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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1903)
10 TITE OMAHA DAILY J1EE. "WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17. 1003. 10 BID FOR TRADE IN IOW A Cexinecial Club Mem'uen Will 8)on Start on Their Excursion- WILL TRAVEL ON BURLINGTON RAILROAD Three Pays Trip, Taking; In Town la Soatheastern Part ol llawkeye State and Some In Mis souri, I rianneil. The Commercial club will choose south eastern Iowa for the ground of Its next trade excursion, traveling over the lines of the Chicago, Burlington ft Qulncy. The matter of this excursion came up at the meeting; yesterday of the executive commit tee, and by motion the work of arousing Interest In the trip was left to the com mittee which was so successful last year In getting together the Jobbers for the excursions through Nebraska. The com mittee consists of Charles T. Kountse. E. B. Bruce, T. C. Byrne, W. M. Burgess and O. D. KIpllnger. The excursion will etart on Thursday, June 25, or on the following Tuesday, as may be found to best suit those wishing to go. Three days will be necessary to cover the ground; Vllllsca, Coming, Creston, Shenandoah, Sydney, Carson and Hamburg, Jn Iowa, and Mound City and Tarklo In Missouri, and Intermediate points to be visited. The excursion aa planned covers the best towns which would have been touched on the Wabash trip, which had been Intended earlier In the season, but was abandoned because of storms. The coun try covered Is In contention between this city and Bt Joseph, and IU towns He only Ave or six miles apart. The club means to strike Immediately Into this part of the atate because the abolition of the bridge toll changes the trade situation. Modern "Wood men Convention. Secretary Utt read telegrams from mem bers of the Modern Woodmen of America at tha head camp of the order at Indian apolis, saying they would work for the selection of this city as the place of holding the next camp If the Commercial club would offer sufficient Inducements. As the Woodmen required 18,000 cash, in addition to entertainment, It was considered Im possible to secure the convention. Robert Dempster's resignation from the committee was accepted and E. E. Howe was selected to fill the vacancy. E. A. Helnrichs and J. A. Sunderland were re ceived aa new members of the club. A committee consisting of Secretary Utt, Frank Carpenter and F. E. Sanborn was selected to draw up resolutions of thanks to- the railways which have granted the abolition of the bridge arbitrary. Communications were read announcing that the National Editorial association had definitely accepted the Invitation of the Uty to hold Its convention here, July 8-11. subscriptions will be asked to meet the ex pense of entertainment. Letters were read from an eastern shoe factory wishing to locate in Omaha and referred to the manu factures committee. The factory has now a capital of (40,000 and wishes to Increase Its stock In thla city (26,000. It now em ploys too hands. NEBRASKANS GO TO ST. LOUIS Exposition Commissioners Will Look Over tha Qronnd asd Conanlt Managers, I The Nebraska Louisiana Purchase Ex position commission, accompanied by the secretary, will go to St Louis, June 25, for tha purpose of deciding upon plans for the Nebraska, exhibit at the fair. At the present time the Ideas of the commission re In rather chaotto condition because the members do not know exactly what is expected of Nebraska by the managers of the exposition, and they cannot tell with out a personal examination of the grounds tn what manner the funds at their disposal can best be expended to do the most good for tha state. There Is also a considerable amount of doubt about these funds. The amount of the state appropriation Is known and It Is also known that this will not permit the commission to make the display which the members feel la due the Importance of Nebraska and the character of Its natural resources In their present state of develop ment. For this reason the