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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1903)
THE OMAHA PAITV- BEEi SATURDAY; JU2?E 13, 1003. 11 ( ( SPECIAL NOTICES A4Wrtl4at $ the eolasnn k taken natll 13 rm. for the vealaj edit!) and, !! M HO p. am. far Hernia 4r edlttea. Rates, 1 1 -ai a wH drat laaertloa. ta a ward thereafter. Kotblag takra far lee taaa SAe far tk Brat ! tlaa. These ad vertlaeaaent aaaat be raa oensecattvely. Adverrteere, by reeaeetlaai a tiered ekeek. raa hiTt answers I jgreseed a a aaaabered letter la eara will Ik hk only. SITUATIONS WAITED. POSITION aa clerk: several ream' experl nr la large general store. Address F 4$. Bar. A 284 12x WANTED. position aa stenographer by young man. Address F 6L line. WASTED MALE HELP. SUMMER SCHOOL. ' Bookkeeping, aieuogruph, xuudi Type writing, renmansulp, etc Experienced teacher. Delightful rooms; fireproof building; ail mudern methods anu lacl.l tlea. Student admitted every uy. liag ular term opena July 6. 'Phone, call or writ for prospectus. BOYLES COLLEGE. Tel. li4. New York Uia uulidlng. B 2-9 FIRST-CLASS messengers wanted; good alary. A. D. 'A'. Co., ill So. Uth at. B-631 TWENTT-FIVB school teacher for rum mer work at good salaries. See Man ager, too Ware blk. B-UMl WANTED Boy with wheel. Good wages Bnerman at McConnell Drug Co.. Cor. 16th and Dodge. HlHiM WANTED, for U. S. army, able-bodied un married men betweeu aaee uf il and Do; ctllsens of United states, of good cnar acter and temperate haolta. who can peak, read and write For in formation appiy to Recruiting Officer, lih and Doug a Sis., Omnia, and Randan Hotel. Beatrice, Meo. B WANTED Planing mill hand to run all kinds of wood-making machinery. O. O. Collin. Fairbury. Neo. . B-A1891 U WANTED Pattern makera. c to 41c par hour; steady employment; addresa Em ployment department, St. Louis Trades association, chemical bldg., at. Louis. b Mill lx WE WANT at once fifty young men to learn barber trade and nil vacanciee wnlilnv nur o-raduatea. 160 to S00 monthly after lew weeks' practice with us. Write toaay. Moier uaruer couege, xtut uout las St. B Mfl4 14x WANTED, experienced Iran for Dempster Hydraulic Well Machine. 401 Ware blk. B M262 14x WANTED, man to travel and appoint small cash security required.' - Address waicou, tJi ttyaes out., inwti'uu. B M269 Ux WANTEQ A first-class, experienced sales- man in hat department APPly J- L. Brandels A Sons. WiNTED to con-inlets crew six salesmen on nursery stock ; experienced men pre- JrrreU. - Address tr 4b. iee. n mil ti I WANT agents to help me find buyers for ' land that sells for $7 to $15 per acre and & . r . l. . . .... K,i rttr r anfl nu pruQuccq no uu. mm,, w tons of alfalfa per acre; only huatlera wanted; big profits assured. Addrenn Hox liB, nansaa viijr. Jaw. " WANTED, young man about U to taks care norae ana cow ana ueuvcr uw. Call im Farnam or ira J-oage. M WANTED, paper rulers, good down jlne man, alao young man for feint line; both . .4 G.b.r.v .wt.r r?n.. Atrhlaon Kan. . , B Mis It MAN ' with references " foi commercial traveler, to call on merchant and-agents; exportenca not required; - salary U per week with expenses advanced. National, $32 Dearborn St., Chicago. B M2S4 Ux WANTED, engineer to learn to run waah room In laundry. Address W, Bee office, Council Bluffs. B M294 WANTED, men everywhere, ood pay. to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.: no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M290 18x ' SALESMEN WAITED. SALESMEN for Lambert tpewtiters, $20. Nona better. Monroe at Co., Ill N. 16th. 65 WANTED Two salesmen salary or com mlaslon. C. V. Adams Co.. 161$ Howard. C 654 WANTED FEMALE HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, Uth Dodge. I WANTAuiJ, expenencea -rosairr mmnww V. lady. Addrea E 40. Bee. C MJ42 WOMAN or girl tor general housework. 1604 Webster St. C MUX U $13 TO $15 weekly guaranteed ladles that learn halrdreaalng, manicuring or facial maasage wllh us. Four weeke oompletaa, also chance for apprentice, no expense. Call Moler College, Uul Douglas street. C VULi I4x WANTED, an experienced second girl. Mrs. jaaran, ai nil at. w hj-i BENNETT'S CAFE Wanted. I waltreasea. Apply Saturday at a. m. to Mr. Wanner, cafe. 2d floor, Bennett's. . , C 281 liix FOR RENT HOl'SES. TO MOVK right get Omaha Van Storage Co., office AMI Jr arnam, or Tala. loatf-eue. .. . A uoe UOIIQPQ parts of the city. R, tlUUdtJ C. Feiers A Co., Bee aid. JL eae FOR RENT. -room house, all modern ex cept furnace, it N. laiih St., $-o.uu. C. Aa. Bachman. 4JB-$7 Paxtou Blk. D $ UOUSKS, 16 upward. Bemia, Paxton Bik. UOIltrPQ In all parts f ths city. The O. nUUOM v, Davis Co U Bee Aiidg. HOUSES, Insurance. Ring wait. Barker Blk, D uo PAYNE-BOSTW1CK A CO.-Cholca houses. kOl-tM New York 141 Bidg. r-iion luia. Utuu WE MOVE planoa. Maggard Vaa A Stor age Co. Tel. liiM. Oltice, l.U Webater bt. DSol FOR RENT, eight room deUched houaa na uarn; large lawn and SLrlclJy modern. Appiy wua oi. aa o aeen today. D-loj ONE of those fine, all modern, 7-roorn brick tiouara. oia ana jsara bul, k 00. O. hi. 1 uraingion, eve ore. L Ml FOR RENT, l-room house. 2139 Farnam St.; modern except furnace. In complete repair; newly painted and papered D i4 FOR RENT. $36 a month, '-room com pletely modern houaa. nickel plated opea plumbing, houaa newly painted, papered and varnished throughout; goodi oaso nient with slate laundry tuba Beautiful location; 10J6 So. tvth Av., near two Han sco m park car line. The Bvron Reed CO., siz bo. tun s. iJJNx 4-ROOM bouse, J0o So. td; clatern and rltr water; good condition. $4.00. .Waller ttrecn. sue bo, uu bi. v n t-ROOM mod vn. V S. 24th at., $3260. . . . D Mla4 13 TEN ROOM, all modern house, first claaa repair, new .