TOE OMAHA DAILY BEE SATURDAY, JUNE 13. 1003. 10 n ?! i! COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Grain Transactlcni Inflaa eel bj Weather on flxrd of Trad. BROKERS CXPCT HEAVY WHEAT CROP Prlcea rail Slightly, ( orn I nehaatred, Oat I p aad Provisions AVeat Oae Ca Beiter at V ! Close. CHICAGO. June 12. There wu only a moderate trad In wheat today and the tendency wsa tmvnrd lower prices, Juiy cloning M'Uc lower. July corn wi un changed but una wore lc higher wu.i B'ptpmber p;ovlslcms from a shade to lc higher. ilie general imprest Ion among wheat tradera wai to the en t that the crop would be a heavy one In R;)lte of tha post seemingly unfa v. jr.. In weather and inU had a depressing Im.ucnce o i prlcea which ruled enaler the entire day. I-arge ArRen tina shipments, 1 liver nl receipts and disap pointing cable caused an easier tone at tha atart and July was u rhade to 'Vb-'sc lower, at 75c to 7ic. and with consldcr able liquidation by local longs the market continued on the clown grade the early Eart of the session, July going to 'ibltc atrr a fair demand developed of a bullish character of a modern mlller'a crop re port and the market became firmer with part of the Iojs regained. The report of tha first new wheat being received at Nashville was somewhat of a factor late In the day. Closing prices were ateady with July Vt'ff'Hie lower, at 7ic. Clcarnn cea of wheat ond flour were equal to 222, t bu. Primary recelpta were 302,800 bu., against 327,?no bu. a year ago. Bradstreet's exports of wheat and flour for the week were equal to 4.191.000 bu. Minneapolis ervl Dilluth reported receipts of 281 cats, which with local receipts of JO cars none r.f contract grade made total recelpta for the three points of 301 cars, against 306 cars Inst week and 245 cara a year ago. Improved weather caused an easier tone In corn the first part of the day but a good demand from commission houses and lonl tradera tended to uphold prices. In spite of the better weather a good many unfavorable crop advlcea came In and stimulated the buying. Trading en the whole was rather light. The close was steadv with July unchanged, at 4Hc, after selling between KtUc and 48V. Local recelpta were 427 cars, with 21 of contract grade. Oata for July delivery ngaln exhibited a decidedly bullish tendency as the result of urgent covering by sho'ts Inspired by the scarcity of cash supplies ana by the spring demand from the east where stocks are reported very low. The early market was easier In sympathy with the weak ness In wheat, but prices quickly advanced under the ircod demand and ruled atrong for the nearby delivery, while other months were ateady. After sel'lng between 364c and 37c, Ju'y closed lo higher at 38c. Local receliits were 1B2 cars. Trading In provisions was smnll. but the market was firm the late strength In the hog market being responsible for the better leenng. packers were good buyers of lard and ribs and local traders were also In clined to the buying. The selling was scat tered with offeiinga amnll. September pork closed 10c higher, at $10.90; September lard was a shade higher, at $8.97Vb. ribs at Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, pi cars; corn, a.u cara; oata, lio cars; hogs, 14.000 head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Arllcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.Yea'y. Wheat a July b July a Bept. b Sept July Sept. Deo. eot July Sept. Dec, Sept. Sept Sept. 7VK T3W73 72H'aJ! 4NUriH 47V4iH 46 I S674ftT7 3Vrt4 a 17 12 lit au I S7H 87V4j Si 72l73 72H!72tti&fr 72W, 7G toWS1 75 7oV 73 72S! 7SS 76 7SHl75frl 7'J54'7274i73 ...I 4S 48ttiSt 47i 6Vi 83 17 15 It 2H 8 87h 7H so I 4K4I 481 481 4S1, 47H!4"HrH '47f' 46 S6 S3 83 17 10 16 80 8 82 8 97 i t S2J4 4CHI 33 17 15 1 to 8 87H 8 87 9 271 46 37 83 17 02 IB SO 8 85 ' 8 97V4 35 9 27 No. i. a old. b new. The cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Market steady: winter patents. 13.6043.70; straights, $3.203.50; spring pat ents 84.00(.10; straights, $3.4008.70; bakers, 90. IV.W. WHEAT No. 8 spring. 7879c; No. spring. 7&&78c; No. 2 red. 750760. CORN-No, I. 48e: No.-8 yellow. 4Sc. OAT8-N0. J, 88c; No. 8 white, 39c; No. White, 38tfj38c. RYE-rNo. I. 60c. B A RLEY Good feeding, 4648c; fair to cnotce malting, bOhmc. SEEDS No. 1 flax, 81.10: No. 1 north western, fl.izvt; pnma timothy, 13.75; clover, contract grade. 811.604711.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., tl7.00 ffl7.13H. Lard, per 100 lbs., 8.0(182H. Short ribs sides (loose), $9.20fr9.35. pry nalted shoulders (boxedt. Short clear Bides (boxed), l.'-'ViQ75. Following are tha recelpta and shipments 01 nour ana grain yeatnraay: Recelpta. Shipment Flour, bbla 14. 2t,4'W Wheat, bu 20,400 lll.nro Corn, bu 273.100 54.fno Oats, bu 3OS.800 407.300 Rye, bu 1,800 6. WW Barley, bu 47,300 9)0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was weak; creameries. lbuttlSc dallies, lbttQlSHo. Eggs, steady, at mark, cases included. Uduic. Cheese, steady, AKW YORK GKXERAL MAKK.DT. Ing at T and futures at 57 5a. Locally, copper wae dull and nominally unchanged at flt.frUH.TI for lake and electrolytic nd 14. for casting. I-ead was uncnangea at 4.116s In Ixindon and at 4.Ti4 locally. Spelter was ur changed st 20 If In lxn don. btit here was nominally quoted at Ki. Iron closed at 12a M In Olaagow, ana at 4;s 7d In Mlildleaboro. lxwany iron was quiet and nomlnsl. Northern foundry No. is quoted at ii "mi Ji.uu; no. t inun'ir; northern at 19.uV'19 M; No. 1 foundry southern and No 1 foundry southern sdM at $19.6043 20. U0. stock, per lb.. per OMAHA WHOI.EIALII MARKET. Coadlttoa Trafla and aaota4loaia am Staple Baal Kaaey Prslaee. EOO-Fresh stock, losa off. 12V4c L1VK POULTRY Hens, 7orUWc; spring chickens, per lb., 20c; roosters, according to age. 4i?6c; turkoys, 131 6c; ducks, 'i'utc; geese. fc'iiTc. BUTTBH faoRlng stocg, ihc; cnoice dilry. In tubs, 16jjl7c; separator, 21T22c. FRESH FISH Fresh cauelit trout, vr; rlc.kerel, 9c; pike, 9c; perch, 6c; buffalo, 7c; luedrh. 11c: whlteflsh. 9c; salmon, 15c; haddock, 10c; codfish. 12c; redsnapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, rer lb., 26c; lobsters, green, per lb., 23c; btfllheads, 11c; catfish, 14c; black bars, 17i20c: halibut, 10c; shad roe, 4Cc per ptlr; rne shad, tl each; crapple, 12c; Mrrlng. te; perch, 0c; white bass, 10c; blue flns, 8c. R!! AN Per ton. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale toilers1 nssociatlon' Choice No. 1 uplnnd, $10; No. 2. $9.60; medium, 9; coarse, $8 60. Rye straw, $7- These prices are for hay of good cnlcr and quality. Demand fair and receipts ngnt. (,'OJtN 46c. OAT-a.Sc. RYE No. 2, 60e. VEGETABLES. OLD 1-OTATOES Northern bu., 80ff86c; natives, 36 40c. NEW POTATOES (Southern. PARSLEY Per do. bunches, 30c, PAKHrtlPB Per bu., 40c. Cl'CL'MBERS Hothouse, per doi, 75c SPINACH Home grown, per bu. basket, 40c. BEANS Wax, per bu. box, 82.60; string, per bu. box, $2.60, CAUHAUt; New calirornia, per id., sc. TOMATOES New Florida, per 6-basket orate, $3.26. RHL BARB Per lb., lc. KT A I V ItL'lVU 1 ) V. . . M Et ONIONS New California dry onions, per lb., 2o; Texas, per lb., 2c. