Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DAILY It EE; TUESDAY, .11' NE 10, J!03.
Telephone S1S-60I.
Wf) CLOSE 8ATIRDAY8 AT I P. M. ' Bei Jsrjivft. 11X4.
The Choicest of
Wash Fabrics
It U very hard to sell undesirable, wash
goodi, or goods that were in vogue one or two
Beasona ago; therefore, the merchant that finds
himself Pto6ked with such goods 9 glad to
eeJl them at a reduced price. Do you wonder
Ot thi? ; " ', " ' ; ' ' '
" ' 'ol)odyr,irani8 large, sprawly designs, .when neat ftgurrs or
Rtripri re fashionable.,',. K,o well dressed lady would wen colors
that jhaye bpcy ' passe'' for several seasons. .
Xnw our"pint is this: .-
' jV? nrcT.rarEy wash goods from one season to theothrr, and
buy only tbe-fhoicest of this season's styles; therefore, fiaveiione
but the verv. tliOicest of wash goods to offer you.
New lawns, 18 a yafd.
Embroidered swtwt.-lEc a yard.
Fine, batiste at, 16q a yard. t . ,
NewrdimltleiTat lo a 'yard.
A. F. C. aephyr ginghams at 10c
1aUat flaked klnoher t "a .
Irish linen lawn at toe. , , . ,
Irish, dimities at 2c.
New linen Colored novelties at 25c.
New iac lend at 18o, tot and 25c.
New printed madraa at 15o, 20c, 25c. JOe.
New ellk moussellnes at 2.'c, 40c. 60c.
New jiilk and linen tissues at 6'c.
Y. M. C. A. Building. Cornef
(round la being exposed In the flooded die
trlcta. The four companlea of mllltla which
have for almost a week been assisting the
police wera released today. .
Long lines of refugees were formed again
today in front of relief headquarters, wait
ing for food and clothing. Eastern rall-
'road,traffle la gradually being resumed
'from St. Loula.
' The water haa fallen to a depth of six
'inches at the relay station In East Bt
Louis, through which all east bound trains
must pasa. and several lines were abla to
run through from the Bt. Louie union sta
tlon today.
! The coroner's Jury that haa been Investi
gating the death of Clifford Hamby, a
member of the Bt. Loula naval reserve.
who was killed In a " " " result of a double killing, committed yester
flt. Louis Saturday evening. day. . Fred Mink, . tl Jrae of; g.. Is
.a verdict holdng John S. Bratton. W. A.
.l.: town whll.-a mob 4 pOM
man and the others named are employee.
John 8. Bratton on the stand, told of
a party ,ot forty, men and women who j
came to tne jevee arm uraiiu m vu. ,w ,
. . r . - , 1 . ' mnA I
ym n H ' in iuciii i
.the .would not go until
we threatened
them with the ahotguns we carried. Soon
i after we commanded aome one to hall. A
. ahot. waa flred and wa returned It. I did
ot think they were guarae, aa Mayor
Cook had. told me that ha could not aendJtlot explained.
Alfcaqaerqna ti Daaater.
V ALBUQUERQUE. N. M., June 15. This
section has just been ytalted by the heavl
jHeat rain f Ch yea .accompanied by what
.'almoet amount to a cloudburst In the Jemea
, mountains. nrth of here..", ... ,,. .
' A eUddVivnse cameMn the - R(o Grande
j and Albuquerque la again In Imminent
fdangef . of being aubmerged..' Loa' Cenltoa,
.elght mllea up the river. Is completely
under water and tha people have fled to the
hills, taking such of their household goods
aa they could load Into wagona.
Alameda, where the levee that protects
Albuquerque la located,! la under water and
'people are leaving their homea to the mercy
of the , flood. ,
i A break forty feet wide la reported In the
,Jevee north of the railroad, and plrectly
above .the city and a large force of men
'haa been flurried there. It la reported here
'that the bridge at Gallsteo. on the main
pine of the Santa Fe. haa been washed
away. : (
Ecmemu o Car. o Pay,
, Vour druggist will refund your money l!
PAZO -OINTMENT falls to cure Ringworm.
Tetter. Old Ulcers and Bores, Pimples and
Blackheads on the face, and all akin dla
eaasa. SO centa.
Ride on the Ferria Wheel and Switchback
at Courtland Beach. 1
Mill of James Crelffhton Withhold
Property from Two of . i
Hla Soas.
.. . i
The will of tha lata Jamea Crelghton was
opened in tha county court yesterday.
The value of the estate Is estimated at
(61.000, of which $1,000 la In personal prop
erty and the remainder In Nebraska real
estate,. The will provides that the widow
Js" to receive' one-third of the-net Income
from the rent Of the real estate during her
life and that the children, with the excep
Nlol of John V. and Arthur L., are to re
eel the remaining two-thirds during the
life of Mrs. Crelghton. Upon her death
1h teal .estate Is to be divided share and
har alike among the children, with the
crreptlona above, John and Arthur to re
frelvcrto'pait of the estate. The executors
ere Mi Crelghton, Mary Crelghton and
Charles H. Crelghton. Tha signing of tha
will waa wltnesaed by J. J. O'Connor and
J. M. Congleton. ' The matter of probating
tha will cornea on July 6.
m Well worth the see
ing, Oood 6ir"
, -Henry VIII., Act iv. 6c. J
Shakespeare might well hava
had in mind '
Three cerierations of
its purcnasers will bear
" witness.that it is always
worth seeing. It is also
' well worth possessing,
so faultless is its design,
"o excellent its work
manship, and so ster-
lingMts material. ,
keep it
New tub suitings at le and'250.
