Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1903, PART I, Page 2, Image 2

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: This is a silk of much merit, for purity of texture and dye
for luster and finish, it" has no equal at this price. It never dis
appoints its wearers. Regular 75c quality.
Our Special Price Monday Morning, 49c a yard
Here is the important part of this special silk sale. It is not
the ordinary, cheap, trashy silks usually offered you at this price.
You have been paying us more money for this same silk. We are
going to sell a limited quantity at this special price, 49c a yard.
11 IMl?Ira,lIILlIlnI I
M. C.- A.' Building, Corner
would be dangerous. The chance of Prince
Mlrkoff ar said to be slim.
Italian Gomincit Declared to any
Powers Will At Royal (
LOXbbfi, June 1 A special dispatch
from Rome says a. semi-official note pub
lished there declare that whoever I
mad tha king of Bervla the powers will
exact the punishment of the murderera
of King Alexander and Queen Drags, a
civilised countries cannot tolerate that ad
rrilnlstr'atlv and military poaltlon In any
country should be occupied by assassin.
Views of Russian Otrtrimit.
ST. PETERSBURG, June 13 -In official
' ctrole her It is said that none of the
power Is Inclined to raise difficulties In
recognising the sovereign the Servian
Parliament elect. - whose accession la-calculated,
to end a dangerous condition which
might lead to anarchy.
An official note, giving the view of the
government;' follows:
The tragic events at Belgrade have oc
casioned profound emotion In Russia,
where there la the keeneat Interest In
everything affecting the destinies of the
- Servian people. Alt the blood that ha
been ahed can only awaken In Russia a
feeling of compassion, which In the present
Instance I increased by the fact that the
king and queen' of a friendly state have
fallen victim of a violent death and that
the Obrenovltch dynasty, so closely bound
up In the history of Bervla, Is now extinct.
The most fervent desire prevails in, Rus
sia that Bervla. 'after this fearful crisis, able Vo pursue peacefully the course
of Its national life In the direction which
the patriotism of the people and a proper
conception of their supreme Interest will
;Ftr Seeks Information
ROME. June 11 Prlnc Peter Kara
georgevltch has written an autograph let
ter to .King; Victor Emmanuel. - It con-
tent are not generally-known, but It la
supposed .that Prince Peter refers to hi
acanalon to the throne and asks what at
titude Italy will take.
Tha foreign office her denlea that an
agreement ha been reached among the
power eonctrnln : 8Xt. '.W : vi;
Partners la Saloon oa Iowa Territory
' Violent plaagree-' "
-Vs. . - . went,- v ..
.(.-r 4 .(. - i
Prank Brown and Charles. Upward con
duct a saloon near 'Cut-oft lake In Iowa
territory. Last night they bad a, difference
, of opinion which ended up In a ahootlng
affray In which Howard received a bullet
In the arm and Brown was left in posses-
.alon of tb premises, armed with a revolver
and a rifle and threatening to kill anyone
yvho cam near him.
. The trouble culminated about 10:45 last
ven4ng and Brown took a shot at Howard
, and missed. Officer Eaton of the Council
Bluffs police, who 1 stationed on the Isl
and, heard the ahot and ran to the saloon.
He demanded that Brown give up hi re
volver, but the fatter declined and leveled
H at the ofHser. While they were parley.
Lng Brown reached over Eaton' (boulder
anJ took a Moond shot at Howard, this
time hitting htm In the arm. Howard at
one ran. out. Jumped on a car and started
for Omaha to get his injuries dressed. - i
Brown ran upstairs, returning with a
rifle tn addition to the revolver he origi
nally had, and In view of the threat he
made Eaton decided It Was better to del
part. Brown then proceeded to barricade
the door and announced that ' he would
kill anyone who attempted to arrest him.
A warrant will be sworn out against him
In the morning a soon as Howard can be
located and hi version of the trouble be
obtained, but In the meantime Brown I
In possession of the saloon and no one feels
called upon to' interfere with htm.
Klasr Day la Baa laaa.
SAri ' jjAN. P. R.. ' June ll-Tbe Pis
day celebration here today broke the record
and there was a- display of Americanism
throughout. Fifteen hundred flags were
carried In procession by the pupils of the
publlo schools ef Ban. Juan and there were
patriotic exercises at the theater, which
was decorated with, the Stars and Stripes.
All the other cities Of the Island report
simitar eninusiasm. -
'. ;v.
Girls of to U
yea. In, red,
blue or trows
serge just the
thing for that
trip to tha
north aouth,
east or. weat
We alao have
this popuiar
dress In wash
ges up to I year. They're 60c.. Ask
for Romper.
. Write for catalogue.
- -
aaaweinat . THnnsr '
1(11 .Deas'lti Street.
WE CLOSE 8ATVRDATS AT .1 t. M., Bee, June 1J. IPOS.