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Missouri and home grown, per 2t-quurt case. $.60. tHbKKibS- alirornla. white ana DiacK, per 10-1 b. box. $2. (.'AiTAlAJL,PliFlorlda. Der crate. I3.MXJ .w. APPLES Ben Day la, per bbl., 8450. TKOPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California. Der 10-lb. cartons. 75c: luraisa, per is-lu. dox. lsc. ORAiNGS California navela, fancy, for l"t and smaller alsea, 94.UO: fur 160 and larger sizes, Ui.J: Mediterranean, all sires.; jarra, H.ZaJ.60; fancy, blood, per nan uux, z.uu. LEMONS California fancy, nil sizes. i.uu; Messinas, II. UO. DATE8 Persian. In 70-Ih. boxes. rxr lb.. 6c; per c.iwe 01 3u-lb. pkgs., $3.26. Florida. $3.26; Cuban, $3. M ISC ELL AN EOU8. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. POPCORN-Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4c. HlUEtl No. 1 rrnn. ii4o: No. 2 invm. 6c; No. 1 suited, J 14c; No. 2 salted, (fee; N... 1 1,..! ....) o . ,. 10 Ik. 1 .. , VI veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., tfoc: ary salted hides. MzUc: sheet) Delta. zuaTibo: horse- hid ts, XI. 00412.60. NUTS Wainuta. No. 1 soft shell, ner lb.. isc: naru sneu, per 10., ic: 1x0. 3 sort aneu, per lb., loo; No. 3 hard ahell, per lb., 12c; tfraslla. per lb.. 12c: tiiberta. Der lb.. 12c: almonds, soft snail, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per. lb., loo; pecans, large, per lb., 12Mc; email, per lb., lie; cocoanuta, par dox., 61c; cnesuiuia, per id., iuc; peanuts, per lb 6o; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., kl.eU. OLD METAL. ETC. A. B. Alnlrn ouotea me ionowing prices: Iron, country mixed per ton, Uu; Iron, stove plate, per ton. &; oopper, per lb., Bc; brass, heavy, per lb.. sc; crass, ngnt, per id., 64C; leaa, per id., c; sine, per id., xfcc higher. Amor leans opened flrmef on good buying for bear covering, eased sngniiy. recovered and closed llrm. Canadians Im proved. The Kaffir section was the most active, nearly aeroooy neing a ouyer. int amall failure, that of F. H. Glover, was announced. ine amount or ouinon taken Into tha Bank of England on balance w as 17,000. AR1S, June 1L prlcea on tha bourse today opened Arm, but buslnesa waa alack and stocks closed rather weak. Three per cent rentes, Kf SHpfg for tho account. Ex change on London, 2t IRo for checks. 11KKI.IN, June 1. i'nees on me nourse were firm tMlay. Canadian Pacincs ad vanced. Exchange on London, 2om 43pfg for checks. Discount rate on short bills. 8'i per cent; three months' bills, t per cent. St. Lamia Ormla aad ProTialaata. ST. LOUIS. June 12. WHEAT Lower: No. 2 red, cash, elevator, nominal; track. 77c; July, .7c; September, 72c; No. hard, nominal. CORN weak : No. 2 cash, nominal: track. uc; July, 4c; September. 4014c. OATS Strong; No. 2 cash, nominal; track, white, 60&66c; July, Slhic; September, 33Vic; xno. 1 wnue, nominal. RYE Nominally 49c. FLOUR Steady; winter patents. $3,509 1.90; extra fancy and atralght. H SEED Timothy, nominal, 2.00y2.2o. CORNMEAL Bleady. $2.70. BRAN Nothing done for shipment be eniifl nf flnnil. HAY-Dull and strong; timothy, $12,009 28. ou; prairie. 111.000 14.00. COTTON TIES Iron. 81.06. BAGGlNQ-tttc. TWINE HemD. 6c PROVISIONS Pork, firm; jobbing, stand ard mass, $17.45. Lard, unchanged at W 4j. Bacon, ateady; boxed, extra snorts, iu clear ribs. $10.25: short clear. 310.37H. METaLU lead, dull, $4.12Vitf4.15. Spelter, dull. K.6O-i6.60. POULTRY Firmer; chickens, 10Hc springs, 180; turkeys, 19o; ducks, 7c; geeae, 364c. BUTTER Higher; creamery, 1835c dairy, I4lbc. EGGS Firm. 15c: loss off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla 1,000 Wheat, bu 2.000 Corn, bu 25.000 Oata, bu 5,000 4,00$ Philadelphia Irodare Market. PHILADELPHIA, June 12. BUTTER Easier; extra western creamery, 2223c extra creimery. nearby prints. 24c. EGGS Firm and good demand; fresh nearby and western. 18c, los.i oft; south' western. 17c. loss off. CHEESE Quiet but steady : New York full creams, choice, new, llwllHc: New York full creams, fair to good, lOgic. douhtedly Increase In Importance with the addition to the number of those thus situated. WK KKI.T BAftfC. CXKARtlfOA. Iiaiaarr af Baalaia Traaaaataal fcy the Associate Baafca, NEW YORK. June 11-Th foUowIng table, complied by Bradsireet, shows the bank clearings at the principal cities for the week ending June 11, with the percent age of Increase and decrease aa compared with the corresponding week last year: ' O.aotatloaa t tha Day aa Varloaa Commodities. NEW YORK, June 12 FLOUR Re- re. pta, $2,176 bbla.: exports. 90. OS bbio.; firm at o.d prlcea: winter palenta. 3.76a-4.M: win ter straights, ;3.1t3.2; Minnesota patents. rt.zwut.Du; extras, u.mxu.iv: Minna- sola bakers , :a.3ji$ 66; Inter low grades, ll.Mtl.W. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, e-'.novu .so; ciKnce 10 lancy, )..;, ti.ou. CORNMEAL Steady; yellow western. 1 i; city, i.i; 11 nnaywino, nominal. niiu .asy; inu. . vv.jtern. usc, r. o. D., allimt; state, tH.y,i I'j c. I. f., New York liAKUSl Quiet; mull Ids, 6lHt56c; feed ins. nc, c. 1. 1., lul.. :. WHEAT Receipt., 8 175 bu. : exports. 1.178 bu. Spot quiet. No. 2 red. 64c. ele vator; No. 2 red, f c. f. o. b. aflott; No. 1 northern Duluth. ,c f. o. b. nlloot; No. 1 hard Manitoba, i5',c f. o. b. arioat. Op tions were generally weak nil dv excrpt for a brief noon nlly on strength In the northwest and a bullish "modern mlller'a" report. Fine crop weather, easier cablea, liquidation and a light export trade 00- castored much of tho depression. The close waa easy at tic net decline. July, SlStjKmc, cloaed SI 6-K.e: September, TlH 774c. closed 77c; December, 77H5j78c, closed TJc. CORN Receipts 1W .050 bu.; exports. 81 -8H3 bu.; salea. 14.00 bu. : fuUirea. 24.000 spot. Sp4Jt steady; No. 2 57c elevator, and 5tc f. o. b. afloat: To. 2 yellow, 6Hc; No. 2 white, WV4C. Optlcn market was fairly well sustained on covering, adverse crop news and firmer cables, closing onchanKedT July, WHvh&oc clood 564c: Seitemher. 54 1-HV&64-V- Cloaed We; December, biU 54c, cloaed 63c OATS Recolpts. 108,100 bu. ; er-oria I V bu.; snot flrra; standard white, 4ic; K'o. K ; No. 2 white. 44c; No. 3 whl'e. 4314,.; track while. 4Hrt46c. Options higher west ana nun nera. HAY Firm; frsSc: rood to ""i n i-acino coast, isui ctod ISUijsi.; itolSu; olds, frtflOo. HIDES Frm; Galveston, K to 28 lbs 18c; Callforniu, 21 to 25 lb.. 19c; Texaa dry" 14 tn SO 11.. 14c. l.KATH KR Firm; acid. UQIbia. RICK Firm; domaatlo, fair to axtra, 4'i ,lnn nominal. PROVI3ION8 Beef, quiet; family, HO. !?. n ins, $9.0090: beef ham., $iot ?1.00; city, extra India m, $i(HX(riPo Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies. IH 7610 rb-kied shouldera, $S 26US.M; pickled hams' $11 4(M .tin. Lard, dull: waatarn ataamed ft ir.: J una cloaed at 89.16, nomtnal; re llned. stdv; continent, $926; Bmh America, '9 85; compound, 87.6u4i4.00. Po k Ft--.,)-; family, 818 2fTl8.60: abort clrara.' $)S Oiwrl mesa, $1$.261.74. TALLOW Steady; city t$ par pkg ), 5c; country (vkga. free). iiHc IH'TTFIt-Reoelpta. 