Linen homespun at 15e. '-
Printed backet weaves at 19c. ''
Imported rhadra. at ffiCj 0ey- 4So, L joio
and 0o a yard.
New basket weave, at c, 0;,'qS, Wo
and 60o a yard. . . .. . .
Oerman linen, gingham at 2o.
Silk aephyr at 86c. -..,--
Mercerlied aephyr at f0o.. , . v
Blouse linens at ISc. . , . , .,
Galatea oloth at 15a, and J5c. -. : , :
Sixteenth and Douglas J5t
WalU in AmWh and Tlral "Upon raimer
in Pasture,
Flees to a Deserted Hons, Whe
Mob Is Attempting; to Lyncn
and Iheria o Make
Hlm Prlsaaer.
PITTSFIELD. 111., Juna It. Aa the
are seeking to affect his capture.
The members 6f the mob declare they will
lynoh him and the sheriff and his deputies
trylng tQ makd hlm a prUc.ner mni tak.
n)m ,n ...
Mink ahot and killed Newton W. Karris,
a farmer living near town, and then killed
hla stepmother. Rage over the refusal , of
Harris to allow hlm to pay attentions .to
hla daughter la thought to have Inspired
one killing, but the death of Mrs. Mink la
Mink recently returned from tha atate
of Washington.. Before Waving horn tor
the weat he paid attentions (. Beaulah, the
daughter of Mr. Hkrrte," and : hla suit had
been dlacouragod. bf the father. Blnce his
return Mink. Ins detfaWaJtJttat ha Intended
to even up acorea.,., i
Mr. Hrr!a-wr-! lita .Yjture lot vti-1
day afternppn when Mink ,0rept up behfhd'
him. He waa armM. wlth'; fle and from
the shelter of , a fence., ha , llred on tha
unsuspecting farmer, who fell. Mink then
ran to the prostrate man nd" shot Tifri four
times In the back and aid at . ha lay on
the ground.
' Harders Vim fite'rZnmtiimr. '' .
Alarmed by the flrlrur. Mra Harris ran
from the house a short distance away and
atarted toward her . hunbaad.;; MUJk draw
a revolver aa eh approached and flred
one ahot. mlaslna her.'. It' thett ran from
the field and disappeared tn ih woods.
A search was instituted and a number
of people went to hla home.. Forcing, an
entrance, they dlscovejed tha bod of Mrs.
Mink lying on the floor. ' Bbe had "been shot
a number of times and waa dead hi
found. The cttlaens organised a poaae,
fully armed, to eearch for Mink and at
length he waa found hiding In a deserted
house In the edge of tha town.
As the crowd approached ha showed him-
aelf at a. window and told hla pursuers that
he would kill the first man that approached
the house. He showed hla rifle and
revolver and flred a shot at one man who
tried to run around a corner of tha house
to get at him from behind. The eherlff
Insists that he will 'make every effort 'to
prevent a lynching. . i
(Continued from First Page.)
that showed the depth ot their feeling In
the matter.
It waa promised that everything that' tha
executive could do without violating the
principles of International comity.' would
be done, but neither President Roosevelt
nor Secretary Hay were able to make any
ueiinur promise oeyona mis, which was
accepted aa satisfactory.
1 i:
Prnsslaa Mlaleter at Traaaary, .-
Frelheer von Rhelnbade, tha PruaMan
mlnlater of finance, called at the Treasury
department today. H'kfrs4 much In
terest In the lawa aaA regulation relating
to the asxesament and collection of In
ternal revenue taxeV In' general, 'but moat
especially aa to .tobacco. . .Cottmlaaldtier
Yerkea of tha Internal ' reread bureau
apent a part of tha morning In explaining
the details of tha revenue .system In thla
Country. The minister aal'the question
or increasing tne taxes on tobaoco waa
now before the Prussian Parliament
' Mora Lavad. Kepf for Water.
Tha secretary of tha interior haa ordered
tha withdrawal from entry, of 100,000 acres
of public lunda In Idaho, In connection
with the Blackfoot irrigation project, and
MO.OOO acres in Nevada, In connection with
tha Rock creek, tha Humboldt rivar. North
Humboldt and South Humboldt projects.
Rootlae of . Depart aieata.
These Iowa rural carriers were appointed
today; Albla Regular, Jpase Harper; sub
atltute, Jeaale M. Harper.- Colllna Regular,
Carl Day; aubatltut. .Rosa Day. Hlnton
Regular, Douglas O. Bogeaxiefj aubetltute.
Herbert Mansrteld . Lynnvllla Regular,
Hugh Uyahong; aubMtltute, Minnie Buahong.
Tha poatofflca at Luoky, Valley, Wood
bury county, la., haa been, ordered discon
tinued. , - 1-
Clyde H. Belknap of MadiaM, fl. D., and
R. E. Klnaell 6t Dea Moines, la.,- wera to
day appointed clerk In the Treasury de-
prtment. ' . '
The poatofhea at Mooar, la., haa bee a
mad aa lnternatlanai money order offloa.
Jamea J. Ryan waa today appointed aub
atltuta cltrk tn the Fort Dodge, la., poat
offlca. and John J. Bellck, John Thleboit and
W. J. Clancy substitute carrlera la tha
Davenport, la., poetaftlca.' . j. .
