Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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"I Would Have Been in My Grave Long Ago
Had it Not Been For
(Tills Is tht cloning sentence of a thankful
nd grateful letter of testimony written by
trr. P. Hoffman of Kylertown, Pa. A com
ilratlon of liver trouble, kidney disease
and stomach neuralgia resisted thn bent
treatment of an able and experienced fam
ily physician. When all seemed dark and
gloomy a kind Providence, directed an
anxious husband to have Ma wife make
use of the medicine that saves even at the
eleventh hour. Pal ne'e 'Celery Compound
gloriously triumphed; It removed want
and poisonous matters from the blood,
toned a very organ and nourished the weak
ened system. Mrs. Hoffman says:
'Tor about four years I suffered from
liver and kidney troubles and neuralgia of
the stomach. My doctor could do nothing
for me. My husband read about
Palna's Celery Compound and bought some
for me. After using one-half bottle I was
able to be out Of bed. I used two bottles
and can now do my own housework.
Palne'a Celery Compound Is the best medi
cine In the world and I recommend It to
Peoria fli'u Milton Hard and Often and
Fiaj Good Fielding Game.
Peetle Pitcher Thea steadies Dowa
ad Data Geo Werk, lint the
name Was Already
PEORIA, 111., June 15 (Special T1e-
irrsm.) Peoria had On Its batting clothes
today and found Milton's curves with the
greatest of rrgpilnrlty. On the other hand,
Olmstead pitched a superb game, which,
with the perfect support he wss given, tells
the tale ot th game. The visitors did not
Oommiitfaner TJtt of Commercial Club Talk
, on Iti Effect.
Omaha firms Will Get lata Wider
RipaaM at Territory Beeavaee
".they. Are Mara Aceee -slble.
"The elimination f the bridge tolls.
whloh went Into effect yesterday, making
the same rates as Council Bluffs from
Omaha to points In Iowa, has a manifold
advantage to Omaha shippers," said Secre
tary Utt of the Commercial club. "In the
' first place, the new rates are simply an
act of justice to this city, and this recognl
tlon shows the roads are dealing fairly
with us. The total charges have been an
eyesore to our shippers ever since the first
bridge Was built and have been a source
' of continual contention. '
"The new rates will permit Omaha Job'
' bers to cover twice the territory that they
had before their removal. The probable
saving to shippers, based on the present
A'olunie of business, will ba $60,000 a year.
and with the Increase In business the
benefits wilt be proportionate. In making
uhlpmenls ' quick service ' Is ' equally Im
portant with lew rates. The difficulty has
Xbeen that shipments have been delayed
because cars are loaded for .distribution
on different divisions on tha line In Iowa,
and the volume of shipments, being small.
, In many Instances shipments were detained
twenty-four hours In , Council Bluffs for
consolidation with car from that point.
' Railways do not . Ilka to haul looal oars
that contain less than 13,000 pounds freight,
' and when It Is Ies the freight Is held
, until there Is safflclent to make ft full dis
tributing carload.. . Another reason why the
I "volume of business Will Increase from
Omaha Js &h'a( the, 6maa jobbers pay I
,' cents per 100 pounds to haul to Omaha
depots who have paid I cents per 100 pounds
'', to Council Bluffs depots In order to get
quick servloa.1 Under IBs present arrange
. ment they will save 1 cent ft 100 pounds
ri In transfer charges ' and cents per 100
pounds on the bridge tolls, so that what
formerly cost tnem oents win now oniy
cost tham i rente, and tha savins will be
cents jr. ion pounds. . .
"As a matter ot fact, tha Omaha jobber
': did not directly pay tha S-cent bridge toll.
' ; because the retail dealer ' in Iowa pays the
freight, but indirectly Omaha jobbers will
. be Teneniea py me removal or me tons.
which nave been a constant source ot an
( neyanoa . both In the-selling of goods and
adjuatlnt email claims. For example, an
, Implement dealer of this city paid last
year $660 In making small allowances
against Implement dealers In Council Bluffs.
It must be Considered that the In-rates to
Blou City, Council Bluff and Omaha are
tha same) therefore- the selling price of
goods s about the same, and on groceries
hardware and Implements t cents per 100
pounds is frequently all the praflt there la
In the business. Omaha has never con
tended for any advantage as against any
other city, but has asked equality, and the
basis of Its complaint has been that as
CAMh'oh. muffs and Html CtV had the unu
( ln-ratea and the same out-rates as Omaha
to points in Nenraeaai umane snoum be
en the earn basis of equality with them
aU sufferers. Had It not been for Palne's I ut nn thals uanst fast Apldlne- same and
Celery compound I would nave Been. in my 1 several bad Plays were made. Bhugart was
grave long ago." - ' I the chief offender and three ot the home
team's runs In the first and second Inning
were due to his work. He was taken out
of the Kama and Gentns came In to second,
Thomas going to the outfield. After the
week and .will he In -good Shape for work
after several days' rrwt. . . .
iay President Shonld Kot Have
Seat Trareps . to taell
Art son Riot.