Special Sale
of Reliable
Black Taffeta
Sixteenth and DouglasSt '
Waiter Try to Stop EoUl Supplies, While
Teamsters Insur Delivery. ,
Bartenders and Bona Others Break
Away from Strikers, While Other
Help la Imported froaa
Outside Cities.
CHICAGO, June 13. The second day in
the strike of the hotel and restaurant em
ployes tn twenty-six Chicago hotels brought
desertion from the rank of the unions
and Increased determination on the part of
the hotel owner to ignore what they term
the arbitrariness of the striking employes.
Vigorous effort of the strike pickets to
prevent the delivery of coal, moat and
grocery supplies created some excitement
around many of the hotels, but every such
effort was balked by business agents of th
various unions involved in the attack, and
even the milk wagon driver, who had
declared in favor of the strike, were forced
by officials of the National Teamsters'
union to obey the general laws of tb
organisation and refrain from a sympa
thetic strike.
Rival Pickets oa Dnty.
The strike directors sought first to enlist
the sympathy of the National Teamsters'
union, and falling put picket of their own
on duty and tried to stop the delivery of
coal and other supplies. A soon as these
tactic were made known to the Teamsters'
union 100 rival picket were scattered
through, the downtown districts to combat
the efforts of the striker and to assure
the delivery of hotel- supplies. Before the
end of the day th cooks and waiters
abandoned hop of. support from, other
unions. ' ' ' ; " . .. . ' ',-
A canvas t.Mi 'hotel" where,' trikes
have taken place' shows that moat of them
are in fair working condition. Against a
total of 2,517 employes who have gone out
the hotels 'In' Uie' aggregate have, a working
torce;o ,75; 1 The H'Park..fcoteV itr
in the worst condition, but all the down
town place are fairly welt equipped, and
are confident that by . Mpnday they will
have a full working fore.
Three hundred men arrived in Chicago
during the day from outside cities, sent
here by agent of the hotel men. These
men were taken from the trains to various
hotels in busses. In order to lull the sua
plclons of the picket. Every hotel owner
has arranged with hotel in other cities for
all the help that can be spared.' These men
will . come here with th understanding
from local proprietors that they may re
main if they wish and assured by old em
ployera that their old positions will be
given them when they, return. Bartenders
who went out yesterday in many Instances
returned to work 'today and tor up their
union cards. .
Walters who struck on Friday at the
Union restaurant returned In groups of
four and five today and were disappointed
when they, found th doors closed and no
one there to advise them whether they
might return to work.
The hotel owners are remaining solid and
declare their policy from now on will be to
get all the help that i possible from sur
rounding cities and to ignore the strikers
altogether as long as they continue to
Insist on their demand for exclusive con
tract and refuse to submit differences to
arbitration or to incorporate arbitration
provisions in their proposed contracts.
(Continued from First Page.)
action In Its relation to th general strike
situation s.s Miles.
"I cannot see where the collapse. of the
teamsters' strike 1 going to have any
effect on the rest of the situation," he SaJd,
"W knew weeks ago that their collapse
was Inevitable. The most conservative men
of their own ranks knew it. It Is not 'a
surprise .at .ail. It does not discourage
anybody who understands the situation
There is no reason why the collapse of this
strike should have a vital effect upon the
general fight. The teamsters were not the
controlling factors In the situation. They
are not 1be highly skilled tradesmen that
other unionists engsged In "the strike are
and therefore could not dominate the situa
Two Wla Scholarship la the Divinity
School at Tala Inl.
NEW HAVEN. Conn., June tt-Speclat
leiegram.) Among the students -awarded
scholarship today at Tale university were:
Judaon L. Cross of Tork, Neb., and David
E. Thomas of Dawson, Neb. Both are
granted Allla scholarships, which are or
fered to atudeat In' the divinity school
and are awarded every half year. " They
stand in the relation of second prises to
the Fogg scholarships. Cross Is a mem
ber ot the middle class and Thomas of
the Junior class and both rank among the
highest lit their respective .division, not
only In general scholarship, but In theolog
leal grounding, forensto ability, eto. ' The
notable feature of the award today was
the number of athlete awarded scholar-
ships for excellence In their studies, one e
the best going to Captain Clapp of the
'varsity track team. This' would refute
the generally accepted Idea that proflclency
In athletics is accompanied by low rank tn
Lee Taraer's Brother Arrested.
MIDDLESBORO. Ky.. June U. "General
Turner, brother of Lee Turner, charged
with - complicity in the "Quarter house '
battle, waa arrest last night' and lodged
IU jail toaay.
Chamberlain' Protective Policy Ridiculed
at Irian Nationalist Dinner.
Boarke feekria Declares 0,neatlon
"ever to Be Decided Is tea III
beralaas Will Make of
New Rights.
