Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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DEE: SATURN AY, JUNE 13, 1903.
l(ut Ctms of 8eriei lUwlu in a Eoora ef
Elersn to Three.
Henderson Is Jfot Only Hit Freelf, bat
Has Poor (ontrol, Which with
Kagged Support Telle
the Starr.
MILWAUKEE, June 1!. 8peclsl Tel
egram.) Omaha loet the third and last
tin of the series here today by a scors
of 11 to I In a. featureless contest. Hsnder
eon, who wae on the rubber for Rourke's
men, wae wild and hla poor control, with
the aeven mlsplays of the men behind him,
proved costly. Duffy's men itarted off with
a ruah. scoring seven tallies In the two
opening Innings. The three runs made In
the first were made on a hit, a bate on
balls, a panned ball and errors by Dolan,
Carter and Hlckey. In the second Inning
Henderson passed one man, hit another
and threw safe drives netted four more
runs for the locals.
Omaha started its scoring In the third
Inning, when Carter opened with a single.
Stone misjudged Oenlns' long fly and. with
two men . on the bugs, Shugart lined
out a single, scoring the two men ahead of
him. Shugart was thrown out at second
on Dolan's grounder to Cockman and a
quick double play by Bwormstedt, Miller
and McVIcker retired the side. In the
sixth the visitors scored their last tally on
shinies bv "Welsh and Thomas and an error
by Qatins. This ended the ruh-gett!ng for
Rourke's team, the men being retired In
one, twt, three order In the remaining
three Innings.
With good support the Cream's score
would have been considerably lower, but
the errors of Henderson) Dolan and Hlckey
proved costly. Henderson had Bwormstedt
completely at hla mercy, fanning him out
the four times he came up to bat. Carter
and Oenlns made oeveral difficult catches,
but outside of this the playing of the
Omaha men was ragged. Attendance, too.
AB. R. II. PO. A. E.
O'Neill, rf 4 a i 2 0 t
Cockman, go 4 2 1 t t (
Stone, ir 4 2 6 1 0 1
McVIcker. lb 6 2 I 12 0
Daffy, cf 4 1 2 3 0 C
Carina, s S 0 0 0 5 1
Miller, 2b ,,3 112 2 1
Lucia, c 4 0 1 4 0 (
Bwormstedt, p 4 0 0 0 A 1
Total 37 U 10 27 15
AB. R. II. PO. A. E.
carter, If a 114 0
Y Oenlns. cf 4 1 0 S 0
Shugart. So..-. 4 0 1 1 2
Dolan. sr. 4 0 0 1 2
Wright, lb 4 0 0 6 1
Welsh, rf 4 110 0
Hlckey, 8b 4 0 10 1
Thomas, c 4 0 2 7 2
Henderson, p 4 0 0 0 1
Totals 35 3 6 24 9
Milwaukee 3 4 0 2 1 0 0 1 -ll
Omaha 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 03
Rarned runs: Milwaukee, S. Two-base
hits:, Duffy O'Neill. Stolen bases: Cock
iroan, McVIcker, Miller. Ilnscs on balls: Off
l Hwormstedt. 2: off Henderson, 3. Hit by
jpitoiiru bail: O ?tsiii. r-aatti uali: lliuiiiHS.
cWlld pitch: Henderson. Struck out: By
' Sworrostedt, 4: by Henderson, 6. Double
play: Bwormstedt to Miller to McVIcker,
Sacrifice Hts: Cockman, Oenlns. Left on
bases: ' Milwaukee, 6; Omaha, 8. Time
2:00. Umpire: Merrmer
1 Dad Flay Loses (or St. Joe.
att. vnairntr W 4 ' T, Klt.l.l.
and all-around bad playing cost St. Joseph
Vila. SA1II IVUftf i PWIO.
Denver 0 4 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 12
HI Jnaidnh fl 0 0 0 0 0 1 II t K
Batteries: Denver, Eyler and Schley; St
losepn, cowman anu i.arvin.
:!,pprtna;s Oppose 1'mplre
KAT4SAB CITT, June 13-Kansaa City
won by bunching nils in the ninth. Man
ager Everltt of Colorado Springs protested
the game because of a Ueqlslon ot Umpire
Mct,artny s in tne eigmn. , Attendance,, Score:
Kansas City ...0 0000010 1-2 7
Colo Springs... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 4
Batteries: Kansas City, Cable and Mes
sltt; Colorado Spring, Jonea and Doran.
Tlbnld's Home Rna Wins Game,
PEORIA, June 12 Tlbald's home run
tn the fifth, with two on bases, won to
day's game. The weather was cold and
the attendance was Held to duo. gcorei
Peoria 0 0004000 1-5 5 2
Dee Moines ....0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 14 5 3
Batteries: Peoria, Hart and Wilson; Des
Moines, Uushman and Folil.
Standing of the Teams,
Colorado Springs.... 87
Milwaukee s
Kansas City 31
lienver 31
IVorla 31
-'es Moines 34
Ht. Joseph 31
Omaha 30
UaTies todsy: Omaha at Peoria; Denver
nt Kansas City; Colorado Sptlngs at St.
