Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1903, Image 1

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Eertian Parliament Almost Certain to
Place Peter Krag?orgeTitch on Throne.
Tew 8tu!rat Alone Support En 'gestion to
Overthrow Monarchy.
CEcef Wha Warned Konarch Takes Eii
Ova Life by 8-.ojt.n5.
Provisional Government Frees Of
fender Against Old Regime 'While
Courts Adjourn and So
Arrrtli Are Made.
LKLOUADli. June 14. At a conference of
e-.i.tUor and deputies held here tonight It
was unanimously decided that the constitu
tion voted by the great assembly In
hould be put Into lores and that ITlnce
Karageoigcvilcli should bo unanimously
elected king at tomorrow's meeting of the
hkupshtlna and Senate. After the election
a depututlon of the assembly will be held
to wait on Prince Peter and communicate
to him the decision of the national asseni
bly. The Servian constitution of 18i was more
liberal thnn any granted previously and
provided that nil taxpaylng citizens should
become electors, by wtione voted the
Skupshtlna was elected. It remained In
force until May, 1WI, when the late King
Alexander by a coup d'etat abolished It and
restored the constitution of 1809.
All Unlet In Servla.
Complete order prevailed In Belgrade
last night and absolute quiet Is still
reported this afternoon throughout
Servla. The streets of the cap
ital bear nu ahimated appearance, being
crowded with officers and a large number
of students who have arrived from abroad,
It is believed with the object of demon
strating in fnvor of 'Prince Peter Kara
georgevltch us king.
Soma republican tendencies are notable
among the students who have studied In
France and Switzerland; these latter, how
ever, are quite overshadowed by the opin
ion of the majority and there seems to be
no doubt that the national assembly will
tomorrow pronounce in favor of a mon
archy and elect Prince Karageorgevltch.
The newspapers continue to point out the
Impossibility of the establishment of a re
public and advocate the election of Princo
Peter in order to assure a brighter epoch
in Servian annuls.
Powers' Ministers Remain Mom.
The foreign representatives In Belgrade
continue to maintain a strict reserve.
Peter Villromltch, one of the oldest and
most prominent members of the radical
" party and, .a., former, minister of state, has
been appointed president of the senate, in
Succession to M. Marlnkovltch, who r haa
resigned. M. Vetmlromltch will take the
chair at the joint meeting of the senate
and the Skupshtlna tomorrow on the occa
sion of the election of the new king.
After the election the Skupshtlna will
draw up a program of procedure for the
new sovereign and will then adjourn until
the arrival of the king at Belgrade. The
sovereign will then form a new ministry
and dissolve the Skupshtlna.
The government yesterday pardoned all
persona Imprisoned for political and press
offenses and ordered their immediate -release.
No arrests have occurred, neither
have any sentences been passed since the
tragic events of last Thursday. The? court
of cessation and the appeal court sus
pended their sittings from that time.
. prince Kurageorgevltch. although llftlo is
known of him among the people generally
here, aeema to have c-.ueht the public
fancy and hla election will be a popular
Former Queen Natalie has telegraphed to
her former lady-ln-waltlng to make in
quiries whether aha will be permitted to
eome to Servla and visit her son's grave.
Lieutenant Colonel Mtllslav Zlvanovlcs of
the general staff committed suicide by
shooting himself oh Friday. It Is under
stood the officer took his life because
among tha late king's papers was found a
letter from Zlvanovlcs informing him of
the plot against his life. The newspapers,
however, attempt to make out the aulcldo
to be tha result Of money troubles.
Politicians Confer Together.
Politicians and members of the Skupsh
tlna have been holding coherences
throughout the day and while there are
rumors of minor differences, the election f
Prince Karageorgevltch appears absolutely
assured. The Skupshtlna and the Senate
aieet promptly at 10 tomorrow morning.
It la said the ministry desires that it pro
seed to elect the king by acclamation.
The radical leaders have prepared a
platform for the new constitution upon
the lines of that of l&S. The chief points
(1.) The king shall not be tha commander
f the army.
(t) The civil and military authorities
must swear allegiance to the constitution
ind not to the king.
(3.) Universal suffrage and the abolition
f the aenate.
Theconstitutlon of 18S8 Is of .a liberal
character and lta adoption was approved
it a conference held this morning between
ministers and those deputies already in
Congratulatory addresses have been re
ceived by the ministry from a large num
er of country districts expressing warm
tat thanks for ita patriotic action at auch
I critical moment and hoping that It will
;arry matter to a successful ending. The
roreiffn ministry has also received satis
factory dispatches from London, Paris,
Berlin and Rome, all saying that the gov
ernments there have not the slightest in
tention of intervening In Servla's Internal
iffalra and expressing the hope that peace
tnd order In the political situation will soon
e restored.
An official statement of Rusaia'a position
las not yet' been received, but according
o reliable information, Russia has no de
ilre to Intervene and will not object to the
ilectton of Prince Karageorgevltch.
