TITE OMAIIA DAILTJ BEEt SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 1003. 10 I 1 nn nnrpfrfi 0 Isi JliU o Handkerchief Special at 125c Big lots of all kinds of handkerchiefs in Swiss embroidered, plain and fancy hemstitched, some with slightly imper fectionsregular price twenty-five cents 12AC on bargain square 25c Turnover Collars at 5c A foreign manufacturer's samples of embroidered turnover collars in plain white and very fancy effects, many worth twenty-five cents a piece go on bargain . E-Zf-e square, choice CJw li b s r nnn r n n m st I llltlll f 1 I 111 II f 1 i. XN '-Ml hJ JNN it Mini m n i uru i UUUU . Vw'U Ul ll-l W n-nminrn ' - W I 1 fl 1 TREMENDOUS SILK SALE The Startling reductions made throughout our Immenw stock of silks. greatest silk department In the west. Beginning Monday morning we place on special sale at one half and even one-third their regular value, an assemblage of fashionable silks never displayed before in Omaha. We have given this sale extra counter and bargain square space. BLACK SILK SALE 21-Inch Peau de Sole, worth 90c, at 37-Inch Peau de Sole, worth $1.50. at 36-Inch Peau de Sole, worth $2, at 36-Inch Peau de Sole, worth $2.25, at 55c 87c 1.19 1.39 36-Inch guaranteed Taffeta stamped, worth $1.69, at 36-Inch all silk Taffeta, worth $t, at 1.10 69c 27-Inch celebrated C. J. Bonnet TQ Co., Lyon Taffeta, worth $1.25 21 -Inch stamped, guaranteed CQ wmmm to wear il boiled Taffeta worth GRAND SALE OF COLORED SILKS A brilliant display of plain and fancy' colored silks a huge bar gain square piled high with seasonable goods pretty foulards, taffetalines, surrahs, white China silks, that wash perfectly such low prices that you can "ti 1 f ssi i" 'azy c-iy c-iuc TT JL ,L UJ 9 f,y J WlUj CIV a fl quality crepe de chine, 'black white and all colors, 24 inches wide at, per yard SILKS ON BARGAIN SQUARES One bargain square with about 1,800 yds. of elegant shirtwaist silks. hUf 59c New glace effects, all sizes of checks and stripes and dots. Bilks that have been selling up to 11.60 a yard, all go at .... 39c BASEMENT SILK DEPARTMENT tl black and colored Moire antique, yd. 29c Walstlng and shirtwaist silks, yd....37c SI fancy colored grenadines, all silk, yd 29c tl yard wide, black taffeta, yd 69c $1.26 plain pongee, 27 Inches wide, yd... 69c $1.60 block taffeta, at, per yard 93c OF IN A RAILROAD WASHOUT WE BOUGHT THE ENTIRE CARLOAD AND PLACE IT ON SALE MONDAY country the best Dress Goods at Loss Than Cost Broken Lines of Dress Goods Must Go at Less Than Cost to Manufacture. 15c 29c 80c Creme Woolen Drese Goods, at ISc A r mure, Mohalrette, fancy figures, Crepe, never sold (or less than 60c, 50c and 75c All .Wool Drees Oooda, at 29c Wool fancies Beiges, Vlgeroux and checks at . ...I This car was consigned to one of the best known Carpet Departments in the and consisted of seventy-five rolls of various grades of floor oilcloth, fifty rolls of hea vy linoleum and ten cases of table oilcloth. As these goods stood on end in the car, some of them were wet on the edges. MANY OF THEM ARE SOUND AND PERFECT, NONE OF THEM BADLY DAMAGED. The Railroad Claim Agent wanted to sell these goods and wired us to make an offer. For spot cash we secured this entire consignment at LESS THAN ONE-HALF PRICE. The goods are of a well known standard make and in full pieces (not remnants). We have divided this entire purchase into four lots:-- All the floor oilcloth that is In any way damaged (and most of it is very slightly damaged) goes at PER SQUARE YARD All the extra heavy absolutely sound and perfect floor oilcloth and all the best heavy linoleum that is slightly damaged, worth to SI, Square yard &3C All the absolutely sound and perfect extra heavy linoleum, worth to SI.25 yi These are all new and absolutely sound Square yardv5C All the i wide table oilcloth in white, marble and fancy, the kind that generally sells at 20c a yard, goes at, yard In view of the fact that these goods are all of the best known make and most of them Bound and perfect, with few of them but slightly damaged, this event will certainly be 15c DAINTY FROCKS AND OUTING SUITS Charming new creations for the summer t Irl are constantly coming In. We are showing a most fetching line of the newest summer gowns that will ba worn in me xasnion centers for coming season. New Ideas in Outing Suits The very latest novelty In golf and outing suits, made In the pretty mixed cloths with new pos tilion and peplln jack ets very seasonable of ferings for vacations, outings, f g g- travelings, etc. at SjJeOvJ Silk Shirt Waist Suits the very newest de signs in these popular novelties, L HQ V K.J worth 115, at. 7lc One of the Greatest Sales of Oilcloth