Joseph; Des Moines at Milwaukee.
of professions! hall laat year and has not
luuy recrrverea from tne eneci yn. vnn
a team that wa good enoneti to shut out
1 .emu rn oni last vear thev could not
make It lay. Just what would become o(
tnem wun Hiirn Keiths asaregsuon an
their bands and a n.iiftO monthly salary
roll It la sad to contemplate.
Changed I.laeap Kaablrs St. Louis
to Play at Will eitth
Straw Hat Specials
Saturday we will chow a special purcbaM of
men' straw hats at these prices 45c, 75c, $1.
Our jrenuine Panama hats at 14.50 can ! bo
equalled or lots than fH.60.
Bt. Louis ,
Earned runs:
Two-base hits:
8T. LOVIS. June 11 Donovan rraetlcally
changed the entire lineup today and the
change worked like magic, for the team
wtlked away from the visitors by 12 to 3.
Victor WUUs was pour.ded out or the bo
in Ave Innings. The batting of Donovan
and Farrell was the feature of the game.
Attendance, l.&uo. swore:
t.H O i l l R H O A t
-arrelt. Ib... I 44 Dnter. cf .. t 4 t
iMaoTia, rf.. lit Tran.y, lb.,. 4 a 4 1
moot. cf.... lit f Coar. ir ... J list
Brain, m.... Ill 1 Cara.r, rf.... It
M O'N.ll, If Mono., 134
Burka, lb ... I 33 Ab'tlchlo, III M 1 I lb.. 1 1 I Cram' tor, lb. I 1 ( t
J. O'N.ll, o. 3 1 I 1 t Prnin.r, m... till
McFarlani, p 1 t t I t Willi, a t ( t 1
aiaai.r, ..., t i a s
.Ulllflt I
I Totals ... I 11 M I I
...2 2 2 2 4 0 0 0 12
...0 10003000-3
St. Louis, S; Boston, 1.
Cooley, J. O'Netl. Dono
van. Three-base hits: Farrell, Qremlnger,
Tenney. Sacrifice hit: McFarland. Sto
len bases: Donovan (2), Burke (2), Far
rell. lilt by pitched ball: By Stanley,
Burke. Wild pitches: McFarland, 3: by
Htanley, 1. Bases on balls: Off Willis, 1;
off Stanley, 4: off McFarland, 1. Struck
out: By McFarland 4; by Willis, 2; by
Stanley, 4. Left on bases: Bt. Louis, 6;
Huston. S. innings pitched: by vwius. 4:
by Stanley, 4. Hits: Off 'Willis, 11; off
Stanley, 4. Time: 2:00. Umpires; liolllday
and Johnstone.
Phillies roast Chicago.
CHICAGO. June 11 The visitors pounded
Wicker all over the field today, opening
up with two doubles and closing with (our
hits. Every one of Chicago's errors helped
the run getting. Attendance 1.2O0. Score:
Thomu. cf.. 111 t Hrltr, rf ... 1 1
H.llm.n, lb. I I 1 1 BIlo. If B I 1 t 1
KelMtr. rf... 1 I 0 0 Ohnc. lb.. 114 1
Tltut. if t I 1 I Jours, cf I
Hrry, lb.... 0 01 Low, ib 1 111
Hulawltt, M. I 4 I 1 Oiler, lb.... 1 1 I I 1
OlrotoD. lb.. 1114 n. M.... I 4 I
Roth, e X 1 I ( 1 Kllng. 1 t I
Kranr. Ill 0 Wlokcr, p.... 1
llBaub ...... I t t I I
Totals ...II 1 H 10 I
Totala ..IUHU.I
xBatted for Wicker in ninth.
Philadelphia 1 4 0 1 1 0 0 1 4-12
Chicago 0 12100100-6
Left on bases: Chicago 1. Philadelphia 11.
Two-base hits: Mailman. Kelster 2. Three
hose hits: Hallman. Sacrifice hit:-Thomas.
Stolen bases: Chance. Fraser. Double p'.ay:
Lowe to Chance. Struck out: Ry Wicker
4. hv Fraser 8. Base on balls: Off Wicker
t. off Fraser 7. Wild pitch: Fraser 2. Hit
with ball: Casey, uvers. Time: l:w. um
pire: Moran.
Postponed Games.
At Brooklyn Pittsburg game, on account
of rain.
At New York Cincinnati game, on ac
count of cold weather.
Standlugr of tho Teams.
New Tork 4
Chicago 4
PlttBburg 51
Brooklyn 47
Cinclnnutl 44
Boston 46
Philadelphia 44
St. Louis 50
Games today: Boston at St. Louis, Brook
lyn at Pittsburg, New York at Cincinnati,
Philadelphia at Chicago.
