4 TITE OMAnA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY, JUNE 14, lt)03. CIVIL SERVICE DISREGARDED Appointments Mi! in Washington Post oflbs for Po.it cil Pu-pcsaj. HAICRMAN PROCTOR SUBMITS REPORT ays lMlniiitfr Has S Antnorlty ad (hat Ofllr I Llttl Mora Thaa nurran of Iot efHca Department. WASHINGTON. June 13,-Chalrman Proctor of th Civil Service commission to day submitted to Postmaster Qeneral Payne the report made by the commission at the request of the poetmaater general with reference to the charge of violation of the civil aervlce regulations In the Wash Inflon poatofllce. In addition to the report proper and a tranacript of the testimony taken, Mr. Proctor presented a aummary of the find Inge. Thla aummary concludea aa followa: A departure from the observance of the civil service rule appenra In the promotions ot certain employee In the Waanlngton poat ofllce which have been directed by the de partment. although reports of efficiency are neither requested nor received by the de partment. For rolttleal Porpoaoa. The Information dlscloaed by the Investi gation seems to warrant the aiatement that kpiminlmenu to classified positions In the Washington poBtothce without examination, by tne devloua method of appointment in amall unclassified oflioes. or in- otllces about to be consolidated, and subsequent transfer and the appointments of tnose laborers who were appointed and separated during the aumlnimratlon of the present post master, show a wide divergence of policy from strict regard of the public good, and afford Indications that the department used the Washington postoftlce for political and personal purposes to an extent which left the authority of the postmaster in trsnslers and appjintments of this sort but little more than nominal and placed the office. In many respects. In the rela tlwn of a bureau to the department. The Investigation seems to show clearly that most of the Irregularities herein set forth were directed by the department, or requested or suggested by high depart mental officials, and In either case came to the postmaster with all the force of a di rection. The Investigation Indicates that the em ployes who entered the service by transfer, and without examination, are In general In ferior to those appointed through competi tion. Appointments Not Necessary. There was no necessity ot anticipating the needs of the service by an excessive number of appointments just before classi fication, for the commission had registers of ellgibles at that time, which were ample and also appropriate, as Is shown by tne fact that all but four of the thirty-seven appointments have been made to the rural free delivery service In the District of Co lumbia outside since November 27, 1901, were from registers then In existence. The appointments made under the cir cumstances above set forth resulted In a congestion of the service, and when a re duction la to be made the employee ap pointed for political or personal considera tions are cared for sometimes at the ex pense of persons appointed upon merit and without Influence. The passage of the war emergency, the amendment on December a, 1901, of the rule referring; to transfers and new pro visions of the revised rules which became effective on April 15, im. will. It Is be lieved, prevent the continuance of these abuses In the classified service, and the adoption, at the earliest practicable date, of regulations 'for the employment of laborers In the 'Washington poatoffloe. In accordance with the executive order of March 3S, DOS, will, there Is reason to hope, put the employment of laborers on the basis of fitness and the needs ot the serv ice. Pays Asks for laveitlgatlaa. . The Investigation was made In response to tne following letter, dated May 4, from the postmaster general to the commission: I should be pleased If you would have one of your examiners detailed tn 1. Investigation of the Washington city post office with a view of ascertaining whether or not the civil service law and regula tions have been and are being legally com piled with In the administration of that - office. Mr. Jroctor was In conference with Post master General Payne for An hour today regarding tne report. 