Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1903, Page 8, Image 8
TIIE OMAHA DAILY HEE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1903. 8 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bullish Crop Adriwi Boost Oorn YgJnei on Board of Trade. PRICES RISE NEARLY CENT AND HALF Oats aad Provlslooa Ala O Vp lightly, bat Wheat Remains Carhtnicd at Cloea at CHICAOO. June 14. Tha featurs In the fxaln trade today was the aharp advance n the price of corn under the Influence of bullish crop advices, September closing lo higher. September oata were NVc higher, but when.1 wu unchanged and provisions "were from 2MrO to be higher. Wheat ruled quiet and waa steady the greater part of the day. The opening waa a trifle canter on Indifferent cabloa, excellent weather and bearish crop advlcea from France and Russia, July being a ahade lower to a ahade higher at Ib'iqiSc and September unchanged to Mo lower at iH CfVao to 73Va7ac. Oood aelllng by promi nent operatora on the more favorable crop dvlcca both at home and abroad, together with aelllng by St. Lou In and the north west, had a weakening tendency and prices gradually yielded, July declining to 750 after touching 7Vc soon after the opening, while September Bold off to 73'c. A de crease In the world's visible aupply of 4 152,000 bu., aa shown by IJradstreet's, and bullish Illinois crop report caused aome firmness later, but the advance waa lost on profit-taking. The strength In corn gave prices another upward turn late In the day and the clime waa steady, with July and September both unchanged at 7676o and 73WSr73!o. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 430,000 bu. Primary receipts were 24ii,(0 bu., against 279,000 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth reported re ceipts of 2"i cara, which, with local re celpts of 26 cara one of contract grade made total recelptB for the three polnta of 232 cars, against 2o4 cara last week and 146 cars a year ago. There waa an active trade In corn and prices were decidedly strong throughout the entire session. Covering by shorts due to the unfavorable crop prospects and a marked Improvement In the cash demand were responsible for the advance. Favor able weather and liberal receipts were bear factors, but they were offset by firm cables and by the uncertainty In regard to the crop, together with the light offerings. The close was strong and near the top, July being l'c higher at 49c after selling be tween 4XHc and 49c. September closed with a gain of le at 4914 rg49o after rang ing between 47fy4o and 49"4C Local re ceipts were 73 cars, with U of contract grade. ' Trading In oats was moderately active, but the. scarcity of offerings kept the busi ness confined to a small volume. The strength In corn was the main supporting feature and caused considerable buying by commission houses, while there waa also a good demand from local traders. July closed c higher at 39Vc, while September was up Nfi'jc at 33o after selling between 83c and iU;-c. Local receipts were 239 cara. Provisions ruled dull and featureless, with prices about steady. A little bulge at the opening resulted from a light run of hogs and an advance of from 6c to 10c In prices at the yards, and shorts covered early In the day. Later the offerings were more free and prices reacted somewhat, closing steady with September pork 2o higher at 316.87V4. September lard 60 higher ' at i'J and ribs up 2Vo at 39.30. Estimated ,recetpts for tomorrow: Wheat, 25 cars; corn, 260 cars; oats, 100 cars; hogs, 32,000 head. The leading futurea ranged as follows: Artlclea. Open. H!gh. Low. Close. Tea'y. Wheat a July b July a Sept. b Sept. Corn June July Sept. Dec. Oats July Sept Deo. Pork July Sept. Lard July Sept. Ribs July Sept. 76",i;'76l 7BVj 73Hl 734,1 73W135MjV I. 4817 47ffi4H 46tartj 34(34 17 021 16 92Vi i t 87H 9 35 30 76 76W4 76W4 75H 75Vo'76:76Vtf76 73!73W, 734 49V, 48 497,1 484l 9 4RS 4HH 47(&-Wi49V4& , 47TrH8 474,1 46Vi 47' 46V4 39V.I 8SHI 89V,1 38 33'J S3. 83;33iVi 34 33 84 33 17 UZH 16 SZVi 10 BZVml 16 Bb 8 87 9 85 82H 8 85 8 87V4I 30 1 97H1 17 00 16 87 Mil 16 86 9 00 9 82 30 8 85 8 96 9 32 9 27 No. 2. a old. b new. The cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Steady winter patents. 13.51 8 70; straights, $3.2Jifi3.60; spring patents, 00fl4.i0; atralghts. 83.40S.65; bakera, $2.46 G'3.00. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 7677c; No. 3, 73a 77c; No. 2 red, 76H77c. CORN No. 2, 49c; No. 2 yellow, 499 OATS-No. 2, 38c; No. 8 white, S8VrS'394e. HYE-No. 2. 61c BARLEY Oood feeding, 45i8c; fair to cnoice mailing, txea'.wW. SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.06: No. 1 northwest em, 31.08iffl.10. Prime timothy, $3.8CK&3.85. Clover, contract grade, $11.6047 11.76. PROVISIONS Mess norW iwe hM 117 OA Lard, per 100 lbs.; $8.804718.82. 8hort rlba aldea (loose), 39.2iKf79.35. Dry salted shoul ders (boxed), $8.(v(asj.l2. Short clear sides (boxed), $9.50Tu9.75. Following are the receipts and shipments wi iiuur mm inun yeaieraay: ... Receipts. Shipments nour, bbis is.ono 9 &0 Wheat, bu 39.000 3S,lno Corn, bu 618,100 476,400 Oata, bu 350.800 292.100 Rye, bu 7,600 2.300 oariey, du 1562,311 On the Produae exchange today the b'i ter market waa easy; creameries, lfcfrac; dairies. 15(frl8c. Eggs, easy at mark, HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Ixndon, declining 1!M, with spot clop Ing at 67 121. while futurea were m d lower at MlaM. I-ocally copper re mained quiet and nominal nt $14 6"'dl4ti7 for lake and electrolytic and at $14 for casting. Iead waa Is 3d lower at 11 lie In I,ondon. but here It is unchanged at $4 37. Spelter declined 2a M to 3 Pis In London, and wns nominal here at $.. Iron closed at f.2s 6d In Glasgow and at 4"".a In Middles borough. Locally Iron Is lower and more or less nominal at . $19 .finft'JO 50 for No. 1 foundry, northern; $l0i'1960 for No. 2 foundrv. northern, while No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern soft, are quoted at 19 0O'ril9.6O. Warrants are nominal. Philadelphia reported a decline of 60 cenla a ton In Iron today, and thla resulted in a decline of 50 centa a ton In the New York market for northern No. 1 and a loss of 60c a ton In prices for southern pig Iron here. Today's closing quotation for No. 1 northern was largely nominal, between $19.60 and $30.50 per ton. Thla com pares with a price of $:4.2fi per ton April L OMAHA wholesale: market. a - Coadltloa of Trade aad Qaotatlona on Staple aad Fancy Prod ace. EOOS Fresh stock, loss off, 12c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. Uyi0Wc; spring chickens, per lb, 20c; roosters, according to age, 4'(i6c: turkeys, 134fl6c; ducks, 7(t(8c; geese, 5)7c. , , BUTTER Packing stock, 14c; choice dairy, In tuba. 15H17e; separator, 2ttt22c. FRESH FISH Fresh caught trout, 9c; pickerel, 9c; pike, 9c; perch, 6c; buffalo, 7c; bluntish, I1n; whtteflsh, 9c; salmon. 15c; haddock, 10c; codfish 12c; redsnapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 25c; lobsters, green, per lb., 23c; bullheads. 11c; catfish, 14c; black bass, 17620c; halibut, 10c; shad roe. 40c per pair; roe shad. $1 each; crapple. 12c; herring, 6c; perch. 6c; white baas, 10c; blue fins. 8c. BRAN Per ton, 815. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. L inland. 