CoQct and Trcruser
Suits for Men
in mm
i mmmxm
n n
Alcn's SOc Underwear 35c
Saturday we place on sale a upcclal patrhoso cf
men's fine balbriTcan tinderweai-, matle in a good
plain ribbed. In natural and fancy solid
colors a rrpular 50o quality 5aturday
Saturday we will place on sale men's typical
eummer suite that will be eold way below their
real value. 'These Buitu represent a special
-: ..MvvU?"-!A purcuase mai was receivcu uuhuk iuo
$?$?J The coats are made up in skeleton style
; just the lining to keep thera in shape in
nt and over the shoulders. They have no
linings in the back at all. The fabrics are
Ballyboggey, Donegal homespuns, domestic
horaesmins and French flannels, in silk
stripes, "over stripes, silk plaids and over
plaids in light and dark shades, This purchase
represents a purchase of 300 suits, they have
been divided in three different lots and your
choice will be free and unrestricted as follows:
$4.50 for Suits worth 7.00
S6.50 for Suits worth 9.00
S8.00 for Suits worth Il.OO
Saturday a Sale of Women's Wash
Suits, Wash Waists
Women's Wash Suits, worth $4
at $2.45
made of a good quality of plain chambray
blouse wnist trimmed with braid and tuckin-r,
skirt new flounce effect, trimmed with braid
to match, colors blue and oxblood, Ot45
positively worth $4, Saturday
Women's Wash Suits, worth $5
at $3.50
made of an extra fine quality of plain cham
bray, new blouse waist, handsomely trimmed
with piping and braid, new style skirt trim mod
to match waist, positively worth O
$5, Saturday
Women's Very Stylish Wash Suits,
worth $7.50 at $3.90
made of a very fine quality of linen lawn, waist
trimmed with tucks and red piping, skirt
handsomely trimmed to match 90
jacket, suit' worth $7.50, Saturday...'-''
Won. Lost. P.C.
SS IS .717
S3 IS .673
34 17 . 667
24 23 . 611
19 26 . 432
IS 27 .4(10
3 31 .85
14 86 .280
on. lxwt. P.O.
27 10 .730
18 11' .600
17 16 .61$
IT 17 ' .WW
14 17 .461
16 19 .441
12 19 .387
11 18 .8)17
Oaana lias Enough,
ONAWA. Ta,, June 13. (Special Tele
gram.) Ottawa has concluded not to ab
sorb the Council Illuffs base hall team and
will rot enter the lcamis thla year. This
was definitely settled this afternoon by the
parties Interested. There nver has been
much probability that It would, Council
TilufTs and 8'oux City papera to the con
trary notwithstanding. Onawa had a taats
Phillies Win Out at Leasts
thoash Reajalrlasc Foarteea
PHILADELPHIA. Juno Marvelous
? Itching by Waddelt and Joss necessitated
ourteen Innings today to decide the game,
the champions winning on a home run hit
bv Pickering over the rlsht field fence.
Cleveland's only run-was made on a muffed
through by avts, Shreck's wild throw to
second and Bradley s two-base hit. Attend
ance, 4,286. Bcora:
R.H.O. A. K.I K.H.O.A .
Hartaal, ... 10 Bay, ef 1 14,4
Plck.rlas. ct. 1 1 t 0 0 Bradley, Jb.. i 1 1 6'
DatIs. lb 0 0 14 t lLaJola, lb..., I l
L. Croaa, lb. 1 1 I J Hickman, lb. 0 lit
B.rbold, rf.. 0I S McCarthy, It. 0 I 1 4
Murphr. lb.. 0 1 t 1 Flick, rt 6 0 I 0
M. Croaa. as. 1 I I Ooehn'.r. as. 0 I 4
Hhreck. o.... 0 1 11 4 liB.mia. 4 1114
Wadd.ll, ... t I 0 Joaa, p 0 t ( 0
Totals ..t I 1x41 II 4 . Totals ... 1 si40 II 1
xjoss out for Interfering.
One out when winning run scored.
Philadelphia 0060010000100 13
Cleveland 0000010000000 01
Two-baso hits: Bradley, Harttel. Home
run: Pickering. Sacrifice hits: Lajole,
p uck, uoennauer. Bioien uases: nay (2)
Fiick. Bemls (2). M. Cross. Left on baara
Cleveland, 8: Philadelphia, First base
on balls: Off Waddell, 3. Hit by pitched
ball: By Joss, 1; by H'ad.lell, 1. Struck
out: By Joss, 8; by Waddell. 14. Time:
I!: 10. Umpires: Hassett and Carruthera.
Whit 80s Take Our.
WA8HINOTON, June 12.-Chlcago sent
Lee to the bench In the first Inning today
and Washington evened up matters and
tied the score by batting l atterson out of
the bos in the eighth. Chicago won out In
the ninth, making six hits anu scoring five
runs. Aiienaance, i.vio. score:
R.H.O. A. E.I R.H O A K
Dolan, It...
Jonva, of..;
Orta, rf . t
CalUbaa, lb. 1
lbU, lb.... I ib 4
YAnneblll, as. 4
McFarland. e 1
P.ttaraon, s. 6
Flah.rty, .. 1
0 Moran. aa ... 1
1 Hilbacb. If.. 1
Kr.n. if 0
0 iMIthaair, rf 1
ouskiln. lb. 1
iHolm.a. rf..
