Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1903, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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sail on fire
No disease ctnwi so much bodily discomfort, or itches, burns and stings
like Eczema. Beginning: often with a slight redness of the skin it gradually
spreads, followed by pustules or blisters from which a gnmmy, sticky fluid
oozes which dries and scales off or forms bad looking sores and scabs. It
ntwini en different carls
i ' Tn laoa T iiHrintil at time natebea ea the tn
id of my hende that itehed and burned, u1dv
ranch dieoomfort. Ae tlma want by It
upon the back,
bands, legs and
is a veritable to
of the body but oftenest
back, arms,
face, and
torment at
times, especially at night
or whea overheated.
The cause of Eczema is
a too acid and general no
healthy condition of the
blood. The terrifying
Itching: and burning is
produced by the overflow
rraw won, and I waa eoavlnoea that
wm afflicted with Ecaema. I ton
salted veral physicians and a nam
bar of specialists, a ad uaad vrei ft
ternel applleationa, rtltlTlnr but
allht temporary rallaf. In February
I deelded ta try 8. S. 8., and la laaa than
a month I zprinoed a change for tha
better, and by May ail symptom had
disappeared, and I found aayaalf entire
Jy anrad, and hay bad no return of
tha dlaaaaa alnea. W. P. BRUSH,
r toeamaa.- A.aTruiaT Jaganoy.
Xavnaarar itotinu'i A. a
Station Xnaa4 City, Xo.
through the glands and pores of the skin of the fiery poisons with which the
DlOOa-CUTTeni IS over-ioaucu. wniie uianu ap
plications, such as washes, soaps, salves and powers
are soothing and cooling they do not enter into the
blood itself or touch the real cause of the disease,
bntS. S. S. does, and purifies, enriches, and strength
ens the thin acid blood and cleanses and builds up the general system, whea
the skin clears off and Eczema with all its terrifying symptoms disappears.
Send for our free book on the Skin and its diseases. Medical advice or
any special information wanted we give without charge.
4ft illMllllinnAI I a"a K. j9 N
9 f )1
Special Woodmen train will leave
Omaha 8 p, m. Sunday, June 14th,
running through without change.
tt For further information call ator address
tt ' HJ
tt tTTSt city t,cket office to
. Xi
o auar ram ra
I Colorado.
ITffvVi nnrl
o Man ronrri m
Oregon and
Jttlf I to K. la.
$ 15.00 to Denver, Colorado Spring! and Pueblo
$ 1 7 .00 to Denver, Colorado Spring! and Pueblo 1
(Glen wood Spring $29.50.)
$30.50 Ogdea and Salt Lako City.
$i4.50 Batto aad Helena.
$44.50 Spokane.
$52.00 Portland, Taeoma and Seattle.
$45.00 Saa Frandaco aad Lot Angela.
$50.00 Loa Angela, Saa Francisco and Saa ? ta KJ. In.
Dally ta
teaaber 30, la.
Jen IS.
Kir 7 la tt.
august 4 ta It,
Aa. I to M, laa.
'Ptee lit. Ubm SUttoa. Htb tat srty.
X rood mifd room with vaoiw
aaat to tha elaator on tha
4ta floora plaaaaat. aood ala4
room (or HS.M a month.
Eyery office in the Bee Building
has good light plenty of air and
Is attractive a complete office
building in every eense of the
word. Open day and night and
Sunday. Elevators run all the
time. Electric light water and
janitor pervice free.
R. C Peters & Co.. Rental Agents.
around Floor. Be Bu'Jdlaj.
Shortage of Oitj Fnndi Mkei Improte
menti Doubtful Olubi Discouraged.
Ko Moaar Clraa Dowatowv Stracta
O.rtraai! larrraaca Lla
Stork Scrotlay Mafia
Cttr Ooaalp.
ORIeara and member of th varlou Im
provement club ar baginnlnf to ret die
couraced. a there eema to b llttl If any
proepect of ecur1ng long-dealred Improve
ment thlt year.
