20 Tfti: OMAHA DAILT BET!: SUNDAY, JUNK 21. 100H. v WORK ON STREET RAILWAY Improvement at Twentieth Doric Will Remit In letter Car Service. The street rnr workmen hsve been busy thiti week placing new curve st Twentieth and Dodge streets, on the Harney and Jvidge linen, and In plarlng connecting witches. The rail at thl Intersection had become badly worn and racked the cars considerably and the passengei a to a much greater extent, far have now and then Jumped the rail of the Hurney line while making the turn. A switch will connect both the In and out line. The work of making the change I difficult an. expen sive. Several day have been required to break apart the Iron and cement of the old cable tracks, and the new rail have had to be ordered of apodal curve owing to the relative position of the track. The Improvement will have a tendency to quiet rumors that the Dodge street hill was to be abandoned by the Dodge and North Twentieth line and the cars brought along Seventeenth street. The new switches will greatly facilitate the delivery of cars to the Dodge line at right and morning. Heretofore, when cars were put on In the morning and taken off at night, and when the extras went on for the buy hour, It has been necessary to run down to the Burlington depot and thn back on the line. Now the car, which are all housed In the Harney street barn, can be run directly up to Twentieth and Dodge streets. Another advantage lie In the fact that In case of circuses and other attractions causing a crowd to travel north, cars from other lines can be run out Har ney and up the coinpnrutlvely small grade on to Twentieth and Dodge. OMAHA CHRISTIAN EMMJ AVOnF.H" Daylight Specln.1 LB for Hound Trip to Denver, Paeblo and Col orado ftprlnars. The Union Pacific has, by reason of Its many advantages, been selected as the otnclal route for the Omaha Christian En deavor Delegation to Denver. A special train will be run for this dele gation and all Endeavorers throughout the state, are urged to Join this train. A great Acquaintance Social will be held on the way out. Arrangements have been made for de lightful side trips Into the mountains and alHo special excursion rates to Salt Lake City and other points at greatly reduced rates. The special train will leave Omaha Union Station at 7 a. m. July 8th. and Arrive at Denver same evening. Tickets on sale July 1st to 10th, limited to August 31st. Be sura your tickets read via the official route. City Ticket Office, 1334 Farnam street 'Phone 316. Card of Thank. OMAHA, June 21, 1933. The family of Mr. Jacob Van Pelt, lately deceased, desire to return their sincere thanks to the many friends who so kindly assisted and sympathized with them In their late bereavement. MRS. JACOB VAN PELT. MR. and MRS. A. Q. M ILNAY. MR. and MRS. WM. BRANTON. GEORGE VAN PELT. ALICE VAN PELT. The executors of the estate of Fred Parker will sell a large number of Florence lots, small farms suitable for gardening, and larger farms, In Douglas county, at tha east front door of the county courthouse, beginning at 10 a. m. Tuesday, June 23d. The property Is described in the legal ad vertisements In The Examiner. Notlcel All officers and members of Ak-Sar-Ben lodge, No. 173, Degree of Honor, are re quested to attend u special meeting to be held Sunday afternoon, June 21, at 2 o'clock, at Muller's hall, Seventeenth and Vinton, for Important business. MISS ALMA SCHULTZ, C. of K. MISS JOSEPHINE WITTIG, Recorder. The executors of the estate of Fred Parker will sell a large number of Florence