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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1903)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEEt TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1903. 8 i ( COMPROMISE IN TAXATION Lined a rrancnteeJ Conorat'on Foroet a Bedaetion la Valuation. GOVERNOR MICKEY OFFERS KANSAS AID flea-alar Arsay O Hirer Vkt Hae Bei laapeellaaT Rational Gaard Oa- IJe to Facilities for glorias; apll. (From a Staff. Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jun 15. Speclsl.) The Lln- aoln Oaa and Electric Light- company did Mickey found that It was due to the differ not make goad, today on Its threat to bring enca n bookkeeping between the auditor's a half hundred prominent Lincoln people office and that employed In the two state before the City Board of Equalisation to institutions at Milford. He will have the liow cause why IU personal assesamenU matter straightened out In a few days. should not be raised. Instead It sent Us . attorney tip and requested a compromise. Tryi" Damage case. Thm mnniuiiiiM had returned It at The Weatern Travelers Accident asso- 4WW and the company was willing to pay upon tXO.OM. The traction company was returned at $(168,000 and the company wanted I a reduction to SXOO.OOO. The telephone com- I pany wag down for $2no.O0O. but wanted I r.W rr I The council committee agreed .upon 1350.-1 0(10 for the gas company, $$00,000 for the J traction company and $126,000 for the tele-1 phone company. The traction company In- I slated, however, that Its offer to pay upon $600,000 valuation was contingent upon the I gas' company paying upon I4M.0OO, and after J a long wrangle the following were agreeq upon a the proper amounts: Lincoln Traction company $571,000 Lincoln Oas and Electric Light com- pany $711,000 Nebraska Telephone company 126.000 The council has had a big row and long litigation every year sine the actual val uation plan went Into effect in Lincoln with these three companies, and some of these suits are still pending In court. The board waa glad to get out of one thla year by compromising. As compared with last year the traction company has been In creased $30,000 In valuation, the gas com pany ISO.Ono. while the telephone assess ment remain the same. Governor Offers Aid. Governor Mickey this morning Indited a letter to Governor Bailey or Kansas in-1 quiring as to the needs of th flood surfer- I er In that atate and offering to tseu a I proclamation calling upon the people or I Nebraska to contriout to tneir aia u uie i governor of Kansas thought It necessary or I desirable. - I It was th governor's Intention to Issue th proclamation without making inquiries, i but th recently published difference In I tne view or r-ension LommBionw w m i V and Governor Bailey led htm to take the I safe side of th proposition. He said he did not care to offend state pride and there- for couched hi letter In moat diplomatic terms. Governor Bailey la quoted as hav- Ing said that outside aid waa Imperative, and a general call may follow. Both Omaha I and Lincoln hav mad generous donations, l and th sentiment seems to be that so long I as there la any need for payment of sup- I .M I A m m,A Whtn mA aVmilil lw Inn. I --Lllcra ...v. i.. .......... I plied. It Is likely, however, that th plan t to eontrtbut to a fund to repair property I losses will not be popular In Nebraska, I !B CoaBBBlaatoBer File Report.' I Th regular semi-annual report of TAnd l Commissioner Follmer waa filed with th governor this morning. The legislature of UQ1 appropriated $6.00 for tne support of th Board of Educational Land and Fund and of thla sum at th end of th second fiscal year there remain $2,011 aa, leaving th expenditure for th , support of th board fear th two fiscal years tt.K7.20. For th six months covered by the report tt cost $1X0.21 to support th board and pay us various expeneee. unuer un new aim- pensanon ine larger pan m ue money i whlch ha nitnerto teen paw rrom tne trsasury ror in support or in ooara wiu come i nun me iww wmca mrw now re-, I ' W t 1 . . W . M S 1 1 u I quirvu a vm y.u m """a and drawing paper relating to school land. This new source of revenu re- tnamed unexpioiioa until Mr. roumer nit upon th Idea of having a bin Introduced and passed through the legislature giving I him th right to collect fee lor such serv- I Ice. I Th board of purchas and suppOea, on I ef th Important organ of the atate gov- ernment, during the last six month haa entailed an expense of $50.75 upon th state for an It varied services In doing the state' shopping. Thla board make pur- fcaa mMmmtlnm thnuaanda of itnlUn I There la a total of $168 K) to th credit of this expense account out of th sum total I SKIN-TORTURED BABIES And Tired, Fretted Mothers Find Comfort In Guticura Soap