110: No. 2. $9.50: medium. $9: coarse. $8.50. Rye straw, $7. These prices are for hay or good eclor and quality, uemano. iair and recelpta light. CORN 16c. OATS 38c. RYE No. I. ROc. VEGETABLES. OLD POTATOES Northern stock, per bu., botiKoc; natives, S6'340c. NEW POTATOES Southern, per id., wj. PARSLEY Per dozen bunches, 30c PARSNIPS-Per bu., 40c. rticiTMHERS Hothouse, oer dos.. 60c BEANS Wax, per bu. box. $2.60; string, per bu. box, $2.60. i AMHAir; tNew i:h lTornia. rrr i.. TOMATOES New Florida, per 6-basket crate, $3.25. RHUBARB Per lb., le. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $2.50. ONIONS New California dry. per lb., Jc; Texas, per lb., 2c. FRUITS. - STRAWRERRIES-Missouri and home grown, per 24-quart caae, $2.50; Hood rlvera, i3.00. CHERRIES California, wnite ana Diacx, per 10-lb. box. $2. t AnlAiiULrci loriua, per crate, 4.00. . . APPLES Ben Davis, per bbl., $ TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 75c; Turkish, per 18-lb. box, 18c. ORANGES California navels, fancy, for 176 and smaller sixes, $4.00; for 160 and larger sizes, $3.26; Mediterranean, all sizes, $3.0iKg3.26; Jaffa, $3.253.60; fancy blood, per half box, .0O. LEMONS California fancy, all sizes, $4.60; Messlnns, $4.00. DATES Pemlan, in 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; per case of 30-lb. pkgs., $3.25. flNKAl'l'LiiH r loriaa, e.uv; uuun, $2.76. MlSUEliLAJViSUUB. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c PUPCORN Per lb.. 2c: shelled, 4c. HiDES No.. 1 green, 64c; No. 2 green, 6.4c; No. 1 salted, 7lc; No. 2 salted, 64c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 8c; No. 2, vcnl calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry salted hides, 8i 12c; sheep pelts, 25376c; horse hides, $1.60a2.50. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb.. 12c Filberts, per lb., 12c. Almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 16c. Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; tsmall, per lb., 11c; cocoa nuts, per doz., 61c; chestnuta, per lb.. 10c; peanuta. per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuta, per bu., $1.60. OLD METAL, ETC. A. B. Alplrn quotes the following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, $10; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $8; copper, per lb., 8c; brass, heavy, per lb., 8c; brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb., 3c; zinc, per lb., 2o. St. I.onls Grata aad ProvlsloaB. ST. T.OT7I8. June 16. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 cash, elevator, nominal; track, 774i 78c; July, 78Hc; September, 73c; No. i hard, 774i8c. corn Higher: No. 2 caeh. nominal: track. 62c; July, 48Ts49c; September, il G47c. OATS Weak; No. 2 caah, nominal; track. 44c; July, 38c; September, 83c; No. 2 white, 4Sc, nominal. RYE Firm. 63c. FLOUR Steady, fairly active; red winter patents, $3.6U(ig3.ib; extra fancy ana airaignu $3.30(3.66. SKED Timothy, steady at $2.002.50. CORNMEAL Steady at $2.70. BRAN Dull and unchanged. HAY Lower; timothy, $7tjl7; prairie, 7 612. IRON COTTON TIES $1.05. BAGGING 6 4ft6c. HEMP TWINE 5c. PROVISIONS Pork. weak; Jobbing, standard mesa, $17.37. Lard, unchanged, $8.45. Bacon, ateady; boxed, extra shorts, $lo:,i clear rlba. $10.25; short clear, $10.37. METALS Lead, steady, $4.60. Spelter, strong, $5.70. POULTRY Chickens, 10c; springs, lower, 14c; turkevs, 9c; ducks, 7c; geese, 3f3'4c. BUTTER Creamery, 1722c; dairy, 14 18c. EGGS Lower, 13c. Receipts Shipments. Flour, bbla 2,oO0 100 Wheat, hu 7.000 Corn, bu ; 10.000 2,000 Oats, bu ...22,000 2,000 fomla, (a M. Futures: Quiet; July, It Jd; September, 6s 2VI. CORN Spot: American mixed, new, firm at 6s lid; July, 6s 6d. Futures: Quiet; June, nominal: July, 4a fed; September, 4s 6d. NEW TORK STOCKS AMD DODS. Prices Flaetaate Alarmingly, Connplr- Ina- for Rata Canalnar Final Ilreak. NEW YORK. June 16. A comparison of today's Inst prices with those of last night plves no Idea of the wide fluctuations in the day's market. The principal speculations thla morning were from 1 to over 2 polnta lower than last night and within a rnnge running from a fraction to between 1 and 2 points of the low level touched on Wednes day last In many cases. The day'a movementa, while generally small, there fore repreaent a substantial recovery from the low point of the day. But when It was attempted to rush prlcea up lute In the day to much above lnat night s level, pressure to sell was renewed and prlcea again fell back. The cloaing, however, wns Arm, but very dull and near the top level. The Infer ence drawn from the action of the market was that speculators tested the market on the short side and encouraged resistance In a substantial buying demand. The buying by the beara to cover was a substantial element In the rally and when the attempt waa made to carry the movement further pressure to sell was again encountered, in addition account must be taken of whnt looked like further liquidation during the early hours this morning, the weakness of yesterday's market having awakened fears that a further extenslvo decline waa in prospect. It was evident also when C rices approached Inst week's low level uylng of an Investment character again came Into the street. The deduction drawn bv the average operator at the end of the day was that attacks on the market would encounter substantial buying power and that the liquidation In evidence last week wob no longer over hanging the market. Attempts to bull the market seemed to en counter heavy selling at the high levela. The prospect thus Indicated of a dull and sluggish market is viewed not without satisfaction In financial circles generally. That the resources which have been ac cumulated bv such a painful process of liquidation should be put back Into specula tive uae with the needs of the coming autumn still to he met Is a course gen erally disapproved by bankers and those with large property Interests. During the early decline today the suspense over the probable decision of the conl miners con vention was of Important Influence. The flnnnctnl fiction hv the convention and the apparent Improvement In feeling of the two sides to the controversy wmcn nan rruiiru from the Incldrnt Is regarded with vast anxletv expressed over the crop newa dur ing the early part of the day. but the weekly crop report nno in rmuuuu wheat and cotton served to relieve thla somewhat. Atchison was conspicuous y weak and rumors of a possible reduction In the dividend continued to circulate. The pavment of an installment of the Bubscrlp- A onnaola Issue, calling for $15.- OnO.OflO In the London market, added to the depression there and wns renecieu ieyir. Sterling exchange also ruled strong, wltn a threat of further gold exports. The recri minations Incident to the lawsuit over the United States Shipbuilding reorganization and the tone of the testimony n the suit against the lease of the Metropolitan Street Railway bv the Internrbnn company were the subject of discussion In Woll "treet and caused a very favorable Impression in the market. The suicide of one of the officials of one of the banks was used In the sell'nK of stocks, but the prompt assurances thut no financial Irregularities were Involved took away that effect. The reduction n nrice of copper weakened Amalgamated in tne ear y aeanuK". 