DENVER, June IB. In a set of resolu
tions adopted by tha executive committee I amateur, who is holding down right gar-
6t tha Western Federation of Miners, Preel
dent Roosevelt Is severely taken to task
for ordering federal troops to quell the dls
turbances at Morenri, Arts.
The resolutions charge that as a member
of tha Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen,
tha president by" bis action, - ub "been
guilty of treason to the principles of or
ganised labor.
to points In Iowa,"'
Don't miss tha sensational balloon race at
Courtland Beach daily.
that he did exceptionally well. In the
sixth after one had scored, there were two
on bases and none out. It looked as though
at least a couple of scores were certain,
but Stewart hit an May fly and Tlbald and
Birmingham fanned. Welch, tha Omaha
Ouy Held. Humboldt s rrnrk base ball
ratohrr, Is home Klti and will piny the
rest or the season with th loral lum, Boding-
considerable strength, tiny has been
pl Ing during the first part of the xeason
in the Missouri Valley league; bring as
signed to the Sedalla, Mo., team.
Plaak Pitches Phillies to Irtorr
Over Team from t.
Lea la.
PHILADELPHIA, June 15-Plank pitched
the champions to victory over 8t. l,oiils
tnday. Only one of the visitors' two
triples resulted In a run. and that was due
to a dropped thrown ball by Davis. Dona
hue made his appearance here After a
year's absence. He pitched a good game.
Attendance, 3,W4. Score:
T. Lovis
R.H.O.A E.
off and the game was Interesting only
he horse race standpoint, errors tieliia the
mer feature on noth sines, wn hcr started
to rltch for Atlantic and was followed bv
arrott and Albertson. while t use opened
o- Shennno'oRh nrd was followed bv Town-
send and Hobbs. The six twiners were all
ft and were ineffective. The score wns as
ollnws: Kuns: Hhetiandonh, 9; Atlantic,
Hits: Shenandoah. 7: Atlantic, 4. aUruck
ut: By Fhei andoah, 7; by Atlantic. 6.
rrors: I?y Pheimmluah. ; bv Atlantic, 9
mplre: Lgw. Attendance, 200.
R.H.O.A. C.I
Hartial. If... 0 t Hemphill, rf 0 0 I 0
rtrkarln. tit 1 I I, lb . I tilt
ItH, lb.... 1 It 1 Aad.rann, lbll I 1 I
L Croat, lb. t t I I b rturkett, If . 0 I 1 0 0
S.ybold, rf. . 0 1 I t oWallar. w. . 1 1 4 I t
Murphy. 2b.. t 0 I 1 liKihix, c... 0 0 t 0 I
M. Cross, aa. 1 1 1 1 H.trtrlrk, rf . 0 1 1 0 1, .... t I I I MrCor'k, lb. 0 0 1 1 0
Plank, p t I t I .O.Donobue. p.. 0 0 0 1 8
Total. ..I I IT it 11 -Totals '.. 1 III t I
Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0.1 0 0 i
bi. louls
.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1
den. Is playing an exceptionally fast game
and he looks to be the find of the season.
His two-bagger today does not give him
the credit really due him, for each time up
but one he hit drives to the outfield that
were only stopped by fast playing of the
guardians of that territory.
Manager Wilson today released Pitcher
Wolf, the Philadelphia American recruit.
Tha resolutions aDDeai to the toilers of h Joined the team at Omaha last month.
the nation "to array themselves on tha po-l Attendance, 650. The score:
UUcal battleground In 1904 and see the PEORIA.
franchise ot citizenship to overthrow, at I AB. R. IB. PO. A. E,
tha ballot box, a system that demands forlTJ.1! e'- "
Its maintenance and perpetuation the murxte, rf'.'.".".!'.
oerous implements or barnarism." 1 ptewart,
Tin A 1(1, 30
BlrmlnKham. lb
Wall, cf
Holly, ss
Olmstead, p
Bride, Murder . gaspeot aad . fader-
taker's Visitor All Ttra
f Life.
Carter, If...
32 S 11 27 IS
4 0
B 0
2 0
4 0
Wright, lb 4 0
Do Ian, sa 3 o
Oenins, 2b 8 0
Mickey. 3b 2 O'
Gondlng, c 4. 3 0
Milton, p 3 v
A. K.
0 0
KEW ORLEANS, June l.-Wlthln an "I'Ji- "J"
nour or me rime set xor ner marnaga to- I Welch, rf..
day Miss Hattla A. Thomas committed
suiciae ey taking- laudanum. Bha-Ieft a
note asking her family to pray for her,
DAYTON, June 15. Frank Klefer, a mem
ber of one of Dayton's leading families,
stepped Into an undertaker's office and shot
himself in tha right temnla. Ha will nroh- I Peoria
ably die. Reed Klefer, a son, committed I Omaha
suicide several years ago.
