Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Darls Mils drugs.
Btockert sells carpets.
Crayon enlarging. 90S Broadway.
Tot rent, storeroom, m Main street.
Expert watch repairing. Leffert, 40 B'y.
Celebrated Met beer on tap. Neumayer.
Schmidt's photos. Batlafactlon guaranteed.
J. B. Rice left last evening for a visit
to hla old home at Kingston, O.
Pictures and art vases for wedding gift.
C K. Alexander Co., 133 B way.
Mrs, A. H. Brandon of 7 West Broadway
left Sunday on a visit to Chicago and Uan
vile, 111.
J. K. Smith took a permit yesterday for
the erection of a one and one-half-story
frame cottage, to coat $1,400.
Palm Grove Woodman circle will meet In
regular session this evening. A social ses
sion will follow the business meeting.
Mra. Wvland of Harlan, deputy grand
matron, will be present at the meeting of
Harmony chapter, Order of the Kaaiern
Arthur Ruby of Honey Creek and Maggie
Pruett of Crescent City were married In
the city yesterday afternoon by Justice
Council Bluffs Court of Honor will meet
la regular session this evening In Marcus'
hall. Hefreshmenta will be served at tte
close of the meeting. '
Dr. A. B. Hobson of Bismarck, 8. D., has
removed to this city and will en an office
la conjunction with Dr. Charlotte Mo
Cuskey, a classmate.
Justice Ouren performed the marriage
ceremony yesterday afternoon for John il.
Hobb of Nebraska City and Anna M. Pente
sost of Ashland, Neb.
We contract to keep public or private
houses free from roaches by the year. In
sect Exterminator Manufacturing company,
Council Blurts, is. Telephone
For sale, the O. O. Klce fruit farm of
forty acres, two miles lrum courthouse In
Council Bluffs. For price and terms ad
dress D. W. Otis, 131 Pearl street. Council
Bluffs, la.
John, the 9-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Plumer of Olen avenue, fell while
playing Bunday evening and suffered a
compound fracture of his left arm between
the wrist and the elbow.
W. H. Brogan has resigned as district
deputy and record keeper of the Council
Blurts tent.. Knights of the Maccabees, to
aocept a position as traveling salesman for
the Harl-Haaa Drug company.
John Wilson was arrested yesterday on a
warrant from the superior court. He Is
charged with stealing sixty-one pounds of
copper feed wire from the motor company
and selling It to a Broadway Junk dealer.
Edgar Harkness, who recently graduated
from the law department of the Minne
sota State university, Is In the city visit
ing his mother and sister. He will return
to Minneapolis to commence the practice of
hla profession.
Mrs. W. I. Lowry of Wlnslde, Neb., Is
visiting relatives on Sixth avenue en route
to Denhoff. N. D.. where she will Join her
husband and where tbey will make their
IUIUID 1 1 VI 1 1 1 C Oil. IIU 1UI. Ullflf 1TCIQ
former residents of Council Bluffs.
Otto Ronne. cashier of the German hank
of Walnut, la., waa in the city yesterday.
He said the farmers In the east end of the
county were recovering from the recent
rainy spell and were all hard at work. The
prospects for good crops, he said, were
bright, despite the heavy rainfall.
Commissioner W. W. Loomla of the Com
mercial club left last evening on a private
business trip to Texas and expects to be
gone a week or ten days. Matters per
taining to his office will be looked after
during hla absence by his private secretary,
Miss Bartlett, and the members of the ex
ecutlve committee.
Joseoh H. Donovan and Effie A. Culll-
mere, both of Lincoln, Neb., were married !
In hla Mlffv VMtMv mnrnlnv tha '
mony being performed In the 'parlors of
the Klei hotel by Judge G. H. Scott of the j
superior court. rouowing ins ceremony
Mr. Donovan and his bride left for a wed
dins trio to Denver. Pueblo and other
points In Colorado. Mr. Donovan has been .
for fifteen years stationary engineer at the I
Burlington round house In Lincoln.
I. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 360. Night, FWT.
Playing Manager Wanted. '
AU that remains to Insure Council Bluffs
retaining its franchlaa in the IowaSouth
Dakota league will be the ability of the
men backing ths proposition to secure a
good and reliable player-manager. At the
meeting last evening In the Commercial
club rooms the committee which has the
matter in hand announced that over $OT0
of the required $1,000 had been subscribed
and that there would be no doubt about
the financial end. The men backing the
proposition are willing to go ahead and put
up the necessary money to start the team
out again on a sound basis provided they
can secure some player who can also act
as manager of the team.
In the event of Council Bluffs retaining
the team and franchise, the team will
tart out afresh next Saturday and the
percentages up to date will be wiped out
This has been promised by the other towns
In the league, which are desirous of as
sisting Council Bluffs In every way to keep
In ths game.
