Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1903, Image 1

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    The Omaha ": Daily
lut St Lou'i Citiieni Prepare to Resist
farther Encroachments,
Flood (Situation Practically Unchanged,
Though Worst Beema Reac-ed.
Saloons Axe All Cosed, While Boldien
Rule Stricken Town.
Kumber of Drowned Sow Reported
Small, All Had Ample Tlaie to
Flee Before River Over
Boned lloaifh
Tha river fell two "inches bflwwn yes
teruay morning and miunigni, wnen tne
ku read i-IO feet.
ST. LOCIS, June 11. The altuatlon In
East St. Louis remains aboul tlie same as
last night. The flood on the south U still
being held back at Missouri avenue, where
the levee is watched unceasingly, as else
where, by thousands of workers ready
with bags of sand to close any break that
may occur.
A decline in the river's st! of a frac
tion of an Inch since last night does not
make any apparent difference In the helgitt
of the flood, but shows that the river nas a
tendency to fall.
The stage at 7 a, m. was 37. feet. This
may relieve the situation greatly if the fall
continues, but until there is a decided de
cline the city will be at the mercy of the
wall of water that surrounds It on three
The night was cold for this time of the
year and there was considerable suffering
among tha thousands of homeless men,
women and children on the east side, most
of whom, however, were comparatively
comfortable In tents an other places of
Lack of drinking water is one of the
worst Inconveniences suffered by the people
qt East St. Louis.
Congressman Rodenberg, who has charge
of rescue work In East St. Louis, sent
hundreds of men out early today with boats
through the submerged district, removing
people to places of safety.
Tare Thousand Refugees Sheltered.
Tare thousand flood refugee from
Venice, Madison. Granite City and East St.
Louis are being sheltered and cared for In
U Louis. Fully 1,000 of these were pro
vided for by various charitable associations
working In conjunction with the Merchants'
exchange relief committee, while the re
mainder have found places In the homes
of relatives and friends.
Government tender No. I, manned by a
crew of Wlggtn's ferry employes, brought
ZUO refugees from the flooded district of
Eaat St. Louis today.
; XABT - ST. LOUIS. June 11 That the
trials of the flood altuatlon has passed so
tar as this city la concerned was generally
recognised by tha cltlsena of Eaat Bt. Louis
tonight. Boat crews which yesterday
trained their energies In rescuing tho vic
tims today occupied themselves in saving
property and In bringing to higher ground
belated refugees who previously had not be
lieved themselves In Immediate danger.
'Since the disastrous break In the Illinois
Central levee the flood has made no dan
gerous breaks, although a portion of the
Baltimore Ohio embankment gave way
last night and the flood area was further
Increased by seepage today.
Tonight water continues to seep through
Broadway In four places, flooding the low
land between that street and Missouri
avenue, the nest street north, with from
two to six feet of water.. This section of
the flood extends between the two streets
for miles, interrupted occasionally by em
bankments. Some water has also found Its
way Into the territory between Missouri
avenue and St Louis avenue. People In
this district, however, have not been com
pelled to leave their homes, although It Is
necessary for them to use boats to obtain
ford, and In many cases drink. A break In
the Broadway embankment such as was
made In the Illinois Central levee would re
sult In great property loss and probably the
sacrifice of lives, but with the river sta
tionary, aa It la tonight, at X7.I. tbe prob
ability of a recession and tha proved
strength of the embankment, such
calamity Is merely guarded against, but
Lot expected.
With the stress of the situation relieved
It was possible today to make a survey of
the flooded district. A trip of several miles
showed only a picture of Kansas City and
Topeka over again an endlesa vista of de
serted second stories of houses, or perhaps
just tneir roots, witn the perspective
heightened her and there by brick public
buildings and factories looming secure
above the waters.
In some of ths larger buildings people
were still living, subsisting on food brought
to them In skiffs, but the picture as a whole
was one of disaster, and the calm which
told of Its completeness.
Property Loss ) 111 I'aknown
No one could be found today with any
thing Ilka a definite Idea of the property
loss. Vsgue mention of "millions' of dol
lax' was the nearest even the best In
formed cltlsens could come to It. There i
was a general disposition, however, to OI ""no president ana Richard Han
accept minimum reports of loss of life, ,on of 8t- LouU vic president was con
rather than the stories originating in the ftrme1 unanimously by the convention,
excitement of the moment, when the flood I Tn boara of directors of the association
poured In. On prominent undertaker conl,lsu 0 ,he follwln: A. H. Foots of
averred that there had" been no loss of ' 8t- Louis, Robert McF. Smith of Clncln-
llfe dliectly In the flood, although there
naa been aeatns due indirectly to the over
flow. There were no reports of drownings
today. No bodies were recovered.