and Ointment When All Other ftetfles and Physicians Fail. Instant relief and refreahlnf sle tot tUo-tortcred babies and re tot tired, worried mother tn warm bath vtth Cntleora Soap, and gcntl anoint rug! with Cuticura Ointment, purest of emollient akin care, to b followed la ever case by mild doaea of Cntlcnra Resolvent. This la th purest; sweet rat, most apeedj, permanent and eco nomical treatment for torturing, dl llgarlnj, Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted and pimply skla and scalp humours, with loss of hair, of Infant and children, aa well aa adult, and is tare to succeed when all other remedies au th best physician falL I Tb agonising Itching and barnlng ef the skin, aa la eciemei th frlghtfal sealing, a In psoriasis the to of hair and crusting of the scalp, aa la acalled head tli facial dlafigurement, a la acn and ringworm ; U awful a s tier ing of Infanta, aad anxiety of worn-out parrots, aa la milk crsat, tatter and salt rheum, all dc rased a remedy of almost anpsrbumaa vlrtee to success fully cop with litem. That Calk: am Soap, OlnUncat aad Resolvent are each lands proven beyond all doobt. No talemeat 1 mad rejrardmg them that Is Dot J a stifled by th atroogvst evi dence. Th parity and sweetness, the power to afford lasmediata relief, th' certainty of apoedy aad pennaneat cur, lb absolute solely add great fc-oaomy hare mad them th standard akla carrs and hamaar re medio of th civilised world. arit Ci i Sk ta ,im pot 9mt w en. on, Ikmj a tte Cms, hiiiimn , ur The expense of the land commlsrionere office proper. beside the regular salary of the clerks and officials, wu W10.S0 for the r-lx monlha covered by the report. During I infl iime ine Department naa iurnr inn considerable sum of $5?..W Into the tress- ury. Thla amount taken In for filed notea made by the atate'a draughtsmen. while $75 was received for the rental of penitentiary lands and $1K for the rent of lands at the burned Norfolk asylum. Investigates a Little. Chief Clerk Mickey of the governor's office Is back from Mil ford, where he went to Investigate some discrepancies between the statements of the state Institutions there ss to their cash balance and thoee as reported from the auditor's office. Mr. elation of Omaha Is defendant In a suit oea - un oeiore juage uormsn in is morning. in wnieo Hays B. Tomson of Lincoln, a former traveling man. Is plaintiff. Tomson claims 16,000 on an Insurance policy for permanent aisaomty. He says ne driving between Bruno and Prague on a oold day a year and a half ago and the team ran acroas some plowed ground. Hemorrhage of the brain resulted and death Is slowly creeping upon him. His attorney Insisted upon trying the case now because h feared his client would be dead before rail. The defense Is that plaintiffs die- abllltr la nereaia. which la . enn.titminn.i ailment, not causable by any sort of In- Jury such as la alleged, and that therefor It waa not because of an aoddent Will Try to Raise Faade The Union-Commercial club baa been torn up over the question of a new location. The board of directors ha fixed on the Auditorium corner, where vacant ground I can be leased Indefinitely, but a strong I minority oppose the location. At a meeting of the board of directors today a committee, com nosed of C. O. Whedon, I. M. Raymond, B. H. Burnham, I Homer Honeywell and B. F. Pettis, who I comprise the stinclnaJ eblectora. waa an- pointed to solicit $10,000 for th purpose of I buying ground. If this sum cannot be raised, the Auditorium corner will be se lected. Th appointment of the committee was a clever scheme to make th objector realise that a free site was th only sola uon of th difficulty, i ... """" nopone. Th report from state bank for th quarter ending June 10, which are now coming into in omce or the aecretary of th Stat Banking board. Indicate that the banks of th state are in excellent condl- Uon. This is th period of th year when deposits ar on th Increase because of a certain cessation of business In agricultural oommunltlea, but th return being re- oelved now ar considered extraordinarily I good, even when allowance, is mad for this tendency. On of th attache of th department I t ' . . Mt MU lUUrUUfl UlAt LilH DTIHIIKII Ul good for a first-class report Thla bear out th statement freouentlr made that th banking Interest of th state have at Ploed themeerre on an Independent 1 rooting ana ar not greatly affected by lui cvuuiuuu prevailing among; riw zork banks. I It will b several week before all .