Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1903, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE OMATIA ft Al LIT PATtntPAY, JUNE 13, 1003. KEIXRT, BTtGRR CO. atarsay'a Ladles' Children's Hctlerf and lderiear a1e tar Open lalll vi-TO. .Ladles' hosiery, Jark lisle openwork, lastlo top and good lngth. 25c. .Ladles' hosiery, black 111 drop Mitch and plain causa, white heel and toe, high sp'Jced heel, S3c, i for $1. Indies' black lisle lace hosiery, .lace all around and to the toe, several different pat terns, also plain gossamer lisle, high spliced heel. Mo and 75c. Ladles' white lisle hoplery. w hite grounds With black clover leaves, daisies and carna tions, fancy stripes and boot pattern; these are worn with any color low ties 50c, 73c and 85c. I-adies' new colored hosiery, oxford and granite, plain, dots and fancy figures, something very new In hosiery, 60c. tThlldren'a black lisle luce hose, lace to the toa and all around, straight lengths and haped, several different patterns, 25c, Wo. Indies' cotton vest and pants, vests are frilled taped, umbrella style; pants with lace trimming, 25c. Ladles' lls'.e vest, crochet edge and silk tape, Richelieu rib, low neck, sleeveless, rc. I for II. Ladlea' lisle and silk vest, fancy laca trimmed yokes and arms, hIso. plain yokes with fancy shoulders and plain Imported lisle vast, EOc, 86e. Indies' Halo umbrella pants and tights, trimmed with deep Ince and extra sizes, 25c and EOc. Ladles' umbreiln union suits, low neck, Sleeveless, trimmed In lace, also Munslng's tight knee, low neck, sleeveless, 35o, 3 for 11.00. Ladles' lisle umbrella union suits, low neck, sleeveless, trimmed with deep lace, also neck and arm trimmed with lace, a perfect fitting garment and light weight, $1 and $125. Children's vest, low neck. seveless, crochet edge and full toped, 15c, 2 for 25c. Infants' lisle lace sox, black, white, tan, blue, pink and cardinal, all slses, 25c. KELLEV. STIGER & CO., Farnam and Fifteenth Bis., Omaha. Our goods are aold with a positive guar antee to give satisfaction and at prices that are an absolute saving to you. Read our ad on Page 7. Ilayden Bros. NO PUBLIC WORK THIS WEEK I 1.1st of Employes Will Not Reach Mayor for Approval I'ntll . Satarday. ' Despite the compromise between the council and tha ' Board of Public Works concerning tha street and ' sewer gangs, I there la no llkllhood of any publio work being dona thla week. The list of names can hardly be aent to the mayor for ap proval before Saturday morning, aa tha transcribing In the clerk's office will re quire moat of today. According to General Foreman Hummel It will require from a ' half to a full day to get tha men up and ready for work. - There la - no certalnity that tha mayor will aprove tha list of names or any part f It. Ka refuses to make known what he will do about It. A rumof 'was current about tha city hn.ll thla morning that he would refuse to confirm the. 427 names, or a cumber of them because the council had displeased him by adopting a resolution authorising tha building Inspector to name bis own aaslstant and clerk. Proposals for repairing all tha damaged asphalt paving in the .city will be opened by the Board of Public Works, Monday, Juna 15. Maccabees' Joint Memorial Services, - Tha Knights and Ladles of the Macca bees will hold joint memorial services at I o'clock Sunday afternoon at Odd Fellows hall, South Omaha. The Rev. Edward Walk of Council Bluffs will deliver an oration In memory of deceased membets and Mlaa Ella L. Mark, state commander! for Nebraska, will officiate for the ladles. Tha Mendelssohn mala quartette will fur nish muslo for the occasion. . Very Low Special Excursion Rates To Boston, Mass., Saratoga, N. T., and Chautauqua Lake In June and July. Lib- oral terms and atop-over privileges. On and after Juna 14 the new fast train