1" .1: , i ment of a further cut In the price of pig iron did not Interrupt the late recovery of thBoHdaiTnowed early weakness and recov ered In svmpathv with stocks. Total sales, par value. $2,320,000. United States new 4s advanced per cent on the last call. .. .v. m. Following are the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: .. 'SO. KEUWS7 .. US Trill at Pacific .. MVToledo, BU U W .. mh! 4o P' ..123H Union Psclfla ,..' o P'a . XI Vibuh ... 24 Vti.... . uv. Wheeling a Ilkl do Id D(d .. 7J Wl. Central .. .. I2ij do pfd ,,.17tS4;Adama 6 .. 14 American Ex... .. ununited 8Ulu Ex.. ..106 woiia-rarno a,k pv Amal. Copper 64 H Amor. Car T K do Did t Amor. Lin. Oil 10)4 do pfd U nu Amancao s. K.... 46" 14 I do pfd n IjVt'Anac. Mining Co 8t t IBrooklrn R. T 6s 5414 Colo. Fuel Iron... 44 7fl ICona. Oas 194 ag-u'l'ont. Tobacco pfd. .11 nu.On. lectrlo 177)4 Hocaing uoal 27 Inter. Papar 47 w PIU In connection with Americana end the gen eral situation In New York. Consols de clined on the monev requirements and hnme rails were dull and Irregular. Amerlcxna opened weak, owing to continued realiza tions for New Yolk account, became a fraction steadier, reacted and closed steady but somewhat firmer. R!o Tintos collapsed on New York advices. Kaffir drooped. PARIS, June 16. Prices on the tmurse to day were affected by the weakness of French rentes. Only Servians and Turks were strong. At the cloe business was rnther Irregular. The private rate of dis count W;is 2 11-1S per cent. Three per cent rentes, 97f. 2V, extra Interest. Exchange on London, 25f. Klc for checks BF.RI.1N. June 16. The bourse here was closed today, owing to the reichstag elcc-tiona. fevr York notations. NEW TORK, June 16-The following are the quotations on the New York Stock ex change: It.lttla Chief Ontario .... mfihlr jtt'heenls ... rot oal Aiima Cod Alloa Hrce Bmnawlck Con... Comatora Tunnel t on. ('!. 4k Va.. Horn Stlrer Iron Sllrer Letdrllla Con.... x Asked. .. 10 ,. tt . it . I .. 7 .150 .100 ..10 . I !pavnia Sierra Nevada jPmall Hopea ., I standard .. .."0 .AM .. a .. 11 .. 17 .. 71 .. n . .SA4) Atchlaon do afd Bal. Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific .. Canada 80 Chea. Ohio Chlcaso Alton... do pfd Chicago A O. W... do let pfd do td pfd Chicago A N. W.. Chicago Ter. A Tr do pfd C. C. C. A St. L. Colorado 80 do let pfd ds td pfd , Del. A Hudaoa Del. L. W l. a n4 2'i 24 43 a tm 23 42 V, MV4 0 20 41H 231 ....1H Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS, June 16 COTTON Steady; sales, 900 bnles; ordinary, 10 9-lf$c; good ordinary, 11 5-lc; low middling, 12 8-lGc; middling, 13 3-16c; receipts, 781 bales; stock, 66.(819 bales. Futures, steady; July, 13.4tVu'13.50c; August, J3.25ifil3.2Be; September, 11 41(fill. 42c; October, 10.2fM 10.2c; November, 9.9t'ii9.9c; December, 9.9i(&9.93c; January, 9.94 'y 9 95c. NEW YORK, June 18 OOTTON-Market opened easy at a decline of 9fal3 points and ruled weak under lower cables, better crop accounts, favorable weather and realizing, the closing being within a point or two of the lowest of the session, although the mar ket was finally steadv at a net decline of UaMi points. The Initial loases were due to a "very weak turn In the Liverpool market under what private cables attributed to profit-taking by the bulls. Liverpool closed net bum points lower. At the first sign of weakness the bears began hammering prices, and while Just after the call there was a momentary ha?t In the downward trend, midday found the market about 15 Si 20 points under Monday's closing. At this level the weekly report of the weather Dureau waa read and indicated according to local opinion a better degree of progress during the week than had been expected. OMAHA LIVE STUCK MARKET Another Btj Ban of Cattle Oansed Pricei to Go Still Lower. HOGS AVERAGED A TRIFLE HIGHER Very Light Receipts of Sheep anil Lambs with (laallty Common, bat Practically Everything Sold Readily at Steady prices. SOUTH OMAHA, June 1. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday U.779 7,0 l.VM Otllclal Tuesday ti.oUO 12,600 1.U0U Two days this week. 17,179 20,180 2.9. Same days last week t.99 16,7X7 1,M4 Same week before 9.418 ln.wo .ti Same three Weeks ago... 6.9oti 26.034 6,2) Same four weeks ago.... 6.90? 7,7.5 Same days last year 6 414 1K..-.39 8.1 RECEIPTS KOU THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with lam year: iu3. iMZ inc. Dec. tattle '. 4M,(i28 848.108 110,7111 Hogs I,135.1ti3 1.233.792 ' 98,629 Sheep 636.49t 387.4,0 148,027 Average price paid foi at South Omaha fur the last several days with comparisons; Date. 1903. l02.190LlS0O.lti9.1898.ls97. June The Immediate result of the report was a I June 2.. 4 2i 4 36, 4 2)1 24 7 08 1 6 671 6 03 4 26 t 1V 7 uti 6 6 USI 1 62 18,; 7 08 5 431 1 D 01 1 I 6o 4 W May 16... I ( I2HI 7 121 6 661 C 21 1 I 7I y s to 1 vi 0 wi 0 4i 4 May 17... 7 Ui I 72, t Z0 i wax J8...I z.Sfc I III i U I Ml May 19... 7 121 1 6 lui a to May 20... 6 27HI 7 11 73 II 661 may 21. . May 22.. May 23.. May 24.. May 26.. May 26.. May 27.. May 28.. May May 30, May 31 7 061 04V4 6 93S 6, 5 77-S.l 97 6 72V4i 6 70S 6 t 6 61 6 60 break of 6'ut points and after that the mar ket ruled Irregular for a time, at times showing partial recoveries, but working downward In the main until Just a few min utes before the gong, when there was Just enough covering to Impart steadiness with out materially helping prices. Total sales of futures were estimated at 300,0i0 balea. Port receipts were estimated at 3,590 bales, against 5.2t bales lost year. ST. LOUIS, June 16 COTTON Steady ; middling, 12Ho; no sales; no receipts; no shipments; stock, 6.5S3 bales. LIVERPOOL. June 16. COTTON Spot, moderate business done; prices 8 points lower; American middling fair, 7.40d; good middling. 7.20d; middling, 7.Md; low mid dling, R80d; good ordinary, 6.56d; ordinary, 6.36d. The sales of the day were 6.000 balea, of which 2.000 were for speculation and ex port and Included 5.800 American. Receipts, 4,000 bales, Including 1,100 American. Fu tures opened firm and closed easy: Ameri can middling, g. o. c. June, 6.67d; June and July, 6.fild; July and August, 6.56d; August and September, 6.4tr6. 44d ; September and October, 6.03d; October and November, 6.57d; November and December, 6.53d; De cember and January, 6.49d; January and February, 6.48d; February and March, 6.47 45.48d. 84 M 19 M 27 172 ....2X0 Dearer A R. O.... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Oreat Nor. pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illlnoia Central .... Iowa Central Lake Erla i'w! ! Ilnter Power do pfd... L. A N Manhattan Id... 1 Met. St. Rr I Mex. Central .. Mei. National . Minn. St. I... Mo. Pacific M , K. A T do pfd N. J. Central... N. Y. Central.. J Norfolk A W... do pia Ontario A W.... PenngylYania ... Readlnt do l"t pfd do 2d pfd St. L. A 8. F... do lat pfd do 2d pfd Bt. L. S. W do pfd St. Paul do pfd So. Pacific Rallwar It 14 . 4714 . 80 . 40 . 17 . 15 . (1 . 274 . o4 . MV, . WiV4 .206 . 14'4 7344 (taotatloaa on Various of the Day Comniodltlca. NEW YORk. June 16 FLOITR-Reeelpts. 23.6T.2 bbls. ; exports. 6.307 bbls.; Arm and held higher: winter patents. KSirl.lO; winter straights. J.1.657I3.75; Minnesota patents, H.2:nr4.50; Minnesota hakers'. I3.a".3.53; Win ter low prudes, I2.tWi3.30 Rye flour, quiet: fair to good, $2.853.20; choirs to fancy. 3.6fiS3.50. CORNMEAL Steady ; yellow western, $1.12; city. 11.10; lirandy wine, nominal. RYE Steadier; No. 2 western, 53c; state. 