Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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fin via sells drug.
Hi or It art sella carpal.
frnym enlarging, Itrt.adway.
For rent, storeroom, JTl Ms In stret.
K.prt wstrli repairing Leffert, ll'r
:itirted Mats lieer on tp- Nu ma yar.
M'-hiriltlt's photos. Katlefsrtlon guaranteed.
IKturea and eft vee for wedding glft
C. It. Alexander Co , H'way.
II K Orout In hime from a thro month'
In Arls;ti. '
J'lnner ft ni 100 pleres V W, st A. 0
Howe s, J l' llroadway.
limn, to Mr. end Mr John I. I'evls
yeaierlay morning, a daughter.
Minn llonlrli KeyiioMa of I'arral, Mas,
la Hid guei of Mlna Natth itartlett.
Waller Htavfiia aril Augual Tarla left
Sealeiduy on a trip 10 he-mle, Waah.
Mr and Mra W, .'. I.ntliarik f liloom
Ingion, III , eia gueste of Mr. L'ntheiik's
llMiiy Wheeler wna uurantltied at hla
homa, I7( l i.ird avenue, yeaterday, for
J. J. Mewart hna i'itm to Indianapolis to
attend the convention of the Modern Wood
men of Atin'il'a.
Ir. Mnry 'Unify left Inst evening for
tlm anal mi I'liaineae. Hh expert 10 lm
way alioui two werM.
Tua reguliir meeting of lha Council tlluffa
ItetHll lr iiMKlxia hhhoc lullon will m held
tula evening in Ihn olllca of Miiyor Moigun
In cliy Imll.
Wa coniiuiil to kaap piihllo or prlvala
houaa Ire liom leml.ra l,y Ihn year, In
Kli iiiliinior Miiiiii'H'iiirlnK iMiinpsny,
liiiiiiril limns, U. '1 elepimna KuM.
I' or an In, ilia Ci tl, Hire fruit fx rm of
forty hi, mu nilu-a Hum niurthoiiaa In
looni'li iHiifta. I' or pi Ire mikI larma ail
gieee l W. t it In, J .13 I'uurl street, Ctmmill
MufTa, Ja.
Mra. J I. Ileus wniil yeaterday to Iowa
t'liy to attend ilia cotnineiirnment exer
rla.K tit ihn Hluln univnially. liar aon
Ailam la a graduate tlua year of tlia col
InglatS eimree,
Tha mammilla defeated tlia rlrnlt woods
ynmnriliiy in game or hall on tlm lallr a
ftounda hy a aiore of 21 to I. Tha f nature
or Ihn gam wna tha pitching (if Walliira
fur lha wlillllllB I Mi 111.
' Thn hnrln eif John Wllaon, charK"l
Wlln tha thnlt of nppnr wlrn fl-om Ihn
motor i'iiininny, wna i niiilriiinil In ikiIIi
(limit yratnnlay until ThurailHy anil In thn
ttiaaiitlinu WIImoii wna rnlnnawl on V0 hull.
Aw'hmaiiylnK t'ommlanloriar W. W.
1 ,110ml of thn I 'oniinrirlnl I'luli on Ilia trip
lo t Wnra Marry I'lnroo, T. J. Folny
nil Knrfllnuiid Wnln. Tlmy 0 to liiapni't
tha oil llnhla at llmiumonl, 'fan., whara thny
ra Intrrralrd.
JnnmiPtta lOlltnhnth, tha Infant ilaualitnr
of Mr. and Mra Alhnrt A. Adama, III! I'nlon
atrnnt, dmd yaatnrday morulim troin pnnu
monla followln- niaxalna, aRi'd W monlha.
'I h fimnral, Wlilrli will ha pilvnin, will la
hold Tlnuaday aflvinoon and liltariunnt
will ba In Walnut Hill oamatnry.
Tha rarnlpla In Ihn gnnnml fund at tha
Chi tKtlnii lliimn lam wank warn $1 17 l,
tinlna K.! Ill tmlow lha nnnda of tlm wnrk
and Inciaanlna tha OnftrlKm y In Ihla fuml
In data to 1,1:7 W. In lha iniinugnr'a fund
tha rni'nlpta wnrn t'Jl A, hflna II.I.7K hnlow
tha linaila of tha w'k and I111 lrnlnfc' thn
dnilrliMiry to llluiM to duta In thla fuml.