commission has already announced Its desire to receive contributions from firms and Individuals who are Interested In the further develop ment of the state. So far the response to this appeal has not been large, but some money has been received In small amounts. It Is the expectation of the members of the commission that the railroads of the state will swell the total contributions by a considerable amount and the managers of some of the roads have been consulted In the matter. While they express a will ingness to contribute to the enterprise none of them has Indicated any certain amount, and It la impossible to make any estimate of what the railroads will con tribute. The commissioners probably will remain In Bt. Louis for several days. When they return they will decide whether Nebraska will have a building on the grounds or will spend its money In making displays In the buildings erected by the fair management. Excursions to Boston June 25 to 27, inclusive; also July 1 to B Inclusive, via Nickel Plate road. Espe cially low rates. Liberal return limits. Particulars at city ticket office, 111 Adams street, and Union ticket office. Auditorium Annex. Chicago. Vary Low Special Excursion nates To Boston, Mass., Saratoga, N. Y., and Chautauqua Lake In June and July. L'b eral terms and atop-over privileges. On and after June 14 the new fast train from Chicago to Buffalo and Intermediate points. 5:15 p. m. dally. For time cards, regular and special rates, ate, send postal card to H. L. Purdy, Trav. Pass. Agent, Erie Railroad. Chicago. 111., or D. M. Bowman, General Western Passenger Agent. Chicago, I1L Visit the art and fancy work parlors at Mount St. Mary's seminary. Fifteenth and Castellar streets, Thursday morning and afternoon and Friday morning. MRS. J. BEMSOM. PARASOLS & SUN UMBRELLAS A cheat riErri.K CHOP On Kale at lleanett'e. ON" WEDNESDAY WE WIM, SELL A CARLOAD OF FLORIDA PINEAPPLES -RICHEST FLAVOR. YELI.OW AS GOLD, ALL IN FI LL REU I. MENTALS THE FINFHT AND MOST LUSCIOUS PINES THE FERTILE EARTH CAN PRODUCE-EACH 7 CENTS. EACH TC. EACH 7C. EACH 7C. THE RIOIIT TIME FOR HOI'S EWIVE9, WITH PRESERVING IN MIND. IS NOW. FLORIDA PINEAPPLES AT BENNETT'S, WEDNESDAY, EACH 7 CENTS. NO DEALERS SUPPLIED. NO DRINKS WHILE ON DUTY Public Works Employes Are Given Irons; Talk by Foreman llnmmrl, The edict against employes drinking while on duty Is being enforced with vigor In the public works department, with the resumption of activity. General Foreman Hummel, In placing the men. Is delivering a short lecture to each something like this: "I want you to thoroughly understand that you must not go Into a saloon while you are on duty. I do not Intend t- have any intoxicated men working on the streets. I expect four hours' continuous work In the morning and four hours in the afternoon snd they must not be Interrupted by trips to saloons. This order must be obeyed or you will lose your Job. What you do while you are not at work Is none of my business, but while you are working for the city you will have to put your work first and Indulgence In personal habits aft erward." This rule has been enforced more or less for a long time, but the lines have never been drawn as tight as they are now. Yesterday twenty-nine laborers and eight teams were attacking an accumulation of nine weeks' dirt and filth on the downtown streets and alleys. The teamsters' strike and the deadlock between the council and the Board ui Public Works have prevented street cleaning for a long time and the thoroughfares are more dirty than they have been for three years. The street sweeping machines were being oiled up yesterday and . being made ready for use In a day or two. On street repairs forty-two laborers and sixteen teams did duty yesterday, filling In washouts and cavelns from the May rains and repairing bridges and culverts. Eight laborers, three pavers and two teams were engaged on tha stone pavements, which are In bad condition In many places. The total force, eighty-seven laborers and twenty six teams, la