LONDON, June U-The deserted corri
dor of the House of Common rang to
night with the traln of "The Wearing of
the Green," when the Irish party took
possession of Parliament with a dinner
in honor of Bourke Cockran of New Tork.
In proposing Mr. Cockran' health John
Redmond referred to him as one of the
most powerful unofficial citizens of the
United Stares, of whom the whole Irish
race was proud, and closed with an elo
quent -appeal to Mr. Cockran to enter Par-'
llament on behalf of th nationalists.
Mr. Cockran expressed his thanks for his
great receptldh but declined Mr. Redmond's
offer, saying: "I 4 not believe any man
living can contribute to the success of the
Irish cause, which Is now a certainty?'
Mr.' Cockran, however, confessed himself
willing to make any sacrifice if he thought
it. were really-needed.'
Ha declared himself little concerned over
the chance ot the I?lsh people gaining
their liberty, but much -more regarding
the uses to which they would put it. He
pleaded strenuously for the development
of Irish cities, increased transportation
facilities and the Improvement Of urban
rather than rural conditions.
Proceeding he denounced Mr. Chamber
lain's suggested change In British fiscal
policy, which he declared was Intended to'
make everybody rich by making the
He ridiculed the argument that the
United States made Great Britain the
dumping ground for its surplus goods and
dissected the recent protectionist speeches
In Parliament, based on American pros
perity declaring that "the essence of the
relation between states Is that none of
them are independent."
Mf. Chamberlain's scheme, he declared
later, merely amounted to the declaration
that some similar Institution to the su
preme court of the United State must be
created, and that either the colonies must
surrender their Independence to England,
or England Its to the colonies. Never any
suggestion was made so fatal to the In
tegrity .of the empire. The essence of- pro
tection wss to do business at a loss and
to remedy it by taxation and legislation.
In America," he said, "the farmer I
despoiled by the manufacturer. He i
bound to give four bushel of wheat for
a dosen pairs of stockings, Instead of two.
because he buys In a highly protected
market." . .
Ratal Bulgaria Homes While Inhab
itants, Terrov-Strlcken, Fie
Before Them.
SOFIA. Bulgaria, June 13,-Fully 1,600
Bulgarian refugees arrived In the Burgas
district yesterday irom Plrogu, Kull, Ko-
yatcha and neighboring villages. They re
port that a reign of terror exists in the
vilayet of Adrlanople.
Turkish regulars and basht-bssouks are
said' to he' pillaging the whole region, under
the pretex.4f searching? foe. atons, and are
arresting and maltreating the residents of
the country. The panic stricken people ar
fleeing In a body, man, women and -children,
taking with them their carts, cattle and all
their movables.).', ..
Has Had Several of HI Works of
, Sculpture Exhibited la the
Part Salon. ,
(Copyright, -1903, by 'Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, June IS. (New- Tork World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Felix Plessls,
whose bust of Maro Legrand, director of
the Revue du Been, attracted much atten
lion at the salon, is a deaf mute. Several
very Interesting works of his have been
accepted- before by the salon.' He la 84
years old, worked at the Academy Julian
and made his debut at tha School of Fine
Arts under the direction of Pouch, Carters
and Barrias.
Report ot Pontiff's Death Brines In
stant Denial front Vatican
. , Authorities.
VIENNA, June 11 Dispatches from Rome
ar published in th local paper -asserting
that th pop died Suddenly today;
ROME, June 13. The rumors that th
pop la dead are officially denied.
His holinesa is In good health and Dr.
Lapponnl, his physician, did net. visit the
vaUcn either yesterday or todi.y. Leo
today receded - Cardinal. Resplghl, vicar
general of his holiness;
Considered a Fitting Place to Raise
a Tribute to Pas
teur, (Copyright, 190J, by- Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, June. II (New Tork World Ca.
blegram Special -Telegram.) Pasteur's
statu, is to i9 placed on the site of an ar.
taalan well, poaalbly. In suggestion -of th
bubbling genius which so benefited the
world, Paris has only one artesian well.
which is In Crenelle. Above it is a struo
ture 'not unlike the Elffet tower, which Js
to be torn down and in Its stead Pasteur's
monument will be erected.
. Mar Dissolve the Reichstag.
BERLIN, June 13 It is seml-offlcially
stated by the Hamburg correspondent that
the government will not hesitate for -a
moment to dissolve the new Reichstag if
It Is found that the socialists and agrarians
together command sufficient votes to defeat
the ratification of the commercial treaties.
These widely separated parties will act to
gether in tho commercial treaty opposition,
he socialists because they consider the
duties to be too high and the agrarians
because they believe them to be too low.
Tesaaa geek Safety froaa Wnters
Spreading Hourly Orf
EL PABO, Tex., June U.-The Rio Grande
at Eartham. N. M., I threatening. The
guage haa risen more than a foot and a
bait during the last twelve hours and an
additional rise of eighteen Inches is ex
pected by tomorrow morning.