Tlia Official Gasette, Issued today. Is con
fined almost entirely to the publication of
messages of congratulation received by the
provisional government.
premier Heslsina t Die.
It is known that tha murdered premier,
Uarcovltch, resigned hla portfolio only a
few hours before hla assassination. Ills
action waa the result of a difference .of
opinion with King Alexander concerning
the meeting of the new Skupshtlna. The
Ate king, fearing disturbances, proponed to
tha premier that the leading members of
tha opposition partlea and tha editors of
(Continued on sVoootid fag.)
Corps Chrlsll Celebrations Attended
by III ders In French
it 'noes.
PARIS. June 14 K was feared to
day on the occasion o -epus Christ!
celebration, the anti-clef.. -eatenlng
to provoke counter demonstf.
In Purls the day passed off w. lerl
oiB incidents, even at churches . t the
Madeline and Bt. Sulplce. where, disregard
ing the advice of the prefect of police,
processions Issued from the edifices and
inarched around the church enclousures.
Some disturbances, however, arc reported
from the provinces. At Nantes, where the
prefect forbade the profession, the radi
cals mobbed the prefecture, stoned and
broke the windows and smashed two sentry
boxes. Detachments of gendarmes and
dragoons drove back the demonstrators.
A collision also occurred between the
Catholics and socialists, in which several
were Injured.
The principal squares in Nantes are oc
cupied by troops to prevent further dis
orders. Minor disturbances are reported
from Brest, Dunkirk, Lyons and other
SAN JUAN, P. R., June 14. The church
festival of Corpus Chrlstl was celebrated
today. Five thouiiftnd Catholics paraded
and there waa a great show of Spanish
colora. Forty church aocletlea escorted
Bishop Blenk to altars in various parts of
the city. The ceremonies at tha cathedral
were on an elaborate scale. For the first
time since the occupation of the Islands
many Americans participated in the cere
Fleeing; Debtor 11ns Men Held Who
Tells of Altered Kidnap
ing; Plot.
PARALLEL, Chihuahua, Mex., June 14.
Thomas Foley Fountain, son of Colonel
A. J. Fountain, is having a peculiar and
trying experience here, where ha la held
a close prisoner on tha charge of threaten
ing to kill Grant Gillette of Kansas, who,
it is alleged, took refuge In Mexico to
escape his creditors.
Young Fountain has been in jail a month
and there seems little prospect of hla im
mediate release. ,
It appears that ho had been imprisoned
on the accusation of Gillette, who had his
fears aroused when he was Informed that
several persona had entered Into a con
spiracy to kidnap him and deliver him to
the Kansas police for a reward. Fountain,
Jt la said, learned of the kidnaping scheme
ana warned Gillette to be on his guard,
but the latter suspected Fountain himself
was Implicated and caused his arrest.
Santos-Dnmnnt Detracts Attention
from Horses to His Aerial
PARIS. June 34. During the racing at
Longchampa today M. 8antos Dumont. In
his airship No. 9, appeared over the course
and went through a variety ot maneuvers
which evoked great enthusiasm from the
crowd.' The pasaaga of two other balloons
over the racecourse at the same time
added to the originality of the scene.
M. Santos Dumont descended unaided in
the center of the course, where a great
ovation was given him. He then ress
cended and after executing a second series
of maneuvers sailed away in the direction
of Bagatelle.
A curious coincidence during the presence
of the Santos Dumont No. 9 waa the win
ning of two races by horses numbered I
on the racing card.
Two Prelates Obtain Mitres and Two
More Are Selected for
ROME, June 14. Monslgnor Rooker,
formerly secretary of the apoztolic delega
tion at Washington, waa consecrated bishop
of Jaro, Philippine Islands, and Rev. Den
nis J. Dougherty, formerly of Philadelphia,
bishop of Neuvta Segovia, today.
The commission. of five cardinals en
trusted with affairs concerning the Phil
ippine islands has decided to propose to
the pope the appointment of Rev. Thomas
A. Hendrick of Rochester, N. Y., as bishop
of Cebu, P. I. The Vatican will thus have
fulfilled lta moat Important promise re
garding the Philippines by aendlng there
four American bishops.
Government Tnkea Steps to Meet
Complaints of Insular
MANILA, June 14. The government has
drafted a bill to prevent the exportation
of inferior hemp. It provides for a system
of government Inspection and grading.
There have been numerous complaints of
the Inferior quality of tha exported hemp
and tha trade in It la thereby endangered.
A commission will meet the growers and
exporters before action la taken.
Raid Several Towns and- Lead Gov
ernment to Prepare for Their
MANILA, June 14. Disorder continues in
the province of Cavtte. Two bandits, named
Fellzardo and Montalon, with aome follow
ers, recently raided a number of towns.
The government Is planning a campaign to
suppress the troubles.