6.0"9 pkgs.! ateadv at 'cllne; attta dairy, 17021c; creamery, li-y western extras, JSfer; extra aeconda end nr"', lf'17c POl'LTRY Alive: Blow; western sprltg runner., tajtc: iowis, 10; turkeys, lli't.-o. Drcnaed: (Julet; western broilers, 2bt 27c; CHEi;";RlptB. I. OH pkxa.; firm: amati, c.iorea ana wnite, ioo; large, col ord 10". e; large, white. lOWo. METALS Spot tin. advanced in the Ixm'wn market, rloalng at ' r.. futures advanced lUt'S to lU2sCd. The gains abroad were reflected In a firmer market her, and spot closed at $2S.M so. Copper declined, 7 64 In London, spot eloa- Llverpoal Grata aad ProTlaloaa. LrVERPOOL, June 12. WHEAT Spot, steady; No. S red western, winter, 6s 4d; No. 1 northern, spring, 6s 7d; No. 1 Cali fornia. a ad. Futures, quiet; July, CS4d; Sent em be-, 6a CORN Spot. American mixed, new, firm st 5a Id: old, eaav at 6s lVtd. Futures, quiet; June, nominal; July, 4a 7Vid; September, 4 6d. Hlinentolli Wheat. Floor aaal Braa. MINNEAPOLIS. June ' 12. WHEAT Cash. 7Vc; July. T8,c; September, 71V TlSc: on tracK. o. 1 nara, soc; 10. 1 northern. 79c. j FUOl'K riest patents, .xwq.v; secona patents, fi OC.U; first clears, $3.10i)3.2ti; second clears. $2.30i2.40. BRAN In bulk. $l4.uo14.2S. NEW YORK STOCKS A7ID BONDS. Active BaylaaT Contlaaea, that rrlces Still Coallaa to Soar. NEW YORK. June 12. There was a con tinuance today of the active buying which developed so suddenly yesterday morning, ana prices were carried to a substantially higher level throughout the list on deal ings of over 1,000,000 shares. The market closed active and Arm at near the top level, profit-taking on the considerable rise making an lnsignincant impression on prices. The large demand this morning for stocks was fed freely, and the active trading of the first hour was within a fractional range of fluctuations after the opening advancea. The confidence with which these offerings were absorbed en couraged renewed buying. The demand showed signs of being satisfied at times during the day, and there were lulls In the activity of the market with fractional recessions In prices, but no Important pres sure to sell developed at nny time during tha day and the bulls had the situation completely In hand. A considerable part of the demand came from the short Intereet which had failed to cover yesterday In the hope of a reaction from the first rebound, or which had put out fresh lines to con test the recovery. There was some cover ing of short lines of older standing, as well, which were rut out earlier in the stock market reaction, and which have remained uncovered through the occasional rallies. This demand and some buying of belated Investors, which was significant of the cooling of confidence with the turn in the market. Is something more than tem porary. There has been a recognised waiting in vestment demand which has held bach from buying on the principle that so long as the market was going down they might get stocks cheaper. Thursday's sudden re bound deprived this element of Its oppor tunity to buy stocks near the lowest, but there seems to have been so-"e buying of this character today. Thor waa evidence also of some new speculative ventures on the long side and of renewed activity by organized pools In certain stocks. The dealings In Reading were on an extraordi nary scale and it was rushed up 4 points in the late dealings, helping materially to sustajn the late strength of the market. A Judicial decision nfllrmlng the right of the cool carrying companies to refuse to comply with certain demands for Informa tion by the Interstate Commerce commis sion was the nominal basis for the rise. Rumors were circulated also of a very strong showing of earnings for May to be shortly published. The Baltimore & Ohio way statement, showing more than two thirds of a handsome Increase in gross earnings preserved for the net earnings. made that stock and those affiliated with It prominent features of strength. The Pacifies and St. Paul were In large de mand and there was some disposition to attribute the strength of the Gould group to vague suggestions that the heavy accu mulation of Pennsylvania on tha decline had resulted In sufficient holdings to se cure representation in that company for the Gould interests. The forecast of the currency movement Indicated a sufficient balance of receipts from the Interior to offset the loss to the sub-treasury, and by gold exports and an additional yield and increase In the esh reserves of the banks of nearly $2,000,000. It Is hoped that the heavy liquidation early In the week will be reflected In a considerable loan con traction. Sterling exchange continued to recede, but sn additional engagement was made of gold to go to South America. Monday Is the first day upon which pay ments are to be made of the 60 per cent Installment of subscriptions to . the new Pennsylvania stock l" This will call for the payment of $15,000,000 on or before June 27. Large nortlnns will be paid In Europe and In Philadelphia, nnd It has been officially Intimated that the nroceeds will be used for renayment of the $40,000,000 1ot ikeT nn' hv Pennsylvania for six months last January. Bonds advanced In sympathy w'th sto-ks. Total sales, par value $2,835,000. United States 2s. coupon, declined H and the new 4s H ner cent on the Inst call. Following are the dotations on. the New York Stock exchse: . 1 . AtcbtaoD TO Texas a Pari He 29 o nl i I Toledo, at. Lu W. 114 Bal. a Ohio do ptd Caoaduo FaclCc... Canada 8s Cha. A Ohio C'Bteaso A Alton... do pfd Cblcaio a O. W... do iat pfd do Sd ptd Chicago a N. W Chicago Ter. & do pto C. C. C. A St. L Colorado 80 do lit pfd da 34 pfd Dol. A liudaoD... bol. L. A W.... Danvar A R. O.. do pfd , Erie do 1st pfd , do id p(d Croat Nor. pfd... Hockias Valla? ., do pfd Illlnoia Central . Iowa Central .... do pfd Lake Erie AW.. do pfd V. A N Manhattan L Met. St. R Mez. Central .... Max. National .. Minn. A St. L... Mo. Pacific M., K. A T do pfd N. .' t'ontral N. V. Central... j Norfolk A W.... no piu Ontario A W.... I'ennpylvanla .... Readme. do let pfd do M pfd It. L. A ft. P.... do 1st nfd do Sd pfd St. L. S. W do pfd 8'.. Pimi! do pfd Sn. Pacific 80. Railway do pfd CITIES. Amount J Ino. Deo. New York $l.!a2,im,735 23. Oj Chicago Iti9.6rt4.77ii 8.6 Boston 144.137.233 12.6 rhlladelphlA 10H.743 0M 6 4 St. liuls 41. 8S7.878 ...... 13.2 Pittsburg 62.912,3;$ 84.4 San Francisco 26,4U0.60O 11.2 Baltimore 26,817,720 16.1 Cincinnati 23.7&8.3O0 1.8 ...... Kansas City 14.7SO.7X2 40.0 Cleveland 15,877.111 1 Minneapolis 11.724.914j 6.6 New Orleans 15,86.r5 60.8 Detroit 10.4M.765 8.8 Lotilavlll 10.672.8SK 1.2 OMAHA 8,857,ti7 26.2 Milwaukee 7.X7,730 9.2 Providence 6.642.