The river Is mors than two miles wide
extending from Eartham to Bert no, a Mexl
can town. Bertno Is flooded, the Inhabit
ant abandoning their homes and farm
and ranches are submerged for miles along
the valley In New Mexico. At Eartham the
people are leaving for the highlands.
The damage te fsios will aggregate
many thousands of dollars. At San Marclal
the river la a foot higher than during the
big flood of 1897. At El Paso all last night.
upon Insrructibna of Chief Wooton, mbuhted
police officers patrolled tha levee and
watched at the flood gates.
The two-foot rise from th north Is not
expected here until tomorrow morning.
Not tntll Nest Week Will Conditions
Become Normal In St. .
ST. LOUIS, June 11 The river 1 falling
at th rate of about .04 In twenty-four
hours, - the gaug reading tonight 17.
Tt will probably be Increased by Sun
day or Monday to one foot In twenty-four
hours', and tt is predicted that without
floods from above or additional rainfall
the river will have gone down to the dan
ger line, thirty feet, by the latter part of
next week.
There Is' very little change In th situa
tion In Bast St. Louis except that the fall
ing river ha filled th heart of flood
Mifferef with hope of speedy relief 'from
discomfort" nd peril and will soon enable
thfctn to return to their ordinary pursuits
and manner of living.
It 1 expected that the embargo caused
py the. high water will be lifted from, the
stock yards. Which have been entirely sus
pended during the past few days, early
next week.
All trains on the Missouri Pacific, Iron
Mountain, Missouri,' Kansas A Texsa and
St. Louis & San Francisco railroads are
leaving Union station on schedule time and
are tUTlvlng-wlth almost equal promptness.
With the exception of the Burlington," the
Wabash and th Chicago eV Alton, - train
service to the west and southwest from St.
Louis IS up to the usual standard.
Traffic to and from eastern points Is in
worse shape at present than It has been
since the flood began. The stoppage bf the
East St Louts-Belleville Electrlo line on
account1 Of the high water prevents the
transfer' ' Of passengers to Edwardsvllle,
Belleville and Collins vllle; where the Clover
Leaf, th Bouthern, the Louisville ft Nash
ville and the Vandalia established ter
At noon today it was almost impossible
to get a train over any of the lines men
tioned. The Wabash' is still running by a round
about way trains' to Chicago and the cast.
The Illinois Central, which receives pas
sengers at the Broadway Viaduct, East St.
Louis, has removed its station to the foot
Of Trehdloy avenue.
The Mobile & Ohio, the Chicago. Peoria
eV St. Louis and St. Louis Valley are not
running at all. The Big Four, the Burling
ton and tha Chicago A Alton still have
excellent steamboat service between here
and Alton, their terminal.
Late tonight a gang ot men were
discovered cutting the levees at Wlnstanley
park, near the Brattonstock farm. In the
extreme eastern portion of the city. Ar
rests followed, which resulted In a com
pany ef naval reserves being rushed to
the- spot.- Over 100 shots were fired and
Clifford Hanley, a naval reserve member
waa killed.
TOPEKA. Kan., June 11 The Union Pa
clflc road ran its first train through Topeka
today since the beginning of the flood. May
2. ' Th line Is now open to St. - George,
foKy-fiver miles west, ' and a' local train
passed through at 11 O'clock' today to Kan
sas City. From St. GSorg west to 'June
tlon City the road bed Is still Impassable.
Ther Rdck Island ha It wrecked track
in Turning, order in the flooded districts
of the state- save between Eenterprlse snd
SaJlna. A . bad -order bridge,, at. Wilder, is
yt giving tb Santa Fer trouble) alo .
section of. track near Bonner Bprings. -
Governor Bailey .tonight Issued an . appeal
for subscriptions tq. jld the sufferers. In
it ne says:
Within the past week I have visited the
stricken district, including Kansas City,
Argentine, North Topeka and the fertile
vauey Dei ween ropexa ana Kansas Ulty,
and from what I saw and heard the ca
lamity is more appalling than waa feared
before the waters receded, and while the
loss of life was less, yet the property lo.s
and suffering- Is many times areater than
was entailed by the Galveston disaster.
- Though- Kansas Is prosperous and gener
ous, yet when the limit of Kansas gener
osity is exhausted we shall still be hun
dreds of thousands ahort or having the
means to meet me aemanas or those wno
have a claim upon our humanity.
We contributed srenerously' to the relief
of Johnstown and Charleston, and In
money, clothes and food supplies were sent
nearly KoO.OfK) to the flood sufferers at
Galveston, and this was done by the condi
tions that appealed to our chanty and our
Today Kansas finds more than SO.OOO of its
people practically homeless from no fault
of their own and one of Its fertile valleys,
representing an area 200 miles long and live
miles wide that but a few days ago wai
covered by happy homes and rilled with
promise la now a watery waste.