-pen plumbing, beautiful lawn, central location, desirable for flr( rlaas rooming and hoarding houae 623 N. 2uth Bt. D MJ 14 FOR RENT Modern ten-room house near Hitch school. , lugulr at 41 North 22d atreet. D-9V7 14x FIVE-ROOM flat. furnished, for summer months. F C, Bee. . D M:a Hk $437 HARNEY. 9-room modem'. $3$ per uoalh. Wm. K. Potter, Rec Brown blk. D-24J for rext-norsEs. NINE-ROOM modern brick house, V Capitol avenu. D UZa Ux FOR RENT-l-rooni modem house, 1348 N. lth at -room modem houaa, $166 Farnam at 10-room midm house. ...$ ...13 !J N 19th at $46.00 THOMAS BREGMAS, M 8. 13TH BT. D-M277 II FOR RENT, l-room modern houaa to ainall funnily, $770. No. 7723 Jackson street. Wheeler Wheeler. Douglas and 16th, Raul estate tpnU, please Hat. D-2S3 13 FOR RENT for tha summer, to two pr aona. furnished house, all modern con veniences, Georgia ave. Addre' F 6o. B. D M 2x9 14 . FOR REST FURNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. K 63 AtTNA HOUSE. European, Uth Dodge. tU M ROTAL HOTEL, European, ltth Chicago. ti MM L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 7S0. IV ObO $1 00 to $2.00 per week. Ct So. Uth St., one block south or court bouse. - u w ROOMS. 104 Capitol Ave. E M903 14x $14 NORTH 1TTH St. E-AItiM LARGE front south room, with alcove. bath; every modern convenience; ukb of telephone. 254 Harney. E MWt " MCE cool room, modern, very reasonable; gentlemen preferred, lta N. I7tn. DININO. kitchen, bedroom, also other nloa rooms; modern; best location. 4ii n. una St. E M246 ELEGANT rooms, 1S09 Capitol ave. E 270 Jyll LARGE front room, very desirable, nice ohade, clone In. suitable for two gentle men. 6" S, 17th ave. E-Mf"' FlRiI9HED ROOMS A!D HOARD. THE FARNAM, Uth Farnam. T-671 ROOM and board, reasonable; all modero, with 'phone A-263J. 2404 Cass St. ; F-MM4- K 8. 26TH AVE ; private family. F M73G NICE rooms, good board. 416 N. tfth 8L F-6W NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board; day board or meal tickets rea ennable. Midland Hotel, Uth and Chicago Sis. . F-667 St'MMER resort. The Merrlam. Mrs. Riley, Manager F-M46? FOR REHTtSFlRNHHED ROOMS. FOR RENT, unfurnished rooms, single and ansulte. Wlthnell Bidg., Uth and Harney. N. P. Dodge Co., 1(14 Farnam. O Al7o6 FIVE choice unfurnlahed upstairs rooms, good location. 2206 Lake St. G M206 14 FOR RENT "TORES AKD OFFICES. FOR RENT, the bulldlhg formerly occu pied by The Bee at IM Farnam St. It has four atorlea and a basement which was formerly uaed as The Bae press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office of C C. Rose water, secretary, room luo, Bea building. i A 261 FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at 914 Farnam. 22x90, four tnH, rwl Arat-eleaa cemented basement. elevatr, fire and burglar proof vault. office counter and fixtures, (or price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec reUry tha Bea Building Co., room 100, Be building. Moei OFFICES In The Be building, $10.00 per month up: rental price Includes heat, light and Janitor service. R. C. peters CO., ground noor, ue ciag. " AQBXTS WASTED. WANTED, eanvaeaing airnW rn ejery county to solicit subscriptions o intu TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. fitMdv emolovmant with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily Ibu to per monin. nu- dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bu. -au. Be building, Omaha. J 213 LADY canvassers for something good. Monroe at Co., bu n. ism. j umv TOU CAN clear unusual profits selling Minuet Bkirt Jk waist noioers; every wo man buys Invariably reorders: particu lars and sample on approval. Wheeler A Baldwin, buo uarden city aiag., vnicaio. ix AGENTS wanted, we require a responsible Sarty to act as our agent lor a patentea lstnfectant spraying machine; a good business for the right man. Puritan Germicide Co., 38 Central St., Boston, Maaa. J M2S4 13x WANTED TO BUI. M. GOODMAN, 1716 or 1221 Douglas street. pays cash lor all aioas or mercnanaise. FOR SALE FURMTtRB. exanangea. - FL'RNITURB of 1 rooms, will take board as part pay. ..Address t it, cee. -, ...... i O 87$ tlx FOH - SALB HORSES, WAGONS, ETC TIME to paint that buggy or wagon. Sea . . . . . . . . . i . r -. troat, ma ana iearenwurin. x i-nuta SHETLAND pony, aurrey, buggy and, sad P 211 llx FOR SALE MISfELLANEOlS. NEW and 2d-hand typewriters, ill Farnam. ni'HlVFffl college scholsrsblD for sals at a bargain in one of Omaha a leading com aaercUU colleges; UX scholarship. Address 8 47, Bee omce. 4 M.llx WIRE fence far bogs, poultry, lawn and farms, vt it vi e - o. -vlh. ri. iuvj, wS'f Jyii FOR SALE First mortgage not bearing I per cent Intereat, payable every six months; ha about 2H yeara to run; good security and endorsed by responsible party; amount, $l.StO. Inquire C. M. bach man. Room 421 Paxton block. Q-6&4 PHOTOGRAPH CAR for sal. Apply Rosa s Art stors. Q-idO INDIAN goods and relics. 