The team which started out as the Coun
cil Bluffs aggregation will play Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in Le
Mars and open under the new management
If the proposition goes through. In Stouz
Falls Saturday.
As the matter now stands It will have
to be determined Friday at the latest
whether Council Bluffs retains the team
and Its franchise In the league.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby Son.
Over Two Hnndred Teachers.
The enrolment of the county normal In
stitute, which opened yesterday for a
week's session at the high school, reached
the 140 mark last evening. It Is expected
this will be Increased by nearly 100 today.
All of the Instructors have arrived and
the work of the Institute waa In full awing
yesterday morning, but little delay being
caused by the enrolling of the teachers.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan office of Squire
Annls, 101 Pearl street:
George H. Mayne to Edward Parkes.
!?.u ? and a- bloc" t Van Brunt ss
Rices ad., w. d 1 iOO
, . - i , ..... a,uv
j H naiiarn una wire 10 t. u.
Carlson lot 4. block 3, Park ad., w. d.
Fred Hoist and wife to Charles W.
lot li and e ft. of lot 1.
biota 1, Trey nor, w. d .
Bmv..,0,Ey-Buler- lol . and
So, block 1. Trey nor, w. d
Hi'." !'.nd'' "tension Grsham ave.,
block L Snow aV Green s ad., w. d..
Scott C. Campbell and wife to A. C.
r. i. p .u -1 ' - w 1 . i
i i u i -"Utmors BUD.;
Same to Ira R. 6tltt, lot i Auditors'
sub.; part wU ne.i w 1-74-40. w. d.
NS!"?.i ?,rby lo Wl'llam Klrby, un
dlv ded H jiW nw4 and of sU of
nw and of swii nei 25-74-4? w7d..
C. J. Slgler and wife to W. H
Metscher, that part of nwU south
and west of creek; that part of aw
seV nw I4-77-4J east of creek, w. dT
J. C. Olngery and wife to Joseph
Mlchener, lota I. 4 and t. Auditors'
sub., swS seSt 11-74-40. w. d
Ter transfers; total...
US. 400
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence, Age
James P. Wlekham, Council Bluffs li
Mary Thorns, Council Bluffs, n
Arthur Ruby. Honey Creek la M
Maggie Pruett, Crescent, ta '.9
John H. Robb. Nebraska City. Neb. a
Anna M. Pentecost. Ashland. Neb 13
Charles L'fford. Council Bluffs r?
Bertha A. Pace, Council Bluffs.. a
Jneph H. Donovan. Lincoln. Neb 45
Effie A. CuUlmore, Lincoln, Neb ISi 13
Peart sK. Ceuaoll BluOn.
'Pheae fl
Puts in Mcit of tit Evening Discussing
List Submitted by Committee.
Larg "amber Which Will Came la
for Final Actios a July 18
Comblaed Car and Gatter
to Bo Tried oa Some
The session of the city council last night
was devoted principally to the discussion
of the streets proposed to be paved this
year. A long list of streets was presented.
several of which, however, were cut out
and It Fas finally decided to pave the fol
lowing: Eighth avenue, between Main and Sev
enth street, brick base: Seventh street, be
tween Eighth and Ninth avenues, brick
base; "Ninth avenue, between Sixth and
Seventh streets, concrete base; Third ave
nue, between Eighth and Ninth streets,
brick base; Fourth avenue, between Eighth
and Ninth streets, brick base; alley, be
tween Main and Fourth streets, concrete
Dase; Tweirth avenue, between Main and
Sixth streets, concrete base; Washington
avenue, between Harrison arftt Frank
streets, brick base; Frank street, between
Broadway and Harmony street, brick basu;
North First street, from Washington ave
nue to original plat 48, brick base; Benton
street, from Washington avenue to Indian
creek bridge, brick base; Broadway, from
Frank to Oak streets, concrete base; Oak
street, from Broadway to Pierce street.
concrete base; Vine street, between First
and Bryant streets, brick base; North Sec
ond street, from Washington avenue to
Fletcher avenue, concrete base; Mynster
street, from Scott to Main street, brick
base; Third street, from Story to Eleventh
avenue, concrete base; Worth street, be
tween Third and Fourth streets, brick
base; Park avenue, from High School ave
nue to Pomona avenue, brick base; Pomona
avenue, between Park and Glen avenues,
brick base; Tenth avenue, from Fourth
street to park entrance, concrete base:
alley south of Broadway, between Muin i
and Fourth streets, concrete base; alley 'clean up, then use disinfectants If neces
north of Broadway, between Main and . sary. 1 nrt-
Scott streets, concrete base. i Water In cellars should he
Final action on the resolution providing
for the paving of these streets will be
taken July 13.