-1 report can be compared and compiled In Th6 L'Bn band and the Congregational th summarised report Issued by th BUte church cholr furnished muslo for th occa Banklcg board. Th reports are com Ins ,lon- After the services at th opera house la vary promptly and no delay la looked ror. i mJ J Captain Srspp. the Twantvend in. I xantry omcer Who 1 Just completlnsT tour ox inapoouoa of th National Guard In b. naif of th War department. Is not likely to grr a Battering report of everything am wuna m ooanection with th conduct A .k. , . . . . . v un iuu m inis siat. u xpressed satisfaction with th affair of th depart- mantel offlc and ail administrative affair. out no win give th legislature a black ere In hi report on th storehouse provided ror quartermaster and ordnanos supplies, tm store room now In us ar in th basement of th state bouse and ar In a painfully uncompleted state, so that Can-1 tain Kreppa will report that they are too damp for th storage of the anununl- tion, uniforms, arm, etc., whloh must be kept therein. He auggesta that they ought at least to be provided with ventilation and cement floors. The last lesielalura an. propria ted $1,000 for the erection of an ammunition house for the department, but no selection of a location has ever been made, or If It haa, no announcement Is made of the place, possibly because of fear that It might lead to opposition of parties living near th chosen spot. Adjutant General Culver of the National Guard haa installed la hi main offlc a register wherein official military vial tore to department headquarter ar expected to record their visit. It give th date, name. rank, station, residence and IJn. ooln ad drees of oaoh official visitor who calls at headquarters. Deputy Labor Commissioner Bush hi re - I celvtng report from the various counties Ion their agricultural statistics as pro- vlded by th county assessors In making I up their book. Heretofore a ess or hav been encountered who did not deem It any part of their duty to comply with the law which was intended to require them to oompll and furnlah to th labor bureau statistic concerning th acreage of the tat planted to various crop and such other facta a bear upon the agricultural prosperity and development of th atate. Last rear th commissioner secured com- nt.te renorta from all but five counties. They were Phelps, Knox. Saline. Deuel and McPhersoa counties. The assessors of Phelp county wer especially determined I ... in their attitude or opposition to th re-1 oulrement of th measure, but since that 1-nn.ter oountv teat case h n. held th validity ef that provision of the law which require assessors to take the figure contemplated and provide for get ting them Into the hands of the labor (bureau. A a result Phelps county waa on of the first to get Its completed report Into the hands of the labor commissioner, that th aggregat report, aa made up by the commissioner this year win be more i complete ana socuraw uu inue oi for mer year. Th last regular session of ths supreme court for the current term will convene tomorrow. There will probably b on es- I sloa later to enable the court to dispose I of accumulated business before the summer vacation, which will close th work of .v .-tn th. fall term .K. September U Two Soita tor Dssisgn. BEATRICE. Neb.. June IS. (Special Tel egram.) Joseph Bhumer, who waa badly Injured several weeks ago by being struck by a Rock Island train near Ellis while at tempting to drive across the track. Insti tuted suit r S2.fett) damage against the oompaay today. Isaac Ault, administrator for Nala Nelson, th young man who killed some lima ago In aa elevator at Pll- lay, has ale brought suit against th Cen tral Ocaaarisa company for fs.000 damages. ertosuUy Hart la Basueway. BEATRICE, Nob-. Jun B. (Special Tel- i erram.) X H. Murray, aa aged resident of this cuy. aad Savld Claak were Injured tn runaway accident hare this afternoon. Xkw rnnr u rTiirn ran rtnrTC IjUUU IlLrilllLlY lUlV VnULlJ High ccbojl Boyl Eajoj Thi't Outing tt Camp Cu ter. STRICT DISCIPLINE IS ENFORCED me ef the Bey a Conflaed to Caaap for Fallare to Appear la Fall I altera la Tnri Yes terday. CAMP CULVER. AUBURN. Neb., June 15. (Special Telegram.) The High school cadets are still enjoying most excellent weather. All drill was omitted yesterday excepting the morning and evening parade and guard mount The cadets have a large green field adjoining the camp In which to drill and the dress parades here are most creditable. Over $00 town folks filled the grandstand during the parade yesterday evening. Mr. Willis hold morning and afternoon service yesterday In camp at the Toung Men's Christian association headquarters and all the cadets attended morning serv Icea here or. In the town churches. Tester day all the battalion and commissioned officers ate dinner at the Byres hotel. The remainder of the cadets ate In camp. Captain Hlgglna Is officer of the day for today. A number of the cadets are confined to camp today because of appealing In town w,Ulou full uniform. No cadet Is allowed to "w cmP witnout run unuorm. Three doctors, under the supervision of Dr' Kern' are 'x"'n after the sanitary cnlltlona of the camp and the welfare of the boys, but as yet their services have not been required except for case of sun burn. A number of Nebraska City girls and a few Omaha people visited the boys In camp yesterday, but the main body of visitors will come tomorrow when the excursion wl" he run to Auburn from Omaha. Strict guard Is being kept ever camp and no cadet la allowed out after taps at 10 P- m- Breakfast this morning consisted of ,t,we1. beef, prune, potatoes, eggs, coffee aca reaa. Tne cadets will return Wed neaAT afternoon. Adding; to Tax Rolls, FREMONT, Neb.. June 15.