For nearly two year th Eakt Sid Im
provement club ha been working for th
extension of th Thirteenth atraet ear line
to Mlaaourt avenue. While promise have
been made that th work would be don,
material ha not arrived and tho living
la thl section of th city have about given
up hope that anything along that line will
be done thl aummer. Then, again for two
year the club ha been laboring to have
Twentieth treet opened through Syndicate
park. Lat year the atraet through the
park waa graded and a date wa set for
th opening, but thl failed also. When th
time for the opening arrived the owner
of the park demanded that the city sup
ply a number of electric are light and
give the street police protection. On ac
count of the overlap in both lighting and
police fund the city wa not able to
do anything and Twentieth etreet remalne
cloied. More hydrants and electric light
ar also desired by th east ender.
It is th same with the Southeast Im
provement club. Promises to extend the
Albright car service to th county line
have been made time and again, but still
there 1 no sign of the work being done.
Last year quite a number of dwellings
were erected in this section of the city
with the expectation that the city would
provide means for extending the water
main and locate electric street lights.
As the city now owes the water company
about 112,000 no more hydrant will be lo
cated until a settlement Is reached. It
Is the same with the electric light com
pany. The council ha been aerved with
a notice from both of these companies to
the effect that no more Improvements will
b made until the outstanding bll'. are
taken care of.
West of the track the same cry is being
made. More hydrants and light are
wanted. In every caae city officials are
compelled to give the same reply "no
funds." As the IMS levy will not be
available until August It will readily be
seen that very extensive Improvement
cannot be mad thl year even should there
be money on hand to pay up the old bill.
Building In South Omaha ia practically
at a standstill. Not a single building
permit wa Issued last week. It I true
that repair ar being mad and a few
mall dwelling erected, but a majority of
the local contractor ar Idle. Nothing ha
been don toward commencing th con
struction of the library building and work
on the wing of the Exchange building at
the stock yards will not be commenced
until the labor trouble In Omaha are set
Contractor assert that this summer will
be the dullest one In year a few have
any order at all. Labor troubles are the
cause of the scarcity of building here, while
the lack of money In the city treasury pre.
vent any improvements by the munici
rTd"? Streets. Dirty.
AH of tha paved street in th business
portion of the city are In a filthy condition.
There Is no money In the street repair fund
that eaa be spared to hire team and men
to remove the mud. Considerable complaint
I made that no attempt la made to keep
the crossings down town clean. What little
money there 1 In the street repair fund la
being used In working the road machine on
unpaved street that were washed out by
the heavy rain. As soon aa the tempera.
ture rise a little more possibly th mayor
will see If he cannot secure the service of
the Ore department to flush the streets, a
ha frequently been done. Unless th police
commissioners see fit to permit the tire de
partment to be used for this purpose the
streets will have to remain muddy and
dusty until the 190 levy la available.
St. Aarnea' Gradaates
Thursday evening at Workman temple.
Twenty-fifth and M streets, tha closing ex-
rclea of St. Agnes' school will be held. A
program of considerable length haa been
prepared for thl occasion and It I ex
pec ted that the temple will be crowded. The
list of graduates follows: Mary O. Larkin,
Madeline C. Bang, Margaret M. O'Hara,
Bridget C. Mercell, Anna M. Offerman,
Mary J. Sheehy, Margaret C. Parka, Anna
O. Rowley, Till! M. Casper, Mary a. Clin
ton. Catherine M. Tynan, Julia F. Howell,
Mary A. McNulty, Margaret C. Cunning
ham, Nora C. Collins, Mary F. McCarron.
Anna T. Parks, Rose McDermott, Carl V.
Olllln, Oeorge Vana and Thomas P. Curran.
Calldrea's Day Exercises.
Children' day exercises will be observed
by the congregation and Sunday achool of
th First Presbyterian church at the King's
Daughters' ehapel. Sixteenth and M streets
at t:30 o'clock this afternoon. Bongs and
recitation occupy prominent place on the
program. All who can attend are invited
to be present. At the First Methodist
church. Twenty-third and N streets, th
Sunday achool will have charge of the
services In th evening. For the occasion
tha church will be appropriately decorated
On of the feature of this service will be
stereoptlcon Illustration of th Lord'
Eaforclag laspeetloa Order.