about the maximum that will be used, as the funds are none too large and an effort to keep within them la to be made. COHiPlCCOCS lit A BALLROOM. Flakes of Dandruff on the Collar and Shoulders of a Gentleman fn Full Dress. This Is the thing you Quite frecn lentlv see In tha ballroom a man's black dress coat literally covered with dandruff. It must bo annoying to the wearer, and certainly not a pleasant thing to observe. But dandruff can be eradicated. It Is a germ disease that will soma day oause baldness. Newbro'a Herplclde kills the hair-destroying germ, and stimulates the hair to a rich, abundant growth; It does more keeps the hair soft and pliant. Furthermore, Herplclde Is a most pleas ant toilet accessory; pleasing of odor, and cooling to the scalp. Send 10 cents In stamps for free sample to The Herplclde Co.. Detroit, Mich. Gantry Brothers' Parade. Gentry Brothers' famous trained animal fhows, which are so well known In this city, will give the customary street parade on the day of exhibition advertised. The street displays of all shows are an index to their resources. Gentry Brothers' proces sional display this season Is said to be a rev elation In that line. The turnout Is the most perfect diminutive one ever seen In this city, and. In fact, the longest and pretti est procession ever given by a tent exhi bition. The shows will exhibit In this city, two performances, afternoon and night, Thursday, June 18. Tents located at Eigh teenth and Douglas. If. B. A. Convention. The Lehigh Valley route to Boston Is through "The 8witserland of America" and via New York. Send 2-cent stamp to Gen eral Passenger Department, Lehigh Valley Railroad, New York, for descriptive book let NOTICE All creditors of Mr. J. H. Rich ard, deceased, will please present their claims to Mrs. J. H. Richard, 1017 Farnam street Omaha, within thirty days from date. Mrs. J. H. Richard. Omaha, June 16, 1903. The Wabash Railroad "In the Good Old Bummer Time" offer many special rates to Boston, Indianapolis, Baltimore, St. Louis, Saratoga, Detroit Atlanta and other points. Call at city office. 1601 Farnam. or address HARRY E. MOORES, O. A. P. U. Omaha, Neb. Partners Have Falling Out. Henry Sachs was arraigned in police court yesterday on a charge of defraud ing his partner, Fred Boye, out of (350. The two have been conducting a brewing business, and according to the statement of Boye, Suchs sold Koye's Interest in the place and left him the sack to hold. To the deputy county attorney Sachs Bhowed two bills of sale where some time ago he purchased half of the business and in July he purchased the other half. Boye said to the same official that he had turned the property over to Sachs to keep his creditors from getting it. Deputy County Attorney Weaver said he would likely drop the cane when It was called for trial. A Good Thing for Mother. If she is tired out, sickly, run down. Electric Bitters will give her new life, or there's no charge. Try them. 50c. For ale by Kuhn Co. Funeral Kottre. All members of Nebraska lodge, No. 1, Knights of Pythias, are requested to attend the funeral of our late Brother Jacob Van pelt, Wednesday afternoon at 2 p. m.. from his late resilience. UM North Eighteenth Street. W. W. SLAB A UGH. C. C. JOHN W. FYFE, K. of R. & S. In all the latest and most popular styles. Especially pretty styles in black and white with black embroidery and plaids. Silk batiste with colored linings, black and solid colors. Handsome black umbrellas with white polka dot borders, plain or colored borders colored silk umbrellas, from $1.50 up. Three yard patterns of linen and linen batiste for shirt waists, stamped in a va riety of patterns stamped skirts to match. Colored linens for shirt waists. MllumiMLiJi.wyL.iti in .. ui..!,. li hi iiiinimi, i, u j.npjeqggaigv nmX 6,000 PAIRS MEN'S AND WOMEN'S REAL WELT ANO TURN SOLE SHOES ON SALE TODAY This sale represents only the highest grades and newest styles of Shoes and Ox fords every pair is a sensational bargain. Included in these