Thn iilh' rncalvnd word lant avnnlna:
that th ronldnm n of M. 1,. ICvnna, a hanknr
at Kniaraon, luid hni'ii rolihnd and that
mona; tha jrwrliy ainlnn wara a vnluiihla
(old wati'h, iniiaonlo charm and a inmilmr
(if gold and nllvnr oolna. Two innit aua-
fwoiad nf tlia rohhniy wnrn auld to lin limk
n thalr way toward t'nunrll llluffa.
Tha funnral of William lwla wilt la
hold at ii.n o'olook thla aflnrnoon from tlia
family raaldnnoa, ll6i Kaat 1'lnron at rant,
- and Intnrnmnt will ha In Walnut Hill rnuin
tnry. Itnv. (Inorg Kdward Walk, raolnf
of Ht. I'aiil'a Kpiaoopal I'hurrh, will con
diml tha anrvlrm. Tha following hava bann
Jnlnctnd aa pallhnainra: tlnorgn lowln, Kd
.awla, Will l,awln. John Hhorl, llnrbnit
I ndi'i wood and Arthur Montgomrry.
" Mra. r. I Hand, wlfa of thn clnrk of tha
,. dlnlrlrt cmii't, lft laat avnnlng for Chi
' ragn, arcomnantnd by Kloyd Ulnkly, an -ynar-old
hov of tlndnrwood, thla county.
wno ainin mimi iir nau nno mn num
the lad an artlllclnl limb, which will be
paid for bv the Itoek Inland. Mr. Keed
waa appointed the boy'a guardian by th
N, V. numbing Co. Tel. 0. Night. Ft7.
Poa to Protect rMlo Health front
the F.eete Of Stagnant
The aldermen met yeaterday mornlne; a
a Hoard of Health and after taking a trip
through th Fifth and Sixth wards met aa
a elty council and ordered the following
lota, which are below grade and full of
tagnant water, brought to grade:
North half block k. Mill addition: north
half block it, Mill addition: lot I. block 4.
Italia addition; lota l- In R, Curtle
liameev'e addition; lot 14 In 11 Riddle
ul.dlvlalon; lota U and 11 block N. Curtle
HamaeVa addltloni lot 1 block B. Curtla
A Ftamaey'a addition; lot It block K. Curtle
e Kamaev'; lota 1 and t, blotk T. Curtle 4k
Kamaey'e; lota and T, block . Rlddlee
ubdlvlalon: lota ,,, T and . block tl,
Riddle a aubdlvlalon; lota 4-1. Hyatt a eub
dlvlalon; lot T, block 3, Curtla Ramaey'a.
The city marahal waa Instructed to notify
the owner of tbeee-lota to have them filled
and brought to grade within five days.
The resolution calling for the curbing of
the following streets, which are to be
pared, was adopted; Klfhth avenue be
tween Sixth and Seventh streets. Ninth
avenue between Sixth and Seventh streets.
Twelfth, avenue between Main and Seventh
streets, Waehlngton avenue from Harrlaon
street to Vaughn, Frank street from Proad
way to Harmony, North Flrat Btreet from
Waahlngton avenue to aoutherly line ot
original plat lot eS, rnton street ' from
Washington avenue to Indian creek bridge.
Oak street front Rrwadway to Pierce. Myn
Ster street between Scott and Main, Fifth
avenue from Third street to dark avenue,
Pomona street from Park avenue to Olen
Plumbing and beating, lllxby A Son,
Chora with Inoatnral Crime.
Millard F. Ingereoll waa Treated laat
evening on a warrant laaued from the court
of Juattce Ouren. He ta charted with the
crime of Inceat with hit n-year-old daugh
ter. Tbe Information wa riled by Aaalat
ant County Attorney liees on complaint.
It la said, ot the girl mother, who Is liv
ing separate from her huehend. Ingereoll
waa formerly a lineman and inttl recently
lived at !X RentOn etreet. Lately he ha
benn working on a farm about four mile
east of the city, where he wa taken Into
custody last evening. He wa lodged In
th county Jell
Real Batate Tranafera.