Government live stock Inspector In the
field have been ordered to strictly enforce
the regulations promulgated by Secretary
Wilson in regard to the shipping of sheep
afflicted with scab and hogs suffering from
cholera. At all of the Important loading
point In the sttt shipment of sheep snd
hogs ar thoroughly Inspected In order to
si j-a.ajt a-a J- aaaa.ajaJLJ.a aa a a aajeaja..aiAajnj 0
Drink IHIabit
Permanently Cured
"Clinrr 1 a arrciaratloe ta aa well-
taeva adlea! srutclplra aa prvparr br
covmuts ot attar rears' aundiDf. It is taate
Iraa, odurltM. color lr and otlrelr without
aj W tlccts whtUTr. It ras be glTra la
water, bus. tea ar case, wiisoat is pa
tleat's too. ledge.
la avwt caars taa rravtng far Uqaer I an a
Bier aaMt but a dlaeaae, requiring mora tbaa
will power to ear It. Wa tuaiUTrly (uaraate
that ' oaaisx wiu float roy au dealt ror al
enkolle at Us 11 La u la a a form, aa4 we will
return tt awaay shoal It fall to do so. But
It aerer fallal It toaea a th diaeased stoea
ae a sieea a Beartff appetite aad coo
i(eM. gteady eereee aooo follow tt aaa.
jmaiet eeied raaiie rre a rnueet.
"OaaiJfg" Is aadorae a taa W. O. T. V..
awblie para, rlergrmea. pferairUna, saembers
af tb Y. at C. A , aad tsoaaaada f tbers.
Mr. B. y. gala, president of B. T. ftnltb
rirr proof Caaatnankaa Cm., WiatlagUo, D. I ,
write: "Nvaaerou eaae aae coco aF
aaerratto f th waedarral Bowee of rw
reMr for alenaell. I ear? ra th great
pportaaltie yoa aw ta tinuf jor. aawpti
aad health t aaaahlad. at ) eraa
Ir eoo woe."
ti rca box Bo i ca roa ta.
Beat ia ft he I aeale a-, all cfcarg
aeepaia, ay uaama ra yi, wa,
lagtaa. t u. a aad aaaaiiasiS he
laaraua A HwCatuit grwar (Jex,
xb mm a waattw
prevent diseased animal from being sent
to th South Omaha market. Every effort
I being mad by th government to stamp
out acab and cholera and as far aa possible
to prevent the spread of the disease.
Only recently strict orders were Issued to
all transportation lines to thoroughly disin
fect all stock cars used In hauling sheep
and hogs. A strong solution of carbollo
acid and lime Is used on the Interior of
such cars after unloading. In this way
th spreading of the diseases mentioned
may be In a great measure prevented, it
was reported here yesterday that Dr. Don
C. Ayer would soon send two or three ad
ditional men Into the field to assist In the
Inspection of live stock shipments.
Wal Sot Tell.
James Blackbird, a Winnebago Indian,
was before Judge King Saturday on th
charge of being drunk and disorderly.
When the judge asked Blackbird where he
obtained hla whisky, he replied that he
found tt in the ground. Chief Brtgga tried
hi hand at Questioning, but Blackbird
Id that h could not possibly find th
place again a h waa too drunk to remem
ber the location of the plant After giving
Mr. Blackbird a btt of good advice, the
Judge discharged tha prisoner. Dan Du
gan wa th next to b called and he had
to eonfeaa that he had been drunk and
dlaorderly. "If you will let me go thl
time judge," pleaded Dan. "I will try and
find tha hole In the ground where the In
dian secured his whisky." The talk did
not go with tha Judge and Dan was led
below to serve out a thirty-day sentence.
Drill Team Leave.
The drill team of camp No. 1096. Modern
Woodmen of America left last night over
the Rock Island road for Indianapolis to
attend the national convention of the order.
The team will be gone one week. A roster
of the team follows: T. J. Cooley, captain,
L. N. Cockrell, William Van Beek, Alls
Jacobs, J. F. McKale, Wilbur Cockrell.
Earl Clark. Bert Heatings, Harry Bruce,
Frank E. Jonea. Frank Belden, Ray Mun
ger, H. E. Cox. Wllkle Parsley. Jacob
Health, Joseph McBride. W. Keller, R. E.
Magle City Goaalp.