lots on sale are beautiful Louis beel patent coltskln shoes, superb Colonials, fancy button Oxfords, swell cloth top high sboes, etc., In fact, everything that's new and up-to-date. Trices will be marked in plain figures above each lot, and every price is 'way below the regular value of the Shoe or Ox ford we put in the sale. Bargain Sale of All on. Bargain Counter j Bsamawaanss A superD line of drummers' sample Jewelry goes on sale today at the greatest bargain ever offered for such pretty novelties. There are BROOCH ES. STICK PINS, CUFF BUTTONS, HAT PINS, MEN'S FOBS, NECK CHAINS WITH FANCT LOCKETS. JBiiiyr fins, LACE PINS, etc There are many worth as high as 11.50 each. Today at Embroidery Special Very fine Embroideries, In me dium and narrow widths, worth up to 36o a yard, on bargain square at I5c, 10c, 5c, 2k Remarkable Picture Bargains Our Picture Department Third Fleor. Colored Pictures neatly framed IOo Dainty Black Frame, black mat with scarlet lining, latest creation.. 2 9e Imported Fac Simile Water Colors ll-in gilt frame, plenty subjects 35c The Young flother 8x18 prettily framed in gilt moulding, with colored mats very attractive ; 49c Cupid Asleep and Awake Handsomely framed in oval brown frames, nicely ornamented 20 other subjects to select from. 89c 1C. Prnbti JScna L 'Prist! & putts gggg22S&BS8&SES - &S3 GRADUATION GIFTS A glance through our store offers many suggestions to parents and friends for the remembrance so appropriate at commencement time. Ouj watches, rings and brooches should Interest those very near to the young graduates. Their good friends will also find many acceptable articles In our stock. , . Our prices are as low aa is consistent w 1th good quality, anil we are always anx ious to please you. v , MAWHINNEY & RYAN CO., EWKLERS AND ART STATIONERS. 1 5th and Douglas Ste., ONIAH A I ft? TholatDct T ZSyn IIIV LUlVtlUBj LADIES Call at Colletre. i loea 7, Pmios Mock 1 -.!.,... I h..-.I-i ss UU .cob no 111.3. t l a by taking One Lesson Free I torner loin anu r arnam i ------------H Corner 1 6th and Farnam WOODEN SIDEWALKS PROPOSED Proposition to Lay Them 1b Districts Where Permanent Grade Is Not Established. Along with the proposal to make ar rangements so that macadam paving can be put down In the outer residence dis tricts comes the proposition to authorise wooden sidewalks In the same localities. One or two of the counctlmen are said to like the Idea, while at least one member of the Board of Public Works is In Its favor. Wooden walks are' known as temporary J sidewalks in the public works department ! parlance. Permanent walks cannot be laid i unless the street has been graded to tne established regulation, Inasmuch as the abutting property cannot be taxed for walks laid under other circumstances. Sev eral years ago wooden walks were discour aged and the letting of contracts for them ceased, as It was believed they resulted In many damage suits. It Is said, however, that many streets will not be graded for years, aa the property owners cannot be Induced to sign the requisite petitions. In this case they must do without permanent walks, and If the present policy Is main tained must go without walks of any kind. The macadam talk has not died down, though the brick and asphalt contractors are fighting It vigorously. Chamberlain's Btomach and l-lrer Tablets Better Than Pills. .- .1 V. - h.,n In h,t aV are Chamberlain's Stomach and LlvexJ Tablets superior id pm.i v"' They are easier and more pleasant to take, more gentle and mild in their action and more reliable, aa they can always be depended upon. Then they cleanse and In vlgoiate the stomach and leave the bowels In u natural condition, while pills are more harsh in effect and their use Is often fol lowed by constipation. w Bates to Boston and Return la Jan and July Via the I-uWe Shore A Michigan Southern railway. Tickets will be sold June 2f, 24 and 27, extreme return limit August 1, and on July 1, 2. 