66'''i'.9c. c. 1. f., Nenv York. ISA RLEY Quiet ; feeding, 45c, c. I. f.. HufTnlo; nialtlne; 51U(ifiSc, c. I. f, Ituffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 7.90o bu.: exports. 100. 001 bu. Snot, llrm; No. .2 red. S4c, elevator, srd Rr. f. o b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. 80V0. f. o. b., afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, 90;'-,c. f. o. b., afloat. The wheat market was fairly active and Irregular. On covering, due to light stocks. Jtilv was rela tively strong at times, while later options, after early depression, due to the fine weiither map. rallied In the afternoon with corn, the list closing yfr'ic net higher. July. R?'(,Ti?c. closed at :'Hc; September. 77 5-lfi'i78 9-lc. closed at 78 9-16c; December, TVf'TSx.e, closed at 78c. CMIIN Receipts, 49.S i.350 bu.: exoorts. 140.- 72 bu. Spot, Arm; No. 2. 67c. elevator, and 67c, f. o. b, afloat; No. 2 yellow, 5Sc; No. 2 white. 6Ke. Options were strong, active and higher on bullish crop news and liberal covering by room shorts, closing KUTVje net higher; July. 6.?if7 11-ltSe. closed at 57Sc; September, 64Sj5fi74,e, closed at 66TtC; De cember. M'-lti 55c. closed at 56c. OATS Receipts. 75.i00 bu.; exports. 235 bu. Spot, firm: No. 2. 4IV4C; standard while, 41'ic; No. J, 4t)c; No. 2 white, 4-lHc; No. 3 white, 44c; track white. 41fl4tc. Options falrlv active and firmer with corn. HAY Ft-m: shipping, 8trS6c; good to choice, tl.20frt.26. IIOF'S Quiet; state common to choice, Ii2. 17ti23Vc; olds. &j9e;Pacln coast, 1902, IS'.2lc: 19d. 14317c; olds &4(lc. HIDFS F.hbv; C.alveston. 20 to 26 lbs., ISc; California. 21 to 25 lbs., lc; Texas dry, 24 to 9 lbs.. 14c LEATHER Cteadv; acid. ItffSHc RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 4Vi 0"c: Jrtrin. nominal. PROVIPIONR Reef, dull: famtlv, tlfl M 1160; m.-ss. $8 60ti-J.50; beef hams. S19.50f) fiacket 19 5ot'l0.00, city extra, India mess, ir, Cut meats, steady: pickled belilea. eS.7Viil0.25: pickled shouldera. IS OO.i8 50; pickled hnma 111 Vn 12.00. Lard, steidv; western steamed. 19.15; refined, steady; con tinent, $9 26; Vouth American. $9.85: com t''4. f7.60fi8.ou. Pork, steadv; family, ;vritK F; short clear, $16.00(19.50; mess, $ ?i7 IS 76. TALl.OW-Steady: ylty ft? per pVg ), 60; country (nackagea free). RUCftSc HI'TTEU He.-elpts. 18.0ii0 pkirs.; steady; stste dalrv, l"t('lle; creamery, llViic CHEESE Receipts, 9,( pkss.; state full cresm, fancy small, colored and white, lc; large, colored. loc; large, white l(Pe. EOOS Recelpta. 106.204 pkgs.; quiet; western extras, lSVac; western seconds to firsts, 1Vf17c. I-ori.TKY A'lve, Irregular; western spring chickens. 0c; fowls. 14c; turkeys. 11 til?c; dreeaed. Irregular; western broilers, tia.iV-: fowls. HV; turkeys, 131916c, METALS Snot tin advanced 12s d In London to CISOIus and futures were 1 Ms higher at 128 6a. Locally the market was firm, with Inside price higher, spot being quoted at $3 a.Ca. CeptXa waa lower la Visible Sapoly of Grata. NEW YORK. June 16. Special cablegram and telegraphic communication received by liradstrvet's enow the following changes in available supplies, as compared with last account: WHEAT United States and Canada east of the Rockies, decreased 4.452,000 hu. Afloat for and In Europe. Increased 300,000 bu. Total supply decreased 4,162,000 bu. CORN United Strifes and Canada east of the Rockies, increased 19..omi bu. OATS lTnlted Statea and Canada east of the Rockies, decreased. 367,000 bu. Among the more Important decreases re ported are those of 135.0) bu. In Manitoba, 200.000 bu. at northwestern interior ele vators. 160.000 bu. at Port Huron. 70,000 bu. at Nashville and 64,000 bu at Coteau. Kansas City Grain nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. June 16. WHEATJuly, 6Sc; September, BS'pS.iM.c. CORN July, 464u46Sc; September, 443 44 c Several cars of corn were received today and the sales. Including grain out of stor age, aggregated s.'ven cars. No wheat on track lure wns offered, but some No. 2 hard, duo here by the last of the week, waa offered at 71c. A sale of 10.00" bushels of No. 2 hard wheat, to arrive, at 6SVxC was made. Most of the mills are about ready to resume and elevators are rapidly get ting In shape. No. 8 mixed corn, 6061c. OATS No. 2 white, 46c. EGOS Higher; Missouri and Kansas, HHc per doien. cases returned: new whitewood cases Included, loss off, HMc. .ins 'Laclede Uaa ..110H National Dlarult ..l!tfTa National Lead . ajl24i4 No. American , II Pacific Coaat ... .. 21 iPaclfle Mall .... .. 71 People'a Gaa ..10J Preaaed B. Car. .. 80T4.I do PM 4e :Pullman P. Car. ,.14 Republic Steel , ..1274i! do pfd .. 2T Du 111'A .. M iTenn. Coal A Iron... tl ... 24tjU- 8. Leather (14 ..1J4'4' io P'1 .. 4TS,17- Rubber 124 .. do pfd 4, .. i V. 8. Steel .10V4 ..70 do pfd M .. 71 Western Union 83 .. It Amer. Locomotive. .. 22 .. Ui do pfd 'j ai4 K. C. Southern 23 '4 00 pro 4:1 Rock Inland 1:14 do pfd 11Si ....15 17IS .... 4HH 14 Minneapolis Wheat, Klonr and Bras, MINNEAPOLIS, Juno 18 WHEAT Cash, 8oc; July 7979; September. 72Mi fiW-.c: on track. No. 1 hard. 81; No. I northern, 80c: No. 2 northern. 79Hc; No. $ northern, 77T78c. FLOl'R First patents. $4.2iVi74.Sn: second patents. $.1014 20; first clears, $3.10i3.20; second clears. $2 30(52 40. BRAN In bulk, $14.00314.25. Philadelphia Prod nee Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 1 BUTTER Steadv: western creamery. 2?e. EtiGS Firm; good demand; fresh nearby, 18c. lost, off; western. 18c; southern. 17e. CHEESE Firmer: New York full cream, choice, new, ll'c; fair to good, new, 10tJ 11c. Mllwaakce Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. June 16. WHEAT Strong; No. 1 northern, 85c; No. 3 northern, t3H4i8tc: July, "MjtSSe. RYE Firm: No. 1. 635Sl4o. R A RLEY' Dull, No. 2, 67(87c; sample, 4Gf53c. CORN-July. 49c. Peoria Market. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: U. B. ret. ta. reg....in5?i L. A N. unl. 4a lots do coupon l'b lMrx. Central 4a.... 76V4 do 2s. res 10'. -V do la Ine IS1 do coupon 1074 iMInn. A at. L. do new 4a, res m4U.. K. A T. to 7 do coupon 135W do 2a si do old 4a. mi I'D IN. Y. C. fen. Va..loi do coupon Ill N. J. C. sen. 6a 132 do fs. rot l"i4 No. Paclnu 4a In: do coupon 1U3V do Is 714 Atchison sen. 4a.... ,4 N. A W. con. 4s S4 do ad. 4s X) Reading gen. 4s 1(614 Bal. Ohio 4a KHSSI. U A I. M. e. (a. Ill do t4a 4ViS L A 8. K. 4a.... MS do com. 4a loovi8t. L. 8. W. la.... .l xCanada 80. 2a 1' 1 ixdo ta 71 Central of Ga. 6s. . . 18. A. A A. P. 4a... 7 do la Inc 74 so. Pacific 4e 874 Chea. A Ohio 4"4a...lM So. Railway (a Ill Chicago A A. His... lb Texas A Pacific le..H, c. H. A U- n. a... sj4 1., sc. l. at w. 4a.. 75 M'ool Market. BOSTON, June 16. WOOI Has been quiet this week, with prices firm. The fol lowing are the quotations for leading de scriptions: Territory, Idaho, fine, 14'0l6c; medium, lGgl7e; Wyoming, 14gl6c; fine medium, 15V44)16c; medium, 16fil7c; Utah and Nevada line, HWalic; fine medium, 15',4V916c; medium, 17V4fil8Hc. Colorado, New Mexico, etc., fine, 16c; tine medium, 12513c; New Mexico Improved, 15i16c; Arizona heavy, 13tpl4c; average, 15jl6c; choice, 17(&18c; Georgia, 214i22c. Montana, fine, choice. 18518V: fine medium, choice, lSffflSHc; staple, lfx&lSHc; medium, choice, litjisic. Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX and above, 31(g32c; X. 28429c: No. L 9lc; No. 2, 30(U31c; fine washed delaine, SXa'Mc; Michigan X and above, 2b&2$c; Nos. 1 and 2. 