LA CROSSE, Wis., June IE. William E. I Sacrifice hits: Lasotte (2). Stewart. Stolen
Tlnnetts. rhartre with ih. ,,.. f t.. I bases: Latotte (2). Thiel. Wilson, r lrst
H. Sharks, about six weeks ago and rs-
Two-bas hits: M. Cross. Plank (2). Sey-
bold i(2). Three-base hits: Wallace. Held-
rics. sacrifice hlK Murphy. Stolen base:
Ilartxel. Double plays; Wallace to Pad
den (21. Ift on bases: St. IajuIs, 2: Phila
delphia, 6. Fim base on balla: Off Dona-
ue, 1. Hit bv nltched ball: Fadden.
Struck out: By Donahue, 4; by Plank, .
lme: 1:38. Umpire: Carruthers.
Error Aids Washington.
WASHINHTOlsr. Juna t Put ten nroved
better than Mullln in the box today and
wasnington won a close aame from Le-
trolt. A costly error, followed by a long
fly and a single, gave Washington the
necessary scores. Attendance, 1.80H. Score:
R.H.O.A.E I R.H.O.A.E.
Mnran, M...S t I ttrnmiU et... 0 0 1 t t
Selbach, It.. I 1 1 t OiLukh. 0 1 I 1 t
Ryn. cf t 1 I 0 AOrawrord, It. 0 1 1 t
Detohsntjr, rf t I I t pXIrr, lb t t 7 I 0
Coughlln, Ik 0 II I OOooler, rf... 8 0 4 0 0
Clark, lk... t 1 t 1 U Smith, lb.... l t I 1
Robloion, lb 0 1 I I IrC'ourttinjr, . t 1 I I
Drill, e 0 1 J I 0 MKlMlre, c.i 0 1 4 I
PkUcn, p.... t t t 1 O'Mullen, p....t t 4 I
'lMcAMIktor .tOtt
Totals ..I inn 1
I. Totkll ,.1 4 14 II I
x Bat ted for Oessler.
Washington ..........0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 I
Detroit 0 I D 0 0 0 0 0 01
Stolen bases: Coimhlln. Clarke, Drill.
Barrett. Smith. Sacrifice hit: Crawford
First base on balls: Off Pattert, 3; off
Mullen, 8. Struck out: F.y Patten, 5; by
Mullen. 4. Left on bases: Washington, b
Detroit, 4. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Sheridan,
Postponed Games.
At Boston Boston-Cleveland came: on
account of rain.
At Chicago Chicago-New York game, 00
account ot wet grounds.
Ataerleaa Leagao Standing;,
3 1
0 0
V.ttmt mm PenHu 1 Two-base hltS
Welch, Dolan. Three-bsse hits: Olmstead,
0 4
0 0
0 0 0
1 0
0 0
7 S
0 -8
0 0-0
leased on 16,000 bond, laat night killed him
self with a shotgun.
Popular Clamor Is rolnar tha rounds fnr
Ihe famous Extra Dry Champagne. Cook's
imperial. Try It! You will like It
Chaste; ait fcoldlers Homo.
PIERRE, 8. D.. June 16. (Special Tela.
hnae nn 111- Oft hlmntead. 1: off Milton
I. Hit by pitched ball: By Milton. 1. Struck
nut- Bv r mat end. 4: nv Milton. 4. doudis
plays: Holly to Birmingham; Dolan to
Oenins to Wright: Dolan to Wright Time;
1:30. umpire: neuy.
F.rrors Decide Coatest
irANftAR city Juna is. Denver's errors
gave Kansaa City many runs today. van
sas City played a good, steady game. .At'
tannine. Son. Score:
Kansas City ..0 I 1 4 I 0 0 -12 14
Denver 2 OO0S000O 6 11
Batteries: Kansas City, Cable and Ul
gam.) Hon. T. M. Qoddard,' the nw com
mahdant at the Soldiers' home, left with
his family for Hot Springs today and Willi rick: Denver, Barber, Bosler, Schlel and
taica cnarge oi the affairs at the horns I Lawmen
July 1. . Bgrlas Art Skat Oat.
asM vAflffintt - 1 . 4M1.M OnrL sra
Excellent bathlnsr, boating and fishing at -."i-.V.Vl iU7iii h Sada";
urarunaj)Men., - - - I work In the box. Score: . .. .
L ' " I . R.H.E
Batteries: St. Joseph, Glade and McCon-
nelli Colorado springs, jonea ana Loran.
gevea Hans In One Wla Oam.
Badcer Girl, OA Last, Distances I
Field and Captarea Potlto
Colorado Springe
Kansaa City
Megrro Slays Antl-Polley Mast, and Is
Westrlr Ly acked by Hew
. ' Yorkers.'. v
NEW TORK, Junt 15.-Chirles r. Mo
Fsrland of the anti-policy toclety wst shot
and killed today on (he general sessions
floor of the criminal court building by Wil-
. liam BpsnfceV, a, negro, Who was to" bare
been placed n trial today on a charge of
violating tha antl-pollcy law. A detective
. Who witnessed the shooting knocked the
revolver from Bpenoer'a hand and placed
him under arrest.