The chief work today was that of nrir.
for the refugees. This the cltlxens of East
St. Louis, led by Mayor Cook. Colonel
ver. of the Fifth Illinois Infantry, National
Guard. Congressman Rodenburg and others
are doing with an energy which seems
tireless. Ths supply of food seems ample,
but the refugees still In the city mould
have been more comfortable tonight had
they had more bedding, still with the sup
ply being recovered from submerged houses
by their owners, and the contributions
uiauo mj citizens 01 mis City and St
Louis, Mo., It la believed that this need ! 'U' formally turned over to the man
will be supplied by tomorrow night. agement of the San Pedro road Tuesday,
During the morning the mayor pro- June $0. This was officially announced to
claimed martial law and ordered all the ' day by Senator W. A. Clark, president of
saloons closed. It was found before night,
however, that this order of things, neces
sitating as It did the issuing of permits
for visiting threatened portions of the
city, and for other purposes, was working
a hardship an many cltlsens and the dis
cipline was relaxed to allow fre com-
(CoaUnuad en second Pa.
Tarawa Bouqoets at Caloalea bat
Evadea inner ( Mala
LONDON. June ll.-. 1 ,.;ader, Sir
Henry Campbf ll-Bannerrfc. y House
of Commons today culled Pren. '
attention to yesterday's dispatcher
Admiral Blr Harry Rawson, govern..
New South Wales, to Colonial Secret ai.
Chamberlain, and asked whether the views
expressed accurately described the govern
ment's intentions.
Mr. Balfour replied: "I do not know what
declaration the governor of New Bouth
Wales refers to. AH 1 have to say Is that
the government certainly could not look
with indifference on any attempt to penal
ize any British colony for exercising Its
right to enter Into especially favorable
commercial relations with tbe motherland."
Speaking In London tonight, the earl of
Rosebery said he had been Invited in terms
of almost tender eloquence to reassume the
leadership of the liberal party. To that
he could only say he had been a leader In
the liberal party before and had a very
vivid recollection of that experience.
Faustina Gulllermo Cuptured by
Troops la Provlace of
MANILA. June 11. The constabulary yes
terday captured. In Rlsal province, Faus
tlno Gulllermo, the most famous outlaw
In the Island of Luxon.
Gulllermo approached . a detachment of
constabulary and offered the men. a bribe
to desert and Join him. A successful trap
was planned and Gulllermo was made
During and since the Insurrection he hss
committed many murders and robberies.
Queen of Holland Not Suffering; from
Taberraloals, aa Re
ported. THE HAGUE. June ll.-It Is officially
stated that there Is no truth in the report
circulated in America that Queen Wllhel
mina has shown symptoms of a tubercu
losis nature, or that she has any intention
of going to Madeira or Cairo on aocount
of her health.
Monopoly Finds that It Caaaot Ob
tain a Foothold In
BUCHAREST. Roumanls, June 11. In
consequence of the government's opposi
tion, the representatives of the Standard
Oil company, who have been trying to ob
tain control of tha Roumala oil fields, left
here today on their way to New York.
Italy Reeosmlses Sunt Domingo.
SAN DOMINGO, Santo Domingo. June
11. The Italian minister has presented his
credentials to tha president of tha provin
cial government,, General., Woa-qiL 'thus
recdgiinrtng " Its 'authority. The minister
also presented tha claims of Italian sub
jects against the government of Santo Do
mingo. Tha presidential elections will take
pines June 10. The country Is quiet and
business la Improving.
Chines Road la Authorised.
PEKING, June 11. A decree was Issued
today authorising the construction of the
Shanghai-Nankin railroad projected by a
British and Chinese corporation. The rail
road, which Is to be completed In five
years, cannot be transferred to other than
British control. The Chinese government
guarantees a loan of S, 250, 000 taels at
per cent Interest In connection therewith.
Lady Henry Somerset Re-Eleeted.
GENEVA, June 11. At today's session of
the World's Christian Temperance union
Lady Henry Somerset was re-elected presi
dent and Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens of
Portland was re-elected vice president at
large, Mrs. Clara P. Wright of Paris. Ill
was elected superintendent of the young
women s branch.
To Hear the Charges.,,
SAN JUAN. P. R-, June L-Major Robert
L. Howse of tbe Porto Rico regiment, who
has been ordered to Manila to be present
during the Investigation of the charges
made against him of cruel treatment of
Filipino prisoners, has sailed for New
Pop Celebrates Mass.
ROME. June 11. This being the feast of
Corpus Chrlstl the' pope insisted on cele
brating mass. Only the members of his
family and intimate friends were present.
Afterward the pontiff repeated several
times that he was feeling perfectly well.
Charles It. Robinson of Omaha la
Elected On of the
, Diretra.