Touls ...111117 11 IxClarka ....
1 It
A '-Si v..
Ml i
V i . ISA -S - "N-
f jt
till trrZ&s&&X
1 n issm
0 Um. 1j A 1 11 1 0
T 1 Rubinaoti, lit. 1 1 I 4 t
t 1 Drill, a 4 1 I 4
1 0 Lm, p I 6 4 S
6 I Townarad, . 0 4 4 I u
, I ToUla 11 7 IT 4
xC arke batted for Townsend In ninth.
Chicago 30100100 511
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4, C 6
Two-base hits: Delehanty, Cougnlln,
Drill (I). Home run: McFarland. 8(0. en
base: Green. Sacrifice hits: Callahan,
Laly. Double plays: Moran to Drill, Tau
nchlll to Daly to Jsbell, Duly tn Taunelti.:.
First base on balls: Oft Lee, 1; oft Tawn
send, 1; off Patterson, 1. Hit by J
bail: Dolan, Daiy. hi ruck out: By Town,
send, a; by Patterson, I. Left on bates:
Washington. 4; Chicago, 5. Time: I.m.
empire: Sheridan. 1
Poatpooed (iaraea.
At Detroit Detroit-New York game on
account of rain.
At Boston Boston-fit. Louis gams on ac
count ot rain.
StauStnsr of the Teaiaa.
Pin vd
Boston 44
Phllnde nhla 46
Cleveland 41
hi L.OU1B x
Chlcaffo il
Deiron 4J
New York 41
Washington 43
virtcianu ni, B
ton. Dclnit at New fork.
100 Dzen Women's White Shirt Waists
Made of line sbeer lawns and white madras cloth
handsomely trimmed with lace and embroidery, some
with largo pearl buttons new stock
collars and new sleeves
50 Dozen Women's White Lawn Waists
Made of very fins quality of white sheer lawns, some with
new, Inrge sailor collars, others trimmed rr g A f
with clunv lace and new tucked sleeves rf 1 lj
-Saturday m , v
Women's well White Shirt Waists
Made of medium weight fancy figured mercprls-d cloth
new, exclusive patterns, new stock col- 4JJ f f f
lar and large puff sleeves, regular 84.10 I l I
values Baturday
SPECIAL Women's Sample White Shirt Waists
About 10 dozen of them go on gale Saturday morning
all new, high-class walnts, only one and two of a
kind In madras cloth, linens and banket weaves
handsomely embroidered all regu- ilt' Q
lar $3.00 values Saturday 4lr"vf
Struck out: By Crablll , by Katoll 8. Time:
1:25. Umpire: Mullane.
Police Coord I'mplre.
TOt.FnO. O.. June 12. St. Paul won to
day's game by opportune hitting. The de
cisions of Umpire Foreman were so un-
rmpular that it was necessary ior ine po
Ice to escort him oft the grounds. At
tendance, $50. Score:
R.H O A B.I R.H.O. A. a.
Clr, If
Shannon, cf. 1
Jackson, rt. . 0
Brhacfpr, aa. I
Whaeler, Sb. . I
Hucglna. lb. I
K.llr. lb.... I
Pulllran, c, I
Chach. s 1
Slawart, p... 0
0 Smith, rt 0
Blank'. P. ef. 0
S Bernard, cr. . 1
0 Flournor, If
0 Turner, lb...
0 Rrlallnf, lb.,
1 Srhaub. lb.,
4 Klrlnow, o.
0 Ow.n., lb..
0 Marran, aa..
I 10
1 I
4 I
1 0
I 1
4 1
I 0
1 1
4 4
2 IS
1 1 1
0 4 0
11 IT XT IT ll
1 Total. ... T 16 IT 11 4
Bt Paul 00140110 4-12
Toledo 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 17
Two-base hits: Schaub, Smith, Bernard,
Wheeler, Hugglns (2). Qeier, Schaefer.
Three-bafe hit: Wheeler. Home runs:
Owens, Flournoy, Schaefer. Kelly, liases
on balla: Off German, 1; off Chech, 1; off
Btewart, 1. Struck out: By German, ; by
Chech, 8; by Stewart, 2. Left on bases:
Toledo, 6; St. Paul, 6. Stolen bases: Hug
gins, Klelnow. Sacrifice hit: Sullivan. Hit
by pitched ball: Marcan. Wild pitches:
Chech, Stewart. Balk: German. Time:
2:10. Umpire: Gorman.
Kansas City Takes Laat.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., June 12. Kansas City
won the last game ot the series today by
bunching hits, coupled with two errors and
two baaes on balla. Attendance, 300. Score:
Dun' i Beview Beporti Steady Demand at
Fair Pricei
Iroa sal Steel Still Prosper, Thoaprh
Cottons and Textiles Move Slowly,
and Footwear Shows Rea
sonable Activity.