' After the shooting the crowds In the
court room flocked Into the corridors and
the greatest excitement prevailed. A crowd
of man uttering cries of "Lynch him" and
"Throw him over the balcony" . attempted
to take the prisoner from the detective.
It required a strong force of police to
save btm and to dispense the .tfrowd.
Spenser Bred four shots,, three of .which
took effect In McKarland's body and the
fourth hit Phillip E.' Bray, a member ot
the Anti-Policy society; Inflicting a slight
wound In the arm. ,
MoFarlaad was sdpermtentlant of the
Anti-Policy society. Tt negro . tola the
police that McFarland had been telling lies
about him. ,
The case waa taken before the grand
Jury and In lees) than two hours after the
murder the negro bad been Indicted.
CHICAGO. Juna 1.1 J T. Rio,
Badger Girl, an added starter, backed from Milwaukee
ju x uuwu iu i ig i ai pose lime, won the I Mninea
Petite Btakes at Harlem today. Off last she
BTaouaiiy wore aown ner neia ana at the
end ran over everything, finishing three
lengths ahead of Determination. iih
.memories mira. itesuits:
First race, five furlongs: ' Foresight won.
riwAuuii vevunu; jieuuiier inira. ' rime
Second race, six- fnrlnne-at Varflnn..
won, Floral Wreath second, Marlln third. Peoria
lime: ixi. ... Dener
'1 hlrfl race, fmie lid a ttie I . . . . . i
. - - -r - . . vj. iuiii,, i ii v I i'(5a JWUi lira
reun suiaes: naager uiri won. Determi
nation second. Memories third.- Time!
Fourth race, steeplechase, short course:
Golden Lihk won, Duke of York second, M.
vjiuiiuun imru. Aimei 9:3'.
Fifth rare, one mlla .anil a fc.
Hargls won, tJlassful second. Thane third!
Time: 1:40.
Sixth race, one mile! Allcs DmiB-hsrf
won, Annie Thompson second, Omdurman
iiuru. lime: i:u.
ST. LOU18. June II Results:
r li-si race,. lour ana a nan furlonva
MTt.WATTWtr.R June IS. Milwaukee won
today's game Irom ues Moines oy scoring
seven runs in tne nrsu Jiiianuaaico, sew
Score: . . .
.. 7 1 0 1 0 0 0 "Ml U
.. 010110600-41 II. 1
Fta.trlea: Milwaukee. Swormstedt Mc
Pherson and Lucia; Des Moines, Cushman
and Foiu.
Standing; of tke Teams.
St. Joseph
.... 3
.... 84
.... 37
.... S7
.... 34
.... S3
Lost PC.
13 .700
1 .038
16 .656
18 .471
80 ,i3
22 .4u6
20 .413
, 21 .304
No games scheduled for today.
ClneUaatl Takes One Altkoagk
. Loots Makes Flacky Fight
In Ninth.
CINCINNATI. Juna 1R Cincinnati da
tested Bt. Louis today, though the visitors
made a game bid in the ninth, when Kwlrtg
went up in tne air entirety, a ner two
bases on balls Hackett went out on a fly!
Anne Davis won. Wreath of Ivy second.
Liberty Bell third. Time: 0 6BH.
. second race, six furlongs: Vestry won.
mvwn. Beconu, r laen 01 IIgni Ultra.
Time: 1:164.
Third race a ftielnvta .,....., I , 1 ' XT 1 1 1 1, . ., 1 . . .infflul t n 1-f, An.
won, Arnold K second. Atlas third, Time: Ing the bags, and Kwing gave a pass to
i-". Williams, torcing in a run. rat uonovsn
Fourth race, six furlongs, handicap: Scor- was too anxious and struck out Smoot
plo won, Frank Bell second, Louis Wagner singled to left, scoring two more, but
third. Time. 1:14. brain Was not equal to the occasion and
Fifth race, one mile and an eighth,- sail- went out. Farrell was put oft the grounds
rng: lne wizara won. Kiuy Clyde second, tor aDusing umpire Hoiuaay. Attendance
Sixth race, one. mile, and a sixteenth: I CINCINNATI. 1 ST. LOUIS.
tnanes Mamsey won, Lenja seconds Joele I R.H.O.A. . R.H.O.A.'
r tnira. lime: i:. I nontln, rf... t til rrtrraii, it., t 1 t I
P.KW xOKJv, June 15. Results: I H.ymour, if. 1 I I I V Wllllamk, lb t t
First race, about six furlonva. aelllnv I Klly. If... t lit DonoTaa. rt. 1
'S HrMD "econd; Ro"Und' ib I ! J 4 :::;t !
rr;.t,alHIn.- -n...- I Mafoon, lb., t 1 ? 0 M ONell. It 0 1
Spend your day's outing at beautiful Lakt
M ana we. ,
Cavalry Tro ae Iate Cass a.
PIERRE. S. D.. June 16. (Bpeolal Tele
gram.) Troop O leaves In the morning for
the encampment ground a Lakt Kam
peska. Their horses ware sent up laat
Second race., handloaa.' one .mile-and
sixteenth: Africander won, Duke ot Ken
dal second, Colonsav third. Time: 1:60.