1111 Farnam. ' Q-671 ID HAND safe cheap. Derlght, Ull Fsmam. Q-67S IRON and wlr fences, tree guard, 'trellises- Wester Anchor Fence Co.. 2t6 No. ITth st. Q-M-41 -I LOVE HIM BEST OF ALL." This Is the must beautiful song yet written: the words snd muale are a masterplec of th post's art. For sale la Omaha, Neb., by the Collins Piano Co., pries 36c; by mall 34c, Q-Um Jylx FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels, 8 cents each, large, well mad barrel, make first class garbage receptacle. (Ted Young, foreman Be press room, rear entrance Be Bidg. O-M W FOR 8AIJE Nw and second-hand soda fountains on monthly payments. S. B. Richmond. 36 So. 21 h st Q-34 JHx CATALOGUE cui drug price free. Sher man A McCoucll Drug Co., Omaha. Q 611 FOR SALE Second-hand Locomobile; In flrst-clabs shaie. at one-half price. Call or address.' 1421 Farnam st. Q 6U TELEPHONE pole. loig fir timber; chicken feace; oak piling. Ml Douglas. . t.-sl FOR SALE Crane hydraulic elevator, oan b uaed either passenger or freight; euni p.ete. Iron g'-lde posts, cag and wire en closures 1. L. Brandels A Sens. - 0m DAIRY FOR SALE Twenty-five head of aioi k and ou horsee will be ao'd cheap If sold at one. Address F 44. Bee . . - 272 lix THE BEST BARGAINS IN THE PAPER ARE ON THE WANT AD PAGE FwJl a A LUU I aCivLL A .1 KO I S. FOR SALE 1 elertrlc motor with tnpltlng, 6-horee power, $150, Apply Western Elec trical Co.. Ull Farnam at. g M220 U MltCELLAHEOVS. HAMBLETONIAN stallion. Bannockburn, the largest and faateat trotting bred pacer In the weet, aired by a grandeon; dam a granddaughter of Hambletonlan 10; will stand for a took at tun N. 16th st. Adam Thomson. R M287 16x CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. QTLMER, genuine palmist, 315 S 15. MME. LVCRETIA. medium. 1709 California. S MK iyS MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN jADT QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told; past, present end future. Pat lefactlon or no pay 807 N. Uth. 814964 . ELECTRICAL THEATklaiKT. UKACE O'BRTAN. Baths, 13 S. Uth. I-A1A4 MUhi. SMITH, batluj. All . 16. 2d floor, r. & T-sui GOLDIE POWERS, 720 So. Uth. Tel. laU. ... . T-Mil 1 MISS HOWARD, elegant massage and vapor Daws; aiconoi ruooing. mt n. 16th. flat E. T-MMMJ26 FANNIE TEMPLE, massage, alcohol, bath; assistant, id. noor, sou js. wtn. T-M53S J2S M183 LA BAN, massags baths, Egyptian : treatment, i&ii ieavenwortn at., a. T-M504 J24) BATHS, massage, 1711 Nicholas. F. 6. !d nr. T M870 Jyl ETMOL1NE 6HEPARD. maasage, vapor and sjconoiio oatns, zd noor, sue Nortn istn at. T-89.Jy4 MRS. DAVIS. 1621 Howard St, baths; first- class assistant. T 373 Jyli FANNIE TEMPLE. 90 N. 18th St., 3d floor. T M?93 PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous nair removed Dy electricity. K. 2 and 8. 1606 Farnam St. U 6M VIAVI. a wholesome nerve and tlaena fno,l ana nome treatment for dlaorders of women. Free booklet. Vlavi Co., 34s Bee Jtu u in HOME during confinement, first-class. Dr. Ij. u. miner, xtAit tiionao. fhone F-11KJ. v-m MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists, $L U-689 ELITE PARLORP, 615 S. ltth at., 2d floor. U M26 MRS. JACCSSON. 2306 N. 20th St. U MZu Jll PRIVATE hospital before and during con- iiiiniu-ni, names ooaroea ana adopted. Mra Verdela, au4 Lake. Tel. Red-184. U 68S SURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 612 Be Bidg. PRIVATE home during confinement: babies adODted. Th. n..,H Kamnrltan Q.l, Bi ave., council til una, la. . u MINI PRIVATE 8anltarium for ladles before and ""l" uNintmtnt. ur. ano Mrs. tie risen. mu.viiim du irioi reasonanie. U 4a J23 C. EDERER, Bristol St. florist. Tel. 1796. U 691 ROHTflV.' TTUnoiTT T.l virvno I 5 s;,7ar",,,a" re-covrd, repaired or "w w. iui, - U-M6l J 27 FOR. goodneaa sake, smoke . nn ""Uficle RAIN or shine, smoke "Kirs" Guarantees uu in una. aii . dealers, sc. ' U M204 Jl TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messenger. J us Jim Dumps had many, woes. Bad clgara were his foes. Force relieved him so you've read It But Stoecker'a cigars should . have th ordit. U-M180 1$ CHIROPODY, manicuring, scalp, facial, hygienic and special massage taught and practiced. A. Mayer, 612 Bee bidg. Con sultation free. Use Re-No-May Powder. , U Mas MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED City loans and wan-sat. W Farnam Smith A Co., 144) Farnam street. W-6M WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters A Co., lua Farnam St., Bee Bidg. W 6W FARM and city loans; low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bidg. Tel, 164. ... W-696 PRIVATE money, Sherwood. S37 N. Y. Lit. W-6 4 TO 6 P. C money. Bemls, Paxton Block. W-67 FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. lH Farnam. W Si PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1634 Douglas, W-699 $1. COO. $1.60 and $1,200. Private money. L. D. Holmes. 711 N. Y. Life Bld'a- - W-177-U MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Buslnesa Confidential. Try ua It you want to nv) money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. CSS Paxton Block. lain and Farnam Sts. MONEY To salaried employes snd wage earners: Gst our system of losns that gets you out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, clerk, bookkeeper, salesman, trainman, machinist, engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get, Jut on tils note: Half Monthly. M'thly. Wkly. $100 Return to us....tit. or $13 35 or $6W I 60 Return to ua... 13 33 or 6.66 or 3 36 I 26 Return to ua... 4.A4 or 3.33 or l. $ 16 Return to us... 4.00 or 2.00 or 1.00 Easiest terms, lowest rate, confidential. No Inquiries. Quick service. Courteous treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLK. ( : X-MU1 EASYtOPAEY Best explains our methods. Ws loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipt, etc Or If you have a permanent position w can make you a SALARY LOAN . without scumy, except your own agree rntnt t repay. Our service Is quick snd confidential and we always try to please. All that we ask Is that yuu glva ua a call before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA HoKTUAUh. LOAN CO., 11$ Board of Trade Bidg. Tel. 236. (Eavaillshd UW2.) Sv So. Uth St. X 601 DO YOU NEED MONEYT . MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND SALARIES. 