It was decided to curb a number of the
streets to be paved. On several of the
streets. Instead of the old-fashioned straight
curb, the curb and gutter will be built as
The council will meet this morning to
take up several matters left over from last
Hardly a Corporal's Guard Oat at
Primaries la Soma of tho
The democratic primaries last, night, to
select delegates to the county convention to
be held Saturday, at which time delegates
to the state convention In Des Moines will
be elected, attracted but little Interest and
in some of the precincts barely a corporal's
guard wasv present. These lire the dele
gates: t
First ward: First preclnetVlctor Jen
nings, Chsrles H. Huber, Thomas Rlshton,
Jj. C. Beesley, C. A. Lacy, L. A. Casper,
ueorge premier, oecona precinct c Lt,
Glllett, Dr. C. M. Chrlstensen. O. F. Oliver,
F. A. Blxby. Robert Rain, L. .' A. Devine,
Charles Walters.
Second ward : First' precinct W. B.
Reed. George 8. Davis. R. T. Monford. F.
W. Miller. David Steward, William Orone- 1
weg. Robert Huntington.
Second precinct
Mine Kiiaare. wuuam
Orell. C. A. Rose. L. P.
Hleseson. J. C. Martin.
Aiistrana. Louis
Seiviss, William
Third ward: First precinct J. P. Organ,
J. R. Macrae. 8. D. Foster, Louis Zur
muehlen, M. D. Brown. -.Second precinct
J. J. Hughes. E. Stlmson. J. R. Toller, W.
H. Thomas. Fred Spetman, M.- G. O'Conner.
Fourth ward: First precinct B. 8. Ter
wllllger. James O'Nell. O. P. Wlekham, 8.
O. Underwood. Second preclnct-eorne
Tlnley, T. L. Smith, Emll Gorgensen, A. W.
Slack. George Crum.
Fifth ward: First preolnct E. Shubert,
Samuel Worlev, P. H. Meagher. T. F. Cal
laghan, J. K. Cooper, N. O'Brien, Lee
Evana. W. W. Cones. Second precinct D.
Drlscoll, P. Lynch,. Z. Bathers. - E. Hamil
ton. Peter Jacobaen, W. A. Nickel, R, I.
Sixth ward: First precinct W. C. Bover,
C. C. Graves, Miles Scorteld, Samuel Albro,
Clint Mercer. L. P. LaBelle, E. P. Graney.
Saloon Keeper Brown Glrea His
Version of Cat-Off Shooting
' Affray.
Frank Brown, the saloon keeper at
Cut-Off who shot and wounded his part
ner, Charles Howard. In the wrist Saturday
night, was brought to Council Bluffs after
midnight Sunday on a warrant Issued from
the court of Justice Ouren. He was not,
however, lodged In Jail, but permitted to
spend the night at a Broadway hotel In
custody of Officer Eaton.
He was' taken before Justice Ouren yes
terday morning and his preliminary hearing
on the charge of assault with intent to
commit murdor wss fixed for Thursday.-His
ball was plaeed at 1800, which later In the
day he furnished.
Howard's version of the shooting affray
at Cut-Oft Is that Brown resented Howard
giving some women permission to pick
flowers growing In the yard of the saloon.
After a wordy dispute Brown drew his re
volver, but Officer Eaton Interposed. Then
Brown leaned over Eaton's shoulder and
fired at Howard, shooting him In the 'wrist,
inflicting a painful but not serious wound.
Following the shooting Brown armed him
self with a shotgun and defied anyone to
arrest him. When the warrant was served
on him Sunday he submitted peaceably and
waa permitted to attend to his business
during the day before being brought to
this city.
Two Pnstors Leave Bluffs.
Rev. W. J. Calfee has resigned the pas
torate of the Broadway Methodist church
to aocept charge of the First Methodist
church of El Psso. Tex. He will preach his
farewell sermon here' next Sunday, and
with his family remove to El Paso, where
he assumes the pastorate June 28. Rev.
Calfee succeeded Rev. Myron Waddell as
pastor of Broadway church, coming to
Council Bluffs from Huron. 8. D.. a little
over two years ago. '
Rev. W. B. Crewdson of the First Chris
tian church has sccepted a call to tha
pastorat of the First Christian church of .
Atlantic la., and will resign his pastorate
here In time to assume his new charge on
ugust 1. ' Rev. Crewdson came to Council
Bluffs in August. 1900, from Corning, la.
Ihs official board of the church had In
vited him to remain another year, but Rev.
Crewdson preferred to accept the call to
Death of a Pteneer.
William Lewis, a pioneer resident of
PotUwatUmls county, died yestardsy
morning at his home, 116 East Pierce
street, sged 6 years. Three sous and three
daughters survive him. They are: Oeorge
and Edward of Woodbine. Mrs. John Short
and Mra Montgomery of Fort Crook. Neb.,
William and Mrs. DL J. Underwood of
Lewis township.