1 Later Mr.' Proctor, In a verbal statement to newspaper men. said that In all his experience with the postofflce he had had less trouble since Mr. Payne's lnoumbency than at any other ume. The postmaster general made the fol lowing statement regarding the report: Attention Is called to the fact that since my Incumbency of the position of post master general the civil service commission reports that there have been but ten per sons transferred to the Washington Post office by appointment from smaller offices, and that these ten were appointed to their respective places six months or more prior !?..ih?Lr t.rnefer, which Is In compliance with the law, rules and regulations of the vi. nrm mey now exist. By Wight of Certificate. Tt will Via nrttA th.l t. . 1 i "... ..w. . 1 1 v uvuiiiiiHign re ports that every person occupying com petitive classified places In the Washing ton postofflce Is there by right of a certifi cate regularly Issued by the Civil Service tnmm nlnn Regarding unskilled lahorers, which have ..... uco.i luujm o ciassincaTion, it In proper to say that there has been much ------ ("'""ii uii win pari of the Civil Service commission and the "i many conferences have u,i una uojif-i. un juiy z, 1B01 an irrMmiit mtmm M..hl .a .. adopted which were agreed to by the Civil -xri h 1f1ommlM'on and the department v ""ny wnn an cause ror com E!H? lrruI;r" In the appoint ment of this class of employes. The nnlnt rataH h, k the promotion of certain employes In the ......... iia.B wrn oirecieti ry the d nartment ivnmul ....... . "!ich d.lrLon 'or promotion as . t k.. . n "'"norised by me - - - ureii imaiinnsier general. Mr. Payne stated today that he mm- to make publle by Tuesdsy or Wednesday tn reports of the postofflce Inspectors who recently Investigated the Washington office: a similar report made oy tne inspectors during former Postmaster uenerai vnarie Emory Smith's admlnls trauon and tne reply of Fourth Assistant postmaster General Brlstow to the Tul loch charges. Na Robbers Are In Sight. JOPLIN, Mo.. June 13-Puruant to a prder from secret service offloera of th Frleoo railway fifty well armel men ll Jopiin early todav on paseenger train Nr 14H for Empire Junction. Kan., two mile V. j wnere i r was report robbers bad planned to hold up the tra In f"1 w nmroverea lat night nr telephone meaaage waa sent to Joplln I a for Summer Complaints. Bowel Troubla, Stomach Acha, Cholera florbug and Diarrhoea Ar Speedily Cured by Duffy's Pun Halt Whiskey Vse DUrrT'S PURE MALT WHI8KEY In drinking water and you will not be troubled by distressing summer dlseaaea. It kills the disease germs and keepe you well, strong and active during the warm weather. Bold at all Anigglsta. grocers, or direct et II 00 per tj"U. Medical booklet rree. Duff Mait Whiskey Co-, Rochester, X. T rtned men. When Empire Junction was reached there were no robbers In sight. OMAHA MANJS TREASURER Woodmen Elect Officers, Choosing Two xbraafcaa aa lewaa. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. June 13.-The sec ond blennltl convention of the assoclstlon of local camp clerks of the Modern Wood men of America held Its opening session today and elected the following officers: President. H. B. Hoyt, Seattle, Wash.; secretary, W. T. Copeland, Lima, O.i treas urer, C. II. T. Rlepen, Omnhn. The president was authorised to appoint nrtlonal executive committee of eleven nd named the following: F. H. Norllng of Kansas City, M. B. Fabtr of Jackson, Mich.; 8. M. Fisher of Janesvllle, Wis.; A. . Msrtln of Victor, Colo.; James O. Dick son of Spokane, Waah; F. D. Roemer of Zanesvillc, O.i John McDonald of Daven port, la.; Joseph Q. Bruce of Indianapolis; George H. Gelst of Jollet, III.; W. J. Wake field of Newark, N. J.; W. E. Umland of Lincoln, Neb. The association approved a recommenda tion of Head Clerk C. W. Hawea of Rock Island, 111., that local camp clerks be re quired to give surety bonds hereafter. The recommendation will go to the na tional convention on Tuesday. WALL STREET FEELS BETTER horts Bay la Their Securities and the Prlee Is Ad anced. NEW YORK, June 13. The despondency