In view of all these facts I wish to say
to the charitably Inclined everywhere that
your contributions will be welcome; they
are needed to relieve the necessities of the
hour and every dollar will do used to re
lieve the ' suffering of the deserving and
needy. - - -
Erford ot Lincoln Selected ns Frn-
a ternnl Society's Supreme
ST. PAUL, Minn., June 11 The election
of officers of the supreme lodge of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen was
completed today as follows: Supreme
guide, LV C. Merrill, Concord, N. It.; su
premo watcher, 8 B. Ritchie, Winnipeg,
Man. i' supremo medical examiner. Dr. D.
H. Shields, Hannibal, Mo.; supreme trus
tees', J. Z. Erford. Lincoln, Neb.; B. II.
Herschberg, California, and S. L. Johnson,
Okmulgee, I. T.
Shoots' Two Youngsters Who Annoy
Hint aad I Lodged In
,.'. '.., Jail.
POPLAR BLUFF, Mp., June 11 Enraged
because he had been teased by them. Will
Avants,' a negro, today shot the two sons
6f Dr. Pa vis, at Neeleyvllle. The boys
Were aged 10 and 14 years. One was
killed outright and the other was prob
ably mortally Injured.-
Avants was Immediately arrested and
brought to Poplar Bluff to jail. Feeling
tuns high,, but there 1 no danger of lynch
Kansas Railroads Arrange to Carry
' Help at Reduced
TOPEKA. Kan., June IS The railroads
have decided that the cheap rates of trans
porting harvest hands will be in force, this
year from June 6 to July 10, Inclusive.
The rate will be a one-third fare for par
tie of five or over .to any point In Kan-
Counsel for Western In Ion Says That
the Raaaor la Ground,
NEW TORK. June 11 A report waa cir
culated yesterday In Wall street that Col
onel R. C. Clowry. president of the West
ern Union Telegraph company, had re
signed. General Counsel Eastabrook said
ther was so feundattoa for such a report.
JUNE 14, 1003.
Jaundice, Languor, Despondency, Backache, Biliousness,
Nervousness, headache. Heartburn. Dyspepsia,
and So-Called Female Weakness.
Warner's Safo Ouro Hakes the Liver Active.
- that th ca
. . . - .
Secretary Wileoa ii Optimistic of the Out
look fof Nebraska,
Period ot Wet Weather Likely to
Prove Beneaclal by Storing; Up
Moisture for a Possible
Dry "pell.
WASHINGTON, June 13. (Special Tele
gram.) Secretary James Wilson Will leave i
Washington next Thursday evening for'
Cincinnati, where he is to deliver an ad
dress at the opening of the School of Tech
nology In that city, June 20. He will prob
ably return to Waahlngton before going to
Iowa to attend the state convention, which
assembles at Des Moines July 1. After the
convention Secretary Wilson will go to
Bloux Falls, 8. D., having accepted an in-
vita tlon extended by Senator Klttredge and
others to address farmers at that point '
July 3. On July 4 Mr. Wilson is sched
uled to- address farmers at Clear Lake,
8. D.
In speaking of crop prospects In Ne
braska, the Dakotaa and contiguous states
Secretary Wilson takes a . most optimistic
view of the situation. "J. look forward to
seeing one of the greatest corn crops on
record gathered In Nebraska this season.
The wheat yield, I am satisfied, from re
ports which .have been . received, will be
large In the transmiusisslppl region. tThe
period of extremely wet weather which has
prevailed will not barm the crops; In fact
It Is likely to prove beneficial, as. much
rnolsturo is thus stored up lor, a. period
of drouth, should it uy)m,e.,.Iu .the region
east .of thaJdiaslBslruii,;! look .for an en of J
mous hay .crop.' .Tho' wether there. thja
spring lias been" Such, as to warrant a
prediction of a ' heavy grass yield.".
The, commissioner of .Indian affairs today
approved the following Inherited Indian
land deed for lands located in Omaha
and Winnebago Ind'lan reservation, Thurs
ton county, Nebraska: Frank and Minnie
Saunsolr conveying to Joseph J. El kin for
$1,210 the southwest quarter of the north
west quarter of section 25, township 21,
range I, east, containing forty acres; Lucy
Turtle and Charles H. Frophet to Thomas
Ashford, jr.', for S00, the southeast quarter
of the southeast quarter of section 3,
township 26, range 7, "east, forty acre;
Walking Smoke and Susan Davis, for $3, 7(H),
the northeast quarter of section 8. township
26, range 7, east, containing 158 acres;
James Bmlth conveying to John O. Ashley,
for $3,300 the northwest quarter of aection
4. township 25, range 6, east, containing
165 acres; Yankee oonveylng to White Otter
and John Ashford, for $1,175. the south
east quarter of the northeast quarter of
section 9, township 26, range 6, eastjr con
taining forty acres; Jacob Bplrit and Ma
Kha ' Henry, ' conveying o Thomas Ash
ford. Jr., for $1,305, the southeast quarter
of th northeast quarter ot section 8 and
the southwest quarter of the northwest
quarter of section . all In township 26,
range 7, east, containing eighty acrej.