from Chicago to Buffalo and Intermediate points, R:IS p. m. dally. For timo cards, regular and special rates, ate, sand postal card to H. L. Purdy, Trav. Pass. Agent, Erie Railroad, Chicago, 11L, or D. M. Bowman, General Western Passenger Agent. Chicago, 111. Btroot Railway Pay C hecks. Vnlon Pacific, Postofflce, Telephone and all other nay checks cashed at nut- hank. Account opened for $1.00 or more, and 4 per cent interest paid. Under government supervision. J. L. BRANDEIB Ac SONS, Bankers. For Sale Duo bill on one of the best New Tork City hotels at a good discount. Ad dress E (4, eara Omaha Bee. . SOUTHERN PACIFIC MUST PAY Mrs. Moloay Gota av Verdict for Twea- tyFlvo Uaadred Dollars Pamaarca. In tha United States circuit court yester day tha. sealed verdict In- tha .case of Sarah Molony against the Union Pacifln. Southern Paclflo and Pullman Car com panies waa submitted to the court. The .verdict gives Judgment for 12,600 In favor of tha Plaintiff aaalnst the Southern Paelfln Railway company and dismisses tha case against we union 1'acinc and the Pullman Car companies. Mrs. Molony brought suit against the companies (or having been mis directed to a train at Ogden, Utah, and for having bean subjected to humiliation and annoyance b.v belnz nlared in m ulass car when her ticket entitled her to first-class accommodations In a Pullman palace car. She sued for 115.000 dimuiu Tha case has been on trial for the past lour days. . tare Alii to I.nnar Life. Electric Bitters give an active liver, per fect digestion, healthy kidneys, regular bowels, One appetite, or no pay. 80c. For by Kuan & Co. Carimater Work. Any one wishing skilled carpenters to do their work should 'phone George W. Miles, f hone liv. Lnbox Temple. - HUBERT M KINNON, ; Secretary. ! . Tha H aDiU Haliraa4 Mt. . W J .-i f . am. .. in uif ujuu vim Dunimrr lime OiTsf many special rates to Boston, Indianapolis, Baltimore, 6t. louls. 'Saratoga. Detroit. . Atlanta and other points. Call at city ufB.c. 1U)1 Farnam. or address HARRT E. MCORES. G. A. P. D Omaha, Neb.- 910.001 !.' M sio.ooi Indianapolis ard rtur;i June 11 and 14, via tn Nortliwtti.-rn I.i:u, the only double -track route. lM-la! Farnam street. $10.00 I1J.M $100 $10.00. Second annual picnic will be alvea bv the Triangle club at Hlbbler'a park Sun day June 14. VXZ. Forty-fourth and Leav enworth atreeta. Everybody Invitrd. . Attend the tnatlne of tha Trl-Tltv Amateur Driving club thla after noon at the tragus sirs i utci. Aoaussion ire. 5ale of Ladles' New Low Shoe Picture Dept. on Third floor. Ribbon Remnants fromthe IVlill The Greatest Lot of Fine Ribbon Mill Ends Ever Shtwn in Omaha. They Go on Sate Today. Every six months we get the accumulated remnants from the let known ribbon mill In America. They make only the finest goods. For the pnst week these ribbons have been on display In our window and have created the great est of admiration. In view of the phenomenal low price at which we are going to sell these high grade ribbons today. It will be a big ribbon day l i Omnha. This lot consist of pin In and fancy all silk taffeta, satin, satin taffeta and very Imaginable kind of fancy ribbons. Ribbons that generally sell at 10c yard we are folng to sell at. . .2 l-2o Ribbons that generally sell at 15c yard at. yard So Ribbons that generally sell at 25c yard go at IOo Ribbons that generally sell for 35c yard go at, yard I5e And the grandest lot of high grade wlda Fancy Ribbons that that are worth $1 yard goat, yard 25c 50c Pillow Tops at 5c Each Tomorrow wc plate on sale 1,(100 fancy tlntod and stamped I'lllotv Tops, the regular prtee of which Is 50c as long as they last they go at each ...... Embroidered Center Pieces One big ered Center rieces. Ihese are wortn them today at, each Ladles' Su t Special at $3.98 Ladles' Tailored Suits, made of fashlonahle materials stylish