R.H O.A.E.
Rothtnaa, rf
Malon.r, 0
Nano. lb.
Cradr, lb.
Gear, of...
Lw., aa.
Qanler. II
Mi-And'w., Ib 0
Soud. ra, p... 1
4 1
1 4
4 4 K.rwln. rf...
1 I.Hart. :b
10 1 1 Bra.htar, tb.
1)1 t t Odw.ll, ef...
114 4 Sulllran, Ib.
I I Clrm.r, It...
1 Bchrl.var, e.
1 4
1 I
0 1
1 t
14 0
4 4 1
14 4
14 1
0 4 4
4 1 4
4 4
Kansas City
Two-base hits:
Three-base hits:
4 (I Child., ' 4
I 4 Kasan. n 4
-iBobannon, p. 1 1 0 I I
Totals ... S I ItM I
I Touts ... I 10 14 14 I
.00400400 -8
.20001100 0
Schrlcver, Maloney.
Nance. 2. Home run:
Hart. Stolen bases: Kerwln, Nance, Grady,
Souders. Sacrifice hit: McAntlrews. First
base on bails: Of! Kgan. 2; off Bohannon,
8; off Bonders, 1. Struck out: By Hagan,
1: by Souders, S. Hit by pitched ball: Hart,
Maloney. Left on bases: Louisville, 6:
Kansas City, 7. Double pluy: Chllds to
Brashear to Hart. First base on errors:
Louisville, 2; Kansas City, 2. Time: 1:00.
Umpire: Haskell.
Oasue Ends in Disorder.
INDIANAPOLIS, June 12.-Th last game
of the Milwaukee eerios ended In the first
half ot the first Inning today. The Mil
waukee team left the field utter a a"na
tloual scene. In which Joseph Cantillon.
the Milwaukee manager, was escorted from
the ball park.
The visitors batted first. Dunleavy had
gone out at first and Dungan had been
put out on a fly. Donahue was the third
man ud. The Milwaukee players were
j cheering and calling out from the bench.
I I'mplre Cunningham claims they were di
recting Insulting remark at him. Hp or
dered all conohing from the bench stopped,
and when the disorder continued ordered
Cnntillon from tho field. The latter . re
fueecl to go and the game was stonpel.
Cunningham called a sergeant and patrol
man and ordered Cantillon ejected. The
rnllce ordered him off and he refused cgaln.
They took hold of him, but Cantillon re
alstod and It was not until a third police
man rushed up that Cantillon was taken
to the r ie. wheru he was released.
The Milwaukee men then pneked up their
effects snd left the field, the game being
awarded to Indianapolis, I to 0.
Standing- of the Teams.
Played. Won. I.ot
on. Lost. P.C.
27 17 .til
27 18 .liuu
U 11 .641
n if
ll :o ..bu
U U .44.j
H 23 .iJS
ii ii .:.&
Minneapolis Wrests Victory After
Noisy Contest Between Crowd
and I'mplre.
COLUMBUS. O.. June 12. Three safe hits
snd three errora by the locals in the first
Inning loday gave Minneapolis five runs
and the last fmi of the series. Roach
waa put out of the game for protesting
I'mplre Mullanas decisions on balls and
strikes. Once during the g.ime the bleaeh-e-s'
crowd sursed onto the field and at
the rlrao of the game Mullane had to be
errorled to a car by police. Attendance
e;i. Score:
. ; atlNNKAPOUS I COLl'MlTg.
McOraery. rf. It I ( I Olal
Sroonar. lb.. 1 1 11 4 4 Baa
Lall. rf 1 1 1 I 4 Tko
rt r
aaon, aa . 4 4 I I
aooa. ct... 1 1 I 4 I
oae. II .. 4 4 1 1 1
lit ITumar. Ib... 11144
14 11 suitor, lb... I t 10 4 4
1111 Arndt. rt 4 4 0 I 1
4 I 1 P.jrtnrr. lb.. I 4 I I I
114 1 Rnark. 4 4 114
I 4 t 1 Wlllltn-... . 4 I I 1 I
Crablll. p.... 4 I 4 I I
I IT 14 I
Totals ... 4 4 rt T 4
Minneapolis 6 6 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 t
Columbus 0 0 I 0 0 0 11
Stnlen bases: Mar'ln. Oyler. Rases on
bulls: ()T Ctablll 1 Kaloll 1. Two-bsse
hits: Mellor t Kaloll Three-base hits:
Burner. Double plays: Itaymer to Qlea
son to Mel'.o: Thoney M Raymer; Taaer
la MaxUa. Hit by pitched bail: Oyler.
Yflf, .... I
M loljrra, tb. 1
Martltt. tb... 1
Orli. as I
K.coll. p t
Total. ... I
(lames today: Kansas City st Columbus,
Milwaukee at Toledo, St. Paul at Louis
ville, Minneapolis at lndianapulla.
Milwaukee ,.
St. Paul
Indianapolis .
Minneapolis .
Kanaas City
Louisville ....
Cnlumbua ...