Thee transfer were filed yeaterday la
the abetraot. title and loan office of g.julre
A Annls. 101 Peart street:
Charles leeiken and wife to (Ires-or
and Merle Jonaon. tots t and 4. Audi
tore eviodlv. n r 41 w d t U1
Jemee 1- Paxton to ieecent Furm
tsMnpanv. Iota 1 and t tn It. tola 1. 1
1 tn tl. and lota tl 4 In M and ac
rretuva and fart H-T-4. w. d 1
1. P. JKtevn and tf to John M
Oimn'Ue. lot 1 bhvk t Ju1aa s Jd
add. Neola. w. d 109
Cwintv reeorr to W M Kimball.
bt 14 In T. original ptet, t. d ... N
Inward and Marr I. F.verett. execu-l-a.
to Jane I'tUlnv. W It roda o
nev aeU w. 4.... .. sW
Itetra of (V R. tiellur- to WlUlam Mc-Ool'-e.
rr' oil W V Neole. w d . . K
Jonathan XV IVXIee to exeontoee of
fUmuel Jacoev. wndlvU lot T blorh
1 and KM 4. Mock S4. Riddle a sub
dlv. 1
Total aer transfer
M rri IX. V "i teUITa.
rh m
Bibool 3jt3 Compromliag 01lm of I A.
Wiokbim for Griding.
Indlnatlnna Am that Many f tha
trhool Ilalldlnaa Will II Crowded
t ( ommnnrnmnat of
Natt Turin.
Thn rurlaln wna finally rung down on tha
high a'hool alia nontrovnray by tha Hoard
of duration at Ma manllng laat night whnn
K. A. W'li'kliam'g rlnlm for grading what
wna known aa tha Oakland Hvnniia alt wna
anlilcd. Wli kham'a rlalm amountnd to I1.1J
and a ault to rnrovnr thla amount w
tmridlri In tha dlatrlrt court agnlnat tlm
chigil dlxlrlct. A nompn-Vnlan wna arTnrtnd
hy a apnolal rommltlnn, of whlrh Dlrnrtor
Tlnlay waa rhulrman, and tha claim anttlnd
for lK). Tha cnntrilrt for grading tha
fiakland avnnua alto waa awnrdnd Wlckham
by .laooh Hlma, prnaldant of tha arhool
bourd In lo, at th, tlm that fipoparty had
bnnn anlnrlnd RM tha alt for tha naw high
arhool building. Tha property waa gradnd
and lltlgntlnn which nnaund rnaultnd In thn
high achool lining lonalnd on tha fllrnnt
property and tha purchaaa by tha board of
tha fin kin nd property waa navrr conaurn
miitnd. ,
Tha ftimmlttna to tvhlrh tha matter had
benn refnrrnd report ad that It had Invoatl.
gated thn houndnrlra of tha llnrrlaon Btreet
and I'lerca Htrnnt achool and reoommandod
that tha children living In tha territory
bounder by tha aaat linn of lTnrmnny atreet,
Jxigan and Onk atrentg bo parmlttod o at
tnnd tha IMnrra Htrnnt achool, na It waa
pnarnr to them than tha Ilarrlann fttract
achool. Tlia ranommnndatlon wna ronourred
Mlaa Joaephlna flhaa wa given a Inava of
ahaanea for ona year nt hnr requnat, a aha
anlla ahortly for tha rhlltpplnna to aaaumn
a position In the fovernmnnt training rohool
at Manila.
!lda Aajailnat Loan.
Tha requeet of the Flrat Chrlatlan church
that It ha permitted tha una of aoma of tha
kindergarten ehalr from tha Washington
avnnua achool for a Tom Thumb wedding
entertainment to b given In tha near fu
ture at tha church wa denlrd, tha board
deciding that II wna eatahllahlng a bad
praeedent to loan tha achool property.
Mix Oltllnn waa appointed atenographer
and clerk In the office of tha auperlntendent
at tha achool at a aalary of VU a month.
lupertntendent Clifford reported thnt the
recetpta of tha commencement exerclaea at
tha high achool amounted to 1131. M and tha
expenaaa IH7.9S, Jaavlng a balance of ISi.M to
ba turned Into the fund for tha purohnae
of book for the high achool library. He
alno reported that $2t.W had been turned In
by Principal F.nalgn. being the amount col
lected from puplla for the breaking of ap
paratu In the laboratory.
In making hla atatlntlcnl report Superin
tendent Clifford elated that the expeoted
Increase In the enrollment at the opening
of the new achool year In September would
crowd eeveral of the building. Aa one In
stance, ha aald there would be forty-five
avenue school than there would be room
for. He expected, however, that matters
would be so arranged as to provide room
for all.