in every detail tQ worth up to $10.00, Ji"0 Silk Shirt Waist Suits, $6 98 slade of al) silk materials, pout-n sleeves, shirred fronts, etc. sea son's swnllest colors fn worth up to $15.00 0 Vo Splendid Millinery Values $5.00 ladles and misses' dress hats... 2.45 $6.50 ladles' and misses' dress hats $7.50 ladles' and misses' dress hats $2.00 Children's trimmed leghorns Sl.00 black chip ant rimmed flaU....59c JI.30 large burnt shade flats 69c 50c Chiffon Veilings at 12c All Silk Chiffon Veiling, with silk embroidered polka dots and velvet dots black, white and all colors EOc a yard on bargain square at yard 1,000 BELTS AT 15c AND lOc Thouaanda of Belts for a great Saturday's Bale. Velvet, White Duck, Patent Leather, Fenu de Sole, Embroidered Taffeta, Silk and Forni Fittlng Belts, Including the "Arabella" and -4 C" 4 f "Duchess" Belts In leather and silk IJjG"!! JG worth up to f 1.00-Saturday at w w n, w If You Must Drink i . Then Use ' v Gleason's Grape Juice. Unquestionably the most popular and wholesome food-drink 1 In existence.. A product of the grape, possessing; an ex quisite flavor, true to the fruit from which it Is made. Tomorrow we will serve thla delightful beverage FREE to convince you of the sterling worth of thla article. If you are thirsty - for grape Juice drink GLEASON'S. If you are seeking VALUE FOR TOUR MONEY purchase your eat- ablea here. Quaker Oats, three packages for 25c Walter Baker's Cocoa 21c Malta-Ceres 10c Strictly Fresh Eggs, dosen le Eagle Condensed Milk 14c Grape-Nuts 10c Royal Luncheon Cheese.... 26c Choicest Dairy Butter! pound 22c Strawberries, Oranges, Bananas, Pine apples, Red Raspberries, Black Raspberries. Spring Chicken, pound 27V4C Pork Loins, pound Ill Prime Corned Beef, pound to Fancy Butterlne, pound ...12Vio SOMMER BROS., EXPONENT8 OF QOOD LIVING. TwewtytElsBth sad Farnam Streets. Grocery Telephones, 1329 and 1331. Market Telephone, 736. SGOFIELO'S SATURDAY SALE CR1.00 Petticoats, Underskirts, Wrappers, Corset Covers. Waists, Dressing Sacques. N ne to equal them Id Omaha fur the prlco. Spring Wraps and Cravenette Rain Coat for Saturday's Trade. Low Rates to ilostow aad Hetarn la Job sail July Via tha Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railway. Tickets will be sold June 2f. 2 and 27. extreme return limit August 1, and on July 1, 2, I, 4 and I, estrema return limit September 1. Stop-overs allowed at Nl- arttga Falls and Chautauqua; also at New York on tickets via that route. Full in formation, with rates via variable routes, will be promptly furnished on application to M. 8. Gilea. T. P., A. Chicago, or to C. P. Duly, chief A. G. P. A.. Chicago. If the shallowness of your purse compels you to exercise the greatest possible care In making your purchases, read our adver Ltlaement on Page 7. for It ulli of good goods at helpful prices. Ilayden Brua. saviawfAfr res-Jf"3 mm fill at $1.59, $1.98 and $2.50. Wedding , (lifts at the Picture Dept. loor DC 98c lot of hand embroid ti.oi) each we offer Ladles' .Suit Special at $8.50 Ladles' Tailored Suits with all the fashionable novelties every 1903 style wort li up to 8.50 twenty dollars at. Dress Skirt Special, $4 90 Voiles, etamlnes. canvas cl:hs, etc. remarkable value Saturday only worth up to ten dollars fit 4.90 3.50 4.95 .....98c $1.50 trimmed street bats 19c 75c large blossom wreaths.. 25c 12c many worth BANK STATEMENTS. No. 6S9. Report of tho Condition of -J. I.. BHANUEIS & SONS, BANKERS, At Omaha, In the State of Nebraska, at the Close of Business. June 9, 1903. i RESOURCES. Omaha city bonds . $ 36,600 00 United States and other, bonds 21,000 00 Tlma loans City ' and county war 105.409 77 54.9?5 84 3.215 38 1,317 85 695 OS rants School warrants Premium account Fixtures Demand loans $ 30,900 00 Due from reserve banks. 