41 28 12
44 -a H
42 2J 20
45 21 U
85 17 IS
44 IS 26
43 111 27
44 ' 16 28
Atlantic Wins In Klnlh.
ATLANTIC. Ia.. June 12.-(Speclal Tele
gramsAtlantic again defeated Clurlnda
today by a score of to s. The visitors
wa.-c shut out up to the sixth Inning when
they landed hard and run In four scores,
taking the lead over Atlantic, which )aa
but two. Atlantic tied In the seventh and
C'laiinda scratched out another In the
ninth Atlantic came to bat and had two
men gone with one on base when a bad
error, by the shortstop, Preston, gave an
Atlantic man a base. Lor en sen followed
with a hard drive to right field bringing In
two scores and winning the game. Hst
teiles: Fo Atlantic, Schooler and Boles;
f r Clarlnda. McKenson and McMillian.
Struck out: By Schooler 4, by MoKenaon
0. Bases on balls: Off Schooler 0. of Mo
Ker.son 1. Hits: Off Ect-oler 11. off Mc
Kenson 7. Errors: By Atlantic 2, by Cla
rlnda 0. Attendance: 2u0.
Gam at Jelter-s Park.
Saturday afternoon, st Jetter's park, the
Union Slock Tarda Juniors will try con
clusions with the Nationals. The lineup of
the Nationals shows several old-time play
er, and they will doubtless mike It Inter
esting for the youngsters la South Omaha,
who seem to bu mixing up with considera
ble laat company lately. The lineup:
Wright ,
McLean ,
Post Hon.
.. .First base
..Second base
..Third base
...Short stop
....Left grid
...Center field. a...
...flight field.
U. 8. Yards.
.. . Bohner
Quia n
Mela Team Wants fiaae. ' '
The Hrnry Mein Base Ball team would
like to pla- anv amateur tetm In the ri'v
or state. Wou'd like to arrange a game
with the Florence Items team to be pl.l
t Flo-ence on the 4th of July. C. F.
Ratekln. captain, lilt Williams street.
NEW TORK. June 12. -a Q. Dun & Co.'s
Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will
Except In those branches of business that
are always quiet at this season, reports
Indicate a steady demand and prices of
commodltlea are firmly maintained. Manu
facturing returns are irregular. Idleness In
textile lines partially- offsetting the good
effect ot activity elsewhere.
Earnings of railroads reporting for the
first week of June are only il per cent larger
than last year and 7,11 per cent greater than
In 1901, a condition due entirely to the
western nooas.
Steel CoBsomBtlon Gcent.
That furnace stock of pig Iron Increased
only 40.0(K) tons despite the unprecedented
output testifies to tne great consumption ot
tne steel industry, uxaiioii are witnoui
alteration, aiinougrt, roucn business is tie.
layed by labor troubles, in case or a gen
eral settlement of these conflicts there
would be a resumption of work on many
buildings, and. Including the requirements
of railroads a heavy tonnage would be
It Is an evidence of the future that blast
furnace proprietors are preparing for pro
duction beyond, all previous maximum
figures. While the demand for structural
steel has diminished, there Is a notable
Inquiry for rails and plates. Machinery and
hardware lines tire doing remarkably well
for the aeason. which Is usually quiet In
thee departments. Coke ovens are sur
passing all previous records for activity
and the output cf anthracite coal promises
to establish a new high water mark this
year above bO.000,000 tons.
Cotton Goods Go Vp.
Cotton goods again average ellghtly
higher prices, the advances being Ins.xted
upon by producers on account of the raw
material and are in no degree attributable
to Increased anxiety to placo contracts on
the part of buyers. Aside from n. more
liberal demand for print cloth, yarn fabrics
for converting and printing purposes, there
is no evidence of activity. On the other
hand, supplies are not accumulating at the
mills, owing to curtailment of production,
not only voluntarily but by strikes and the
"'conservatism prevails among huvers of
staple woolens nnd worsteds, while little
Interest Is shown In new lines of light
weights for next spring. Insofar as market
conditions are concerned, carpets are the
mrmt satisfactory of the textile products.
Fooiwear products continue the most
prosperous. Leather and hides are strong
l?anuVese'thls werk were 115 In the United
States against 1G2 Inst year, and 14 in
Canada, compared with 20 a year ago.
Says Even Wholesale Trade Showa
Some Improvement.
NEW YORK. June 1!. Bradstreet's to
morrow will say:
Weatht r. crop report nnd labor conditions J
all show Improvement this week and the
feeling has grown that damage from tho ,
foteeolng scurces has been overestimated.
Wholesale business generally is still sea- i
sonably quiet, but aireaay an imnrevtmnu
In tons la noticeable ns the result of the
better outlook agriculturally.
Iron production Is at the highest point
ever r-orded, but the late weakness In
attotatir.its has given wsy to a firmer tone,
though advance buying la still the excep
tion. Stocks of Iron are not accumulating.
Tlnplate production at present Is of enor
mous volume.