that Ever Took Place in the Country. Ladles' Tailored Suits btnuUfvlly d ESf- and stylishly fashioned worth $t0, ut OeO' " Shirt Waist Suits, Specials Two-piece shirt waist suiti, worth 11, at 98c Two-pieoe shirt waist suits, worth $.1, at $1.98 Shirt waist Suits, worth $5, at $2.98 Butcher's Linen Shirt Waists Suits -a much favored summer Q98 Q98 novelty, at -'-, Voile and Etamlne Dress Skirts-rvlso golf and outing skirts, many of them sample, worth . as high as $8.00 and J10.00 QA tomorrow at " " All our smart white coats at half price. Special prices on stylish white wool skirts. New Wash Skirts piques, linens, ducks, etc., $7.50 down to $2.98, QOp $1.98, $1.50 and .... VOl BLACK NUNSVEILING regul imported all wool goods, ''Tl r regular value 59c, at..., 59c Cream Brllllantlne, Monday at Burr Etamlne. nistrals, etc., tl aud 11.25 quality, go at. 39c 59c CI 1 V regular EOo grade at 15c. We offer another M M Alt C OCT IND 1,000 yard" thl" ty"',h '"brio 15c IuUUo9CLilriC which la less than cost to manufacture, at t'' SI.50 Embroideries at 59c, 39c, 25c A New York importer's sample pieces of the very finest Em broideries that are brought to this country. From 12 to 27 inches wide, all extra fine, many open work and raised floral designs, also many styles of All- Over Emb roid eries, a part of which has been exhibited in our front show win dow all on bargain square, worth up to fl.60 a yard, at... 59c-39c-25c Sample Pieces of Embroidery All the sample pieces of high grade Embroideries, Insertings and Galloons in medium and narrow widths worth in a regular way up to 25 cents a yard 1 1An ET S2.50 Shirtwaists, 95c . Monday Will Be a Grand Shirt Waist Day. Thousands of the moot stunning and elaborate shirt waists ever dis played In the west A gigantic new purchase has just reached us. These waists are with out question the smart est and most stylish shirtwaists shown any where in the , country this season. Real linen waists, dimity waists, linen lawn waists, damask waists, white Swiss waists, worth as high as $2.50 each at 95c ALL THE NEW Oxfords ON SALE TOMORROW SI.95 to $5 Over Two Hundred New and Different Styles Shown. On Second Floor Remarkable Picture Values In Our New Picture Department Third Floor. S6 PIcturesi for $2.98--20-inch black and gilt burnish f ffc Q frames, fitted with artotype of Pharaoh's Horses a beautiful M fj wedding present at , 25c Qllt Frames, fitted wltb colored 10c 75c Florentine pattern gold plated Cab inet Photo Frames A -m X at. pictures, 1 ,000 to select from, at Sheet Pictures 16x20, consisting of photo colors, fao simile water colors, fruits, aleographs, etc., worth double at 25c go at. Fine Wash Laces Bargain table piled high with all kinds of plain and fancy Wash Laces, Insertings, Galloons and Bands, many worth 25c, go In this rarda!:.a. l0c-7k-5c-Uc 35c Veilings at I2c 12 c Many thousands of yards of All Silk Veilings, in chiffon, Liberty silk, iuxeao ners an colors many worth up to hoc a yaro go at Marsliinallows I IN CANDY DEPARTflENT Marshmallows, per box.... 5c Marehmallows, per lb 12c Toasted marshmallows, lb. 25c 25 sticks candy 5c Lemon drops, lb. ........ .15c Dixie . squares, lb 20c Chocolate Creams, lb 20c Fresh Drugs Special 25c Bromo Seltzer... 19c 50c Bromo Seltzer 39c 11.00 Bromo Seltzer. .... .74c 25c Cascarettes ,19c Port Wine, quart bottle... 39c Sherry Wine, quart bottle, ,39c Bye Whisky, quart' bottle. .50c 4711 Soap 10c M lothing f urcha "Our Great Suit Sale is Breaking all Records'' From Louis Siff and Bro., 756 and 760 Broadway, New York. Men's Summer Suits Choice of the entire stock now on sale . AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE Our great underprice sale of fine clothing from the steeliest whole saler on Broadway, iV. Y., has created a furore in Omaha. Tomor row we will show some of the most elegant garments of this entire pur chase. The greatest lot of summer suits ever brought to Omaha. . . .' All Louis Slff & Bros. $10 and $12.50 summer C C suits, during: this special sale at O. 1 J All of Louis Siff & Bros ' $18 and $20 summer Q suits, during this special sale at J. D 14.75 All of Louis Slff & cros.' $22.50 and $25 summer suits, during this special sale at Honday Jewelry Specials Royal Elastic Belts with patent hook and ZCr, eye buckles, new and very fashionable this y C- Bummer, worth 1.25 Monday special at ... . Hand Painted Shirt Waist Sets round, oval, square jpv and heart shaped, worth fl.60 very special Monday at ATTRACTIVE MILLINERY VALUES ,10HATS $l5 PATTERN DRESS $S.OO 17 iVatsa .