-8peclal. Tne county board Is still slttinr aa i board of equalisation and has a lot of un finished business before It. C. 8. Starmer of Webster failed to convince the board that eighty head of cattle In his posses sion on April 1 were not taxable. Moses Starmer of Webster was also put down on ron tor izu neaa. Tne assessment of Scott Wall waa also raised. This after- noon number of Fremont people who hav bought automobile this spring ar up to ,how cause why their machines should not be taxed and will undoubtedly have thelr assessment- Increased by one auto- mobll each. There have been but few cnnsea maae in real estate, but quite little personalty ha been discovered and put en the roll. Fratermal Memorial Day, LEIGH, Neb.. June IS. flSpeclaLV-Tester was observed here as memorial day by 044 Fellows and Modern Woodmen of menca, joint servtcaa were neia at tne uvuww .v p. . um urieij u tended.. Rev. J. F. Smith of Leigh de- 1'vered an IntereaUng and logical address. order and their friend marched u un cemetery, iea vj in Dana, wner tne grave of th deceased brother and neigh' oon were strewn witn nowers. It waa probably the moat aenerallr obaervml memorial day ever known la Leigh. Aarroo to oisaarroe, TABLE ROCK. Neb.. June 15. -Special.) People here wer treated to a genuine sur- t ... I pnse un past week in th separation of Frank Dobrovolny and hi wife, Mary I Dobrovolny, wealthy Bohemians, living a short distance east of town. The husband deeded property and paid money to the amount of some $5,000 to the wife and to a trustee for th us of the two dauchtera. about I and t years old. Articles of sepa- ration were drawn up and signed and the w'fe- wltn th two little girls left for the borne of her parents In Bolivar. Mo., while the husband remains here In charge of his landa, to which she renounced by deed all br claim or dower. ' """" --. TORK. Neb.. June IS. (Special.) Last week tne tanners or Tork county finished replanting corn. Many have plowed corn one over and ar commencing to plow th second time. Winter wheat, of which I there la an acreage of about 30 per cent of I the cultivated land, is looking fine, with thB exception of a few piece on low ground. Oat Is making a fine growth and alfalfa 1 also In fine condition. Many I hav finished cutting th first crop. I r- "oeaorini service I HTJMBOLDT. Neb.. June U. (Special. 1 Th Knight of Pythias observed their an- I nual decoration service In memory of de- Parted brother at their hall In this city yesterday afternoon. A fitting program I was rendered at th hall and then the member of th local lodge inarched In a I body to the cemetery. Tn Odd Fellows beld a .similar service at the same hour at Presbyterian church, an address being delivered by L. Channel of Omaha. I . Farewell " I oraaoo HCMBOLDT, neb., June 16. (Special. ) ReT- J- N- H- Cobb yesterday preached hla frwU sermon to his Humboldt congrega I Uon- niMA crowd being in attend- nc. xpecU to lev within a few ror Iul, l- l- wner na wl" reeume I kla BMAeb B w talrlnaT ksk wa si ao . &0 ak. coural lllm win oe ft""" conference by Prof. B. L. " wl" umvereny ai uncoin. Rebelldlag Daaa at Crete. CRETE, Neb., June IS. (Special Tele- aram.-A. L. "Johnson, manager of the Crete mills, returned yesterday from Cal ifornia, where he has been for his health for ths last five months. He Immediately started a large force of men to rebuilding the lower dam, which waa taken out by th high water a few weeks ago. A force of men will be kept at work day and night. t'ovell Weodaaao Moaaaneat. BEATRICE. Neb.. June li (Special) About 1.000 people witnessed ths unveiling Wi m t vrvA vueraa ut vasw v vi aa uiuuuwriit her yesterday. Rev. O. IL 8c hi eh of Omaha made the address In the evening. Mr. Bchleh preached at the First Congrega tional church. Crete Obeervee Klaai Day. CRETE. Neb, June , 14 (Special Tele gram.) Flag day and Declaxatttm day were Jointly celebrated in Crete tniay. AH store were closed from 1 until 4 p. m. Captain Aahby ef Beatrice delivered the memorial address to an opera house full of patriotic people. rytklaaa Observe XeaaortaL TORE. Neb.. June IS, (Special.) Mem orial service were held yesterday """i"! by th Knights of