Railroad earnings are good as a whole,
though, as expected, the western floods
have curtailed June gross receipts some
what. May gross reedpta show a gain of
11 per cnt. as against a gain of H.3 per
cent In April, but follow u gain of 9 per
cent in May. 1002, over 19ul.
A freer movement of spot goods Is noticed
In cottons and Jobbers report a fulr sea
sonable bualners In the east. For futures,
howevrr. prices arc high and buainesa ia
done sparingly.
Qlnghams and prints are moving well for
thla aeason. Re-orders of men's woolens
show some Inereose. but business is still
backward. Wool la steady, but business Is
light In the enst, while In the west new
wools are moving quite freely.
Shoe shipments from the esst are' heavy
for this time of the year, being 12 per cent
larger thsn last week. SI per cent lnrger
thnn the ni"f. week lsst year and IS per
cent lergrr for the season.
Lumber shows a firm tone, drsplt 1to
tronbles. Hardware, sfter a lonr prlod of
actlvltv. is outeter In demand. The jewelry
trade 'la dull, the cheaper irrades partic
ularly so. (irnrerlea are sctlve nnd reflect
a better demand for reflnrd sugtr st sn ad
vance of 10 cents per 100 pounds. Coffee Is
Wheat. Including flour, exports for th
week ending June It. agarregnte 4 11 7
bushel. osiinst 4 8S8.S8 l-t week I 400 Sit
wrk lst vee- nnd 4TfH.107 In 1001.
Wheet exports since July 1 rgregate 214 -472
1 22 h"eis ar-'nst !.4:5.H5 last season
and 06 282 T41 In 19f.
Buelnea fil'ur for the week ending
.Tune 11 number V sgainst 1fVT lst wek
1HS In the "-k of l!. lfS In 1901. 1"0 In 1900
arwt lad In IK.
In Canada for the week It. compared with
IS last week and 12 In this week one year
HnlSrege Wins from Mlnden.
HOLDR FOE. Neb., June l!.-(8rerlal Tel
err tm.) The BhII g"ie here to.l-iy in
sulted: Holdrege. I: Mtr.dn 8. Batteries:
Holdrege. Pendrrmff snd Hurman; Mln
den. Ahline and White, fiaae hits: Hold
rege. 7; Miiidtn. 7. Errors: Hi.l.lren 4,
Mlnden. 6. Two-base hltai Klt'nllK.r,
Peterson, lams teams play hers tomorrow.
Twelve Start In Jumping Race and
All Finish Safely After
CHICAGO, June 12. Twelve starters In a
jumping rare without an accident and vic
tory for the favorite with top weight up
waa the record at Harlem today. The raea
was perhaps the most spectacular stocple
chase ever witnessed on a Chicago track.
First race, five furlongs: Ort Welles
won, Freckman second, Frank Carr third
Time: 1:014,. .
Second race, six furlongs: Bay Wonder
won, Sarah Maxim second. Best Man third.
Tlmo: 1:13.
Third race, steeplechase, short course:
Crest won, Allegiance second, Nlnos third.
Time: 8:81.
Fourth race, one mile: Jack Demund
won. Serge second, Dan McKenna third.
Time: 1:41.
Fifth race, six and a half furlongs:
Glassful won. Uranium second, Cntongen
third. Time: 1:20.
Sixth race, mile and seventy yards: Blue
Mint won, Calba second, Milos third. Time:
NEW YORK, June 12.-Results:
First race, about six furlongs, selling:
Ascension won, Invasion second, Brixton
third. Time: 1:12.
Second race, mile and a sixteenth: River
Pirate won, Hermls second, Stamping
Ground third. Time: 1:47.
Third race, the Hanover stakes, five and
a half furlongs: Luminosity won, Lathron
second. Green Crest third. Time: 1:00. .
Fourth race, handicap, mile and seventy
yards: Red Knight won. Colonel BUI sec
ond. Herbert third. Time: 1:46.
Fifth race, mile and a sixteenth, selling:
Highlander won. Setauket second, Locket
third. Time: 1:60.
Blxth race, six furlongs: Mordella won.
Lid a Lelb second. Sir Walt third. Time:
ST. LOUIS, June 12.-Results:
First race, six furlongs, selling: Geortuga
won. Burlap second, Duke Dashaway third.
Time: 1:15V.
Sjcond race, four nnd a half furlongs.
Eurse: Deer Bird won. Bessie Ii second,
wen Myrtle third. Time: 0:Bti.
i Third race, five furlongs, purse: J. W.
i O'Neill won, Kilo second, Riiynte Reason
third. Time: 1:02.
Fourth race, nix furlongs, handicap:
Santa Ventura won, Orleans second, Mabel
Winn third. Time: 1:14.
Fifth race, six furlongs: Deerhunter won,
Helen Hay second, Klttio Cutadash third.
Time: 1:15.
Sixth race, mile and seventy yards, soil
ing: Eda Riley won, Lunar second, Kaffir
third. Time: 1:4S.
DETROIT, June 12.-Results:
First rice, seven furlnncs: Rosewatcr
I won. Decoration eccond, John Regan third.