Postmaster appointed: Nebraalut. I I
HUe. 8L Michael. BalTalo aounty. vice H.
M. Walker, realgned. ' "Wyoming. A. 8. Hur
ley. Bag. Uinta oouaty, - . ' . ..
Mlitonri Court Declares Continental Com
pan Empowered to Ba Competitor.
Thlrteea Llaea Overcome Atteraer
Oeaeral'a Argameata aad Persaade
Judges to Refaae Writs Asked
for Against Them.
JEFFERSON CITf. Mo.. June lV-The
iiprema court decided againet Attorney
Cr6w in his suit for a decree In ouKter
against the Continental Tobacco company,
Drought for Violation of Missouri anti
trust law, and dlkmleed the case.
In "brief tha court hold that a Corpora
tion acting In good faith and in the legiti
mate puMult of Its buelneas can buy up
all the assets-of other similar corporations
It has tha money to pay for. The law
prohibiting the formation of a trust or
Combination to control price does not pro
hibit th purchase of one corporation by
Th- evidence taken before the commis
sioners 'falls to show a combination or
trust. The authority to buy, manufacture
and Mil tobacco and the authority to erect,
maintain and operate such plants, 'all of
which I granted the company by Its char
ter; clearly gives' the . power to purchase
the assets of other companies in a smaller
business. . . " ; .
Tha order of th court therefore Is that
th report of the commissioner ba con
firmed and the Continental and other to
bacco companlea against whom the proceed
ing, waa instituted 'be discharged.
' Railroads Also Win.
Th earn court also decided In favor of
thirteen railroads against whom Attorney
General .Crow had Instituted suits of ouster
for violation of law relating to reconstgn
ment charges.
Judge Burgess wrote the opinion, In which
hi ass6ciates all concurred. It Is it victory
for the railroads, Ih that the court sustains
their plea that the action waa prosecuted
solely for the vindication- ot private rights
and th redress of private grievances, and
therefor ordered the writ tiuaehed. -
The court holds a wrong to at! Individual
or Individuals cannot be corrected by quo
warranto proceeding, declaring . that, the
statutes provide ample relief for such pri
vate Wrongs as are complained ot In this
cas. - -
Continuing, th court says that quo war
ranto Is not. a remedy to determine dis
putes between private persona and a cor
poration, but Is to determine by what tight
a corporation exercise wrongful or Illegally
a Certain tranchiae or to oust It from tha
right to b a corporation! for an abus or
nonuse of a franohls granted.
boating and fishing at Lake
(Continued from First Pag.) .
to reaum th normal condition of their
dutlea .
King Peter probably will start tor Bel
grade Thursday evening by way ot Vienna,
aooompanled by his Swiss attendants. Hla
residence I watched by private deteotlves.
Th many caller ar rapidly filling up
th new king visitor's book with their
congratulation.' "
Th wrlnya.nriyma ty telegraph
this afternoon from Belgrade that a sharp
nght had taken placaln the atreeta between
ls '-partisans and those of r Milan, 4Jiei
legltlmatlied son of th former King Milan,
father ot tne muraerea ivmg Alexander.
Young Milan has recently been living In
Constantinople. ' Hi partisans posted a
proclamation on ' th walla ot Belgrade
which, waa torn -down 'by Prlno. Peter'
aupportera after a Ire fight. .-
Takes Only Flfteea Mlnates.
. SBMLIN. Itungary, June 15. Th Skupsh-
tlna and Senate of Bervla met In. joint
session precisely at noon today and within
fifteen mlnutea had elected Prince . Pater
Karageorgevltch aa king of Bervla.
Long confereacea were held between th
mlnlatera and deputlea on Sunday night and
all thla morning. These reaulted In a
cut and dried program which want through
without a hltoh.
Th parliamentary gathering wa held In
the white and gold ball room In the new
wing of tho palace, within a few yarda of
tha spot where King Alexander and Queen
Draga'a bodie were thrown from the win
dow. Not tha slightest reference wa mad
to Thursday' tragedy.
The ministers of tha provisional
government sat .at a tabje at tha
top of the hall, th prominent figure
among them being the chief of the con
spirator. Colonel Mlschlch,' Queen Draga's
brother-in-law, who was resplendept In his
full army uniform. The member entered
the hall and took their seats Informally.
Repnblle with a King.
President Avakumovlcs res and Imme
diately began speaking ' amid breathless
silence. He said the national assembly had
met to elect a king of the fatherland, hav
ing already agreed upon the principle ot
th new constitution.
Immediately the whole assemblage rose
and ahouted, "Long nve Karageorgevltch."
Th toll calf followed, each member rising
quietly' In hla place and aaylng: "Peter
There , waa ho dissenting vote and tha
proceedings closed with brief Speeches de
livered by the president and premier Con
gratulating the aaaembly upon it day's
work, which it waa hoped, foretold bet
ter days for Bervla.''
' Directly afterward tha soldiers on the
outside took the oath of allegiance, to tha
new king, the late Queen Draga'a regiment
being tha first to do so.
The inhabitants' of Belgrade are remark
ably quiet and apparently unconcerned.
The cafes are filled with people reading th
newspapers and playing cards or chess, tha
shops ar open and there Is little to Indi
cate that the nation has been engaged In
the aelectlon of a new aoVerelgn. The con
stitution is described' as making Servla vir
tually a republlo with the king at Its bead.