Pythias at the fraternal halL After th service at th hall they marched to Greenwood cemetery and dCO raXaaV taa grarae at th iiisaa "k"t WOMAN IN CLUB AND CHARITY The St. Louis Woman club la. about to mov- Into a clubhouse of Its own. July 1 having been set ss the date for the cele bration of the event and It la to be a cele bration, tot., one that promlrea to be a so cial nfTair of more than ordinary conse quence. The club Includes among Its mem bership of 200 some of the city' most fashir.nable women, Mrs. James Blair among others. A a member has expressed it, "some are deep thinkers and others orly brilliant butterflies." The clubhouse Is one of the old St. Louis mansions and Is located out on Washington avenue in a res'ful, quiet neighborhood that la still easily accessible. The rooms are spacious and the Interior finished In walnut and mirrors that extend from floor to celling. The furnishings are massive and rich, after the fashion of that period of sub stantial comfort. There are in all twenty- odd rooms, the first floors being admirably arranged tor a clubhouse, the drswing rooms opening together In an Ideal assem bly salon, and on the opposite side of the hall there Is a parlor and dining room. In addition to these, and a plan that savors strongly of the social. Is a ballroom to be erected on the rear of the lot. It will be 100 feet long and forty feet wide and la to coet $10,000. It will connect with the drive way through a porte cochere and will be, when completed, the finest ballroom In St Louts, which Is saying much. Upstairs there are large rooms. 16x22 feet, that are to be used as clubrooms snd meeting places for the various literary clubs thst may rent them for assembly occasions. All together the clubhouse promises to be an Ideal one, one of which St. Louis club women may well be proud when they come to entertain the biennial of the General Federation next spring. ' It Is recorded of th women' clubs of Memphis. Tenn., that their work has been of a most practical nature and that nu merous public philanthropic and other In stitutions stand to their credit, such a the handsome new city hospital, a home for aged men and another for aged women kindergartens, day nurseries and numerous other things of like value. While this Is Indeed an enviable list of achievements. It Is after all nothing especially unusual, ex ceptlng that the women of Memphis are especially fortunate In having gained the co-operation of the municipal authorities and others that has made It possible to carry out their plana To the observing person It Is an old story, for wherever the woman's club Is found Is found also an. effort at least to establish such provision for the comfort and well-being of the de pendent. There are scores of cities and towns over the country that boast similar Institutions and many others, for which they are Indebted to their women's club, and besides all of these, there Is the score of popular movements rapidly gaining prestige and Influence, many of which have had their origin, and all their chief source of agitation. In the women' organisations. Among these are the Consumers' league, Juvenile courts, legislation for abolishing or controlling child labor, civic Improve ment, the preservation of historic places and of native forests, the establishment of libraries and museums, legislation for pur food and other thing equally vital to the well-being of the people. In fact, there are few citle or villages, and even the rural communities are rapidly being In eluded, that have not similar achievements that ar th outgrowth of th organised effort of the women's clubs. There will be a union meeting of th Presbyterian women' missionary -societies of ths city held at th Second Presbyterian church on June 24. Th park ommissioners hav assumed the responsibility of .the flower garden on the lot next to the public library, started last spring by the city Improvement coin mlttee of th Woman' club. At th recent meeting of the Woman Christian Temperance union $60 was voted to be expended for temperance literature. This is to be circulated about the city among the fire engine houses. Salvation Army headquarters and worklngmen' hotel. Volunteers' headquarters, and soma left with the ministers for distribution Th next meeting of the union will be educational and will be conducted by the franchise department under the superln tenden,- of Mrs. Patterson. The Income from tht high school lunch stops with the close of school, but the financial condition of the union Is good and the summer work will be carried on as usual. The member ship Is larger at present than for some time and the condition of th organisation more generally prosperous. Very Hear a Crlsao, To allow constipation to poison your body. Dr. King's New Life Pills cures It and builds up your aeaun, or ao pay. 15o. For sal by Kuhn Co. Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wed hav been Issued follower Name and Residence. Age. vviiuam la. namm. Doum umi na Catherine V. Trumbull, South Omaha..., X3 Earle B. Brown. Clinton. Ia Jessie A. Carpenter, South Omaha.... Bohnmll 8terba. South Omaha Mary upocensxy, Boutn Omaha t2 Samuel A. Patterson, Omaha tl Eva Brown. Firth a Clifford C. Sadler, Omaha 26 Agnes A. Duff, Omsha 24 Charles Oermandt. Omaha zs Jtannette Eversole, South Omaha 21 Oscar Reed, South Omaha a Jane 81ms, South Omaha u Henry Summers, Omaha 14 E'sla Dorsey, Omaha tt Joseph Hopp, South Omaha 41 Rosarle Bofranek, Bouth Omaha 17 Otto L. Ehlers. Omaha 30 Minnie Bass, Omaha 17 Henrv Bhrlner. Douglas county Tl Maren Anderson. Douglas county U Kdmond A. Pollard. Omaha S4 Ida Meyer, Mead a Willie E. Casey, Elm wood si Rosa Lee Daniel, South Omaha 1 Arthur W. Walkup, Omaha 14 Leona P. Earnest, Omaha 22 Fred W. Hoeft, South Omaha 12 Minnie Engren, Bouth Omaha 25 John J. Ehuman. Omaha 28 Anna Kaol. Wllber Round trip fare from Omaha to Lak Manawa only 2S cents. Ayers Cherry Pectoral Get well before you have to think of weak lungs, bronchitis, pleurisy, or consumption. Take the medicine the doctors prescribe, the medicine you have known for a lifctijne IZ&Zz iVHAT A BLIND MAN CAN SEE William E. Greg; WriteaaVtrylntereitior and InstructiTt Book. EYES NOT ALL ESSENTIAL TO HAPPINESS Sorely Afflicted Mao folate Oet How Mock of Brightness Life May Hold If the Heart Be Right. William H. Gr-ps, a graduate of the Ne braska Institute for the Blind, has written a book entitled "Secrets cf Fate Unlocked, or From Possibility to Reality," which he affectionately dedicates to his deceased wife. Mr. Gregg waa born In Winona county, Minnesota, In September, 1S7, and without sight. As a child he was a great lover of nature, and though deprived of that faculty which to thoee who see seems so essential to Its enjoyment, his happiest hours were passed In the woods, for he could hear the birds sing and enjoy the perfume of the flowers and the sweet, pure air. In his book he pleads for a closer communion with and a more general study of nature, believing that this would Induce a higher and purer standard of living. With a mind close in accord with high Ideals and an unlimited amount of courage and perseverance, this man has accom plished much, not only along educational lines, but In the more material things of thla life, for as a scholar and a business man he has been eminently successful. The great desire of his lrfe now Is to In fluence others to a higher and more noble ambition, and a thoughtful reading of hla accomplishments will Inspire, not only those who ere unfortunate, but all to stop nothing short of the highest realization of their Ideals and hopes. Misfortunes never come singly, and Mr. Gregg was no exception. When a small boy he was carrying an armful of wood across an Ice pond and slipped, dislocating his right shoulder. It was thirty-five miles to the nearest physician. His parents thought It simply a sprain and treated It by bathing, etc, as Is usual in those cases, but the effects ware permanent and he has also from that time been partially disabled In thla way. Hot a Book of Benson. t In February, 1S9S, Mr. Gregg delivered an address before the Lincoln High school for which he received the heartiest en dorsement and highest praise from Instruct ors, parents and students. Instructors and parents appreciating the Influence his help ful thoughts and suggestions would have over the students, and the students Inspired and spurred to a more determined effort by a knowledge of what he, thowgb blind, had accomplished, resolved to strike the word "can't" from their vocabularies. One must not get the Idea that tne book sermonises, on the contrary. It Is enter taining as It Is helpful. Speaking of the peculiar conception the blind haa of, even to those who see. the most common things Mr. Gregg says his first Idea of the sun was that it must be a very large lamp hung In the sky, though It puzxled him to Imagine what held It up. His mind waa so wrought up when h was told of th sun, moon and star that he dreamed of them. A another Instance he says that when he first beard of corn fodder he supposed It was something that would bite. His description of the surprising feats of locomotion accomplished by ths totally blind la truly wonderful His Life Xehraakm. In U74. ' the mother bavins died a tew months previous, hi ' father moved th family to Pleasant Hill. Neb. The coming to a prairie country, after having always been accustomed to a wooded one, waa quit a novelty and a great change even to this sightless lad. From then t the pres ent time Mr. Gregg has spent a large por tion of the time tn Nebraska, and is well known In the