3. and 6. extreme return limit September 1. Stop-overs allowed at Ni araga Falls and Chautauqua; also at New York on tickets via that route. Full in formation, with rates via variable routes, will be promptly furnished on application to M. B. QUes, T. P. A., Chicago, or to C. F. Daly, chief A. Q. P. A., Chicago. Street Railway i"T Cheeks. Postoffice. telephone, packing house, rail way and all other pay checks are cashed at our bank. Accounts opened for II c-t more, and 4 per cent Interest paid. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, Bankers. Under government supervision. The family of Mr. J. II. Richard beg to extend thanks to the many friends who so kindly assisted them during the sickness and funeral of their beloved husband, son and brother. I Th.biiLii.R Wreck Sale Shoes in Btsem't The entire shoe depart ment ON SECOND FLOOR now presents one immense bargnin counter, reaching from the front clear to the rear. 1.59 RE6ULAR VALUE UP TO FIVE DOLLARS A PAIR .98 2.50 AND 3.00 One lot of Child's Sample Shoes made Moloney Bros. go at l.OO a pair Sample Jewelry PEARL, NECKLACES, BRACELETS. 25c-15c-10c Veiling Special All silk Chiffon and also Net Veilings worth up to 35c a yard on bargain square at Liberty Silk, 12c - S2 - & - B - EKBC - BE!Si CEE3BBECQ Regent 205 South Fifteenth Street. "pHE shoe for standin. A MAN'S SHOE TS severely tested by those wh0 . Jk stand oiiinoD QHOES pass this test they firm w ly support the feet while ON A MAN 'J'HEY help you stand. S250 and S350 M w oi Teem Gold Crowns from S2.8S Work done This. Offer r-s.m'' Good Until , diary fetor . -r-k msterisi June 20. to Increase our clinic, we want woman and child to have their j leein ciaminru uy inw i-ru- f i-Kxors. V ork guaranteed iu years IncoriMirated under Btate I .aw. F llilng truce ... .. 2Sc Testb EitracUd FREE Aluminum Plates frem $. Bridge work from 2.SS UNION DENTIL COLLEGE OF PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Ml Dosfltt. - Opes JUy tin . Ssadayt to 4. No Garment Toa Heavy or too fine for dry cleaning It removes all dirt, trreaoe and germs and makes them lx)k like new. They will wear longer and look better. Our customers claim they ave money by palronlilng us, say nothing ot the Improvement in their personal appearance. GET OUR PRICES. THE PAflTORIUM OMAHA. 15th St. 407 So Tel. 0G3 Herchantj Rational Ban! OF OMAHA FatoJ n0MJ HU Mni-aa had fliautfa' UHITBD STATUS BHHtTOHV. KrMk Mankl. im B K ul Iter (- L-w I.Htk-r Im- afcur V T tlt:lr. ( tM.-, I mm WoV vJ3T-sxr FREE In order every man. SCIIHCLLER MUELLER 1313 FARNAM STREET. THE PIANO WORLD STARTLED. PIANO buyers are discovering' that this trreat sale like all others we inaugurate Is bona fide. They nre realizing that the twelve car loads we are now offering at almoKt half price contain bargains they can't get elsewhere under any circumstances. Twelve carloads of elegant, new, standard 1!X)3 pianos of many famous makes In many styles finished in many beautiful genuine woods. Every one posi tively guaranteed. Some are in the new dull finish shown exclu sively by ourselves. All are on very easy payments. Choose from the following Shipment Steinway & Sons, Steger & Sons. Em erson, Mason & Hamlin, Vose & Sons, A. B. Chase, liardmai, Stan dard, Geo. Steck & Co.. Sctiaeffer. Gram r, Erbe & Co., Martin Bros., Weser Brjs., Harrington & Co., Madelon. New Piano Made II Mrtm to Sell for II 600 $360 $550 $330 $500. $300 $450 $270 $400...... $240 $375 $225 $350 $210 The finest tuning and repairing at the most reasonable rates. Pianola coucerts given every Friday from 3 to 4 p. m. Tickets free at office. Many bargains in slightly used upright fully repaired In our own factory. TELEPHONES. Council Bluffs Hi mans 1625 i IOWA BRANCH: 502 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Outing togs' innings. The new "MacCarthy" Norfolk suit Two-piece Flannel suits extra trous ers of Homespun, Flannel, Duck, Linen Seersucker and Crash. The weather says It's more comfortable to have all three. Dame Fashion says you must have . 