and gloom of the early part of the. week In Wall street gave place to a sudden revolu tion of sentiment on Thursday morning, when the overextended bears rushed to buy stocks In something of a panic. The subsequent recovery wiped out the week's earlier losses. The rebound was the result of the realization that prices had got down to a level where Investment de mand was attracted, both for home and foreign account The large wheat crop promised by the government's monthly report, the favorable railroad earnings reported, the decision af firming the right of the coal road presidents to refuse certain Information demanded by the Interstate Commerce commission and the decline in sterling aided the recovery. GIVES UP TRIP IN DORY Man Who Attempts to Cross the At- laatia Tarns Back to Laad. GLOUCESTER, Mass., June ll.-Ludwtg Etsenbaum, who left Boston three weeks ago, in a small open dory to cross the Atlantic, has returned and given up the trip. He went (SO miles to the eastward, mak ing the gulf stream. There was no shelter on the boat and so much fog was en countered that fce hag been wet ever since he started. The result was that he became stiff with rheumatism and was afraid be could not navigate the boat HYMENEAL Two Weddlnge at West Polat. WEST POINT, Neb., June 11 (Special.) William Pflugemann and Miss Grace Hnnft, both of Stanton, were married In this city by County Judge 8. 8. Krake on Wednesday. The young people are well known In Stanton and will reside there hereafter. John Hetmann and Miss Llszle Lammers were united In marriage Thursday at the Catholic church In Aloys, Rev. Victor End of Oleyan performing the ceremony. The bride Is the daughter of Henry Lammers, a substantial pioneer citisen, and the groom a leading citisen of Monterey township. They will live on their own fine farm at Monterey. Hnlth-Rernolds. TECVM6EH, Neb., June 18.-(Speclal.)- Allen Halth. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Halth, and Miss Jennie Reynolds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Reynolds, were mar ried In this city yesterday. The service was at the home of the grandparents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Reynolds, and waa performed at II o'clock In the company of a few relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Halth are oft on a wedding trip to Missouri and when they return they will go to housekeeping on a farm south of this city. Hobart-Haa-hee. TECUMSEH. Neb., June lS.-fSpeclal.)- Mlss Delia Hughes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hughes of this city, and R. E. Hohart were married In Omaha yester day. Mr. Hobart Is assistant cashier of the Standard Oil company In Omaha. The bride Is a splendid young lady. The young couple have gone to housekeeping at 7101 Burt street, Omaha. Wade-Gllmore. NEBRASKA CITT. Neb., June It (Spe cial.) Edwin Ouy Wade and Miss Msbel Ollmore were married In thla city last night at the home of the bride's mother. Miss Ollmore has been a teacher tn the city schools here for many years. The couple left for a short bridal tour, after which they will make their home In this city. DEATH JUECORD. Jena tabla. DAVID CITT, Neb.. June 13.-(Speclal.)- John Sabln, an old resident of David City, died Thursday morning at ths age of 70 years. Mr. Sabln came to David City twenty-three years ago, and engaged In the business of contractor and builder, until about three years ago on account of 111 health, he retired. During all of thla time he was considered one ot the most highly respected citizens. He leaves a widow, one son, who Is manager for Ar mour tt Co., at Pittsburg, Pa., one son who Is In the employ of the Union Paclno Rail road company at thla place, and one daughter. The funeral services will be held Sunday, probably under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic. Mra. Anna Walla. WEST POINT. Neb., June It (Special.) Mrs. Anna Walla died at her home In this county and was burled at St. Charles, under Cathollo auaplcea, on Friday. The deceased was 80 years of age, a native of Bohemia and had lived In Cuming county nearly thirty years. She was the mother ot County Clerk Albert F. Walla