10 to $a0 loaned on FURNITURE, PIANOS. etc., ana to balakilu i ivuru. at very low rates and for any length of time, without publicity or removing the prop erty. Payment can be made to suit your convenience. Call and get our terms befor going elsewhere. RELIANCE CREDIT CO. Room 106. Paxton Block. Room 90S. A iik MONEY loaned on planoa. furniture, lew airy, horaaa, cow, eta. C. F. Heed, 314 8 13. X-J4 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loan Foley Loan Co., sue. to D. Oieen, k. g, barker bk. X 41 MONET loaned on plain not' to alarld people; naiinea conndenttai; toweat rate. ' UA Paxton block. Tu J. X Hutton Co. X-4 MOIEf TO LO A CHATTEL). LARGEST BUSINESS IN tXANS TU SALARIED PEOFLK, merchant, team, stem, a3rding houses, etc.. without se curity; esaieet terms, 40 offires In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bidg. X 4.1 SALARY LOANS UPON PLAIN NOTES. American Loan Co., Paxton block, 3d floor. X-) BtSISEM CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell pr exchange any property or Dusinesa quiCK, see J. 11. Johnson. 541 N. T. Life. Y-tiOt MINING In Wyoming. For reliable Infor mation regaroing mine ano otner Indus trie address V. A. Carpenter, 24 Id street, Laramie, Wyo. Y 786 U FOR SALE, a good furniture, hardware ana unaertaKing DUftinese. store Dunning snd residence also. Addrea Box 16S, Ply mouth, Neb. Y-M19I DAIRY for sale. 60S N. 28th St., East Omaba. Y 205 lix SALOON IN Omaha for aale cheap; will ne sold tnia month, aa owner must take charge of other business by July 1. Ad drees F , Bee. Y-M291 Ux FOR. SALE REAL ESTATE. TUKEYSON Desirable Home in' Florence W have for sale five acres with good s- room houae and barn, just weat of the Mala st. In Florencs. House has been lately re modeled and put In good shape. There is the following young trult on the place and l 1 soon be bearing: 100 cherries, tSU plums, 26 apple, 35 peach and 6 pear trees, -u0 cur rants, 260 gooseberries. 6u black raspberries and 26 grapevines, half acre of strawber ries and a eld apple aud plum treea. This place la only a very short walk north from the street car. Price. $2.O0u. A. P TUKET A BON, 445-446 Board of Trade. - RE-271 13 -ROOM. AIL MODERN. (-room house, with furnace, porcelain bath, gas, sewerage, oak flnlsh downstairs, full east front lot on boulevard; no special taxes: owner Compelled to make a change and offer th property for quick sal at $2,640; most complete mall house on our list; act quickly If interested. HARRISON A MORTON, 112-U N. Y. Life. TeL 111 . v ': RE-MISS HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co.. Room 6ue. Be Bidg. RE 611 RANCH and farm lands for sale by th Union Paclflc Railroad company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner, Union Pa ' cirto Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 17J 10-ROOM modern house, U blocks from psstofflee, for sale cheap. 106 N. Wtii, Benewa A Co.: RE 6U I GET CASH QCTCK for your real estate or business. If you wish to sell, send description and price. Booklet free. No commission. Emerson DePuy, Specialist, Des Moines, la. .'. RE N5U2 June! UIHUM;nM CHARLES E., 1Z0J V iL,LinnwMi' Farnam street. RE 610 WE BELIEVE THAT we can l'ocat you If you are looking for a desirable building lot In a conven ient part f the city. We ;have very de sirable vacant properties In every portion of the city, knd expect to offer excep tional bargain In that line this summer. The terms can be made to suit the Dur- chaser. if you contemplate building or wish to get started on a site for your home, Call and see us. N. P.' Dodge A Co., Phone 587, ,328 Broadway, Council uiurrs. . ... ttxa siza WANTED, at once, farms for cash custo mers;, also farms for sale. Send for free . bulletins, w, hL Burke. ClUton Springs, im. x. .. tXK-'JU. lit A SNAP 7-room house, thoroughly re. paired and painted, newly papered throughout, lot 50x130. 8837 Decatur. Price. $1,000. N. P. Dodge A Co., 1614 Farnam sL KB M31 U 100 PER; CENT INVESTMENT Six lots, near Farnam and 42d, worth (750 to I960 each; splendid location to build houses for rent.. Owner obliged to sell offers all six Jots for $2,750. HICKS, 439 Board Of Trade Bidg. Tel. 11CJ. RE 285 12x .'BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tls Co., Ill North UtH , 613 1 ' CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. . ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 2"th and Lake 81. 370 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. A. J. PIER80N, XOth nd Burt. Tel. T CARPET CLEANERS. BEND your carpel and rugs to Christen- son arpvi i-aEiii mi n fii St. Tel. 16TA 419 DRESSMAKINC IX FAMILIES., Ml Sturdy, 124 N. 20th sL M248 J21X DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK, $17 Karbach- Tl. A-2S32. SiJ DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING parlor at 2233 Sewsrd SL jy ' DENTISTS. C H. PAUL, removed to residence, 2023 BurL TL F-2753. -4C1 F. C. CLARK, dentist, formerly of Council Bluffs, now located at 2704 Cuming st. Mill J25 DR. E. H. BRUENINO. 