8T. LOUIS. June U.-The eighth annual
convention of the National Association of
Credit Men adjourned today at the Plant
ers' hotel after an enthusiastic session of
three days. It was decided that the next
annual convention should be held In New
The formal election of J. Harry Tregoe
natl' Charles D. Griffiths of Denver,
Charles r. Komnson of Omaha. E. M
Gettys of Louisville, Charles E. Meek of
New York. W. A. Glvtn of Pittsburg. E.
A. 'Young of St. Paul. F. H. McAdow of
i chlca- Gu,u Brenner of San Francisco,
George H. Oraves of Boston.
Clark. Will Get Road on Jan
Aeeordlaar to Formal
SALT LAKE CITY, June 1L The Oregon
Short Lin system south of Salt Lake City
the road. In a letter to Senator Kearns.
Following a meeting to be held here on
June 17, at which the directors snd owners
of the road will go over the arrangements
of the transfer, a meeting will be held in
New York on June 22, at which tne agree
ment with E. H. Harriman and other offi
cials of th Short Line will b formally
He Burt American tecnritiei and Expect
to Bur Vora.
ya Karopean I'adcrtuklnn of Amer
ica Have Compelled some Blsj
Men to Sell to Realise
Ready Cash.
LONDON, June 11. Lord Rothschild was
Interviewed by an Associated Press repre
sentative today on the financial situation
in America. He said:
It is no good looking further than your
nose in these matters. The depreciation in
stuck values is not caused by European
selling for the very good reason that Eu-
rope nas scarcely any American securities
to sell. Yesterday's sales in London were
almost entirely on New York orders. Am
sterdam sold slightly, but not nearly as
mucn as was attributed to that city by the
dispatches. When an American wants to
Sell he has got Into tha habit of sending
his order nei ana ie-..ins it to the arbit
rage houses. There is absolutely no feel
ing of distrust in Europe over the financial
conditions in America. Only a fool would
say that the financiers here are making
what you call a dead set against American
'What do I think of the future? Well.
the best answer I can give is this," and
Rothschild handed over a ticket showing
that he had Just purchased 600 shares of an
American railway. "That, of course, is
only a drop In the bucket, but I may tell
you that one of the wealthiest capitalists
I know yesterday invested 3X1,000 in Amer
ican securities and he has put another
200,000 In them again this morning. That
sounds large, but It Is nothing compared
with the selling orders which come from
New York. At such a period as this the
transactions of even the largest Investors
have a small effect upon the market In
which the speculator figures so largely."
Lord Rothschild's explanation of the re
cent serious shrinkage In values Is this:
"Speyer went Into street railways, Yerkes
eame over here to electrophy the under
grounds, Morgan bought British securities
and I am told Schwab went In largely for
British Industrials. They all thought that
British or European investors would take
a larger share In these European enter
prises than they did.
"The result is that some of the largest
capitalists in America have been obliged to
realise on their securities on the other side
In order to provide capital for their under
takings here. Under such circumstances
quotations were bound to go down."
Government Declared Wllllaa; to
Admit Flocks and Herds to
Grasa Land.
DENVER, Colo., June 11. In a bulletin
Issued today by Secretary Levering of the
National Wool Growers' association, the
new policy ( administration In relation to
forest reserves Is announced. The bulletin
sp positively and is understood to be
inspire, as Senator Warren of Wyoming
Is tha president of the association and Is
close to President Roosevelt and Commis
sioner 'F-ichards of tm html umwwho'W
said to be now In control of the forest re
serve business of the Interior, department.
Tha bulletin says Commissioner Richard
Is now in the Big Horn basin In Wyoming
and that President Roosevelt, who rode
through a portion of one of the Wyoming
reserves during his recent visit to the state,
held a conference with Mr. Richards In
Cheyenne on June L As a result nonforest
portions of the reserves are to be elimi
nated and other portions will be opened to
the flocks and herds of residents and tax
payers in the vicinity.
He Shoots the Marshal of Raton, New
Mexico, Without Provoca
tion. RATON, N. M., June 11. A mob of 0
armed cltlsens Is searching this vicinity
for a negro who shot snd fatally wounded
Night Marshal John Jones last night.
The shooting was most cold-blooded.
Three negroes persisted In insulting Jones
and when he attempted to arrest them one
of them fired a revolver at him. The mar
shal was shot through the neck, the
Jugular vein being severed and died at, 4
this rooming.
The negro was captured this morning and
together with his two companions Is now
In the custody of the sheriff. No demon
stration against the prisoners was made by
the Infuriated cltlsens today, but great ex
citement prevails and It is generally be
lieved they will be lynched tonight. The
Jail Is weak and the sheriff and his depu
ties could make but little resistance.
Decision Will Soon Be Annonneed la
Salt Against Northern SecnrU
ties Company.