lots, small farms suitable for gardening, and larger farms. In Douglas county, at the east front door of the county courthouse, beginning at 10 a. m. Tuesday, June 23d. The property Is described In the legal ad vertisements In The Examiner. Low Rate to Boston. " One far for the lound trip via Chi cago Great Western railway. Tickets on ale June 24-26. Good to return July 2 (or August 1 by payment of CO cents extra). Stopovers allowed. For further Informa tion apply to any Great Western agent or J. P. Elmer, G. P. A., Chicago, 111. Attention, Bankers Union of the World Members of Fraternal Lodge No. 3 are requested to attend the funeral of Augusta Jaeger, 1419 Ohio street, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, A. A. BUCHANAN, PresldeuL CHAS. L. HOPPER, Secy. Christian Scientists' Meeting in Boston. June 28. July 1. It will be to your advantage to obtain rates ap plying over the Nickel Plate road before purchasing elsewhere. No excess fare Charged on any of our trains. Tickets on ale June 25, 26 and 27. Final return limit August 1. Call on or address John Y. Cala han, Oeneral Agent, 113 Adams St., room 29S, Chicago, for particulars as to stopovers, train service, etc. Very Low Special Excursion Rates To Boston, Maw, Saratoga, N. Y., and Chautauqua Lake In June and July. Lib eral terms and stop-ovor privileges. On and after June 14 the new fast train from Chicago to Buffalo and intermediate points, 6:15 p. m. dally. For time cards, regular and special rates, etc., send postal card to It. L. Purdy, Trav. Pass. Agent, Erie Railroad. Chicago, 111., or D. M. Bowman, General Western Passenger Agent, Chicago, ill. For Sale Due bill on one of the best New York City hotels at a good discount. Ad dress E 64, cure Omaha Bee. The executors of the estate of Fred Parker will sell a lirge number of Florence lots, small farms suitable for gardening, and larger farms. In Douglas c anty. at the east front door of the our.ty courthouse, beginning at 10 u. m Tuesday. June 23d. The property Is described In the legal ad vertisements lu The Examiner. "14.75! II. TBI S14.TSI Chicago and return June 14-15-30, July L Good till September 15. via "The Northwest ern Line," the on'y double track road. 1401, 1403 Karnara St. Harry F. Roherson. formerly with R. O. Dun 3k Co., now ug.-nt for Travelers' Life Insurance Co. of Ilurtford. ulu wrlma nre and accident. " South nth St. 'Phone 1261 Have Root print It. "Strongest In the World." the Equitable Life Assurance sn-i.-iy. It pollclp are sight drafts at nvilurliy. Bee H. I. Noely, manager, Meichti.ls NMlouul llauk BIJ, Omaha. Nu. DIKD. JAEGER Augusta. June IS. 1 aged 43 years. I months. U days; beloved wife of Christian Jaruer. Funeral from her late residence, 1413 Ohio Street atanday afternoon. Jane "1. at 3 o'clock. llraiut k'oresl La no. Fiieud PETER KARAGEORGEVITCH 1 1 a Heavy Patronymic for a Kins to Carry to a Throne, But THE SERVIAN SKUPTSCHINA Has Perpetrated lllm Ipon the World As KncecHkor to the Murdered Alexander. In the annals of the last ten days has been recorded a cold-blooded assassination. The king and queen of 8crvla, together with a part of their private bodyguard, were killed by revolutlonlFts with unpro nouncable nnme. The parliamentary body of the kingdom promptly elected Prince Peter Karageorgevltch as ruler. The people of Belgrade appear to have regarded the horrible crime with utmost complacency and the WORLD LOOKS OJT AMAZED that the twentieth century should witness a regicide so grossly cruel and barbarous. And this