Third race, the May stakes, about six
furlongs: W. It. Condon Won, Mlnataur
fecona, .Tuscan tnira. Time: 1:124.
Fourth race, the Astoria, five furlongs
uceantlde won. Tepee second, . Julia M
num. iimei 1 :u3.
Fifth race, one mile and a eixteenth. sail
Ing: Silurian won. Lord Advocate second
larrou u intra, lime: i:tx
Blxth race, handicap, five and a half fur
a Pletk. lb..
0 1I0 Burka, lb.
i)arl, a..,, t 1 4 ( U.Hackalt. lb. t t
.... I 1 0 t U O'Nall,
Bar Ins.
ToUU .. 4 IP 17 11 lUanleaVf .'
1 t i
1 1
t t
1 1
lh?J f: tI"'"1 t,? olea cond. Reveille oon. Left on bases: Cincinnati, 6;
nwDnSf' t t " Louis,. Stolen bases: Corcoran, Mag
wR,OIT' Jun n-R"ulU,1 . ' .w Double play: Donovan (unassisted) B
First race, one mile and a sixteenth: Tibs
won, jNeeDuruan second, tioney . Brook
third. Time: 2:04.
Second race, five furlonrt: Lllliannette
inii iariar bkuuu, iyrist tnira.
Time: ixwi.
Third race, seven furlongs: Maghont
won, emma . 1 . second, benor third.
lime: i:v.
Fourth race, six furlongs: Mrs. Frank
Ftieter won, Sardine second. Hummer II
third. Time;
rum race, one mite ana twenty yards:
Dnare tWrd "TTme-: fSSTa? - I It I IW' f
Sixth raee. seven furlongs: Branch II Us, ri.'. t t 0 I iriSl? ib.
1 Totals ..I I 14 It
x Bat tad for Rhoades in ninth.
Cincinnati 0 1000101-
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 &
Two-base hit: Corcoran. Sacrifice hit
Smoot. Left on bases: Cincinnati, (; Bt
ivouis, . nioien oases: Corcoran, Ma
on bans: ore lowing, : on Khoades, 1. if it
y pitched daii: M. 0 .Nell, struck out
By Kwlng, 6: by Rhoades, 2. Passed ball
J. O Nell. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Holllday
Chicago Isaokulaioaaly Beaten
. PITTSBURG, June 16 For the third time
in succession ieever snut out an opposlni
ieam. Not a Chicago player reached sec
ond base. Menefee hIbo pitched a good
game. Attendance, o.vjw. ecorei
PirraBUfto. 1 chicaqo.
won. The Bronte Demon second.
brook third. Time: l:3t.
Liberty Bell Gees Hoatoa.
PHILADEUHIA. June 15 -The liberty
bell waa today started on its journey to
bonton, where It will be a feature of the I
ceieoraiion vi tne name 01 uunaer iilll.
Wavnvr, as. . t t
BranaTlt. Ik I I
Lwuh. lb ... 1 I
hltibar, Ik . t t
fbalpa, a.... I t
Laavar, s.... t I
4 1 ffjonaa. cf
t tTlakar, aa.
I 4 (Hl'aaar, lb..
I I VBrrra, lb..
I 1 oKUai. a...
t I II MitielN. a
I t IT 11 Ij
Established 1823.
That's All!
llxai wTCLeWN tWTT.
Tata la
Total . t 1UU
"x Batted for Menefee In ninth.
Pittsburg 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 :
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Three-base hit: Bransfleld. Sacrifice hit
Phelps. Double plays: Wagner to Kitchey
to tsransneia; ieacn to uansneid. First
base on balls: Off Leever, 2; off Menefee
I. tilt cy pitched Pall: Leach. Struc
out: Hy Leever, ti by Menefee, 1 Time
1:36. Lniplre: Moran.
taadles et tke Teams.
Played. Won. Lost
New York ...
Chicago .....
Brooklyn ....
Cincinnati ...
Boston .,
8t Louia ....
.. hi
.. 47
.. 47
.. 44
.. ti
Oamee twdayi Brooklyn at Boston, New
Tors a rauaaeiphia, Chicago at Pitta
Durg. . .
Will Play with llasskeldt.
HtfUBOL&T, Neb , June IStSpecUl.)
. Roinl lllahlandera Win.
A good flv-innlng Knme of ball wss
played at Fifteen snd Mnnderson streets
unclay avtrrnmin between the Isorthwest-
erns snd the Royal HlRhlnndcrs, the latter
inning D- tne roHowlng Score:
R H E.
Roval Hlehlnnders 0 3 S S t- 11 4
Northwestcrns 1 1 0 2 06 7 3
Batteries: Knvsl Hluhlnnders. Hngnn and
S;!-; Northwcsterns, ystriim and Swart-wood.
The feature of the came was the home
run of Woa-ue 'or the Highlanders. The
same teams will play at Twelfth and Ames
avenue next Sunday at 2:W.
Holdreae Shuts Ont Hed Cloud.