47,300 48 Cush 18.294 S3 96,495 11 Total LIABILITIES. Capital Undivided profits Deposits: -Individual deposits ...)?06.101 24 Time certificates 37,R4i 84 Demand certificates ... 6,018 00 Cashier's checks ; 1,050 91 Total deposits $299,468 95 $ 60.000 00 4.441 94 245,017 01 Total $299,468 State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, as: I, Emll Brandeis, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. EMIL BRANDEIS. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of June, 1903, (Seal.) Correct Attest: Notary Public. A. D. BRANDEIS. H. H. BRANDEIS. Directors. FREE! Saturday Special To every purchaser of a Bottle of Whisky a handsome gold rimmed glasa FREE. Our Famou3 "Hlller's Old Private Stock" always the same PURE, OLD AND MELLOW. THE HOUSEHOLD WHISKY. $1.00 FOR A FULL QUART. Our celebrated "Hlller's Pure Rye" un excelled fqr the price 80c for a full quart PURE CALIFORNIA WINES 18 OUR SPECIALTY. . Port, Sherry, Angelica, Claret, etc., at 25c, 35c nnd 50c per bottle $1.00 to $2.50 per gallon. HILLER LIQUOR CO., lCOO Faraani sad 522 North 10th. We ship everywhere. Send for our price lists. Not Our Fault If you have been unable to reach us by telephone In the past 24 hours, do not think It due to carelessness or indifference on our part, as the 'phone system In this part of the city has been undergoing repairs, but it's all right now and at your service, and we are pleased to have you use it when ever in need of anything In our line. 60c Llebig Process Beef Extract $ .11 &'K! I loan a Kidney Pills 39 26c Miles' Antl-ualn Pills 1M J1.00 Peruna all you need 61 boo "Catarrh Rem" guaranteed 30 il.uO Mines' Nervine 74 ic Bar Ben 40 $1.00 Nervlta a'l you want 75 Jl.tii Temptation Tonic $6 U 00 Ruccus Allerans 160 $1.75 8. 8. 8 1 14 ll.ou Pierce's Remedies 64 JT Genuine Castoria 24 $2.00 Genuine Chester's Pennyroyal Pills 1.0U OPEN ALL NIGHT. SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUu STORE Tw 'Phones T4T TOT. . W. Coraer lUth aad Chlcaga lie. S14.T81 $14.70! S14.T3I Chicago and return, June 14. IS. 10; July 1, good till September 15, via The North western Line, the only double track route. 1401-1403 i'arnam street. DIED. RICHARDS Henry J . June 11. 19u3. at resi dence of his mother. M North Twenty fifth street, aged 47 years and 10 months. Funeral at X 3u o'clork Sunday afternoon. Jon 14. 14. from residence to Prospect lim cemetery, t rienua inviteo. B nnn7nrprny my vm 1HB RULIABLB STORK. S desirable patterns in selected all wool with double stitched taped seams; elastic double-breasted styles worth up to $3.00; 435 bovs' verv finest mill n Irish and serges and all the popular shades, stripes, HutSduuTotf fC I ( Mint Mftjf 7' If J M aMtwaa in sanor mouse, sailor worroiKS, worioms; aouure-urcMicu mm mi these suits would be great value at $5.00; on sale now at $2.95 and $2.50. 29 boys' suits, made In double-breasted Norfolk, sailor blouse, sailor Norfolk, three piece and the popular two piece golf suits; a great variety of new summer fabrics and latest color effecU: coats lined, with a very fine serge pants; with double eat and knees; reinforced taped seams; any sire you want from 3 to 16 years; regular $S.OO values; sale price $3.50. READ GREAT SALES ON PAGE 7. il WW.-: Largest -Exclusive Retail Millinery House in the West. Extraordinary Sale on all W hitq?(itid Black Trimmed v Mats Saturday .SEE OURS BFFORE YOU BUY. Investigate It Pays r v Gold Fillings In front toeth ore conspicuous PORCELAIN FILL' INGS look tetter and are better. . MI .r!. PAXTQM.BX'K IT'S WHAT YOU SAVE Not-what you EARN that makes wealth. 