leads one to remark that crowned heads In Europe are far from safe. The world has progressed rapidly, but the di vinity which hedges about a king Is a poor protection to the life of the monarch. King Alexander and Queen Drags seem to have Inspired no respect or affection among their subjects and THE RANKED 5 HEKRVK I, IKK company of Omaha feels that risks on for eign potentates are extra hazardous. How ever, In America every citizen Is equal be fore the law. Life Is as safe for one ns nn. oTher, and with a good family record and a healthful condition of body and mind any man of proper age can secure protection for his family and Investment for himself at rates which are reasonable. The policies of this company nre up-to-date In all par ticulars. The favorite options, cash and loan values, and certainty of payment com mend this home company to all. B. H. ROBISON, PRESIDENT, report .his excellent field force actively campaigning In all the western states en tered. Each mall brings Its proof of their success and activity , in premium receipts. When 1903 closes the Bankers Reserve will have passed the $10,000,000 mark. Additional terltory Is demanding competent underwrit ers. Profitable contracts Hro still open. Write for particulars. Be sure you have a policy and recommend the aggressive young company to your neighbors. Light Summer Coats Now on sale. Black Alpacca Coats, 75c, 86c, $1.25 and J1.60. For J2.00 we show a fine glossy Alpacca Coats, made .by Alfred Benjamin. For the same price we can fit stout men In the Benjamin make. We also can sell you a blue Skelton Serge Coat, made by Benjamin, from 12.50 up. For the rediculous low prices of 37.50 and $10.00 we offer some of Kohn- Bros. Union Made Suits. These are the suits you see advertised In the street cars. For $5.00 we show suits worth considerable more money. Our line of $1.90 Pants beats anything In the town for the price. Extra fine pants for $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. We carry a large line of Mohair and Silk Shirts. Prices, $2.00, $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00. We save you about $1.00 on a shirt of this kind. THE GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., 1519-15C1 Douglas Street etoer anywhere to call write phone Ksrarlon ta Boat June 3ft to ft. Inclusive: also July t te I Inclusive, via Nickel Plat road. Epe- clalljr low rate. Liberal return limits. Particular at rlty tkitl office. Ill Adam street, and I'nloa ticket office. Auditorium ffijc 'M Iff fapTijyTO PTOK' 4 Jkft n OUAHA' DRUG MUSE (WE PUBLIiH A CATALOGUE.) Our catalogue contains 100 pages. It is, of course, corrected up to date. It's no use to write to small stores for a catalogue. Small stores don't have catalogues. WE DO. SOME CATA LOGUE DItUO P1MCES AT SHERMAN & M CONNELL DKUG CO., corner Sixteenth and Dodge streets, Omaha: $1.00 DeMiracIe Hair Remover for 75c By Mail 80c. St. Jacob's Oil, small 20c August Flower, smull 2ne Warner's Safe Lure, small 40c Hull's Baby Syrup tof course) lac Kola-Kttes nerve tonic 75c 2uc Kt-Ho-Mo Pink Tablets 20c $1.00 Dr. Charles' Flesh Food 40c V Klkrr-llofT Consumption Care, T5c by mnll SOe 2no Allcock's Flasters, we sell 1.1c $1.00 Ayer's Hair Vigor, we sell 75c 2no Uromo Seltier, we sell 20c fl.'O tnktra Har e) Malt WhliWy, we sell 7oe ri)p (olgntc'a fanny Itlossom Ei trnrt, ivf sell, s 2ftc 50c Soclete Hygienic Soap, .we sell 2c ;"c Brandeth's Hills, our price l!c i'i.e Heecham's Pills, we sell 2'ic 50c Casoarets, for 4iic 25c Cascarets, for 20c 25c Carter's Tills, wo sell 15c 25c Chamberlain's Cough Cure 20c r l.