June 22. after a l mlungetl Illness. Funeral from residence, 21(9 Wirt street v tMlnemlay afternoon at 2 30 o'cloek ln teri:.eiit Fvrckt Lttwa ccmetei y. Frleuda lavltsd. New and Popxilatr Route TO Yellowstone National Park Via the UNION PACIFIC To Mortlda., thence by SPLENDID CONCORD COACHES To All Points In the Ptvrlc i i i VERY LOW RATES DURING JUNE. JULY AND AUGUST3 SPECIAL SIDE TRIP FROM Ogden, Utah, or Pocatello, Idaho, $49.50. This includes rail and stage fare cover in? seven days' trip; also all meals and lodging beyond Monida.' I i I I CITT TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARJVAM STREET. 'Phone El worth up to $13.50 There's just about one hundred suits left. If you step lively you'll get your size. They arc thegreatest values in men's fine blue serges offered this season. Every suit in this lot is tailored in the latest style, they are intelligently cut and hon estly and carefully put together. Csf ft', su sr - me mm 5 S(4b. rmtmw si The Bee Building is no older as far as wear and tear goes- ' than the day it was built. The little things are kept con stantly in repair. Wouldn't you prefer an office in a building that never grows shabby where a 'broken window cord is ' replaced the day it breaks? At 110.00 per month you can rent a splendid little office light and well ven tilated Including heat, light, water and Janitor senrlce. The Bee Buildin R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Ajrents. Orooiid Floor. Cor. 1 7th and Paraam Streets WECMPmiA eijmm Arc You Going Away? Take some of our souvenir spoons for friends whom you visit this summer. Let us put your watch In order before you go. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1516 Douglas Street. QUR RELIABILITY In Dentistry has never been questioned. Owing to new fact 11 t:is we perform the host Cental work at about half the usual price. Bet of Teeth 3, Bridge Teeth $3, Ex tracting 25c. BAILEY THE DENTIST CO, .112 Psilon Blk. Kith and Farnam Sts. Lady Attendant. Tel. 106. Merchant; National Dank OF OMAHA N E (taw mfU lilk Mta . i.piiaul sun.lw im.l' VSiTP.D mTATBS IMIHtSITOltY. BIG TALK Is usually indulged In and generally ex pecied of street fakirs, but we note that it is being ued u great deal of late by some of our would be competitors, in an effort to boost their wares listed In an A Nt "IK. N'T CATAIAJOI'E. "Every knock Is a boost" , however, and we ask for no better ud than to have a prospective drus: buyer, compar our DAILY CHANGE CALLED LP-TO-IJATE CATALOQLEU nnd revised lists. ll.'O rTuna, all you need, at nc l! If,' 'lerc' Favorite Prescription Mo ti m Tierce s Medical discovery ...... (4c Soc Genuine CaHioria ' n V.0 Miles' Nervine " ?4o tM Miles" Heart Cure 7sX l-fic Miles" Antl-I'nln Pills Ji'm 25c Hire's Root Beer n 6"c Bonn's Kidney pills (('.c BiV Cutlcura Halve J9c llOrt fairies Celery Compound 74c NraTBAl-l'RDAY80'1'1 'UnUln nl"' OCR STORE NEVER CLOSES SCIIAEFER'S SSSaTS5 Two Thones 74T and TOT. 16th aad Chicago ttreets. Omaha. DREXEL'S BOYS' SPECIALS 1.75 We call them our specials because of tho specially selected leather uppers. linings and soles which go to muka up their splendid wearing qualities. Little Gent's Biles 10 to UVs. at Youth's IE sixes 1 to 2, at Boys'- O Cifi sixes 2V4 to BV4. at sS.OU Finest quality box calf uppers and oak sole leather sales. Hundreds of Omaha boys are wenr Ing these shoes who attest to tlioir excellent wearing quality. We guar antee them also. DREXEL SHOE CO., Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House 1419 Farnam Street. Derofy State Veterinarian. Toed Inspector. II. L.RAfiACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITY VETERINARIAN. Office and Infirmary, 2ih and Mason Sts. Omaha, Xsbj, J.l.yl.uus DIAMONDS 4 r'laa lelectlon. W. cIcm Sit. at t 14 pm. 1: I I.10HEY-S&VING DRUG PRICES (Write for catalogue if you want to know more aoout them l.(iO iJe Miraelu Hulr Remover, for 75c liy mall fcc tl.OU llaker's Hailey Milt W hiskey, pur est and best, for 75c tl.txi White Ribbon Liqur Cure, for.... 7.k- Hy mall t"'0 Dr. Miles' Nervine, new gondii, fur SI IW CAUTION Look out fur Lir. Miles' M.di tlnes which do not bear numbers-if they are offered you r'EKl'rSK '1 11 K..I - lor . they do not h:ive nimiliers they are either KRY OLl or SPCRIol'S. lr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills, (numbered) I5c fM Marvel Wtilrllng Bpniy riymiga 1.1 .Small Aperita Water, for l'c J1.U0 Newbros' Herplclde for 7t: Kmall Onriield Tea for 10c tl.uo Kilmer's Bwnmu-Root fur ii- I doxen Cocoanut Ml Buap for 1- c 1 ou Wine Cardul, we sell 66u You cannot duplicate our prices. Small Caldwell's Syrup Pepaln l"o $IO Chrystal .Tonic fur .-.v : - Munyon's Witch llaxel Soap, smull, 2 fur f $1 0U Lislerlne, larK. we well 6c Mennen's Talcum Powder for lie II CO Peruna (with top strip l;tbe) : Hox S rakes True Violet 8uup for inc. 51 UO Hquibb's Harsaparllla, best for blood 75; lir Wfiimul'i Senna Pills, tha pill with out a pain II 00 Hromo Beltier. we sell c lf) l:uker s parley Malt Whiskey for. .75c v.'iiie fur our catalogue cnnt;uiilnK 1 i.imj Items of Im-ukh, Putent Medi'-tnj Slid Ruli ber iloods, ut cut price Its Frci. Sh6rman& McConnsIl Drug; Co Wholesale and Retail Irufc'giNts. Csraer lttih and liuilge sts., Omaha. H HSSy-- a' tmiwmm a fT.-a feA'rfS iv jw - - -w .1 'u it- i FAVORITE ) 1