ST. PAUL. Minn., June 1L M. D. Dunn,
attorney for the state, continued his ar
gument In the state suit against the
Northern Securities company, arguing that
the acts of a corporation cannot be disas
sociated from those of Its stockholders,
by way of showing that the corporations
of the Great Northern and Northern Papldn
have virtually agreed to the merging of
their control.
The so-called merger was described as
being practically a voting trust in whfch
the president of the Great Northern and
the vice president of the Northern Pacific
are the dominating characters.
Mr. Munn completed his argument for
the state shortly before 4 o'clock. Judge
Lochren then stated that he would take
the case under advisement and announce
his decision later.
War Between Cattle and Sheep Men
Likely to Break Oat
GUNNISON. Colo., June 11 Serious
trouble between cattle and sheepmen in the
southwestern part of this country Is immi
nent. Sheriff Watson hss been summoned
to the scene. It Is alleged that efforts
are being made to drive a herd of sheep
Into this country to grase on the ranges,
which have been heretofore used for cattle.
The cattlemen are determined to allow
no trespassing and grave trouble la appre
hended. Forces are gathering In the vicin
ity of Clmaron, Just outside the boundary
lines, in Montrose county.
Much enmity between tne cattle and
sheep men in this part of the state has
boen , manifested for some time In the
present difficulties both sides sre armed
and determined. Th crisis is sxpected
cloudburst stops a riot
Delays Crisis In Strike Sltnatln at
Morenel Mine In
PHOENIX. Aris.. June 11. A cloudburst
has Intervened to delay the crisis In the
strike situation at Morenci. where thou
sands of armed men are threatening trouble
with the civil authorities.
A report has reached here that the down
pour has Inundated Morenci and neighbor
ing camps and drowned nine men, dampen
ing the ardor of the strikers sufficiently to
check serious violence.
Official advices state that a mob of Ital
ians and Mexicans charged on the guards
who surrounded the milling plsn of the
Detroit Copper company, disarming them
and taking possession of the mill, white
another mob of l.OCO Italians Is seriously
menacing the whole copper camp.
EL PASO, Tex., Juno ll-l-The first serious
demonstration In the Arlsona miners' strike
occurred last evening In th capture of the
mill of the Detroit Coprer company at Mor
enci by a strong and w ! armed force of
strikers, who disarmed the guard. Made
bolder by their success and realising that
what was to be done must be done before
the arrival of the mll'tary. 1.000 armed
Mexicans snd Italians made themselves
complete masters of the town. They threat
ened the lives of prominent cltlsens, most
of whom are officers and managers of de
partments of the Copper company. Un
verified reports of violence and casualties
have reached this city. Representatives of
the Western Federstlon of Miners sent
from Colorado are said to have urged mod
eration. The Arlsona militia arrived In
camp last night and divided among the
tamps at Metcalf, Morenci and Clifton,
where special deputies have been stationed.
Five troops of cavalry sent by President
Roosevelt from Fort Grant and Fort Hua
chuca are expected to arrive tonight and
will be distributed. A special to the Even
ing News from Fairbanks, Aris., ssys three
troops of the Fourteenth cavalry from Fort
Huachuca passed there on a special train,
enroute to Morenci.
LOS ANGELES. Cat.. Jan 11. A delayed
telegram from Morenci, dated yesterday.
says that thus far there has been no vio
lence on the part of the miners ther and
no loss of life or property.
The tleup Is practically complete save for
a limited amount of work being carried on
by the outside employes of the Detroit
Copper company. Th arrival last nlghi of
200 men of the territorial militia It was be
lieved relieved the situation.
WASHINGTON. June 11. General Bald
win, commanding the Department of Colo
rado, has telegraphed the War department
that he has ordered- three troops of the
Fourteenth cavalry from Fort Grant and
two troops from Huachu&lc to Morenci.
He asks If he has authority to send troops
from other posts. If "necessary, without
reference to the department. Acting Ad
jutant General Hall telegraphed him the
required authority, to : use troops In an
emergency. . (
Ranchers Return Home and th
Devrcys Are Sat for th
ST. FRANCIS, Kan., ' June 11. ATI is
quiet here today and all danger of a clash
between settlers and the mltltla appears to
have past, at least for the present.
The preliminary trial has been set for
next Tuesday and a majority of the ranch
era who came to witness the proceedings
are returning home. The contention has
been made on the part of the Deweys that
the coroner's Inquest was held without any
of their witnesses being notified so that
they may be In attendance.
This contention is correct, but Coroner
Watterman said today that the subpoenas
were properly made out, but that the dep
uty who had the papers feared to go to
serve them.