&00 4.9 Buffalo 6.800.882 9 J St. Paul 6.045,099 11.8 Indianapolis 7.22R.2O0 80.9 I.os Angeles 6.886.R30 18.8 St. Joseph 4.830.fi32 8 1 Denver 4.804.4M 6.7 Richmond 4.Kt6.87 18.4 Columbus 6.41W.10O 34 (I Seattle 2.9i7.323 1.2 Washington 4.5O8.307 12.6 Savannah 2.731.224 1.8 Memphis 4,S;4.87 44.2 Albany 4.4H4.W; 24.7 Salt Lake Cltv 2.0.754 4 1 Portland, Ore 3.294,o0 17.6 Toledo S.104,927 15 0 Fort Worth S.440.4S l.l Peoria 2.520.74K 28.7 Hartford 2.900.643 9.5 Rochester 6.9 Atlanta 2.613.000 11.9 Dob Moines 1,998.3X5 11.2 New Haven 2,005.743 1.9 Nashville 2,582.336 43.6 Spokane, Wash 2.1fi7,92fi 29.7 Grand Rapids 17.0 Bloux Cltv 1.502,S6fi 19.6 Springfield, Mass 1.607.448 8.9 Norfolk I.539.709 14.6 Dayton 1.674.476 2.8 Tacoma 1.R34.637 26.9 Worcester 1.524,027 11.9 Augusta. Ga 74,792 4.9 Portland, Me 1.491.8!'3 4 8 Scranton 1,69.279 20.6 Topeka 1.153.891 Syracuse 1.348.4K5 8,7 Evansvllle 91.45 6.7 Wilmington. Del I.lfi6.719 2.3 Birmingham 1,345.668 2.9 Davenport 84.759 13.2 Fall River 930.043 4.8 Little Rock 887.736 11.8 Knoxvllle 1.24,703 92.5 Macon 728.000 66.2 Wllkeabarre 887.106 43.0 Akron1 700.000 Springfield. Ill 732.506 88.8 Wheeling, W. Va 934.864 16.41 Wichita 784.637 66.4 Toungstown 728.576- 18.9 Helena 4714.714 44.1 Lexington 545.748 10.6 Chattanooga 756.837 40.7 Lowell 456.968 New Bedtord 65.068 7.4 Kalamaxoo 675.914 82.2 Fargo. N. D 648.610 8.2 Canton. 0 675.000 SI. 8 Jacksonville, Fla 417.031 4.7 Greensburg. Pa 64.082 Rockford. 111.: M9.136 17.4 Springfield. 0 877.220 20.8 Blnghamton 446.900 18.3 Chester, Pa 645.424 81.6 Bloomlngton, 111 816.926 11.6 Qulncy. Ill 841,405 6.2 Bloux Falls, 8. D 230.610 13.2 Mansfield. 0 224.418 Jacksonville. Ill 192.5271 1.0 Fremont, Neb 166.9691...... 7.7 JITttca 2.442.3691 IDecatur. Ill 266.4431 13.1 ...... Houston . , 10.208.6661 2.1 tOalveston 5.567.0HO Charleston, 8. C L066.8O7 Totals. tT. S $2,191,770.8171 J2.2 Outside New York... 829.669.0821 l.6...v. E.. Ha do pfd 1 1 Union Pacifta 126"4 do ptd U Wabaan do pfd JIW Wheeliiig A U Ml do 2d pfd It Wis. Central 74 do pfd S4 Adama Ex 171 American Ex Tr.. It- United States Ex.. . U Wella-rargo Ex.... . U Amal. Copper . 11 Amu. Car A P.... . do pfd . Z Amir. Lin. Oil 1724a do pfd .SSI American g. A R.. . 1014 do pfd . H' Anae. Mining Co... . U Brooklyn R. T . 3 Colo. Fuel A Iron.. . M Cooa. Oaa .170 Cont. Tobacco pfd.. . Oen. Electrle . 3- Hocking Coal .1944a inter. Paper . Il4 xdo pfd . 47 Inter. Power . U Laclede Uea .1(16 National Blacult .. .111(4 national Lead 44 . aa . US . 441 . 12 . 14 . SI . 43 .til .im .lie . HH . it A, . s . 11 . u .. 44 .. W ,. M .. la . aa ,.17 .112 ..ISO :: ii .. 41 .. 41 .. U ,. 4 14 .137 No. American IS hipping. Btvffssc- spring, 75 choice. $11.00a0. MIlTTtmkee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, June 12. WHEAT Mar ket steady; No 1 northern. 85c; No. 2 northern. 83684c; July, 76H75c. RYE-FIrm: No. 1. 53Ho. BARLEY Firm ; No. 2, 57358c; sample, 4&(Ij3c. CORN July, 48ic asked. Knaeaa City fir-la aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. June 12 WHEAT July, 6Ctbi67c; September. OIHVc. 1 rp '.iuv. t.-e: September. 42442'io EGGS Steady; Missouri snd Kansas. He dos., cases returned: new No. 2 whltewood cases included, ll(ftl?c. I'c-orln Market. PEORIA. June 12. CORN-Steady; No. 1 40V. No. 4. 464e. OATP-lrtn ; No. 2 white. 87c; No. 4 white, SOHc ' Toledo ) Market. TOLF.DO. June 1 SRED Clover, dull and firm; October. 8V67H- Prime timothy, $1.75. 1,0' "nek Market. LONDON. Jrr-- '. Closing quotttlons: Cennola. money do account., aaranda Atrhlenn do pfd.. l-ll ...11 (- 4 70 i Baltimore A Ohio... IT Canadian Parltr 1M rheaaprake Ohio.. 14 fhuao O. W C. M. A St. P.. re Beera Denver A It. O. em pfd Ena , do pfd da id pfd..... Illlnoia Caotral . luleTtlle A M . K. A T . It .114 . tl N. T. Central Ill Norfolk A Wartera.. tl II at 44 10 M 41 I 1 U II 11 at a 44 .121 Pacific Coaat . zi racino Mall . n People's Oaa , . M Preaaed 8. Car .104 do pfd...., . II Pullman P. Car.... . tl Republic Steal ..... .1T , do pfd .lit Suiar . 14 Tenn. Coal A Iron. . II Union Bag A P.... . 14' do pfd .114 V. 8. Leather . 44. xdo pfd . II V. 8. Rubber . 16 do pfd . 70 V. 8. Steel .. 74 , do pfd 12 Weatarn Union .... ,. II jAmer. Locomotive. . 3 do pfd ,.1M K. C. Southern.... ,.17T 1 do pfd .. 104 Rock Ieland .. I6i 4 pfd M II M 64 . II .107 . 16 7t .110 . 64 . It . 71 . . II . 14 .. 4T .. II .. 11 ,. I44 .. 1.1 .. 10 .. 6 .. 46 ,. S6 .. tl CANADA. Montreal Toronto Wlrjilpeg ,. HnUfax Ottawa Vancouver, B. C... Quebec Hamilton St. John, N. B...,. Victoria, B. C...... London . Total 1" 18.1 t.f 29.951.6841 lt.T89.649 081.389! 254.9841 i '2.338.738' - 1. 240.831 1.822.8361 1.198.t?2l 1,028.6081 ' 855.073' 27.8 27.4' .23.7 4.6 20.9 25.2 19.51 14.31... 19.11... .1$ 64.325.118 15.71 Balances paid In cash. INot Included In tntnls because of no comparison for last year. tNot Included In totals because con talnlng other Items than clearings. Wevr York Mtnfnar Qnotatlona. NEW YORK, June 12 The following ar the quotations on me new iur duk " change: . . 19 'Little Chief a , at xOntarlo 40 . le ophir l'O . 1 THhonti I . 7 Potoal 14 .1U Savage 17 .101 Diem Nevada K .las Small Hopes tl . $ tBtandard M A4in Con Alice Mr.'vca Brunawlck Cos.. I omslock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va. Horn Silver Iron Silver Lead villa Con... x Asked. on bond ar as IK LAN. unl. 4a 101 iMWjMex. Central 4a 77 10' I do la uic 14 107 xMlnn. A St. L 4a.. M i ,k., K. a V. 4a M do la to ..1U ,.1N ..111 ..lUi ..lul .. IB .. BO ..10J x Ex-dividend. The closing quotations follows: II. 8. ref. 2a. reg.. do coupon do Ua, reg do coupon do new 4a, rag.., ao coupon t.o uiu a, reg.... do coupvu do 6a, reg do coupon Atchlaou gen. 4a.... do adj. 4a xBal. a Ohio 4a... xdo la xdo eonv. 4a xCanada 80. 2a.... te.itrei of Ga. aa. . do la Ine Thee. A Ohio 4a. Chicago A A. Ia. C. B. A vl a. v... xC, M A Bt P g. 4a. 10 .Union Pacific xC. A N. W. c. 7a.. .1' do eoav. 4a C, R. I. A P. 4a. ...lot Wabaah la C O C a bt L g. 4a.. ki ,1 do la xChlcago Ter. 4a M I do deb. B Colorado Bo. 4a al xWrat Shore 4a.. Denver A at. O. 4a.. in) IX Wheel. A L. E. Erie prior Ilea 4a... II Wla. Central 4a.. to general 4a a too. Tobacco aa. xP. W. A D. C. la.. 104 .Colo. Fuel Hocking Val. 4V,a.....l x Bid. xx Offered. IN. T. C. gen. Ia..l0i N. 1. C. gen. la 131 No. Pacific 4a 101 do aa ,1 N. A W. coo. 4a IS Reading gen. 4a 17 8t. L. A 1. at. a. aa.lll . si. l.. a a. . aa. ... .100 st L. 8. w. la i .106' xxdo la Tl .16 xx8. A. A A. P. 4s.. 71 . 73 80. Pacific 4a IT .104 tM. Kailwav 6a l'.i . 10 Texaa A Pacific la.. .114 H.T , St. ! A W. 4a.. Tl ....lot .... 16 ....114 ....1U6 .... 74 ....110 . 4a. II .1.. K .... II .... 14 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bear Beoeiptj of Cattle and Steer. Sold Generally a Dime Lower. HOGS AVERAGED A SHADE LOWER Very Few Sheep, aaal Lanaas aa Sale, bat Aai-talasj at All Dcslraala Bold Freelr at rally Rtcaay Prlcea. Receipts were: Offlclal Monday.. SOUTH OMAHA, June IX Official Offlclal Official Official luesuay ...X.. Wednesday... Thursday Friday Caitie. 2,690 4.349 2.036 ll.MO , 4.800 tiogs. tthcep. 4.621 11.1 IX) 114 la.307 13,800 1.444 360 1.227 2.14M 4.331 rive dava thia week. 13.195 63.388 9.908 Same days last week.'