Hla report, which was for the ninth month
of the school year ending June 6, ahowed
the total enrollment waa an tncreaae of
23& over laat year. Monthly enrollment,
boy. 1,340; girls. ISM; totat, 4.635. Entire
enrollment, boys, l.'tiS; girls. 1,799; total,
Intereatlng rrogrant Prepared for
Closing of Torn nt
St. Francis academy will hold Its thirty
second annual commencement exercises
this evening In th new auditorium of the
Institution. Th program, th central
them of which wilt be "The Holy Orall."
will begin at T:9D o'clock and will be as
Greeting "Our I-aet Tourney"
Eleanor Rlgga. '
Orand march from "Tannhauaer".. Wagner
Mary Duff, Francea Flanagan, Phoebe Zee
sin, Naomi Hamilton.
Chorus "Oally We Sing" Veasle
I.orett MacNamara, accompanist.
"The legend of the ClraU"
Elisabeth Shea.
Overture "Midsummer Night's Dream"
, Mendelnaohn
Eleanor Rlgga. Ann Stapleton, Lulu Tholl,
lAretta MacNamara.
"The Spiritual Significance of the Le
gend ,.
Anna Stnpleton.
Vocal Solo "1 Do Not Ak. O Lord" . Sproea
Eleanor Rlgga.
"Revel of tha Nymphs' r Arranged
"The Individual Oueaf
Mri rtitr.
I Piano Solo "Rlack kev Study Chopin
, Schubnrt-IJait
Lulu Tholl.
Recitation "The Cure of the lepers'
from "Uen Hur"
Gertrude Martin.
"No Man's Oueet la fnto Himself
Phoebe y.eaeln
Chortle Walt aone from 'Faut" Oounod
Poena Plaatlque "The Ship of Faith ..
Oertrude Martin. Ann Stapleton. Phoebe
"Wandering Ftrea"
Noan Wlckhnm.
Piano Solw-Impromptu, Op. H, A fat
Malor Chopin
Soherto, Op 1 Rrahma
Fleenor Rlgga
"loyalty to the Queet" ,
F.ltaabelh Morris.
Chorus "Ab. Tls the Fair M.wn's
Glimmer" Cempana
Clnne lem "nr Heart'a Vlalon"
Aa the Itlv amid tboma, ao la Mary among
the danghlern of men."
Gertrude Martin
The exerclaea will b cloned with an ad
dreaa by Rev. Father Dowltng of Omaha
and the presentation of diploma.
Ilnetnr Oratt,
A meeting of the physicians of rotta
wattatnt county ha been called for thla
afternoon at th Orand hotel for th pur
pose of organising a county medical so
cle! y. The organisation of a county society
la In avwrdance with th plan to systema
tise and affiliate the national, state and
subordinate medWal eovlctlea.
Acvording to th call al'. physlclana le
gally entitled to prctl tn th county
and who ar rraottctng what is
mrdK-lna are altcthla ta
memherehirv This requirement la to
rata that r lcln. of th homeopath
nd osteopathic schools wt'.l not b eligible
t membership In th society.
Matter la Ulatrset Cwr.
Tn sutt brought by ttte Oenaha Fridge
and Terminal Railway eumpany t entn
th Mason City Fort lVvt Railroad
ewmpany frwm orewUng Ite tracks on Fvrnr-
tata tret and Kiahta avenue was dis -
wileacil yetertay by the plaintiff company.
Jur Wheeler reeantly donl ta 4h4i--tl
ter ten4oirarjr Injunction a! the
dlamlaaal. It la underatood, follow an amic
able ttlemant out of court of the contro
vert y between the two railroad.
Itobnrt Illdat commenced ault In the die
trlct court yeaterday to reatraln the Cud
ahy Pa' king company, other creditor and
Hherlff Couelna from levying on hla real
denra property, which ha claim aa a home
atead, and hla houaehold belonging. Tbe
plaintiff l up that while he hae rented
hla reeldenen. It I none the leaa hi borne
tead and therefore exempt from execution.
l.arae Attendance Anticipated at tbe
Meeting; of rai 1 of tat
The annual meeting of group 1 of the
Iowa fllate Banker' aeaoclatlon, which
waa poatponed from May 21, will be held
In thla city tomorrow. The aegilom will be
held at thn Grand hotel, and It la expected
that at It-net fifty of the leading banker
of aoulhweatern Iowa will be In attend
ance. The morning aeaalon, which will open at
10:30, will be called to order by Acting
Chairman W. W. McTtory, caahler of the
Cltlxena' State bank of Oakland. Trcaldent
K. 10. Hart of the Flrat National bank of
thla city will deliver the addreaa of wel
come, on behalf of the banker of Council
llluffa and the welcome will be reapondnd
to by Hon. Is. F. Potter, prealdent of thn
Flrat Natlonnl bank of Harlan on behalf of
the vlaltlng banker? New member will
be enrolled, following which a.n adjourn
ment will be taken for luncheon.