The Deweys still refuse to make any
statement regarding the fight last Wednes
TOPEKA, Kan.. June 11. W. B. Lock
wood, member of the legislature, wires
from St. Francis tonight that the settlers
are well armed and that a large number
of them have established themselves at
the Berry ranch. Mr. Lockwood adds:
"Oak Ranch, the home of Mr. Dewey,
Is fitted out In elegant style. There Is
danger now that all this glory will vanish
In a night. All the telephone wires have
been cut and poles dug out of the ground
and news Is slow in getting around. How
ever, the people here at St. Francis will
not be surprised any hour to hear that the
Dewey buildings have been rased and the
artificial lake drained."
Ponrhes Sold to Government at
Three Times Their Cost
BALTIMORE. June 11. The preliminary
hearing of C. Ellsworth Upton snd Thomas
W. McGregor, charged with complicity In
the Postofflce department frauds, took
place tonight before United States Com
missioner Rodgers. The specific charge
was that they had conspired with C. E.
8mlth. a trunk merchant of this city, to
furnish mall pouches to the government
at an exorbitant figure.
Smith was used as a witness for the gov
ernment. He said he bought the pouches
from a firm In Massachusetts, paying 30
and 36 c"t" xr P0""11
l'Pton ne Put ,n bld
On the advice of
at 90 cents, which
was accepted. When he got the money he
gave 40 per cent to Upton and McGregor
and kept the balance for himself. He sent
the bids to Superintendent A. W. Machen
at Washington.
Commissioner Rodgers bound over the
accused men to answer before the United
States grand Jury, which meets on Satur
Help Will Strike Today at All Big
Chiracs Hotels wad
CHICAGO, June 11. Today, unless the
unforeseen occurs, every waiter, cook and
helper in every hotel and restaurant in the
downtown district will go on strike. The
movement started tonight when a number
of Methodist ministers dining at Kinsley's
were forced to wait on themselves.
While the union meeting which decided
that was going on the Restaurant Keepers'
association, an organisation distinct from
the Hotel Keepers' association, was hold
ing a stormy meeting and expelled W. G.
Walton, president of the association, as a
mediator between labor leaders and res
taurant owners with a proposition to set
tle the strike for $7.0u0. Of this sum. Z.f
was. It waa said, to be paid to a labor
man, whose name wss mentioned, snd
$1,000 to each of five other members of the
joint board of th Waiters' itnloaa.
Commissioner of Indian Affair Approrei
Thorium County Transfer,
Teacher nt Pin Ridge Aaeaey Be
ares n Promotion Rnrnl Car
rier Appointed In Several
Western States.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. June 1L Speclal Telegram.)-The
commissioner of Indian af
fairs today approved deeds which trans
ferred Indian Inherited lands In Thurston
county, Nebraska, as follows: James Yel
lowbank and Jane Tebo convey to C. J.
O'Connor for 11.000 northwest quarter of
southeast qusrter of section t, township M,
range 8; Prosper Armell, George Raymond
and wife and Louisa P. Johnson convey to
Gottfried Fuschser for $3,000 southwest
quarter of northwest quarter of rectlon !5,
township 3S, range 6; Little Bird and wife.
Mary White and Oak Woman convey to
Harold W. O'Connor for 11.492 lot 87, north
west quarter and southwest quarter of north
west quarter of section S3, township 25.
rsnge 8; Mrs. Robert Lincoln, Robert Lin
coln, Mrs. Broken Treetop and Broken
Treetep convey to Swan Olson for $1,028 lot
t of northeast quarter of section 2, town
ship 25, range 7; William II. Harris and
Lottie Whittail convey to Cornelius J.
O'Connor for 1904 the southwest quarter of
the southeast quarter of section 11, town
ship 66, rango 7.
Indian Teacher Promoted.
Claude C. Covey, principal teacher at the
Pine Ridge. 8. D., Indian school, has been
promoted and transferred to Neah Bay,
Wash., to become superintendent of the
Indian training school at that point. Mr.
Covey succeeds Samuel G. Morse, who re
signed. Tbe position pays 11.000 per annum.
Ratln of Departments.
These rural carriers were appointed
today: Nebraska Ulysses, regular, Aden
F. Hlllyer; substitute, Justin K. HUlyer.
Iowa Brooklyn, regular, George L. Ttlch-
srdson: substitute, Viola Richardson. Gil-
man, regular, William F. Pence; substi
tute, Fannie I- Pence. Wlnterset, regular.
Harvey L. Gray; substitute, Albert L.
Frank P. Chapln of Vista. F. C. Brock of
Lincoln and Charles C. Gore of Cheney.
Neb., were today appointed railway mall
Postmasters appointed: Iowa G. A.
Fpiegelberg. F.embrandt, Buena Vista
county. South Dakota Samuel McCabe.
Vilas. Miner county. Wyoming Orange A.
Roods, Verona, Sheridan county.
Tha postofflce at Cody, Wyo.. will be ad
vanced to the presidential class July 1,
Wth salary of postmaster $1,100.