HOLDREOK. Neh.. June lS.-ISorclal
Telcfrram.V Holdreae and Red Cloud plnyed
a good game cf tll here today, resulting
in iuvor oi iniuireKe. rccie:
loldrcee 1 n o 1 2 0 0 ft 4
Red Cloud 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Batteries; Vfoldrcb-n. T'enileraro ft anA
Purmani Red' t'lnud. Scott end Rhea.
Struck out: - Hy Penriercraft, 1(1: by Scott
Hits: Holdrexe. : Red Cloud. 4. Hit bv
pitched ball: liiirman. Day. Two-bnse hit!
Pendergraft. Krrors: Holdrege, 1; Red
Cloud, 1. Time: 1:15.
Played. Won. Lost.
Boston 45 f 28 17
Philadelphia 47 , 29 18
Cleveland 43 . . 23 19
St. Louis 40 21 19
Chicago 42 21 21
Detroit 4d , & 2ft
New York 42 , , 19 23
Washington 45 13 82
Oames today: Chicago at New York. St
ixuis at nnaoeipnia, ueiroit at wanning
ton, Cleveland at Boston.
Milwaukee Goes lader After Come
petl&c wftn Toledo for
Krrors. '
S-rkT.Trrtrk ' Tun. 1R tl-A waa aKIa in
hit the ball today, when hits were needed
and won the game. Both teams played
poor Dan. Attendance, wo. score i
B.H.O.A.B., , . RJl.O.A.B
Smith, rf.... 0 110 0 Bchafley, lb. I 1 t 4
Blank's'p,. lb t 111 t 'MUstiohua, lb. t ITI
Barnard, cf.. t .0 1 1. tfWoodi, .0-10,1 0 10 0
rioarnox, If. t t t 0 olHpaar, c 0 110
aehaub, Ib... 1 r 1 I iHiWa aa,... t 111
Butter, e Ill 1 OJnmlaaTi., If. 001.1
Ovona, lb... t 1 I t i rnslanb. Ib. t 1 1 I
rcaa. aa.. 1 4 t- IfHampkUL oi I I s
Oarman, - p... I t 1 A.ltiunsan. rf.. 14 0 t
LMsradltB. -, - s V 1
TeUla .. T XI II '
, ;. ,TUIs. ..tun 11
Toledo .:o o l 4 o o o 2 0-7
Milwaukee ........ ...2 S 0 0 0 0 2 0 01
Two-base hits: Blankenehln (2), Smith
Owens. Phvle. . Stolen base
woods, struck out: uy uerman, n; oy
Meredith. T. Base on nans: fm uerman,
Left on basest Toledo, : Milwaukee,
Double plays: Owens to Marcan, Owens to
Maroan to Blankenship. Time: i:ta. um
pire: Mullane.
Bflnaeapolls Is' Successful,
INDIANAPOLIS. June 15. Mlnneaooll
won by bunching hits. Katoll was hit
hard In the second inning ana retirea in
tavor of Thomas. Attendance, 1,500. score
uiMNf i pni .Ttx. . . . INni ANapnl
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.U.A.E
Smith, rf.... t lit llKlhra. lb.... 1 110
Vaacar, c... 0 1 I 0 oiCoultar. of., t 1 1
Mclotrr. Ib t 0 1 1 OO'llrlm, ai.O 1 1
Martin, It... a a t t wummi, 90. o i
Orlcr. t tit CHerdon, ... 01 I
Katoll, p.... 0 t 0 1 CFord, p....
Tbomaa. p.. t t t t o.kwooarutr
Touis .."i trr't'w ' Touis
xBatted for Ford in ninth.
Minneapolis ..0 0 0 2 0
Indianapolis .....0 0 0 0 0
Two-base hits: Lally, Smith. Three-
base hit: Coulter. Double playi Tamsett
to Kihm.. Struck out: By Ford, 6; by
Katoll. 2: bv Thomas. 4. Bases on balla:
Oft Ford, 2; off Thomas 2. Hit by pitched
ball: By Ford 1. Time: 1:45. Umpire:
Haskell. -
. . Kansaa City Second Best.
COLUMBUS. June 16. Columbus and
Kansas City played a postponed game
today, the locals winning an easy victory.
Souders was batted out of the box in the
first inning. Attendance, 2,569. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H. U.A.I
'cCreary, et. I I I 1 ttMoirleTtr, rf 0 1 0
poonar, lb.. 1 I I 9 OlFox. lb t 111
ally. If..... I 1 10 OiJonea. If 0 0 10
0 10
0 0 0
. Tllden Jon Swift for Madison.
BATTLES fnV.V.K. Neh . Juna IKfRna.
clal. The Ahlman Specials of Madison and
tae Tllden nine played ball here yesterday
on the racetrack diamond. Tne game
doted with the score 16 to In faVor of
Tilden. The railroads gave special rates
and there were large crowds from Tilden,
rvonoiK, mao. i son ana iuenaow urove.
Gou Came at Webster City.