Mr. Lewis was born In Monroe county,
Michigan, In March, ISM. and came to
Iowa In IMA. He married January J, W2,
Miss Lj-Ula Edwards of this city. He re
sided on his- farm in Lewis township until
last spring, when he removed Into the city.
The funeral will be held Wednesday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, from the residence
on East Pierce street, and burial will bs in
Walnut Hill cemetery. Rev. George Ed
ward Walk, rector of St Paul's Episcopal
church, will conduct the services.
Tells Peoole Who Live la tho Dot
. toms How to Gnara Against
Acting under the Instructions nf the
Board of Health City Physician Houahton
has prepared the following circular artvln?
directions for preventing typhoid fever and
otner contagious diseases which ara belnv
uisu-muiea Broadcast Over tho city, espe
cially In the suburbs, where the land is low
and where the residents are dependent on
wen water:
jne cnier source or typhoid fever and
other contagious diseases is decomposing
t.iE .Jnd.Vta.b" mttr draining InlS
wells and taken Into th . .u
... ,,1M
A wj will drain an area of 100 feet In
diameter, no matter what the lay of the
surface of the ground may be.
A well within 100 feet of a closet should
be abandoned ar.ri ho rani.i i.k .
mlt ?k" "v.,not, r""". the vault
should be thoroughly cleaned out and filled
and a brick vault built outside of the drain
age area.
All wells wherein the water is within
twenty feet of the top contain much sur
face water, which Is loaded with filth of all
descriptions; such water should not be
H"ew,byt if unavoidable, It should always
be boiled.
The safest wn v rn ivnl iw.
drinking water is always to boll it twentv
mrtA 1 . 1 ... ... -'
.... i in a iigniiy covered
The best way to keep your well from be
coming unfit for use is to keep your prem
ises free from garbage, refuse and noxious
Weeds Should ha rl.a rA a . II .... .
- -- - v . . Vi ail vacant
lots as by decaying they give rise to un
healthy conditions that affect widespread
Carbolic add and other dlslnfootanta in
not talca t Vi i0a . -.1 ii- -
possiDie, ana when the cellar is
ry, quicK lime should be
thrown about to arrest the growth of molds
and other fungi.
When water stands continually In cel
lars they should be filled up with bank
Kelt her Willing to Pay.
City Attorney Snyder filed In the dis
trict court yesterday a demurrer to ths
suit brought hy the Globe Publishing com
pany against Pottawattamie county and
the city of Council Bluffs on Its claim for
publishing the notice of registration for
the general election last fall. The olty re
fused to pay the bill, claiming that alt
election expenses were properly payable
by the county and the board of supervisors
threw out the claim, alleging that It had
no authority to, pay It. The city demurs
on the grounds that the city Is not re
sponsible for the payment of the claim and
that if the publication of the notice was
ordered by the city It was not authorised,
and that if it was ordered by the mayor he
did so aa agent of the county and not aa
chief executive offloer of the city.
Choir Concert Draws Well.
The choir of All Saints' church, Omaha,
which gave a concert last evening in Broad
way Methodist church for the benefit of
the Woman's Christian association hos
pital bulldlnsr f n nil w. i
lence which filled th. ...AitZtTT Jt !'
, ,1 Z .HI C, tn ltorlum and which,
...... nucrai appiause it bestowed on
the singers, evidently enjoyed the excel,
lent program offered. The concert was
under the direction of Prof. J. H. Slmms,
who contributed an organ solo. Those as
sisting the choir were: Miss Porterfleld.
D. H. Wheeler, Jr., C. S. Haverstock, Miss
Barr and Mrs. Banford.
Firemen Go to Tonrnament.
Chief Templeton expects to be able to
send one of the four companies of the city
flro department to the state tournament ta
be held In Sioux City July 28 to 11. In an
ticipation there Is considerable rivalry
among the different teams and they are all
practicing hard for the trial which will de
termine the team to go. Two years ago
Council Bluffs sent a team to the state
tournament at Marahalltown, the expense
being defrayed by publlo aubscrlptlon. The
cost of sending a team to Sioux City will
be far less than it was to send It to Mar
shalltown. Sheriff Conslas Gets Charley Horse,
Sheriff Cousins and several other county
u...r. . anticipation ot me proposed ball
flmfh xWee!l. , T,nt,?,"d CUy omcU, i
for the benefit of the Woman's Christian
association Ptal building fund started j
Tl L!' .! pr?t,c y"l'dy I
i, .uoiuuiiiii to l(JU a rounanr ,
Captain Cousins In some manner managed
to strain his right leg and had to be taken
home in a carriage. The accident. It la ex
pected, will lay him up for a few days and
prevent him from participating In tha
. ,
Don't miss the sensational balloon race at
Courtland Beach dally.