&E.Er. :1 $2.50 $2 BLACK AND WHITE CHIFFON 98C $3.50 TRIMMED HATS- OL4 (( BA5EMENT &lJJ $1 CHILDREN'S WHITE AQc HATS.. tV $1.50 TRiriflED STREET -i Qr HATS HATS 50c BUNCHES FLOWERS BASET1ENT $1 FLOWER WREATHS SECOND FLOOR , 75c ITALIAN LEQHORN HATS BURNT SHADE SOFT BODY HATS 69c BUNCHES OF SIX BLACK OC, SATIN ROSES 25c 9f u 'M Specials Teas and Coffees Specials When we quote specials In our Tea and Coffee Department, we mention prices lower tlian can be found anywhere else In Omaha. We carry the very best grades of coffees, tens and spices that are obtainable In the market. More satisfactory goods at a saving of mon ey on every purchase. Special Rio, worth 15c, Monday at 11c Leader Blend, make delicious coffee, at, per pound. 15c Cucuta Blend, a splendid mixture, at, per pound ....' .25c Boston Java and Mocha (3 pounds for l.00,) per pound. ...3Sc B. F. Japan, Eng. Breakfast and Oolong, worth 40c, Monday J0c HUNTINGTON DOLLARS TELL Frlnoeu Eatsfeldt is Gutting a Wide ftwath in London Booiety. RAGE NOW FOR BIG DANCING PARTIES VTral of Recent Date Ik Which 'Wealthy Wonea Fl Oppor. taalty to Dlaplar Col lectloa of Jewels. (Copyright, 190S. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, June lS.-(New York World Cablegram Bperta.1 Telegram ) Princess HatsfelJt gave tonight at her Berkeley Square residence a party at which the king's brother, the duke of Connaught, the duchess of Connaught and the "smartest" of London society were present. After the royal dinner party about too people gath ered In the ball room, where Jeanne Oran ier, the famous French actress, now in London, gave a performance. A high plat form was luxuriously fitted up, with a cur tain made of real pink rosea. Mr. and Mra.' J. J. Astor came from Paris tit at tend the party. They brought Mra. Shaw with them, and are staying at C'larUlge's, Intending to remain In England until after VUS Ascet races. The princess' brother. Archer M. Huntington, arrived with George voage of New York In time to attend this party. The C. P. Huntington fortune has been divided between the princess and Archer. The brother Is a talented author, whose books on Spain especially are clever and true to Spanish life. Mr. Huntington will meet the cream of English society at his Bister's, as she la riding on the very crest of the social wave In London and alms at exclimlvenesa In all her entertainments. Countess FabrlcotU Is still visiting her. Mad Over Ulgr Parties. The American colonists have "gone mad" over the big dancing parties. They now are concentrating their forces on the next grand ball, which will be given July 9, In aid of Charing Cross hospital. There will be processions of all nations, with America again In the lead with all the pretty Ameri can women now here. The success which attended the big ball In Albert hall Tuesday night was due to the American element, which pervaded the movement from the very start. Mrs. Arthur Paget was the head and front of the undertaking. Although she had been ailing in Paris for two months she man aged everything slpendldly and htr own American quadrille was one of the most magnificent things ever seen. Apart from the beauty of the American women the dresses they wore were mostly Worth gowns, while It is estimated that at least te.Ouu.OUQ worth of diamonds were worn by eight of these women. Oladys Deacon, the only unmarried one of them, wore a few strings of magnificent big pearls. The American flag was twlated around the body of each dancer, falling In front in a long scarf to the feet. The un derdresses of all were exquisite white robes of the most extravagant order of dressmaking. . Mrs. Paget the Leader. Mrs. Paget led the procession around the arena with 8,000 eyes fastened on her. She looked like a queen, with a flowing white dress of some diaphanous material, while her neck biased In the most beauti ful jewels. American sashes were twisted tight to the figure, forming a corselet of stars and stripes. No one was more conspicuous than Mrs. John Drexel. She wore the prettiest frock at the ball, with 100 deep flounces covered with silver embroidery,' the low neck filled In with row upon row of splendid dia monds. She wore at least three diamond necklaces, while clasping her throat was the highest dog collar of pearls Imaginable. Across the bust she wore a broad blue ribbon from shoulder to waist covered with graduated sun diamonds that gleamed with the thousand lights from all parts of the room. Mrs. Drexel Is a capital dancer and her graceful beauty was commented on by all. Lady Dufferln and Lady Craven also wore Worth dresses with a truly America air. As there was a mlaslng'lady, Mrs. Avery was asked to All In the Russian quadrille. Handsome Mies Padelford, the daughter of Mrs. Ernest Cunard, was also at the ball. Miss Padelford Is much admired In London. She has all the light freedom of manner so attractive to the reserved, stilted Englishman. Belmonta Dine with Rothschilds. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Belmont had the honor of being invited to the dinner given Wednesday by Lord and Lady Rothschild for the king end queen at their house in Piccadilly. Mrs. Belmont wore a mag nificent yellow satin gown, encrusted with jewels, and on her heud a superb diamond tiara. The Belmonts, whose connection with the Rothschilds has been long and Intimate, were, until a few days ago, on a visit to them. ' They are now staying at a hotel. Nothing gives W. H. Smith of Chicago so much pleasure an entertaining friends at "smart" dinners at the Carlton or Clar Idgo's. Every evening sees him surrounded by witty, pretty young society leaders. He Is especially fond of the American colony, all members of which are on such good terms with each other. For the Albert hall, on Tuesday night, he had a huge dinner party, and on the night previous he had a dozen Americana dining with him at the Carlton, where a very special menu was provided. The party included Mrs. Laurence Townsend. Lady Lister Kaye. Mr. and Mrs. John Drexel, Mr. von Andre, Mr. Hare and Mrs. Httrrlman. The meal was served at a round table adorned with La France roses, among which small elec tric lamps glowed. . At another table the same night at the Carlton, Mrs. Henry Slegel had a party for a number of friends, Including Mrs. W. P. Ward and Mrs. J. Terrell. The countess of Oxford, daughter of Dr. C. Corbin, New York, has returned froni a visit of some months in the United States. Other recent arrivals are "Clem" Stude baker, Franklin Brooks, Mrs. E. L. Oodkln, Julia Marlowe and Mr. and Mra. Louis Btuyvesant Chanler. , Ambassador Choate, his wife and daugh ter will arrive next week from New York. This has been a very Inconvenient time for the ambassador to be absent, so many Americans are here and so much is going on in society. Young Mr. Choate and his bride are expected to visit London toward the end of their honeymoon. MONUMENT TO AN ARCHITECT Paris to Honor the Man Who slwned Its Imposlas; Opera House. Dc (Copyright, 19n3, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, June 13 (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) A monument to Charles Gamier, the architect of the Paris Opera, is to be dedicated June 20. It baa been recently shews that ale original plan was one tier lower than the height Anally determined, but that during the building operations Napoleon III dropped in and suggested that the edifice would be dwarfed by the size of the buildings then in course of construction on Rue Auber. The architect appreciated the criticism and raised the arch over the facade, giving It the present Imposing di mensions. , DANCE TO THE TOMB OF SAINT llrssg and Ancient Custom Prac ticed In th Duchy of Luxemburg. (Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) BRUSSELS, June 13. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) j. very year on the Tuesday after Pentecost the grand duchy of Luxemburg sees an extraordinary spectacle known as the "dancing pro cession." In the old church of Echternach a good saint named Wllllbrod, bishop of Utrecht, lies buried. Many years ego all the cattle in the section fell victims to a singular epidemic which caused them to dance and twist In strange fashion and then fall deud. The people of Echternach remembered the good saint Wllllbrod and made a pilgrimage to his tomb, dancing and twisting in imitation of the move ments of their poor . easts. The epidemic disappeared, but ever since the Inhab itants dance about the tomb of Balnt Wllllbrod In grateful memory of toe time when he went to the rescue of their dying cattle. The procession forms' in the vil lage and Is composed of men, women and children of all ages. They are accompanied by choristers and musicians, who sing canticles, and they go dancing up a hill to the church, puffing and perspiring, hut twisting and skipping until they reach the tomb, where they deposit some offering. There ere sometimes as many as S.000 dancers. ' PROPOSES A TAX ON GAMBLING Eight Per Cent of Wager la Lesrtslav. tors' Idea of the Equltablo Rat. (Copyright, 1903, by Press Publlshrng- Co) PARIS. June 13.-(New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Gustav Lho plteau, a radical republican deputy from Chartres, proposes that all games of chance be taxed', I per cent of the sums staked. He estimates that such a tag wouia produce . an annual revenue 12,(100,000. Of Italian Cabinet Hesfarns. ROME. June 13 -Premier ZanardelU to day formally announced In the Chamber of Deputies that the cabinet haa resigned