(;u Chichester's I'm. l'llln for.. Tie 1-lb. German Mixed Dlrd Seed.... 4c She Castorla, we sell 2Rc 5"c Cutlcura Ralve, we sell 40c; 25c Cutlcura Soap, we sell 2"c $1.50 Fellow's Syrup, we sell $1.15 $1.00 Duffy's Mult Whisky, we sell 75c Small Garfield Tea, our price pic Jap Rose Soap 7c 7jc Hall's Catarrh, we sell (fie 25c Humphrey's 77, we sell 2e $1.00 Pepto Mangram Oudo, we sell.... Roc l.l'O HoNtettrr'M llltt.r for 74e $1.00 Horllck s Malted Milk, largo 76c f l.OO Kirk's Dandruff ( lire, lite war. ranted dandruff rare, for T4e $3.50 Marvel Whirling; Spray If you want drugs or patent medi'cineR or rubber goods write to the Big Drug Emporium for catalogue. SHERMAN & fMOHLL DRUG GO, Corner Sixteenth and Dodge Streets, Omaha, Neb. I.-- ,nnn,,ln....ln Smoke Omaha's Finest "T'W 5c Ciffar-thc r' j ?ffl i jVnil CIOAHS S. : I t 1 I U Wl Tar Park & Telfor,;- X E It 1 Nl.' Ml Fnvorita 13 sizes. It I 1 I i m B. Rodriguez Charles 1 ;.J I J the Great-12 sizes, f II j Enuello Lopez Lord Temple 10 size. 4 Kw W. F. Stoecker Cigar Company Mtlssnnllsniii iii ii innswn-i "m insai fli nriMirr---- - '''" i ' GET READY FOR THE FOl'KTH OF Jl'I.Y ...... We are headquarters for FIREWORKS. FLAGS, LANTERNS, and general celebration goods. Our fireworks are all new, highly colored and priced lower than ever before. Assorted cases for Lawn Dis play from $1.00 to $5000 per case. Wholesale and Retail. It n ns "THE 99 CENT STORE' lBt.'S Dodge St., Middle of the Block. i A Woman's Criticism of what a man's clothes should be pretty accurate. There can be no possible fault to find with your ap pearance If your chines are made to measure In an ex.ut way. The style of the garments ve make is a suffi cient of the guarantee for first class work. neigren cc uraamann? Tailor, 309 South 16tli St 4 PLAIN FACTS We have the largest and best equipped dyeing and cleaning plant west of Chicago. W employ none but exert workman and do as fine work n any plant In any vlty. Try us and If you are not satisfied you don't hLve to pay. Ask for a prlco THE PAIlTOnim.i OMAHA. 407 So 1Mb St Tel. 0U3 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER pM m &C0LLAR, Ma Meat Isefnl rteeant. OUT HE l.OO Kilmer' Sw mm p-Koot for.. 74c ROe Kilmer' rnnip-Hoot for.... arte Vt.Olt Materlne ilnrse), oar price ..title '-"'c MMerlne nmll. onr price.. i;e 25c Lax. Bromo-Qnlnlne, our price.... 15c $1.00 Mother's Friend, we sell 75c 75c Moeller's Cod OH, we sell 65c 'Me Menneu's Talcum I'onder, onr price lie ai.OU MeElree's Mine of tarda I, onr price Ktc 75c Merchant's Garg. OH, our price.... 19c i Boo Omego Oil, we sell 4oc l.(MIrln'i llerplclde. oar price 74c L.lc Ornnitelne onr price lte 25c Putzlne. cleans wall naoer. nkg 12c $1.00 Plnkham's Compound, we sell 69c 25o Packer's Tar Soap, we sell 15c 2."c plso's Consumption, we sell 2ic $1.00 Peruna, we sell 62c SI. 00 Pierce's Celery comp., we sell.... 75c ,25c Plrrce's Pills, we sell 20c 5ic Pond's Extract, we sell 40c 5c Pyramid Pile Cure, we sell 4ic j$1.00 Scott's Emulsion, wo sell 7oc ROe !yrap of FIk. our price.... .'Mc , Tl.OO Munrt's Dynpeptiln Tablet, I for 74c $1.75 S. 8. 8.. our price $1.14 $1.50 Vln Marlani, our ;irlce $1.00 rio wniinni' I'lnk rill a 1.M White Ribbon Liquor Core for 7oc '2Hc box Ct rake) Bensoin and Hut- lernillk Soap, for . 7Sc (l.OO Temptation Tonic, frenh and genuine, for 24c for $2.15 By Hail $2.35. 205 So. 15th St. 