Poor Opinion of Asaaaslas.
LONDON, June 15. The Geneva corre
spondent of th Dally Express aaaerta that
Prince Karageorgevltch In an interview de
clared emphatically that tha nation ought
to aveng tha asaasalnatlon of the king
and queen of Bervla,
"A king." he aald, "who could receive a
crown from th hands of assassins would
be their accomplice."
Asked It he would punish the assassins,
b replied. "I-have no 'power. "
In reply to the question, "But when you
are kingT" Prince Peter gave aa answer:
"That may never be."
Prepared to Heeogalao Peter, hat
Bits Decided Nothlan; aa
to Asaaaslaa.
' PARIS, Juna U. It la aald tn official quar
ter that official action between th power
I regarding their attitude toward Bervla ha
now eventuated In aa agreement that mln
latera of tha various power shall remain
Id Behrrade In order to look after th cur
rent interests of thjBlr governments. Pars
aOnlstts receiving praattca&y Identical in
structions to recognise the deolnWm of th
Bervtan Parliament. If th latter haa full
liberty, of action during (he rhoieo of a
The agreement to retain the ministers at
Ilela-rado appear to have met with a'.rong
objection on tha part of some of tha powera.
The Hrltlsh government flrst made known
lis decision to withdraw tho Rrltlsh minister
from Belgrade, but latef concurred with
the other powers. The ministers, however.
Will not 'be considered to have' relations
with the present Servian regime until the
Parliament at Belgrade freely expresses Its
will. '
The French Foreign office considered that
the selection of Prince Peter Karageorge
vltch as king waa practically certain; the
agreement of the powers to accept the de
cision appears to assume In advance the
powers' recognition Ot King Peter. The
ofllclals say the agreement did not Include
any conditions relating to the punishment
of the parties responsible for the assassina
tions. Kins; Legally Elected.
no VIE, June 15. A telegram received here
from Belgrade announcing the election of
King Teter says It-occurred In a perfectly
legal manner and that he waa enthusiastic
ally received by th people.
LONDON,'" June 15. Premier Balfour an
nounced In tha Hous of Commons today
that the future diplomatic relations be
tween Great Britain and Servla were under
consideration. '
The subject waa brought up by a question
of Gibson, Bowies', 'conservative, who In
quired if the government proposed to con
tinue diplomatic 'relations with thoea con
cerned In the assassination of th king and
queen of Servla; who had now assumed the
government.' '
Mr. Balfour replied that he could only
say at present that the matter waa under
consideration. So far a diplomatic rela
tions were concerned, these came to an end
with the death of King Alexander, because
tha British representative waa only ac
credited to th late-king. Th premier
added that hla answer would probably be
considered Inadequate, and intimated that
If Mr. Bowlca placed hla question on paper
In th regular - way' tts might be abl to
give addltlonar Information tomorrow.
The Servian minister In London this
afternoon received official notification of
the election of King Peter.' Th tolegram
was signed by M. Kalievics, foreign min
ister in the provisional cabinet, and said:
- Th Skupshtlna and Senate, meeting -together
in joint congress, hava unanimously
proclaimed Peter Karageorgevltch king ot
Tha telegram Instructed th minister to
announce th fact to the British Foreign
The British Foreign office received the
first news of the electlbn of King Peter
from the Associated Prs. The officials
said that before taking definite action they
will await King Peter's assumption of the
throne and th ' completion of the new
It wa frankly added that if the new
king's cabinet included those 'who were In
th assassinations It would be Impossible
for Great Britain to continue diplomatic
relations with It. Th question of King
Peter's enforcement of th punishment of
th murderer wa left In abeyance.
. Germany Doe Not 6bjeet,
BERLIN. June 16. Th election of Prince
PUr to th throne qf Bervla will not cause
any difficulty on th part. of Germany, The
Foreign office today, answering a direct
quaatlon on th subject, replied that Ger
many, . having . lea - Interest, then Austria
and Russia, was leaving thoaa powers to
take. thaJnUa'tlve.", The yienna and St.
Petersburg'. governments had . agreed that
the situation at Belgrade' did not call. for
Interference andthat therefor their policy
waa to await dejy?lopraenta , without . .any '
action -racognlzihtytttta provincial government-.-.
But-th"'6ermai Foreign office" bjt
Ueves'that the'receghltfon of King Petef
will not create any difficulty anywhere and
that It will follow duly after the necessary
formalities have been discharged.
VIENNA, Juna ll. Kmg Alexander's
former private secretary, M. Petronovlteh,
who was regarded aa being on of the most
faithful of th lata king' adherents, has
caused a sensation by telegraphing in th
nam of th entire Petronovlteh family their
desire to render homage to King Peter, as
suring him that, they will serve him as
faithfully as they served King Alexander.
It Is said that King Peter will refuse to
receive Colonel Mlschlch, the chief of th
conspirators, on his entry Into Belgrad,
This, If true, threatens to cause difficulties,
as ths presence of Colonel Mlschlch Is re
garded as Indispensable at the reception,
and pressure Is being brought to bear on the
new king to Induce him to yield.
- Forelsrn Minister Hopeful.
PARIS, Juns IB. Th Temps, in a dis
patch from Belgrade, prints an Interview
with th new minister for foreign affairs,
M. Kalievics, In "which he 1 quoted as
"Th power at first hesitated concerning
their attitudes, but on receiving fuller In
formation as to the causes leading up -to
tha tragedies, they have manifested no In
tention of Interfering In Bervla'a affairs.