Godfrey' for wedding preent. 2412 N
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Hancy have returned
from a western trip.
Thomas J. Nolan has returned rrom an
extended eastern trip.
John Rilev. Twenty-ninth and R streets,
reports the birth ot a son.
E I Johnston will leave tonight over tne
nlon Pacific for Seattle, Wash.
F.lllot F. Head la suffering from a severe
ttack of Inflammatory rheumatism. nf the Packers Tradea council
wlil hold a picnic at Pries lake today.
Mra. W. S. Derbyshire has gone to Kan-
aaa to apend a portion of the aummer.
Mr. and Mra. L. H. Proudfoot have gone
to Indianapolis to visit friend for a fortnight.
Dana Morrill haa returned from Sioux
City where he participated In a shooting
The Lotus club rave a very enjoyable
dancing party at Masonic hall on Friday
H. E. Newman of the Armour company
a gone to Indiana for a visit of a coupls
of weeka
A dauahter waa born yesterday to Mr.
nd Mra. Otto Meyer, Twenty-fourth and
U atreets.
Frank Dennis left' last night for Indian
poll to attend the Modern Woodmen
Mr. Frank E. Jone ha been railed to
Harvard. Neb., by the aerlou Illness of
er motner.
The Hiking club will leave for It an
nual trip arroas the country Monday morn
ing, June 22.
William Barclay and family left yester
day for Shenandoah where they will visit
relative ror a week.
Assistant Secretsry Baker of the Toung
Men' Christian association and bride are
expected home Monday.
The Ladle' Aid society of the Methorllst
cnurcn win meet with Mr, w. A. mc
Colllster on Thursday afternoon.
Mra H. S. Kloke and aon of Bloomfleld
Neb., are In the city the guest of Mis
Susie Horan. 82S North Twenty-fifth street.
Miss Covne. one of the nurses at the
South Omaha hospital, haa tendered her
resignation to take effect on Monday, June
The Ladle of the Maccabees will give
dance at Maccahee hall. Thirty-eiahth
and Q street on Wednesday evening:. June
The three Ancient Order fnlted Work
men lodges and the Degree of Honor lodgea
nave raiaea nearly ju) ror tne flood suf
Miss Nellie Lehan returned to her home
at Dunlap, Ia., yesterday after a visit with
Mr. and Mra. D. J. Farrell, Twenty-third
ana u street.
A. H. Hammel. a tralnmaatar for the
Chicago A Northwestern, with headquar
ters at Clinton. Ia.. waa In tha cltv vea-
icraay on Dusinesa.
The Career of a Young Man." will he
the theme of the address at the Toung
en a v.nnauan association nunaar after
noon oy tie v. Anarew KenwicK.
The local lor! nee of Odd Fellowa will hold
memorial service at Odd Fellowa hall at
10 a. m. today. Following the services
the graves of members of the order will
oe aecoratea.
Mies Jessie Carpenter, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. L. J. Carpenter, and Mr. Earl
Brswn were married laat evening:. The
ceremony 'was at th residence of the
oriae s parents on js'ortn Twenty-fourth
ftrrei. wnn e. ur. w neaier or the Pre
oyierian cnurcn omciatlng.
Rev. William Oemmlll of Allenwood. Pa
will preach at the First Preabvterlan
church this morning. HI subject will be
vtoranip tne i-erpetuai UDlIgatlon. At
the evening service Rev. Oemmlll will teiir
about what he aaw at the general assembly
ein. m j. u ttourae received wrore v
irruajr ul in Drain at watervtue, Mont
of nei alster-in-law. Mra. Peter Doran
The remain will reach South rmh unn.
day night and funeral services will be held
iiiemay momma- at tne residence of J J
vnuuiKv, ouuin 1 nirxy-nrat street
OBcnlagr ef the Store After the Fir
Briars Oat TreaaeBdeaa
Th reopening of the Bennett store fter
the fire yesterday morning drew forth an
unusual crowd of eager bargain hunters
who knew that tne first at the counter
would be rewarded by eome rre chance
at allghtly damaged good. At 1:15 In the
morning there Were twenty-five people
early on hand and when the doora were
opened shortly after f o'clock, both Six
teenth and Harney atreeta were well
crowded. The rush wa so great that th
door had to be closed after twenty min
ute to giv the clerk a chanc to wait
on the bargain hunter. The crowd con
tinued all day leaaenlng during th after
noon but picking up In th evening and
continuing until closing time at V) o'clock.