T Investigate Snh-Stntlona.
Fourth Assistant Postmaster General
Bristow has Instituted an Investigation of
tha circumstances governing the establish
ment and maintenance of all of th branch
stations and sub-stations of postoffices
throughout th country. The recent ac
knowledgment of General William M, Dud
ley, former commissioner of pensions, that
he-accepted a re of S500 for securing the
establishment of a sub-station in this city
for drug firm, called the attention of the
officials to tha subject.
Postmaster' Van Cott Most Explain.
Postmaster Van Cott of New York has
been called upon for a report on the ap
parently excessive number of cashiers and
similar employes In the New York office.
The department officials want information
as to the duties of the Incumbents of the
New York office and other data with a
view to correcting any abuses that may
Money for Militia.
The War department today announced
the provisional apportionment to the states
and territories of GO per cent of the $2,000.
000 appropriated by the act for arming
and supplying th militia to correspond
with the regular army. The western states
received the following appropriations:
California, $30,S14; Colorado, $8,842; Idaho,
$8,874; Illinois. $08,273; Iowa. $22,000; Kan
sas, $12,401; Missouri, $23,045; Montana, $4,021;
Nebraska, $14,693; Nevada. $1,133; Oregon,
$11,135; Texas. $25,146; Utah. $3,727; Wash
ington. $7,609; Wyoming, $3,928; Arlsona
$2,660; New Mexico, $4,417; Oklahoma, $6.73H
Hawaii, $4,509. Ten thousand dollars was
assigned arbitrarily to Porto Rico and de
ducted from the appropriation of $2,000,000.
President of On of Them Is Mlsslnar
and Receivers Arc Ap
polnted.' BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. June 11. The doors
of the Bessemer Savings bank and the
Bank of Commerce, both located at Besse -
mrr. Ji.t i nuru iu j 1 1 iuuu y u me re-'
suit of the shortage and supposed flight of
T. J. Cornwell, president of the first named
Judge Senn of the city court, on petition
of the depositors of the Savings bank,
named George H. Stevenson as receiver
for that bank and on petition of the direc
tors of the Bank of Commerce, in which
Cornwell was Interested, appointed J. M.
Smith reeel"er of the latter bank. None
of the Birmingham bank, is affected by
the failures. ...
The petition for a receiver In the case of
the savings bank sets forth that the liabili
ties are $235,000, of which about $230,000 waa
deposits. The assets sre placed at $15,000.
The liabilities of the Bank of Commerce
are 143.000 and assets $67,000. The latter
bank. It is sttted, waa closed aa a precau
tionary measure, and It Is believed will pay
out. Nothing has been heard of President
Authorities Announce that New York
Men Must far r I lice Marh
NEW TORK, June 11. Four additional
postofflce Inspectors arrived today from
the west to assist In Investigating the New
York postofflce and forty-eight men filling
places as assistant superintendents, were
Informed that they would probably have
to he reduced to the grade of a common
clerk, and have their pay cut from $ 0)
to $ per year each.
In the general postofflce are forty-eight
men designated on the pay rolls of the
department as cashiers and finance clerks.
It Is explained that they are superin
tendents cf departments of which there
Is no official classification or designation.
That they might draw a salary in keeping
with the work demanded, they were placed
on the rolls as eai-hlers and finance t lcrks.
Through this rlassiricatlon the men were
pali ;.'.() and 12 M per annum.
Th re:lt of today's order, unless modi
fled, will be to reduc them to positions
at $1,400.
Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Warmer
Friday; Saturday Fair.
Temperater at Omaha Yesterdayl
Honr. Dear. Hear. Dest.
A a. at 4s l p. as '
ft a. m ..... . 4t S p. m
T a. m...... SI S p. m
) n. in BA 4 p. m M
n. m Bti S p. m '
in , m BH p. m M.I
11 n. m Mi T p. m "
13 m H H p. m tUI
O p. m U
Proposes to Swell Stat Appropria
tion for St. Lonls Show by Pri
vate Sabarrlptlen.
Th Nebraska commission to the St
I-ouls exposition will make an effort to
have the state's appropriation of $33,000
supplemented by prlvste subscriptions, in
order that the exhibition may be mora
pretentious than the commission thinks
possible with th funds afforded by ths
recent legislative action.
This was decided at an all-afternoon ses
sion of the commission at its rooSns In the
McCague block Thursday, at which were
discussed also other ways and means by
which the field of work may be covered so
as to send the best possible exhibition from
the state to the fair.
Little action leading to Immediate work
was taken A decision was reached, how
ever, that letters be sent to the presidents
of the various agricultural societies
throughout Nebraska, with a view to em
ploying collectors of sheaf grains at a small
compensation. It Is the Intention to offer
premiums for these samples so that the
commission may secure the best grain pos
sible. There are also to be employed three
competent collectors of grasses so that a
fitting show of the state's wealth In this
branch of agriculture may be made.