Work to Start This Week on Last
Section of Parlue
MANILA, June 14. The eableshlp Colon,
which ia laying the Pacific cable from
Guam eastward, la nearing Midway Island
and It la expected the laying of the section
from Midway Island to Honolulu will com
mence next week. '
Cornell Students' Discovery Will
Revolutionise Copper Reflnlna;
and Save Millions.
NEW YORK, June 14. (Special Tele
gramsTwo Cornell students have pub
lished a thesis describing a new method
of refining copper which they claim to
have discovered. The discovery, if it beara
out Its Inventors' claims, will revolutionize
the smelting Industry and affect a saving
of sunny million of doUara.
Valne of Crop 8?nt Cut of Country Larger
Than Ever Before.
Fourth Assistant Postmaster General
Brlslow Says Machen'a Plan of
Raral Free Delivery Would
Cost t)HH,ooo,ooo a Tear.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, June 14.-(s3peclal.)-Cot-ton
is still king in the export records of tne
United States, and Ita record in the present
year is likely to surpass that of any pre
ceding year. The value of raw cotton ex
ported In the eleven months ending with
Alay Is, according to the preliminary figures
of the treasury bureau of statistics, 1308.
747,19$, which Is S5.000.0UO In excess of the
highest eleven months' record ever hereto
fore made. Two years ago the figures
leached 1303,497,617. Should the Juno figurea
equal those of June In the immediately. pre
ceding yeare thj total for the fiscal year
would bo WIT, xT $4,000,000 in excess of
the banner yeor 1901. .
The quantity exported this year is not aa
great aa that of tho years 1W8 and Ai
however. The total quantity exported In
the eleven months ending with May Is 3,481,
a53,:X7 pounds, against 3,a,t;a,478 pounds in
the correrponding months of 1901 and 3.721,
510,000 pounds in the eleven months of HDS,
when the value was but $:22, 414,180. Thus
the total quantity at the present time Is
210,0(10,000 pounds less than that of the cor
responding eleven months In 1898, but the
value is $N6.000,000 '.n excess of the value
for the corresponding period of that year.
The average price per pound of the cotton
exported, determined by dividing the
numbr of pcunda into the vslue stated by
the bureau of statistics records. Is for the
eleven months ending with Msy, 1903, 8.87
cents, and for the eleven months ending
with May, 1898, 5.97 cents.
Comparing the total values of cotton ex
ported with those of preceding years 1903
seems likely to show the largest total value
in raw cotton exports of any year in the
history of our commerce. In 1848 the total
value of raw cotton exported was. In round
terms, f.2,000,000; In 1860. 1192,000.000: In 1870,
J227.000.0O0 In paper, but $1S4.000.000 stated In
gold; In 1SS0. 211,000.f0; In 1890, $250,000,000;
In 1900, $242,000,000; In 1901. $313,000,000, and, as
already Indicated, seems likely to be for
1903. $317,000,000.
Some Other Tall Flarnres.
Meantime the value of cotton exported In
manufactured form h
will make ita highest record In the present
uveal finr.
At the same time the wntrr ....
era of the United States have Increased and
are sun increasing their consumption of
ootton both from our own flM anA
. - - II VIII
abroad. Ihe lotal number of balea taken by
u. uuiia oi me united states last year for
me nrsj, time passed the ,,000.000 line the
figurea being 4,083,000 balea, against S.&44 000
In 1900.
The importations of fnrolm -..
- - -n. v. i I'll,
chiefly Egyptian, are also growing with re-
marKSDie rapidity, the Importations In the
present year beinar IlknTv tn neh on nnn rn
- w - .-.,w,wv
pounds, to which may be added 20,000,000
p..ui.u ot noc us, or cotton waste, with a
total valuation of about $12,000,000. against
43,000,000 pounds of raw cotton, and 78,000
pounds of waste Imported in 1893, valued at
less than $50on.00O.
What Rural Delivery Costs.
"To continue the -rural free delivery ser
vlce upon the lines laid down by former
Superintendent A. W. Machen would cost
the government $100,000,000 annually," waa
the startling statement made by Fourth
Assistant Postmaster General Bristow to
The Bee today. "The rural free delivery
service with its army of carriers reminds
me of the old Roman way by which am
blUoua soldiers and statesmen were ele
vated to place and power. Conquering
aoldlera returning from the wars now and
then distributed corn to the Roman people
and by that means rode into power. This
rural free delivery business reminds me
very much of the distribution of corn prac
ticed In the daya when the Roman empire
ruled the world."
Mr. Bristow is not an enthusiastic expo
nent of the rural free delivery system He
frankly states that it was a mistake to
establish It upon tho tinea adopted. He ad
mits, however, that undoubtedly (t has
come to stay, that the people having had
a taste of luxury In the way of having
their mall delivered at their own gateway
wll! Insist upon retaining it General Bris
tow frankly saya that it would be foolish
to fight public sentiment, but he believes
that the wholesale establishment of rural
routaa to please aome aenator or member
of congress should be curtailed and that
when a rural route la hereafter eatab
llshcd It should have merit behind It As
soon as the investigation which he has in
charge la at an end it Is predicted that
there will be a complete reorganisation of
the rural free delivery eervice and a num
ber of heads are expected to fall Into the
I'ncle Sam's Growing; Business.