...24,38 66.967 6,792 Sam week before 16.874 00,486 11,411 Same three weeks ago. .12,90 3o,ti3 13.086 Same four weeks ago...21,:6i Irl.iSS lt,676 Same days laat year 10,692 46,061 11,697 KnA.iklx-M 6 r OK i llK t.AR TO DATE. ilie lun-.'wuia lauie alio w a me receiuis ul cm 1 110, nog aiid sneep at buuin for ine year to uai unu compurisons wun laat year: ihm. e Iwi. luu. x,'c l-attl 441.4i)2 S41.0A3 M.Bli rtoga I,lu4,uw l,iw, 10 lul, ".so Sheep BitAdfi aib.BUB lo,lta AitiakS incw uuitl iu ii.. bh u . boutn Omaha lor Ui last several auja wuh voin-pansuns: Date. j 1903. 19o2.il9ul. 1900. 11699.11898. 1897. I 6 I2V.I 7 13 8 66 6 21 S 7 I 2 61 . k , J W. o 69 6 U a 4 2i I I lii 6 7H 6 20) 1 u, 4 ) e I k 27tb 1 s B U, e 4 31 a si , I 6 glYai 7 12 1 a lv im 4 al 6 I 111 t 73 MS o 1 i 24 I 7 l 6 6. 03 I 4 Mi s bi b ioa; 1 Uai B imi o Vb 3 62 a W Vhm, 1 0B 6 tl 6 Ul i 4 S3 6 04 j it all B 4 w 4 1 3 i i IM-hil 6 IKi I 4 991 8 6o 4 16 3 04 I 6 7-. 6 9i 6 60l I 3 bO 4 W 3 M I 6 7 V W 6 63 4 8o 4 0 84 I 6 i0 ? I, u b 4 9U J 60 I I bOTal 7 10 6 bbl 4 ao 3 . 4 10 I , 1 llj s 4 oJ 3 011 4 14 3 S3 6 931 I 6 lUI 4 881 3 OU 4 ill ' 6 07 I 7 07 4 65 3 M 12 1 8 ii b W 1 13i 6 "01 I 3 b 4 03 i 6 t 7 lii 5 71 4 83 4 1U 8 32 6 7b 7 211 S 0j 4 91 2 68 I 91 6 V75i, 7 loi 0 ill I li! 3 oi 4 01 7 la 75 4 96 8 67, 88 8 80 S 8 I a .81 6 Ui, 3 0 3 b. 31 00 1 7 III I 6 101 3 i 3 3 18 0UH 7 27 t 83 I 3 69 3 98 3 2 (ti.-l 7 3b I 911 6 001 ' I 3 801 8 31 I B 9f 1 Mi a b! 4 W 3 B7 I 8 31 Indicates Sunday. The official number of car of stock brought in today by each road was: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. & St. P. Ry 4 Wabaah 8 Missouri Pacific Ry 14 Union Pacific system... 36 V. At N. W. Ry 10 F.. E. & M. V. R. R 06 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry.. 83 B. & M. Ry 41 C, B. A y. Ry 8 K. C. as St. J C R. 1. & P. Ry.. east. 4 C, R. I. & U. Ry., west. 9 Illinois central 1 Total receipts 218 The disposition of the day's receipts was aa follows, eacn puer purcnasing uie num ber of head indicates it 2 16 21 21 1 14 36 13 1 34 14 1 U 4 .. 1 196 18 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep 1.751 2.241 2,744 3,249 1,436 1,408 408 4,166 438 pfd.... Ontario A Wenteni Pennaylvanla Rand Mlltrs Reading do let pfd do td pfd Southern Ry , da pfd 31 Southern Pacific.... a llnloa Pacific 131 da pfd ,t;. 8. Steel M do pfd lit Wabaah I'l , do pfd f ' BAR SILVER Firm at 244d par ounce. MONEY 2 per cent. The rate of dis count in the open market for both short and three-months' bills Is 2 1&-I6ujl per cent. Fore-Is a Ftaaaelal. LONDON. June 13 The demand for money wua somewhat Increased la th mar ket toduy. Discounts war., ens;'. Opera tor on the Stock exchange w.-ra cheerful, which was mainly attributable in th ab sence of Important failures and to ocoa Blonn' signs of public Interest, though the trading waa mostly professional. Consols war Arm on tht promise of easier money aa4 toai rail war mor actlv and Bnatoa fttaelc Ctaoiationa. BOSTON, June 12. Call loans, 3a4 per cent; time loans, 4-4io per cent. Offlclal cloving prices on storks r.nd bonds: Atchtaon 4s Ati-hieon da pfd tiomou a Albany... Bsetoa A ale N. T., N. H. A U.. 1 itebbura t.14. ....... In Ion Paella Max. Ceejiral American Sugar.... do pfd Amartraa T. A T... Dominion I. A 8.. Gen. Electric 11 as- Klecul do pfd t'nited Krult U. 8. 8teat do pfd Westlaga, Ooaaoa Advanture Alloaea . 90 Amelia mated . al BIllghalB . v& Caluinat A Hecla. ,Z!u jCenleanlal ..147 iCoitpar Range .... .14 I loiiilnlou Coat ... Ail yranklln . If lela Royala . II Mohawk . id iMBlnloa ..... .llieceola ..14Parrol ,. II luulocy ..IBB Paata Fa Copper.. . 17 Taaaarack .. ,. B4 Trlmeuulaia ..106 Trinity . II failed Statea ,. 11 t'tak .. Victoria ,. I Wlaooa .. a Wolverine .. 64 .. 17 ..471 .. W .. 64 .. at .. I .. T .. 44 .. 14 .. 64 .. 33 ..10 .. 1 ..11 .. IB .. .. II .. lo .. 4 .. .. 44 Cattoa Market. NEW ORLEANS. June 12. COTTON trirm- antes 825 bales. Ordinary. 191-16c: good ordinary, 10 l-16o; low middling. 110.10: middling:. 12 7 -16c: good middling, 12 15-ltie: middling fair. 13Sc, nominal. Re celpta. 1.816 bales: stock. 73,&&4 bales. Fu tures, steady; June, 13.14c, nominal; July, 13.84C; August, 13.0013.03c; September, 11.S2 tl 11.33c; October, 9.840J9.S6c; November, 8.5S ifrt59c; December, 9.5eij.B9c ; January, 9.60o l.M Secretary Hester's statement of the world'a visible an Dill v of cotton shows tnial vlalhle of 2.47U.880 bales, aaainst 2.763.- 999 balea last year, of which L3tl,880 la A maplfan. NEW YORK. June 12. COTTON Opened strone at an advance of 144238 Mints and at first ruled very firm and active under the surprisingly strong Liverpool cables. The Knullsh market opened 1 point lower, but by the time of the local opening waa about 16Jt20 points higher on the old and 3Vo points higher on the new crop op tions. Private cables attributed sensa tional advance to purchases for the ac count of Egyptian speculators, while many In the local trade were Inclined to attribute the gain to the presence on the other sld of the new England bull leader. But whatever may have caused the Liverpool strength, local shorts were again com pletely routed. Foreign houses had buying ordera and the south also was an urgent buyer. July reached 12.30e, August J1.84o and September 10.87o within the first faw minutes. Almost at onoa, however, ther waa enormous realising, which forced July down almoat aa rapidly aa it had advanced until It touched 12.16c and August 11.67c, with th new crop months showing a de cline from the best of from fkati points. The attainment of thia level waa followed by a period of Irregularity and at midday the market waa net 1363S points higher. All the afternoon prices seesawed within a comparatively narrow range. Just be fore this close th market was weak under scattered liquidation and reached the low est point of th day in the last half hour, July selling at 12.06c and August 11.66c. Ther waa a slight rally under covering just before the close, but the market waa finally barely ateady, net 13i30 points higher, with July closing at 12.10c, August at 11.68c and September at 10.76c. Total sales were estimated at 350.000 bales. ST. LOUIS. June 12. COTTON Firm. Ho higher. Middling, lJc; sales, none; recelpta, 1.056 balea; shipments, 1,066 bales; stock, (.683 bales. LIVERPOOL. June 12 COTTON Spot In limited demand; prices. 