The commission received a committee
from the Improved Corn Growers' associa
tion, which holds a com show In Lincoln
each January. The corn growers wish the
commission to assist them by offering extra
premiums as exhibitors. They urge that
the samples of corn will as a result of this
action be much more carefully selected
and of larger number and can be sent In
tact to St. Lou In. The matter was taken
under consideration by the commission.
Alleged Testament of John Bohn Dis
allowed and Administrator
Is Appointed.
Judge Vlnsonhsler of the county court
yesterday disallowed the will alleged by
Eva Margarets Bradley of Cllffslde, N. J.,
to be the last testament of the late John
Bohn, and appointed Emll Gall adminis
trator of the estate.
Owing to the peculiar circumstances of
the esse the Judge declared that the money
from the estate should be paid Into tha
court to be held until the question of hler
shlp was settled. Slnee the departure of
W. M. Sherwood, the New York attorney
who cam here representing Eva Margarets
Bradley, local attorneys look upon th will
as a myth and soma hold that it was a
scheme drviaed by ' certain parties to get
th $41,000 estate, supposing Bohn had no
relatives. Bohn, though dead, proving that
he did have relatives, those who produced
the will abandoned the case. The amount
of the will baa strangely diminished from
$.000 to $7,000.
Yesterday Desire Bohn arrived from Naea
sari. Mexico, and petitioned the court to ap
point an administrator, but the court did
not appoint Bohn's choice. To prove his
Identity he produced copies of the records
from his birthplace In France, and that of
his uncle John.
John W. Stelnhart nnd John Nord
house Solicit Subscriptions In
Omaha for the Memorial.
John W. Stelnhart and John Nordhouse,
respectively chairman and secretary of the
executive committee of the Arbor Day Me
morial association, are In the city for the
purpose of securing subscriptions to the
fund for the erection of the memorial
monument to J. Sterling Morton, the father
of Arbor day. They are at the Millard.
This association was organized in Ne
braska City, tho home of the late Mr. Mor
ton, shortly after his death, for the sole
purpose of providing a suitable monument
to the late distinguished Nebraskan. Lib
eral donations have been made to the fund,
but $4 000 are said yet to be required. Con
tributions may be sent to the Arbor Day
Memorial association at Nebraska City.
The contract for erecting the monument
has been awarded to Rudolph Evans, a
New York sculptor, whose design was se
lected from a large number submitted and
I rAfnrrMt tn the Art institute of Chinrrn Th.
, monument wlu ereclfcd at Morton Park.
Nebraska City.
Indian Court Assumes Jurisdiction
of Young Cliaae, the Insaa
FOWLER, Ind., June 11. The Jury hear-
' t ,hat Mo8e, Fowler che wa, a p,r.
son of unsound mind and a resident of
Lafayette. Ind.
The court announced that a guardian for
the young millionaire would be appointed
this afternoon. The verdict Is a victory
for Frederick Chase, the father.
Self-Confessed Murderess Will Make
Fight for Her Lif In
XALASKA. Mich.. Jun ll.-Mrs. Mary
McKnlght. the self-confessed murderess of
her brother, John Murphy, and his wife and
baby, Was arraigned today.
Her attorney entered a plea of not guilty
and her examination was set for August
Movements of Ocean Vessels Jan 11.
At New York Arrived Pretoria, from
Hamburg: Germanic, from Liverpool and
Queenstown. Silled Fuerst Bismarck, for
Hamburtr. via I'lymouth: La Kreiaa-ne. for
Havre; Numldian. for Glasgow; Bremen,
lor Bremen, via Plymouth and Ch boors-
At London Arrived Colombian. from
At Liverpool Arrived Saxonla, from
Boston. .
At Gl.-.sgow Sailed Carthagenlan, for
St Johns. Halifax and Philadelphia.
At lijffnatown Km I led Wesiernland.
from Liverpool, for Philadelphia; Majestic,
from I.lvirpiMil, fur New York.
At 11a' re Arrived 1-h Savoie, from New
At Cherbourg Sailed Kaiser Wilhelm II,
from Hremen end Southampton, for New
At SVilly Passed Deutarhland. from
N-r Yo'k, f'-r i'lymouth, Cherbourg and
At Gibraltar Sailed I aha, from Genoa
t and Naolea. for New York.
Army Officen Eerolt and Rid Country of
Unpopular Dynasty.
Cabinet Ministers and Loyal Guards Also
Tall Victims,
Princ Peter JlangeorgeTitch Declared
Ruler by Military Insurgent.
Pas Night Befor Murder Cheerlaa
for Royal Couplo Whose Lives
Art to B Taken Before
Tbea Slain In Revolt.