The yastness of the business done by the
government of the United States is be
yond comprehension unless brought home
to tha people through the medium of a
tabulated statement. Auditor William E
Andrewa of the Treasury department, who
has seen the business of the government
grow aa no other man haa who has occupied
a similar position, has preared for The Be
a atatement of the number of accounts and
amounts Involved in the settlements made
by the various divisions of the auditor s
office for eleven months of the present
fiscal year. While the figures are apprpxl
! mated, they will not. It is believed, differ
i very materially when the auditor comes to
make up his account at the close of the
' - rA n t 4"! ar a I vta sn Tuna n rrt -
"" i no follow
ing table shows the enormous extent of
the business of the government:
Customs, 10,630 accounts $ 42 000 000
Public debt, 2.215 accounts 617'(xm'oiio
Miscellaneous, ,!'7 accounts 2 f'.O WO 0"0
Internal revenues, 84,359 accounts MZMJU.iM
Total. 106.231 accounts .$4.6U3.0o0 lK)
During the year 1902 the number of ac
counts aettled by Auditor Andrews was
96,4.s3, the total amount Involved being
$6,878,110.5i4. The reason for the falling off
In the total amount of the several accounts
is due to the abolition of the war taxes.
The number of accounts, however, will far
exceed those of any previous year, the
work for the last month of the present
fiscal year. Including the usual monthly
average, aa to the number of accounts
aettled, and amount involved in auch settle
ments. Wldo Tires In the Philippines.
The bureau of Insular affaire of the
War department has received the annual
report of A. I'. Betts. governor of tho
province of Albay, for the year 1902, In
which he tells of the completion of the
road between Lrgaspl and Liguu, whlih
passes through the center of the great
hemp country. The enormous traffic
Continued on feoond Ptg
omaha seeks convention
Lincoln Man Will Be Sew Head Con
sul of Sutlers Woodmen
of America.
INDIANAPOLIS, June 14. The thir
teenth national convention of the Modern
Woodmen of America will begin here Tues
day morning at Tomllnson hall, Head Con
sul W. A. Northcott, lieutenant governor
of Illinois, presiding. Thirty-three states
will be represented.
Delegatlona have already arrived from
twelve states. Including the whole New
Kn gland delegation. There will be 4t dele
gates and sixty-eight head officers and
members of atandlng committees. It Is
expected there will be 4,000 foresters In
camp. Twenty-two hundred tents have
been erected and teams have arrived from
Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansaa and Missouri.
The city Is profusely decorated.
The subject of chief Importance to come
before the convention will be the read
justment of rates. At the state conven
tions of Woodmen held on May 6, tha ma
jority of the delegates to this convention
were elected with the expectation that
they would favor readjustment in the line
of increase, graded according to the ages
of the members.
Caucuses of the different state delega
tions are being held and it was announced
tonight from tha official press headquarters
that the head consul would be A. R.
Talbot, Lincoln, to succeed W. A. North
cott, Oreenville. 111.
The executive council will ask the head
camp for an appropriation of not less than
$10,000 for the relief of the Woodmen flood
sufferers in Kansas and Missouri.
A number of leaders are in the city to
watch the action of the' Modern Woodmen
convention en the rate question.
The candidates for the next meeting are
Omaha, Loa Angelea, Saratoga Springs,
N. Y.; Salt Lake City, Denver, Niagara
Falls and Milwaukee.
The Modern Woodmen of America at
Omaha and Lincoln, to the number of 400,
left for Indianapolis last night to attend
the biennial national convention of the or
der. A special train started on the Rock
Island from Lincoln In the afternoon and
stopped Several hours In Omaha, leaving
at 7:46 in the evening. From Chicago the
train will proceed to Indianapolis over the
ti-acks of the Big Four.
With three drill teams from Lincoln, one
from Omaha and one from South Omaha
there will be a battalion to represent Ne
braska at the conversion. It had been or
iginally hoped that i ll of the four teams
In Lincoln would atte id, but No. BG9 backed
out at the last moment. Thla was felt very
much, as A. R. Tall ot of that camp Is a
candidate for the offl -e of head consul and
stands a good chanc i of obtaining It.
Drill team No. 120 'vent from Omaha and
No. 1095 from South Omaha, which, with
the friends and other members of tho or
der, made over half of the tralnload.
Armed Roumanian Forces Works to
Close by Intl uldatlna; Su
perintendent. '-.',-
MORENCL Ara Pna 14. Interest can
tered yesterday In'the trial of the strike
leaders, who were brought before Justice
Chapman for examination. Eighteen men
were examined. District Attorney C. L.