It waa estimated by a member of th firm
laat night that between 10.000 and 35.000
ale had been made, so that the 750 m-
ployea were tired enough when closing uo
came. It Is the Intention to continue the
sale until the slock la cleaned up which
may take two weeka. The Bennett people
want every thing to go ao that their
patron cn be sur they ar getting no
stained foods
Though postponed a week by the high
water and uncertainty of tralna, the four
teenth annual convention of the Nebraska
grand chapter, P. E. O. sisterhood, held
June I, 10 and 11 at Wymore. was one ot
the largeet and moat successful meetings
yet held. The active membership for the
year Is 175, and the various chapters were
well represented, charter being granted en
Wednesday to chapter at Hebron and Ox
ford. The following officer wer elected to
erve during th coming year:
Mrs. Lillian P. Parmele, Plattsmouth,
president; Mr. Lonle Dlffenhacher, York,
first rice president; Mis Edith Toung-
tedt, Wahoo, second vice president;
Mis Kettle Little, Oeneva, recording sec
retary; Mrs. Cora McMullen, Wymor,
corresponding secretary; Mr. Carrie Ptr-
son, Aurora, treasurer; Ml Grace
Thomas, Nelaon, organiser. Th follow
ing were elected delegate to th supreme
grand chapter, which will meet In Lincoln
next October: Mrs. Mary McKlmmoa,
Lincoln; Mrs. Grace Julian. Hastings; Mlas
Edna Carscadden, .Tork; Mrs. Esther My
ers, Superior; Mr. Julia Halner, Aurora;
Mrs. Eva Koehler. Oeneva: Mrs. Kate WIN
leu. McCook; Mrs. Alberta Wilkinson.
Holdreg. Th new officer were Installed
by retiring president Mrs. Burch.
The next annual meeting will b held at
Broken Bow ,
The June board meeting of the Women'
Christian association will be held at 10
o'clock on Tuesday morning In the parlot
of the Toung Men's Christian association.
The executive committee of the Woman's
club has made the following appointments
of committee member for the coming
year: Mesdame Ada Walker and A. N.
Ferguson, auditing committee; Meedames
R. E. McKelvey and R. G. Burbank, con
stitution committee; Mr. J. W. Griffith
and Miss Llda Wilson, courtesies commit
tee; Mesdame F. L. Haller, John R. Web
ster, Offutt, C. W. Lyman and Horac O.
Burt, house and home committee.
At the annual meeting of the alumni of
Brownell hall, held on Tuesday afternoon,
the following officers were elected: Mrs.
Philip Potter, president; Mrs. Horace Burr,
vice president: Miss Alice French, secre
tary; Mr. Florence Voss, treasurer; Mrs.
S. D. Barkalow, Mrs. R. 8. Hall and Mra
Flemon Drake, executive committee. Mrs.
Drake entertained the alumnae at luncheon
on Monday.
The regular monthly Demorest medal
contest was given under the auspices of the
Woman's Christian Temperance union at
Volunteer' hall on Wedneaday evening,
the program being In two part, the contest
and a musical program.
Th postponed annual picnic for the mem
bers of the household economics depart
ment of the Woman's club will be given on
Thursday, June U. The party will leave
the Burlington atatton at :10 o'clock and
spend the day at th horn ot Mr. Mary
Moody Pugh at Bellevue, returning In the
1 he People Furniture and Carpet Company.
Great June Unloading Sale of
Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, etc
this week. Iron bed,
and pair ot pillows, 0.1)11
I Cash or Credit
Go-Carts and
The celebrated Heywood
Go-Cart. best of workman
ship, rubber tires, enameled
gearing, patent axles, patent
adjustments, with fin grade
of Bedford cord ' upholstering,
worth 212.00 Monday
Iron Bed special this week. Iron bed.
spring, mattress ana pair 01 pi
the mmnleta net. worth I12.W0. . .