leading town of th state. He entered the Nebraska Stats Institution for the Blind at Nebraska City November 2L 1S77. and was graduated with the class of 18S6. This waa the first clssa to be grad uated from the Institution and the class motto was "From Possibility to Reality." One haa only to read his book to discover With what perfection he has attained the fullest realisation of this motto. Mr. Gregg haa - traveled much, and the reader has the benefit of his experiences, together with the descriptions of the dlf feemt portion of th country, th manners and customs of the people, etc Under the title. "What I Saw In Wind Cave." he de scribe a visit made to Wind Cave, In the Black Hills, and by hla word picture on ts almost made to see the wlerd beauties of It Interior. In a chapter, "Let Not Tout Heart Be Troubled," we find the following word of encouragement: "Th dove tn It flight finds but on obstruction to Its prog ress th resistance of the atmosphere. It might be said that If the atmsophsre were removed she could fly more rapidly. But remove the atmosphere and her wings will oe useless. Some on may aay, T am ao hampered; were tt not for the obstacle In my way I could accomplish more.' H now not that these very obstacle ars essential to conquest and that they gen crate strength to achieve It." Ceatat ef th Book. 22 The book aiso contain cnapters on "Hints on fiQUClllon, buuuauuu gt ui xuina. Character Building,'' "Concerning Helen Keller" and "Th Pinnacle of Fame," also an Instructive chapter on "The Education of the Deaf." In his rambllngs Mr. Gregg ha often been aaked many question re garding those who hav loat on or more of th faculties, and h haa taken these ques tion and his answer and out of them woven a very Instructive chapter for those who love to consider the causes, why and wherefore. Another feature of the book that deserve especial mention is a sermon by Dr. T. DeWltt Talmage. the text for which was taken from Isaiah $3:23, "Th lame take the prey." In this sermon the afflicted are offered consolation and com fort, and every one 1 reminded of a re sponsibility to make good use of whatever talent they may posses. Mr. Gregg 1 very much In earnest In his desire to help others and every page of hi book breathe a spirit of resignation to the Divine will. He say: "Though I am unfortunate in the world, and notwith standing that it I darkness to me, yet I, with many of my unfortunate brother and sisters, look forward to a better land than this, where there ars no such obstacle to encounter, where we will stand on an equality. There we, too. shall see the glit tering streets and ths bright shining lights of the New Jerusalem. There we will be hold the radiant brightness of our Creator and enjoy His during th ceaas less year of eternity." Fee the daring Fries brothers, acrobats and barrel Jumpers, at CVurtland Beach. DANCING AND DRINK DENIED Cathelle Blake Oe-eWra Plaek t IV- tala frwas lAejeiwr mt new lea. LOt; IS VILLI. June 11 Bishop lie Clnekey of the Cstholle diocese of Louis vine baa tawoed an order against dancing aad the saw of Intoxicant at ptcnlea. Th latter refers t th "shockingly m taasnt form of 'th modern dance, " and to at th DOCTOR ENSOR Endorses the Catarrhal Tonic Pe-ru-na A Con gressman's Letter. Dr. 3. T. Ensor, postmaster of Columbia, 8. C. late superintendent and physician tn charge of atate Insane asylum at Columbia, a C. writes: "After ulng your Peru na myaclt for short period, and my family having used and art now using th game with good result, and upon the Information of other who have been benefited by It a euro for catarrh and an Invigor ating tonic, I can cheerfully recommend It to all person requiring ao effective a remedy." Dr. J. F. Ensor. Hon. C. W. Butts, ex-member of congress from North Dakota, In a letter from Wash ington, D. C, says: "That Peruna Is not only a vigorous, as well aa an effective tonic, but also a cure of catarrh Is beyond controversy. It is already established by its use by the thou sands who have been benefited by It. I cannot too highly express my apprecia tion of Its excellence." C. W. Butts. Dr. R. Bobbins, Muskogee, I. T.. wites: "Perunn is the best medicine I know of for coughs snd to strengthen a weak stom ach and to give appetite. Beside prescrib ing it for catarrh I have ordered It for weak and debilitated people and have not had a patient but said It helped him. It Is an excellent medicine and It fits so msny cases. , "I have a large practice and have a chance to prescribe your Peruna. 