Rawlins conducted tho examination for the
territory and the strikers pleaded their own
case. '
Their leader, "Three-Fingered Jack,"
cross-examined witnesses for the territory.
In all about twenty men were examined
and their testimony tended to ahow that
the coming of the troops last Tuesday and
the fearless work of the deputies of Sher
iff Parka earlier In the day prevented
trouble of a serious nature. The accused
were all bound over to await the action
of the grand jury, charged with inciting
riot, and It is probable their leader will be
further charged with threatening to com
mit murder.
The most damaging testimony waa given
by Superintendent McLean, who waa sur
prised In his office on Tuesday noon by the
heavily armed strike leader and ordered to
close down the works. He wss given one
minute, and obeyed. He was told the offi
cer on guard had aurrendered to his armed
men. The leader aald that he would that
night blow up the town and loot the rulne
The prisoners were taken to Solomonvllle,
where they will be held pending an order
to take them to Tucaon, the jail there
being deemed aafer. The grand jury meets
In October.
"Jack," the strike leader. Is a Roumanian
and landed in New York the day President
Garfield waa shot. He says he remembered
the day becauae he knew It was) coming.
Employers Deride to Continue Lock
out Till I'nlons Accept Ar
bitration Plnn.
NEW TORK, June 14. The members of
the Building Trades Employers' associa
tion announced that not only would the
present lockout continue, but that other
work would be stopped, thua completely
tying up all building work in the city, un
less all labor unions adopt the plan of ar
bitration to prevent further strikes.
The new condition of affaire came as a
thunderbolt to the majority of the walking
delegatea, who had thought that about 60,
000 of the 120,000 men out alnce May 4, would
resume work tomorrow. Charlea L. Eld
president of the Building Trades Em
ployers' association, said:
We are responsible fir the new order
which will continue under the lockout, and
It can be said further that the lockout will
be continued till the unions have in..ntB,i
t our plan of arbitration. We have sent
! notices to contractors and builders to make
I the lockout ae complete as possible. This
! will mean that wherever any work Is being
none mm wnere mere is material on hand
th work will go on until the material is
exhausted and then that work will cease
I'ndor this itrangement work will prob
ably last until Wednesday or Thursday
snd there will re no further work until we
have como to n understanding with the
labor uyilons. The walking delegates have
carried things with such a high hand that
we have been compelled to take this action.
Will Give His Version of Berry Kill
Ins; at Preliminary
8T. FRANCIS. Kan., June 11 Chaunrey
Dewey has decided to give his version of
the affair that resulted In the killing of
several members of the Berry family next
Tuesday. This, It Is supposed, will be done
In opposition to the advice of his attorneys.
Mr. Dewey hopes that by giving the
facts, as he clatma them to be, he will be
able to secure Ms freedom on bond. The
widows of two of the momlwn of the
Berry family will be on hand to testify.
The town I gradually filling up with
friends of both sides and every effort id
being made by the authorities to prevent
a ooaruet.
Wealthy Wife and Bioh Husband Each Seek
Freedom from Dakota Courts.
Both Sldea Trick Other, I'sIub Every
Legal Meana to Trip Those Con
ducting; Opposing; Cnsea and
Mahe Road Hard.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D., June 14.-8peclal.)
The commencement of a ault for divorce
In the local courts by Delia Whitman, wife
of Joseph H. Whitman, a capitalist and
heavy landowner of Chicago, who ia a resi
dent of Sioux Falls, adda another chapter
to a caae which aeems to develop more
than the usual number of sensations.
One of the features was the kidnaping by
the mother a few daya ago of the 8-year-old
son of the couple, who haa been living
with his father in this city. As a climax
to his matrimonial troubles Whitman suc
ceeded in securing affidavits from some of
the neighbors questioning tha sanity of his
wife, and an order which compels tha
mother to bring tha son back to Sioux Falls
until tho divorce Is determined.
The wife played a neat trick on her hus
band by putting in an appearance in Sioux
Falls and commencing a suit for divorce
herself before he could do so.
Ties Ip Husbnnd's Property.
By Instituting the suit Mrs. Whitman haa
tied up all his property, so he will be un
able to transfer such of It as is within the
Jurisdiction of the South Dakota courts
until a decree is granted or rejected In the
divorce ault.
A few days ago Mrs. Whitman, who Uvea
on one of the aristocratic boulevards of
Chicago, arrived In Sioux Falls. She waa
act-on anled by a sister. They proceeded
to the home of Mr. Whitman, where they
were kindly received. The wife and her
sister announced that they 'would remain
In Sioux Falls for a week or ten days to
visit tho boy. The two women. It is said,
made themaclvea so agreeable that they
completely hoodwinked Whitman, who waa
the official custodian of hla son.
When It waa suggested by the mother and
her sister that they take the boy downtown
consent waa readily forthcoming from tho
father. As hour after hour rolled around
and they did not return he realised that he
had been tiuped and instituted a search for
Ihe missing trio.