43$ Paxton; blk. Phone 874. M233 JyS EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. O R. Rathbun. room U. Com'l Nat Bank. -24 FLORISTS. HESS A SWOBODA. 14U Farnam. -426 L HENDERSON, florist. 1511 Farnam st MWI COLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Be Bldg. TeL 35. 421 GARBAtlE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspool and vaults, removes garbac and dead Animals at reduced price. 4.1 N. 14th Tel. 1779. -4t7 LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcaolr. Uth A Howard. LA W N MOW E RS sharpened, saws filed, um brelUs repaired, keys, etc, . N. 16th. 1, BiV LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN A PRICE, 23 U. B. N I B k. bid. NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. lrs Bidg , attorneys and collectors every- wnere. MACFARIAND A MAY, New York Llf Bidg., room 304. 'Phone 1561. 630 LAI N DRY, OMAHA 8m Laundry and City Towel supply. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. A-l,w 190 LOST. LOST, narrow black velvet belt, steel clasp (on Inch deep).. Please return to He office. Lost M263 13x LOST A Mexican coin bracelet. Return to ahoe department Boston Store and receive reward. Loat-269 13 LOST, bull terrlor. white face, brlndle body. Return to W. H. Low, 220 S. 3Mh Ave. Reward. Lost 23 12 MEDICAL BLOOD POISON la the prime cans of death, and I showed Creignton Medicil college five years ago I could separate that In less than one minute. Prof. John son, 10th and Jonea sts., Omaha. M.T8 13x MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, vole. Davldge Block. 9t FOR RENT, piano players, or piano snd iayer togeiner. t lino r-iayer vo., lei. 450. 637 Letovsky's orchestra. T. L-26S4. Terms easy. 1 16 MISS ELEANOR HARDY Voice and Piano Studio 319 RAMOE BLOCK. Special Term to Summer Student. 6Lj w0 OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC. 81 Rrmr blk summer term. Apply F. H. Wright, LLC. M.. Director. rPhon 1101. M5r J 28 OSTEOPATHY. OID. E. ft ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath. Buite 515, New . York Life Bidg. Tel. ISO. . -438 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. 936L 633 Atsen A Farwell, Paxton bk., 604-7. T. 1365. .... MiSO PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No To unless successful. 318 S. Uth St., Omaha. Tel. 1798. 642 PATENTS Sues A Co., Omaha, Neb. Il lustrated patent book free. Tel. 1623. . UM Jly2x PAINTING AND PAPERING. PAINTERS and paperhangers, 707 S. 27th st See us for first class work, or tele phone $141. Ward A Harpster. 179 JyS PRINTING, BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS Printing Co. Linotype composi tion. Tel. 2190. -643 CALL up Gardner Printing Co., Tel. A -3263, for all kinds of jot) printing. 617 S. Uth su 228 Jy$ PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 41 RL'Q MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Rug Factory, U21 Leaven. Tel. 2068. -644 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. MOSHER S H.. Touch T.W., Bus. Branches. Teleg. Cat, free. Om. Com. Col., 17 A Doug. A. C. VAN SANT'B school. 717 N. Y. Life. 647 NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 648 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 649 STORAGE. OM. Van. Stor. Co.. 16114 Farn. Tels. 1559-862. '' -660 TICKET .BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. II. Phllbln, 154 Farnam. 'Phone 784. -1153 TRCNKS AND BAGGAGE. THE DEPOT en time, . L. M. E. TeL 7S. -634 UPHOLSTERING. PETERSON A LUNDBERO, US 8. 17th. Tel. L-2358. 636 GATE CITY Upholstering Co.. woven wire spring tightened. Tel. B-2075. 1708 8L Mary a av. M168 FOSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any Urns;. Foreign mall for th week ending Jun U, 1903. will close (PROMPTLY In all casea) at th general postofflce a follow: Par eel - fioai malia clone one hour earlier than clos ng Urn ahown below. Parcels-post mail fur Germany close at I p. m. Wednesday. Regular and supplementary mails clos at Foreign Station half hour later than closing time shown below (except that supplement ary malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, oloa on hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Malls. SATURDAY At 4:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. s. Lucama. via uuKiutovn: at J a. m. for ITALY direct, jyer s. s. Weimar tmu must Lie aireciea ' per s. s. VN el "tier mar"); at 8 a. m. for BELGIUM direct per s. s. e mand (mall must be dircti per s. s. Zseland"!: at ft:3u a. in. for SCOTLAND direct, per e. s. Ktu.opia (mall must be directed "per s. s. Ethiopia ); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Hekla (mall nuil be directed "per s. s. Hekla"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers and samples for Germany only. The aame class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be s-r.. t, tins ship unlas apeclallv directed ty It. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic malls named above addi tional supplementary mails are opened on the pier of th American, English. French and Oermsn steamers, and remain open until within ten minutes of ths hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for Stk and Central Amer ica. West Indies, Ete. SATURDAT At 7 a.m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per s. s. Rosalind; at 7:30 a. m. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Bellanock; st 8 10 a. m. (supplementary l.lo a. m ) fur PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENE ZUELA, ur s. s. PlilladelDhla (mall fur ISavanllla and Cartagena must be directed "per a. a. Philadelphia"); at 9:30 a. m. (auppiementary 10.30 a. m.) for FOH TI NE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SAVANILLA and CARTAGENA, per a. a. Alleghany (mail fur Costa Rica must be auecied "per a a. Allegtiany") at 9.30 a. m. up plemestary at I0u a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MART A. per a a Adirondack; at 9 30 a in. laupplnnentary 10 30 a. m.) for LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISL- POSTOFFICK NOTICE. ANI'S. BRITISH, DUTCH snd FRENCH til' IAN A, per s. s. Caribbe (mail lor Orenada and Trinidad must be Uii-evted "per a. s. Certbbee . at lv a. m. for XU-CATAN. per s. s. IsggTy; at IV a. ra. for CUBA, per s. Morro Csstle, via Havana; at 1..40 p. m. for CL liA. per s. a Curltyba. via Havana. I Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc, Ex ' eept TraapaclSe. CUBA By rail to Port Tampa, Fla.. and thence by steamer, closes at this ornre dally, except Thursday, at lo.H0 a. m. tths connecting malls close here on Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1 JU p. m. and U M p. m. Sunday at l.Ou p. ro. and 11 J p. m. NKWFUL'MiUND-Fy rail to North Syd ney, and thence by at earner, closes at this office daily at .3u . m. (connecting mans close here every Monday, Wednesday and Kalurriay; JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this office hi 4.30 p. m. every Tuesday and Thursday. MiQUELON By rail to Boston and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally at tELII?E,npUEHTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleana. and thence by steamer, closes at tills office dally, except Hunday. at It 30 p. m. and U:lu p. m., Sundays at l:uu V. m. and $1130 p. m. (connecting mall close her Mondays at $11.30 p. m.) COSTA RICA By mull to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, cloaes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. end Jll 30 p. m., Sunday at 1:00 p m. and 11180 p. m. (connecting mall closes her Tuesdays at 111:30 p. m.) I P.EQISTEP.ED MAIL close at : p. m. previous day. Tranapaeifie Mall. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, closs here dally at 6:10 p. m. up to June nih. Inclusive, for des patch per s. s. Empress of Japan. Mer chandise for V. 8. Postal Agency at bhanghal cannot be forwarded via Can- CHINA and JAPAN, via 8eatUe, close Ler dally at 6:3o p. m. up to June llotii, in clusive. iur uesnaicn xer a. s. nvti m HAWAII. CHINA, JAPAN and PHILIP- PINE ISLANDS, via Han Franc, sco, closs here dally at 6 1 p. m. up to June IHta, inclusive, iui ut39a.(;ii yvr e. a. jvorea. VLADIVOSTOK, via Seattle, close her dally at :30 p. m. up to June 116th, in clusive, for despatch per a. s. Pleiades CHINA and JAPAN, via Taooma. close nere oauy it o:jv p. m. up to June Aith, Inclusive, for despatch Dtr s. s. Vlciri NEW ZEALANL' 4U8TRALIA (except West). MSW CAL.EDON1A. FIJI, SAMOA and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. after May 3oth and up to June I'.vth. inclusive, for dea patch per s. s. Sierra. (If the Cunurd steamer carrying the British mail for New Zealand ooea not Arrive In time to con nect with this despatch, extra mails closing at 6:30 a. rn , 9:30 a. m. and 6 30 p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m.. 9 . m. and 6:30 p. m. will be made up ano forwarded until the arrival c tha Cunard II f sAt m aT 1 AUSTRALIA (except West). FIJI IHlj. AN lib ana im.v .Aii!.iju,-iiA, (Hp, dally addressed only) via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here dally at 6:30 t. m. ud to June l-th, inclualve. for rt... patch per s. s. Moana. HAWAII, JAPAN and CHINA, and spe cially aaureseea . man iur in rniLiy. PINE ISLANDS, via 8a n Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to June 22d. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Gaelic. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close nere oan; Jit s:j p. ni. up to June lJbth, Inclusive, (or despatch per U. H TransDort. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via Ban rTancisco. cioee nere aany at 6:30 p. m. up to July $5th, inclusive, for des patch per s. s. Mariposa. Note Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via Eurnne-. tinri New Zealand and Philippines via San Fran cisco the quickest routes. Philippines spe cially addressed 'via Canada" or "via Eu rope must do ruiiy prepaia at tne foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Fran cisco exclusively. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dully and the schedule of closing Is nrrsnited on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. I Registered mall closes at 6 p. rn. previ ous day. ' CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postofflce, New York, N. Y., June 6, 1901 GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE OF CONSTRUCTING QUAR termaster, 621 Dooly Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. May 26, 1901. Sealed pro posals In triplicate will be received here until u a. r.i., standard time, June 16, latij. Mia men upeneu, iur ine construction or a Post Exchange and Gymnasium Bulldlnar. including plumbing, gas piping, heating and electrlo wiring, at Fort Douglas, Utah. Bidders will state in their bids the time In which they will complete the work. Full Information and blank forms of nriinnmln furnished on application to this office. Plans and specincations may be seen here. United Slates reserves the right to acoept or re ject any cr all proposals, or any part therof. Envelopes containing proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for public Build ings," and addressed to Captain Samuel V. Ham, Quartermaster. M26-d4t-J13-15M PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Fort Meade, S. D., May 26, 19ui Sealed pro posala In triplicate will be received until 11 a. m.. June 16. 