NIKODEM, the queen's brother.
k'H KM i KM M A H K.O V I'l l U.
M IN 1ST h K M 1 UXi V ITCH.
GENERAL PAVLOV1TCH. former minis
ter of war.
Several members of royal guard.
(Copyrlrht, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
BELGRADE, Servia. June 11 (New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The
king and queen of 8ervla. her brothers,
one of whom was to have been designated
as heir presumptive, and those of their
party who were leaders, have been assas
sinated. At one blow the Obrenovltch
dynasty has been crushed to the earth
and a new king, descendant of the swine
herd. Black George, who gained Servla's
freedom, has been proclaimed king by the
They were murdered In their palace, this
king and queen of evil stars, murdered In
the dead of night. For a week the young
king and the older queen had not dared to
put foot outside the Konak palace. They
were kept prisoners by their fears. The
very air of the capital was heavy with
foreboding. Conspiracy was In th air.
The growing discontent was crystallxlng.
The headstrong king had qusrreled bit
terly with the woman who added much to
bis misfortunes the woman whom he had
made his queen and who had influenced
him sine he was a boy of 16 and she a
woman of 30.
AH their lives they had lived In an at
mosphere of Intrigue and could not know
how serious waa the danger that threat
ened. Still each day during the last week
they had awakened In the morning thank
ful that the blow had net fallen. Yes
terday, however, th queen began to take
fresh heart and even ordered a new gown
that was to be finished by Saturday.
Klngr Watches Army.
Meanwhile the king's messengers were
watching thr army, for he realised th
officers held th key to-th situation, and,
bringing reassuring, reports,. Only last
night hs was told "Th officers
are drinking heavily and cheering
for the king. . They are making the
band play Queen Drags s march over
and over again, and making It play It
vigorously." Surely with such a loyal dis
play in the barracks ths threatened ones
might rest in peace. When the king and
queen retired a little after midnight ther
was nothing to disturb the quiet of Bel
grade save only the officers at the bar
racks cheering the march.
Colonel Naumovlcs, the king's adjutant,
and Pa na Jo vies, the faithful captain of
the guards, were on duty In the palace
when a cannon boomed at 2 In the morn
ing. It was the sign for murder. The
sleepy sentinels whom It aroused grumbled
and went to sleep again. In the palace
It brought the blanch of fear to those
loyal to the king. It made Alexander him
self spring from his . bed. It made Queen
Draga shrivel with fear. The fears of the
wetk came back a hundred fold. King
Alexander ran to the window, th palace
being built directly on the street, and found
It surrounded by men In uniform. He
could see the swords of officers, th rifles
of the men. He heard the conspirators bat
tering at the gates and the crash as they
gave way. He heard an explosion as an
entrance was forced wlth dynamite. He
rushed to the doors to make sura they
were securely fastened and then back to
the window to call for help. No answer
ing reply came. There were only shots In
the palace, cries of excited men and the
battering down of doors.
Die la Each Other's Arms.
The king knew he was lost; he knew they
had come to murder him and his queen and
he forgot his bitter quarrels, went to her
and placing his arms about her awaited his
In the first chamber the conspirators met
Adjutant Naumovlcs and killed him be
fore he could raise bis weapon. Pana
Jowics, captain of the guard, wss riddled
by a dosen bullets. Then the conspirators
burst into the second ante-chamber, where
Adjutant General Petrovlcs fired at tbem
and missed. Then they slew him and thus
cleared the way to the royal chambers,
which are scarce twenty yards from the an
tra nee.
They burst open the door leading to the
queen's apartments and poured Into tha
room like a flood. The king was standing
there, with the queen In her white night
robe, clasped in his arms, facing them,
waiting to be murdered, knowing ther
was no escspe.
The shots rattled like a skirmish fir and
death was In those first bullets, and the
royal couple fell still clasped In each other's
arms. Still even then the svengers were
not satisfied, but fired half a doxen shots
at the queen as she was lying there dead
and slashed her with their swords and
thrust her body through and through. Th
blood of the victims soaked th rugs of th
royal chamber. It flowed over the Inlaid
The lust for destruction was strong upon
the assassins. Not content with wholesale
murder, not content with slaying a de
fenceless man and woman who wer their
rulers, they smashed the breakable objects
of art, slashed the pictures, tors down the
hangings, trampled them under foot and
broke the windows.
Dead Thrown to Earth.
They would not even permit the dead to
remain In the palace, bt't drew tbe linen
from the bed, wrapped ihe bodies In tt and
threw them from the window Into the gar
den, where they were placed In an arbor
until a hearse carried them away at day
break. While the bodies of the king snd queen
wer being wrapped in these winding sheets
the officers who had killed them embraced
each other, congratulating each other on
th success of th plot aad shouted Joy.