No trace of the two women and the boy
could be found around the railroad stations.
No liveryman had seen them. No one had
seen any persons answering their descrip
tion on any of the highways leading out of
the city. Their disappearance apparently
was as complete aa If the earth had opened
and swallowed thrm.
Hides In Local Hotel.
It haa Just been learned that Instead of
attempting to leave the city at once, aa
some might have done, the two women and
their little charge proceeded to a local hotel,
where they kept In close confinement until
a day or two ago, when a closed hack drove
up to the hotel and the women and boy
got In.
The horaes were started on a run and
kept that gait until the .crossing of the
Rock Island railroad was reached, where
the three took the train.
Although the complaint and other papers
In the divorce suit of Mrs. Whitman have
been removed from the office of the clerk
of courta, enough la known of the caae to
warrant the belief that one of the grounds
upon which the divorce is asked for Is fail
ure to provide for the needs of the wife and
' It Is said that Mrs. Whitman once before
separated from her husband on account of
an alleged penuriousness, a reconcflation
afterward being effected. ,
Mra. Whitman is said to be wealthy In
her own right, while her sister, who haa In
terested herself In the case tn behalf of
Mra. Whitman and her child, is reputed to
be worth $1,000,000, so It is probable the
legal warfare between the couple will be
Chlcaftro Walters Refuao to Settle Dif
ferences Except by
. War.
CHICAGO, June 14. Although no prog
ress waa made today toward settling the
hotel and restaurant strike In Chicago,
still there was noticeable Improvement In
the service offered by the different estab
lishments where the employes have quit
work. All the hotels are open for busi
ness, and with few exceptions succeeded In
taking care of all guesta that applied for
accommodations. The places of the strikers
are being filled aa faat aa help can be Im
ported from outaide cltlea, and tonight
several of the hotels announced that by
tomorrow night they would have a full
force of employea.
Offers by the Hotel Keepers association
to submit the controversy to arbitration
are still spurned by the strikers and it is
declared tonight that more placea where
the proprietors refuse to sign the new
scale will be closed tomorrow.
An effort was made today to have the
Steam Power council call a sympathetic
strike In all houses where the waiters are
out. The request was refused. This meana
that the engineers, firemen and elevator
men will remain at work, and la a severe
blow to the strikers. '
In explaining the stand they have taken
the membera of the steam men declare
the striking unions are unreasonable in
their refusal to arbitrate. In the hope
that they made to change their
tactics, the council appointed a committee
to call on the strikers tomorrow and try
to Induce them to aubmlt the whole trouble
to arbitration. The committee will meet
President Oompers of the American Fed
eration of Iabor, who will arrive tomorrow,
and ask him to use his influence to bring
about a peaceable adjustment of the
Cocaine Jimmy, Once Slonx City Ath.
lete, Dies Mental and Phys
ical Wreck.
JOPLIN. Mo., June 14. (Special Tele
gram.) Don L. Shannon, well known aa
"Cocaine Jimmy," died today, a victim of
the cocaine habit, "Cocaine Jimmy" haa
lived in Joplin ten years and waa once
connected with the railway mall service.
He waa an expert musician, an athlete and
well educated.
He waa a total wreck, physically and
mentally, and spent the last six years in
begging alms In the streets. He was so
bowed that his hand would touch the
ground. He came from a waithy and in
fluential family In Sioux City, Ia. He waa
burial today la tha potter's field,
For Nebraska Pnrtly Cloudy Monday,
Probably Showers and Cooler In North
and West portions and at Night In Kast
ub Yesterday!
Honr. Dear. Honr. Dea.
B n. m...... AN 1 p. m...... 7T
a. m nr a p. t
T . n.n.ii tn 8 p. m TU
"I n. ni ...... 64 4 p. m ..... . W
On. m...... HH R p. m...... HO
10 a. m 71 p. m HO
1 1 n. m ...... 74 7 p. m ...... T"
ia m 75 H p. m. . . . 7B
9 p. a T2
Declares Rudolph Would Bo Older
Than He and Joins General
Laugh at Tale.
(From a Staff Correspondent.
DE3 MOINES, June 14 (Special Tele
gram.) The story from Marinette, Wis.,
connecting Dr. C. H. Hoffman with Aus
trian royalty and representing him to be
Crown Prince Rudolph who committed sui
cide some years ago, creates only ridicule
here among the acquaintances of the
doctor. Mr. Hoffman himself indignantly
denies it and saya that If the crown prince
were allvo he would now be a man much
older than Hoffman.
Mr. Hoffman's friends also call attention
to the fact that he is a well behaved man,
a roan of unusual Intellect and a finely
educated doctor; In short he is too smart
to be ono of the royal family. But Hoff
man, who was let out of the Drake med
ical school because he would not show his
diploma and reveal hla Identity and past
life, still steadily refuses to say anything
about his past life, which Is a mystery to
all. It la known that ha waa In an Insane
asylum and there met a nurse whom he
married, but beyond this his life Is a
Hnnaway Santn Fe Car Strikes Las
Yeans Trolley, Maiming
Mrs. Leonard.