The prlrclpnl feature of the afternoon
aeaalon will bo an addrea by Congreiaman
Walter I. Vmlth, who hn been Invltod to
penk on "Thn Financial I,eglalatlon Pro
poaod and Knacled by thn Flfty-aeventh
eotigrea." Following ('ongreaaman Smith,
D. It. Helnahclmer, prealdent of the Mill
County Natlonnl hank 'of Olenwood, will
talk on "The Hualnea Outlook." Thomaa
H. Hand, prealdent of the Flrat National
bank of Shenandoah, will apeak on "The
Conduct of Having Department by Na
tional Hank." The program will be brought
to a clone by a general dlacuaalon on
"Practical Hanking Qiieetlon," conducted
by 8. C. Campbell, caahler of the Bank of
With the election of officer for the en
aulng year the meeting will cloae. The
proaent officer are: Acting chairman, W.
XV. McRory, caahler of the Cltlsena' State
bank nf Oakland; aecretary, Elbert A. Read,
canhlor of the Flrat National bank of Shen
andoah; executive committee, Erneet K.
Hurt, prealdent of the Flrat National bank
or Council llluffa ! C. K. Price, caahler of
the Commercial National bank of Council
llluffa; Dr. B. 3. Patterson, caahler of tha
Dunlajj Btate bank; D. I Helnahelmcr,
prealdent of the Mill County National
bank; L. F. Potter, prealdent ot tbe Flrat
National bank of Harlan.
At the Head of the Mat. (
A unique feature of the Wallace shows Is
Its children' department, with Its minia
ture rages and Its drove of IK Bhetlnnd
ponies, entertaining alike to th children
and adult. In countless ways the Wallace
show I different from others and stand
unrivalled In the amusement world. Will
exhibit at Council Bluffs Monday, June
22, rain or shine.
Ilrakemaa llaa 4er Experience.
MARSH ALLTOWN, la.. June l.-(Spe-clal.)
O. P. lewls, an Iowa Central brake
man, with headquarters In this city, hsd a
strange experience near Orlnnell. At a
point near that place the train on which
Lewis was operating became stalled. A
passenger was dus In a short time. It was
necessary to double what Is known ss the
Newhers hill. Lewis was left In charge of
part of the train. He began hla work by
stringing torpedoes against the paaaenger
train, which waa soon due. .What hap
oened to Lewis Is not known, but he re
members nothing thnt happened until he
recovered consciousness at Orlnnell, where
he was taken after being discovered un
conncious and bleeding near hla train. He
thinks soma one assaulted him. aa the cars
he was protecting were stationary, all
brake being on. Notwithstanding this
they were found several miles south, where
they had btcome stationary at a point
where there Is a sag In th track. Lewis Is
now In this city. It I thought he will re
cover. Crop Greatly Improved.
CRESTON, la.. Jun l.-(8paclal.)-The
last week has shown quite an Improve
ment la the ctop conditions of Union
county. There has been but little rain and
the fields have dried up until work ha
been resumed, snd though the nights have
been very cool everything 1 reported a
growing nicely. The hay crop will be one
ot th largeat ever known, oat are doing
nicely and much of tho corn that was at
flrat thought to be ruined Is resuming the
proper color and will produce a good crop.
Small fruits whl be a heavier yield than
was at first expected and save for a very
tew fields on the low grounds the crop out
look Is fine. Nearly all the plowing Is
completed and many of the farmers are
planting with six-week corn In hopes that
It will mature before frost, as th season
is fully a month Ute.
V. P. . C, K. Convention.
MARSHALI.TOWN. Is., Jun l.-(Spe-clal.)
The fourteeenth annual convention
of the Fifth dlatrlrt Toung People's 8oclety
Christian Kndeavor cloned Ita convention
In thla city with the election of the follow
ing offlcera: Prealdent, Rev. F. D. Ferreil.
Amra: vice president. L. H Salisbury,
LeOrand; second vie president. Rev.
Oeorg Croker. Omen Mountain: secretary
and treasurer. Miss Elsie St. John. Ames;
superintendent Junior work, Mrs. E. L.
Condon. LeOrand; superintendent mlaalona.
William Colly, Searing Next year's con
vontlon will be held at Relnheok.
Oaawa Teas Ueta la Aarala.