4 'a 16 points higher. American middling, fair, 7.18d; good or dinary, 6.98d; middling, 82d; low middling, 6 IkHl; good ordinary, 6 Ed; ordinary, t.l8d. Tha aalea of the day were 3.000 balea, of which 600 were for speculation and export and Included 4.9O0 American. Recelpta, 2.000 bales, no American. Futures oiaened steady and closed feverish. American middling, g. o. c, June, t.C0d; June and July. (661; August and September, 4 33'd.S4d; Septem ber and October, 6.80476 81d; October and November, 6 44d; November and December, 6.30iii6.31d; December snd January, 6.27d; January and February, t.2Cd; February and March, 26&6.Sed. Buvers. Omaha Packing Co 1.219 Swift and Company 1,270 Armour t Co 208 Cudahy Packing Co 1.2b4 Cudahy P. Co., from K. C. Cudahy, from country Swift, from Kansas City. 150 Armour, from Sloax City. 148 Huston & Co 18 Hamilton 21 L. F. Husz 6 Wolf & Murnan 86 8. & S 48 Rothcshlld 14 Werthetmer 1 Sheridan Meat Co 19 Krey Packing company.. ..... Other buyers 229 Totals 4,738 13.268 4,674 O. W. Sims, Portsmouth, la. Mil 1 CATTLE There wa a much heavier run of cattle here today- than -was generally anticipated and packers took advantage of the opportunity to take off some 01 the advance they have been putting on for the last several days. Chlcagd was quoted about a dime lower and that helped pack ers to pound the market here. Th trade on beef steers was not very brisk today, as salesmen all wanted steady prices, while packers were trying to buy supplies fully a dime lower. As a general thing the market could be quoted right close to a dime lower. Th choicest grades In a good many cases did not sell over a nickel lower, but, on the other hand, the common cattle, and especially big heavy cattle that were lacking in quality, sold a big dime lower. Trading was not very brisk at any time, .but still the cattle kept chanartns; hands, so that the bulk of the arrivals was disposed of at a reasonably early hour. M . There were only a few cow and heifers Included tn the offerings this morning and aa a result prices showed very little change. Anything desirable sold without trouble at ateady prices and If there waa any change at all It waa a weaker feeling on the medium grades. Owing to the light receipts of cows everything was soon out of first hand. Bulls, veal calves and stags were In good demand at steady prices, If the quality wu at all desirable. As la verv apt to be the case at th end of th week the demand for stockers and feeders was very limited this morning and the few bunches that arrived had to aell e little lower than yesterday. The demand from the country yesterday was a little better than the day before, so very few rattle will be carried over Sunday in the hand of speculators. Representative sales: BEEF 8TEBRS. Dry Gaaela Market. NEW YORK, June 12. DRT GOODS Quiet, with buyers cautious. Prices ar advancing; when th buyer come to pur chase tha goods he Is Informed thst sn advanc haa been n.ada. Th compulsory shutdown of an Increasing number of mill la proving facuir out of which will un- Evaporate-d Apples aaa Driest Fralta. NEW YORK. Jun 12 EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet under a light demand, but ruled Bteady to firm, with holder not dis posed to grant conceaslona to fore busi ness. Common ar quoted at 4.3c; choloe, at 6c; prime, at 6V. and fancy, at W37a. CALIFORNIT DRIED FRUITS Hpot prunes ar firm under fair jobbing demand, with soma export Inquiry rerorted; quota tions ranga from 3c to 7c for all grades. Apricots ar firm; new crop fruit la offered at sc. f. o. b., th coast, for choice roysls. reaches are qulal and without special fea ture at 7Vo lor choice end tiilOtkO tor fane. Kb o'.'.'.'.'. it!.'!!! to!!!!'. .... 10 1 11 1 1 1 1 n 11 t ... rt ii 41 al It I 1 M It I II 14 44 11 II IB 40 It...,. 13 U II n it 14 M tl II to II SI I 1 14 II II U 1 41 II...., II 17...., II I. .... I...., I 17 11..... M II...., 1... I I.... 1.... 1 1...., 1.,.. 4 1... 1 ... I.... .... I.... 1.... I.... It.... II. ... I.... 1 11.... AV. Ill II Ul 1077 744 Ill Ill BOO 10B7 IU , Ill Id , 102S , IM0 M0 ....... Ill 1041 114 .......1014 HO m 114 ml 1045 1111 B&4 100 1001 1131 1074 174 1104 171 loss 1011 nil loao list lis 1100 1114 Ull M lorf 1144 11JI 10J 1171 1141 1100 1111 !10 HOB 1171 111 1141 1101 Hal 111.1 lll 1411 11 1041 Pr. 4 04 4 00 4 15 4 U 4 40 4 44 4 40 4 40 4 46 4 4 4 40 4 14 4 64 4 60 4 60 4 64 4 60 4 66 4 40 4 44 4 40 4 40 4 BO 4 46 4 44 4 46 4 74 4 74 4 70 4 74 4 70 4 76 4 71 4 16 4 76 4 76 4 76 4 76 4 76 4 76 4 16 4 10 4 10 4 M 4 M 4 IB 4 at 4 B0 4 B0 4 10 4 16 4 4 6 4 a 4 If. 4 M 4 16 4 16 4 B0 4 10 4 BO 4 B0 4 n No 11 40 14 IB it...... 17 II I II 16 IS to a 11 16 60 16 41 II U 10 17 41 S4 14 41 tl II II 6 11 10 tr. u 10 16 ii.!!!!! u 40 K 10 n 11 n 11 40 to to ti tl i 11 71 1 II 61 II K II II 41 11.. AV. ...1041 ...llfl ...1234 ...11S7 ...1121 ...1201 ...1111 ...1081 ...1110 ...11H ...1226 ...1224 ...llol ...1041 ...1M3 ... HI ...1144 ...1214 ...1241 ...1301 ...llol ...1362 ...1170 ...1316 ...1316 ...1101 ...1277 ...1U0 ...1243 ...1244 ...1333 ...UAI ...1336 ...1337 ...1241 ...1421 ...1311 ...1373 ...1X31 ,...1136 ...1114 ...1174 ...110 ...1401 ...1341 ...ISM ,...1141 ,...1211 ....11M ....12l ....1327 . ..llf.5 ...1470 ...1421 ....1040 ...1441 ...1X77 ...1S11 , ....MM ,...137 ....1401 1521 STEERS AND HEIFERS. M IM . 44 4 14 . BM 4 t .71.4 IX . Bat 4 64 ..70S 4 44 .1166 4 76 . II 7a0 IIS B40 loo ,.,....ll7 774 1444 lot 10UB 1144 aeo IBB 140 171 441 70 11M ......Javt n M I M I 60 ii ij I BB I 14 I 16 I 0B I M I Bt I S I I K I I 44 ae I 40 8 II 11.. I 14 I II 16 COWS. .1166 ...1011 ... M4 ... 00 ...1011 ...1140 Pr. 4 BS 4 B0 4 B0 4 B0 4 B0 4 BO 4 BO 4 B0 4 B0 4 B0 4 BO 4 14 4 BU 4 B0 4 B0 4 B6 4 B6 4 BS 4 6 4 6 4 16 4 B6 4 IS 4 as 4 B6 4 Bt 4 BS 4 Bt I 00 6 OS I 00 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I BO 00 I 04 00 I 00 I 40 oe 1 oo I 04 US I 46 I 45 6 01 6 Bt I 14 I 14 I 10 I 10 14 I IS I 10 I 10 I 15 t 16 I 16 t 16 t 15 I u 4 IS 4 BO 4 10 4 B0 4 16 4 at I ll!'.! 15... It.'.'.' ....1174 ....10. ....10a .... aeo ....1071 ....1140 ....1116 ....1170 ....ioa ....1330 .... i:l .... in .... pt ....10M .... ! ....10O0 .... Ill ....117 ..,.1104 .... 141 4 4 4 4 4 40 4 0 4 a 4 04 4 14 4 14 4 10 4 IB 4 IB 4 14 4 10 4 II 4 16 4 B6 4 X6 4 15 4 ti 4 I 4 It I ine I 10 I M IK 11 ail I 76 4 list 4 16 1 1.1M I Bo I I70 4 1 Bo I 40 1 1IM 4 6 1 inao 1 M I. .....1441 4 I l?se I IS I lit! 4 IS 1 17 I B4 1 104 4 IS 1 11 I B0 1 H 4 16 1 7"4 I BO I I 4 16 M BUI I B0 I ""O 4 4 IB I B0 I IMS 4 49 MM I B0 1 1I..0 4 40 4 117 4 44 1 H"7 4 40 1 1114 4 04 t ll 4 44 1 1110 4 00 COWS AND HEIFERS. n!!!! 1 e .... M7 .... t0 .... 44 .... 4?4 .... 424 .... 140 .... 70 .... ! .... 76 ....114 .... IH) ....110 ....1120 ....1240 ....1360 130 ....1(70 So ....1610 ....1S30 .... 1?5 .... IM .... 1B0 .... 130 .... 10 .... 160 .... 10 4 HEIFERS. t 71 I BO I 60 I 6 I II I 0 4 00 4 M I., II.. 1.. II.. 4.. 11.. 64.. .... T17 .... 171 ....1034 .... 731 ....lf .... 171 ....104 BULLS. 1 BO t B0 I 10 I 15 t 16 I It I IS I 10 I 16 I B0 4 00 CALVES. 1 4 15 I 00 I 64 I 60 I 5 4 00 4 M I. .1M .1110 .140 .1764 .1134 .140 .1324 ,.10W .170 .166 , 14 . 140 , 160 , 1X6 , 13 17 4 Bt 4 4 4 44 4 41 4 41 4 14 4 84 4 04 4 04 4 00 4 04 4 4 4 4 0 4 00 4 14 4 1 t te 4 BS I 6 4 44 4 64 4 STAGS. 16 1S44 4 40 1 1130 4 4 II 162 4 40 STOCK CALVES. I til 1 10 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 4"4 1 15 I Ml 4 to 1 Ill 4 1 : 1011 4 M HOGS There was another llboral run of hngs here this moriilna and the market opened fully a nickel lower than yesterday. as t. liloagci waa quoted big 10c lower. Trad ing was fairly active at the decline, and It soon became evident that packers all had to have a good many hogs and that there were none too many to 1111 their require ments. As a roault the prices kept getting better until practically all of the decline was regained. The early sales went largely irom o to to so, while the late sales went mostly from 3i to 36.06. The bulk of all the hogs sold from 86.97U to S6.02V. with the choice loads selling mostly from $(.u6 10 tfUO. Trading toward the close of the mar. ket was very actlv and all the early ar rivals were disposed of before the middle of the forenoon. Representative sales: A v. Sh. Pr. .251 240 6 00 No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. 