'J'HE Bhoo of Satisfaction. A HAN'S SHOE TS expected to please eye foot purse. ONIHOD SHOES f-T AVE a reputation From ocean to ocean Economy and Style put them ON A HAN BE SATISFIED. S250 and S350 Many a titany-daugb-tered nitm doesn't tind It half ns difficult to Kt the many daughters off htn hands us he ufter wards finds In keeping the ninny huKlnuiflH on tlilr t'ect. It's enny to ISKI.I. cloth lnp. The Itl'H nsinilly conies lu kevpin? 'eui wild to sell the same custo niors iiKiiin. " Muct'arthy quality" uinkt'x Inith oas? for u. "MaiCarthy iuallty" briuK hook old ustomprs and they brliiK new ones. Suits to kevp you nxl at prices to ke'p you tH)l here, $25 to $50. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, now at J04-J0 S. !th St. Next Eoor to WabHSh Ticket Orhce. Phone 1808. Twenty years expe rience and the latest Improvements in den tistry give us facill tia now for p-rf'rm-li.g the be'-t denial wcrk utx'UI h.ilf II. rntrs rmerjy cUiiraed .Ik a I d ,r, fitr t.1 Ml!vr , flllli.B 6 bstraft N ll'S lti. x' ' BAILEY Mthedlntist CO, mm 1 L THE BENNETT CO Piano Bargains Wo hnve nlout seventy Mipcrb pianos brand new lfK)3 styles a thin wreath of smoke hung over some of them. No heat nor flume sot to them. As they were part of our hii;e stock however, the Insur ance companies made the conces sions we demanded-it is our fixed plan throughout THIS GREAT FIRE SALE TO GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT SIXTY PIANOS AT ALHOST HALF PRICE-in oak, mahogany and walnut-all latest 11)03 styles. TERns TO SUIT. COME AND SEE THEH. A $250 PIANO FIRE SALE A $300 PIANO FIRE SALE A $3T0 PIANO FIRE SALE A $400 n A NO FIRE SALE A $4.-0 PIANO FIRE SALE ...$128 ...$!46 ...$168 ...$218 .. $248 ...$275 B A $500 PIANO- FIRE SALE TERMS TO SUIT. Correspondence from country renders is solicited. All informa tion cheerfully given. COOL SHOES. Our "$3.60 Special" oxfords are the Ideal cool summer shoe for men. Like our regular '"Sib spcclnls'" they have a value to them not found In the com mon run of 13.50 shoes. Blucher cut and regular lace ox fords. Ten different styles of toes, Including XjBJiuui itiSiq jsbi Aujoj jBindod eqi heels. A genuine imported patent colt, of which thousands of pairs have been sold the past seasons with general sat isfaction to our customers and our selves. DREXEL SHOE CO., Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House 1419 Farnam Street. m m fin sti ti n Gold Crowns from S2.85 FREE In onltT very muii, Work done Ttll Offer iErrtfr Oood Until material June 2 O. to increase our clinic, we want A'oman and child to have their teeth examined by the fro- tesiors. Work guaranteed 10 yrars. Incorporated under State Law. Fillings Irom 25c Te.-th UitrtcUd FREB Aluminum plates Irom 19. UiliUt work from J.sS UNION OENTL COLLEGE OF PAILESS UEINTISTRV. lill fSJtlai. Opes daH ml . Sjdl) ( to 4. This Atomizer rir? bv mail 25C ( 35c ) It works per fectly Fine waier oil at omiser fir frc. ly mall. lit nir.tl- V.V r " ' rlnee and rubler of all kind. Shtrma&UcContJtll CrcCo. VI.kkle and rU'-ll Iruisis. (niana. S- $3.00 HLYDSS B,fi sale"" lllli KICI.IAULK STORK. Selling Out Prices on Men's Suits. 