Vienna and St.- Petersburg give satisfac
tory assurance. Berlin Is more reserved
because Germany I less directly concerned,
but I am sure It will not oppose us. Bervla
1 tranquil arid now resumes it normal
Th minister also gave a detailed version
of the tragedies, declaring that King Alex
ander' a course wa responsible, and adding:
; "The post-mortem examination of the
king' remains reveals th secret of his
Incompetency. I mention only on detail.
The doctors found that the bone of his
skull were three - times ths thickness of
those of an ordinary man." .
' The foreign mlnlater further asserted that
history would record that tha sufferings
of Servla under recent reign were dilefly
due to th Intrigues of woman.
Bo I Charged with Attempting to
Extort Money front Flasw .
ployoa in Faetory.
NEW YORK. June IS. Accused of at
tempt to extort money from employes tn
a Newark hat factory. David Rlahman haa
been fined $990.98 by th Hatmakera' union.
. About eight montha ago similar charges
were made against Rlshman and he waa
fined !.. He waa then foreman ot a de
partment In the factory.
Although he declared at th time that
th charge were trumped up, it la aald
he haa since been paying the Una In weekly
Installments out of his wages. He declares
that the new charge ar trumped up and
that he will not pay tha aecond fine.
Row York Man la Kamed for Place
a Civil Service Coat,
WASHINGTON. Judo 15.-The following
statement wa given out at th Whit
Houaa today:
Alvord Warrtner Cooley of Westchester,
N. T., has beea appointed civil service
commissioner, vloe William Dudley Foulke,
Mr. Cooley haa accepted th position.
A Bara Haver Barns.
After Porter's Antlaeptlo Healing Oil to ap
plied. Relieves pain Instantly and heals at
ths same time- Fit maa or boast. Prlco, Ka
See th daring Frleae brothers, arrobata
and bafrtl junpers, at Courtland Beach.
Cit'ieni Diead Mora Reprisals in Dreadful
Kentucky Feud.
Jadge Declares All Legitimate Means
Mast Re t sed to Indict larea.
dlarlea and Brlna Them
to Jastlce.
JACKSON, Ky., June IS. Interest In the
trial of Curtis Jett and Thoma White for
the alleged murder of J. B. Marcum was
secondary today to the preliminary hearing
of the teamsters of Hargls Bros., arrested
by tne Soldiers on the charge of burning
the hotel yesterday morning of B. I Ewen,
the principal wltnesa of the commonwealth
against Jett and White.
Althoungh thla place haa become accua
tomed to assassinations and to Incendiary
fires during the feud of the last three years,
It never had such a night of terror aa that
of last night
Many spent a sloepless night, not ss mem
bers -of any vigilance commute patrolling
tha streets, but within their own doors, aa
many ar expecting the torch to b ap
plied to their homes next.
Soldier of Little Renent.
Binco the burning of E wen's large hotel
and tbe rally of th Hargls taction to the
aid of th men suspected of. having burned
It. tbe cltlsens, hopeful that when the
mllltla arrived the Intimidation would
cease, now shake, their head and ay today
tha atat received no relief.
Tha Ewen hotel haa 00 rooms, and It
was greatly needed. It Is pointed out that
of tha fourteen incendiary fires here during
the past two and a half years ten of them
have taken place in the day time. The
Ewen family. Including seven children,
have been taken care of by the mllltla.
The family presented a pitiable spectacle
today. Ewen tried to console his heart
broken wife and daughters, but their dis
tress was great. Kind-hearted cltlsens, al
though feeling that in doing so they are
risking their lives and property, have sent
them clothing and bedding. They were
breakfasted by the soldiers. Scores of
people gathered to look at them,
Major Allan, In charge of the troops,
ordered the crowds dispersed and th guard
line set back so that ths distressed family
might not be annoyed. The jail last night
was under a heavy guard. The prisoners
suspected with burqlng Ewen's house were
detained In the camp. They were kept In
the camp guardhouse, manacled, so they
would hav no opportunity to escape. They
wer greatly frightened during the night.
fearing a mob would come to release them
and that tha soldiers would shoot them.
Spends Night In Tears.
Crawford cried during the ntaht and re
peated: "Wnat a fool; what a fool I am."
it Is believed that theon men will K w.
leased because the members of the grand
jury ar residents of Breathitt and fear
vengeance similar to that wrouarht unnn
Ewen If they Indict the men.
jo irawrora and Ed Tharp were brought
be for Judas Redwina this mnrnln nr.
testimony heard on the writ of habeas
uurpus ior ineir release. GrAy Haddlcks
and Jerry Lunsford Identified rra-mtnr .
on of the men seen coming from the Ewen
hotel' just before th Mr was discovered
ana A. r. onorc sua n saw Crawford and
Tharp crossing the bridge before th Are.
..The prisoner told conflicting stories ot
their . whereabouts trnfnra M.t.n-.
- . , i ' " -
vesterdav. Judffa Hai-vla tiuLik.-n...
he mtptoyd to defend Jett, and White reo-
... . . . , v . jj. V V. .; i .... . V. V
rvsvuicu iiih priituners. 4Uage. Ked.Wlne
decided fd hold them to the inmi i ....
which was reconvened.