2tu27c; delaine,' 2h(ijWo. Australian combing, choice, scoured basis, 8365c; good, 7830c; average, 757So, ST. LOUIS, Jujne 16. WOOL-TJn-changed; medium grades and combing, 16 20Hc; light fine, 1417Hc; heavy fine, 11 14Hej tub washed, 1929c. NEW YORK, June 18. WOOL Firm. Oil and Bosla. OIL CITT, June 16. OIL AND RO8IN Credit balances, $1.50; certificates, no bid. Shipments, 78.607 bbls.: average, 71,198; runs, 16,541; average,' 78.189. Shipments lima, 67.717; average, 66,588; runs Lima, 7,364; av erage, 64,851. SAVANNAH, Ga.. June 16. OILVTurpen tlne, firm, 46V.C. Resin, firm; A, B, C, $1.66; D, $1.70; E, $1.75; F, $1.80; G. $1.85: H, $2.25; I, $2.80: K. $2.86; M. $26; N, $3.00; WO, $3.10; WW. $3.30. NEW YORK. June 16. OIL Cottonaeed, firm; prime yellow, 424c Petroleum, steady. TURPENTINE Steady. ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good, $2.10. Coffee Market. NEW TORK, June l.-COFFEE-Bpot Rio, quiet; mild, easy; Cordova, T6Uc. Futures opened steady at unchanged prlcea for all except the November option, which was 6 points lower. It was fairly active at first, following full receipts and lower European markets, but later turned quiet, though easy, until the close, which was quiet at unchanged prices to a decline of 5 points. Sales were 11,000 bags, Including July at S.COc, August at 3.70c, September nt 3.85c, October at 3.90c and November at 4.0c. The sales of July at 8.6O0 reported furnishes a new record. June 3. June 4.... June t.... June 6.... June 7.... June 8.... June .... June 10... June 11... June 12... June 13... June 14... June 15... June 16... 4 $6 4 90 4 85 4 W 7 021 5 63 7 ti 6 62 6 801 7 101 6 68 L 7 11 6 71 I 6 93 6 70; 8 07 7 07 6 99H 1 13! 6 70, 8 85 7 Hi & 71 5 7uVt 7 21 5 701 K in. n 1- c ri 7 18, 6 75 6 o4 ( 5 78, I 6 K5 1 7 21 6 OOH 7 27! 5 83 6 034 7 36 6 9l 6 001 o Hlfs 6 07 6 04 3 Ail oo, a oi II 60 67 3 67 4 KH 3 50' 4 831 3 69 4 83 4 91 I 58 1 !1i 3 t.8, 4 95 2 6: 6 021 2 601 3 87 3 31 6 10 3 HI I 3 92 3 29 1 fnl 1 Atll I OT t 81 e I 06 S H 3 61 3 53 I 52 3 63 . e $ 45 3 40 3 88 I 34 t 34 I it a 3 39 3 40 S 32 S 36 3 32 3 31 4 01 3 88 I 30 4 261 4 17 4 18 4 20 4 OS a 4 10 4 14 4 21 4 12 4 031 4 10 I 3 691 6 98 6 01! 7 25 7 3.l 5 ssti 4 92! 3 5' 7 3' 5 85! 4 8l 3 64 7 311 5 81! 4 861 3 661 a 6 861 4 89 3 64 3 791 3 77 4 95 $ 62 8 90 3 981 3 2 $ 86 ) 3 21 I 3 31 3 71 S 29 8 32 8 22 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'ses. C. M. & St. P. Ry... 12 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific Ry.. 16 Union Pacific system. 60 C. & N. W. Ry 4 F., E. & M. V. R. R. 69 C, St. P., M. & O.... 33 B. & M. Ry 62 C. B. & Q. Ry 6 K. C. & St. J 4 C, R. I. ft P., east.. 15 C. R. I. A P.. west.. 45 Illinois Central 8 33 6 3 77 12 45 23 27 8 8 18 8 2 220 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 929 1.651 1.604 S.492 155 1,377 3,151 600 448 56 1.747 751 8.781 18 67 16 84 61 1 25 82 60 16 , 45 288 , 20 6,859 13.823 693 iC. II i Rl P I. 4s. 101 il'nlon Pacific 4a C. A N. W. c. 7s...U0Mr do eonr. 4s xiC, . t. A P. 4a C C C A St L (. 4a xChlcago Ter. 4a... Colorado Bo. 4a Denrer A R. O. 4a. Erie prior lien 4a.. do general 4a F. W. A n. C. la. Hocking Val. 4s 7tt Wabash la . 7 do 2a . u do deb. n . S7 Wet shore 4a . M4 W. A L. E. 4a. . vi Wla. Central 4a... . H4 Con. Tobacco 4a.. .106 (Colorado Fuel .... .lus .IK ..11.14 ..It" .. 71 . .1101, .. 91 .. l .. 40 .. H4 x Bid. xx Offered. ttoston Slock (tnoiations. BOSTON, June 16. Call loans, 3H l'4j per cent: time loans, 'ii' per cent. Oltlcial cloaing prices on stocks r.nd bonds Atchlaon 4a.'. Atchlaon do pfd Boston A Ma N. Y.. N. H. H Fltchburg pfd Union Pacific Mex. Central American Sugar . do pfd American T. A T. Dominion I. A s Gen. Elect rle . Mase. Eleclrts do pfd United Fruit . V. 8. Steel do pfd Weettnch. Common Adventure Altouea Amalgamated W Bingham . H Calumet A . 3K Centennial ..169 iCopper Range ,.164 Dominion Coal .134 Franklin . Isle Royals ... . Jl Mohawk .lupoid Dominion Osceola 111 .113 1 Parrot . 12V. Qulncy 1'S 'Santa Fe Copper.. ... 264 Tamarack . .. 4 iTrimouiitaln ...103 'Trinity ... JO t'nlted States .... ... ex 'Ctsh so (Victoria ft Winona 4 iWolvarlna 44 Hecla....47o IK'i .... 63 .... 1; .... .... .... 44 .... is .... It 21 . H 1H .11 . H 64 ,. M .. it', . 4 i . 44 Loadoa Block Market. LONDON, June 16. Closing quotations: PEORIA. June 18. CORN Stronger; No. , 4SVc: No. 4. 47-c. OATS Firm; No. I white, 88c: No. 4 white, 37V, c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. June It SEED Clover, dull and unchanged, October, $6.82S. Timothy, prime, $1.75. Liverpool Grala Market. LIVERPOOL, June 18. WHEAT Spot: Quiet; No. 3 red-western winter, (a 2d; No. 1 northern spring, 6s 7d; No. 1 Call- Chlcsgo U. W... C. M. A St. P. Deileera IXnver A R. O . do pfd Erie '. do 1st pfd da Zd pfd Illinois Central . Ixulllle A Nai M . K A T .110 . i2 . HI . 414 . i3 's . Ill . iJ4 . "IS Consols, money.... M 14-14 N. V. Central do account ' Norfolk A Weatern Anaconda 44 do pfd Atchison ( Ontario A Western. do pfd Pennsylvania Baltimore A Ohle ... i Hand Mlnea Canadian Pacllc 121 Reading Chesapeake A Ohio.. fe, do lat pfd is 1 00 zi pia ! Southern hy 1144 do old J7S Southern Pacllle 64, sa union raciac so US' do pfd s 454 V. I. Bteel si do pfd tl 134 Wahesh 24 110 . do p(4 4i RAR SILVER 24' jd per ounce. MONEY 2nj2V per cent. The rate of dis count In tha open market for both short bills Is 2 '(2 15-16 per cent and for three months' bills Is 27ii2 15-1 per cent. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frulte. NEW YORK. June 16 EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet and unchanged, with de sirable eooda firmly held. Prime quoted at 5V4C choice at 6c and fancy at &VaViC. CAWivKKlA unicu rniiio opoi prunes continue to attract a fair Jobbing demand nnd are firmly held at from Sc to "c for all grades. Apricots are steady to firm under a fair demand, with choice quoted at 7ase and fancy at Wa2V,e. Peaches are steady but quiet at 77'ic for choice and BftlOftc for luiicy. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. June 16. DRY OOODS An advancing tendency has been noted In all sections of the market, with a disposition on the part of buyers to hold off aa long as possible so that they will not put the market up against inomseives. raaninsc turers are taking a very firm stand against granting concessions. With mills cloning down on account of lack of cotton, they are obliged to refuse to weaken. guitar and Molasses. NEW .ORLEANS, June 16 SUGAR Dull; open kettle, Si4'3 7-lSe; open kettle, centrifugal, 3Mi3!if; centrifugul white-i, 4 1-bic; yellows. 3Vir4c; seconds. 