4 per cent on all deposits at CITY SAVINGS BANK. Southeast Corner 16th and Doug-las Sts. $1.00 LIquozone for 75c We sell the dollar size of Llquocone for 75c and tbe 60o sixe for 40. But this la only a SAMPLE of our prices for we cut prices all along the line. Out-of-town peo ple should write for our catalogue. IT S AN INTERSTING DOCUMENT because it tells you how to save money. MORE SAMPLE PRICES: 60c Pink of Perfection for 40c 11.00 Chrystal (not Crystal; Tonic for.. 76o 26c Mermen's Talcum, always lie 11.00 Eiker-Hoft Consumption Cure for. 75c (By mall 8oc) $1.00 Jackson's Bed Bug Powder KILLS EVERY BUG EVERY TIME for 75c 100 2-grain Pure Quinine Pills for....- 25c (By mall.. 30c) $1 00 White Ribbon Liquor Cure 73c . (By mail..... Wc- One dozen above remedy prepaid to . any address In the United States for 11.00 Cramer's Kidney pure for 75o 2oc PuUlna cleans wall paper; we sell.. Hie Koc Grave s Tooth Powder tor Lie Wute for our 100-page, catalogue. Fine Violet Soap, box 3 cakes, for 40c 6oc Piatt's Chlorides, we sell 40c YOU CANNOT DUPLICATE THESE PRICES. $1.00 Wine Cardul for 11.00 Lixterine tor 6Cc 6-iO 74c 74o 74c 74c 4c $1.00 Kilmer's Swamp Root for $l.o0 Hostetter's Bitters for.. $l.oo Horplcide for 7. $l.iO Chichester' a Pennyroyal pills for.. One pound Bird Seed for.... $1.25 Buker's Buiiey M.ilt Whisky the purest ana nest lor , 5oc William s Pink Pills for.. ooc Syrup FigH for IDC Sac 34c ' Write for our loo-pago catalogue of drugs, rubber goods and hoxpltal supplies. It's free. Siia man UlcConna It Drug Go Wholesale nnd Retail, terser 10th and Dodtc Sts., Omaha. GRADUATION 4 . GIFTS. We Close Saturdays at s.Jo. Clnsinfr Out 1500 Pen's Pino Suits These suits are all made In the newest styles and In the most wanted shapes. They represent the finest tailoring of the fsmous linn of Hsrt. Schaffner and Mara. There are no better or mora stylish suits made. They aro all hand tailored through outhand padded shoulders, hsnd fitted col lars, hair cloth fronts, etc They have every expert style touch that gives snap ' and wear to men's garments. These suits are made of cheviots, cassl meres, worsteds, unfinished worsteds and fancy cheviots In checks, stripes, over plalds, fancy mixtures and plain colors; and were made to sellnd are usually re tailed at from $12 60 to 125.00 special prices Baturday S7.50, SIO, SI5 Men's Outing Coats & Pants Over 25 different patterns to select from in all colors and shades In atrlpes, checks, mixtures and plain colors, on sale Satur day at $1.75, $1.96, $2.25 and $2.60. Kaydcn's Marvelous Values in Boys' and Childrens' Clothing. An extraordinary buying chance came the wav of our buyer and the result la we can offer the biggest and best values In boys' and children's clothing that ever came to Omaha. S2 hovs' suits in every desirable pattern, In blues, grays and . brown mixtures; In lleht, medium and dark colors; made In Norfolk and double-breasted styles; regu lar $2.00 values; sale price only $1.25. 279 boys' suits in a great variety of very fahrirn' guaranteed to wear well; made waist bands: In sailor blouse, Norfolk and sale price only $1.75. Scotch cheviots, casslmcres, worsteds and checks and mixtures; handsomely made up 1508 Douglas St. MERCHANTS MJOXOMAL BANK. OF OMAHA Your Boy's Shoes Should be without holes this kind of SFq weather, and our boys' $1.60 shoes will Tj wear longer before there are . any Mj holes In them than any other shoe fcTS ever sold at $1.60. and a great many 3 that are being sold at $2.00 and $160. r.j Made of good honest leather and flji solid sole leather soles, they keep the Vj feet dry and at the same time give FT I comfort and satisfaction. 