and of a numerous family. The deceased was noted tor her great piety and is sincerely mourned by the entire community where she lived so long. John F. McKlaney. PIQITA O., June 13. Former Congress man John F. McKlnney, a prominent law yer and one time democratic state leader, died today ot paralysis, aged 76. Tor the round trip from Chicago via Nickel Plate road, for Christian Scientists' meet Ing In June. Tickets on sale June 2S, and IT, with extended return limit of Aug uat L Stopover at Niagara Falls, In either direction, without extra charge, and at New York returning on payment of fee of II. No exceas fare charged on any of our trains.. Write John T. Calahaa, General Agent. Ill Adams St., room ttt, Chicago. toe detailed Information. . EUD PROSECUTION CLOSED Stat Bests Iti Gate Agvmt lien Aocuied of Miroum'i Harder. WANTED WITNESS WARNED BY GUIDES Man Sent to Bring la Seeded Evi dence Retarne Hmpty Handed aad lapposed Wide Conspir acy Remains Hidden. JACKSON, Ky., June 13. The prorecu- tloa In the case of Curtis Jett and Thomas White, charged with the assassination of J. B. Marcum, rented early today and the defense secured a continuance until Mon day on account of the absence of witnesses. As the state occupied only a little more than two days In presenting Its testimony, It Is believed the case will go to the jury on Wednesdsy. The prosecution was compelled to close without the attendance of witnesses whose testimony wss wanted to prove a conspir acy Involving others besides the prisoners, as some have fled and others are tn hiding. It Is claimed they are afraid to testify and there Is a general Impression that Jurors also are apprehensive of the future. . Guides Wars Witness. When the heating was resumed Common wealth's Attorney Byrd said the detail sent out last night to arrest Henry Freeman, a badly wanted witness, had returned with out the man. Lieutenant Cannard and Deputy Whlta- ker, sent by the commonwealth, said that Goodloe Combs, who went with them on the orders of Judge Redwlne, to tne suprlse of the soldiers, when within 100 yards cf Freeman's house and ahead, fired two shots. He claimed that he saw something In the road, When the soldiers arrived at Freeman's house he was not there. Evidences that he had run away when he heard the shots were that some gar ments had been left behind and his Imprint In the earth was fresh. His wife admitted that he had been there, and she was held, but Judge Redwlne refused to have her as a witness. The antl-Hargls people say Freeman Is an important witness, and they feel that he has been hired to remain away from court. Mr. Byrd said he would have to close the case without Freeman, and submitted the case fo the commonwealth. Attorney Onal for the defense, moved for peremptory Instructions dismissing the defendants. Judge Redwlne excused, the Jury to hear the arguments on the motion. Attorney Golden made a lengthy address and waa followed by Thomas Maroum, who took his first prominent hand In the case, by replying to the motion. His re ply was strong and Intensely dramatic. O'Nell replied to Marcum. The motion to Instruct the Jury to acquit was overruled. White heard the arguments with tears tn his eyes. He was extremely nervous when they closed. The defense after their motion was over ruled asked until Monday to prepare their case and get their witnesses together! This his honor allowed and court ad-" Journed. HBHriCIDB'S MISsIOH. . New Remedy that Destroy the Daa- drafr Germs. Nothing Is more annoying to men or women of middle age when they notice that their hair Is growing thinner, when they must admit that the first indications Ot baldheadedness have commenced to ap pear. Many would give a thousand dol lars and more for a remedy with which to preserve their nstural head-dress. However, they don't need to, Newbro'g Herpldde removes the effect of dandruff by destroying the cause, the only dandruff cure that actually destroys the dandruff germ. Send 10 cents in stamps for fre) sample to The Herpldde Co., Detroit. Mich. A COOL AND PLEASANT RETREAT. Coartland Beach Offers Special In ducements ta a Perspiring Pablle. "If the weather of yesterday