Ingrain Carpets In many pattern and
choice color, all wool, worth
5S cent, at
Brussels Carpet, thle season -lection,
worth op to $1.26.
Lace Curtains, w carry a full line, a g ff
large assortment of all grade. Mon- I, Z J
day beautiful pair, worth 2J.IO..
Dangler Gaso'.tne Stoves, warranted th mm
beet on th market, every stove tst- Z. J 3
ed before delivery, upward from
The refrigerator that mechanically perfect
-that embodies aU the best Improvements.
has seven walls
miner a I wool
lining, that
will pay for it
self In a single
summer In the
ice and food It
saves, the Our
ney combine all
these features,
special 210.00 re
frigerator, Mon
day S6.50
rjfrlHm '
2 ".v. , v
jUJ 'si
Special Inducements to Younf Folk Just Startlnf Housekeeping.
Tail Meeea ( Perasilrlaiaj Tnewsaada
fere Maay New aad Sea .a.
tloaal Koveltlea.
Lake Manawa ha been quite badly handi
capped by the unseasonable weather of the
last three weeka, but now that things are
coming parkward the reaort show up like a
brilliant. In r- financial way the Inclement
weather ha been a aerlou affair, but on
the other hand th rain hav caused the
resort to blossom a the rose. The place Is
a bower of beauty, with It velvety green
lawns, leafy gieen tree and budding and
blossoming flora That thl place will be
the Mecca of the twin cities when the
thermometer begins to bubble and slzsle up
near the top of the glass goes without say
ing. Last 0-nday gave evidence of thla
when nearly 7.000 people visited It. If the
Lake Manawa resort wa In an eastern
city It would prove to be a gold mine. Few
eaatern resort close to a city are a beau
tlful and a attractive. Two year ago the
people ot Omaha, Council Bluff and South
Omaha awoke to a realisation of the sum.
mer retreat they naa under their very
noses and began patt nnlslng It liberally.
As soon as seasonable weather sets In th
resort Is the Mecca of all looking for relief
from the heat. And they get It. Bathing
In the limpid water of th beautiful lake
and boating on Its' placid bosom la a cool
and diverging diversion. On th broad
plana of it apoclou pavilion on may
enjoy the lake breese to their fullest ad
vantage while partaking of refreshments.
At the Kursaal at Manhattan Beach, across
th lake, refreshment and cooling recrea
tion may also be Indulged In. All sorts of
amusements are at every hand ror the uae
of children and their elders. The shady
nook about the lawns offer splendid re
treats for plcnle parties. Baloon ascensions
are given dally by daring aeronauts.
Covalt's band of thlrty-flve men make ex
cellent music. It lull and soothes and fits
well with the musical soughing of the
winds through th tree. Thla afternoon
aad tonight the following program will be
rendered :
March Ideal American r,nk.
Overture Jolly Robber Bnppe
Walts Autumn Thought Clark
Pilgrim Choru fioir. Tannhauaer"
March Temple of Industry Pond
.lection from "Mr. Pickwick" Klein
Mexican nance Tmoiette RirniM
A Tone Picture Swt Dream Voelker
Wsrrh Brooke's Marine Band.. Seits
Selection from "The Prince of Pllen"..
waits rinie La n u oe
Tnce of the Hourls ,
March Scene de Procession
Overture Zsmp
Intermesro from "Nalla
Deacriptlve At the Old Grist Mill
Groat June Unloading Sale
of Cloaks, Suits, Hillinory
Elaborate thawing of favorite sum
mer ttylea at prices that compel the
attention of careful buyers.
Tha Saaaoa'a float Senaattonat
lOOfloren ladio' Lawn and Marorle4 Shirt.
Waist, worth 2, 1160 and 13-ln 4 ((
thtg sal red uoed to
Wamsa'a Sheer WhIU Law. Waists also
striped percale and cheeked gingham waist,
neatly plaited and prettv embroidery trim
med style, with pouch sleeve E"
and band cuffs, at OVfC
Millinery. Dcpt
800 Summer Hats of a One (trade of atraw,
nicely trimmed, worth 11.00 25c
i Chicago & Return (
Claaa ef Over Oa Ha ad red mw.4
Tweattg-riv te Eat Ktaardeaa
f atalverm. t
A. O. Stephen announce that upward of
IS member ef th Eagle hav signed th
roll to go Into the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ba
and th pilgrimage of the big el as of big
bird t h 0n will b mad oa Monda
night. June . Mr. Stephen requeata all
Eagle who hv mad application for Ak
Bavr-Baai membership other than through
the special eaaa toe lodg la organising
te deter their rnitiatloa at th den until
Eagle aight. when there will be "doings"
ef apeclal laUraat te thesa.