ON AW A. 1.. Jun It Special Tele
gram )-Th Onawa hoa team, which hold
th championship belt of the Maple Valley
Firemen Tournament association for a In
ning th asoclatlon rao three year suc
cessively, starta for th Carroll tourna
ment tomorrow rooming and will b al
lowed to compel tn the aaaocUtlon race,
after being barred for two years on -count
ot a inning the championship. Oa
account of the high rate demanded by the
Northwestern Railroad company very few
people wl.l ga except the team.
Farmer la Mlaala;,
FORT DODGE, la., June lt (Special Tel
egram -Mtt XlcDertnott. a wll knows
'""'' tram Clare, Webster county, bag
I lPPered He ha not bran seea sine
Saturday, when he came t Fort Dodge
' ''u" myaici.n. n. i.rt m, ta
In a livery barn here. Relative have placed
th matter ta the hands of the police, who
have found no clue. McDermott ws de
spondent bcaue of continued 111 keaita.
taaaara Otl Retaliate,
SlOl'X CITT. la , June 11-Th Standard
i ' company ha twjaed th prio of oil ta
1 outh IVtkota 1 cent a gallon I order te
counteract the effect of the law .aaeed
by the South Dakota Wgulatur avurtag
. test tr rv&, f
Laat Year 1 Earninn Greater and Eipeasei
Leu Than in Preceding Period.
Moelo Dealera, Health Ottleera, Sunday
School and Auctioneers Hold
State Conventions la Dei
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES, June 1. (Special.) Iowa
railroad received more money for their
business In 1902 than in the previous year
by a total of 34,K2.06. and the operating
expenaea In the eame period were reduced
by a total of C7U.7M .64. This was on a
mileage of V miles of main line trackage
greater thftn in the year 1501. The net
earning of the Iowa business were In
creased a between the two years by $673.
1243. These are the figure a reported
by th railroad auditor to the secretary
of the State Executive council, on which
the council will make Its nanensment of
railroad property for the current year.
These reports have Just been tabulated and
thn totals turned over to the state official
who will niHke the assessment. The actual
work of anacsnlng will be commenced July
If next, but the board and the railroad at
torneys will have the abstract of the re
ports In hand for a month that they may
make comparisons. The chief totals of the
ahstrsct are ns follows:
Main linn mileage In 1M1, total 9,336.17; In
1902, t,21.24.
Oronn Receipts In 1901, $!'i,r,79,9.,B.12; In
1902. M,4fii,3i6 1 1. Receipts per mile: In 1901,
RftUtUft; In li)2, fi.!i55.2n; flvrenne, IM.NJ.
Oporating exnenses-In 1901 $; In
1902, 39,'2.2n2.'W; decrease, L'7r,,7m.64. Ex
penaea per mile: In 19m. $4.24360; In 1902,
M,14fU: decrease per mile, !i5.44.
Net Karnlnga-ln 1901. l!fl.40,76.82; In 1902,
$17.134.10?,.2S: Increase, tR73,12.4.1. Earnings
per mile: In lltoi, ll.7H3.13; In 1902, 1,7.0I;
Inerense per mile, 113.91.
The same roads report that in 1902 they
paid taxes In Iowa aggregating $1,624,038 96,
and In 1901 they paid $l,B3,492.87.
Capitol Improvement.
The State Capitol commission met today
and opened bids on tha heating, ventilat
ing, electric wiring and other work of the
state capltol and state warehouse. A large
number ot bids were opened, but the com
missioners had not reached any conclusion
aa yet as to contracts. The work to be
contracted for at this tlm will aggregate
nearly $100,000. It Include aa almost corn
plot remodeling of the Interior mechanical
workings of the state capltol and modern
ising at every turn. All the fittings of the
capltol were placed about twenty-five years
ago and better methods prevail now. The
commission plans that the capltol shall be
modern In very way.
Donovan gent to Hospital.
J. W. Donovsn, the old man who was ar
rested on six charges of heinous offense
against children ,afew days ago, was today
declared Insane and sent to the state hos
pital. There Is considerable doubt about
his sanity and mental condition, but the
action waa takento prevent prosecution
on tha criminal charges and he will be kept
far removed from 1 the possibility of sum
mary vengeance by the Indignant citizens
In the neighborhood of his home. He had
been In the same' hospital aa an Inebriate
at one time. , ,
Hired a Kloox City Band.
Th executive committee of the State
Fair association today entered Into a con
tract for the services of the Sfoux City
band at the state fair In August for one
Mnale Dealers Are Organised.