continues today," said Manager Tucker of the street railway, "the company will certainly have to get out Its entire equipment to handle the crowds that will flock to Lake Manawa and Courtland beach. Last Sunday we had about three-fourths of It In operation. At Courtland beach I look for an unusual large crowd." These sage remarks of this veteran railway man will probably be veri fied. All It requires tor a verification is for old Sol to get in his work with a few torrid rays. To a sweltering public Courtland beach offers many Inducements. A plunge in I he pure crystal waters ot its lake will quickly and effectually change the body's tempera ture. Another cooling process, although slower tn results, is the boat rides about the lake. Under the spreading branches of Its shade trees Is still another, while a lounge on the piazza ot its pavilion, drink ing cooling drinks, is yet another. The beach Itself la a moat coot spot Its cool ing breezes cause th thermometer, which Is threatening to bubble over the top of the bulb In the city, to keep down to a de llghtful temperature. In addition to nil these warm weather comforts the resort offer hundreds of amusement features. among them being the switchback railway and th numerous Circus acts offered. The chief novelties, however, ar the Fries Bros, and lady, sensational acrobats and barrel Jumpers, In their novel act, and the balloon race between Mons. and Mile, de Campa, superintended by Prof. Sam Mur phy, ths premier aeronaut. Both racers send their balloons to a tremendous height and then cut loose their parachutes and the race Is then on. The first one alighting on tne ground wins. It Is a thrilling ex hlbltlon of death-defying daring. Prof Earnest Nordlne and his orchestra of six teen pieces, who are In attendance day and night, will render the following program toaay ana tonight: Maren Imnerlal Ewril a Overture O heron e! V Wrkr Walts-Tales from ths Wlenna Woods. Tk a....... umnu otwcuon irom tne upera, "Mlg- a .1 : auo. Thomas Suite de Ballet Anthony and Cleopatra vi:: Grinwald n. jinmony ana neopatra. b. Dance of the Nubians. c. Minuet. d. Marcia. Anthony's Viotory. Intermezzo Hiawatha March Dixieland Selection from "The Prince of Pllsen'' toy request) Lelders Fskkeltans Meyerbeer Overture Queen s Lace Handkerchief. i- Joh. Strauss uonrerx nee ror r lute ana Clarinet Elves at Play Grunwald O. E. Pederaen and F. John Men Fantaala T'ncle Eph'a Wedding .... Lampe w iiTi-A oummer evening waitdenfel Selection from "The Little Duchea".... , j.eioven Dance of the Sea Ma Idena , Herman Pi'rlet Characteristic The I.urkv Duck... Whitney March American Republic Thlele Chamberlain's Stomach ana Liver Tablets Better Thaa rills. The question has been asked. In what way ar 'Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets superior to ptllsT Our answer is They are easier and more pleasant to take, more gentle and mild In their action and more reliable, aa they can always be depended upon. Then they cleans and ta' vlgorat th stomach and leave the bowels la a aatural condition, while pills are ac harsh la effect and rpelr us is often tul lowed by coaatlpaUo. ARGO BEATS 0SHK0SH YACHT Omaha. Bnllt Veesel thaws Cleaa Pair at Heels la Light Breeie. Saturday afternoon Argo, the new local boat on Lake Manawa, won an exciting finish within a few minutes of the re quired time necessary for a race. This wss the holiday race, which was to have been contested on Decoration day, and the first official race of the summer. When Argo crossed the line It was only sixteen seconds ahead of Manawa, which had forged ahead In the last two-thirds of the race after having been seemingly sailed out of It. Andover and Favorite, which were the only other boats finishing. Were entirely out of the race at the close. The race proved conclusively that Argo and Manawa are capable of what was ex pected of them and In a class of their own, while Andover will continually win over the other seven boats In her class. In windward work Manawa proved to be the better of the two new boats while Argo was clearly the better boat In run ning free with sheets loosened. Skipper McAllister of Argo