After th habeas cornua nrnAinn,
Crawford and Tharp were disposed of the
trial of Jett and Whit wa mii. ti,-
prisoners, who hav been greatly alarmed
over in arrem or crawrord on the charge
of burning tha Ewen hotel, were brought
In court by the mllltla and turned over to
Elisor Jones. The witnesses were In court,
as was Miss Sarah Hargls. the young
daughter of Hariis. There waa mnoh .
eitement about the court and those enter
ing the court room wer not only searched,
but also closely watched.
Wants Incendiaries Indicted.
In hla addreaa to the grand jury Judge
Redwine charged them to Investigate the
burning ot Ewen hotel. He wa forceful
In his charge, denounci arson next to
assassination and Instructing tha jurors to
reaort to every fair meana to Indict th
men who wer guilty of setting fire to th
hotel. H doubted If life and property were
ever so insecure In a civilised country as
In Breathitt county today. Judge Radwlne
Intimated that a special . term of court
would be held to try Incendiary . cases It
Indictments were found.
The defense in th murder case opened
with a statement that It would prov an
alibi and called both Jett and Whit aa
witnesses on their own behalf to prov
that they did not entef th court house till
after Maroum had fallen. Both prisoner
made - exceptionally good wttneaaes for
themselves, Jett was- especially cool and
confident and apparently unconcerned.
Jett waa asked what he had said to Mrs.
Johnaon on meeting her after Maroum waa
killed, He replied: "I said to hsr that she
could not lay this on me; that every time
a man was killed they said t did It"
' Mrs; Johnson"s version was: "Hargls
money killed him; I flred the ahota." '
Jett cald at tha time of the ahooting hla
right hand waa ao badly awollen he could
not hav pulled a trigger.
Whlt. tor hi part deolared that when
th shot were fired he waa one-third of
th way across tha street. He looked back
and aaw Maroum fall and Ewen run away.
Ha aaw a figure in the hall,' but did not
know who It wa.
Old Friends Tender Mr, aad
J. H. Mrlatosh a Farewell
At a banquet at th Omaha club last
night th hosta and hostesses numbered
sixty-two persons and the guests wer At
torney James H. Mcintosh and Mrs. Mc
intosh. Th occasion was a farewell ban
quet and reception given tn honor of the
guests who on next Friday will leave for
New Tork, there to make their home.
T'l toaata wer full of mirth and hap
plness, affection and aadneaa, and were
well timed. General Manderson was toast
master. T. J. Mahoney responded to the
toast "Our Guests." and tn his pleasing
manner he eulogised "our guests" In a way
that brought a corroborative response from
other speakers. In response to this Mr.
Mcintosh thanked the speaker and his
host, and told of hla affections for Omaha
and Omaha people. The other speakers
and their subjects were: Carl C. Wright,
"Th Bar;" Hon. G. M. Hitchcock. "Tha
Preea;" F. A. Brogan, "The LaiSIee;" C. J.
Greene, "New York against pmaha,"
Thoaa who gave the reception were: Qen
eral and Mra. Manderson, Senator and Ml
Millard. Mr. and Mra O. M. Hitchcock.
J. M. Woolworth, Mr. and Mra. O, W. Ly
man, Mr. and Mra. H. W. Tatea. Dr. and
Mrs. George L. Miller aad Mlaa C. p. Rua
tin, General and Mra. Cowln. Mr. and Mra
C. H. Coutant Mr. and, Mrs. Q. B. Keller.
Miss Flitohard. Dr. and Mrs. Ruetin. Mr.
Frank Murphy. Mlaa Haroljton, Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Smith. Mr. and M. IL R. Wait-
mora, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Webster. Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Millard, Mr. and Mra. 8. D. Barka
low, Mr. and Mr. Carl Wright, Mr. and
Mra. H. F. Weymaii, Mr. and Mra. W. M.
Burgess. Judge and Mra. Munger, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Li Learned, Mr. and Mra Her
man Kountse, Mr. and Mr. C. J. Qreene,
Mr, and Mra. T. j. Mahoney, Mr. and Mr.
F. A. Brogitn, Dr. and Mra Summer, Mr.
and Mr. O. W. Wattles.
The Omaha club was taatefully decorated
In honor of the occasion, and not tha least
of the entertainment was th laborate
(Continued from First Page.)
Grace Edwards.
Mary Kigln,
Mary Ellsworth.
Carrie Falrchlld,
F.llsa Olbhs,
Anna Goldstein, '
Fmfly Newcomb,
Jennnette Newlean,
Wail Novaoek,
Grace Porter,
Emma Roalcky.
Hll Itvan
Isabella Graham
, ,,,,. nnuiiimiK.
t?.nnS. M; ramllch,MyrtaHchnettlr.
Kll fiandberg,
jtllln P!. T fo trn
Mnywood Bohreiber,
Sophia Orau, . -.
Mary Griffith, .
Camilla Gsantner,
Anna Gureke, '
Bessie Hall. .. ,.
Jean Uerdman, ,
Ruth Hngan,
Ora Hoolon, '
May seaman,
Harrietts Bcarle,
Grace Shorrock,
Nellie Shulu,
Alvlna Hpetmann,
Macy Stapenhorst. .
Anna Svaclna,
Mary L. Temnleton.'
Kaqnle Hurst
raqn e Hurst. Ila Tlllotaon,
TauraOorann, Marie VomWeg,
Annl. Kmsa, ' Mary Wallace,
Hester Ine, r-.. . . Gertrude Waterman,
Leal) Lcger, . . Ella B. whit. ,
" Thee jnames weri added to the list of
grade .teachers, having bean taken from tha
Assigned list: . ' ...