The music dealers of Iowa met here today
and organised a state association, electing
the following aa officers: President. A. U.
Coatea, Perry; vie presidents, II. C. White,
'Follow the Flgtfir"
June I to Sept. SO. Ino.
II To enable persons to reach these favored localities without
f f oanecessarr expenditure of tima or monev. the UNION
(I TACIFIC has put iotoefleel low rates aod splendid train 1 i .
I service from Missouri River to Denver. Accommo- I
I dations are provided for all classes of passengers on I yr"'""""" "
1 thrse trains, the equipment including free reclin- ; f f
w iSJI Fa mam 6y, Telepnone lit
SS Vnlon Station, 10th and Marcy Sts.
Doston mujimsm $19. OO
BOStOn ! Jaly 1st t Bth $21.00
Saratoga i j-ir - $17.45
Detroit ! jy o $6.75
All ticket -reading over th Wabash R R. between Chicago and Buffalo
ar good tn either direction rla at, earner between Detroit and BufTslo without
estra charge, escept tnrals and bertha Stop orers allowed Remember thla
ta 'The Cool Northera Route" atd all agents ran sell Urkets from Chlcag-o
east via the Wabash.
Fr berths, lake trtpe. folders and all Information call at Wabaah City
Offlo la ramani Street, ur addrea
Harry E. Koeres, Q- a. r. D.. Omaha. Neb.
Cedar Rapids, and James A. Quest. Bur
lington; secretary, C. B. McNerny, Des
Molnee; treasurer, W. H. Lehman. Des
Molne; executive committee. A. U. Coate.
W. 11. I-hman, C. B. McNerny, A. SI.
Carl of Newton, O. H. Oarrett of Winter
set. S. K. Meyers of Manchester. John C.
Mlnton of Burlington. The organisation
starts out with about seventy-five members.
Iowa Health rhyslclaas.
The temporary organisation of th Iowa
Health Officers' and City Physlclsns' asso
ciation was perfected this morning and late
today the permanent organisation was
formed. Dr. J. A. Valeria of Iowa City
was chosen temporary chairman and Dr. C.
T. Lesan of Mount Ayr temporary secre
tary. In the absence of Mayor James
Brenton Attorney Charles Bradshaw gave
the welcoming address. Dr. C. H. Hoff
man, the chemist, pathologist and reputed
prince, read a paper before the association
this afternoon. Dr. A. M. Linn also rcsd a
paper on "Some Needed Legislation." The
committees appointed were: On constitu
tion and bylaws. Dr. L. A. Thomas of Red
Oak. Dr. IForee of Ottumwa, Dr. W. H.
Bailey of Marlon; committee on permanent
organization, Dr. Jackson ot Audubon, Dr.
Crouse of Foster and Dr. LaForce of Ot
tumwa: committee on finance. Dr. N. M.
Bmlth of Des Moines, Dr. Lesan of Mount
Ayr and Dr. Hogg of Garner.
Sonday School Convention,
The state Sunday school convention met
here today. The executive committee met
this morning and laid plans for the financ
ing of the same. There will be bout 1.000
person In attendance. The convention
proper opened this evening with addresses
by Alfred Day ot Detroit and Mis Ben
OUel of this state. The mstter of a parade
for the convention has been given up.
Fifty auctioneers from all over Iowa
gathered In the city today to attend the
annual meeting of th Iowa Auctioneers'
association. The opening session In the
cltihroom of the Klrkwood hotel began at
1:30. The annual address of the president,
D. B. Marshall of Mount Ayr, the papers
on "What Is This Organization For?" by
F. F. Luther of Orand Junction and
"Should It Be Made Permanent and Why,"
by Al P. Mason of Union were the ad
dresses of the afternoon. The convention
continues tomorrow.
Oct Pharmacy Certiorates.
The following applicants for pharmacy
certificates passed at the last examination
by the board and were granted certifi
cates: M. D. Gates of Des Moines, Bert
Hughes of Kmmetsliurg, E. C. Sprague of
Wlnterset, C. J. Shea of Odebolt, S. A.
Dalauder of Madrid, Lester Williams of
Rockwell City, O. II. Oraull of Des Moines,
H. A. Strpuse of Le.mars, A. H. Balrd of
Malvern, John F. Cochran of Mllo, A. A.
Kaurmier of Shell Rock, Anton C. Jaeger
ot Clear Lake, Edward H. Oolse of New
ton, Elmer Tabee of Clarion, Charles F.