Long Llat ef Awards to lewa.
braska aad Sonth Dakotn
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON, June 18.-(8pc!a!.)-Pn-lons
have been Issued to residents of Iowa,
Nebraska and South Dakota as follows:
John Dixon US JoMpa Bhaaach 14
i Aim B. Whltanr
it nillam s. Harris I
t Joha W. Plumn.r I
10 Joha B.k.r it
11 John SnodcraM 11 1
William Wilton 1 1
It 0or. B. N.lua t1
II Da.14 K.alor f
Charlt X. Stradar....
John Coburn
Wllllnm RuebUnan ....
Edward C. HviaUaton.
Anthonr MrNlta
Mlchaal Vlneant
John A. Nicholson....
John Sandbloom
Ellaa U Btooa
Jana Robarta
Mary A. Study
Balmont L Marrltt...
David D. rickaa
Harris Graan
Hanry C. Patart
Danlal C. Thomas
John J. Walnr Swltaar
Mattta S. BaaaesUr.... I I
11 M.ndoa L. Frantlaa..
Wlliam H. Oaatoa...,
11 Hanrr Nott
William Randall
II Albart Roaa
William Bchoan
I Oaorga H. By mar....,
IS John A. DoWnng
1 Alaiander M. Aaatla.
II Samual Tnampaoa. ...
11 iumoar O. Turnar. ..
Joan i.raea
1 Joan U Bn
A. Nawcomo Holbroek. lo Siaphaa B. Batrd.
William H. Acton 19 Charlaa Morgan
Mlcnaei utt in carrla c. CI
Joha W. NotaatlT 14 Anna C. Baaiai
Stabbing B. Sir II nary D. txiur.
Jhu J. Young II Hannah Tnraar
Thomas J. Hardaa I
Harrlaoa Salbr
Malrkolr Kachalay ..
St. wart O. Navlaa. ..
Oil tart Buroall
John H. Croat
William J. Uanar...
Amoo Pavu
Aloaaa N. S h.ffn.r . .
KaiM A. Dodaadorf..
John Holcomb
John Llndar ..1
Nancy U Willi
Alaaandor yranala ..
William a Iraw.,..
Aa Llawar
Joanna 1 aa a ar
.1 I William U Clark.....
. II William N. Baton...
. Id Solon L. Maaf
. Id John L.
. 14 Jamaa K. Gain
. 14 Jaaaph W. St irk
. II Caorg W. Roaa
. William C. GrtmtB...
. I Adam Sllglar
. 14 Jamaa T Stawart...
. 11 Aadrew H. Cornlns..
. I John D. Klrtman
. I Arthwrwln Shorkay
. 11" Alloa Martin
. II j Sarah King
Lrma J. Haute.. .atickl T. Taos....
Danlal A. Btlncar I DI4 Banjanln ....
Mar? riatckar 11 Anna SrnaalaVar ....
Kobocct A. Brawn I BliaakMk M. Odall..
iaka Ilia i
.. II
... 11
... I
AU sorts of amusements at Lake afa&ava,
Oreenwell Ertredi .ion Hearing ii Delayed
Tor Thirty Day
Constitute Almost Half of tho la-mi
gratloa to that State, vlth tho
Gersaaas Coming Next
' la Knmber.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, June lS.-(8peclal.)-The
somewhat famous Oreenwell case from
Mexico will not be finished immediately.
The case has assumed some peculiar phases
since It was started. Oreenwell Is accused
of murder In Mexico. He was arrested In
Davenport and held, awaiting the requisi
tion of the Mexican government. He was
brought to Des Moines for a preliminary
hearing before Clerk McArthur of the fed
eral court, acting as a commissioner, and
this hearing has developed Into a trial for
murder, la which the Mexican government
appeara as prosecutor, and an attorney la
here from Mexico to see that the case Is
prosecuted to the finish. But the proceed'
Inge are so peculiar that the attorneys have
been having trouble. One rule in regard to
such matters was that while the testimony
of tho Mexican government might be shown
by depositions that of the defense must be
by oral testimony. The impossibility of
putting up a good defense here by oral
testimony waa apparent and so the at
torneys In the case telegraphed the Mex
ican ambassador for permission to make a
showing for the defense by depositions. In
order to get these a thirty days' continu
ance was agreed to.. In the meantime the
attorney for the Mexican government will
remain here and Oreenwell will be sent
back to jail at Davenport.
'luiree of Iowa Immigration.
E. D. Brlgham, state labor commissioner,
this morning received from ths bureau of
Immigration, in response to a request, a
statement as to the sources of Immigration
to this state. Assistant Commissioner Leo
nard gives statistics showing the immigra
tion to the state for the fiscal yeara 1901
and 1902 and ten months of 1903. This shows
that In that period there were registered aa
coming to Iowa 8,664 in 1901 and 5.0G4 in 1902.
with M37 in the ten months of 1903. Of
these, a total of (,795 came from Scandi
navian countries and 8,251 from Germany.