27i3c. MOLASSES Open kettle, 3 3-16c; syrup, nominal at 19J-24c. NEW YORK, June 16. SUGAR Raw, Btertity; refined stc&dy. MOLASSES Quiet. Total recelpta 320 The disposition of the day's recelpta was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Omaha, Packing Co.. swirt ana company Cudahy Packing Co , Cudahy, from country.... Armour, from Bloux City Armour, from country...., Vansant & Co , Lobman A Co , Hill A Huntzlnger , Huston dV Co , Livingstone tt Shaller Hamilton , L. F. Hum , Wolf A Murnan S. ft S , Dennis ft Co Werthelmer , Other buyers Totals CATTLE Reoalnta were not nulla heavy today as yesterday, but still there was a very liberal run. For the two days the supply Is more than double that re ceived on the same days of last week or of last year. Other points also had liberal runs and this gave packers an opportunity to pound the market still lower. Trading on beef steers waa not very ac tive this morning, but still there was con siderable more life than waa noticed early yesterday morning. Buyers were Inclined to do quite a little Jockeying In the hope of weakening salesmen, but In this they failed, and the general market was only about a dime lower than yesterday. Other points quoted Just about the same decline, so the prices paid here are still well In line. Some of the choice handy-weight cat tle, which were Just the kind they all wanted, did not sell quite a dime lower, but, on the other hand, some of the less de sirable heavy cattle were more than a dime lower. The bulk of the offerings was dis posed of In good season, but still it was rather late before a clearance was made. The proportion of cow .stuff to the total receipts was again rathe? light, but, owing to the decline on steers, prices suffered to a greater or less extent. The market was rather uneven, but on the average prices were not far from lOo lower than yesterday. Some sales did not look much of any lower while others looked a big dime lower the same as was the case with steers. The moderate receipts of cows close8 market to a reasonably early Bulls, veal calves and stags did not sell SfM Whe" th Suanty";'! ggS anjdUVhe da'nTwaV ffii. P ?t-.... . m8-rlet was certainly no hlehetr lowe"r" 1 VonlH rKbZ ,!in,p3 SrVkt dJTi 2W ' , coJlld heBt b" described bv call UvVs"e.r bUt ttbOUt 8,eadr' Reprenui 14.!.' II.. 1.. I I. 4. .111 I 7 I1M 7 1... BULLS. . .1110 1 00 1 , .. eon 1 10 1 t Z" 1 ..1IM I 1 ..14M t M 1 . .11711 I SS 1 ..U0 I ti 1 ..14M I41 It ..1MHI I 40 14 I ha 1 ..ltioe an CALVES. .. 1: r R on ( .. tJ ft no I .. in ft r) 1 , .. ls t n STOCK CALVES. .. 170 I 7 T .1174) 4 M lo I W .lf-no 1 .ft .1M0 I 71 .1"10 I 7i Hen ai .110 I M .1700 t U .. tt 4 00 . an 4 10 .1NJ4 4 M 170 4 00 loo as 1(4 ( It 14 4 I STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS. VI I n nfl ft. M SO I (0 sao a sn 46 ptl I. I.... 14..., 10... 4' 4 I M too I so Ml 4 no 7M 4 U 171 4 HOOS There was another heavy run of hogs here thla morning, but under the In fluence of a good local demand and favora ble reoorta from other nolnts the market opened generally a nickel higher. The first sales went largely at eoozv and pin. wltn the choicer loads selling largely from $H05 to $6.10. Aa the morning advanced, how ever, the market seemed to weaken, until at the close the advance was very largely lost. The bulk of all the sales went from 6 00 to $6.06, with some of the late hogs at $o.9iVt. The light and common stuff sold largely from $5.97 down. All the early arrivals were disposed of In fairly good season, but some of the hogs that came In late were rather slow sale. Representa tive sales; No. 44 IX) 77 loft 41 1 7b 171 (1 ltl? 47 210 48 160 74 tot AT. 86. Pr. "I., 41 44 42 40 60 71 10..... 44...., 7ft 44 74 44 14 00 17 f. 70 ti...., 6 II (0. 47. 44... .117 .171 .224 .2(6 .Sl 4 00 40 ft HO ,.. I 0 M III ... 4 Oft ... 4 ft ,.. ft 7 0 ft 17 U I 17 10 4 00 ... 4 00 4 00 OO ..ll 420 4 00 227 ...231 ...231 ...134 ...UI ...tul SO 4 00 0 4 00 40 4 00 .. 4 00 130 100 4 00 lil 40 4 HO 40 4 00 10 4 00 .it 110 4 00 nt ... 4 00 264 ... 4 00 Ill ... 4 00 266 4 00 141 1O0 4 00 ,....144 40 4 04 tOl 40 4 04 .....110 10 4 00 231 SO i 00 74 12S 140 I 00 41... 43... 47... 46... 46... 44... 43... 40... 11.. 40 131 1 240 10... 16... CI... 41... 4)1... 47... 46... 44... 41... 77... 40... 74... 14... II... II... II... 70... 71... 71... 74... 41... 16... 61... 14... 71... 44... 43... 41... 74... 41... 60... 267 ... 4 00 114 10 4 00 111 40 I 00 147 120 4 04 140 140 4 00 13 SO 4 no 2SS 120 4 00 44 4 00 40 4 00 .. 4 00 .. 4 00 0 4 00 40 4 00 40 4 00 ... 4 00 40 4 I ..2S4 ..1(0 .141 .111 .2nl .2S0 . .1M .151 I0 4 00 ....tni 44 4 00 ... 4 00 ....124 40 4 00 ....154 10 4 00 ....187 SO 4 00 ....SM ... 00 ...111 ... 4 00 ....lift ... 100 ....21 (0 4 00 ....Ml ... 100 ....231 10 ft 00 ....141 10 ft 00 ....IS! ... 100 ...121 ... ft 00 ....! 200 00 ....! ....ft 00 ....201 10 ft 00 ....131' 40 4 00 ....100 ... ft 2 ....14 ... 4 01 ....Ifil 110 4 01 ....114 10 I 01 ....161 144 ft 02 ... 101 ....S4UI an a nw S aO 4 01 M 167 ... ft oil ....161 2O0 ft 01 ....146 SO ft 01 ....140 SO 01 ....16 40 4 01 ....lf.1 120 4 01 ....111 110 I 01 ....141 40 4 02 ....164 ... ft 02 ....171 IN ft 02 os IWJ 02 No. lift. , '10. . 14.. 44... 64.. 1.. 74.. 14.. 41.. el.... 64.... 44.... 41.... 47.... 67.... 61.... 6 71.... 61.... .... 14.... 74.... 74.... 41.... 41.... 46.... 41.... 14.... 16.... 44 71.... 0.... 40..,. 44.... 46.... I.... 14.... .... IS.... 71.... 64.... 46.... 46.... 70.... 48.... 14.... 70.... 44.... 74.... 74.... 17.... 17.... 44.... 64.... 14.... II.... 44.... 41.... 47.... 40.... 16.... 44.... 40.... 46.... 44.... 44.... 47.... 17., I., At. So. pr. ..146 0 ft Oi ..111 ... ft U ..1,1 10 ft tit', ..left lau 4 Hi ft VI ft u 4 u3 26 160 4 U3 S0 1WI ft 03 77 120 4 .2(1 160 4 01 eu 02 SO ft U2 ..sal .no .266 .161 .Hi ....U4 ....124 ....UI ..161 100 4 112 ..IS! SO 4 u ..Il 120 4 02 ..247 40 4 02 ..160 Id ft 02 ..III 110 ft 02 ..left 120 ft vi SO ft 01 40 ft 02 tft ft 03 .l4 120 ft 0 .III 10 ft 01 .12 40 ft 01 .14 144 4 02 .117 ... 4 02 .111 140 I 02 .264 SO 4 02 .167 10 4 02 .144 120 02 .2S6 40 4 02 .10 110 4 02 .k7 40 I 01 .141 120 I 02 .111 40 I 02 .14 40 4 02 .16 ... 4 02 .160 124 I 02 3K4 uo 4 01 141 ... 101 .14 100 4 02 ei I 02 40 4 02-4 40 ft 02 40 ft 03 .. ft 06 .. ft 06 40 4 04 (0 ft 04 0 ft 04 40 ft 04 .. ft 06 .. ft 04 40 I 06 0 ft 06 40 4 04 SO ft 06 ..141 120 ft 04 ..161 (ft ft 04 ..160 10 4 06 ..166 110 I 05 ..!. 110 4 04 ..144 40 4 OS ..160 (0 ft 06 ..161 140 ft 06 ..161 10 ft 01 .161 (0 ft 06 ...13ft ...14 ...141 ...lit ...171 ...134 ...104 ...134 ...161 ...27ft ...16ft ...KM) ...110 ...2S7 ...171 46 170 110 I 04 6ft. ft!.. !.. (0.. it.. (I.. II 6 64 41 67 40. 44. 41. 46. 44. 44. 47. 46. 41. 17. 44. 3. 60. 41. u ISO I .ISS 300 ft Oft ...101 ... ft Oft ...100 (0 ft 04 ...IK1 120 ft Oft ...Jhft 10 4 04 ...14 120 4 06 ...ISO ... ft 04 ...10 100 I 04 ...271 ISO ft Oft ...100 M ft Oft ...IS ... ft 06 ...134 ... ft 07 ...111 130 4 07 ...114 IN 4 07 .177 .1. ft 47 .. ft 10 SHEEP Thero was llrhr run n V,U and lambs here this morning and In fact " : enougn witn wmcn 10 test of the market, and besides that the n IIS 1 1 1 v waa varv nnw A Kn. , . .11 that could be said of the market Is that the few bunches that arrived sold at nom inally steady prlcea. Some spring lambs brought $6 50 and some ewes sold for $4.76. Chicago was reported about steady with yesterday and the general Impression was that anything desirable would have sold "wi," reauny ai very satisfactory prices. The supply and demand for feeders eon- niiu very . iignt ana the market un- viiangea. Quotations for clipped stock: Choice west SHU11"' 2o34i '6: fair to good lambs, $5.26al.25; choice western wooled lambs, $6.(5(37.00; fair to good wooled lamba. $6.601 $.60; choice lightweight yearlings, $.V60fr6.76: fair to good yearlings, $5.00jj6.60; choice wethers. $4.9006.10; fair to good wethers, $4.50(34.90; choice ewes, $4.2o4.60; fair to food ewes, $3.604.25; feeder lambs, $2.60f 50; feeder ye-xrllngs. $2.603.50; feeder wethers. $2.603.5O: feeder owes, $2.004j'2.75. Representative sales: No. Av. 20 cull lambs 60 25 cull Iambs BS 6 cull lambs 72 10 western ewes 95 82 western lambs 64 6 western ewes 121 3 western lambs 41 7 spring lambs 52 12 western lambs and yearlings. 