thinks that with a heavier wind his yacht will prove a better sailor than Manawa In windward work. although there Is some doubt If she bet ters her relative position much with a stronger wind. The starting gun was fired promptly at 4:06 and Argo crossed the line first followed by Andover, Favorite and Manawa In the order named. While her lead waa only a second's she maintained It and gained somewhat half way around the first time but after rounding buoy 2 she was con fronted with windward work and Manawa and Andover passed her. A handful of breeze struck her before they reached buoy 2 and she crept up and rounded the buoy first with Manawa and Andover clinging closely to her. On the second round of the course Argo maintained the lead and gained heavily on Manawa and Andover was left in the ruck. But Manawa caught a recreant breeze and carried slong with it neared Argo and forged ahead, rounding buoy 4, ten seconds ahead. Coming home the two boats had the wind on their beam end Argo gained and passed Manawa at the Kursaal, gaining steadily until she crossed the line sixteen seconds in the lead. An dover came In third, leaking quite badly. The time for the race was: Argo, 1:10:60; Manawa, 1:11:06; Andover, 1:16:15, and Favorite, 1:17:23. BUTTE FIGHT ENDS IN DRAW O'Keefe Goes Twenty Fall Roaada with Brlft to ffo De , elsloau BUTTE. Mont.. Jane 13. Jaek O'Keefe of Chicago and Jimmy Brltt of Ban Francisco fought twenty rounds to a draw this after noon. uuy iu,out people say tna ngnt. it was a fast and furious one. Brltt had a shade the beet of It, but O'Keefe waa the favorite with the crowd, as the 'Frisco boy had been accused of fouling repeatedly. The sheriff of Butte Jumped Into the ring In One round and warned Brltt that if he did not fight fair the battle could not go on. ad uonen announced tour men wno cnai lenged the winner. They ar Joe Gans, Willie Fitzgerald, Buddy Ryan and Toby Irvln. The arena was erected on th old ball park. On an elevated platform and under a canvas roof the men fought In a chilling wlr.d, while the rain poured at Intervals. The crowd of spectators sat In the open, but were not daunted by the inclement weamer. The fia-ht waa at 133 Bounds, the men weighing In at 10 this mornlnx. Brltt waa a trifle under weight while O'Keefe made It exactly. Three thousand neonle saw Kid Brosd of Cleveland moat decisively knocked out by Aureilo H err era, of Bakersneld, cal., at Sutton's theater tonight. Broad was the aggressor from the start until the fourth round. The Mexican's pe culiar guard and crouch was a pussier to tne uieveiana laa, wno was unable to land an effective blow. In the first round both men sparred to feel each other out. In the second Broad missed several Jabs and only landed once on the kidneys. The Mexican played a waiting game, while Broad waa eager to rush matters. In a mix up he got In an uppercut on the Mex ican, but that was the last bUw he scored. Herrera let out a right swing In the third that made Broad more cautious. In the fourth the Mexican bore In closely and kept himself well protected from Broad's rushes. The latter was pounding away at lixivia a iiuvn una arms. l ne Mexican then cut loose and with one of his noted right swings, caught the Cleveland boy squarely on the law and floored him. Bread was completely dazed whll the Mexican danced around him. Broad took the count end then got up stagger ing when Herrera waa on him like a tiger and with a hard smash on the Jaw Broad went down again. He got on his feet be- ui. ruum, nowever. ana Herrera gave him another hard left Jolt on the Jaw and Broad waa out for keeps. He remained out seven seconds after the count and h-d to b carried to his corner. Herrera did not ft1 "' Half a dozen challenge r.tTi;m.,hVw!.r0e"vVr AIIWHCq nui. Challenger Across Ocean. Vtr-iTr Trieir . i: i 'u in De Forest v-, - ' J . ' " V r " J''" on ennay Hook. E?.twlnSnm.rock "I- All four sh.mroVk r L"' """""''"V "I aimy nuoK a no ui a. rn. Boneateel Wine from gtaart. ...u.unu, d. jw., june n (Specie! TA,ffr'2.'rBonvt8ielJ' nw "" team de' nT aV.V ""' n"e ,oottJr od Boneateel A 600flli Stuart o oOlOOOOO-l w . I uonesteei, cneatwood