70 234 120 6 96 61.. 139 227 ISO 6 95 84 251 ... 6 00 77 229 K 5 95 84 2X0 80 6 00 88 23 120 6 95 69 257 80 00 7 207 120 6 95 87 210 40 00 72...... 225 80 t 9$ 67 256 ... 6 00 31 194 ... 6 95 72 208 90 00 44. .....228 ... 6 95 73 243 120 00 6 264 ... 6 95 79 227 80 00 73 231 80 6 95 61 2A6 12 00 37 199 80 6 96 70 247 80 00 74 232 240 6 95 67 246 200 00 70 227 90 5 90 67 249 ... 6 00 62 257 40 6 95 68 236 120 00 34 2.11 ... 6 95 61 260 ... 6 00 62 249 80 6 97V 68 286 ... 6 00 TR 238 40 6 97'A 68 240 ... 6 00 60 232 40 6 97J 63 259 80 00 62 233 120 5 97Vi 133 232 240 6 00 62 237 120 6 97H 71 246 120 00 69 287 ... 6 97H 28 244 ... 6 00 63.... ..229 ... 6 P7V 74 237 80 6 00 79 222 120 6 97V4 70 226 40 6 00 SO 220 ... 6 97V 88 288 ... 6 00 77 228 80 6 97Va 68 252 120 00 66 236 160 6 97Vi 63 271 80 6 00 76 226 ... 5 97V4 62.. 262 ... 6 00 60 253 240 6 97V? 72 252 ... 6 00 70 258 80 6 97V 60 236 80 6 00 62 252 80 6 97U 63 259 80 6 00 71 252 ... 6 97V? 65 264 120 00 60. 264 ... 6 97 63 261 240 6 00 61 256 240 S 97 71 223 40 6 00 72 225 80 6 97V? 59 279 120 6 00 62 236 ... 6 9V? 63 257 80 6 00 71 232 2"0 6 97 66 2X3 120 00 67 240 180 6 97H 67 252 40 6 00 63 226 ... 6 97V? 73 223 120 00 73 223 160 6 97'? 69 225 ... 6 00 66 242 ... 6 97. 62 2fi7 ... 6 00 64 247 120 6 97V, 68 267 49 6 00 67 260 20 6 974 6") 271 120 6 00 72 234 160 6 97V? 68 257 160 6 00 61 227 80 5 97V? 62 251 80 6 00 70 245 40 6 97 46 271 120 6 00 64 240 ... 6 97V? 90 2i3 80 6 00 67 205 80 6 97 67 227 120 6 00 66 252 ... 6 97 76 235 80 00 68 246 ... 6 97 62 240 160 00 60 253 240 6 97V? 69 253 160 6 02 65 266 240 6 97 67 279 ... 6 02 72 242 80 6 97 66 278 160 6 02 65. ..,..233 40 6 971? 64 240 120 6 02 71 220 160 5 97V? 66 200 120 6 02 61 .247 ... 6 00 65 252 ... 6 02 72. .....259 120 6 00 68 255 40 6 02 6S......Snfi 160 6 00 68 288 80 6 02 8......2fl7-i.. 6 00 62. .....250 J20 6 02 67 274 ... 8 00 69 258 160 6 02 67 253 240 6 00 -61..;..273 ... 9 02 62 253 240 4 00 67 249 ... 6 02V? 67,. ....250 120 6 00 63 274 80 6 02 67 248 80 6 00 (6 296 ... 6 06 58 264 ... 6 00 43 295 ... 6 06 64. ..,..262 80 6 00 67 819 ... 6 0S 60 250 280 6 00 12 285 ... 6 06 68 256 160 6 00 71 275 80 6 06 64 254 120 6 00 78 230 120 6 06 69 267 160 6 00 60 815 ... 6 05 67 273 40 6 00 52 8f 160 6 06 68 254 90 6 00 69 306 160 6 06 64 SIM 80 6 00 64 258 40 6 05 86 268 160 4 00 68 811 160 6 05 77 219 ... 6 00 64 214 ... 6 05 71 245 80 6 00 59 233 80 6 05 22 277 80 6 00 63 276 120 05 58 277 80 00 65 291 ... 10 sheep lower at lnc. dressed weight; re frigerator heir at-llmsT at t'v: extiorta. IV shrep; estimated tomorrow, 1.440 cattle, tr sl.rep ami 2,77s quarters of beef. ' 1 CAI.VKeW Herelpts, 419 head, teal. SVlJ hifther at 4 .&tu'7.ii; culls, 84. Ji; buttermilks, I3.3.r4.iw; city dressed veals, nrmcr at vv li'vc ler lb.; country dressed, 641IV. KllfcKP AN 1) I.AM IW Receipts, 4,771 head; sheep stesdy; lamba slow and &'k) lower; sheep, M.U1M3.O0; lambs, $6.50(u7.7Ui )earllngs, f&. 000,15.00. 1KK1H- Receipts, 1,544 head; higher; state he gs, 66.60. Kaasaa Clly l.lva stock. Market. KANSAS CITY, June 12. No rattle mar ket. Wool Market. ' ' , ..''" ,1 VIFLI U. . V'lllllll.,- clal Bulletin will say In tomorrow's Issue: Dealers report that business with the smaller mills Is good and a bolter general Inquiry. New wool has sold at a prollt; the market Is firm on all grades and the outlook Is considered brighter. In the west buslnes Is lively In the new clip, with f rices maintained. Utah, Wyoming and daho are pretty well cleaned up. As high as 16c was paid In Oregon by a worsted mill. Boston dealers have bought there at 14A15c. Estimates of shortage In the clip are being confirmed. Foreign markets ruin Arm; the shipments of wool from Host on to date from December SI, 1902, are 102.624,. 136 pounds, against 11S,270,3S6 nunrt at tho eame date last year; tho receipts to dat are 95.tW2.9h3 pounds, against 116.231,291 pounds for the same period last year. 8T. LOUIS, June 12. WOOI,-Unchanged; medium grades and combing. lWi2.V; light fine, 16fyl?c; heavy tine, lltijMVte; tub washed, 19n29a I NEW YORK, June 12 WOOI-Flrm. LONDON, June 12. WOOL A Hale of Cape, of Good Hope and Natal sheep skin was held In Mincing Lane todav. The offer ings numbered skins, moat of which were sold. The demand wns strong ami prices showed an average advance of d. Oil aad. Hoaln. OIL CITY, June 12. OIL Credit balances, 11 raiV agtlf1nnaai . n kl.l., a, t a- -n ,.,st hv i wo, IIU IHUB, V4III fill It'll in, lf,s)tK bbl.; average. 118.252 bbls.; runs. 88.720 bbls.; .V. . v ' 00"'i, uois. ; snipments. iimn, 695 bbls.; average, 66,634 bbls.; runs, Lima, "144 bbls . ; avernge, 57,679 bbls. SAVANNAH, June 12. Oll Turpentine, firm, 4c. Rosin, Arm; A. H. C 11.70; D, !VI5: 11 m- W K- Q. 81-S': 82.30; I. ww'ts'to2"51 M" U95: N W; AVO 310: NEW YORK. June 12. OIL Cottonseed. steady; prime crude, nominal; prime ycl- Tur SHEEP There were about 4.000 head of sheep and lambs reported this morning, but they were nearly all consignea direct to local packers and were not offered on the market. The few bunches that were on sale were picked ud in a hurry at good steady prlcea. Some sheep and yearlings sold "for 34.90. There has been so little stuff on sale this week that It Is difficult to tell much about the true situation, and about all that can be aald Is that the demand la active for all good stuff and prices are fully steaay lor the week. Feeders hav shown no particular change, aa recelDta have been exceedingly Hunt. and while the demand has not been heavy It has been sufficient to take th few that have arrived. Quotations for clipped stock: Choice west ern lambs, S6.26Q.C.75: fair to good lambs, t5.2Mi6.26: choice western wooled lambs. 86.76iga.00: fair to good wooled lambs. 65.60'' 8.60: choice 1 Khtweleht yesrllngs. I5.MWT6.7l. fair ' to good yearlings, 6.0O6.50: choloe ethers. l4.flOfiiS.10: fair to good wethers. $4,5114.90: choice ewes, 4.26r4.50; fair to good ewes. 33 5034 25: feeder lambs, 82.609 3.50: feeder yearlings, 2.60(33.60: feeder wethers, $2 50)23.50: feeder ewes, $2.002.76. Representative sales: 17 cull ewes 80 83 60 156 western ewes 100 4 60 148 western wethers A year'.lngs 98 4 90 68 spring lambs 66 6 40 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle aad Hogs Are Higher, Sheep 9 Irons; aad Lambs Steady. CHICAGO. June 12. CATTLE Receipts. 3,600 head, Including 300 Texans; market KKfrlSc higher; good to prime steers, 85.0U4J 6.3o; poor to medium. $4.00p4.9o; storkers and feeders, $3.00fi4.76; cows. $1.80(&..7O; heifers, $2.504.85; canners, Sl.eotS W; bulls Z.DU'Cl-t.ZD, CH.VfStS 4-.tlUVW. itr. AC. 4VU tfr. 4.O0(S4.65. HOGS Receipt today, 22,000 head; esti mated recelpta for Saturday. 