75 69 western lambs and yearlings 67 26 native ewea 142 3S9 Mexican mixed 58 13 western lambs 45 11 native spring lambs 70 Pr. $2 60 3 26 3 25 4 00 4 76 4 76 6 00 6 60 .6 60 5 60 4 75 4 90 6 04 60 Wish to List Storks. has NEW YORK. June 16. Application been made to the Btock exchange to list $X78.250 additional capital stock of the Pennsylvania Ruilroad company; also $2, lnn 400 additional guaranteed stock of the Pittsburg. Fort Wayne ft Chicago Rail way company. Kansas CHy Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITV. June 16. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.6(0 natives; calves, 20 natives; market steady to lower; choice export and dressed beef steers. $4 55rj'.10; fair to good. $;l.2i'(i4.50; stockers and feeders, $2.504.6); western fed steers, $2 9 '(fl.9j; Texa an I Indian steers, $Xul.3o; Texas cows. $2.0 j 3 75; native cows, $2.t4r"(i4.25; native heifers. $2.5o84.40; canners. Jl.W4j2.25; bulls, U-" $.7b; calves, $i.5(i.bM. HOOS Receipts, 6.610 head; market 10c lower; top, $3.9i: heavy, $o 7'ign 9.".; mixed packers, $5,604.(5.9); liM, $".4 '6 70; yorkers, $3.6i'it5.7u; 4 We'll i. 50. SHEEP AND LAMBS neccl pis, 50 head; market steady and 151i2)C lower; na tive lambs, $4.0xy7.0); western lambs. $3 !'i fid So; fed ewes, 33.2'ti 5.15; Texas cl ipej ye.-irllnga, $3. joiiio.35; Texas clipped sheep, tU.aolj 4.10; stockers and feeders, $3.0o(84.uo. No. At. Pr. ft S20 I SO 1 1040 4 00 i 1466 4 00 1 ir.(M 4 00 I 130 4 00 1024 4 10 684 4 16 S60 4 10 K 1020 4 20 120 4 K 4 137 4 26 3 1110 4 16 6 S40 4 10 U 46ft ft SO II lift 4 30 1' 4 4 10 21 1134 4 16 17 166 4 36 4 lull 4 40 I 1(163 4 40 4 U01 4 40 10 Iu6i 4 40 II 136 4 40 4 1060 4 40 tO 1071 4 46 11 ,.1147 4 46 23 l:J3 4 46 18 4 46 H 1110 4 46 10 103 4 46 16 4 4 46 1 Ill 4 60 17 1144 4 ;o II 1111 4 64 12 luso 4 60 41 114 4 60 II 1016 4 60 t 130 4 6 ft 1241 4 66 4 1165 4 r.6 11 Kl 4 6 II 1140 4 66 1 1107 4 66 II 1176 4 66 17 lltft ft (0 STEERS t ft 100 4 06 II Ski 4 10 16 lot 4 24 II 10.t 4 26 1 loot 4 15 14 1060 4 16 Foreign Financial. IjONDON, June 16 Money was In strong demand In the market today for the pay ment of the Traruvaal loan Instalment. On the Stock exchange business bordered on stagnation and stocks were mostly weak St. Joseph Live Sturk Market. ST. JOSEPH. June 16 CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.5JI head: active and 10c lower; Texans active and 10c lower: cow suff steady to 10c lower; stock cattle, beet firm, others lc lower; natives, $t 2j4Tj.25; Tex is and we'iertiB, $J.S'c'.S5; cows and heifers, $.'.2.-(14 65; vealu, $:.vit 25; hulls and stir', $2.5'ii4 40; yearlings and calves, $3.0V-)4 66; tokers and feeders. $1.5'rfi4.7i. HLKiS-Receipts. 16 7m head: active but weak to 5c lower; pigs steady; light and light mixed. $5.9f(1i.ii2'i; medium anl besvy, $5.9u((j6 15; bulk, $5.95S6 0J; pigs, 4.o0 366S. SHEEP AND LAMPS-Recelpts. ,rtt head; good, active to firm; others slow to loJ15c lower; top spring lambs, $6-46; top lutUvs ewes, $4.34. BEEF STEERS. No. 14 is 19 is 124!!!!!!! to!!!!!.'!! i 15 I. ... 41.... II. .. 11.... 41.... II.... II.... 4.... 4.... 4.... II.... 11... 14.... II.... II.... II.... 4e.... At. Pr. .123J 4 40 ....1175 4 0 ....1206 4 0 ....1311 4 40 ....1420 4 60 1216 4 60 ....1173 4 60 1160 4 60 ....1270 4 0 ....121 4 40 ....117 4 60 ....1251 4(6 ....list 4 45 ...1167 4 (I ....113 4 46 ....1175 4 46 ....12S0 4 45 ....126S 4 46 Hi i 7 4 6 ....12M 4 45 ....1271 4 65 ....u:i 4 (6 123S 4 64 ....1307 4 5 ....1220 4 5 ....1166 4 65 ....1)40 4 5 ....13S6 4 70 ....IIIS 4 70 ....1134 4 10 ....12M 4 10 ....1?63 4 10 ....1214 4 10 ...1361 4 10 ....1117 4 10 ....1141 4 10 ....lis 4 10 ....13 4 7TS ....1404 4 15 ....13H0 4 75 ....1201 4 75 ....13M 4 SO ....1461 4 12 ...1471 I 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Steady, Hosts Higher, While Sheep Incline Lower. CHICAGO. June 16. CATTLE Receipts, 4,000 head. Including 1,500 Texans. Slow, steady. Good to prime steers, $4.90(fi6.30, nominal; poor to medium, $4.0oi4.SO: stock era and feeders. $3.00j'4.75; cows. $1.6047.4.60; heifers t2fWVri4kK' jAnnnra 11 AV &A- Kiill. $2.504K26: calves, $2.50Q6.60; Texas fed steers, $4.0HW4.50. HOGS Receipts today, 19.000 head; to morrow, 25,000: left over. 1,600. Flvo to lOo higher. Mixed and butchers, $6.95(ff6.26; good to choice heavy. IH.20tfKI.30: rourh heavy. $5 Vni;.i5; light, $6.9u(6.16; bulk of sals, $605Ji20. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, 12.000 head, bheep steady to 25c lower; lambs 2f9 30c lower. Good to choice wethers. $4.50(fi5.25: fair to choice mixed, $3 25W 4 25: western sheep, $4.00 hud; native iamDs. n.iogs.w; western lambs, Receipts. Shipments ... ai.7S6 7.42 ... 4.9'2 8.591 ... 21.194 . 190 Official yesterday: Cattle Hngs Sheep II.. 21.. 15.. 11.. 21.. It . . 7M ft 40 171 4 SO 1110 4 60 1"4 4 66 1164 4 15 1164 4 70 14.... 14... !!!! it.!! STEERS AND COWS. ...lo.ia 4 io COWS AND HEIFERS. ....1041 4 t HEIFERS. ... 440 4 10 1 120 4 U COWS. . ... JO0 1 60 10. ...661 1 16 ...li0 1 26 ... hl I 15 ... 6.0 I 60 ... -'0 t 40 . . . W0 I 60 ... t0 I lu . . . 150 t 60 ... Ill t 60 ... 'i7 1 60 ...114 I no ...1150 I 23 ... tM I 26 ... I 25 ...1O60 I 16 ...1074 t 10 ...1010 I 15 ...10.1 I 36 ...1206 1 60 ...loku I 40 ... til I 0 ...1060 I 16 I 1ft 1.... 12.... 1.... I.... ft.... 4.... 1... 14 ... I ... ft.... I..., ..., I... ii !! i... i .. 4... 1... I... 1... ft... t... 1037 I 44 1160 SO 1020 SO 1(0 I M 1020 66 1274 I 65 1116 I 66 1700 66 li:i I 66 1116 I S6 X 66 I 66 150 I (5 120 I to I10 14 12.-J I tft i:5 4 04 1270 4 00 1"15 4 00 II w 4 1 100 4 05 I1W ft 10 1(40 4 10 luM 4 64 new York Live StoeV Market. NEW TORK. June 16. CATTLE Re celpts, 611 head, mainly consigned direct; no sales reported; dressed beef steady; city dressed native sides, general sales, TfeiHo. Cables quoted top price for Amer ica n steers at lH4c, dressed weight; for re frigerator beef, tityc per lb.; exports todav, 840 cattle. 1,02 sheep, 4,100 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 86 head: quoted steady for veals; slow and weak for but termilk calves; veals sold at $ per loo lbs.; a bunch of buttermilks at $3; city dresed veals, RrjjlOHe per lb. HOGS Receipts. 2.819 head: one little hunch on sale alive; quoted about steady; state nofri, Xh.N. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, $.01". head; sheep active and firm: lamba also active and strong; sheep, 13.5(45 00: culls $3; lambs. 50ff".50; culls. $.50; dressed mutton. iHtTHe per lb.; dresaed lambs, 1 9 MxC. glonx City l ive Stork Market SIOUX CITY. June l.-(Spee!al Tele gram CATTLE Receipts. 600 head Blockers slow and killers lower: beeves. !4iirT5.00: cows, bulla and m xed. stockers and feeders. $3.50(94.60; calves and yesrilneTa. 13 oi'it 4 00. llOOS Receipts. 6.000 'head: 6c higher, selling at $5.a5ii.06; bulk. $6 S4j.7H. tlnck le Slrhl Following were the receipts of live stock in iiiu iiiq o iui;ijai erniviu iTincn jrnicr Omaha , Chicago .... Kansas City St. Joseph... Sioux City.. Cattle. Hogs. She-n 6..V10 12 500 1.0VI 4.fl 19 c'iO 12 iral l.fvo ivo 6)0 6.5") 14 700 e0 6() 6.000 .... 