and Gra- . umpire; oaczui. Indians Ar Defeated. KTnX"Vf 1 K nnni'c v-.w , . ----------- u,, . . . " . , ,un u.Bpe clal Telegram.) The Genoa Indians were defeated in a well contested game today by the local team. Score: NjwmAn Ami,. aaaaaa.aa I ' u w ' ....v V V V u V 1 II V f Indians A 0 0 A 0 0 0 1 13 - .......... . .... , .icmii, Hun ue and Beaulieau. Races for the Fonrth. BEATRICE. Neb.. Jnn IS .QnAui The Beatrice Driving association held' a meeting laai nignt and decided to com mence the erection of stalls and buildings on the new race course at once. It Is the Intention to have the buildings completed by the Fourth of July, at whlrh time some good races will be pulled oft by our local norsemcn. Rala Stops Cricket Match. delphla cricket players today scored elghtv. six runs for eight wlrketa In their second Inning aralnet Oxford university. Rain stopped further play and the match was aoanoonea. Sloax Falls 4, Lemare O. SIOUX FALLS. S. D . June 11. (Special Telegram. 1 The 8loux Falls team of the lowa-Routh Dakota league, on the locil f rounds thla afternoon, defeated Lemars y a score ut 4 to 0. Whit Sox Get Hnlmea. WASHINGTON, June 13.-Ducky Holmes waa releaaed by Waahtngton today and Immediately algned with the Chicago American league club. Readea Michigan Ball Captain. ANN ARBOR. Mich.. June IS Curtis O. Redden of Kooavllle. III., waa elected cap tain of the Unlversltv of Mlrhin base ball team here today. Redden Is aieo Mich igan's foot ball captain for next fall. GENERAL WESTERN NEWS Womea Disarm Bad Men. MITCHELL. S. D-, June 12. (Special.) What might have terminated In a tragedy on a farm near Mtlltown In Hutchinson county,; Isst night was ended In rather an abrupt and Igaomlnous way for William Mayhew. He had some disagreement or troubl with hi wlf aad, fathar-Ln-law, SCMTvlGLLER & MUELLER 1313 FARNAM ST. AN UNEQUALED PIANO SALE JniXK OF IT! Prices on choke new standard planos-1903 models cut almost in half! Almost ia half! Not one is even slightly damaged. No beat blistered, water freckled finish no smoke, ruated lifeles itriors no battle scarred cases. Every one ne beautiful perfect. vry one absolutely guaranteed by the makers and ouyselves. This Tremendous Price Slaughter I S Possible for us because we buy and sell pianos have a wider trade cive better piano house in the West. . We have purchnsed 12 carloads of the Tery latest pianos from the rery best makers t phenomenally low prices. The price we paid enables us to offer these brand new pianos to you as cheap as second-hand or slightly damaged Instruments are usually sold. They are new standard 1003 pianos In perfect condition. They come In all kinds and styles of plain, fancy and colonial designs they are elegantly finished in the follow ing genuine woods: Mahogany 5 shades of walnut 3 shades of oak-Hungarian ash rosewood or tnllp wood. Some are finished in the new dull finish shown exclusively by us. You may choose from the following: Steinway & Sons, Steger & Hons, Emerson, Mason & lluiuliti, Vose & Sons. A. B. Chase, Hardman, New piano made to sell for $600, Now $360 New piano made to sell for $550, Now $330 New piano made to sell for $500, Now $300 There are many bargains in slightly used uprights fully repaired in our own factory IOWA BRANCH: 502 Broadway. Council oe,oei bq eid School Children's V zz& ' ffl ' A p ll This sketch wis mad br Barton Nash, a 12, Dundft School, Omaha, Nab. W glv a cash psts of $6 tor any drawing of this character which w acoept and uss. All aaol children eaa easancte. Fall fa.traetloaa will aa faaaa aa lasiaa af each aaekaa if Bt-0lt tailing nraat ta no t act ta arls and haw ta ntkt th arawlan. Ta arts sketch will n. llshd In th Onaaaa B aa Wdaa dara aad Snndars. The largest and most complete and modern food mill in the world equipped with the most approved sanitary devices, enables us to make the purest and most whole some flaked wheat food on the mar ket today. Crisp,delicious, strength ening and digestible. Note Til price of Effff-O-Sce is lO cents for a full size package, such as is usually sold for M. . a i a iiL J.1 a, v 13 cents, rue larcest iooa mm proved labor saving machinery enables us to make the best flaked wheat food at this lower prici. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR THE GREEN PACKAGE If your grocer doea not keep It, sen J us his name and 10 cants and we will send you a paefcar. prepaid. Address all communications to Battl Cr k Breakfast Food Co., Qulncjr. UL and In an Instant h whipped out a re volver and commenced shooting, one bul let passing through the hand of the latter and his wlf was shot In the foot. Mayhew msd his escape, but a few hours later he returned to finish th Job of hootlng both and putting them out of existence. The mother-in-law and wlf took ths matter In chart and befor Mayhew knew what had happened to him the had disarmed him and marched htm to a tree. There they bound him securely and ha was left all night until this morning, when th officers cam out from th county seat and took possession of th prisoner. Walklac Dcleaala Is Released. CHETENNE. Wyo., June U. (Special Th Carpenters' union of Cheyenne ha de cided to get along without Walking Dele gat Caasldy, and hereafter th men will deal with th bosses through their regular officers. Cassldy drew a salary of IZl weekly, and It was to save to th men this money that the Chang wsn, decided upon. It waa alao believed that U recent action THE OIC PIANO HOUSE Twelve Car Loads Standard, Geo. Steck & Co. The $400 piano sold for $210 during this sale Is a sample of those offered. It is a 1003 Tarlor Upright, colonial or carved beautiful mahogany, walnut or oak case best ivory keys choice of several makes YOU KNOW TO BIS GOOD. This Pianola may be seen and heard at the concerts given every Friday from 8 to 4 p. m. Tickets free at office. BluffS, Omaha, Competitive Advertising Stoop a Ths ConNHt Singing WriBoM -1 I USE To BAT 7itC J3utjVohi m alt fes-OS" in. tne wona, wuu me moi against a well known lumber dealer was Ill-advised. Many of the men believe that there will be no causa for dissatisfaction from now on. They are receiving good wages and with all cause for friction re moved no further trouble Is anticipated. Has Offer of Steel Traat Job. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Jun ll.-(Speclal John Clay, Jr.. who owns a controlling In terest In the Stock Growers' National bank, Is In ths city, and It Is said his visit Is con nected with the contemplated resignation of BtMe Treasurer Henry O. Hay, who Is also president of the Stock Growers' bank. Mr. Hay has not yet resigned and It la not known when he will do so. II, has been offered ths position of deputy treasurer of the United Biaies aieei corporation in new j York. fhrlnera' Day at Dtslwe.l. DEADWOOD, 8. D., June ll.-tSpeclal.) Th Bhrlners held th town today and tonight. There ar 2W visiting Shiiners present Twenty-Bin candidate wr put OMAHA Nil. more pianos- handle better satisfaction than any other Schaeffer, Gramer, Erbe & Co., Martin Bros., .Weser Bros., Harrington & Co., Madelon. New piano made to sell for $450 Now $270 New piano made to sell for $400, Now $240 New piano made to sell for 1375, Now $225 New piano made to sell for $350, Now $210 The finest tuning and re pairing at the most reason able rates. TELEPHONES: 1620. Couucll Bluffs, 302. of 05 each to bo given to School Childron f America Contest No. 734. kUdsbrtfc ami criek BREAKFAST rOOD CO. m.ek.muh. ois. im through. Thla ends the ceremonies of Ma sonic week In Deadwood. ' Law I a lit in e r Tnorlat Mates. Via Chicago Great Weetern Railway. Round trips to St. Psul, Minneapolis flu. perlor, Ashlsnd, Duluth snd other Minn sola resorts. Tickets on sal dal'y to Sep : r tember 3u. Good to return October 21. Also to Colorado, Utah, Black Hills, New Meg Ico and Texas points, with stopover prlv. lieges. For full Information apply to any Great Western Agent, or J. P. Klmor, U. P. A., Chicago, III. FIRE RECORD. DEAPWOOD. 8. D.. Jun ll.-(8pclal Telegram.) fir was discovered In the cyanide plant of Hall At Co., sltusted mi th outskirts of ueadwnod, near th big KUdonan mill of th Horseahos plant. Th mill waa completely destroyed. Th fir la thought ta be of Incendiary origin, as tliers' has been no fire Under tiii bolter for MVeraJ wka. Loss, U0,Q0fc Ml i