Mahel Carey,
Ora Claytor,
AMYe 8. Convers.
Ethel Davenport,
Alice Gilchrist.
Kdlth Iwakson, '
Belle Beedl.,
Sophie Elsaaser,
Anne Jensen, s
Elsie McKenna,
Eulalla Overall,
Ann Quinn,
. .Mary Rood.
' Alice Haver,
pteila r lanagan,
i-jmma ijevy,
Maude Shlpherd,
Mary Smith,
Edna St. John,
' Anna Van der Cook,
lsatoelle Williams,
Iura Haggard,
Marie McArdle.
Jaaltora Appointed. .
A 1 lanltnra .were- rMntiAi.iii ut. u .
excepUon of William Stewart at th Web
ster school and H.-Yule at th Leavenworth
ohoolj Charlee Faulke and Nels Blmons
viiv"b n ineir piaoes, respectively
inis was aon by a vot of 11 to 4, upon
uie recommendation of the heat and ven
tllatlon committee. . '
Financial Statement.
secretary Burgess' statement of the
amounts apportioned for the various Am
partments for tha year sndlng June . 1903,
the amount expended for th flrst eleven
monuis or the school year ending June 10,
"w, ana in amount remaining Jun L
iwjj, follows : . .- .
Ex- Re-
pended. malnlng.
ices .......
I . .136 61.60 83.60
H, 0i)0
I, 500
. iso .
75 '
.. 239.60
! 144.00
6.644. 8W
31,709. 3
Census enumer
ators Construction ....
Draw., Kind, and
music supplies..
Election- Exp'se.
Electric Power...
Rxiim. committee
Express and F'ht
Furniture . ami
fixtures 3.&00
Improvements' ... JO.OflO
Ins. . premiums!,. . i,gjo
interest ,apa -x-chana-a
: 47,000
- tKH)
' 1,800
. 200.00
; 393.63
Light and v. Fuel
ga i
Maps, charta a,n,d
alobea .
Printing- .'...
Piano .rent and
f,46428 '
- 401.60
Salaries. offlctrt
and clerks...
Special taxes
' 1. 613. 61
Stationery ' and
Bunnliea 1 ...j.,.:
Military 'Exp'se..
Misc. -supplies.... 1,600
Bond redemption--- v
fund 4S.IU0
Insurance fund... .1,000
..$508,900 $439,824.70 179,598.14
Less Amount expended , in excess
of estimates K19.676.M
Comparative statement of expenditures
for first eleven months of school years
ending June 30, 1902, and June 10, 1901:
, , 1903. 1903.
Advertising M.89 $ E1.R0
Architects Service ...... 1,406.18 418.(10
Books 6,466.64 6,911.14
Carta ge 16. 80 239.00
Census enumerators ..... ' 904.50 916.77
Construction 1.JU1.91 1.600.00
Drawing. kindergarten
and music supplies...... 1,331 9 3.297 09
Election expense 2,09.41 251664
Electrlo power 872.00 144.00
Examining commltte 76.00 lao.oo
Express and freight 601.70 466.21
Fuel ; 16,009.09 17.W1.1S
Furniture and fixtures... 4f87 1.110.77
Improvements 8,122.62 6,644.86
Insurance premiums .... 100.00 2.067.UO
Interest and exohange... 26,786.46' 30,671.06
Janitors ; 26.723.63 81,709.63
Light and fuel gas 661.60 762.50
Maps, charts and globes ,,
Printing 1.669 10 1 406.28
Plana rent and tuning... 97.17 83.12
Rent 107.76 40860
epa rs 10,896.01 14,748.44
Duiariea ouicera ana
- clerks
BDoolal taxes. ...............
10.3St.32 10.W6.67
Stationery and supplies.. 1,966,40
Bite 6.600.00
Teachers ,. 148.922,84
Military supplies
Mlscellaneou supplies.,- 1.208.97
Bond" redemption fund... 72.(18.42
Insurance und 1,000.00
High school bidg. fund... 7.446 29
Totale ,$468,930.88 $439,324.76
Cnsh In treasury July T,
1902 .. i ..$170,848.28
Cash . received during
year to June 1, 1903 1H.U1.X1
Warrants ' ' cutatandlng
July 1. 1902
Warrants Issued during
year to May 81, 1901
$241,860 59
Totals ..'.'.r....
Deficit Jun I. 1903,.,.
.... $367,000.60 $680,686.29
.... 123.6S4.79
Total .:......$W.6I)6.36 (680,686.29
General fund warrant outstand
ing June L 1901 8234 M A
Cash In treasury Jun 1, 1903 116,509.43
Deficit Jun 1. 1903
Balance In high . ochool bulldlni
fund .
$ 1,6008
For Hot, Tired, Aohlng
Swollen Feet.
Allen's Foot-Ease, 4 powder. Ik cores
painful, smarting, nervous feet and lngrow
ing nails, and Instantly take th sting out
ot eom and bunions. It's th greatest com
fort discovery of th . Makes tight or
new shoe eaejr. A oertaln cure for sweating,
callous and hot. tired, aching feet O,OJ0
UsttinontaU': Try It toay. Hold by all
Druggist and Bho stores, 88. Don't
aocept a nbetiUil. Trial paekag FREE.
AdeVata Alise B. Olmstod, I Roy, II.