President Roosevelt's new saddle horse,
presented to him by cltltefts of Douglas
when the president was visiting Wyoming
a fortnight ago, has arrive at th White
House stables, tn prime eondlUon. The
president has remaned the horse ''Wyom
ing" in compliment to the donors. Not
to be outdone by the cltlScns of Douglas
the Cheyenne people presented to the presi
dent a horsehair bridle, saddle, blanket,
apura and quirk, making a striking xom
blnatlon. J. Shreve waa today -appointed poatmaster
at Dumont, Butler county. I-, vice U J.
Mulklns, resigned. - "
The poetomce at Owl Lake. Humboldt
county. and.Thoten, Wlnnlshlek county,
la., have bee a dlacontlnued. ,,
Certel Mortensen haa- been awarded the
contract for carrying th mall from'ub.
lerton to Scotia, Neb. -
Brigadier! t onsins TalVs of the Labors
of His Soldiers la This
Field. ..
Brigadier John W. Cousins, the new
leader for th Salvation Army work Iti
Iowa and Nebraska, accompanied by Staff
Captain Merrlweather, the general secre
tary, -has Just returned from an Inspection
tour through Nebraska. -He report the
work to be In a very healthy condition and
no less than 107 persons -have proteased
conversion hi connection with his welcome
meetings. f
The Salvation Army work In Omaha
la doing real well," said Brigadier Cous
ins. "Th poor men' hotel at 41S South
Thirteenth street provided bds for 1,705
men during last month, while employment
wa found for no less thart 119. The Rescue
home for tallen women. Twenty-fourth and
Spauldlng streets, Is full and hundreds of
women hav been restnred to lives of hap
piness and usefulness. The Maternity hos
pital Is also going a good work, caring for
about twenty Infants at the present time.
At the large tent, corner of Fifteenth street
and Capitol avenue, gospel meetings have
been held nightly and quite a number have
professed to make a start In the Christian
life. The distributing store at 114 North
Eleventh street has two men constantly at
work collecting and distributing furniture,
clothing, etc.. to the needy poor. Anyone
desiring to help along this branch of the
work may drop a postal to the Salvation
Army heaquarters. 403 Bee building, or
'phone tSA, and the Salvation Army wagon
will call. Castoft clothing-, crockery, furni
ture and, in fact, anything and everything,
will be acceptable. '
can ouy Bate cure ' at any arug ior or aireci. sr ".- -----
Beware ol so-rnlled kidney curee which nre fnll of sediment ana of baa
odor they are positively harmful aad do not cure. .
WARNER'S SAFE PILLS move the bowela nently and aid n speedy cure.
Write to Warner's Safe Cure Co.. Rochester, N. T for free medical book.
Thousands of people ruffeilng from malaria do not know
gglsh liver. Warner's Safe Cure will
at it will perform Its work snd drive ma-
of the system.
If you have pains In the back, rheumatism, uric
acid poison, rheumatic goqt, diabetes, Brlght's dis
ease, Inflammation of the bladder and urinary organs,
scalding pains when you urinate, enema. Jaundice,
swellings or torpid liver; if a woman, bearing down
sensations, fainting spells, so-called female
weakness, painful periods; these symptom
tell you that your kidney have been dis
eased for a long time. Tou should lose no
time get a bottle of "Safe Cure" at your
druggist's. It will relieve you at onoe
and effect a permanent cure. It kills all
disease germs. Doctors prescribe and
hospitals use "flaf Cure" exclusively In
all cases of liver, kidney or bladder
trouble. , ....
"Bfn Cure" Is oiirelv vegetable and
contains no harmful drugs. It Is free
from sediment and pleasant to take. It
Is a most valuable and effective tonic; a
tlmulant t digestion, and awakens the
torpid liver. It repairs the tissues,
oothes Inflammation and Irtltatlon, stim
ulates the enfeebled organs and heals at
the same time. It builds up the body,
! atronvth and restores enersy. You
.. . fir-MTU .Kill SI A H II 1 I . ' -
.improvers in west and south
Meetings of South Side and Orchard
Hill Clubs Culled for Mon
day Might.