850 Men's Suits to Be Sold at $7.50. Hart Schiflf ocr I t I V Marx T&Zbj, Hind Tu'lorcd TptJPjt rsopitipiiii it i - ii ' ami I CJL 1 SMiaiiblWUllb. Boys' washable sailor suits at half their regular prices; on sale at $1.26, 96c, 'Ec, BOo a-nd 3Cc. Road Great Sales on Page II. MM BALDUFF Caterer Hanscom Park Pavilion Sunday, Music Afternoon and Evening By the 22d Infantry Band Balduff's Ice Cream and Confections . . Going on 'jMAlIATRUAIKFACTORY' The Soda Event of the season will be our opening next SATLltDAY. JUNK 27TH, when we will be pleased to have all our friends pass Judgment upon the delicacies served at "HCHAEKKKS SPA." tho prettiest foun tain lu the city. Sweet strains of music will add to the beauty of the occasion; the most handsome store in the city awaUs your Inspection; myrlds of electric lights of our own manufacture will brilliantly illuminate the modern iin-to-datentss of our new store. Lowest prices, fresh goods. nromnt and courteous treatment anu ex haustive variety to select from are some I of the secrets of the success A'e have at- I tained In building up one of tile lurgcst retail drug businesses in this part of the country. Don't forget the date of our SATURDAY. JUNK Til OCR STORK NEVER CLOSES. SGIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORE Two 'rhones 747 and TOT. lUth and hlcauo Streets, Omaha. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Address Omaha, .el. I The Bee Building 7 older att far as wear and tear aoes- 1 1 is nt I j than the day it tvat little things are kept con in repair. II stantly tl Woul an i you preer lid 6uil ling that never grows shabby ti where a broken window cord is the day it breaks At $'. rr month yju ran rent a splenlid little office light and well ven tilaled Including heat, light, watar and janitor Mrvlo. The Bee Building K. C ltr St Co.. Wnll Affnl. QnavJ TU Cr. I7tb and FaraMi 5trls niese stilts come In chevl.its. r.nsslmere. worsteds, unfinished worsteds and fuuey cheviots. In black, blue, gray, broWn and fancy mixtures, in plain checks, stripe and pin checks; not a suit worth les than ll.'.M; closing out 0;"7 EH price, only pd t JJ l2S Very Klne Men's Snits nt StO.OO. These suits are nil msdo hy such well known Iioufcs as Hart, Sclmffner A M.irx, the est whol. sale hand tullors In America. In this line we have all t lie) latest styles sn.l fitbri.s. nil hand tailored throughout, hand padded shoulders and hand lelled collars, hulr cloth fronts; nono of these salts were mado to sell for less than J18.M); Hayden'a sulo 0;,rv ff price, only : i!p 1 J, JJ t.HKAT SALK AIX THIS WKKK On Men's Summer Coat and Pants Suits. An excellent, stylish, nobby and comfort able line, a great variety to choose from; every garment perfectly fitted. Those Fiilts come lu homespuns, flannels, chev iots and worsteds, in stripes, plaids, fancy mixtures, overplultls and Scotch mixtures, the greatest variety of mens summer coat mid pants suits ever shown I:i Omaha; $10.00 None of these suits worth less than tti.M and up to $ir.i0. MEN'S Ot TINU J"ANTS-o75 pahs mens outing pants, In all the latest siiudes and fabrics. In stripes, plain and mixtures, w n th up to 16.00; on sale at u'l 1c J1.T6, J:J5, lifiu and A O MKN'S SEROhJ 1'NUXED COATS st K:....'.. $5.00 A GREAT BAHQAIN In boys' and chil dren's spring and Bummer suits, made In nil the new and popular stylos Special Fale Only 2.60. J1.75 C ar.d 'P I Washable knee pants on sale at t(r 36c, 16c and lot June 21st. a Vacation? If you are. you had better see us about that trunk you need. Also remember that we are selling our suit cases and grips at 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT. If you get one you'll get a bargain. REPAIRING UOE. TEL. 103S. SS09 FARNAM j 5QEWCE COT THERE FIRST' Omaha Llg-htnlnj? RodCo. 15ta Webster turret. Manufacturers of and Wholfsiile and Kelall Dealers In Copper Cable Light ning Rods. Telephone A-834. OMAHA. NKB. built. an oyw n T micARFiim Ajuiea, Cala LJ fsvatosi SUa. Itttat aia. Invite