Of the Hebrews there were 852, Irish 320,
Dutch and Flemish 1.087, Italians BOS, Eng
lish 8M, Bohemian and Moravians 192. The
remainder are of the different nationalities
of Europe. The record shows that In five
years the Immigration to Iowa was divided
as follows: Scandinavian, 4H per cent; Ger
man, 33; Dutch. 7; English, Irish and He
brew, 8 each; Croatian and North Italian, i
each, and all others I per cent.
Switchman Killed In Yards.
Dennis Flannlgan of Valley Junction.' a
switchman In the employ of the Rork Island
railroad, was almost Instantly killed this
afternoon while at his work on East Thlr
tee nth street He was between two cars
trying to uncouple, them when he fell and
was run over. His body was severed by
the wheels and 'the man soon died. Just
how he came to "make the fatal misstep
will never be known. ' ,
abres and Belts Ordered.
Governor Cummins today signed a requi
sition on the War department at Washing
ton for the sabres and belts for the officers
of the Iowa National Guard. It will take
about 220 of them to equip the guard prop
erly. The War department will be called
on for the regular army equipments for
the state guard as rapidly as the same can
be made up. The requisition Is in for the
new army rifles for the entire guard and
one regiment has been partially furnished
with them.
New Corporations.
The articles of Incorporation of the South
Dakota Land and Live Stock company of
Sioux City were filed with the secretary of
state today; capital. $28,000; R. C. Howe,
president; C. W. Lemon, secretary.
The Washington Telephone company filed
articles of Incorporation with the secre
tary of state; capital, 860.000; L. D. Robin
son, president; E. O. Fox, secretary.
The Center Coal and Mining company of
Des Moines filed articles of Incorporation;
capital, J6.000; by T. A. Ray and others.
Pike Snes for Damages.
Prof. F. Wallace Pike, who had a good
deal of trouble getting married some time
ago and Incidentally got Into Jail first, to
day commenced a suit for $20,000 damages
against his father-in-law, B. 8elgel. It was
Belgel who filed charges against Pike of an
attempt at extortion and stated that Pike
had tried to get $500 from him to induce
Pika to give up the Idea of marrying Minnie
Selgel. But Pike and Mis. Belgel were
m.iw4. m A w- , , ,
, m,,u ill. t. . r. wu mimiucn
the singing master wants $20,000 from his
father-in-law on .account ef the trouble
and delay he was put to at the time of hla
Powder Explodes In Tolteo Tunnel,
Sending; Three Men to
SILVERTON, la.. June 15.-Three miners
were killed at the Tolteo tunnel by an ex
plosion of fifty pounds of giant powder
which they were thawing preparatory to
going to work.
The dead are:
The bodies of Kemper and Crane were
blown to itoms, only the heads remaining
Intact. Lcfgren lived two or three hours
after the explosion.
Staad by the Dryan Creed.
CHARITON, la., June IS. (Special.) The
Jim Dumps, at Buffalo, went through
Large mills, and more delighted grew
At every step. -How clean!" said he.
He saw them mingle skllfuJIy
i ?aLhat f nd unshlne-strength for him.
And that makes 'Force,'" nods "Sunny Jim."
. "
democrats nominated Albert Jenkins for
representative on Saturday and a fulf
county ticket. They adopted resolutions for
reaffirmation of the national platforms of
the party.
All sorts of amusements at Lake Mans wa-
of the Scnndal
Shifted to New York
NEW YORK, June 15. Developments of
great Interest In the Investigations of the
postofflce scandals are expected here this
The many Inspectors sent from Wash
ington pursued their Inquiries with evident
haste all day yesterday and the signs are
many that the crisis Is soon to come.
Rumors of action by the grand Jury and
of Impending arrests were heard In the
hotel corridors and wherever politicians
gathered and talked of the postofflce mat
ters, the political Importance of which they
recognise fully.
The federal grand Jury for the June term
Is to meet on Friday, and rumor has It that
various charges affecting the postofflce will
be presented to It then.
. WASHINGTON. IS. -The chief poat-
cmce inspector, Mr. Cochran, today re-
turned from New York, where he went In
connection with the Investigation of post
office affairs.
The omcla:s refuse to disclose the na
ture of his mission, but say that the pub
lished reasons for his trip are not correct
Inspectors were busy today In the office of
the assistant attorney general for the Post
office department, continuing the overhaul
ing of the records.