WEBSTER CITY. Ia.. June 15-fSnerlal
Telegram.) The locals took one of the best
Dan games or the season from Oclwrln
this afternoon by a score of 7 to 1. The
batting and fine fielding form of the Chase
proteges did the work. Batteries: Web
ster City, eHler and White; Oelweln,
Cams, Jehson and Wharton.
Games In Th rep-I League.
At Decatur Rock iRland, 10;' Decatur, 0.
At Bloomlngton Bloomlna-ton. : Knrlno-.
field, J.
At Rockford Rockford. 5: Dubunue. 3.
At Davennort Cedar Ranlds. R: ta-en.
port, 0.
Thirteen Innings to Deride.
BERTRAND. Neb.. June 15. ('So. plot
Telegram.) Bertrand won a thfrteen-lnn-
mg eame irom at Bertranri toilnv.
Score, 4 to 5. Batteries: Bertrsnd, Mnaske
and Maaske; Coead, Foster, Arnold and
0 y f
1 S. v-
end f
ild Tobacco
Save the Bands
Hooligans Want a Game.
The Hnnnv'-' Hoolivan hnsn hall team
cha.lenges any team in Omaha between the
uges of 12 td lo. Anyone accepting challenge
hildrsaa-'Wddla Chrln, care pranha Broom
raciory, inra noutn r irteentn street.
Glltner Drops One.
G7LTNER. Neb.. June 15. (Sneclal Tele
trntn 'M c( 'nnlt wnn frnm Hiltna. .
y ft score of 8 to 2. The home team played
in fiour iuch.
Drawings for the Handicap Tourna
neat Which Opens There
This Evening-.
This evenlne at 5:10 tha Omaha Field rluh
will beglq play in its handicap club tourna
ment In tennis. There were but eighten
entries, because of the few" plavers who
have had any practice on the club courts
this spring. The courts are not vat In the
om m conomon, dui it is nopea to nave
them considerably bettered by this evening.
From the beginning as many matches will
be played each night as possible, and, If
necessary, Saturday afternoon will also be
devoted to play In order that the finals may
be played Saturday, evening. -All of the
matches- Will be the best two out of three
sets. The results of .the drawing are:
J. Frown Scratch, a bye. ' '
W. Wood Receives 15, a bye.
Dr. Lemsre Receives 15, a bye.
' Martin Receives 16, a bye.
J. W. Battln Scratch, a bye.
A. Scrlbner Receives one-half 15, a bye.
F. Pollard Receives 18. a bye.
J. Haskell Scratch, plays H. Ladahcuer,
receives 15.
Dr. Van Camp Reoelves one-half 15,' plays
O, S. Krwin, receives 15.
. A. Collet Scratch, a bye.
E. R. Bevlns Receives 16, a bye.
D. pollard Scratch, a bye.
O. C. Melntyre Scratch, a bye.
F. N. BUsch Receives one-half 15, A bye.
C. H. Young Owes 15: a bye.
W, R. Vaufchan Receives 15, a bye.
All of the Dos Rios Coffee
produced is grown at the
same place and prepared
at the same place by the
same company that grows
it. No wonder that each
pound of it is the same as
every other, Packed in
sealed air-tight canisters, its .
; 'uniform, strength,' purity and, ,
delicious flavor are preserved.
1 121 t
0 0 8 0-5
1 0 0 0-1
Olaaaon, aa.
Bannoa, cf.
Arnat. rf...
Turner, lb..
Mcllor, lb..
Tlroaay, If..
Rarmar, 2b.
McataklB, 9
I I I I 10r, rf
114 10 Malonay, .. 0
lilt ONanca, :b... 0
till 1 Grady, lb.... 0
0 KnolL. If.... 0
tuwt, aa. ... 1
1 (iauiar. cf... 1
0 MrAn'atl, lb i
OSoudara, p... t
1 1-0 I
y iaoiia. a.
,. t II ti 14 I iRothtua
I t 14 IS I
i Totals
xBatted tof Coons In ninth.
Columbus 2 0 0 0 2 1 1 0
Kansas City 0 I 1 0 0 0 I 0 M
Stolen bases: Ravmer, Oleason. Sacrifice
hit: Bannon. Bases on balls: Off Mc
Makln, 8; oft Coons, 3. Two-base hits:
Maloney, Nance. Double plays: Uleason
to Mellor, McMackin to Oleason to Mellor,
Bannon to Turner to Mellor.-Hit by pitched
bail: Bannon. Struck out: By McMakln,
1; by t.'oons, 1. Paasd ball: Maloney.
Time: 1:46.
Standing: ot the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. P.c.
Milwaukee 43 29 14 .574
Bt. Paul 44 21 18 .
Indianapolis 44 23 21 .52-1
Minneapolis 45 22 23 .4S
Kansas City w 3 IS 20 .474
Louisville 4d 2 1 25 . 467
Columbus 40 18 28 .419
Toledo 4 17 29 .870
Games today: Kansas City at Columbus,
Milwaukee at Toledo, St. Paul at Louis
ville, Minneapolis at Indianapolis.
Wins Defeala (Hartlng(ea.