I Time: 1:30.
Second race, six furlongs: Angea won,
Anglesea second. Horsa third. Time: 1:17.
Third race, short course, steeplechase:
Tom Curtl win. Billy Bay second, Gould
third. Time: 3:03.
Fourth race, mile and seventy yards:
Bankstreot won, Scortlc second, KUmorto
third. Time: 0:4tf.
Fifth race, one mile: Tho Stewardess
won. Enrlyeve scond. Flora Willoughby
third. Time: 1:43.
Sixth race, four and s half furlongs:
Terr pe J won. Laura Ireland second, Arte
mcsla third. Time: 0:57.
I Chicago & Return f
Rock Island System
Tickets on sale June 14, 15, 30, and July 1. Final
return limit September 15.
Racing; Mntluee Today.
The entries for the matinee horse races
to be held at the track at Twentieth and
Snrague streets this afternoon st 2 sharp,
Cluas A C. If. Brlggs. Mardlne. bay
pacrr: W. A. McKey, Tony W, bay pacer;
M. Howard. Mrch. bay pacer; C. C.
Kendall, Blugen, brown pacer.
Class B WT C. Russell. Poverty, sorrel
pacer; T. Dennlson. Jim Beattle, sorrel
pscer; F. J. Camtihell. Rov F. brown
psre-: C. Rtdlck. Rol-by Pest, bay pacer.
Cles C C Loreh. Rooks, sorrel pacer;
C H. Brlgfrs. Rose Mary, bay pacr; J.
W. Car-. Alice Chantwood. chestnut pacer.
CIsfs D C. F. Reed, Hettsle, sorrel pacer;
J. Northcott. Black Strath, black nicer;
I,. Mefi, Ponnio Sprague, trotter; Kuncl,
Alex, lay troltet
Little Liver Pills.
Muit Bear Signature f
eW Pec-51 nils Wrapper Bet aw.
City Ticket Of flcs T
Omaha. - - lleb.
II C. As Rutherford :
D. P. A.
I -., T .-. TlMt"" '-' ""a.
:,T:.,m V,
. I
Win .
n. MnPfiMfk
I f ' ei I i Piyiy Sjf yrr, ijimW
ft n
- as i 4T . ' -
Wholesale Dealers and State Agents,
Taary .a.U ana as easy
take as sxura-.
roi oizziNCis.
rod roario livcr.
sf, I -rey TmretaUsgsT. TTU
Psa-afpp-fg srri
i'ruuiotuk toe srowth of the hali' and
gives It Uie lustre and sllklneas of youth,
Wten Uis tair Is gray or ludt-d it
It prevents Dacdruff sod burr faUlo?
sod keeps the sclpclf an and healthy.
I r 1MHSI I 4 U J
If c-u b retorJ to ori The t-rs
wrioMof Nroa Itii(w tr
aIhsoIuui rr4 br f bt i ifu
TAIILLTtt. Oive vromptit-lut uu
onnifc, fning mftsiiory a4 tbiwyt
and ,lrala nf niltl v.i- tZ.
iniirrilons orMcrMtttiri7 y-r
muArtviiror ftnxl Potency Loa-ar fun-.
tf-nfc. Brrapi.ajiui. Otri m. bloom to lit
On. wie ba !Uw ltl an.ra-T tllJS Uiin a4
Su.bttaoorftpl.t.suaranUMiauravTrvor eionay r.
rui,de4. Cu b. oarrt.4 is vmI ttocH.L. S4
evarjwb.r.. or mailed m iatn vrappr on rr.ipt o
krUts bi EUrtCTO t'VMX OOMlAB V, CkUaaje.
kutu U Clinaba tr m. l,., .... w. ..,m
Siirsiaa u kici.onD.Il Unit Ca., Uib and Ikhi, 1.
, Couucll b.uO ljr C U. brow., ill Mala St.
omnili;. .itl'
rrw ,.-.?,u-1 " r1' -.
h FE. al.aars riatla LavIsm. aak Uraafriaf
at CHirilfriTKK'rt ISNisLlMtf
1h WKII ao-4 VU iw- ' mim sea
wiiH (.!. rtttot.. 1 kr Me tkiasP. Krf-s
Mcaunstts HitbafJiaiilMa aaaid I aii.
I lost, tuj it io.ii I'rtkgiiM 4 mi 1 At, (
"ffrft lug I 0. utu,, .7
tt- av. Kw1
w L.l-l C-
aMU CTs-5
tana Mali. IO.UOOT.
saaara. lUSIesa Seawt
1)1.1 ani.
ml ia Mrtatvr.
aacikUTi a I
Cm But t forsssa tarsi
Irrltkiloaa er nlxorsiloaa
of mutes. MBbiiDH.
rinioM. sa sn utrts
f.nt or i4Miuoua.
MrnUX ky Oraggtaae.
e ami Is slals iaoat,
lif frapaid. Has
SI a. n. t baltlr. J .
cuuiM msi ta t.safc