EAST LAS VEGAS. N. M., June 14.
(Special Telegram,) Mra. E. W. Leonard,
rnrmorlv Miss Genevieve Stewart, a beau
tiful young Omaha woman, waa thrown
from an electric car in a collision this
Phe struck her head against a
telegraph pole, sustaining a fracture at the
base of the brain. She was picked up alive,
but death la expected momentarily.
The electric car waa going to Hot
Springs, when It was struck by a Santa
Fe car laden with coal that had broken
away from ita engine and dashed down the
main Una.
Neither Mra. Leonard's husband or fam
ily were with her.
Two other paaeangera were severely In
Death Comes Instantly to Child Re
turnlns; from Ball.
LINCOLN,' Neb., June 14. (Special Tele
gram.) Herbert Gaffey. a 12-year-old boy,
while' riding on n College View car. fell
under the rear trucks and waa crushed,
death resulting almost Instantly.
He had been at. a ball game In College
View and was returning home about 6.
According to the story of the conductor, he
was sitting on the step of the car kicking
at the weeds, when his foot caught and he
waa dragged from his seat.
He was taken to the home of his father,
H. H. Gaffey, a plumber, living at 1846
Prospect street. The fatality occurred near
Convicted of Manslaughter Merrlman
Man Tries to Poison
VALENTINE. Neb., June 14 (Special
Telegram.) John Green, the Merrlman
hotel keeper, who waa convicted of man
slaughter here last Friday, tried to com
mit suicide today by taking a dose of car
bolic acid. He waa not Buccesaful In carry
ing out hla Intention, aa a physician ar
rived In time to save his life.
Green killed a man in Merrlman last fall
and his caae excited much Intereat here,
aa he was well known. He carried the
polaon for several weeks In his necktie.
Succumbs to Consumption While
Traveling with Four Lit
tle Children.
SIDNEY, Neb., June 14. (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. Alexander, a passenger on
Union Pacific train No. 4, died here this
evening aa the train was entering the
yards, of consumption. Four little children
accompanied her.
Her home was at Elgin,' Ore., and aha
was on her way to Sumner, Mo. The body
waa taken In charge by Undertaker Esslg
and tha husband notified. The children are
being provided for by the Ladles' Aid So
Wife Aaks Information Concerning
Reported Butchers' Picnic
Dick Landon of South Omaha Is reported
shot at the butchers' picnic at Pries' lake
last evening. Mrs. Landon telephoned the
police for particulars, but beyond this
nothing definite can be learned. Tha as
sailant Is supposed to have taken a buck
skin horse and buggy and disappeared. The
Omaha and South Omaha police had no
Information concerning the shooting up
to a late hour.
Mrs. Nation In Omaha.
Carrie Nation, the hatchet champion,
wss in Omaha yesterday for a few hours.
She came In from Cherryville Kan., in the
morning too late to catch the train for
Eagle Grove, Ia.. where she talka thla
evening. She apent the day with Mrs.
Rcynolda of 1S09 South Twenty-ninth ave
nue. She found time to attend services In
the First Christian church, of which de
nomination she is a member, and after
ward to visit the county jail, where aha
put in fifteen mlnutea In spreading the
propoganda of total abstinence.
Movements of Ocean Vessels, June It.
At New York Arrived: Anrhorln, from
Glasgow and Moville; Cedric, frdiu Liver
pool and Queenstown.
At yueetistown Arrived : Cymric, from
New York for IJverpcol; I'mbrla, from New
York for Liverpool, and both prM et-ded.
Sniled: Ctimpanla, from Liverpool for N w
At Liverpool Arrived: Helgenland. from
Philadelphia via Uueenstown; Ueorglc,
from Now York.
Ewen'i Hotel Burnt Down Snppoietly 11
Reault of Incendiarism.
Two Hen aid to Hare Been Been Near bj
When B'irm 8tartsd Arretted.
Judge Allows Bail, but lien Finajlj Go Back
in Military Custody.
Given Choice Between Repudiating
Tale of Marram's Murder and
Getting; S,oo0 or Stleklnac
to It and Dying;.
JACKSON, Ky June 14. Tha City hotel,
a three-story building owned by Captain
B. J. Ewen, the principal witness against
Jett and White waa burned to the ground
early this morning. There were fifteen
guesta In the hotel, but all escaped with
out Injury. There was no Insurance on the
structure and tha hotel, together with Its
furnishings and the effects of the guests,
la a total loss. The origin of the fire la
unknown, but the belief la general that It
was of Incendiary origin, and two men are
held on this charge.
Mtlltln FlBht Flames.