19.200 65.5(4) 19.500 his office, o George Carter July L after which he does not know what he will do. "I have several propositions that 1 am looking up," he sain, "but havo- not yel determined what to do." RECEPTION ON MARKET ROW Yon na; Hoastlnf Kara Arrlva from Tetaa and Find Hearty Welcome Here. Manly young roasting ears, straight as Indian braves, held a reception on market row yesterday. They had Just com In from Texas, parked In open crates aa care fully as precious Jewelry and worthy of nearly the same rare, too. being quoted t $1 50 per crate of forty ears. The annual reunion of Texas vegetables Is 'approaching an end and representatives of other states are about to assert them selves. Chief of these, perhaps. Is a trade excursion of California peaches, apricots, plums and cherries, who In their special car are expected to arrive Wednesday or Thursday. Then there are the strawberries of Hood River, Ore., who are known every where for their staying qualities and who with characteristic western energy are try ing to drive the home berry from Its own market. About a carload of Oregons was sold Monday. Missouri berries are still coming along and. with tha horns article, are down to $1.60 or $1.76, A modest stranger on tha row is the Missouri raspberry, which registered In fair number yesterday and seems hardly nervy enough to accept tha $2.60 or $3 a crate offered. Cucumbers, still hot Texas confederates, for they continue to disagree with northerners, are oi. sale every day, as are also members of the same family who com from the steam-heated flats of Morrison, 111. Michigan celery, still ten der and slight. Is hers dally, looking for a select boarding house with good service. Texas beets are constant loafers along the row and the Texas tomato, which has been dropping In occasionally, will soon move here for the summer. HUSTON PLEADS NOT GUILTY Chars; Against Him la Conspiracy In Preventing; Bidding on Pnblle Lands. Thomas Huston of Thurston county, Ne braska, was arraigned before Judge Mc pherson in the United States circuit court yesterday on a charge of conspiracy to defraud the government. In a land deal. He Is implicated with a number of other persons recently Indicted by tJi federal grand Jury for refusing to bid op certain government lands for a consideration, and for dissuading others from doing so. In order that the land might be bid in by speculators. He pleaded not guilty and was released on bond. Tha data for the trial Is not yet fixed. Boston Excursions Tla the Nickel Plata road, June 25 to 27, inclusive; also July 1 to 6, Inclusive, at popular rates. Write City Ticket Office. Ill Adams St., and Union Ticket Office, Auditorium Annex, Chicago. lacked In Office Vanlt. Miss Vlckers. stenographer in the office of City Attorney Wright, was locked In the office vault for an hour Monday afternoon. lha incarceration was brought about by the playfulness of John V. Stout, Mr. Wright's law partner. Miss Vlckers was working in the vault nllng papers. Mr. Stout noticed her security and slammed to- f ether the outer Iron doors. Without think ng he turned the combination lock and as he did not know how to release It Miss Vlckers waa absolutely certain of not being Interrupted. While Stout proceeded to hunt an expert the stenographer turned on the lectrlo light and proceeded with her work, confident of reseue. Kennedy Wants His Brother. D. J. Kennedy of Des Moines wants to find his brother, E. O. Kennedy, and has written to the chief of police to assist him. ueaiaes nis Droineriy concern, tne ues Moines Kennedy said he and his brother had recently fallen heir to some property and he wanted the) brother to assist him In getting It. The wanted man came to Omaha a week ago, since which time his relatives have not heard from him. He Is six feet and five Inches In height, the let ter states. 27 years of age, smooth shaven and a laborer. Notes From Army Headquarters. TMalor J. C. Muh'.enberg, chief paymaster of the Department of the Missouri, de ported jesterday for a trip to superin tend the payment of certain troops. Word was received at headquarters yes terdsy that the Sixteenth field battery under Captain Van Deusen had left Its sta tion at St. Mary, Kan., and was proceed ing successfully and by easy stages toward Fort Riley. Captain Cook of the commissary depart ment returned yesterday from a visit to Fort Crook. The Best Car fur Colds Is Dr. Ktng'i New Discovery for Consump tion. Sure, pleasant, safe and guaranteed to soon cure, or no pay. 60c, $1.00. For ale by Kubn Co. Railway Notes and Personals, General Manager Holdrege of the B. & M. left for Chicago Monday night. Elmer H. Wood, general freight agent for the Union Pacific, Is In Chicago. R. W. Baxter, superintendent of the east ern division of the Union Pacific went west Tuesday morning. . Charles J. Lane, assistant general freight agent for the Union Pacific went to Den ver Monday night. C. L. Nichols, division superintendent ef the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, with headquarters at Falrbury, Is In the city. George J. Lincoln, commercial agent for the Milwaukee, with headquarters at Phila delphia, and J. H. Sktllen, traveling agent, with headquarters at New York, are In the city. W. A. Gardner, general manager of the Chicago & Northwestern; C. C. Hughes, general superintendent of the Nebraska Ac Wyoming division, and T. J. Mahanna, di vision superintendent, went out over the lines yesterday on a tour of Inspection. The Great Northern has made a reduc tion In freight rates of from 10 to 30 per cent on more than 500 commodities shipped to northern Pacific coast points, and It la expected that thla unasked for and unex pected diminution In freight rates will work an enormous amount of good to the whole sale houses In that section. The Southern Pacific shops located at Wadaworth are to be moved to Reno, Nev., and enlarged so as to give e:nployment to 6oi) men. Wadsworth will be two miles from the line of the road after the Im provements and cutoffs are mails on the line In that vicinity, and the r.ew shops at Reno will be considerably larger than those at Wadsworth. THE REALTY MARKET. Looklasr for Stolen Jewelry. Game Warden Blmpklns of IJneoln was here yeaterdav and asked tha p'lllca to find a watch belonging to Mrs. Slmpklns and some money and Jewelrv belonging to his sister-in-law. The articles were stolen from the home of the latter In Lincoln Sunday night Mr. Slmpklns will turn over INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tuesday, Jjne 16: Warranty Deeds. L. S. Reed and wife to Mlna Doll, et al. ntO feet lot 22. block 2. Ala mo Plata; lot 5. block 4 llaxel Ter race ad 1 53f) C. B. Elgutter to Sarah J. Dewey, lot 16. J. E Riley's sub I P. D. Sutphen ind wife to C. R. Glover, lot O. block 4, Remls Tlace. Sis) F. F. Honnett et al, executor, to F. E. Rlbhel. ntO feet Iota and 10. block 9, Kanscom rMace 3,800 Jamea Goldsmith and wife to John and Gertie Broomfield. w4 lot 1, block 93. Omaha 2.900 Same to Maude Terrlssls, tV, of w'i lot 1, block 93, Omaha 2,500 Deris. Sheriff to J. E. Ralley, wfi feet sub lot 7 of lot 1, 21-13-13 350 Total amount of transfers fll.W PRIVATE WIRES GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. GRAIN. PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. 24 Board of Trade llldg . Omaha 'Phones 1004 and 1017. Members all prin cipal exchanges. Writs fur our daily mar ket Isttsr. t