'em for outing wear. Common sense tells you to get 'em made here. $25 to $50 for suit $6 to $15 fur trousers. We were in the Bee Bldg. we are now at 3M 300 So. Kith St., 2 doors south of Fa rna in. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, vow located at J04-J0 S lath St. Next Door to Wabash Ticket Office. Phone 1808, OUR 100-PAGE DRUG CATALOGUE Can now be found In nearly every home In Nebraska. Iowa, Mliwourt, Wyoming and the Dakota. There are still a few families who have never been on our mail ing list. We shall be glad to send this catalogue FREE FOR THE ASKINO It contains about 10,000 drug Items at cut prices. SOME SAMPLE CATALOGUE PRICES. l(iO Z-graln Pure Quinine Pills, for 26o By mall SOc fl.tio Klker-Hoff Consumption Cure for..7bo Hy mail Sue $1.00 White Blbbon IJquor Cure for 76c By mall V-c Above le-nedy prepaid anywhere In United States at 25 per doien. Goods shipped ume day order Is received. 50c Pink ol Perfection for 4oo; by mall.. 45c 11.00 C'hryMtal Tonic for 7Fc $1 do Le Miracle Hair Remover for 7Sc By mail "ic 25c Gren s August Flower, for !ic 1 ("4 Baker's Barley Malt Whiskey for.TRc (This is the tmrest and bent mnlt whiskey 3.5u Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe. .t. IS By mall 2 ( Ullian Russel Cigars for 25c We are cut price cigar dealers too. Colgate's Pansy Bloxaom Extract, we wll Kc (We also sell Perfumes at cut prices). 11.00 Jackson's Bed Bug Powder, kills every buc, every time, we sell 75c J pound Mixed Bird Seed, we sell 4e 11.00 Kilmer s Bwamp-Koot for Ho 3fc Mennen's Talcum Powder for 11c &i.c Syrup of Fig, (genuine) for 84c II 00 Wine Cardul for $1.00 IJsterlne for n 11 (0 Newbro's Herplclde for 74c Write tor WO-page. catalogue. Sherman & McGonnel! Drug Go Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Corner 16th and Dodge Its., Omaha. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Writ fo Saa-vla Cey. . Ill IN I GREAT 40e Wash Goods fop ISc. Marnams Iced Striped Organdies, light ? rounds with assorted colored stripes, nncy colored Batiste with sntln stripes. Mercerized Olnshamn snd Oxford CP Waist Wigs, all going at IOW 8e Wash Oooda fop la l-2e Mercerised Striped Organdies. In light anfl ciark coloring, Imported Madras, corded Batiste, light grounds with asuorted col ored cords, and emlroldered Swiss Mus lins In assorted colors, all ULr going at I-SJW a Mash Goods fop l-2e. Chambray Ginghams, assorted, plain colors, r rencn printeu Mils. inn, assorted colors. In stripes and figures, and black Qlr India Linen, all going at OJt 19 1-SSo Wash Roods fop tVc, Irish Dimities, Scotch Lawns. French Mus lins, French Batiste, standard prints. In silver grays and dark blues, and yard wide Percales, all going 5c Me I'adepweap fop IBe. Gents' medium weight Jersey Ribbed Un dershirts and children's White Jersey . Rlbber Undervests and Pants. 1 e all going at IOC 13 l-8e Tarklsh Towels fop H l. Extra heavy Double Warp Cream Turkish Towels, slse 20x42. worth UVic, . Great Muslin The sensational selling of muslin under wear will delight every woman. The new ness, style, finish and general air of daintl. ness of every garment will prove as at tractive as the low prices. Our big purchasing and enormous snles ensble us to make prices for Wednesday fully one-third to one-half the usual quota tions. Bankrupt From the two big factories In Lynn and Brockton. Mass., bought at FORTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. ON SALIC NOW In our two big shoe departments. Shoe values like these have never been offered before. Women's Oxfords, worth up to $2.60 arid $3.00; two prices, 8o and 49o. G3 Smoke Omaha's Finest Sc Ciffar-the ! y TRADITSTTPPEIED W BOTTIX qCoBEER j M The only beer made from uure. sparkling soring water care- t-Hfsl fully brewed thoroughly aged finest Quality private brand. DaUTr4 to soy part at Omaha. Order a case from ICTTFB nDPWIMf; m Ci3 j a a a 0NUIU Trlephosc IS4I ' rv LEE MICHKLL. whoKult WE CAN If you are looking for a new sewing machine have the beet the market affords, such as WHITE, NEW HOME. DOMESTIC, STANDARD, HOUSEHOLD a-id others. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. Full line of supplies and facilities for repairing In first class order and on short notice. ' P. E. FLODMAN & CO., 'Phone 1574. Going: on a If you are. you you need. Also 4 ALBERT EDHOLM, JEWELER. I 107 NORTH I SOLID SILVERWARE JUNE WEDDINGS call for appropriate gifts. Nothing Is more sensible than SUBSTANTIAL SOLID SILVER TABLE WARE. We sell the leading makes: Gorham, Whiting, Reed & Barton, etc., at surprisingly reasonable prices. , Our line of cut glass Is the finest of make: Hawkes. When you think of buying a DIAMOND, It will pay you to take a look at tha particularly tine ones we are showing. DIAMONDS AND WEDDINO RINGS are our hobby. OPPOSITE THE POSTOmCE. Bringing Them Out That's what these warm days are doing with the led bugs and roaches. Every body who DON T USE SUKE DEATH are BoTHEHiCD TO DEATH with Ihms, but everybody who DuKH L'hK SI'Hr: DEATH are laughing at the troubl.-M they Ued to have. 81'RE DEATH comes In four sixes plnt-c, Ijc; quarts, 25c; hulf gallons, btc: g.ll-n. 9-ir. A pint oil can with a lung Hlx.ul free with half gallons or gallons, and &c extra with pints or quarts. REMEMBER, we deliver anything we sell, any plare In the city, from 7 a. m. t ID p. m. EVERY DAY, without extra rharge. We call for, nil ami return pre scriptions snd save you, nut 4o per cent, but more on some, end less on others. All drugglvts don't charge the same price lor prescriptions, you know, or at Inant you will learn If you'll give us a change to show you. our store Is ALWAYS OPEN. SK'K PEOPLE NEED MKIilf'l N E WHEN 111EY ARE SICK. NUT NEXT DAY. Save money by trading at SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DkUQ STORE Tw 'Hkonvs T4T ad 71T. ltk aa Chlcac Streets, Omaha. M My IMI. HKk.IAUt.t-. S I OH. 19 l-2e l inen Toweling fop 8 1-Sk. Extra fine Vnbleached Toweling, guaran teed pure linen, is Inches wide, Hlr worth 12Vc yard, at ' BOe llaekabark Towels for SBc. 6i Hemstitched Pure Linen Huckaback tabnek orn fv 2acj Towels, slxe 22x46, nothing better or market at Oc, for one day O at . " arte Table Llaea fop Sc. Oo Bleached Table Damask, guaranteed all pure linen, U Inches, wide, 1Q" at, yard OVW OOa Sheets fop 4Bc. Oo quality Bleached Seamless Sheets, size KlxJO; torn, not cut; 45C So "heeling fop 19 l-2e. Soft Finish Bleached Sheeting, 2V4 yards wide, 25o value, hl - at. yard lVjw IOo Cases T l-4a. IOo Pleached Pillow Cases, slse ey i 42x3, at 1 w ana White Goods lOe. One big table Indian Linens, Lawns, Dot Swiss, Leno Stripes, Satin and Mercer ised Stripes, In long mill ends, 1 fir st, yard ,v'fc ia l-lio Lonsdale Cambric B T-Ke. 12Hc Lonsdale Cambria, in long fVr mill ends, at, yard Js' Underwear Sale Chemise, Corset Covers, Gown. Drawers, etc., etc., all on special sale. SPECIAL HOUR SALE FROM 10 TO U A. M. 800 dozen ladles' under muslins, ehemtses, gowns, drawers and corset oovers, worth up to $1.00, on sale at 28c. Shoe Sale Women's Oxfords, $1.98. $1.4 and 11.35; all kinds, all leathers. Men's Oxfords, worth up to 13.(0, at tl.94. Child's Slippers, 79o and 69c, worth up to $1.25. Boys' and youths' Satin Calf, worth up to $1.50, at 9So. Men's Slippers, worth $1.00, at 40. o; o AT DEALERS AND Stoccker Stores Largest cigar tkI pipe dealer in Omaha 1404 DoMfVlaa and 221 S. loth 1 A ' x1 Council Bluffs or South Obu-a. tik, ty mi r. SOUTH OMAHA TOcpkou $ dealer, COUNCIL BLUFFS Teleshoat In SUIT YOU 1514 Capitol Ave Vacation? had better see us about that trunk remember that we are selling our i-Ta if suit cases and grips at 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT. If you get one you'll get a bargain. REPAIRING DUKE. TEL.. 1CIBS. IAIW TRttVKEACTORY- rK, 16th STREET. They Graduate This Week We have an elegant line of Novelties suitable Watches, Rings. Fobs, Brooches. Belt Pins, Toilet Beta. Cuff Links, glgnet Rings and Signet Bracelets, and many hand some pieces we will be glad to xhow you. Brown & Borshelra JEWELER8 AND WATCH MAKERS. 222 South 16th Street