15.000 head; I?ft over, 1,20') head; market opened ateady A j C1fLe rlivKa4 mlvaA sa1 Vlll I r Vi ta. IIU I IWIWI trjA-.W lllfjinjl , "N-v ... - .T " art (Vis.. .4 Ul- . 4a oKa! osb hauUV liA kfr'l) trm, 4J. i7"V4'- aJ . iru'l v t ii"-u '"'7l 6.32; rough heavy, $5.9fW.20; light, 868 . .... t...n - .. i r. , B.l", uuis. ui pniro, rj v ii w. 8HEEP AND iA M Mo Keceipts, , head; sheep strong; lambs, steady; good to choice wethers, x4.ew10.Mj; ,alr 1 cnoioe mixed. $3.2oht.60: western sheep. $4.6015.50: native lambs. $4.50ti6.76: western lambs, ti.504j6.76; springs, a.Wgl.b0. St. Joseph Live Btaeck Market. BT JflSFPH. June 11. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.050 head: active and atrong to 1 l.iher: natives. I4.3A4l5.40: cows and heif ers, $2.25(6.00; stockers and feeders, $3.6vtf 4. sn. HOQS Receipts, 10,000 head; steady to 6c lower- nlnsed stronger: light and llvht mixed, $a.8ii4!.07; medium and heavy, $6.00 tl6.15- bulk, ea.t'(.l; pigs. 4.tuK.!. BH EEP AND LAM US Recelpta, 833 head; best steady; others lower. Iloux City Lira llerk Market SIOUX CITY. Ia., June 12. (Special Tel egram.) CATTLE Receipts, 700; atockers ateadv: killers, 10c lower; beeves, M WKf 6 (hi; cows, btillu and mixed. $2.6"j)4.lO: stockers and feeders, I3.60iB4.60; calves and yearling-". $3.0nti4.3&. HOGS Reraints. 6.000: &1c lower, sell ing at lo.7i4jo.Ui; bulk. $6.90i&.95. Rt. I-oale Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. June 12. No hog or cattl market today; Block yard flooded. leek la glaht. Following were the recelpta of live stock at th rlx principal weatarn cltlea yeater ,- Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Chicago 8.600 Kansas City No msrket. St. Louis No market. Sioux City 700 13.8110 22.0U0 1.000 4.331 1000 Totals 9.000 41.800 8.331 low. ale PotrnlaMM.' -, .. i . quiet, 4949c. Rosin, steady urpent'lne. Kerr York Live tok Market. kkw YORK. Jun 18. CATTLE R eelpt. 9.781 head; steers Bteady, bulls and cows uncnangeo; sierra, n uuiia, i-. i.M ensva. il Bfl4 26: cables Quoted live cattle lower at ltASllc, dressed weight; "Star and Molasses. NEW ORLEANS. June 32.-SLaAR-Dull; open kettle. 2fj3 7-16c; open kettle centrifugal, 8!ij2Hc: centrifugal whites. 41-16c; yellows, 35j4o: seconds, 2ifi3Sc. MOLASSES Open kettle, nominal at mi 26c; centrifugal, 6jj'18c; syrup, nominal at 19i 24c. NEW YORK, June lX-St'OAR-FIrm; refined steady. MOLASSES Quiet. CoBTee Market. NEW YORK, June 12. COFFEE-Spot quiet. Futures opened quiet at unchanged K rices and displayed little feature, being nally dull, with prices generally un changed to 5 points lower, except rfeptcm ber, which advanced 6 points; sales were only 4.600 bags, including: Julv, 3.76c; Sep. tember, 6.96c; October, 4.00c; May, 4.70c. SAILING IN WITHOUT SKIPPER Kew Brick Cheeses Appear on Local Market to' Associate with Patriarchs. Some old and honorable representatives of the American branch of the Swiss cheese family, cheeses which It Is an honor to meet, are still on the market and keeping up a characteristic air of reserve, tho wheels not bending below the 17-cent mark and blocks warming only to a 15-cent figure. There axe a few Swiss parvenus In Omaha, but tho established crop holds them as rub ber to the taste, for It takes time to bring to the cheese the ancestral flavor of good breeding. In the full cream American fam ily there is a fine bunch of twins 'this sea. son, which have been during the last two weeks crowding In and driving their rheu matlc forerunners from the market. Ther have been a few of the creams coming in regularly, but during this month the big factories bring out. their .product, Young Americas also came to town at the same time with the twins, the greater part of both hailing from Wisconsin state. The full cream twins are now at 12 or 13 cents a pound and the Young Americas a cent higher, these figures being 16 to 20 per cent lower than the prices of two weeks ago. The new arrivals are favorites with the retailers for the reason that while a few connoisseurs among their patrons prefer the sharp and mature old fellows the greater number are able to eat larger quan tities of the mild new cheese. Now brick cheeses are sailing in with never a skipper at the helm and the new llmberger with the chesty old bouquet has come to town. The first of these goea to the retailers at 14 cents and the last at 13 cents. THIS REALTY MARKET. Total amount of transfers Briefs from the Courts. Albert Fleming has brought suit against Matthew Schneider to enforce a mechanic's lien on lot 1, block 9, Improvement addi tion to Omaha. Edward Hyde, charged with daylight . breaking and entering, was found guilty by a Jury and sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and three months in the county jail. Judge Slabaugh gave judgment for the defendant In the case of Richard B. Morton, trustee of the Greater America exposition, againat the Blue Valley Piaster company in a suit brought to recover on a ubscrlptljn to the stock of the exposition. The jury In the case of Hoffman against Hensel, which has been deliberating for two days, waa discharged at noon, having failed to reach an agreement. This Is the third jury which has been called in this cas, the preceding onea having been dis charged before the case was submitted to them. The cas Is a suit on n constable's bond to recover damages for wrongful at tachment. Hans Nielsen, Jr., by his next friend, Hans Nielsen, sr., brings suit aK'ilnst lien, jamin F. Marahall to recover $ll,ooi for per aonal Injuries. The petition allege tnat on June 10 the defendant made un assault upon the plaintiff by which he waa Injured In the sum of $1.0u0. As a second count It is alleged that the assault was followed by u beating In which the plaintiff received per manent injuries which will make It Impos sible for film to work at the occupation which he has heretofore followed unci thus he was damaged in the further sum of $10,000. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday, June 12: Warraatr Deeds. Mons Johnson and wife to Alexander Oardlner, s 24 feet of n 66 feet lot 6, block 4S, Valley 600 Annie McOavock to F. S. Richardson, lot 11, block 2, McOavock O Ki add . 1.775 J. C. Moore and wife to Alice M. Brown, lot 10. Moore's subdlv 300 Adelaide C. Plebbins et al to city of Omaha. undiv lots 4, 6 and 6, block t, Mayne Place 7T0 R. 8. Whitman and wife to same, same 1 4talt Clatsa Deed. P. R. E. E. Unton and husband to J. T. Catbers, tax lot 60, In 10-15-13 6 $3,331 DR. McGREW SPECIALIST. Treats all forms of DISEASES OF MEN I? year axpertene, 17 yearn in Omaha, Bo. Oca oaeee eared. Bl4 Polaciv, Vartcooela, Stricture, Hy drocele, Loea af Vitality. Cures guaranteed. Charge low. Treatment by mall. F. O. Box 144. Office ever US South 14ih street, OMAHA, NEB. PRIVATE WIRES GEO. A. ADAMS CHAIN CO. ORAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. 224 Board of Trad Bldg., Omaha. 'Phonan lu04 and 1017. Uemtar all prin clpal xclAiig, ,VrlU fwr out' daily tnat kol Utter. , . .