1903, for constructing addi tion to Hospital here. Information furniahed upon application. Reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals to be marked "Proposals fur hospital ad- oiuon, auurenaeu v. a. vogue, capt. May 26-4t-J-12-l$ FORT RILEY, KAN., MAY 20, 19u3 Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be re ceived here until 12 o'clock, noon, June 16 103, for constructing one double Cavalry Barracks, four Cavalry Stables, four Artil lery workshops, four double Cavalry fltahia Ouard buildings and altering Mess Hall for Post Exchange and Gymnasium, to Include Plumbing, Heating and Electric wiring where applicable. Also for an Electrlo Lighting System for the post. Informn. tlon furnished upon application here, .also at umces ot uepoi quartermasters, Chi cago. 111.. St. Louis. Mo.. Omaha. Neb. anil Denver, Colo. Biddera will atate In bids the time in which they will complete th work ss time will form an important con sideration In the award. Right reserved to accept or reject any or all bids or nny part thereof. Envelopes to be endorsed 'Proposals for construllon of Public Build ings, eta, aaaressea u. u. iress, u. M . M23-25-24-27 J13-14 CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Neb., June S. 1903 Sealed propos als, in trlnlkate. subject to the usual con. dltlons. will be received here and by the qusrtermaster, jenrerson Harracka, Mo., until 10 a. m.. central standard time, July 8, 1903. for installing shower baths in band barracks and guard nnuse and making nec essarv sewer connections therefor, at Jef ferson Barracks, Mo. Full Information furnished on application to this office, m V. .r. nlan anil anactflra tlnns mnv h. ...... or to the quartermaster, Jefferson Bar racks Proposals to be marked "Proposals I'm . i ... . V .T rmi vW jno W fuumin, cnier quartermaster. JU-12-13-15-Jy.8y7M PROPOSAL8 FR CONSTRUCTION Fort Meade, 8. D.. May 76, 1903 Sealed pro- w.r.m,,'! m In IrlnHp.l. will k. . I . 1. .. a. m., June 15, 1M8 for constructing Post I.' r. .1 nvmnn-lum V. T I -- - uric, informa tion furnished upon application. Reserves "iui i i i i any r an propos sis. or sny part thereof. Envelopes eon mining ,i wr m vii im inarHeii rmnoia .. I .... 1 ..... . .... . n ,1 . . , ' j.-vnnn.n biiv, 7 iiuinaium a r.d . Msy M-lt-J-12-13 LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE. Sealed bids will lie received at tha office of Secretary of Bute ud until 12 o'rineir noon on the d day of June. 1903. for the erection ot two cynendrlck nre escapee at th Asylum, aa per plans an! speclticatlons on file In the office of Secre tary of State. The Board reserves the right to reject any situ an mu. GEO. W. MAPSH. J-13-d-10-t Secretary of Board I AILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION I OTH AND HAhCf Union Pacific. Leave, a 9:40 am Arrive. Overland Limited. a 7:6o pm a 3:25 pm The r'at Mall California Express a 4:20 pm pacific. ExprtM all. Jo pm Eeslern i-iprexs.. ....... a 5 30 pin The Atlantic Express. The Colorado Hpecjal. a jo a a 7:10 am a T:4o am Chicago special Lincoln. Lieatnce and Stroinsbuig Express, b 4:00 pm North Platte Ioral a t am Grand Island Local.,.. .b $:S0 pro Wakasb. St. Lculx HJaiinon Ball . a .-.f aiu bll:60 pm a 6:15 pui b : am Express a 6:65 pm a t JO am St. I-nuu Lotal, Coun- 1 cil Bluffs , a am alJ 30 pm pilLWAY TI"K fRI 4 ouilnaed. Chicago, Rrk telaad A Paelllp. EAST. Leave Arrive Chicago Daylight L t d a .- am a 4. e.-i Chicago la light Local a 7 'O am a $:., pn Chicago Kxire-s bll 1 o m a p i Ds Moines Kxpres a pm bll wia , Chicago Fast Lxire-v a 6. He pm a 1.26 p WEST. Rocky Mountain ll d .a 6:59 pm a 4:.L6 a r. Lincoln, Colo.. Springy lienvef, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 5:"0 pm Colo., Texas Cal. and Oklahoma Flyer. ..j.. .a 6:10 pm al2 40 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Kxpress a 7:3$ am 1:11 pm Chicago. Mlnneapnlla A St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a $.06 am Minneapolis A St. Paul Express o ?: am bW:31 pm Chlcigo Local , 10:36 am Chicago Express alO Ji am thlca A Nonhwealern. "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago a 3:Ki i m r. T ho am Mail a 8:0 j pm a III m ri ivocsl Sioux City a 6.10 an. a 8.3-1 pm Daylight St. Pau. a 7:J6 am alu.2. p u Daylight Chicago ...a 6.00 am ail. pi pm Local Chicago all. Mam a phi Local cedar Kuplds.... 6:10 pm Limited Chicago m h.lj pm a S V am Local Carroll pm a "50 a n Fast Chicago a 6:6 pm a :4o pm Fast SL Paul a 6:10 pm lb am Faat .Mali a 2:40 pm ,oc Sioux City b 4:00 nm b ):. im Norfolk A Bonesteel...a 7:16 am ' a'':3i am Lincoln A Long Plne...b 7:16 am Llu:i6 am ( hlrim, Wllnkc A l. Paul. Chicago Daylight a 7:46 am all:U pm Chicago Fust Express. . a 6:46 pm a 8:4o pm Chicago Limited a 106 pm a I o0 am DM Moines express.... i.ia am a 4:40 pm .Missouri I'arlne. EL Louis Express. ..,...a!0:0 am a $.26 pm K. C 4k St. L. Ex.. a lo.oo pm a k.l am WEBSTER DEPOT 10TH A WEBSTER. Chicago A Northwestern, Nebraska nad Wyoalnc Division. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Deadwood. Lead. Hot Birinc....a 1:00 pm a 6.-00 pm Wyoming Cusper and Dougla d 3:00 pm 8:00 om Hastings. York, Uavld City, superior, ueneva, Exeter and Seward... b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Chicago, St. Paal, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City Passenger. ..a 6:30 am a 9 10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. a l:oo pm all:.0 am Oakland Loca. b s.4 pro b .5 am Mlaaouri Paclflc. Nebraska local. Via Weeping Water D :n pm a!0:B6 am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, d Daily except oaturday. e Daily except Moniy. BIHLINGTON STAT ION 10TH A 91 A SON rllaaTton A Mlssonrt Hlvar. Leave. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln .... a am bl2:06 pm Nebraska Express a 8:50 am a 7:4a pm Denver Limited a 4.10 pm a 6:4j am Black urns and rugei Sound Exoress., all :M lira a 3:10 om Colorado Vestlbuled Flyer a l:0 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b t:6l pm a S:vS am Fort Crook and Platts- . mouth ,..-.b 3:20 pm bl0:36 am Rellevue A Pacific Jet.. a 7:50 pm a 1:27 am Bellevu A Pacific Jet. .a 1:50 am Ckleass. HnrliagtOH A tAulary. - Chicaro Boeclal a 7 KM am a 1:66 Dm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:oo pm a 7.4 am Chicago Local a 1:18 am all:00p.n Chicago limited a 8:0 j em a 7:4, Fast Man A 1:40 pin Jepb .A Ceeacll ..a t:U am. a 6:01 nm Kansas City, St. BluSTk. Kansas City Day Ex. St. Louis Flyer ..a 6:10 pm all:Oo am Kansaa City Night Ex .alO.80 pm a 6:15 am STEAMSHIPS. ANCUOK UM V. a. MAI1 sTEAMSHlr MSW TljlRJL LOjtDONUXKRT AKD GLASOOW, NEW YORK. OIBRALTA AND MAPUU. opener econmo4atles. Excellent Calio, Tk Ceailoit of Pimiira Canfally Cea(4m4. Slugl r Rouo4 Trip TIckMt lu4 batveen New fore 4 Scout, gDllilb, Irish so4 all principal oatiunul ( alula t nurMtlM eaUa. SaaS tar itaok af Teura. ur tlck.ui or lauorsl Inioraiauaa apoiy le aa local agtni or tne Anesor ii or i HKNUICRBON biho.. oan I Atcauk uiins. HURRY UP WITH YOUR TAXES Treasnrer Kenning Anaonnee ka, All Bill Will Draw latter. , i- ' ... ut Jaly Flrat. ' City Treasurer Hennlnga while plesscd with th Inflow of personal taxe U not satisfied with the liquidation of the bills due on municipal real estate. : During May, money from both the personal and real estate taxes was paid in more rapidly than In any previous year, but Blrfce June began there ha been a falling off In the latter. Treasurer Hennings account for this by the theory that many property owners are holding back until the last moment lit order to have the use of the cash. After July 1 all taxes are delinquent and' draw Interest at the rata of 1 per cent a month. Mr. Hennlnga pointed out ' yesterday that if many taxpayers refrain until the last few days of the month It will flood the office with work, so that all ' receipt cannot be Written ontn after JOly begins. Taxes for which receipt are written after June $0 will be considered" delin quent," said Treasurer Hcnnlngs. "A check mailed so that ir does not reach me until July 1 will be considered too late and on all such payments the Interest rate will be applied. I wsnt thls thoroughly under stood so that 'property owner can gel In riy ahd avoid the possibility - of having to pay Interest. Th treasurer's office ha announced a call for school fund warrant No. 1 to 680 Inclusive. They will ceasa bearing Interest June 17. The amount Involved is some thing Ilk $125,000. A Trip t Atlaatle Seaaker Baorra Is a delightful outing at ' any season. Through tickets are sold at your railroad station, routed via tha Lehigh Valley rail road. America's great doubl track sccrJo highway. Send 2-eent stamp to General Psssenger Department. Lehigh Valley Railroad, New York, for booklet on Atlantlo City. CARMEN SIGN AN AGREEMENT rate Pacific Employee Get Advance and Contract for Two Years Daratloa. The fnlnn Pacific and it carmen, after a aerie of conferences lasting several days. have signed up an agreement, which with the exception of a 10 per cent increase In wsgeg Is counterpart of the old agree ment Introduced one year ago. The new compact Is to be effective for two year. - The pipemen and boiler woodworkers Are now in conference with Superintendent McKeen of the motive power department. One year ago, when tha machinists, blseksmiths and bollermakers went on strike, the carmen became dissatisfied with certain conditions and made known their grievances to the company, with the result that they were adjusted and the men re turned to work on what waa termed a pre mium basis contract, good for one year. On the expiration of this contract th car. men and th officials took up matters and arrived at new term which are highly satisfactory to the men. The 4-annen have been on no strike and their conferences all have been amicable. Piecework ha not been an issue. The men, representing th carmen from the entire system, met the officials in the conferences:- I. N. Chapelle, chairman of the committee, Kansas City; F. A. Jack, secretary, Omaha; K. W. Teepl. Council Bluffs; L. W. DeWitt. Denver; E. F. Murphy, Grand Island; John Baker, North Platte; I. N. Hanson, Cheyenne; R. S. Christie, Omaha. In I taaa Alaur. N iber pills on sartfe ess equal Dr. KlhC N Life Pills for stomach, liver r.d kidneys. No cur, ne pay. tie. For sal by Kuba A Co.