It Is probable that one of the' ultimate
reeults of the Investigation will be the
abolishment of the office ot the postofflce
physician on the ground that there Is no
authority In law for the employment of
such an officer. Their employment at
Washington and New York already has at.
traded attention. There are five postofflces
In the country where physicians are car
ried on the rolls. The office of phyrlclan
was abolished in Washington some lime
ago. The cities where postofflce physicians
are now employed are New York, Chicago,
Philadelphia, Brooklyn and Boston.
Labor Leader, However, Still Expects
to Find Some Wuy Out of
SCRANTON, Pa., June 16. The United
Mfne Workers' convention, called for the
purpose of taking action qn the refusal
of operatora to recognise District Presidents
Fahey, Nichols and Dettry as the miners'
representatives on the conciliation board,
was called to order here today.
President Mitchell, who was unanimously
chosen chairman. In addressing the con
vention, said:
It la needleas to say that the refusal cf
the mine cwners to live up to the award
of the strike commission is a decided dis
appointment to me.
We Intend to live up to every letter of
the award, and, therefore, , it Is not un
reasonable for us to expect the other side
to live up to it. It is a grave question
which Confronts us. The time is here
when we must again decide upon a spe
clflo policy toward our employers.
1 might say, for myself, that I am hopeful
we may find an honorable way out of the
calamity. The commission's award was not
a great financial victory for ua, but It was
a great moral victory. We can afford to
bear our disappointment and live ap to the
Lynching Is Feared.
CINCINNATI. June 15. Sheriff Robert
son of Maysvllle, Ky.. arrived In Covington
today to take three negroes, Mann. Morris
and 8andrra, back to that city to anawer
to the charge of having robbed and ahot,
with intent to kill, John B. Farrow, an
aged farmer of Maysvllle. Farrow has
been a physical wreck since the affair,
while his wife is very little better. The
people of Maysvllle are highly enraged and
a lynching Is feared. On this account two
companies of militia have been ordered to
Maysvllle. One company from Frankfort
la now encamped here, while a company
from Louisville will accompany Sheriff
Robertson to Maysvllle,
Small Fortune for Indians.
TACOMA. Wash., June 15 The Sitka
Indians have gained an Additional $6,000,
which Is a good-sized fortune for them, by
the active competition of fur dealers to se
cure their catch of seal skins, amounting
to 600 skins. By active bidding prices were
raised from $10 to $22.50 per skin, with little
No Summer Bowel Troubles
Not for mc ! I'm safe from all of them and happy. The heat of sum
mer causes organic matter everywhere to decay. All dead vegetable or
animal matter rots if not kept on ice. All undigested food in the
human body will ferment a hundred times as quickly in summer as in
winter. Consequence stomach, liver, bowels poisoned, thrown out of
order sour stomach, gases, colic, diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, append
icitis, and in some regions yellow fever and the plague. Little children
suffer terribly everyw here. What does good sense tell you to do ? You
can't keep the numan body on ice, and the drinking of ice-cold drinks
does more harm than good because it stops digestion and chills the in
ternal organs. The proper thing is to keep all impure and unnecessary
matter out of the body every day, not give it a chance to sour and de
cay in me stomacn and bowels, and poison the blood and the whole
body. In this wav VOU will StOD all hot. feverish rnnHitiAn. anrl lrran
your insides cool and healthy. To do it, use a medicine that is not offensive to the
taste and not harsh and violent in its action. There is only one safe system-cleaner
to take in the summer time, because it will not cause diarrhoea or griping, and that is
Baal for the Bowels. All dniffUu, lac, sjc.
laaaaad C. C. C. Guarrantard a cur or your
fclaruaj Kasnad Ca.,
Tss Ksadr-to4rT Cereal
crisp cleanliness
nd parity.
Cleenllneea the ChkM..u.
ui insi niirnsjsai raisxen nisi nnaiire and asav .
T m.Wf- Z-Z.JZ.rTLur LTT. " that ever? step la
oi inanniaciore is enaraeterUed
prying, or roasUng, thoroughly stsrillsas the l
entirely bT machinery.
ui ue Baal mllns
Anaiyucai caemist CnlTerHty of Bagale,
DAY & HESS, Council Bluffs
Money to loan' on Real Estate:
lowest rates; funds on hand.
Mortgage Investments for sals.
Call oa or write uc If you have
money to invest, either la mortgages,
bonds or real estate. Real property
cared for.
DAY & HESS, Council Bluffs
Houses and Lots In Council Bluffs For Sale Cheap.
regard to the average
Quality of skins,
When the pe
fits began to arrive this year
a Portland buyer took the field against the
firm In Sitka which for years had control
of the trade. As a result of the rlva'.ry In
the bidding the price waa lumped to $22.50
per skin to the advantage of the Indians,
Responsible for Man's Death.
ST. LOUIS. June 15. The coroner's lurv
that has been Investiratlnar the death of
Clifford Hamby, a member of the St. Loula
naval reserve, who was killed In a levee
rlet at East St. Louis Saturday evening,
today rendered a verdict holding John 8.