The South Bide Improvement club antici
pates a big meeting Monday night at Tenth
and Hickory streets, as some especially
vital matters are to come up for discussion
and probable action. Recently new life has
been injected Into the aspirations and alms
ef the Improvers and they have decided to
find out whether there Is anything In or
ganization. Among the topics programed
are the repavlng of Tenth street from Cen
ter to Bancroft, the extension of th Har
ney street carlinc to Sixth and Center, im
provement of th boulevard from South
Thirteenth street to Fort Crook, Rlvervlew
park improvements snd mors electric
City Engineer Andrew Rosewster will
talk to the members of the Orchard Hill
Improvement club Monday evening at 4008
Hamilton street. His theme will be th
Saddle creek sewer and other Improvements
desired in the locality. Curbing, paving,
gas and electric lighting, opening of new
streets and establishing grades and the
proposed railway viaduct at Parker street
will be amdng the mstters discussed. Pros
pect Hill and Clifton Hill property owner
and residents are especially Invited to at
Policeman Who shot Elmer Seott
Will Be Charged with
. . Manslaughter.
County Attorney English announced yes
terday afternoon that he will Ale Informa
tion .charging- Folic Officer XSoodrlch. with
manslaughter, -v The papers,, n-UI , be -made
out today and Goodrich arrested. . Officer
Goodrich ' last week ' .shot., and fatally
wounded Elmer Scott, a street beggar, who
was .fleeing from arrest. The fact that the
man paid the penalty of tls life for so
small an offense has aroused considerable
publlo feeling. "
A great deal of interest was displayed by
the nigh school students last week In the
annual Register staff election, it was a
close contest to the flnUh. each candidate
confident that he or she would be vic
torious. Tickets were Issued among the
students similar to those distributed In the
city election and each distributer, verifying
to qualifications or his candidate. Kunnlng
fur editor-ln-chlef were Donald Kennedy,
Richard Hunter and Joseph Swenson, the
latter coming out victorious. Three of the
most popular and brightest of Junior girls
(to be seniors next year) were put up for
assistant editor. Jean Fleming received
the election. Howard Blackburn received
the most votes for business manager and
Fred Harris for his assistant. Thia staff
will not go into effect until next year, but
the present staff, with Edward Meyer as
editor, will Issue the commencement num
ber. Miles Oreenleaf will have charge of
the Register next week, while the boys are
away ut camp.
The cadets of the high school assembled
in the High school campus at I o'clock Fri
day morning, in a very snort time the re
spective companies of the battalion were
formed and the boys marched off amid the
cheering and adieus of the girls, who came
to see them oft. They marched to the Web
ster street depot and occupied the several
specials there which took the battalion to
Auburn, Neb. They will remain there un
til Wednesday evening nd practice the
duties of regular soldiers. It Is a known
fact that the boys have no "snHp" while
at camp, but are under strict military dis
cipline. Next Tuesday an excursion will
be run for the friends and relatives of the
boys at camp and on that day the High
school will be closed for the girls who wish
to participate In the excursion. For Tues
day evening the boys had planned a hop
for their girls, to be given at the Auburn
hotel, but Mr. Waterhouse will not allow
it to be given.
The Elaine society gave a very enjoyable
program on Thursday. It was a Japanese
program and the stage was beautifully
decorated with Japanese fans, lanterns and
umbrellas. A very pretty drill was given
by eight of the gtrln.who were dressed In
Japanese gowns. Ths E!alne song was also
an enjoyable feature of the program and
the song "Violets" waa aung by ' Miss De
Misa Vera Fleming, sponsor of th signal
corps, prettented the corps with a beautiful
flag last Thursday. In presenting the flag
rhe spoke a few appropriate words. Thurs
day evening she entartalned the signal
corps very delightfully 'st her' home.
The Browning society held Its last social
meeting of the year at the home of its
president. Miss Adele McHugh.
He Is Sent to Asylum.
: VIENNA, June 13. Jacob Relsch, the man
who approached in a threatening manner
yesterday a carriage In which Emperor
Francis Joseph was riding, was today de
clared Insane and ent to an asylum.
Dr. J. M. Agsn of Pender la in Omaha on
hla way home from tha Paciflo coast.
Mrs. W. A. Clark fainted while shopping
In Bennett's store yesterday evening and
was removed In the patrol wagon to her
home, 41f8 Cass street. Police Surgeon
MacDlarmld reported her as recovering.
Tom Dalley waa brought In by the patrol
wagon last evening from Twenty-fourth
and Cuming streets, Tom was a little "bad
off.'' as he had a mixture of a pair of
crutches, a Jag and a bad cut on the fore
head, lie said some stranger knocked him
down and kicked him.