No Foundation for Haaaor of Raslarr
with th Western
NEW TORK. Juna 15.-Th Assoclntr.l
Pre la authorised to deny, as without
th slightest foundation, the rumor tlifit
President Clowry ot th Western Union Is
to resign.
Bt. Joseph Llvo Stvek Market.
ST. JOSEPH. June 15.-CATTl.n-He-eelpta.
1,000 head; lOfilftc lower; etork cattle,
steady; netives, $4..r4i5.;'6; Texns and west
erns. S.fv-4W.; cow and heifers, $0.26-81 i:
veals, $3.60-a0.iO.
1IOG8 Receipts, '9.932 head; TfttOC low-r;
light and light mixed, $6.U6j4.06; bulk.
Cil i: pigs. $4.7.Mt8.60,
BHEKP AND LAMR9 Receipts. 3!.nn
head; steady to 16c higher: top ri'Mnx
jamb. $7; native yearling. $0; native ewen.
Stock In Fight.
Following were the receipts of live e'ock
t th six principal western cities yester
day: ' ...
Omaha fc.i
Chlcngo .i....SMnn
Kansas City l.sno
Pt. Joseph , l.i""
Bt. Louis m
Sioux City n..... l.Kio
f) q)
3 "'jn
...42.600 76.431 'J)M0
Will ftoild Ken n!t)liry.
PEORIA. 111..'' June '. lS.-Th Wrlner.
the pioneer distillers ' of Penria and who
have been managing the Atlua distillery for
the Whisky trust, will retire July 1 and
this morning made announcement thiit thev
had purchased ground nnd will Immediately
commence the erection tif one of th larg
est distilleries in the world. . ,
Littie Liver Pills.
Mast r Signature f
tm Pao-Shalle Wrappa Below.
rttm-rrVrt IW IUUCRI.
0Mrl LlAOJrci Bizzixus.
FOR UUCW fall.
-. . oassruxann esew ttmvi.
A Mn itf Iwanfy U a joy fomtr. .
rracklan. MMk rtlok1
na iu sua rxa-
klmnlsk ea kasty,(
ul aaw aetMtioa.1
it aa M at IMl
Ot' Aftr-flT WI!
an- la se asralasr
Usu M u se
ur it is mpwir
aud. Aeeist as
MUBUttelt ot alau
Ur sam. Dr. U,
A. km Mia u a'
lUl ml tk aaut.
tea (a satlaM):
as rn iais
will as una. I
ntonsnl "OOURAUD'S CREAM" sa tk lut
k armful of all tha akla rprUsna.H trrr br
all arastlau as teaay (oo4a Mir la tke Valtad
Sutas an Barapa.
rERD. T. HdPKlltt, Prop'.
It (waat Jeaae SU X.
T0 NUT IEPAIBt ponotSnf.
Inr Lonrrl TI.e Jon ud am bit loo at
Ufa eaa ba rantercd to you. Tba vary
worateaaasef Nervona ltHHy are
I auaoiuuir eurea by ri-sriiiu
L T A B LRT. la nonpt raliaf to la
Jioiunia, lain
and arala of
ioiunla, fauioa mamory and tba vaata
Ml imnn ,iw
(nil laorattoaja or an
ital powan. tarurrad by
xoaaaaaoi aanr jmmww
Impart Tlaor IM poVansy to avary fane.
Vn. Brae P tba ayataca. Oia
abaaka and luttra to tba syaa of
blooDi to tbe
.AyouDsoroid. box ranawa flUI nmnfllM boxas aa
siaeacomplata auaratead eu r. ggf ar moaay .
fund ML Caa ba oarrta la aa mm" pook.L Soid
Tarrvkara. or mailed In plain wrappa on raretpt of
srtaa a FCMJTCCT) OtTlaJt OOalFAJI T, C bam a a
Sola la Oaaaba br Kaba & ue., lata aiV. uuaa'aa
gfaaraaaa 4 McConnaU Lmis Co., lttb an Dads! I t
CnuaU Blufia kwwm. Ml bUla BC
Treats all forms of
nrcriF$ fiF ufn
HlUbn... w, -
It rears eiparlebca. 17
' reara In Omaha, sd.oos
caeea ourad. Rallabla. aw
.uful. Call or vrita.
Caraa guarantawl. Cbargas
low. Traattnani b; mall.
Box 7M. Offliia arar 15 S.
14th Bt.. OMAHA, NKB.
will poslUvely exhibit at pouglaa and
Eighteenth streets. Omaha, twlea dally
rain or hln thre daya atartlng , . .
Highly Trained Animals.
Hamlsome Kduoated 1'onles,
Intelligent Dogs,
Comical Monkeys.
Group of 81brlan Camels, courle of
Lilliputian Baored Cattle Imported from
India, Zebra and 2cbus.
Don't fall to th Grand Fre Biriet
Parade Thuraday .morning at 10 o'clock
Tonight and until WeJ.
Michael SlroBoft.
Thura and balance wetk
Man From Mrileo,
with Dick Ferris In the
leading role. . 1
Pricea. Mat.. 10c any
seat; night lfc, lio, 26c.
flat aWaasH aa Una abort, tbwn. - .
AftoaniSHtf KoMaeabcfcv satW. Nearly
lOuO faet ol varaixla over-look In- i-ka Midi.
aiOauuldarwMM.iUaila.auwa tuwn. s alat Iraa.
tt e l
141 eT?J?Cl.. .