Todd of Waterloo, A. R. Tlss of Corewlth,
Frank E. Lewis ot Bchaller, Howard R.
Rau of Oskaloosa.
College Accepts Offer.
TOLEDO, la.. June 16. (Speclal.)-At a
meeting of the board of trustees of West
ern college It was voted to accept the offer
of Major Leander Clark of the Toledo Sav
ings bank to give $50,ono to the college, pro
vided the college would raise an additional
$100,000 before January 1, 1908. Commence
ment exercises were begun Sunday, Rev.
W. T. Jackson of Emmetsburg preaching
the baccalaureate sermon. Many alumni
and friend of the college are present from
a distance.
Child Drink Wood Alcohol.
CRESTON. la.. June lWBpelal.)lBar
rent, the 3-year-old on of Mr. and Mra. A.
C. Carl, came near dying from the effects
of a quantity of wood aloohol that ha
drank. His father runs a cleaning and
dying establishment and the alcohol Is used
in his business. Before he was noticed the
little fellow had the bottle and had drunk
a large portion of It's contents. Antidotes
were promptly administered and though he
Is very Sick it Is thought that hs will re
cover. Murderers Are Snrroonded.
GLASGOW, Mont., June 16 A report has
reached here from Sheriff Conner's party.
In pursuit of escaped murderers near the
Missouri river bad lands, that the officers
are certain they have Hardee and Mr
Kinney surrounded and would capture the
desperadoes In a day or so.
room sleepers, and day coaches, etc. ; Q flfj H Hfl
Cool Northern Route
Signs of Polluted Blood.
There is nothing' go repulsive looking' and disgusting as an old sore.
You worry over it till the brain (grows weary and work with it until the
patience is exhausted, and the rery sight of the old fentering, sickly looking
place makes you irritable, despondent and desperate.
A chronic sore is the very best evidence that yqur blood is in an tinhealthy
and impoverished condition, that your constitution is breaking down unt!er-v
the effects of some serious disorder. The taking of strong medicines, like k
mercury or potash, will sometimes so pollute and vitiate the blood and im- I
pair the general system that the merest scratch or bruise results in obstinate
non-healing sores of the most offensive character.
Often an inherited taint breaks out in frightful eating sores upon the limbs
or face in old age or middle life. Whenever a sore refuses to heal the blood is
always at fault, and, while antiseptic washes, salves, soaps and powders can
do much to keep down the inflammation and cleanse the sore, it will never
heal permanently till the blood itself bag been purified and the deadly genus
and poisons destroyed, and with S. S. S. this can be accomplished the polluted
S. S. S. is both a blood purifier and tonic that puts your blood in order
and at the same time tones up the system and builds up the general health.
If you have a chronic sore write us and our physician will advise you
without charge.
Three Kings, Two Stages, Half-mile Race Track, Scores of
Original Features; One Hundred Phenomenal Arts; 25 Clowns;
20 Hurricane Races; 10,000 Seats; One-Million-Dollar Menagerie
of 50 dens; Drove of Camels; Herds of Elephants.
Twelve In Number. The World's Most Natural Graceful, Daring
and Expert Bicyclists.
Unrivalled Performers; Lumutriiod Features; Astonishing
Acts of Educated Animals; a small army of Active, Jolly Clowns.
The $1,000,000 Menagerie includes the LARGEST HIPPOPOTA
MUS IN CAPTIVITY, and rare and costly beasts and fowls from
everv elime.
THE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT, original with this
show, comprises a score of handsome miniature cages filled with
curious animals, and a drove of 125 Shetland Ponies.
bination of Olorious Street
a Zoological Display. Horse
1:15 AND 7:15 P. M. PROF.
Renowned Soloist Musicians
cert on the Center Stage.
2 AND 8 P. M. All-Feature Performance begins, comprising Mul
titudinous, Overwhelming, Indescribable Gymnic, Acrobatic,
Spectacular, Aerial, Trained Animal, nippodromatic Feats.
Tickets on Sale June 10-30, and July I
Final Return Limit, September 15.
C. A.
blood is punned snd invigorated, and when rich,
pure blood is again circulating freely throughout
the body the flesh around tbe old sore begins to take
on a natural color, the discharge of matter ceases
and the place heals over.
Carnival, Spectacular Street Fair,
Fair and Glittering Pageants
iroof Tents.
r BAND of -
Grand Con- f
to the Immense Waterproof
begins a 45-Minute Grand
4 J 5 i
K il
City Ticket Office T
Rutherford, D. P, A.