Bratton. W. A. Brown. 8. J. Allen. E.
Colliver and Frank Hale responsible. Brat
ton is a notea norseman ana the outers
named are - employes.
May Yet Be Saved.
All who have ssvere lung troubles need
Dr. King's New Dtseovery for Consump.
tlon. It cures or no pay 60c, $1.00. For
sale by Kubn A Co.
Excellent bathing, boating and fishing at
Courtland Beach.
Fair .Today and Tomorrow Predicted
for Both Nebraska and
WASHINGTON, June 15,-Forecast:
For Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri Fair
Tuesday and Wednesday.
For Illinqls Fair Tuesday, cooler In north
portion; Wednesday fair; light northwest
For Kansas Partly cloudy Tuesday and
Wednesday; probably showers Tuesday
night or Wednesday in northern portion.
For Colorado and Wyoming Showers
Tuesday and probably Wednesday.
For Montana Fair In east, showers In
west portion Tuesday; Wednesday fair.
For South Dakota Fair Tuesday,
warmer In extreme west portion; Wed
nesday fair.
Local Record.
OMAHA, June 15. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
103. 1902. 1901. 1800.
Maximum temperature ... 82 71 90 82
Minimum temperature ... 1 61 70 6t
Mean temperature 72 60 so 71
Precipitation 00 .11 .04 . 00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since xuarch 1.
1903: '
Normal temperature 7
Excess for the day " 0
Total excess since March 1 ."m
Normal precipitation 20 Inch
Deflolency for the flay 20 Inch
Precipitation since March 1 11.48 Inches
liellntncy since March 1 27 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period. 1902.... t.28 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1901.... 1.(7 inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
: e
: B
: p
Omsha. clear
Valentine, partly cloudy
North Platte, partly cloudy
Cheyenne, partly cloudy
Salt Lake City, partly cloudy..
Rapid City, cloudy
Huron, cloudy
Wllllston. clear
Chicago, clear
St. I.ouls. clear
St. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
Kansas City, clear
Havre, clear
Helena, cloudy
HIan,.rok, clear
Oalveston, clear
l .00
841 .00
6l T
74 T
701 .00
7?l .00
841 .00
W .00
841 .00
821 .00
721 .00
74! .00
6V' .00
74! .00
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
)oc. Haver sanai la bajlk. Tk. aula taklat
monay back. Snnpl nd kaoaiat lis. Aduiaas
Laikaaja Maw lark. Mt
eTpf Ih
.ia. . . . :
hr nrfi
meet eieenllnMa. Ths Snat
sad from (be time the train
of tha . "IT . . 'V, :7
" ",'n'
a - , hhhi 1. huujn
and Chemist of Um Cu of Baflalo."
Small farm near city at a bargala
Give Your Face a
For Etsy Stunlmc.
Beats any soap,
leaves no chance
for contagion.
You'll Dke It, nod Barber
apply ft for the asking.
Ml dealers sell it in
25 Cent
Collapsible Tubes.
A. R. Bremer Co., Chicago.
It makes the toilet something to be en
joyed. It remove all stains and toughness,
prevent prickly heat and chafing, and
leaves the skin white, soft, healthy. In the
hark It hrtnera a frliar an4 evhdarotiAn aahirhN
no common soap ran equal, imparling tut
vigor and life sensation of a mild TurkkK
hath. Au Gkocebs and Druggist.
&lTaaauaaMHrlM kr4 af Kab. aa kair
tha bMlahaaulr a waa. Tkaaa baaulWal rittaa.
Mat., rick braaaa aha. atallav (aid ffctaj
aara ckaataal kaaa. ara pradacaa aaly ay 'Jka
Imperial Hair Regenerator
Ta Staariard Hair Calarbif lor Car ' Skark4
Halt. Maaaathahaif aaA aad loa. Saainl
J raw kal, calarad Sa. d tot PaayMrl
WllK.l.hl WU., iUM . .US. W. V.I
v.tUI w
B)uu uy biiciniun at .ucunucii ui u 1.0.,
uaiaaa. iseo.
Quaker Maid Rye!
Best Whlakry made
Is ' Quaker Maid."
ETerybedy drinks
II Krrywhr.
You csa set it
For sal at ths lead-
ins oars, cares ana .
'mil Cltr, Mi.
Stomach. Kidney
and Liver Cure.
rejulate liver and bowel and
keep the ttorasch In such per
fect condition as to mite Indl
cestlon impossible. Try them.
Not a phytic.
in, a Bottle, at Dr( Stares.
Initlaa Ilaaa Hrana. tha Oooala.
IW Naan an.. Maw I art, an pokaa. Waa.
Inia and Luuiaa sis.. Omaha. Ntb,
ii a man