Jackson haa no fire department, and Ita
citizens were awakened by the. firing of
pistols and guna and much excitement
prevailed. A detachment of militia came
on the double quick from their ramp
across the river and rendered valuable aid
in assisting the guesta to escape and pre
venting the flames from spreading. Captain
Kwen has been kept at the mllltla camp
rince he testified last Monday that he aaw
Curtla Jett fire the shot which killed Mar
cum. It waa only two daya ago that Jack
Bon waa put under rrartlal law. The fire
haa caused renewed apprehension.
As the day wore on and more Information
was forthcoming the public began to take
the fire not only aa Incendiary, but as ac
cessory to other acts of Intimidation In
connection with the trial of thoae accused
of the murder of J. B. Marcum. It haa
been openly predicted that there would
be the flashing of incendiary warnings,
that arson would go along with assaslna
tlon aa disciplinary measures might be
needed In Breathitt county.
Bribes Offered to Kwan.
Captain B. J. Ewen was the chief witness
for the prosecution In the trials of Jett and
White. He la the deputy sheriff who testi
fied that he saw Jett ready with his pistol
In his hand to fire the last shot into Mar
cum'a prostrate body aa it lay In the court
house doorway. Through fears for his own
safety, he said, na did not dars to allow
Eaerlff Callahan and County Judge Hargts
to know what he had seen. When It did be
come known. Se was first a prisoner-in bis ,
borne, and then he fled the county until he
could have tha protection of troops. His
house haa been under the guard of a detail
of aoldlera for several weeks and aa a mora
stringent precaution against assassination
ha alept In camp at the provost marshal's
Several days sgo' a party vlalted him at
hia home and mad him a propoaltion that
If ha would repudiate what ha had related
on the wltneaa stand, saying that he tes
tified to what waa not true because of the
Indictment which he waa under, he would
be given $5,000 by' a certain clthten, and
that if he did not accept the offer he
would be assassinated.
He encouraged hla visitor to return In the
afternoon and stationed two wltneases In a
closet who overheard the propoaltion and
the threat, which waa accompanied by tha
tender of five crisp $1,000 notea. No one
has doubted that Ewen waa In actual dan
ger, but few were prepared for a atep as
desperate as that which cams' today.
Work Hard to Save Town.
At 6 o'clock thla morning Joe Rndmon, a
watchman at the lumber yard of Swann &
Day, discovered flames Issuing from the
roof of Ewen's hotel, altuated In the moun
tainside, 3oO yards from the depot. The
alarm waa given and Lieutenant Klnnard,
with the provost guard, turned out to ren
der assistance. Soon hundreds of people
were on the scene.
Heroio work on tha part of tha soldiers
and citizens saved possibly the entire south
side of the town.
The McEwen hotel Is at the end of a long
row of miners' cottages, all of whlrh were
In grave danger. When those in tha hotel
were notified the fire had gained auch head
way that the guests who hud not risen had
only time to eava part of tholr clothing.
John Clarey of Louisville, a telegraph
operator, waa asleep on the second floor. In
the excitement he was not awakened until
the flames had shut off eacapa from tha
front stairway and was almost suffocated
while comlntv out by the rear stairway,
falling unconsclouB and half -dressed on the
ground, when ha finally freed himself from
the danger. Mrs. Ewan and her children
are poorly clad and loat everything.
The house and fixtures were valued at
about $10,000. They were the saving of a
lifetime and Ewen and family are tonight
homeless and dependent upon tha
pltallty of the troopa In camp.
Protecting Water Itnu to Wast.
Rain barrels around the houae, which
afforded ita chief fire protection, were
overturned by the Incendiary before the
torch waa applied. Nearly all of tha In
surance policies In Jackson have been can
celed because ot recent events.
Two cloth balls dipped in kerosene and
tur were found near the hotel.
, Hold Two for Arson.
Gray and Jim Haddicks and Jerry Luntx,
workmen at the Swann & Lay lumber
yard, reported having aeen Joe Crawford
and Ud Thap, wagoneera for the Hargla
Bros., come across the brldgo and return
just before the blase was discovered, and
Major Allen ordered these men arreated.
They were taken Into the military camp by
the soldiers and manacled In tha guard
house Gray Haddicks was retained by the pro
vost guard aa a witness. Soon the Hargls
people were active. They sent Attorney!
John O'Nell of Covington and U. B. Golden'
of Iturbervllle, defending Jett and White,
and swore cut writs of habeas corpus
maklnr them returnable at once. The wrlti
were served on Major Allen and he aent th
prisoners to the courthouse under a stronj
guard, commanded by Captain Maddox.
Commonwealth' Attorney Byrd asked
Judge Rrdwlne time for Major Allen to tllu
a resonse. He asked that he be given till
tomorrow, but Judge Redwlne demanded
that it be filed at once.
Thin whs done and the attorneys argued
the ramc. Two of the most Interested spec
tators were tfiunty Judge Hargls and
Sheriff Ed Callihau. The attorneys argued