11 wTl Bring the boys In Baturday, we will H FCfC fit them with a pair of shoes and II aCLh-sI J save you money. .0 DREXEL SHOE C0., Omaha's Up-to-Dat Shoe House HI , m C ii 'il . If. M. (Wa fcm md It Sm Cft LP IMS HU.SW a Hm4 ilSMSe filTlUJ HTATBB UBPUSITOHV.I hmmt Maivkj, wIim. S a Wat Mn I n n Sale of Ladies' Fine Hose Extraordinary purchase of ladies' fine imported French lisle thread hosiery, in the most beautiful range of pat terns Tho new granite effects promise to be the pro-' dominating colors for summer footwear, also black and white effects in fine sheer, lace and solid embroidered boot patterns, all regular 75c and f t.00 styles, A C all sizes, at, pair 7uc and .1 Women's Belts Sample line on sale, belts worth up to f 1.50, at 23c. 120 dozen ladies' latest novelties in colored and black silk, satin belts, bought for half their regular value, some in jplain and crushed satins, trimmed with nickle, all gilt and green metal buckles and clasps, hundreds of differ ent styles to select from, regular values, C 50c, 75c to fl.50 Baturday only $1.50 Muslin Skirts on Sale at 85c Made of fine quality muslin and cambric, properly propor tioned and well made, skirts in dainty serviceable lace and embroidered effects, all with deep flounce and dust ruffle, a garment regularly sold O C at fl.50 Saturday OkD Ladles' 25c Handkerchiefs on Sale at 9c A manufacturer's line of samples, together with an immense purchase of ladies' fine quality of all pure linen handkerv chiefs in pretty patterns of lace and hand-embroidered ef 'fects also many plain white narrow hemstitched designs, with colored and black borders not one Qi p, in the lot worth less than a quarter Saturday, " FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA, NEB. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. STATEMENT, JUNE 9TH. 1903. RESOURCES Time Loans - . , J3.7JO.045.68 Bankinf House . ' 125,000.00 U. S. Bonds to secure Circulation 200,000 00 Due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer $1,716,355.04 V, S. Bonds . . 209,600.00 Other Bonds-. . 348,172.62 Call Loans . , . 662,837.78 Cash . . . 1,407,509.92 $4.344.475.36 $8,399,521.04 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Herman Kountio, Pres. W. A. Paxtcn J. A. Crelghton, Vice-Pre. J. Ml. Wqolworth W F. F. H. Davis, Caahler C. T. Kountze, Ass't Cashier UNION H7 AND R June 1 to To enable persons to reach these favored localities without . unnecessary expenditure of time or money, the UNION PACIFIC ha put into effect low rate and splendid train service from Missouri River to Denver. Accommo dation are provided for all classes of passengers on these trains, the equipment including free reclin ing chair cars, buffet smoking cars, drawing room sleepers, and day coaches, etc. CITY TICKET OFFICBI. CZt Farnam Bt, Telepnone . Vnlon Station, 10th and Maroy Bta. Belt Pins , In Sterling Silver Make a nice and Inexpensive Gradu ation Gift. We have an ele gant and large line of them, and a fine selection of other novelties for gifts. We will be pleased to show you. Brown & Borshelm Jewelers. 222 South 16th Street llrJilW Mon's Suit Sale On account of the backward season we closed out from one of America's best . i. .tinra iin of fine men's suit wovisnn . w. "kt less than cost of produotlon. We now have them on sale at m. iw " such suit valuea have ever been given In Omaha. See them In our windows, compare them with anything anywhere else. We let you be the Judge; If you wish to throw your money away, buy elsewhere. The Ouaran U Clothing Co.. 161S-1621 Douglas atreet . j . - D.tx.v wa have a sale on men's underwear, plain balbriggan, jnotUed. neat gray, also yellowlsn snaaes. ipwr cuinc 15c a garment, JOc a sulu Money saved U equal to money earned, and we certainly try to save you money. It's tip to you. 6$, :i LIABILITIES Capital Surplus . Undivided Profits Circu at on Deposils . $500,000.00 100,000.00 125.999.79 20Q.000.00" 7.473.521.25 $8,399,521.04 Allen - W. 8. Pcppleton L. L. Kountze, Ase't Caahler PA Sept. 50, Ino. mrfEL&Fi ISII 1300 MEATS' MU SRQCLRIE5 ! 242 and Farnam Mt. fOR TODAY Saturday Spring Chicken, 4 per pound Young HenB, per pound 20c 12c Porterhouse Steak, IP per pound IOC Sirloin Steak per pound i2y2C Granulated Sugar 5c lb. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER CIFIC ElADO TURN