WAl'SA, Neb.. June 15(8pecial.) Wausa
defeated Harttngton ohsthe home grounds
today by a score of 9 (o 5. The feature ot
the game was the pitching of 'Hughs, who
struck out fifteen men. Score:
R. H C
Wausa 0 0 1 S 5 0 0 0 9 13 4
Harttngton ....svoooioi 16 ( 4
naileries: vtausa, nugns ana Barrow;
Harttngton, R. Bond and Hanson. Earned
runs: Wausa, 6; Harttngton, 1. Baaes on
balls: Oft Hughs. 2; off bond, t. Parsed
Palls: Hanson, 1; narrows, z. wild pitches:
Hughs, 1; Bond. 1. Struck out: By Hughs,
15; Bond, 4. Left on bases: Wausa, 10;
Harttngton, . Time: 1:45. Umpire: Roy
Grimes, BloomMeld.
Jaalors Beat Seniors.
The Holy Family Juakira defeated the
Seniors by a score of ,to 0. One ot the
many features of the game was the bat
ting of Linehhn, McBrlds and Kelley of the
Juniors, Kelley knocklug a. home run.
Juniors 0 1 1 li 0 1 o 1
Seniors 0 0 0 0 0 iO 00 I I
Batteries Seniors, Conlon. Bui-tle and
Danahy; Juniors, Connolly and Kelley.
Peer 'Casae at Atlantic.
ATLANTIC, la., June 15. (Special Tele.
gram k-r-AUanttc Showed the effects of its
trip to Omttlia yesirdy In the same
.Shenandoah, hers today. BoU tuxus w
Christopher Crow.
ST. PAUL, Neb., June 15. (Special.)
Christopher Crow, another one of the early
settlers of Howard county, having lived In
the county since 1871, died a": his home six
miles west of this city Friday forenoon.
Mr. Crow was born sixty-three years ago
In Canada, from whence he came to Ne
braska. - In the early years of this County
he was one of the most active and Influen
tial cltlsens. The last few years et his
life he was afflicted with poor health. He
leaves a widow and twelve grown children
In good circumstances. Mr. Crow was a
charter member of St. Paul lodge, No. SL
Ancient Order of United Workmen, and the
funeral was under the auspices of the
Cyrus jSmlth.
WEBSTER CITY, la., June 15. (Special
Telegram.) Cyrus Smith, a pioneer resi
dent of this city, died this morning, aged
(9 years. He came here In 1855 and was
Webster City's first postmaster, under
Frknklln Pierce. Later ho became a banker
and Was' one of the city's most honored
Forty Sixes, loe to sua acu.
ascension, at Lake Manawa ! '" I IjUXUU IJ t U 1 1 1
jryt ?rr. ,i 1 I. . ,ii 1
laccrl ' 1 '" I TM I M --Jf 0araat U
COI : . J- , int 4.f aai ta nrictun.
HE 1 a. V SnCCTl 41 rmb faauataa
m iV'fAWaV'' I eiitoikiun.ir1
V." .V-r-, -Nat- X .. f
Juno 18 and 30 and July 1
round trip tickets to Chicago
for 1 14.76; return limit, Septem
ber 15. t
The Burlington station is in
the heart of Chicago, within ; a
few minutes' walk of the prin
cipal trasiness houses and the
best hotels. You can board a
street car right at the door for
any part of the city.
Flyers for Chicago leave Bur
lington station at 7:00 a. m., 4 j00
p. m. and 8:05 p. m., carrying
every equipmcntvto make travel
ing comfortable.
. ..-
City Pass. Agt., ' ;
Ua. Blf for Bnn.taral
irritation or ulcarailoss
of nucoas atambraoas.
Painlaaa. and not aatriB
iTNEEaNSCHlMif tl Ct. gtnl or pouodoq..
lal ty lraswtsta.
' or aaot Is plain wraapar.
of assraaa, praaaio. laa
tl 00. or I botlk. M Tt.
Circular aaa. aa raaaak,
SVHITa OOVK CUR K sever .'all. to deairoy era
itiK f jr ktrung drink, ilia appetlla for wulrn. cannot
rilKt after mine itala rrmrdr. Olrea In nf llouU"
wun or witboul kuuwi of patienti taatcit-Hi . a
Sherman, & McConnell Lrug Co., Omaha.
Every Vcrnan
11 uaweitk d snd kbosiit Siiaw . .
atM.ui u eonsarrui
TbnawMkialtrrtai. Jnjn-
twit ass Aawioa. uat si.f.
Vi M air
If h MniwiftUpptT lb '
pm na ga an su mimy hv
otuar, i
full MrUcuiavr guul t
UllIO.lllf,. Maj
Jloom t Tim Bldg.,
For U by
Corner 19th tad Chicago, Bti, Omaha.
r, but mh4 tiAms for U
VUktl book ts4el.U M'.im
MtruuUr ftUid rl.rtvUout In- U
i EI. i a
r its i
with I
Ji;LtEIi LIQUOR CO., Whuksali Deakri and State Axcats. OMAHA. NELW
. J- r . t .