. .. Strauss
... Harold
foaatr Treaiarer'a Report.
The report of County Treasurer O. Fred
Elaaaaer. showing the whereabouts of tha
county funds June J, follows:
Balance May 1 1214 K 57
May collections 14a.S2 II
Total WSKin
Balance June t S2M.IM M
May disbursements
Cash in drawer
Oherke for depoalt
Poatage account
Protest tsjt fund
On deposit In hanks:
Merchants' National ...
l'nlled States National
Commercial National ...
South Omaha National ,
First National ,
Packera' National
Omaha National
Vnlon National
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163 1
10.014 14
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1 960 00
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rteal ler St. Bsrasks'i Chlldrea.
The children of St. Barnabas parish wer
at Hanacoro park Saturday afternoon In
full fore, under th supervision of the paa
tsar. Rev. John Williams, who had planned
th day of relasallon several weeka sen.
Th llttl onea and their parent took their
own time fr colng to th park and from t
until i o'cloi k they ram alngly and in
groups. Arriving at th park they apent
the Cue tn their n satisfaction until a W,
avhon refreshment were serveit on th
soUvi.rn al"P- uf the grounds. Kvary
(am If or art of a family brought a basket
arid :b cxitenta went Into a conimoa
ator ao that there waa variety for all. I
errata snd t wer s'ao aerved Aftnr
iba I t!rne.n th plf-iilcfcera spent th even
In xcc-rdli, to 1 r eie u Lti raiuxair.g
to U. ci'. at case
Rock Island System
Tickets on sale June 14, 15, 30, and July 1. Final
return limit September 15.
II flVllllMl II
nm in
City Ticket Office Z
. 023 FARNAU ST.
Qrathi, - Neb.
l C. A. Ruiherferd
JJ D. P. A.
s "
CALLER-Dear old Jack, I Juat read In taa paper about your belaj eun
truck, and ru.hed rloht oyer. Tm awfully triad you"re a well a yoa ar.
You're lucky. Now. old man. I dont want to work the old "I told you ao" o3
on you. but the way to prernt aun.trok la to keep tbe bowel claa and cool,
and tbe blood from belna over heated, by taklno a CA8CARET Candy Cathartic at
bed-time They work while you aleep, and keep you aafe and comfortable all cay.
Mrs. Refina Watstrfs School.
m t. Mais Street, Cakaf. J.
Announo the beginning ef its SUMMER
TKHU for JUNE iind.
Mrs. Watson makes a specialty of th
traJnrng of teacher and oonoart planiau
In rprtolre, etc.
Among prominent must dan trained by
her, tt following name ,aaay b men
tioned: Prof. Apet, jatrolt, Mlrh.: prof.
iAiikla. Dran Northweatarn UmIo ftVnal
tneton, Mia ParsoOL, lHrctr y'hfwre.
Musical Collage: ftalae M.ity, 1 -irmtctmt
Mane Cl f Olrijo P i.;j niiMwut,
111 ; Mr. Walter Spry, V w f vrt.
Mis Klaannr v v a f 1 ow r. a u l ( , , .
AppilcaUwn for t A-i- r i - t j at
ny Um. or pi ...
Every Woman
a aMVaaa bjm pwwa mo.
! U a.arfal
MAJtVIL Vtblrliaa 6pry
. Itea eM re Bst-Ml-
t-Mol Oesearlent.
ffi'r ntJi'nJilitt jlW1' Jf
klalaL. mJJ. aa BVi'..t,JeW
Wl J
Pt., bu, Mn se a for
Wuauu wUaa fci'ie. j eV
Us M lira hc., M. T,
Tot Sale by ,
, Ceraer ltk aa4 CXUcag. Slav. Oaaaka.