1 hope you may live long to do good to the sick and suffering." Only the weak need a tonic. People are never weak except from some good cause. One of the obscure causes of wenknss and the one oftenest overlooked Is catarrh. Catarrh Inflames the mucous membrane and causes the blood .plasma to escape through the mucous membrane In the form of mucus. This discharge of mucus Is the same aa the loss of blood. It produces weakness. AND RETURN r iire Bargains Ilyfaiiiii fife I Si VIA ROCK LAND SYSTE Tickets on Said Juno 18-30, and July I Final Return Limit, September (5. City Ticket Office i G. A. of th third plenary council of Baltimore. Xs a result of the ruling th picnic of the Catholic" Knights of America, set for June 20, has been called off. FUNERAL IS VERY SIMPLE Frleads Pay Last Tribute ef arret Late Cearral MeCaek. DATTON, O.. June 15. Extreme simplic ity marked th funeral service over the remains ef the lata General Alexander Mc Dowell McCook at the residence of his daughter. Mrs. Charles A. Craighead, thla morning. There wer present only relatives of ths family, cloe friends and members of ths LoysJ Legion. Th service by Rev. Ma urine E. Wilson consisted or reading scripture Inarm, prayers and hymns, y Tb funeral was In accordance with th Tishea of General McCoek. who did not da sir any display. Ths remains wer taken to Spring Grove cemetery, Cincinnati, for Interment. CINCINNATI. Jon li The body ef General McCook waa Interred her today. X battalion of th Third United States infantry according th MtmTulehd aoL dler mllttary honors. Prtskrtmaj mania Hew. -t ii-PMATL iaa gThr waa a CuU. SLPT. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE INSTITUTION. "ftOT " ' il l Peruna stop the catarrh and prevents tho discharge of mucus. This Is why Pe runa Is called a tonic. Peruna does not give strength by stimulating the nervous system a little. It given strength by preserving the mu cous membranes against leakage. It gives strength by converting the blood fluids snd preventing their draining away In mucous discharges. Constant spitting and blowing the nose will finally produce extreme weakness from the loss of mucus. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address, Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Alper.a. Mich., and back. KS.G; dally until September 3u. Harbor Beach, Mich., and back, i.2b; dally until September SO. Port Huron, Mich., and back. $22.06; daily until September 30. Chicago, 111., and back; June 15, M and July 1. Atlanta, Ga., and back, $3210, July ( to 7. Boston and back, $3J.7S; June 90 to July 4. Boston and back, $31.75; June 24, 25 and 26. Saratoga and back. $32.20, July 4 dr E. Detroit snd back. J21.00.July 14 and 15. Baltimore and back, $32.25; July 17 and 18. St. Louis and back. $13.50; Jun 16 and 17. Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and back. 117.50; dally until Sept. t Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and back. $15.00; July 1 to 10. Salt Lake City and back, $30.50; dally Vnlil September 30. Los Angeles, San Francisco and Ban Diego and back. $50; July 1 to 10. Los Angeles or San Francisco and back. $46.H; August 1 to 14. lint f prlnrs. S. D . and return. $16.40; dailv tntll September 30. Point Aux Barques. Mich., and back, $24 15; daily until September to. Tawas. Mich., and back, $23.48; dally until September to. The above are some of the Burling ton's chesp excursion rates this year. If you sre going anywhere you had better write or see me. as I can prob ably offer you suggestions that will save you money. J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnsni St, Omaha. 1323 Firoai St. Omaha, Keb. Rutherford, D. P. A. 3C attendance of the 300 delegates here today at the opening of the fifteenth annual con vention of the International Printing Press men snd Assistants' union, which sll week. The first session was devoted to addresses of welcome and reaponxes and to receiving of credentials. An elaborate pro gram has been arranged. No business will be transacted until the report of the com mittee on credentials is adopted tomorrow. rbamaerlala'i tesaack aad Liver Tablets Belter Thaw Pills. The question haa been aaked. In what way ar Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets superior to pIllsT Our answer 1 They ar easier and more pleasant to take, more gentle and mild In their action and more reliable, as they can always be depended upon. The a they cleanse and In vigorate the stomach and leave the bowels in a natural condition, while pills ars more harsh In effect and their use 1 often fol lowed by constipation. Body ef JtUstsjgr aiasi roaaa. LA CROSSE. Wis., June li The re mains ot Thomas f. Katn, a well known farmer, residing near 1'rownville. Minn., I, who disappeared four week ago. were found ntar bis borne near the bottom or a alough which was under ten feet of water. His boat was found nearby and It la sup posed b was caalsed and drowned. A Mas BaaUy layored. Or painfully hart, horned, bruised er v evaded gees quick comfort from Bueklen'a Arwica Salve. It conquer pain. tie. Fog sal ky Kaha & Ca ; ffl