Two young men named Pete Tuttle, $109
Maple street, and Dan Ryan, 291 rant
street, caused a "rough house" on a Twenty-fourth
street car last evening. The
trouble was caused by the young men get
ting on the car slightly under the Influence
of lliinr and Instilling upon the conductor
accepting a couple of old transfers, and
when lie declined proceeded to make things
lively. Officer Smith arrested the young
Ueerge Munc, rooming near Sixteenth
snd Daveniiort, had Mrs. Lottie Norton and
her hufl.und, R. D. Norton, living at 213
North Seventeenth street, arrested last
evening as he suspected them of having re
lieved him of H In cash. Mr. Munc was
sure that Lottie Norton had taken it, but
when the police were through with their
search It waa demonstrated that Muno had
the money in his pocket. Consequently a
grand larceny charge was changed to sim
ple vaa-rancy for Lottie and her. husband,
but George drew a ticket marked plain
A tllseovery of a Remedy "
Made That Restores Lost Manhood
aad Gives Man the Vitality
of a l.lon.
orc wrrK's trial packaok uvr
Regenerative TsMets Is the only recne
nlsed permanent cure for Lost Manhood In
anv form. It is scientifically prepared by
some of the bwt chemists In th world.
Thla firm gives a legal guarantee that He-
1 A
feneraflve Tablets will cure every case of
ost Manhood, Hpermatorrlme a Varicocele
or weakness of sny nature of the nerve or
sexu:il organs. There is but one test of a
genuine medicine snd that Is the results
which WHS-obtalncd by Its Use; If It cures
the disease for which It is prepared it Is a
true remedy. This is the tet by which tho
Fallopla Lynn Co. wish their remedy tn. b
tried, therefore they give one week's tre'at
tnent free. After uMnn It the sufTcrr' Will
find new vigor in hla organs, new force in
his muscles, new blood In hi veins, new
ambition; a new man in vitality, health
and appearance. Regenerative Tablets has
a peculiarly grateful effect and the pnMent
feels the benefit after Its first day's use. It
goes direct tc the seat of the trouble, n-t
matter the age of the sufferer nor of how
long standing his affliction, unless Epilepsy
or Insanity hna been reached, g!ii
Strength and development where It I
needed. This marvelous remedy banishes
all feelings of bashfulness or blushlna;
cures all the Ills and troubles that cprne
from early abuse, excess or overwork and
business cares, all of whleh -result In pre
mature loss of strength and menjorv. emis
sions, Impoteney and vnrW-oeele. Kallnpi i
Lynn Co. makes no restriction;. every per
son who writes will be sent postpaid ;l
week's treatment absolutely free, carefully
wrapped in a plain package with no adver
tising on It to indicate what It contain.-.
Write today to the Fallopla I.vnn Co., "ill
Poxzonl Building. 8t. Louis. Mo., and re
ceive the week's treatment absolutely free:
also their book, which is free anil sent
with the free treatment, which explains
how to take the treatment in private and
cure yourself at home. . : i
Treats all forms f
27 jrMrs txpftriciic, 17
yean la On.aUn. 30. (ho
cured. Blood Poison,
Vrlcocl, Bi riot urn. H -
(ff Vfc. dnl,
Cum cut
1 low. . Tn
uinmiJI ! O. BO
Lom of Vitality.
arantfhfd. rlmrirra
, TrMtmant Sy mail.
Box 76. OfHea qht
215 South AUH txei, OMAHA, NEB. v
We have all kinds of
cheap excursions to the
"ninnesota Lakes' during
June, July, August and Sep
tember. Our Minnesota trains leave
Omaha at 7:35 a. m, and 7:50
p. m. We'll tell you about it
at 1402 Farnsm Street.
Omaha, Neb.
Of Holy Writ.
As described In Job xl.. 1-25. was prob
ably th hippopotamus, which in the time of
Job seems to have been found In th -Nile
below the cataracts, though now t Is sal'
to be found only above them. It was an
Immense animal, the largest known, and
very powerful. Dr. Burkhart's Vegetable
Compound Is the Be-he-moth of . -nioderij,
times, and Its wonderful pewer ever' IJheu-
matism, Catarrh. Constipation' - and .fdlst
eases of the blood ha proven It. to b the
greatest medical discovery - the World ' has
ever known. Thirty ' day, treatment" Zdcr
All druggists. . 4 . I
-TO- ,'.--7 ;
Kansas City atidv
Last Out and First In
On account of high water at Kanaaa Cltv.
Mo., train aervtco has been greatly Inter
fered with. The "Missouri Faeltlo takes
pleasure in announcing that their trains
are now running regularly and passengers
are able to go through without traimf.-r
to Union Station In Kansas City, Mo.
Trains Leave Union Station
IO a.m. and IO:SO p. m.
' From Webster street ststlon train leave
at 4:19 p. at., for Springfield. Weeping Wa
ter, Dunbar, Taliuagt, etc. Fur further
Information call
City Ticket Office & E. Cor. 14th and
Douglas Sts. f '
T. F. OODTOtl, faaa. and Tk. Agent
1 wwm
Alidy pfj
mess of JJjl I
I til .f vp
Going If
M W have all kinds of L$ Ift
fa cheap excursion to the
;i i iiuucsuia utKca ' a urine tu
Pi?. '